简析纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论一、本文概述本文旨在深入简析纽马克(Nida Eugene Albert Nida)的语义翻译和交际翻译理论,探讨其在翻译实践中的应用与影响。
二、纽马克的翻译理论背景纽马克(Eugene A. Nida)是20世纪最著名的翻译理论家和实践者之一,他以其独特的翻译理论和方法在翻译界产生了深远的影响。
他的翻译理论主要基于两个核心概念:语义翻译(semantictranslation)和交际翻译(communicative translation)。
功能对等理论指导下的学术英语翻译1. 本文概述本文主要探讨了功能对等理论在学术英语翻译中的指导作用。
以尤金A奈达(Eugene Nida)的功能对等理论为基础,从学术英语文本的词汇和句法两个角度,深入研究了学术英语的翻译策略。
2. 功能对等理论概述功能对等理论(Functional Equivalence Theory)是在翻译研究领域中具有深远影响的一种理念,由美国翻译理论家尤金奈达(Eugene A. Nida)于20世纪50年代提出。
功能对等理论的核心原则是动态对等(Dynamic Equivalence),它要求译者在保留原文信息内容的同时,充分考虑文化背景、语境以及接受者的认知习惯等因素,力求在目的语中找到最自然、最贴切的表达方式,使译文既忠实于原文的精神实质,又符合目的语的语言规范和社会交际习惯。
科技英语中长句的译法专业:飞行器制造(航空维修工程与技术)班级:0511305姓名:吴巧云学号:051130502科技英语中长句的译法051130502 吴巧云摘要本文所探讨的是:科技英语中长句的分类与分析,以及长句的运用,此涉及其高频使用的原因及其使用优势。
关键词:科技英语长句运用优势分类分析注意的问题步骤与方法On the translation of long sentences in ESTAbstractWhat is argued here: The classification and analysis of long and complex sentences in EST ;and the application of long sentences,meanwhile the points which need more attention in long sentences translationin EST.What is the most important here isthe basic steps and methods of translating long English sentences in EST and what is in question here is how to properly use themto convey the original ideas that the passage or discourse in original expresses.Keywords:English for science and technology; Long sentences;Application;Advantages;Classification;Analysis;Points;Steps and Methods1、科技英语中长句的分类与分析(Classification and Analysis of long and complex sentences in EST):a) Sentence with a number of subordinate clause of different levels.eg: Perhaps the factor that makes a positive outcome most likelyt he national interest required that major effort be concentrated in this area.创新和国家利益要求需在该领域投入更多的努力的认知。
尤金·奈达EugeneNida翻译理论E u g e n e N i d aDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translation studies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of modern translation as an academic field, and he is regareded as “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline”(Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277)Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies. The concept is first mentioned in his article “Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating”(1959) (《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》)as he attempts to define translating. In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating (1964) (《翻译原则科学探索》), he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows: In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamic equivalence untill 1969. In his 1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation(《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined “ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24)The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts. The substitution of “functional equivalence” is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”, which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124). In Language, Culture andTranslating(1993)(《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “functional equivalence” is defined as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. T he maximal level is stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic, whereas the maximal level is ieal. For Nida, good translations always lie somewhere between the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that “functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy.Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also Formal Equivalence). Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation inwhich “the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200, emphasis removed). In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis, Transfer and Restructuring (Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200); formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131) to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with “matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida 1964:159). Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase “Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God”: the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions has here led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at least some of the important features of the SL expression (see Snell-Hornby 1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24). However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processes associated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid: fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of LinguisticTranslaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additional contextual information which might benecessary to a new audience—may legitimately be made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especially relevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translations not only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them and hopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24). However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it has arguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida 1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达(Nida)(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见Formal Equivalence[形式对等])。
变译理论的基本概念变译理论是由德国语言学家约瑟夫·尼达谱尔(Joseph Nida)提出的。
Formal Equivalence (F-E) & Dynamic Equivalence(D-E)
3. Nida’s theoretical contributions
1. Brief introduction of Eugene Nida
an American linguist, translation theorist
to teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs; to teach fish to swim
教祖母吸吃鸡蛋;教鱼游泳(direct formal equivalence)
班门弄斧;关公面前舞大刀(functional equivalence)
2. Four Levels of Functional Equivalence
1. Lexical Equivalence 2. Sentence Equivalence 3. Passage Equivalence 4. Style Equivalence
▲ Meaning is the most important, followed by form. (意义是最重要的,其次形式)
3. Formal Equivalence (F-E) and Dynamic Equivalence (D-E)
关键词:nida的对等翻译理论词汇表层对等词汇的修辞对等词汇的深层对等中图分类号:g642.0 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1004-4914(2012)07-105-02一、科技论文的写作和翻译的关系科技英语论文的翻译和写作是密不可分的,我们只有了解英语科技论文的写作特点,我们才能更加准确的翻译。
在翻译圣经的过程中,nida 意识到文化因素的重要性。
关键词:Nida的对等翻译理论词汇表层对等词汇的修辞对等词汇的深层对等中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4914(2012)07-105-02一、科技论文的写作和翻译的关系科技英语论文的翻译和写作是密不可分的,我们只有了解英语科技论文的写作特点,我们才能更加准确的翻译。
在翻译圣经的过程中,Nida 意识到文化因素的重要性。
《奈达功能对等理论在俄汉翻译实践中的应用》一、引言奈达功能对等理论(Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory)是翻译理论中的一种重要理论,对于俄汉翻译实践具有重要的指导意义。
三、奈达功能对等理论在俄汉翻译中的应用1. 词汇层面的应用在词汇层面,奈达功能对等理论要求译者寻找两种语言中对应的近义词或表达方式。
例如,在翻译俄罗斯文学作品时,译者需要关注俄罗斯文化中的一些独特表达方式,如“посолить вечером”在汉语中可译为“夜晚降临的安宁”,而不是简单地翻译为“晚上撒点东西”。
2. 句子层面的应用在句子层面,奈达功能对等理论要求译者关注原文与译文之间的语法结构和句式特点。
3. 文本层面的应用在文本层面,奈达功能对等理论要求译者关注原文与译文之间的整体意义和文化内涵。
nida (1982)translating meaning
nida (1982)translating meaning《Nida (1982) Translating Meaning》是一本译作理论的经典著作,作者是美国翻译学家尼達(Eugene A. Nida)。
《Nida (1982) Translating Meaning》书的主要内容包括:翻译的定义和目的、意义传递与目的文化、翻译的语境和意义、词汇和短语的翻译、句子和句子结构的翻译,以及文化差异对翻译的影响等。
《奈达功能对等理论在俄汉翻译实践中的应用》一、引言奈达功能对等理论(Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory)是翻译理论中的一种重要理论,其强调翻译应以读者为中心,追求译文与原文在功能上的对等。
三、奈达功能对等理论在俄汉翻译中的应用1. 语义对等在俄汉翻译中,语义对等是实现功能对等的基础。
2. 语用对等语用对等是指译文在语境、语调和语气等方面与原文保持一致。
3. 文化因素的处理文化因素是影响翻译的重要因素之一。
课 程 论 文 翻译 nida
河海大学课程论文奈达的“功能对等”理论—对英汉翻译的可译性研究姓名:余兴园学号:1031701022方向:翻译学导师:孙宁宁HoHai UniversityThesis of Course of the Theory and Practice ofT ranslationFunctional Equivalence of Dr. Nid a—A Study on the Translatability inE—C TranslationBy YU XingyuanNO: 1031701022Supervisor: Prof. Sun Ningning内容摘要可译性及不可译性的问题一直是翻译界争论的话题。
关键词:可译性;尤金·奈达;“功能对等”;译者的任务AbstractThe topic of translatability and untranslatability is a long-debated issue in translation field. Its history has accompanied the development of translation theory and practice. With the development of translation theory, the focus of the debate has shifted from the possibility of translation to the degree of the translatability. The study maintains that the writings are translatable as a whole. Translatability and untranslatability are relative concepts and there is no absolute translatability and untranslatability. The matter of translatability and untranslatability is actually the matter of the degree of translatability rather than the possibility of translation.Nida, a distinguished contemporary translation theorist and linguist in the west, is also a language universalist. In 1960’s he proposed a translation principle called “Dynamic(Functional) Equival ence” and guided his Bible translation works in the American Bible society. This version soon became popular in the world because of its clear, simple and natural language. Ni da’s translation theory exerted a tremendous influence on translation studies and boarded a new horizon on the studies of translation theory.The whole studies help us get more about the essence, the criteria and methods of translating which undoubtedly benefit our translation practice. The thesis includes four parts .The first part mainly introduces the life of Nida and his theory on translatability. The second part discusses translatability based on the criteria of “Functional Equivalence”. The third part shifts from the theory to the practice and find some ways to translate the low- degree translatability writings more perfectly. The last part of the thesis is the conclusion that translatability is absolute and the task of translator is also mentioned.Key W ords: translatability; Nida; “Functional Equivalence”; the task of translatorContents0.Introduction.........................................................................................................1. Nida and His Theory of Translatability to Translation. ...........1.1 Brief-introduction to Nida…………………………………1.2 Nida's Theory of Translatability to Translation………………2. The Criteria of Translating—Functional Equivalence …2.1 The Criteria of Translating……………………………………..2.2 The Development Steps of Functional Equivalence………………2.3 The Essence of Functional Equivalence…………………………..3. Application of the Criteria of Translating to Solve the Problems of Translating Practice ...................................................3.1 Pun…………………………………………………….3.2 Nonce Words………………………………………………….3.3 Word Play………………………………………………………..3.4 Word Riddle………………………………………………………3.5 Rhyming Scheme………………………………………………4. Conclusion ...................................................................................... Bibliography .......................................................................................0. IntroductionThe topic of translatability and untranslatability is a long-debated issue in translation field. Its history has accompanied the development of translation theory and practice. The early period of the debate is mainly focused on whether writings are translatable or untranslatable. As the central and basic issue in translation,it has attracted much attention and has aroused much interest in translation circles in China and abroad because of the many different opinions upon it. These opinions can be divided as two contrary sides: one supports translatability while the other favors untranslatability. Almost all the Translation scholars have proposed their opinions on this issue,whether for translatability or for untranslaiability.Lin Yutang in his On Translation once quoted Croce’s words“All the pure artistic works are untranslatable ,”and he also added“The top poems(especially the lyric poems) are untranslatable,be it Chinese or western,ancient or modern. The reason is that it is the load of the elite words of a specific language,and if it acts as the instinct connection between the authors’ ideals and words, the translation from,its original language to another one amounts to the loss of the Poem’s original taste,so the translation version can not be called as Poem.”(Zhou Yi. Luo Ping,1999:68) Wang Yizhu said in his Untranslaiability of Poems“frankly speaking,in my opinion,poems are untranslatable for the reason are simple: its taste,context or more popularly speaking,its flavor while makes a Poem is dissolved in the language Poets use to a large degree and it is difficult to convey through another language or dialect.”(Zhou Yi, Luo Ping,1999:69).To sum up the opinions of preceding scholars,we can find something in common in their opinion s—some writings are untranslatable such as poems,1iterary style and some rhetorical forms.The theorists who favor the view of translatability say the opposite. They think writings are translatable,even those such as poems,literary style and specific rhetorical forms that are considered as untranslatable by theorists favoring untranslatability. For the untranslatability of poems, Cheng Fangwu once opposed as “translation of poems is not an impossible task, according to my experience,some poems firstly seeming difficult to translate can also be completely translated through deep consideration. Therefore the translatability of poems depend on the translating ability and efforts. Something that is expressed in language of one country can always be translated into that of another country by using some proper methods.” (Zhou Yi. Luo Ping, 1998:70).For the untranslatability of special rhetorical forms Xu Yuanchong Said “even the context of allusion or pun are not absolutely untranslatable if methods aresuitable.” (Zhou Yi. Luo Ping,1999:71).Of all the views of translatability in abroad,Nida proposed the most typical one from the point of internal structure of Language. Through a detailed study of the nature of meaning Nida founds that language can prove to be an adequate tool to express all and any aspects of human experience. It is a fact that the mapping of experience by language is limited to specific cultures and People do not talk about things of which they are no aware,however,when some Part of their experience arises forma level to an overt level,they are able to speak it just as can describe new objects that enter into their experience. (Nida, 1964:50) This gives us that the language has the potential to describe new objects and concepts that arise in the evolution of their experience and concepts that come from other culture. This paves up the foundation of translatability rather than untranslatability.With the development of the theory of translation studies, a growing number of theorists who have a more reasonable and complete views on the translatability and untranslatability is applied. First, translatability and untranslatability are relative concepts and there is no absolute translatability and untranslatability. The matter of translatability and untranslatability is actually the matter of the degree of translatability rather than the possibility of translation. Second, with the globalization of the world, translatability is the main trend.As mentioned above, we should grape more about the essence, the criteria and methods of translating that will guide our practice more perfectly. I hope this study will help us know more about translation theory and grope a new respect on translation practice.1. Nida and His Theory of Translatability to TranslationEugene A. Nida, a distinguished American translation theorist and translator whose important position in the study of translation is established in the1960s, influences the whole western translation theory field. His translation theory began to be introduced into China in the early 1980s and quickly accepted by many Chinese translators and Chinese translation theorists.From1945 to 1997,he authored or co-authored more than 40 books and 250 articles on linguistics, semantics and translation. He is praised as the ever-green scholar by translators and critics.1.1Brief-introduction to NidaNida,Eugene Albert Nida in full, was born on November 11, 1914, in Oklahoma City of the U.S. His family moved to Long Beach, California when he was 5 years old. He began studying Latin in high school and was already looking forward to being able to translate scripture as a missionary. By the time he received his Bachelor degree in 1936 from the University of California at Los Angeles, he was well on his way. Having earned his degree in Greek, summa cum laude, he enrolled in the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). Nida then pursued a Master's degree in Greek New Testament at the University of Southern California. In 1941 he began a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Michigan and completed it in two years. His dissertation, A Synopsis of English Syntax under the academic guidance of the distinguished Professors Charles C. Fries,Leonard Bloomfield and Edgar H. Sturtevant,was at that time, the only full-scale analysis of a major language according to the “immediate constituent” theory.After Nida got his Ph.D. in linguistics,he was soon employed in1943 by the American Bible Society to check and value the publication of Bibles. He actively took part in academic research concerning translation theory and modern linguistics. Then he was determined to produce a theory that would foster effective communication of the Good News across all kinds of cultural and linguistics barriers. His book Toward a Science of Translating (1964),and later The Theory and Practice of Translation (1969) helped him achieve this object. Nida has exerted great influence on modern linguistics and translation theory. We will discuss one of his most important theory on translation—Functional Equivalence on Chapter Two in detail.1.2Nida's Theory of Translatability to TranslationIn the history of translation theory, one of the central problems is the question of translatability and untranslatability of a text. Nida states that anything said in one language can be said in another.Through a detailed study of the nature of meaning,Nida finds that language can prove to be an adequate tool to express all and any aspects of human experience. It is a fact that the mapping of experience by language is limited to specific cultures and people do not talk about things of which they are not ware.However,when some of their experience arises from a covert lever an overtlevel,they are able to speak it just as they can describe new objects that enter into their experience(Nida,1964:50).This means that any language has the potential to describe new objects and concepts that come from other cultures.Nida’s translatability theory is based upon his two premises:the freedom of languages as symbols and the existence of the universal human experience. To Nida,“Linguistic symbols are semantically free to expand,to contract,to shift their contents,to die,and to be revived. This freedom is of inestimable value,for only through such freedom can persons employ symbols in new combinations or use them to describe objects which are new to the experience of speech community”(Nida,1964:49) This freedom of symbols means not only that a language can be used to describe new objects which come into the culture,but also that a person can introduce new concept into a speech community by using verb symbols with certain contextual restrictions and amplifications.For Nida,what makes human communication possible is that all human beings share common cultural experience which transcends the seeming difference that exists between people speaking different language s and living in different cultural backgrounds. This universal human experience is the underlying base that makes human communication possible.Moreover, the freedom of language also enables it to express new concepts from other culture.Nida gives an example to illustrate how people who have no snow can understand a passage in the Bible that speaks about “white as snow”.If the people do not know snow,how can they have a word for it?And if they do not have a word for it,then how can the Bible be translated?Nida answers these questions as follows:In the first Place,many people have a word for snow,even if they have not themselves experienced it,for they have heard about this phenomenon. Secondly, in other instances,people do not know snow but they do have “frost”and they speak about the two with the same term. Thirdly, many languages have the same idioms, e.g., “white as egret feathers”or“white as fungus”or they may use a no metaphor to express the concept“white as snow”such as“very white”(Nida and Taber, 1982:4) This common or universal human experience is the crucial concept in Nida,translation theory.Nida’s concept of“universal”is pragmatic and functional which sees language in a larger context of culture.This kind of perspective enriches the traditional concept of universality of language,and offers new insights into the nature of translation. With this universal human experience,a high degree of effective translatability between languagesand cultures is made possible.2. The Criteria of Translating—Functional EquivalenceTo find the criteria of translating, we should know the definition of translation first. Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL.) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL.).”and “Translation consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the source language understood the original message.”(Nida, 1985, quoted in Liu Miqing, 1990:33) According to Liu Miqing, in fact, the essence of translating is the interlingual transmission of meaning. To grape the meaning correctly, the criteria of translating is very important. Actually the criteria of translating are directly influenced by the understanding of the essence of translation and the methods using in translation practice.2.1 The Criteria of TranslatingChinese and western criteria focus respectively on the text and on the readship, though this division is not absolute. Many Chinese hold views of “Equivalence of Effects”, such as Ma Jianzhong, Qu Qiubai, Zhao Yuanren and Mao Dun.Among the criteria put forward by scholars at home and abroad, the famous ones in China are “Faithfulness, Intelligibility and Elegance”by Y an Fu. “Likeness in Spirit” by Fu Lei, “Sublimation” by Qian Zhongshu, etc. In the west, John Dryden’s idea of translating criteria is well known, and he regards: “I have endeavored to make Vigil speak such English as he would himself have spoken, if he had been born in England, and in this present age.”( Quoted in Bassnett·McGuir,1980:447). The most important famous one is “Functional Equivalence” by Nida.2.2 The Development Steps of Functional Equivalence“Translation Equivalence”has been an essential issue in modern western translation studies. The term “Equivalence”in translation first appears in Rieu’s writing, which was called “the principle of equivalent effect”.(Rieu 1953:554).Nida’s translation theory has been regarded as “equivalence theory”, “equivalent effect theory” or “functional equivalence” in China.Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence, which later advanced to “functional equivalence”. We should know Nida first puts forward “dynamic equivalence”in opposition to “formal equivalence”in 1964. In 1990s, Nida said that the real issue was in defining the nature of equivalence, and stressed more than once that it was impossible to achieve absolute “‘equivalence’in translating.(Nida,1995). Later on, he said emphatically, “equivalence”can not be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but in terms of proximity, i.e. on the basis of degrees of closeness to functional identity”, then he proposed “functional equivalence”(Nida 1993:117).2.3 The Essence of Functional EquivalenceTo get complete understanding of the essence of “functional equivalence”, we should pay attention to the following points: first, Nida put forward “dynamic equivalence”in opposition to “formal equivalence”in the beginning. Second, “equivalence”in Nida’s theory never means absolute sameness. Third, “equivalence”can not be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but in terms of proximity.In translation theory, “formal equivalence”refers to translating by finding reasonably equivalent words and phrases while following the forms of the source language as closely as possible. It is often referred to as "literal translation." While Nida’s “functional equivalence”is a translation method in which the translator attempts to reflect the thought of the writer in the source language rather than the words and forms. The translator will read a sentence or other unit of thought, try to understand it as well as possible, and then write that thought in the target language. The forms of the source language are not important, because they are not the same as the forms of the target language.The theory of “functional equivalence” makes the point that the translator should make his audience understand the version in the original receptors to the original text. The acceptability of a version depends on the translator’s reproducing of the original functions. Ida generalizes language functions as: related to the source- expressive and cognitive functions; related to receptors-informative, imperative, performative and emotive; related to the source to receptor-interpersonal.(Nida, 1988:145).We know that translation practice is complicated. In order to come to achieve functional equivalence, methods of translating have to be pluralized according to various conditions. Nida points out that the two basic conflicts in translation history are literal vs. free translating and emphasis on form vs. concentration on content (Nida, 1986:74.).It also indicates the problem of literal translating or free translating. The two methods in fact have their own advantages and limitations. Methods of adaptation must be adopted flexibly according to the environment of each practical problem.Then we can use two methods in cooperation .All methods and adaptation are aiming at equivalence, and they should be flexibly adopted in accordance with each specific condition in practice. The next part can help you understand this part.3. Application of the Criteria of Translating to Solve theProblems of Translating Practice.This section includes two parts: first, list some problems in translating practice in E-C translation and its specific translation technique. Second, provide five basic principles in the solution to the problems deriving from specific translation technique.Since problems in practice of translation mainly from the unique feature in language and culture such as pun, nonce word, alliteration and word play etc.All these cases will be briefly introduced and some valuable techniques in translation are expected be found.3.1 PunPun refers to an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of word with the same sound but different meanings. For example “separate pear, separate pair”“分梨, 分离”fully shows the universals between languages.Pun can be divided into consonation pun and meaning pun.As their meaning indicate,the former refers to words of two meaning and the later refers to words of the same sound but different meanings. For meaning pun, the example is as follows:Romeo: What have thou found?Mercutio: No hare, Sir.译文:罗:你发现了什么?墨:倒不是野鸡,先生。
eugenenida的翻译理论1.请问尤金奈达一句话的出处和翻译,谢谢出处:语2113言与文化5261:翻译中的语境尤金奈4102达上海外语1653教育出版版社;Chapter 7,Language and Culture,第82页,权第一句For truly successful translating,bilingualism is even more important than bicuturalism,since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function.2.谁知道eugene nida的这句话的原文啊Brief Biography of Eugene NidaA look at the proliferation of Christian scriptures over the last fifty years of the 20th century reveals that millions of people worldwide gained access to the scriptures in ways that would previously not have been thought possible.?In large measure, this came as a result of an increase in the number of languages where translation was carried out and the revolution that was taking place in the field of Bible translation. As new resources became available, new methods of translating were taught, and translators were better trained, Bible readers across the globe benefited from translations that were clear, understandable, and faithful to the original texts.While the Bible translation revolution used several great minds to attain the prominence it now receives, one name stands out as a pioneer and champion in the development of?theory and praxis, that of Eugene A. Nida.Born on November 11, 1914, in Oklahoma City, OK, Eugene Nida and his family moved to Long Beach, California when he was 5 years old. He began studying Latin in high school and was already looking forward to being able to translate scripture as a missionary. By the time he received his Bachelor抯degree in 1936 from the University of California at Los Angeles,he was well on his way. Having earned his degree in Greek, summa cum laude, he enrolled in the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and discovered the works of such linguists as Edward Sapir and Leonard Bloomfield.?Nida then pursued a Master's degree in Greek New Testament at the University of Southern California. In 1941 he began a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Michigan and completed it in two years.?His dissertation, A Synopsis of English Syntax?was, at that time, the only full-scale analysis of a major language according to the 搃mmediate constituent?theory.?The year 1943 was a busy爋ne for Eugene Nida. In addition to completing his Ph.D., he was?ordained in the Northern Baptist Convention. He married Althea Nida, nee Sprague, and joined the staff of the American Bible Society (ABS) as a linguist. Although his initial hiring was experimental, Nida was made Associate Secretary for Versions from 1944-46, and from then until he retired in the 1980抯, he was Executive Secretary for Translations.?Upon joining the ABS staff, Dr. Nida immediately set out on a series of extended field trips in Africa and Latin America. On these visits he worked with missionary translators on linguistic problems, and searched for potential indigenous translators, often using his SIL connections.?These site visits led him to see that his most important role for ABS Translations' interests would not be limited to checking translations for publication, but of educating translators, and providing them with better models, resources, training, and organization for efficiency.?This he managed to do through on-site visits, teaching and training workshops, and through building a translations network and organizational structure that became the global United Bible Societies Translations Program through which work in hundreds ofindigenous languages is constantly in process around the world.Nida was determined to produce a theory that would foster effective communication of the Good News across all kinds of cultural and linguistics barriers. A prolific writer, his book Toward a Science of Translating (Brill, 1964), and later The Theory and Practice of Translation (Brill, 1969, with C.R. Taber) helped him achieve this objective.These two very influential books were his first book-length efforts to expound his theory on what he called dynamic equivalence translation, later to be called functional equivalence.?How significant, revolutionary, and convincing this new approach proved to be can be seen in the fact that hundreds of Bible translations have now been effectively carried out with this methodology.?In essence, this approach enables the translator to capture the meaning and spirit of the original language text without being bound to its linguistic structure. His 1986 publication, with Jan de Waard, From One Language to Another (Nelson) is the summative explication of functional equivalence translation.?Over the years his many other books and articles covered such important subjects as exegesis, semantics and discourse structure, and a thorough semantic analysis of the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament ?Nida and Louw, The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains (UBS, 1988).Nida抯work with indigenous language translations had shown that in order to reach people who bring no 。
功能对等理论视角下的科技术语翻译郭树林;郭剑【摘要】近年来,在科技术语翻译中,奈达( Nida )的“功能对等”理论涵盖了对语言学、语义学、人类学、通信科学技术等方面的研究。
%Functional equivalency theory covers research on linguistics, semantics, anthropology, and communication engineering. Based on the multiple translation theories, Nida offered more effective theory, which neutralizes the debating of“literal translation”,“free translation”and“untranslatability”, and explores a different way in t ranslation at the maximum level.【期刊名称】《中国科技术语》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P28-31)【关键词】功能对等;形式对等;对等的相对性【作者】郭树林;郭剑【作者单位】北京印刷学院外语部,北京 102600;中国传媒大学传播研究院,北京 100024; 全国科学技术名词审定委员会,北京 100717【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H083;N04;H159随着科学技术的迅速发展,科技术语翻译受到了人们越来越多的关注和研究。
【作者单位】黑龙江科技学院外语系,黑龙江哈尔滨 150027
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