Quantitative Assay for Mouse Atherosclerosis in the Aortic Root


实时定量PCR检测低剂量X射线对小鼠睾丸中CHOP和caspase-12 mRNA表达的影响

实时定量PCR检测低剂量X射线对小鼠睾丸中CHOP和caspase-12 mRNA表达的影响

g t ter lt n h po d s -a dt - f t f HO n d c s ae 1 o ,h ai s i f o e n i e o me e e C Pa a p s - 2mR c o NA w r ee tdw t r a t u a t t eP R. s l e d tce i e l i e h meq n i i a t v C Reu t s
C aghn 103 , h a hn cu 303 C i ) n
A s atO jc v T e c t hne o C O desae1 R Ai os t t tro oe y dt ne— bt c: bet e o t th cags f H Pa ps-2m N nm ue e s f l ds Xr s n oi s r i de e n a s ae w i a a v
( P<0 0 , 0 0 ) .7 y .5 P< .1。005G 照射后 0—2 H Pm N 4hC O R A表达 随时间延 长逐 渐增高 , 2 在 4h到达峰值 , 0h 著 较 显
增高 ( P< 0 0 )csae1 R A表达在 3和 6h .5 ;aps.2m N 稍有降低后 ,2h到达 峰值 , 0h显著 增高 ( 1 较 P<0 0 )2 回 . , h时 5 4 降。结论 低 剂量 x线照射诱导小 鼠睾丸 C O H P和 csae1 R A表达具 有剂量一 aps一2m N 时程 . 应规律 性 , 效 二者可 能参 与
t ae te p si it h te d p a c rt u u p t w y r g lt e p po i NA v 1 M eh d He ty mae Ku n i t o s ly t a n o lmi i lm ah a e u ae c l a ts a mR g h bi e e l o st l e. t o s e l a h l n Mi g mo s se 2 h a e , 0 0, 0 5 0. 0 n . 0 y X r y r da o d 0—2 fe . 5 G y r da o ee u e t ts 1 f rO 0. 5 0.7 , 1 0 a d 0 2 0 G a si a it n a 4 h atr0 0 y X r si a t n w r e t r i n 7 a ri i



使用链脲佐菌素诱导患有糖尿病的老鼠做荜茇根提取物的抗糖尿病活性和抗高血脂病活性研究Shaik Abdul Nabi1,Ramesh Babu Kasetti2,Swapna Sirasanagandla1,Thandaiah Krishna Tilak1, MalakaVenkateshwarulu Jyothi Kumar3 and Chippada Appa Rao1*摘要实验背景:目前治疗糖尿病的药物像胰岛素和一些口服的降糖药都有一定的副作用,于是世界卫生组织建议寻找出副作用最小甚至无作用的抗糖尿病药,这无疑是一项挑战。


实验方法:通过对雄性Wister白化鼠的腹腔内注射一定剂量(50 mg/kg.b.w)的链脲佐菌素使其患有糖尿病。





实验结果:短期的研究结果发现,使用200 mg/kg.b.w剂量的荜茇根提取物治疗患病的老鼠,6小时后发现提取物具有明显的抗糖尿病性。







1. RNA测序(RNA-Seq),RNA测序是一种常用的方法,可以检测细胞中所有转录的RNA分子。



2. 基因芯片,基因芯片是一种高通量的技术,可以同时检测上千个基因的表达水平。



3. 实时定量PCR(qPCR),qPCR是一种常用的方法,可以精确测量特定基因的表达水平。



4. 蛋白质组学,蛋白质组学是研究蛋白质组成和功能的方法。



5. 免疫组化染色,免疫组化染色是一种常用的细胞和组织分析方法,可以检测特定蛋白在细胞中的表达水平。





三氧化二砷诱导豚鼠QT间期延长及其对L型Ca 2+通道蛋白mRNA表达的影响

三氧化二砷诱导豚鼠QT间期延长及其对L型Ca 2+通道蛋白mRNA表达的影响

( 3 6 8 ±2 9 ) m  ̄ ( P<0 . 0 1 ) 和( 3 8 8 ±3 1 ) h i s ( P<0 . 0 1 ) 。R T - P C R结果显示 1 . 6 m g / s k
m R N A表达增强 ( 与对照组相 比 , P<0 . 0 1 ) 。结论
通道蛋 白 m R N A表 达有 关 。

my o c y t s e o f g u i n e a p i g. Me t h o ds Th e g u i n e a p i g s we r e di v i d e d i n t o 4 g r o u p s r a n d o ml y: c o n t r o l g r o u p h i g h d o s e g r o u p, mi d d l e d o s e g r o u p nd a l o w d o s e g r o u p. Th e e x p e r i me n t g u i n e a p i s g we r e g i v e n 1
第4 1 卷 第 2期 2 O 0 7年 4月
哈 尔 滨 医科 大 学 学 报
V0 1 . 41 . N o. 2
A p r . , 2 0 O 7
c a r d i o g r a m a n d i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e fe ct o f 03 o n he t L- t y p e c a l c i u m c h a n n e l mRNA e x p r e s s i o n i n he t c a r d i o .



小白鼠死后肾组织RNA降解程度与死亡时间的关系王克杰;武红艳;尚万兵;郭娟宁;张林;樊爱英【期刊名称】《新乡医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2011(28)1【摘要】目的探讨小白鼠死后肾组织管家基因甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶(GAPDH)mRNA和内源性对照β-肌动蛋白(β-actin)mRNA降解情况与死亡时间(PMI)的关系.方法48只美国国立卫生研究院小白鼠断颈处死,分别置于10℃和25℃温控系统内,利用两步法逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术和核酸蛋白测定仪定量cDNA方法检测小白鼠肾GAPDH mRNA和β-actin mRNA在死后即刻至72 h降解情况.结果在10℃温控系统内的小白鼠死后即刻至72 h肾组织均可检测到GAPDH mRNA和β-actin mRNA,且其扩增产物呈规律性下降趋势.25℃温控系统内的小白鼠死后即刻至48 h肾组织均可检测到GAPDH mRNA和β-actin mRNA,且其扩增产物呈规律性下降趋势.结论小白鼠死亡后肾GAPDH mRNA和β-actin mRNA降解与PMI负相关,可为PMI推断提供一种新的观测指标.%Objective To explore the relationship between postmorteminterval( PMI) and degradation of glyceralde-hydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA and β-actin mRNA in the kidney of mice. Methods Forty-eight mice were sacrifi•ced by cervical dislocation and placed at 10℃ and 25 ℃ temperature-controlling systems. The changes of CAPDH mRNA and β-actin mRNA in the kidney were detected by two-step fluorimetric reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and nucleic acid protein cryoscope cDNA quantitative methods from 0 to 72hours postmortem. Results The amplification product of GAPDH mRNA and β-actin mRNA in 10℃ temperature-controlling systems could be examined in the kidney with in 72 hours postmortem and showed a regular decreasing tendency. Also they could be examined in the kidney with in 48 hours postmortem and showed a regular decreasing tendency in 25℃ temperature-controlling systems. Conclusion Degradation of GAPDH mRNA and β-actin mRNA in the kidney was negatively correlated with postmortem interval which could provide a new index for estimation of PMI.【总页数】3页(P4-6)【作者】王克杰;武红艳;尚万兵;郭娟宁;张林;樊爱英【作者单位】新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003;新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003;新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003;新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003;新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003;新乡医学院基础医学院,河南,新乡,453003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】DF795.1【相关文献】1.大鼠死后脑、心肌和肾组织β-actin mRNA的降解与早期死亡时间的关系 [J], 刘岳霖;马开军;李文灿;徐红梅;薛爱民;沈忆文;周月琴;赵子琴2.大鼠死后视网膜细胞mRNA降解与死亡时间的关系研究 [J], 陈晓瑞;易少华;杨丽萍;朱传红;刘良3.死后脾组织mRNA降解程度与死亡时间的关系 [J], 王克杰;尚万兵;张林;武红艳;郭娟宁;樊爱英4.小鼠死后环状RNA的降解规律及其用于死亡时间推断的适用性 [J], 郝尔娃;吴岳;杨应忠;马启宁;赵洪乾;于聪5.大鼠死后脑组织GAPDH mRNA多位点降解与晚期死亡时间的关系研究 [J], 任广睦;王英元;刘季因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



1.试管扩散法检测牛乳中青霉素G残留量 [J], 吴瑕;张兰威
2.试管扩散法与国标TTC法检测牛乳中β-内酰胺类抗生素残留 [J], 李延华;王伟军;张兰威;陈丽安;马薇
3.嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌试管法检测牛乳中β-内酰胺类抗生素残留 [J], 王伟军;李延华;张兰威;马微
4.牛乳中β-内酰胺类抗生素残留检测方法的对比研究 [J], 李延华;王伟君;张兰威
5.微生物法检测牛乳中β-内酰胺类抗生素残留的对比研究 [J], 李延华;王伟军;张兰威;马微;陈丽安




小鼠自由饮用含3% DSS的蒸馏水,连续7 d造模。






50 mg/kg m b的CA灌胃提高了厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门的丰度比值,恢复了DSS诱导的UC小鼠中Akkermansia等有益菌属的丰度下降,降低了Alistipes等有害菌属的相对丰度。


关键词:鼠尾草酸;溃疡性结肠炎;氧化应激;肠道通透性;肠道菌群文章编号:1673-9078(2024)03-18-27 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2024.3.0353Ameliorative Effects of Carnosic Acid on Dextran SulfateSodium-induced Ulcerative Colitis in MiceJIAO Xinxin1, XU Min2, WU Hua1, LIU Zixuan1, XIAO Junsong2*(1.College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China) (2.Beijing Engineering and Technology Research Center of Food Additives (Beijing Technology and BusinessUniversity), Beijing 100048, China)Abstract: The ameliorative effects of carnosic acid (CA) on dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced ulcerative colitis (UC) in mice were assessed. Ulcerative colitis was induced by the oral administration of 3% DSS via distilled drinking water引文格式:焦鑫鑫,许敏,吴华,等.鼠尾草酸对葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导的小鼠溃疡性结肠炎的改善作用[J] .现代食品科技,2024, 40(3):18-27.JIAO Xinxin, XU Min, WU Hua, et al. Ameliorative effects of carnosic acid on dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in mice [J] . Modern Food Science and Technology, 2024, 40(3): 18-27.收稿日期:2023-03-25基金项目:北京市自然科学基金资助项目(6212002);北京市教委一般项目(KM202010011010)作者简介:焦鑫鑫(1997-),女,研究生,研究方向:芳香植物的综合利用,E-mail:通讯作者:肖俊松(1980-),男,博士,副教授,研究方向:多酚及其代谢产物对代谢综合症的干预机制,E-mail:18for seven days. A total of 60 mice were randomly divided into five groups: blank control (CK), DSS model (DSS), low-dose carnosic acid (CAL), high-dose carnosic acid (CAH), and mesalazine (PC). The ameliorative effects of CA were evaluated based on body weight, disease activity index (DAI) score, colonic histopathology, and changes in intestinal permeability. To investigate the possible mechanism of CA, the activities of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), the expression level of tight junction proteins, including ZO-1 and occludin, and the changes in intestinal flora in mice were examined. When the CA and DSS groups were compared, CA intervention was found to reduce weight loss and the DAI score and ameliorate the pathological damage in colonic tissues in UC mice. The MPO activity was also found to significantly decrease in the CA groups. The MDA content in the colon tissue was reduced by 13.75% and 70%, respectively (P<0.05), while the SOD activity increased by 6.12- and 9.62-fold, respectively (P<0.05), in the CAL and CAH groups. Notably, the intestinal permeability was significantly reduced, and the expression levels of ZO-1 and occludin were restored. Gavage of 50 mg/kg CA enhanced the abundance ratios of Firmicutes and Bacteroides and restored the decrease in the abundance of beneficial bacteria, such as Akkermansia,caused by DSS. The relative abundance of detrimental bacteria, such as Alistipes, was also reduced. Overall, CA may mitigate UC by lowering the levels of oxidative stress, protecting the intestinal barrier, and regulating the composition of the intestinal microbial community.Key words: carnosic acid; ulcerative colitis; oxidative stress; intestinal permeability; intestinal flora溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis,UC)是一种以腹部疼痛、体重下降、出血性腹泻、粪便隐血为主要特征的慢性肠道炎症性疾病[1] 。



-实验研究-基于流式细胞术快速定量分析小鼠角膜组织中嗜中性粒细胞方法的建立薛芸霞刘俊李志杰暨南大学眼表疾病国际协同创新研究中心再生医学教育部重点实验室,广州510632通信作者:李志杰,Email:zhijielee@yyhov.dm【摘要】目的建立一种基于流式细胞术快速定量分析小鼠角膜组织中嗜中性粒细胞的技术和方法'方法选取6〜8周龄SPF级雌性C57BL/6小鼠15只,使用高尔夫样刀机械性刮除小鼠角膜上皮细胞层,生成直径2mm的创面,在创伤后18h切除带有完整角膜缘的小鼠角膜,采用胶原酶I和DNA酶联合消化法获得单细胞悬液,采用FACSCato流式细胞分析仪画门技术分选角膜细胞中嗜中性粒细胞的数量0另取6只小鼠,应用随机数字表法分为创伤组和正常组,每组3只,使用抗CD45、Ly6G和CD11b荧光抗体进行角膜细胞染色,计数并比较未创伤和创伤角膜中嗜中性粒细胞的数量变化'结果建立流式细胞仪检测角膜组织中嗜中性粒细胞的分析流程0CD45+细胞占角膜组织所有细胞的比例为(20.93±1.72) %,在角膜CD45+细胞群中可分选出Ly6G m CD11b+双阳性嗜中性粒细胞群,Ly6G m和CD11b+细胞在CD45+细胞中所占比例分别为(75.50±3.25) %和(93.40±4,53) %,Ly6G+和CD11b+共阳性细胞占角膜组织CD45+细胞的比例为(67.33±2.80) %。

创伤后18h,角膜中角膜缘募集嗜中性粒细胞数量为(151.47±10,82) %,多于正常角膜的(15.36土1.02)%,差异有统计学意义(e21.689,R<0.01)o结论流式细胞检测方法可快速、准确地定量分析创伤角膜中嗜中性粒细胞群,为进一步评价不同原因造成角膜炎症反应中嗜中性粒细胞的数量变化提供了一种快速定量分析方法0【关键词】角膜;流式细胞术;嗜中性粒细胞基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81770962、81700808);广东省自然科学基金项目(2018A030310605);广东省医学科研基金项目(A2020318)DOI:10.3760/115989-20200429-00297Protocol for the rapid quantitative analysit of neuhophilt ic mouse cornea by flow cytometryXue Yunxia,Lit Jun, Li ZhijiiOcular Surface Diseass Research Center,Jinan Universpy School o Medine,Guangzhou510632,ChinaCorrespooding author:Li Zhijii, Emait:e0ijiele e@y ahoo,com[Abstract]Objective To provide a standard protocol for the rapid quantitative analysis of neutrophils ininfamed ccrnees with Oow cytomety.Methods The ccrneet epithelium layer of15C57BL/6micc(6-8weeksold)was mechaniccl l y scraped off using a golf-like knife to generate a2mm wound region.The mouse ccrneas withintact liebus were cut out at18hour after abrasion.After mechanical shredding,the single ccl l suspension wasobtained by ccnaaenase I and DNase dieestion.Then,the number of neutrophils in the ccrneet co H s was sorted under theFACSCantofeow cetometeeu)ingthegatetechnique.Anothee6miceweeetaken and eandomized intowoundedgeoup and noemaegeoup accoedingtoaeandom numbeetabeemethod,with3micein each g eoup.Co en ea ec e e stainingwas performed using nuoresccnt-ccnjugated anti-mouse CD45,Ly6G,and CD11b antibodies.The number ofneutophiesin theconeasofthetwogoupsweeenumeated and compaed.Theuseand caeoftheanimaescompeiedwith the Statement of the Association for Reseerch in Vision and Ophthalmolocy(ARVO).The study protoccl wasapproved by the Animal Ethicc Committee of Medical Colleee of Jinan University( No.JN-A-2002-01).Reselts Astandard proccdure for detecting neutrophils in the ccrnee by fow cctomety was established.The ratio of CD45+ccllsin th etota eco en ea etissu ec e e popu eation was(20.93±1.72) %.TheLe6G+and CD11b+doub eepositi een eut eophi epopulation was sorted in the wounded ccrneet cel l population.The ratios of Ly6G+and CD116+cclls in the CD45+ce e s weee( 75.50±3.25) %and( 93.40±4.53) %,eespectieeee,and th e eatio oSth eL e6G+and CD11b+doubee positieeneuteophiesin thetotaenumbeeo CD45+ce e s was(67.33±2.80) %.In addition,thenumbeeo neuteophiesrecruited to the cornea at18hourr after ccrneet abrasion was(151.47±10.82) %,which was higher than(15.36±1.02) %in the normal cornea( h21.689,P<0.01).Conclusions Flow cctomety can quickly and accurately quantitatieeeeanaeezetheneuteophiepopueation in thewounded coenea.Itpeoeidesaeapid quantitatieeanaeesismethodto further evaluate the changes of neumophns in corneal in—ammation caused by different reesont.[Key words]Cornea;Flow cytometra;NeutrophiisFund program:National Natural Science Foundation of China(81770962,81700808);NaturaS Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China(2018A030310605);The Medicai Sciencc and Technology Research Fund of Guangdong Grant(A2020318)DOI:10.3760/115989-20200429-00297角膜约占整个视觉系统屈光力的1/3,其正常结构和透明状态的维持是正常视觉功能的重要保障+一3」。







用酶标仪在450nm 波长下测定吸光度(OD 值),计算样品浓度。

样本处理及要求1. 血清:将收集于血清分离管的全血标本在室温放置2小时或4℃过夜,然后1000×g离心20 分钟,取上清即可,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

2. 血浆:用EDTA或肝素作为抗凝剂采集标本,并将标本在采集后的30分钟内于2-8℃1000×g离心15分钟,取上清即可检测,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

3. 组织匀浆:用预冷的PBS (0.01M, pH=7.4)冲洗组织,去除残留血液(匀浆中裂解的红细胞会影响测量结果),称重后将组织剪碎。





4. 细胞培养物上清或其它生物标本:请1000×g离心20分钟,取上清即可检测,或将上清置于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。





1.成功麻醉小鼠后,取血并脱颈处死,取出结直肠肠道切成4 cm~5 cm每段,置于预冷的1×PBS中;
2.镊子固定肠道组织一侧,去除排泄物,切除剩余的肠系膜脂肪组织和派尔集合淋巴结(Peyer’s patches, PPs);
3.将结肠纵向剪开,用预冷的1×PBS清洗排泄物后,将肠道切成1 cm大小(可在Tube管内剪),2000 rpm离心5 分钟,弃上清;
4.将组织收集到装有5 ml消化液的50 ml 离心管中,37oC培养箱中80转缓慢旋转孵育25分钟;(消化液的量由消化效果和组织数量决定)
5.孵育过程中每10分钟震荡离心管20秒,孵育完成后,再强烈的涡旋震荡细胞悬液20秒,并用70 μm的细胞筛网过滤细胞至50 ml 离心管中,收集细胞冰上放置(或加PBS终止反应);
6.收集细胞筛网中剩下的肠道组织至50 ml 离心管中,加5 ml 消化液。

37oC培养箱中60 g缓慢旋转孵育25分钟;重复第8-9步,将组织消化完全,直至在过滤器中不出现肉眼可见的粘连组织块(一般反复消化共3次即可);
7.将多次消化后的单细胞悬液合并在50 ml离心管中,3500 rpm 离心5 分钟后弃上清;
8.用FACS缓冲液(或PBS)重悬细胞沉淀,3500 rpm离心5分钟后弃上清;
9.6 ml 40% percoll重悬细胞沉淀,后用巴氏吸管将细胞悬液小心加入到含3 ml 80% percoll的15 ml离心管中(percoll的量:一般3只鼠对应1份percoll);
10.1000 g 20oC离心20分钟(升5降0)。




生物制药工艺学(技术与基础)_中国药科大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.盐析法与有机溶剂沉淀法比较,其优点是()答案:变性作用小2.将配基与可溶性的载体偶联后形成载体-配基复合物,该复合物可选择性地与蛋白质结合,在一定条件下沉淀出来,此方法称为( )答案:亲和沉淀3.“类似物容易吸附类似物”的原则, 一般非极性吸附剂适宜于从下列何种溶剂中吸附非极性物质答案:极性溶剂4.在凝胶层析中Sepharose的基本骨架是( )答案:琼脂糖5.下列关于离子交换选择性的说法不正确的是( )答案:树脂交联度降低,交换选择性增加6.亲和层析的洗脱过程中,在流动相中加入配基的洗脱方法称作( )答案:竞争洗脱7.将四环素粗品溶于pH2的水中,用氨水调pH4.5—4.6,28-30℃保温,即有四环素沉淀结晶析出。

此沉淀方法称为( )答案:等电点法8.以下能作为超临界萃取使用的萃取剂是( )答案:二氧化碳9.工业生产过程中,拟使用有机溶剂萃取法纯化红霉素,可以使用的溶剂为( )答案:乙酸丁酯10.为得到较大的晶体,以下结晶操作方法正确的是( )答案:使用共沸蒸馏结晶技术11.下列哪一个是腺病毒载体的使用特点()答案:宿主范围广12.以下对于幽门螺旋杆菌,下列说法正确的是()答案:是引起胃炎或胃溃疡的致病菌13.关于包涵体的复性,以下说法错误的是()答案:可以使用超滤的方法进行复性14.对于人源化抗体的生产,可采用的宿主细胞是()答案:动物细胞15.在下列转子中,“壁效应”最大的是()答案:角度转子16.以下阳离子对带负电荷的胶粒凝聚能力最强的是()答案:铝离子17.当向蛋白质纯溶液中加入中性盐时,蛋白质溶解度()答案:先增大,后减小18.用大网格高聚物吸附剂吸附的弱酸性物质,一般用下列哪种溶液洗脱( )答案:高pH19.凝胶层析中,如对于Sephadex G25(渗入限1000,排阻限5000)氯化钠之K d为0.8,葡萄糖的K d为0.9,其作为小分子溶质的Kd都小于1,其原因是答案:水合作用20.用钠型阳离子交换树脂处理氨基酸时,吸附量很低,这是因为( )答案:偶极排斥21.在红霉素的分离工艺中,将其从碱性的丁酯洗脱液反萃取到醋酸缓冲液,醋酸缓冲液的pH应调节到( )答案:4~522.乌本美司是微生物产生的( )答案:免疫增强剂23.基因治疗中,哪一种载体介导的基因在细胞基因组中是随机整合的?( )答案:逆转录病毒载体24.以下能用重组DNA技术生产的药物为( )答案:人生长素25.在透析过程中,主要的推动力是( )答案:浓度差26.在离心分离过程中,若离心机的转速为2000转/分种,离心半径为5厘米,相对离心力约为 ( )答案:223×g27.732树脂属于( )答案:强酸型阳离子交换树脂28.在凝胶层析中Sephadex的基本骨架是( )答案:葡聚糖29.蛋白质类物质的分离纯化往往是多步骤的,其前期处理多采用哪类方法( )答案:负载量大30.下列哪类药物属于ADC药物( )答案:抗体-药物偶联物31.请指出下列哪种措施不可以用于克服浓差极化现象()答案:降低流速32.用来治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤的利妥昔单抗(rituximab)是针对下列哪个物质的单克抗体?()答案:CD2033.下列关于离子交换选择性的说法不正确的是()答案:树脂交联度降低,交换选择性增加34.以下关于盐析的说法正确的是()答案:盐析常用盐为硫酸铵35.下列哪类药物属于DNA重组药物()答案:基因工程药物36.根据蛋白质分子形状和大小的不同对其进行纯化的方法有()答案:凝胶过滤层析37.膜分离过程一般需要有推动力,下列四种膜分离技术中哪种是以浓度差为推动力的()答案:透析38.链霉素是由下列哪种菌产生的?()答案:放线菌39.NS-1是稳定的小白鼠BALB/c癌细胞株,除了能在培养基中永续生长外,还有一个重要特性,其缺乏下列哪个DNA代谢的重要酶?()答案:胸苷激酶和次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶40.在胰岛素的生产工艺中,若利用胰岛素原原核表达的方法,在工艺中需增加下列两种工具酶?()答案:胰蛋白酶和羧肽酶B。



Ke o d :C e ci ; uc i s iom s .s.tt i P cii tt i yw rs P R dt t n P ci a tir i f p ri ; uc a rin e o n r f ic n ic a 由专 性寄 生 的小麦 条 锈 菌 ( uc i s iomi P ci a ti r s n r f fs.ri ) 叶锈 菌 ( uc i ttia 引 起 的 条 .p tt i 和 ic P ci a ri n ) n ic 锈病 和叶锈病 在西北 、 南 、 西 华北 、 东北和 长江 中下 游麦 区发生普遍 , 重 影 响 中国小 麦 的安 全生 产 . 严 综合 治理西北 和西南锈 菌越夏易 变区 , 减少 菌源 的 传播扩 散 ; 在全 国各 大 麦 区进 行种 植结 构 调整 , 提 小 麦锈病 的预测 预报 主要 基于定期 、 大规模 的 田间
第 4 4卷 第 1期
2 0焦 01
河 南 农 业 大 学 学 报
J u n lo n n Ag iu u a i e st o r a fHe a rc h r lUn v riy
Vo . 4 No. 14 1 Fe b. 2 0 01
文章 编 号 :00— 30 2 1 ) 1 0 7 O 10 2 4 (00 0 — 0 4一 4
b p和 叶锈 茵 2 6 b 2 p的特 异 性 D A 片段 , 检 测 灵敏 度 可 达到 5 g・ 模 板 D A 浓 度 水 平 . 此基 础 上 , N 其 0t L x N 在 可
进 一 步 制备 小麦 锈 菌 不 同种 的 分 子诊 断 、 测试 剂 盒 . 检
关 键 词 :C P R检 测 ; 小麦 条锈 菌 ; 麦叶 锈 菌 小 中图 分类 号 :4 2 4 S 3 . 文献 标 志 码 : A



Chinese Journal of VeNrinam Medicine中国兽医杂志2020年(第56卷)第11期93全菌对小鼠的致病牛小飞1>2,王宏艳2,连朋敬1,玉1,李静云1,张子卉1,杨俊琦2,赵立红1,健1(1.中国农业大学动物医学院,北京海淀100193;2.河北工程大学生学与食品工程学院,河北邯郸056038)摘要:肺炎链球菌(8.P")是导致人类感染和死亡的重要病原,全反式维甲酸(ATRA)在临床上应用非常广泛。

为了探究ATRA的应用是否影响S.pn对小鼠的致病性,分别给小鼠腹腔1、5、10mg(kg-bw)ATRA后,鼻腔接种S.pp,然从体重、采食量、、肺系数和肺组织方面将ATRA感染组与感染组进行比较$结果显示,1mg(kg-bw)ATRA 感染组的体重、采食量、存活率和肺系数与感染组相比均无显著差异(P>0.05);5、10mg(kg-bw)ATRA感染组的体重、采食量与感染组相比均显著降低(P<0.05",且10mg(kg-bw)ATRA感染组的 与感染组相比显著降低(P< 0.05);随着剂量的增加,1、5、10mg(kg-bw)ATRA感染组的肺组织病变程度与感染组相比逐渐增加。


关键词:全反;肺炎链球菌;致病性;小鼠中图分类号:R378.1+2文献标志码:A文章编号:0529—6005(2020)11—0093—04All-hans Retinoic Acin Enhances the Pathogenicity of Streptococcus pneumoniae to Mice NIU Xiao-fel1,2,WANG Hony-ywi2,LINN Peny-jiny1,BAI Yu1,LI Jiny-yun1,ZHANG Zi-hul1,YANG Jun-qi2,ZHAO Li-hony1,QINO Jan1(1.Co i egeoeVeeeainaayMedicine,ChinaAgaicuieuaaiUniveasiey,Beiuing100193,China;2.Co i egeoeLieeSciencesand Food Engineeaing,HebeiUniveasieyoeEngineeaing,Handan056038,China)Abstract:Streptococcus pneumoniae(S.pn)is an irnpoiant pathogen leading to human infection and death,and W1-trans retino­ic acid(ATRA)is widely used in clinic.To investigate whether the application of ATRA Wfects the pathogenicity of S.pn in mice,mice were given intraperitoneal injections of1,5and10mg(kg•bw)of ATRA,respectively,and then nasal inoculation with S.pn. TheATRAineeceion gaoup wascompaaed wieh eheineeceion gaoup in eeamsoebodyweighe,eood ineake,suaviva,aaee,,ungcoe e i ciene,and lung histopatholog.The results showed that there were no significant diRemnces in body weight,food intake,survival rate and lung coefficient betreen the1mg(kg•bw)ATRA infection group and the infection group(P>0.05).The body weight and food intake of the5and10mg(kg•bw)ATRA infection group were significantly lowev than those of the infection group(P<0.05),and the survival rate of the10mg(kg•bw)ATRA infection group was significan2u lowev than those of the iiRection group(P< 0.05).With the increase of dose,the lung histopathological changes in the1,5and10mg(kg•bw)ATRA infection group were gaadua i yincaea&ed compaaed wiih iheineeciion gaoup.Theae&uiiindicaieihaiihepaihogeniciiyoe S.pn iomiceincaea&e&wiih ihe increase of ATRA dose.Key words:W1-trans retinoic acid;Streptococcus pneumoniae;pathogenicity;miceCorresponding authors:QIAO Jian,E-mail:qiaojian@;ZHAO Li-hong,E-mail:zhlUong@收稿日期:2020—06—05基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0501200);河北省第二期现代化产业体系蛋肉鸡创新团队专项资助项目(HBCT2018150101,HBCT2018150207):牛小飞(1979-),男,讲师,博士,从事中兽医学和兽医病理学工作,E-mail:hdniuxiaofei@163-com艳(1981-),女,讲师,博士,从事兽医病理学工作,R mai: *********************.cn注:艳与牛小飞对本文具有同等贡献通讯作者:乔健,E-mail:qiaojian@;赵立红,E-mail: zh,************.cn肺炎链球菌(Streptococcus pneumoniae,S-pn)是一种定植于部的革兰阳性球菌,属于条件性菌,可引起肺炎、脑膜炎、菌血种疾[1]$肺链球菌性球严重的卫生问一,也导儿童、老年人及免疫缺陷群体发病和死亡的重要原因,全球年约200死于S-pn感染⑵$反(AA-tans retinoic acid,ATRA)生A的代谢产物,为营充剂和免疫调节剂在临床上应分,是孕妇和儿童补充维生素A,以及治疗儿童麻疹、座94中国兽医杂志2020年(第56卷)第11期Chinese Journal of Veterina—Medicine疮、夜盲症、急性早幼粒细胞白血病等的一线用药3]。



竞争性ELISA 检测鱼糜制品中蛋清含量赵勇娟1,翁 凌1,2,颜龙杰1,刘孟琦1,张凌晶1,2,曹敏杰1,2,*(1.集美大学食品与生物工程学院,福建 厦门 361021;2.水产品深加工技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,福建 厦门 361021)摘 要:通过纯化蛋清中主要成分卵清蛋白(ovalbumin ,OVA ),制备抗OVA 多克隆抗体,利用制备的抗体建立鱼糜制品中蛋清定量检测的竞争性酶联免疫吸附测定方法(competitive enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay ,c-ELISA )。

十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳和Western blot 结果显示,制备的抗OVA 多克隆抗体特异性良好。

以热处理的OVA 为竞争抗原建立的c-ELISA 法检测限为1.82 mg /kg ,组内变异系数为3.1%,组间变异系数为7.8%,回收率为87.4%~97.2%,表明建立的方法重复性好,准确性较高。

利用建立的方法对6 种商品化的鱼糜制品进行检测,发现其蛋清的添加量在2.7~83.5 g /kg 之间。


关键词:蛋清;卵清蛋白;鱼糜制品;竞争性酶联免疫吸附测定方法Quantification of Added Egg White in Surimi Products by Competitive Enzyme Linked-Immunosorbent AssayZHAO Yongjuan 1, WENG Ling 1,2, YAN Longjie 1, LIU Mengqi 1, ZHANG Lingjing 1,2, CAO Minjie 1,2,*(1. College of Food and Biological Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;2. National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Deep Processing Technology for Aquatic Products, Xiamen 361021, China)Abstract: In this study, a competitive enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) using the polyclonal antibody against purified ovalbumin (OVA), the major protein in egg white, was proposed to quantify added egg white in surimi products. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot results showed the high specificity of the anti-OVA polyclonal antibody. The limit of detection (LOD) of the c-ELISA method was 1.82 mg /kg, and the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were3.1% and 7.8%, respectively. Recovery rates of egg white added to fish meatballs ranged from 87.4% to 97.2%. The c-ELISA method was successfully applied to quantify added egg white in commercial surimi products, and results demonstrated that the added egg white content was 2.7–83.5 g /kg in six samples from different manufacturers. Our results indicated that the method established can be applied to quantify added egg white in surimi products.Key words: egg white; ovalbumin; surimi products; competitive enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA)DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201714044中图分类号:TS254 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2017)14-0284-06引文格式:赵勇娟, 翁凌, 颜龙杰, 等. 竞争性ELISA 检测鱼糜制品中蛋清含量[J]. 食品科学, 2017, 38(14): 284-289. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201714044. ZHAO Yongjuan, WENG Ling, YAN Longjie, et al. Quantification of added egg white in surimi products by competitive enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay[J]. Food Science, 2017, 38(14): 284-289. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-201714044. 收稿日期:2016-08-09基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31271838);福建省重大科研专项(2011NZ0002-1)作者简介:赵勇娟(1988—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为水产品加工。



1.肝素钠生物效价测定法中一种面积法的研究 [J], 谢金明
2.用微核测定法评价卡地腐霉对小白鼠的安全性 [J], 莫非;黄江
3.一种进行磺酰脲类和三嘧啶磺酰胺类除草制剂测试与残留研究的生物测定法 [J], Stor.,P;朱文达
4.用微核测定法评价蜀柏毒蛾核型多角体病毒杀虫剂对小白鼠的安全性 [J], 周建华;郭亨孝
5.振动圆二色性——一种有效的生物大分子结构测定法 [J], 李炯;阮康成



英文名:Mouse Total Bile Acids Assay Kit
检测范围:0 - 200 umol/L
精度:CV: < 15%

在NAD 存在下,胆汁酸转化为3-酮类固醇和NADH。







粪便细菌dna相对定量方法英文回答:Quantitative Analysis of Fecal Bacterial DNA Using Relative Quantification Methods.Relative quantification is a technique commonly used to compare the relative abundance of different target DNA sequences in a sample. This approach involves measuring the abundance of a specific target DNA sequence in relation to a reference or housekeeping gene, which is assumed to be present at a constant level in all samples. By comparing the relative abundance of the target DNA sequence to the reference gene, researchers can estimate the relative abundance of the target in different samples.There are several different methods for performing relative quantification of fecal bacterial DNA, including:Quantitative PCR (qPCR): qPCR is a widely used methodfor relative quantification of DNA sequences. It involves amplifying the target DNA sequence using specific primers and measuring the amount of amplified product over time.The amount of amplified product is then compared to a reference curve generated using known concentrations of the target DNA sequence.Digital PCR (dPCR): dPCR is a more precise method for relative quantification of DNA sequences than qPCR. It involves dividing the sample into individual droplets and amplifying the target DNA sequence in each droplet. The number of droplets that contain amplified product is then counted and used to calculate the absolute abundance of the target DNA sequence.Amplicon sequencing: Amplicon sequencing involves sequencing a specific region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene, which is present in all bacteria. The resulting sequence data is then used to identify and quantify the different bacterial species present in the sample.The relative abundance of fecal bacterial DNA can beused to assess the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome. Changes in the relative abundance of different bacterial species have been linked to a variety of health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. Relative quantification methods can therefore be used to identify potential biomarkers for these conditions and to develop targeted therapeutic interventions.中文回答:粪便细菌 DNA 相对定量方法。

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6Quantitative Assay for Mouse Atherosclerosisin the Aortic RootJulie Baglione and Jonathan D. SmithSummaryThe mouse has become the preferred species for genetic manipulation aimed at creating and studying models for human disease. Although mice are highly resistant to atherosclerosis,dietary induction and,more frequently,gene knockout and transgenic mice have been widely used to study factors that alter the susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Although there are several ways to assess atherosclerosis in mice,measurement of the aortic root lesion area is a commonly used, medium-throughput method that allows for histological examination of the lesions. Here,we pro-vide the detailed methods for the quantitative analysis of mouse aortic root lesion area.Key Words:Atherosclerosis; mouse; histology; image analysis; lesion area measurement.1. Introduction1.1. Development and Use of Diet-Induced and Genetically Modified Mouse Models of AtherosclerosisMost of the plasma cholesterol in mice is found on high-density lipopro-tein (HDL),which is protective against atherosclerosis,whereas in humans, most of the plasma cholesterol is found on low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which plays a direct role in atherogenesis. Thus,wild-type mice fed a chow diet do not develop atherosclerotic lesions. Although mouse atherosclerosis was first studied in the 1960s (for review,see ref.1),the modern era of mouse atherosclerosis study was initiated in 1985 by Beverly Paigen,who used a high-fat (15%),high-cholesterol (1.25%),cholic acid (0.5%)-containing diet to induce hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis in susceptible mouse strains(2,3).From: Methods in Molecular Medicine, vol. 129:Cardiovascular Disease: Methods and Protocols, Volume 2: Molecular MedicineEdited by: Q. K. Wang © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ8384Baglione and Smith The assay for quantitative assessment of atherosclerosis in the aortic root was also initially described by Paigen in 1987 (4),and with modification,this is the assay that is described next. The discovery of susceptible and resistant strains allowed the application of classical mouse genetic techniques to map the position of genes that influence atherosclerosis susceptibility. In 1987,Paigen’s laboratory defined the first atherosclerosis susceptibility locus,Ath1,on mouse chromosome 1 (5). It then took 18 yr before Paigen and colleagues identified the Tnfsf4gene,encoding the Ox40 ligand,as the gene responsible for athero-sclerosis susceptibility in the Ath1locus(6).In 1992,Breslow’s and Maeda’s laboratories independently reported the gen-eration of apoE-deficient mice via homologous recombination using embryonic stem cells,and both groups reported that these mice develop hypercholes-terolemia and atherosclerosis,even on chow diets (7,8). Now,there are a variety of gene knockout and transgenic mice that are susceptible to atherosclerosis; a catalog of these mice,their phenotypes,and the choice of diets for these models is beyond the scope of this chapter. However,the other most frequently used model along with the apoE-deficient mouse is the LDL receptor-deficient mouse created by Herz et al.(9). These genetically modified models have been used extensively to identify atherosclerosis susceptibility modifying genes by two methods:(1) the testing of candidate genes by breeding atherosclerosis-prone mice with mice that over- or under-express a specific candidate gene; and (2) by unbiased mouse genetic methods that allow positional identification of these genes. For the latter method,the availability of the mouse genome sequence and other shortcuts via the use of microarray expression analysis should greatly shorten the time needed to identify additional atherosclerosis genes. Other uses for these models include tests of therapeutic reagents,the study of arterial remodeling,the development of models of plaque rupture,and the study of pathogenic mechanisms.1.2. Protocol ConsiderationsAtherosclerotic lesions in all species develop focally at specific sites where there is nonlaminar flow. Thus,quantitative atherosclerosis assays must be per-formed using anatomical landmarks to keep the area under study constant. There are several different assays to quantitatively assess mouse atherosclerosis at vari-ous locations; however,the aortic root assay is still considered the standard assay in many laboratories,one reason being that this site is highly susceptible to atherosclerosis in mice and thus lesions develop here at earlier ages than in other areas. The second most commonly used assay is analysis of en face lesion surface area in the entire aorta,from the arch to the iliac bifurcation or limited just to the arch area. This method,described by Palinski’s laboratory,yields results that are generally well correlated with measurement of lesions at the aortic root (10).Quantitative Assay For Mouse Atherosclerosis85 It is often not sufficient to only assess atherosclerosis in the aortic root,as there are examples of an aortic root lesion area not being altered while the en face lesion area is affected,and these effects may occur selectively in the thoracic or abdominal regions of the aorta (11,12). Limitations of the en face assay are that it does not take into account lesion thickness or allow analysis of cellular compo-sition,and thus two lesions of very different volumes may take up equal surface area. It is also possible to measure atherosclerosis biochemically,by determining cholesterol ester content of the aorta (13). Limitations of this assay are the lack of volume or area measurements and the inability to gather histological information.Other sites besides the aorta can also be quantitatively assessed for lesions. ApoE-deficient mice also develop lesions in the carotid,pulmonary,femoral, and innominate (first branch off of the aortic arch) arteries,the latter being a good site for quantification as it is a site of early lesion predilection in young mice and plaque hemorrhage in older mice(14–16). Getz et al. have recently reviewed the site-specific modulation of atherosclerosis in mouse models and the importance of examining more than one location (17).We provide here a detailed protocol for the assessment of mouse atheroscle-rosis in the aortic root,and many of the methods described here can be applied to cross-sectional lesion area measurements at other locations as well. Diagrams of the anatomy of aortic root have been published previously (4,17). This method,although difficult to master,requires very little surgical time com-pared with the other methods that require the surgical isolation of the aorta or innominate artery,enabling the processing at a medium throughput level of approx 30 or more mice per day. It is possible to make many modifications of this protocol:for example,it may be necessary to eliminate fixation for immuno-histochemical staining with certain antibodies. For a description of alternate methods of atherosclerosis assays,we refer the reader to the excellent article by Daugherty and Whitman (18).2. Materials2.1. Mouse Sacrifice, Heart Removal, and Fixation1.Ketamaine/xylazine anesthesia is prepared by adding 10 mL of ketamine stock(100 mg/mL; Fort Dodge Animal Health,Fort Dodge,IA) and 1.5 mL xylazine stock (20 mg/mL; Vedco,St. Joseph,MO) to 35.5 mL sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS),yielding a solution of 21.25 mg/mL ketamine and 0.625 mg/mL xylazine.2.Small animal surgical tools:fine scissors,fine forceps,and coarse forceps withserrated tips.3.PBS or normal saline in a 10-mL syringe with a 24-G needle for perfusion.4.10% phosphate buffered formalin (Fisher,Pittsburgh,PA). Care should be takento minimize exposure to formalin vapors.2.2. Gelatin Embedding and Sectioning1.Embedding capsules (HistoPrep Tissue Capsules; Fisher,cat. no. 15-182-218).2.Gelatin type A (ICN Biomedicals,Aurora,OH; cat. no. 901771) used to make 5,10,and 25% solutions in water.3.Optimal cutting temperature (OCT) embedding medium (Sakura FinetechnicalCo,Torrence,CA).4.Fisher Plus coated microscope slides (Fisher,cat. no. 12-550-15).5.Cryostat. We use and recommend the Leica model CM 1850.2.3. Staining and Quantification1.Glass Staining racks with removable trays and wire handles (Fisher,cat. no. 08-812).2.Oil red-O stain (0.24%):1 g oil red-O powder (Sigma Aldrich,St. Louis MO) and250 mL 2-propanol are combined and mixed for 10 min. 150 mL of double-distilled (dd)H20 is added and mixed for an additional minute,allowed to stand for6 min,and then filtered through a 0.45-μm Stericup (Millipore,Billerica,MA).Oil red-O stain should be made freshly and used within 2 h of preparation.3.Harris hematoxylin (2.4%):100 mL Harris hematoxylin stock solution (SigmaAldrich) is combined with 98 mL of ddH2O and 2 mL of glacial acetic acid andfiltered.4.Bluing solution:five drops of ammonium hydroxide reagent in 1 L of ddH2O.5.Light Green solution (0.25%):50 mL of a 1% stock solution (2 g Light Green SFpowder [Fisher],198 mL ddH2O,and 2 mL acetic acid) is added to 150 mLddH2O. 0.25% solution is good for 2–3 wk and 1% solution 2–4 wk when kept ina brown bottle.6.Glycerol gelatin (Sigma Aldrich).7.22 ×60 mm no. 1 cover slips (Fisher).8.Image Pro Plus software,packaged as Olympus MicroSuite software,Soft ImagingSystem (Lakewood,CO).9.Microscope equipped with video imaging camera,video capture card,and personalcomputer (PC):we use an Olympus CX41 microscope (Melville,NY),a Panasonic Industrial Color charge-coupled device (CCD) camera,model no. GP-KR222 (Secaucus,NJ),Pincacle Systems video capture card,and software in a Dell PC.3. Methods3.1. Mouse Sacrifice, Heart Removal, and Fixation1.Each mouse is weighed and a 25-g mouse is anesthetized by intraperitoneal injec-tion with 200 μL of the ketamine/xylazine stock (delivered from a 1-cc tuberculin syringe with a 30-G needle). Adjust the volume according to the weight of the mouse using approx 8 μL of anesthesia stock per gram body weight. The depth of anesthesia is tested by lack of response to a firm squeeze of the hind foot.Additional anesthesia should be administered in 50-μL increments until this depth is achieved. The age of the mice under study should be kept constant +0.5 wk,as lesion area is extremely age-dependent (see Note 1).86Baglione and SmithQuantitative Assay For Mouse Atherosclerosis87 2.The legs of the supine mouse are taped down onto several folded paper towels,andthe ventral surface is wet with water or 70% ethanol (to keep the hair matted down). A lateral skin incision is made at the base of the abdomen extending to the width of the rib cage. Wrap some skin from the top side of the incision around a blunt forceps with serrated tips,hold down the mouse’s rear legs,and forcefully tear the skin and pull it up over the mouse’s head exposing the peritoneum and chest. Using fine scissors,cut open the peritoneal membrane from the base of the abdomen to the ribcage. Lift the sternum with fine forceps,and penetrate the diaphragm with the tip of fine scissors. Quickly cut through the sternum up the ribcage,make two lateral cuts at the top of the ribcage,and remove the ventral ribs exposing the beating heart. At this point,blood may be removed by intracardiac puncture (see Note 2).3.The circulatory system is perfused with 10 mL of PBS or normal saline by plac-ing the needle of the saline-loaded syringe into the left ventricle,using fine scis-sors to nick the right atrium (allowing drainage of the circulatory system into the chest cavity),and slowly pumping the saline into the heart. The mouse is eutha-nized at this point by exsanguination.4. The heart is gently lifted out by the apex,without squeezing the top,which candamage the aortic root,which is completely embedded within the heart. Any fibrous connective tissue attached to the heart is cut,and finally,the aorta is cut just above the level of the heart and the heart is put into a vial (we use glass scin-tillation vials) containing 5–10 mL of 10% phosphate-buffered formalin (see Note 3).The vial is placed at 4°C indefinitely,until ready for embedding but for a mini-mum of 24 h.3.2. Embedding Hearts in Gelatin1.The next step for routine quantitative assay is gelatin embedding,which helpsmaintain the integrity of the friable lesions during sectioning,although this step may also be omitted,particularly for immunostaining. For gelatin embedding, each heart is placed in a labeled histological capsule and washed under cold run-ning tap water for 1 h. Hearts are then placed in a shallow plastic container and floated in a 42°C water bath and covered with 5% gelatin and 10% gelatin sequen-tially for 2 h each. Twenty-five percent gelatin is incubated with the hearts at 42°C overnight. The hearts in 25% gelatin are refrigerated until the gelatin solidifies.2.Hearts are removed from the capsules (Fig. 1A)and the gelatin is trimmed with arazor blade into a solid block (Fig. 1B). The gelatin embedded hearts are placed back into formalin and stored at 4°C until ready for sectioning.3.3. Mounting the Hearts on a Pedestal in OCTand Sectioning Hearts With a Cryostat1.The lower half of the heart is removed by cutting with a razor blade. The align-ment of this cut is crucial to getting sections perpendicular to the axis of the aor-tic root. The cut is made approx 1 mm beneath the base of and parallel to the right and left atria (Fig. 1C).88Baglione and Smith Fig. 1. Setup for embedding,sectioning,and staining of aortic roots. (A)Gelatin-embedded heart in tissue capsule. (B)Heart in gelatin block. Arrows point to atria,and line shows position of cut critical for proper orientation. (C)Heart in gelatin block after cut is made. (D). Top half of heart in tissue mold,cut face down,covered with liquid optimal cutting temperature (OCT) medium. (E)Two views of heart top mounted on cryostat pedestal in frozen OCT. (F)Staining racks with slides in front of staining trays.2.The top half of the heart is then placed into a plastic tissue mold (lower chamber is 1.5 ×1×0.5 cm,L ×W ×D) with the cut surface at the bottom of the mold,and then covered in OCT compound in both the lower and upper chambers (Fig.1D ). If the heart is not gelatin-embedded,the heart is moved around carefully Fig. 2.Appearance of unstained sections used to determine the start of the aortic root.(A)Section showing the appearance of an atrium (red arrow) indicating proxim-ity to the aortic root. (B)Section at the beginning of the aortic root showing the three bipartite valve bases (red arrowheads) and the complete aortic medial wall (red outline).to fill the aorta with OCT. The mold is placed in the cryostat set at –22°C to freeze the OCT.3.The heart is removed from the base mold and mounted with the cut side facing upon the sample pedestal,which is mounted on the cryostat freezing stage,on a bed of not-yet solidified OCT (Fig. 1E).4.The pedestal is placed into the chuck of the cryostat and a 30-μm thick section iscut and transferred to a microscope slide (see Note 4) for observation to check whether this section is parallel to the cut surface of the heart,or oblique,yieldinga partial section. If orientation is incorrect,the pedestal angle is readjusted withinthe chuck. More sections are cut with observation every 10 sections to detect the atria,appearing as appendages,which signal the approach of the aortic sinus (Fig. 2A). The aortic sinus should appear as three bipartite valve bases with attached leaflets (these may break in sectioning) along with an intact intima (Fig. 2B). Novices may find this is difficult to see,but with practice,this becomes readily apparent.5.Once the aortic sinus is visible,the section thickness is decreased to 10 μm andevery other section is saved,four sections per slide covering a total distance of 80 μm.Six slides are prepared in this manner,covering a total distance of 400 μm,at which point the valve bases are shrunken,but still visible,and the valve leaflets may not all be visible (Fig. 3A–F). It is possible to quantify distal to this point, either by taking more slides,or by increasing the section thickness. In this case, one can capture sections going about 600 μm distal to the sinus origin,until the valve bases have disappeared. Slides are labeled,using a solvent resistant marker or a pencil,with the mouse identification number and the slide number and stored at room temperature until ready to stain,or at –20°C for immunostaining.3.4. Staining Sections for Aortic Root Analysis1.Twenty slides are placed back to back in the 10 slots of each staining rack. A seriesof staining trays are set up with the solutions listed next and the slides are immersed for the specified times. Figure 1F shows the staining setup.2.ddH2O for 2 min.3.60% 2-propanol for 30 s.4.Filtered oil red-O staining solution for 18 min,in order to stain neutral lipids.5.60% 2-propanol for 30 s.6.ddH2O for 1 min.7.ddH2O for 1 min.8.Harris hematoxylin stain for 2 min.9.Bluing solution,10 dips.10.ddH2O rinse for 1 min.11.Light Green counterstain for 30 s.12.ddH2O for 1–15 min to partially destain Light Green.13.Air-dry slides until ready for cover slipping.14.For cover slipping,glycerol gelatin is heated to 55°C in a water bath. One drop isplaced over each of the four sections on the slide. The cover slip is placed on the slide Quantitative Assay For Mouse Atherosclerosis8990Baglione and SmithFig. 3.Quantitative Assay For Mouse Atherosclerosis91 and pressed down firmly to remove any air bubbles. After the glycerol gelatin sets for an hour,excess is removed by washing the slides in soapy water (see Note 5).3.5. Quantification of Aortic Root Lesion Area1.The slide is observed microscopically under brightfield illumination using a ×4 or×10 objective lens. Video images are captured with a video capture card and frame grabber software (in our system,this adds additional magnification).2.One section on each of the six slides is quantified. Lesions consist of oil red-O stain-ing lipid-filled regions as well as any fibrous regions lumenal to the internal elastic lamina. Lesions can crack and even lift away from the media,these are quantified without the empty space. Using Image Pro or other similar software,and after cali-bration with a stage micrometer (for each objective lens),the lesions can be circled and the area of each lesion for the quantified section on the slide is exported to a spreadsheet in square micrometers. This is repeated for each of the five remaining slides from the heart,using 80-μm intervals between the sections,if possible.3.The sum of the lesion areas are calculated for each of the six quantified sections.Then,the mean lesion area is calculated for all of the six quantified sections (see Note 6).4.Lesion cellular composition,necrotic area,and fibrotic area should be qualita-tively assessed from these slides,but a quantitative analysis requires cell-type specific or collagen specific staining.3.6. Statistical Analysis1.For each mouse,the mean aortic root lesion area in square micrometers is used asthe primary measurement.2.Lesion areas vary among individual mice of the same age,gender,and geneticbackground. High-cholesterol diets also have a pronounced effect on lesion area.For larger lesions (>200,000 μm2),the coefficient of variation may be approx 25–30%,but for smaller lesions (<50,000 μm2) the coefficient of variation can be much greater.3.Gender has an effect on lesion area,and females of most strains have larger aorticlesions than males.Fig. 3. (Opposite page)Stained aortic root sections. (A–F)Series of six sections taken at 80-μm intervals through the aortic root of an apoE-deficient mouse with very small lesions to display the anatomy of this region. Large white arrowheads point to the three bipartite valve bases each of which fuse together distal to the origin. White arrows (A) point to one valve leaflet in the lumen. Lesions (staining red) were circled in thin black lines.(G)Common appearance of aortic root lesions in an16-wk-old apoE-deficient mouse fed a chow diet. Note coun terstain fading in this photograph taken several months after section staining. (H)Portion of the aortic root showing moderate sized lesions and the appearance of the proximal coronary artery (black arrowhead),which branches from the aortic root and that also contains lesions. All photographs were taken using a ×4 objec-tive lens. Larger lesions yield outward aortic remodeling to preserve lumen area.92Baglione and Smith 4.For routine analysis,we plot individual lesion areas of each mouse using a logscale graph.5.Lesion areas may not be normally distributed within a group. If this is the case,itis better to use nonparametric statistical analyses to compare lesion areas between groups. This results in a comparison of the median value rather than the mean value,and also decreases the weighting of values from outliers. If lesion areas are normally distributed,parametric analyses may be used,comparing the mean lesion values. For complex statistical analysis,such as quantitative trait locus analysis,we normalize the distribution by using the log10 of the lesion area.6.Power calculations can be performed to estimate the number of mice needed foreach group (genders cannot be pooled) using StatMate software from GraphPad (San Diego,CA),or other similar software. Assuming a coefficient of variation of 25%,using 10 mice per group yields 90% power to detect a 38% difference between the groups,with a two-tailed αof 0.05. In practice,we find that a group size of 10 is sufficient to detect any reasonably strong (40%) effect on lesion area.In order to detect subtler effects on lesion areas,larger group sizes must be employed.4. Notes1.Care must be taken to sacrifice mice on schedule. Figure 4 shows the dramaticeffect of age on lesion area in apoE-deficient mice fed a Western-type diet.2.Blood can be obtained prior to perfusion by cardiac puncture. For plasma isolation,prepare a 1-cc syringe with a 19-G needle by drawing up a 0.5 M EDTA solution and then expelling it. Puncture the left ventricle with the prepared syringe and very gently pull up on the plunger; if blood does not draw,gently reposition or rotate the syringe until blood comes into the syringe. Do not create a large back pressure,as this will only cause tissue to block the needle. Deliver the blood into a microfuge tube containing 10 μL of 0.5 M EDTA,mix by inversion several times,and place on ice. After all samples are obtained,the plasma can be isolated by centrifugation for 2 min in a microfuge.3.The OCT-embedded aortic root can be sectioned on a cryostat without fixation or gel-atin embedding; this is often required for immunostaining with certain antibodies. 4.Sections are flattened by the anti-roll plate of the cryostat and positioned onto aroom temperature slide. If sections start to roll,the plate may be repositioned or the sections may be manually unrolled with a fine paintbrush. As a final option, rolled sections may be floated in room temperature water and positioned on slides.5.Harris hematoxylin and Light Green staining solutions will diffuse and fade overtime in the aqueous glycerol gelatin mounting medium and reduce contrast (see Fig. 3G,H). It is best to capture the images or make photomicrographs within 2 wk of staining.6.Lesions areas are not constant over the 400 μm of the aortic root. The lesion areais often greatest on the second or third slide and then decreases in the distal slides.One can estimate the lesion volume from these cross sectional areas by use of the Cavalieri sterologic method.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge Eddy Rubin,whose lab protocol formed the basis for our current method,and Suey Lee and Helen Yu of Jan Breslow’s lab,who taught us how to section and stain mouse aortic roots. 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