

1. 农用地变化,指农业用地(包括耕地、园地、牧草地等)的转变,如农田的扩张、缩减或转为其他用途。
2. 城市化变化,指城市建设用地的增加和城市扩张,包括城市用地的转变、城市建设用地的新增以及城市边界的扩展等。
3. 森林变化,指森林覆盖面积的变化,包括森林的砍伐、森林退化、森林恢复等。
4. 水域变化,指水体的变化,包括河流的改道、湖泊的扩大或缩小、沿海地区的海岸线变动等。
5. 草地变化,指草地覆盖面积的变化,包括草地的退化、草地的恢复、草地的转变为其他土地利用类型等。
6. 工业用地变化,指工业用地的变化,包括工业用地的增加、减少、转变为其他用途等。
7. 自然保护区变化,指自然保护区范围的变化,包括自然保护区的扩大、缩小、撤销等。

Land-use and land-cover change

Land-use and land-cover changeErle Ellis;Robert Pontius1 Introduction1.1 Land-change science2 Causes and Consequences2.1 Biodiversity loss2.2 Climate Change2.3 Pollution2.4 Other impacts3 Methods3.1 Remote sensing3.2 Geospatial analysis3.3 Driving forces3.4 Modeling4 Sustainable land management5 Further ReadingIntroductionLand-use and land-cover change (LULCC); also known as land change) is a general term for the human modification of Earth's terrestrial surface. Though humans have been modifying land to obtain food and other essentials for thousands of years, current rates, extents and intensities of LULCC are far greater than ever in history, driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional and global scales. These changes encompass the greatest environmental concerns of human populations today, including climate change, biodiversity loss and the pollution of water, soils and air. Monitoring and mediating the negative consequences of LULCC while sustaining the production of essential resources has therefore become a major priority of researchers and policymakers around the world.Land-change scienceSatellite image of deforestation in the Amazon region, taken from the Brazilian state of Para on July 15, 1986. The dark areas are forest, the white is deforested areas, and the gray is re-growth. The pattern of deforestation spreading along roads is obvious in the lower half of the image. Scattered larger clearings can be seen near the center of the image. (Source: NASA)Land cover refers to the physical and biological cover over the surface of land, including water, vegetation, bare soil, and/or artificial structures. Land use is a more complicated term. Natural scientists define land use in terms of syndromes of human activities such as agriculture, forestry and building construction that alter land surface processes including biogeochemistry, hydrology and biodiversity. Social scientists and land managers define land use more broadly to include the social and economic purposes and contexts for and within which lands are managed (or left unmanaged), such as subsistence versus commercial agriculture, rented vs. owned, or private vs. public land. While land cover may be observed directly in the field or by remote sensing, observations of land use and its changes generally require the integration of natural and social scientific methods (expert knowledge, interviews with land managers) to determine which human activities are occurring in different parts of the landscape, even when land cover appears to be the same. For example, areas covered by woody vegetation may represent an undisturbed natural shrubland, a forest preserve recovering from a fire (use = conservation), regrowth following tree harvest (forestry), a plantation of immature rubber trees (plantation agriculture), swidden agriculture plots that are in between periods of clearing for annual crop production, or an irrigated tea plantation. As a result, scientific investigation of the causes and consequences of LULCC requires an interdisciplinary approach integrating both natural and social scientific methods, which has emerged as the new discipline of land-change science.Causes and ConsequencesChanges in land use and land cover date to prehistory and are the direct and indirect consequence of human actions to secure essential resources. This may first have occurred with the burning of areas to enhance the availability of wild game and accelerated dramatically with the birth of agriculture, resulting in the extensive clearing (deforestation) and manag ement of Earth’s terrestrial surface that continues today. More recently, industrialization has encouraged the concentration of human populations within urban areas (urbanization) and the depopulation of rural areas, accompanied by the intensification of agriculture in the most productive lands and the abandonment of marginal lands. All of these causes and their consequences are observable simultaneously around the world today.Biodiversity lossBiodiversity is often reduced dramatically by LULCC. When land is transformed from a primary forest to a farm, the loss of forest species within deforested areas is immediate and complete. Even when unaccompanied by apparent changes in land cover, similar effects are observed whenever relatively undisturbed lands are transformed to more intensive uses, including livestock grazing, selective tree harvest and even fire prevention. The habitat suitability of forests and other ecosystems surrounding those under intensive use are also impacted by the fragmenting of existing habitat into smaller pieces (habitat fragmentation), which exposes forest edges to external influences and decreases core habitat area. Smaller habitat areas generally support fewer species (island biogeography), and for species requiring undisturbed core habitat, fragmentation can cause local and even general extinction. Research also demonstrates that species invasions bynon-native plants, animals and diseases may occur more readily in areas exposed by LULCC, especially in proximity to human settlements.Climate ChangeLULCC plays a major role in climate change at global, regional and local scales. At global scale, LULCC is responsible for releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, thereby driving global warming. LULCC can increase the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by disturbance of terrestrial soils and vegetation, and the major driver of this change is deforestation, especially when followed by agriculture, which causesthe further release of soil carbon in response to disturbance by tillage. Changes in land use and land cover are also behind major changes in terrestrial emissions of other greenhouse gases, especially methane (altered surface hydrology: wetland drainage and rice paddies; cattle grazing), and nitrous oxide (agriculture: input of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers; irrigation; cultivation of nitrogen fixing plants; biomass combustion).Though LULCC certainly plays a critical role in greenhouse gas emissions, the complexity and dynamic interplay of land use processes favoring net accumulation versus net release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases makes it a poorly constrained component of our global budgets for these gases; an active area of current research. A further source of uncertainty in estimating the climate changes caused by LULCC is the release of sulfur dioxide and particulates by biomass combustion associated with agriculture, land clearing and human settlements. These emissions are believed to cause regional and global cooling by the reflection of sunlight from particulates and aerosols, and by their effects on cloud cover.Land cover changes that alter the reflection of sunlight from land surfaces (albedo) are another major driver of global climate change. The precise contribution of this effect to global climate change remains a controversial but growing concern. The impact of albedo changes on regional and local climates is also an active area of research, especially changes in climate in response to changes in cover by dense vegetation and built structures. These changes alter surface heat balance not only by changing surface albedo, but also by altering evaporative heat transfer caused by evapotranspiration from vegetation (highest in closed canopy forest), and by changes in surface roughness, which alter heat transfer between the relatively stagnant layer of air at Earth’s surface (the boundary layer) and the troposphere. An example of this is the warmer temperatures observed within urban areas versus rural areas, known as the urban heat island effect.PollutionChanges in land use and land cover are important drivers of water, soil and air pollution. Perhaps the oldest of these is land clearing for agriculture and the harvest of trees and other biomass. Vegetation removal leaves soils vulnerable to massive increases in soil erosion by wind and water, especially on steep terrain, and when accompanied by fire, also releases pollutants to the atmosphere. This not only degrades soil fertility over time, reducing the suitability of land for futureagricultural use, but also releases huge quantities of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediments to streams and other aquatic ecosystems, causing a variety of negative impacts (increased sedimentation, turbidity, eutrophication and coastal hypoxia). Mining can produce even greater impacts, including pollution by toxic metals exposed in the process. Modern agricultural practices, which include intensive inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and the concentration of livestock and their manures within small areas, have substantially increased the pollution of surface water by runoff and erosion and the pollution of groundwater by leaching of excess nitrogen (as nitrate). Other agricultural chemicals, including herbicides and pesticides are also released to ground and surface waters by agriculture, and in some cases remain as contaminants in the soil. The burning of vegetation biomass to clear agricultural fields (crop residues, weeds) remains a potent contributor to regional air pollution wherever it occurs, and has now been banned in many areas.Other impactsOther environmental impacts of LULCC include the destruction of stratospheric ozone by nitrous oxide release from agricultural land and altered regional and local hydrology (dam construction, wetland drainage, irrigation projects, increased impervious surfaces in urban areas). Perhaps the most important issue for most of Earth’s human population is the long-term threat to future production of food and other essentials by the transformation of productive land to nonproductive uses, such as the conversion of agricultural land to residential use and the degradation of rangeland by overgrazing.MethodsThe methods of land-change science include remote sensing and geospatial analysis and modeling, together with the interdisciplinary assortment of natural and social scientific methods needed to investigate the causes and consequences of LULCC across a range of spatial and temporal scales.Remote sensingRemote sensing is an essential tool of land-change science because it facilitates observations across larger extents of Earth’s surface than is possible by ground-based observations. This is accomplished by use of cameras, multi-spectral scanners, RADAR and LiDAR sensors mounted on air- and space-borne platforms, yielding aerial photographs, satelliteimagery, RADAR and LiDAR datasets. Data available from remote sensing vary from the very high-resolution datasets produced irregularly over extents no larger than a single state or province (by aerial photography, imaging, LiDAR, and by high resolution satellite sensors such as IKONOS and Quickbird), to regional datasets produced at regular intervals from satellites (e.g., Landsat, SPOT), to the lower-resolution (> 250 m) datasets now produced across the entire Earth on a daily basis (e.g., MODIS).Geospatial analysisMaps and measurements of land cover can be derived directly from remotely sensed data by a variety of analytical procedures, including statistical methods and human interpretation. Maps of land use and land cover (LULC) are produced from remotely sensed data by inferring land use from land cover (e.g., urban = barren, agriculture = herbaceous vegetation). Conventional LULC maps are categorical, dividing land into categories of land use and land cover (thematic mapping; land classification), while recent techniques allow the mapping of LULC or other properties of land as continuous variables or as fractional cover of the land by different LULC categories, such as tree canopy, herbaceous vegetation, and barren (continuous fields mapping). Both types of LULC datasets may be compared between time periods using geographic information systems (GIS) to map and measure LULCC at local, regional, and global scales.Driving forcesAssessing the driving forces behind LULCC is necessary if past patterns are to be explained and used in forecasting future patterns. Driving forces on LULCC can include almost any factor that influences human activity, including local culture (food preference, etc.), economics (demand for specific products, financial incentives), environmental conditions (soil quality, terrain, moisture availability), land policy & development programs (agricultural programs, road building, zoning), and feedbacks between these factors, including past human activity on the land (land degradation, irrigation and roads). Investigation of these drivers of LULCC requires a full range of methods from the natural and social sciences, including climatology, soil science, ecology, environmental science, hydrology, geography, information systems, computer science, anthropology, sociology, and policy science.ModelingSpatially-explicit models of the social and environmental causes and consequences of LULCC is made possible by GIS and other computer-based techniques which can define and test relationships between environmental and social variables using a combination of existing data (census data, soil maps, LULC maps), observations on the ground (ecological measurements, household surveys and interviews with land managers) and data from remote sensing. These spatial models of LULCC drivers and their impacts can be used to establish cause and effect in LULCC observed in the past and are also extremely useful tools for land mangers and policymakers, offering forecasts of future land use changes and their effects. Models of LULCC dependence on political, economic, environmental and other changes can then be used to explore the impacts of policy decisions and other factors using scenario analysis and other computer modeling techniques, guiding policymakers and land managers toward sustainable land management decisions.Sustainable land managementSustainable land management is a central challenge in the sustainable management of earth systems and resources. On the one hand, land management must ensure a growing supply of food and other resources to human populations, which are expected to grow for decades to come. On the other hand, management of land to procure these resources is linked with potentially negative consequences in the form of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Moreover, local alteration of land use and land cover can have global consequences, requiring local and regional solutions to global problems and the cooperation of the w orld’s policymakers, land managers, and other stakeholders in land management at local, regional and global scales.At the global scale, the Kyoto Protocol offers an example of international efforts to reduce climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions from land. It offers incentives, such as a trade in carbon credits, that encourage land use practices which promote the storage of carbon on land, including the planting of trees, perennial crops, the return of crop residues to soils, and no-till agriculture,. The Protocol also promotes practices that reduce emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from agricultural land.Regional efforts to modify land use practices to reduce nonpoint pollution of air and water are already in place in many areas of the world, includingthe USA (Chesapeake Bay Program) and China (Tai Lake Program). In developed areas, including cities and suburbs, there are nowwell-developed land use policies and practices to protect streams and other aquatic ecosystems from the excessive runoff and flooding produced by the construction of impervious surfaces (buildings and roads).Management of land in support of biodiversity covers a wide range of policies and practices. The most basic of these is to set-aside existing biodiverse habitats as conservation reserves from which humans are excluded. Another is the establishment of preserves and parks in which local human populations and tourists participate in the less harmful economic use and preservation of biodiverse lands. More recently, efforts are being made to restore biodiverse habitats on lands stripped of their original habitat, and to manage existing agricultural and urban landscapes to enhance their suitability as habitat by practices including the planting of native plants and the restoration of habitat patches within intensively managed landscapes. Another new land use practice is the establishment of corridors of habitat between existing patches of habitat distributed across landscapes, creating larger effective habitats by connecting smaller patches together and enhancing species migrations. This will be an especially important practice in response to future changes in climate that will cause the habitat ranges of many species to migrate, mostly northward, requiring species migration through managed areas.Protection of productive agricultural land has become a major priority in many regions of the world. Land degradation by overgrazing and intensive agriculture on marginal lands is a major driver of land loss;a number of national and international programs have responded with land reforms and incentive programs to avoid this outcome. In rapidly industrializing nations with dense populations such as China, and in the past, Korea, Japan and Western European nations, demand for land for industry and residential use is driving the transformation of some of the most productive agricultural land in the world out of production. Policy efforts to avoid this loss of production are also in place, but their effectiveness in the face of economic demand is often limited. Another threat is the wide adoption of automobile transportation in some developed nations, which has transformed large areas of agricultural land to relatively low density residential uses around cities and along highways (urban sprawl). “Smart growth” and other programs have been developed in these areas to encourage more efficient and desirable land use and to protect agricultural land.The examples above demonstrate the variety of solutions to environmental harm by LULCC that are in progress. The effectiveness of these and otherregional and national efforts to reduce the negative impacts of LULCC remain to be seen. The need for greater efforts and new methods to monitor and mediate the negative consequences of LULCC remains acute, if we are to sustain current and future human populations under desirable conditions.Further Reading∙DeFries, R. S., G. P. Asner, and R. A. Houghton, editors. 2004. Ecosystems and Land Use Change. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.∙Foley, J. A., R. DeFries, G. P. Asner, C. Barford, G. Bonan, S. R. Carpenter, F. S. Chapin, M. T. Coe, G. C. Daily, H. K. Gibbs, J. H. Helkowski, T. Holloway, E. A. Howard, C. J.Kucharik, C. Monfreda, J. A. Patz, I. C. Prentice, N. Ramankutty, and P. K. Snyder. 2005.Global consequences of land use. Science 309:570-574.∙Global Land Project. 2005. Science Plan and Implementation Strategy. IGBP Report No.53/IHDP Report No. 19, IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm.∙Meyer, W. B., and B. L. Turner. 1994. Changes in Land Use and Land Cover: A Global Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England; New York, NY, USA.∙Ruddiman, W. F. 2003. The anthropogenic greenhouse era began thousands of years ago.Climatic Change 61:261-293.∙Turner II, B. L., W. C. Clark, R. W. Kates, J. F. Richards, J. T. Mathews, and W. B. Meyer.1990. The Earth as Transformed by Human Action: Global and Regional Changes in theBiosphere Over the Past 300 Years. Cambridge University Press with Clark University,Cambridge; New York.CitationErle Ellis (Lead Author);Robert Pontius (Topic Editor) "Land-use and land-cover change". In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth April 18, 2010; Last revised Date April 18, 2010; Retrieved March 7, 2011The AuthorDr. Erle Ellis is Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County,where he teaches Environmental Science, Landscape Ecology and Biogeochemistry. His research focuses on ecological processes in anthropogenic landscapes at local, regional and global scales, and their transformation by population growth and industrially-based technologies. He has studied long-term changes in nitrogen balance in village ecosystems of China's Tai Lake Re ... (Full Bio)。

1.4 LUCC的环境影响
LUCC对土壤的环境效应累积为土壤质量、土壤 生产力的下降,主要表现为不同形式的土壤退化,主 要包括土壤侵蚀(水蚀、风蚀)、土壤化学退化(土 壤污染、盐碱化、水浸、酸化等)、土壤物理退化 如土壤紧实等。
1.4 LUCC的环境影响
1土壤环境。不合理的土地利用方式如森林的砍伐、 矿区开采、陡坡开垦以及过度放牧是造成土壤侵 蚀和土地沙化的主要原因。(黄土高原的水土流 失)
2.3 LUCC与中国的可持续发展
① 土地资源的短缺和退化。 ② 土地资源多功能性的特点。 ③ 土地利用与其它自然资源利用的密切关系。 ④ 快速工业化过程中土地资源的丧失。
LUCC的研究对象可以概括为两个方面的内容: ① 与全球环境变化有关的科学问题 ② 与国家或区域的可持续发展有关的发展战略问题
1.3 研究内容与方法
LUCC研究计划以五个中心问题为导向 ① 近三百年来人类利用导致的土地覆盖的变化 ② 人类土地利用发生变化的主要原因 ③ 土地利用变化在今后50年如何影响土地覆盖 ④ 人类和生物物理的直接驱动力对特定类型土
1.1 背景及意义 1.2 基本概念 1.3 研究内容与方法 1.4 LUCC的环境影响
1.4 LUCC的环境影响
地表及其覆盖的植被决定着太阳辐射在地表的分配.土地表面性质发生 变化时引起能量的重新分配,从而影响气候的变化。
2土壤养分。不同的土地利用类型对养分的滞留和 转化的作用不同,具有不同的土地空间组合,进 而影响了土壤养分的迁移规律。
3土壤微生物。土壤微生物的多样性与地表植被群 落的生产力和多样性呈正相关,并随着植被群落 存在的年限而增加。

4、思厥先祖父,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺 寸之地。
翻译:回想他们的过世的祖辈父辈,冒着霜 露,披荆斩棘,因而才有一点点土地。
6、然则诸侯之地有限,暴秦之欲无厌,奉 之弥繁,侵之愈急。
翻译:然而那么诸侯的土地有限,暴秦的欲 望没有满足;谁送给它土地更加频繁,它 侵犯谁就更加急迫。
翻译:贿赂秦国因而力量亏损,是六国灭 亡的道理。
翻译:不割地贿赂秦国的国家因为割地贿 赂秦国的国家而灭亡,因为他们失去了强 有力的外援,不能单独保全。
翻译:把秦国由受贿赂得到的土地与战胜 而得到的土地比较,它实际上有一百倍 。
10、后秦击赵者再,李牧连却之。洎牧以谗诛, 邯郸为郡,惜其用武而不终也。
翻译:后来秦国又两次攻打赵国,李牧接连使秦 国退却。等到李牧因受谗言被赵王杀害,都城邯 郸就变成秦国的一个郡,可惜它用兵抵抗却没能 坚持到底啊。
11、向使三国各爱其地,齐人勿附于秦,刺客不 行,良将犹在,则胜负之数,存亡之理,当与秦 相较,或未易量。
翻译:六国落到灭亡的地步,按理本来应当 这样。
8、燕赵之君,始有远略,能守其土,义不 赂秦。
翻译:燕国和赵国的君主,起初有来自大的谋 略,能够守住自己的土地,坚持正义不贿 赂秦国。
翻译:到了燕太子丹用派遣荆轲刺杀秦王作 为对付秦国的策略,才招致灭亡的祸患。
13、苟以天下之大,下而从六国破亡之 故事,是又在六国下矣。
翻译:如果凭借偌大国家,却自取下策重蹈 六国灭亡的覆辙,这就又在六国之下了

关键词:土地利用/覆被LUCC 生态环境土地是生态环境的重要组成部分,土地利用与生态环境存在着不可分割的联系。
一、LUCC研究的基本目标LUCC 研究的基本目标是提高对土地利用/覆被变化动态过程的认识,并着重提高预测土地利用/覆被变化的能力。

AbstractLUCC is the important component and primary causes of global environment change, the core question of sustainable development, which will be closely linked with humanity's future survival. It is restricted by both natural factor and humanities factor such as society, economy, politics influences and so on. At the same time, the integrated function of LUCC in turn is affecting the global environment and the development of human society. Since 1995 IGBP and IHDP jointly proposed the LUCC research plan, rapidly has caused the widespread attention of internationalsociety and geographer, the LUCC research is generally launched indomestic and foreign, also has become the international front topic of geography study.As the capital of Shanxi Province,The economical of Taiyuan capital fast developed, the urbanization and industrialization level unceasingly enhanced in recent years, along with the high development, the land use and cover of Taiyuan city also was having the huge change, which cause a series of ecological environment problem. Therefore, the quantitative synthetic study to the urban and suburban area in Taiyuan city, specially accurately withdrawing the LUCC information, and in based on which, the spatial patternchange of ecology service function value caused by LUCC in research area is quantitatively evaluated,which have the important theory and practice significance to the land resource sustainable use in research area, understanding the spatial pattern change of ecological environment which caused by LUCC, promoting the coordinated development of region economy and environment.At present, the research of LUCC offen stresses to the change of land quantity and quality on the certain time ,but neglects the spatial pattern and the spatial evolution. The research of ecosystem service value influenced by land use use are also more, but mostly directly quotes the research results of Constaza and so on or carries on the corresponding adjustment take this as the foundation to calculate the time difference of ecosystem service value, the research to space difference as well as the spatial pattern research of the ecosystem service value in differenttime interval is very few.Instrcted by the geographic information TuPu、ecology and sustainable development theory and so on, take the urban and suburban area in Taiyuan city as an example, based on two remote sensing images, the DEM data and the partial investigation data, on-the-spot investigation, using GIS and RS technology, This research mainly concluded following four aspects research : (1) based on the GIS platform, established the LUCC database of the urban and suburban in Taiyuancity in 1990 -2002 year, analyzed the change tendency of land use and the change characteristic of main land use type in research in this interval; (2) supported by GIS and RS, used the geographic information TuPu theory, produced the land use change TuPu of research in 1990 -2002 year, and the spatial pattern of land use change in research area was further analyzed;(3) the ecosystem service value database of research area in 1990-2002 year was established suported GIS and ecology theory and the ecosystem service value change caused by land use change was quantitative analysed in 1990-2002 year; (4)bsed on the GIS and RS, using the geographic information TuPu theory, the ecosystem service value change TuPu and the ecosystem service value change quantity TuPu was produced of research area in 1990 -2002 year on base of land use change TuPu, the spatial pattern of ecosystem service value change in resarch area was furhher analysed.The important conclusion below was obtained through above synthetic study:(1) The statistical analysis to the land use change database indicated that: in 12 years the overall tendency of research area was: the area of farmland, rangeland and waters relatively reduced, while the area of garden plot, unused land, forest land and construction land relatively increased. The forest land area only increased 8535.74 hm2, which had the biggest increasing area in all land use type. In the same time, the area of farmland had remarkable reduction, reduced by 16456.47 hm2 in 12 years.(2) The characteristic of land use change was that farmland change as unused land, farmland change as construction land in research area in 12 years, What the biggest change area is the transformation from farmland to unused land, altogether 9 772.80 hm2 in farmland transform to unused land, occupied 19.98% of the overall change area, which mainly occured in the north of research area north, namely the Jian caoping area, the primary cause which the increasing of unused land in this region was that university extended as well as some energy chemical industry taken the farmland but not to complete again adds on a part of farmland degenerate to the saline and alkali land.(3) The main extention tendency was the increasing of unused land and forest land, which ocupied 10.68% in all area, occupied 30.49% in all extended area. Seeing from the research area expansionTupu, this mainly occured in the north of research area; In all contraction's area, the contraction's area of farmland was the biggest, accounted for 16.81% of the research area total area, occupied 47.98% of all contraction area.(4) The ecosystem service value caused by land use change presented increasing tendency in 12 years, but the increasing scope is not very big, which explained that the ecological environment of the research area developed to the benign direction in whole. The ecosystem service value offorest land had the biggest contribution to the total ecosystem service value of research area, which mainly benefited in Returning farmland to forest as well as the afforestation policy.(5) Seeing from the ecosystem service value change Tupu and the ecosystem service value change quantity Tupu of research area, the ecosystem service value of Jian caoping area had the obvious reduction, which mainly was caused by the increasing of unused land.The land use change Tupu, land use expansion Tupu, land use contraction Tupu as well as the ecosystem service value change Tupu, ecosystem service value change quantity Tupu were producted supported by RS、GIS and the geographic information Tupu theory, which had the important meaning to understand the spatial pattern and the spatial variation rule of land use change and ecosystem service value change in research area and also was the innovation of this article.摘要土地利用/土地覆被变化(Land use and Land cover change,LUCC)是全球环境变化的重要组成部分和主要原因之一,自1995年“国际地圈——生物圈计划”(IGBP)和“全球环境变化人文计划”(IHDP)联合提出LUCC研究计划以来,LUCC研究在国内外普遍展开。

二、土地利用/土地覆被变化的基本概念与研究意义土地利用/土地覆被变化(Land Use/Land Cover Change,简称LUCC)是全球环境变化研究的核心领域之一。

因此,国际地圈——生物圈计划(IGBP)和全球环境变化中的人文方面计划(IHDP)联合提出“土地利用和土地覆被变化”(IGBP and IHDP,1993,1995,1999)这一核心研究领域,受到社会各界的极大重视。

关键词:LUCC; 时空演变; 模型模拟中图分类号:F301.24 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2012)19-0142-03土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)研究是全球变化研究的核心主题之一[1],其研究成果对于实现区域土地可持续利用有着至关重要的意义。
一、LUCC相关概念土地覆被(Land Cover)曾被IGBP(国际地圈与生物圈计划)和IHDP(全球环境变化人文计划)定义成人类活动和自然过程共同作用后在近地面层及地球陆地表层所形成的自然状态[2],其他组织机构和学者也给出了其他定义,但其内涵均包括:(1)其本身是由植被、土壤和陆地表面的水体等构成;(2)其是构成陆地生物圈的重要成分[3]。
土地利用(Land Use)于1985年被世界粮农组织(FAO)定义为土地利用是由自然条件与人的干涉所决定的土地功能[4],但目前应用较广的定义是:人类所进行的一切有目的开发利用土地资源的行为活动的总称,如耕地、林地、牧草地、建设用地等都是不同的土地利用类型[1]。
Unit 2 Diet全新版大学英语综合教程五课文翻译

Unit 2 DietText A Let's Go Veggie!1 If there was a single act that would improve your health, cut your risk of food-borne illnesses, and help preserve the environment and the welfare of millions of animals, would you do it?2 The act I'm referring to is the choice you make every time you sit down to a meal.3 More than a million Canadians have already acted: They have chosen to not eat meat. And the pace of change has been dramatic.4 Vegetarian food sales are showing unparalleled growth. Especially popular are meat-free burgers and hot dogs, and the plant-based cuisines of India, China, Mexico, Italy and Japan.5 Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism have been the health recommendations of medical research. Study after study has uncovered the same basic truth: Plant foods lower your risk of chronic disease; animal foods increase it.6 The American Dietetic Association says: "Scientific data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative diseases."7 This past fall, after reviewing 4,500 studies on diet and cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund flatly stated: "We've been running the human biological engine on the wrong fuel."8 This "wrong fuel" has helped boost the cost of degenerative disease in Canada to an estimated $400 billion a year, according to Bruce Holub, a professor of nutritional science at the University of Guelph.9 Animal foods have serious nutritional drawbacks: They are devoid of fiber, contain far too much saturated fat and cholesterol, and may even carry traces of hormones, steroids and antibiotics. It makes little difference whether you eat beef, pork, chicken or fish.10 Animal foods are also gaining notoriety as breeding grounds for E. coli, campylobacter and other bacteria that cause illness. According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, six out of ten chickens are infected with salmonella. It's like playing Russian roulette with your health.11 So why aren't governments doing anything about this? Unfortunately, they have bowed to pressure from powerful lobby groups such as the Beef Information Center, the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency and the Dairy Farmers of Canada. According to documents retrieved through the Freedom of Information Act, these groups forcedchanges to Canada's latest food guide before it was released in 1993.12 This should come as no surprise: Even a minor reduction in recommended intakes of animal protein could cost these industries billions of dollars a year.13 While health and food safety are compelling reasons for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle, there are also larger issues to consider. Animal-based agriculture is one of the most environmentally destructive industries on the face of the Earth.14 Think for a moment about the vast resources required to raise, feed, shelter, transport, process and package the 500 million Canadian farm animals slaughtered each year. Water and energy are used at every step of the way. Alberta Agriculture calculates that it takes 10 to 20 times more energy to produce meat than to produce grain.15 Less than a quarter of our agricultural land is used to feed people directly. The rest is devoted to grazing and growing food for animals. Ecosystems of forest, wetland and grassland have been decimated to fuel the demand for land. Using so much land heightens topsoil loss, the use of harsh fertilizers and pesticides, and the need for irrigation water from dammed rivers. If people can shift away from meat, much of this land could be converted back to wilderness.16 The problem is that animals are inefficient at converting plants to edible flesh. It takes, for example, 8.4 kilograms of grain to produce one kilogram of pork, the U. S. government estimates.17 After putting so many resources into animals, what do we get out? Manure — at a rate of over 10,000 kilograms per second in Canada alone, according to the government. Environment Canada says cattle excrete 40 kilograms of manure for every kilogram of edible beef. A large egg factory can produce 50 to 100 tonnes of waste per week, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture estimates.18 And where does it go? In the 1992 Ontario Groundwater Survey, 43 per cent of tested wells were contaminated with agricultural run-off containing fecal coliform bacteria and nitrates. Earlier this month, charges were laid against a large Alberta feedlot operator for dumping 30 million litres of cattle manure into the Bow River, "killing everything in its path," as a news story described it.19 And then there is methane, a primary contributing gas in global warming and ozone layer depletion. Excluding natural sources, 27 per cent of Canada's and 20 per cent of the world's methane comes from livestock.20 John Robbins, author of the Pulitzer prize-nominated book Diet for a New America (Group West), said it best when he stated: "Eating lower on the food chain is perhaps the most potent single act we can take to halt the destruction of our environmentand preserve our natural resources."21 Our environment also includes the animals killed for their meat. It has become an accepted fact that today's factory-farmed animals live short, miserable, unnatural lives.22 As part of my research at the University of Waterloo, I toured some of the country's largest "processing" plants. The experience has left me with recurring nightmares.23 I saw "stubborn" cows being beaten and squealing pigs chased around the killing floor with electric calipers.24 I looked on in utter shock as a cow missed the stun gun and was hoisted fully conscious upside down by its hind leg and cut to pieces, thrashing until its last breath.25 Noticing my shock, the foreman remarked: "Who cares? They're going to die anyway."26 Because it can cost hundreds of dollars per minute to stop the conveyor line, animal welfare comes second to profit. Over 150,000 animals are "processed" every hour of every working day in Canada, according to Agriculture Canada.27 The picture gets uglier still. En route to slaughter, farm animals may legally spend anywhere from 36 to 72 hours without food, water or rest. They're not even afforded the "luxury" of temperature controlled trucks in extreme summer heat or sub-zero cold.28 Agriculture Canada has estimated that more than 3 million Canadian farm animals die slow and painful deaths en route to slaughter each year.29 I've also visited typical Canadian farms. Gone are the days when piglets snorted and roosters strutted their way about the barnyard. Most of today's modernized farms have long, windowless sheds in which animals live like prisoners their entire lives. I have seen chickens crammed four to a cage, nursing pigs separated from their young by iron bars and veal calves confined to crates so narrow they couldn't turn around. Few of these animals ever experience sunlight or fresh air —and most of their natural urges are denied.30 Although it is difficult to face these harsh realities, it is even more difficult to ignore them. Three times a day, you make a decision that not only affects the quality of your life, but the rest of the living world. We hold in our knives and forks the power to change this world.31 Consider the words of Albert Einstein: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as the Evolution to a vegetarian diet."32 Bon appetite.咱们吃素吧!如果有一件事,既能增进健康、减少患上食物引起的疾病的危险,又有助于保护环境、保护千万动物安全生存,你做不做?我说的这件事就是每次坐下来就餐时挑选菜肴。

范畴, 而耕地 、 林地、 草地、 公路 、 建筑及土壤、 冰雪和水 体
属 土地覆 盖 的范 畴。
土地 利用是 土地覆 被变化 最重要 的影响 因素 。 地覆 土 被 的变化 反过来 又作 用 于土 地利 用 。全 球 不 同区域 土地
覆被的性质主要决定于 自然因素, 目前的土地覆被状况 但
题 已引起人 类社会 的广泛关注 , 深入研 究这些 问题具有重要 的理论 意义和 实践 价值。针对土地利用/ 覆被变化 引起 的环境效 应的复杂性 、 累积性 , 文在总结 国内外 L C 本 U C环境 效应的研 究成果的同时, L C 把 U C环境效应 分为 : 土壤环境 效应、 气环境 大 效应、 水环 境效应 以及 生态效应四类进行阐述 , 并结合 目前研 究在 内容 和方法方 面存 在缺乏统一 的指 标体 系、 究区域时 空 研
第3 1卷第 5期 2O 06年 8 月
环境科学 与管理
V 13 . . o . 1 No 5 Au . O 6 g2O
文章 编号 :63 2220 )5 00 5 17 —11 (060 —06 —0
境变化人类 因素计划”简称 m)) ( P将土地覆被定义为“ 地
球 陆地 表层和 近地 面层 的 自然状态 , 自然过 程和人 类 活 是
尺度单一、 以单要素静 态研究为主、 实验研 究相对薄弱以及 动态模拟 不够等 问题对其发展趋势进行 了探讨。
关 键 词 : 利 用/ 被 变化 ( c ) 土地 覆 I c ;环 境 效 应 :生 态 系统 献 标 识码 : A
全球变化中人的行为非常复杂, 但从对地球表层系统

诊断表层 (A或A+AB)和诊断表下层(B或E)。

土地利用(Land use)是指人类对地表土地资源的开发利用方式。
1. 城市化(Urbanization):指城市人口比重和城市规模的增加,以及城市的扩展和发展过程。
2. 农业(Agriculture):指农民对土地进行种植、养殖等活动,生产农产品供给社会的经济行为。
3. 林业(Forestry):指对森林地区的经营和管理,包括种植、砍伐、造林、保护等一系列活动。
4. 畜牧业(Livestock farming):指人类对牲畜进行饲养和经营,以获得畜产品供给社会的经济活动。
5. 工业(Industry):指通过对土地进行工厂、厂房建设,进
6. 交通(Transportation):指对土地进行道路、铁路、航空等交通基础设施建设和运输活动。
7. 旅游(Tourism):指对土地进行旅游设施建设和旅游服务的经济行为,以吸引游客并促进地方经济发展。



人文地理201801 倪新洁
·土地利用,是指人类根据土地的自然特点,按一定的经济、社会目的,采取一系列生物、技术手段,对土 地进行长期性或周期性的经营管理和治理改造。 ·侧重于土地的经济属性。 ·对林地的划分:(从林地的利用目的和利用方向)用材林地、经济林地、薪炭林地、防护林地等。
“发生在建成环境(尤其是人口稠密地区)中,由于不透水表面增加和持续性降水造成排水系统超负 荷,进而导致的财产被淹的现象。”
·土地利用/土地覆被对于土壤营养成分、含水量等诸多因素有影响,且间作等土地利用方式还有利于植物 充分运用太阳能。对土地生产力的提高有作用。
2.对洪涝灾害的影响 ·土地利用不当还有可能导致一些灾害的发生,而与水资源息息相关的洪涝灾害也在其列。 ·例子:据美国一些小城市调查,当不透水地面占12.00%、平均洪水流量为17.80m3/s,洪水汇流时间 为3.5h.而当不透水地面增至40.00%时、平均洪水流量增至57.80m3/s,洪水汇流时间减至0.4h。工矿 居民建设用地、交通用地的增加,使得整个城市的地面不渗透率增加,地面径流系数相应增大,此外还 有因城镇建设填平原来的河流湖泊,使得天然水体面积大大减少。
2.造成的土壤侵蚀和土壤沙化 ·人类在上述活动中,大量破坏了地表的植被,因而使固体物质的重力迁移和机械搬迁比自然状态下要 增大几十倍至上千倍。 ·例子:美国东部地区某流域的实测资料,在农业发展之前,该河流泥沙含量仅为50mg/l,而在扩大耕地 期间,上升为600mg/l,在进行工程建设期间,进一步上升至2000mg/l。

【逐字翻译拼音】地忽然而动,shì hū ér rán dòng,山崩川竭,shān bēng chuān jié,屋舍圮颓,wū shè pǐ tuí,人声鼎沸,rén shēng dǐng fèi。
天地变色,tiān dì biàn sè,日月无光,rì yuè wú guāng,鬼哭狼嚎,guǐ kū láng háo,百禽皆惊,bǎi qín jiējīng。
震源千里,zhèn yuán qiān lǐ,波及四邻,bō jí sì lín,哀鸿遍野,āi hóng biàn yě,惨不忍睹,cǎn bù rěn dǔ。
【逐字翻译拼音】忽而:hū ér然:rán动:dòng崩:bēng川:chuān竭:jié屋舍:wū shè圮颓:pǐ tuí人声:rén shēng鼎沸:dǐng fèi变色:biàn sè无光:wú guāng鬼哭:guǐ kū狼嚎:láng háo百禽:bǎi qín皆惊:jiē jīng震源:zhèn yuán千里:qiān lǐ波及:bō jí四邻:sì lín哀鸿:āi hóng遍野:biàn yě惨不忍睹:cǎn bù rěn dǔ。
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这两大国际组织委托研究土地利用/土地覆盖变化的“核心项目计划委员会”和“研究项目计划委员会”(CPPC/RPPC LUCC)拟定一个关于共同发起土地利用与土地覆被核心项目的科学计划。
这项计划由“核心项目计划委员会”和“研究项目计划委员会”(CPPC/RPPC LUCC)联合一个大的研究组织通过多次的研习会和探讨会拟定并最终于1996年4月29-31在美国阿姆斯特丹展开讨论。