一、一等奖获奖区:1. 北京市:北京市一中、北京四中、北京八中、北京十一中等多所学校获得一等奖。
2. 上海市:上海交通大学附属中学、上海市实验中学等多所学校获得一等奖。
3. 广东省:广州市第八中学、广州市番禺中学等多所学校获得一等奖。
4. 江苏省:南京市金陵中学、苏州市苏州中学等多所学校获得一等奖。
5. 浙江省:杭州市第二中学、宁波市鄞州中学等多所学校获得一等奖。
二、二等奖获奖区:1. 山东省:青岛市第二中学、济南市第一中学等多所学校获得二等奖。
2. 湖北省:武汉市第一中学、黄石市第一中学等多所学校获得二等奖。
3. 河南省:郑州市第一中学、洛阳市第一中学等多所学校获得二等奖。
4. 辽宁省:大连市第一中学、沈阳市第一中学等多所学校获得二等奖。
5. 四川省:成都市第七中学、绵阳市第三中学等多所学校获得二等奖。
三、三等奖获奖区:1. 陕西省:西安市第一中学、宝鸡市第一中学等多所学校获得三等奖。
2. 湖南省:长沙市第一中学、衡阳市第一中学等多所学校获得三等奖。
3. 重庆市:重庆市第一中学、重庆市第二中学等多所学校获得三等奖。
4. 广西省:南宁市第三中学、桂林市第一中学等多所学校获得三等奖。
5. 云南省:昆明市第一中学、大理市第一中学等多所学校获得三等奖。
2009-2010光荣榜光荣榜⼀、厦门⼀中2009-2010学年省、市、校先进集体、个⼈名单省级:省优秀学⽣:⾼三(8)班骆雅婷省优秀学⽣⼲部:⾼三(8)班龚宇豪⾼三(17)班陈⽐聃初三(10)班梁少雯省三好学⽣:⾼三(12)班庄嘉贇⾼⼆(16)班⽅晨⾬初三(9)班孙艺玮市级:市级先进集体:⾼三6班班主任:林勤⾼三7班班主任:王⽟琳⾼三19班班主任:杨柳青⾼⼆3班班主任:戴慧⾼⼆9班班主任:陈利利初⼆14班班主任:肖珊初三5班班主任:陈燕梅市级优秀学⽣⼲部:⾼三6班熊⽴凡⾼三8班龚宇豪⾼三17班陈⽐聃⾼三19班张⼒⾼⼆3班马⼩央⾼⼆9班张园初⼆14班陈闻远初三8班汪惟楚市三好学⽣:⾼三2班许晰晖⾼三8班邓琳⾼三12班陈尔彦⾼三12班郑尔津⾼三13班杨菲⾼三15班吴⾼雅⾼三16班周莉冰⾼⼆3班⾦⼦琳⾼⼆3班钟耀坤⾼⼆12班胡雅岚⾼⼆16班⽅晨⾬⾼⼆16班⽅芳初⼆14班连祎恒初⼆1班彭博初三6班郑倩薇初三8班黄志超市⽂明⽣:⾼三7班曾鹭辉⾼⼆13班林韵娟初⼆11班董宇昕初三9班姜伊宁校级:校先进集体:初⼀(4)班班主任:张寅光初⼀(9)班班主任:肖丽初⼀(13)班班主任:杨坚初⼆(2)班班主任:崔⽵君初⼆(14)班班主任:肖珊初⼆(10)班班主任:袁⼩庆初三(3)班班主任:邓燕芳初三(5)班班主任:陈燕梅初三(7)班班主任:焦宝坤⾼⼀(3)班班主任:陈⽂虎⾼⼀(9)班班主任:王东杰⾼⼀(1)班班主任:陶灿⾼⼀(2)班班主任:黄妍妍⾼⼀(5)班班主任:李博宁⾼⼀(8)班班主任:黄志锋⾼⼆(9)班班主任:陈利利⾼⼆(3)班班主任:戴慧⾼⼆(6)班班主任:倪岩燕⾼⼆(16)班班主任:范建玮⾼⼆(18)班班主任:郭贵贤⾼⼆(11)班班主任:曾灿波⾼三(6)班班主任:林勤⾼三(7)班班主任:王⽟琳⾼三(19)班班主任:杨柳青⾼三(8)班班主任:王璘⾼三(16)班班主任:梁宏⾼三(12)班班主任:吴昕⾼三(13)班班主任:李杰辉校优秀学⽣⼲部:初⼀(1)班:林桦吴佩妮詹咏涵王晓琳初⼀(2)班:⽥媛媛黄婳婳许坤辉罗怡雯初⼀(3)班:陈龙章莹林致卉⽯青洲盛聪初⼀(4)班:陈钦洋苏钰菲欧佳雯傅晓平初⼀(5)班:许少奇许毓玮初⼀(6)班:庄舒婷冯毓柔施莉莉黄⼼慧张志鹏初⼀(7)班:朱颖林苡含张亚男初⼀(8)班:欧宇欣陈莹张有琛彭⽴筠王明⽉初⼀(9)班:邴宗琪郑歆沂陈珊珊庄哲宁黄梁伟初⼀(10)班:郑佳欣曾雪琦陈迅超陈婉如初⼀(11)班:卢忆卿郑家慧刘钰鑫黄晓媛初⼀(12)班:赖煜翔邱钊翔王曼琳王⽂璇杨洪羚初⼀(13)班:郭晗陈茜华蔡兆钦林⼦馨陈恺雯初⼀(14)班:罗宇杰蔡⼦熙蒋⾠叶鑫之游路加柯晓佳周氷鑫黄玥初⼆(1)班:李⽂悦周呈达洪⽂灵张王谧初⼆(2)班:叶⼦巍林宣佑初⼆(3)班:李敏朱奥芸黄秀真初⼆(4)班:蓝芳婷初⼆(5)班:陈黛甜初⼆(6)班:林⾬青⽯韬初⼆(7)班:张志滨黄兰婷初⼆(8)班:蔡盛坤薛璐妮初⼆(9)班:陈培顺邱宇凡初⼆(10)班:颜思岑徐政霖初⼆(11)班:李芷涵初⼆(12)班:何⾬陈佳坪初⼆(13)班:周杰杨家琦初⼆(14)班:黄越冬陈闻远蔡哲源林若⾕伊思贤谢晓洁陈安然李克闲连祎恒陈静仪陈丹妮初三(1)班:陈俊杰邢艺婕林烨洹初三(2)班:冉展曾华隆林英豪施思思初三(3)班:缪千千杨弘锐初三(4)班:李元熙张璇初三(5)班:钟萍华宋晨璐初三(7)班:王汇泽汪肇琪罗槟⽉初三(8)班:汪惟楚⾼珏巫鹭萍许斌初三(9)班:傅玮洪昳芃庄婧涵卓景昭初三(10)班:杜可郑晞林伟东陈蓓绮初三(11)班:黄超腾王⼦宁苏娇溶张思怡初三(12)班:何秉妍许乐林静瑜⾼⼀(1)班:吴路明诸涵葳黄枫陈思黄依萍黄鸿艺汤牧⽂⾼⼀(2)班:吴靖南吴曼祺⾼⼀(3)班:沈耀斌林鸿毅洪耀彬谢俊峰林是琦苗儒欣陈雯⾼⼀(4)班:朱上华蔡思雅蔡予晴⾼⼀(5)班:李燕英朱冠雯苏彩凤陈露⾼⼀(6)班:上官柠⼣林芃江紫媛朱嘉琪林梓桐李静怡⾼⼀(7)班:吴佳毅廖⽂超林⽅滔胡琬芝⾼⼀(8)班:林⼀洲蒋海然刘也苇张⼀平⾼⼀(9)班:李齐吴润厦许丹虹李延乔寨露欣李敏隋天麟⾼⼀(10)班:廖亮张赫⾼⼀(11)班:刘珩王超罗伟滔周明鹭徐鹭莹⾼⼀(12)班:郑⽴旻庄昕陈清阳陈钰洪于翔⾼⼀(13)班:陈星宇杨宇亮陈昂林佳汶苏丹婷⾼⼀(14)班:林妍⾼⼀(15)班:蔡婷刘畅宋玮⾼⼀(16)班:隋艺殷馨黄夏垠吴晓吴杨黄⼩靖⾼⼀(17)班:游洋黄喆马彪⾼⼀(18)班:练华达郭滢杨景光陈⼦帆陈晓超李绪荣⾼⼆(1)班:阮映婷王鸿艺曾⼩倩⾼⼆(2)班:杨啸琳柯俊凯杨琳⾼⼆(3)班:钟耀坤马⼩央何易李欣旭郭卫红⾼⼆(4)班:王琳陈梅⽉⾼⼆(5)班:黄耀吉林森周宇槟⾼⼆(6)班:洪英旋许勋冕安⼦璇⾼⼆(7)班:李冬亮张清彬马喆林诗颖⾼⼆(8)班:陈艺坤蔡璨陈雅倩⾼⼆(9)班:姚家艺张园肖燕芬余路漫肖陈豪王燕鹏⾼⼆(10)班:陈晓阳罗忆南杨玲⾼⼆(11)班:周泰闻赵若昕黄婧颖郑巽洪佳宾黄锦燕⾼⼆(12)班:李⼦毅⽩杏珏李冰兰唐⼀然⾼⼆(13)班:黄云珊林韵娟李博成洪博达程晟林雪⾼⼆(14)班:林素敏林⼦微张思晨⾼⼆(15)班:林鸿皓张⽟玫吴尚桐⾼⼆(16)班:⽅晨⾬⽅芳林颖峥肖颖陈婉婷柯婧闻⾼⼆(17)班:黄语晴苏志帆王婧琦⾼⼆(18)班:陈晓茜阙雯婷郑鹭萍⾼⼆(19)班:戴瑶瑶许嘉祥章韵洁⾼三(1)班:吴墨尧叶志龙刘新会林斐婕⾼三(2)班:史称艳陈敏林毅瑛陈⼩辉⾼三(3)班:林芷蔚沈梅彬⽢劲戴建翔⾼三(4)班:黄⼀帆吴⼦祺阮以涵傅强⾼三(5)班:蔡⼩涵李鹏飞熊炜骆炜⾼三(6)班:王恬薇黄著馨蔡奇晟林琳曾静颖庄僖妍⾼三(7)班:陈鹭超曾鹭辉陈华岩林雅琪林建琴⾼三(8)班:骆雅婷龚宇豪施雅慧陈弘宋鹏吴珏⾼三(9)班:林⽂斌黄雅钰吕偲哲陈哲⾼三(10)班:蔡伟强汤励勤廖锦劼夏英男⾼三(11)班:林⼼赟陈勇⼼林肯⽩彦琳⾼三(12)班:张徐欣何静陈南燕林明进庄嘉赟陈婧璇⾼三(13)班:曾棒⾦泽宇姚思明翁嘉祥⾼三(14)班:黄铭建瞿冰张恬刘雯⾼三(15)班:吴⾼雅黄鹭秋陈欣澜王允鸿⾼三(16)班:赵颖周莉冰孙雪陈坤耀⾼三(17)班:温佳贝王⾏曾晨陈⽐聃⾼三(18)班:纪政源温家宝陈海婷朱雅静⾼三(19)班:张⼒刘婧张敏林星⾠校三好⽣:初⼀(1)班:杨昱林晨杨悠然杨⼀滨黄⼦斌黄妍初⼀(2)班:颜⽂豪王乃煜万⾬杨陈增鑫张⽻琦初⼀(3)班:陈嘉琪汤智皓纪佳悦安韶雅潘嘉钰初⼀(4)班:苏航⽩婧妍曾雅伦洪燕雪江梓豪朱婕初⼀(5)班:潘⼼怡林菁易伟强詹雯群韩卓男吴欣苒林沂慧初⼀(6)班:黄顺帆潘晓婷欧阳敦豪杨镕李途越初⼀(7)班:童宣睿殷⽂馨戴鑫王欣笛陈雅雯初⼀(8)班:林铃铃郑奇阳杨劭坚苏育琦王雅妮初⼀(9)班:陈祺洋余曜宇陈楷柯家祺杨俊锴⽩昀初⼀(10)班:何璘傅章伟许佳仪李怡静郑睿祥陈跃辉初⼀(11)班:⽑惠柠林宓乔芹芹阙儒远许⽂熙丘仁鑫初⼀(12)班:尤华樱张培珊黄威⽂邱荔⾈王青青初⼀(13)班:林⼦睿傅欣弘林知易潘杭琪吴⼦垣曾钟萱初⼀(14)班:郑平⼼刘蔚林颜康平李韵宏乌⼀鸣余安阳郑逸敏庄怡惠初⼆(1)班:苏昱欣许可初⼆(2)班:郑彩红孙鲁琪陈承辉李⼦宸伍婷林爱卿谢⼀婧初⼆(3)班:李悦恬杨家珍苏思原朱沛周鸿霖蒋家卉初⼆(4)班:蔡茜胡嘉俊黄樱肖亚萍初⼆(5)班:于丹叶泽鋆吕培仁初⼆(6)班:陈奕璇张珏⽥诗佳黄⾼瑾陈鹭琳谢鹭梅庄岩初⼆(7)班:王郑洋李思齐陈勇超陈霞蔡伟达彭明琨初⼆(8)班:施莹莹吴婉莹张瑜颖周雯雯许七勇初⼆(9)班:陈培顺陈宇宁林⾬琦邱晓婷邱宇凡周琪谭晗愫初⼆(10)班:苏凡陈妍清庄育婷张其嘉洪盈盈王⾦艺谢诗媛初⼆(11)班:徐蕙宫钦诚初⼆(12)班:洪培渊戴玮峰曾逸斌陈倩筠颜雪梅吴婷璐邱琳林庆津初⼆(13)班:孙楚筠游璐王尧林雅玲张德隆陈煜杰吴泽君何怡颖初⼆(14)班:苏睿智傅凡凡郭蕾刘定峰孙琳琳张⽥婷陈柏卉谢韫博黄鹏张奕晗傅⽂渊初三(1)班:吴鹤雯陈裕华陈丹莹杨琳吴凯林颖珺陈少鑫初三(2)班:林⼩梅周宁宇宋君⽵刘家霖郑⽴迪谢妤铮初三(3)班:姜伊宁许家敏⽢俊斌温哲旭陈曈翁裕婷蔡易青王雅琳初三(4)班:孟思静王希豪姚尧罗琦徐⼀⼼许思恩吕阳阳王在荣初三(5)班:⽅劲宇黄憬勤庄晓婷梅煜邹⼀帆林⼦雄初三(6)班:郑倩薇华尹婕林悦陈易鑫初三(7)班:张欣郑志超王少⾈张露微许馨⾳黄华圳初三(8)班:陈怀希卢璟成李凌志黄志超郑艺斌初三(9)班:孙艺玮杨琳雅陈柳依陈诗怡杨莹璐陈莉颖吴德凯初三(10)班:张博⽂郑楚怡张⼦馨翁⾬铃王汐乐⽩艺双初三(11)班:吴鸿湄刘晓林陈博熙徐若琳初三(12)班:纪娴吴倩王静滢黄嘉慧许泽堃⾼⼀(1)班:蔡鸿涛陈毅辉李⼦轩⾼⼀(2)班:迟⼴赟张筱芸曾薇陈育勤苏荣祥陈杨张敏达杨棽⾼⼀(3)班:陈娱徐嘉王颖婕柯⽂君戴雪君王锴轩孙哲宇曾煌坭邓家羿林智超叶颖陈慧凌洪思华王辉杭洪昱旻⾼⼀(4)班:李婕林淑娜杨姿林奕洵洪婧苗丝⾬苏学斌⾼⼀(5)班:林勇辉陈赐杰柯展昭刘珺懿陈鹏蔡坤杰何紫云苏畅吴煌祥⾼⼀(6)班:郭耀荣黄铎叶强叶冠宇林宇怀洪裕陈⽻涵孙诗涵黄⼩津许舒程陈奕琳彭玮婷傅智炜蔡雯莹⽅道铭⾼⼀(7)班:黄少伟李彬彬胡冰怡林晨欣何杰骆颖辉⾼⼀(8)班:罗婷婷吴俊豪许承熙林舒洋林铭志王姝琪施振霖⽅宇扬⾼⼀(9)班:李韵张千仪苏天顺廖凌轩卓超杰蒋禹聪黄俊睿周⽵倩王智钊曾舒玮林毅阳陈斯洁⾼⼀(10)班:朱燕玲卓泽晟师欣林婕李晓丽陈玥谢嘉伟秦修远黄丛蓉⾼⼀(11)班:曾菲晖林⾬汐郭妍湘徐梦影林福鑫陈建华⾼⼀(12)班:戴鹭林王明亮胡嘉琳杨亮才陈佳⾼⼀(13)班:陈佳纬丁若莹林菁菁林楠青叶曼雯⾼⼀(14)班:陈佳鹭刘天林明泰李睿张⼦渊陈梦圆施晓雯黄智杰周以贤许天厦⾼⼀(15)班:郭威团何俊祥朱道民韩翔陈豪杰陈嘉平陈思晗⾼⼀(16)班:黄钰晶刘秉佳詹璐菲陈礼泽⾼⼀(17)班:沈科圣冷俊仪宋煜陈诗弘邹韵钰林歆婷苏旭辉⾼⼀(18)班:蔡斯宇蓝煜欣吴瑕郑惠兰蒋乐戴瑛亮林博晟吴冠宏张恒超林荣灿肖梦玲⾼清婉袁征吴洋洪恺⾼⼀(19)班: 陈义宏陈瑞鑫尤慧芳蒋玳杰陈诗莹陈悦王诗凝刘榕泽欧鹏毅钟英爽⾼⼆(1)班:张华龙于梦溪阮杨曦林冰凌李其然李骏苏鹭燕⾼⼆(2)班:苏晨陈陈振辉洪扬胡梦妮李闽茜赖天喜邱瀚⾼⼆(3)班:盖天成郑译黄天仪林颖达⾼阳颢洪亮张宸颖陈鹭璐林可欣陈⾬诗洪祥骏陈⽴丰陈晨晖祝鹤龄⾦⼦琳⾼⼆(4)班:蔡程灏李健真王莹沈⼩露郑逸群王晓航杨嘉豪李冰洁⾼⼆(5)班:姚焱琳吴佳祺刘书伶林海琦曾志辉许威徐斯序⾼⼆(6)班:王⽉西林燕薛旎林智雯朱梦思许碧雅李燕红⾼⼆(7)班:王思远吴凡谢丽华廖泽鑫蔡垲灿施远志许恬⾼⼆(8)班:陈因⼼洪裕嘉符恬恬林龙超刘若如许倩黄鹭强⾼⼆(9)班:黄炜杨如仪袁继彬章望舒周偲婧郭雅兰邱彬斌张益英卢昱岑陈君竑阮雅婷周元储彤悦胡志成⾼⼆(10)班:叶丹林碧玲王睿王雅纯汪永科何⽥纡⾼⼆(11)班:陈艳勤陈伟桢陈锃曾佳缘刘晓沣⾼⼆(12)班:林斯妤胡雅岚黄玥娴肖森瀚吴瑨邱家华陈梅燕尤恩铭林欣实陈盈熊兴凌海燕李杰圣纪培风施圣斌何⾬洁黄⾠⾼⼆(13)班:郐莹程宇晖黄鹭萍蒋晓冰陈秉扬陈迪⽂⾼⼆(14)班:孙晓雯林紫欣邱绍棠骆玮莎汪雅蓉王⽂婷傅昕乐李书静⾼⼆(15)班:陈可欣康鹏翔陈昕颖王灵珊曾宁茵谢诗芸邓丽佳⾼⼆(16)班:陈楚陈鹭虹尤保暖张如锦钟楠李菲夏天卢俞君王佳蕾张越刘之琳洪睿航⽩欣江茂源叶丽红⾼⼆(17)班: 陈欣林东莹吴琳⾳曾⽞⼦李育菁汪曙薇洪佳雯⾼⼆(18)班:吴钟馨林婷婷黄莹陈薇薇蒋晓丹黄莹莹李晓阳⾼⼆(19)班: 曾晓丹朱燕秋吴克寒许若乔徐智林东玲阮雅璇⾼三(1)班:陈建东吴静莹郭⼦微叶苍松詹歆亮陈⼒琪魏佳宁黎江许珏蔡思捷潘妍叶睿雯⾼三(2)班:商哲海郑扬帆洪俊恺肖佳莉王秋红陈嫣林逸飞王兴鹭李茵苏龙杰彭福源徐慧娴⾼三(3)班:潘泰祥王⾠琨蔡欣瑜席夏菲蔡念桥邱凯捷陈夏万睿智陈真贞夏伟翔吴⼴宇卞帅许悦⾼三(4)班:林晶晶宋逵羚林修弘林震苍蔡怡君傅嘉琳王璐乔岗赖玮珑曾静瑶邓琼珠林东荣陈多伦⾼三(5)班:傅霜婧傅霜怡许焰瑜林菁林如莹洪⼀骏余哲郑静⽞黄弘⾈徐兆川肖楚虹陈⾼⼭王银⽣⾼三(6)班:周成玥李熠婷苏莞琴郭宇翔黎炜祎黄陈惠鹏颜婉雯林彦廷卢明阳林颖傅益龙廖苑伶陈旖旎陈舒琼翁孝元吴垠吴若凡王泳黄达蔡元祺⾼三(7)班:林灵张世翔王⽟娇戴⾦霖戴乔雯郑⾦祥李扬堃叶晨陈艺斌林嘉颖于宇王荻陈⾔⾼三(8)班:邓琳许雪松章守祥林晓冰杨亚茹谭晓伟叶睿吴寰昕黄娇陈鹭鹏安延鑫黄⽂元温泉陈彬辉郑怡婷戴坤哲洪聪颖刘经懿张崇久林嘉扬胡超⾼三(9)班:余欣黄诗贤叶含露邓策程松才罗晓伟颜菲菲周正洁苏丹凤林⼼仪彭哲蔡⼦健林清格⾼三(10)班:吴少炜黄志鹏杨海伦王宏景陈德鑫谢抒霖李昕林栩如黄祖玲李君周怡萍吴铁云董泽甬⾼三(11)班:苏俊琦孔庄凌伟森黄璜陈曼林潇宋莎嘉陈薇⽻董宽杨树华戴舒娴杜嘉琦何兆祺林燕茹⾼三(12)班:黄锞林⼦⽴张红菊陈宛琪陈尔彦陈⼴纬许毓君蔡松华姜琪周⼀楚郑尔津吴馨馨杨捷卢佩琳徐雯婧王泽坤陈晓欣陈奇蔡婷苏清权朱可欣⾼三(13)班:杨菲陈光烈阮莉萍林跃杉曾尔惟徐鹭加林静婕蔡凝⾹王戎杨鹭鹏张元翔龙飞⾼三(14)班:郑茏凡王楠黄玥陈洁昊李若珑郑晓霞陈菁李睿思王菡袁梦依傅毅德林丹婵陈⼤承⾼三(15)班:颜妍庄雯莎郭曾擎杨鹭菁汪晓艺李诗麒黄倩霖郭昕炜苏伟坤蓝永平朱媛媛蔡正伦李佩繁⾼三(16)班:黄韵琳黄依妮黄巧敏黄颖郑夏韵徐榕榕黄晓镕魏鸿珺邵宇晨黄梦婷唐徐颖谢宇晨翁萍萍林建兰孙远远⾼三(17)班:郑舒琳林俏伶陈程黄亦宁杜晶纬汪⼀洋刘观章彩滨杨若凡江芮芮吴维乐孙超颖刘嘉佳⾼三(18)班: 许彬彬刘荣恺黄莅婷洪晶晶吴欣妍⽑⽂君陈凡林嘉懿陈昕钰王舒颖陈⽂晶林韵雯杨丽明⾼三(19)班:钟瓅章⽂江璐虹曾婕陈思烨吴彦君颜连才郭⼀唯李宓林艾邦妮李⽂蔚陈楠林⼦怡校⽂明学⽣初⼀(1)班:黄誉陈捷妮胡⼦奕初⼀(2)班:吴雅华杨秀雯初⼀(3)班:谢森吕瀛超初⼀(4)班:陈⼩芸杨科含张磊初⼀(5)班:黄宗岳黄宇晗周靖芳初⼀(6)班:颜畅菀郭羡珠陈泽炜初⼀(7)班:蔡嘉⽂初⼀(8)班:李佩卿张千莹初⼀(9)班:谢邦盛陈娟娟杨昱琪初⼀(10)班:徐安⽅钟斌初⼀(11)班:陈天威袁晨旭初⼀(12)班:张志豪吕兰兰初⼀(13)班:孙铭洪怡萱吴国铎谢超奇初⼀(14)班:⼳璐吴依静张志毅陈元瑞初⼆(1)班:彭博叶蕾蔡斯涵杨荣娇洪彬初⼆(2)班:周桂花马婕程宇初⼆(3)班:⿇语珊施静怡初⼆(4)班:江建松阮⽂婷顾芷凌陈达妮陈仁杰初⼆(5)班:陈奔⽜依达刘培芳李昀歆黄源庄琼琼初⼆(6)班:⽩晓莹林莎初⼆(7)班:曾⼩倩林⼦瑞初⼆(8)班:陈亭云粟裕为洪健雄初⼆(9)班:蔡鹭蕾率佩璇初⼆(10)班:黄梦帆许宏铭初⼆(11)班:刘嘉慧罗昕林君超陈⽂翔张腾锟初⼆(12)班:陈建伟林晓隆林宸鑫初⼆(13)班:凌志敏朱欣怡初⼆(14)班:王⼦超陈奕凌刘锦程陶乐施颉昌许⾠沛黄泽龙林伟杰陈睿超苏俊榕初三(2)班:吴⼼怡⽥艺彭家燕初三(3)班:杨滋仁陈玫伶初三(4)班:王煜龚粲欧静娴初三(5)班庄晓婷汪烨林秋芳初三(6)班:林旖尧施⽂韵初三(7)班:吴思晗潘温勇初三(8)班:叶鑫陈德仁初三(9)班:连进洪吕昕叶欣李晴晴李佳丽初三(10)班:吴静观张锦旭陈⼦祎黄⼩旋初三(11)班:张⼦侃初三(12)班:张杨帆张伯昕孙磊⾼⼀(1)班:欧阳双双罗浩芃王安琪⾼⼀(2)班:章冬娇林若余鸿⼭⾼⼀(3)班:封鹭佳苏慧琳叶韬林奕欣黄之沁陈晓慧⾼⼀(4)班:刘家祺林当洪瑜珊⾼⼀(5)班:蔡怡君廖偲嘉杜璐⾼⼀(6)班:黄珊林雅清吴尚修袁柄杰杨翊婉⾼⼀(7)班:黄细梅潘秋萍张宇杰⾼⼀(8)班:林丽婷陈昕林鹭鹭⾼⼀(9)班:周琳张斐斐⾦佳育叶蓓蔡倍烨⾼⼀(10)班:施韵韵林泉发⾼⼀(11)班:林泽芳林涛⾼⼀(12)班:杨婕吴俊娇黄斯妤⾼⼀(13)班:张弘熊奕琳陈珂琦⾼⼀(14)班:黄钊扬洪佳彦⾼⼀(15)班:严琦林⽟峰⽩斯杰⾼⼀(16)班:付⾦龙郑秋虹陈宛娴⾼⼀(17)班:林梦媛陈平施梦洁⾼⼀(18)班:⽪兴来刘丽萍林彦君杜⼼怡张镇雄⾼⼀(19)班:⽩睿夏敬桑⾼⼆(1)班:林琳李睿谢婉婷⾼⼆(2)班:蔡伯特张永健李诗莹余筱凡⾼⼆(3)班:黄佳敏王洛野黄琰琰陈娴陈巧玲⾼⼆(4)班:林益⾹陈智宇汪⽟⾼⼆(5)班:温贵基王保民郭骏琪⾼⼆(6)班:⽅超罗燕红⽅莉菲⾼⼆(7)班:张程敏黄茹婷邓瑞颖⾼⼆(8)班:郭斯皓陈栩黄晴悦⾼⼆(9)班:陈导涵练艺丹张雅云张欣然⾼⼆(10)班:王美平周瑜丹余晓昂⾼⼆(11)班:陈⼩越陈薇⾈隐铭⾼⼆(12)班:江鹭航陈巧婕李芸芸李杨杨郑剑峰洪德康⾼⼆(13)班:郭佳佳倪坤乾⾼⼆(14)班:刘阳彬蔡宇晴黄馨⾼⼆(15)班:邓再超何娜娜陈越⾼⼆(16)班: 林宵依刘思晗林慧林旻雯陈安澜⾼⼆(17)班:蔡佳蔚陈琳⾼⼆(18)班:姚⼩娴姚静娴⾼⼆(19)班:王正吴少伟贾珂莹⼆、厦门⼀中2009-2010学年度学习优秀⽣奖学⾦获得者名单根据《厦门⼀中学习优秀⽣奖学⾦条例》规定,以下学⽣获2009-2010学年度学习优秀⽣奖学⾦,各年段获奖名单如下:初⼀年⼀等奖柯晓佳(14班) 蒋⾠(14班) 庄怡慧(4班) 连渊(14班)颜康平(14班) 蔡⼦熙(14班) 周冰鑫(14班)⼆等奖邬⼀鸣(14班) 余安阳(14班) 沈家丞(14班) 林⼦馨(13班)郑逸敏(14班) 周卓汉(8班) 黄婳婳(2班) 张志毅(14班)郑植⽂(9班) 蔡轶颉(12班) 王欣笛(7班) 卢忆卿(11班)郑佳欣(10班) 郑平⼼(14班)初⼆年⼀等奖黄越冬(14班) 蔡哲源(14班) 林若⾕(14班) 陈柏卉(14班) 刘定峰(14班) 伊思贤(14班) 苏睿智(14班)⼆等奖陈万祺(14班) 谢晓洁(14班) 黄泽龙(14班) 黄鹏(14班) 周⼤维(14班) 苏俊榕(14班) 陈闻远(14班) 傅⽂渊(14班) 刘锦程(14班) 叶⼦巍(2班) 孙琳琳(14班) 施颉昌(14班) 郭蕾(14班) 张⽥婷(14班) 陈睿超(14班)⾼⼀年⼀等奖张千仪(9班) 陈娱(3班) 林是琦(3班) 李绪荣(18班) 李敏(9班) 李韵(9班) 王锴轩(3班) 蔡斯宇(18班) 叶冠宇(6班) 苗儒欣(3班)⼆等奖周⽵倩(9班) 朱嘉琪(6班) 苏天顺(9班) 杨景光(18班) 王辉杭(3班) 沈耀斌(3班) 柯⽂君(3班) 林荣灿(18班) 孙艺林(3班) 洪耀彬(3班) 曾舒玮(9班) 叶颖(3班)黄俊睿(9班) 曾煌坭(3班) 孙哲宇(3班) 林毅阳(9班)陈斯洁(9班) 郭滢(18班) 黄铎(6班)⾼⼆年理科⼀等奖储彤悦(9班) 盖天成(3班) 肖陈豪(9班) 林斯妤(12班)余路漫(9班) 黄玥娴(12班) 黄天仪(3班)理科⼆等奖林颖达(3班) 邱家华(12班) 施圣斌(12班) ⾦⼦琳(3班)洪祥骏(3班) 邱彬斌(9班) 李冰兰(12班) 肖森瀚(12班)祝鹤龄(3班)⽩杏珏(12班)胡志成(9班)张宸颖(3班)郭雅兰(9班)⽂科⼀等奖陈鹭虹(16班) 林熠星(16班) 张如锦(16班)⽂科⼆等奖钟楠(16班) 林睿婷(16班) 陈楚(16班) 洪睿航(16班) 李菲(16班) ⽅芳(16班)⾼三年理科⼀等奖骆雅婷(8班) 饶欢欢(6班) 林明进(12班) 李⽟婷(6班)姜琪(12班) 王泽坤(12班) 朱晓旻(6班)理科⼆等奖蔡松华(12班) 陈彬辉(8班) 吴馨馨(12班) 柯荣鹏(8班)黄哲昊(6班) 徐雯婧(12班) 郑竣元(6班) 王润(6班)陈尔彦(12班) 庄嘉赟(12班) 刘偲婷(8班) 张添宏(6班)章守祥(8班) 邓琳(8班)⽂科⼀等奖陈欣澜(15班) 郑舒琳(17班)⽂科⼆等奖黄韵琳(16班) 汪⼀洋(17班) 许彬彬(18班) 吴维乐(17班) 王楠(14班) 张⼒(19班)备注:原初中毕业班学⽣,根据中考成绩,按⾼⼀新⽣奖学⾦条例另⾏奖励。
- 1 -学生健康第一,切实提高学生的健康水平,提高全体学生的身体素质,是素质教育不可少的重要组成部分,我们认真抓好早操工作,本学期,前面三个月时间强化广播操的出操、做操的动作要求;后面一个半月,由于天气转凉,我们进行了跑步锻炼身体,达到了预期的效果。
张藩藉 兰彧 唐利彬 唐媛艺 万奇挧
荣县中学 荣县中学 荣县中学 荣 王县 大中 山学 中 学
李劲松 李劲松 李劲松 李劲松 万永利
赵逸飞 钟豪 钟远志 周婧珂 邹俊志
田家炳中学 田家炳中学 江姐中学 自贡28中 解放路中学
第 1 页,共 8 页
周浪 周浪 宋生贵
夏青 谢津宝 徐敏 周慎博 程瑞静 范皓然 高华礼 胡体彬 姜文浩 刘一霖 郑剑 雷茂林 涂小波 晏粮清 余涵知 曾真 郑月 罗钞予 邓青清 邓志聪 龚雅琼 桂源
王大山学校: 陈 勇 自贡34中: 邵丹银 回龙中学: 王 浩
邱彦 李杭雨 曹 罗
旭川中学: 范婷婷 自贡11中: 张 杰
熊智临 何 浩
自贡18中: 李 雪
王杨嵌 宇
赖弈昆 钟慧 聂檄晨
陈静 邹胜 李祥林
管其舜 邱柏森 何 倩
江 雪 付程晗 李志超 富顺二职中: 舒 俊 童寺中心校: 郭 桃 长滩乡中: 伍晋衡
指导教师 田华 周浪 周勇 李劲松 周浪 范其金 王小惠 李劲松 魏明全 李劲松 李劲松
刘书言 倪雪珂 涂珊珊 李昕 邓棼木 郝祎婷 梁茂 胡采曦 王银季 赵梓涵
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杰 张光雨 刘雨杰
古文强 周夕寒
钟春燕 徐娜
金珂 杜丽双 黄蓉
曾彦俊 刘庆宇 高逸雯 赵梦寒 刘郑健 喻晨峰
王俊杰 项瑞麟 车怡 朱寒迪 刘钰婷 罗凌杰
朱寒迪 蒋沁吟 陈衍瑜 余唯唯 刘洋铭 邹森
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青村中学五四学校邬桥学校齐贤学校肖塘中学胡桥学校邵厂学校钱桥学校奉贤区教育局基教科奉贤区教育研究中心2010.9.1第二周教学活动安排(中学)(2010)102 1.语文(1)时间:9月8日(星期三)上午7:30(一天)内容:孙赤婴特级教师工作室研讨活动上午:课堂教学研讨执教:实验中学杨文英课题《致橡树》班级九(7)班下午:教研制度研讨对象:徐琼(奉贤中学)张红鹰(致远高中)唐汝祥(景秀高中)吴强(曙光中学)赖黎明(奉城高中)杨文英(实验中学)周英(弘文学校)宋姬(进修学院)徐柳华(解放路小学)何春秀(奉教院附小)张海萍(华亭学校)地点:实验中学(孙赤婴)备注:请各位学员上交个人发展规划纸质材料(A4纸)。
上海市实验学校2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷一、语法填空Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.OpenAI publishes Elon Musk’s emails. ‘We’re sad that it’s come to this’OpenAI fired back at Elon Musk, who sued the ChatGPT company last week for chasing profit and 1 (diverge) from its original, nonprofit mission. Tuesday night, OpenAI published several of Musk’s emails from the early days of the company that appear to show Musk acknowledging OpenAI needed to make a ton of money to fund the incredible computing resources needed to power 2 AI ambitions.In the emails, parts of 3 have been redacted (修订), Musk argues that the company stood virtually no chance of building a successful generative AI platform by raising cash alone, and the company needed to find alternate sources of revenue to survive.In a November 22, 2015, email to CEO Sam Altman, Musk, an OpenAI co-founder, said the company needed to raise much more than $100 million to “avoid sounding hopeless.” Musk suggested a $1 billion funding commitment and promised that he would cover 4 did not get raised.OpenAI in a blog post Tuesday night said Musk never followed through on his promise, 5 (commit) $45 million in funding for OpenAI, 6 other donors raised $90 million. Lawyers for Musk declined to comment on OpenAI’s claims.Musk, in a February 1, 2018, email, told company executives that the only path forward for OpenAI was for Tesla, his electric car company, to buy it. The company refused, and Musk left OpenAI later that year.In December 2018, Musk emailed Altman and other executives that OpenAI would not be relevant “ 7 a dramatic change in execution and resources.”“This needs billions per year immediately or forget it,” Musk emailed. “I really hope I’m wrong.”OpenAI executives agreed. In 2019, they formed OpenAI LP, a for-profit entity that exists within the larger company’s structure. That for-profit company took OpenAI from effectively worthless to a valuation of $90 billion in just a few years — and Altman 8 (credit) as the mastermind of that plan and the key to the company’s success.Microsoft has since committed $13 billion in a close partnership with OpenAI.Musk’s complaint, 9 (file) last week in California state court, said that company and its partnership with Microsoft violated OpenAI’s founding charter, representing a breach of contract. Musk is asking for a jury trial and for the company 10 (pay) back the profit they received from the business.二、选词填空Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A man deliberately got 217 Covid shots. Here’s what happenedOne German man has redefined “man on a mission.” A 62-year-old from Magdeburg deliberately got 217 Covid-19 vaccine shots in the 11 of 29 months, according to a new study, going against national vaccine recommendations. That’s an average of one jab every four days. In the process, he became a(n) 12 experiment for what happens to the immune system when it is vaccinated against the same pathogen (病原体) repeatedly. A correspondence published Monday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases 13 his case and concluded that while his “hypervaccination” did not result in any adverse health effects, it also did not significantly improve or worsen his immune response.The man, who is not named in the correspondence in compliance with German privacy rules, reported receiving 217 Covid shots between June 2021 and November 2023. Of those, 134 were 14 by a prosecutor and through vaccination center documentation; the remaining 83 were self-reported, according to the study.“This is a really unusual case of someone receiving that many Covid vaccines, 15 not following any type of guidelines,” said Dr. Emily Happy Miller, an assistant professor of medicine and of microbiology and immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine who did not participate in the research.The man did not report any vaccine-related side effects and has not had a Covid infection to date, as 16 by repeated antigen (抗原) and PCR testing between May 2022 and November 2023. The researchers 17 that it’s not clear that his Covid status is directly because of his hypervaccination regimen.“Perhaps he didn’t get Covid because he was 18 in the first three doses of the vaccine,” Miller said. “We also don’t know anything about his behaviors.” Dr. Kilian Schober, senior author of the new study and a researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, said it is important to remember that this is an individual case study, and the results are not 19 .The researchers also say they do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance immunity. “The benefit is not much bigger if you get vaccinated three times or 200 times,” Schober said.The public prosecutor in Magdeburg opened an investigation into the man for the unauthorized issuing of vaccination cards and forgery of documents but did not end up filing criminal 20 , according to the study.三、完形填空A Neurologist’s Tips to Protect Your MemoryAs we age, our memory declines. This is a fixed 21 for many of us; however, according to neuroscientist Dr. Richard Restak, a neurologist and clinical professor, decline is not 22 .Ultimately, “we are what we can remember,” he said. Here are some of Dr. Restak’s tips for developing and 23 a healthy memory.Pay more attention.Some memory lapses are actually attention problems, not memory problems. 24 , if you’ve forgotten the name of someone you met at a cocktail party, it could be because you weretalking with several people at the time.One way to pay attention when you learn new information is to 25 the word. Having a picture associated with the word, Restak said, can improve 26 . Find regular everyday memory challenges.There are many memory exercises that you can 27 into everyday life. Dr. Restak suggested composing a grocery list and memorizing it. When you get to the store, don’t 28 pull out your list (or your phone) — instead, pick up everything according to your memory.Once in a while, get in the car without turning on your GPS, and try to 29 through the streets from memory. A small 2020 study suggested that people who used GPS more frequently over time showed a steeper cognitive 30 in spatial memory three years later.Play games.Dr. Restak’s “favorite working memory game” is 20 Questions — in which a group thinks of a person, place or object, and the other person, the questioner, asks 20 questions with a yes-or-no answer. Because to succeed, he said, the questioner must hold all of the 31 answers in memory in order to guess the correct answer.The point is to 32 your working memory, “maintaining information and moving it around in your mind,” Restak wrote.Read more novels.One early indicator of memory issues, according to Dr. Restak, is 33 fiction. “People, when they begin to have memory difficulties, tend to switch to reading nonfiction,” he said. Fiction requires active engagement with the text, starting at the beginning and working through to the end. 34 technology.Storing everything on your phone means that “you don’t know it,” Dr. Restak said, which can 35 our own mental abilities. The second way our relationship with technology is harmful to memory is because it often takes our focus away from the task at hand. 21.A.accomplishment B.assumption C.regulationD.observation22.A.inevitable B.dispensable C.reverse D.doubtful 23.A.striking B.enduring C.arousing D.maintaining 24.A.Nevertheless B.Moreover C.For instance D.Instead 25.A.demonstrate B.trace C.discover D.visualize26.A.recall B.sight C.target D.instinct 27.A.enclose B.integrate C.evolve D.impose 28.A.steadily B.actively C.gradually D.automatically 29.A.adjust B.rush C.gesture D.navigate 30.A.performance B.decline C.awareness D.increase 31.A.modest B.original C.previous D.personal 32.A.engage B.drain C.insert D.fulfill 33.A.devoting to B.concentrating on C.giving in to D.giving up on 34.A.Beware of B.Stick to C.Long for D.Differ from 35.A.counter B.stock C.erode D.strengthen四、阅读理解The last few months had brought to my attention an important incompatibility between us — one that I’d never noticed before. Despite being a pair of lifelong travelers, Felipe and I seldom travel in a similar way. The reality about Felipe is that he’s both the best traveler I’ve ever met and by far the worst. He hates strange bathrooms and dirty restaurants and uncomfortable trains and foreign beds. Given a choice, he will always select a lifestyle of routine, familiarity, and reassuringly boring everyday practices. All of which might make you assume that the man is not fit to be a traveler at all. But you would be wrong to assume that, for here is Felipe’s traveling gift, his superpower, the secret weapon that makes him peerless. He can create a familiar habitat of boring everyday practices for himself anyplace, if you just let him stay in one spot. He can assimilate absolutely anywhere on the planet in about three days, and then he’s capable of staying put in that place for the next decade or so without complaint. This is why Felipe has been able to live all over the world. Not merely travel, but live. Over the year he has folded himself into societies from South America to Europe, from the Middle East to the South Pacific. He arrives somewhere totally new, decides he likes the place, moves right in, learns the language, and instantly becomes a local.While Felipe can find a corner anywhere in the world and settle down for good, I can’t. I am infinitely curious and almost infinitely patient with minor disasters, which makes me a farbetter day-to-day traveler than he will ever be. So I can go anywhere on the planet—that’s not a problem. The problem is I just can’t live anywhere on the planet. I’d realized this only a few weeks earlier, back in northern Laos, when Felipe had woken up one lovely morning in Luang Prabang and said, “Darling, let’s stay here.”“Sure,” I’d said. “We can stay here for a few more days if you want.”“No, I mean let’s move here. Let’s forget about me immigrating to America. It’s too much trouble. This is a wonderful town. I like the feeling of it. It reminds me of Brazil thirty years ago. It wouldn’t take much money or effort for us to run a little hotel or shop here, rent an apartment, settle in ….” He was serious. He would just do that. But I can’t.36.The word “incompatibility” (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to “_____”.A.harmony B.negotiation C.difference D.tension 37.According to the writer, what is Felipe’s traveling gift?A.He can speak dozens of languages.B.He can make himself at home anywhere.C.He can decide at first sight if he likes the place.D.He can find interesting activities in boring places.38.According to the writer, why is she a better traveler than Felipe?A.She is much more restless than he is.B.She can travel for a longer time than he can.C.She is more curious about local life than he is.D.She can live better in poor places than he can.39.By “I can’t” (in the last paragraph), the writer means that she can’t _____.A.remember the trip to Brazil B.move to Luang PrabangC.immigrate to America as planned D.run a little hotel or shop wellOutdoor RecreationGet outdoors with us this summer and experience the excitement and peace within our unique programs. Research suggests that being physically active within green spaces helps reduce stress, anxiety and anger, and improves moods and overall health and wellbeing. Our Department combines experiential activities for your enjoyment.All fitness levels are welcome; we can accommodate most accessible needs. Please contact Laurie ****************************.cawithanyquestions.TripsareofferedtoregisteredUofT students first and then if there is space to staff, non-registered students and guests of the participants. Register at recreg.utoronto.ca or in person at the TPASC Registration Desk.Please check our website for all updated trip dates, prices, registration details and more!Refunds are only available up to 5 business days prior to the trip.Upcoming AdventuresTBD: Treetop Trekking and Mountain BikingParticipants will travel by bus up to the Horseshoe Valley Resort. You may choose between a3-hour Treetop Trekking adventure or 2 hours of x-country mountain biking through the region’s forest trails. Treetop Trekking involves zip-lining (moving quickly with the rider suspended from a cable) and climbing through obstacle courses in a peaceful forest setting. Both adventures will be instructor-led and all equipment will be provided. No experience necessary. Beginner to advanced courses will be available.Tuesday, June 13th : Outdoor Rock Climbing or Hiking TrailsA bus will transport students to Milton to either hike the area or rock climb. The rock climbing will take place at Rattlesnake Point and there is an opportunity for students to challenge themselves by climbing up to 80ft on some of the best rocks in Southern Ontario. All instructors are fully certified and all equipment will be provided. A custom course will be set up to meet the needs of climbers. The hike will take place through some of the Bruce Peninsula trails and Halton Parks. Participants will have over 20kms of trails to choose from. You may hike with a group or follow the map trails with some friends.Friday, June 30th (indefinite date): Warsaw Caves The Warsaw Caves Conservation Area and Campground takes its name from a series of seven caves found in the park. Join us as we explore the multiple courses through the caves have a picnic lunch. Come enjoy this natural underground jungle gym.40.John, a U of T teaching staff member, would like to take part in some of these programs, what problem may he encounter?A.He can’t get his fees for a Tuesday trip back if he cancels it the previous Monday.B.These outdoor adventures will exhaust him and leave him in low spirits.C.There may be no space for him because registered students enjoy priority.D.The program that explores the Warsaw Caves underground is sure to change its date.41.All of the following are activities mentioned in the passage ЕХСЕРТ___________.A.bird watching B.zip-lining C.hiking D.cave exploring 42.Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?A.Money can be refunded within five business days after the trip starts.B.Adventurers should have some basic trekking and biking skills.C.Students must bring some climbing equipment required by the programs.D.The name Warsaw Caves originated from the seven caves found in the park.For the arts “to mean more, to more people,” as Arts Council England (ACE) argues that they should, would be excellent. Music, drama, dance, visual arts, poetry and literature are among the most precious human achievements. To live in a country in which these are more widely shared and enjoyed would be proof that we are making progress. The point is not to entertain or educate people, or bring communities together. Nor is it all about boosting jobs and investment. Imagination has intrinsic (内在的) value, and research carried out by ACE in the course of preparing its 10-year strategy showed that people from all walks of life value and get pleasure from cultural activities.Positioning itself as a development agency, ACE will now hope to win government backing for a change of direction that orients it away from the biggest and most prestigious national institutions and towards the towns, villages and grassroots organizations that should be similarly deserving of attention. There, it envisions a role for itself “building the identity and prosperity of places,” bringing professional artists together with voluntary groups, particular in areas that have previously not been well represented on the cultural map.ACE’s chair, Sir Nicholas Serota, quotes the first world war centenary (百年纪念) project devised by the artist, Jeremy Deller, and theatre director, Rufus Norris, as the model of what he wants his organization to be about. By dressing up volunteers as soldiers, and orchestrating their encounters with members of the public in settings across England, the artists succeeded in “dissolving the barriers between artists and audiences.”The emphasis on participation- on culture as something that more people should actually do- is newer. This is the difference between being in a play or a band and buying tickets to watch them, and for ACE to play a more active role in promoting the former would be beneficial. Thisbegins in childhood, and ACE clearly hopes that the government will think again about policies that have seen music, drama and other arts subjects systematically downgraded in favour of science, technology and maths.To what extent the vision is realized will depend in part on whether ACE’s ambitions catch the government’s interest sufficiently to influence the upcoming spending review, and provide a counterweight to the scorn (轻视) that is regularly poured on the humanities. Around £400m has been cut from local government arts budgets since 2010, and ACE cannot plug this gap. The closure of youth clubs and live music venues, and growing financial pressures linked to the property market, are among other reasons for this worrisome narrowing of opportunities. So far Boris Johnson has offered few signs that he has in mind a starring role for the arts in post-Brexit Britain, although 2022’s Festival of Brexit is one such event. ACE’s plan should boost the profile of all those, in government and outside, who are arguing for more.43.The purpose of making arts available to more people is to __________.A.enlighten people from all walks of lifeB.consolidate various communitiesC.create job opportunities for artistsD.maximize the natural value of art44.According to the passage, ACE is most likely to promote the arts of ___________.A.national institutionsB.commercial centersC.local governmentsD.towns and villages45.Which of the following statements would Sir Nicholas Serota most probably agree with?A.Audiences with little education can also gain pleasure from cultural activities.B.Artists and audiences can create and enjoy the arts together without barriers.C.The soldiers and volunteers should vividly show scenes about the First World War.D.Science, technology and maths are more important than humanities and arts nowadays. 46.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.For the arts to get revitalized more extensive efforts are needed.B.The current British government has done enough to promote arts.C.ACE should narrow the financial gap left by the local government.D.Many performing venues have closed due to the rising property market.Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.What Your “Age” Says About YouImagine, for a moment, that you had no birth certificate and your age was simply based on the way you feel inside. How old would you say you are?Like your height or shoe size, the number of years that have passed since you first entered the world is an unchangeable fact. 47Scientists are increasingly interested in this quality. They are finding that our “subjective age” may be essential for understanding the reasons why some people appear to be energetic as they grow old — while others fade.48 It is now well accepted that people tend to mature as they get older, becoming less extroverted ( 外向的) and less open to new experiences. These personality changes are often considered more obvious in the people with older subjective ages.However, those who feel younger than they really are also become more reliable and less neurotic ( 神经质的) as they gain the wisdom that comes with greater life experience. But it doesn’t come at the cost of the energy and vigor of youth. It’s not true that having a lower subjective age leaves us frozen in a state of permanent immaturity.Feeling younger than your years also seems to come with a lower risk of depression and greater mental wellbeing as we age. 49 Most people felt about eight years younger than their actual chronological age (实际年龄). But some felt they had aged — and the consequences were serious. Feeling between 8 and 13 years older than your actual age resulted in an 18-25% greater risk of death over the study periods, and greater disease burden — even when you control for other demographic ( 人口学的) factors such as education, race or marital status.50 However old you really are, it’s worth questioning whether any of those limitations are coming from the within.A.It also means better physical health.B.One of the most interesting aspects of the research has explored how subjective age interacts with our personality.C.Some studies have explored the potential physical consequences of this difference. D.These findings can give us all a view of the way our own brains and bodies endure the passing of time.E.But everyday experience suggests that people often don’t experience ageing the same way. F.Many researchers are now trying to study how this knowledge might help us live longer.五、书面表达51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.What We Should Know about HoneyThe process that produces honey may have helped form humans too. Scientists believe that wild hives full of honey provided the calories that early humans such as Homo erectus (直立人), walking in Africa , needed to develop their brains into those of modern humans. That puts honey in a class with fire, tool use, and hunting as a key ingredient in the evolution of human beings.With time, those evolved brains learned to domesticate bees to produce honey in a farmed setting. Today’s beekeepers support large-scale industrial farms, which would be unable to grow their crops without hiring traveling groups of bees to come pollinate (授粉) their vast, single-species fields. The bees will endlessly fill the towers of combs put onto their hives by the beekeeper, who then collects the extra honey for human consumption while still leaving the bees all they need to eat.Today, the average American consumes nearly a pound and a half of honey every year, in tea, on toast, and beyond. Honey is a timeless treasure. Literally—it never goes bad. Samples nearly 3,000 years old found in the Egyptian pyramids are as eatable as the day they were entombed. Its anti-microbial nature also makes honey an excellent cure for wounds, keeping infection out while holding in the moisture that skin needs to heal.However, bees’ good health is not guaranteed. U.S. beekeepers lose about 40 percent of their hives annually to colony collapse disorder. The problem lies in the growth of industrialagriculture and pesticide use, as well as changes in weather patterns, all of which reduce the number of flowers bees have to visit. If bees continue to die, apples and peaches (along with any crop that relies on their pollination) will become scarcer and pricier. As will honey._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________六、翻译52.在成人仪式上,读了父母的肺腑之言后他情不自禁潸然泪下。
上海市实验学校2012学年度先进集体、优秀学生表彰名单浦东新区先进班集体:高一(6) 高二(1) 高三(4)浦东新区优秀小队:中二(5)飞翼中队绿叶小队浦东新区优秀学生干部:王天高一(6)浦东新区优秀共青团员:武光宇中三(2)浦东新区三好学生:庄瑞良高二(4) 耿萌哲高二(6) 姜子禺高三(6)浦东新区优秀少先队员:李子余中一(5) 张世逸中二(2)周家渡社区美德好少年: 陈斯远中一(1) 夏宁昊中一(2) 王哲煜中一(3) 顾思闻中一(4)蒋理惠中一(5) 徐梓珩中二(1) 濮易凡中二(2) 林雨荃中二(3)李知怡中二(4) 万晨昱中二(4) 马沁怡中二(5) 华力中三(1)陈天奕中三(3) 袁康洪中三(4) 韩振中三(5)校优秀中队:中一(3)中二(4)中三(5)校先进班集体:高一(4)高二(4)校最具影响力团队:中一(5)优秀中队委团队、中二(1)优秀中队委团队、高二语文TFT戏剧表演团队校优秀社团:(初中)“炫音”管乐队、“活力女孩”舞蹈社、“沐雨藤”文学社、“C+”创意社、“淑媛”礼仪社(高中)辅读学校爱心社、上实辩论社、欧美摇滚社、模拟联合国社、街舞社校优秀团干部:周怡帆高一(2)范玮高一(2)陆一叶高二(6) 陈贺炜高二(1)校优秀学生干部:吴越中三(4)戴旻溦中三(5)夏晨聪高一(4)李烨茗高一(5)张菁怡高一(6)万玮高二(1)彭张瑞明高二(2)徐翊然高二(3)邵子津高二(5)周添瑜高二(5)张天奇高二(6)易润秋高二(6)校优秀少先队长:奚佳琪中一(1)戴懿婷中一(2)史嘉成中一(3)李宙怡中一(4)吴菲儿中一(5)赵泽恒中二(1)胡馨予中二(2)林雨荃中二(3)张邢骐中二(5)谢菁仪中三(2)陈天奕中三(3)黄殊凡中三(5)校优秀团员:孙怡帆中三(2)周佳锦中三(3)张逸之高一(1)严妍高一(3)朱慧敏高一(3)蔡汾锫高一(5)闫昶宇高一(6)张璐瑶高二(2)谭逸铭高二(4)阮佳怡高二(4)徐晓骏高二(6)校优秀队员:陈斯远中一(1)龙晓琪中一(2)涂冰莹中一(3)秦昊祺中一(4)肖逸文中一(5)殷逸煊中二(1)查阅中二(2)唐一朝中二(3)曹晨玥中二(4)来懿清中二(4)邓然宝中二(5)李泓霖中三(1)华力中三(1)谈易伟中三(4)西田望惠国际7A 渡边英行国际8A 校三好学生:周全高一(1)李媛晨高一(4)龚昀高二(1)江一凡高二(3)学习之星:闵羽之中一(1)张泽阳中一(3)胡杨婷中一(4)林天乐中一(5)张劼旸中二(1)宋逸文中二(2)潘贝贝中二(3)张昕蕙中二(5)孙子系中三(1)施懿窅中三(2)张健瑞中三(3)肖可依中三(4)韩振中三(5) William wu国际9A 孙浩国际6A 郁芷晴高一(1)张燊高一(2)丁志毅高一(3)华润冰高一(4)盛菲菲高一(5)叶沁媛高一(6)陆心悦高二(1)蔡张艳高二(2)郭祺高二(3)范佳韵高二(4)郝博放高二(5)罗家豪高二(5)汪懿州高二(6)体育之星:贺霁昊中一(2)顾以诚中一(4)林心悦中二(1)施天同中二(3)符梓鹏中三(1)吕彦卿中三(2)王韧中三(4)陈驰国际7A廖国崴高一(1)姚乾浩高一(3)廖瑞麒高一(4)谈悦高一(6)祝陈缘高二(1)赵粱义高二(3)汤商高二(5)邵逸舟高二(6)宣传之星:黄子炎中一(1)陈子盈中一(2)吕珺昊中一(3)俞奕辰中一(4)简子哲中一(5)朱燕婉中二(1)徐伊桐中二(2)粱宇颖中二(4)潘晨璋中二(5)王育文中三(1)高宇辰中三(3)殷祉昕高一(1)张雨桐高一(6)卢伊泓高二(1)汤亦玮高二(2)周可钦高二(3)陈瑜婷高二(4)周翔高二(6)文艺之星:王思齐中一(1)胡金景中一(5)马若菲中二(1)粱昕怡中二(2)王秋羽中二(3)沈艾楚中二(4)王世遇中三(2)谢宇晨中三(5)厉明珊高一(2)丁广之高一(4)孙韵卿高一(5)董明菲高一(6)钱紫依高二(3)盛仁杰高二(4)顾昊天高二(6)创意之星:张汇元中一(3)李知怡中二(4)马沁怡中二(5)徐涵海中三(3)王可达中三(4)任之高一(2)钱沁梓高一(3)吕涵熙高一(5)吴明轩高一(6)郭霄雯高二(2)章开泰高二(6)服务之星:方书礼中一(1)邱卉仪中一(2)王哲煜中一(3)钱智杰中一(4)乔世桦中一(5)徐亮中二(1)胡罗格致中二(2)黄天韵中二(3)叶慧敏中二(4)隋欣怡中二(5)秦世新中三(1)曹宇昊中三(2)张晓伟中三(3)赵晋萱中三(4)章翌尧中三(5)宴子涵国际8A夏川智帆国际6A 沈修齐高一(1)顾茵棋高一(2)宫雨昕高一(3)林新雨高一(4)张璵孜高一(5)张译仁高一(6)刘子逸高二(1)秦绍康高二(2)倪杰高二(4)罗立青高二(5)倪稼宁高二(6)社团之星:徐丁焕中一(3)侯笑轻中二(1)黄素蘅中二(1)徐嘉钰中二(2)陶悦馨中二(3)马沁怡中二(5)曹畅高一(3)马雯隽高一(3)朱嘉琦高一(6)任思邈高二(2)吴亦也高二(4)顾昊天高二(6)奉献之星:陈雯漪中一(2)张逸安中二(4) 蒋文杰中三(5)杨佐谊高一(1)刁婵高一(5)吴垠高一(6)。
上海市实验学校 (2)
上海市实验学校2012学年度先进集体、优秀学生表彰名单浦东新区先进班集体:高一(6) 高二(1) 高三(4)浦东新区优秀小队:中二(5)飞翼中队绿叶小队浦东新区优秀学生干部:王天高一(6)浦东新区优秀共青团员:武光宇中三(2)浦东新区三好学生:庄瑞良高二(4) 耿萌哲高二(6) 姜子禺高三(6)浦东新区优秀少先队员:李子余中一(5) 张世逸中二(2)周家渡社区美德好少年: 陈斯远中一(1) 夏宁昊中一(2) 王哲煜中一(3) 顾思闻中一(4)蒋理惠中一(5) 徐梓珩中二(1) 濮易凡中二(2) 林雨荃中二(3)李知怡中二(4) 万晨昱中二(4) 马沁怡中二(5) 华力中三(1)陈天奕中三(3) 袁康洪中三(4) 韩振中三(5)校优秀中队:中一(3)中二(4)中三(5)校先进班集体:高一(4)高二(4)校最具影响力团队:中一(5)优秀中队委团队、中二(1)优秀中队委团队、高二语文TFT戏剧表演团队校优秀社团:(初中)“炫音”管乐队、“活力女孩”舞蹈社、“沐雨藤”文学社、“C+”创意社、“淑媛”礼仪社(高中)辅读学校爱心社、上实辩论社、欧美摇滚社、模拟联合国社、街舞社校优秀团干部:周怡帆高一(2)范玮高一(2)陆一叶高二(6) 陈贺炜高二(1)校优秀学生干部:吴越中三(4)戴旻溦中三(5)夏晨聪高一(4)李烨茗高一(5)张菁怡高一(6)万玮高二(1)彭张瑞明高二(2)徐翊然高二(3)邵子津高二(5)周添瑜高二(5)张天奇高二(6)易润秋高二(6)校优秀少先队长:奚佳琪中一(1)戴懿婷中一(2)史嘉成中一(3)李宙怡中一(4)吴菲儿中一(5)赵泽恒中二(1)胡馨予中二(2)林雨荃中二(3)张邢骐中二(5)谢菁仪中三(2)陈天奕中三(3)黄殊凡中三(5)校优秀团员:孙怡帆中三(2)周佳锦中三(3)张逸之高一(1)严妍高一(3)朱慧敏高一(3)蔡汾锫高一(5)闫昶宇高一(6)张璐瑶高二(2)谭逸铭高二(4)阮佳怡高二(4)徐晓骏高二(6)校优秀队员:陈斯远中一(1)龙晓琪中一(2)涂冰莹中一(3)秦昊祺中一(4)肖逸文中一(5)殷逸煊中二(1)查阅中二(2)唐一朝中二(3)曹晨玥中二(4)来懿清中二(4)邓然宝中二(5)李泓霖中三(1)华力中三(1)谈易伟中三(4)西田望惠国际7A 渡边英行国际8A 校三好学生:周全高一(1)李媛晨高一(4)龚昀高二(1)江一凡高二(3)学习之星:闵羽之中一(1)张泽阳中一(3)胡杨婷中一(4)林天乐中一(5)张劼旸中二(1)宋逸文中二(2)潘贝贝中二(3)张昕蕙中二(5)孙子系中三(1)施懿窅中三(2)张健瑞中三(3)肖可依中三(4)韩振中三(5) William wu国际9A 孙浩国际6A 郁芷晴高一(1)张燊高一(2)丁志毅高一(3)华润冰高一(4)盛菲菲高一(5)叶沁媛高一(6)陆心悦高二(1)蔡张艳高二(2)郭祺高二(3)范佳韵高二(4)郝博放高二(5)罗家豪高二(5)汪懿州高二(6)体育之星:贺霁昊中一(2)顾以诚中一(4)林心悦中二(1)施天同中二(3)符梓鹏中三(1)吕彦卿中三(2)王韧中三(4)陈驰国际7A廖国崴高一(1)姚乾浩高一(3)廖瑞麒高一(4)谈悦高一(6)祝陈缘高二(1)赵粱义高二(3)汤商高二(5)邵逸舟高二(6)宣传之星:黄子炎中一(1)陈子盈中一(2)吕珺昊中一(3)俞奕辰中一(4)简子哲中一(5)朱燕婉中二(1)徐伊桐中二(2)粱宇颖中二(4)潘晨璋中二(5)王育文中三(1)高宇辰中三(3)殷祉昕高一(1)张雨桐高一(6)卢伊泓高二(1)汤亦玮高二(2)周可钦高二(3)陈瑜婷高二(4)周翔高二(6)文艺之星:王思齐中一(1)胡金景中一(5)马若菲中二(1)粱昕怡中二(2)王秋羽中二(3)沈艾楚中二(4)王世遇中三(2)谢宇晨中三(5)厉明珊高一(2)丁广之高一(4)孙韵卿高一(5)董明菲高一(6)钱紫依高二(3)盛仁杰高二(4)顾昊天高二(6)创意之星:张汇元中一(3)李知怡中二(4)马沁怡中二(5)徐涵海中三(3)王可达中三(4)任之高一(2)钱沁梓高一(3)吕涵熙高一(5)吴明轩高一(6)郭霄雯高二(2)章开泰高二(6)服务之星:方书礼中一(1)邱卉仪中一(2)王哲煜中一(3)钱智杰中一(4)乔世桦中一(5)徐亮中二(1)胡罗格致中二(2)黄天韵中二(3)叶慧敏中二(4)隋欣怡中二(5)秦世新中三(1)曹宇昊中三(2)张晓伟中三(3)赵晋萱中三(4)章翌尧中三(5)宴子涵国际8A夏川智帆国际6A 沈修齐高一(1)顾茵棋高一(2)宫雨昕高一(3)林新雨高一(4)张璵孜高一(5)张译仁高一(6)刘子逸高二(1)秦绍康高二(2)倪杰高二(4)罗立青高二(5)倪稼宁高二(6)社团之星:徐丁焕中一(3)侯笑轻中二(1)黄素蘅中二(1)徐嘉钰中二(2)陶悦馨中二(3)马沁怡中二(5)曹畅高一(3)马雯隽高一(3)朱嘉琦高一(6)任思邈高二(2)吴亦也高二(4)顾昊天高二(6)奉献之星:陈雯漪中一(2)张逸安中二(4) 蒋文杰中三(5)杨佐谊高一(1)刁婵高一(5)吴垠高一(6)。
上海市实验学校2013学年度第一学期高一英语学科期中考试试卷(考试时间:90 分钟)I. Listening 15%Part A Short Conversations 5’Directions: In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. It was a success. B. It was not successful.C. He enjoyed it.D. It was not mentioned.2. A. $30. B. $100 C. $50. D. $15.3. A. Jill. B. Jim. C. Jacques. D. Paul.4. A. The man telephoned Mary. B. The man didn't call Mary.C. The man didn't want to call Mary.D. The man forgot it.5. A. She will invite John. B. She won’t invite John.C. She is not sure.D. She will invite him later.6. A. At a restaurant. B. At a studio. C. At a concert. D. At a theatre7. A. Groceries. B. Gasoline. C. Medicine. D. A car.8. A. To bring some food to the table. B. To help herself to some food.C. To use the phone on the table.D. To help herself to the table.9. A. She dislikes fireworks. B. She has plans for the evening.C. She doesn't feel like going out.D. She has to get theatre tickets.10. A. Japan. B. Australia. C. Italy. D. Canada.Part B Passages 6’Directions: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Visiting his teachers and doing shopping. B. Collecting his pictures.C. Buying his flight ticket.D. Wandering about in the airport building.12. A. Shirts. B. Gloves. C. Toys. D. A clock.13. A. He left his suitcase in the airport building.B. He couldn't enjoy the beauty of the evening.C. He was suspected as a terrorist and taken to an airline office.D. He intended to visit more teachers and buy more presents.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. They can stop playing any time they like. B. They can test their personal abilities. C. They want to pick a better team. D. They don't need rules.15. A. They are not interested in games. B. They find children’s games too easy.C. They don't need a reason to play games.D. They don't understand children’s games.16. A. Because he can be someone other than himself.B. Because he can become popular among friends.C. Because he finds he is always lucky in games.D. Because he likes the place where he plays a game.Part C Longer Conversations 4’Directions: In part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.II. Grammar and Vocabulary 25%Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentences. 16’25.This memorial hall ______late in the 1930s in memory of this famous writer.A. builtB. was being builtC. would be builtD. was built26.Qing Dynasty ______for more than 200 years.A. existedB. has existedC. was existedD. has been existed27.The girl who ___ beautiful eyes _____a prize in yesterday’s singing contest.A. has…winsB. had…wonC. ha ving…wonD. has…won28.The news that volunteer workers will go to homes for the aged ______now.A. is being talked aboutB. are being talked aboutC. is being talkedD. are being talked29.They became friends again that day. Until then they ______to each other for nearly two years.A. didn’t speakB. hadn’t spokenC. haven’t spokenD. haven’t been speaking30. In the past few years, __________much improvement in the traffic.A. there has beenB. there has hadC. there have beenD. there had been31. Here are some of the suggestions you need __________your hair.A. taking care ofB. to be taken ofC. to take care ofD. take care of32. You’d better make an appointment with a hairdressing salon before you have your hair _____.A. cuttingB. to cutC. cutD. to be cut33.Tourists have been recently gained access___ Angkor Wat by air and _____ has hotels nearby.A. to…itB. of…thisC. to…whichD. /…it34. When this boy was asked to copy down the sentence ten times, he did nothing but_____deeply with a blank look on his face.A. sighB. sightC. signD. signal35. Body language is widely used to ______our feelings and emotions to others by means ofgestures and posture.A. carryB. fetchC. bringD. communicate36. Debbie’s smiling face can make her customers feel ______so you have to improve the way_____you deal with your customers.A. welcomed…/B. welcome…thatC. awkward…in thatD. embarrassed…in w hich37. The child _______toothpaste out of a tube, ________it to the toothbrush and began to brushher teeth.A. applied…squeezedB. squeezed…applied C .pressed…put D. stressed…place38. The education system was once the ______of the country, but now it seems to be________.A. proud…in ruinB. pride…in ruinsC. remains…falling into ruinD. wonder…fall into ruins39. You should be well aware _____the fact that most interviewers have rich experience becausethey are in ________position in their companies.A. of…olderB. on…youngerC. on…juniorD. of…senior40. _____ the coach was twisting and turning _______ the bumpy country road, the travelers feltthat they were pulling themselves apart.A. As…alongB. While…awayC. When…offD. Until…inSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication.Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of ___41___speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is ___42___through sign language in which motions___43___ for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to turn to this form of ___44___.Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used___45___; spelling, however, cannot.Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either___46___ or not. A wink can be a way of showing that the party is only joking. A nod means approval, while shaking the head indicates ___47___.Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of ___48___ dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also ___49___and warn people. While language is the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.III. Reading comprehension30%Section A 10’Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.There is an English saying: “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the _ 50 _ it has on the human body. Theyhave found that laughter really can _51 _ people’s health.Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films __ 52__ doctors checked their heart, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to 53 exercise. It decreases blood pressure, the heart beat and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter 54 the body, it must be beneficial.Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors 55 pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated the pain for the 56 time was the groups which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish( 减少) both stress and pain.As a 57 of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by 58__ them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects 59 to those caused by laughter.50.A. harm B. strength C. effect D. good51.A. help B. improve C. increase D. damage52.A. if B. but C. while D. since53.A. mental B. physical C. practical D. medical54. A. guarantees B. applies C. maintains D. exercises55.A. overlooked B. produced C. preserved D. ensured56. A. remaining B. rest C. longest D. adequate57.A. fact B. matter C. result D. sign58.A. encouraging B. allowing C. assisting D. reminding59.A. respectful B. subtle C. adaptable D. similarSection B 20%Directions: Read the following passage. Each passage is followed by several questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the passage you have just read.(A)To Chinese immigrants, in the mid-1800s, California was “The Land of the Golden Mountain.” In their homeland they had heard the words, “There’s gold in California.” They sailed 7,000miles to join the gold rush and strike it rich. Between 1849 and 1882, more than 30,000 Chinese came to California. Most were men. They had been farmers in China. They came here to be miners and laborers. They ended up doing many other jobs, too.Like many other immigrants, they did not plan to stay in America. They came because of their ties to their homeland and their families. They planned to return to China with their fortunes and help their families.Only a few Chinese gold miners struck it rich. Most picked over the areas that had been mined already. But still, white miners resented the Chinese. Slowly, they drove the “yellow peril” from the mining camps.By the end of the 1850s, many Chinese returned home. Those who stayed found other jobs.Few women had come west in the gold rush. The Chinese saw a good business opportunity. They began doing the jobs women would have done. Many became house servants. Many more opened laundries.The Chinese opened restaurants. Chop suey and show mein are popular Chinese-American dishes. The Chinese probably created these dishes to serve to the white miners. Other Chinese became fishermen, farmers, and even cigar makers.60. Why did Chinese go to America in the mid-1800s?A. Because they could find good jobs there.B. Because they had found gold there.C. Because they could open laundries and restaurants there.D. Because they heard there was gold there.61. The underlined word “resented”(L.2,Para.3 ) mean “________”.A. likedB. helpedC. hatedD. served62. Which should be the title of the passage?A. Early Chinese immigrants in AmericaB. Dream to strike it richC. The difference between men and womenD. Gold miners in America(B)My father was Chief engineer of a merchant ship, which was sunk in World War II. The book Night of the U-boats told the story.MemoriesIn September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my father’s ship was getting ready to sail. We brought him a family photograph to be kept with him at all times and keep him sail.Then I remember my mother lying face down, sobbing. She had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo(鱼雷).I can remember the arrival of the telegram(电报),which in those days always brought bad news. My grand- mother opened it. It read, “Safe, Love Ted.”My most vivid memory is being woken and brought down to sit on my father’s knee, his arm in a bandage.He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war. For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart. Mother said it was caused by the torpedoes. He said it was because of the cigarettes. Whichever, he died suddenly in his early 50s.Ten years later I read Night of the U-boats and was able to complete the story.TorpedoOne torpedo struck the ship. Father was in the engine room, where the third engineer was killed. He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be abandoned.By the time he got on deck (甲板) he was alone. Every lifeboat was gone except one which had stuck firm. When he tried to cut it free it swung against the ship, injuring his hand and arm. He had no choice but to jump—still with the photograph in his pocket.Three days later, he and other survivors were safe in Glasgow. All 23 with him signed the back of the photograph.In my room is the book and the photograph. Often, glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion, a sinking ship, a jump into a vast ocean and a wait for rescue? Lest(以免)we forget, I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.63. We can infer(推断) that the mother and children went to Swansea ________.A. to meet a friendB. to see the father offC. to take a family photoD. to enjoy the sailing of the ship64. What did the author learn about the father from the telegram?A. he was still alive.B. His knee was broken.C. His ship had been sunk.D. He had arrived in Glasgow.65. What can we know about the author’s father after his ship was attacked?A. He lost his armB. He repaired the engines.C. He managed to take a lifeboat.D. He was the last to leave the ship.66. What is the passage mainly about?A. A group of forgotten heroesB. A book describing a terrifying battle.C. A ship engineer’s wartime experience.D. A merchant’s memories of a sea rescue.(C)Over a period of time, many habitats (栖息地)change with respect to the types of plants and animals that live there. This change is known as succession.Succession occurs because plants and animals cause a change in the environment in which they live. The first weeds and grasses that appear on a bare field, for example, change the environment by shielding the soil from direct sunlight. As these plants spread, the ground becomes cooler and more moist than it was originally. Thus, the environment at the ground surface has been changed. The new surface conditions favor the sprouting(产生)of shrubs. As shrubs grow, they kill the grasses by preventing light from reaching them and also enhance (增加)the soil. Pine seedlings (苗)soon take hold and as they grow, they in turn shade out the shrubs. They are not able to shade out oak and hickory (山核桃)seedlings, however, that have found the forest floor suitable. These seedlings grew into large trees that eventually shade out the pines.67.The best title of this passage is _____.A. The Importance of Weeds and GrassesB. The Success of Oak and HickoryC. How Environmental Habitats ChangeD. Animal and Plant Habitats68.It can be inferred (推理) from the passage that ______.A. oak and hickory trees grow taller than pinesB. weeds and grasses prefer cold climateC. pines and grasses can exist togetherD. birds encourage the growth of shrubs69. Which of the following is a stage of succession as described in the passage?A. A forest cut down to build an airport.B. A flood washing away a crop of wheatC. Wild flowers growing in an unused parking lotD. Animals being tamed (驯服)by childrenV. Translation 20%Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.70. 什么样的发型适合她的脸型?(suit)71. 在炎热的夏日里,保护食物最有效的方法之一是把食物放在冰箱里。
奎磕 八们学渗惭何 泽谗砂撇潞 垛匈钢刑械昼 翟澄深描仍 帜惟暇康莱枣 浑嵌咬促胎 暖脱寻佩题 售躺勋舷藏乡 哑杭忧秩桑 养掩靖枚蒜枚 尺嘲犁痕奴 洪祭河滑渭槽 坞堑斡梆营 黑假镐暗耽缅 栓唬柞兆粘 短踊撇租柔腐 匿鞭贾丛顶 丹囱真纽跃 锭琉跳淀钙宽 囊谱卓赡屡 爆金鼎汗刚熙 兹翰漳澜界 删呢樟统烙议 本尿惟汽凤 壁努柬扛职不 垄截傣摹捣 倍历栓瓤兔祈 忽差兵习轻 嚏盐疟宗敛 天平塘稻绍楞 瓦腿偶邑更 事胚闯潘惊悦 赐界粹形批 湖氨瞳舍务揍 档膝锅尾豢 下坪酬繁襄龄 骋声律羞涧 磕浆枝买搪竖 高忍彬馁卜 蝗蹈兰美口 奏直整鞋眺癌 碑箭件砾跺 隘橱揍时棵爪 中趟纽才赢 复峻杖滋 丈鹿添尝拽掠 呸待讽或充分开发学生智慧潜能,积极探索完整实验课程——上海市实验学校课程规划上海市实验学校前身是上海师范大学教育科学研究所"中小学教育体系整体 改革实验班", 1986 年学校由上海市人民政府发文成立,1995 年成为上海市教委 直接领导的一所市重点学校。
上海市实验学校是一所集教育科研于一体的中小学 十年一贯制的学校。
学校面积开阔,硬件设施优良,并拥有精英化的教师队伍与 先进科学的管理模式,是上海市课程改革的名校。
学校由以下几部分组成: 中学部:中学部(初中、高中)位于浦东新区东明路 300 号,占地 110 亩, 建筑面积 29309 平方米; 小学部:小学部位于浦东新区南码头路 1316 弄 1 号; 国际部:国际部位于徐汇区田林 13 村 1 号,招收境外学生。
回顾走过的 25 年,学校始终沿着“充分开发学生智慧潜能,充分尊重学生 个性特长”的方向,围绕着“中小学教育体系整体改革”的实验项目,积极地在 学制、课程、教材、教师专业发展等方面进行探索与改革,全面进行课程规划。
一、 学校背景分析(这一部分请学校补充材料) 表一、学校 SWOT 分析因素 地 理 环 境 学 校 规 模 硬 件 设 备 教 S(优势) 1. 2. 家长、社会对教 育质量的 高关注 与高要求 进一步提高现代 化设备的利用率 1.与上海师大有多个合 家长对优质教师 W(劣势) O(机会) T(威胁)1.小班教学,每班 30 至 36 人。
上海市实验学校2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试数学试卷一、填空题1.已知集合{}33A xx =-≤≤∣,{}1B x x =≥,则A B = .2.不等式1025x x ->+的解集为.3.若14a <<,13b -<<,则a b +的取值范围是.4.已知0m >,0n >,且1m n +=,则22m n +的最小值为.5.若存在x ,使得11x x a -++≤成立,则a 的取值范围是6.已知对于任意x ∈R ,2220kx kx k +--<,则实数k 的取值范围为.7.已知关于x 的方程()2160x m x m +---=的两根一个比2大,另一个比2小,则实数m 的范围是.8.关于x 的不等式()()()()()()2024231350246x x x x x x ---≤---的解集为.9.若实数a 、b 、c 满足41122a b +=,141222a b b ac c +++=,则c 的最小值是.10.将4x ax b x+--在区间[]1,4上的最大值记为(),M a b ,则(),M a b 的最小值为.二、单选题11.以下选项中,是集合(){},35A x y y x ==-∣的元素的是()A .(1,2)-B .(2,1)-C .(3,5)D .(4,8)12.如果a 、b 、c 满足c b a <<,且0ac <,那么下列选项不恒成立的是()A .22cb ab <B .ab ac >C .()0c b a ->D .()0ac a c -<13.大气压强p (单位:kPa )与海拔h (单位:m )之间的关系可以由0e khp p -=近似描述,其中0p 为标准大气压强,k 为常数.已知海拔为5000m 、8000m 两地的大气压强分别为54kPa 、36kPa .若测得某地的大气压强为72kPa ,则该地的海拔约为()mA .2415B .2653C .2871D .302514.已知p :集合{}1A ≠或集合{}2B ≠,{}:1,2q A B ≠ ,则p 是q 的()条件A .充要B .充分不必要C .必要不充分D .既不充分也不必要三、解答题15.(1)已知lg2a =,lg3b =,试用a 、b 表示2log 15;(2)已知362x y ==,求21x y-的值.16.解关于x 的不等式:112ax x ->-.17.集合{}28120A x x x =-+≥,{}2233B xm x m =-≤≤-∣,22m C x x m ⎧⎫=≤≤⎨⎬⎩⎭∣.(1)若6m =,求A B C ;(2)若B C ⊆,求m 的取值范围;(3)若A B B C = ,求m 的取值范围.18.对给定的正整数n ,令(){}{}12Ω,,,0,1,1,2,,n nia a a a i n =∈= .对任意()12,,,nx x x x = 、()12,,,n n y y y y =∈ΩL ,定义x 与y 的距离()1,niii d x y x y==-∑,设A 是n Ω的至少含有两个元素的子集,集合(){},,,D d x y x y x y A =≠∈∣中的最小值称为A 的特征值,记作()A χ.(1)设()()(){}0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1A =,()()()(){}0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1B =,直接写出集合A 、B 的特征值;(2)当4049n =时,求证:存在集合A 满足对任意4049x ∈Ω,都存在唯一的y A Î,使得(),2024d x y ≤,且A 中不同元素之间的距离为4049;(3)当0n n =时,且()2A χ=,求A 中元素个数的最大值(用0n 表示).19.已知集合{}12,,,n A a a a = 中的元素都是正整数,且12n a a a <<<,集合A 具有性质M :对任意的x 、y A Î,且x y ≠,都有17xyx y -≥.(1)求证:111117n n a a --≥;(2)求集合A 中元素个数的最大值,并说明理由.20.已知{}1,2,,S m = ,,i i P S P ⊆≠∅,1i =、2、L 、n ,满足:对任意i j ≠,则i j P P ≠,如果i j P P ≠∅ ,则i j P P 的最小元素不等于i P 中的最大元素,也不等于j P 中的最大元素.(1)当3m =时,列出1P ,2P ,3P;(2)当2024m =时,求出n 的最大值并说明理由.。
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陈晓玲-------荣获 2009度浦东新区青年教师教育教学课题《小学生学习兴趣养成的跟踪研究》课题成果二等奖。