增强POM-GF20,杜邦Delrin 525GR



Delrin FG900P NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 工程机械配件;齿轮;通用;薄壁零件
Delrin 511DP BK402 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin 511DP NC010 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin FG100AL NC010 POM 抗蠕变性能好,耐冲击性好 输送机,工程机械配件;齿轮
Delrin FG100P NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好;良好的点心 输送机,工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin FG100TL NC010 POM 良好的耐蠕变性,尺寸稳定性好 输送机;工程机械配件;齿轮;管
Delrin 100PE NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 汽车内饰件,工程机械配件;快速成型
Delrin 100ST BK602 POM 高耐冲击性;超高分子量 涂料应用;工程机械配件,紧固件
Delrin 100ST NC010 POM 高耐冲击性;超高分子量 涂料应用;工程机械配件,紧固件
Delrin 527UV NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 汽车内饰件
Delrin 570 NC000 POM 抗蠕变性能好,刚度好 汽运;工程机械配件
Delrin 577 BK000 POM 良好的刚性,良好的抗紫外线性能;中等粘度 工程机械配件
Delrin 900P BK602 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 工程机械配件;齿轮;通用;薄壁零件
Delrin 300CP NC010 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin 300PE NC010 POM 低VOC 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮

POM 美国杜邦 525GR

POM 美国杜邦 525GR

POM 美国杜邦 525GR美国杜邦公司物性数据①原料描述部分规格级别:注塑级外观颜色:---用途概述:需要较高刚性的机械零件备注说明:中粘性。


POM 美国杜邦 525GR物性表资料由金橙塑胶提供T e L: 1 5 2 0 7 6 9 2 6 2 0②原料技术数据性能项目试验条件[状态]测试方法测试数据数据单位物理性能密度--- ISO 1183 1580 kg/m3吸水率平衡于50%相对湿度ISO 62 1.3 %机械性能屈服点应力5mm/min 23℃ ISO 527-1/2 140 Mpa 屈服点应变5mm/min 23℃ ISO 527-1/2 3 % 拉伸系数1mm/min 23℃ ISO 527-1/2 9500 Mpa 弯曲模量--- ISO 178 8000 Mpa 埃佐缺口冲击试验23℃ ISO 180/1A 9 KJ/m2夏比缺口冲击试验23℃ 179/1eA 8 KJ/m2热性能热变形温度0.45MPa ISO 75-1/-2 176 ℃ 热变形温度 1.8MPa ISO 75-1/-2 172 ℃ 融点--- ISO 3146C 178 ℃如果对POM 美国杜邦525GR方面还有什么疑问,请与我们详谈!1:美国杜邦系列(聚甲醛)POM:美国杜邦POM 100AF 20%铁氟龙增强合金低磨耗高粘度高韧性POM美国杜邦POM 500AF 20%TEFLON3纤维增强高流动低磨耗聚甲醛美国杜邦POM 100P 注塑级高粘度高韧性POM美国杜邦POM 500P 高流动性表面经润滑树脂美国杜邦POM 900P 高流动性低黏度表面经润滑树脂厨卫网美国杜邦POM 1700P 超高流动级POM 超低粘度均一物性美国杜邦POM 100T 坚韧高粘性美国杜邦POM 100ST 高黏度表面经润滑,超强韧性聚甲醛树脂美国杜邦POM 500T 低磨耗高流动POM美国杜邦POM 100 高粘度,具有最坚韧的硬度,优良的热稳定性美国杜邦POM 500 高流动高抗冲抗蠕变美国杜邦POM 500CL 高流动抗磨耗POM美国杜邦POM 500AL 高流动抗磨耗级美国杜邦POM 107 强度、刚度、热稳定性能好、硬度好。

杜邦物性表-POM DELRIN500TNC010

杜邦物性表-POM DELRIN500TNC010

DuPont™ Delrin®acetal resinDelrin® 500T NC010Delrin® 500T NC010 is a toughened, medium viscosity acetal homopolymer resin with impact resistance similar to Delrin® 100. It can be used in parts requiring noise reduction.Property Test Method Units ValueIdentificationResin Identification ISO 1043POM-IPart Marking Code ISO 11469>POM-I< MechanicalYield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)54 (7.8)Yield Strain ISO 527%20Strain at Break ISO 527%50mm/min>50Nominal Strain at Break ISO 527%35Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)2300 (334)Tensile Creep Modulus ISO 899MPa (kpsi)1h2300 (334)1000h1150 (167)Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa (kpsi)2100 (305)Flexural Stress ISO 178MPa (kpsi)@ 3.5% Strain60 (8.7)Notched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eA kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)923°C (73°F)14Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eU kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)33023°C (73°F)NBContact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75f °C (°F)0.45MPa146 (295)1.80MPa78 (172)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min178 (352)CLTE, Normal ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.1 (0.61)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.2 (0.66)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.6 (0.89)CLTE, Parallel ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.1 (0.61)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.3 (0.72)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.31 (0.73)Vicat Softening Temperature ISO 306 °C (°F)50N139 (282) RheologicalMelt Mass-Flow Rate ISO 1133g/10 min190°C, 2.16kg12ElectricalSurface Resistivity IEC 60093ohm1E15Relative Permittivity IEC 602501E2 Hz 3.61E6 Hz 3.6Volume Resistivity IEC 60093ohm m>1E13Dissipation Factor IEC 60250E-41E6 Hz160CTI IEC 60112V600Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueFlammabilityFlammability Classification IEC 60695-11-100.75mm HBFlammability Classification UL940.75mm HBOxygen Index ISO 4589-1/-2%23High Amperage Arc Ignition Resistance UL 746A arcs0.75mm200Hot Wire Ignition UL 746A s0.75mm81.5mm113.0mm15 Temperature IndexRTI, Electrical UL 746B°C0.75mm105RTI, Impact UL 746B°C0.75mm85RTI, Strength UL 746B°C0.75mm85OtherDensity ISO 1183kg/m3 (g/cm3)1380 (1.38)Hardness, Rockwell ISO 2039/2Scale M79Scale R117Water Absorption ISO 62, Similar to%Equilibrium 50%RH0.21Saturation, immersed0.82Molding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal, 2.0mm 1.6Parallel, 2.0mm 1.7Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)200-210 (390-410)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)205 (400)Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)40-60 (100-140)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)50 (122)Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h2-4Drying Temperature °C (°F)80 (175)Processing Moisture Content%<0.05Hold Pressure Range MPa (kpsi)60-80 (9-12)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.。



专业供应POM美国杜邦塑胶原料;可提供ROHS(SGS)环保产品认证书报告及UL认证,FDA 认证,材质证明及物质安全资料表(MSDS)。


重要参数:密度:1.42 g/cm3缺口冲击强度:137 拉伸强度:69 MPa弯曲强度:98 MPa弯曲模量:2840 MPa。




重要参数:密度:1.34 g/cm3拉伸强度:64 MPa硬度:105 热变形温度:65 ℃阻燃等级。

POM美国杜邦100T,特性备注:坚韧高粘性,重要参数:熔体流动速率:2 g/10min密度:1.37 g/cm3吸水率:0.9 %缺口冲击强度:2.5 拉伸强度:52 MPa.POM美国杜邦23P,特性备注:聚甲醛,重要参数:密度:1.42 g/cm3缺口冲击强度:80 断裂伸长率:35 %弯曲模量:2940 MPa热变形温度:133 ℃.POM美国杜邦500AF,特性备注:加工特性:表面润滑。


重要参数:密度:1.54 g/cm3成型收缩率:2.05 %缺口冲击强度:37 拉伸强度:48 MPa弯曲模量:2410 MPa.POM美国杜邦 500CL,特性备注:加工特性:一般等级,但添加化学润滑剂。

产品特性:对铁材有低磨擦和低磨耗率,是所有DELRIN均聚甲醛树脂中PV极限最高等级,重要参数:密度:1.42 g/cm3成型收缩率:2.05 %缺口冲击强度:75 拉伸强度:66 MPa弯曲模量:2940 MPa。


重要参数:密度:1.42 g/cm3成型收缩率:2.3 %缺口冲击强度:81 拉伸强度:69 MPa弯曲强度:97 MPa。


POM 美国杜邦 100T NC010

POM 美国杜邦 100T NC010

测试标准 测试标准 -
片材挤出成型 其它挤出成型
脱模助剂 亚太 中南美洲
中东/非洲 Global
修订: 2016-03-05 To find out more, visit DuPont Performance Polymers or contact nearest DuPont location.
North America Tel: +1 302 999-4592 Toll-Free (USA): 800 441-0575
Asia Pacific Tel: +81 3 5521 8600
Europe/Middle East/Africa Tel: +41 22 717 51 11
Copyright 2014 DuPont. The DuPont Oval Logo is a trademark or registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Delrin® 100T NC010是一种增韧 高粘度均聚甲醛
总说明 树脂鉴别 产品标识码
流变性能 熔体体积流动速度, MVR 温度 负荷 熔体质量流动速率 模塑收缩率, 平行 模塑收缩率, 垂直
机械性能 拉伸模量 屈服应力 屈服伸长率 名义断裂伸长率 弯曲模量 弯曲应力(3.5%应变) 无缺口简支梁冲击强度 +23°C -30°C 简支梁缺口冲击强度 +23°C -30°C 洛氏硬度 洛氏硬度, Rockwell
North America Tel: +1 302 999-4592 Toll-Free (USA): 800 441-0575



说明:以上产品区别特性仅供产考,如贵公司客户要求力学性能,也可采用均聚POM材料,但需要一定的量来做定 生产.建议可考虑我司所生产的另一种高粘POM,更具优化性,我司可提供样品试用.其它介绍请参POM产品物性
,短期力学性能和物理性能 性差,不易于加工,热稳定性
拥有高强度和自润滑性. 因 械部件和耐水性部件,电子 1000*2000(mm).量大可定做
该原材料属于共聚POM,优点:耐热性好,耐化学腐蚀性,易加工,尺寸稳定性好,拥有高强度和自润滑性 结晶度相对低一些,所以在目前市场上广泛所应用 .适用于制作滑动部件,精密机械部件和耐水性部件 电器设备等.工差按照DIN:长度+0-3%,宽度+0-3%.产品规格:厚度*610*1220(mm),1000*2000(mm).量大 等.缺点:不耐酸,不耐紫外线,无自熄灭性等.
需要一定的量来做定制化 绍请参POM产品物性表。
公司名称: 客户名称:

该原材料属于均聚POM,优点:结晶度更高,结晶度可达90%,熔点高一般达到175C,短期力学性能和物理 差等.
杜邦Delrin150特性 比较好,表现在有较高的拉伸强度,耐疲劳,耐冲击,刚性度强等特点.缺点:热老化性差,不易于加工,热



Crastin® & Rynite® Polyester
Hytrel® Thermopla stic Polyester Elastomer
Registered trade name of DuPont
Teflon® & Tefzel® Fluoropolymers
Vespel® PI
Zenite® LCP
Zytel® HTN
Zytel® & Minlon® Polyamide Delrin® Polyacetal
“100” 高粘度, 高冲击 通用级 高性能等级 高成型 加工性 Enhanced ELEVEN 共聚物 挤出级 II 150 SA II 150 E II 550
Highlighted grades are new commercial offerings.
“300” 中-高 粘度
“500” 中 粘度 500
Glass Reinforced Mineral Reinf. Min, GR T, GR ST, GR DMX, GR FR, GR FR, Min ST, Min
Delrin 聚甲醛树脂
Delrin® acetal 由杜邦在 50年代末 期发明.





1. Izod冲击测试(ASTM D256):这是一种单杠材料冲击测

2. Charpy冲击测试(ASTM D6110):这是一种悬臂梁材料冲击测试方法,通过测量试样在冲击下的弯曲断裂能量来评估材料的韧性。

3. Gardner冲击测试(ASTM D5420):这是一种用于涂层材

4. Falling Dart冲击测试(ASTM D1709):这是一种用于薄膜



第 3 页,共 3 页
N109-02T H510 H515 H520 ST550
EL104 UR304 UR305 UR309 UR301 EL304 UH403
EC-600B EC-605B
Tenac FA405 FS410
C9021O다 Oil Conc,s
N2320MO 11005MO N2320 Y
TX-CD(10%) TX-90 TX90+M25HT
S9063 S9064 S27073 S27076 S27063 S27064 S9234 S9244 S27073 GV 10/1 S27072BK 10/1570
570NC(20%) 577 570BK 577BK DE9191X(25%) 525 580
CR-620(20%) CF304
MR-310 MR-320
WH302(13%) WH304 TC304
FW-700A FW-700N FW-715CS
LT200 LT804 LT805 LE200 LA500 LA501 LA502 LA531 LA541
C9021 GV 3/10 C9021 GV 3/20 C9021 GV 3/30 C27021 GV 3/30
N2200G4 N2205G5 N2200G23 N2200G33 B2200G43 N2200G53 N2200G63
C9024 C9021 K C13031 K C13026 C9021 AW C9021 SW C2521 G C9021 G




一、增强POM:POM+10%GF玻纤、POM+15%GF玻纤、POM+20%GF玻纤、POM+25%GF 玻纤、POM+30%GF玻纤、POM+40%GF玻纤、POM+玻璃微珠GB二、耐磨POM:POM+PTFE铁氟龙,POM+硅油,POM+二硫化钼、POM+CF碳纤维.三、增韧POM:高冲击POM,耐低温POM,增韧POM四、耐候POM:耐候POM,抗UV紫外POMPOM改性产品低缩水、高刚性、高强度、高耐热。




产品物性表加纤10%增强级聚甲醛POM/首发塑化/SF-10GF 改性工程塑胶原料加纤15%增强级聚甲醛POM/昆山首发/SF-15GF 改性工程塑胶原料20%玻纤增强聚甲醛POM/昆山首发/SF-20GF 注塑级改性工程塑料加纤25%增强级增韧级聚甲醛POM/昆山首发/SF-25GF 改性工程塑料加纤30% 增强增韧级聚甲醛POM 首发塑化/SF-30GF 改性工程塑料加纤35%增强级聚甲醛POM/昆山首发/SF-35GF 改性工程塑胶原料加纤40%增强级聚甲醛POM/昆山首发/SF-40GF 改性工程塑胶原料45%玻纤增强POM改性料/昆山首发/SF-45GF 水解稳定性好注塑级注塑级POM/昆山首发/SF-GB10 加玻璃微珠10% 耐冲击改性工程塑料POM/昆山首发/SF-GB20 聚甲醛20%玻璃微珠增强赛刚原料POM赛钢原料/昆山首发/SF-GB25 玻璃微珠增强25% 低翘曲POMPOM/昆山首发/SF-GB30 玻璃微珠增强30% 洛氏硬度80M 赛钢原料高刚性POM原料/昆山首发/SF-CF10 10%碳纤维填充高强度抗静电高强度改性POM/昆山首发/SF-CF20 20%碳纤维填充高强度抗静电改性POM原料/昆山首发/SF-5P 加5%PTFE POM加铁氟龙耐磨无声齿轮聚甲醛改性POM/昆山首发/SF-10P 加10%PTFE POM加铁氟龙pom原料聚甲醛改性POM/昆山首发/SF-15P 加15%PTFE POM加铁氟龙pom原料POM/昆山首发/SF-20P 高耐磨高滑动加20%铁氟龙塑料米原料POM改性工程塑料/昆山首发/SF-FM20 填充二硫化钼20%高滑动POM改性料昆山首发SF-GY20 加20%硅油高流动高润滑POM/昆山首发/SF-GY25 含25%硅油耐磨消音POM 齿轮塑料用。



DuPont™ Delrin®acetal resinDelrin® 525GR NC000Delrin® 525GR NC000 is a 25% glass reinforced acetal homopolymer for injection molding. It has very high strength, stiffness, and high deflection temperature, and excellent creep resistance.Property Test Method Units ValueIdentificationResin Identification ISO 1043POM-GF25Part Marking Code ISO 11469>POM-GF25< MechanicalStress at Break ISO 527MPa (kpsi)145 (20.3)Strain at Break ISO 527%3Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)9400 (1360)Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa (kpsi)8500 (1230)Notched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eA kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)823°C (73°F)8Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eU kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)5023°C (73°F)50Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060508/060508 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 525GR NC000Property Test Method Units ValueThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75-1/-2 °C (°F)0.45MPa176 (349)1.80MPa172 (342)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min178 (352)CLTE, Normal ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F)0.86 (0.48)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.0 (0.56)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.5 (0.08)CLTE, Parallel ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F)0.37 (0.20)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F)0.35 (0.19)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F)0.14 (0.08) ElectricalVolume Resistivity IEC 60093ohm m1E12Electric Strength IEC 60243-1kV/mm29Relative Permittivity IEC 602501E2 Hz 3.71E6 Hz 3.8 FlammabilityFlammability Classification IEC 60695-11-100.75mm HBFlammability Classification UL940.75mm HBHigh Amperage Arc Ignition Resistance UL 746A arcs0.75mm150Hot Wire Ignition UL 746A s0.75mm81.5mm93.0mm11Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060508/060508 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin ®525GR NC000Temperature Index RTI, ElectricalUL 746B °C0.75mm 50RTI, Impact UL 746B °C0.75mm 50RTI, Strength UL 746B°C0.75mm 50Other DensityISO 1183kg/m 3 (g/cm 3)1600 (1.60)Water Absorption ISO 62, Similar to%Equilibrium 50%RH 0.17 Saturation, immersed 1.26Molding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal, 2.0mm 1.2 Parallel, 2.0mm 0.4ProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)210-220 (410-430)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)215 (420) Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)80-100 (175-210)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)90 (195) Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h 2-4 Drying Temperature °C (°F)80 (175) Processing Moisture Content %<0.1Hold Pressure RangeMPa (kpsi)80-100 (12-15)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060508/060508The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units Value。

POM GB-25物性

POM GB-25物性

POM 100ST 美国杜邦超高韧性POM 100P 美国杜邦高韧性POM 500P 美国杜邦高韧性表面经润滑POM 900P 美国杜邦高流动低黏度表面经润滑POM 500T 美国杜邦高韧性表面经润滑POM 500CL 美国杜邦耐磨耗POM 500AF 美国杜邦添加20%TEFLON3纤维表面润滑耐磨擦POM 100T 美国杜邦坚韧高粘度耐磨POM 525GR 美国杜邦中粘性25%玻纤增强POM 100 美国杜邦高粘度具有优良的热稳定性POM KT-20 日本宝理无机物填充高刚性耐磨损POM VC-11 日本宝理防静电POM EB-20 日本宝理防静电POM M270-48日本宝理防静电高流动POM GH-25 日本宝理25%玻纤增强高刚性高强度POM GH-25D 日本宝理25%玻纤增强高流动POM GH-20 日本宝理20%玻纤增强POM GB25 日本宝理玻璃珠增强POM M90-44 日本宝理高流动注塑级POM M90-45 日本宝理耐候级POM NW-02 日本宝理特殊润滑剂高性能高滑动POM SW-01 日本宝理特殊润滑剂高滑动高性能POM SX-35 日本宝理质软消音POM TR-20 日本宝理矿物增强级高刚性低翘曲POM TR-10D 日本宝理无机物增强高刚性低翘曲POM SW-41 日本宝理高滑动高刚性POM U10-01 日本宝理食品级FDA认证POM 4590 日本宝理食品级FDA 认证POM CP15X 日本宝理抗蠕变POM ES-5 日本宝理导电级POM MT24U01日本宝理食品级FDA认证POM MT8U01 日本宝理食品级FDA认证POM MT12U01日本宝理食品级FDA认证POM GB-25物性表资料由长城塑胶提供T e L 1 3 6 8 6 6 5 8 5 1 7填料/增强材料玻璃珠, 25% 填料按重量性能特点低翘曲性UL 档案号E45034部件标识代码(ISO 11469) >POM-GB25<物理性能额定值单位制测试方法比重 1.59 g/cm³ASTM D792, ISO1183机械性能额定值单位制测试方法拉伸应力屈服59 MPa ISO 527-2-- 61 MPa ASTM D638伸长率断裂9 % ASTM D638断裂10 % ISO 527-2弯曲模量-- 3530 MPa ASTM D790-- 3800 MPa ISO 178弯曲强度-- 100 MPa ASTM D790-- 104 MPa ISO 178冲击性能额定值单位制测试方法简支梁缺口冲击强度 3.6 kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA悬壁梁缺口冲击强度37 J/m ASTM D256反向缺口冲击410 J/m ASTM D256热性能额定值单位制测试方法热变形温度1.8 MPa, 未退火148 °C ASTM D6481.8 MPa, 未退火123 °C ISO 75-2/A线形膨胀系数流动0.00009 cm/cm/°C ASTM D696流动: 23 到55°C 0.00009 cm/cm/°C ISO 11359-2横向0.00009 cm/cm/°C ASTM D696横向: 23 到55°C 0.00009 cm/cm/°C ISO 11359-2电气性能额定值单位制测试方法体积电阻率3.00 mm 8.00E+14 ohm·cm ASTM D257 -- 8.00E+14 ohm·cm IEC 60093 介电强度2.00 mm 18 kV/mm ASTM D1493.00 mm 18 kV/mm IEC 60243-1 可燃性额定值单位制测试方法UL 阻燃等级HB UL 94补充信息额定值Color Number CF3500/CD3501。



塑料型号及对应说明介绍1 、美国杜邦PA66塑胶原料通用级PA66PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 101L 一般级--有润滑66尼龙,有润滑过,以改进其机器进料和脱模特性。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 101F 一般级--快速周期无核化的66尼龙,其成形性特佳。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 103HSL 热稳定及润滑新的、改良的、具热稳定性的66尼龙。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 105 BK 耐候级有良好的抗候性,适合在户外用。

耐冲击改良之66尼龙PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 408L 一般级改良之树脂--具优越之轫性及成型性,有润滑过。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL MT409A 一般用、经济型耐冲击性66尼龙。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL ST 801 一般用超韧级66尼龙。

防火级尼龙PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL FR-7025 一般级--防火 UL94耐燃规格评等为94V-0。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL FR-50 25%玻璃纤维强化 UL94耐燃规格评等为94V-0。

PA66 美国杜邦GRZ尼龙PA 66 加玻璃纤维高强度70G系列PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G13HSIL 13% 玻璃纤维补强耐热级材料。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G33L 33% 玻璃纤维补强高刚性, 高机械强度。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G33HSIL 33% 玻璃纤维补强耐热级材料。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G30HSLR 30% 玻璃纤补强表面改良表面改良级,耐热及耐水解材料。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 15005 BK 33% 玻璃纤维补强耐热及耐水解材料。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL 70G43L 43% 玻璃纤维补强高刚性, 高机械强度。

耐冲击71G系列PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL71G13L 13% 玻璃纤补强高耐冲性, 高刚性, 高机械强度。

PA66 美国杜邦ZYTEL71G33L 33% 玻璃纤补强高耐冲性, 高刚性, 高机械强度。



PBT+20GF 是一种含有20%玻璃纤维增强的聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)材料。

以下是关于PBT+20GF 材料标准的一些常见要求:
1. 物理性能:
- 密度:通常在1.3-1.5g/cm³之间。

- 拉伸强度:一般要求在80-120MPa 之间。

- 断裂伸长率:通常在2%-5%之间。

- 弯曲强度:一般要求在120-180MPa 之间。

- 冲击强度:通常要求在5-10KJ/m²之间。

2. 热性能:
- 热变形温度(HDT):一般要求在200-220℃之间。

- 线性热膨胀系数(CLTE):通常在5-8x10^-5/℃之间。

3. 电气性能:
- 体积电阻率:一般要求在10^12-10^14Ω.cm 之间。

- 介电常数:通常在3-4 之间。

- 介质损耗因数:一般要求小于0.02。

4. 耐化学性:
- 对常见化学物质如酸、碱、油和溶剂等具有良好的耐受性。









产品物性表产品特性测试项目拉伸强度断裂延伸率弯曲强度弯曲模量IZOD缺口冲击3.2mm热变形温度1.82MPa密度成型收缩率阻燃性1.6mmMPa % MPa MPa J/m °C g/cm3 % -测试方法ASTMD638 D638 D790 D790 D256 D648 D792 D955 UL-9410%玻纤增强55G2 80 4~6 115 3800 55 147 1.47 0.8-1.2 HB 15%玻纤增强55G3 93 2~5 130 5300 60 157 1.51 0.6-1.0 HB 20%玻纤增强55G4 105 2~5 145 6400 62 160 1.53 0.5-0.9 HB 25%玻纤增强55G5 115 2~5 155 7200 65 160 1.57 0.5-0.9 HB 30%玻纤增强55G6 120 2~5 170 8200 70 160 1.62 0.4-0.7 HB 40%玻纤增强55G8 130 1.5~3 175 11000 75 160 1.7 0.3-0.5 HB 行业应用案例微型电机拔片轮使用材料:POM玻纤增强我司可提供一般增韧至超级增韧改性POM系列产品。



产品物性表产品特性测试项目拉伸强度断裂延伸率弯曲强度弯曲模量IZOD缺口冲击3.2mm热变形温度1.82MPa密度成型MPa % MPa MPa J/m °C g/cm3测试方法ASTMD638 D638 D790 D790 D256 D648 D792 D 一般增韧55R1 48 50 65 1850 150 80 1.38 1.7中等增韧55R2 43 55 58 1500 185 70 1.35 1.6超增韧55R3 40 >150 40 1000 550 55 1.31 1.5行业应用案例汽车用卡扣使用材料:超韧POM工业拖链使用材料:POM耐磨耐磨POM主要分为PTFE耐磨产品系列及MoS2耐磨产品系列,并且我司可根据客户具体需求定制生产一般耐磨至高耐磨改性POM产品。



POM YF-20 日本宝理20%PTFE润滑剂,耐摩擦磨耗日本宝理POM YF-20 物性表资料由长城塑胶提供T e L 1 3 6 8 6 6 5 8 5 1 7项目单位测试方法滑动性YF-20 PTFE, 耐摩擦磨耗颜色CF2001ISO(JIS)材质表示ISO11469>POM+PTFE< (JIS K6999)密度g/cm³ISO 1183 1.52 吸水率 (23℃、水中24小时) % ISO 62 0.5 MFR (190℃、2.16kg) g/10min ISO 1133 5 MVR (190℃, 2.16kg) cm³/10min ISO 1133 3.9 拉伸强度MPa ISO 527-1,2 44 断裂应变% ISO 527-1,2 14 ※1拉伸弹性模量MPa ISO 527-1,2 2,100 弯曲强度MPa ISO 178 62 弯曲模量MPa ISO 178 1,950 简支梁冲击强度 (有缺口) kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA 3.3 负荷变形温度 (1.8MPa) ℃ISO 75-1,2 75线性热膨胀系数 ((23 - 55°C)流动方向)x10-5/℃12线性热膨胀系数 ((23 - 55°C)垂直方向)x10-5/℃12 绝缘破坏强度 (3mmt) kV/mm IEC 60243-1 - 体积电阻率Ω·cm IEC 60093 1 x 1014表面电阻率ΩIEC 60093 2 x 1016体积电阻率 (我公司规格) Ω·cm - 表面电阻率 (我公司规格) Ω-洛氏硬度M(Scale) ISO2039-2 75摩损量比 (对碳素钢, 评价x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 -塑料方面, 面压0.49MPa,30cm/s)摩损量比 (对炭素钢, 炭素x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 -钢方面, 面压0.49MPa,30cm/s)动摩擦系数 (对碳素钢, 面JIS K7218 -压0.49MPa, 30cm/s)摩损量比 (对碳素钢, 评价塑料方面, 面压0.98MPa,x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 0.6 30cm/s)摩损量比 (对碳素钢, 炭素x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 0.01 > 钢方面, 面压0.98MPa,30cm/s)动摩擦系数 (对碳素钢, 面JIS K7218 0.18 压0.98MPa, 30cm/s)摩损量比 (对M90-44, 评价x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 5塑料方面, 面压0.06MPa,15cm/s)摩损量比 (对M90-44, M90-44x10-3mm³/(N·km)JIS K7218 35 方面, 面压0.06MPa, 15cm/s)动摩擦系数 (对M90-44, 面JIS K7218 0.32 压0.06MPa, 15cm/s)阻燃性UL94 HB UL发行的黄卡E45034POM CH-10 日本宝理导电性塑料,耐摩擦磨耗,碳纤维增强10% POM CH-15 日本宝理导电性塑料,耐摩擦磨耗,碳纤维增强15% POM CH-20 日本宝理导电性塑料,耐摩擦磨耗,碳纤维增强20% POM AW-01 日本宝理滑动性塑料,特殊润滑剂,高性能高滑动性POM CP15X 日本宝理抗蠕变塑料,良好的抗蠕变性能POM ES-5 日本宝理导电性塑料,防静电POM EB-08 日本宝理导电性塑料,防静电POM EB-10 日本宝理导电性塑料,防静电POM EW-02 日本宝理导电性塑料,防静电POM GH-25 日本宝理玻纤25%增强,高强度,高刚性POM GH-25D 日本宝理玻纤25%增强,高流动性,高强度,高刚性POM HP25X 日本宝理高刚性,高粘度POM HP90X 日本宝理高刚性,中粘度POM HP270X 日本宝理高刚性,高流动性POM KT-20 日本宝理矿物质增强性,无机物增强,高刚性,耐摩擦磨耗POM M25-44 日本宝理高粘度POM M25-45 日本宝理耐候性,高粘度POM M270-45 日本宝理耐候性,高流动POM M90-45 日本宝理耐候性,中粘度POM YF-10 日本宝理滑动性,10%PTFE润滑剂,耐摩擦磨耗POM YF-20 日本宝理滑动性,20%PTFE润滑剂,耐摩擦磨耗POM YF-5 日本宝理滑动性,5%PTFE润滑剂,耐摩擦磨耗。

qcc jt097-2010 汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记

qcc jt097-2010  汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识和标记
Q/CC JT097—2010
代替:Q/CC JT097-2008
汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的 材料标识和标记
Material identification and marking of automotive plastic,rubber and thermoplastic elastomer parts
Q/CC JT097-2010
前 言 ............................................................................ III 1 范围 ................................................................................ 1 2 规范性引用文件 ...................................................................... 1 3 术语和定义 .......................................................................... 1 4 符号和缩略语 ........................................................................ 2 5 标识符的技术要求 .................................................................... 2 6 材料标识及其他信息的表示 ............................................................ 5
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