E004, QC checklist of coffee maker
Espresso Coffee Maker Training material]
C-UL Flammability Requirement – 64CSA C22.2 No. 64-10, Clause
(C-UL对可燃性的要求- CSA C22.2 No. 64-10,节)
1. For enclosures of Heater Element: V-1, V-0 (发热元件的外壳为 V-1, V-0) 2. For enclosures other than Heater Element: V-2, or (非发热元件的外壳为 V-2, 或者) HB and comply with the following conditions: (为HB, 同时符合): - appliance provided with overheating protection (器具已有过热保护装置) - all enclosure parts, including ribs, grills and the like are spaced not less than 12.7 mm from bare live parts, and (所有的外壳,包括烤架等离裸露的 带电部件 不少于 12.7mm, 及) - HWI = 4, 3, 2, 1 and HAI = 1, 0
1.4 1.5 1.6 127 日 2013 年 4 月 23 日
2013 年 5 月 24 日 2013 年 6 月 27 日
2013 年 12 月 12 日 2014 年 3 月 17 日 2014 年 7 月 13 日 2015 年 2 月 27 日 2015 年 4 月 27 日 2015 年 6 月 10 日 2015 年 6 月 11 日 2015 年 7 月 10 日
1 IMDS – 简介.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 2 IMDS – 使用入门 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
IMDS 服务中心 欧洲 | 电话: +36 1778-9821 | 电子邮件: imds-helpdesk-english@ 中国 | 电话: + 86 27 8743-1668 | 电子邮件: imds-eds-helpdesk-china@
咖啡机检验报告格式5 Inspection for coffee maker
12V, 1.5times of rated current or 25A( whichever is greater),not exceed 0.1Ω(12V, 25A,不大于0.1Ω)
Power input test
Less than +5% of rated power and more than -10% of rated power(功率值的90%与105%之间)
(Class I: 1500Vac,1S. 1MAClass II: 4250Vac,1S1MA)
Polarity test
Live wire connect to switch ,thermostat, Thermal fuse,(火线接到开关﹐温控器)
Grounding continuity test接地测试
Power cord(电源线)
Thermal fuse
Lead wire引线
18 25 25 25 25 25/39 23/37 22/36 23/37 25/39 25/39 12/24 22/36 18/32 18/32 22/36 22/36 23/37 25/39 10
19 12
30 5 3
3 8 8
热咖啡 Hot Coffee
卡布奇诺 美式咖啡 意式浓缩 焦糖玛奇朵 提拉米苏榛果摩卡 冰查理摩卡 冰莱纳斯拿铁
冰咖啡 Ice Coffee
冰卡布奇诺 冰美式咖啡 冰焦糖玛奇朵 冰提拉米苏榛果摩卡 露西奶茶 百香绿茶 香奶绿茶 柠檬红茶
茶 Tea
乌龙茶 绿怡茶 伯爵茶 黑莓红茶 薄荷茶 洋甘菊茶 芒果冰沙
菲芭冰 Frappa
蓝莓冰沙 巧酥菲巴冰 巧克力奶油冰沙 牛奶
牛奶 Milk 5000
朱古力牛奶 香草朱古力
牛奶 Milk 5000
冰牛奶 Ice Milk
榛果朱古力 冰牛奶 冰朱古力牛奶 冰香草朱古力 冰榛果朱古力 蒂姆斯橙汁 Hazel Chocolate Milk Ice Milk Ice Chocolate Milk Ice Vanilla Chocolate Milk Ice Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Dimes Orange Juice Dimes Grape Juice Dimes Raisins Mango San Pellegrino Orange Juice San Pellegrino Water Evian Water Mango Strawberry Chocolate Mint Almond 5004 5101 5102 5103 5104 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020
物流专业术语范围本标准确定了物流活动中的基本概念术语、物流作业术语、物流技术装备与设施术语、物流管理术语及其定义.本标准适用于物流及相关领域的信息处理和信息交换,亦适用于相关的法规、文件;引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文;本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效;所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性;GB/T 1992--1985 集装箱名词术语neq ISO 830:1981GB/T 4122;1--1996 包装术语基础CB/T 17271--1998 集装箱运输术语中文索引AABC分类管理....................................6.9安全库存.......................................4.16B班轮运输.......................................5.34搬运...........................................4.22包装...........................................4.25保管...........................................4.12保税仓库.......................................5.5报关...........................................5.40报关行.........................................5.41C仓库...........................................5.1仓库布局.......................................6.4.仓库管理.......................................6.3叉车...........................................5.19储存...........................................4.11船务代理.......................................5.36D大陆桥运输.....................................5.33单元装卸.......................................4.24第三元物流.....................................3.25电子订货系统...................................6.10电子数据交换...................................3.31定量订货方式...................................6.7定牌包装.......................................4.27定期订货方式...................................6.8定制物流.......................................3.26堆码...........................................4.21F发货区.........................................5.14废弃物物流.....................................3.19分拣...........................................4.37G公路集装箱中转站...............................5.28 供应链.........................................3.29供应链管理.....................................6.21供应商库存.....................................6.26供应物流.......................................3.15共同配送.......................................4.35国际多式联运...................................5.32国际货物运输保险...............................5.39 国际货运代理...................................5.37国际铁路联运...................................5.31国际物流.......................................3.24H海关监管货物...................................5.7换算箱.........................................5.24回收物流.......................................3.18货场...........................................5.16货垛...........................................4.20货架...........................................5.17J集货...........................................4.39集装化.........................................4.31集装箱.........................................5.23集装箱货运站...................................5.29.集装箱码头.....................................5.30集装箱运输.....................................4.7集装运输.......................................4.6计算局付诸订货系统.............................6.25 监管仓库.......................................5.6拣选...........................................4.38检验...........................................4.43进出口商品检验.................................5.42 经常库存.......................................4.15经济订货批量...................................6.6K控湿储存区.....................................5.11.库存...........................................4.14库存控制.......................................6.5库存周期.......................................4.17.库房...........................................5.8快速反应.......................................6.22L冷藏区.........................................5.9冷冻区.........................................5.10冷链...........................................4.42理货...........................................5.38立体仓库.......................................5.3联合运输.......................................4.2连续库存补充计划...............................6.24 料棚...........................................5.15零库存技术.....................................6.13.流通加工.......................................4.41绿色物流.......................................3.20M门到门.........................................4.8P配送...........................................4.34配送需要计划...................................6.17 配送中心.......................................4.36配送资源计划...................................6.18 拼箱货.........................................4.10Q企业物流.......................................3.21企业资源计划...................................6.20 前置期或提前期.............................4.18全集装箱船.....................................5.26S散装化.........................................5.32社会物流.......................................3.22生产物流.......................................3.16收货区.........................................5.13输送区.........................................5.20甩挂运输.......................................4.5T特种货物集装箱.................................5.25铁路集装箱.....................................5.27. 托盘...........................................5.18托盘包装.......................................4.30 W温度可控区.....................................5.12 无形损耗.......................................3.33 物料需要计划...................................6.15 物流...........................................3.2物流成本.......................................3.7.物流成本管理...................................6.14. 物流单证.......................................3.13 物流管理.......................................3.8物流活动.......................................3.3物流技术.......................................3.6物流联盟.......................................3.14 物流模数.......................................3.5物流企业.......................................3.12 物流网络.......................................3.10 物流信息.......................................3.11 物流战略.......................................6.1物流战略管理...................................6.2. 物流中心.......................................3.9物流资源计划...................................6.19. 物流作业.......................................3.4物品...........................................3.1物品储备.......................................4.13. X箱式车.........................................5.22销售包装.......................................4.26 销售物流.......................................3.17 虚拟仓库.......................................5.4虚拟物流.......................................3.27Y业务外包.......................................6.27 有效客户反应...................................6.23 有形损耗.......................................3.32 运输...........................................4.1运输包装.......................................4.29. Z增值物流服务...................................3.28 整箱货.........................................4.9直达运输.......................................4.3直接换装.......................................4.33制造资源计划...................................6.16中性包装.......................................4.28中转运输.......................................4.4装卸...........................................4.23准时制.........................................6.11准时制物流.....................................6.12自动导引车.....................................5.21自动化仓库.....................................5.2租船运输.......................................5.35组配...........................................4.40英文索引AABC classification......................................6.9 Article.................................................3.1Article reserves........................................4.13 Assembly................................................4.40 Automatic guided vehicle AGV .........................5.21 Automatic warehouse.....................................5.3.BBar code................................................3.30Boned warehouse.........................................5.6Box car.................................................5.22CCargo under custom's supervision........................5.8 Chill space.............................................5.9Cold chain..............................................4.42 Combined transport......................................4.2 Commodity inspection....................................5.42 Computer assisted ordering CAO .......................6.25 Container...............................................5.23 Container freight station CFS ........................5.29 Container terminal......................................5.30 Container transport.....................................4.7 Containerization........................................4.31 Containerized transport.................................4.6 Continuous replenishment program CRP .................6.24 Conveyor................................................5.20Cross docking...........................................4.33 Customized logistics....................................3.26 Customs broker..........................................5.41 Customs declaration.....................................5.40Cycle stock.............................................4.15D Distribution............................................4.34 Distribution center.....................................4.36 Distribution logistics..................................3.17 Distribution processing.................................4.41 Distribution requirements planning DRP ...............6.17 Distribution resource planning DRP II ................6.18 Door-to-door............................................4.8Drop and pull transport.................................4.5EEconomic order quantity EOQ ..........................6.6 Efficient customer response ECR ......................6.23 Electronic data interchange EDI ......................3.31 Electronic order system EOS ..........................6.10 Enterprise resource planning ERP .....................6.20 Environmental logistics.................................3.20 Export supervised warehouse.............................5.7 External logistics......................................3.22FFixed-interval system FIS ............................6.8Fixed-quantity system FQS ............................6.7Fork lift truck.........................................5.19Freeze space............................................5.10Full container load FCL ..............................4.9Full container ship.....................................5.26 G Goods collection........................................4.39Goods shed..............................................5.15Goods shelf.............................................5.17Goods stack.............................................4.20Goods yard..............................................5.16HHanding/carrying........................................4.22 Humidity controlled space...............................5.11IIn bulk.................................................4.32Inland container depot..................................5.28 Inspection..............................................4.43 Intangible loss.........................................3.33Internal logistics......................................3.21 International freight forwarding agent..................5.37 International logistics.................................3.24 International multimodal transport......................5.32 International through railway transport.................5.31 International transportation cargo insurance............5.39Inventory...............................................4.14 Inventory control.......................................6.5 Inventory cycle time....................................4.17JJoint distribution......................................4.35Just in time JIT .....................................6.11Just-in-time logistics..................................6.12 LLand bridge transport...................................5.33Lead-time ..............................................4.18Less than container load LCL .........................4.10 Liner transport.........................................5.34 Loading and unloading ..................................4.23 Logistics...............................................3.2Logistics activity......................................3.3Logistics alliance......................................3.14 Logistics center........................................3.9 Logistics cost..........................................3.7Logistics cost control..................................6.14 Logistics documents.....................................3.13 Logistics enterprise....................................3.12 Logistics information...................................3.11 Logistics management....................................3.8 Logistics modulus.......................................3.5 Logistics network.......................................3.10 Logistics operation.....................................3.4 Logistics resource planning LRP ......................6.19 Logistics strategy......................................6.1 Logistics strategy management...........................6.2 Logistics technology....................................3.6MManufacturing resource planning MRP II ...............6.16 Material requirements planning MRP ...................6.15 Military logistics......................................3.23NNeutral packing.........................................4.28OOrder cycle time........................................4.19Order picking...........................................4.38 Outsourcing.............................................6.27PPackage/packaging.......................................4.25 Packing of nominated brand..............................4.27 Pallet..................................................5.18 Palletizing.............................................4.30QQuick response QR ....................................6.22RRailway container yard..................................5.27 Receiving space.........................................5.13 Returned logistics......................................3.18SSafety stock............................................4.16Sales package...........................................4.26 Shipping agency.........................................5.36 Shipping by chartering..................................5.35 Shipping space..........................................5.14 Sorting.................................................4.37Specific cargo container................................5.25 Stacking................................................4.21 Stereoscopic warehouse..................................5.4 Storage.................................................4.12 Storehouse..............................................5.2 Storing.................................................4.11Supply chain............................................3.29 Supply chain management SCM ..........................6.21 Supply logistics........................................3.15T Tally...................................................5.38Tangible loss...........................................3.32 Temperature controlled space............................5.12 Third-part logistics TPL .............................3.25 Through transport.......................................4.3 Transfer transport......................................4.4 Transport package.......................................4.29 Transportation..........................................4.1 Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU ......................5.24 UUnit loading and unloading..............................4.24VValue-added logistics service...........................3.28 Vendor managed inventory VMI .........................6.26 Virtual logistics.......................................3.27Virtual warehouse.......................................5.5W Warehouse...............................................5.1 Warehouse layout........................................6.4 Warehouse management....................................6.3ZZero-inventory technology...............................6.133.基本概念术语3.1 物品article经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料3.2 物流logistics物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程;根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合;3.3 物流活动logistics activity物流诸功能的实施与管理过程;3.4 物流作业logistics operation实现物流功能时所进行的具体操作活动;3.5 物流模数logistics modulus物流设施与设备的尺寸基准;3.6 物流技术logistics technology物流活动中所采用的自然科学与社会科学方面的理论、方法,以及设施、设备、装置与工艺的总称;3.7 物流成本logistics cost物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现;3.8 物流管理logistics management为了以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行的计划、组织、协调与控制;3.9 物流中心logistics center从事物流活动的场所或组织,应基本符合以下要求:a 主要面向社会服务;b物流功能健全;c完善的信息网络;d辐射范围大;e少品种、大批量;f存储\吞吐能力强;g物流业务统一经营、管理;3.10 物流网络logistics network物流过程中相互联系的组织与设施的集合;3.11 物流信息logistics information反映物流各种活动内容的知识、资料、图像、数据、文件的总称;3.12 物流企业logistics enterprise从事物流活动的经济组织;3.13 物流单证logistics documents物流过程中使用的所有单据、票据、凭证的总称;3.14 物流联盟logistics alliance两个或两个以上的经济组织为实现特定的物流目标而采取的长期联合与合作;3.15 供应物流supply logistics为生产企业提供原材料、零部件或其他物品时,物品在提供者与需求者之间的实体流动; 3.16 生产物流production logistics生产过程中,原材料、在制品、半成品、产成品等,在企业内部的实体流动;3.17销售物流distribution logistics生产企业、流通企业出售商品时,物品在供与需方之间的实体流动;3.18 回收物流returned logistics不合格物品的返修、退货以及周转使用的包装容器从需方返回到供方所形成的物品实体流动;3.19 废弃物物流waste material logistics将经济活动中失去原有使用价值的物品,根据实际需要进行收集、分类、加工、包装、搬运、储存等,并分送到专门处理场所时形成的物品实体流动;3.20 绿色物流environmental logistics在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资料得到最充分利用;3.21 企业物流internal logistics企业内部的物品实体流动;3.22 社会物流external logistics企业外部的物流活动的总称;3.23 军事物流military logistics用于满足军队平时与战时需要的物流活动;3.24 国际物流international logistics不同国家地区之间的物流;3.25 第三方物流third-part logistics TPL由供方与需方以外的物流企业提供物流服务的业务模式;3.26 定制物流customized logistics根据用户的特定要求而为其专门设计的物流服务模式;3.27 虚拟物流virtual logistics以计算机网络技术进行物流运作与管理,实现企业间物流资源共享和优化配置的物流方式; 3.28 增值物流服务value-added logistics service在完成物流基本功能基础上,根据客户需要提供的各种延伸业务活动;3.29 供应链supply chain生产及流通过程中,涉及将产品或服务提供给最终用户活动的上游与下游企业,所形成的网链结构;3.30 条码bar code由一组规则排列的条、空及字符组成的,用以表示一定信息的代码;同义词:条码符号bar code symbolGB/T 4122.1-1996中4.173.31 电子数据交换electronic data interchange EDI通过电子方式,采用标准化的格式,利用计算机网络进行结构数据的传输和交换;3.32 有形消耗tangible loss可见或可测量出来的物理性损失、消耗;3.33 无形消耗intangible loss由于科学技术进步而引起的物品贬值;物流作业术语4.1 运输transportation用设备和工具,将物品从一地点向另一地点运送的物流活动;其中包括集货、分配、搬运、中转、装入、卸下、分散等一系列操作; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.174.2 联合运输combined transport一次委托,由两家以上运输企业或用两种以上运输方式共同将某一批物品运送到目的的运输方式;4.3 直达运输through transport物品由发运地到接收地,中途不需要换装和在储存场所停滞的一种运输方式;4.4中转运输transfer transport物品由生产地运达最终使用地,中途经过一次以上落地并换装的一种运输方式;4.5 甩挂运输drop and pull transport用牵引车拖带挂车至目的地,将挂车甩下后,换上新的挂车运往另一个目的地的运输方式; 4.6 集装运输containerized transport使用集装器具或利用捆扎方法,把裸装物品、散粒物品、体积较小的成件物品,组合成为一定规格的集装单元进行的运输;4.7 集装箱运输container transport以集装箱为单元进行货物运输的一种货运方式; GB/T17271-1998中3.2.14.8 门到门door-to-door承运人在托运人的工厂或仓库整箱接货,负责运抵收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3.2.14.9 整箱货full container load FCL一个集装箱装满一个托运人同时也是一个收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 拼箱货less than container load LCL一个集装箱装入多个托运人或多个收货人的货物;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 储存storing保护、管理、贮藏物品; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.24.12 保管storage对物品进行保存及对其数量、质量进行管理控制活动;4.13 物品储存article reserves储存起来以备急需的物品;有当年储存、长期储存、战略储备之分;4.14 库存inventory处于储存状态的物品;广义的库存还包括处于制造加工状态和运输状态的物品;4.15 经常库存cycle stock在正常的经营环境下,企业为满足日常需要而建立的库存;4.16 安全库存safety stick为了防止由于不确定性因素如大量突发性订货、交货期突然延期等而准备的缓冲库存; 4.17 库存周期inventory cycle time在一定范围内,库存物品从入库到出库的平均时间;4.18 前置期或提前期lead time从发出订货单到货物的时间间隔;4.19 订货处理周期order cycle time从收到订货单到将所订货物发运出去的时间间隔;4.20 货垛goods stack为了便于保管和装卸、运输,按一定要求分门别类堆放在一起的一批物品;4.21 堆码stacking将物品整齐、规则地摆放成货垛的作业;4.22 搬运handing/carrying在同一场所内,对物品进行水平移动为主的物流作业;4.23 装卸loading and unloading物品在指定地点以人力或机械装入运输设备或卸下; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.54.24 单元装卸unit loading and unloading用托盘、容器或包装物见小件或散装物品集成一定质量或体积的组合件,以便利用机械进行作业的装卸方式;4.25 包装package/packaging为在流通过程中保护产品、方便储运、促进销售,按一定技术方面而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称;也指为了达到上述目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.14.26 销售包装sales package又称内包装,是直接接触商品进入零售网点和消费者或用户直接见面的包装;4.27 定牌包装packing of nominated brand买方要求卖方在出口商品/包装上使用买方指定的牌名或商标的做法;4.28 中性包装neutral packing在出口商品及其内外包装上都不注明生产国别的包装;4.29 运输包装transport package以满足运输贮存要求为主要目的的包装;它具有保障产品的安全,方便储运装卸,加速交接、点验等作用; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.54.30 托盘包装palletizing以托盘为承载物,将包装件或产品堆码在托盘上,通过捆扎、裹包或胶粘等方法加以固定,形成一个搬运单元,以便用机械设备搬运; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.174.31 集装化containerization用集装器具或采用捆扎方法,把物品组成标准规格的单元货件,以加快装卸、搬运、储存、运输等物流活动;4.32 散装化containerization用专门机械、器具进行运输、装卸的散装物品在某个物流范围内,不用任何包装,长期固定采用吸扬、抓斗等机械、器具进行装卸、运输、储存的作业方式;4.33 直接换装cross docking物品在物流环节中,不经过中间仓库或站点,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工具的物流衔接方式;4.34 配送distribution在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动;4.35 共同配送joint distribution由多个企业联合组织实施的配送活动;4.36 配送中心distribution center从事配送业务的物流场所或组织,应基本符合下列要求:a 主要为特定的用户服务;b 配送功能健全;c 完善的信息网络;d 辐射范围小;e 多品种、小批量;f 以配送为主,储存为辅;4.37 分拣sorting将物品按品种、出入库先后顺序进行分门别类推放的作业;4.38 拣选order picking按订单或出库单的要求,从储存场所选出物品,并放置指定地点的作业;4.39 集货goods collection将分散的或小批量的物品集中起来,以便进行运输、配送的作业;4.40 组配assembly配送前,根据物品的流量、流向及运输工具的载质量和容积,组织安排物品装载的作业; 4.41 流通加工distribution processing物品在从生产地到使用地的过程中,根据需要施加包装、分割、计量、分拣、刷标志、拴标签、组装等简单作业的总称;4.42 冷链cold chain为保持新鲜食品及冷冻食品等的品质,使其在从生产到消费的过程中,始终处于低温状态的配有专门设备的物流网络;4.43 检验inspection根据合同或标准,对标的物品的品质、数量、包装等进行检查、验收的总称;物流技术装备与设施术语5.1 仓库warehouse保管、储存物品的建筑物和场所的总称;5.2 库房storehouse有屋顶和围护结构,供储存各种物品的封闭式建筑物;5.3 自动化仓库automatic warehouse由电子计算机进行管理和的控制,不需人工搬运作业,而实现收发作业的仓库;5.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse采用高层货架配以货箱或托盘储存货物,用巷道队垛起重机及其他机械进行作业的仓库; 5.5 虚拟仓库virtual warehouse建立在计算机和网络通讯技术基础上,进行物品储存、保管和远程控制的物流设施;可实现不同状态、空间、时间、货主的有效调度和统一管理; 5.6保税仓库boned warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,专供存放未办理关税手续而入境或过境货物的场所;5.7 出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,存放已按规定领取了出口货物许可证或批件,已对外买断结汇并向海关办完全部出口海关手续的货物的专用仓库;5.8 海关监管货物cargo under custom's supervision在海关批准范围内接受海关查验的进出口、过境、转运、通关货物,以及保税货物和其他尚未办结海关手续的进出境货物;5.9 冷藏区chill space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C~10.C范围内;5.10 冷冻区freeze space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C以下;5.11 控湿储存区humidity controlled space仓库内配有湿度调制设备,使内部湿度可调的库房区域;5.12 温度可控区temperature controlled space温度可根据需要调整在一定范围内的库房区域;5.13 收货区receiving space到库物品入库前核对检查及进库准备的地区;5.14 发货区shipping space物品集中待运地区;5.15 料棚goods shed供储存某些物品的简易建筑物,一般没有或只有部分围壁;5.16 货场goods yard用于存放某些物品的露天场地;5.17 货架goods shelf用支架、隔板或托架组成的立体储存货物的设施;5.18 托盘pallet用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置;GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.275.19 叉车fork lift truck具有各种叉具,能够对货物进行升降和移动以及装卸作业的搬运车辆;5.20 输送机conveyor对物品进行连续运送的机械;5.21 自动导引车automatic guided vehicle AGV能够自动行驶到指定地点的无轨搬运车辆;5.22 箱式车box car除具备普通车的一切机械性能外,还必须具备全封闭的箱式车身和便于装卸作业的车门; 5.23 集装箱container是一种运输设备,应满足下列要求:a 具有足够的强度,可长期反复使用;b 适于一种或多种运输方式运送,途中转运时,箱内货物不需换装;c 具有快速装卸和搬运的装置,特别便于从一种运输方式转移到另一种运输方式;d 便于货物装满和卸空;e 具有1立方米及以上的容积;集装箱这一术语不包括车辆和一般包装; GB/T 1992-1985中1.15.24 换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU又称标准箱;Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU以20英尺集装箱作为换算单位;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 特种货物集装箱specific cargo container用以装运特种物品用的集装箱; GB/T 4122.1-1996中1.15.26 全集装箱船full container ship舱内设有固定式或活动式的格栅结构,舱盖上和甲板上设置固定集装箱的系紧装置, 便于集装箱左翼及定位的船舶;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 铁路集装箱场railway container yard进行集装箱承运、交付、装卸、堆存、装拆箱、门到门作业,组织集装箱专列等作业的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 公路集装箱中转站inland container depot具有集装箱中转运输与门到门运输和集装箱货物的拆箱、装箱、仓储和接取、送达、装卸、堆存的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 集装箱货运站container freight station CFS拼箱货物拆箱、装箱、办理交接的场所;5.30 集装箱码头container terminal专供停靠集装箱船、装卸集装箱用的码头;GB/T GB/T 17271-1998中3. 国际铁路联运international through railway transport使用一份统一的国际铁路联运票据,由跨国铁路承运人办理两国或两国以上铁路的全程运输,并承担运输责任的一种连贯运输方式;5.32 国际多式联运international multimodal transport按照多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联运经营人将货物从一国境内的接管地点运至另一国境内指定交付地点的货物运输;5.33 大陆桥运输land bridge transport用横贯大陆的铁路或公路作为中间桥梁,将大陆两端的海洋运输连接起来的连贯运输方式; 5.34 班轮运输liner transport在固定的航线上,以既定的港口顺序,按照事先公布的船期表航行的水上运输方式;5.35 租船运输shipping by chartering根据协议,租船人向船舶所有人租凭船舶用于货物运输,并按商定运价,向船舶所有人支付运费或租金的运输方式;5.36 船务代理shipping agency根据承运人的委托,代办与船舶进出有关的业务活动;5.37 国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人或自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务,并收取劳务报酬的经济组织;5.38 理货tally货物装卸中,对照货物运输票据进行的理点数、计量、检查残缺、指导装舱积载、核对标记、检查包装、分票、分标志和现场签证等工作;5.39 国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance在国际贸易中,以国际运输中的货物为保险标的的保险,以对自然灾害和意外事故所造成的财产损失获得补偿;5.40 报关customs declaration由进出口货物的收发货人或其代理人向海关办理进出境手续的全过程;5.41 报关行customs broker专门代办进出境保管业务的企业;5.42 进出口商品检验commodity inspection确定进出口商品的品质、规格、重量、数量、包装、安全性能、卫生方面的指标及装运技术和装运条件等项目实施检验和鉴定,以确定其是否与贸易合同、有关标准规定一致,是否符合进出口国有关法律和行政法规的规定;简称"商检";物流管理术语6.1 物流战略logistics strategy为寻求物流的可持续发展,就物流发展目标以及达成目标的途径与手段而制定的长远性、全局性的规划与谋略;6.2 物流战略管理logistics strategy management物流组织根据已制定的物流战略,付诸实施和控制的过程;6.3 仓库管理warehouse management对库存物品和仓库设施及其布局等进行规划、控制的活动;6.4仓库布局warehouse layout在一定区域或库区内,对仓库的数量、规模、地理位置和仓库设施、道路等各要素进行科学规划和总体设计;6.5 库存控制inventory control在保障供应的前提下,使库存物品的数量最少进行的有效管理的技术经济措施;6.6 经济订货批量economic order quantity EOQ通过平衡采购进货成本和保管仓储成本核算,以实现总库存成本最低的最佳订货量;6.7定量订货方式fixed-quantity system FQS当库存量下降到预定的最低的库存数量订货点时,按规定数量一般以经济订货批量为标准进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.8 定期订货方式fixed-quantity system FIS按预先确定的订货间隔期间进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.9 ABC分类管理ABC classification将库存物品按品种和占用资金的多少分为特别重要的库存A类、一般重要的库存B类和不重要的库存C类三个等级,然后针对不同等级分别进行管理与控制;6.10 电子订货系统Electronic order system EOS不同组织间利用通讯网络和终端设备以在线联结方式进行订货作业与订货信息交换的体系; 6.11 准时制just in time JIT在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确的计划,消除一切无效作业与浪费为目标的一种管理模式;6.12 准时制物流just-in-time logistics一种建立在JIT管理理念基础上的现代物流方式;6.13 零库存技术zero-inventory logistics在生产与流通领域按照JIT组织物资供应,使整个过程库存最小化的技术的总称;6.14 物流成本管理logistics cost control对物流相关费用进行的计划、协调与控制;6.15 物料需要计划material requirements planning MRP一种工业制造企业内的物资计划管理模式;根据产品结构各层次物品的从属和数量关系,以每个物品为计划对象,以完工日期为时间基准倒排计划,按提前期长短区别各个物品下达计划时间的先后顺序;6.16 制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning MRP II从整体最优的角度出发,运用科学的方法,对企业的各种制造资源和企业生产经营各环节实行合理有效地计划、组织、控制和协调,达到既能连续均衡生产,又能最大限度地降低各种物品的库存量,进而提高企业经济效益的管理方法;6.17 配送需要计划distribution requirements planning DRP一种既保证有效地满足市场需要,又使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法,是MRP原理与方法在物品配送中的运用;6.18 配送资源计划distribution resource planning DRP II一种企业内物品配送计划系统管理模式;是在DRP的基础上提高各环节的物流能力,达到系统优化运行的目的;6.19 物流资源计划logistics resource planning LRP以物流为基础手段,打破生产与流通界限,集成制造资源计划、分销需要计划以及功能计划而形成的物资资源优化配置方法;6.20 企业资源计划enterprise resource planning ERP在MRP II 的基础上,通过反馈的物流和反馈的信息流、资金流,把客户需要和企业内部的生产经营活动以及供应商的资源整合在一起,体现完全按用户需要进行经营管理的一种全新的管理方法;6.21 供应链管理supply chain management SCM利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流、资金流等,并进行计划、组织、协调与控制;6.22 快速反映Quick response QR物流企业面对多品种、小批量的买方市场,不是储备了"产品",而是准备了各种"要素",在用户提出要求时,能以最快速度抽取"要素",及时"组装",提供所需服务或产品;6.23 有效客户反映efficient customer responseECR以满足顾客要求和最大限度降低物流过程费用为原则,能及时做出准确反应,使提供的物品供应或服务流程最佳化的一种供应链管理战略;6.24 连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program CRP利用及时准确的销售时点信息确定已销售的商品数量,根据零售商或批发商的库存信息和预先规定的库存补充程序确定发货补充数量和配送时间的计划方法;6.25 计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering CAO基于库存和客户需要信息,利用计算机进行自动订货管理的系统;6.26 供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory VMI供应商等上游企业基于其下游客户的生产经营、库存信息,对下游客户的库存进行管理与控制;6.27 业务外包outsourcing企业为了获得不单纯利用不、内部资源更多的竞争优势,将其非核心业务交由合作企业完成; 资料来源:http://vip.6to23/our56/study/html/tjzl/wlbz/wlglsy.htm。
2024/1测与体验76评TEST AND EXPERENCE2023年即将画上句号,回忆一年过往,最开心的事情莫过于找到了能够“喝在一起”的咖啡“搭子”,或聚在一起吐槽“和生活比,美式都甜了”,或一同感受亲手制作咖啡带来的喜悦和成就感。
OQC送检检查表check list
产品A/B/C级表面涂层无夹杂外来物,无缩孔、起泡、针孔、开裂、剥落、粉化、颗粒、流挂 、露底、氧化生锈等缺陷;补漆无明显目视痕迹可接受,不接受各类边角生锈
焊接后无明显打磨痕、焊渣堆积或焊渣飞溅到其他结构件;所有焊接牢固美观,(如底座等焊 接组装后无法检验,需拆机抽检焊接质量)
《首台签样报告》 OQC首先查检《**项目**OE**编码的首台签样报告》是否传递给了生产、质量、工艺,并按《
外观缺陷的判定是基于不影响产品功能前提下进行的判定,如果有影响产品使用功能的缺陷 (如引起炸机、短路、腐蚀等),即使符合标准规格,也判定不合格
线束所有端子需保证插到位无插反/漏插;地线打紧,无漏接/螺钉松动,线缆端子/网线端子 手轻拔确认是否松脱/折断
《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》
《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》
《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》 《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》
《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》 《机柜来料检验作业指导书 》
7.14 引线破皮露铜线
7.15 机内漏打流水码、日期码
3PCS /单
8.1 丝印附着力测试:参照《丝印附着力测试作业指导书》(26-WI-433)
8.2 跌箱测试:参照《跌箱测试作业指导书》(26-WI-286)
二、彩盒与内附资料 2.1 用错彩盒,严重混色、色差、脱开、破裂、字体模糊 2.2 错漏内附资料或内附资料模糊不清、缺页、破损 2.3 条形码模糊或通不过扫描或错误 2.4 漏警告卡 2.5 漏日期码或流水号,若有 2.6 彩盒材质不符要求 2.7 彩盒表面严重积尘、污脏 2.8 错/漏机 2.9 内衬泡沫、纸卡,污脏、烂 2.10 胶袋漏打透气孔(胶袋口大于18CM) 2.11 胶袋无环保标志 2.12 胶袋无警告语或警告语错 2.13 客户有特别要求的按客户要求
13PC S
G-Ⅱ ×
三、配件检查 3.1 玻璃杯、钢杯利边伤人手/披锋(不伤人手) 3.2 玻璃杯气泡Φ>1.0m㎡,明显黄斑、杂色、裂纹 3.3 钢杯,玻璃杯损坏 3.4 漏放配件
G-Ⅱ ×× × × ×
xxxxxxx 集 团
咖啡机 “3C”检验标准
编号: 4版5-本OS-
检验 水平
4.1 外壳明显色差、混色、刮花、污脏、起级、变形、气泡、胶件严重缩水、五金件生锈
1Product IntroductionCoffeemaker (咖啡壺)Prepared by : Raymond Leung21)㆒般電器知識2) 咖啡機之種類3) 咖啡機之工作原理4) 咖啡機零件之配置5) 規格形容6) 產品㆒般要求3㆒般電器知識Laboratory Inc.)歐洲220V – 240V ,50Hz IEC4咖啡壺的種類滴漏式咖啡壺㆒大致可分為:A) 基本型號B) Auto shut off 型號C) 電子操控型號D)Grind & Brew5A) 基本型號特點:1) 電源開關原件使用開關制2) 溫度感應原件使用3) 結構比較簡單及價錢相宜6MC829開關掣7MC系列恆溫制8MC917開關制9CN330L1開關制10ZR560M111B)Auto shut off 型號•結構大致與基本型號相同•使用恆溫制•使用簡單電子結構的計時器12MC959L513C)電子操控型號特點:1)電源開關原件使用裝有CPU 的電子組合(Time Module)2)溫度感應原件使用熱傳感器-N.C.T(Negative Constant Thermistor)3)結構比較複雜及做價昂貴1415Thermistor16D)Grind & Brew特點:1)結合打豆器及咖啡壺功能:-自動打豆及將咖啡粉送入內漏斗進行煲咖啡之程序2)使用電子操控171819咖啡壺之工作原理底座水管開關掣•恆溫板•溫度保險絲•單向閥20出水口簡圖工作原理簡圖加水水缸21出水口簡圖22出水口向閥加熱簡圖發熱管通電23發熱管出水口向閥加熱簡圖出水口25水缸出水口26出水口簡圖水已煲乾27㆒般配件A)水缸(Reservoir)•水缸是咖啡壼其㆗㆒件主体零件,最主要功能是盛載需要煲咖啡的水量•其次是提供㆒個如花灑般之平台將由發熱管煲滾之清水灑入內漏斗㆖2829㆒般配件B)頂蓋(Top Lid)•其作用是壓穩出水喉免被移位及蓋在水缸頂之花灑平台, 避免使用者意外接觸到由出水喉噴出之沸水30頂蓋3132㆒般配件C)水缸蓋(Dust Lid)•水缸盛水位置㆖的㆒個蓋子,作用之防止灰塵及雜物等跌入水缸造成污染3334㆒般配件D) 外漏斗(Outer Brew Basket)•它可以搖擺出水缸•內漏斗將會放置於其㆗,方便用者取出內漏斗作出清洗3536㆒般配件E) 內漏斗(Inner Brew Basket)•咖啡粉會放置於過濾紙㆗,最後並放入內漏斗內•熱水將由水缸之花灑, 從㆖至㆘流入內漏斗內之咖啡粉,經過過濾紙提取咖啡粉㆗的精華:色、香、味3738㆒般配件F) 漏斗閥(Pause & Serve)•該零件位於漏斗底部,作用如活塞㆒樣.當玻璃瓶組合放入正確位置時它才會打開,讓漏斗內之咖啡流入玻璃瓶內.當用者拿走玻璃瓶,它又會關㆖,防止咖啡漏濕機身.3940㆒般配件G) 底座(Base)•除水缸外,底座為另㆒主体零件.它是與水缸連接在㆒起的. 最重要的功能是保護內機所有發熱及帶電的零件. 如發熱水管、恒溫制、電線與帶電之接頭等.•另㆒方面,有此型之底座亦會在內機預留空間作收藏電線之用.發熱水管42㆒般配件H) 底蓋(Bottom Cover)•有些材料用鐵,有些則使用塑膠,視符客家之外型及要求而定。
Banquet CHECK LIST宴会检查清单
Coffee Break CHECK LIST茶歇检查表Date:Event:Staff :Supervisor: Set up Check the coffee cups are clean and polished 检查咖啡杯是否干净,擦亮摆台Check the tea pots are clean and polished 检查茶壶是否干净,没茶垢Check the coffee machine is working 检查咖啡机是否正常工作Prepare the sugar, tea bags.准备糖,茶包Check the plates and forks are clean and polished 检查盘子和拆字是否擦干净Check the service tray are enough 检查托盘是否够用Check the paper napkin 检查餐巾纸Set up one containe for table rubbish bin 准备一个容器在桌子上,放垃圾(茶袋,糖纸)Check the table cards of food 检查食品名卡H-1Confirmed the coffee break time with kitchen 与厨房确认茶歇时间开始前1小时Ensure the food are ready 30min before started 确保所有食品在开始半个小时前准备好Set up sugar and tea, fill in the coffee beans 摆放糖,茶包,装满咖啡豆H-30m Staff stand by with service tray 服务员拿托盘站位开始前半小时Set up the milk and make sure it's warm 牛奶摆好,并确保是温的Check the hot water is ready for tea 检查冲茶的热水是否准备好Check the guest washroom is clean 检查客用洗手间是否干净Finished Clean the coffee break set up 清理茶歇摆台结束Clean the coffee machine 清洁咖啡机Clean the coffee break area 清理茶歇区域。
CoffeMaker-Acceptance Test Case
Coffee MakerThe tests outlined below are the black box and acceptance test cases for the Coffee Maker Example. The CoffeeMaker is a command line interface application that will server as the software of a Coffee Maker.To run the CoffeeMaker example, run the Main class. The Main class provides the command line interface functionality that is used for testing of the back end software. Later a new class will be written that interfaces with the actual CoffeeMaker hardware, based on the functionality of the Main class.Test ID Description Expected Results Actual ResultscheckOptions 1 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 0, "Exit"Program ExitscheckOptions 2 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter在: Menu option 1, "AddAdd Recipe Functionalitya recipe "checkOptions 3 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 2,"Delete a recipe "Delete RecipeFunctionalitycheckOptions 4 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 3, "Edita recipe "Edit Recipe FunctionalitycheckOptions 5 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 4, "Addinventory"Add InventoryFunctionalitycheckOptions 6 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerInventory DisplaysEnter: Menu option 5, "Check inventory"checkOptions 7 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 6, "Makecoffee"Make Coffee FunctionalityaddRecipe1 Precondition(前期条件): RunCoffeeMaker Enter: Menuoption 1, "Add a recipe " Name: CoffeePrice: 50Coffee: 3Milk: 1 Coffee successfully added.Sugar: 1Chocolate: 0Return to main menu.addRecipe2 Precondition: RunCoffeeMakerEnter: Menu option 1, "Add arecipe "Name: MochaPrice: -50Return to main menu. Mocha could not be added. Price can not be negative.Precondition: Run CoffeeMakeraddRecipe3 Enter: Menu option 1, “Adda recipe”Name: CoffeePrice: 50Coffee: 3Milk: -1Suger: 1Chocolate: 1Return to main menu.咖啡不能被增加,因为牛奶为负数。
为咖啡壶coffeemaker做一则广告英语作业Introducing the Ultimate Coffeemaker: The Perfect Addition to Your Morning RoutineAre you tired of waiting in long lines at the coffee shop every morning, only to be served a mediocre cup of joe? Look no further, because we have the solution for you! Ourstate-of-the-art coffeemaker is the perfect addition to your kitchen and your morning routine.Our coffeemaker boasts a sleek and modern design that will complement any kitchen decor. Whether you prefer a classic black appliance or a stylish stainless steel finish, our coffeemaker is sure to impress. With a user-friendly interface, brewing your favorite coffee has never been easier. Simply add your favorite coffee grounds, set the brewing time, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee in no time.But the features of our coffeemaker don't stop there. Our innovative brewing technology ensures that your coffee is brewed at the perfect temperature every time, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. The built-in timer allows you to wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, making your mornings that much better.In addition to its functionality, our coffeemaker is also easy to clean and maintain. The removable filter basket and carafe make cleaning a breeze, so you can spend less time scrubbing and more time enjoying your coffee. With its durable construction and reliable performance, our coffeemaker is built to last for years to come.So why wait? Say goodbye to long lines and mediocre coffee, and say hello to the ultimate coffeemaker. Start your day off right with the perfect cup of coffee, brewed just the way you like it. Experience the difference with our coffeemaker today!。
德国池 Vacuum Cold Brew Coffee Maker CMV-200 用户手册说明书
VACUUM COLD BREW COFFEE MAKERChoosing Coffee Beans Light Roast Medium RoastLight brown in color, High acidity, Fruity smellMedium brown in color,Balanced flavor, aroma and acidity, Slightly sweetMedium grind coffee is recommended.Extra fine coffee is not recommended to avoid blocking the wire mesh.Before purchasing coffee, please refer to the packaging to distinguish the grind size.Choosing Coffee BeansMedium-Dark RoastDark Roast Dark in color, Acidity disappears completely,Strong flavor and aromaShiny black in color,Strong bitterness, High degree of roasting flavorKnowing Your Coffee MakerA Control PanelB LeverC Middle BaseD Coffee PotE Resting Plate Water Chamber Lid Coffee PotTop Filter Coffee Basket Water ChamberA BC FGHIJKnowing Your Coffee MakerMEDIUMTo choose MEDIUM, 4 minutesfor brewing cycles.LIGHTTo choose LIGHT, 2 minutes forbrewing cycles.FULLTo choose FULL, 15 minutesfor brewing cycles.STRONGTo choose STRONG, 7 minutesfor brewing cycles.START / STOPStart or stop the brewing cycles.CUSTOM STRENGTHTo increase or decrease thebrewing time from 2 minutesto 30 minutes. (15 secondintervals)Notes:You can press RELEASE button during brewing cycles anytim e to release your cold brew coffee.All the buttons will be locked, except the Power button, onc e the machine starts releasing.POWER BUTTONTurn the machine on or off.RELEASERelease the coffee from theWater Chamber during brewingcycles.EDFGHIJControl PanelLever1Lift the Lever anticlockwise until fully extended.Remove all the accessories from the main unit.Watch the video clip for adetailed demonstration.Video TutorialCoffee Basket2Add 3 scoops (approx. 30 g) of medium grind coffee into the Coffee Basket .Maximum capacity for the Coffee Basket is 60 g. Tap the Coffee Basketgently until the coffee is level.Coffee BasketCoffee Basket LidTop Filter3Place the Top Filter Lid inside the Coffee Basket above the Coffee Grinds.Twist clockwise and screw the Coffee Basket Lid onto the Coffee Basket , until it locks into place.4Notch Water Chamber Coffee BasketFirmly place the Coffee Basket into the Water Chamber against the Notch . Turn clockwise to align the lock icon with the arrow.Note:Before using, clean and dry the Top Filter completely to make sure the wire mesh is not blocked.For best results, make sure the Coffee Basket Lid is screwed on tightly.5Water ChamberMaximum Water LevelMinimum Water LevelAdd cold or room temperature water to the Water Chamber (Do not use hot water or tap water).For initial use, 2 cups of water is recommended in proportion to 3 scoops of coffee (approx. 30g).6Attach the Water Chamber Lid .Water Chamber Lid Water ChamberNote:Place the Coffee Basket inside the Water Chamber before adding water for added accuracy.7Push the Lever down. LeverWater ChamberLid 8 Place the Coffee Pot on the Resting Plate. Resting Plate Coffee Pot9Plug in the appliance. Press Power Button to turn on. Choose your brewing strength. Press Start Button to begin. If needed, use the "+" and "-" to increase or decrease time (15 second intervals)Start ButtonPower ButtonBrewing Strength10The coffee will be released automatically into the Coffee Pot when the brewing cycle is complete.Note:During the brewing cycle, you can press the “Release” button to release coffee.If needed, press “Release” button again to drain out the remaining coffee.Brewing Strength Light Medium Strong Full Custom Strength(Full strength / 7 minute brewing is recommended)*Preset time includes one minute release time.Preset Time 2 minutes 4 minutes 7 minutes 15 minutes 2-30 minutesCoffee PotUsing Your Coffee Maker11Enjoy your perfect coldbrew coffee.C o f f e e R e c i p e sRecipe - Cinnamon Honey Iced Latte Recipe - Cinnamon Honey Iced Latte¾ cup ¾ cup 3 pcs 1 ½ tsp Some 1 cup To taste To taste1. To make the simple syrup – add water, honey and cinnamon sticks to a small saucepan.2. Set the pan over medium-high heat and cook, stirring frequently, until the honey has completely dissolved into water.3. Let the mixture come to a boil, then turn down the heat and let simmer gently for 5 minutes.4. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract.5. Let the mixture cool completely then remove the cinnamon sticks. Store the syrup in the refrigerator until ready to use.6. To serve – add some ice cubes to a serving glass. Pour in the cold brew coffee. Add in the desired amount of milk and honey cinnamon simple syrup, then mix to combine.7.Sprinkle with a touch of cinnamon. Serve immediately.IngredientsProceduresWater HoneyCinnamon Sticks Vanilla Extract Ice Cubes Cold Brew Coffee MilkGround CinnamonRecommended Roast: Medium-Dark Roast Brewing Strength: StrongRecipe - Cold Brew Tiramisu Coffee Recipe - Cold Brew Tiramisu Coffee1 cup To taste2 tbsp A little A little1. Drizzle white chocolate sauce inside of a large 16oz mason jar or glass.2. Add a handful of ice.3. Pour in 1 cup of cold brew.4. Add milk or cream to taste.5.Stir in 2 tbsp of Tiramisu Syrup. Serve and enjoy!IngredientsProceduresCold Brew Coffee Milk or Cream Tiramisu Syrup Ice CubesChocolate SauceRecommended Roast: Dark Roast Brewing Strength: FullRecipe - Eggnog Cold Brew Iced CoffeeRecipe - Eggnog Cold Brew Iced Coffee1 cup 1 tbsp A little A little A little A little A little1. Mix cold brew coffee with brown sugar and spices.2. Fill glass with a handful of ice cubes.3. Pour 1 cup of cold brew coffee, leaving room for eggnog.4.Add eggnog to your liking, mix and enjoy!IngredientsProceduresCold Brew Coffee Brown Sugar Ice Cubes Eggnog Cinnamon NutmegGingerRecommended Roast: Medium Roast Brewing Strength: Medium1.Beware of electrical shock! Before cleaning and removing parts, switch off the electric appliance and always remove the plug from the mains. Never immerse the appliance into water. The connector parts must not get wet. Contact of electrical parts with moisture can cause electric shock or short circuit and damage.2. All the accessories are dishwasher-safe except the main unit.3. Never immerse the main unit in water or any other liquid. Wipe with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.4.After each use, clean thoroughly and dry all the accessories. Make sure wire mesh of the Top Filter are not blocked.5. Do not place any part of the machine into a microwave.6. Do not use sharp detergents or metallic, abrasive objects to clean the unit as the surface of the unit or accessories might get damaged.7. Store the unit in a dry and safe place, not reachable by children.8.For safety reasons, if the cord is damaged, it must be replaced by an authorized repairer.Video Tutorial Care & MaintenanceCAUTION:IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CORRECT DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVE 2002/96/EC.At the end of its working life, the product must not be disposed as urban waste.It must be taken to a special local waste collection centre or to a dealer providing this service.Disposing of a household appliance separately avoids possible negative consequences for the envi-ronment and health deriving from inappropriate disposal and enables the constituent materials to be household appliances separately, the product is marked with a crossed-out wheeled dustbin.RECYCLINGEND-OF-LIFE ELECTRIC OR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS:Your appliance is expected to last for many years.However, when the time comes to replace it, do not throw it in the bin or in a dump, but take it to the recycling center in your town (or to a waste reception center where applicable). Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Think of the environment!Environmental IssueSafety NotesPLEASE READ AND SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION AND CARE MANUAL.When using appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including:1. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS.2. Remove all bags and packaging from appliance before use.3. Wash and dry appliance thoroughly before use.4. Unplug the appliance before disassembling, cleaning, and when not in use.5. All parts must be properly assembled before use.6. To protect against risk of electrical shock, never immerse cord, plug, or main unit into water orany other liquid.7. Operate appliance on a stable and dry surface only.8. Do not operate appliance with a damaged cord or plug. If the appliance malfunctions or isdamaged, return appliance to supplier for examination, repair, or electrical and/or mechanical adjustment.9. Refrain from using attachments that are not recommended by the appliance manufacturer, asthis may result in fire, electric shock or personal injury.10. Do not use outdoors. This appliance is intended for indoor and household purposes only.11. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,sensory, or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they are provided with supervision and instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.12. Never immerse the main unit in water or any other liquid; instead, wipe the surface with a soft,damp cloth and then dry thoroughly.13. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.14. Always be sure to unplug the appliance from outlet prior to assembly, disassembly, cleaning, andstorage.15. This appliance is intended for household use ONLY; It is not for commercial or industrial use.16. Always unplug appliance if left unattended.17. Check and make sure voltages and currents of the appliance are compatible with the powersupply.18. USE ONLY COLD OR ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER. NEVER USE HOT WATER.Model CMV-200Voltage220-240VPower20 WWater Tank Capacity750 mlProduct Dimentions(H) 387 (W) 260 (D) 158 mmPacking Dimensions(H) 425 (W) 305 (D) 205 mmNet Weight 3.1 kgGross Weight 3.6 kgSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice.If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. Refer to for the most up-to-date version of the Operating Instructions. Technical Specifications重新邂逅冷萃咖啡專利真空技術,顛覆傳統12-24小時的浸泡做法,只需2分鐘即可做出專業級冷萃咖啡,給你沁人心脾的舌尖享受。
三、活动时间[具体时间]四、活动地点公司会议室五、参与人员公司全体员工六、活动内容1. 咖啡知识讲解邀请专业咖啡师为员工讲解咖啡的历史、种类、制作方法等知识,让员工对咖啡有更深入的了解。
2. 咖啡品鉴准备多种不同口味的咖啡,让员工品尝并感受咖啡的香气、口感和风味。
3. 互动环节设置互动环节,如咖啡拉花比赛、咖啡知识问答等,增加活动的趣味性和参与度。
4. 礼品赠送为参与活动的员工准备精美的咖啡礼品,如咖啡豆、咖啡杯等。
七、活动预算1. 咖啡师费用:[X]元2. 咖啡及相关用品费用:[X]元3. 礼品费用:[X]元4. 其他费用:[X]元总预算:[X]元八、活动宣传1. 在公司内部宣传栏发布活动通知,介绍活动内容和时间。
2. 向员工发送电子邮件,邀请员工参加活动。
3. 在公司内部群发布活动信息,提醒员工关注。
九、活动效果评估1. 通过员工的参与度和反馈意见,评估活动的效果。
2. 收集员工对活动的建议和意见,为今后的活动改进提供参考。
十、注意事项1. 活动现场要保持整洁,避免咖啡溅出造成污染。
2. 提醒员工注意安全,避免烫伤等意外事故的发生。
3. 活动结束后,及时清理活动现场,归还相关用品。
三、活动时间[具体活动时间]四、活动地点公司会议室或员工休息区五、参与人员公司全体员工六、活动内容1. 咖啡知识讲解邀请专业咖啡师进行咖啡知识讲解,包括咖啡的种类、产地、烘焙程度、冲泡方法等。
2. 咖啡品鉴提供多种不同口味的咖啡供员工品鉴,让员工感受咖啡的香气、口感和风味。
Bloomfield E-Max 咖啡和茶浓缩器编程指南说明书
654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lTABLE OF CONTENTSPRECAUTIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION 1Thank You for purchasing Proper setup is essential APPLICATION654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lWARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDAll servicing requiring access to non-insulated components must be performed by qualified service personnel. Do not open any access panels which require the use of tools.Failure to heed this warning can result in electrical shock.WARNING: All installation procedures must be performed by qualified personnel with full knowledge of all applicable electrical and plumbing codes. Failure could result in property damage and personal injury.WARNING: Brewer must be properly grounded to prevent possible shock hazard. DO NOT assume a plumbing line will provide such a ground. Electrical shock will cause death or serious Injury.WARNING: This appliance dispenses very hot liquid. Serious bodily injury from scalding can occur from contact with dispensed liquids.This appliance is intended for commercial use only.This appliance is intended for use to brew beverage products for human consumption. No other use is recommended or CAUTION:EQUIPMENT DAMAGEDO NOT plug in or energize this appliance until all InstallationInstructions are read and followed.Damage to the Brewer will occur ifCAUTION: BURN HAZARDTo avoid splashing or overflowing hot liquids, ALWAYS use an empty decanter before starting the brew cycle. Failure to comply can cause CAUTION:BURN HAZARDAfter a brew cycle, brew basket contents are HOT. Remove the brew basket and dispose of used grounds with care. Failure to CAUTION:BURN HAZARDExposed surfaces of the brewer, brew basket and decanter may be HOT to the touch, and can cause serious burns.PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lOPERATIONOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lOPERATION (continued)WARNING: BURN HAZARDThis appliance dispenses very hot liquid. Serious bodily injury from scalding can occur from contact with CAUTION:BURN HAZARDTo avoid splashing or overflowing hot liquids, ALWAYS use an empty decanter before starting CAUTION:BURN HAZARDAfter a brew cycle, brew chamber contents are HOT. Remove the brew chamber and dispose of used filter USER’S GUIDE654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - CONTROL PANEL CONFIGURATIONSDECANTER BREWERS654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING FEATURES AND OPTIONSPROGRAMMING - OPERATOR LEVEL654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a l8. ClockPROGRAMMING - OPERATOR LEVEL (continued)654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - OPERATOR LEVEL (continued)1 . View Filter Statistics: To view filter statistics, turn the brewer off. Press and hold the 1st key654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - ADVANCED ACCESS THE 1. Turn the brewer off with the ON/OFF Key.654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - ADVANCED (continued)TIPS FOR NAVIGATING 1. Advance through all of the Menus and wraparound to the first654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a l654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a l654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES Brew Settings· “Water Temp:” is actual water temperature in the tank.654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)Time Functions·“After Hours:” can be turned off by setting to “0”. If thisPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)Service & Counters· “TotalVol:” – Total Volume. Indicates total water volumeprocessed by the brewer.· “Brew Cycs:” – Brew Cycles. Displays total number of654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)·“Brew Wait:” The Precise Temperature for Brewing feature654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)Factory Settings·“InflRate:” – Inflow Rate. The inflow rate is factory set at654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)Adjust Inlet Valve Time1. Remove the top cover of the brewer. Identify and locate the654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPROGRAMMING - PROCEDURES (continued)CalibrationThe probe has been factory calibrated. If a controller board654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPULSE BREW AND PRE-INFUSIONApplications1. Pre-infuse (or Pre-soak) the Bed of Coffee or Tea.654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPULSE BREW AND PRE-INFUSION (continued)Pulse Feature OperationThe pulse feature will be activated if it has been accessed as654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPULSE BREW AND PRE-INFUSION (continued)Pulse Feature Examples DECANTER, THERMAL and AIRPOT MODELSPULSE BREW AND PRE-INFUSION (continued) #3PREVENT OVERFLOWBREW BASKET1st pulse2nd pulse3rd pulse654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lPULSE BREW AND PRE-INFUSION (continued)#2EXTENDED CONTACT TIME1st P ulse2nd Pulse3rd P ulse4th PulseD rip O ut654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lTEST PROGRAM – E-Max Instructions forA) Electronic Board Software (Firmware) Revision654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lTEST PROGRAM – E-Max(continued)Tea Brewers Only1 . Dump Valve Off. As above press ON/OFF to first turn valveon then again to turn it off and proceed to next item.13. By Pass Valve Off. Press ON/OFF to first turn valve onADDENDUMExtract from SERVICE BULLETIN 600.023SUBJECT:Brewer Spray Disk and Gasket Application654 p /n 2M -73674 E -M a x P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a lNOTESRECORD SETTINGS。
The Coffee Maker Operation(12构造)
T h e C o f f e e M a k e r O p e r a t i o n&S e r v i c e咖啡设备使用和维护简介● 咖啡冲泡理论~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1● 意式浓缩咖啡冲泡理论~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1● 意式咖啡机系统~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2● 咖啡冲泡和研磨~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6● 保持咖啡机的最佳状态~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6● 咖啡设备的日常保养~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7● 常见故障的判断和维修~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9咖啡冲泡冲泡:将烘焙过的咖啡豆进行适当研磨,通过热水将咖啡中的水溶性成份溶析到水中的过程。
意式浓缩咖啡冲泡理论意式浓缩咖啡(Italian Espresso) :1.咖啡:粗细和烘培适当的咖啡粉,7 ~ 8 g.(单份)2.水温:90℃ (±2℃)3.水量:25~33 ml (1 OZ)4.水压:8~10 bar5.时间:20~30 秒冲泡Espresso的过程是利用高温,高压的热水快速通过咖啡,进行萃取。
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Subject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機WORK INSTRUCTIONFORINSPECTION OF COFFEE MAKER咖啡機檢驗程序Subject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機Revision History 修改記錄Revision no.Date 日期Description change 詳細改變Revised by 修改人版次號碼Subject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機Content 內容Index 索引Page No. 頁數號碼1. Scope 範圍 42. Inspection Plan 檢查計劃 43. Inspection Criteria 檢查準則 44. Defect Classification 不良品種類7Subject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機1. Scope範圍To define the standard inspection procedure for Coffee Maker if no client’s approved specification available.制定咖啡機的標準檢驗程序,如客戶已提供一份具體規格,則可按照該規格進行2. Inspection standard and sampling plan 樣辦檢驗計劃2.1 ISO2859, BS6001 & ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993 is the most widely accepted method of sampling byattributes; it is based on the mathematical theory of probability and offers the advantage of clearly defining the number of samples to be drawn for inspection from a given lot or consignment and the maximum number of defective samples allowed in the sample size. Unless instructed by client, QC inspector follows this inspection method for consumer products which are manufactured in individual units.按照在國際上和地區上使用較廣之抽樣計劃,ISO2859, BS6001 & ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993進行產品檢驗,除客戶提供有關要求,否則本公司之檢驗員將按照有關計劃抽取適當數量之樣辦而進行檢驗2.2 Inspection Level:General Inspection Level II, 普通檢測水平2級2.3 Acceptable Quality Level :Critical: not allowed; Major: 1.5; Minor: 2.5, 不可接受致命不良品,嚴重為1.5,輕微為2.53. Inspection Criteria 檢查規格Defect Code Detail SampleSize1. Packaging Check包裝檢查Packing and Marking conformity : 包裝、標誌一致性檢查Level II Packing carton and gift box: should dry and not deformed外包裝卡通箱、彩盒應該不可受潮和變形Level IILabeling, hangtags, barcode (UPC) and marking (if applicable)標貼、掛牌、袖卡、,插卡、條碼是否一致(如適用)Level II2. Appearance Check機身外觀檢查Marking, Labeling & Packing標誌和包裝Level II Cosmetic Appearance外觀檢查Level II Accessories配件Level IISubject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機3. Safety Test 安全性測試Hi-pot test, 高壓測試Level III) For European market and applying the IEC / EN standard根據歐洲市場採用IEC / EN標準要求- 3,750Vac, 2sec 0.5mA for class II product (Between live parts & accessibleparts) 在II類產品,需進行3,750Vac, 2秒, 0.5mA高壓測試- 1,500Vac, 2 sec, 0.5mA for class I product (Between live parts & externalaccessible earthing metal) 在I類產品,需進行1,500Vac 2秒,0.5mA高壓測試- 2,500Vac, 2 sec for UK plug only (BS1363), 在英國插頭(BS1363)需進行2,500Vac, 2 秒高壓測試II) For North American market在北美洲市場1,500Vac, 2 sec 0.5mA, (Between live parts & external accessible earthingmetal) 產品需進行1,500Vac,2秒0.5mA高壓測試Earth continuity resistance test (For class I product only, e.g. Earthing wire isLevel II provided) 接地電阻測試(適用于I 類產品)I) For European market and applying the IEC / EN standard在歐洲市場,按照IEC/EN標準- 25A current passed through R< 0.1Ohm is acceptable在插頭接地端與機頭帶電金屬部件間測量,採用25A進行檢測,電阻要小于0.1歐姆(有地線的才需要測)II) For North American market在北美洲市場Tested by a resistance meter, R< 0.1Ohm is acceptable使用電阻表進行檢測,電阻小于0.1歐姆4. Functional Check功能測試Normal function test (Observe every function operation, such as power switch,Level II water container, basket sealing check, brewing function , re-heating operation,blowing function for Espresso type etc.... ) 正常功能檢測,如開關制功能,儲水箱,漏斗滴漏檢查,蒸漏功能,加熱保溫功能及Espresso型號吹氣功能等……Water indicator function 水位標示功能檢查Level II Timer and others selector malfunction 定時器及其他選擇開關制功能檢查Level II Noise check, not allow 70dB measure at a distance of 30cmLevel II 噪音測試- 在距離本體30cm外側,噪音不可超過70dB,正常運轉時,不得有異音,共鳴聲,磨擦聲,注意噪音與異音的區別。
Input power / current consumption, 額定功率/電流測試Level II Dry boil test – it will test the thermostat operation,Level II 乾煲測試/乾燒測試,檢查恆溫器功能S-3 Water Temperature test (if applicable) – 1) after brewing, 2) Keep warm,水溫量度(如適用)– 1) 蒸漏後水溫測試,2) 加熱保溫溫度量度Pressure Test – 1) for water tube connection, 2) for Espresso function, 壓力測Level II 試– 1) 水管連接,2) Espresso型號Assembly fitting test by inspector (if applicable) 親自安裝測試(如適用) 5 pieces5. Construction Check 結構檢查Power cord length measurement電源線長度S1Subject : Coffee Maker 咖啡機Power cord – Pull test 電源線拉力測試I) For European market (EN/IEC adopted)Mass of sample重量Pull force拉力≤ 1kg 30N> 1 and ≤ 4kg 60N> 4kg 100NPerform 25 times and maintain 1 min, not allow the displacement of greaterthan 2mm 在進行25次需每次維持1min測試後,位移不可多于2mm。
II) For North American market在北美洲市場35 lbs for 1 min, not allow the displacement of greater than 1.6mm, 用35 lbs拉力拉1分鐘,位移不能超過1.6mm。
S1Stability test – inspected sample placed on an inclined plane of 15°, no overturnis occurred., 平穩度測試–在斜度板上(15°):在任何位置,任意角度,電源線在最不利的位置,不可傾倒。
S1Glass impact test, 玻璃杯撞擊測試S1Glass handle check, 玻璃杯手把進行扭力,拉力,及壓力測試,S16. Internal Check內部檢查Internal components / workmanship check內部零件檢查,工藝檢查S1 Polarity connection check 極性連接檢查S1Component checking – refer to the T echnical file and client’s specification關鍵件標誌檢查,按照技術文件和客戶要求S17. Data Management and Special Test 規格數據量度及特別測試Drop test, 落地測試S1Temperature rise test, 溫升測試 3 piecesThermal fuse protection test, 溫度保險絲功能測試S1Endurance test (if applicable) (100 cycles of brewing operation)耐久測試(如適用)(100次循環- 蒸漏功能)S1 Glass durability test (temperature test), 玻璃杯耐熱測試S1Flammability resistant test on enclosure , after conduct 15 sec test by lighter,the flame should be extinguished within 5 sec. (should be UL94-V0,but theenclosure of flammability resistant of coffee maker should complied with UL testreport ), 防火測試–外殼應爲防火材料,用火燃15秒後移開,5秒內熄滅爲合格,滴下的熔膠不可繼續燃燒,安規或客人有特殊要求需防火的,需能滿足上述測試。