



零售业供应链英文文献及译文20 Since the 1990s, China's rapid development of the retail impressive, but compared with developed countries, China's retail business is still an enormous gap exists. China's accession to the WTO, foreign retail giants have entered the Chinese market, China's retail industry to directly face the international market amid fierce competition. And the globalization of the economy, market conditions, Business and competition among enterprises has evolved into the supply chain and the an integrated management ideas and methods, supply chain management around the core business, through the flow of materials, funds, information flow, will be suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retail customers until the final composition of the supply chain together into an overall management model. At present, China's large retail enterprises in the supply chain management awareness has remained only at the operational level, not to treat it as a corporate strategy to implement an important component of the it is only through the supply chain management of strategic thinking, with the types of goods used to build the supply chain to acquire strategic match, can we make our retail enterprise supply chain management to implement a qualitative leap.1.An efficient supply-chain and supply-chain reactionSupply chain there are two main functions : to the logistics function and flow function. Supply chain logistics functions refer to the minimum cost of the raw materials processed into components, semi-finished products, products and their supply chain from a node to another node; supply chain to flow function refers to the market demand to make rapid response, to ensure an appropriate product in the appropriate place and time to meet the needs of customers. Logistics functions to flow and function needs some costs, which together constitute the total supply chain costs, with the main logistics costs including transport, storage, packaging, handling, distribution processing, distribution costs, flow to the cost of including an oversupply of commodities price losses, and supply of stock losses and the resulting loss of potential income customers The general sense is the supply chain and logistics business flow between these two functions of the balance, responsiveness and efficiency cost trade-off between the level. Supply chain management is an integrated management ideas and methods, in the increasingly fierce market competition, the rapid development of information technology today, the supply chain tends to shorten the response time to meet the evolving needs of users. In this time based on the competition, supply chain operations with the needs of the market simultaneously, not only faster response speed, and a flexible response to the magic. Supply chain reaction capacity available supply chain following tasks ability to measure : Is able to demand significant changes to respond; whether it can satisfy customers in a shorter period of Availability; whether it will provide customers with more varieties of products; the possibility of providing innovative products; ability to provide a high level of customer service. Supply chain has more of the above capacity, the supply chain reaction capability will be. However reaction of the increase must also pay the cost of the price increase. For example, to meet the demand for the drastic change in, it needs higher inventory levels, leading to a declining level of efficiency. Therefore, each raising a strategic response capability will have to pay additional costs, thereby reducing efficiency levels, and vice versa.Supply chain efficiency is to achieve a supply chain logistics functions as a major objective, that is, at a minimum cost of raw materials into parts, and finished products, and eventually sent to the hands ofconsumers. Efficient supply-chain needs of the market, the characteristics of the product and related technologies are relatively stable, thus the supply chain nodes of the enterprise can focus on access to the benefits of economies of scale, improve equipment utilization, lower production, transportation, warehousing and other aspects of the associated costs, so as to minimize product costs. Supply chain reaction was achieved in the supply chain to flow function as a major objective, that the right to make changes in market demand, rapid response, such as supply chain for products, the market demand is very great uncertainty, or a shorter product life cycle, product or technology developed rapidly, products or seasonal fluctuations in demand strong. Supply Chain Reaction need to maintain a higher adaptability to the market and achieve flexible production, thereby reducing product obsolescence and the risks of failure. Supply chain strategy is in the supply chain-reaction capability and efficiency levels between the balance Once the retail enterprise supply chain strategy, stress reaction of the supply chain must be all the functions strategy designed to enhance its response capabilities, emphasizing efficiency and the level of the supply chain, it must allow all the functions of the strategies used to improve efficiency and make contribution.2. Retail enterprise sales of household items, refrigerated food, food processing temperature. Functional value of the life cycle length, needs stability can accurately forecast, so that supply and demand can achieve almost perfect balance, This makes it easy to adjust the market, the business flow costs can be omitted. Retail enterprises can concentrate almost all his energy to reduce logistics costs, with the upstream suppliers, in close cooperation accelerate inventory turnover, timely inventory and to adopt high-efficiency low-cost procurement and the right to choose suppliers on cost and quality, According to market forecasts to ensure balanced effectively meet the needs of its customers bring the whole of the supply chain to minimize inventory and maximize efficiency. Clearly, the functional efficiency of the process of commodity requirements, operators such goods retail enterprises should adopt efficient supply chain.Innovative products refers to the design or services, and so on innovative products, such as fashion, high-end appliances Fashion and luxury goods such. These commodities can bring higher profits, but because of its short life cycle and commodity diversification, demand is difficult to predict accurately, a large number of fake products and the emergence of innovative products will weaken the competitive edge, Enterprises had to undergo a series of more new innovations, so that the demand for more unpredictability. Innovative products with a high degree of market uncertainty, increased the risk of an imbalance in supply and demand, Therefore the main cost is not the cost of business flow logistics costs, Retail enterprises need to market changes fast and flexible response to customer demand. Choice of suppliers to not consider the low-cost, but access speed and flexibility; inventory and production capacity in key decision-making is not to minimize the cost, but the speed and flexibility of response. to minimize the market demand for the uncertainty caused by the loss. Clearly, innovative products to respond quickly to the request process, the operation of such goods retail enterprises should adopt reactive supply chain. If the retail business is a function of the value of goods they used reactive supply chain, Or maybe the operators are innovative products that have adopted efficient supply chain, supply chain strategy will be a fundamental error, it is necessary to redesign the supply chain. Retail enterprise supply chain management strategy implementation1. Recognition of the value of retail enterprises demand characteristics, we can commodity production cycle, demand predictability, and the market value of diversity into view with the standard of service and so on to identify the characteristics of the demand for commodities. In general, the functional value of the longer life cycle (more than two years), innovative products and the life cycle is short (3 months to 1 year);functional value less variety (10-20 kinds of deformation), innovative products more varieties (usually up to 10 million species of deformation); functional commodity demand forecast error is less (10%), innovative products forecast larger deviations (40%~100%); Functional value of the average stock lower rate (1% ~ 2%), innovative commodity stock average rate higher (10 to 40%); functional commodity market into a longer term (6 months to 1 year), innovative products into the market for a shorter period (1 day to 2 weeks); Functional commodities lower profit contribution rate (is 5% -20%), innovative products higher profit contribution rate (20% ~ 60%). Criterion use these can be effective in identifying characteristics of the demand for commodities.2. Implementation of retail merchandise categories manage retail commodity categories management refers to a retail commodity groups as a strategic business unit management, to concentrate on transmission and consumers realize the value, in order to obtain better operating performance. Specifically, the retail enterprises operating on all goods by category classification, identification and measurement of each functional category of commodities, income, growth and other indicators, and the types of goods divided into functional goods and innovative products. On this basis, consider combining various types of commodity inventory levels and display shelves, and other factors, the development of commodity varieties, the entire merchandise category management, enhance customer service levels and achieve overall commodity categories of overall revenue maximization.3. According to the types of goods respectively corresponding supply chain strategy for functional products should focus on lowering the cost of logistics. using efficient supply chain, the implementation of effective customer response (ECR) system. From the enhancement of the efficiency of the supply of goods start. and upstream suppliers and manufacturers between the use of modern information technology to establish mutual coordination modes of supply, Retailers use POS systems, the sales and distribution of synchronous operation and sharing of logistics facilities and storage resources, lower distribution costs, minimizing production and distribution processes may produce the waste. For innovative products should focus on lowering costs to flow, using reactive supply chain, the implementation of rapid response (QR) system. Raising the speed of response to customers, and supply chain parties to establish strategic partnership and cooperation mechanism EDI use of EDI technology nodes of the supply chain division of the enterprise collaboration and information sharing, reduce the volume of the design and production cycle, the implementation of JIT production, multiple varieties of small batch production and the high frequency of small batch delivery, and lower supply chain inventory levels, quickly meet customers personalized and customized demand, improve the entire supply chain response capability.20世纪90年代以来,我国零售业的迅速发展令人瞩目,然而与发达国家相比,我国零售业仍然存在着巨大差距。



Profit Supply Chain Cost Marketing Cost Manufacturing Cost
10% 20% 25%
Profit Supply Chain
Marketing Cost
Manufacturing Cost
Effort spent for supply chain activities are invisible to the customers.

Traditional View: Supply Chains in the Economy (1990, 1996)
Freight Transportation
$352, $455 B
– Transportation manager in charge
– Transportation software
Laura Ashley (retailer of women and children clothes) turns its inventory 10 times a year five times faster than 3 years ago
– inventory is emptied 10 times a year, or an item spends about 12/10 months in the inventory.
Importance of SCM understood by some
AMR Research:
– "The biggest issue enterprises face today is intelligent visibility of their supply chains-both upstream and down"

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management , SCM)

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management , SCM)

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management , SCM)供应链管理的定义与内容供应链管理(Supply Chain Management ,简称SCM):就是指在满足一定的客户服务水平的条件下,为了使整个供应链系统成本达到最小而把供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等有效地组织在一起来进行的产品制造、转运、分销及销售的管理方法。


















Supply Chain Management供应链管理The so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the professional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。

供应链管理(英文课件)Chapter6-Supply Contracts

供应链管理(英文课件)Chapter6-Supply Contracts
• OEMs have to get into contracts with suppliers
– For both strategic and non-strategic components
Swimsuit Example
• 2 Stages:
– a retailer who faces customer demand and sells swimsuits to
the retailer.
• Retailer Information:
– Summer season sale price of a swimsuit is $125 per unit.
– Wholesale price paid by retailer to manufacturer is $80 per unit.
What Is the Optimal Order Quantity?
• Retailer marginal profit is the same as the marginal profit of the manufacturer, $45.
• Retailer’s marginal profit for selling a unit during the season, $45, is smaller than the marginal loss, $60, associated with each unit sold at the end of the season to discount stores.
Global Optimization Swimsuit Example
• Relevant data
– Selling price, $125 – Salvage value, $20 – Variable production costs, $35 – Fixed production cost.






1. SCM:Supply Chain Management,供应链管理。


2. ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源规划。


3. MRP:Material Requirements Planning,物料需求计划。

MRP 系统是一种用于生产计划和控制的方法,它通过精确地计划所需的物料,并将其与生产计划相匹配,以确保生产的顺利进行。

4. WMS:Warehouse Management System,仓库管理系统。


5. TMS:Transportation Management System,运输管理系统。


6. OMS:Order Management System,订单管理系统。


7. JIT:Just-In-Time,准时制。


8. OTD:On-Time Delivery,准时交货。




1.课本之内2.Supply chain management (SCM) 供应链管理3.Integrated logistics 综合物流4.Retailer 零售商5.Reverse logistics 逆向物流6.Response logistics 响应物流7.Intensive cost negotiation 强化成本谈判8.Manage bottleneck 管理瓶颈9.Seamless pipeline 无缝流水线10.Order cycle time 订货处理周期11.Minimizing inventory 最小化库存水平12.Strategic advantage 战略优势13.Finance accounting 财务会计14.Carrier 承运商15.High-quality 高质量16.Division of labor 劳动分工17.Scientific management 科学管理18.Manufacturing flexibility 制造业的柔性19.Economic of scale 规模经济20.Lean production 精益生产21.Electronic data interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换系统22.Operation management (OM) 作业管理23.Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理24.Motivation theories 动因理论25.Inbound logistics 进场物流26.Warehouse management 仓库管理27.Conversion operation 转换作业28.Demand forecast 需求预测29.Production scheduling 生产调度30.Material handing 物料搬运31.Finished good 产成品32.Gross profit 毛利润 profit 净利润34.Garbage in garbage out 垃圾进入,垃圾出去35.Administrative cost 管理成本36.Placing an order 签署订单37.Budgeting 预算38.Lead time 提前期(前置时间)39.Routine order 日常定购40.Electronic funds transfer 电子资金转账41.Paperless purchasing 无纸化采购42.Internal client 内部客户43.International organization forstandardization (ISO) 国际组织标准化44.Trade intermediaries 贸易中介45.Premium 溢价46.Outsourcing 外部采购47.Tariffs and duties 关税和税收48.Nature of demand 需求特征49.Just-in-time purchasing J IT采购50.Administrative efficiency 管理效率51.Aggregate planning 集料计划52.Shop floor control 车间调度53.Material requirements planning (MRP)物料需求计划54.Machine breakdowns 机器故障55.Optimized production technology (OPT)优化生产技术56.The drum-buffer-rope strategy (DBR)限制驱动式排程法57.JIT-kanban58.CONstant work in process (CONWIP)59.Due dates 到期时间60.Dispatching rules 派遣法则61.First in first out (FIFO) 先进选出62.Shortest processing time (SPT) 最短处理时间63.Earliest due date (EDD) 最是预约优先(最早到日期)64.Minimizing total tardiness 总延迟最不化课本之外1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP)18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO)26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing28.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)29.库存周期inventory cycle time。



Top Issues Facing SCM Professionals
In a recent quantitative
Global Management
survey, SCM
Organisation Structure
professionals were
Procurement Planning
Manufacturing Planning
Distribution Planning
Demand Planning
Cross-Functional Supply Chain Metrics
Purchasing Manufacturing
• Today, the talk is of "supply networks", "parallel chains", "enhanced concurrent activities", and “customer centric” with new information platforms and technology set to cut both inventory and lead-times throughout the delivery pipeline further.
Supply Chain Management
Accelerating Cost Effectiveness
Supply Chain Management
• The supply chain used to be a simple serial process with raw materials slowly moving in one direction through manufacturing production and onward via a distribution system to retailers and customers.



供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)是指协调和管理企业内外不同的生产、库存管理、物流运作和销售等环节,以实现最大化的利益和效益。



1. 采购管理:此模块与供应商的合作关系有关,包括订购、付款和库存管理等流程。

2. 生产计划:此模块负责生产中产品生产量的计划,生产线的规划等。

3. 物流运输:此模块包括供应链中产品的物流运输管理,包括原料、半成品和成品的调度和运输等。

4. 库存管理:此模块负责储备和管理库存,以确保满足客户的需求,同时最小化库存成本。

5. 销售管理:此模块负责销售计划和业务流程的管理,以确保产品在市场上的销售。

6. 客户服务:此模块负责处理客户反馈和需求,以及解决产品售后服务等问题。





供应链专业术语缩写及含义1. SCM -供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)供应链管理是指在产品或服务从原始材料生产到最终用户使用的整个过程中,协调和管理各个环节,以实现高效的运作和最大程度的客户满意度。

2. ERP -企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)企业资源规划是一种集成管理系统,通过整合企业内部的各个部门和业务流程,提高资源利用效率,优化供应链流程。

3. WMS -仓储管理系统(Warehouse Management System)仓储管理系统是一种用于管理和优化仓库操作的软件系统,包括入库、出库、库存管理、订单处理等功能。

4. TMS -运输管理系统(Transportation Management System)运输管理系统是一种用于优化货物运输和配送过程的软件系统,包括路线规划、运输成本管理、运输跟踪等功能。

5. GPS -全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统是一种卫星导航系统,用于确定物品或车辆的精确位置,提高运输过程的可视化和管理效率。

6. RFID -射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification)射频识别技术是一种利用无线电信号来识别和跟踪物品或货物的技术,可以实现物流信息的实时采集和监控。

7. JIT -及时制(Just-In-Time)及时制是一种生产和库存管理方法,通过在需要时准确生产所需数量的产品,以减少库存和提高效率。

8. SLA -服务水平协议(Service Level Agreement)服务水平协议是一种合同或协议,规定供应商或物流服务提供商应达到的服务水平标准和指标。

9. KPI -关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)关键绩效指标是用于衡量供应链绩效的重要指标,可以是成本、交货准时率、库存周转率等。



供应链专业术语缩写及含义1. SCM -供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)供应链管理是指企业全球范围内的物流管理、采购管理、订单管理、库存管理等一系列与供应链相关的活动。


2. ERP -企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)ERP是集成化的商业管理系统,可以协调企业内部的各种活动,包括生产、库存、销售、人力资源等,从而提高整体的生产效率和管理水平。

3. MRP -物料需求计划(Material Requirements Planning)MRP是一种生产计划方法,通过对物料需求的计划和控制,帮助企业更好地管理生产进程,减少库存、提高交付率。

4. WMS -仓储管理系统(Warehouse Management System)WMS是一种用于管理仓库运营活动的信息系统,包括货物存储、货物流转、订单管理等,可以提高仓库的效率和准确性。

5. TMS -运输管理系统(Transportation Management System)TMS是一种用于管理运输活动的信息系统,包括运输计划、运输执行、运输优化等,可以提高运输效率和降低成本。

6. RFID -射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification)RFID是一种自动识别技术,可以实时跟踪物流运输中的货物位置和状态,提高物流的可见性和管理水平。

7. IoT -物联网(Internet of Things)IoT是一种通过互联网连接和传感器技术实现物品之间相互交流的技术,可以提高供应链运作的智能化和自动化水平。

8. KPI -关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)KPI是衡量企业绩效的重要指标,可以帮助企业评估供应链的效率、成本和质量,从而进行管理与优化。

9. JIT -及时制造(Just-in-Time)JIT是一种生产管理理念,旨在通过减少库存、提高交付率和质量水平,从而降低成本、提高效率。



Supply Chain Management供应链管理The so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the professional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。



零售领域中的专业英语词汇I. 销售和市场A. 销售1. 销售目标1)Sales target - 销售目标2)Sales quota - 销售配额3)Revenue goal - 收入目标4)Sales forecast - 销售预测5)Performance target - 绩效目标6)Sales expectation - 销售期望7)Sales target achievement - 销售目标达成8)Sales target tracking - 销售目标跟踪9)Sales target adjustment - 销售目标调整10)Sales target evaluation - 销售目标评估11)Sales target alignment - 销售目标对齐12)Sales target deadline - 销售目标截止日期13)Sales target progress - 销售目标进展14)Sales target planning - 销售目标规划2. 销售技巧1)Sales skills - 销售技巧2)Persuasion techniques - 说服技巧3)Negotiation skills - 谈判技巧4)Communication skills - 沟通技巧5)Closing techniques - 成交技巧6)Listening skills - 听力技巧7)Relationship-building skills - 建立关系技巧8)Problem-solving skills - 解决问题技巧9)Presentation skills - 演示技巧10)Product knowledge - 产品知识11)Objection handling - 处理异议技巧12)Time management skills - 时间管理技巧13)Customer service skills - 客户服务技巧14)Adaptability - 适应能力15)Resilience - 坚韧性16)Confidence - 自信心17)Empathy - 同理心18)Assertiveness - 自信果断19)Follow-up skills - 跟进技巧20)Feedback solicitation - 征求反馈技巧21)Relationship management - 关系管理22)Trust-building skills - 建立信任技巧23)Networking skills - 社交网络技巧24)Emotional intelligence - 情商25)Consultative selling - 咨询式销售26)Storytelling techniques - 讲故事技巧27)Value proposition - 价值主张28)Rapport building - 建立融洽关系29)Handling objections - 处理异议技巧30)Needs assessment - 需求评估3. 销售额1)Sales revenue - 销售额2)Revenue generation - 收入产生3)Revenue growth - 收入增长4)Revenue stream - 收入流5)Sales volume - 销售量6)Gross sales - 总销售额7)Net sales - 净销售额8)Sales performance - 销售业绩9)Sales figures - 销售数据10)Sales turnover - 销售额11)Sales target attainment - 销售目标达成12)Sales commission - 销售佣金13)Sales pipeline - 销售渠道14)Sales cycle - 销售周期15)Sales forecast - 销售预测16)Sales report - 销售报告17)Sales analysis - 销售分析18)Sales tracking - 销售跟踪19)Sales performance evaluation - 销售业绩评估20)Sales trend - 销售趋势21)Sales projection - 销售预测22)Sales target - 销售目标23)Sales quota - 销售配额24)Sales incentive - 销售激励25)Sales promotion - 销售促销26)Sales campaign - 销售活动27)Sales strategy - 销售策略28)Sales territory - 销售领域29)Sales commission rate - 销售佣金率30)Sales performance metrics - 销售业绩指标B. 市场营销1. 市场调研1)Market research - 市场调研2)Consumer behavior - 消费者行为3)Market segmentation - 市场细分4)Demographic analysis - 人口统计分析5)Target market - 目标市场6)Competitor analysis - 竞争对手分析7)Trend analysis - 趋势分析8)Customer preferences - 客户偏好9)Product positioning - 产品定位10)Brand awareness - 品牌知名度11)Market share - 市场份额12)Sales forecast - 销售预测13)Customer satisfaction survey - 客户满意度调查14)Focus group - 焦点小组15)Mystery shopping - 神秘顾客调查16)SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) - SWOT分析(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)17)Data analysis - 数据分析18)Market trends - 市场趋势19)Pricing analysis - 定价分析20)Market research report - 市场调研报告21)Customer segmentation - 客户细分22)Purchase intent - 购买意向23)Market opportunity - 市场机会24)Data collection - 数据收集25)Survey methodology - 调查方法论26)Sampling techniques - 抽样技术27)Market analysis - 市场分析28)Brand perception - 品牌认知度29)Market research firm - 市场调研公司30)Competitor benchmarking - 竞争对手基准比较2. 广告宣传1)Advertising –打广告2)Promotion - 促销3)Marketing campaign - 市场营销活动4)Advertisement - 广告5)Branding - 品牌推广6)Marketing strategy - 市场营销策略7)Digital marketing - 数字营销8)Social media marketing - 社交媒体营销9)Advertising agency - 广告代理公司10)Marketing mix - 市场营销组合11)Product placement - 产品放置12)Endorsement - 背书13)Sponsorship - 赞助14)Public relations - 公共关系15)Media planning - 媒体策划16)Copywriting - 文案撰写17)Ad campaign - 广告活动18)Ad targeting - 广告定向投放19)Ad creative - 广告创意20)Ad spend - 广告支出21)Ad placement - 广告位置22)Advertising budget - 广告预算23)Ad campaign analysis - 广告活动分析24)Call to action (CTA) - 行动号召25)Brand ambassador - 品牌大使26)Advertising effectiveness - 广告效果27)Ad impressions - 广告曝光量28)Click-through rate (CTR) - 点击率29)Conversion rate - 转化率30)Ad targeting options - 广告定位选项3. 促销活动1)Promotion - 促销2)Sales promotion - 销售促进3)Discount - 折扣4)Coupon - 优惠券5)Special offer - 特别优惠6)Deal - 优惠活动7)Clearance sale - 清仓大甩卖8)Buy one, get one free (BOGO) - 买一送一9)Limited-time offer - 限时特价10)Flash sale - 限时抢购11)Rebate - 退款12)Gift with purchase - 赠品促销13)Loyalty program - 忠诚度计划14)Sweepstakes - 抽奖活动15)Contest - 比赛16)Prize - 奖品17)Free samples - 免费样品18)Cross-promotion - 跨界促销19)Bundle promotion - 套餐促销20)Seasonal promotion - 季节性促销21)In-store promotion - 店内促销22)Online promotion - 网络促销23)Customer loyalty promotion - 客户忠诚度促销24)Referral program - 推荐计划25)VIP sale - VIP特卖26)Anniversary sale - 周年庆促销27)Cashback offer - 返现优惠28)Trade-in promotion - 以旧换新促销29)Product demonstration - 产品示范活动II. 产品和库存管理A. 商品管理1. 商品采购(Merchandise procurement)1)Procurement - 采购2)Purchase - 购买3)Supplier - 供应商4)Vendor - 供应商5)Sourcing - 采购来源6)Inventory - 库存7)Stock - 库存8)Replenishment - 补货9)Order - 订单10)Supplier selection - 供应商选择11)Supplier negotiation - 供应商谈判12)Purchase order - 采购订单13)Bulk buying - 大宗采购14)Procurement process - 采购流程15)Vendor management - 供应商管理16)Supplier relationship management (SRM) - 供应商关系管理17)Lead time - 提前期18)Just-in-time (JIT) inventory - 定时库存19)Procurement cost - 采购成本20)Price negotiation - 价格谈判21)Product sourcing - 产品采购22)Supplier evaluation - 供应商评估23)Contract negotiation - 合同谈判24)Purchase requisition - 采购申请25)Vendor selection criteria - 供应商选择标准26)Quality control - 质量控制27)Price comparison - 价格比较28)Payment terms - 付款条件29)Procurement strategy - 采购策略30)Vendor performance tracking-供应商绩效跟踪2. 商品陈列(Product display)1)Display - 陈列2)Visual merchandising - 视觉营销3)Shelf - 货架4)Showcase - 陈列柜5)Window display - 橱窗展示6)Point of sale (POS) display - 销售点陈列7)Product placement - 产品摆放8)Retail layout - 零售布局9)End cap - 顶部陈列10)Cross-merchandising - 跨品类搭配陈列11)Floor plan - 店铺平面图12)Pop-up display - 弹出式陈列13)In-store signage - 店内标识14)Interactive display - 互动式陈列15)Merchandise rotation - 商品轮换16)Planogram - 陈列图17)Shelf talkers - 货架标签18)Product grouping - 产品分组19)Interactive kiosk - 互动式自助服务台20)Gondola display - 高低货架陈列21)Promotional display - 促销陈列22)Impulse buying - 冲动购买23)Signage - 标识牌24)Display fixture - 陈列架25)Product arrangement - 产品布置26)Branding - 品牌塑造27)Storefront design - 店面设计28)Digital signage - 数字标识29)Store layout optimization - 店铺布局优化30)Visual appeal - 视觉吸引力3. 产品定价(Pricing strategy)1)Pricing - 定价2)Price setting - 定价3)Cost-based pricing - 成本导向定价4)Value-based pricing - 价值导向定价5)Competitive pricing - 竞争定价6)Dynamic pricing - 动态定价7)Price elasticity - 价格弹性8)Price strategy - 价格策略9)Price optimization - 价格优化10)Price point - 价格点11)Markup - 涨价12)Markdown - 打折13)List price - 标价14)Discount - 折扣15)Retail price - 零售价16)Wholesale price - 批发价17)Loss leader pricing - 亏本促销定价18)Psychological pricing - 心理定价19)Premium pricing - 高端定价20)Promotional pricing - 促销定价21)Price discrimination - 价格歧视22)Anchor pricing - 锚定定价23)Bundle pricing - 捆绑定价24)Penetration pricing - 渗透定价25)Skimming pricing - 撇取定价26)Cost-plus pricing - 成本加成定价27)Predatory pricing - 掠夺定价28)Resale price maintenance - 零售价格维持29)Channel pricing - 渠道定价30)Elasticity of demand - 需求弹性B. 库存管理1. 库存盘点(Inventory audit)1)Inventory - 库存2)Stocktaking - 盘点3)Inventory management - 库存管理4)Stock count - 库存计数5)Physical inventory - 实物库存6)Inventory control - 库存控制7)Reconciliation - 调账8)Cycle counting - 循环盘点9)Inventory audit - 库存审计10)Inventory valuation - 库存估值11)Stock reconciliation - 库存调整12)FIFO (First In, First Out) - 先进先出13)LIFO (Last In, First Out) - 后进先出14)Dead stock - 死库存15)Shrinkage - 库存损耗16)Stock turnover - 库存周转率17)Safety stock - 安全库存18)Stock adjustment - 库存调整19)Stockout - 缺货20)Stock replenishment - 库存补货21)Backorder - 订货22)Out-of-stock - 脱销23)Inventory shrinkage - 库存缩水24)Stock keeping unit (SKU) - 库存单位25)Inventory turnover ratio - 库存周转率26)Serialized inventory - 序列化库存27)Stockout cost - 缺货成本28)Dead stock - 废弃库存29)Just-in-time (JIT) inventory - 准时库存30)Stock ledger - 库存分类账2. 库存管理系统(Inventory management system)1)Inventory management system - 库存管理系统2)Point of Sale (POS) system - 销售点系统3)Inventory tracking - 库存跟踪4)Warehouse management system (WMS) - 仓储管理系统5)Stock control system - 库存控制系统6)Inventory software - 库存软件7)Barcode system - 条形码系统8)RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system - 射频识别系统9)Order management system - 订单管理系统10)Reorder point - 重新订货点11)Purchase order - 采购订单12)Stock level - 库存水平13)Inventory forecasting - 库存预测14)Inventory optimization - 库存优化15)Inventory replenishment - 库存补货16)Stock rotation - 库存轮换17)Batch tracking - 批次跟踪18)Stock allocation - 库存分配19)Inventory reporting - 库存报告20)Inventory visibility - 库存可见性21)Inventory analysis - 库存分析22)Inventory adjustment - 库存调整23)Stock control measures - 库存控制措施24)Stock reconciliation - 库存调账25)Inventory accuracy - 库存准确性26)Stock visibility - 库存可视性27)Inventory tracking software - 库存跟踪软件28)Inventory turnover - 库存周转29)Inventory forecasting - 库存预测30)Inventory audit trail - 库存审计跟踪3. 供应链管理(Supply chain management)1)Supply chain management (SCM) - 供应链管理2)Supplier - 供应商3)Vendor - 供应商4)Logistics - 物流5)Distribution - 分销6)Procurement - 采购7)Supply chain - 供应链8)Inventory - 库存9)Demand forecasting - 需求预测10)Lead time - 提前期11)Just-in-time (JIT) - 准时制12)Production planning - 生产计划13)Transportation - 运输14)Warehousing - 仓储15)Inventory control - 库存控制16)Order fulfillment - 订单执行17)Sourcing - 采购来源18)Freight forwarding - 货运代理19)Reverse logistics - 逆向物流20)Supply chain visibility - 供应链可见性21)Supplier relationship management (SRM) - 供应商关系管理22)Demand planning - 需求计划23)Inventory optimization - 库存优化24)Cross-docking - 转运中心25)Supply chain integration - 供应链整合26)Strategic sourcing - 战略采购27)Inbound logistics - 入库物流28)Outbound logistics - 出库物流29)Freight management - 货物管理30)Distribution network - 分销网络III. 服务和客户关系A. 客户服务1. 售后服务(After-sales service)1)After-sales service - 售后服务2)Customer support - 客户支持3)Warranty service - 保修服务4)Returns and exchanges - 退换货5)Repair service - 维修服务6)Technical support - 技术支持7)Service center - 售后服务中心8)Customer satisfaction - 客户满意度9)Return policy - 退货政策10)Complaint handling - 投诉处理11)Product support - 产品支持12)Replacement service - 更换服务13)Refund process - 退款流程14)Trouble shooting - 故障排除15)Extended warranty - 延长保修16)Spare parts availability - 备件供应17)Service agreement - 服务协议18)Recall service - 召回服务19)Online support - 线上支持20)Field service - 现场服务21)Repair center - 维修中心22)Service request - 服务请求23)Return authorization - 退货授权24)Service level agreement (SLA) - 服务水平协议25)Product recall - 产品召回26)Customer care - 客户关怀27)Complaint resolution - 投诉解决28)Warranty claim - 保修索赔29)Service hotline - 服务热线30)Customer feedback - 客户反馈2. 投诉处理(Complaint handling)1)Complaint - 投诉2)Customer complaint - 客户投诉3)Grievance - 不满4)Dispute - 纠纷5)Feedback - 反馈6)Resolution - 解决方案7)Compensation - 补偿8)Redress - 补救9)Resolution process - 解决流程10)Complaint handling - 投诉处理11)Customer service - 客户服务12)Escalation - 升级处理13)Investigation - 调查14)Apology - 道歉15)Refund - 退款16)Exchange - 换货17)Compensation policy - 补偿政策18)Service recovery - 服务恢复19)Mediation - 调解20)Ombudsman - 申诉专员21)Customer satisfaction - 客户满意度22)Quality assurance - 质量保证23)Root cause analysis - 根本原因分析24)Incident report - 事件报告25)Service standards - 服务标准26)Performance metrics - 绩效指标27)Service recovery process - 服务恢复流程28)Complaint tracking - 投诉跟踪29)Customer retention - 客户保留30)Continuous improvement - 持续改进B. 客户关系管理1. 客户数据管理(Customer data management)1)Customer data - 客户数据2)Data management - 数据管理3)Customer relationship management (CRM) - 客户关系管理4)Database - 数据库5)Data analytics - 数据分析6)Data mining - 数据挖掘7)Customer segmentation - 客户细分8)Data privacy - 数据隐私9)Data protection - 数据保护10)Data security - 数据安全11)Data cleansing - 数据清洗12)Data integration - 数据集成13)Data warehousing - 数据仓库14)Personalization - 个性化15)Customer profiling - 客户画像16)Data enrichment - 数据丰富化17)Data governance - 数据治理18)Master data management (MDM) - 主数据管理19)Customer engagement - 客户参与度20)Data-driven decision making - 数据驱动决策2. 客户反馈收集(Customer feedback collection)1)Feedback collection - 反馈收集2)Customer feedback - 客户反馈3)Feedback form - 反馈表格4)Feedback survey - 反馈调查5)Feedback mechanism - 反馈机制6)Feedback gathering - 反馈收集7)Feedback analysis - 反馈分析8)Feedback management - 反馈管理9)Feedback loop - 反馈循环10)Feedback channel - 反馈渠道11)Feedback process - 反馈流程12)Feedback tracking - 反馈跟踪13)Customer opinion - 客户意见14)Voice of the customer (VOC) - 客户之声15)Suggestion box - 建议箱16)Online reviews - 网上评论17)Testimonials - 证言18)Complaints register - 投诉登记册19)Net Promoter Score (NPS) - 净推荐值20)Customer satisfaction survey - 客户满意度调查3. 客户满意度调查(Customer satisfaction surveys)1)Customer satisfaction survey - 客户满意度调查2)Satisfaction rating - 满意度评级3)Customer feedback questionnaire - 客户反馈问卷4)Service evaluation - 服务评估5)Customer experience survey - 客户体验调查6)Feedback analysis - 反馈分析7)Survey response rate - 调查回应率8)Survey design - 调查设计9)Survey methodology - 调查方法论10)Survey administration - 调查执行11)Survey results - 调查结果12)Survey data analysis - 调查数据分析13)Satisfaction score - 满意度得分14)Likert scale - 李克特量表15)Open-ended questions - 开放式问题16)Closed-ended questions - 封闭式问题17)Sampling method - 抽样方法18)Response bias - 回应偏差19)Survey tool - 调查工具20)Follow-up survey - 后续调查IV. 技术和运营A. 技术应用1. 电子商务(E-commerce)1)E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) - 电子商务2)Online shopping - 网上购物3)E-tailer (Electronic Retailer) - 电子零售商4)Online marketplace - 网上市场5)Digital storefront - 数字商店6)Online payment - 网上支付7)Mobile commerce (M-commerce) - 移动商务8)E-commerce platform - 电子商务平台9)Online store - 网店10)Virtual shopping cart - 购物车11)Digital wallet - 数字钱包12)Online transaction - 网上交易13)Drops hipping - 代发货14)Affiliate marketing - 联盟营销15)Customer reviews - 客户评价16)Product recommendation - 产品推荐17)Online advertising - 网上广告18)Order fulfillment - 订单配送19)Customer support - 客户支持20)Return policy - 退货政策2. 实体店铺管理软件(Brick-and-mortar store management software)1)Point of Sale (POS) system - 销售点系统2)Inventory management software - 库存管理软件3)Retail management system - 零售管理系统4)Store operations software - 店铺运营软件5)Storefront management software - 店面管理软件6)Merchandising software - 商品管理软件7)Sales tracking software - 销售跟踪软件8)Customer relationship management (CRM) software - 客户关系管理软件9)Cash register software - 收银软件10)Retail analytics software - 零售分析软件11)Employee management software - 员工管理软件12)Order management system (OMS) - 订单管理系统13)Retail accounting software - 零售会计软件14)Loyalty program software - 忠诚度计划软件15)Mobile point of sale (mPOS) - 移动销售点16)Store scheduling software - 店铺排班软件17)Shelf management software - 货架管理软件18)Customer feedback management software - 客户反馈管理软件19)Price optimization software - 价格优化软件20)Loss prevention software - 防损软件3. POS系统(Point of Sale systems)1)Point of Sale (POS) system - 销售点系统2)Cash register - 收银机3)Barcode scanner - 条形码扫描器4)Receipt printer - 收据打印机5)Cash drawer - 收银抽屉6)POS terminal - 销售点终端7)Touchscreen monitor - 触摸屏显示器8)Payment terminal - 支付终端9)POS software - 销售点软件10)Inventory management - 库存管理11)Sales reporting - 销售报告12)Customer relationship management (CRM) - 客户关系管理13)Product catalog - 产品目录14)Discount management - 折扣管理15)Loyalty program integration - 忠诚度计划集成16)Return and exchange processing - 退换货处理17)Employee management - 员工管理18)Transaction history - 交易历史记录19)Offline mode - 离线模式20)Multi-store support - 多店支持B. 运营管理1. 店铺布局设计(Store layout design)1)Store layout - 店铺布局2)Floor plan - 平面图3)Aisle - 走道4)Shelf - 货架5)Display area - 展示区域6)Counter - 柜台7)Checkout counter - 收银台8)Entrance - 入口9)Exit - 出口10)Product placement - 产品摆放11)Visual merchandising - 视觉营销12)Fixture - 固定设备13)Signage - 标识14)Lighting design - 灯光设计15)Traffic flow - 人流流动16)Customer seating area - 客户休息区17)Fitting room - 试衣间18)Clearance section - 清仓区19)Interactive displays - 互动展示20)Storefront design - 店面设计2. 营业时间管理(Operating hours management)1)Business hours - 营业时间2)Opening hours - 开门时间3)Closing hours - 关门时间4)Operating hours - 运营时间5)Store hours - 店铺营业时间6)Regular hours - 正常营业时间7)Extended hours - 延长营业时间8)Holiday hours - 节假日营业时间9)Weekend hours - 周末营业时间10)Peak hours - 高峰时间11)Off-peak hours - 非高峰时间12)Flexible hours - 灵活营业时间13)Standard hours - 标准营业时间14)Business days - 营业日15)Non-business days - 非营业日16)Opening time - 开门时间17)Closing time - 关门时间18)Operating schedule - 运营时间表19)Service hours - 服务时间20)After-hours service - 夜间服务3. 人员培训和管理(Staff training and management)1)Staff training - 员工培训2)Employee development - 员工发展3)Training program - 培训计划4)Onboarding - 入职培训5)Orientation - 新员工介绍6)Skill development - 技能发展7)Performance management - 绩效管理8)Coaching - 辅导9)Mentoring - 导师制度10)Feedback - 反馈11)Performance appraisal - 绩效评估12)Goal setting - 目标设定13)Team building - 团队建设14)Leadership training - 领导力培训15)Conflict resolution - 冲突解决16)Time management - 时间管理17)Communication skills - 沟通技巧18)Cross-training - 跨部门培训19)Staff retention - 员工留任20)Human resources management - 人力资源管理V. 法律和财务A. 法律合规1. 退货政策(Return policy)1)Return policy - 退货政策2)Refund policy - 退款政策3)Exchange policy - 换货政策4)Return period - 退货期限5)Refund process - 退款流程6)Exchange process - 换货流程7)Return authorization - 退货授权8)Restocking fee - 重新上架费9)Return label - 退货标签10)Return shipping - 退货运费11)Original condition - 原品状态12)Proof of purchase - 购买凭证13)Store credit - 商店积分14)No-return policy - 无退货政策15)Limited return policy - 有限退货政策16)Full refund - 全额退款17)Partial refund - 部分退款18)Defective product return - 有瑕疵产品退货19)Non-refundable items - 不可退款商品20)Return merchandise authorization (RMA) - 退货商品授权2. 消费者权益保护(Consumer rights protection)1)Consumer rights - 消费者权利2)Consumer protection - 消费者保护3)Consumer advocacy - 消费者权益倡导4)Fair trading - 公平交易5)Consumer law - 消费者法律6)Product safety - 产品安全7)Warranty - 保修8)Guarantee - 保证9)Refund - 退款10)Exchange - 换货11)Compensation - 补偿12)Recall - 召回13)Misrepresentation - 不当陈述14)False advertising - 虚假广告15)Deceptive practices - 欺诈行为16)Price transparency - 价格透明度17)Right to information - 信息权18)Right to redress - 补救权19)Consumer education - 消费者教育20)Ombudsman - 消费者ombudsman(消费者权益保护机构)3. 劳工法规(Labor regulations)1)Labor laws - 劳工法律2)Employment regulations - 就业法规3)Minimum wage - 最低工资4)Overtime pay - 加班工资5)Working hours - 工作时间6)Break time - 休息时间7)Employment contract - 就业合同8)Employment rights - 就业权利9)Occupational health and safety - 职业健康与安全10)Workers' compensation - 工人赔偿11)Employee benefits - 员工福利12)Equal employment opportunity - 平等就业机会13)Workplace discrimination - 工作场所歧视14)Harassment policy - 骚扰政策15)Family and medical leave - 家庭及医疗假期16)Disability accommodations - 残疾人士适应17)Employment standards - 就业标准18)Union rights - 工会权利19)Termination procedure - 终止程序20)Workforce diversity - 工作人员多样性B. 财务管理1. 财务报表分析(Financial statement analysis)1)Financial statements - 财务报表2)Income statement - 损益表3)Balance sheet - 资产负债表4)Cash flow statement - 现金流量表5)Statement of retained earnings - 留存收益表6)Financial analysis - 财务分析7)Ratio analysis - 比率分析8)Liquidity ratios - 流动性比率9)Solvency ratios - 偿债能力比率10)Profitability ratios - 盈利能力比率11)Efficiency ratios - 效率比率12)Trend analysis - 趋势分析13)Vertical analysis - 纵向分析14)Horizontal analysis - 横向分析15)Common size analysis - 公司规模分析16)Gross profit margin - 毛利率17)Operating profit margin - 营业利润率18)Net profit margin - 净利润率19)Return on assets (ROA) - 资产回报率20)Return on equity (ROE) - 股东权益回报率2. 销售税(Sales tax)1)Sales tax - 销售税2)Value-added tax (VAT) - 增值税3)Goods and Services Tax (GST) - 商品和服务税4)Taxable sales - 应税销售额5)Tax exemption - 免税6)Tax rate - 税率7)Taxable goods - 应税商品8)Taxable services - 应税服务9)Tax jurisdiction - 税收管辖区10)Tax collection - 税收征集11)Tax compliance - 税收合规12)Tax filing - 税务申报13)Tax liability - 税务责任14)Tax deduction - 税务扣除15)Tax exemption certificate - 免税证明16)Taxable income - 应税收入17)Tax assessment - 税务评估18)Tax audit - 税务审计19)Tax refund - 税款退还20)Tax evasion - 逃税3. 成本控制和利润管理(Cost control and profit management)1)Cost control - 成本控制2)Cost reduction - 成本降低3)Cost management - 成本管理4)Cost-saving measures - 节约成本措施5)Cost analysis - 成本分析6)Cost of goods sold (COGS) - 销售成本7)Operating expenses - 经营费用8)Overhead costs - 间接费用9)Variable costs - 变动成本10)Fixed costs - 固定成本11)Break-even point - 盈亏平衡点12)Profit margin - 利润率13)Gross profit - 毛利润14)Net profit - 净利润15)Profitability analysis - 盈利能力分析16)Return on investment (ROI) - 投资回报率17)Return on sales (ROS) - 销售回报率18)Margin analysis - 利润率分析19)Inventory management - 库存管理20)Price optimization - 价格优化。



英语作文-教育培训出版物零售行业的供应链管理The retail industry of education and training publications plays a crucial role in the supply chain management process. In this industry, the flow of products from manufacturers to consumers is essential for the success of the business. Effective supply chain management ensures that the right products are delivered to the right place at the right time, while also minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency.One of the key aspects of supply chain management in the education and training publications retail industry is inventory management. Maintaining the right level of inventory is crucial to meeting customer demand and avoiding stockouts. Retailers must carefully monitor sales trends and adjust their inventory levels accordingly to ensure that they have enough stock on hand to meet customer needs without overstocking and tying up valuable resources.Another important aspect of supply chain management in this industry is logistics. Efficient logistics operations are essential for ensuring that products are delivered to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Retailers must work closely with suppliers, distributors, and transportation providers to coordinate the movement of products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This involves managing transportation routes, optimizing delivery schedules, and monitoring the performance of logistics partners to ensure that products are delivered on time and in good condition.In addition to inventory management and logistics, supply chain management in the education and training publications retail industry also involves supplier relationship management. Building strong relationships with suppliers is essential for ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality products. Retailers must work closely with suppliers to negotiate favorable terms, monitor product quality, and address any issues that may arise in the supply chain. By maintaining strong relationships with suppliers, retailers can ensure a steady supply of products and minimize disruptions to their operations.Overall, effective supply chain management is essential for the success of the education and training publications retail industry. By carefully managing inventory, optimizing logistics operations, and building strong relationships with suppliers, retailers can ensure that they have the right products available to meet customer demand, while also minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency. By focusing on these key areas of supply chain management, retailers in this industry can improve their competitive advantage and achieve long-term success.。



零售行业的供应链管理技术资料Supply Chain Management Technologies in the Retail IndustryIntroductionThe retail industry relies heavily on effective supply chain management to ensure the smooth flow of products from manufacturers to consumers. With the advancement of technology, various tools and techniques have emerged to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management in the retail sector. This article explores some of the key technologies used in the retail industry's supply chain management.Inventory Management SystemsInventory management systems play a crucial role in the retail industry, enabling businesses to keep track of their stock levels accurately. These systems utilize barcodes, scanners, and electronic data interchange (EDI) to automate the process of inventory tracking. By scanning barcodes, retailers can quickly update their inventory records, minimizing the risk of overstocking or understocking products. This technology also enables real-time tracking of sales, allowing retailers to make informed decisions about restocking and managing their inventory.Demand Forecasting ToolsDemand forecasting is a critical aspect of supply chain management in the retail industry. Accurate forecasting helps retailers optimize inventory levels, plan replenishment, and avoid stockouts. Advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques are used to analyze historical sales data, markettrends, and other relevant factors to predict future demand. By utilizing demand forecasting tools, retailers can make better decisions regarding procurement, pricing, and promotions, ultimately improving their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.Transportation Management SystemsTransportation management systems (TMS) are instrumental in managing the movement of goods within the retail supply chain. TMS software provides functionalities such as route optimization, carrier selection, and freight tracking. This technology enables retailers to streamline transportation operations, reduce costs, and ensure timely deliveries. By integrating TMS with real-time tracking systems and GPS, retailers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the supply chain, enhancing visibility and enabling proactive management of potential disruptions.Supplier Relationship ManagementBuilding strong relationships with suppliers is essential for the success of any retail business. Supplier relationship management (SRM) tools help retailers effectively communicate and collaborate with their suppliers. These tools facilitate the exchange of information, such as product specifications, delivery schedules, and performance metrics, allowing retailers to ensure that their suppliers meet their quality and delivery requirements. SRM systems also enable efficient procurement processes, reducing lead times and optimizing inventory levels.E-commerce PlatformsThe rise of e-commerce has revolutionized the retail industry, creating new challenges and opportunities in supply chain management. E-commerce platforms provide retailers with the means to sell products online, reaching a global customer base. These platforms integrate with inventory management systems, enabling real-time stock updates and seamless order fulfillment. Additionally, AI-powered algorithms can optimize order routing and fulfillment, selecting the most efficient distribution centers or stores based on proximity to the customer, inventory availability, and shipping costs.ConclusionIn conclusion, the retail industry heavily relies on advanced supply chain management technologies to optimize operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. From inventory management systems and demand forecasting tools to transportation management systems, supplier relationship management, and e-commerce platforms, these technologies work together to ensure the smooth flow of goods from manufacturers to consumers. By continuously adopting and leveraging these technologies, retailers can stay ahead in the competitive retail market and meet the ever-evolving demands of consumers.。

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90% retailers use cold chain. Cold chain is broken in some links.
Fresh agricultural products
Mostly transported and sold in normal temperature.
The rotting rate is 35% for fresh food; 10%-15 % for meat and fish
5% in developed country; 3% in the U.S
The sales and gross profit of vegetable and fruits increased 50% and 5% respectively Gross profit of pork increased 4-6%
Supply Chain Management Module
Shelf Life (at 3 oC) 5.5 days 3 days 7 days 10.5 days
Shelf Life (at 5 oC) 4.5 days 1 days 3 days 7.5 days
Meat Sea Food Strawberry Salad
Supply Chain Management Module
The Relationship between Temperature and Shelf Life
Transportati Shelf Life on (at 1 oC) 2.5 days 2.5 days 2.5 days 2.5 days 7 days 5 days 10 days 12.5 days
Information source: China Franchising & Chain Store Association (2009), Investigation Report on Supermarket Chains’ Fresh Food Supply Chain.
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Cold Chain in China1
Cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain.
Uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature range. It includes transportation, load and unload, processing, storage, and selling
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Cold Chain in China
Integrated cold chain is rare in China
Cold chain breaks when unloading products for 20-30 mins
Food needs cold or frozen storage
Retail Supply Chain Management
3. Cold Chain for Grocery Items
Supply Chain Management Module
David F. Miller Center for Retailing Education and Research
Supply Chain Management Module
Why Cold Chain?
Some products needs cold or frozen storage
Frozen food, milk, and tofu etc.
Extend the shelf life of fresh food Prevent loss and improve food sCenter for Retailing Education and Research
page 5
Why Cold Chain?
Increase sales and profit
Jingkelong supermarket built up fresh food distribution center in 2006.
20%-30% food loss occurs in transportation or storage
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page 1
Understand the importance of cold chain to retailers Learn the development and current status of cold chain in China Identify the major problems and opportunities in the development of cold chain in China