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Some words
1. Field 研究领域 cf: area, discipline, interest, major, subject, scope, range, category 2. conference 会议、大会 cf:symposium 研讨会(专题性较强,有类似讲座性质的报告会议) congress 大会(通常是具有代表性质的会议,尤指政治性会议)
译文:为什么离婚率正在上升吗 ? 你有没有注意到 , 近年来越来越多的人离婚 ? 我认为你的答案是肯定的。就我个人而言 , 我的一些朋友已经经历过。
今天,婚姻的社会制度还不够稳定。就目前而言,在不深入问题的情况下更 换伴侣要容易得多。然而,这不是那么容易在现实中,事实上,问题不会消 失,如果我们逃避它们。了解破坏婚姻的主要因素,显然会帮助人们避免一 些这样的困难,可能至少有一个家庭在未来会失败。
Marrage background
Why marriages fail
成功的婚姻生活是一件复杂的事情 。大约有
50% 的婚姻以失败告终,其中许多在第一年就
失败了。每一对新人都带着美好的愿望出发, 白色的裙子,水桶里温柔的花朵,以及蓬勃的 a 爱的感觉。但是没有人知道这个故事什么时候 结束。不管怎么说,大多数问题都是突然消失 的,配偶们都没有做好准备。
生活可能是自发的和意外的,的确,金融危机 可能发生在富裕家庭。金钱是人们在婚姻中争 a 论最多的一件事。Leabharlann 103不忠
另一个严重的离婚原因是不忠。寻找婚姻之外的另一个原 因是当夫妻变得非常苛刻的时候。妻子或丈夫可能没有意
让他们以某种方式对待对方。如果他们不能按照所希望的 a 愿望和命令去做,那么他们就开始在屋外寻找和平。
Unit 1Text AII. Language points1.How successful you’ll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation you’ve done. <Para. 1> If you are well-prepared in making plans for your future career, the chances are that you might as well succeed in changing your career because how successfully you change your career may in part result from what preparations you’ve done in career planning.2.Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stumble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and directions. <Para. 2> You should regard making plans for your career as building bridges which are the transitions from your current job/career to your next job/career and may help you find the right door to the future.3.And while career planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. <Para. 5>… don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make real choices, decisions, or plans.4.To help you with your career planning, consider using the following exercises to their fullest potential. <Para. 6> … consider using the following exercises to their fullest degree/ as much as possible.5.Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged — and see if you can develop a common profile of these situations. <Para. 9> Consider the times and situations in which you feel most excited, most vigorous, most engrossed— and try to generalize the features these situations have in common.6.Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to be when you grew up? <Para. 13> Do you still remember when you were little you were asked to write about what you would like to be in the future?7.Take the time to revert back to those idyllic times and brainstorm about your current dream job; be sure not to let any negative thoughts cloud your thinking.<Para. 13> Spend some time in returning back to these simple, peaceful and pleasant times and trying to think more about your current ideal job to make sure that no negative thoughts could make your thinking obscure /unclear.8.Look for ideas internally, but also make the effort to explore/research other careers/occupations that interest you. <Para. 13> You should not only look for ideas inside yourself/ at the bottom of your heart, but also explore/research other careers/occupations you are interested in from the outside.9.Pinpoint the qualifications you need to move to the next step in your career or to make the move to a new career path. <Para. 18> Mark clearly the qualifications that are needed in career changing.10.If you’re not sure, search job postings and job ads, conduct informational interviews, research job descriptions.<Para.18> If you’re not sure about the qualifications required in the new career, you should search job pos tings and jobadvertisements for those qualifications, take part in interviewsin which you know something about the job, and study the list of general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position..11.Develop a timeline and action plans for achieving each type, being sure to set specific goals and priories. <Para. 20>Make a timetable and action plans for achieving each type of qualification you need and remember to set concrete goals and decide what should be done first.12.Businesses, careers, and the workplace are rapidly changing, and the skills that you have or plan for today may notbe in demand years from now. <Para. 21> Businesses, careers, and the workplace are rapidly changing, and the skills that you have mastered or you plan to master now may not be required or needed in the future.13.Long-range career planning should be more about identifying and developing core skills that employers will alwaysvalue while developing your personal and career goals in broad strokes.<Para. 21> When planning career for the long.run, you should focus on pinpointing and developing the essential skills in general that will always be valued no matter whom your employers are or how time changes.14.Here’s a collection of the best self-assessment tools, designed to give you a better idea of your attitudes and interestsas they relate to possible career choices. <Para. 25> The best collected self-assessment tools are developed to make you clear about your attitudes and interests related to the careers that you may choose.15.Some tools and resources especially for established job-seekers contemplating a career change.<Para. 26> In thesection of Career Change Resources, there are some tools and resources especially for those established job-hunters who consider changing careers.16.Taking the time to use a career journal is a fantastic way to conduct career planning on a regular basis. <Para. 31> Itis great to spend some time using a career journal to carry out career planning regularly.17.The concept of transferable skills is a vital job-search technique that all job-seekers should master, though theconcept is especially important for career changers and college students.<Para. 33> All job-hunters should master those skills that are needed to make transitions from school to workplace or from your current job to the next jobIII. Key to the exercises1. Reading Comprehension<1>According to the author, career planning is very essential because it functions as bridges built from one’s currentjob/career to his/her next job/career and with the bridges there is safety and direction.<2>The main idea of the passage:The passageoffers some basic guidelines for both short-term and long-term career planning.<3>Short-term career plan and long-term career plan are different. A short-term career plan focuses on a timeframeranging from the coming year to the next few years. It is characterized by developing realistic goals and objectives that can be accomplished in the near future. But long-term career planning usually involves a broader set of guidelines and preparation and focuses on and developing workplace core skills and identifying career trends.<4>In order to hold a positive attitude towards short-term career planning, you should free yourself form all career barriers,such as personal barriers, family pressure and peer pressure. And you shouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself because it may paralyze you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans.<5>Before you develop a picture of yourself and your career, you should analyze your current/future lifestyle,likes/dislikes, passion, definition of success, personality, dream job and current situation.2. VocabularySection A<1> on the move <2> In terms of <3> quintessential <4> perspective<5> priority<6> cloud <7> brainstormed <8> extravert, introvert<9> Reverting <10> timeframeSection B<1> A<2> B<3> C<4> C<5> A<6> D<7> D<8> A<9> C<10> A3. Cloze<1> right<2> not<3> wrong<4> First of all<5> knowledge<6> Only<7> no matter what<8> outperform<9> successful<10> higher<11> who<12> still<13> rather than<14> figure out<15> worst<16> Then<17> However<18> rehearse<19> more<20>instead of4. TranslationA. Chinese to English1> Translate the following sentences into English.<1> Although we failed this time, we should not be sunk in apathy, because as we all know, "failure is the mother ofsuccess.〞And we are all wedded to the belief that this failure will be the beginning of future success.<2>The idyllic Indonesian island is a beautiful combination of spirituality, natural beauty and a taste of the exotic.<3>Adolescence, the transition from childhood to adulthood, is always a critical time for everybody. So parents must pay1 / 432special attention to their children’s growth in this period.<4>Thank you for your really practical advice, but I still need time to reflect on it.<5>You’d better contemplate the related issues before making a final decision, and formulate a feasible action plan thatcan be fulfilled in one year.<6>In this English Speaking Contest, what impresses me most is that contestant 11 is a very fluent speaker of English, butit’s a pity that he fails to confine himself to the subject.<7>Neither difficulty nor failure frustrates his passion in his research. He was content to go as far as he could.<8>Anthropologists, as far as I know, are still unable to pinpoint just where along the line man and the apes branched intotwo distant species.2> Translate the following paragraph into English.We all have goals and aspirations. Sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. We want that new body, or want to be healthy and have more energy, but we just do not know what the first step is. In addition, the road to our goals is sometimes a rocky one. It is difficult to transgress and sometimes we just want to give up. We sometimes forget that our current situation did not occur overnight and so changing it will not happen overnight either. It will take time and hard work. Therefore, I suggest that you should set only one goal at a time.When you try to take on too much at once, you can become overwhelmed quickly. Create a list and take one goal at a time. Once you achieve that goal, back to your list to mark it off, and move to the next one. The act of achieving goals individually will give you a greater sense of accomplishment. You can even break the one goal into smaller parts. This gives you motivation and success more often than waiting for days or months to achieve a larger goal.B. English to Chinese1> Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.每位求职者都需要花点时间远离日常繁忙的工作,仔细思量你的事业,为未来制定计划.无论你喜欢现在的工作和老板或是感到受缚于目前工作,职业规划能够帮助你.职业规划被视作建立连接目前工作/职业和未来工作/职业的桥梁,没有这座桥,你会跌跌撞撞或迷失方向;但有了这座桥,就有了安全的保证和明确的方向.2> Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.〔1〕一位权威科学家警告说,机器人在家庭、工作场所和战争中的兴起必须受到伦理规X的监督和控制,以此限定机器人在一些敏感情境中的运用,比如看小孩、照顾老人以与作战等情境.〔2〕谢菲尔德大学的人工智能专家诺埃尔·夏基教授警告说,机器人正被引入潜在的敏感情境中,这可能会导致〔被服务者〕与世隔绝的状态,因为人们在给机器人设定指令后,往往很长时间不再问津.〔3〕第一条规定机器人不得伤害人类;第二条规定机器人必须服从人类的命令,但不得违反第一条定律;第三条规定机器人应尽量保护自己,但不得违反前两条定律.〔4〕但是20世纪末提出的有关具有高度人工智能的机器人将崛起的预言并未实现,不过机器人科学家已赋予了听命于他们的机器以准智能的特征,比如简单的言语识别、情绪表达以与面部识别等能力.〔5〕目前机器人的智力水平连愚蠢都算不上.如果我哪怕认为他们会在智力上高出人类一等,我都不会有这些担忧了. Text BCareer Path: Acting Your AgeKey to the exercisesGuess the meaning of the word<s><1> troublesome<2> strenuous<3> handicap <4> similar in meaning<5> applies <6> commendable <7> saturated <8> intimidating<9> attracting <10> What’s moreTrue or false(1)T<2>F<3>T<4>F<5>F<6>T<7>T<8>F.Unit 2Text AII. Language points1.Even a modest space voyage, Dyson calculated, would set the average family back 1,500 years in wages. <P ara.1>According to Dyson’s calculation, even a modest and common space voyage would cost the average family wages of about 1,500 years.set back: cost <a person> specific amounte.g. My new car set me back $3000.2.The difference reflected the relative difficulty of space travel, but also the limitations of big government programs to do things on the cheap.<Para.1>The cost difference not only has showed space travel is much more difficult than the Mayflower’s voyage in 1620 and the westward journey of the Mormons in 1840s, but also prove d that government needs to reduce its spending on big and expensive programs and turn its attention to the programs that cost less money.3.Nothing has happened in the past 40 years to suggest that NASA has come any closer to the commercial sweet spot of the Colonial settlers. <P ara.2> In the past 40 years, nothing has shown that NASA’s has found its best solution to which it could start and develop its business just like early colonial settlers who found their place, Massachusetts, to settle down and made their living move on based on their settlement.A sweet spot is a place, often numerical as opposed to physical, where a combination of factors suggests a particularly suitable solution. In the context of a racquet, bat or similar sporting instrument, sweet spot is often believed to be the same as the center of percussion. In this context, sweet spot means a financially profitable situation. Colonial settlers found this sweet spot while NASA didn’t come close.4.The commission headed by Lockheed Martin chairman Norm Augustine that has spent much of the past year deliberating on NASA’s human spaceflight program… <Para.2>deliberate on: to consider /discuss or negotiate仔细研究,审议e.g. We had no time to deliberate on the problem.5....even though ending this program would send NASA’s international partners into apoplexy. <P ara.2>…even though ending the ISS program would make NASA’s international partners feel very angry.The apoplexy is an outdated medical term, which can be used to mean "bleeding〞. It can be used non-medically to mean a state of extreme rage or excitement.6.More embarrassing, with NASA’s space shuttle due to be mothballed in 2010, and its cheaper replacement, the Orion capsule, not due to fly until 2012, the partners face a two year gap in which they will have to rely on Russia’s Soyuz ships to commute to the space station.<Para.2> To NASA’s embarrassment, they had to stop using their shuttle in 2010 and its cheaper replacement, the Orion capsule cannot fly until 2012, so there will be a two year gap between 2010 and 2012, in which NASA’s international partners have to depend on Russia’s ship to come and go to the space station.mothball: to decide not to use or develop something, for a period of time, especially a piece of equipment or a plan 封存;搁置不用If someone in authority mothballs a plan, factory, or piece of equipment, they decide to stop developing or using it, perhaps temporarily.7.The shortfall may force NASA to open up its space-exploration program to commercial operators to a degree that’s unprecedented in its history.<Para.3> The shortage or lack of money may force NASA to get commercial operators involved in its space-exploration program to a degree that has never happened before.shortfall:n. 缺口;差额;亏空If there is a shortfall in something, there is less of it than you need.8.The move could create opportunities for the modern equivalents of Young and Bradford—entrepreneurs willing to risk their livelihoods on making the exploration of space affordable by not only designing and building ships for3 / 434NASA, but also by providing shuttle services to deliver NASA astronauts or equipment to their targets. <Para.3>The move—NASA’s opening up its space program to commercial or private sectors— could create opportunities for upcoming modern entrepreneurs like Young and Bradford in the early times. They are willing to take a risk in spending much money, effort and even their lives on space exploration in order to get it started and moved on by not only designing and building ships for NASA, but also by providing shuttle services to deliver NASA astronauts or equipment to meet NASA’s targets. 9.In the past, NASA has been deeply involved in managing design and development work by outside contractors, a messy process that made the shuttle expensive and unsafe, rather than cheap and safe. Now the agency is under pressure to step back and buy services wholesale from private firms.<Para.3>In the past, NASA has spent much effort and time asking outside contractors to design and develop space shuttles, which is a very complicated process making the space shuttle expensive and unsafe rather than cheap and safe. Now due to financial pressure, the agency has stepped back to entrust private firms to do all the business for NASA.10."We’re talking about a movement from where the government has been the prime contractor, managing situationswith a very hands-on role, to a situation where they are just a customer,〞says Larry Williams. <Para.3> We are talking about the movement —NASA has shifted it role from a major contractor who needs to do every detailed and practical work by itself to a customer who buys services wholesale from private firms.11.The next step is to work out similar deals with private firms to send astronauts aloft. <Para.5> The next step is toenable the private firms to send astronauts to outer space just like cargo that can be delivered.aloft:adj./adv.high in the air 在空中高处Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground.12.To do that, NASA will have to relinquish some of its oversight of crew safety. This isn’t entirely without precedent.<Para.5> In order to let private firms send astronauts into space, NASA will have to give uptheir responsibility of regulating crew safety. This has happened before.relinquish:vt.to stop having something, especially when this happens unwillinglyIf you relinquish something such as power or control, you give it up.oversight: the state of being in charge of somebody/something 负责;照管13.Space X claims it could adapt its cargo-carrying spaceship for ferrying a human crew in less than three years, once itgets the green light. <Para.6> Space X claims it could make some change to its spaceship so that it could send people to outer space in less than three years, once it gets permission.14.If Virgin and other commercial firms can deliver, Earth orbit will be far more accessible than it’s ever been before.Although it would still be a stretch for all but the wealthiest people, costs could come down low enough to jump-start markets for tourism. <Para.8> If commercial firms like Virgin Galactic can deliver man to Earth orbit, then Earth orbit would be much easier to get to than ever before. It would be open to nobody but the wealthiest people since only the rich can afford the high price,but the cost could be reduced so that it would become a rising market for tourism.15.The big sticking point, however, will be safety. Even though NASA holds the safety of its crew paramount, it stillhasn’t been able to escape the occasional disaster, like the loss of the Columbia shuttle and its crew in 2003. <Para.8> The key point is still the consideration of safety of its crew. Even though NASA regards the safety of its crew as the most important thing, it still hasn’t been able to avoid the occasional disaster, such as the loss of the Space shuttle, Columbia andits 7 crew members in 2003.16.…the space shuttle is unreliable, in part, because its all-purpose design is overly complex. NASA needs a biggerrocket capable of sending a crew, with equipment and supplies for a long-duration trip, beyond the tether of Earth’s gravity. <Para.9>… the space shuttle is unreliable partly because its space shuttle is designed for all- around purposes, such as carryingcargo or people, etc. And the process of design is extremely complex. NASA needs a bigger rocket capable of sending a crew, with equipment and supplies for a longer trip, beyond the limitation or influence of Earth’s gravity.overly: too/ extremely17.It might be able to entice commercial firms to undertake their own big rockets if there were some payoff down theroad. <Para.9> Private firms might be attracted to build their own rockets to deliver astronauts to outer space if they could get profits..payoff:n. return; reward; payment18.Many seemingly ridiculous ideas for generating energy and beaming it back to Earth now seem much less so, thanksto the climate crisis. <Para.9> The ideas of generating energy and shining it back to earth, which used to sound very funny, but now seems much possible and necessary due to the consideration of the climate crisis.19.…the challenge of sending people safely into deep space and back for a profit is big enough to give any entrepreneurpause. <Para.10> … the challenge for private services to send people safely into deep space and back for making profits is so big that any entrepreneur would hesitate before they take their steps.give sb./sth. pause:使踌躇,使犹豫This finding should give pause to it. 这个发现令人深思.His recent behavior has given her pause about their relationship.他最近的行为让她对他们的关系产生了犹豫.20.The Industrial Revolution didn’t take off until the railways arrived. <Para.11>Here it means that the private sector will play an important role and do lots of work in deep space only if NASA gets it started.III. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension<1> In early times there was an essay comparing space travel to the colonization, but nothing can keep Dyson from makingameticulous effort to quantify and compare the costs of these vastly different ventures.<2>By presenting the relationship between FedEx and the U.S. Postal service, the writer wants to showthat NASA actually canpay private firms, like Space X to design and develop space program.<3>NASA opened up its space exploration program to commercial operators because NASA lacksfunding to keep its humanspaceflight program moving on and operating. So, it is the shortfall that forces NASA to open up its space-exploration program to commercial operators.<4>There are two steps that NASA is going to take after it begins working with smaller companies.The first is to get cargodelivered to space; the next step is to work out similar deals with private firms to send astronauts aloft.<5>Give your own comments.2. VocabularySection A<1> fanciful<2> eminent<3>meticulous<4>aloft<5>mogul<6> shortfall<7> quantify<8> relinquished<9> entrust<10> wholesaleSection B<1> C<2> B<3> C<4> D<5> B<6> C<7> B<8> D<9> C<10> B3. Cloze<1> predicted<2> pass<3> doubt<4> catch<5> running<6> high-lever<7> lag<8> convinced<9>assured<10> reasonably<11>dismissed<12> acute<13> called<14> offer<15> creation<16> feats<17> failed<18>lack<19> blame<20> boss4. TranslationA. Chinese to English1> Translate the following sentences into English.<1>By some estimates, 10 million Americans will be telecommuting in 5 years so that three quarters of a billion gallons ofpetrol could be saved.<2>Rogge also thanked the security forces that kept the Winter Olympic Games safe at the cost of about $310 million, a billthat increased following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.<3>Government has given our city a modern international airport capable of meeting our requirements far into the next century.<4>What makes parents worry is that some primary students keep indulging themselves in computer games day and night and5 / 436nothing can entice them from computers.<5>It’s an interesting suggestion for space program, but we need a bit longer time to give pause to it since it is so costly.<6>At present, government particularly needs to work on vocational training in various forms, open up new opportunities ofemployment and strive to assist as many laid-off workers as possible in finding new jobs.<7>A recent survey found 55 percent of those polled considered true love paramount in a relationship, while 45 percent stillbelieved in love at first sight.<8>Graduates are under great pressure before leaving college because of job hunting, poverty, emotional problems, schoolachievements and surroundings, etc.2> Translate the following paragraph into English.After the Soviet space program launched the world’s first human-made satellite <Sputnik 1> on October 4, 1957, the attention of the United States turned toward its own fledgling space efforts. The U.S. Congress, alarmed by the perceived threat to U.S. security and technological leadership <known as the "Sputnik crisis〞>, urged immediate and swift action; President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his advisers counseled more deliberate measures. Several months of debate produced an agreement that a new federal agency was needed to conduct all non-military activity in space. The Advanced Research Projects Agency <ARPA> was also created at this time.B. English to Chinese1> Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.首要任务是把货物送到太空. 美国航空航天局猎户星座航空舱仅是针对航天员设计的,所以把种子基金付给私人太空机构去实现把物品送到太空站.去年美国航空航天局就签订了两个合同, 一个是以16亿美元的价格委托美国宇宙探索技术公司<SpaceX>为美国航空航天局12次发射运载火箭. 另一个是以19亿美元的价格委托美国轨道科技公司〔Orbital Sciences Corp.〕为其完成八次太空飞行任务.为了履行这一合同,美国宇宙探索技术公司<SpaceX> 现正在组建猎鹰9号火箭助推器,以便运送无人驾驶的太空舱与太空站对接.太空员卸下货物后让其返回地球.美国轨道科技公司〔Orbital Sciences Corp.〕组建的类似的金牛座II火箭预计将在20##投入使用.威廉说:"从美国航空航天局的角度来看,他们最终关心的不是你怎么收到了,而是想办法把送到.〞2> Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.〔1〕太空项目的提案者早就有过这样的警告,逐渐增加的太空垃圾带最终会导致碰撞,就正如星期二所发生的,在西伯利亚上空500英里处,美国的一颗卫星与现已失效的俄罗斯卫星发生严重的撞击.〔2〕人类有惊人的乱丢垃圾的能力,但普遍存在的共识是:浩瀚的太空不会因为人类的行为而受到巨大的伤害.〔3〕我们的卫星在太空飞行的最高处离地球22000英里,当你知道这是地球到月球距离的1/10时,这一距离就听起来就不是很远的了.〔4〕每次即便是我们把一个小小的卫星送入它运行的轨道,伴随这一运载过程的也不仅仅是卫星.〔5〕一些政府机构的联盟,包括美国航空航天局、北美防空联合司令部,甚至美通讯委员会跟踪记录了星球上空的漂浮的所有垃圾,目前这些不断增加的垃圾让人无比地恐慌.Text BThe New Space Race<1> left / flied away from<2> hesitated<3> prevented or impaired<4> brought back to use/ revived <5> unfriendly/ hostile<6> made free from bacteria<7> space / vacancy <8>vulnerable / weak<9> a kind of metal element <10> filled with/ full ofTrue or false<1> T<2> F<3> F<4> T<5> F<6> T<7> T<8> FUnit 3Text A.II. Language points1. The utilitarian doctrine is, that happiness is desirable, and the only thing desirable, as an end; all other things being only desirable as means to that end.<Para. 1>The utilitarian principle is that happiness is worth obtaining and is the only thing worth obtaining as a purpose; all other things being so only as a way to obtain happiness.2.What ought to be required of this doctrine, what conditions is it requisite that the doctrine should fulfill, to make good its claim to be believed?<Para. 1>What requirements should this principle meet, what are the necessary conditions this principle should accomplish to make its claim good for people to believe?requisite a. required by circumstances or necessary for successe.g. Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada?have/lack the requisite capital to start a business3.In like manner, I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people do actually desire it.<Para. 2>Likewise, I think the only evidence we can possibly offer to prove anything to be desirable is that people do actually desire it.apprehend v. grasp the meaning of <sb./sth.>; understande.g. Do I apprehend you aright, i.e. Do you mean what I think you mean?sole a. one and only; singlee.g. the sole cause of the accidentthe sole survivor of the crash4.If the end which the utilitarian doctrine proposes to itself were not, in theory and in practice, acknowledged to be an end, nothing could ever convince any person that it was so.<Para. 1>If the purpose which the utilitarian doctrine itself intends to fulfillwere not accepted to be a purpose both in theory and in practice, then nothing could ever make anyone believe that it was so.5. No reason can be given why the general happiness is desirable, except that each person, so far as he believes it to be attainable, desires his own happiness.<Para. 2>We can give no reason why the general happiness is desirable except that each person desires his own happiness as long as he believes that it can be achieved.attainable a. that can be attainede.g. These objectives are certainly attainable.6.This, however, being a fact, we have not only all the proof which the case admits of, but all which it is possible to require, that happiness is a good, that each person’s happiness is a good to that person, and the general happiness, therefore, a good to the aggregate of all persons.<Para. 2>However, it is a fact that the general happiness is desirable, and we have not only all the evidence that the case agrees with, but all the evidence that it is likely to need,to prove that happiness is a benefit, that each person’s happiness is a benefit to that person, and the general happiness, therefore, a benefit to all persons as a whole.aggregate n. total amount; mass or amount brought togethere.g. the complete aggregate of unemployment figures7.Now it is palpable that they do desire things which, in common language, are decidedly distinguished from happiness. <Para. 3>Now it is obvious that people do desire things which, in everyday words, are definitely different from happiness. palpable a. clear to the mind; obviouse.g. a palpable lie, errordistinguish v. recognize the difference between <people or things>e.g. People who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind.The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.8.They desire, for example, virtue, and the absence of vice, no less really than pleasure and the absence of pain.<Para.3>For example, they want to have virtue and avoid vice as much as they want to have pleasure and avoid pain.vice:n. evil or unprincipled conduct; wickednesse.g. Greed is a terrible vice.9.The desire of virtue is not as universal, but it is as authentic a fact, as the desire of happiness. <Para. 3>Although the7 / 43。
)2、the; a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。
)4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。
)5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R的圆周运转。
)7、an (这是一个h参数。
)8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。
)9、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。
)11、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。
)12、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。
)13、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。
)14、an(甚至当积分区间并不是无穷时,能够恰当地显示一个时函数的傅氏变换的仪器是多么重要啊!)II、1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering Xi’an University ofTechnology in 1988.3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.4.5.或is its mass per unit volume.6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).8.III、1.2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.3.4.5.练习21. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.5. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with transmission lines.II、1. Its error is six parts in 1012.2. This computer stores four times more information than that one (does).3. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.4. The voltage across this component is a few tenths of a volt.5. Now its internal pressure is one third what it was.III、2. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that silicon transistors are used I CBO can be neglected.4. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 show this process in detail.练习3I、1. This new type of computer has many advantages over the general type.2. It is not difficult to solve this differential equation for the unknown quantity.3. Of these five new chapters, the first one deals with the basic principles of negative feedback.4. At this point/time, current differs in phase from voltage by 90o.5. By analyzing [By the analysis of] the parameters of the instrument, we can understand its performance.6. We will find out its average velocity over this distance.7. The science of electronics is too important in the world today.8. They solved this problem with great difficulty.II、1. For x>1, there is no solution to this equation [this equation has no solution].2. Upon [On] substituting [substitution of] these values into [in] theequation, we obtained the following expression..3. This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.4. This computer is very good in performance.5. These waves travel only in one direction.th of October.4. V6. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that silicon transistors are used I CBO can be neglected.7.练习4I、1. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the table.2. The three coefficients here remains to be determined.3. The two equations below will be often (frequently) used in later chapters/in the chapters which follow.4. Here we use two metal balls 10 cm apart.5. The output remains/stays constant/unchanged/fixed/unaltered/the same.6. All the textbooks available discuss this problem.7. Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications.8. The answer to this problem looks correct.9. Two parallel wires a distance (of)δapart carry the current i.10. The problem now is how to measure the voltage across this component.11. These data will be sent to the computing center 2 kilometers away.12. Upon rearranging the equation above, we have [get, obtain] the following expression.13. These charges can interact with other charges present.14. Forces can be transmitted without contact, contrary to the common belief.15. This coefficient is typically 0.35.II、1. In this case, the input does not fall; nor [neither] does the output. […; the output does not fall, either.]but also on the size and temperature of the conductor.练习5I、k has the same unit as work (does).II、electrical engineering.III、R o.6. We must take the effect of temperature on [upon] semiconductors intoaccount.7. In this case, the variation of output with input is very small.8. This curve shows the dependence of distance on/upon speed.IV、练习6I、1. This image, it will be noticed, is a real image.2. This technical problem, we hope, will be solved soon.3. 210 is approximately 1000, a fact that we think is very useful in the study of digital electronics.4. A resistor of say 100 ohms should be used here.II、radars.III、1. In Section 1-2, the concept of force was introduced.2. As early as the 1940s, it was found that semiconductors are very useful.3. This result can also be arrived at in another way.4. At that time no use was made of this phenomenon/…, thisphenomenon was made no use of.5. This point will be dealt with in the next section.IV、1. This computer works than that one (does)/This computer is much better in performance than that one (is)..4. The greater the resistance, the longer time it takes for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage/…, the longer time is required for the capacitor to reach its maximum voltage.)5. The current as small as 0.1 A cannot produce enough heat.V、或:We can determine the weight of the body easily.6. The results obtained values. […are in agreement with the experimental values.]练习7I、1. It will take a few months to design this kind of aircraft with the help of a computer.2. It is left as a problem to [for] the reader to show that this expression holds.3. The program to be executed is stored in this unit.4. This valley acts as the foundation on which to build the dam.5. In this laboratory there are many kinds of instrument for students to choose from.6. Let t0 equal/be equal to zero.7. The farther away the target (is), the longer time it takes for the echo to return.8. For the series to converge, x must be less than 1.9. We find this concept very difficult to understand.10. This method makes it much easier to detect targets.11. This factor will affect the ability of a computer to store information.12. We have to find out how large to make r so as for the series to converge.13. This is a pen to draw pictures with.14. Elasticity is the tendency of a body to return to its original condition after being deformed.15. Ordinary matter is said to be electrically neutral.16.This property makes it possible for metals to be made into any shape.17. This table is unfit for a student to do experiments on.18. Now we consider what path of integration to take.II、of impurities to练习8I、1. The amplifier amplifies the received signals.2. Moving molecules have kinetic energy.3. Speed equals distance divided by time.4. V oltage equals/is equal to current multiplied by resistance.5. The resistance of air increases with the increased/increasing/an increase in speed.8. This book, properly used, will be of great help to the reader.9. Flowing through a circuit, the current will lose part of its energy.10. Given/Knowing time and speed, we/one can find out distance.11. Having studied this chapter, the student will understand/will have understood the principle of a computer.12. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods.13. Several comsats were launched, all of them (being) high-altitude satellites.14. Called “the mother of all networks,” the Internet is a widely used international network.15. This force can be resolved into two components, one (being) horizontal and the other vertical.II、1.Let us construct/draw a circle with the origin as the center and ofradius R.2.This parameter should be measured with E grounded.3. With no resistance in the circuit, the current will increase indefinitely.4. With this in view, we have written this book.5. This paper introduces a new design method/technique, with emphasis on its principle.III、1.Let us consider designing a computer.2.We refer to these components as being passive.3.This involves taking the Fourier transform.4.On/Upon rearranging the above equations, we obtain the following setof equations.5.In using this equation, it does not matter which plane is considered asIV、练习9I、1. The problem was not solved until a completely different method was introduced.2. Nearly 100 years passed before the existence/presence of subatomic particles was confirmed by experiment/experimentally.3. The year this device was invented, World War II broke out.4. Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller particles.II、1. The relation that voltage is the product of current and resistance applies to all the dc circuits.2. The discovery that magnetism can produce current is extremely important in the field of electricity.3. An equation is an algebraic statement that two algebraic expressions are equal.4. There is evidence that no life exists on the moon.5. The question now arises whether the algorithm is of practical use.6. In this case there is no guarantee that the series is convergent.7. There is a growing/increasing awareness that these techniques/methods are very useful.8. One of/Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization that light consists of electromagnetic waves.10. Besides/In addition that the properties of the material should be included in the analytical model, we must take other factors into account.III、1.These features make it difficult for electronic counter-measure systemsto intercept, analyze and jam this kind of signals.2. The existence of and the ability to control these phenomena make those devices possible.3. The variation of/in the number of the filter’s teeth has a greater effect on the performance of its passband than the variation of/in its dimensions.4. Scalar detection will result in the loss of some phase information.5. Fig. 6 shows the schematic diagram of measuring scatter parameters by the natural parameter transformation method.练习10I、1. Now it remains to be determined when the series converges.2. It is clear from Dubamel’s Theorem that this limit exists.3. It follows from Maxwell’s hypothesis that whenever there is a change in an electric field, a magnetic field is produced.4. It does not matter whether the magnet is moved in this case.5. Temperature determines in what direction the transfer of heat will take place.6. It is now a well-known fact that all matter consists of tiny particles.II、1. What a generator does is (to) change mechanical energy into electrical energy.2. What this chapter describes/What is described in this chapter is of great importance.3. Matter is what can occupy space.6. Magnitude, direction, and place of application are what we call the three elements of a force.7. These numbers constitute what is known as the real number system.8. In what follows, we shall acquaint ourselves with some basic concepts.III、1. An x-band wave-guide test system is shown in Fig.7. [或:Fig. 7 shows …].2. This method lowers the requirement for the hardware of a samplenetwork.3. On the basis of the above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial, a novel configuration results. [或:The above analysis of the decomposition of the polynomial results in a novel configuration.]4. Finally, an analysis of packet loss probability is made by computer simulation.5. The sparse ratio of the resulting impedance matrix is as high as 40%.练习11I、1. The meter (that/which) we use to measure the voltage across a resistor is called a voltmeter.2. Computers are the most efficient assistants (that) man has ever had.3. Now this disease is no longer the serious problem (that) it once was.4. Radar can measure the time (that) it takes for the radio echo to return.5. We must calculate the distance (that/through which) the body is lifted.6. The direction (that/in which) a body moves is also very important.7. The number of times (that/by which) this particle vibrates per/a second is called/termed/named/known as/spoken of as/referred to as frequency.8. We equate these two ratios, from which the simplest formula follows/results.9. It is necessary to determine the time when/that/at which the y-component has decreased to zero.10.. The curve the y-coordinate of each point on which is zero is just the x-axis.II、1. The point at which the circle cuts the axis of reals is where α= ω.2. The force of gravity means the force with which the earth attracts a body.3. The surface of a picture tube upon which the electrons produce the picture is called the screen.4. The author would like to express thanks to the editors of the series of which this book is a part/to which this book belongs.5. This is a parallelogram of which the two given vectors are/form sides.6. The pressure is equal to the total force divided by the area over which it is exerted.7. The two elements of which water consists are hydrogen and oxygen.8. This depends on the efficiency with which electrons are produced.III、1. As the title indicates, this chapter will discuss nonlinear equations.2. As the name shows, a fluid is a substance which flows readily.3. This single force produces the same effect as is produced by those forces together.4. Now we are able to solve such differential equations as occur in physics.5. This function can be accomplished by using the full adder as was described in the previous section.6. These concepts enable us to understand a wide range of phenomena in electrostatics, or “static electricity,” as it is called.7. This current is, as predicted, very small,8. First let us consider the simplest circuit as shown on page 2.IV、1. This is a slightly higher value than we predicted.2. This reactor can produce more fuel than it consumes.3. Let us consider the case when the torque is zero.4. We must determine the values of currents and voltages after the switch closes.5. During the ten years since this book was first published, significant changes have taken place/have been seen in metal-making.V、of voice service.2. This paper presents a an 8098 microcontroller to series-communicate with a 386 personal computer.analysis is made of the effect of equalization parameters on equalization performance.]4. Each receiver channel in Fig. 1 contains an RF a an IF amplifier, an A/Detc.”的黑点重合在一起了)5. The larger the abnormal extent (is), the larger is the residual mismatch, with the curve going up.练习12I、1. be grounded;2. be carried;3. be raised;4. be;5. not try;6. be; be satisfied;7. be;8. be; was; have;10. were concentrated; 11. had been; 12. were moving; 13. is going to rain; 14. be; 15. leakII、1. Should anything abnormal happen, switch/turn off the power supply at once/immediately.2. Had electronic computers not been used, it would have taken them a long time to solve this problem.3. It is very important that all solutions (should) be checked in the original equation.6. We could also have used Theorem (6) to derive the result.7. The requirement that energy (should) be conserved must be satisfied.8. Everything here, be it a component or a device, is home-made.III、1. It was this scientist who/that discovered this phenomenon a century ago.medium.4. It is not clear yet under what conditions it is that this formula can be used.5. This property we call inertia.IV、1. The author is engaged in the teachingand recognition.2. Let P and Q be two Boolean permutations of the same order, and then their composition is a new Boolean permutation.3. Three algorithms are presented, which can remarkably reduce the time to raise the pen, thus raising the drawing efficiency.4. What this paper describes is of great interest to communications engineers.5. The minimum entropy technique for estimating the Doppler frequency rate is presented, which has the advantages over the classical techniques of high accuracy and a small amount of computation.练习13II、1. By electromagnetic force is meant the potential difference across the battery when there is no flow of current.2. In the table below/which follows are listed various parameters of familiar computers.3. An element cannot be decomposed, nor can it be broken up by chemical methods.4. Only when x = 8, does this equation hold/apply.5. Of particular importance/Especially important are the two concepts which follow.6. Such a set we call the mathematical system.7. Rarely does one know this function with precision.8. This interrelationship between electric and magnetic fields makes possible such things as the electromagnet and the electric motor.9. Not until 1818 was the diffraction of light interpreted/explained.10. By no means do electrons move from the positive terminal to the negative terminal in a wire.II、1. The effect of air resistance is discussed in Chapter 15, and the decrease in acceleration with altitude in Chapter 17.2. It is necessary to determine the charge on and the voltage across this capacitor.3. In this case, no standard is needed, but only a numerical convention.4. This voltage is greater than or equal to 0.4 volts.5. The cathode, when heated, emits electrons.6. Every body, whether accelerated or not, is considered (to be) in equilibrium.7. If necessary, the wire will be covered with some insulation.8. The transistor has its materials arranged p-n-p, hence the name pnp transistor.III、1. An initial analysis is made of the performance of the device.2. The magnetic field is the space around a magnet occupied by the magnetic lines of force.3. This leads to the battery voltage in the model of 500 mV.4. This graph shows the variation with frequency of the resistance of the resistor.5. This is responsible for the direct return to the atmosphere of more than half the water that falls on the land.6. The question now arises how these unknowns can be determined.7. It is necessary to determine the effect on the device of changing the ambient temperature.8. The assumption has been made that the pressure always remains constant during the test.IV、1. The simulation results show that both the schemes are easy to implement.2. The model and algorithm proposed in this paper are to a certain degree/extent superior in performance to the conventional BP algorithm.3. A new technique for estimating the frequency deviation is proposed which gives a high accuracy and requires a small amount of computation.4. Improvement of the accuracy of range alignment in ISAR imaging (by) using the super resolution technique5. Research on and the realization of DTMF in a Cipher Coder6. Analysis of the ability of a quartz flexibility accelerometer to resist bad environment练习14I、1.then; Next2.while3.of course4.However5.In general; while6.Hence7.In fact8.For instance9.but; However; namely [that is]10.InsteadII、It has been observed that bodies do not change their state of rest or motion until some other body forces them to do it. It is known form experiment that a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless a force is applied to make it move. A book lying on a table stays there unless a force is applied to move it. It is also known that any body, once (it is) in motion, will continue to move because of its inertia. To stop it a force must be applied by any other body.III、1. An analysis of the EMI spectrum at the input of the SMPS and its suppression2. Also, a quantitative expression for the effect of all these factors on the performance of the system3. This device can detect whether an IC functions properly or not/can detect the quality of an IC and4. In this way, the area of an antenna site may be reduced to one-third that of the conventional one.5. H and H’练习15I、Semiconductors are a substance whose conductivity lies/comes/is between that of conductors and that of non-conductors. Common examples are silicon and germanium./Silicon and germanium are intheir conductivity. Therefore/Thus/So/As a result, semiconductors are widely used for automaticallyII、ξ1 andη3.3. The features of this new algorithm are simplicity and objectivity.4. It deserves to be further studied which nonlinear function should be selected.5. The test of the system was conducted at a factory in Hong Kong with satisfactory results.练习16I、1.This paper presents a new temperature-measuring method, with emphasis on its basic principles.2. This point remains to be further studied.3. In the previous section, we dealt with the composition of a computer.4. It follows from this experiment that volume is inversely proportional to pressure.5. This statement has been verified.II、1. This new method has many advantages over those available/over the existing ones.2. The variation of pressure with temperature is obvious.3. We can determine the response of the device to frequency.4. This paper deals with the effect/influence/impact of EM waves on/upon human bodies.5. This paper presents initial researches on fluids.III、1. Two other parameters are also very important.2. This section introduces four additional/added kinds of instrument.3. A robot is a special kind of electronic device.4. We shall adopt a new set of parameters here.5. This technology has reached the advanced world level.6. Major theoretical developments in the 20th century are presented in this paper.IV、1. This cable has an approximate length of 20 meters/a length of approximately 20 meters.2. These pipes have an average length of slightly/a little/a bit under/less than 5 meters.3. Light has a speed through water of 224 million meters per second.4. Any other sea does not have as high a salt content as the Dead Sea (does).5. This force has a torque arm of zero.6. These forms have the advantage that it is easy to see how the results are affected by changing the angles.V、1. some distilled water2. the unknown substances3. man-made satellites4. amplitude-modulated signals5. chromium-plated steel6. the new racing cars7. freely falling bodies8. blue-lined paper9. an acute-angled triangle10. a wide-toothed sawVI、1. This method requires a much smaller amount of computation than that one (does).2. This device consumes much less energy that that one (does).3. We should use as simple a structure as possible.4. We have obtained satisfactory/satisfying results.5. Body A possesses more potential energy than body B.6. This fluorescent screen displays clearer pictures than that one.VII、1. …… because of fairly low conductivity of the skin.2. At temperatures greater than 80o C, …….3. At/For/With constant pressure, …….4. At/On/After the completion of all tests on the unit, …….5. For/With small values of ω, ……VIII、1. Operation beyond this hyperbola will result in diode power dissipation in excess of its maximum rating of 1W.2. Inclusion of the meter circuit in the feedback path minimizes the effects of diode nonlinearities on circuit performance.3. Differentiation of this equation gives the following expression.4. A temperature rise of 50o C/A rise in/of temperature by 50o C would damage the device.5. The large size of the resistor makes it possible to neglect it.6. Limited space allows only a brief discussion of quartz-crystal technology.IX、1. This fraction is rationalized by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate.2. The addition of two complex numbers is accomplished by separately adding the real and imaginary parts.3. The/Its solution is accomplished by first finding out I1.4. These three parameters are related by the following equation.5. V is related to t by Eq. (1–1).X、This paper presents a new design method, with emphasis on the guidelines of thought for its derivation. It has many advantages over those available [the existing ones]. Finally [Lastly], Its application is illustrated with an example.XI、1. Fig. 3 shows a transmission line with a length of I and a characteristic impedance of 500 Ω.2. Although there are many ways to produce random numbers, the procedure for producing them is quite complicated.3. As is known, when one reads a Chinese character, he or she does not consider every detail in it.4. The Hash algorithm is a scheme by which data of any length can be compressed into data of a fixed length.5. The number of times this value occurs in the observations is given in the first column.练习17I、1. (略)2. David J. Minot attended the University of California, Berkeley, CA. from 1994 – 1998. He earned the BS degree in botany there in 1998, and the M. Eng. Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2000. Since 2004 he has been working towards the Ph.D. degree in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.In 1998 he served as a teaching assistant at the University of California. From 2000 to 2001 he was with the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests concentrate on the development of software.II、This device can identify whether an IC functions properly or not and it can determine the type of an unknown chip. It can test as many as more than 700 kinds of IC. It is characterized by easy operation, high testing speed and great portability. Its price is only about one-third that of the imported product of its kind/the same kind.III、1. It is important how the transmitting antenna pattern is determined./What is important is how to determine the transmitting antenna pattern.2. δandδe can be obtained from Eqs. (3) and (4).3. There are two factors controlling the diffusive signal process: (1) the diffusive signal, which can bea brightness signal or a motion-matching signal; (2) the position of the diffusive signal, which determines where the diffusive process starts.4. The following concept is one of the basic principles on which the neural system is based.5. A method to increase the accuracy of range alignment by applying the forward-backward linear prediction is presented.练习18I、1. Frequency is defined as the rate at which something occurs./By frequency is meant the rate at which something happens.2. A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.3. Elasticity is defined as the tendency of an object to return to its original state after being deformed./By elasticity is meant the tendency ….4. An isosceles triangle is a triangle/one having two equal sides/having two sides equal in length/with two sides equal in length.5. An electron is a particle with a mass of 9.107×10– 18 gram.II、The wavelet theory has so unique an advantage that it has found wide applications in many fields of engineering. Since this is the development and improvement of the Fourier analysis, it can, in principle, be used [A development and improvement of the Fourier analysis, this theory can, in principle, be used] where the traditional Fourier analysis is applicable. What is more, better results may be obtained on account of the fact that this theory overcomes the shortcomings of the Fourier analysis.III、1. This method imposes few limitations on the kinds of engineering drawings.2. Because of the great difference in characteristic between these symbols, they are processed in different ways.3. For these reasons, it is desirable for a computer to separate the text from the image.4. These variations are so small that they can be neglected/so small as to be neglected.。
专业学位硕士研究生英语教程Unit-1词汇及课后答案Unit 1Excuse NotesWord Bankanthology: n. a collection of artistic works which have a similar form or subject, often those considered to be the best 诗选/文选attest :v. to show sth. or to say or prove that sth. is true 证明choke: v. to stop breathing 窒息,哽住devilment : n. behavior that causes trouble but is usually intended to be playful or amusing 恶作剧distribute: v. to give sth. out to several people, or to spread or supply sth. 分发,发送epiphany: n. understanding 理解forge: v. to make an illegal copy of sth. in order to deceive 伪造,铸造gem: n. sb. or sth. that is very good, pleasing or useful 精品,非常有用的人genuine: adj. sth. genuine is what it seems to be; real 真的lucid: adj.clearly expressed and easy to understand or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly 易懂的,明白的,清醒的omit: v. to fail to include or do sth. 省略,疏忽plight: n. an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad or difficult one 处境,状态seduction: n. the attractive quality of sth. 诱惑superintendent: n. people who is in charge of work done in a particular department, office, etc. 主管,负责人treason: n. lack of loyalty to one’s country, especially by helping its enemies or attempting to defeat its government 通敌,叛国罪vulgar: adj. rude and likely to upset or anger people 无理的,粗俗的Phrases and Expressionsbe evicted from: to be forced to leave somewhere 驱逐,赶走be worth of: deserving respect, admiration or support 值得的glance at: to give a quick short look 一瞥turn into: to change into 进入,(使)变成Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. According to the passage, the teacher ____D____.A. is angry with his students.B. does not like his students forging excuse notes.C. blames the parents.D. teaches a successful writing class.2. Mikey missed school ____D____.A. because his grandmother fell down from the stairsB. because he did not like his teacherC. because his parents wanted him to be homeD. because he did not want to go to school3. When the students forged the excuse notes, they were ____A____.A. very smart and imaginativeB. boredC. indifferentD. excited4. The principal of the school ____B____.A. blamed the teacher for what he had done in class.B. praised the teacher for what he had done in class.C. was disappointed with the teacher.D. fired the teacher.5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( D )A. The students enjoyed the teacher’s writing class very much.B. The students were very creative in forging excuse notes.C. The teacher enjoyed teaching writing.D. The students did not enjoy the teacher’s writing class.II. Complete the following summary (summarize) of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.His methods anything but conventional, Mr. McCourt created a lasting impact on his students through imaginative assignments in his (1)creative writing. He found that some of his students (2) forged excuse notes in the name of their parents. He does not angry with what the students had done; instead, he divided those notes into two (3)piles, one for the (4)genuine ones written by parents, the other for forgeries. The students were so smart that they could create a variety of (5)excuses. So the teacher decided to dig up their (6)talent in writing by asking them to write excuse notes. The students were so (7)absorbed in the writing that they almost forgot to have (8)lunch.At last the principal (9)praised the teacher for this successful teaching method. Both the teache and the students were happy about the writing class. And the teacher realized everyone (10)needed an excuse. Understanding is essential to the teacher and the students.VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. A number of __D___ works of art have been sold as genuine.A. falseC. famousD. forged2. To ___B__ one’s power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.A. accuseB. abuseC. deduceD. excuse3. Seeing the speeding car, the policeman __B__ the driver to pull up at the curb.A. reckonedB. beckonedC. softenedD. stiffened4. Unfortunately, he hit a traffic jam and missed the train __B___ a few minutes.A. withB. byC. beforeD. for5. She gave a clear and __A___ account of her plans for the company's future.A. lucidB. dullC. unclearD. ambiguous6. Isn't it rather __C___ to talk about how much money you earn?A. politeC. vulgarD. pleasant7. The books will be __D___ free to local schools.A. contributedB. tributeC. attributedD. distributed8. The editor required him to __A___ some details of the article.A. omitB. permitC. summitD. illuminate9. Few of us can be unmoved by the __C___ of the Romanian orphans.A. lightB. mightC. plightD. moonlight10. I have to __B___ my reputation.A. detectB. protectC. intactD. preventII. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. superintendent choke attest forge gemgenuine lucid omit turn into excuseglance at evicted disguise worthy imagination1. In the US. a school is superintendent in charge of the schools in a particular area.2. Thousands of people came out onto the streets to attest their support for the democratic opposition party.3. The expensive purse is made of genuine leather.4. Can you turn this article into English?5. She took a glance at her watch.6. I know why this happened. You don't have to find any excuse.7. He was evicted from the pub for drunken and violent behavior.8. This emperor is said to have paid many personal visits to various counties disguise as an ordinary citizen.9. Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.10. Children often have very vivid imagination.TranslationPut the following paragraphs into Chinese.1. Most parental-excuse notes I received back in those days were penned by my students. They'd been forging excuse notes since they learned to write, and if I were to confront each forger I'd be busy 24 hours a day.2. My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent of schools. Neither acknowledged me. They walked up and down, peering at papers. The superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal.3. Sooner or later, I figured, everyone needed an excuse. Also, if we sang today we could sing tomorrow, and why not? You don’t need an excuse for singing.参考译文:1.我每天收到以父母名义写的请假条,很多是学生自己写的。
Unit 3 Academic Conference【研究生专业英语】
Unit 3 English for InternationalAcademic Conferences——Basic Knowledge about Academic ConferenceWarm -up QuestionsHave you ever organized/attended an international academic conference? If yes, what ’s your experience?If no, what events are to be involved in a conference?Topical Highlights1. Different Kinds of Meetings2. Principal Conference Activities3. Classified Conference Information4. Available Information Sources1. Different Kinds of MeetingsMeetingMeeting is a general and summary term of various kinds of assembly of people for a particular purpose.Since the definition of meeting is rather extended and not clearly demarcated , it can mean any kind of gathering, pre-arranged or non-arranged, formal or informal; the time can be long or short; the scale, large or small; the participants, many or a few, and so on.To specifically clarify a meeting, therefore, the names of meeting should be further demarcated .separate clearly['di ːm ɑːke ɪt]ConferenceConference is a kind of formal meeting , often lasting for a few days. It is organized on a particular subject to bring together people who have a common interest. At aconference, formal discussion usually take place.Conference generally refers to a specialized professional or academic event . People often use the term international conference to mean a meeting held at the international level , with the participants coming from different countries.1. Different Kinds of MeetingsSymposiumSymposium (pl.symposia/symposiums ) refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academic discussion .At a symposium, experts, scholars, and other participants of aparticular field discuss a particular subject.Compared with conference, a symposium is usually narrower and more specific in the range of topics . In terms of scale, a symposium may be smaller than a conference , because sometimes a conference may include several symposiums held simultaneously (as satellite symposiums).pluralthe form of a word that is used to denote more than one 1. Different Kinds of MeetingsCongressRepresentatives from national, international, governmental, or non -governmental organizations; Usually rather large in scale and generally representative and extensive.1. Different Kinds of MeetingsFor example, “The Fourth World Congress on Women ”, which wassponsored by the United Nations, was held in Beijing in 1995, with over 20,000 representatives from countries all over the world.ConventionRoutine meeting; Regularly organized by a learned society, a professional association, an academic institution or a non -governmental organization.1. Different Kinds of Meetingshaving or showing profound knowledgeSeminarA class -like meeting, where participants discuss aparticular topic or subject that is presented by several major speakers.Different from the general situation of a meeting, thepresentations are mainly given by chief speakers, while other people first listen and then join them. In this sense, a seminar can be taken as lecturing plus discussion.1. Different Kinds of MeetingsCo 'lloquium¾Formal word for seminar ¾Large academic seminar for example, panel discussion¾Invited experts or professionals in a particular field1. Different Kinds of MeetingsParticipants of the meeting will express their ideas and opinions around a specific topic.[k ə'l əʊkwi əm][k ə’l əukwi əliz(ə)m]colloquialismForum1. Different Kinds of MeetingsForum is in fact a kind of public meeting , at which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.For example, the ’99 Forum on Asian Economics is to be held in Singapore.['f ɔːr əm]Workshop¾A discussion anddemonstration of the practical work on a particular subject and people related share their knowledge and experience.¾Arranged in a workshop may be many relevant activities —demonstrations, displays and operations during the course of presentation.1. Different Kinds of MeetingsSummaryadvanced coursesex h ibitionspecial panel school studytrade ex h ibition round -table summit assembly r a lly gatherings meeting conference symposium congress convention forum seminar workshop colloquium[eksi'bi ʃn] ['r æli] 1. The 1stInternational Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’1995, Nanjing, P.R. China;2. The 2nd International Symposium on Measurement Techniques forMultiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’1998, Beijing, P.R. China;3. The 3rd International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2001, Fukui, Japan (日本福井);4. The 4th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2004, Hangzhou, P.R. China;5. The 5th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2006, Macao, P.R. China;6. The 6th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques forMultiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2008, Okinawa, Japan (日本冲绳);7. The 7th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques forMultiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2011, Tianjin, P.R. China;8. The 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques forMultiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2013, Guangzhou, P.R. China.Samples(1) Formal Meetings (2) Informal Meetings(3) Audio & Visual Presentations (4) Teaching & Consulting Services (5) Exhibitions & Business Talks (6) Visits and Other Social Activities2. Principal Conference Activities2. Principal Conference ActivitiesA. General assembly opening ceremony welcome speeches general speeches closing ceremony(1) Formal meetings general assembly plenary session parallel session poster sessionGeneral AssemblyGeneral assembly is usually attended by all the participants of the conference and sometimes by government officials as well as reporters. Activities in a generalassembly, in most cases, are the opening ceremony , welcome speeches bygovernmental officials and organizers , general speeches given by distinguished guests or outstanding experts, and closing ceremony .2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsB. Plenary sessions invited lectureskeynote presentations2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsPlenary SessionsPlenary sessions of a conference are usually attended by all the participants. Invited lectures or keynote presentations are usually arranged in plenary sessions .These lectures invited and arranged by the organizers are usually given by well -known experts of a particular field according to the themes of the meeting, and the papers presented on these occasions are all about some research subjects of universal significance and general interests .2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsC. Parallel sessionsindividual speeches on given topics2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsParallel SessionsParallel session refers to smaller -scale meetings held simultaneously ,which are therefore called simultaneous sessions. These sessions are important occasions for participants of a particular research group to present their individual papers.2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsD. Poster sessions papers posted on boards or walls2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsPoster SessionsPoster sessions are a form of meeting in which papers are posted on boards or walls in a specially separated area of the meeting place.2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetingsposterA scientific poster is a large document that can quickly and effectivelycommunicate your research at a scientific meeting.2. Principal Conference Activities(1) Formal meetings(2) Informal MeetingsA. Free information exchange have no fixed areas of interestB. Free paper presentationgive an oral introduction to their papers C. Free communication “walk in and talk ”2. Principal Conference Activities 2. Principal Conference Activities (2) Informal MeetingsA. Free Information ExchangeAs a kind of participants' interaction, freeinformation exchange may have no fixed areas of interest, but the organizer may provide a range of topics for exchange of ideas.During the allocated time, random participants may talk about their interested subjects and discuss them with other participants.2. Principal Conference Activities (2) Informal MeetingsB. Free Paper PresentationIn some international conferences,free paper presentation may be arranged for those delayed papers or papers not formally presented in the regular sessions.In these sessions, the participants may give an oral introduction to their papers.2. Principal Conference Activities C. Free CommunicationFree communication sessions are available in some conferences to facilitate participants' free communication. These interactions are usually arranged between sessions or during the break of a conference.The communication of this kind is so easy and comfortable for the participants that on some occasions it is vividly called "walk in and talk.”(2) Informal Meetingsbrightly, richly“walk in and talk ”2. Principal Conference Activities (2) Informal Meetings2. Principal Conference Activities (3) Audio & Visual PresentationsOn many occasions professionalpresentations need to resort to various kinds of audio and visual demonstrations.The use of overhead projectors , slideprojectors , videotapes , short film projectors , poster demonstrations , and other audio and visual aids (e. g. using Powerpoint ) hasbecome very popular in modem international conferences.(4) Teaching & Consulting ServicesA. Teaching ServicesTeaching services in some international conferences include various forms of educational courses, pre-conference institutes, and teaching day for tutoring, tutorial workshop or special tuition and so on.These teaching services are actually classesheld by the organizers for participants to access required knowledge, mainly for young students and those who are not very familiar with the subject to be discussed or the terminology to be used in the forthcoming meeting.2. Principal Conference Activitiesa system of words used to name things in a particular discipline2. Principal Conference Activities(4) Teaching & Consulting ServicesB. Consulting ServicesConsulting services refer to discussions or consultations closely related to certain practical performances. The services are usually offered by experts with both rich theoretical and practical experiences who can provide consultations concerning application of technology, new concept interpretation, and managerial advice for the participants.[mænə'dʒɪəriəl]adj. (management)2. Principal Conference Activities (5) Exhibitions & Business TalksThere are generally three types of exhibitions: A. Scientific ExhibitionA scientific exhibition is arranged with adisplay of results of relevant scientificresearch such as new equipments, crafts,products as well as books and journals, inorder to achieve better effects of academic and technological communication.2. Principal Conference Activities(5) Exhibitions & Business TalksB. Conference ExhibitionA conference exhibition may comprise both an academic conference and the product exhibition.The aim of this kind of exhibition is usually to introduce some new achievements of applied technology. Since the exhibition is actually an important part of the conference, the name of the conference often contains the term “exhibition.”2. Principal Conference Activities(5) Exhibitions & Business TalksC. Trade ExhibitionA trade exhibition is arranged by the conference with distinctive features of commerce. The exhibits are displayed, introduced and also prepared for sale. Currently, there is a trend that academic exchanges go hand-in-hand with business talks and trade exhibitions.get together2. Principal Conference Activities(6) Visits and Other Social ActivitiesDuring intervals or breaks of an internationalconference, there are often various kinds of socialactivities:visits to famous research institutes,universities and colleges, museums, manufacturing or mining enterprises, construction sites, etc.And sometimes visits may be arranged to historical or scenic spots. Social events in a conference usuallyinclude banquets held by the conference organizer or by the host municipal government, various parties,excursions, games, concerts, etc. In short, conferenceparticipants, through these social events, are alwaysprovided with opportunities for extensive contact and friendship establishment.beautiful, charmingtrip2. Principal Conference Activities (6) Visits and Other Social ActivitiesConference Banquet:3. Classified Conference Information(1) General InformationName:16th International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine16th ICHM 2008The 8th International Symposium onMeasurement Techniques forMultiphase Flows, ISMTMF ’2013hyperbaric oxygen(1) General InformationDate: starting and ending dateThe symposium held from April 9 to April 12, 2008;The conference dated July 23-29, 20083. Classified Conference InformationThe symposium will hold from December 13 to 15, 2013;The conference is dated December 13 to 15, 2013;Location:Also called venue , with availableaccommodations, telecommunication facilities, convenient transportation and beautiful scenery . There is a trend of integrating professional meetings with tourism .Topic for Discussion:Areas of interest ThemesConference theme Main areasIssue and questions that the conference will address3. Classified Conference Information(1) General Information(2) Paper submission information(instructive and informative)Abstract:the deadline , length (pages) , andformat of the abstract.Full paper:the deadline , length (pages) , stylesheet, photocopies of the paper , and other detailed requirements.3. Classified Conference Information(2) Paper submission informationMode of Presentation:Plenary sessions Parallel sessions Orally PosteredWith visual /audio devices Copyright transfer3. Classified Conference InformationCopyright TransferCopyright of material presented at ISMTMF ’2013symposium is held byISMTMF .Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. ISMTMF affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented.However, if an editor of these journals does not contact the author within three months after the meeting, he or she is free to re -submit the article for publication elsewhere . In this case the paper must carry a reference3. Classified Conference InformationTopical Highlights1. Different Kinds of Meetings2. Principal Conference Activities3. Classified Conference Information(1) General Information (name, date, venue, topics)(2) Paper submission information ( abstract, fullpaper, mo de of presentation)(3) Organizational Information (4) Participants Information4. Available Information Sources(3) Organizational InformationSponsors & OrganizerOrganizing Committeechairperson, vice -chairpersons, secretary -general, deputy secretary -general, etcAcademic CommitteeSecretariatreceive and answer correspondences to the conference and th e committees, take care of the conference rooms, and take charge o f the financial managementOther committeesinternational steering committee, coordinating committee, e xecutive committee, local committee, advisory panel, lady ’s committee, etc3. Classified Conference Information[sekr ə'te əri ət](4) Participants Information Number of participantsindicating the scale of a conference Requirements for attendancesqualification of attendance sets restrictions on the participants of a conference (membership, age, specialization) Conference VIPs Other members3. Classified Conference InformationTopical Highlights1. Different Kinds of Meetings2. Principal Conference Activities3. Classified Conference Information4. Available Information Sources(1)(1) Specialized Periodicals Announcing Meetings(2) Professional Journals and MagazinesCarrying Meeting Announcements (3) Conference Documents(4) Centers/Departments Specialized in Meetings orOther International Communication(5)(5) Learned Societies & Associations/Organizations / Institutions(6)(6) Information superhighway 4. Available Information Sources(1) Specialized Periodicals Announcing MeetingsComprehensive announcement periodicals cover theinformation of forthcoming international conferencesin various kinds of specialties .World Meetings: United States & CanadaWorld Meetings: Outside United States & Canada Annual International Congress Calendar Year Book of International OrganizationsForthcoming International Scientific and Technical ConferencesWorld Convention Dates & Scientific MeetingPeriodical s of classified specialtiesa publication that appears at fixed intervals[s'pe ʃəlt ɪz](2) Professional Journals and MagazinesCarrying Meeting Announcements“conference corner ”, etc.4. Available Information Sources(3) Conference DocumentsCall for PapersConference BrochuresInvitations4. Available Information Sources (4) Centers/Departments Specialized inMeetings or Other International CommunicationChina International Conference Center for Science & TechnologyInternational Meeting Calendar4. Available Information Sources(5)Learned Societies & Associations/Organizations / Institutions (6)Information superhighway 4. Available Information Sources highly educated; having extensive information or understanding;1. Different Kinds of Meetings2. Principal Conference Activities3. Classified Conference Information4. Available Information SourcesLecture ReviewLecture Reviewmeeting conference symposium congress convention forum seminar workshop colloquiumDifferent kinds of meetingsConference activitiesOpening ceremonyWelcome speechesKeynotesClosing ceremony General assembly Plenary sessions Parallel sessions Individual speeches on given topics Papers posted on boards or wallsPoster sessionsSocial programme Banquet / Coffee break Go sightseeinggoing about to look at places of interestNetworkREVIEW on DICTATION ONEWords: (12 points)(1)commence; (2)profound; (3)fortunate; (4)terminate; (5)fabricate; (6)explicit; (7)identical; (8)investigation; (9)conduct; (10)examine; (11)verify; (12)demonstrate;Sentences: (total 50 points)(1) Communication Networks (30 points)A data communication network can be as simple as two personalcomputers connected through a public telecommunication network, or it can comprise a complex network of one or more mainframe computers,(2)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am whenI am with you. (20 points)If you earned a mark of more than 37 points in Dictation One, you are about to pass the small test.DICTATION TWOz Clear desk of everything.z Please put your English name, student number on your paper. z Please keep your eyes on your OWN PAPER.Thanks for Attention Question, please。
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
The good title is the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
How to Prepare the Title
First impressions are strong impressions; a title ought therefore to be well studied, and to give, so far as its limits permit, a definite and concise indication of what is to come.
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Example 1: Studies on Brucella
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
Length of the Title
Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
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Scientific Paper Writing and Publish
专业学位硕士研究生英语教程Unit-5词汇及课后答案unit 5NamingWord Bank(academy->) academic: n. 学者/ adj. 学术性someone who looks at things in an academic way学者;The Police Academy;academic conference学术年会aesthetic: adj. 美学的(aesthetics: n. 美学) of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste美学的,审美的(bad taste->tasteless) [sex<->sexy](audio-: 与听力有关) audit: n. an examination of records or financial accounts to check their (accurate->) accuracy审计ballet (Italian): n. a classical dance form characterized by grace and precision芭蕾舞(bost->boster) boom: v. to grow or develop rapidly; flourish/ thrive/ prosper快速发展(burglar->) burglary: n. the act of entering a building or other premises with the intent to commit (thief->) theft入室盗窃(calculate->calculator->) calculus: n. the branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the (different->differentiate->) differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables微积分commit: v. to do, perform, or perpetrate做,实行或犯罪; ~ a crime犯罪/ ~ suicide自杀(pesticide杀虫剂); spend the committed time花够所需的时间(detect->) detective: n. sb. who investigates crimes and obtains evidence or information 侦探; private ~私家侦探disparity (gap/ difference): n. the condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree; difference不等,差距(distinct->distinctive-) distinctively: adv. distinguishingly特殊地fake: (1)n./ (2)adj. having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent假的hitch: v. t o connect or attach连住; hitchhike搭便车;attachment附件intrigue: v. to arouse the interest or (curious->好奇的) curiosity of激起…的兴趣或好奇心manifest: adj. obvious明显的; Manifesto共产党宣言; manual labo(u)r体力劳动marquee: n. a large tent with open sides, used chiefly for outdoor (enter->entertain给人以娱乐->)entertainment大帐篷mayhem: n. the offense of willfully maiming or (crippled=disabled残疾的) crippling a person身体伤害罪[mis-:(1)wrong; (2)bad->] misdeed: n. a wrong or illegal deed (行为); a wrongdoing 违法行为noteworthy: adj. notable值得注意的obsessive: adj. of, relating to, characteristic of, or causing an obsession着迷的(offend->offense->offensive: offensive talk) offender: n. one (sb.) that offends, especially one that breaks a public law违法者outrageous: adj. being well beyond the bounds (limits) of good taste蛮横的, 残暴的, 无耻的, 可恶的, 令人不可容忍的; 勃然大怒perceive: v. to achieve understanding of apprehend (comprehend)理解(proliferate->) proliferation: n. a rapid increase or spreading激增prosper (->prosperous-> prosperous-looking很成功的样子): v. to be fortunate orsuccessful, especially in terms of one's finances; thrive繁荣,成功(sume=get) resume: n. a brief written account of educational and professional qualifications and experience学术简历(segregate->) segregation: n. the act or process of segregating or the condition of being segregated隔离; discriminate->discrimination歧视sergeant: n. the rank of police officer next below a captain, lieutenant (陆军中尉, 海军上尉), or inspector警官sheer: adj. completely such, without qualification or exception纯粹,完全的; sheer luck 纯粹是运气好[solid: (1)固体;(2) 牢固的;(3)孤独的] solidarity: n. fellowship of responsibilities and interests团结,一致; solidary bee独蜂starkly: adv. completely or utterly; extremely完全地(tempt:引诱+ tress一绺头发->)temptress: n. an (allure引诱) alluring, (witch->) bewitching woman诱惑男人的女人; (wise->wiz->) wizard巫婆神汉/ 向导; witch try [past: (1)adj. e.g. in the ~ few days; (2) preposition, e.g. He went past my window.] (tres-: across) trespass: v. to commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err (err<->error不懂而出错<->mistake懂但不小心出错) 违法或犯罪; [crime<->sin] Some people prefer to call errors mistakes.不懂装懂。
专业硕士研究生英语Unit 11
5. strip somebody of something to take something important, such as a title, away from someone as a punishment剥夺 E.g.
1. derive from to come from something来源于……
E.g. 1)We derive knowledge from books 我们从书中获得知识 2) Many English words are derived from Latin. 许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。
7. exert
to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen尽(力), 施加(压力等), 努力v.发挥, 竭尽 全力
E.g. 1) For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life. 2)打工对大学生的个性培养和今后生活都具有深远的影响。 3)That council member has been exerting a lot f pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality. "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受 这批劣质原料。"
3. impact a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person影响
专业英语词汇:Influenza 流感Acute tracheobronchitis 急性气管-支气管炎Pneumonia 肺炎Community acquired pneumonia,CAP 社区获得性肺炎Hospital acquired pneumonia,HAP 医院获得性肺炎V entilator associated pneumonia,V AP 呼吸机相关性肺炎Healthcare associated pneumonia,HCAP 卫生保健相关性肺炎Protected specimen brush ,PSB 防污染样本毛刷Bronchial alveolar lavage,BAL 支气管肺泡灌洗Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration,PFNA经皮细针吸检Urinary antigen test 尿抗原试验Streptococcus pneumoniae 肺炎链球菌Pneumococcal pneumoniae 肺炎球菌Staphylococcal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎Mycoplasmal pneumonia 肺炎支原体肺炎Mycoplasma pneumoniae 肺炎支原体Chlamydia pneumonia 肺炎衣原体肺炎Chlamydia pneumoniae 肺炎衣原体Viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎Severe acute respiratory syndrome ,SARS严重急性呼吸综合征SARS-associated coronavirus,SARS-CoV SARS冠状病毒Pulmonary candidiasis 肺念珠菌病Pulmonary aspergillosis 肺曲霉病Invasive Pulmonary aspergillosis 侵袭性肺曲霉病Halo sign 晕轮征Crescent sign 新月体征Aspergilloma 曲霉肿Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis ,ABPA变应性支气管肺曲霉病Pulmonary cryptococcosis 肺隐球菌病Pneumocystis 肺孢子菌Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia ,PC 卡氏肺囊虫肺炎Lung abscess 肺脓肿Bronchiectasis 支气管扩张症Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核Purified protein derivative,PPD 纯蛋白衍化物Isoniazid,INH,H 异烟肼Rifampicin,RFP,R 利福平Rifapentine,RFT 利福喷丁Pyrazinatnide,PZA,Z 吡嗪酰胺Ethambutol,EMB,E 乙胺丁醇Streptomycin,SM,S 链霉素Multidrug resistant tuberculosis ,MDR-TB 耐多药结核病Extensive drug resistant or extreme drug resistant XDR-TB 超级耐多药结核病Chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎Aminophyllin 氨茶碱Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPDBronchial asthma 哮喘Bronchial provocation test ,BPT 支气管激发试验Bronchial dilation ,BDT支气管舒张试验Pulmonary thromboembolism,PTE 肺血栓栓塞症Pulmonary embolism ,PE 肺栓塞Deep venous thrombosis,DVT 深静脉血栓形成D-dimer D二聚体Pulmonary hypertension ,PH 肺动脉高压Cor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病Chronic pulmonary heart disease 慢性肺源性心脏病Allergic granulomatosis 过敏性肉芽肿病Interstitial lung disease,ILD 间质性肺疾病Diffuse parenchymal lung disease ,DPLD 弥慢性实质性肺疾病Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia,IIP 特发性间质性肺炎Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,IPF 特发性肺纤维化Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis,PAP 肺泡蛋白质沉积症Non-specific interstitial pneumonia,NSIP 非特异性间质性肺炎Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia 慢性嗜酸性粒细胞性肺炎Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 外源性过敏性肺泡炎Sarcoidosis 结节病Granuloma-inciting factor 肉芽肿激发因子Fibroblasts growth factory ,FGF 成纤维细胞生长因子Parapneumonic diffusions 类肺炎性胸腔积液Pneumothorax 气胸Pleural bleb 胸膜下肺大疱Emphysematous bulla 肺大疱Primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管癌Paraneoplastic syndrome 副癌综合症Hypertrophic pulmonaryosteoarthropathy 肥大性肺性骨关节病Transbronchial lung biopsy 经支气管镜肺活检Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome 睡眠呼吸暂停综合症Polysomnography PSG 多导睡眠图Nasal-continuous positive airway pressure CPAP 经鼻持续气道内正压通气Bilevel positive airway pressure BiPAP 双水平气道内正压Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty UPPP 颚垂软腭咽成形术Hypoventilation 通气不足Diffusion abnormality 弥散障碍V entilation-perfusion mismatch 通气/血流比例失调Functional shunt 功能性分流Dead space-like ventilation 死腔样通气Pulmonary encephalopathy肺性脑病Carbon didioxide narxosis CO2麻醉Dyspnea 呼吸困难CHEYNE-STOKES respiration潮式呼吸Arterial blood gas analysis 动脉血气分析Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation NIPPV无创正压通气Recruitment maneuver 肺复张法Sepsis 感染中毒症Hypovolemic shock低血容量性休克Cardiogenic shock 心源性休克Distributive shock 分布性休克Obstructive shock 梗阻性休克Cardiac dysfunction 心功能不全Angiotensin 2 血管紧张素Atrial natriuretic peptide,ANP and brain natriuretic peptide,BNP 心钠肽和脑钠肽Arginine vasopressin ,A VP 精氨酸加压素Endothelin 内皮素Cardiac arrhythmia 心律失常After depolarization 后除极Sinus node recovery time,SNRT 窦房结恢复时间Sinoatrial conduction time,SACT 窦房结传导时间Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓Sinus pause or sinus arrest 窦性停搏或窦性静止Sinoatrial block,SAB 窦房阻滞Sick sinus syndrome ,SSS,病态窦房结综合症Atrial premature beats 房性期前收缩Atrial flutter 心房扑动Atrial fibrillation 房颤Premature atrioventricular junctional beats 房室交界区性期前收缩A V junctional escape beats 房室交界区性异搏Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia ,PSVT 阵发性室上性心动过速Preexcitation syndrome 预激综合征Premature ventricular beats 室性期前收缩V entricular tachycardia 室速Torsades de pointes 尖端扭转V entricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation 心室扑动与颤动Atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞Intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞Right bundle branch block ,RBBB 右束支阻滞Radiofrequency energy 射频电能Cardiac arrest 心脏骤停Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ,CPR 心肺复苏Congenital cardiovascular disease 先天性心血管病Atrial septal defect ,ASD 房间隔缺损V entricular septal defect ,VSD室间隔缺损Patent ductus arteriosus ,PDA动脉导管未闭Congenital bicuspid aortic valve 先天性二叶主动脉瓣Congenital coarctation of the aorta 先天性主动脉瓣缩窄Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis 先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄Congenital aortic sinus aneurysm 先天性主动脉窦动脉瘤Congenital tetralogy of fallot 先天性法洛四联症Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗Sodium nitroprusside 硝普钠Nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化Low density lipoprotein,LDL 低密度脂蛋白Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Ischemic heart disease 缺血性心脏病Acute coronary syndrome ACS 急性冠脉综合征Stable angina pectoris 稳定型心绞痛Myocardial infarction,MI 心肌梗死Cardiac aneurysm 心室壁瘤Ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病V alvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜病Rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病Mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄Mitral incompetence 二尖瓣关闭不全Aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄Aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣关闭不全Tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄Tricuspid incompetence 三尖瓣关闭不全Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄Infective endocarditis ,IE 感染性心内膜炎Dilated cardiomyopathy ,DCM 扩张型心肌病Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,HCM 肥厚型心肌病Restrictive cardiomyopathy ,RCM 限制型心肌病Myocarditis 心肌炎Acute pericarditis急性心包炎Aortic dissection 主动脉夹层Intermittent claudication 间歇性跛行Cardiovascular neurosis 心脏神经症Helicopter pylori,H. pylori 幽门螺旋杆菌Gastroesophageal reflux disease 胃食管反流病Lower esophageal sphincter 食管下括约肌H2 receptor antagonist H2RA H2受体拮抗剂Proton pump inhibitor PPI质子泵抑制剂Gastritis 胃炎Gastropathy 胃病Acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis 急性糜烂出血性胃炎Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ,NSAID 非甾体抗炎药Atrophic gastritis萎缩性胃炎Acute purulent gastritis 急性化脓性胃炎Peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡Gastric ulcer GU 胃溃疡Duodenal ulcer DU十二指肠溃疡Gastric carcinoma 胃癌Endoscopic ultrasonography 超声内镜Intestinal tuberculosis 肠结核Tuberculous peritonitis 结核性腹膜炎Inflammatory bowel disease IBD 炎症性肠病Ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎Crohn’s diseaseCD克罗恩病Toxic megacolon 中毒性巨结肠Budesonine 布地奈德Cyclosorine 环孢素Colorectal carcinoma 直肠癌Functional gastrointestinal disorder 功能性胃肠病Functional dyspepsia 功能性消化不良Irritable syndrome 肠易激综合症Chronic diarrhea慢性腹泻Fatty liver disease 脂肪性肝病Alcoholic fatty liver酒精性脂肪肝Autoimmune hepatitis 自身免疫性肝病Primary biliary cirrhosis 原发性胆汁性肝硬化Hepatic cirrhosis 肝硬化Portal hyertension 门静脉高压Spontaneous bacterial peritonItis 自发性细菌性腹膜炎Hepatorenal syndrome HRS 肝肾综合症Hepatopulmonary syndrome HPS肝肺综合症Alpha fetoprotein,AFP 甲胎蛋白Porto-systemic encephalpathy,PSE 门体分流性脑病Glomerular basement membrane ,GBM 肾小球基底膜Acute golmerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 急进性肾小球肾炎Chronic golmerulonephritis 慢性肾小球肾炎Asymptomatic hematuria and/or proteinuria 无症状性血尿或(和)蛋白尿(隐匿性肾小球肾炎Nephritic syndrome肾病综合征Minor golmerular abnormalities 轻微性肾小球病变Focal segmental lesions 局灶性节段性病变Focal glomerulonephritis 局灶性肾小球肾炎Diffuse golmerulonephritis 弥满性肾小球肾炎Membranous nephropathy 膜性肾病Mesangial proliferative golmerulonephritis 系膜增生性肾小球肾炎Endocapillary proliferative golmerulonephritis 毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 系膜毛细血管性肾小球肾炎Crescentic and necrotizing golmerulonephritis 新月体性和坏死性肾小球肾炎Sclerosing glomerulonephritis 硬化性肾小球肾炎IgA nephropathy IgA肾病Acute interstitial nephritis ,AIN 急性间质性肾炎Urinary tract infection ,UTI 尿路感染Intravenous pyelography ,IVP 静脉肾盂造影Renal artery stenosis 肾动脉狭窄Renal vascular hypertension 肾血管性高血压Hypertensive nephrosclerosis 高血压肾硬化症Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis 良性小动脉性肾硬化症Malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis 恶性小动脉性肾硬化症Acute renal failure ,ARF 急性肾衰竭Acute tubular necrosis ,A TN 急性肾小管坏死Uremic toxins 尿毒症毒素Stem cell 干细胞Totipotent 全能的Fertilized egg 受精卵Hematology血液病学Anemia 贫血Aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血Iron deficient anemia 缺铁性贫血Megaloblstic anemia MA巨幼细胞贫血Hemolytic anemia 溶血性贫血Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿Leukopenia 白细胞减少Neutropenia 中性粒细胞减少Agranulocytosis 粒细胞缺乏症Myelodysplastic syndroms骨髓增生异常综合症Acute lymphoblastic leukemia急性淋巴细胞性白血病Acute myetoid leukemia 急性白血病Lymphoma 淋巴瘤Hodgkin lymphoma霍奇金淋巴瘤Malignant lymphoma恶性淋巴瘤Multiple myeloma 多发性骨髓瘤Hypersplenism 脾功能亢进Allergic purpura过敏性紫癜Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP特发性血小板减少性紫癜Hemolytic uremic syndrome 溶血尿毒综合症Hemophilia 血友病Dissenminated intravascular coagulation弥散性血管内凝血Thromboembolism 血栓栓塞Gigantism 巨人症Acromegaly 肢端肥大症Growth hormone deficiency dwarfism ,GHD 生长激素缺乏性侏儒症Pituitary dwarfism 垂体性侏儒症Diabetes insipidus ,DI 尿崩症Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion ,SIADH 抗利尿激素分泌失调综合症Simple Goiter 单纯性甲状腺肿Nontoxic goiter 非毒性甲状腺肿Endemic goiter 地方性甲状腺肿Iodine deficiency disorders ,IDD 碘缺乏病Thyrotoxicosis 甲状腺毒症Hyperthyroidism 甲亢Thyroid crisis 甲状腺危象Apathetic hyperthyroidism 淡漠型甲亢Hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退症Primary hypothyroidism 原发性甲减Subacute thyroiditis 亚急性甲状腺炎Autoimmune thyroiditis ,AIT 自身免疫甲状腺炎Hashimoto thyroiditis ,HT 桥本甲状腺炎Thyroid nodule 甲状腺结节Primary aldosteronism 原发性醛固酮增多症Chronic adrenocortical hypofunction 原发性慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症Pheochromocytoma 嗜铬细胞瘤Hyperparathyroidism 甲旁亢Hypoparathyroidism 甲旁减Multiple endocrine neoplasia ,MEN 多发性内分泌腺瘤病Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病Metformin 二甲双胍Regular insulin 普通胰岛素Diabetic ketoacidosis ,DKA糖尿病酮症酸中毒Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar status ,HHS 高血糖高渗状态Hypoglycemia 低血糖症Insulinoma 胰岛素瘤Dyslipidemia 血脂异常Chylomicron,CM 乳糜微粒Apoproein 载脂蛋白V ery-low-density lipoprotein ,VLDL 极低密度脂蛋白Obesity 肥胖症Metabolic syndrome ,MS 代谢综合征Hyponatremia 低钠血症Water intoxication 水中毒Hypokalemia 低钾血症Potassium depletion 钾缺乏症Standard bicarbonate ,SB 标准碳酸氢盐Buffer base ,BB 缓冲碱Base excess ,BE 碱剩余Anion gap ,AG 阴离子间隙Hyperuricemia 高尿酸血症Gout 痛风Tophi 痛风石Osteoporosis ,OP 骨质疏松症Rheumatic diseases 风湿性疾病connective tissue disease ,CTD 结缔组织病rheumatoid factory,RF 类风湿因子nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,NSAID 非甾体抗炎药rheumatoid arthritis ,RA类风湿关节炎glucocorticoid 糖皮质激素systemic lupus erythematosus ,SLE 系统性红斑狼疮lupus nephritis ,LN 狼疮肾炎ankylosing spondylitis ,AS 强直性脊柱炎vasculitides 血管炎takayasu arteritis,TA大动脉炎idiopathic inflammatory myositis,IIM 特发性炎症性肌病systemic sclerosis ,SSC 系统性硬化病osteoarthritis ,OA骨关节炎diseases of high altitude 高原病abstinence syndrome 戒断综合征。
概论 英语科技论文语言表达的规范与技巧 英语科技论文的结构组成 摘要的撰写 科技论文的撰写 表格、插图及公式的处理 最新科技信息的获取 科技论文的发表
The best English is that which gives you the sense in fewest short word. I have new findings. They are mine. They are belong to me.
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写标题的原则:用最少的词把最核心的内容表述 出来
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倾向于多用动词的现在时:表述经常发生的并无 时限的自然现象、过程、常规等;用于表述科学 定义、定理、方程式或公式的解说
表示论文目的的表述用一般现在时 This paper reports the effect of plasma exchange in a patient with this syndrome
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carry— bear finish— complete oversee— supervise hide— conceal buy— purchase enough— sufficient similar— identical inner— interior handbook-- manual
Unit 2 Academic Writing【研究生专业英语】
Academic Writing Skills.au/tldinfo/writingskills/podcasts/nursingwritingskills09.pptgenre: a style of expressingyourself in writingWhether you’re a studentsor supervisors, academic writing skills are significant in today’sworld.EssaysReports PresentationsResearch papers Final thesisare just some examples ofdocuments written in the academic style.an analytic or interpretive literary compositionAcademic writing, when used appropriately, presents a polished and professional image.Academic writing skillsencompass:¾strong composition ¾excellent grammar¾a consistent stylistic approach[in'k ʌmp əs]include in scope [stai'listik]perfected or made shiny and smoothof or relating to style(especially in the use oflanguage) It is a learnt skill, rather thana natural ability or quality.2. What is academic writing?Academic writing refers to a particular styleof expression in academia.3. Features of Academic WritingAcademic writing in English is linear, which means it has onecentral point or theme with every part contributing to the main lineof argument, without digressions or repetitions . [dai'gre ʃən]a message that departs from the main subject[.repi'ti ʃən]ComplexityWritten language is relatively more complex than spoken language.FormalityAcademic writing is relativelyformal. In general this means that you should avoid colloquial words.PrecisionIn academic writing, facts andfigures are given precisely .ObjectivityWritten language is in generalobjective. Academic writing tends to use nouns (and adjectives), rather than verbs (and adverbs).Exp’licitnessAcademic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text.AccuracyAcademic writing uses vocabulary accurately.HedgingIn academic writing, it is necessary to make decisions about your stance on a particular subject.ResponsibilityIn academic writing you must be responsible for, and must be able to provide evidence and justification for, any claims you make.[k ə’l əʊkwi:əl] [pri’si ʒən] [pr ɪ’sa ɪsli] [,ɔbd ʒek’tiv əti] Attitude or feeling Characteristics includeEmploying the formal academic style, avoiding jargon , slang , andabbreviations a way of regarding situationsor topics etc.:position , view[p ə'spektiv]Synonyms [t əun]a characteristic language of a particular groupinformal language consisting of words and expressionsA formal toneUse of the third-person rather than first-person perspective Clear focus on the issue or topic rather than the author’s opinion Precise word choiceinvestigate conduct examine verify demonstrate eliminateCharacteristics of informal writingz the use ofcolloquialisms andjargonz writing in the first person viewz making “I”statements, making direct personal statements, andimprecise word choices.[k ə’l əukwi əliz(ə)m] slang, dialect[.impri'sais]characteristic of informal spokenlanguage or conversationJust as you probably would wear shorts and flip-flops to a wedding, there’s a time and a place for informalwriting . Informal writing is fine for diary entries, blogs, personal writing, letters or emails to close friends.The most informal writingimaginable is:z the text message, full of abbreviations such as “R U here ?”toconvey quick questions and responses. z In comparison, the most formal writing of all can be found in legal documents .[i'mæd ʒin əbl][‘pai ərit]someone who uses another person's work or ideas as if they were his own‘plagiarism Writers working on papersfor school, college application essays , scientific papers,research papers , international conference presentations , and business proposals generally employ a more formal style akin to donning a suit or dressto attend a wedding.[ə'kin]similar or related in quality or characterput clothing on one's body['d ɔni ŋ]4. Tips on academic writing ExamplesInformal writing :I think he ’s a loser .Formal writing :Macbeth’s horrific choices cause him to lose everything he holds dear :children, wife, friends, crown and king.frightening colon [ 'k əʊl ən]?The first statement is informal. The writer speaks in the first person , using the word “I”, and states an opinion . The slang term “loser ”, is used, which is inappropriate in a formal context. They also uses the contraction “he’s ”. If this were in the middle of a paragraph, it may be easier to understand towhom the author is referring.Taken as a simple statement, however, it’simpossible to know whether the writer thinks his best friend, hisdog, or a rock star is a loser !The second example uses an academic, formal style . Written in the third-person view , the sentence omits references to the writer and focuses on the issue. Strong, specific adjectives like “horrific ”convey the author’s view clearly without resorting to slang . The use of the colon creates a strong, formal feeling when properly usedhere to introduce a list .[ 'k əʊl ən]Where’s the resource ??•Library•On-line•Data bases (turn on remote access)•Lectures•Text books•Tutorials•News•Newspapers•Everywhere!!!5. Referencing and plagiarismMost plagiarism is acci’dental; either the result of not understanding what actually amounts to plagiarism, or of being poorly organized, so that we use the ideas of others without realizing that’s what we have done.Whenever the author has given somethingdistinctive to the information or its organization,cite the source.Anything that is common knowledge you need not cite: in other words, anything that is not distinctiveof a particular author.distinguishing /skills4study/studyskills/reading/referencing.aspunintendedWhat is plagiarism?Copying ofpassages/text/work/ideas/data without aproperacknowledgement ofthe author. Thisincludes otherstudents’work.['pleidʒiərizəm]Getting started•Find your time•Find your space•Discipline, self & others•Brain storming, clustering, mind mapping•Free writingtry to solve a problemby thinking intensely about it6. Practice makes perfectIntroduction•What is the question?•Global view from the broad to the narrow •Introduce the :•Who•What•When •Where •Why •How 5W+HThe topic•Why is it being asked?•Is it multi layered?•Does it invite a largely factual response?•Is it looking for a particular stance such asargue or cri’tique?[stæns] positionposturereview, assessment, commentLiterature•Is it current?•Is the author a credible source?•Is the subject relevant?•Clustering•References/endnoteBeginning•A quotation –is it relevant•A question•An opinion•An interesting fact•An irony or paradox•An a’nalogy•And anecdote['ænikdəut]story, narrative(especially a biographical one)[‘aiərəni[‘pærədɔks][ə’nælədʒi](logic) a statementthat contradicts itselfirony witty language富于机智的,诙谐的similarityBodyYour paragraphs should flow naturally into oneanother andconnections shouldbe made.Paragraphs•7-8 sentences•Each should be topic specific, preferably with an introductory sentence•Each sentence states the content/context and then some supporting example which is where the references come in.•The last sentence concludes the paragraph and forwards to the next.Transitional words•Joining words»Also, and, again, etc•Comparing words»Also, in comparison•Contracting words»Although, but, conversely, despite, even though, however•Positioning words»Above, adjacent to, below•Situation words»Before, briefly, consequently, finally, first[træn'zi ʃən əl]Conclusions•Don’t introduce anything new •Draw in the introduction •Demonstrate a conclusion•Give the essay a sense of completeness •Leave a final impression7. A comparison between non-academicand academic writingRevision1.Is writing skills vital for students ofscience and technology ?2. What is academic writing?3. Features of Academic Writing4. Tips on academic writing5. Referencing and plagiarism6. Practice makes perfect7. A comparison between non-academicand academic writing。
Once being placed in the sun, an object becomes hot.2.改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the current.3.图1中用框图表示的电源是一个单相开关逆变器。
The power supply shown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.4.正如上面所指出的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。
A three-phase circuit, as pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.5.工作于正确电源极性下的晶体管,作用就像放大器。
The transistor working with correctly polarities can work as an amplifier.6.单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求。
The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power.7.地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。
The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.8.电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。
Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.9.采用这种新装置可以大大地降低废品率。
Unit 7BehaviorWord Bankoutrageous: very shocking and unacceptable.令人震惊的/ 难以接受的; electric shock触电(terror->terrible->horror->horrible) abhor: v. to hate very much憎恶,讨厌; normal->abnormal [dress: (1)n. 连衣裙/ 长裙; (2) vt. dress<->undress->) address (discuss): v. to deal with处理(pathy=feeling) (a-: away) apathy (=indifference->indifferent冷漠的): n. lack of interest冷淡,无兴趣assign (->assignment=homework): v. to give as a share or duty分派,指派biology (->biological): n. the science that studies living organisms生物学board(->to ~ a plane/ a ship/ a bus; boarding card登机卡; ->boarder董事/房客->boarding school寄宿学校): n. an official body that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 理事会,董事会(sequence: n.顺序->sequent: adj. 按序排列的) consequence: n. sth. that follows from an action or set of conditions; result后果,结果credit: n. a complete unit of a student's work that forms part of a course, esp. at a university学分/ 信用enlighten: v. t o cause to understand deeply and clearly启蒙,启发holler: v. to shout out呼喊[ID card= identity (card): n. 身份->identify: vt.) identical: adj. similar or the same相同的[machine机器-> machinery机械->mechanic机修工->mechanism机理/ 机制] mechanics: n. the ways in which sth. works, produces results, etc.方法,技巧mentor: n. a person who gives advice to another over a period of time, esp. to help them in their working, life导师pedagogy: n. the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods教学法[perfect: (1)adj. 完美无缺的; (2)vt. =improve] perfectionist: n. a person who is not satisfied with anything that is not completely perfect完美主义者(plagiarism剽窃现象->) plagiarize: v. to take (words, ideas, etc.) from others' work (著作) and use them in one's own work without giving proper credit to the original author抄袭,剽窃police (policeman<->policewoman): (1)n.警察; (2)vt. to keep a watch on; control监督,控制routine: (1)adj. regular (regulate: vt. 调控); according to what is always habitually done惯常的,例行的; (2)n. 常规; routiner墨守成规者thrill (->thriller悬念片/ 恐怖片->action movie武打片): v. to have a sudden, strong feeling of excitement感到一阵激动Phrases and Expressionscome up with: to think of ; to produce想出,提出deprive sb. of sth.: to take sth. away from somebody剥夺(权利等)feel (be) obliged to: to feel it necessary to do觉得必要做prohibit sb. from doing sth.: to prevent somebody from doing sth.禁止; 阻止某人做某事take one's side: to support sb.; to agree with sb.站在……一边turn in (=hand in<->hand out发给学生作业的->handout 讲义): to hand in上交,交给Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. In Para. 1 "had been plagiarized" probably means ( D )A. had cheatedB. had copied term papers from the Internet websitesC. had been copied by othersD. had been identified as cheating in term papers2. In Para. 4, "teacher apathy the norm" means ( C )A. teachers take interest in students' cheatingB. teachers show sympathy for students' cheatingC. teachers give a blind eye to students' cheatingD. teachers mind students' cheating3. The word "hit" in Para. 11 means ( C )A. attackB. strikeC. popular routineD. beat4. The tone in Para. 13 is ( A )A. jocularB. sarcasticC. encouragingD. discouraging5. Who are responsible for plagiarism at school, according to the passage? ( A )A. Professors.B. The Internet websites.C. Students themselves.D. Parents on their children's side.II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.Plagiarism is not a new thing. But with the development of the Internet technology, it has become more and more common. Where should the (1) penalty be placed (put), on the (2) cheaters, on the professors, or on the Internet? The answer is not as clear as (3) crystal (->crystallize). Beyond any (4) doubt, plagiarists ought to be punished. They need to do their own job and, at the same time, respect others. This is the basic (5) discipline (纪律) which they need to develop.What about the professors who show (6) apathy to cheating? They are (7) partly (partially部分地) (hold->) held responsible for the popularity (普及duty of passing knowledge (知识) to students, but also have the duty of cultivating the mentality (intelligence/ morality道德) of their students. If they were (8) apologists when (they are) dealing with students who plagiarize, how could plagiarism be controlled?The Internet websites seem to be to (9) blame, because the copied papers are mostly from the website (10) sources (来源->resources资源). But the purpose and function of websites are not to provide (convenient->) convenience (方便) for plagiarism. Instead (On the contrary), they are to make information much more easily accessible for people who can make proper use of (=use/ utilize使用) it. What's more, in the battle against plagiarism, haven't the websites played their role? VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. We (lose->lost->lost) lost the election because of the ___C__ to our supporters.A. (anti-: against; anti-Japanese war抗日战争) antipathy (=indifference)B. (sym-: same) sympathy (n. 同情-> sympathize with sb. vt.)C. apathy (n. indifference冷漠)D. empathy (移情别恋)2. She is ___A__ with having saved the company from bankruptcy (prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止…发生).A. credited (记功)B. praisedC. promotedD. attributed (n./ vt. 属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于)3. I never __D___ in dealing with such matters.A. stand sidesB. be sidesC. stay sides (stay aside闪开)D. take sides (=support)4. You made the wrong decision, and now you must take the __B___.A. resultsB. consequences (后果)C. outcomeD. effect (n.->effective)5. Tom is not __D___ clever in the class.A. specifically (具体)B. specially特殊C. especiallyD. particularly特别提及6. Basic English is a ___C__ in the curriculum for the freshmen (大学一年级学生).A. class班级/阶级/等级B. lecture讲座C. course课程D. lesson一节课/ 教训; I’ll teach him a lesson教训某人.7. The airline has __B___ a novel [(1)n.小说; (2)adj. new] solution to the problem of jet-lag (时差反应).A. come up to (amount to=reach the number)B. come up with拿出C. (fade out昏迷<->) come to苏醒D. come on=go on继续8. Peter (think->) thought the world was flat until I __A___ him.A. enlightened (启发)B. lightened (vt. 减轻, 照亮)C. (light-> lighted/ lit->lit) lightedD. delighted=happy干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰) interfering.A. forcedB. pleasant D. respected10. Writing a [cheque (英) =check (美) is quite a simple __A___.A. procedure (程序)B. process (n.过程/工艺/vt.加工; processed food)C. move (vi.移动; n. 动作)D. action (重大军事行动)II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. thrill turn in quit routine identicalpenalty series faculty address sensitivementor database sinister tempt bargain1. This is a very tempting (=attractive) offer (n. /vt.) and I suggest you give it a consideration. [suggest sth./ doing sth./ that sb. do sth. #suggest sb. to do sth. (错误)]2. He ignored the side issues (side effect副作用) and addressed (dedicated oneself to sth.献身于…事业) himself to the main (major) problem.3. His term paper is identical (=same) to (介词) one thesis I've read on the Internet.4. What a thrilling (=exciting) game; the winner was in doubt (n.是个悬念) until the last minute.5. The soldiers have to turn in (=hand in递交) their guns (枪/炮) when they leave the army.6. She longed to (desire渴望) escape from the (stupid愚蠢的->) stultifying (vt.使显得愚笨, 使变无效, 使成为徒劳) routine of (homework家庭作业) housework (家务劳动).7. She had had enough and quit (=stop) working in the company.8. The patient [(1)n.病人(2)adj.有耐心的] is very sensitive (敏感) to pain.9. The increasing demand [(1)vt.要求; (2)n.需求] has given the company greater bargaining (讨价还价的) power.10. All faculty (一个机构的全体工作人员) members are required to attend the meeting. [(1) vt. attend a class/ meeting; (2)vi. to attend to sb.-> attendant服务员; flight attendant空勤人员] TranslationPut the following paragraph into Chinese.Plagiarists as victims. Teachers as oppressors. It's not your conventional reaction to cheating. Not surprisingly, it has been a hit with many college students, just as it was with the plagiarists at Piper High. The student newspaper at Stanford ran an editorial attacking the use of antiplagiarism software as a potential violation of the school's honor code, which "prohibits professors from taking 'unusual and unreasonable precautions' in their academic procedures." Moreover, the paper said, checking for cheating "might even harm the relationship between students and faculty."参考译文:抄袭者成为了受害者,老师们成了压迫者。
The purpose of this study is to explore a new method…
The paper attempts to analyze … in terms of …
The study is aimed at finding out the similarities …
I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.
kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者
(2) Dear Dr. 主编name: We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易 过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
Title Author name and affiliation Abstract Key words Text body Acknowledgements (可省) References Appendix (根据需要) Reshume (视刊物而定) 3
1. 引言/概述 2. 背景分析 3. 材料和实验 4. 实验结果 5. 讨论 6. 结论/总结
繁殖系统(一)BREEDING SYSTEMSKey Notes: 要点Range of breeding systems: 繁殖系统的类型和分布Most plants are hermaphrodite and they may cross or self-fertihze. Others have unisexual flowers either on the same plant (monoecious), or separate plants (dioecious), and others are intermediate or variable. A few are asexual.大多数植物都是两性花,它们可以杂交或自交。
Cross- and self-fertility: 杂交和自交Many plants have a self-incompatibility system stopping self fertilization, but others are self-fertile. Early maturation of flowers can lead to self-fertility. Some species are partially self-incompatible.多数植物具有一个防止自花受精的自交不亲和系统,但有些植物是自花能稔的。
Separation of floral organs: 花器官分离Cross-pollination is favored by a separation of fertile organs in the flower.Stamens may mature before carpels, known as protandry, or after, protogyny.Protandry is common in specialized insect-pollinated flowers in inflorescences and protogyny is associated with wind pollination and unspecialized flowers.Stamens and carpels may be separated spatially.可育花器官分离的花偏爱异花传粉。