商务英语考试名词解释(共五篇)第一篇:商务英语考试名词解释Explanation(1)Brand:is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products,services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed.(2)Protection: the deliberate use or encouragement of restrictions on imports to enable relativelyinefficient domestic producers to compete successfully with foreign producers.(3)Corporate culture-It represents a common perception held by the organization’s members.It communicates how people in an organization should behave, by establishing a value system conveyed throughrites, myths, legends, and actions.(4)Quota: a restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular product that a county impose.(5)Free trade: trade between nations without protective customs tariff(6)Marketing– the competitive process by which goods and services are offered for consumptionat a profit.It’s about building a reputation and making sales for cash and profits in particular markets.(7)Promotion is the combination of methods to generate public awareness, identity, confidence,desire and conviction in a product and usage by the general public.(8)Enterprise ethics refers to the enterprise in the specific social economic organization, relyingon public opinion, traditions and inner conviction to maintain, with good and evil evaluation standard on moral principles, ethics and moral activities combined.(9)Advertising : the action of calling something to the attention of the publicespecially by paidannouncements.(10)MoneyEnglish writingIncreased dramatically sinceIn 1987 the export figures stood at 400 million Finnish markkaa.There was a sharp increase between 1987 and 1989 when figures reached over 800 million.This was followed by a sharp decrease between 1989 and 1990 when Finnish paper exports to Japan dropped to 400 million.There was a slight rise between 1990 and 1991 when exports hit the 450 million mark but they fell again to 400 million in 1992.Between 1992 and 1995 there was a dramatic rise and exports of paper to Japan reached a peak of 1,300 million in 1995, before falling again to under 1,000 million in 1997.第二篇:商务英语考试2013下半年剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)报考简章报名条件与考试费用BEC报名不受年龄﹑性别、职业﹑地区﹑学历等限制,任何人均可持本人身份证件到当地考点报名。
Acceptance承兑P119An acceptance credit call for drafts to be drawn at a tenor for acceptance by the issuing bank or any drawee nawed in the credit.汇票承兑信用证要求汇票按规定在一定期限内由开证行或者其他在信用证上签名的收款人来检验。
a letter of credit信用证P116A banker’s document letter of credit is a credit instrument.A common means of payment in international trade.一种在国际贸易中常见的支付手段。
Containing a writer undertaking in the part of the issuing bank to pay a certain amount to a third party against the surrender of stipulated documents.collection托收P133entrust banks as intermediaries to collect the money for the goods委托银行作中间人收取款项Bill票据a statement of money owed for goods or services; demand paymenttax 税收P197charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government; levy a tax onhedge套期保值P144capture slight differences in price;foreign exchange markets perform four major functions:tranfer of payments;provision of credits;payment at a distance;allowing hedging against exchange risk.外汇市场主要从事四种功能:转移支付;提供信贷;异地支付;提供外汇风险防范。
商务英语名词解释考试重点笔记Non -tariff barriers :⾮关税壁垒 Durable equipment :耐⽤设备 Creditor country :债权国 Dual -Ministerial Meeting :双部长会议Board of directors :董事会 European commission :欧盟委员会 The parent MNE :多国公司母公司 National economic welfare :国家经济利益 self -sufficient :⾃给⾃⾜的 The legal jurisdiction :法律管理范围 perfect competition :完全竞争 output per many -year of labor :⼈均年产量 Cost advantage :成本优势 Production capability :⽣产能⼒Consumption preference :消费偏好 Large -scale production :⼤规模⽣产 Tariff barrier :关税壁垒 Internationa l chamber of commerce :国际商会Incoterms :国际贸易术语解释通则 Binding obligation :有约束⼒的义务 International trunk call :国际长途 Cross -border contract :进出⼝合同 Clearing system :清算系统;清算制度 Leverage : 杠杆作⽤Auction 拍卖 Trade credit account : 贸易信贷往来账户 Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀 Centrally planned economy :中央计划经济 Net positions 实际⼨头Counter trade 对销贸易、反向贸易 Cross -border contract 进出⼝合同 Protectionism 贸易保护注意Clearing system 清算系统(制度) Compensation trade 补偿贸易Trade credit accounts 贸易信贷往来账户Consignment 寄售Processing trade 加⼯贸易Centrally planned economies 中央计划经济国家Trade fair :交易会competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值Leasing trade 租赁贸易Securities market 有价证券市场 Stock Exchange 证券交易所Foreign exchange market 外汇市场 Trade credit accounts 贸易信贷往来账户Poliy objective 政策⽬标 Foreign exchange shortages 外汇短缺Financial standing 财务状况= fin ancial status = financial strength Credit worthiness 资信可靠状况Periodic payments 分阶段付款Reimburse 偿付Unit price 单价 Partial shipment 分批装运The uniform customs and practice of documentary credits 跟单信⽤证统⼀惯例Open account 记账交易 The carrying vessel 载货船只 Non -trade settlement ⾮贸易结算 Leading /Prime/First rate 主要银⾏ A particular transaction ⼀笔特定的交易Capital turnover 资⾦周转 Documents 单据Consignee 收货⼈ Documentation 单据的制作或使⽤ Commission 佣⾦Consignor 托运⼈ Bill of lading 提(货)单 Notify party 到货通知⼈、被通知⼈ Airway bill 空运(提)单 Insurance policy 保险单(⼤保单) Insurance certificate 保险单(⼩保单) Cargo receipt 铁路运单、货运收据 Commercial invoice 商业发票: Customs/Consular invoice 海关/领事发票Railway bill 收货单(铁路) Shipping advice 装船通知Certificate of quality 品质证书Certificate of weight 重量证书Certificate of quantity 数量证书Certificate of health 健康证书 Certificate of disinfection 消毒证书 Certificate of origin 产地证书 Veterinary certificate 兽医证书Port of shipment 发货港、装运港、起运港Packing list 装箱单Finished products 制成品Cost economies 节约成本成本节约 Intermediate products 中间产品、成品Production approach Natural product province 领域Shipper 托运⼈= Consigner Inventory 存货、库存Broker Logistics 物流Transshipment 转运 Just -in -time inventory system 存Known premium 已知的保险费 Private carrier ⾃有承运⼈Representative carriers 载⼯具Destination port :⽬的港Transportation and freight tation 运输和货物运输: Consignee 收货⼈Voidable ⽆效的 Margin 保证⾦Client 客户,主顾Jeopardy 危险,风险Literature 说明书Underwriter 保险公司 Values exposed to loss 损失的价值Release of funds 腾出资⾦Terms of sale 价格条件、买卖条款 All Risks 全险、⼀切险、综合险Forwarding charges 转运费Adversely affected 受到负⾯影响 Reserve currency 储备货币 Clean float 清洁浮动、⾃由浮动 Dirty float 肮脏浮动、管理浮动Idle funds 游资、热钱、闲置资⾦ Par value 平价(货币的票⾯价格)Foreign exchange control 外汇管制 Fixed exchange rate / Flexible hange rate 固定汇率/浮动汇率Financial resources 资⾦Private or 私营经济Equity investment 投资Grace period 优惠期、宽限期 Capital infrastructure 基础建设资⾦Economic restructuring 整Investment returns 投资收益 Voting power 投票权Borrowingpower 借款权Gold tranche 额Gold reserve 黄⾦储备 Standby arrangement 安排Customer mobility 客户流动 Tax holiday 免税期Joint venture 资企业Jobber 股票买卖经纪⼈ The strategic alliance 战略联合Discount rate 贴现率 Securities 有价证券Pro rata 按⽐例Stock exchange 证券(股票)Secondary capital market 市场Great Depression ⼤萧条 Primary capital raising 初级/本市场Long -term capital 长期资本Market floor =trading floor 厅Market maker 买和销售的公司Listed market 挂牌证券交易市场Gilt -edged stocks / securities 债券Cost -effective 划算的Public Sector Borrowing Requirement 公共部门借贷需求Listed company / corporation 公司= the list companyThe gilt -edged market 场The traded options market 交易市场Money market 货币市场The foreign equities market 票市场Discount market 贴现市场ecurities market 证券市场Foreign exchange market 外汇市场Escape clauses 免责条款、Non -discrimination principle (ple of non -discrimination t )⽆差别待遇New international onomic order 国际经济新秩序 Differential treatment 差别待遇 Preferential customs tariffs 特惠税 Transfer of technology 技术转让 Non -discriminate principle 则Tariff concession 关税减让 Contracting party 缔约国、缔约⽅ Tariff quota 关税限额制、关税配额Counter -veiling measures。
商务英语专业(Business English Program)隶属于外国语言文学学科,课程体系以英语与商 务知识和能力课程的有机交叉融合为核心,具有跨学科特点。常州大学商务英语专业是在2000年 我院设立英语专业的基础上、于2016年经教育部审批同意开始招生,学制四年。
在选择专业的时候,我们往往要考虑很多的因素,需要自己去搜集一些专业相关的东西,再结合 自己的个人爱好,最终决定就读一个什么专业,当然,在这个过程中,看看别人如何看待这个专 业也是很有参考价值的,那么下面我们一起来看看商务英语这个专业吧
本专业方向主要培养具有扎实的英语 语言基础和较系统的国际商务治理理 论知识,具有较强的实践技能,能在 外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、 科研、旅游等部分从事翻译、治理、 教授教养、研究工作的英语高级专门 人才。
主要学习基础英语、高级英语、英语 听力、英语口语、英语写作、翻译理 论与实践、英美文学史及选读、西方 经济学、国际贸易、国际商务、市场 营销等课程。学生毕业后授予文学学 士学位。
一般来说,商英专业毕业生直接对口 的工作有:初级文书翻译,涉外文秘, 外贸跟单,外语客服等。你在1,2线 城市想找这类工作真是一找一大把。 所以其实就业不算难。
本专业旨在培养具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言运用能力,宽阔的国际视野,博通商务领域 (经济、管理和商法等)基本知识,具有较深厚的人文知识和第二外语运用能力,专精于贸易、 金融、国际营销、国际物流等领域内某一、两个方向专门知识,能承担或参与国有、民办和三资 企业中相关贸易、金融、结算、商法和商务谈判等工作的跨学科、高素质、复合型商务英语专门 人才。
1. Budget —预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.2. Return —回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3. Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4. Royalty —专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.5. Patent —专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.6. Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.7. Franchise —经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in a certain area.8.Purchasing power —购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.9. PPP —购买力平价purchasing power parity10. tariff —关税tax levied by the customs11.barriers to trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.12.primary commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials13.drawback —退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exported14.specific duties —从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods15.ad valorem duties —从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods16.carriage —运费the price or cost of transportation17.voluntary offer —主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer18.contracting parties —缔约方signatories of an agreement19.force majeure —[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party20.firm offer —持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer21.offeree —受要约人the party to whom an offer is made22.hyperinflation —极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control23.inflation —通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.24.protectionism —贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports25.bilateral —双边的of two sides26.bundling—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together27.creditors —债权人a person to whom one owns money28.debtor —债务人a person who owes money29.default —违约fail to carry out an obligation30.draft —汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money31.remittance —汇款the sending of money or the money sent32.drawe r —出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter33.drawee—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn34.credit-worthiness—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making payment35.applicant of an L/C —出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C36.beneficiary —受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export37.confirming bank —保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C38.reimburse—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent39.clean credit —光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents for payment40.sight credit —即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft41.middleman—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer42.consignee—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped43.shipping marks —唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportation44.insurance policy —保险单a document used for covering possible risks45.title —抬头right to the possession of a position or property46.insured—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy47.premium—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract48.potential loss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur49.claim—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy50.margin —利润amount above what is estimated as necessary51.underwriter —保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business52.invoice —发票a document for the general description of the goods and the pricepensation —赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss54.pooling —联营a combination of funds formed for common advantage55.multi-modal transportation —多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air56.redeem —兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock57.settlement —结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc58.exchange rate —汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency59.money circulation —货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services60.devaluation —货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies61.reserve —储备金money held aside to meet future demand62.investment —投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns63.quota —配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity64.VER —自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another country65.intellectual property —知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copy-right66.tax holiday —免税期a period of time during which tax is not levied67.joint venture —合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms68.gilts —金边债券stocks issued by government69.cost-effective —成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure70.anti-dumping —反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured71.mandate —授权authority given to perform a duty72.contracting party —缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreement73.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)74.Invisible trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.75.FDI( foreign direct investments) is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.76.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.77.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.78.Licensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.79.Franchising特许经营: a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.80.Franchiser特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.81.Franchisee被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.82.GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.83.GDP国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.84.Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.85.Income distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.86.Free trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policy87.Customs union关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policymon market共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.89.Economic Union (EU)经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.90.Parent MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部is the original investing multinational corporation . It is also the international headquarters of the MNE .91.Home county母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.92.Host country东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.93.Absolute advantage绝对利益: It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)parative advantage比较利益: Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.1..International trade国际贸易: The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient.2.Import duties进口关税: Tariffs levied on goods entering an area3.Export duties出口关税: Taxes levied on goods leaving an area4.Most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment最惠国待遇: A tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country5.Inquiry / enquiry询盘、询价: It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms.6.Quotation报盘: Estimate of how much something will cost7.Counter offer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer8.inflation : Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc9.Barter易货贸易: The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed in a short period of time.10.Counter purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country.11.Buyback回购贸易: An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.12.Remittance 汇付: This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each other13.Documentary draft跟单汇票: The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents.14.Documentary collection跟单托收: It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.15.Sight draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.ance draft远期汇票Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee.17.Draft汇票:= Bill of exchange . It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future.18.bill of exchange —汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment19.Applicant (Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C. (the importer)20.applicant of an L/C :The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C21.Opening bank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行: The bank that issues the credit.22.Opening bank: the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank .23.Beneficiary受益人:The exporter in whose favor the credit is opened24.Correspondent band往来行、关系行:The bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to it25.Advising bank通知行: The bank in the exporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received.26.Confirming bank保兑行: The bank adds its confirmation to the credit.27.Paying bank付款行: The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange.28.Negotiating bank议付行: The bank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it under a credit.29.The documentary credit跟单信用证: The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.30.Revocable credit可撤消信用证: The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.31.Irrevocable credit不可撤消信用证: The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned.32.Confirmed credit保兑信用证: The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank33.Unconfirmed credit不保兑信用:The credit isn’t confirmed by another bank34.Sight credit即期信用证: The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draftance credit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证: The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight.36.Transferable credit可转让信用证: The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties.37.Non-transferable credit不可转让信用证: The credit can not be transferred.38.Non-draft credit无汇票信用证: The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.39.Revolving credit循环信用证: The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made.mercial invoice商业发票: The document is the general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price.41.Legal holder合法持有人is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by law42.Packing list装箱单: The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc.43.Straight bill of lading记名提单: It is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.mon carrier公共承运人: It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination.45.Contract carrier契约承运人: Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company).46.Insured被保险人,保户: The person who transfer risk.47.Insurer承保人: The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter).48.Cargo insurance货物保险: It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters.49.Marine insurance海上保险: The insurance of ships and their cargoes.50.Insurance保险: It is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.51.Direct quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=6.8元外币为基准52.Indirect quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency.53.Buying rate买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency.54.Selling rate卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.55.Medial rate中间价It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate.56.SDR特别提款权: Special Drawing Right. It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF.57.Anti-dumping反倾销: to restrict the export expansion of other countries. plan : 商业计划 future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc.59.collateral : property or an item of value acceptable as security fora loan or other obligation.担保物:被接受作为抵押或其他义务担保的财产60.stock exchange:证券交易市场 a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand.61.retail :零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.62.tax deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income.63.policy :保单 the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人 by company.64.public relations :公关 PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.65.depression : a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment. 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业66.Trade deficit :贸易逆差 imports minus exports of goods and services.67.trade surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services.68.Balance of trade 贸易支付差额the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports.69.trade sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo禁运 imposed against a country for violating human rights.70.trade reciprocity贸易互惠 : the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.71.venture capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable. Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险和赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作 risk capital72.start-up: a biz or undertaking事业 that has recently begun operation.73.balance sheet 资产负债表, 缩写 B.S.: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明74.re-capitalization资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.75.stock market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.76.cash flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收和其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值bor-intensive : requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.78.market share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.79.intellectual capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc.80.publicly traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets.81.emerging markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence.82.portfolio investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies.83.stock turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.84.lead time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them.85.dealerships :A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权86.economic recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降87.depression : A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.88.liquidity squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins.89.reverse merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period. a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
商务英语名词解释集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#1.Budget—预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.2.Return—回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3.Portfolio—证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4.Royalty—专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.5.Patent—专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.6.Non-tariff barrier—非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.7.Franchise—经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in a certain area.power—购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.9.PPP—购买力平价purchasing power parity10.tariff—关税tax levied by the customsto trade—贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.commodities—初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials—退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exportedduties—从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods valorem duties—从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods—运费the price or cost of transportationoffer—主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offererparties—缔约方signatories of an agreementmajeure—[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting partyoffer—持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer—受要约人the party to whom an offer is made—极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control—通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.—贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports—双边的of two sides—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together—债权人a person to whom one owns money—债务人a person who owes money—违约fail to carry out an obligation—汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money—汇款the sending of money or the money sent—出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making paymentof an L/C—出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C—受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its exportbank—保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spentcredit—光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents for payment credit—即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer —收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shippedmarks—唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportationpolicy—保险单a document used for covering possible risks—抬头right to the possession of a position or property—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contractloss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy—利润amount above what is estimated as necessary—保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business—发票a document for the general description of the goods and the price—赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss—联营a combination of funds formed for common advantagetransportation—多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air—兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock —结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etcrate—汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currencycirculation—货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services—货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies—储备金money held aside to meet future demand—投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns —配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity —自动出口限制a n agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another countryproperty—知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copy-rightholiday—免税期a period of time during which tax is not leviedventure—合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms—金边债券stocks issued by government—成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure—反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured—授权authority given to perform a dutyparty—缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreementtrade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, . exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.( foreign direct investments)is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.特许经营: a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policyunion关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policymarket共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.Union (EU)经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部is the original investing multinational corporation . It is also the international headquarters of the MNE .county母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.country东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.advantage绝对利益: It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)advantage比较利益: Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.1..International trade国际贸易: The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient.duties进口关税: Tariffs levied on goods entering an areaduties出口关税: Taxes levied on goods leaving an area(MFN) treatment最惠国待遇: A tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country/ enquiry询盘、询价: It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms.报盘: Estimate of how much something will costoffer还盘:New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer:Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc易货贸易:The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed in a short period of time.purchase反向购买、互购贸易:The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country.回购贸易:An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.汇付:This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each otherdraft跟单汇票:The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents.collection跟单托收:It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.draft即期汇票:The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.draft远期汇票Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee.汇票:= Bill of exchange. It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future.of exchange—汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment(Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C. (the importer)of an L/C:The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/Cbank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行:The bank that issues the credit.bank:the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank .受益人:The exporter in whose favor the credit is openedband往来行、关系行:The bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to itbank通知行:The bank in the exporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received.bank保兑行:The bank adds its confirmation to the credit.bank付款行:The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange.bank议付行:The bank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it under a credit.documentary credit跟单信用证:The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.credit可撤消信用证:The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.credit不可撤消信用证: The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned.credit保兑信用证:The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bankcredit不保兑信用:The credit isn’t confirmed by another bankcredit即期信用证:The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draftcredit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证:The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight.credit可转让信用证:The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties.credit不可转让信用证:The credit can not be transferred.credit无汇票信用证:The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.credit循环信用证:The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made.invoice商业发票:The document is the general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price.holder合法持有人is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by lawlist装箱单:The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc.bill of lading记名提单:It is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.carrier公共承运人:It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination.carrier契约承运人:Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company).被保险人,保户:The person who transfer risk.承保人:The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter).insurance货物保险:It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters.insurance海上保险:The insurance of ships and their cargoes.保险:It is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价:A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=元外币为基准quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价:An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency.rate买入价:It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency.rate卖出价:It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.rate中间价It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate.特别提款权:Special Drawing Right. It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF.反倾销:to restrict the export expansion of other countries.plan : 商业计划 future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc.: property or an item of value acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation.担保物:被接受作为抵押或其他义务担保的财产exchange:证券交易市场 a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand.:零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income.:保单 the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人 by company.relations :公关 PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.: a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment. 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业deficit :贸易逆差 imports minus exports of goods and services.surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services.of trade 贸易支付差额the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports.sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo禁运imposed against a country for violating human rights.reciprocity贸易互惠 : the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable. Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险和赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作 risk capital: a biz or undertaking事业 that has recently begun operation.sheet 资产负债表, 缩写 .: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收和其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值: requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc.traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets.markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence.investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies.turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them.:A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降: A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins.merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period. a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
商务英语名词解释ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council) 亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会ACFTA (ASEAN–China Free Trade Area) 中国东盟自由贸易区ACIA (ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Area) 东盟全面投资区域ACP (Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific) 非洲,加勒比海和太平洋ADP Agreement (Anti-Dumping Agreement) 《反倾销协定》AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) 东盟经济共同体AFTA (the ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区AMS(aggregate measurement of support)(农产品)综合支持量APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经济合作ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 东南亚国家联盟ASEAN-SAM (the ASEAN Single Aviation Market) 东盟单一航空市场ATC (the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing) 纺织品和服装协议BBS(bulletin board system)电子公告B/L (Bill of Lading) 提货单CA(certificate authority)CA认证CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) 共同农业政策CCC(china compulsory certification) 中国强制认证CCIC(china certification&inspection group)中检集团CCOIC(china chamber of international commerce)中国国际商会CEPT (Common Effective Preferential Tariff) 共同有效关税CFR(cost and freight) 成本加运费CFS(container freight station)集装箱货运站C.I.C(china insurance clause)中国保险条款CIETAC(china international economic&trade arbitration committee) 中国国际仲裁委员会CIF(cost insurance and freight)到岸价CIP(carriage and insurance paid to)运费和保险费付至CLP(container load plan)集装箱装箱单CISG (UN Convention on Conventions for the International Sale of Goods) 联合国国际货物销售合同公约CPE(central planned economy) 计划经济CPT(carriage paid to)运费付至CQC(china quality certification center)中国质量认证中心CTB/L(combined transport B/L)集装箱联运提单CU (Customs Union) 关税联盟C.W.O.(cash with order)随订单付现CY(container yard) 集装箱堆场DAT(delivered at terminal) 终点站交货DAP(delivered at place)目的地交货DDP(delivered duty paid)完税后交货DSB (Dispute Settlement Body) 争端解决机构D/A(docment against acceptance)承兑交单D/C(documentary collections) 跟单托收D/D(remittance by banker’s demand draft)票汇D/P(document against payment) 付款交单D/P T/R(D/P at days after sight to the issue trust receipt in exchange for documents )D/R(dock receipt)场站收据EC(electronic commerce)电子商务EC (the European Community) 欧洲共同体ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) 西非国家经济共同体ECSC (the European Coal and Steel Community) 欧洲煤钢共同体EDI (Electronic Data Exchange of Information) 电子数据交换信息EFTA (the European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易协定EFT(electronic fund transfer)电子货币EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) 经济货币联盟EMQ(environmental management systems) 环境管理系统EOS(electronic order system)电子订货ERP (effective rate of protection) 有效保护率E/R(equipment receipt)设备交接单ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) 估计到达时间EU (European Union) 欧盟EURATOM (the European Atomic Energy Community) 欧洲原子能共同体EXW(ex works)工厂交货FAK(freight for all kinds)FAK包箱费率F.A.Q( fair average quality) 良好平均品质FAS(free alongside ship)船边交货FCA(free carrier)货交承运人FCB(freight for class&basis)FCB包箱费率FCS(freight for class)FCS包箱费率FCL(full container load)整箱货FDA (Food and Drug Administration) 食品及药物管理局FDI (Foreign Direct investment) 对外直接投资FOB(free on board)离岸价格FPA(free of particular average)平安险FTZ(foreign trade zone) 对外贸易区GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) 服务贸易总协议GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)关税暨贸易总协定GDP (gross domestic product) 国内生产总值G.M.Q(good merchantable quality) 上好可销品质GNP(Gross National Product)国民生产总值GSP (General System of Preference) 普遍优惠制GSPCO(generalised system of preference certificate of origin) 普惠制产地证ICC (the International Chamber of Commerce)国际商会I.C.C(institute cargo clauses)协会货物条款IFIA (the International Federation of Inspection Agencies)国际检验机构联合会IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织Incoterms(international commerce term) 国际贸易术语ISP(internet service provider)网络服务商ISO(the international organization for standardization)国际标准化组织L/C (Letter of credit) 信用证LCL(less than container load)拼箱货LDC (Less developed country) 欠发达国家MFA ( the Multifibre Arrangement ) 多种纤维协定MFN(Most Favored Nation)最惠国MT(metric ton)公吨M/T(mail transfer)信汇MTC (Multi-Modal Transport Contract) 综合运输合同MTD(multi-modal transport document)多式运输单据M/R(mate’s receipt)大副收据NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) 北美自由贸易协定NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)非政府组织NTB (non-tariff barrier) 非关税壁垒NV (normal value) 标准值O/A(open account trade)赊账交易OEEC (the Organization for European Economic Cooperation) 欧洲经济合作组织QMS(quality management system) 企业质量管理体系OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国家组织PICC(the people’s insurance company of china)中国人民保险公司QC (Quality Control) 品质控制ROI(return on investment)投资回报率、S/C(sales contact)销售合同SCM Agreement (The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures) 《补贴与反补贴施协议》SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) 联合国国际贸易标准分类SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) 中小企业S/O(shipping order)装货单TC(transnational corporation)跨国公司TCT(time charter on trip basis)航次期租TEU(twenty-foot equivalent unit)20英尺标准箱TMB(A Textiles Monitoring Body)纺织品监督机构T.P.N.D.(theft,pilferage and non-delivery)偷窃,提货不着险TPP(trans-pacific partnership agreement)跨太平洋伙伴关系TRIMs (the Trade-Related Investment Measures)与贸易有关的投资措施TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) 与贸易有关的知识产权协议T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(1991年解体)UCP (Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ICC publication No.600) USP600 UEMOA (West African Economic and Monetary Union) 西非经济货币联盟UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易暨发展会议URC(uniform rules for collections) 托收统一规则VER (voluntary export restraint) 自愿出口限制WB(the world bank)世界银行WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization ) 世界知识产权组织WPA(with particular average) 水险WTO (the World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织。
比如说“balance sheet”,这是个常见的商务英语名词,意思是“资产负债表”。
想象一下,你是一家公司的老板,看着这份 balance sheet,心里盘算着怎么让资产越来越多,债务越来越少,是不是感觉很有挑战?再比如“market share”,也就是“市场份额”。
假如一个行业里,你的公司能抢到更大的market share,那意味着更多的客户选择了你们的产品或服务,这可是公司成功的重要标志之一。
“credit rating”(信用评级)这个名词也很关键。
银行决定要不要给你贷款,合作伙伴考虑要不要跟你长期合作,都可能会参考这个 credit rating 呢。
还有“import and export”(进出口)。
咱们国家生产的东西卖到国外去,这叫export;从国外买东西进来,就是import 。
“stock option”(股票期权),这个词也经常在商务英语中出现。
比如说,一家公司为了留住优秀的员工,可能会给他们 stock option ,让员工有机会以特定的价格购买公司的股票。
商务英语专业四级考试术语解释1. global company : 跨国公司--a company that integrates its international biz activities--A multinational corporation or multinational enterprise is an organization, that owned or controls productions of goods or services in one or more countries other than the home country.(维基百科)2. joint venture : 合资企业--a partnership that is formed by two or more parties cooperating in some special biz activities.--a business or project in which two or more companies or individuals have invested, with the intention of working together.(柯林斯词典)3. merger &acquisition : 并购--combining of two or more entities through the direct acquisition by the net assets of the other.--transactions in which the ownership ofcompanies, otherbusiness organizationsor their operating units are transferred or combined.4. distribution channel: 分销渠道;销售渠道--all the organizations and people involved in the physical movement of goods and services from producer to consumer.5. listed company : 上市公司--a company whose shares have been quoted by the Stock Exchange.--Apublic company,publicly traded company,publicly held company,publicly listed company, orpublic corporationis acorporationwhose ownership is dispersed among the general public in many shares ofstockwhich are freely traded on astock exchangeor inover the countermarkets场外交易市场. (维基百科)6. Industrial complex : 工业生产基地--a manufacturing area that consists of many different factories turning out different products.7. brand recognition :品牌认知(度);品牌识别--a product or products that has or have been recognized and appreciated by local consumers.8. specialty shop : 专卖店--an outlet that deals in or sells a particular line of products.9. household name 家喻户晓的名字-- a brand, person, company, etc. that is known to all or very popular in a place.10. loss-maker : 亏损企业--a biz that continually makes no profit.11. home country : 祖国,母国--the country on which a multinational corporation’s HQs is based.12. quota : 配额,定额,限额--a restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular product that a country impose.13. market economy : 市场经济--an economy in which the market is used to determine resource allocation, prices, and investments.14. new economy : 新经济--a different form of economy that is mainly supported by IT sector and characterized by knowledge-based economy instead of manufacturing.-- an economic system that is based on computers and modern technology, and is therefore dependent on educated workers. (朗文词典)15. labor force : 劳动力--all of the people in a country or in a region that are employed or are likely to be employed in the future.16. bubble economy :--an economy that primarily depends on banking, financial market and other transient短暂的operation.17.venture capital : 风险资本--funds that are invested in new plants or hi-tech startups open to large risk of loss. --Venture capitalis capital that is invested in projects that have a high risk of failure, but that will bring large profits if they are successful.(柯林斯词典)18. biz cycle : 商业周期--A period of time that a biz goes through consists of four stages---boom繁荣, recession衰退, depression萧条, recovery复苏.19. stock market : 股票交易;证券市场,股票市场--a stock exchange that deals in stocks and shares.-- the business of buying and sellingstocksandshares.-- a place wherestocksandsharesare bought and sold. (朗文词典)20. product life cycle : 产品生命周期--a theory stating that certain kinds of products go through a cycle consisting of fourstages, namely, introduction投入期, growth成长期, maturity 饱和期and decline衰退期.21. Seed money=seed capital启动资金--the initial equity capital 股本used to start a new venture or biz.--the money you have available to start a new business. (朗文词典)22. liquidity 流动资产--available cash or the capacity to obtain it on demand.-- In finance, a company'sliquidityis the amount of cash or liquid assets it has easily available. 资产折现力23. exchange rate 汇率--the amount of one currency that can be bought with another.--the value of the money of one country compared to the money of another country。
4 facilities—something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service
5 revenue—收益the total annual income of state
4 amendment—修正changes made to something
5 Incoterms—a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms
5. Expertise—专门知识expert knowledge or skill, esp. in a particular field; know-how.
6. Licensor—认证颁发者a person or company granting a license.
7. Patent—专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.
434国际商务名词解释大全1. 国际商务(International Business):指跨越国界进行的商业活动,涉及跨国贸易、投资、合作等方面的经济活动。
2. 进出口贸易(Import and Export Trade):指在国家间进行的商品和服务的买卖活动,包括商品的进口和出口。
3. 跨国公司(Multinational Corporation):指在多个国家开展经营活动并拥有跨国经营能力的公司,通常在多个国家设有子公司或分支机构。
4. 外包(Outsourcing):指企业将原本在内部完成的某些工作、业务或服务外部委托给其他公司或机构进行处理。
5. 直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment):指一国企业或个人直接在其他国家投资设立企业并参与其经营活动。
6. 公司并购(Mergers and Acquisitions):指一家公司通过购买或合并其他公司来扩大自身规模或进入新的市场。
7. 跨文化沟通(Cross-cultural Communication):指在不同文化背景下进行交流和互动的过程,需要克服语言、价值观、行为习惯等方面的差异。
8. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier):指国家为保护本国产业或市场而采取的措施,如关税、配额、技术壁垒等,对跨国贸易造成限制。
9. 跨国营销(International Marketing):指企业根据不同国家或地区的市场需求和特点,制定不同的营销策略和方案。
10. 子公司(Subsidiary):指一家公司控制或持有另外一家公司的股份,并能对其经营和决策产生影响。
11. 贸易平衡(Trade Balance):指一个国家或地区在一定时期内商品和服务的出口与进口之间的差额。
12. 竞争优势(Competitive Advantage):指企业相对于竞争对手在市场中具备的特殊优势,包括技术、创新、成本、品牌等方面的优势。
13. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management):指企业在供应商、制造商、经销商和客户之间构建和协调的物流与信息流的整体运作体系。
2. Return —回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3. Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4. Royalty —专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product.5. Patent —专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.6. Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.7. Franchise —经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in a certain area.power —购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.9. PPP —购买力平价purchasing power parity10. tariff —关税tax levied by the customsto trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials—退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exportedduties —从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goodsvalorem duties —从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods—运费the price or cost of transportationoffer —主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offererparties —缔约方signatories of an agreementmajeure —[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting partyoffer —持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer—受要约人the party to whom an offer is made—极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control—通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.—贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports—双边的of two sides—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together—债权人a person to whom one owns money—债务人a person who owes money—违约fail to carry out an obligation—汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money—汇款the sending of money or the money sent—出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making paymentof an L/C —出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C—受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its exportbank —保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spentcredit —光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents for paymentcredit —即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shippedmarks —唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportationpolicy —保险单a document used for covering possible risks—抬头right to the possession of a position or property—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contractloss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy—利润amount above what is estimated as necessary—保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business—发票a document for the general description of the goods and the price—赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss—联营a combination of funds formed for common advantagetransportation —多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air—兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock—结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etcrate —汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currencycirculation —货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services—货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies—储备金money held aside to meet future demand—投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns—配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity—自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another countryproperty —知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copy-rightholiday —免税期a period of time during which tax is not leviedventure —合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms—金边债券stocks issued by government—成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure—反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured—授权authority given to perform a dutyparty —缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreementtrade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, . exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.( foreign direct investments) is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.特许经营: a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policyunion关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policymarket共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.Union (EU)经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部is the original investing multinational corporation . It is also the international headquarters of the MNE .county母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.country东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.advantage绝对利益: It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)advantage比较利益: Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.1..International trade国际贸易: The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient.duties进口关税: Tariffs levied on goods entering an areaduties出口关税: Taxes levied on goods leaving an area(MFN) treatment最惠国待遇: A tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country/ enquiry询盘、询价: It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms.报盘: Estimate of how much something will costoffer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer: Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc易货贸易: The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed in a short period of time.purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country.回购贸易: An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.汇付: This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each otherdraft跟单汇票: The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents.collection跟单托收: It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.draft远期汇票Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee.汇票:= Bill of exchange . It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future.of exchange —汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment(Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C. (the importer)of an L/C :The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/Cbank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行: The bank that issues the credit.bank: the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank .受益人:The exporter in whose favor the credit is openedband往来行、关系行:The bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to itbank通知行: The bank in the exporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received.bank保兑行: The bank adds its confirmation to the credit.bank付款行: The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange.bank议付行: The b ank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it under a credit.documentary credit跟单信用证: The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.credit可撤消信用证: The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.credit不可撤消信用证: The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned.credit保兑信用证: The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bankcredit不保兑信用:The credit isn’t confirmed by another bankcredit即期信用证: The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draftcredit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证: The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight.credit可转让信用证: The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties.credit不可转让信用证: The credit can not be transferred.credit无汇票信用证: The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.credit循环信用证: The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made.invoice商业发票: The document is the general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price.holder合法持有人is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by lawlist装箱单: The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc.bill of lading记名提单: It is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.carrier公共承运人: It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination.carrier契约承运人: Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company).被保险人,保户: The person who transfer risk.承保人: The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter).insurance货物保险: It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters.insurance海上保险: The insurance of ships and their cargoes.保险: It is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=元外币为基准quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency.rate买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency.rate卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.rate中间价It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate.特别提款权: Special Drawing Right. It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF.反倾销: to restrict the export expansion of other countries.plan : 商业计划 future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc.: property or an item of value acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation.担保物:被接受作为抵押或其他义务担保的财产exchange:证券交易市场 a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand.:零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income.:保单 the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人 by company.relations :公关 PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.: a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment. 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业deficit :贸易逆差 imports minus exports of goods and services.surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services.of trade 贸易支付差额the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports.sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo 禁运 imposed against a country for violating human rights.reciprocity贸易互惠 : the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable. Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险和赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作 risk capital: a biz or undertaking事业 that has recently begun operation.sheet 资产负债表, 缩写 .: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收和其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值: requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc.traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets.markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence.investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies.turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them.:A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降: A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins.merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period.a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
Деловой перевод.Forms of ownership:– Sole Proprietorship—a business owned and operated by a singleindividual.–Partnership---- партнёрство—a business owned by two or more people.–Limited Company—a company where ownership is represented by company's shares.1. Board of directors---.Cовет директоров —theofficials elected by shareholders who rule thecompany2. Current liabilities—the money that a company during which certaingoods are produced.3. Dividends—company profits paid to shareholders.4. Entrepreneur-- Предприниматель—person who sets upa new commercial enterprise to make a profit.5. Indebtedness -- задолженность– amount of debts6. Initial funds --funds used in starting a business.7. Liabilities -- Обязательства–the amount of debt that must be paid.8. Shareholders-- акционер–those who own shares of a company's stock.9. Accounting –бухгалтерия---- the action or process ofkeeping financial accounts. Is a system of gathering ,summarizing and communicating financial information for abusiness firm, government or other organizations.10. Balance sheet –Балансовый отчёт - is a statementwhich describes the companies resources and indicateswhere these resources have come from.11. Bankruptcy –Банкротство-when a company is judgedlegally to be unable to pay it´s debts .12. Fiscal policy/tax policy –Налоговая политка - isa government's policy that deals with government's taxingand spending programs.13. Income statement—a report of firm's revenue and expenses duringa certain period.14. Rate of inflation –Уровень инфляции - is the amounton the speed of inflation.15. Sales ledger –Книга учёта - a book in which a companyrecords all it´s sales.16. Distribution—the movement of goods & services from producer tocustomer.17. Assets18. Barter—exchanging of goods and services for other goods or services.19. Equity capital---funds (in a company) raised by selling stock andretained earnings.20. Bond—a certificate issued by the government or a company promisingto pay back borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest on aspecified date.21. Cash----22. Fixed assets----23. Cash on delivery----a method of payment for goods at the time ofdelivery24. Cash with order—a method of payment for goods when cash is paidto the supplier at the time that the order in placed.25. Commodity----26. Consumer----somebody, who uses goods or services.27. Currency—the money in use in a country.28. Demand----Спрос -—customer interest in acquiring smth.29. Supply---предложениe –the quantities of a type of goodsavailable on the market.30. Supplier—the company that provides the materials needed formanufacturing a product31. Raw materials----the materials used in a manufacturing process.32. Working in progress (WIP)—the stage in a company during whichcertain goods are produced.33. Finished stock----a supply of goods for sale, usually kept at awarehouse.34. Current assets—include cash and items that can be easily turnedinto cash35. Durable goods—long-lasting products.36. Advertising---the promotion of goods or services through media.37. Advertising agency—an organization which provides (for a certaincommission) advertising services.38. Discount----скидка—a reduction in the usual price of something.39. To settle a complaint---to put things in order to satisfy the customer.40. Hire-purchase contracts (installment sales)—a system for buyinggoods involving a series of payments at regular intervals.41.JIT (just in time) ----a manufacturing and stock-control system inwhich goods are produced and delivered as they are required.42. Lean production---doing things as quickly and cheaply as possible,without waste.43. Marketing—the activity of presenting advertising and sellingcompany’s products in the best possible way.44. Markup----the difference between the manufacturing cost of an itemand its selling price.45. Output----46. Outsourcing---using outside suppliers for goods or services.47. Premises---the buildings used in running a business.48. Profit--- прибыль– money that you gain by selling thingsor doing business after your costs have been paid.49. Real estate—land including all the property on it.50. Receivables—the assets owed to a company.51. To retail--- продаватьврозницу—to sell goodsto customers in small quantities and without a discount. (tosell in small amounts)52.To wholesale---- продаватьоптом—to sell goods in large amounts.53. Seasonal demand—the demand dependent on the time of year.54. Stock (inventory) ----a supply of raw materials, work-in –progressand finished goods that is available for use.55. Working capital—the money that a business has available for itsoperation.56. Bad debts—a sum of money owed that is unlikely to be repaid.57. Credit card---58. Credit limit—the maximum amount of credit given to a customer.59. Credit rating—the figure showing a customer's ability to repaymoney or goods given on credit.60. Debtor ---- должник– a person who owes money61. Creditor—a person (organization) to which money is owed.62. To default on (re)payment—to fail to pay a debt.63. Interest—a charge for the use of loan.64. Long-term loan—a loan given for a period of 5 years or more.65. Short-term loan—the loan given for a period of up to 5 years.66. Terms of credit—the conditions of granting a credit.67. Trade credit—the goods given on credit.68. Income tax—a tax paid on money made from employment , business orcapital.69. Market economy—an economy where economic decisions are determinedby the market and the laws of supply and demand70. Mixed economy—an economy that combines elements of market andcommand economies.71. Command economy—an economy in which the government makes economicdecisions about production and distribution.72. Monetary policy—government’s policy that deals with interestrates, availability of loans and money supply. 73. Benchmarking—studying organizations that are among the best in theworld at performing a particular task.74. Boom—a period of rapid economic growth75. Recession — a period of decline in economic activity.76. Economic environment—the environment in which firms, people,government and local authorities deal with economic matters.77. Exports—products sold to another country78. Imports—products brought into one country from another country.79. Securities – stocks or shares in a company.80. Stock market ---- фондовойрынок– the place wherestocks and shares are bought and sold(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
商务英语涉及许多专业术语,以下是其中一些常见的术语:1. 国际贸易术语(INCOTERMS):是一套国际贸易中常用的术语,用于明确买卖双方在货物运输、保险、关税等方面的责任和费用。
2. 商业发票(Commercial Invoice):是出口商向进口商开立的说明货物名称、数量、价值、装运条款等内容的账单,是进口商清关、报税的重要文件。
3. 提单(Bill of Lading):是承运人签发的证明货物已经装船并保证在指定目的地交货给收货人的凭证。
4. 信用证(Letter of Credit):是一种由银行开立的保证付款文件,进口商凭以向出口商支付货款的支付方式。
5. 谈判(Negotiation):是指贸易双方就交易条件进行协商,达成一致意见的过程。
6. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier):是指妨碍国际贸易进行的因素,例如关税、配额、许可证等。
7. 反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties):是一种保护国内产业的措施,对倾销商品征收反倾销税,以消除其对国内产业的损害。
8. 贸易顺差/逆差(Trade Surplus/Deficit):是指一国出口总额与进口总额之间的差额,贸易顺差表示出口额大于进口额,贸易逆差表示进口额大于出口额。
9. 贸易伙伴关系(Trade Partnership):是指两个或多个国家之间通过签订贸易协定或建立自由贸易区等方式建立的贸易关系,旨在促进贸易自由化和加强经济合作。
10. 贸易条件(Terms of Trade):是指一国出口商品与其进口商品之间的价格关系,通常用出口商品价格指数与进口商品价格指数之比来表示。
商务英语概述一、商务英语的定义与特点1.定义商务英语(Business English)是指在商务活动中所使用的英语语言能力,包括了口语、听力、阅读、写作等多个方面。
Non -tariff barriers :非关税壁垒 Durable equipment :耐用设备 Creditor country :债权国 Dual -Ministerial Meeting :双部长会议Board of directors :董事会 European commission :欧盟委员会 The parent MNE :多国公司母公司 National economic welfare :国家经济利益 self -sufficient :自给自足的 The legal jurisdiction :法律管理范围 perfect competition :完全竞争 output per many -year of labor :人均年产量 Cost advantage :成本优势 Production capability :生产能力Consumption preference :消费偏好 Large -scale production :大规模生产 Tariff barrier :关税壁垒 Internationa l chamber of commerce :国际商会Incoterms :国际贸易术语解释通则 Binding obligation :有约束力的义务 International trunk call :国际长途 Cross -border contract :进出口合同 Clearing system :清算系统;清算制度 Leverage : 杠杆作用Auction 拍卖 Trade credit account : 贸易信贷往来账户 Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀 Centrally planned economy :中央计划经济 Net positions 实际寸头Counter trade 对销贸易、反向贸易 Cross -border contract 进出口合同 Protectionism 贸易保护注意Clearing system 清算系统(制度) Compensation trade 补偿贸易Trade credit accounts 贸易信贷往来账户Consignment 寄售Processing trade 加工贸易Centrally planned economies 中央计划经济国家Trade fair :交易会competitive devaluation 竞争性贬值Leasing trade 租赁贸易Securities market 有价证券市场 Stock Exchange 证券交易所Foreign exchange market 外汇市场 Trade credit accounts 贸易信贷往来账户Poliy objective 政策目标 Foreign exchange shortages 外汇短缺Financial standing 财务状况= fin ancial status = financial strength Credit worthiness 资信可靠状况 Periodic payments 分阶段付款Reimburse 偿付Unit price 单价 Partial shipment 分批装运The uniform customs and practice of documentary credits 跟单信用证统一惯例Open account 记账交易 The carrying vessel 载货船只 Non -trade settlement 非贸易结算 Leading /Prime/First rate 主要银行 A particular transaction 一笔特定的交易Capital turnover 资金周转 Documents 单据Consignee 收货人 Documentation 单据的制作或使用 Commission 佣金Consignor 托运人 Bill of lading 提(货)单 Notify party 到货通知人、被通知人 Airway bill 空运(提)单 Insurance policy 保险单(大保单) Insurance certificate 保险单(小保单) Cargo receipt 铁路运单、货运收据 Commercial invoice 商业发票: Customs /Consular invoice 海关/领事发票Railway bill 收货单(铁路) Shipping advice 装船通知Certificate of quality 品质证书Certificate of weight 重量证书Certificate of quantity 数量证书Certificate of health 健康证书 Certificate of disinfection 消毒证书 Certificate of origin 产地证书 Veterinary certificate 兽医证书 Port of shipment 发货港、装运港、起运港Packing list 装箱单Finished products 制成品Cost economies 节约成本成本节约 Intermediate products 中间产品、成品Production approach Natural product province 领域Shipper 托运人= Consigner Inventory 存货、库存Broker Logistics 物流Transshipment 转运 Just -in -time inventory system 存Known premium 已知的保险费 Private carrier 自有承运人Representative carriers 载工具Destination port :目的港Transportation and freight tation 运输和货物运输: Consignee 收货人Voidable 无效的 Margin 保证金Client 客户,主顾Jeopardy 危险,风险Literature 说明书Underwriter 保险公司 Values exposed to loss 损失的价值Release of funds 腾出资金Terms of sale 价格条件、买卖条款 All Risks 全险、一切险、综合险Forwarding charges 转运费Adversely affected 受到负面影响 Reserve currency 储备货币 Clean float 清洁浮动、自由浮动 Dirty float 肮脏浮动、管理浮动 Idle funds 游资、热钱、闲置资金 Par value 平价(货币的票面价格)Foreign exchange control 外汇管制 Fixed exchange rate / Flexible hange rate 固定汇率/浮动汇率Financial resources 资金Private or 私营经济Equity investment 投资Grace period 优惠期、宽限期 Capital infrastructure 基础建设资金Economic restructuring 整Investment returns 投资收益 Voting power 投票权Borrowingpower 借款权Gold tranche 额Gold reserve 黄金储备 Standby arrangement 安排Customer mobility 客户流动 Tax holiday 免税期Joint venture 资企业Jobber 股票买卖经纪人 The strategic alliance 战略联合Discount rate 贴现率 Securities 有价证券Pro rata 按比例Stock exchange 证券(股票)Secondary capital market 市场Great Depression 大萧条 Primary capital raising 初级/本市场Long -term capital 长期资本Market floor =trading floor 厅Market maker 买和销售的公司Listed market 挂牌证券交易市场Gilt -edged stocks / securities 债券Cost -effective 划算的Public Sector Borrowing Requirement 公共部门借贷需求Listed company / corporation 公司= the list companyThe gilt -edged market 场The traded options market 交易市场Money market 货币市场The foreign equities market 票市场Discount market 贴现市场ecurities market 证券市场Foreign exchange market 外汇市场Escape clauses 免责条款、Non -discrimination principle (ple of non -discrimination t )无差别待遇New international onomic order 国际经济新秩序 Differential treatment 差别待遇 Preferential customs tariffs 特惠税 Transfer of technology 技术转让 Non -discriminate principle 则Tariff concession 关税减让 Contracting party 缔约国、缔约方 Tariff quota 关税限额制、关税配额Counter -veiling measures。
1、Budget —预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu、a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements、2、Return —回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment、3、Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4、Royalty —专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu、at a greed percentage of the selling price of the product、5、Patent —专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process、6、Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc、7、Franchise —经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products ina certain area、8、Purchasing power —购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services、9、PPP —购买力平价purchasing power parity10、tariff —关税tax levied by the customs11、barriers to trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country、12、primary commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials13、drawback —退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded whenre-exported14、specific duties —从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc、of the goods15、ad valorem duties —从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods16、carriage —运费the price or cost of transportation17、voluntary offer —主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer18、contracting parties —缔约方signatories of an agreement19、force majeure —[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party20、firm offer —持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer21、offeree —受要约人the party to whom an offer is made22、hyperinflation —极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control23、inflation —通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc、24、protectionism —贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports25、bilateral —双边的of two sides26、bundling—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together27、creditors —债权人a person to whom one owns money28、debtor —债务人a person who owes money29、default —违约fail to carry out an obligation30、draft —汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money31、remittance —汇款the sending of money or the money sent32、drawe r —出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter33、drawee—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn34、credit-worthiness—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making payment35、applicant of an L/C —出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C36、beneficiary —受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export37、confirming bank —保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C38、reimburse—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent39、clean credit —光票信用证a credit that does not require shipping documents for payment40、sight credit —即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft41、middleman—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer42、consignee—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped43、shipping marks —唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportation44、insurance policy —保险单a document used for covering possible risks45、title —抬头right to the possession of a position or property46、insured—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy47、premium—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract48、potential loss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur49、claim—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy50、margin —利润amount above what is estimated as necessary51、underwriter —保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business52、invoice —发票a document for the general description of the goods and the price53、compensation —赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss54、pooling —联营a combination of funds formed for common advantage55、multi-modal transportation —多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air56、redeem —兑换to repay or pay off, esp、loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock57、settlement —结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc58、exchange rate —汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency59、money circulation —货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services60、devaluation —货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies61、reserve —储备金money held aside to meet future demand62、investment —投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns63、quota —配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity64、VER —自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another country65、intellectual property —知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, andcopy-right66、tax holiday —免税期a period of time during which tax is not levied67、joint venture —合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms68、gilts —金边债券stocks issued by government69、cost-effective —成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure70、anti-dumping —反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured71、mandate —授权authority given to perform a duty72、contracting party —缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreement73、Visible trade有形贸易 : The form of commodity trade, i、e、exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resalein another、(including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)74、Invisible trade无形贸易 : The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc、is called invisible trade or service industries、75、FDI( foreign direct investments) is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country、76、Portfolio investment证券投资 : Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling、77、Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest、78、Licensing许可经营 : In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country、They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty、79、Franchising特许经营 : a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty、80、Franchiser特许方 : A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty、81、Franchisee被特许方 : A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another、82、GNP国民生产总值 : Gross national Product、The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy、83、GDP国内生产总值 : Gross Domestic Product、The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy、84、Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值 : It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers、85、Income distribution收入分布 : The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people、86、Free trade area自由贸易区 : The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policy87、Customs union关税同盟 : The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policy88、Common market共同市场 : The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy、89、Economic Union (EU)经济同盟 : The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency、90、Parent MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部 is the original investing multinational corporation 、It is also the international headquarters of the MNE 、91、Home county母国 : The country where the headquarter of the investor is located、92、Host country东道国 : The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates、93、Absolute advantage绝对利益 : It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)100、Comparative advantage比较利益 : Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade、1、、International trade国际贸易 : The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient、2、Import duties进口关税 : Tariffs levied on goods entering an area3、Export duties出口关税 : Taxes levied on goods leaving an area4、Most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment最惠国待遇 : A tariff treatment under whicha country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country5、Inquiry / enquiry询盘、询价 : It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms、6、Quotation报盘 : Estimate of how much something will cost7、Counter offer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer8、inflation : Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc9、Barter易货贸易: The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed ina short period of time、10、Counter purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferable obligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country、11、Buyback回购贸易: An agreement by an exporter of plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment、12、Remittance 汇付: This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each other13、Documentary draft跟单汇票: The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents、14、Documentary collection跟单托收: It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date、15、Sight draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee、16、Usance draft远期汇票 Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee、17、Draft汇票:= Bill of exchange 、It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future、18、bill of exchange —汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment19、Applicant (Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C、(the importer)20、applicant of an L/C :The importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C21、Opening bank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行: The bank that issues the credit、22、Opening bank: the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank 、23、Beneficiary受益人 :The exporter in whose favor the credit is opened24、Correspondent band往来行、关系行 :The bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to it25、Advising bank通知行: The bank in the exporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received、26、Confirming bank保兑行: The bank adds its confirmation to the credit、27、Paying bank付款行: The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange、28、Negotiating bank议付行: The bank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it undera credit、29、The documentary credit跟单信用证: The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft、30、Revocable credit可撤消信用证: The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary、31、Irrevocable credit不可撤消信用证 : The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned、32、Confirmed credit保兑信用证: The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank33、Unconfirmed credit不保兑信用:The credit isn’t confirmed by another bank34、Sight credit即期信用证: The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft35、usance credit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证: The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight、36、Transferable credit可转让信用证: The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties、37、Non-transferable credit不可转让信用证: The credit can not be transferred、38、Non-draft credit无汇票信用证: The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft、39、Revolving credit循环信用证: The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made、40、Commercial invoice商业发票: The document is the general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price、41、Legal holder合法持有人 is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by law42、Packing list装箱单: The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc、43、Straight bill of lading记名提单: It is made out so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill、44、Common carrier公共承运人: It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination、45、Contract carrier契约承运人: Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company)、46、Insured被保险人,保户: The person who transfer risk、47、Insurer承保人: The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter)、48、Cargo insurance货物保险: It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters、49、Marine insurance海上保险: The insurance of ships and their cargoes、50、Insurance保险: It is a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk、51、Direct quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency、1美元=6、8元外币为基准52、Indirect quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency、53、Buying rate买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency、54、Selling rate卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency、55、Medial rate中间价 It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate、56、SDR特别提款权: Special Drawing Right、It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF、57、Anti-dumping反倾销: to restrict the export expansion of other countries、58、biz plan : 商业计划future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc、59、collateral : property or an item of value acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation、担保物:被接受作为抵押或其她义务担保的财产60、stock exchange:证券交易市场a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand、61、retail :零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers、62、tax deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income、63、policy :保单the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人by company、64、public relations :公关PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it、65、depression : a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment、萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征就是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业66、Trade deficit :贸易逆差imports minus exports of goods and services、67、trade surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services、68、Balance of trade 贸易支付差额the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports、69、trade sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo禁运imposed against a country for violating human rights、70、trade reciprocity贸易互惠: the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports、71、venture capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable、Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险与赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作risk capital72、start-up: a biz or undertaking事业that has recently begun operation、73、balance sheet 资产负债表, 缩写B、S、: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time、一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债与所有者投资的列表说明74、re-capitalization资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company、75、stock market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold、76、cash flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth、现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收与其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值77、labor-intensive : requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital、78、market share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures、79、intellectual capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc、80、publicly traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets、81、emerging markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence、82、portfolio investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies、83、stock turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time、84、lead time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them、85、dealerships :A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area、商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权86、economic recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product、衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降87、depression : A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment、88、liquidity squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins、89、reverse merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period、a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
1. Budget —预算an account of probable future income and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year used as a guide in making financial arrangements.令狐文艳2. Return —回报the gain from an investment, either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the investment.3. Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of investments in the form of stocks, bonds, or certificate of deposits for purposes other than controlling4. Royalty —专利税money paid to the owner of a copyright for permission to publish copyright material and to the owner of a patent for permission to use a patented design, usu. at agreed percentage of the selling price of the product.5. Patent —专利权a special right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell, or to authorize others to make and sell a newly-invented machine or process.6. Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made obstructions to international trade other than tariffs, including prohibitions and quotas, etc.7. Franchise —经销权an arrangement by which a monopoly producer or owner gives another permission for the exclusive right to manufacture or sell the products in a certain area.8.Purchasing power —购买力of persons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services.9. PPP —购买力平价purchasing power parity10. tariff —关税tax levied by the customs11.barriers to trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country.12.primary commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only slightly processed, usually farm produce or raw materials 13.drawback —退税duties paid on imported goods that are refunded when re-exported14.specific duties —从量税duties levied on the basis of quantity, weight, size etc. of the goods 15.ad valorem duties —从价税duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods16.carriage —运费the price or cost of transportation17.voluntary offer —主动发盘an offer made on the initiative of the offerer18.contracting parties —缔约方signatories of an agreement19.force majeure —[不可抗力] social or natural calamities that take place beyond the control of a contracting party20.firm offer —持盘an offer whose terms and conditions are binding on the offer21.offeree —受要约人the party to whom an offeris made22.hyperinflation —极度通货膨胀soaring of prices beyond control23.inflation —通货膨胀rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc.24.protectionism —贸易保护主义the theory of the system of developing home countries through duties and other means imposed on competitive imports25.bilateral —双边的of two sides26.bundling—捆绑式销售the exchange of goods or services are tied together27.creditors —债权人a person to whom one owns money28.debtor —债务人a person who owes money29.default —违约fail to carry out an obligation30.draft —汇票an unconditional order to someone to pay a sum of money31.remittance —汇款the sending of money or the money sent32.drawe r —出票人the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter33.drawee—受票人the person to whom a draft is drawn34.credit-worthiness—资信being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making payment 35.applicant of an L/C —出口信用证the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C 36.beneficiary —受益人the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export37.confirming bank —保兑行the bank that adds its own commitment to an L/C38.reimburse—退款pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent39.clean credit —光票信用证a credit that doesnot require shipping documents for payment40.sight credit —即期信用证a credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft 41.middleman—中间商trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumer42.consignee—收货人the party in the bill of lading to whom the goods are shipped43.shipping marks —唛头what is printed on the outer packing of goods as symbol for identification in the course of transportation44.insurance policy —保险单a document used for covering possible risks45.title —抬头right to the possession of a position or property46.insured—被保险人a person covered by an insurance policy47.premium—保险费the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract48.potential loss—潜在损失loss which is possible to incur49.claim—索赔a payment demanded in accordance with an insurance policy50.margin —利润amount above what is estimated as necessary51.underwriter —保险公司a person who carries on insurance as a business52.invoice —发票a document for the general description of the goods and the pricepensation —赔偿金something given or received as an equivalent for loss54.pooling —联营a combination of funds formedfor common advantage55.multi-modal transportation —多式联运transport that combines road, rail, sea and air56.redeem —兑换to repay or pay off, esp. loan stock, debentures and preference shares or stock 57.settlement —结算the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc58.exchange rate —汇率the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency59.money circulation —货币流通money in the hands of the public and being used to pay for goods and services60.devaluation —货币贬值the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currencies61.reserve —储备金money held aside to meetfuture demand62.investment —投资the act of putting money to use in something offering profitable returns63.quota —配额a limit placed by a government on the amount of imports or commodity64.VER —自动出口限制an agreement by a country’s exporters or government to limit their exports or government to limit their exports to another country65.intellectual property —知识产权certain non-tangible assets held, principally covering the areas of patent protection, registered trade marks and designs, and copy-right66.tax holiday —免税期a period of time during which tax is not levied67.joint venture —合资企业a business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms68.gilts —金边债券stocks issued by government69.cost-effective —成本效益好producing optimum results for the expenditure70.anti-dumping —反倾销one form of action which may be taken by a government to protect industries from unfair competition by which goods are sold at a price lower than in the country where they are manufactured71.mandate —授权authority given to perform a duty72.contracting party —缔约国a country or firm that signs a legal agreement73.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)74.Invisible trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.75.FDI( foreign direct investments) is made of returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.76.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.77.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government ora firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.78.Licensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.79.Franchising特许经营: a firm called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty.80.Franchiser特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.81.Franchisee被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.82.GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.83.GDP国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.84.Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.85.Income distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.86.Free trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policy87.Customs union关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policymon market共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.89.Economic Union (EU)经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.90.Parent MNC headquarter跨国公司母公司,总部is the original investing multinational corporation . It is also the international headquarters of the MNE .91.Home county母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.92.Host country东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.93.Absolute advantage绝对利益: It holds that a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land and labor)parative advantage比较利益: Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.1..International trade国际贸易: The exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another sufficient.2.Import duties进口关税: Tariffs levied on goods entering an area3.Export duties出口关税: Taxes levied on goods leaving an area4.Most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment最惠国待遇:A tariff treatment under which a country is required to extend to all signatories any tariff concessions granted to any participating country5.Inquiry / enquiry询盘、询价: It is made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered such as quantity, specifications, prices, time of shipment and other terms.6.Quotation报盘: Estimate of how much something will cost7.Counter offer还盘: New offer made by the original offeree to the original offerer8.inflation : Rise in prices brought about by the excess demand, expansion of money supply, credit etc9.Barter易货贸易: The direct exchange of goods and services, which is completed in a short period of time.10.Counter purchase反向购买、互购贸易: The assumption by an exporter of a transferableobligation through separate but linked contract to accept as full or partial payment goods and services from the importer or importing country. 11.Buyback回购贸易: An agreement by an exporterof plant and equipment to take back in the future part of the output produced by these goods as full or partial payment.12.Remittance 汇付: This method is always employed by the parties who are familiar with and trust each other13.Documentary draft跟单汇票: The draft is accompanied by the relevant documents.14.Documentary collection跟单托收: It is means of ensuring that the goods are only handed over to the buyer when the amount shown on a bill of exchangeis paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date.15.Sight draft即期汇票: The draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.ance draft远期汇票Term draft = Tenor draft: The draft is payable at a later date on presentation to the drawee.17.Draft汇票:= Bill of exchange . It is an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future.18.bill of exchange —汇票written order drawn by the beneficiary on the bank for the purpose of payment19.Applicant (Opener or Principal)申请人: The person who instructs his bank to issue an L/C. (the importer)20.applicant of an L/C :The importer that goes toa bank for the establishment of an L/C21.Opening bank (Issuing bank, Establishing bank)开证行: The bank that issues the credit.22.Opening bank: the bank that issues the letter of credit is called the opening bank .23.Beneficiary受益人:The exporter in whose favor the credit is opened24.Correspondent band往来行、关系行:The bank in the exporter’s country, which the opening bank sends the credit to it25.Advising bank通知行: The bank in theexporter’s country, which advises the exporter the L/C, is received.26.Confirming bank保兑行: The bank adds its confirmation to the credit.27.Paying bank付款行: The bank accepts or negotiates the bill of exchange.28.Negotiating bank议付行: The bank buys the exporter’s draft submitted to it under a credit. 29.The documentary credit跟单信用证: The credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.30.Revocable credit可撤消信用证: The credits can be altered or even canceled without consulting with the beneficiary.31.Irrevocable credit不可撤消信用证: The credit that can not be amended or revoked without the consent of al the parties concerned.32.Confirmed credit保兑信用证: The credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank33.Unconfirmed credit不保兑信用:The creditisn’t confirmed by another bank34.Sight credit即期信用证: The credit by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft ance credit (Term credit, Time credit)远期信用证: The credit by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after the date of after sight.36.Transferable credit可转让信用证: The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties.37.Non-transferable credit不可转让信用证: The credit can not be transferred.38.Non-draft credit无汇票信用证: The credit that payment of to be made by presentation of the documents without the formality of drawing and presenting a draft.39.Revolving credit循环信用证: The credit stipulated that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendment to the credit being made.mercial invoice商业发票: The document isthe general description of the quality and quantity of the goods and the unit and total price.41.Legal holder合法持有人is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by law42.Packing list装箱单: The documents gives information such as the number, date, name and description of the goods, shipping marks, packing, number of packages, specific contents of each package and its net with and gross weight etc.43.Straight bill of lading记名提单: It is madeout so that only the named consignee is entitled to take delivery of the goods under the bill.mon carrier公共承运人: It is privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination.45.Contract carrier契约承运人: Individual contracts may be arranged between transportation users and carriers (the transportation company). 46.Insured被保险人,保户: The person who transfer risk.47.Insurer承保人: The person or a company who assume risk (the insurance company, the underwriter).48.Cargo insurance货物保险: It is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exports and importers, and placingit upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriters.49.Marine insurance海上保险: The insurance of ships and their cargoes.50.Insurance保险: It is a social device in whicha group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk.51.Direct quote / quotation(汇率)直接标价: A direct exchange rate is the price of a foreign currency in terms of the home currency. 1美元=6.8元外币为基准52.Indirect quote / quotation(汇率)间接标价: An indirect exchange rate is the price of home currency in terms of a foreign currency.53.Buying rate买入价: It refers to the rate by which a commercial bank buys a currency.54.Selling rate卖出价: It is the rate by which a bank sells a currency.55.Medial rate中间价It is the average of the buying rate and the selling rate.56.SDR特别提款权: Special Drawing Right. It is sometimes called paper gold and used to settle official transaction at the IMF.57.Anti-dumping反倾销: to restrict the export expansion of other countries. plan : 商业计划 future actions to be taken by a company, concerning products, production, market, investment, etc.59.collateral : property or an item of value acceptable as security for a loan or other obligation.担保物:被接受作为抵押或其他义务担保的财产60.stock exchange:证券交易市场 a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules, but at prices determined by supply & demand.61.retail :零售the sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers.62.tax deduction : an expense费用that a taxpayer is allowed to deduct from taxable income.63.policy :保单 the printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder投保人 by company.64.public relations :公关 PR, the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.65.depression : a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing biz activity, falling prices, and unemployment. 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业66.Trade deficit :贸易逆差 imports minus exports of goods and services.67.trade surplus:贸易顺差exports minus imports of goods and services.68.Balance of trade 贸易支付差额 the value of country’s exports minus the value of its imports.69.trade sanction : use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo禁运 imposed against a country for violating human rights.70.trade reciprocity贸易互惠 : the practice by which governments extend similar concessions 让步to each other, as when one gov’t lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concession from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.71.venture capital : Money made available for investment in innovative enterprises or research, especially in high technology, in which both the risk of loss and the potential for profit may be considerable. Also called risk capital风险资本:投放在富革新精神的企业或研究的资金,尤指用于高科技,其中亏损的风险和赢利的潜力可能都会很大也作 risk capital72.start-up: a biz or undertaking事业 that has recently begun operation.73.balance sheet 资产负债表, 缩写 B.S.: a financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 一个公司或机构在指定日期的资产、负债和所有者投资的列表说明74.re-capitalization资本额的调整the act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.75.stock market : a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.76.cash flow : The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.现金流出量:在特定的一段时间内来自一项或数项财产,扣除税收和其它支付金额外所得的现金收入或净收入,常用来衡量公司的价值bor-intensive : requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.78.market share : the proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.79.intellectual capital : assets or capital in the form of knowledge patent or technology, etc.80.publicly traded companies (PTC) : companies whose shares are traded in stock markets.81.emerging markets 新兴市场: markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence.82.portfolio investment(有价)证券投资: investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies.83.stock turnover: 库存[商品]周转率the number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.84.lead time订货至交货的时间:the period of time between the actual ordering of parts or equipment and the delivery of them.85.dealerships :A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品代理权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权86.economic recession : An extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product.衰退:经济活动普遍而持续地衰败,尤指三个连续季度的社会总产品净值的下降87.depression : A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.88.liquidity squeeze流动性逃避: financial pressure caused by shortages of narrowing economic margins.89.reverse merger(借壳上市) :it is a special kind of acquisition that enables a private company to get publicly-listed in a relatively short time period. a reverse merger occurs when a private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company(空壳公司)。
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Hostile takeoverAn acquisition of a firm despite resistance by the target firm's management and board of directors.Total quality controlA philosophy and set of guiding concepts that provides a comprehensive means of improving total organization performance and quality by examining each process through which work is done in a systematic, integrated, consistent, organization-wide manner. Abbreviated TQM.Motivation theory/need hierarchy theory Psychological discipline that attempts to describe why people or animals behave as they do solely in terms of internal needs that drive behavior, rather than attributing any influence to external stimuli. theory X and theory Y assumptionT h e o r y XWith Theory X assumptions, management's role is to coerce and control employees.o People have aninherent dislike forwork and will avoid itwhenever possible.o People must becoerced, controlled,directed, orthreatened withpunishment in orderto get them toachieve theorganizationalobjectives.o People prefer tobe directed, do notwant responsibility,and have little or noambition.o People seeksecurity above allelse.T h e o r y YWith Theory Yassumptions,management's role is todevelop the potential inemployees and helpthem to release thatpotential towardscommon goals.o Work is asnatural as play andrest.o People willexerciseself-direction if theyare committed to theobjectives (they areNOT lazy).o Commitment toobjectives is afunction of therewards associatedwith theirachievement.o People learn toaccept and seekresponsibility.o Creativity,ingenuity, andimagination arewidely distributedamong thepopulation. Peopleare capable of usingthese abilities tosolve anorganizationalproblem.o People havepotential.The path-goal theory The theory states that a leader's behavior is contingent to the satisfaction, motivation and performance of his subordinates. The revised version also argues that the leader engages in behaviors that complement subordinate's abilities and compensate for deficiencies.Lean productionA production system consisting of manufacturing cells linked together with a functionally integrated system for inventory and production control that uses less of the key resources needed to make goods.Corporate restructuring Restructuring is the corporate management term for the act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of a company for the purpose of making it more profitable, or better organized for its present needs.Business process reengineering the fundamentalrethinking and radicalredesign of businessprocesses to achievedramatic improvementsin critical contemporarymeasures ofperformance, such ascost, quality, service,and speed."[Emerging marketA foreign economy thatis developing inresponse to the spreadof capitalism and hascreated its own stockmarket. emergingmarkets have highpotential as well as highrisk.Corporate socialresponsibility iscommonly described byits promoters asaligning a company'sactivities with the social,economic andenvironmentalexpectations of its"stakeholders."Start-Up CostsExpenditures incurredafter the decision hasbeen made to establisha particular businessbut before businessoperations begin.Consumer behaviorinvolves thepsychologicalprocesses thatconsumers go throughin recognizing needs,finding ways to solvethese needs, makingpurchase decisions ,interpret information,make plans, andimplement these plans .Soft economyThe soft economymeans a form ofdevelopment ofeconomy that based onhuman resources andinformation resourceswhich include thetertiary Industry andQuaternary sector ofindustry.A capital market is amarket for securities(debt or equity), wherebusiness enterprises(companies) andgovernments can raiselong-term funds. It isdefined as a market inwhich money isprovided for periodslonger than a year[1], asthe raising of short-termfunds takes place onother markets .Yield management is theprocess ofunderstanding,anticipating andinfluencing consumerbehavior in order tomaximize yield or profitsfrom a fixed, perishableresource .As a specific,Yield Managementinvolves strategic control of inventory to sell it to the right customer at the right time for the right price.A core competency for a firm is whatever it does best.Operating Earnings Profits after subtracting expenses such as marketing, cost of goods sold, administration and general operating costs from revenue. PRODUCT-DRIVENPut focus on the research and development of a productclick-and-mortarA type of business model that includes both online and offline operations, which typically include a website and a physical store. Aclick-and-mortar company can offer customers the benefits of fast, online transactions or traditional, face to face service.economies of scale. The decrease in unit cost of a product or service resulting from large-scale operations, as in mass production. Economies of scopeAn economic theory stating that the averagetotal cost of productiondecreases as a result ofincreasing the numberof different goodsproduced.Bottom line The line in afinancial statement thatshows net income orloss.CONSUMER BASE Itmeans a group ofconsumers.Vertical integrationWhen a companyexpands its businessinto areas that are atdifferent points of thesame production pathHorizontal integrationWhen a companyexpands its businessinto different productsthat are similar tocurrent linesMergers andacquisitionsA general term used torefer to theconsolidation ofcompanies. A merger isa combination of twocompanies to form anew company, while anacquisition is thepurchase of onecompany by another inwhich no new companyis formed.Diversification Itseeks to increaseprofitability throughgreater sales volumeobtained from newproducts and newmarketsfiscal year Atwelve-month period forwhich an organization,such as a governmentor corporation, plansthe use of its funds.Umbrella brand is anoverarching brand usedacross multiple relatedproducts.MARKETING COMPANYThe activities of acompany associatedwith buying and sellinga product or service. Itincludes advertising,selling and deliveringproducts to people.New Economy is a termto describe the result ofthe transition from anindustrial/manufacturing-based economy. Thechange in the economicstructure created astate of permanentsteady growth, lowunemployment, and lowinflation.Phillips curveA curve describing therelationship betweenthe rate of inflation andthe unemployment rate.Marginal cost Thechange in total cost ofproduction when anoutput is varied by oneunitMetcalfe's law. Thevalue of a networkincreases exponentiallywith the number of nodesMoore's law The number of transistors and resistors on a chip doubles every 18months,and themachines will be cheaper.Gilder's lawIt states that "bandwidth grows at least three times faster than computer power." This means that if computer power doubles every eighteen months , then communications power doubles every six months. Knowledge workers intoday's workforce areindividuals who arevalued for their ability toact and communicatewith knowledge within aspecific subject area.new service economy itmeans a radical newpattern of serviceeconomy ,which putcustomers first.Mass customizationThe process ofdelivering wide-marketgoods and services thatare customized tosatisfy a specificcustomer needNiche Particularspecialty in which a firmhas garnered a largemarket share.Craft production is theprocess ofmanufacturing by handwith or without the aidof tools.Craft production (orOne-off Production) isthe process ofmanufacturing by handwith or without the aidof tools.Total Customer Valuerefers to purchase aproduct or serviceexpect to earn a groupof interest, it mainlyincludes product Valueand service Value,personnel V alue andimage Value, etc。