英文国际结算实验 (5)







1.汇票一:2.汇票二:3.汇票三:(四)GUANGDONG IMP. & EXP. CORPORATION提交一张远期汇票委托银行收款,付款人承兑汇票后在票面加盖承兑章。



1.收款人将汇票记名背书转让给D Company,D Company空白背书转让给E Company,E Company交付转让给F Company,F Company限制背书转让给G Company。

假设收款人公司有权签字人为李华,D Company有权签字人为John,E Company有权签字人为Mary,G Company有权签字人为Annie。




汇票背面(六)汇票收款人A Company委托银行向汇票付款人B Company London提示汇票承兑时,付款人根据所给条件在汇票上进行承兑,银行审核承兑汇票。




4.付款人于3月26日在汇票左面作出承兑,指定由其账户行Midland Bank 付款。




《国际结算》模拟试题(五)一、写出下列专业术语英文缩写的中文全称(5分)1、A.B.C :农业银行2、C.C.B :建设银行3、EDI :电子数据交换系统4、FPA :平安险5、WPA :水渍险二、单项选择题(只有唯一正确答案)(每题1分,共10分)1、对外贸易中的商业信用是指(D )。

A、银行向出口商提供的信用B、银行向进口商提供的信用C、银行向中间商提供的信用D、进、出口商之间相互提供的信用2、其它条件不变,一国货币对外贬值,可以(C )。

A、增加一国对外贸易值B、扩大进口和缩减出口C、扩大出口和缩减进口D、进出口都不会发生变化3、必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是(C )。

A、记名提单B、不记名提单C、指示提单D、空白提单4、狭义的外币兑换业务是指(D )。

A、旅行支票、外币现钞的兑换B、信用卡、外币现钞的兑换C、旅行支票、旅行信用证、外币现钞的兑换D、外币现钞的兑换5、银行同业之间的大额支付,可进行单独的(A )。

A、实时结算B、算统账C、累计轧差D、差额结算6、对在汇入行开有存款账户的单位,汇入行将款项收入收款单位账户后,向收款单位发出(C )。

A、电汇通知书B、贷记通知单C、收账通知单D、收款人收据7、托收业务中,委托人与付款人之间的关系是(A )。

A、债权债务关系B、委托代理关系C、账户关系D、没有关系8、EDI在国际结算中的直接效益主要来自于(A )。

A、EDI的高速、精确B、EDI改进了各部门的管理水平C、EDI通过发展与客户和供应商的密切联系,巩固和增强用户的竞争地位D、EDI提高了全社会的信息化水平9、与贴现相比,议付(B )。

A、必须有汇票B、不一定要有汇票C、汇票在当地付款D、有二级市场10、"承兑"这个票据行为是指(D )。

A、远期汇票的出票人明确表示同意承担汇票到期付款的义务B、即期汇票的付款人明确表示同意承担汇票的付款义务C、远期汇票的背书人明确表示同意承担汇票到期付款的义务D、以上答案均不对三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1、中国加入世界贸易组织的意义有(ABCE )。



在出口商远期项下的出口托收业务中,托收行收到代收行发来的进口商承兑电文,做承 兑登记,承兑金额为 10000.0 ,到期日为 20070331 。
付款人收到提单、保险单等相关单据后进行付款。 账务核销号为 FB100032 ,凭证核 销日期为 20070331 ,付费金额为 10000.0 ,托收行费用为 25.0 ,帐户行为 UFJ BANK LIMITED TOKYO(代收行) ,中间行为 WEST BEND SAVING BANK(汇出行), 于 20070221(起息日)日开始起息,现汇支付金额是 9975.0,原币账号是 502488659866 , 售出外汇金额是 9975.0 ,人民币账号为 502488659867 ,金额为 77805.0 ,套汇支付 金额为 77805.0,外汇帐号是 121544645,外汇买卖方式为 询价 卖出价是 7.75 ,买入 价是 7.8 ,套汇汇率是 7.8 ,售汇性质是 20101 国内企业 ,对公/对私是 对公 ,是否 凭备案表付款为 YES ,是否异地付汇 YES,代收行以现收 的方式收取手续费并发送邮件, 产生远洋电费 ,实收电报费 25.0 , 申报号为 JK10065。
托收行收到代收行的付款电文和出口单据款项后,托收行将款项解付给委托人。 出口托收产生国外收费金额 50.0 ,托收行账户行为 CHINA MERCHANTS BANK(托 收行) 。本操作应收手续费 25.0 ,应收邮电费 25.0 。解付方式的方式为 结售汇入帐/扣 帐 ,待结/售汇外币金额为 9900.0 ,结售汇入/扣帐账号为 7750588624 ,结汇汇率为 7.8 ,售汇统计类型(融资)为 20101 国内企业 ,结售汇后金额为 77220.0 ,另外是否涉 外统计为 YES ,对公对私为 对公 ,申报统计类型为 300 远期结汇 ,收汇类型为 对公 单位(N) ,申报号为 1003265 ,交易代码为 0101 一般贸易 ,区域性质为 境内 。



KEY OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTChapter 11.Put the following phrases into English2.Put the following sentences into English(1)国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资,从其他国家借贷资金,等等。

The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trades, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on.(2)许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业务。

Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance.(3)大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。

Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade.(4)一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款、托收和信用证。

Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit.3. True or False1)International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted inthe domestic country. (F)2)Fund transfers are processed and settled through certain clearing systems.(T)3)Using the SWIFT network, banks can communicate with both customers andcolleagues in a structured, secure, and timely manner.(T)4)SWIFT can achieve same day transfer.(T)4.Multiple Choice1)SWIFT is __B__A.in the united statesB. a kind of communications belonging to TT system for interbank’s fundtransferC.an institution of the United NationsD. a governmental organization2)SWIFT is an organization based in __A___A.BrusselsB.New YorkC.LondonD.Hong Kong3) A facility in fund arrangement for buyers or sellers is referred to __A___A.trade financeB.sale contractC.letter of creditD.bill of exchange4)Fund transfers are processed and settled through __C___A.banksB.SWIFTC.clearing systemD.telecommunication systems5)__C__is the reason why international trade first began.A.Uneven distribution of resourcesB.Patterns of demandC.Economic benefitsparative advantages5. Answer the following questions1)Where are the medium of exchange originated from?Tracing back the history of international settlement, the medium of exchange originated from coins to notes.2)What will inevitably lead to under the international political, economic andcultural exchanges?The international political, economic and cultural exchange inevitably leads to credits and debts owed by one country to another.3)Why do banks focus on the development of the businesses of internationalsettlement?Banks focus more and more on the development of the businesses because it isa major resource of profits.4)What will banks do to meet the higher and higher demand of the internationalmarket?Banks need to develop innovative products and deliver the best services possible in whatever way they can.Chapter 21.Put the following phrases into English2.Put the following sentences into English(1)用于国际结算的货币是可兑换的货币。




二、实验内容1. 国际结算概述2. 国际结算的基本流程3. 国际结算的结算方式4. 国际结算的结算工具5. 国际结算的风险管理6. 国际结算的案例分析三、实验步骤1. 国际结算概述(1)介绍国际结算的概念、特点和发展趋势;(2)分析国际结算在跨国贸易中的重要作用。

2. 国际结算的基本流程(1)进口商与出口商签订贸易合同;(2)出口商备货、生产、检验、包装;(3)出口商向进口商提供货物;(4)进口商支付货款;(5)银行进行国际结算。

3. 国际结算的结算方式(1)汇付:电汇、信汇、票汇;(2)托收:光票托收、跟单托收;(3)信用证:保兑信用证、不可撤销信用证、即期信用证、远期信用证。

4. 国际结算的结算工具(1)汇票:银行汇票、商业汇票;(2)本票:银行本票、商业本票;(3)支票:现金支票、转账支票。

5. 国际结算的风险管理(1)信用风险:通过信用调查、信用证等方式降低风险;(2)汇率风险:通过套期保值、远期汇率等方式降低风险;(3)操作风险:通过建立健全的操作流程、加强内部控制等方式降低风险。

6. 国际结算的案例分析(1)选取一个具体的国际结算案例,分析其结算方式、结算工具和风险管理措施;(2)总结案例中的成功经验和教训,为实际操作提供借鉴。

四、实验报告撰写1. 实验报告应包括以下内容:(1)实验目的;(2)实验内容;(3)实验步骤;(4)实验结果分析;(5)实验结论;(6)实验心得体会。

2. 实验报告撰写要求:(1)语言表达清晰、简洁;(2)逻辑结构严谨;(3)内容完整、充实;(4)图表、数据准确、规范。

五、实验考核1. 实验成绩评定标准:(1)实验操作熟练程度(30%);(2)实验报告质量(50%);(3)实验心得体会(20%)。

2. 实验成绩评定方法:(1)实验操作熟练程度:根据学生在实验过程中的表现,评定其操作熟练程度;(2)实验报告质量:根据实验报告的内容、结构、语言表达等方面进行评定;(3)实验心得体会:根据学生的实验心得体会,评定其收获和体会。



2.2.3实验素材一、汇款申请书2003 年 3 月 8 日, CHINA NAT. METALS & MINERALS I/E CORP. 向中国农业银行广州市分行提交下面这张汇款申请书,汇出行按所给问题审核汇款申请书。


I/We hereby request you to effect the followingremittance.X 电汇□信汇□票汇付款地点银行编号(查询时请引述)T/T M/T D/D Drawn on:Ref No. TT96785收款人United Trading币别及金额 Curr.& Amt.Beneficiary’ s name CompanyHong Kong HK Dollars 20,及地址70 Wing Tai Road,& address Chai Wan Hong Kong账号 A/C No.0709银行填写栏 BANK USE ONLY 收款银行PO SANG BANK LTD.汇率 (Rate)Beneficiary’ s Bank及地址HONG KONG等值人民币& address Equivalent in¥汇款人CHINA NAT. METALS & 手续费(Commission)By order of MINERALS I/E CORP.附言COMM.UNDER S/C NO. 邮电费 (Postage&Details of Payment CT0011-01Cable)其它费用 (OtherCharges)合计国外银行的一切费用由我方/ 收款人负担(如无说明由收款人负担)。



实验4. 信用证结算业务4.2.1实验目标1、开证申请书填写完整、准确性的审核。








4.2.2 实验要求1、开证行审核开证申请书。







4.2.3 实验素材一、开证申请书2003年5月10日,CHINA IMP. & EXP. CORP. GUANGDONG向中国银行广东省分行提交下面这张开证申请书申请开证,开证行按所给问题审核开证申请书。


第一联银行留存(本证受国际商会现行“统一惯例”制约Subject to UCP ICC prevailing revision)二、信用证的开立(一)全电信用证中国银行广东省分行接受CHINA IMP. & EXP. CORP. GUANGDONG开证申请,于次日以草拟的信开信用证为依据,将该证内容输入电脑并对外发送全电信用证。

CHINA IMP. & EXP. CORP. GUANGDONG指示开证行开立信开信用证(issue by中国银行广东省分行接受CHINA IMP. & EXP. CORP. GUANGDONG开证申请,于次日三、信用证的通知(一)2002年3月24日中国银行广州分行根据收到的信用证缮制信用证通知书,未加(二)受益人收到中国银行广州分行通知的信用证后,填写信用证分析单。


Bill of ExghangeExchange for USD 23485.00 5th Dec,2002,TientsinAt 60 days after sight of this First of Exchange(Second of the same tenor andDate unpaid),pay to the order of Tientsin Textile Corp. the sumn of US Dollars twenty-three thousand four hundred and eighty five only. Drawn Under_________________________________To:ABC Trade Co. For Tientsin Textile CorpRoom15,the 10th floorGREATBuilding(signed)Revenue Street,N,Y,USA
案例1:天津纺织品进出口公司日前出口美国ABC Trade Co.( add:Room15, the 10thfloor Great Building, Revenue Street, N.Y., USA)一批货物,金额为23485美元。假定天津纺织品进出口公司于2002年12月5日签发以其指定人为收款人、见票日后60天付款的远期汇票,试代替天津纺织品进出口公司出具远期汇票。



国际结算英⽂版课后练习答案Chapter One1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) local legal system, political, exchange risks(2) open account, advance payment, remittance and collection(3) letter of credit, bank guarantee(4) price terms, delivery terms(5) least/minimum, most/maximum(6) advance payment(7) open account(8) clean collection, documentary collection2. 略3. Translate the following terms into English.(1) settlement on bank credit(2) the potential for currency fluctuation(3) to clear the goods for export(4) to pay the insurance premium(5) to carry out export formalities(6) the major participants in international trade(7) the commodity inspection clause(8) to fulfill the obligation to deliver the goods(9)t he goods have passed over the ship’s rail(10)I nternational contract is concluded in a completely different context than domestic ones 4.Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) T(6) T (7) F (8) T (9) T (10) F5. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)-(5) BCCBD (6)-(10) DACCC(11)-(15) BDDCD (16)-(20) DCACDChapter Two1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) barter(2) medium of exchange(3) expensive, risky(4) our(5) Vostro(6) vostro(7) nostro(8) specimen of authorized signatures, telegraphic test keys, terms and conditions, Swift authentic keys2. Define the following terms(1) Correspondent relationship 〖A bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank.〗(2) International settlements〖International settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them. 〗(3) Visible trade〖The exchange of goods and commodities between the buyer and the seller across borders.〗(4) Financial transaction〖International financial transaction covers foreign exchange market transactions, government supported export credits, syndicated loans, international bond issues, etc.〗(5). Vostro account〖Vostro account is an account held by a bank on behalf of a correspondent bank.〗3. Translate the following terms into English.(1) commercial credit(2) control documents(3) account relationship(4) cash settlement(5) financial intermediary(6) credit advice(7) agency arrangement(8) credit balance(9)reimbursement method(10) test key/code4.Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) F5. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)-(5) BCDAD (6)-(10) BBDABChapter Three1. Define the following Terms:(1) Negotiable instrument〖“A negotiable instrument is a chose in action, the full and legal title to which is transferable by delivery of the instrument (po ssibly with the transferor’s endorsement) with the result that complete ownership of the instrument and all the property it represents passes free from equities to the transferee, providing the latter takes the instrument in good faith and for value.” 〗(2) Bill of exchange〖A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time,a sum certain in money, to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer. 〗(3) Check〖A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer. 〗(4) Documentary bill〖It is a bill with shipping documents attached thereto. 〗(5) Crossing〖A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only. 〗2. Translate the following terms into English.(1) ⼀般划线⽀票〖generally crossed check〗(2) 特殊划线⽀票〖specially crossed check〗(3) 过期⽀票〖a check that is out of date〗(4) 未到期⽀票〖post dated check〗(5) ⼤⼩写⾦额〖amount in words〗(6) ⽩背书〖blank endorsement〗(7) 特别背书〖special endorsement〗(8) 限制性背书〖restrictive endorsement〗(9) 跟单汇票〖documentary bill〗(10) 即期汇票〖sight draft〗(11) 远期汇票〖usance/term bill〗(12) 承兑汇票〖acceptance bill〗(13) 可确定的未来某⼀天〖determinable future date〗(14) 光票〖clean bill〗(15) 流通票据〖negotiable instrument〗(16) 贴现⾏〖discounting house 〗(17) 商⼈银⾏〖merchant bank〗(18) ⽆条件的付款承诺〖unconditional promise of payment〗(19) 负连带责任〖jointly and severally responsible〗(20) 出票后90天付款〖payable 90 days after date〗3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) T(6) F (7) T (8) T (9) T (10) T(11) F (12) T (13) T (14) F (15) T(16) T (17) T (18) F (19) F (20) F4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)-(5) CACBC (6)-(10) BACBB(11)-(15) BDCCC (16)-(20) BBAAC5-7 略Chapter Four1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) beneficiary(2) payment order / mail advice / debit advice(3) the remittance amount is large / the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit / test key(4) sell it to his own bank for crediting his account(5) debits / credits(6) demand draft(7) act of dishonor(8) swiftness / reliability / safety / inexpensiveness(9) debiting remitting bank’s nostro account(10) delivery of the goods2. Define the following Terms.(1) International remittance means a client (payer) asks his bank to send a sum of money to a beneficiary abroad by one of the transfer methods at his option while the beneficiary can be paid at the designated bank which is either the re mitting bank’s overseas branch or its correspondent with a nostro account.(2) Remitting bank is the bank transferring funds at the request of a remitter to its correspondent or its branch in another country and instructing the latter to pay a certain amount of money to a beneficiary.(3) A mail transfer is to transfer funds by means of a payment order or a mail advice, or sometimes a debit advice issued by a remitting bank, at the request of the remitter.(4) Demand draft transfer is a remittance method using a bank demand draft. It is a negotiable instrument drawn by one bank on its overseas branch or its correspondent abroad ordering the latter to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft.(5) Cancellation of the reimbursement under mail transfer or telegraphic transfer is usually done before its payment is made at the request of the remitter or the payee who refuses to receive the payment.3. Translate the following terms into English.(1) 汇款通知单remittance advice (2) 汇出汇款outward remittance(3) 国际汇款单international money order (4) 往来账户current account(5) ⾃动⽀付系统automated payment system (6) 作为偿付in cover(7) 赔偿保证书letter of indemnity (8) 信汇通知书 mail advice(9) 汇票的不可流通副本non-negotiable copy of draft (10) ⾸期付款down payment4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)-(5) BCABD (6)-(10) BBBAAChapter Five1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.(1) presenting bank(2) title documents / pays the draft / accepts the obligation to do so(3) legal / the exchange control authorities(4) the payment is made(5) open account / advance payment(6) Inward collection(7). the remitting bank(8) trust receipt(9) D/P at sight(10) documents, draft, and collection order2. Define the following terms(1) Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent banks located in the domicile of the buyer.(2) The case of need is the representative appointed by the principal to act as case of need in the event of non-acceptance and/or non-payment, whose power should be clearly and fully stated in the collection.(3) Documentary collection is a collection of financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or collection of commercial documents without being accompanied by financial instruments, that is, commercial documents without a bill of exchange. Alternatively, the documentary collection is a payment mechanism that allows the exporters to retain ownership of the goods until they receive payment or are reasonably certain that they will receive it.(4) Outward collection is a banking business in which a bank acting as the remitting bank sends the draft drawn against an export with or without shipping documents attached, to an appropriate overseas bank, namely, the collecting bank to get the payment or acceptance from the importer.(5) Collection bill purchased is a kind of financing by banks for exporters under documentary collection methods. It means that the remitting bank purchases the documentary bill drawn by the exporter on the importer. It involves great risk for the remitting bank due to lack of a guarantee.3. Translate the following terms into English.(1) 承兑交单acceptance against documents (2) 商业承兑汇票 trade acceptance(3) 需要时的代理⼈case of need (4) 出⼝押汇export bill purchased(5) 物权单据 title document (6) 以寄售⽅式on consignment(7) 直接托收direct collection (8) 货运单据shipping documents(9) 付款交单documents against payment (10) 远期汇票time/ tenor/term/ usance draft4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements(1)-(5) ABCAB (6)-(10) ACAADChapter Six1. Define the following terms:(1) Letter of credit 〖The Documentary Credit or letter of credit is an undertaking issued by a bank for the account of the buyer (the applicant) or for its own account, to pay the beneficiary the value of the draft and/or documents provided that the terms and conditions of the documentary credit are complied with. 〗(2) Confirmed letter of credit 〖A credit that carries the commitment to pay by both the issuing bank and the advising bank. 〗(3) Revolving credit 〖A credit by which, under the terms and conditions thereof, the amount is renewed or reinstated without specific amendments to the documentary credit being required. 〗(4) Confirming bank 〖A bank, usually the advising bank, which adds its undertaking to those of the issuing bank and assumes liability under the credit.〗(5) Applicant of the credit〖The applicant is always an importer or a buyer, who fills out and signs an application form, requesting the bank to issue a credit in favor of an exporter or a seller abroad.〗2. Translate the following terms or sentences into English.(1) 未授权保兑〖silent confirmation 〗(2) 有效地点为开证⾏所在地的柜台〖to expire at the counters of the issuing bank 〗(3) 凭代表物权的单据付款〖to pay against documents representing the goods〗(4) 信⽤证以银⾏信⽤代替了商业信⽤。



国际结算实训报告第一篇:国际结算实训报告实验报告书课程名称:国际结算学院:经济管理学院专业班级:国际经济与贸易一班学生姓名:学号指导教师:总评成绩:完成时间: 2015、05、23一、实验目的(一)通过国际结算模拟软件模拟实践国际贸易交易往来中使用信用证方式、托收方式,汇款方式等结算方式完成贸易往来,熟悉如何开立、修改,直至成功完成一笔信用证、托收、汇款等结算方式下的交易程序,了解一笔信用证、托收、汇款结算方式下国际贸易做成大体需要哪些步骤(二)通过国际结算模拟软件模拟实验了解一笔通过国际结算三种方式下国际贸易商业往来的成功完成需要缮制哪些单据(三)通过国际结算模拟软件模拟实验了解信用证结算方式与托收结算方式与汇款结算方式下各结算方式的相同的与不同点。










国际结算实验-汇款实验参考答案2.2.3 实验素材一、汇款申请书2003年3月8日,CHINA NAT. METALS & MINERALS I/E CORP.向中国农业银行广州市分行提交下面这张汇款申请书,汇出行按所给问题审核汇款申请书。


1、电文一:汇出汇款2、电文二:汇入汇款3、电文三:汇入汇款(二)中国农业银行广州市分行接受CHINA NAT. METALS &MINERALS I/E CORP.的汇款申请,于2003年3月8日发送汇款电文。

其中,汇入行是PO SANG BANK LTD. , HONG KONG ,汇出行在汇入行开立有港币存款账户,费用由受益人承担。

(三)中国农业银行广州市分行采用SWIFTM/T100汇款格式,将电报内容输入电脑发送至汇入行PO SANG BANK LTD., HONG KONG。

三、信汇中的委托书和支付授权书(一)汇出行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shangdong根据业务内容,填写支付授权书。

①Date :15th Sept., 2002;②Paying Bank: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd., Hong Kong; ③Ref No. MT28376;④Amount: HKD30,000.00;⑤Cover: Please debit our A/C with you;⑥Message: Commission under S/C NO.FB9768;⑦Payee: Win Food Company, Ltd., Hong Kong;⑧ Remitter: Shangdong Cereals Oil & Foodstuffs I&E Group Corp.(二)1999年3月18日,中国银行广州分行收到中国银行香港分行信汇委托书,中国银行广州分行按信汇委托书所示内容对其进行审核。























操作题具体的操作方法如下:章节名称 练习分类汇款方式(Remittance ) 电汇(T/T )票汇(D/D )信汇(M/T )托收方式(Collection ) 付款交单(D/P )承兑交单(D/A )信用证方式(Letter of Credit ) 信用证开证(L/C Issuing ) 信用证付款(L/C Payment )融资(Financing ) 打包贷款(Packing Loan )福费廷(Forfaiting )出口押汇(Outward Bill )进口押汇(Inward Bill )信托收据(Trust Receipt )其他贸易步骤:出口:向工厂订货(Order )、申请产地证(C.O. Application )、委托出口货代(Export Forwarder )、寄单(Sending Documents )、出口退税(Export Rebates )进口:委托进口货代(Import Forwarder )电汇(T/T )练习操作说明目录:一、汇出汇款二、汇入汇款电汇(T/T )是外汇汇款业务的基本方式之一,是指汇出行应汇款人的申请,采用SWIFT (环球银行间金融电讯网络)等电讯手段将电汇付款委托书给汇入行,指示解付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式。





国际结算实验报告实验项目名称simtrade综合实训课程名称国际结算成绩评定良好实验类型:验证型□综合型√设计型□实验日期 2016.3-2016.7 指导教师学生姓名学号专业班级一、实验项目训练方案小组合作:是□否√小组成员:实验目的:通过实训,使学生能完成国际贸易实务十二个操作阶段的任务。



实验场地及仪器、设备和材料:实验场地:创新楼506实验仪器、设备和材料:电脑、Simtrade外贸模拟系统实验训练内容(包括实验原理和操作步骤):一、交易准备二、交易磋商三、签订合同1 起草外销合同2 制作出口预算表。

3 发送合同。

4 进口商登录后,收取出口商要求确认合同的邮件。

5 制作进口预算表。

6 确认合同。

四、信用证业务1 进口商到"进口地银行"申领核销单(L/C方式下,需在开证前领单;其它方式下,则在付款前领单)。

2 申请开立信用证。

3 进口地银行开立信用证,"送进口商"。

4 进口商同意信用证。

5 进口地银行转发信用证,送出口地银行"。

6 出口地银行将信用证通知出口商。

制作通知书", "通知受益人"。



3)opens a L/C
2)application and
cash deposits
and ask
the buyer
to redeem
Issuing bank
Procedures of a L/C
1、Sales contract between importer and exporter 2、Importer makes the application form 3、Issuing bank exam the creditworthiness, pass L/C to the
Description of goods -- It should be made in a general term
Stipulate Documents -- Commercial invoice、Transport documents、 Insurance Documents,Certificate of origin Certificate of inspection、Packing list
What is a letter of credit
A L/c is a written undertaking by the issuing bank to the beneficiary, under which the bank will pay a sum certain in money to the beneficiary if the beneficiary of the L/C provides the bank with specified documents within a prescribed time period, which all comply with the terms and conditions of the credit.



国际结算实验过程1汇出汇款一电汇:案例 PA1001SIM CSLE UCJm~TOP1ER 匸一 R.EOI TTR ANS FER3承兑交单:案例IC1001INWARD DOCUMENTS FOR. COLLECTION4付款交单:案例IC20012汇入汇款一电汇: 案例 RE1001fijr ria.-Hc niQ-HT胪 A T miri'b:*謝盘 [込齐卍gH —dzz. 3Lat. f 口・'~~沪■StfT $2 - 2*卢■4-C ^G Tk :承= !3 0一0, ■T»EE>-«n--皂口R 口HFLZM 二 F -UST^4E R&e<Kie-a鹽住曲|叵〒运M口盘口■声口 FudD■ .aiv^.cKra eTRADIMO COMP^a.F'^.Lj-C JEWIFERK J ・f 削【H .I &JBJIJ kB _Njd*ni«Ti u ,七口aC^m w■『:AmMriiKMn ・ill -C M >^UTO IMO b1 aAwn -UHZuw m 耳K 2舌吐Dr-Bf4: iN O. : A-SC2S □■X I3BLB -3-S7 T ■ nor 1At-匸“i&H 尸—¥ ■-,J 勻「1 cri 口il~i 曰id R.>ed S"ta ■- U c : inn口匚□ *hJilQi. 011 钉ar H R i □ a ■ ei^Sh ■ r« a l^v-i rfjC hu n «^.H'wckji'ic LJ 'SC* i -A 7 bd -i0 c>«3ood s . ^ OMFi-i T iER- F^Q-m NEW VO Rkl TO SH A MG MAI p ar LQMQ R.IVEN V,€ SS Draft @III or 1 -• ■ h * p j Xn VCI A CJE U e I^t . o r 匚m-H 口M -M « u iH or 0^1 Olrii 1ns..Pol/jCa n 尸凸匚XJ,ri 口 L.-ih-CBe n 亡. 七dr"E ・3;Z 3■2 o^o C P /C* ozo nOZO~1Off to 3C1 Q - 3- ZSO..i-Q UIT 4=taif M ra . MlD . 2 £ 6♦并百 科门口 门口「'口■口吃 盃」/•口门―*「门©「小丘『百干 I Jl |,■ r |>tl W- t ” Wi g ?i I 口 卫&甘F~Qll 心六 li" JJf z 匸即亠11 iiigi气口』 " •" 」] » 口■■liw ■二 匸10-亍:1 丁~1^.「1七・ fa 口 ■■ e ■七 口4."21丘何丁•心1 * I hgH * -匕ciLH Cl 77 VI 电百上厂 卜 *T L卜■! “L 一 Uolle^W uf si 厂口已匸 口ut ■午iqe~ LJ~S 耳 on Ora 您芒亡J X/U | - 匚心llumt, ||・皑口匚;&1,尸打卜 訂0|口” 乜盟 显u 卫 I —:= 丄 h — LE 匚t f j I L —l * • ・ ie.4 111 I i ■-… 鼻匸—已卩1旨1 i jDI Wt^j^n CQ H c»~ tifr<d. |j"»l<±-a-S'O creciiit o-uir accoLint -with 13HV A«CZIN S l-lOO 1 Sp-ecial IrT^truction-'For c I^TIUSIMYi-iiSTlh ||£ co-tlf L ZC jiZiri'l ■£ U LlQjU Ut f -QO H R F E3 rrrTi PLu I M ■ F ci-r Cl a I !■■ c=€i or -i1 Q--Q S巨■ 3 ■帀匸3尸')1 1 <ZTCZ ^-u hs I j «— a ti cam jM-cs . S 3* 3 JlUtH6r ,i±«-ed 3l<a M a tui r ■-5出口跟单托收:案例 OC1001 6信用证开证:案例LC1001inS4OA^S-«L EL■J「口rr C ™ I r • yUFi%JOirEAj-MaiD■Wta Jir 9■"上• *4S 百.fC^ft-lL-a 1 rWi^J- 严讯£TO E *C 虽亠0 ■«; dL3«tf_jpt 一■■一严严严f7收单付款-承兑:案例LC10018来证通知:案例AD10014 呂IAJ A E XI LMI L UA Z JB N U_ rkfi:5 i ■ A i . m JliiTii't—" -fcKJAl B■ ^.UEutl 丄-xf &EJ M*”J_ r^H.^ U 1=1 K-dkb-Uk *T0 dUU I^dk.T4 |riiniijliC hf T Q毕1TV JVU - Z (■卫舸•■■疤=JukU- J^C U TJL 41 Lfi fcl M L"| -*fu3 L:!T■旳.I I ■ :g IX-it W bfcjJ- iB.L. iLChM I'L X-r-11 4 n ■» Jt J- L IL M-L, J V*1.F9 jhi Li i_ J !■—「JL竺t-Li^n_l■亠_L_ 4二 _ -Pl" i «^A_JUe« ■HCE+LTTM« J * 沪出Ml 屮讯―・gftfMk^i |Q3fi M9寄单索汇:案例AD2001。



among the three kinds of
T/T It is in a form of dispatching cable or telex or SWIFT Authentication is made by test key. It is a safe method of remittance. The cost of remittance is higher. It is the fastest and most prevalent method of remittance. M/T D/D It is in a form of mail It is in a form of banker’s advice or payment order demand draft By signature (on payment order Not as safe as T/T lower Owing to its slower speed, banks reduce the use of M/T in the remittance the By signature (on draft) Not as safe as T/T lower It may be purchased by a bank other than drawee bank. It is a useful method of remittance. the
Banker’s Demand Draft, D/D
① 票 汇 申 请 书 交 款 付 费 ④ 汇款通知书(票根) ② 银 行 即 期 汇 票
③ 银行即期汇票 ⑤ 银 行 即 期 汇 票
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