罗伯特勃朗宁 Robert Browning My Last Duchess

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My Last Duchess
Robert Browning(1812-1889)
Robert Browning
• Robert Browning was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, espcially dramatic monologue, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.
My Last Duchess
• Published in 1842. • Browning's best known dramatic monologue.
Historical background
• Alfonso II is the fifth Duke of Ferrara(1533–1598) • He married Lucrezia. The duke poisoned her. Then arranged another marriage for himself; in order to ensure the amount of dowry嫁妆, the duke had to negotiate with the agent sent by his father-in-law. • Here the silent listener in the poem was Madruz, a chief entourage. The other characters named in the poem, painter Frà Pandolf and sculptor Claus of Innsbruck, are fictional creation of Browning.
Browning's Works
• • • • • • • • • • Pauline modeling on Shelley's personal style, showed his enthusiasm for Shelley. Sordello (1834-1840) a long poem about the 15th century troubadour of that name. Paracelsus (1835) first work published under Browning's own name. Because of it, Thomas Noon Talfourd praised him as "the youngest poet of England". Porphyria's Lover (1836) his first really distinctive monologue. Pippa Passes (1841) is the first of a series of poems published between 1841 and 1846 under the generl of "Bells and Pomegranates".
Main Achievement
• His significant contribution to English poetry: the verse form called Dramatic Monologue.
Dramatic Monologue
• Dramatic monologue is a type of poetry in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent audience of one or more persons. It reveals not only the poet's own thoughts but also the mind of the impersonated character, whose personality is revealed unwittingly. • the implied presence of an auditor/listener
• My Last Duchess • Browning's best known dramatic monologue. It is a speech addressed by the Duke of Ferrara(a city in Italy) to an envoy who comes to negotiate the Duke's contemplated marriage after he has put his "last duchess" to silence. • Dramatic Romances and Lyrics(1845) • Bells and Pomegranates • Men and Women(1855) • Dramatic Personae(1864) • The Ring and the Book(1868-1869)
• 3. The form parallels the novelistic experiment with the point of view in which the reader is privileged to make an assessment of the intelligence and credence of the speaker.
• Elizabeth Barrett Browning(1806-1861) • born in 1806 in a rich family. • At age 15, she injured her spine in a riding accident and became a helpless invalid confined to her own room.
My Last Duchess
• 4. The auditor's presence and response are merely inferred from the clues of the speech of the single speaker.
Six parts:
• • • • • •
Biblioteka Baidu
speaker listener scene interaction between the listener and speaker an exposure of the characters' personality the present actions
• 2. The purpose of the form is to inadvertently reveal the speaker's character, temperament, and interior psychology instead of the subject discussed in it.
Early Life
• Born in a well-to-do family in 1812 in London. • His father was a learned man with a library of around 6,000 books. • His mother was was a accomplished pianist. • He disliked the institutionalized education制度化教育 and became talented through self-study. • Browning set his heart early on being a poet and began to write poetry at 12.
• distinguishes from Soliloquy.
It consists of the following features
• 1.The speaker in the poem is obviously unidentical to the poet himself, who narrates the entire poem in a particular situation at a critical moment.
Pippa Passes《皮帕走过了》 is the first of a series of poems published between 1841 and 1846 under the general title of Bells and Pomegranates.
"Or from Browning some pomegranate which, if cut deep down the middle, Shows a heart within blood-tinctured of a veined humanity."
• • • •
1845 met face to face. eloped from England to Italy. 1846 secret marriage. 1861 died in Browning's arms.
Poetic Style
• Similes and metaphors are overused. • Allusions and implications are odd. • Syntax is usually clipped and highly compressed with conversational features. • His theme is obscure and hard to understand. • His poetic style foreshadows the 20th-century poetry rather than belonging to the Victorian Age.
Feminism in his works
• In Victorian Age, the queen was in power, but woman's rights were low. Women from upper class were only regarded as a kind of ornaments. • We can find many Browning's works have women characters. For example, in My Last Duchess, we can see Browning's sympathy for the women and his effort to speak for the women. • Although he could not get rid of the limitations of that time, we can find he had noticed the value of woman in artistic creation.