
二、价格条款及付款方式1. 商品的FOB价格(离岸价)为:[具体金额]。
2. 付款方式:双方约定采用信用证方式支付。
三、交货条款及时间表1. 交货时间:[具体交货日期]。
2. 交货地点:货物的交货地点为装运港,具体港口名称在合同中明确列出。
3. 风险转移:货物的风险在装运港越过船舷后即由乙方转移至甲方承担。
五、检验和索赔条款1. 检验:甲方将在目的港对商品进行检验,如发现数量短缺、质量不符等情形,有权向乙方提出索赔。
2. 索赔:如因乙方原因造成商品质量问题或数量短缺等损失,甲方有权向乙方索赔相应金额。
六、保密条款及知识产权归属1. 双方在履行本合同过程中获知的对方商业秘密和技术秘密,应予以保密,未经对方许可,不得向第三方泄露或用于本合同以外的用途。

一、合同双方1.1甲方(买方):_______1.2乙方(卖方):_______二、货物描述2.1货物名称:_______ 2.2货物数量:_______ 2.3货物质量:_______2.4货物价格:_______三、交货条件3.1交货地点:_______3.2交货时间:_______四、支付方式4.1付款方式:_______4.2付款期限:_______五、运输与保险5.1运输方式:_______ 5.2保险责任:_______六、合同有效期6.1生效日期:_______6.2失效日期:_______七、违约责任7.1甲方违约:_______7.2乙方违约:_______八、争议解决8.1解决方式:_______8.2适用法律:_______九、其他条款9.1保密条款:_______ 9.2修改与终止:_______9.3通知与送达:_______十、附件10.1货物清单:见附件110.2交货单据:见附件2本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

二、合同条款1. 合同名称:中文:国际商品买卖合同英文:International Sales Contract2. 合同双方:卖方:ABC贸易公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Seller: ABC Trading CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country买方:XYZ进出口公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Buyer: XYZ Import and Export CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country3. 商品描述:中文:商品种类、规格、数量、质量标准等详细描述英文:Detailed description of the goods, including type, specifications, quantity, quality standards, etc.4. 交货方式:中文:卖方负责将商品交付给买方,交货方式为XX(如:海运、空运、陆运等)英文:The seller shall be responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer, using XX method of delivery (e.g. sea freight, air freight, land transportation, etc.).5. 交货地点:中文:商品交付的具体地点英文:Place of delivery for the goods6. 价格与支付方式:中文:商品价格、货币单位、支付方式等详细说明英文:Detailed explanation of the price, currency unit, payment method, etc.7. 检验与验收:中文:商品检验的标准和程序,以及验收的要求英文:Standards and procedures for goods inspection, as well as acceptance requirements8. 运输保险:中文:运输保险的责任承担方和范围英文:Party responsible for transportation insurance and coverage9. 违约责任:中文:违约方需要承担的责任和赔偿方式英文:Liabilities and compensation methods for breach of contract10. 争议解决:中文:合同争议解决的方式,如仲裁、诉讼等英文:Methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, litigation, etc.11. 合同生效:中文:合同生效的时间和方式英文:Effective date and method of the contract12. 其他条款:中文:其他双方约定的条款,如合同解除、修订、附加条款等英文:Other terms agreed upon by both parties, such as contract termination, amendment, additional clauses, etc.三、合同签署中文:本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

在进出口贸易中,FOB(Free On Board)条款是经常被使用的一种术语,下面我们来详细了解一下进出口贸易合同中的FOB条款。
一、FOB的含义FOB是英文“Free On Board”的缩写,翻译成中文就是“离岸价”。
二、FOB条款的运作方式在实际操作中,FOB条款通常会包括以下几个步骤:1. 卖方负责运输前的费用:根据FOB条款,卖方须在将货物交给运输人之前承担清洁费用、装运费用、保险费和其他必要费用。
2. 货物交付船上:一旦货物被装上了船,卖方的义务就告一段落,此后卖方对货物的风险和责任会转移给买方。
3. 买方负责运输后的费用:根据FOB条款,一旦货物交付船上,买方需要负责接下来的所有费用,包括运输费用、保险费用、目的港口清关费用等。
4. 买方享有控制权:由于FOB条款下卖方的义务在货物交付船上后终止,买方就可以自主决定货物的运输方式、时间和路线。
三、FOB条款的优势和劣势1. 优势:- 灵活性强:FOB条款下,买卖双方都有比较大的自主权,可以根据实际情况自由调整货物的运输方式和时间,方便双方协商。
- 降低风险:由于FOB条款下卖方的责任在货物交付船上后结束,买方需要承担后续运输阶段的风险和费用。

FOB是Free On Board的缩写,意为“船上交货”或“离岸价格”。

FOB(Free On Board,离岸价)条款是国际贸易中常用的一种价格条款,下面将简要介绍FOB条款在进出口贸易合同中的作用及其相关注意事项。

国贸合同英文范本模板English:This International Trade Contract template is designed for parties engaging in business activities at the China World Trade Center (CWTCC) in Beijing. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement between the parties, including the sale of goods or services, payment terms, delivery schedules, warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms. The parties must ensure that all provisions are in accordance with the laws and regulations of China and any relevant international trade agreements. The contract should also include provisions for confidentiality, intellectual property rights, and force majeure events to protect the interests of both parties. It is important for both parties to fully understand and agree to the terms of the contract before signing to ensure a smooth and successful business transaction at the CWTCC.中文翻译:这份国际贸易合同范本专为在北京中国国际贸易中心(CWTCC)进行业务活动的各方设计。

国际贸易合同英语样本English:When drafting an international trade contract, it is essential to include key elements such as the names and contact information of the parties involved, a detailed description of the goods or services being traded, the price and payment terms, the delivery terms, the terms of insurance and risk transfer, the applicable law and jurisdiction, dispute resolution mechanisms, and any other specific terms relevant to the particular transaction. Additionally, it is important to consider factors such as the international trade regulations and restrictions that may impact the contract, as well as any necessary documentation such as import/export licenses or certificates of origin. By carefully addressing these aspects and ensuring clear and mutually agreed-upon terms, parties can minimize risks and misunderstandings in international trade transactions.中文翻译:在起草国际贸易合同时,必须包括关键要素,如涉及方的姓名和联系信息、所交易货物或服务的详细描述、价格和支付条款、交货条款、保险和风险转移条款、适用法律和司法管辖权、争议解决机制,以及与特定交易相关的任何其他特定条款。

甲方(代理方):Party A(Agent):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal representative:电话/Tel:乙方(工厂):Party B(Factory):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal representative:电话/Tel:丙方(外方)/Party C(Foreign Company):地址/Address:电话/Tel:一、背景1.乙丙双方经友好协商达成一致,丙方向乙方购买/销售涉及《外贸合同》号项下的货物。
1.Party B and C have reached an agreement through friendly consultation that Party B agree to buy/sell Party C the goods according to the Foreign Trade Contract No..2.乙方委托甲方向丙方购买/销售《外贸合同》项下货物,乙方与甲方签订进/出口代理协议。
2.Party B authorize Party A to import/export the goods of Foreign Trade Contract to Party C and sign the import/export agency agreement with Party A.二、授权1.乙方授权甲方以甲方名义与丙方于年月日签订号《外贸合同》。
1.Party B authorize Party A to sign the Foreign Trade Contract with contract no# with Party C on.2.甲乙丙经友好协商,同意上述条款及签订此协议。
2.Through friendly consultation,Party A, B and C agree the above terms and sign this agreement. Party C should know and agree that Party A is entrusted by Party B to sign this agreement with Party C.三、权利义务甲、乙、丙三方同意:Party A, B and C agree that:1.如丙方未按照采购/销售《外贸合同》的规定将货物/货款交付至甲方,甲方无义务按进/出口代理协议的规定向乙方交付任何货物/货款,且免除任何有关延迟/拒交付的违约责任。

外贸英文出口合同模板This Export Sales Contract is entered into on [Date], between [Seller], located at [Address], and [Buyer], located at [Address].1. Product DescriptionThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following products:- Description of the products- Quantity- Price- Delivery terms2. SpecificationsThe products shall conform to the agreed upon specifications as outlined in the contract. Any deviations must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.3. PriceThe price of the products shall be as agreed upon by both parties. The price is exclusive of any taxes, duties, and other charges, which shall be the responsibility of the Buyer.4. PaymentThe payment terms shall be as follows:- [Payment method]- [Payment schedule]- [Currency]5. DeliveryThe products shall be delivered to the Buyer at the agreed upon location. The delivery terms shall be as follows:- [Delivery method]- [Delivery schedule]- [Delivery terms]6. InspectionsThe Buyer shall have the right to inspect the products upon delivery. Any defects or discrepancies shall be reported to the Seller within [Number] days of delivery.7. Title and Risk of LossTitle and risk of loss shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery of the products.8. WarrantiesThe Seller warrants that the products shall conform to the specifications and be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Any warranties shall be specified in writing in the contract.9. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance due to events beyond their reasonable control, such as acts of God, natural disasters, wars, or government actions.10. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of [Country].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Export Sales Contract as of the date first above written.[Seller][Buyer]Signature: _____________ Signature: _____________Name: Name:Title: Title:Date: Date:。

国际贸易进出口英文合同范本International Trade Import and Export Contract Template.Article 1. Subject Matter.The subject matter of this contract is the import and export of [goods or commodities] between the Seller and the Buyer. The goods shall be [quantity] of [description of goods]. The goods shall be delivered to the Buyer at [place of delivery] on or before [date of delivery].Article 2. Price and Payment.The price of the goods shall be [price] per [unit of measurement]. The total price of the goods shall be [total price]. Payment for the goods shall be made in advance bythe Buyer to the Seller's bank account.Article 3. Delivery.The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer on or before the date of delivery specified in Article 1. The Seller shall be responsible for packing and shipping the goods. The Buyer shall be responsible for unloading and storing the goods.Article 4. Inspection.The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goodsupon delivery. If the Buyer finds any defects in the goods, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing within [number] days of delivery. The Seller shall have the right toinspect the goods and to repair or replace any defective goods.Article 5. Warranty.The Seller warrants that the goods shall be of good quality and shall conform to the specifications set forthin this contract. The Seller's warranty shall be for a period of [number] months from the date of delivery.Article 6. Liability.The Seller shall be liable to the Buyer for any damages caused by the Seller's breach of this contract. TheSeller's liability shall be limited to the price of the goods.Article 7. Governing Law.This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [governing law].Article 8. Dispute Resolution.Any disputes arising out of or relating to this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [arbitration body].Article 9. Amendment.This contract may be amended only by a written agreement signed by both the Seller and the Buyer.Article 10. Severability.If any provision of this contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this contract shall remain in full force and effect.中文回答:第一条标的物。

FOB是“自由船上装运”(Free on Board)的缩写,是一种适用于海上运输的贸易术语。

合同号码((Contract No。
):签订日期(Date):销售合同SALES CONTRACT卖方The Seller:Add: TEL: FAX:买方The Buyer:Add: TEL: FAX:经双方确认订立本合同,具体条款如下:This sales contract is made out as per the following terms and conditions mutually confirmed by both parties:(5)装运港:Port of shipment:Time of shipment:(7)生产国别及制造厂商:Country of Origin & Manufacturer:(8)付款条件:Payment Terms:(9) 包装:Packing:(10)保险:除本合同条款另有规定外,保险均由买方负责。
Insurance: To be covered by the Buyer unless otherwise provided herein。
Note: Buyer shall make a payment based on the seller’s account, if the buyer any amount paid to the other account, the seller does not bear any responsibility。
卖方银行信息The Seller's Bank Information:Receive Bank:Account Number. :Swift Code:Beneficiary Name:(11)品质/数量异议:如买方提出异议,凡属品质异议应于货到目的口岸之日起45天内提出,过期不予受理。

国际进出口贸易合同THE BUYERS _____________________THE SELLERS ______________________签订日期:_____ 年______ 月____ 日THE BUYERS:ADDRESS:FAX:THE SELLERS:ADDRESS:TEL:FAX:This Con tract is made by and betwee n the Buyers and the Sellerswhereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity accord ingto the terms and con diti ons stipulated below:买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议:2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS:原产国及制造商:3. PACKING:To be packed in sta ndard airway pack ing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expe nses in curred on acco unt of improper pack ing and for any rust attributable to in adequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing.包装:标准空运包装。
如果由于不适当的包装而导致的货物损坏和由此产生的费用,卖方应对此负完全的责任4. SHIPPING MARK:The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package nu mber ,gross weight ,net weight ,measureme nt and the wordi ngs: "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc.唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸,并注明“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等。

国际进出口贸易合同范本英文版国际进出口贸易合同范本(英文版)Article 1: Interpretation1.1 DefinitionsUnless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings:•“Buyer” means the party specified as the buyer in the Contract.•“Seller” means the party specified as the seller in the Contract.•“Contract” means the international sales contract signed by the Buyer and the Seller.•“Goods” means the products and materials specified in the Contract to be sold and delivered by the Seller to the Buyer.•“Price” means the price of the Goods specified in the Contract.•“Delivery” means the act of delivering the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of the Contract.•“Payment” means the payment to be made by the Buyer to the Seller in accordance with the terms of the Contract.•“Terms of Sale” means the terms and conditions specified in the Contract governing the sale and delivery of the Goods.1.2 Interpretation•Headings are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret or affect the meaning of any provision of the Contract.•Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words importing gender include all genders.•References to any law, regulation, or instrument are to such law, regulation, or instrument as amended, extended, or re-enacted from time to time.Article 2: Sale and Delivery of Goods2.1 Sale of GoodsThe Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to buy, the Goods in accordance with the terms of the Contract.2.2 Delivery of GoodsThe Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer at the place and in the manner specified in the Contract. The risk in the Goods shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.2.3 Time of DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer within the time specified in the Contract. If the Seller fails to deliver the Goods within the specified time, the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract by written notice to the Seller.Article 3: Price and Payment3.1 PriceThe Price for the Goods shall be as specified in the Contract.3.2 PaymentThe Buyer shall make payment for the Goods to the Seller in the manner and within the time specified in the Contract.Article 4: Warranties4.1 Seller’s WarrantiesThe Seller warrants that:•The Goods are of good quality and fit for the purpose for which they are intended.•The Goods do not infringe any intellectual property rights of a third party.4.2 Buyer’s WarrantiesThe Buyer warrants that:•It has the right to purchase the Goods and to enter into the Contract.•The information provided by it in relation to the Goods is accurate and complete.Article 5: Liability5.1 Seller’s LiabilityThe Seller shall be liable to the Buyer for any loss or damage suffered by the Buyer due to the breach of the Contract by the Seller.5.2 Buyer’s LiabilityThe Buyer shall be liable to the Seller for any loss or damage suffered by the Seller due to the breach of the Contract by the Buyer.Article 6: TerminationEither party may terminate the Contract by written notice to the other party if: •The other party breaches the Contract and fails to cure such breach within a reasonable time.•The other party becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they become due.Article 7: Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.Article 8: Governing LawThe Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country specified in the Contract.Article 9: Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Buyer and the Seller in relation to the subject matter of the Contract, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral, between the parties.Article 10: AmendmentsThe Contract may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both parties.### 特殊应用场合及增加条款1.跨国并购–条款增加:•并购条款: 明确并购过程中资产转移的细节,包括知识产权、员工合同的转移。

国际进出口贸易合同范本英文版This International Import and Export Trade Contract is made and entered into by and between the Seller and the Buyer on the date of signing The key terms of this agreement are as follows:11 Product Description: The goods to be supplied under this contract shall be described in detail including specifications quality quantity and packaging requirements111 Specifications: Detailed specifications of the goods including but not limited to size weight material and any special requirements112 Quality: The quality standards that the goods must meet including industry standards certifications or specific requirements agreed upon by both parties113 Quantity: The exact amount of goods to be supplied expressed in appropriate units such as kilograms liters or pieces114 Packaging Requirements: Specific instructions for how the goods should be packaged to ensure safe transport and compliance with import regulations115 Price and Payment Terms: The total price for the goods and the payment conditions including currency exchange rates if applicable1151 Total Price: The agreedupon price for the goods including any discounts or additional charges1152 Currency: The currency in which the transaction will be conducted1153 Exchange Rates: If applicable the exchange rate used for conversion from one currency to another1154 Payment Conditions: The terms of payment including advance payments installment payments and final payment dates116 Delivery Terms: The conditions under which the goods will be delivered including the delivery schedule transportation method and insurance coverage1161 Delivery Schedule: The timeline for delivery of the goods including any milestones or deadlines1162 Transportation Method: The mode of transportation chosen for delivering the goods whether by sea air or land1163 Insurance Coverage: The level of insurance required to cover potential losses during transit117 Warranty and Liability: The warranty provided by the Seller and the liability terms in case of defects or noncompliance with the contract1171 Warranty Period: The duration of the warranty period during which the goods are guaranteed against defects1172 Liability for Defects: The responsibilities of the Seller in case the goods do not meet the quality standards set forth in the contract1173 NonCompliance Remedies: The actions that can be taken by the Buyer if the Seller fails to comply with the terms of the contract118 Dispute Resolution: The procedures for resolving disputes including mediation arbitration and applicable laws1181 Mediation: The process of attempting to resolve disputes through mediation before proceeding to arbitration1182 Arbitration: The details of the arbitration process including the location language and rules governing the arbitration1183 Applicable Laws: The laws that govern this contract and any disputes arising from it119 Confidentiality: The obligations of both parties to maintain confidentiality regarding the terms of the contract and any proprietary information exchanged1191 Confidential Information: The definition of what constitutes confidential information under this contract1192 NonDisclosure: The restrictions placed on both parties regarding the disclosure of confidential information1193 Duration of Confidentiality: The period during which the confidentiality obligations remain in effect120 Termination and Cancellation: The conditions under which either party may terminate or cancel the contract1201 Termination Rights: The circumstances under which either party has the right to terminate the contract1202 Notice of Termination: The process and time frame for providing notice of termination1203 Consequences of Termination: The consequences of termination including any financial penalties or obligations121 Governing Language: The official language of the contract and any translations1211 Official Language: The primary language in which the contract is written and interpreted1212 Translations: Any authorized translations of the contract and their legal status122 Signatures: The signatures of the authorized representatives of both the Seller and the Buyer indicating their agreement to the terms of this contract1221 Seller's Representative: ____________________________1222 Buyer's Representative: ____________________________。

进出口英文销售合同模板Export and Import Sales Contract Template。
This Export and Import Sales Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Exporter Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Exporter"), and [Importer Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Importer").1. Product Description。
The Exporter agrees to sell and the Importer agrees to purchase the following products (the "Products"):[Product Name 1][Product Name 2][Product Name 3]The Products shall be delivered in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Quantity and Price。
The quantity of the Products to be delivered and the price per unit shall be as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto.3. Delivery。


外贸英文合同范本篇一:国际贸易进出口英文合同范本国际贸易进出口英文合同范本SaLESconTRacT(oRiGinaL)contractno.date:Signedat:Sellers:address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Buyers:address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:约首:ThisSalescontractismadebyandbetweentheSellers andtheBuyerswherebytheSellersagreetosellandt heBuyersagreetobuytheunder—montionedgoodsac cordingtothetermsandconditionsstipulatedbelow:唛头:ShippingmarkTobedesignatedbytheSellers/attheSellers’option.保险条款:insurance在FoB,cFR合同下,保险条款可订为:insurancetobecoveredbytheBuyer.在ciF合同下,保险条款可订为:insurancetobecoveredbytheSellersfor110%oftheinvoicevalueagainstw.P.a/allRisks/warRiskincludingshortageinweightasperandsubjecttotheoceanma rinecargeclausesofthePeople’sinsurancecompanyofchinadatedJan.1,1981.ifothercoverageoranadditiona linsuranceisrequired,theBuyersmusthavetheconsentoftheSellersbeforeship ment,andtheadditionalpremiumistobebornebytheBuyers.装运条款:ShippmentTimeofShipment:duringFeb./mar.20XXintwoequalmonthlylotsPortofloadi ng/shipment:Portofdestination:London.TranshipmentatHongKongallowed.Thecarrying vesselshallbeprovidedbythesellers.Partialshipmentan dtransshipmentareallowed.afterloadingiscompleted,thesellershallnotifythe buyersbycableofthecontractnumber,nameofcommodity,nameofthecarringv esselanddateofshipment.付款条件:TermsofPayment TheBuyersshallopenwithaacceptabletotheSellersanirrevocable SightLetterofcredittoreachtheSellers30daysbeforethemonthofshipment,val idfornegotiationinchinauntilthe15thdayafterthemonthofshipment.(Export) ByirrevocableLetterofcreditfor90%thetotalinvoicevalueofthe goodstbbeshipped,infavouroftheSellers,payableattheissuingbankagainstth eSellers’draftatsightaccompaniedbytheshippingdocumentsstipulatedinthecredit.Th ebalanceof10%oftheproceedsistobepaidonlyafterthegoodshavebeeninspectedandapprovedattheportofdestination.(import)Byconfirmed,irrevocableLetterofcreditinfavoro9ftheSellerspa yableatsightagainstPresentationofshippingdocumentsinchina,withpartialsh ipmentsandtransshipmentallowed.ThecoveringLetterofcreditmustreachthe Sellers15daysbeforethecontractedmonthofshipment6andremainvalidinthe aboveloadingportuntilthe15thdayaftershipment,failingwhichtheSellersrese rvetherighttocancelthecontractwithoutfurthernoticeandtoclaimagainsttheB uyersforanylossresultingtherefrom. Tobeeffecedbydocumentarydraftunderd/aterms. Paymentshallbemadebydocumentarydrafttobepayableunderd/ Pterms.交货条件:deliveryTermscertificatesofQuality,Quantity,weightandQriginarerequired.The Buyershavetherighttohavethegoodsre—inspectedbytheGuangzhouEntry —ExitinspectionandQuarantineBureauofthePeople’sRepublicofchinaattheprtfodischarge.Therelevantinspectioncertigficatesm ayserveasthebasisofanyclaimtobelodgedbytheBuyersagainsttheSellers.检验条款:commodityinspection itismutuallyagreedthathecertificateofQualityandweightissuedby------(eg:chinaEntry-ExitinspectionandQuarantineBureau)/surveyorattheportofshipmentshallbe(takenasthebasisofdelivery.)/partofthedocumentsto bepresentedfornegotiationundertherelevantweightofthecargo.There—insp ectionfeeshallbebornebytheBuyer.Theclaimwiththecargo,ifany,shallbelod gedtotheSellerwithin-------daysafterarrivalofthecargoattheportof destination.索赔条款:discrepancyandclaim anyclaimbytheBuyersregardingthecargoshallbesupportedbysu rveyreportissuedbyasurveyorapprovedbytheSellerandlodgedwithin45days afterthearrivalofthecargoattheportofdestinaton.TheSellerwillnotconsidercl aimsinrespectofmatterswithinresponsibilityofinsurancecompanyorshippin gcompany.ShouldtheSellerfailtomakedeliveryontime,thebuyershal lagreetopostponethedeliveryontheconditonthattheSelleragreesofpayapenal tywhichshallbedeductedbythepayingbankatthetimeofpayment.Therateofpe naltyischargedat0.5%ofthetotalvalueofthecargowhosedeliveryhasbeendela yedforeveryweek,odddayslessthanaweekshouldbecountedasaweek.Butthet otalamountofpenaltyshallnotexceed5%ofthetotalvalueofthecargoinvolvedi nthelatedelivery.incasetheSellerfailotmakedelivery10weekslaterthantheti meofshipmentstipulatedonthecontract,theBuyershallhavbetherighttocance lthecontractandtheSellershallstillpaytheaforesaidpenaltytotheBuerwithout delay.Quality/Quantitydiscrepancyandclaim:incasethequalityand/orquantity/weightarefoundtheBuyersto benotinconformitywiththecontractafterarrivalofthegoodsattheportofdestin ation,theBuyersmaylodgeclaimwiththeSellerssupportedbysurveyreportiss uedbyaninspectionorganizaitonagreeduponbybothparties,withtheexceptio n,however,ofthoseclaimsforwhichtheinsurancecompanyand/ortheshipping companyaretobeheldresponsible.claimforqualitydiscrepancyshouldbefiled bytheBuyerswithin30daysafterarrivalofthegoodsattheportofdestination,wh ileforquantity/weightdiscrepancyclaimshouldbefiled bytheBuyerswithin15daysafterarrivalofthegoodsatportofdestination.TheS ellersshall,within30daysafterreceiptofthenotificationoftheclaim,aendreplyt otheBuyers.索赔期限:Validityofclaim TheBuyershavetherihgttolodgeclaimsforalllossessustainedwithin60daysafterdischargeofthegoodsattheportofdestination.综合式不可抗力条款:Forcemajure TheSellershallnotbeheldresponsibleforlatedeliveryornon—deliv eryofthegoodsduetoflood,fire,earthquake,snowstorm,drought,hailstorm,hu rricane,orothereventsthatarebeyondthecontroloftheSeller.ButtheSellershall notifytheBuyerbycabelassoonaspossibleandgivetheBuyeracertificateby6re gisteredmailissueddbythechinacouncilforthePromotionofinternationalTrad eorothercompetentauthorities. ifshipmentofthecontractedgoodsispreventedordelayedinwholeorinpartduetoForcemajeure,theSellersshallnotbeliablefornon—shipmentor lateshipmentofthegoodsunderthiscontract.However,thesellershallnotifythe Buyersbyfaxortelexandfurnishthelatterwithin15daysbyregisteredairmailwi thacertificateissuedbythecompetentauthoritiesattheplaceofoccurrenceattes tingsucheventorevents.仲裁条款:arbitration规定在我国仲裁的条款:alldisputesinconnectionwithorarisingfromthecontractshallbesettledamicab lythroughnegotiation.incasenosettlementcanbereachedbetweenthetwoparti es,thecaseshallbesubmittedtothechinaintermationalEconomicandTradearbi trationcommission,BeijingforarbitraitoninaccordancewithitsRulesofarbitr ation.Thearbitralawardis篇二:对外贸易合同(中英文版)contractno.:LYLS-01-20XX1228日期:20XX-12-28date:20XX-12-28签约地点:Place:ziYanG,cHina合同contract合同号:买方:Thebuyers:SichuanLianYouTextileindustrycorporation(LmT) Generalmanager:Huangde卖方:Thesellers:GermanTextilemachinerycompanySalesmanager:davidPaul本合同由买卖双方根据下列条款和条件,经买卖双方共同协商签订,以便共同遵守Thiscontractismadebyandbetweenthebuyerandtheseller:wherebythebuyera ndtheselleragreetotheunder-mentionedgoodssubjecttothetermsandconditio nsasstipulatedbelow:1.商品名称和规格nameofcommodityandSpecificationnameofcommodity:FlexibleRapierLoom抗扰箭杆织布机Specifications:miG,德国最新生产miG型号Quantity:50.00setsUnitprice:USd$150000.00/setciF5%SHanGHai,cHinaTotalvalue:USd$7500000.002.原产国及制造厂商:countryoforigin&manufacturer:Germany3.装运期限:Shippingdate:noTLaTERTHanmaR30,20XX4.装运口岸:Portofloading:HamburgerGermany5.到货口岸:Portofdestination:SHanGHai,cHina6.付款条件:Termsofpayment:100%ofthetotalvaluewillbepaidbyL/cat90daysatsight. 7.包装:需用适合长途海运,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运的包装,由包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此产生的一切费用和/或损失。

国际出口合同英文模板This International Export Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date] by and between:Exporter: [Name of Exporter] (hereinafter referred to as the "Exporter"), a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address].Importer: [Name of Importer] (hereinafter referred to as the "Importer"), a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address].WHEREAS, the Exporter is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling [Products], and the Importer desires to purchase and import the Products from the Exporter;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Definitions1.1 "Products" shall mean the goods and/or services to be exported by the Exporter to the Importer pursuant to this Contract.1.2 "Price" shall mean the price of the Products as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.1.3 "Delivery Date" shall mean the date on which the Products are to be delivered by the Exporter to the Importer, as set forth in Exhibit A.2. Sale of Products2.1 The Exporter agrees to sell, transfer, and deliver the Products to the Importer, and the Importer agrees to purchase and accept the Products, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.2.2 The Exporter shall be responsible for the packaging, labeling, and shipping of the Products in accordance with the Importer's specifications and requirements.2.3 The Importer shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary import licenses, permits, and approvals required for the importation of the Products into the Importer's country.3. Price and Payment3.1 The Importer shall pay the Price for the Products in accordance with the payment terms set forth in Exhibit A.3.2 Payment shall be made in [Currency] by [Method of Payment] to the Exporter's designated bank account.3.3 The Importer shall bear all bank charges and fees related to the payment of the Price.4. Delivery and Acceptance of Products4.1 The Exporter shall deliver the Products to the Importer at the Delivery Date and location specified in Exhibit A.4.2 Upon delivery of the Products, the Importer shall inspect the Products and notify the Exporter of any non-conformities or defects within [Number] days of receipt.4.3 If the Products are found to be non-conforming or defective, the Exporter shall replace or repair the Products at its own expense.5. Warranties5.1 The Exporter represents and warrants that the Products will conform to the specifications and quality standards set forth in Exhibit A.5.2 The Exporter further represents and warrants that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Number] months from the Delivery Date.6. Indemnification6.1 The Exporter agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Importer from and against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from or in connection with any breach of this Contract by the Exporter.6.2 The Importer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Exporter from and against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from or in connection with any breach of this Contract by the Importer.7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].7.2 Any dispute arising under or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Exporter:[Signature][Name][Title][Date]Importer:[Signature][Name][Title][Date]Exhibit AProducts: [Description of Products] Price: [Price of Products] Delivery Date: [Delivery Date] Payment Terms: [Payment Terms]。
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国际贸易进出口英文合同范本SALES CONTRACT (ORIGINAL)This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellersand the Buyers whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under —mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:commodity,Specifications,Packing term(max.) 25% Admixture (max.) 0.25% Packed in gunny bags of 50 kilos each Shipment 3% more or less at Seller's option and the priceshall be calculated according to the unit price To be designated by the Sellers / At the Sellers' option.保险条款: Insurance在FOB, CFR 合同下,保险条款可订为:Insurance to be covered by the Buyer.在CIF 合同下,保险条款可订为:Insurance to be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value againstContract No. Date: Signed at: Sellers: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Buyers: Address:Tel:Fax: E-mail: Name of theQuantity Unit price Total 约首: Amount White Rice,1 000 M/T USD 200 per Two hundred Long-shapedBroken Grains M/T C1F New York thousand US Dollars only吱头: Shipping MarkW.P.A / All Risks / War Risk including shortage in weight as per and subj ect to the Ocean Marine Carge Clauses of the People's Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. If other coverage or an additional insurance is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment, a nd the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyers.装运条款:ShippmentTime of Shipment: during Feb./Mar. 2005 in two equal monthly lots Port ofloading / shipment :Port of deslinalion :London. Transhipment at HongKong allowed.The carrying vessel shall be provided by the sellers. Partialshipment an dtransshipment are allowed. After loading is completed, the seller sh allnotify the buyers by cable of the contract number, name of comm odity,name of the caning vessel and date of shipment.付款条件:Terms of PaymentThe Buyers shall open with a acceptable to the Sellers an Irrevocable SightLetter of Credit to reach the Sellers 3() days before the month of shipment,valid for negolialion in China until lhe 15lh day after th e month of shipment.( Export )By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods tbbe shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against lheSellers, draft at sight accompanied by lhe shipping d ocuments stipulated inthe Credit. The balance of 10% of the proceed s is to be paid only after thegoods have been inspected and approved at the port of destination. ( Import )By confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor o9f the Sellers pa yable atsight against Presentation of shipping documents in China , with partialshipments and transshipment allowed. The covering Letter of Credit mustreach the Sellers 15 days before the contracted mont h of shipment6 andremain valid in the above loading porl until the 15,h day after shipment , failingwhich the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the contract without further noticeand to claim against the B uyers for any loss resulting there from.To be effeced by documentary draft under D / A terms.Payment shall be made by documentary draft to be payable under D / P terms. 交货条件:Delivery TermsCertificates of Quality, Quantity, Weight and Qrigin are required. The Buyershave the right to have the goods re一inspected by the Guangz hou Entry—Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Re public of China atthe prt fo discharge. The relevant Inspection Certi gficates may serve as thebasis of any claim to be lodged by the Bu yers against the Sellers.检验条款:Commodity InspectionIl is mutually agreed that he Certificate of Quality and Weight issued by-------- ( eg: China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ) / surveyor at the port of shipment shall be ( taken as the basis of deliv ery. ) /part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under t he relevantweight of the cargo. The re—inspeclion fee shall be born e by the Buyer. Theclaim with the cargo, if any, shall be lodged to the Seller within days afterarrival of the cargo at the port of destination.索赔条款:Discrepancy and ClaimAny claim by the Buyers regarding the cargo shall be supported by su rveyreport issued by a surveyor approved by the Seller and lodged within 45 daysafter the arrival of the cargo at the port of destinaton.The Seller will not consider claims in respect of matters within responsibility of insurance company or shipping company.Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time, the buyer shal1 agree to postpone the delivery on the conditon that the Seller agree s of paya penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank at th e time of paymenl.The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% of the lot al value of the cargo whosedelivery has been delayed for every wee k, odddays less than a week shouldbe counted as a week. But the t otal amount of penalty shall not exceed 5% ofthe total value of the cargo involved in the late delivery. In case the Seller failol make de livery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated on thecon tract, the Buyer shall havbe the right to cancel the contract and the S ellershall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buer without delay.Quality / Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:In case the quality and/or quantity / weight are found the Buyers to be not inconformity with the Contract after arrival of the goods at t he port ofdestination, the Buyers may lodge claim with the Sellers s upported bysurvey report issued by an inspection organizaiton agreed upon by bothparties, with the exception, however, of those claims f or which theinsurance company and/or the shipping company are tob e held responsible.Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by I he Buyers within 3() daysafter arrival of the goods at the port of de stination, while for quantity/weightdiscrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15days after arrivalof the goods at port of dest ination. The Sellers shall, within 30 days afterreceipt of the notificati on of the claim, aend reply to the Buyers.索赔期限:Validity of ClaimThe Buyers have the rihgt to lodge claims for all losses sustained wit hin 60days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination.综合式不可抗力条款:Force MajureThe Seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non一deliv ery ofthe goods due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, drought, hailstorm,hurricane, or other events that are beyond the control of the Seller.But the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cabel as soon as poss ible and give theBuyer a certificate by6 registered mail issuedd by t he China Council for thePromotion of International Trade or other c ompetent authorities.If shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or inpart due to Force Majeure, the Sellers shall not be liable for non—shipmentor late shipment of the goods under this Contract. Ho wever , the seller shallnotify the Buyers by fax or telex and furnish the latter within 15 days byregistered airmail with a certificate issu ed by the competent authorities atthe place of occuiTence attesting su ch event or events.仲裁条款:Arbitration规定在我国仲裁的条款:All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be set tiedamicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached betweenthe two parties, the case shall be submitted to the China inter mationalEconomic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitr aiton inaccordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is final andbinding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne b y the losingparty unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration court.规定在被诉方仲裁的条款:All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be se ttledamicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reach edbetweenthe two parties, the case shall be submitted for arbitration.The location of arbitration shall be in the country of thew domicile of thedefendant. If in China, the arbitration shall be conducted by th e CjhineaInternational Economic and Trade Arbitratiton. If in ----------------------- , the arbitration shall be conducted by --------- i n accordance with its arbitralrules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. Thearbitration fee shall! be borne by the losing paryt unless otherwise aw ardedbythe arbitration court.规定在第三国仲裁的条款:All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be se ttledamicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reach ed betweenthe two parties, the case shall be submitted to --------------------------- for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is finaland binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be b ome by the losingparty unless otherwise awarded bythe arbitration co U11.适用法律:Governing LawThis contract shall be govenied by the laws of the People's Republic of China. 定金条款:Earnest moneyThe Buyer shall pay —% of the total value of the cargo by T/T to th e Selleras (he earnest money. In the case that the Buyer fulfilled the obligations in the contract, the earnest money shall be deducted by t he paying bank at the timeof payment. Otherwise the earnest moneyshall not be returned. In the case that the Seller failed to fulfill any obligationthe the contract, the Seller shall pay twice the earnest mo ney to the Buyer.Others其他:Buyer:Seller:。