武术图解武术的三种手型掌拳勾五步拳一. 弓步冲拳1. 左脚向左迈出一步成左弓步;2. 同时左手向左平搂后收抱腰间,右拳前冲成平拳;目视前方。
二. 弹踢冲拳1. 重心前移至左腿支撑,右拳先屈膝提起再向前弹踢;2. 同时左拳前冲成平拳,右拳收抱腰间;目视前方。
三. 马步架打1. 右脚内扣落地,身体左转九十度,两腿屈膝下蹲成马步;2. 同时左拳变掌,屈臂上架,右拳向右侧冲成平拳; . 头右转,眼看右侧方。
.四. 插步盖掌[img]wushuup/2007_10/071029190687363.gif[/img]1. 重心稍起,身体左转,左脚经右脚后后插一步;2. 同时右拳变掌经头上向前下盖,掌外沿向,前左掌变拳收抱腰间;目视右掌。
五. 歇步冲拳1. 两腿屈膝下蹲成右歇;2. 步同时左拳前冲成平拳,掌变拳收抱腰间;目视左拳。
六. 提膝穿掌1. 身体立起左转,右脚内扣支撑,左腿屈膝提起;2. 同时左拳变掌收至右腋下,右拳变掌,掌心朝上由左手背上穿出;目视右掌。
七. 仆步穿掌1. 左脚向左落地成左仆步;2. 左掌掌指朝前沿左腿内侧穿;出目视左掌。
八. 虚步挑掌1. 左腿屈膝前弓,右脚蹬地向前上步成右虚步;2. 同时左手向上、向后划弧成勾手,右手向下、向前顺右腿外侧向上挑掌;目视前方。
古武+2第⼆阶段⼗⼆本⼩黄书详细指南(上) 今天我们来整理⼀下很多⼩伙伴需要的黄道⼗⼆书f a t e和各种⼩怪 理符的话就不特意整理了。
如果军队理符⾥没有,再考虑是不是普通理符,那就需要刷新⼀下了,所以找不到请不要慌张~ 买书请到莫多拿先朱赞那,坐标在22-7的平台上,是⼀位喵喵⼥性~这位坑爹的喵喵⼥性会告诉你这破书反正没⼈要,我就便宜卖给你,1500神话⾛过路过不要错过(2.4版本更新为500战绩点) 然后你就接受了名为勇者⽃试炼的任务 这⾥⼀共有九本书,为天⽕1-3卷,天⽔1-3卷,天风1-2卷,天⼟⼀卷 每次只能接⼀本书在包包⾥,不想做了可以回去还给N P C领下⼀本。
做完⼀本回去找N P C,⾃动结算,可以领下⼀本 骑⼠⼩伙伴请注意,做完两本书就可以回北森找某个⽼头换盾啦~ 每个职业的书内容都是⼀样的,就是添加到属性不⼀样 本指南涉及到的f a t e刷新时间、刷新机制都为国际服玩家主观臆断,并没有官⽅证明 书籍增添属性⼀览: 天⽕1S T R,D E X,M N D,I N T+2 天⽕2S T R,D E X,M N D,I N T+2 天⽕3S T R,D E X,M N D,I N T+2 天⽔1V I T+2 天⽔2V I T+2 天⽔3V I T+2 天风1命中,格挡,意思⼒,咏唱速度+2 天风2命中,格挡,意思⼒,咏唱速度+1 天⼟1格挡,技能速度,爆击率,咏唱速度,意思⼒+2 1.⽕1卷 副本: 16级副本地下灵殿塔⽊塔拉墓园 41级副本对龙城寨⽯卫踏 50级副本腐坏遗迹⽆限城市街古迹 FAT E: 40级雪原8-11随机刷新 41级外拉25-1730m i n~45m i n刷新时间 42级东森27-21有前置f a t e要求(必须成功完成42级f a t e敌⼈的敌⼈就是朋友此FAT E由N P C对话激活,东森27-21,M i a n n e T h o u s a n d m a l m ⽶亚尼千垩(我随便翻翻 ⼗种怪的位置: 名字我没办法翻译,因为美服基本都是造字翻的,你们跑到地图上看怪头上有个齿轮就是了 莫多拿16-15,17-15,16-16(剑⼠ 雪原13-25,15-25,18-25(巨⼈ 西拉16-15,17-15,16-16(鱼⼈ 莫多拿11-17(机器⼈ 外拉21-6,23-8,25-6(矿⽯怪 西萨12-7,10-6(剑⼠ 南萨18-23,20-25,24-26(赞拉克蜥蜴⼈拳师 2.⽕2卷 副本: 32级布雷夫洛克斯野营地 50级骚乱坑道铜铃铜⼭(困难模式) 50级神灵圣域放浪神古殿 FAT E: 45级南萨21-16相当罕见的f a t e,艾欧泽雅时间的晚上更容易刷新 47级西拉18-22有前置FAT E45级,同⼀地点 47级北森19-20刷新时间⼀⼩时左右 ⼗种怪的位置: 莫多拿16-15,17-15,16-16枪兵 雪原11-29,11-25四脚蛇(恩仔细看了下图前⾯数错了是四脚ˊ_>ˋ 雪原31-18,34-21,32-23纳塔兰鸟⼈ 西拉16-16,17-15,18-15鱼⼈ 外拉26-4,27-7矿坑⾥的⽯头⼈~ 北森21-21,23-19,24-20⽆头骑⼠ 东森28-17,27-18,25-21⼩精灵会在f a t e中出现f a t e的⼩精灵也可以打~ 南萨29-16赞拉克蜥蜴⼈⼸箭 南萨22-18被蛊惑的剑⼠要送去给⽕神吃吃吃吃吃吃啦!( 3.⽕3卷 副本: 35级古代遗迹喀恩埋没圣堂 50级恶灵府邸静语庄园(困难) 50级剑⽃领域⽇影地修炼所(困难) FAT E: 48级莫多拿31-5 49级东森23-14有⼈认为⾮晴天容易刷出刷新时间是三⼩时⽽且这个f a t e容易被蹲想拿⾦牌不容易 49级南萨24-26等待时间2-4⼩时不等 ⼗种怪的位置: 南森29-23,30-25,29-24野猪(这⾥是精炼圣地我才不会随便说 莫多拿16-15,17-15⿊魔 南萨25-22赞拉克蜥蜴⼈⿊魔 东拉30-19帝国斧战 东森(27-24f a t e中出现),23-21,21-10紫⾊⼩精灵 莫多拿32-16(26-12,29-13f a t e中出现)胡⼦巨⼈ 雪原12-27,13-27,14-27(19-30f a t e中出现)雪原巨⼈ 外拉23-9,23-7,24-5地精剑 南萨21-20祭品⿊魔 西拉13-17海盗 4.⽔1卷 副本: 17级封锁坑道铜铃铜⼭ 44级⼭中战线泽梅尔要塞 50级布雷福洛克斯野营地(困难) FAT E: 39级雪原34-14刷新只要⼀刻钟左右 40级西拉14-34在幻影岛上~ 42级东萨26-24刷新⼤概要⼀两⼩时很好打 ⼗种怪的位置: 西拉20-19鱼⼈剑 南萨(18-24f a t e)蜥蜴⼈枪那⼀带枪应该很多 外拉21-5,24-7,22-8地精斧 北萨17-14,16-14,16-16萝⼘特 莫多拿24-12⽔蛇 东森24-11,20-10⼩精灵 雪原没有坐标印象中在从北森去龙⾸的路上泥蜥蜴 雪原12-27,13-27,14-27巨⼈咒术 西拉14-17⽔母⽔母 东拉28-20帝国枪 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
古剑奇谭2 武器⼤全 古剑奇谭2武器可以升级,四位主⾓每⼈五把基础武器,其中闻⼈⽻和夷则各有⼀把武器升级三次,其他⼗⼋把武器可以升级两次,加上主⾓光环的两柄神兵,⼀共64把武器,给⼤家⼀⼀列出升级序列,名称,属性,以供参考。
另外武器升级⽅⾯有三点说明: 1、武器升级需要先⽤五⾏材料填满五灵属性,然后⽤1枚龙⾎凝晶铁升级⼀次。
五灵属性物品根据等级依次+5、+40、+75、+110、+145、+180、+215、+250;龙⾎凝晶铁到通关之前b o s s和箱⼦共可以获得⼗多枚,⼀周⽬最终b o s s之前的⼩龙⼈会出售。
(如果不爱刷材料,只到最后升级终极武器也可以) 《古剑奇谭2》四主⾓全武器资料 乐⽆异(机关剑) 1、松纹剑(松纹剑⼀阶)攻+9-->松纹·轮(松纹剑⼆阶)攻+18-->松纹连珠(松纹剑三阶)攻+51术+20 2、定光剑(定光剑⼀阶)攻+32-->定光·穿杨(定光剑⼆阶)攻+74-->定光·射⽇(定光剑三阶)攻+136物攻命中时⼀定⼏率追加⼀次伤害 3、青冥剑(青冥剑⼀阶)攻+103-->青冥百丈(青冥剑⼆阶)攻+175-->青冥戾天(青冥剑三阶)攻+268物攻暴击率+5物攻暴击加成+5 4、照胆剑(照胆剑⼀阶)攻+219-->照胆飞箭(照胆剑⼆阶)攻+322-->照胆刺⾎(照胆剑三阶)攻+444物攻命中时⼀定⼏率导致⽬标⾦属化 5、古剑·流光(古剑·流光⼀阶)攻+380-->流光·百战(古剑·流光⼆阶)攻+513术+60杀死⽬标后战意上升-->流光·轰天(古剑·流光三阶)攻+586术+90杀死⽬标后战意上升 6、古剑·晗光(不能升级,不能镶嵌灵⽯)攻+530物攻暴击率+5法术暴击率+5 7、⽆名之剑(晗光和昭明合体)(不能升级,不能镶嵌灵⽯)攻+626术+121物攻暴击率+5法术暴击率+5物攻暴击加成10法术暴击加成10 闻⼈⽻(长枪) 1、⾎饮长空(⾎饮长空⼀阶)攻+10-->长河落⽇(⾎饮长空⼆阶)攻+17 -->瀚海尘⽣(⾎饮长空三阶)攻+50⽓回复速度+2 2、绿沉枪(绿沉枪⼀阶)攻+30-->绿沉墨意(绿沉枪⼆阶)攻+67-->墨染九州(绿沉枪三阶)攻+120防反伤害加成+20 3、明⽉枪(明⽉枪⼀阶)攻+88-->逝⽔银光(明⽉枪⼆阶)攻+157-->⽇⽉同辉(明⽉枪三阶)攻+235命中率+10物攻暴击加成+10 百草⾕出⼜处箱⼦拿到未升级版,升级后属性真的不错,可是出百草⾕才能拿到,再过⼀个星罗岩和太华⼭道就能拿到最终装备,所以有些尴尬,升级看个⼈爱好吧。
二、申报程序 (一)每个创新难度只允许申报一次。 (二)申报运动队必须填报“自选套路创新难度申报审批表”,并配以技术图解和运动 员本人演练的影像资料在赛前 60 天(以到达邮戳为准)上报到国际武联技术委员会。 三、鉴定机构 由国际武联技术委员会聘请有关专家 5 或 7 人组成自选套路创新技术鉴定委员会,负责 此项工作。 四、鉴定程序 自选套路创新技术鉴定委员会依据创新原则讨论(须三分之二以上的委员投票通过)后, 确认创新难度的动作名称、等级、分值、编码和不符合规定的确认标准,并及时通知申报的 运动队。赛前应以书面形式通知仲裁委员会和裁判组。 第十九条 竞赛有关规定 一、难度填报 参赛运动员必须根据竞赛规则和规程要求选择难度,在规定网站上填报“自选套路难度 登记及评分表”(创新难度的分值应计算在难度分值以内),确定该运动员比赛套路的起评分, 并将确认的表格经教练员签字后于赛前 30 天(以到达邮戳为准)寄到主办方。 二、套路完成时间 (一)长拳、南拳、剑术、刀术、枪术、棍术、南刀、南棍套路,成年组不得少于 1 分 20 秒;青少年(含儿童)不得少于 1 分 10 秒。 (二)太极拳、太极剑自选套路、集体项目为 3--4 分钟。太极拳规定套路为 5--6 分钟。 (三)对练不得少于 50 秒。 三、比赛音乐 规程规定配乐的项目必须在音乐(不带歌词)伴奏下进行,音乐可以根据套路的编排自 行选择。 四、比赛服装 裁判员应穿统一的服装,佩戴裁判等级标志;运动员应穿武术比赛服(式样见副则), 佩带号码。 五、比赛场地 (一)使用国际武术联合会指定的比赛场地。 个人项目的场地为长 14 米,宽 8 米,场地周围至少有 2 米宽的安全区。集体项目的场
剑桥少儿英语二级上册复习试题选(一)UNIT1-UNIT9测试题Reading and writing读写部分一. Fill in the blanks填空完成单词T__esday 星期二w__ndy 刮风的 __nglish 英语br__ad 面包 s__me 一些M__nday 星期一cl__udy 多云的 Ch__nese 汉语w__ter 水__ny 任何的二. Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在相应的横线上hotter, easier, hottest, easiest, buses, working, tries, came, women, running, has, took, boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got名词复数busboxmanwoman-ing形式workhaveflyrun第三人称单数trywashgohave比较级最高级easyhot三. Multiple choices选择填空( ) 1. Where are you going? I’m ______ to the supermarket.A. goB. goingC. went( ) 2. _________ the weather like today? It’s cloudy.A. What’sB. WhoseC. Where’s( ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think it’s __________.A. myB. meC. mine( ) 4. Do you often play tennis? __________A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I am.( ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _______. She is sad.A. isB. isn’tC. can’t( ) 6. How many days ______ in a week? There are seven.A. there areB. there isC. are there( ) 7. The panda is strong. But the tiger is ________ than the panda.A. strongB. strongerC. strongest( ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo is the _______ of the three.A. bigB. biggerC. biggest( ) 9. ______ is today? It’s Tuesday.A. WhatB. What dayC. Where( ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _______.A. canB. can’tC. don’t( ) 11. Where are my books? They’re _______ your bag.A. notB. betweenC. in( ) 12. What does your father often do? He often ________ some English classes.A. haveB. hasC. had四. Read and fill in the blanks. 读句子,选词填空1. The blue whale is the ____________( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world.2. The whale shark is the biggest ___________ (animal, fish) in the world.3. The Giraffe is the ____________ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world.4. The tiger is ____________ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe.5. The rabbit is _____________(quick, quicker, quickest) than the panda.6. The cat is ____________ (small, smaller, smallest, taller) than the dog.7. Which is ____________(fat, fatter, fattest), the elephant or the monkey?8. Who is ____________(old, older, the oldest), the son, the father or the grandfather?9. Kate is ______________(old, older, the oldest) of the three.10. The sheep is very ______________(big, bigger, biggest).五. Unscramble the sentences连词成句1. what weather is the like today ?__________________________________________________________________ __2. how many week days there are in a ?__________________________________________________________________ __3. she going is the supermarket to .__________________________________________________________________ __4.are there some children the park in .__________________________________________________________________ __5. what do mother your do every day ?__________________________________________________________________ __六. Make sentences 模仿例子写句子Eg: Tom, Tim, Ted, fatTom is fat.Tim is fatter.Ted is the fattest of the three.1. the cat, the dog, the panda, strong________________________________________________________________2. volleyball, football, basketball, big_________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Kate, May, Jill, happy________________________________________________________________UNIT9-18测试题一.单项填空(20)1).-How are you?-___________.A. How are youB. I’m fine, thank youC. I’m seven2).-Can you climb trees?-________A. Yes, I can’tB. Yes, I doC. No, I can’t3). Tom is ______ in our class.A. tallerB. tallestC. the tallest4).-Which is the first day of a week?-__________A. TuesdayB. SundayC. Saturday5).?Where are the boys?A. It’s on the deskB. They are in the classroomC. They are boys6). There _____ some coffee in the cup.A. isB. isn’tC. are7).-What did you do last Sunday?-________A. watch TVB. played soccerC. swimming8).?Did you have a good time?-__________A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I canC. Yes, I did9).?What did you eat for lunch?-________A. SausagesB. Yes, I didC. I didn’t like it10).-______ they _______ mountains yesterday morning?-Yes, they did.A. Do climbB. Did climbedC. Did climb二.单词归类(20)looked opened waited helped paintedlived watched asked walked closedclimbed played shouted cooked talkedshowed picked liked fished washed[t]:______________________________________________________ [d]:______________________________________________________ [id]:_____________________________________________________三.选择合适的答案填空(20)1).Yesterday I _______ to a small village by car.(go/went)2).Last Sunday I _______ a lot of things at the market.(buy/bought)3).I ______ very late this morning.(getup/got up)4).Yesterday afternoon I ______ a letter to my friend.(write/wrote)5).I ______ in Grade 2 last year. Now I ______ in Grade 3.(am/was)6).Yesterday ______ my birthday. Today _______ Sam’s birthday.(is/was)7).Yesterday evening I _____ homework. Now I am ______ homework again.(do/doing)四.仿照例子改写句子(10)Eg: There is some bread on the table.There isn’t any bread on the table.1). There is some cheese in the burger.________________________________________2). There is some pasta in the bowl.________________________________________3). There are some boys in the classroom.________________________________________4). There is an apple on the desk.________________________________________5). There are many dogs in the zoo.________________________________________五.连词成句(10)1). isn’t an there on orange the desk______________________________________________2). is some milk in cup the there______________________________________________3). are students there some the playground in______________________________________________4). an book English there on is the table______________________________________________5). many there children are classroom the in______________________________________________剑桥少儿英语2级上册复习试题选(二) 一.选词填空shopping played hungry some did1. There are ______ apples in the fridge.2. Yesterday afternoon, I ______ football with Sam.3. ______ he clean the floor yesterday evening?4. Last week, my mother went _______ for my birthday party.5. I was very _____, so I ate 2 burgers.二.用介词填空in on under in front of behind1. The hat is _____ my head.2. The animals are _____ the zoo.3. I am shorter than Tom, so I sit _________ him.4. Where’s the cat? I can’t see it. It’s _______ the door.5. It’s very hot. Let’s have a rest ______ the tree.三.补全对话(10)1. A: Can you catch the bird?B: No, I ______.2. A: Where did you go yesterday?B: I _____ to Shanghai.3. A: ______ did you get up last Sunday?B: At 7:30.4. A: What did you do yesterday?B: I _______ TV and made dumplings.5. A: Why did you go to bed so early?B: Because I felt ______.四.用所给单词的适当形式填空(20)1. Last week, I ______ (buy) many fish.2. Yesterday morning, I _______ (get up) very late.3. What _____ (do) you ______(eat) yesterday afternoon?I _____ (eat) some hamburgers.4. I _____ (be) in Grade 2 last year. Now, I ______(be) in Grade 3.5. Last Sunday, I ______ (go) to a small village by car.6. Tom usually _____ (come) to school at 7:00. But today, he _____(come) to school at 7;15.五.连词成句(10)1. bread some is there fridge the in冰箱里有一些面包___________________________________________2.doll buy did a yesterday you你昨天买了一个洋娃娃吗?___________________________________________3.table there a book Maths is on the桌子上有一本数学书___________________________________________4.did what you for eat supper你昨天晚饭吃了什么?___________________________________________5.you go bed to when did night last你昨天晚上几点睡的?。
( 第18期 2012年3月1日)
- 原文:The library is on the left side of the main entrance, just opposite the cafeteria.- 题目:The library is opposite the _______.- 答案:cafeteria。
- 解析:根据原文直接得出答案,题目中问图书馆在什么的对面,原文明确提到图书馆在自助餐厅(cafeteria)的对面。
- 原文:We need to book the tickets for the concert in advance. The booking office is open from 9 am to 5 pm every day except Sunday.- 题目:The booking office for concert tickets is open from 9 am to 5 pm, but not on _______.- 答案:Sunday。
- 解析:原文表明订票处除了周日(Sunday)每天上午9点到下午5点开放,题目是问订票处什么时间不开放,所以答案是Sunday。
- 原文:The research project will last for two semesters. In the first semester, we will focus on data collection, and in the second semester, we will analyze the data.- 题目:The research project lasts for two _______.- 答案:semesters。
- 解析:原文直接提到研究项目持续两个学期(semesters),题目就是对原文的简单概括,所以答案是semesters。
Transpotation 自行车 公交
(交通工具 小汽车 飞机 火车 直升机 轮船 小船
School 班 钢琴课
(学校) 英语 课程 网球课 音乐 数学 美术 体育 语文
Things 书包 盒子 书桌 草 故事 图片 玩具 衣橱 Clothes 大衣 长裤 Weather 云 Drink 咖啡
(物品) 球 相机 娃娃 风筝 页 收音机 树 眼镜 (衣物) 连衣裙 短裤 (天气) 雨 (饮料) 果汁 柠檬汁 牛奶 茶 水 七喜 可口可乐 彩虹 雪 星星 月亮 太阳 帽子 长裤 夹克衫 衬衫 围巾 T恤衫 袜子 短裙 毛衣 棒球帽 运动鞋 床 光盘 门 树叶 大山 大石头 录像机 高楼 毯子 椅子 橡皮 信/字母 钢笔 直尺 墙 种子 书 钟表 风扇 电梯 铅笔 沙发 手表 坚果 书橱 漫画书 花 线 电话 桌子 瀑布 语言 瓶子 杯子 电影 地图 照片 毛巾 窗户 阳光 碗 电脑 玻璃杯 怪物 植物 电视 冰箱
形容感觉/状态 害怕的 饥饿的 坏的 老的 虚弱的 便宜的 形容形状 生气的 饱的 更坏的 年轻的 善良的 贵的 悲伤的 漂亮的 更好的 明亮的 干的 心情好的 高兴的 丑的 最好的 黑暗的 好看的 口渴的 危险的 很棒的 深深的 新的 疲劳的 不同的 重的 干净的 喜爱的 惊讶的 有名的 健康的 聪明的 友好的 抱歉的 好的 安静的 强壮的 穷的
进入 / 离开家园
切换走 / 跑
切换同阵营间 目标
星蕴:重置星蕴 物品:开关共用领队 快捷键
切换目标阵营 -
开 / 关小地图
当前画面截图 当前画面截图
4. 接下来请稍候一段时间, 按照界面提示更换“DVD-2”光 盘,直到程序安装完成即可。
5. 出现安装完毕的提示信息 后,点击“完成”即完成安装。 ※ 请 注 意 在 Windows 8 系 统 下 安 装游戏,中途安装 DirectX 程序时 将 会 提 示 需 安 装 .NET Framework 3.5, 请 您 按 照 步 骤 正 常 下 载 安 装 即可。
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《古剑奇谭二》的操作环境要求如下,请先确认您目前使用的 电脑符合配置需求,再进行下面的安装步骤。
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剑二重点句型1.what is your name?你叫什么名字?固定回答:I am ~~`~``~或者My mane is ~~~~~~2.How old are you?你几岁了?固定回答:I am 7 years old 或者I am 7.3.Who is he(she)?他(她)是谁?固定回答:He is~~~~~ Sh e is~~~~~~4.How many·········are there ?有多少······?例句:How many desks are there?有多少张桌子。
一个时回答:There is one两个以上回答:There are ····5.Whose is this?这是谁的?回答:It is····、、或者This is····6.Whose are these?这些是谁的?回答:They are····或者These are····7.Whose is it?它是谁的?例句:Whose is this jacket?这件夹克衫是谁的?8.Whose is that?那是谁的?-9.Whose are those?那些是谁的?10.It is mine它是我的。
11. It is yours 它是你的。
12.What is mother doing?妈妈正在做什么?回答:She is walking。
13.What is his favourite breakfast?他最喜欢的早点是什么?14. .What is his favourite lunch?他最喜欢的午餐是什么?15. What is his favourite dinner?他最喜欢的晚餐是什么?16.Can I have some·····,please?可以给我一些···吗?回答:Here you are 给你。
雅思剑18写作范文test2Task 1(小作文:柱状图)题目大概是关于不同年龄段人群在四个不同年份对某种产品(假设为智能手机)的拥有率。
Hey, look at this super interesting bar chart. It's all about how different age groups own smartphones in four different years. It's like a peek into the digital habits of people over time.二、主体段1(按年龄段描述趋势)Let's start with the youngest age group, say 16 24 years old. Well, in the first year, their ownership rate was already quite high, like around 30%. And then, whoosh! It just kept on climbing over the years. By the last year shown on the chart, it was almost up to 80%. These young folks arelike digital natives, always quick to grab the latest gadgets.Now, the 25 34 year olds. Their initial ownership rate was a bit lower than the youngest group in the first year, about 20%. But they also showeda steady increase. They were like, "Hey, we can't be left behind!" and by the end, they reached around 70%.The 35 44 year olds had a more gradual start. In the beginning, only about 15% of them had smartphones. But as time passed, they started tocatch up too. It's like they finally realized how useful these things arefor work and play. By the last year, their ownership rate got to around 60%.三、主体段2(对比分析)The older age groups, like 45 54 and 55+ were a bit different. The 45 54 year olds started really low, around 5% in the first year. They seemed a bit more hesitant about this new technology. But slowly and surely, they started to get on board. By the last year, they had around 40% ownership.The 55+ age group was the slowest to adapt. Their initial ownership rate was barely 2% in the first year. It was like they were thinking, "What on earth is this smartphone thing?" But even they couldn't resist the trend completely. By the end, they had about 20% ownership.四、结尾段。
剑雅18test2大作文英文回答:The topic of the essay is not provided, so I will answer in a general manner.In my opinion, learning a second language is extremely beneficial. It opens up a world of opportunities and allows us to communicate with people from different cultures. Not only does it enhance our communication skills, but it also improves our cognitive abilities and expands our horizons.Learning a second language can be challenging, but the rewards are worth it. It helps us understand different perspectives and enables us to develop a more global mindset. Additionally, it can boost our career prospects, as many employers value bilingual or multilingual individuals.Moreover, learning a second language can be a fun andenriching experience. It allows us to appreciate different cultures, literature, and art forms. It also helps us connect with people on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships.Overall, learning a second language is a valuable investment of time and effort. It not only benefits us personally but also contributes to a more interconnectedand understanding world.中文回答:在我看来,学习第二语言是非常有益的。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版部编版七年级语文上册第五单元学情评估一、积累与运用(共25分)1. 下列各组词语中,加点字的读音全都正确的一组是( )(2分)A.蜷.伏(juán) 怅.然(chàng)惩.戒(chěng) 畏罪潜.逃(qián)B.嗔.怪(zhēn) 蹒.跚(pān)哺.乳(bǔ) 怪诞.不经(dàn )C.禁锢.(gù) 羞怯.(què)小凫.(fú) 大相.径庭(xiàng)D.缀.行(zhuì) 苫.蔽(shàn)尻.尾(kāo) 眈.眈相向(dān)2.下列各组词语中,汉字书写全都正确的一组是( )(2分)A.污涩怂恿安祥麝香鸭B.匍匐温训源委芙荣鸟C.虐待消耗余晖神采奕奕D.预警俯充柠檬驰担持刀3.请从所给的三个词语中,选出一个最符合语境的填写在横线上。
(2分)(1)爱上书香,因为薄薄的书页间是千年文化的浓缩和 __________(沉滞积淀积压),浓浓的墨香中承载着历史的厚重与古朴。
sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth Starters behind between bookshop end here in in front of on
第六 第七 第八 第九 第十
sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
poster question read picture Movers break homework mistake Starters badminton ball baseball basketball bat beach bike boat bounce camera
海报 问题 读 图片
打破 作业 错误
DAY 2 Animals & The body and the face
cage dolphin fly kangaroo kitten lion Starters arm body ear eye face foot/feet hair
笼子 海豚 苍蝇 袋鼠 小猫 狮子
parrot penguin puppy rabbit shark snail
脚 ( 单 数 ) / smile
脚(复数) tail
鹦鹉 企鹅 小狗 兔子 鲨鱼 蜗牛
手 头 腿 嘴巴 鼻子 微笑 尾巴
DAY 3 The body and the face & Clothes
我们可以这样做:不知道大家对我们的宝宝有没有这种感觉:麒麟宝宝要比冤魂宝宝听话,我的意思是,当我正在用引魂打某个怪时,我又点了另一个怪,那么,麒麟宝宝会反应很快的转过来打我新点的那个怪,而冤魂宝宝至少还要攻击原来那个怪10S左右才回过神来,不知道这是不是个BUG,好了,我们就利用这个打密室BOS S。
里面off离开,落下opposite相反boring无趣fine美好的naughty淘气的awake醒着的square正方形的round圆的both两者,双方well好(good的副词形式)who谁(提问人)why为什么(问原因)thirsty口渴hungry饿得busy忙的famous有名的exciting令人兴奋的all right是的,好的come on加油different不同的sunny晴天的windy刮风的cloudy多云的snowy下雪的rainy下雨的wet潮湿的bad 坏---worse更坏---worst最坏good好---better较好的---best最好的next to在旁边near附近how如何then然后than(用语比较级)比outside在。
外面How much提问数量及价格well好吧between在中间out外部when提问时间excuse me打扰了in front of在前面out of在。
的外边which哪一个see you=good bye语法:1.一般现在时:主语+动词(三单,动词变化:加上s或es)2.现在进行时:主语+be动词+动词ing(be:am,is,are)3.一般过去时:主语+动词过去式4.一般疑问句:1.is he/she? Are you?2.句中有动词,没有be动词,:do you/they/we? does he/she?Did you/he/she/they/we?,注意动词均是原形5.否定句:1.isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t2.句中有动词,没有be动词don't/dosen’t/didn’t6.特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句常用的特殊疑问词:what,when,which,where,who(whose),why, how many,how many,how much,how often, how tall,how old,how about7.常用的动词短语:Get up起床wake up醒来put on穿上take off脱掉take a shower洗淋浴Give sb sth=give sth to sb把某物给某人bring sb sth=bring sth to sb带来某物给某人take sb sth=take sth to sb给某人带某物to=动词原形:want to do sth想做某事like to do sth喜欢做某事help sb to do sht帮助某人做某事would like to do sth想要/愿意做某事动词+ing形式:like+动词ing enjoy+动词ingGo+动词ing:go skating go boating go skating go shopping go swimming 动词短语:wash face洗脸read a comic book看连环画see a film看电影=see movies climb a mountain爬山clean teeth刷牙=brush teeth write a letter写信catch a bus赶汽车watch a video看录像wash clothes洗衣服do homework做作业catch a train赶火车listen to music听音乐8.形容词:用来形容人或事的外貌特征,人的感觉、感受。
第二次超级机器人大战 α游戏流程图
“前往日本” “前往米克列帝国”
第50话 对抗的力量在我这里-前编 第50话 机界转生-前编
第51话 对抗的力量在我这里-后编 第51话 机界转生-后编
第52话 我想守护的东西
第53话 不可原谅的罪
第54话 邪恶的救世主
第55话 与厌恶的记忆一起
第56话 Beyond the time
第57话 弑神之剑
第48话 决战前的读秒
第49话 决断
第50话 小巴姆星Biblioteka 大攻防战第51话 暗黑的支配者
第52话 结果是用手来创造的
第53话 人心之光
第54话 逆袭的夏亚
“前往日本” “前往米克列帝国”
第55话 燃烧的地球-前编 第55话 机械的世界-前编
第56话 燃烧的地球-后编 第56话 机械的世界-后编
第20话 艾莉卡与戴莫斯,泪之战
第1话 龙虎激突
第3话 勇者王诞生
第4话 飞翔吧!大空魔龙盖亚王
第5话 深海的来访者
第6话 它的名字是超龙神
第7话 寻求光
第8话 另一台盖塔机器人
第9话 太古的怨灵
第10话 站起来,宙!Build up
第11话 G夺回作战
第12话 军神唤来灾难
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剑桥二级上册单元测试题(16---18)听力(30分)I. 选出你所听到的单词.(10分)1. A. rain B. main2. A. pain B. paint3. A. train B. again4. A. than B. there5. A. that B. this6. A. with B. that7. A. teeth B. tooth 8. A. she B. shoe9. A. shall B. shout 10. A. show B. shoulderII听问题,选出正确的答案。
(5分)( ) 1. A. He’s a worker. B. He is Chinese. C. His name is Sam.( ) 2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isn’t.( ) 3. A. She is a mother. B. She is a sister. C. She is their daughter.( ) 4. A. How do you do? B. Good morning! C. May I help you?( ) 5. A. He is my father. B. He’s my uncle. C. He’s my brother.III 听音连线(5分)May caféJohn marketTina bus stationDavid librarySam hospitalIV 听音填空(10分)Tom saw a tiger“Last week”, Tom (1)________to his friend, Bob, “I went for a walk in a big (2) _______.The weather was very (3) ________ and it was very windy. Suddenly, I (4) ________ a big tiger…”“What (5) ________ you do?” asked Bob.“I looked at (6) ________ , put my hands (7) _________ my pockets and went home,” answer Tom.“Did the (8) _________ run after you?” asked Bob.“Oh, (9) _________ ,It didn’t. You (10) __________ ,it was in the zoo.笔试(70分)I.2.This animal has got a very long neck.3.This animal is big, gray and very strong.4.You talk and eat with this.5.You can see me with this.6.You listen with them.7.This is a kind of bear, which is black and white.8.Cows and horses like eating this.9.People see films in this place.10.Can sit and read a book here.II. 选择题(15分)()1. Whose toy car is it? A. It’s my towel. B. Yes, it’s my toy car. C. It’s mine. ( )2. Is that watch yours? A. No, it isn’t. Mine is here. B. Yes, I am. C. It’s not hers. ( )3. What’s the boy’s name?A. His name is Peter.B. He’s name is Peter.C. It’s a Peter.( )4. Is that pet hers?A. Yes, she is.B. No, it’s his.C. She loves that balcony.( )5. Where do you play tennis?A. With my friend.B. At 4:00 p.m.C. On the playground.( )6. How many days are there in a week?A. It’s seven days.B. Yes, seven days.C. There are seven.( )7. What do you often do after school?A. Let’s go.B. I often go to the park.C. Sometimes I go to a park.( )8. Hello, Sam! Nice to meet you.A. Nice to meet you, too.B. Welcome to my house.C. Thank you. And you?( )9. What is he doing?A. He’s watching TV.B. He watching TV.C. He watches TV.( )10. Does your brother like taking pictures?A. Yes, he likes.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he often does.( ) 11. What did you eat?A. Sausages and burgers.B. Yes, I did.C. I did n’t like it.( ) 12. Can I come and see you this afternoon?A. Excuse me, please.B. Don’t walk here.C. Yes, I’m at home.( ) 13. Do you like new bike?A. Yes, it’s beautiful.B. Yes, I like.C. Yes, I am.( ) 14. It’s my birthday today.A. It’s very well.B. Happy Birthday.C. Was it?( ) 15. Do you know my house ?A. Yes, I understand it.B. Yes, I live in a house.C. Yes. It’s an West Street.III. 选词填空,完成下列句子(15分)1.The rabbit is________. She gets there first.A. quickB. slow2.She is ________. She can’t walk now.A. strongB. quick3.He is ________. He needs to take a shower.A.dirtyB.clean4.It is ________. We need to wear sweaters.A. hotB. cold5.Bill is ________. He can pick the apples in the tree.A. tallB. short6.They are ________.They can’t find their pet.A. happyB. sad7.We are________. We want to have a rest.A. tiredB. happy8.Sally is ________. She can’t get the book on the top of the bookcase.A. shortB. tall9.Tom is ________. He can take the big table to the next room.A. strongB. weak10.Ben is ________. He wants to eat a cake.A. fullB.hungryIV.选词填空,完成短文.(10分)Jane is my____①____. She likes school. Every day after school, she does her ___②_____.There aren’t any ____③____in her homework. She is a nice girl.She often goes to the ____④____with her father. There she can see big trees and many animals. She can see her ___⑤_____animals monkeys. She loves the forest.① A. brother B. friend C. pet② A. homework B. washing C. reading③ A. school B. lessons C. mistakes④ A. forest B. shop C. hospital⑤ A. many B. favourite C. goodV. 读短文,选择正确答案.(10分)Bob and Tom are good friends. They are in the same class. Bob likes reading and writing. Tom likes running and skating. Yesterday, Bob didn’t come to school. He was ill, so he stayed at home. Tom went to see Bob after school. He had dinner at Bob’s home. When Tom went home,. It was eight o’clock. Questions :1.What does Bob like doing?A. Reading and writing .B. RunningC. Skating.2.What does Tom like doing?A. ReadingB. writingC. Running and skating. 3.Why didn’t Bob come to school yesterday?A. He was ill.B. He did n’t want to go to school .C. He played football.4.What did Tom do after school?A. PlayB. Went swimming C Went to see Bob5.What time did Tom go home?A. 7:00 B8:00 C. After school.VI.阅读下面的短文,指出短文下面的句子是否与短文的意思一致,如一致,请在相应的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”:(10分)Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunda y and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks C hinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)()1、Wu Dong has an American friend.()2、They go to school from Monday to Friday.()3、They often fly planes after class.()4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.()5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.VII.作文(10分)以My Family为题目写一篇作文,不得少于50词._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。