一切人类活动最终都是为了满足人生存发展的需要。因此了解区域文化社 会心理,使得文化的开发和经济发展、政策的制定能获得社会主流意识的 认同的重要性不言而喻。
成都人有着怎样的社会心理呢 ? 1.休闲
得天独厚的自然资源以及悠久的历史文化让“天府之国”的人民一直以来都 持有一种强大的自信。
成都市文化产业的发展速度高于全成都市生产总值的发 展速度
尚没有深入挖掘出自身的潜力。在文化体制,文化能力 和文化产品等方面还存在着很多不足。
•我们需要对区域文化资源进行梳理,也可以说找到区域文化产业特色 也就是其发展的核心竞争力。 •在此基础上提出适应地区发展的政策方针,也就是实现所谓的“因地 制宜”。从而充分的利用本地资源优势,合理高效地发展特色经济。 •梳理文化资源“家底”,也是为了研究市场需求和可开发空间,找准 比较优势,加强整体文化形象设计和宣传,明确文化产业发展方向和重 点,科学评估和选择优势文化产业,树立文化品牌的意识。
世界现代田园城市总体规划框架: “多中心、组团式、网络化”的新型城 乡空间格局、“青山绿水抱林盘,大城小镇嵌田园”的田园城市图景以及规 划建设“九化”原则。 区域的文化背景:成都是中国的历史悠久的文化古城,素有“天府之国” 的美称。千年传承的都江堰,独具特色的人文气息,使得“现代田园城市” 对于它再适合不过了。 经济基础:田园城市的要求之一就是田园城市是有后工业化时代审美导向 的城市。这就是对一个的城市的工业发展水平及经济水平提出了很高的要求 。近十年来的经济发展使得成都已经具备了这样一种能力,完全能过在未来 的十几年中实现“现代田园城市”的构想。 其他意义:成都面临着统筹城乡,破除二元结构的难题,构建“现代田园城 市”巧妙地解决这个问题。成都在城市形态和发展水平上,是超大型、现代 化的城市,同时也是符合田园城市理想、统筹城乡发展的城市。广大的农村 地区是“人在园中”,二、三圈层是“城在园中”,中心城区是“园在城中 ”,把城市和农村两者的优点都高度地融合在一起,让广大城乡群众既享受 高品质城市生活,又同时享受惬意的田园风光。
成 都 芙 蓉 古 镇
芙蓉古镇位于成都市区外的西郊青羊界,规模中等,通过打造传 统文化主题与房地产协调发展
芙蓉古镇已经被国家评为3A景区,成为成都的著名旅游景点, 每年大量游客,极大拉动当地的经济效益
1、 开发商:置信生态花园●芙蓉古城(以下简称“芙蓉古城”由三家房产公司联合开发, 领衔企业为几度创造过令人难以置信的业绩的成都置信实业有限公司,合作公司为置信下属企 业——四川省大华实业有限责任公司和成都蔚信实业有限公司。三方共同投资管理,强强联合。 2、 迎合都市人周末消费:在以休闲和旅游著称的成都,农家乐、度假村、周边名景点都 是习惯享受生活的都市人在周末乐于前往的去处。农家乐提供的服务仅能满足当代都市人最初 最低层次的周末需求,度假村高消费且缺乏有水准的文化陶冶和精神享受,而各大名景点在周 末游人如织却缺乏完善的能够承载较大人流负荷的配套设施。成都的周末休闲亟需提高档次和 规格,芙蓉古城迎合了这一需求。 3、 逆城市化的必然:城市的发展先后历经城市化、逆城市化(城市环境恶化,大量人口 从城市涌向郊区)和后城市化三个阶段,发展速度较快的成都目前处于逆城市化阶段。该阶段 特点是城市空心化和住宅郊区化。在发达国家,居家于市郊已成为必然。“出尘不出城”成为 越来越多的城市人的居住追求,蔚信房产应势所趋,挥戈西进,以先行者的姿势在温江永宁开 发返璞归真、古韵流淌的芙蓉古城。这一手笔,期望促成成都房产开发品质的提升与突破。 4、 传承民族建筑精髓•弘扬中华历史文化:只有民族的,才是世界的。城市建筑应该有着 鲜明的城市个性和特色。可自九十年代以来,数种建筑“洋风”猛势疾来,大量不伦不类、不 明所以的洋式建筑却如雨后春笋般亮相于大江南北。成都是世界级历史文化名城,川西建筑自 成一家,芙蓉古城正是以川西民居为主,同时融入江苏民居、云南民居、唐风建筑等中国传统 建筑精髓而成。
文化创意产业创新外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Creative China must find its own PathJustin 0'ConnorIt is commonly said that China needs to ‘catch-up’ with `the west' or the `developed world'. This phrase implies a singular path; there may be short cuts and `late-comer advantages' but the destination一a modern, developed country一is the same. But just when it seems China is within touching distance, the `developed world' changes the definition of what it is to be `developed' and puts more obstacles in the path of those trying to catch-up. In English we call this `moving the goal-posts'. After manufacturing, services andhigh-technology seemed to present clear goals for China, the cultural creative industries arrive as the new `value-added' product and service sector, posing yet more problems for the country's policy-makers. Many in the West have argued that China will take a long time to catch-up in these areas and that this provides a new source of competitive advantage tothe West. Indeed, for some, the absence of a competitive cultural creative industries sector is evidence that China is not, and maybe can never be, fully `developed'.Much of this can be dismissed as another example of the West's superiority complex; however, there can be no doubt that the cultural creative industries present great possibilities but also great challenges for China. These industries一from visual and performing arts, to recorded music, film and TV, to digital animation and new media services, through to fashion, design and architecture一are highly creative and innovative products and services, relying on complex flows of knowledge and intellectual property. They are also cultural or symbolic products that reflect and influence our pleasures and ambitions, and our individual and collective sense of meaning and identity. For these reasons all nations have sought to protect and develop their own national culture and traditions by investing in cultural infrastructure and expertise. In the second half of the twentieth century this was expanded beyond `the arts,一galleries, museums, opera houses, universities, arts schools, journals etc. 一to include broadcast media, film, publishing and recorded music. In the last 20 years the emphasis has shifted from building economic infrastructures for reasons of national cultural identity to mobilizing culture and creativity for reasons of economic development.The cultural creative industries are now strongly linked with the knowledge economy, which emphasizes high levels of research, knowledge transfer and, above all, innovation. In the West artists or `cultural producers' have long been associated with dynamic, often unpredictable creative innovation. Now the innovative capacity of the cultural industries is extended to a new range of creative products and services and is also seen as a catalyst for innovation right across the economy. In China this agenda has also meant moving beyond the idea of a better industrialization or marketisation of existing cultural products towards a more systematic approach to the idea of cultural and creative innovation and its wider economic impacts. This demands the ability to anticipate new products and services, finding new audiences, differentiating rather than imitating what already sells. It requires new kinds of `soft skills' that are hard to acquire as they are often`tacit', demandingexperience rather than formal education (though this is also necessary). It demands understanding different models of production, complex value chains and the interaction between cultural, creative and business skills. In the last few years the central driving force behind cultural and creative industries policies has been the idea of `cluster'. Starting from a few isolated examples in Beijing, Shanghai and other smaller coastal cities the concept has now become a central policy platform. Cultural and creative clusters exist in the West, though these terms cover extremely diverse developments. There are some good reasons why China would choose this policy platform above others. In many large cities experiencing de-industrialisation there are empty factories that seem ripe for this kind of development. The model of concentration to facilitate rapid development also fits well with China's history of collectivization and more recently its development of high-tech and other R&D parks. Clusters are also attractive to policy makers because they are highly visible一successful ones give publicity to them and the city. At the same time they offer clear and concrete steps to support a sector that is very new and not very well understood. However, there are some real problems to be overcome if these clusters are to deliver what is expected of them.Many clusters emerged organically, with artists looking for cheap workspace; but in China, as in the West, they soon drew attention from property developers. The first big problem faced by clusters is that cultural and creative producers raise the profile of a place and this is very quickly translated into rent rises, typically driving out the first occupants. This is a complex problem, but my main point would be that policy cannot be driven by the dynamics of real estate. Some have said that if creative industries are seconomically important we should let the market decide. There is some truth in this; it is very easy to subsidise bad artists and creative producers. However, the dynamics of real estate markets and the creative economy are very different, especially at the early stages. Cultural profile can raise rents much more rapidly than with other kinds of occupancy, often from a low base, and can provide good profit. But these rent rises are often too fast for a slowly emerging sector, which is not just to be seen as individual companies but as a complex emerging `creative ecology'. The real estate market measures `good' or `bad' creative bytheir ability to pay the rent, not on their long-term effect on innovation. There are easy measures for real estate success一higher rent yield一but how are we measuring the innovative capacity of the local economy? In general, local governments should not give tax breaks to real estate companies and then allow them to apply pure market rules to rents. More subtle intelligence and policy instruments are needed if government is find a productive balance in this area.Clusters are often conceived as places for the `industrialization' of cultural products一that is, mass production and marketing. The need for innovation is forgotten in the process. There are many visual art clusters that are very much like factories, reproducing extremely outdated products for the lowest end of the art market. This might provide jobs in the short term but simply confirms China as the world's low value producer. Similar things could be said about traditional crafts, which are extremely repetitive and are usually only protected by inter-provincial tariffs. These products might inflate the statistics一according to one report China is third largest exporter of cultural products一but they are very misleading; most of the products counted do little to enhance the innovation capacity of the cultural creative sector.Better understanding and governance of clusters is necessary. Clusters deliver benefits for many but not the entire cultural creative sector. Computer games, for example, does not benefit from clusters because more or less everything is produced in-house in great secrecy. They go to clusters because of tax and rent subsidies, not to be in proximity to others. Visual artists benefit from cheaper rents, the reputation of a `cool' place and from space to work in quiet; they do not necessarily engage in intensive networking and knowledge transfer. Other project based industries, such as new media, want the networking possibilities provided by clusters, what economists called `untraced interdependencies'. There are thus different requirements for the different branches, and both the mix of companies and the quality of the space need to be carefully understood.There is real scope for informed government policy here. In general they should look to raise the quality of production as well as developing new audiences and markets. Clusters can have a role in this, but they have to form part of a wider policy strategy. For example, universities are vital to building new human capital一they have to be encouraged to look to creative skills not just teaching from established models,.Local television stations can be encouraged to pay more for high quality content一at the moment the purchase is a one size fits all approach which often pays the worst and the best exactly the same. The design of urban spaces can be enhanced to support the city as a `creative milieu'. More directly, the cultural creative industries need new creative attitudes and mentalities that take some time to come through; they also demand a range of `soft skills' associated with project management, brand development and marketing which have to be learned `on the job'. But they find it hard to learn these skills when they are mostly delivering services at the lowest part of the value chain, where innovation effects and intellectual property go abroad. Talent is wasted in servicing when it should be focused on developing original content. Local governments have to realize that though the cultural creative industries have strong economic benefits they are also about quality一high values which demand the long term view not the quick return of the `bottom line'. This push for high quality and higher levels of innovation is something that demands a more holistic approach to policy; and clusters can play a crucial role in this.Rather than be seen as convenient containers for cultural creative producers they need to become focal points for targeted development. Universities and art schools need to be more involved. As do their cultural creative industry research centres. Real knowledge transfer can be encouraged and facilitated by intelligent cluster managers. The skills to run a cluster are just emerging and there are some good exemplars一but much of it is just real estate management as in any other sector and this is a wasted opportunity. Networking events, joint marketing, seminars with foreign companies, spaces and occasions for experimentation, a carefully managed programme for the general public (too much tourism can destroy a cluster, as in Tianzi fang in Shanghai), intelligent links to other clusters and larger creative companies一all these demand specific skills to deliver. Theseskills also should be disseminated and improved across between the clusters. China does need to look to foreign experts and models; but it has also shown time and again that it can also find its own way, and in ways that have astonished outsiders. It can do this with the cultural creative industries but it has to look long term, beyond immediate economic gain (including rent increases) to the long-term creative and innovative capacity of the country. It has to recognize that it is catching up at a time when western creative industry corporations are more global than ever, looking to penetrate local Chinese markets just when the country is trying to develop its own creative sector. This presents a real challenge, but I would say that rather than try and use policy tools derived from the West, China should look to its own traditions and strengths. I do not just mean its traditional culture in terms of calligraphy or opera or ink painting; I mean its resources for social and economic development that uses, but is not subservient to, the `free' market. In fact the UK, closely associated with the creative industries agenda, has very little capacity to deliver industry support, relying on demands that people be more `entrepreneurial' rather than deliver systematic and intelligent sectoral strategy. This is why it has let a 250-year-old world famous ceramics company一Wedgewood一go bankrupt. China has some things to learn from the UK, but its deep resources of intelligent and pragmatic policy will be ultimately decisive. Most important, policy makers should not loose sight of the importance of culture for collective meaning and identity. This is much more diverse, fluid and open to new influences, and the Chinese government has increasingly stood back from direct intervention. In the search for the new economic benefits of the cultural creative industries their deeper cultural contexts should not be neglected.中国要有自己的创新之路贾斯丁奥·康纳人们总是说中国需要赶超西方或发达国家,这似乎意味着是唯一的道路。
附件成都市文化创意产业分类目录(修订版)类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门第一部分文化创意重点产业一、传媒影视业 1、新闻出版服务(1)新闻业 0111 8610市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) (2)书、报、刊出版图书出版 0112 8621市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 报纸出版 0112 8622市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 期刊出版 0112 8623市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 数字出版 0112 8626市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 其他出版业 0112 8629市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)(3)音像及电子出版物出版和制作音像制品出版 0113 8624市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 录音制作 0113 8770市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 电子出版物出版 0113 8625市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门(4)印刷业和记录媒介的复制书、报刊印刷 0114 2311 市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)牵头,市经信局配合 本册印制 0114 2312 市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)牵头,市经信局配合 包装装潢及其他印刷 0114 2319 市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)牵头,市经信局配合 装订及印刷相关服务 0114 2320 市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)牵头,市经信局配合 记录媒介复制 0114 2330 市经信局 复印和胶印设备制造 0114 3474 市经信局 印刷专用设备制造 0114 3542 市经信局(5)书报刊、音像及电子出版物销售图书批发 0115 5143市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 图书、报刊零售 0115 5243市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 报刊批发 0115 5144市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)音像制品、电子和数字出版物批发 0115 5145市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 音像制品、电子和数字出版物零售 0115 5244市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 2、广播、电视、电影服务 (1)广播、电视制作与播放广播 0121 8710 市文广旅局 电视 0121 8720 市文广旅局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门广播电视集成播控 0121 8740 市文广旅局 (2)电影制作、发行与放映影视节目制作 0122 8730市委宣传部(市新闻出版局) 电影和广播电视节目发行 01228750市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)电影放映 0122 8760市委宣传部(市新闻出版局)(3)广播、电视、卫星传输有线广播电视传输服务 0123 6321 市文广旅局 无线广播电视传输服务 0123 6322 市文广旅局 广播电视卫星传输服务 01236331市文广旅局移动电信服务* 0123 6312 市经信局 其他电信服务* 0123 6319 市经信局 互联网接入及相关服务 0123 6410市经信局其他互联网服务 0123 6490 市经信局(4)广播、电视、电影专用设备制造广播电视节目制作及发射设备制造0124 3931 市经信局广播电视接收设备制造 0124 3932 市经信局 广播电视专用配件制造 0124 3933市经信局 专业音响设备制造 0124 3934市经信局应用电视设备及其他广播电视设备制造0124 3939 市经信局电影机械制造 0124 3471 市经信局 幻灯及投影设备制造 0124 3472市经信局电视机制造 0124 3951 市经信局 音响设备制造 0124 3952 市经信局 影视录放设备制造 0124 3953 市经信局(5)广播、电视设备销售广播影视设备批发 0125 5178市商务局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门 家用视听设备批发 0125 5137 市商务局 家用视听设备零售 0125 5271 市商务局二、创意设计业 1、工业产品设计工业设计服务 0211 7491 市经信局牵头,市文广旅局、市商务局配合 2、科学与技术设计 工程和技术研究和试验发展 02217320 市住建局3、建筑设计业(1)规划设计管理 0231 7485 市住建局、市自然资源局、市公园城市局 (2)工程勘察设计和管理服务工程勘察活动 0232 7483 市住建局 工程设计活动 0232 7484 市住建局 工程管理服务* 0232 7481 市住建局 工程监理服务* 0232 7482 市住建局 (3)绿化管理、建筑装饰绿化管理 0233 7840 市公园城市局 公共建筑装饰和装修 0233 5011 市住建局 住宅装饰和装修 0233 5012 市住建局建筑幕墙装饰和装修 0233 5013市住建局4、其他设计专业设计服务 0241 7492 市经信局牵头,市文广旅局、市商务局配合 其他未列明专业技术服务业 02417499 市商务局牵头,市文广旅局、市经信局配合三、现代时尚业 1、时尚服饰类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门运动机织服装制造* 0311 1811 市经信局其他机织服装制造* 0311 1819 市经信局运动休闲针织服装制造* 0311 1821 市经信局其他针织或钩针编织服装制造* 0311 1829 市经信局服饰制造* 03111830 市经信局皮革服装制造* 0311 1921 市经信局皮箱、包(袋)制造* 0311 1922 市经信局皮手套及皮装饰制品制造* 0311 1923 市经信局其他皮革制品制造* 0311 1929 市经信局羽毛(绒)加工* 0311 1941 市经信局羽毛(绒)制品加工* 0311 1942 市经信局纺织面料鞋制造* 0311 1951 市经信局皮鞋制造* 03111952 市经信局塑料鞋制造* 0311 1953 市经信局橡胶鞋制造* 0311 1954 市经信局其他制鞋业* 0311 1959 市经信局床上用品制造* 0311 1771 市经信局毛巾类制品制造* 0311 1772 市经信局窗帘、布艺类产品制造* 0311 1773 市经信局其他家用纺织制成品制造* 0311 1779 市经信局眼镜制造* 03113587 市经信局2、时尚用品木质家具制造* 0321 2110 市经信局竹、藤家具制造* 0321 2120 市经信局金属家具制造* 0321 2130 市经信局塑料家具制造* 0321 2140 市经信局其他家具制造* 0321 2190 市经信局地毯、挂毯制造 0321 2437 市经信局珠宝首饰及有关物品制造 0321 2438 市经信局日用玻璃制品制造* 0321 3054 市经信局玻璃包装容器制造* 0321 3055 市经信局日用陶瓷制品制造* 0321 3074 市经信局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门钟表与计时仪器制造* 0321 4030 市经信局3、时尚美容美发及用品理发及美容服务* 0331 8040 市商务局化妆品制造* 0331 2682 市经信局香料、香精制造* 0331 2684 市经信局化妆品批发* 0331 5134 市商务局化妆品零售* 0331 5234 市商务局4、时尚体验及美食品鉴(1)酒、饮料制售白酒制造 03411512 市经信局啤酒制造 03411513 市经信局黄酒制造 03411514 市经信局葡萄酒制造 03411515 市经信局其他酒制造 03411519 市经信局碳酸饮料制造 0341 1521 市经信局瓶(罐)装饮用水制造 0341 1522 市经信局果菜汁及果菜汁饮料制造 0341 1523 市经信局含乳饮料和植物蛋白饮料制造 0341 1524 市经信局茶饮料及其他饮料制造 0341 1529 市经信局精制茶加工 03411530 市经信局酒、饮料及茶叶批发 0341 5127 市商务局酒、饮料及茶叶零售 0341 5226 市商务局(2)体验及品鉴服务茶馆服务 03426231 市商务局咖啡馆服务 03426232 市商务局酒吧服务 03426233 市商务局正餐服务* 03426210 市商务局其他未列明餐饮业* 0342 6299 市商务局四、音乐艺术业1、乐器制售服务中乐器制造 04112421 市经信局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门西乐器制造 04112422 市经信局电子乐器制造 0411 2423 市经信局其他乐器及零件制造 0411 2429 市经信局乐器批发 04115147 市商务局乐器零售 04115247 市商务局2、艺术品制造雕塑工艺品制造 0421 2431 市经信局金属工艺品制造 0421 2432 市经信局漆器工艺品制造 0421 2433 市经信局花画工艺品制造 0421 2434 市经信局天然植物纤维编织工艺品制造 0421 2435 市经信局抽纱刺绣工艺品制造 0421 2436 市经信局其他工艺美术及礼仪用品制造 0421 2439 市经信局陈设艺术陶瓷制造 0421 3075 市经信局园艺陶瓷制造 0421 3076 市经信局其他陶瓷制品制造* 0421 3079 市经信局3、艺术品销售和代理服务首饰、工艺品及收藏品批发 0431 5146 市文广旅局艺术品、收藏品拍卖 0431 5183 市文广旅局艺术品代理 04315184 市文广旅局珠宝首饰零售 0431 5245 市商务局工艺美术品及收藏品零售 0431 5246 市文广旅局4、文艺创作、表演及演出服务文艺创作与表演 0441 8810 市文广旅局艺术表演场馆 0441 8820 市文广旅局5、文化艺术代理服务文化活动服务 0451 9051 市文广旅局文化娱乐经纪人 0451 9053 市文广旅局其他文化艺术经纪代理 0451 9059 市文广旅局五、文体旅游业1、文化保护类别名称 文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门(1)文物及文化保护文物及非物质文化遗产保护 0511 8840市文广旅局其他文化艺术业 0511 8890 市文广旅局(2)图书馆、档案馆、博物馆、纪念馆和烈士陵园图书馆 0512 8831 市文广旅局 档案馆 0512 8832 市档案馆 博物馆 0512 8850 市文广旅局 烈士陵园、纪念馆 0512 8860市退役军人事务局 2、群众文化服务群众文体活动 0521 8870 市委社治委牵头,市文广旅局等配合 专业性团体* 0521 9521 市民政局牵头,市文广旅局等配合3、文化代理服务贸易代理 0531 5181 市商务局 一般物品拍卖 0531 5182市商务局牵头、市文广旅局配合 休闲娱乐用品设备出租 05317121市商务局 文化用品设备出租 0531 7123市商务局图书出租 0531 7124 市文广旅局 音像制品出租 0531 7125 市文广旅局 商务代理代办服务* 0531 7297 市商务局 票务代理服务 0531 7298 市文广旅局其他未列明商务服务业* 05317299 市文广旅局4、旅游服务 (1)旅行社及相关服务旅行社及相关服务 0541 7291 市文广旅局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门(2)游览景区管理及野生动植物保护名胜风景区管理 0542 7861 市公园城市局 森林公园管理 0542 7862 市公园城市局 其他游览景区管理 0542 7869 市文广旅局 城市公园管理 0542 7850 市公园城市局 自然生态系统保护管理 05427711市公园城市局自然遗迹保护管理 0542 7712 市公园城市局 野生动物保护* 0542 7713 市公园城市局 野生植物保护* 0542 7714 市公园城市局 动物园、水族馆管理服务 05427715市公园城市局植物园管理服务 0542 7716 市公园城市局 其他自然保护* 0542 7719 市生态环境局牵头,市自然资源局、市水务局、市农业农村局等配合 (3)其他旅游服务旅游客运 0543 5422 市交通运输局 海上旅客运输 0543 5511 市交通运输局 内河旅客运输 0543 5512 市交通运输局 观光游览航空服务 0543 5622 市文广旅局 露营地服务 0543 6140 市文广旅局 旅游饭店 0543 6110 市文广旅局 民宿服务* 0543 6130 市文广旅局 休闲观光活动 0543 9030 市文广旅局 5、体育服务体育航空运动服务 0551 5623 市体育局 体育用品设备出租 0551 7122市商务局体校及体育培训 0551 8392 市体育局 体育竞赛组织 0551 8911 市体育局 体育保障组织 0551 8912 市体育局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门其他体育组织 0551 8919 市体育局体育场馆管理 0551 8921 市体育局其他体育场地设施管理 0551 8929 市体育局健身休闲活动 0551 8930 市体育局体育健康服务 0551 8992 市体育局体育中介代理服务 0551 8991 市体育局其他未列明体育 0551 8999 市体育局体育表演服务 0551 9052 市体育局体育经纪人 05519054 市体育局6、体育用品制售球类制造 05612441 市经信局专项运动器材及配件制造 0561 2442 市经信局健身器材制造 0561 2443 市经信局运动防护用具制造 0561 2444 市经信局其他体育用品制造 0561 2449 市经信局体育用品及器材批发 0561 5142 市商务局体育用品及器材零售 0561 5242 市商务局六、信息服务业1、互联网信息服务互联网搜索服务 0611 6421 市经信局互联网游戏服务 0611 6422 市经信局互联网其他信息服务 0611 6429 市经信局互联网生产服务平台 0611 6431 市经信局互联网生活服务平台 0611 6432 市经信局互联网科技创新平台 0611 6433 市经信局互联网公共服务平台 0611 6434 市经信局其他互联网平台 0611 6439 市经信局动漫、游戏数字内容服务 0611 6572 市文广旅局其他数字内容服务* 0611 6579 市经信局2、软件及计算机辅助设计基础软件开发 0621 6511 市经信局支撑软件开发 0621 6512 市经信局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门应用软件开发 0621 6513 市经信局 其他软件开发 0621 6519 市经信局 集成电路设计 0621 6520 市经信局 地理遥感信息服务* 0621 6571 市经信局3、计算机应用服务信息系统集成服务 0631 6531市经信局物联网技术服务 0631 6532 市经信局 运行维护服务 0631 6540 市经信局 信息技术咨询服务 0631 6560 市经信局 其他未列明信息技术服务业 06316599 市经信局网吧活动 0631 9013 市文广旅局七、会展广告业 1、广告服务互联网广告服务 0711 7251 市市场监管局牵头、市经信局等配合 其他广告服务 0711 7259 市市场监管局 2、会展服务科技会展服务 0721 7281 市博览局 旅游会展服务 0721 7282 市博览局 体育会展服务 0721 7283 市博览局 文化会展服务 0721 7284 市博览局 其他会议、展览及相关服务 07217289 市博览局八、教育咨询业 1、教育培训其他未列明教育 0811 8399 市教育局 学前教育 0811 8310 市教育局 中等职业学校教育* 0811 8336市教育局普通高等教育 0811 8341 市教育局 成人高等教育 0811 8342 市教育局 职业技能培训* 0811 8391 市人社局 文化艺术培训 0811 8393 市教育局类别名称 文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门2、咨询服务 (1)商务咨询市场调查 0821 7242 市商务局 社会经济咨询 0821 7243 市商务局 健康咨询 0821 7244 市卫健委 体育咨询 0821 7246 市体育局 信用服务* 0821 7295市金融监管局(市金融局) 其他资本市场服务* 0821 6790市金融监管局(市金融局) 保险经纪服务* 0821 6851市金融监管局(市金融局) 保险代理服务* 0821 6852市金融监管局(市金融局) 保险监管服务* 0821 6870市金融监管局(市金融局) 保险公估服务* 0821 6853市金融监管局(市金融局) 保险资产管理* 0821 6860市金融监管局(市金融局) 其他保险活动* 0821 6890市金融监管局(市金融局) (2)科技咨询科技中介服务 0822 7530 市科技局 其他科技推广服务业 0822 7590市科技局创业空间服务 0822 7540 市文广旅局 知识产权服务* 0822 7520 市文广旅局 (3)社科咨询 社会人文科学研究 0823 7350市社科联(4)其他咨询环保咨询 0824 7245 市生态环境局 其他专业咨询与调查* 08247249市商务局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门第二部分文化创意其他产业九、休闲娱乐服务业 1、休闲养生、健身及娱乐活动歌舞厅娱乐活动 0911 9011 市文广旅局 电子游艺厅娱乐活动 0911 9012市文广旅局其他室内娱乐活动 0911 9019 市文广旅局牵头,市公园城市局、市体育局等配合游乐园 0911 9020 市文广旅局 其他娱乐业 0911 9090 市文广旅局 2、婚姻服务 0921 8070市民政局牵头,市市场监管局、市商务局、市公安局等配合 3、摄影扩印服务 0931 8060 市商务局十、康养 1、医疗服务健康保险 1011 6813市金融监管局(市金融局) 医疗设备经营租赁 1011 7115 市商务局 医学研究和试验发展 1011 7340 市科技局 生物技术推广服务 1011 7512市经信局疗养院 1011 8416 市卫健委牵头,市民政局、市总工会等配合 护理机构服务 1011 8512 市民政局、市残联牵头,市卫健委等配合 精神康复服务 1011 8513 市卫健委牵头,市民政局、市残联、市公安局等配合类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门社会看护与帮助服务 1011 8521 市民政局、市残联牵头,市卫健委等配合 老年人、残疾人养护服务 1011 8514 市民政局、市残联牵头,市卫健委等配合 2、药品及相关产品销售中药批发 1021 5152市经信局、市市场监管局 营养和保健品批发 1021 5126市经信局、市市场监管局 营养和保健品零售 1021 5225市经信局、市市场监管局 3、保健品、药品及器材制造保健食品制造 1031 1492 市经信局 中药饮片加工 1031 2730 市经信局 中成药生产 1031 2740 市经信局 康复辅具制造 1031 3586 市经信局家用美容、保健护理电器具制造 10313856 市经信局 4、医美服务 市卫健委十一、文化创意投资运营 1、投资与资产管理 文化投资与资产管理 1111 7212市文广旅局2、运营管理文化企业总部管理 1121 7211 市文广旅局 文化产业园区管理 1121 7221 市文广旅局 商业综合体管理服务 1121 7222 市文广旅局十二、文化创意相关产业 1、文化创意用品、设备的生产 (1)文化产品、文化创意用品生产文具制造 1211 2411 市经信局类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门笔的制造 12112412 市经信局教学用模型及教具制造 1211 2413 市经信局墨水、墨汁制造 1211 2414 市经信局其他文教办公用品制造 1211 2419 市经信局电玩具制造 12112451 市经信局塑胶玩具制造 1211 2452 市经信局金属玩具制造 1211 2453 市经信局弹射玩具制造 1211 2454 市经信局娃娃玩具制造 1211 2455 市经信局儿童乘骑玩耍的童车类产品制造1211 2456 市经信局其他玩具制造 1211 2459 市经信局露天游乐场所游乐设备制造 1211 2461 市经信局游艺用品及室内游艺器材制造 1211 2462 市经信局其他娱乐用品制造 1211 2469 市经信局机制纸及纸板制造* 1211 2221 市经信局手工纸制造 12112222 市经信局油墨及类似产品制造 1211 2642 市经信局工艺美术颜料制造 1211 2644 市经信局文化用信息化学品制造 1211 2664 市经信局照相机及器材制造 1211 3473 市经信局焰火、鞭炮产品制造 1211 2672 市经信局其他文化、办公用机械制造 1211 3479 市经信局舞台及场地用灯制造 1211 3873 市经信局计算机整机制造 1211 3911 市经信局可穿戴智能设备制造* 1211 3961 市经信局智能无人飞行器制造* 1211 3963 市经信局服务消费机器人制造* 1211 3964 市经信局其他智能消费设备制造* 1211 3969 市经信局其他电子设备制造* 1211 3990 市经信局通信终端设备制造* 1211 3922 市经信局2、文化创意用品、产品、设备类别名称文化创意行业代码国民经济行业代码(GB/T4754-2017)责任部门的销售(1)文化创意用品销售文具用品批发 1221 5141 市商务局其他文化用品批发 1221 5149 市商务局电气设备批发 1221 5175 市商务局文具用品零售 1221 5241 市商务局其他文化用品零售 1221 5249 市商务局互联网零售 12215292 市商务局(2)文化创意设备销售计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 1222 5176 市商务局通讯设备批发 1222 5177 市商务局照相器材零售 1222 5248 市商务局成都市文化体制改革和文化产业发展领导小组 2019年9月23日印发。
成都文化创意产业园区案例成都文化创意产业园区案例:1. 成都市东部创意设计产业聚集区:该园区位于成都市东部地区,总规划面积约1000亩,致力于打造成都乃至西部地区最具活力的文化创意产业集聚区。
2. 南记坊设计创意园:该园区位于成都市南记坊文化旅游区,占地面积约50亩,以设计为核心,涵盖了设计、文化创意、艺术等多个领域。
3. 红星东区文创园:该园区位于成都市红星路东段,总占地面积约50亩,以红星集团为依托,以文化创意为核心,汇聚了一批创意设计、文化传媒、时尚设计等企业。
4. 双流留学生创新创业园:该园区位于成都市双流区留学生创新创业基地内,总占地面积约100亩,注重引进和培育海外高层次人才和留学生创新创业项目。
5. 简阳国际文化创意产业园:该园区位于成都市简阳市中央商务区,总规划面积约300亩,致力于打造成为西部地区最具国际影响力的文化创意产业园区。
全球范 围迅 速 崛起 , 以各 自 长 的方式积极 发展 , 来越成 擅 越 为影 响地 区和城 市经济 辐 射力及 软 实力 的重要 因素 , 为 成 衡量 一个 国家或城市综 合竞争力高低 的重要标志。
北京、 上海、 深圳、 杭州、 等地文化创意产业形成一股新浪潮,
正在成 为城市 经济发展 的突 出亮点。一场 以文化创意产业
2 0 年底《 09 成都市文化创意产业发展规划 ( 0 9 2 O — 2 1 )正式发布 , 0 2》 规划 目标指 向“ 文化创意产业鼎立之
城 ” 都市将 文化创意 产业作 为战略 性新兴产业 , 出鼎 。成 提
为命脉的竞争 已经展开。成都要在竞争中取胜 , 要想领跑一
内的普遍做法 。租赁 废弃厂房 、 仓库 , 并对其进行 简单改造 收取租金是成都众 多文{l 意产业 园最普遍 的盈利 方式。 kl J
成都拥 有深厚 的文化底蕴和 丰富 的文 化资源 , 包括神
成都较为成功的园区化形态代表有“ 三圣花乡” 文化创 意产业基地, 锦里民俗文化街 , 宽窄巷子历史文化保护街区 等等。锦里” “ 通过创意点石成金, 由过去无人涉足的建筑垃
术 和 文化知识 服务 业 为基础 , 以智力和 技术 密集 为特征 的 产 业。其发展模式 具有 “ 两高一低 ”高增长 、 附加值 、 ( 高 低消
“ 文化创意 产业鼎立之城” 标 的提 出。 目
( 成都市发展文化创意产业的必要}——剪 在必行 一) 生 1. 增强竞争力, 提升城市形象。各个国家和地区都把
值首 次突破 3 万元大关 , 3 8 5 , 达 0 5 元 同比增 长 9 6 。 由 .%
成都市文化创意产业发展规划(2009—2012为加快成都市文化创意产业发展, 发挥文化创意产业在低碳经济和绿色产业发展中的重要作用, 促进经济发展方式转变, 完善城市服务功能, 提升成都中心城市的战略地位, 根据国家《文化产业振兴规划》(国发〔2009〕30号, 《成都市“十一五”时期文化发展规划纲要》(成委办〔2007〕7号等文件精神及《成都市服务业发展规划(2008—2012 》, 制定本规划。
20世纪末, 文化创意产业在全球范围迅速崛起, 人类正进入文化经济时代。
从发展趋势看, 文化创意产业越来越成为一个国家或城市经济社会发展的战略取向, 已发展成为区域软实力竞争的核心内容, 并成为影响地区和城市经济辐射力、带动力的重要因素。
据统计, 目前全世界创意产业每天创造产值高达220亿美元, 并以5%左右的速度递增。
英国的创意产业在国民经济各产业门类中增速最快, 年平均增长6%,约占英国国民生产总值的8%,成为仅次于金融服务业的第二大产业。
美国是全球创意经济最发达的国家, 创意产业超过航空、重化工及汽车等传统产业领域,成为最大的出口产业,2007年, 美国核心版权产业的增加值达8891亿美元, 约占GDP 的6.44%。
2005年, 日本文化内容产业规模达250115亿日元, 占GDP 的6.2%。
2007年, 北京市、上海市文化创意产业分别实现增加值992.6亿元和857.81亿元, 分别占GDP 的10.6%和7%;2008年, 深圳市、杭州市文化创意产业分别实现增加值550亿元和576.86亿元, 分别占GDP 的7%和12%。
介绍成都特色英语作文English:Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province in China, is known for its unique blend of modernity and tradition, and it has many special characteristics that make it stand out. One of the most well-known features of Chengdu is its spicy and flavorful cuisine, particularly its famous Sichuan hotpot. People from all over the world come to Chengdu to enjoy the diverse and delicious food offerings that can be found in the city. Additionally, Chengdu is also famous for its tea culture, with many traditional teahouses found throughout the city where locals and visitors can relax and enjoy a hot cup of tea. Another characteristic of Chengdu is its laid-back and leisurely lifestyle. The city is known for its relaxed pace of life, and it's common to see people enjoying themselves and taking time to savor the moments. Moreover, Chengdu is home to the beloved giant pandas, and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is a must-visit attraction for animal lovers. Overall, Chengdu is a city that perfectly combines the old and the new, offering a truly unique blend of experiences for visitors.Translated content:成都,中国四川省的省会,以其独特的现代与传统融合而闻名,并有许多特色使其脱颖而出。
介绍成都文创城英语作文Chengdu Creativity & Design Center, also known as Chengdu Creative Design Park, is a creative hub for design, art, and innovation. Located in the heart of Chengdu, the center is a dynamic and vibrant space that brings together artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and innovators from all over the world.The center was established in 2014 and covers an area of over 100,000 square meters, making it one of the largest creative spaces in China. The center is home to a variety of creative industries, including fashion, design, film, animation, and gaming. It also features a range offacilities and services, such as exhibition halls, conference rooms, co-working spaces, and a design museum.One of the most impressive features of the center isits architecture. The buildings are designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape, with a modern and sleek design that reflects the center's innovative spirit. Thecenter also features a beautiful garden and outdoor space, providing a peaceful and inspiring environment for creative work.The center hosts a range of events and activities throughout the year, including exhibitions, workshops, and conferences. These events provide a platform for artists, designers, and entrepreneurs to showcase their work, exchange ideas, and network with other professionals in the industry.In addition, the center offers a range of support services for entrepreneurs and startups. These services include mentorship, funding, and access to resources such as legal and financial advice. This support has helped many startups and entrepreneurs to grow and succeed in their businesses.Overall, Chengdu Creativity & Design Center is a vital part of Chengdu's creative ecosystem. It has become a hub for innovation and creativity, attracting talented individuals from all over the world. With its impressivefacilities, supportive environment, and vibrant community, the center is sure to continue to thrive and inspire for years to come.。
四川非遗文化介绍英语作文8年级下册English:As an eighth grader,I would like to introduce the intangible cultural heritage of Sichuan.Sichuan is rich in cultural heritage,including traditional art forms such as Sichuan Opera,bamboo weaving,and Shu embroidery.Sichuan Opera is known for its distinctive face-changing technique, while bamboo weaving is a traditional craft that has been passed down for generations.Shu embroidery,on the other hand,is a delicate form of embroidery that dates back over 2,000years.These intangible cultural heritage elements not only reflect the history and traditions of Sichuan,but also showcase the artistic skills and craftsmanship of the people. Chinese:作为一个八年级的学生,我想介绍一下四川的非物质文化遗产。
探索成都丰富多彩的文化画卷Exploring the Rich Cultural Tapestry of ChengduChengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province in southwestern China, is a vibrant and culturally rich metropolis that blends ancient traditions with modernity. Known for its laid-back lifestyle and charming panda culture, Chengdu offers a fascinating glimpse into the heart of Chinese culture.The city's history spans over 3,000 years, evidenced by its well-preserved ancient architecture and archaeological sites. Jinli Ancient Street, for instance, is a popular tourist attraction that showcases traditional Sichuanese buildings, folk customs, and local snacks. The Dujiangyan Irrigation System, a marvel of ancient Chinese engineering, continues to irrigate the fertile Chengdu Plain, demonstrating the city's ancient wisdom and ingenuity.Chengdu is also renowned for its culinary delights, particularly its spicy and flavorful Sichuan cuisine. Dishes like Mapo Tofu, Boiled Fish in Chili Sauce, and Dan Dan Noodles are staples on any foodie's itinerary in the city. Tea culture is deeply ingrained in Chengdu's daily life, with people often seen leisurely sipping tea and playing mahjong in teahouses.In addition to its cultural heritage, Chengdu is famous for being the hometown of the giant panda. The Chengdu Research Base of— 1 —Giant Panda Breeding is a must-visit for animal lovers, where visitors can observe these endangered creatures in their natural habitats and learn about conservation efforts.The city's modern side is equally impressive, with a thriving tech industry and a bustling nightlife. Chengdu is often referred to as the "City of Slow Life" due to its relaxed atmosphere, but it is also a hub for innovation and creativity. Universities and research institutions contribute to the city's vibrant intellectual community, making it a popular destination for students and professionals alike.In summary, Chengdu is a city that seamlessly combines the past with the present, offering a unique cultural experience that is both authentic and exciting. Whether exploring its ancient streets, tasting its culinary delights, or admiring its natural wonders, visitors to Chengdu are sure to be captivated by its rich and diverse cultural landscape.探索成都丰富多彩的文化画卷成都,位于中国西南部四川省的省会城市,是一座充满活力且文化底蕴深厚的都市,将古老传统与现代风貌完美融合。
川菜产业介绍英文作文英文:As a native of Sichuan province, I am proud to introduce the Sichuan cuisine industry. Sichuan cuisine, also known as Chuan cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines in China. It is famous for its bold and spicy flavors, as well as its use of Sichuan peppercorns. The cuisine is known for its balance of flavors, with a focus on the use of chili peppers, garlic, ginger, and Sichuan peppercorns to create a unique and complex taste.Sichuan cuisine has a long history, dating back to the Qin and Han dynasties. Over time, it has evolved and developed into a diverse range of dishes, including hotpot, kung pao chicken, mapo tofu, and dan dan noodles. These dishes are not only popular in China but also around the world, with many Sichuan restaurants opening up in cities such as New York, London, and Sydney.The Sichuan cuisine industry has also had a significant impact on the economy of the province. Many local farmers grow ingredients specifically for use in Sichuan cuisine, such as Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, and garlic. The industry has also created many job opportunities, fromchefs and restaurant staff to farmers and suppliers.Overall, the Sichuan cuisine industry is an essential part of the province's culture and economy. Its unique flavors and dishes have gained popularity worldwide, making it a significant contributor to China's culinary heritage.中文:作为四川人,我很自豪地介绍四川菜产业。
Chengdu Culture—Chengdu is a city with a long history. It is called the “Heavenly Land of Plenty”for its fertile land, mild climate, rich products. In the Western Han Dynasty, Chengdu was famous for its brocade industry and had a good reputation of “Brocade City”. One of the kings of Sichuan once planted Confederate roses on top of all the city walls, and that is why Chengdu is also called “The City of Confederate rose”. In history, Chengdu had prosperous waterways, numerous bridges, flourishing trees and flowers. It is called “the flower city”. Chengdu has so many elements that attract visitors and make them reluctant to leave. This proposal adopts the Chinese traditional paper-cut art style into the pattern design of seats,depicting beautiful scenery, delicious food and entertaining activities characteristic of Chengdu. It communicates the message that Chengdu Airlines will always offer warmhearted service to passengers.。
成都景点中英文介绍导游词 (宽窄巷子,金沙,大熊猫,文殊坊,蜀绣等)
参观点简介Places to Visit7月23日1.文殊坊Wenshu District文殊坊,川西传统民居形式建成的特色首席商业院落,它是历史价值、文化价值和商业价值的共同载体。
Wenshu District, a commercial courtyard built in the Traditional Folk Houses of West Sichuan Area, is an embodiment of history, culture and commerce. Combined with its themes of Buddhist and folk cultures, it fully presents us with the humanistic and historical essence of old Chengdu. What's more with its natural beauty and deep cultural load, this combination of modern Commercial Street with the traditional courtyard, completely overturned the conventional form of Commercial Street.文殊坊其一期工程包含成都会馆和成都庙街两大部分。
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"the Midwest's most influential national first-class and internationally
renowned cultural capital“.
文化创意产业发展总体概况 Industry Development begins to take shape
国家战略发展新契机 New Chance of National Strategy Developement
《关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义 文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》
《中共成都市委关于深化文化体制改革, 加快建设文化强市的意见》
成都是西南地区的特大中心城市和全国历史 文化名城,是国务院确定的西南地区科技、 商贸、金融中心和交通、通信枢纽。被世界 银行评为中国内陆投资环境标杆城市,被 《福布斯》杂志评为未来十年全球发展最快 的城市。
Chengdu is the central metropolis in Southwest China, and also the National Historical and Cultural City. It has been designated by the State Council as 'Centers of Science & Technology, Commerce & Trade and Finance as well as Hubs of Transportation and Telecommunications in Southwest China'. Chengdu had been chosen as Demonstration City of Investment Environment in Mainland China by ‘World Bank’, and also chosen as the Fastest Development City in next 10 years by ‘Forbes’.
Advantaged Cultural Endowment and Cultural Industry Foundation
Advantaged Cultural Resources and Human Resources
有影响力的文化创意人士 Influential Cultural and Creative Talents 市域内高校云集 Plenty of Universities and Colleges in Urban Area
the perfect combination of t;he cultural & creative industry and urban style, integration of low-
carbon environmental and intelligent ideas, with a unique urban style and cultural charm, demonstration to creative design of the "City in the city ", will be built the best area in Chengdu, the first-class area in China, internationally renowned cultural and creative city.
传媒 Media
文博旅游 Tourism
创意设计 Design
演艺娱乐 Entertainment
Creative Arts Comics & Games
出版发行 Publishing
目前,我市已初步形成以园区化、楼宇化为载体模式,以重大产业项目为带动, 以骨干企业为支撑,传媒、文博旅游、创意设计、演艺娱乐、文学与艺术品原创、 动漫游戏和出版发行等行业快速发展的文化创意产业发展格局。
Chengdu Cultural Industry Brief Introduction
Chengdu Brief Introduction
成都是中国四川省省会,人口1342万, 面积1.24万平方公里,拥有2300年的建 城史,是中国首批历史文化名城之一, 也是中国最佳旅游城市、国际“美食之 都”、全国文明城市等。拥有三国文化、 金沙遗址、都江堰等26个全国重点文物 保护单位。
Cluster development situation of cultural industry with important projects
建设东部新城文化创意产业综合功能区 打造产业发展引擎
Construct Eastern New City Cultural Creative Industry Functional Zone, Build Industry Development Engine
当前,成都市正面临新一轮西部大开发的历史机遇、我市制定了“领先 发展、科学发展、又好又快发展,奋力打造西部经济核心增长极”的发展目 标,按照“双核共兴、三产联动、圈层融合”的全域成都发展思路,实施 “交通先行、产业倍增、立城优城、三圈一体、全域开放”的五大兴市战略, 全力加快建设城乡一体化、全面现代化、充分国际化的世界生态田园城市。 Chengdu established the “leading development, scientific development, sound and rapid development, struggling to build the western economic core growth pole ” development objectives.
Chengdu, is the provincial capital of Sichuan Province, with 13.42 million in population, covering land area of 12,400 square kilometers, over 2,300 years of history, is also the Best Tourism City of China, International Top Food City, and Civilized City of China. Chengdu has 26 National Cultural Relic Protection Units, such as Three Kingdom Culture, Jinsha Relics, Dujiang Weir, etc.
Now, Chengdu has initially come into being high-speed development situation of cultural creative industry by setting industry zone and buildings as carrier, leading with important industry projects, and supporting with key enterprise. Its fast development also a, tourism, creative design, entertainment, creative arts, comics and games, and publishing, etc.
产业布局 Industry Layout
重点发展传媒、影音娱乐、动漫游戏、文博艺术四大领域,实现产业集聚效应、 规模效应和品牌效应。
Development focus on Media, Entertainment, Comics & Games, and Arts, implement integration effect, scale effect and brand effect.
单位:人民币 亿元 RMB 100M Yuan
1,400 1,200 1,000
800 600 400 200
232 65
257 2010
营业收入 Operation Revenue 增加值 Added Value
文化创意产业增加值增速超过 全市经济增速,是我市新兴产 业中吸纳就业能力最强的两大 产业之一,在我市新兴产业三 大主体产业中排行第二。
成都东村将建设成为以文化创意产业为主要特征,将文化创意产业与城 市形态完美结合,融合智能化和低碳环保理念,具有独特的城市风貌和文化 韵味,充分展示创意设计的“城市中的城市”,将建成成都最好、国内一流、 国际知名的文化创意新城。
Chengdu East Village will be built into area featured with the cultural & creative industries,
Exceptional Humanistic Environment and Ecological Environment