SPEC]STACIR_AW 280SQ for LGJ 300_25起重司机岗位职责
WTZ-A20型电动葫芦专用超载限制器是宜昌微特电子根据GB 12602-2009《起重机械超载保护装置》和GB/T 3811-2008《起重机设计规范》的有关要求设计生产,具有结构紧凑、安装方便、调试操作简单、工作可靠、精度高等一系列优点。
◆自动补偿功能自动补偿功能自动补偿功能::对传感器的“温度漂移”和“零点漂移”可进行自动调节补偿;……主要参数:1、工作环境温度:-20℃~60℃2、工作环境湿度:95%(25℃)4、工作方式:连续5、振动:加速度≤5g (g 为重力加速度)6、系统综合误差:≤5%(F.S)7、整机功耗:小于30W8、报警音量:大于60db9、动作误差:≤±3%(F.S)10、防护等级:IP65外型尺寸:本款产品所配备的旁压传感器旁压传感器旁压传感器与仪表已固定好,只需将传感器固定在钢丝绳上即可。
产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31180903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050660BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0903082 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030383 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030418 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31090903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050669BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030384 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31060903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050657BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030578 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030577 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31070903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050658BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904255 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030370 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311040903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050655BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904260 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030591 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311050903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050656BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030399 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030572 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311020903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050653BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030594 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030592 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311030903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050654BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904252 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030400 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030593 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31100903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050661BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030431 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030432 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31110903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050662BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030425 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030426 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31120903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050663BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030436 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030435 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#4单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31130903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050664BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904263 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110280 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110281河北东方机械厂制造7#4单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人。
5 CSC-281 数字式线路保护(测控)装置 ................................ 12
装置简介 ................................................................................................................................. 12
第一篇 装置的技术说明 ..................................................1
1 概述 ...............................................................1
适用范围 ....................................................................................................................................1
测量表计 ....................................................................................................................................9
断路器控制 ................................................................................................................................9
F A N P O W E R E D T E R M I N A L U N I T SC72FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIESPerformance Data • NC Level Application GuideModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow Fiberglass Liner2. Dash (-) in space indicates a NC less than 20.1-17-22FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCFAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIESPerformance Data • Discharge Sound Power LevelsModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow Fiberglass LinerFAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCC75FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIES∑Motor = ECM.* Primary air valve is closed and therefore primary cfm is zero.Performance Data • AHRI Certification and Performance NotesModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow • AHRI Certification Rating PointsFiberglass LinerRatings are certified in accordance with AHRI Standards.Performance Notes for Sound Power Levels:1. Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) in all cases, which is the difference (∆Ps) in static pressure from terminal discharge to the room.Discharge Sound Power Levels (SWL) now include duct end reflection energy as part of the standard rating. Including the duct end correction provides sound power levels that would normally be transmitted into an acoustically, non-reflective duct. The effect of including the energy correction to the discharge SWL, is higher sound power levels when compared to previous AHRI certified data. For more information on duct end reflection calculations see AHRI Standard 880.2. Radiated sound power is the breakout noise transmitted through the unit casing walls.3. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.4. All sound data listed by octave bands is raw data without any corrections for room absorption or duct attenuation. Dash (-) in space indicates sound power level is less than 20 dB or equal to background.5. Min. inlet ∆Ps is the minimum operating pressure of the primary air valve section.6. Asterisk (*) in space indicates that the minimum inlet static pressure requirement is greater than 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) at rated airflow.7. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accordance with ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 130 and AHRIStandard 880.F A N P O W E R E D T E R M I N A L U N I T SFAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIESPerformance Data • Radiated Sound Power LevelsModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow Fiberglass LinerFAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCC75FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIES∑Motor = ECM.* Primary air valve is closed and therefore primary cfm is zero.Performance Data • AHRI Certification and Performance NotesModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow • AHRI Certification Rating PointsFiberglass LinerRatings are certified in accordance with AHRI Standards.Performance Notes for Sound Power Levels:1. Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) in all cases, which is the difference (∆Ps) in static pressure from terminal discharge to the room.Discharge Sound Power Levels (SWL) now include duct end reflection energy as part of the standard rating. Including the duct end correction provides sound power levels that would normally be transmitted into an acoustically, non-reflective duct. The effect of including the energy correction to the discharge SWL, is higher sound power levels when compared to previous AHRI certified data. For more information on duct end reflection calculations see AHRI Standard 880.2. Radiated sound power is the breakout noise transmitted through the unit casing walls.3. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.4. All sound data listed by octave bands is raw data without any corrections for room absorption or duct attenuation. Dash (-) in space indicates sound power level is less than 20 dB or equal to background.5. Min. inlet ∆Ps is the minimum operating pressure of the primary air valve section.6. Asterisk (*) in space indicates that the minimum inlet static pressure requirement is greater than 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) at rated airflow.7. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accordance with ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 130 and AHRIStandard 880.FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITSCC75FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35SST SERIES∑Motor = ECM.* Primary air valve is closed and therefore primary cfm is zero.Performance Data • AHRI Certification and Performance NotesModel Series 35SST Stealth ™ • Series Flow • AHRI Certification Rating PointsFiberglass LinerRatings are certified in accordance with AHRI Standards.Performance Notes for Sound Power Levels:1. Discharge (external) static pressure is 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) in all cases, which is the difference (∆Ps) in static pressure from terminal discharge to the room.Discharge Sound Power Levels (SWL) now include duct end reflection energy as part of the standard rating. Including the duct end correction provides sound power levels that would normally be transmitted into an acoustically, non-reflective duct. The effect of including the energy correction to the discharge SWL, is higher sound power levels when compared to previous AHRI certified data. For more information on duct end reflection calculations see AHRI Standard 880.2. Radiated sound power is the breakout noise transmitted through the unit casing walls.3. Sound power levels are in decibels, dB re 10-12 watts.4. All sound data listed by octave bands is raw data without any corrections for room absorption or duct attenuation. Dash (-) in space indicates sound power level is less than 20 dB or equal to background.5. Min. inlet ∆Ps is the minimum operating pressure of the primary air valve section.6. Asterisk (*) in space indicates that the minimum inlet static pressure requirement is greater than 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) at rated airflow.7. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accordance with ANSI / ASHRAE Standard 130 and AHRIStandard 880.。
利勃海尔 移动船务吊具 LHM 280 说明书
Mobile Harbour Crane LHM 280Maximum lifting capacity84 tMaximum outreach40 mShip sizeFeedermax, Handymax510152030352540459080706050403020100The powerful hydrostatic transmission and advanced Liebherr electronics ensure short, productive workingcycles during bulk handling.Professional Bulk Handling / Turnover up to 1,000 t per Hour• During grab operation, hoisting, slewing, and luffing are driven simultaneously at maximized speed to achieve the highest (possible) turnover.• During grab filling, features such as automatic lowering and hoisting guarantee the optimum filling level of the grab.• The slack rope monitoring system ensures extended life-time of the ropes and increases operational safety.• Reverse power is returned to the drive process through closed loop hydraulics which results in reduced fuel consumption.• The Cycoptronic ®anti-sway system automatically compen-sates for all rotational swing, transverse and longitudinalsway of the load at maximum speeds.• To provide safe and stress-free working conditions for the operator, Liebherr offers the Cycoptronic ® including Teach-In ® feature, a semi-automatic system, which pilots thecrane from the vessel hatch to the quay without any sway.Especially for bulk operation into hoppers, the Teach-In ® system increases turnover and ensures consistent turnoverrates during the entire ship unloading.• Liebherr technology is absolutely resistant to all types ofdust and dirt due to the closed hydraulic system and anelectronic system which is military proven and tested.• The airflow needed for cooling hydraulic and enginesystems is routed external from the main machinery house. This helps keep the engine room clean and free of debris.Weight ramshorn hook 3.0 t; Weight rotator 2.5 t Weight ramshorn hook 3.0 t; Weight rotator 2.5 tBulk OperationBulk OperationE y e l e v e l 20.8 mOutreach (m)Load Diagramon the ropesmotor grab4-rope grabFeedermaxC a p a c i t y (t )9080706050403020100051015203035254045Precision to perfection: With incredibly short acceleration times for all crane motions, Liebherr is the top performer in container handling.• The crane can be fitted with various types of spreaders (fixed or telescopic) connected to the rotator. Manual, semior fully automatic telescopic spreaders are available forvarious container sizes.• Liebherr Cycoptronic ® is an accurate, sway-free load motion control system that uses in-house designed software.Cycoptronic ®allows for direct load positioning and aids the crane driver in mastering his task. With Cycoptronic ®turnover, safety and the confidence of the operator will beimproved.• Safety: The luffing cylinder is positioned above the latticeboom. This eliminates the possibility of any damage to the cylinder through swinging loads or highly stowed rows of containers on board the vessel.• The Liebherr hydrostatic drive is the most reliable and highest performing drive system for mobile harbour cranes. Independent closed loop hydraulic systems utilize the minimum number of components to guarantee highly responsive, smooth and precise operation while maximizingoperational safety.Weight rotator 2.5 tWeight fully automatic (telescopic) spreader 9 tWeight semi-automatic spreader 1.3 t (20 ft), 2.6 t (40 ft)Professional Container Handling / Turnover up to 35 Cycles per HourContainer OperationContainer OperationC Outreach (m)HandymaxLoad Diagramon the ropesautomaticsemi-automaticE y e l e v e l 20.8 mSchematic diagramMobility• Outstanding mobility and manoeuvrability• Curves at any possible radii and even slewing on the spo tModular propping system• Minimised stress and strain of undercarriage due to cruciform support base which directs the load path from boom tip to quay• Modular system allows further reduction of quay loads by installing additional axle sets • Easy adaptation to various sizes of support pads and basesTechnical DataUndercarriageWeightTotal weight of crane LHM 280approx. 241 tOptional size of supporting pads and bases on requestDue to a unique undercarriage design the quay loads specified above can even be reduced. Pad sizes, supporting base and the number of axle sets can easily beadapted to comply with the most stringent quay load restrictions.Optional EquipmentAdditional products and services • Cycoptronic ® – anti-sway system • SmartGrip − intelligent grabbing• Teach-In – semi-automatic point to point system • Sycratronic ® – synchronizing crane control system • Vertical Line Finder – diagonal pull preventing system • Collision alert system • LiDAT ® − smartApp• Economy software – for optimised fuel consumption • Video monitoring system• Radio remote control • Autopropping undercarriage• Cyclone air-intake system for the engine • Low temperature package • Customer-specific painting & logo • Additional (driven) axle sets• Axle sets equipped with foamed tyres • Different supporting bases and pad sizes • And many more as per customers´ requirementsHydraulic load distribution• Hydraulic suspension avoids overloading of individual wheel sets• Standard trailer tyres making requisition of spares economical and time-saving • Increased lifetime of tyres due to individually steerable wheel setsOptimum pressure distributionand adaption of wheel sets on uneven surfaces1.3 mLHM 280LFS 280LPS 280 LPM 280• The Liebherr Portal Crane (LPS) is an efficient combinationof a space-saving portal (mounted on rails) and the provenmobile harbour crane concept. Particularly on narrowquays, individual portal solutions permit (railway) trains and(road) trucks to travel below the portal.• Liebherr Fixed Slewing Cranes (LFS) are an efficientcombination of a mobile harbour crane upper carriage anda fixed pedestal. LFS cranes provide an economical andspace-saving solution for the installation on quaysides andjetties, especially where room for manoeuvring is limited andlow ground pressure is essential. Additionally LFS solutionsare also ideally suited for the installation on crane barges.• The Liebherr Portal M obile Crane (LPM) is the perfectcombination of a space-saving portal undercarriage,efficient mobile harbour crane technology and unrestrictedmobility. A gantry on rubber tyres enables the crane to betravelled from one quay to another. Supporting pads allowthe crane to be used on quays with or without rail tracks.The LPM offers the same 360-degree mobility as the LHM.Driving in longitudinal, diagonal or transverse direction.Performance of conventional steering or slewing on thespot is possible and provided as standard.HM351.2.4MCR-12138-6.18_enSubjecttochangewithoutnotice. Practical SolutionsLiebherr develops and produces special designs and solutionsto meet customer-specific requirements。
Product NO. 3616A02-020A0 3617A02-020A0
quantity 1 1
remark 3系统控制 3 system control
包含于线束总成内(Include in wiring harness) 1 包含于线束总成内
Introduction of Elion Technology and ATS products 1.3 ATS产品系统部件 Product System Components
二、安装要求及布置匹配需注意事项 Installation requirements and notes
2.1 安装要求 installation requirements
(1)、ECU安装环境要求:务必安装在整车隔热、防水、透气的电器仓内,环境温度不超过60度为宜。 ECU installation environment requirement :must be installed in the electrical compartment of vehicle which is insulation, waterproof and breathable, the environment temperature could not exceed 60 degrees (2)、ECU安装注意事项:ECU installation notice 1)、接ECU线束之前,必须切断整车总电源。 Before access ECU wiring harness please cut off main vehicle power 2)、每条线束均有明确的中(英)文标签,指明接线位置。 Each wiring harness has a clear Chinese and english label and specifies the terminal location 3)、整车如果要电焊作业,则需切断电源,拔下线束航插。 If vehicle need welding work , you need to cut off the power and unplug the wiring harness aircraft plug (3)、ECU主线束安装:ECU wiring harness installation 将线束的航空插件与ECU总成连接,线束总成上两个针的航空插件对应旁边有个小的航空插件分别对应的与ECU 模块上的接口连接并旋紧。 Aircraft plug of wiring harness connected with ECU assembly, with the two-pin plug of wiring harness assembly next to a small plug-ins corresponding to the respective air plug-in module interfaces with the ECU connected and then tightened
本文针对艾码8210型吊具电控系统存在的问题,根据吊具各机构运行工况和实际生产需要,设计可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)控制系统代替原电子逻辑板,并进行配电盘设计、布置、安装以及PLC编程、调试等,以改进控制系统技术性能。
1 工艺流程艾码吊具由吊具泵、旋锁机构、伸缩机构、侧移辅助机构等组成。
吊具泵由2台电压、功率的电机驱动2台派克液压泵,为其他机构运行提供液压动力;电机的启动和停止主要由轮胎吊AC80 PLC控制。
日语词汇:汽車用語集4段キャスター付き四层推车A/CシステムA/C系统A/CユニットA/C单元CO/HCテスターCO/HC测试器CO/HC排気分析CO/HC废气分析CSセットCS件套O2センサー氧传感器PDCAサイクルPDCA循环R12冷媒測定器冷媒表R12R12冷媒回収機冷媒回收机R12R134冷媒測定器冷媒表R134R134冷媒回収機冷媒回收机R134V型ホルダーV型枕アイコンタクト目光接触アイドリング調整ネジ怠速调整螺丝アイドリング回転数怠速转速アカウント?ナンバー账号アクシデント事故アクション?プラン行动计划アクセサリー装饰物アクセス访问アクチュエーター执行器アクティブリスニング积极的倾听アコード雅阁车アタッチメント辅件アドバイス劝告アネックス附件アフターサービス售后服务アポイント预约时间アルカリ碱アレンジ安排アンケート调查问卷イグニション火花塞イナーシャ惯量インストルメント?パネル仪器盘インタークーラー中冷器インターネットツール互联网工具インターフェース接口インテークマニフォールド进气支管インテークマニフォールド真空度进气支管真空度インパクト?タイミング强烈感受时刻インプットデータ输入信息エアーフィルター空气滤清器エアーブロー空气喷射エアーポンプ空气泵エアー温度スイッチ空气温度开关エアー温度センサー空气温度传感器エアコン空调エアドライヤー空气干燥器エアホースリール空气管路卷盘エアリザーバー储气筒エキゾーストシステム排气系统エキゾーストパイプ配管排气管路エリア区域エンジニア工程师エンジンハンガー(A型)引擎吊架(A型吊架)エンジン固定柱引擎固定架エンジン洗浄機引擎洗净机エンジン支柱引擎支架オイルキャップ加油盖オイルパン油底壳オイル容量机油容量オートマチックトランスミッション自动变速器オートマチック変速器自动变速器オーナーズマニュアル车主手册オーバードライブ超速档オープン公开オリフィス孔板カーボンキャニスター炭罐カーレース会場竞技赛车场カウンター接待柜カウンター受付前台接待ガソリン汽油カバー率覆盖率ガバナー调速器カラー颜色カラーライン色带ギア变速箱キーポイント关键ギヤー数档位数キャブレター化油器ギヤポジション传动装置ギヤボックスクレーン变速箱起重机キャンペーン活动クイック整備快修クーラント空调冷媒クチコミ街谈巷议クッション缓冲クラッチ离合器グラフ曲线图クランクシャフトケース曲轴箱クランクシャフトケースエアー再循環装置曲轴箱气体再循环装置グループ協力团体协作クレジットカード信用卡ゴム橡胶条コンセンサス共识コントローラ检验员コントロール用リール升降机控制器コンピューターコード计算机代码コンピュータホイールバランサー电脑车轮平衡器コンプレッサー压缩机サービスウィーク服务周サービスマネージャー服务经理サイクル冲程サイドスリップテスター偏滑测试器サイドスリップ測定测滑设定サイドスリップ角度テスト偏滑角度测试サスペンション系統悬吊系统サポート支持サンキューコールシート短期贷款单サンプリングバッグ取样袋サンプル样本シートカバー椅套シーン情景ジェスチャー手势ジェネラルモータース通用(汽车)シナリオ脚本シフトカバー排档杆护套シフトポジション换挡位置シミュレーション演练シミュレート模拟シャーシ底盘シャーシーダイナモメーター底盘测功机シャープナー(台)砂轮(台)ジャッキスタンド(ウマ)顶车架(马椅)ジャンパー線跨接线ジョイント接头ショート短路ショールーム展示厅ショック?アブソーバー减振器ショックアブソーバースプリングコンプレッサー避震器弹簧压缩器シリーズ系列シリンダー气缸シリンダヘッド汽缸头シンクロ同步シンプル简单スキル研修技巧培训スクリュー式螺旋式スケジュール日程表スタート开端スタッフ人员スタンダード?サービス?フロー标准服务流程スタンダード?サービス取引标准服务交易スタンド式ドリルマシン立式钻床ステアリング系統转向系统ステップ步骤ストローク行程スピード速度スピンドル回転平衡转速スペシャリスト专家スムーズ顺利スロットルバルブ油门スロットルバルブボディー节流阀体セクション章节セッティング配置セレクトショップ精品店センサー传感器セントポール圣保罗ソフト软件ソフトオープン前暖身前ソフト面の価値“软”价值ターゲット对象ターボチャージャー增压装置ターボ燃焼室涡流燃烧室ダイナモメーター测功机タイプ类型タイミングライト正时灯タイヤ轮胎タイヤチェンジャー拆胎机ダイヤルゲージ千分表タンク油箱チーフテクニシャン主任技术员チーム队伍チェーン链条チャイム门铃チャネル渠道チューブレスタイヤ補修キット无内胎修补工具组チラシ传单ディーゼルエンジン柴油机ディーラー经销商ディストリビュータ分电器线路ディスプレイ寸法显示器尺寸ディファレンシャル差速器データインプット输入数据データ化数据化テクニシャン技术人员テクニック技巧デザイン设计デジタルエンジン回転計数字型引擎转速表デジタルノギス数字游标卡尺テストカー试验车テストベンチ试验台デモンストレーション演示ドアノブ车把手トータル总共トップクラス顶级トップページ首页ドライバーセット螺纹护套工具组ドライブイン通路Drive-in通道トランスミッション变速器ドリル练习ドリル锥钻トレーニング修炼ナンバリング编码ニュースコーナー新闻频道ネーミング名称ノンバーバルコミュニケーション非语言的交流バージョン版パーツ零配件パーツカタログ零部件样本ハード硬件ハード面の価値“硬”价值バキュームクリーナー真空吸尘机バキュームポンプ真空枪バキューム廃油処理機气压废油机バックミラー后视镜バッテリー电池(组)バッテリープラグ电瓶夹パラメーター参数バランスピース平衡块钳パルスエアー脉冲空气バルブタイミング气门正时バルブ系統汽门系统パワー马力ハンドツール手工具ハンドブック手册ハンドル方向盘ハンドルカバー方向盘护套ピークの時間帯高峰时间ピストンピン活塞环夹ピストンヘッド活塞顶ビデオデッキ录放影机ヒューズ保险丝ファイリング归档ファイルラック档案柜ファックス传真ファン风扇ファン式ラジェーター温度コントロール方式温控水箱风扇フィードバック反馈フィードバックテクニック回应技巧フィリピン菲律宾フェンダーカバー叶子板罩フォルクスワーゲン大众(汽车)フォローアップ后续追踪プライバシー个人秘密ブランド厂牌ブレーキ刹车ブレーキシュー刹车蹄ブレーキディスク刹车片ブレーキテスター刹车测试器ブレーキパッド刹车来令片ブレーキランプ刹车指示灯プレッシャーレギュレーター压力调节器フロア型リフト(埋設式)平板式顶高机(埋地式)フローチャート流程图フロートニードルバルブ浮子针阀フロート室オイルレベル浮子室油面プログラミングコードシステム可编程序代码系统プログラム程序プロジェクタ投影机プロセス过程プロセスフロー流程プロトコール协定プロフィール简介プロモーション促进活动フロント?ガラス前挡玻璃フロント?サスペンション前悬挂フロントシャフト高さ前轴离地间隙フロントホイールアライメント調整器前轮定位校正器ベアリング轴承ベアリングセパレーター培令拔套ベース基础へこみ凹陷ペダルクッション脚踏垫ヘッドランプテスター大灯测试器ヘッドランプ角度矯正头灯角度校正ペンチ老虎钳ベンチュリーパイプ喉管ベンチュリー管汾丘里管ボア缸径ボイコット運動联合抵制ホース软管ホース直径卷轴直径ホームページ主页ポジション位置ボディー電装车身电装ボディランゲージ身体语言ポリシー政策ボリューム音量ホワイトボート白板ホンダフィロソフィ本田哲学ボンネット前部マイクロスイッチ微开关マグネットホルダー磁性座マニュアル手册マニュアル操作手动マニュアル化文件化マネージメント管理マルチ燃料車两用燃料车ミネソタ州明尼苏达州(美)メインギヤーレシオ主传动速比メインテナンス维修メーク补妆メーリングリスト邮件清单メールアドレス电子邮件地址メールマガジン邮件杂志メジャーリングジェット量孔メリット好处メンテナンス保养モジュール单元モジュール元件モットー宗旨モニタリング监控モノリス载体ユーザー用户ライト付きリール转轴工作灯ラバーセメント补胎条ラベル标识リアーシャフト高さ后轴离地间隙リサイクル回收リサイクルシステム再生系统リスク风险リストアップ列出リバウンド?テスト“反弹”测试リラックス放松レイアウト配置レーダーチャート蜘蛛网型图レジェンド里程车レジカウンター收银处レッカーサービス会社拖车服务公司ロータリーエンジン转子式发动机ロールプレーイング角色扮演ロビー门厅ワークフロー作业流程ワイパー雨刮比重ボール浮球変速ギヤ-ポジション变速器挡位変速ショック变速冲击部品カート零件台车部品メインファイル零件主档部品洗浄機零件清洗机残債债务余额車両預かり担当者接车员初回無料整備の実施率首保实施率触媒コンバーター催化转换器待合室休息室単レンズプロジェクタ单枪投影机点火コイル点火线圈点火コンデンサー点火电容器点火プラグ火花塞電池テスター电池测试器電解液比重測定器电池比重机電気ドリル电钻定規直尺定盤定盘読取専用リーダー只读存储器対面販売当面推销二酸化窒素二氧化氮分解修理ルーム作業台大修间工作台複合型リール三合一卷盘高圧高温洗車機高温高压洗车机給油遮断点断汕点故障インジケーター故障指示器故障コード故障代码顧客サイン客户签名管理の内在化率管理内在率管理ボード管理板慣性量シミュレーター惯量模拟器回転式研磨機旋转式研磨机组会計パターン会计模式基本データ基本信息急カーブ急转弯急速充電器快速充电器技能コンテスト技能竞赛技術アッセンブリー技术总成見積り提示率估价提示率接点ギャップ触点间隙掲示板布告板浸透方法沟通方法空気流量センサー空气流量传感器口コミ口头冷媒漏れ検知器冷媒测漏机冷却かん圧力テスタ水箱压力试验器粒子状物質颗粒物料金計算書発行开发票料金内訳费用构成名札工牌内装内饰泥よけカバー叶子板护套排気ガスパイプ排气管排気ガス排出システム汽车废气排放系统排気リサーキュレーション排气再循环噴射ノズル喷汕器契約書合同文件取り付け金具悬吊架全体イメージ总体形象燃料ディストリビューター燃料分配器燃料レギュレーター燃烧调节器燃料噴射ポンプ喷汕泵容積ポンプ容积泵十字レンチ十字板钳手動歯車ポンプ(AT,MT)齿轮手动泵(AT,MT )手順書步骤书庶務部門后勤部门水温センサー水温传感器四輪ジャッキ四轮千斤顶炭化水素化合物碳氢化合物炭素バランス法炭平衡法凸レンズ凸透镜塗装乾燥ブース烤漆炉外側マイクロメータ外侧测微器往復式ピストンエンジン往复式活塞发动机微粒子キャッチャー微粒捕捉器温度調節器节温器汚染防止アタッチメント装置附加的污染控制装置消費生活センター消费者协会校正記憶装置チップ校准存储器芯片新車受領書新车提单修理マニュアル修理手册修理保証申込み率保修登记率一酸化炭素一氧化碳油圧作業台油压床油受トレイ油盆予熱プラグ预热塞魚骨図鱼骨图運行モード运行工况真空ポンプ真空泵真空式ブレーキオイル交換機真空式刹车油更换机整備歴修理记录指示プレート指示牌制御ユニット控制单元窒素酸化物氮氧化物専門的イメージ专业形象追跡サービス跟踪服务自制心自控能力走行チェック行驶检查。
API Spec 1B? 油田三角皮带API Spec 2B 结构钢管API Spec 2C? 海上平台起重机API Spec 2F? 锚链API Spec 2H 海上平台管接头用碳锰钢板API Spec 2MT1 海上结构用提高韧性的轧制碳锰钢板API Spec 2W 通过热机控制工艺(TMCP)生产的海上结构钢板API Spec 2Y 海洋结构调质钢板API Spec 4F 钻井和修井井架和底座API Spec 5B 套管、油管和管线管用螺纹的加工、测量和检验规范API Spec 5CT 套管和油管规范API Spec 5D 钻杆规范API Spec 5L 管线钢管API Spec 5LC CRA 管线用耐腐蚀合金管API Spec 5LCP? 连续管线管API Spec 5LD? 耐腐蚀合金外覆或内衬钢管API Spec 6A 井口装置和采油装置API Spec 6AV1 海上作业用地面和水下安全阀的验证试验API Spec 6D 管道阀门(闸阀、旋塞阀、球阀和止回阀)API Spec 6H? 管端堵头、连接管和活动接头API Spec 7 旋转钻杆构件API Spec 7F 油井用链条和链轮API Spec 7K 钻井设备API Spec 8A 钻井和采油提升设备API Spec 8C 钻井和采油提升(PSL1和PSL2)API Spec 9A 钢丝绳API Spec 10A 油井水泥API Spec 10D 弓形弹簧套管扶正器API Spec 11AX 杆式抽油泵及配件API Spec 11B 抽油杆API Spec 11D 井下钻具--填塞器(夯具)和沙桥卡钻(桥状沙堵)API Spec 11E 抽油机API Spec 11IW 独立井口设备API Spec 11L6 游梁式抽油机的电动原动机API Spec 11N 矿区自动输油计量设备API Spec 11P 油气生产作业使用的组合式往复压缩机API Spec 11V1 气举阀、孔板、回流阀和平衡阀API Spec 12B 螺栓连接储油罐API Spec 12D 油田现场焊接储油罐API Spec 12F 工厂焊接储油罐API Spec 12G DU乙二醇型天然气脱水装置API Spec 12J 油气分离器API Spec 12K 间接式油田加热器API Spec 12L 立式和卧式脱乳器API Spec 12P 玻璃纤维强化塑料储罐API Spec 13A 钻井液材料API Spec 14A 水下安全阀设备规范API Spec 14L 定位心轴和套圈卡盘API Spec 15HR 高压玻璃纤维管线管API Spec 15LE 聚乙烯(PE)管线管API Spec 15LR 低压玻璃纤维管线管API Spec 15LT 聚氯乙烯(PVC)钢管API Spec 16A 钻通设备API Spec 16C 节流和压井规范API Spec 16D 钻井控制设备控制系统API Spec 16R 海洋钻井隔水管接头API Spec 17D 水下井口和采油树设备API Spec 17E 水下生产控制管线API Spec 17F 海底生产控制系统API Spec 17J 粘合的柔性管线API Spec 17K 未粘合的柔性管线API Spec 18B 射孔器评估推荐做法API Standard 600 螺栓式帽状钢制闸阀标准API /IP Spec 1581 航空喷气燃料过滤器/分离器API /IP Spec 1583 含吸收剂类元素的航空燃油过滤器监视器。
凯塔Cat 7495电磁矿钻杆吊车说明书
Cat®7495with Rope Crowd E LECTRIC R OPE S HOVELSpecificationsDimensionsDipper payload (Available dipper payloads up to 109 tonnes [120 tons] when specified) Dipper capacity Length of boomEffective length of dipper handle Overall length of dipper handle100 tonnes 30.6-61.2 m 320.4 m 10.9 m 14.3 m 110 tons 40-80 yd 3 67 ft 35 ft 10 in 47 ftWeightsWorking weight, with dipper and standard links 1 369 246 kg 3,018,670 lb Net weight, domestic, without ballast or dipper988 100 kg 2,173,820 lb General purpose dipper 56 m 3 (73 yd 3) 80 603 kg 177,700 lb Ballast (furnished by customer)302 614 kg667,150 lb• These weights will vary slightly depending upon dipper and optional equipment selection.Main StructuresCrawler MountingOverall width 200.7 cm (79 in) treads, standard 11 m 36 ft Overall length of mounting11.43 m 37 ft 6 in Overall width 259.1 cm (102 in) treads 13.5 m 44 ft 3 inTotal effective bearing area 36.1 m 2388.6 ft 2 (200.7 cm/79 in treads)372 kPa 53.9 psiTotal effective bearing area 46.6 m 2501.7 ft 2 (259.1 cm/102 in treads)288 kPa 41.8 psi Number and diameter of rollers Lower (16) 78 cm 30.7 in Lower rear (2) 106.7 cm 42 in UpperSlides Take-up tumblers diameter 162 cm 63.8 in Number and pitch of treads (94) 50.8 cm20 inPlanetary Propel• Dual-motor independent drive. Revolving Frame (Center Section) Welded, impact-resistant steel Length 8.38 m 27 ft 6 in Width3.68 m 12 ft 1 inMain Structures (cont’d)TurntableForged rim, alloy steel swing rack pitch diameter 5.26 m 17 ft 3 inTeeth external cut (face)24.13 cm 9.5 in Tapered, forged alloy steel roller rails diameter 4.52 m 14 ft 10 inNumber of tapered rollers50 Tapered rollers diameter27.31 cm 10.75 in Swing • Two planetary gearboxes, each driven by a vertically mounted motor, are mounted on either side of the revolving frame. Dual-output pinion shafts from each gearbox engage the swing rack. Hoist • A planetary gearbox with dual-output pinions provides the hoist torque transfer from the electric motor to the hoist drum gear.Lube System• Single-line system applies lubricant and grease via the PLC. • 6 pumps (4 for lubricant and 2 for grease) located in an insulated, double-walled lube room.ElectricalDrive • IGBT Acutrol drive system. Power Requirements Voltage3 phase, 50/60 Hz, 7,200V Average 15-minute demand 926-1297 kW Peak power3706 kW• Other voltage options available to suit customer requirements. Distribution System RequirementsMachine on separate system4000 kVA Main Electrical SystemsSystem voltage (nominal)50/60 Hz, 7,200V Trail cable (furnished by customer)SHD-3-#1/0 at 8,000V Transformer, auxiliary350 kVA, 7,200V primary Lighting transformer 25 kVA, 120/240V secondary7495 with Rope Crowd Electric Rope ShovelLights• HPS lights on boom feet, top of A-frame, machinery house, lube room, control room, and utility room. • Incandescent lights for ground lights and on walkways.Front EndBoomB oomwelded, impact-resistant steel Boom point sheavestwin-grooved, flame-hardened Boom point sheave diameters 243.84 cm 96 in Handle diameter86.36 cm 34 in Wall thickness (nominal)7.62 cm 3 inFront End (cont’d)Rope DataNo.Diameter Type Construction Hoist 2 69.8 mm (2.75 in) twin dual 8 × 37 Crowd 1 63.5 mm (2.5 in) single dual 8 × 37 Retract1 63.5 mm (2.5 in) single dual 8 × 37 Boom susp. 4 82.6 mm (3.25 in) equalized struct. strand Dipper trip119.1 mm (0.75 in)single7 × 25Crowd• Rope Crowd with the crowd machinery is located at the front center of the revolving frame, consisting of motor, brake, drum and gearing. Plastic-coated crowd and retract ropes are used to move the dipper handle fore and aft.1213741214589361011Optimal Working Ranges1 Dumping height10.06 m 33 ft 0 in 8 Clearance radius (boom point sheaves) 19.65 m 64 ft 5 in 2 Dumping height at maximum electric 9 Clearance radius (revolving frame) (max.) 9.34 m 30 ft 8 in crowd limit 8.61 m 28 ft 3 in 10 Clearance under frame (to ground) 3.76 m 12 ft 4 in 3 Dumping radius (maximum) 21.64 m 71 ft 0 in 11 Height of A-frame 14 m 46 ft 0 in 4 Cutting height (maximum) 17.8 m 58 ft 5 in 12 Overall width13.11 m 43 ft 0 in 5 Cutting radius (maximum) 25.2 m 82 ft 8 in 13 Clearance under lowest point in truck 6 Radius of level floor17.47 m 57 ft 4 in frame/propel gearcase 0.90 m 2 ft 11.5 in 7 Clearance height (boom point sheaves)20.87 m68 ft 6 in14 Operator’s eye level10.61 m34 ft 10 inFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2013 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.AEHQ6517-01 (02-13) Replaces AEHQ6517。
西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书
单元通讯的协议 ............................................................................................................ 36
NXGpro+ 高级安全 .......................................................................................................37
功率拓扑 ......................................................................................................................34
控制系统概述 ...............................................................................................................35
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统简介
第 11 期印海建等.起重机专用445/80R25 ETCRANE工程机械轮胎有限元优化设计及产品性能改善659起重机专用445/80R25 ETCRANE工程机械轮胎有限元优化设计及产品性能改善印海建,孟庆伟,潘国徽,孙熙林,刘本鑫[泰凯英(青岛)专用轮胎技术研究开发有限公司,山东青岛 266100]摘要:针对高速场景下起重机轮胎胎肩脱层、生热问题,运用有限元分析方法建立纵向花纹445/80R25工程机械轮胎有限元分析模型,进行数值分析和优化及产品性能改善。
结果表明:胎肩和胎里曲线优化后的B3带束层方案(1#—4#带束层宽度分别为165,103,138和123 mm)轮胎胎肩部位受力状态最优,达到改善设计目标;B3方案轮胎的耐久性能比原始方案轮胎提升17%,接地印痕矩形率增大,耐磨性能提升;海外目标客户测试显示,B3方案轮胎早期行驶10 000 km无胎肩脱层问题,达到改善目标。
关键词:起重机轮胎;工程机械轮胎;胎肩脱层;生热;有限元分析中图分类号:U463.341+.5/.6;O241.82 文章编号:1006-8171(2023)11-0659-05文献标志码:A DOI:10.12135/j.issn.1006-8171.2023.11.0659近年来,我国工程机械车辆的快速发展增强了基础建设能力。
QB 59
小车 特征 单小车 双小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 双小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车 单小车
单小车 双小车
13 超卷扬起重机
14 挂梁起重机
15 电磁挂梁起重机
16 手动单轨起重机
17 吊钩单轨起重机
18 手动单梁起重机
19 手动单梁悬挂起重机
20 电动单梁起重机
21 电动单梁悬挂起重机
22 抓斗电动单梁起重机
23 吊钩抓斗电动单梁起重机 单小车
QP 36 三用门式起重机
QS 37 单主梁吊钩门式起重机 QB 38 QY 39 单主梁抓斗门式起重机
QM 40 单主梁电磁门式起重机
QX 41 单主梁抓斗吊钩门式起重机
QJ 42 单主梁抓斗电磁门式起重机 QG 43 三用门式起重机
QL 44 GS 45 GD 46 LS 47 LSX 48 LD 49
序 号
小车 特征
1 吊钩起重机 2
单小车 双小车
3 抓斗起重机
4 电磁桥式起重机
5 抓斗吊钩起重机
6 电磁吊钩起重机
7 抓斗电磁起重机
美利坚铸铁 Maxstar 280 氧化铜氧化铝焊机说明书
Power source is warranted for three years, parts and labor.Issued Dec. 2016 • Index No. DC/35.0Maxstar 280Maxstar 280 DXMaxstar ®280SeriesUpdate and expand. Front panel memory card data port provides the ability to easily update software and expand product features.Visit /TIGSoftware for the latest software updates and expansions.Pro-Set ™eliminates the guesswork when setting weld parameters. Use Pro-Set when you want the speed, convenience and confidence of preset controls. Simply select the feature and adjust until Pro-Set appears on the display.Sleep timer conserves electricity. This programmable feature will power down the machine if it sits idle for a specific time.Allows for any input voltage hookup (208–575 V) with no manual linking,providing convenience in any job setting.Ideal solution for dirty or unreliable power.Cooler Power Supply (CPS). An integrated 120-volt dedicated-usereceptacle to power the Coolmate ™1.3.The power switch on the Maxstar also activates the receptacle to help prevent torch failure. Available on select models,see page 6.Blue Lightning ™high-frequency (HF) arc starter for non-contact arc initiation.Provides more consistent arc starts and greater reliability compared to traditional HF arc starters.Meter calibration allows digital meters to be calibrated for certification.Wind Tunnel Technology ™protects internal electrical components from airborne contaminates, extending the product life.Fan-On-Demand ™power source cooling system operates only when needed, reducing noise, energy use and the amount of contaminants pulled though the machine.DC TIG FeaturesPulse. Pulsing can increase puddle agitation, arc stability and travel speeds while reducing heat input and distortion. DX models provide extended ranges.Exceptionally smooth and precise arc for welding exotic materials.DC Stick FeaturesDual schedule allows operators to switch welding parameters for specific electrodes without readjusting the machine,minimizing downtime and enhancing quality. Base model only (not DX).DIG control allows the arc charac t eristics to be changed for specific applications and electrodes. Lower the DIG setting for smooth running electrodes like E7018 and increase the DIG setting for stiffer, more penetrating electrodes like E6010. Hot Start ™adaptive control provides positive arc starts without sticking.Stick-Stuck detects if the electrode is stuck to the part and turns the welding output off to safely and easily remove the electrode. Menu selectable.TIG/Stick WeldingPower SourceMiller Electric Mfg. Co.An ITW Welding Company 1635 West Spencer Street P.O. Box 1079Appleton, WI 54912-1079 USAEquipment Sales US and Canada Phone: 866-931-9730FAX: 800-637-2315International Phone: 920-735-4554International FAX: 920-735-41252Performance DataCoolmate 1.3 Cooler*Refer to owner’s manual for 208 V output ratings and duty cycle. **Low OCV sense voltage for stick and Lift-Arc ™TIG.IP23 rating — This equipment is designed for outdoor use. It may be stored, but is not intended to be used outside during precipitation unless sheltered.Operating temperature range is 14 to 104°F (-10 to 40°C). Storage temperature range is -22 to 149°F (-30 to 65°C). Portions of the preceding text are contained in EN 60974-1:“Welding power sources for arc welding equipment.”All CE models conform to the applicable parts of the IEC 60974 series of standards.Certified by Canadian Standards Association to both the Canadian and U.S. Standards.*Refer to owner’s manual for 208 V output ratings and duty cycle.3Weldcraft ™W-280 (WP-280) TIG TorchTIG Upgrade Chart•Two-piece torch head and exclusive Super Cool ™Technology provides additional surface area to increase cooling efficiency and capacity •Torch body includes an anti-rotation feature and multi-position locking to prevent handle movement during welding and improve operator control•Secure mechanical fittings and connections minimize leakage4Maxstar ®280 Control PanelDC TIG (HF Start)1. Tungsten Size = .020–1/8 in. or .05–3.2 mm2. Remote Trigger = STD/HOLD/OUTPUT ON DC TIG (Lift-Arc)1. Tungsten Size = .020–1/8 in. or .05–3.2 mm2. Remote Trigger = STD/HOLD/OUTPUT ON DC Stick (Schedule 1 and 2)1. Hot Start = ON/OFF2. Remote Trigger = OUTPUT ON/HOLD/STD1. Arc Time 0.0–9,999 hours 0.0–59 minutes 0–999,999 cycles Resettable2. Error Log = Error event recorder3. Sleep Timer = 1/5/10/15/30/45MIN/1HR4. Stick Stuc = OFF/ON5. OCV = LOW/NORM6. Cooler Power = AUTO/OFF (only on Maxstar models with CPS )7. Machine Reset8. Software Number9. Serial NumberUser Menu (Hold Menu button three seconds.)Tech Menu (Hold Menu button five seconds.)1.Standby Switch2.Voltmeter Display3.Ammeter Display4.Output Contactor “On” Indicator5.DC TIG (HF Start) Process Menu ParametersAmperage 1–280 A**Pulse* Off–250 PPSPostflow Auto/Off–50 seconds 6.DC Stick (Schedule 1) Process Menu ParametersAmperage 5–280 A DIG* Off–100%7.Memory Card Port 8.Activity Indicator 9.Encoder Control 10.Menu Ranges11.DC TIG (Lift-Arc) Process Menu ParametersAmperage 1–280 A**Pulse* Off–250 PPSPostflow Auto/Off–50 seconds 12.DC Stick (Schedule 2) Process Menu ParametersAmperage 5–280 A DIG* Off–100%13.Process Selector*Pro-Set parameter selectable. **Amperage range is tungsten size dependent.5Maxstar ®280 DX Control Panel1. Tungsten Size = .020–1/8 in./GEN or .05–3.2 mm2. Remote Trigger = 3T/4T/4TL/4TE/4Tm3. Stick Hot Start = ON/OFF1. Arc Time 0.0–9,999 hours 0.0–59 minutes 0–999,999 cycles Resettable2. Error Log = Error event recorder3. Sleep Timer = 1/5/10/15/30/45MIN/1HR4. Stick Stuc = OFF/ON5. OCV = LOW/NORM6. Weld Timers = OFF/ON7. Cooler Power = AUTO/ON/OFF (only on Maxstar models with CPS )8. Locks = OFF/1–49. Meter Display10. External Pulse Control = OFF/ON 11. Machine Reset 12. Software Number 13. Serial NumberUser Menu (Press Gas and Amperage buttons.)Tech Menu (Hold Gas and Amperage buttons five seconds.)1. 2.Voltmeter Display 3.Ammeter Display4.Process/ TIG: HF impulse, Lift-ArcArc Starting Stick: Adaptive Hot Start 5.Output Control Standard remote,2T trigger hold, Output on 6.Pulser ControlPulses per Second* DC: 0.1–500 PPS Peak Time* 5–95%Background Amps* 5–95%8.Activity Indicator 9.Encoder Control 10.Amperage Button11.Gas/DIGPreflow 0.0–25.0 seconds Postflow Auto/Off–50 seconds DIG* Off–100%12.Sequencer ControlInitial Amps 1–280 AInitial Time 0.0–25.0 seconds Initial Slope 0.0–50.0 seconds Weld Time 0.0–999 seconds Final Slope 0.0–50.0 seconds Final Amps 1–200 AFinal Time 0.0–25.0 seconds*Pro-Set parameter selectable.6Maxstar ®280 Models/Packages907552Maxstar shown.Build an Air-Cooled PackageSelect desired stock number for each step.301311 kit shown.907538002Maxstar 280TIGRunner ®shown with four bottles of 043810Low-Conductivity Coolant.194744 remote shown.300990 kit shown.Build a Water-Cooled PackageSelect desired stock number for each step.Protective Cover 301382Fits Dynasty 210/280 and Maxstar 280.Small Runner ™Cart 301318Designed for Dynasty/Maxstar 210 and 280 with or without a Coolmate 1.3 cooler. Cart features single cylinder rack, foot pedal holder, two cable/torch holders,and two TIG filler holders.Coolmate ™1.3 300972 120 V1.3-gallon cooler designed to cool torches up to 280 amps.Performance TIG Gloves 263345X-Small 263346Small 263347Medium 263348 Large 263349X-LargeCompletely unlined, goat grain leather with triple-padded palm.Memory Card (Blank) 301080A blank, commercially available memory card used for transferring software updates and expandable features from your computer to the machine.Memory Card Expansion301151 14-Pin Automation ExpansionProvides the ability to access common automation functions through the 14-pin connection.301152 14-Pin Modbus ®ExpansionProvides the ability to access basic and advanced functions through the 14-pin connection.TIG Torches, Kits and ConnectorsContractor Kits301309 150 A RFCS-14 HD Foot Pedal Kit 301311 150 A RCCS-14 Fingertip KitAll-in-one TIG/stick welding kit comes with either a RFCS-14 HD foot control OR RCCS-14 fingertip control, Weldcraft ™A-150 TIG torch, 200-amp stick electrode holder with 15-foot (4.6 m) cable,300-amp work clamp with 15-foot (4.6 m) cable,flow gauge regulator with 12-foot (3.7 m) gas hose, gas hose coupler, AK2C torch accessory kit and TIG torch connector.Weldcraft ™A-200 (WP-26)TIG TorchWP-26-12-R (12 ft.)WP-26-25-R (25 ft.)200-amp air-cooled torch.Torch body gas valve models also available.Note: A-200 (WP-26) torches require 195379connector.Air-Cooled TIG Torch Connectors195379 A-200 (WP-26)195378*All others50 mm Dinse-style for one-piece air-cooled torch.*A-80 (WP-24) torches require 24-5connector.Water-Cooled Torch Kits 300185 W-250300990 W-280 (recommended)301268 W-375Kit comes with Weldcraft ™25-foot (7.6 m) TIG torch with Dinse-style connector, torch cable cover, work clamp with 15-foot (4.6 m)cable, flowmeter regulator with gas hose and torch accessory kit (1/16-, 3/32- and 1/8-inch 2% ceriated tungsten, nozzles, collets and collet bodies).Water-Cooled TIG Torch Connector 19537750 mm Dinse-style withwater return line. For use with all Weldcraft ™water-cooled torches.Remote Controls and SwitchesWireless Remote Foot Control 300429For remote current and contactor control. Receiver plugs directly into the 14-pinreceptacle of Miller machine. 90-foot (27.4 m)operating range.RFCS-14 HD Foot Control 194744Maximum flexibility is accom -plished with a reconfigurable cord that can exit the front,back or either side of the pedal. Foot pedal provides remote current and contactor control.Includes 20-foot (6 m) cord and 14-pin plug.RCC-14 Remote Contactor and Current Control 151086East/west rotary-motion fingertip controlattaches to TIG torch using two hook-and-loop fasteners. Includes 26.5-foot (8 m) control cord and 14-pin plug.RCCS-14 Remote Contactor and Current Control 043688North/south rotary-motion fingertip control attaches to TIG torch using two hook-and-loop fasteners. Includes 26.5-foot (8 m) cord and 14-pin plug.RMS-14 On/Off Control 187208Momentary-contact switch for contactor control. Rubber-covered pushbutton dome switch ideal for repetitive on-off applications.Includes 26.5-foot (8 m) cord and 14-pin plug.RMLS-14 Switch 129337Momentary- and maintained-contact rocker switch for contactor control.Push forward for maintained contact and backward for momentary contact. Includes 26.5-foot (8 m) cord and 14-pin plug.RHC-14 Hand Control 242211020Miniature hand control for remote current and con t actor control. Dimensions: 4 x 4 x3.25 inches (102 x 102 x 83 mm). Includes 20-foot (6 m) cord and 14-pin plug.Wireless Remote Hand Control 300430For remote current and contactor control. Receiver plugs directly into the 14-pin receptacle of Miller machine. 300-foot (91.4 m) operating range.Educational MaterialsTo order, please call Miller Literature at 866-931-9732or visit /resources/tools.Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) Publication 250833Setup DVD 251116Video topics include tungsten selection, setup menus, DC pulse, sequencer, balance andfrequency settings.Genuine Miller ®Accessories7TungstenOrdering InformationEquipment and Options Stock No. Description Qty. Price Maxstar®280907552Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar®280 with CPS907538Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar®280 DX907553Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar®280 DX with CPS907539Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar®280 DX with CPS International907539002Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CE. 8 ft. power cordWater-Cooled PackagesMaxstar®280 (with CPS) TIGRunner®907538002Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cord(Torch kit, accessories and coolant sold separately.)Maxstar®280 DX (with CPS) TIGRunner®907539001Auto-Line™208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cord(Torch kit, accessories and coolant sold separately.)AccessoriesProtective Cover 301382 For Dynasty 210/280 and Maxstar 280Small Runner™Cart 301318 For Dynasty/Maxstar 210 and 280 with or without Coolmate 1.3Coolmate™1.3 300972 120 V, 60 Hz, CSA.Requires coolantTIG Coolant (Must be ordered in quantities of 4) 043810 1-gallon plastic bottle. Protects against freezing to-37°Fahrenheit (-38°C) or boiling to 227°Fahrenheit (108°C)TIG Gloves See page 7Memory Card (Blank) 301080Memory Card Expansion 301151 14-pin automation expansion301152 14-pin Modbus®expansionTIG Torches, Kits and ConnectorsAir-Cooled Contractor Kits 301109Foot pedal301311FingertipWeldcraft™A-150 (WP-17) TIG Torch WP-17-12-R12 ft. (3.7 m) cable. Requires 195378connectorWP-17-25-R25 ft. (7.6 m) cable. Requires 195378connectorWeldcraft™A-200 (WP-26) TIG Torch WP-26-12-R12 ft. (3.7 m) cable. Requires 195379connectorWP-26-25-R25 ft. (7.6 m) cable. Requires 195379connectorAir-Cooled TIG Torch Connectors 195379 Connects Weldcraft™A-200 (WP-26) torch to Dinse-style connector195378 Connects all air-cooled Weldcraft™torches (except A-200) toDinse-style connector. A-80 (WP-24) torches require 24-5connectorWater-Cooled Torch Kits 300185 W-250300990W-280 (recommended for Maxstar 280)301268 W-375Water-Cooled TIG Torch Connector 195377 Connects Weldcraft™water-cooled torches to Dinse-style connectorTungsten See page 7Remote ControlsWireless Remote Foot Control 300429Foot control with wireless 90 ft. (27.4 m) operating rangeRFCS-14 HD 194744Heavy-duty foot controlRCC-14 151086Side-to-side (east/west) fingertip controlRCCS-14 043688North/south fingertip controlRMS-14 187208 Momentary rubber dome switchRMLS-14 129337Momentary/maintained rocker switchRHC-14 242211020Hand controlWireless Remote Hand Control 300430Hand control with wireless 300 ft. (91.4 m) operating rangeEducational MaterialsGas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) Publication 250833Setup DVD 251116Date: Total Quoted Price:Distributed by:©2016 Miller Electric Mfg. Co.。
Handling of gears in a milling centerSectional diagramCleaning UnitFor the exact size of the required accessories, availability of this size and the designation and ID, please refer to the additional views at the end of the size in question. You will find more detailed information on our accessory range in the “Accessories” catalog section.Perfectly adaptable to smooth surfaces, with dampening effect during attachment and The indicated times depend on the flow rate and pressure of the drive medium and the Workpiece weightThe recommended workpiece weight is calculated for a force-fit connection, indicated nominal flow rate and pressure as well as a safety factor of 2 against the weight of the acceleration of gravity g.Suction cup dimensionsDescription ID D H SSuction padSND 30-G1/4030913534 mm20 mm3 mmSND 80-G1/4030913689 mm40 mm7.6 mmSND 125-G1/40309137135 mm48 mm12.5 mmYou can find more detailed information and individual parts of the above-mentioned accessories in the “Accessories” catalog section.Suction cup dimensionsDescription ID D H SSuction padSND 30-G1/4030913534 mm20 mm3 mmSND 80-G1/4030913689 mm40 mm7.6 mmSND 125-G1/40309137135 mm48 mm12.5 mmYou can find more detailed information and individual parts of the above-mentioned accessories in the “Accessories” catalog section.Suction cup dimensionsDescription ID D H SSuction padSND 30-G1/4030913534 mm20 mm3 mmSND 80-G1/4030913689 mm40 mm7.6 mmSND 125-G1/40309137135 mm48 mm12.5 mmYou can find more detailed information and individual parts of the above-mentioned accessories in the “Accessories” catalog section.。
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Specification技术规范书ForSUPER THERMAL-RESISTANT ALUMINUM-ALLOY CONDUCTORS, ALUMINUM-CLAD INVAR REINFORCED铝包殷钢芯超耐热铝合金导线CABLE DESIGNATION:STACIR/AW 280mm2TENDER NO. :CUSTOMER :1. Scope 范围This specification covers design, manufacture, tests of 210℃ grade concentric-lay-strand super thermal-resistantaluminum-alloy conductors, aluminum-clad invar reinforced (STACIR/AW, hereinafter referred to as strandedconductor) for use as overhead transmission line conductors.该技术规范包括用于架空输电线路中,铝包殷钢加强线芯,温度为210℃等级的同心层绞T型超耐热铝合金导线的设计、制造及试验。
2. General requirements 一般要求2-1 Applicable standard 应用标准IEC 61089 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductorsIEC 61232 Aluminum-clad steel wires for electrical purposesIEC 62004 Thermal-resistant aluminum alloy wire for overhead line conductorES 121-370~373 Super Thermal-Resistant Aluminum-Alloy Conductors, Aluminum-clad Invar-Reinforcedand Line Fitting2-2. In case the numerical values in this specification and the applicable standard values are different, the numerical values in this specification have priority. Furthermore, items other than specified in this specification shall besubjected to prior approval.如果本规范书中的数据与引用标准有矛盾,以本规范书为准。
3. Materials and construction 材质和结构3-1 Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire 超耐热铝合金线Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire shall meet each of the requirements specified below, beforestranding.超耐热铝合金线在绞合前应满足如下要求(1) Material 材质The material of super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire shall be a zirconium, etc. added to aluminumthat conforms to IEC 62004.超耐热铝合金线的材料是一种添加了锆等多种微量元素的合金,满足IEC 62004标准(2) Quality 质量Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire shall be uniform in quality and smooth in surface and free frompractically harmful defects such as flaw, rust, crack, etc.超耐热铝合金线必须质地均匀,表面光滑,没有裂纹、锈斑等缺陷(3) The properties of super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire shall be specified in Table 1.超耐热铝合金线的特性如表1[Table 1] Properties of super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire before stranding[表 1] 超耐热铝合金线(绞合前)的特性单位Specification/参数Item 名称 Unit3.60+ 0.04Diameter 2)直经 mmMinimum tensile strength 最小抗张强度 kgf/㎟ 16.5Minimum elongation at fracture 最小伸长率 % 1.8Minimum conductivity at 20℃ 20℃时最小导电率 %IACS 60Notbreak/不会断裂Wrapping properties 缠绕特性 -Minimum heat resistance 最小耐热率 % 906,300 Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量 kgf/㎟ Typical23x10-6Coefficient of linear expansion 线性膨胀系数 1/℃ Typical ※ Note: 1) The density and constant-mass temperature coefficient of resistance at 20℃ are based on 2.7g/㎤ and0.0040/℃ respectively.20℃时电阻值的计算,密度和温度系数分别取值为2.7g/㎤和0.0040/℃3-2 Aluminum-clad invar wire 铝包殷钢线Aluminum-clad invar wire shall meet each of the requirements specified below, before stranding 铝包殷钢线在绞合前应满足下列要求 (1) Material 材质Aluminum-clad invar wire shall be composed of a bare invar core (a kind of Ni-Iron alloy) with substantially uniform and continuous aluminum covering thoroughly bonded to it. The aluminum shall conform to IEC 61089.铝包殷钢线由殷钢线芯(一种镍铁合金)及均匀连续附着在其表面的铝层构成。
铝层满足IEC 61089规定的要求。
(2) Quality 质量Aluminum-clad invar wire shall be uniform in quality and smooth in surface and free from practically harmful defects such as flaw, rust, crack, etc铝包殷钢线应材质均匀,表面光滑,没有污点、锈迹等缺陷。
(3) The properties of aluminum-clad invar wire shall be specified in Table 2. 铝包殷钢芯的特性如表2.[Table 2] Properties of Aluminum-clad invar wire before stranding [表 2] 铝包殷钢芯(绞合前)的特性Item 名称 Unit 单位Specification 参数Diameter and tolerance 直径和公差mm3.18 ± 0.07Minimum tensile strength 最小抗张强度 kgf/㎟ 115 Minimum elongation at fracture 最小伸长率 % 1.5 Minimum number of twist 最小扭转次数 Nos. 20 Minimum conductivity 最小导电率 %IACS 14 Minimum thickness of aluminum 最小铝层厚度 mm0.07Wrapping properties 缠绕特性 - No cracks on the surface ofaluminum of specimenand not break没有表面的裂缝而且不会断裂Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量 kgf/㎟ Typical 15,500 Coefficientof linear expansion 线性膨胀系数from 15℃ to 230℃ 从15℃到230℃ 1/℃ 3.7 x 10-6 from 230℃ to 290℃ 从230℃到290℃1/℃10.8 x 10-6※ Note: 1) The density and constant-mass temperature coefficient of resistance at 20℃ are based on 7.1g/㎤ and0.0036/℃ respectively 20℃时电阻值的计算,密度和温度系数分别取值为7.1g/㎤和0.0036/℃3-3. Stranding 绞合Stranded conductor shall be composed of aluminum-clad invar wires and super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wires which are stranded uniformly and tightly in the composition as shown in Table 3. 绞线由铝包殷钢线和超耐热铝合金线均匀、紧密地绞合在一起,其结构如表3所示In all constructions, the successive layers have opposite direction lay and the direction of outer most layers shall be Right-handed (Z direction).在该结构中,相邻两层的绞合方向相反,最外层的绞合方向为右向(Z方向)The lay ratio of the various layers of wires in stranded conductor shall conform to Table 4.导线线层绞线的绞距如表4所示[Table 3] Construction and properties of stranded conductor[表 3]成品导线的结构和特性Item 名称 Unit单位 Specification参数Cable designation 导线名称㎟ STACIR/AW280㎟Stranding wire composition 导线结构Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire 超耐热铝合金线Aluminum-clad invar wire 铝包殷钢线Nos./mmNos./mm28 / 3.607 / 3.18Minimum rated tensile strength 最小抗张强度kN 97.91 Calculated cross section area 计算断面积Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire 超耐热铝合金线Aluminum-clad invar wire 铝包殷钢线Complete conductor 成品导线mm2mm2mm2285.0155.60340.61Overall diameter *) 直径Aluminum-clad invar wire 铝包殷钢线Complete conductor 成品导线mmmm9.5423.94Standard weight *)标称重量kg/km 1.186 D.C resistance at 20℃*) 20℃时直流电阻ohms/km 0.0988 Modulus of elasticity *) 弹性模量Up to transition point temperature 到转移点温度Above transition point temperature 转移点以上温度N/mm2N/mm276,490152,000Coefficient of linear expansion *)线性膨胀系数Up to transition point temperature 到转移点温度From transition point temperature to 230℃从转移点温度到230℃Above 230℃230℃以上1/℃1/℃1/℃16.7 x10-63.7 x10-610.8 x10-6Maximum Operating temperature 最高运行温度Continuous 长期℃210 for emergency 短时℃240Calculated current carrying capacity *)计算持续载流量Continuous 长期 A 1,425 for emergency 短时 A 1.546The direction of lay of the outer most layer 最外层绞向- Right-hand (Z) 右旋※ Note: 1) Tabulated (*) values are for reference calculated on standard diameter and density.表中带(*)值是根据标称直径及密度计算而来,是参考值2) Current carrying capacity is calculated on following conditions of IEEE 738;导线载流量计算条件如下, IEEE 738Calculation result can be increased on conditions of CIGRE WG22-12适用 CIGRE WG22-12的结果值会更高Ambient air temperature 环境温度()℃ :40Frequency 频率(Hz) :50Wind velocity 风速(m/s) :0.50Total solar and sky radiated heat flux at sea level (W/㎠) 吸热总量 :0.10Emissivity 辐射系数 :0.90Solar absorptivity 吸热系数 :0.50[Table 4] Lay ratio [表4]层绞距Lay ratio/ 层绞距Aluminum-clad invar wire/铝包殷钢线Super thermal-resistant aluminum-alloy wire/超耐热铝合金线1st layer (Inside)/第一层(里面) 2rd layer (Outside)/ 第二层(外面)13 ~ 28 10 ~ 17 10 ~ 14※ Note: Lay ratio is based on the nominal outside diameter of that layer.3-4. Joints 连接There shall be no joints of any kind made in the finished individual wires.在成品单丝上不得有任何接头4. Test and inspection 测试和检验4-1 Cable tests shall be carried out in accordance with applicable standards for following items and shall be satisfied with the requirements of applicable standards except as modified in this specification. The sampling rate shall be 10% except the tensile load test of stranded conductor with 3sample per lot.根据相关标准,应对导线进行下列试验,试验结果必须满足除规范书规定之外的相关标准要求。