TSS721A 是满足仪表总线标准(EN1434-3)的单芯片收发器,内部接口电路可以适应仪表总线 结构中主从机之间的不同电平,与总线的连接是无极性的,且支持使用光耦与从机间进行全电隔离。 芯片可由总线供电,对从机不增加功率需求,并内置总线电压故障指示。接收器有动态电平识别功 能,发送器有可编程电流沉。片内集成 3.3v 稳压源,当总线发生故障时将会延时关断。该电路广泛 应用于 M-BUS 远程抄表、安防、智能家居等领域。
第 4 页,共 9 页
650 μA
350 μA
0.5 μA
0.5 μA
2.4 mA
1.33 V
QQ:37056373 V.1.0
TSS721A 仪表总线收发集成电路
注 2:输入端 RX/RXI 及输出端 TX/TXI 端悬空,ICC=ICI1+ICI2。 3.4 接收模块直流参数
2.2 引脚说明
引脚 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
符号 BUSL2
功能描述 连接仪表总线 整流后总线信号端 外接电源维持电容 外接 CS1 电流值调节电阻 欠压指示输出端 外接采样电容 数据信号反相输出端 数据信号输出端 逻辑电平调整输入端 总线/电池供电模式切换输出端 稳压电源输出端 数据信号输入端 数据信号反相输入端 外接调制电流值调节电阻
芯片封装采用DIP16封装,将整个数据发送功能集成于一体,内部功能框图如图1所示,管脚功能介绍如下:图11,满足国际EN1434-3标准2,具有动态电平识别的接收电流3,通过限流电阻可调接收电流4,无极性连接5,放掉电功能6,可提供3.3.V稳压源7,支持远程供电,从机可由总线或电池供电8,半双工下可达9600 Baud rate9,支持UART协议,只在数据传输时总线有效二,管脚功能管脚号 管脚定义 功能1 BUSL2 仪表总线接入端2 VB 整流后总线电压差连接端3 STC 供电电容接入端4 RIDD 电流调节接入端5 PF 掉电信号输出端6 SC 采样电容连接端7 TXI 数据输出端8 TX 数据输出端9 BAT 逻辑电平调节端10 VS 总线或电池供电输出选择端11 VDD 稳压输入端12 RX 数据输出端13 RXI 数据输出端14 RIS 调制电流调节输入端15 GND 接地端16 BUSL1 仪表总线接入端三,数据传输模式MBUS传输原理1,主——>从此模式下采用电压调制传输数据,总线电流保持不变。
如图2所示:图2总线电压Vbus=MARK(标识值)是由从机BUSL1和BUSL2间压差定义的,连接在管脚SC上的电容Csc的充放电流是不同的,存在以下关系:ISCcharge =ISCdischarge/40这个比例关系是独立于数据内容运行任意UART协议所必须的条件(例如传输采用11位UART协议,当所有数据只有停止位是1.其他都是0),必须有足够的时间对电容Csc进行再充电,内部电压比较器TC3检测来自主机的调制电压,并根据电压VBUS=SPACE(空值)或MARK(标识值)来开关正端输出TX和反向端输出TXI,输出数据给从机。
目录第一章.MODEL7211A产品接线方式 (1)1.1以太网口引脚定义 (1)1.2以太网口接线 (1)1.3ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口引脚定义 (2)1.4ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线 (2)1.5ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口引脚定义 (3)1.6ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口接线 (3)第一章.MODEL7211A产品接线方式1.1以太网口引脚定义以太网接口:(10/100M)注:“TX±”为发送数据±,“RX±”为接收数据±,“—”为未用。
1.2以太网口接线直通线(MDI):注100M一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕另一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕交叉线(MDI-X):注:100M采用了1-3,2-6交换的方式,也就是一头使用T568A制作,另外一头使用T568B制作一端(T568A):白绿/绿/白橙/蓝/白蓝/橙/白棕/棕另一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕引脚号MDI信号MDI-X信号1TX+RX+2TX-RX-3RX+TX+6RX-TX-4、5、7、8——181.3ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口引脚定义ITU-TG.703(75Ω)引脚定义引脚引脚定义IN信号输入OUT信号输出1.4ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线:1.5ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口引脚定义ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)引脚定义、1.6ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口接线引脚ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)引脚ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)2RX+(接收数据正)接6TX+(发送数据正)3RX-(接收数据负)接7TX-(发送数据负)6TX+(发送数据正)接2RX+(接收数据正)7TX-(发送数据负)接3RX-(接收数据负)接线示意图:引脚号功能定义信号方向1NC(空)2RX+(接收数据正)输入3RX-(接收数据负)输入4GND (地)5GND (地)6TX+(发送数据正)输出7TX-(发送数据负)输出8NC (空)18想了解更多产品咨询,行业咨询,请关注一下二维码。
版本号:1.2 2013.4.18 共12页 第4页
MS721 内部集成一个 3.3V 的稳压源,该稳压源的电源由 STC 管脚的存储电容 CSTC 提供,而 STC 脚的存储电容 CSTC 由电流源 CS1 的恒定电流 ISTC_use 进行充电,最大的 STC 电压被限定为 REF1,充电电流 ISTC_use 由管脚 RIDD 连接的外部电阻决定。电阻 RRIDD 大小可以通过下面的公式计 算得出。
版本号:1.2 2013.4.18 共12页 第5页
ton VSTC VDDon
VVB = VSTC + 0.6V
电源掉电输出管脚PF 的典型阈值电压
VBUS = 0 V, VSTC=0
-IVDD = 1 mA, VSTC = 6.5 V
-IVDD = 2 to 8 mA, VSTC = 4.5 V
VDD = on, VS = on
VDD = off, VS = off
VSTC = 5 V
RRIDD = 30 kΩ RRIDD = 13 kΩ
RRIDD = 30 kΩ
VDD = on, IVS = –5 µA
VDD = off
VVB = VSTC+ 0.8 V, IPF = -100 µA
VVB = VSTC+ 0.3 V, IPF = 5 µA CSTC = 50 µF, Bus voltage slew rate:1 V/µs
注:1. 所有的电压都是相对 GND 测量的,除非另有说明。
2. 输入 RX/RXI 和输出 TX/TXI 开路,ICC=ICI1+ICI2。
RRIDD = 30 kΩ
VDD = on, IVS = –5 µA
VDD = off
VVB = VSTC+ 0.8 V, IPF = -100 µA
VSTC = 6.5 V VVB = VSTC+ 0.3 V, IPF = 1 µA
版本号:1.2 2013.4.18 共12页 第4页
MS721 内部集成一个 3.3V 的稳压源,该稳压源的电源由 STC 管脚的存储电容 CSTC 提供,而 STC 脚的存储电容 CSTC 由电流源 CS1 的恒定电流 ISTC_use 进行充电,最大的 STC 电压被限定为 REF1,充电电流 ISTC_use 由管脚 RIDD 连接的外部电阻决定。电阻 RRIDD 大小可以通过下面的公式计 算得出。
因为 MS721 为半双工设计,所以 RX 或 RXI 的输入数据由 ECHO 反馈到输出端 TX 和 TXI。如果 从站或者主站同时通过总线发送数据,TX 和 TXI 输出信号就为主站和从站输入信号叠加,表明从 站发生了数据冲突(见图一)。总线需要一个恒定电流,这个电流被总线上连接的每一个从站所 消耗。通过图四中的公式,可以计算出可编程电阻 RRIS 的大小。
关键字:PIC16F877单片机;M-BUS总线;软件编程;AbstractSF6 circuit breakers monitor online system uses the PIC16F877 microcontroller as a processor, to achieve real-time monitoring of SF6gas’s temp erature, humidity and pressure, and to kown the running state of circuit breakers so that people could effectively deal with the insulation fault caused by SF6 gas itself, and ensure the safty of the power supply system.In this design,the basic principles of SF6circuit breaker can be summarized as that the humidity sensor, temperature sensor and pressure sensor are connected to the SF6gas room by the jointer,which can survey the humidity, temperature, pressure of SF6 gas. the measured analog go through the A / D conversion, data analysis in the PIC16F877 microcontroller, to implement data overrun alarm and demonstrate temperature, pressure and humidity.The information transmission between slaves and the master generates a standard communication packets based on MODBUS protocol to achieve real-time control.Keyword:PIC16F877 microcontroller; M-BUS bus; software programming;目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1选题背景 (1)1.2主要设计(研究)内容 (3)1.3系统主要技术指标 (3)1.4解决的关键问题 (3)第二章系统总体结构方案设计 (5)2.1系统总体结构及其功能 (5)2.2方案设计 (5)2.2.1方案一 (5)2.2.2方案二 (6)2.3方案论证 (7)2.4方案的确定 (7)第三章系统的硬件设计 (9)3.1单片机 (10)3.1.1 PIC16F877单片机特点 (10)3.1.2外围电路 (11)3.2温度传感器 (12)3.2.1温度传感器的选型 (12)3.2.2 温度传感器接口电路 (14)3.2.3 小结 (14)3.3湿度传感器 (14)3.3.1湿度传感器的选型 (15)3.3.2 接口电路 (16)3.3.3 小结 (17)3.4压力传感器 (18)3.4.1压力传感器的选型 (18)3.4.2 接口电路 (19)3.4.3 小结 (19)3.5键盘电路 (19)3.6报警电路 (20)3.7LCD显示模块 (20)3.7.1 LCD显示模块的选型 (21)3.7.2 接口电路 (21)3.7.3 小结 (21)3.8掉电保护模块 (22)3.8.1掉电保护的选型 (22)3.9M-BUS通讯模块 (22)3.9.1M-BUS总线介绍 (23)3.10通讯接口电路的设计 (24)3.10.1 TSS721A芯片介绍 (25)3.10.2 TSS721A芯片与单片机接口电路设计 (27)3.10.3小结 (29)3.11电源的设计 (29)3.11.1电源选择 (29)3.11.2 接线电路 (30)3.11.3电源的抗干扰技术 (31)3.11.4小结 (32)第四章软件设计 (33)4.1系统软件的设计思想 (33)4.2系统主程序的设计 (33)4.3系统子程序的设计 (33)4.3.1定时器/计数器子程序 (33)4.3.2 AD转换子程序 (36)4.3.3 LCD显示子程序 (37)4.3.4 中断服务子程序 (39)4.3.5 键盘子程序 (40)4.3.6 解除报警子程 (41)4.3.7 串行通信子程序 (41)第五章总结 (47)5.1毕业设计的主要工作情况及创新之处 (47)5.2系统改进及发展前景 (47)参考文献 (48)英文原文及翻译 (49)原文 (49)翻译 (57)致谢 (63)附录 (64)程序清单 (64)第一章绪论目前,社会对电力的需求越来越大。
•VIPER12AVPIER 12A是采用电流模式PWM控制方式的功率开关芯片,集成高压启动电路和高压功率管,为低成本开关电源系统提供高性价比的解决方案。
FSD200该芯片为双列直插7脚封装,内含700V耐压 SenseFET功率开关管。
该控制芯片由一个耐压700V 的功率MOSFET 开关管和电源控制器两部分组成。
其控制方式不同于传统的PWM 型开关电源,采用简单的开/关控制输出电压,其瞬态响应时间比传统的PWM型要快,而且具有线电压欠压保护功能。
芯片封装采用DIP16封装,将整个数据发送功能集成于一体,内部功能框图如图1所示,管脚功能介绍如下:图11,满足国际EN1434-3标准2,具有动态电平识别的接收电流3,通过限流电阻可调接收电流4,无极性连接5,放掉电功能6,可提供3.3.V稳压源7,支持远程供电,从机可由总线或电池供电8,半双工下可达9600 Baud rate9,支持UART协议,只在数据传输时总线有效二,管脚功能三,数据传输模式MBUS传输原理1,主——>从此模式下采用电压调制传输数据,总线电流保持不变。
如图2所示:图2总线电压Vbus=MARK(标识值)是由从机BUSL1和BUSL2间压差定义的,连接在管脚SC上的电容Csc的充放电流是不同的,存在以下关系:I SCcharge =ISCdischarge/40这个比例关系是独立于数据内容运行任意UART协议所必须的条件(例如传输采用11位UART协议,当所有数据只有停止位是1.其他都是0),必须有足够的时间对电容Csc进行再充电,内部电压比较器TC3检测来自主机的调制电压,并根据电压VBUS=SPACE(空值)或MARK(标识值)来开关正端输出TX和反向端输出TXI,输出数据给从机。
上海集驰电子有限公司50mA,高输入电压LDO 线性稳压器低压差CMOS 电压稳压器Low Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator 71XX-1 系列71XX-1 Series71XX-1 系列是使用CMOS 技术开发的低压差型正电压稳压电路。
具有高输出电压精度,低静态功耗电流,且最高工作电压可达24V 的特点。
The 71XX-1 series is a family of Low Dropout Positive regulators developed using CMOS technology. These ICS perform with high output voltage accuracy, low quiescent current ,The allow operation voltage as high as 24V.产品特点:·高输出电压精度·低输入输出电压差·低功耗电流·高输入耐压精度±2%典型值40mV 典型值2uA 最大24V产品·high output voltageaccuracy ·low dropoutvoltage ·low quiescentcurrent·Max input voltage±2%40mV2uA24V选录:Selection table7144-1#/SOT-89 4.4V ±2%7150-1#/SOT-89 5.0V ±2%上海集驰电子有限公司型号(Part NO.) 输出电压(Output voltage)误差(Tolerance)7130-1#/SOT-23 3.0V ±2%7133-1#/SOT-23 3.3V ±2%7136-1#/SOT-23 3.6V ±2%7144-1#/SOT-23 4.4V ±2%7150-1#/SOT-23 5.0V ±2%注:可提供客户半定制产品,选择范围1.5~12V 每0.1V 步进细分。
123413141516RXIRISGNDBUSL1RIDDSTCVBBUSL2D PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)567101112VSVDDRXTXISCPF89BA TTXTSS721A SLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED NOVEMBER2010METER-BUS TRANSCEIVERCheck for Samples:TSS721AFEATURES•Meter-Bus Transceiver(for Slave)MeetsStandard EN1434-3•Receiver Logic With Dynamic LevelRecognition•Adjustable Constant-Current Sink via Resistor•Polarity Independent•Power-Fail Function•Module Supply Voltage Switch• 3.3-V Constant Voltage Source•Remote Powering•Up to9600Baud in Half Duplex for UARTProtocol•Slave Power Support–Supply From Meter-Bus via Output VDD–Supply From Meter-Bus via Output VDD orFrom Backup Battery–Supply From Battery–Meter-Bus Active forData Transmission OnlyDESCRIPTIONTSS721A is a single chip transceiver developed for Meter-Bus standard(EN1434-3)applications.The TSS721A interface circuit adjusts the different potentials between a slave system and the Meter-Bus master.The connection to the bus is polarity independent and supports full galvanic slave isolation with optocouplers.The circuit is supplied by the master via the bus.Therefore,this circuit offers no additional load for the slave battery.A power-fail function is integrated.The receiver has dynamic level recognition,and the transmitter has a programmable current sink.A3.3-V voltage regulator,with power reserve for a delayed switch off at bus fault,is integrated.Table1.ORDERING INFORMATION(1)(2)T A PACKAGE ORDERABLE PART NUMBER 0°C to70°C SOIC–D Reel of2500TSS721ADR(1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TIweb site at .(2)Package drawings,thermal data,and symbolization are available at /packaging.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.BAT RIDDSTCVS VDD VBPF BUSL1 TXGND RIS BUSL2 TXIRX RXI SCTSS721ASLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONFigure1.Functional SchematicTable2.Terminal FunctionsTERMINALDESCRIPTIONNAME NO.BUSL21Meter-BusVB2Differential bus voltage after rectifierSTC3Support capacitorRIDD4Current adjustment inputPF5Power fail outputSC6Sampling capacitorTXI7Data output invertedTX8Data outputBAT9Logic level adjustVS10Switch for bus or battery supply outputVDD11Voltage regulator outputRX12Data inputRXI13Data input invertedRIS14Adjust input for modulation currentGND15GroundBUSL116Meter-Bus2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TSS721AVBBUSL1BUSL2V TV V TXV I SC C = 30 pF typ BUSL1-BUSL2V = 25V ,f = 1 MHzB meas I =SCdisharge I SCcharge40 (typ)TSS721ASLAS222B –APRIL 1999–REVISED NOVEMBER 2010Data Transmission,Master to SlaveThe mark level on the bus lines V BUS =MARK is defined by the difference of BUSL1and BUSL2at the slave.It is dependent on the distance of Master to Slave,which affects the voltage drop on the wire.To make the receiver independent,a dynamic reference level on the SC pin is used for the voltage comparator TC3(see Figure 2).Figure 2.Data Transmission,Master to SlaveA capacitor C SC at pin SC is charged by a current I SCcharge and is discharged with a current I SCdischarge where:(1)This ratio is necessary to run any kind of UART protocol independent of the data contents.(for example,if an 11-bit UART protocol is transmitted with all data bits at 0and only the stop bit at 1).There must be sufficient time to recharge the capacitor C SC .The input level detector TC3detects voltage modulations from the master,V BUS =SPACE/MARK conditions,and switches the inverted output TXI and the non-inverted output TX.Copyright ©1999–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Link(s):TSS721AVBBUSL1GNDBUSL2R RISRISRX RXI V I BUSV RXIV RXI = I + I MC MS CS3I MC )RIS W V =Voltage on pin RIS R = Programming resistor I = Programmable current I = Modulation currentI = Modulation supply current (220 µA typ)RIS RIS CS3MC MS R =RIS=V RIS I CS3V RISI –I MC MSTSS721ASLAS222B –APRIL 1999–REVISED NOVEMBER 2010Data Transmission,Slave to MasterThe device uses current modulation to transmit information from the slave to the master while the bus voltage remains constant.The current source CS3modulates the bus current and the master detects the modulation.The constant current source CS3is controlled by the inverted input RXI or the non-inverted input RX.The current source CS3can be programmed by an external resistor R RIS .The modulation supply current I MS flows in addition to the current source CS3during the modulation time.Figure 3.Data Transmission,Slave to MasterBecause the TSS721A is configured for half-duplex only,the current modulation from RX or RXI is repeated concurrently as ECHO on the outputs TX and TXI.If the slave,as well as the master,is trying to send information via the lines,the added signals appear on the outputs TX and TXI,which indicates the data collision to the slave (see Figure 1).The bus topology requires a constant current consumption by each connected slave.To calculate the value of the programming resistor R RIS ,use the formula shown in Figure 4.Figure 4.Calculate Programming Resistor R RIS4Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©1999–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TSS721AR= 25 RID VRIDDISTC= 25VRIDDI+ ISTC_use IC1I(BUS34567(V)STC812TSS721A SLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED NOVEMBER2010 Slave Supply,3.3VThe TSS721A has an internal3.3-V voltage regulator.The output power of this voltage regulator is supplied by the storage capacitor C STC at pin STC.The storage capacitor C STC at pin STC is charged with constant current I STC_use from the current source CS1.The maximum capacitor voltage is limited to REF1.The charge current I STC has to be defined by an external resistor at pin RIDD.The adjustment resistor R RIDD can be calculated using Equation2.(2)Where,I STC=current from current source CS1I STC_use=charge current for support capacitorI CI=internal currentV RIDD=voltage on pin RIDDR RIDD=value of adjustment resistorThe voltage level of the storage capacitor C STC is monitored with comparator TC1.Once the voltage V STC reaches V VDD_on,the switch S VDD connects the stabilized voltage V VDD to pin VDD.VDD is turned off if the voltage V STC drops below the V VDD_off level.Voltage variations on the capacitor C STC create bus current changes(see Figure5).Figure5.Single Mode Bus LoadAt a bus fault the shut down time of VDD(t off)in which data storage can be performed depends on the system current I VDD and the value of capacitor C STC.See Figure6,which shows a correlation between the shutdown of the bus voltage V BUS and V DD_off and t off for dimensioning the capacitor.The output VS is meant for slave systems that are driven by the bus energy,as well as from a battery should the bus line voltage fail.The switching of VS is synchronized with VDD and is controlled by the comparator TC1.An external transistor at the output VS allows switching from the Meter-Bus remote supply to battery.Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Link(s):TSS721AV V V V V V STCVDDoffoff STC VDD CI1V –V t =C I +I TSS721ASLAS222B –APRIL 1999–REVISED NOVEMBER 2010Power On/OffFigure 6.Power On/Off TimingPower Fail FunctionBecause of the rectifier bridge BR at the input,BUSL1,and BUSL2,the TSS721A is polarity independent.The pin VB to ground (GND)delivers the bus voltage V VB less the voltage drop over the rectifier BR.The voltage comparator TC2monitors the bus voltage.If the voltage V VB >V STC +0.6V,then the output PF =1.The output level PF =0(power fail)provides a warning of a critical voltage drop to the microcontroller to save the data immediately.6Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©1999–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TSS721ATSS721A SLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED NOVEMBER2010ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)V MB Voltage,BUSL1to BUSL2±50VRX and RXI–0.3V to5.5VV I Input voltage rangeBAT–0.3V to5.5VT J Operating junction temperature range–25°C to150°CT A Operating free-air temperature range–25°C to85°CT STG Storage temperature range–65°C to150°C Power derating factor,junction to ambient8mW/°C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(1)MIN MAX UNITReceiver10.842V MB Bus voltage,|BUSL2–BUSL1|VTransmitter1242VB(receive mode)9.3V I Input voltage VBAT(2) 2.5 3.8R RIDD RIDD resistor1380kΩR RIS RIS resistor100ΩT A Operating free-air temperature–2585°C(1)All voltage values are measured with respect to the GND terminal unless otherwise noted.(2)V BAT(max)≤V STC–1VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ΔV BR Voltage drop at rectifier BR I BUS=3mA 1.5VVoltage drop at currentΔV CS1R RIDD=13kΩ 1.8V source CS1R RIDD=13kΩ3V STC=6.5V,I BUS BUS current mAI MC=0mA R=30kΩ 1.5RIDDΔI BUS BUS current accuracyΔV BUS=10V,I MC=0mA,R RIDD=13kΩto30kΩ2%I CC Supply current V STC=6.5V,I MC=0mA,V BAT=3.8V,R RIDD=13kΩ(2)650µAV STC=6.5V,I MC=0mA,V BAT=3.8V,R RIDD=13kΩ,I CI1CI1current350µAV BUS=6.5V,RX/RXI=off(2)I BAT BAT current–0.50.5µAI BAT+I VDD BAT plus VDD current V BUS=0V,V STC=0V–0.50.5µAV VDD VDD voltage–I VDD=1mA,V STC=6.5V 3.1 3.4VR VDD VDD resistance–I VDD=2to8mA,V STC=4.5V5ΩV DD=on,VS=on 5.6 6.4V STC STC voltage V DD=off,VS=off 3.8 4.3VI VDD<I STC_use 6.57.5R RIDD=30kΩ0.65 1.1I STC_use STC current V STC=5V mAR RIDD=13kΩ 1.85 2.4V RIDD RIDD voltage R RIDD=30kΩ 1.23 1.33VV VS VS voltage V DD=on,I VS=–5µA V STC–0.4V STC VR VS VS resistance V DD=off0.31MΩV VB=V STC+0.8V,I PF=–100µA V BAT–0.6V BATV PF PF voltage V STC=6.5V V VB=V STC+0.3V,I PF=1µA00.6VV VB=V STC+0.3V,I PF=5µA00.9(1)All voltage values are measured with respect to the GND terminal,unless otherwise noted.(2)Inputs RX/RXI and outputs TX/TXI are open,I CC=I CI1+I CI2Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Link(s):TSS721ATSS721ASLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)(continued)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT t on Turn-on time C STC=50µF,Bus voltage slew rate:1V/µs3sRECEIVER SECTION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITMARK MARK–V T See Figure2V–8.2 5.7V SC SC voltage V VB VI SCcharge SC charge current V SC=24V,V VB=36V–15–40µA–0.033×I SCdischarge SC discharge current V SC=V VB=24V0.3µAI SCchargeHigh-level output voltage V BAT–V OH I TX/I TXI=–100µA(see Figure2)V BAT V (TX,TXI)0.6I TX/I TXI=100µA00.5Low-level output voltageV OL V (TX,TXI)I=1.1mA0 1.5TXI TXTX,TXI current V TX=7.5,V VB=12V,V STC=6V,V BAT=3.8V10µAI TXI(1)All voltage values are measured with respect to the GND terminal,unless otherwise noted.TRANSMITTER SECTION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT I MC MC voltage R RIS=100Ω11.519.5mAR RIS=100Ω 1.4 1.7V RIS RIS voltage VR RIS=1000Ω 1.5 1.8V BAT–V IH High-level input voltage(RX,RXI)See Figure3,see(2) 5.5V0.8V IL Low-level input voltage(RX,RXI)See Figure300.8VV RX=V BAT=3V,V VB=V STC=0V-0.50.5I RX RX currentµAV RX=0V,V BAT=3V,V STC=6.5V-10-40V RXI=V BAT=3V,V VB=V STC=0V1040I RXI RXI currentµAV RXI=V BAT=3V,V STC=6.5V1040(1)All voltage values are measured with respect to the GND terminal,unless otherwise noted.(2)V IH(max)=5.5V is valid only when V STC>=6.5V.8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TSS721AMeter-BusC - system stabilising capacitor C - support capacitor C - sampling capacitorC - stabilising capacitor (100 nF)C :C >= 4:1SSC STC SC VDD STC VDD R - slave-current adjustment resistor R - modulation-current resistor RL1,RL2 - protection resistorsR - discharge resistor (100 k recommended)RIDD RIS load W TSS721ASLAS222B –APRIL 1999–REVISED NOVEMBER 2010APPLICATION INFORMATIONNOTE:Transistor T1should be a BSS84.Figure 7.Basic Application Circuit Using Support Capacitor C STC >50µFFigure 8.Basic Application Circuit for Supply From BatteryCopyright ©1999–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Link(s):TSS721ATSS721ASLAS222B–APRIL1999–REVISED Meter-Bus NOTE:R DSon of the transistor T1(BSS84)at low battery voltage must be considered during application design.Figure9.Basic Applications for Different Supply ModesFigure10.Basic Optocoupler Application10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TSS721A18-Dec-2015 PACKAGING INFORMATION(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement thatlead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used betweenthe die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weightin homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.(4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.(5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuationof the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.(6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finishvalue exceeds the maximum column width.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.18-Dec-2015 In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2015,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
REF2 1.3V
HeCh / 02-99/ 6-13
13 13
M SP 43 0
Ultra-low power design with
用简单的双绞线电缆,极性无关,拓朴结构无关 实现异步通信,300 至 9600 bps 半双工协议 数据能可靠远传 从机远程供电
e.g. 电表 热表 水表
HeCh / 02-99/ 6-1
1 1
Ultra-low power design with
072芯片引脚脚参数1.引言1.1 概述072芯片引脚脚参数是指072芯片所具备的引脚脚参数信息。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容主要是对整篇文章的框架进行介绍和说明。
以下是文章结构部分的内容示例:2. 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
2.1 引言引言部分主要对本文研究的背景和目的进行介绍。
mw7211a芯片原理MW7211A芯片原理1. 介绍MW7211A芯片是一款先进的集成电路芯片,广泛应用于各种电子设备中。
2. 架构MW7211A芯片采用先进的架构设计,实现了多种功能的集成。
3. 工作原理MW7211A芯片的工作原理涉及多个方面,以下是其主要原理的简要说明:中央处理器MW7211A芯片的中央处理器(CPU)是芯片的核心。
4. 应用领域由于MW7211A芯片具有先进的性能和多种功能的集成,因此在许多应用领域得到了广泛的应用,包括但不限于:•智能手机:MW7211A芯片可以作为智能手机的核心处理器,提供强大的性能和高效的能耗管理。
该芯片具有以下主要功能:(1) 满足国际EN1434-3标准;(2) 具有动态电平识别的接收逻辑;(3) 通过电阻可调接收电流;(4) 无极性连接;(5) 防掉电功能;(6) 可提供3.3V稳压源;(7) 支持远程供电;(8) 半双工下通信速率可达9600波特率,支持UART协议;(9) 从机可由总线或后备电池供电;(10) 只在数据传输时总线有效。
图5.4 TSS721A内部功能框图图5.5 TSS721A外形封装图5.6TSS721A管脚功能说明5.3.4.2 TSS721A的工作原理(1) 从机接收电路:TSS721A在此模式下采用总线电压调制传输数据,而总线电流保持恒定。
总线电压U BUS=U MARK(标识值)是由从机管脚BUSL1和BUSL2之间的电压差定义的。
连接在管脚SC上的电容C SC的充电电流I SCcharge和放电电流I SCdischarge不同,一般有如下关系:I SCdischarge= I SCcharge/40。
图5.7主机到从机的数据传输这个比例关系是独立于数据内容运行任意UART协议所必需的条件(例如,如果传输采用11位UART协议,当所传数据只有停止位为“1”,其它位都为“0"的情况),必须有足够的时间来对电容C SC进行再充电。
电压比较器TC3检测来自主机的调制电压,并根据该电压U BUS=U SPACE(空值)或U MARK(标识值)来开关正端输出TX和反端输出TX1。
(2) 从机发送电路:TSS721A在此模式下使用总线电流调制传输数据,而总线电压保持恒定。
芯片内电流源电流I CS3调制总线电流,由主机检测调制电流。
查询TSS721供应商T EXAS I NSTRUMENTSQualification Notification for the TSS721AMeter-Bus Transceiver DeviceMay 10, 1999AbstractTexas Instruments has qualified the TSS721A device, to replace the TSS721 device. This device was redesigned in order to apply to the EN1434-3 requirements, to reflect the 8 points wishes of the Meter-Bus Users Group Meeting inputs from September 23rd, 1996 in Frankfurt and additional, general parameter improvement as like higher input impedance and lower output impedance of the voltage regulator. Revision to the “A” device is necessary because of the changes to some electrical parameter conditions or limits.Data sheet changes are attached and in underlined bold italics. The device nomenclature has changed due to the data sheet adjustments. For details on function, functional schematic, electrical characteristics and applications see also the TSS721A data sheet.AnalysisChanges included an all-level change in design to incorporate device performance improvement.Device nomenclature has changed due to data sheet adjustments as shown in Table 1.Table 2 summarizes the construction details for the test devices.Table 3 shows the reliability results.Tables 4 to 8 show the electrical characteristic data sheet changes with bold italics.Conversion ScheduleTexas Instruments started manufacturing of the affected devices. Customers may begin receiving TSS721A products after the issue of this notification.Sample DevicesSample devices are available on request. Please contact your local Field Sales Office.ContactIf you should have questions or wish additional information, please contact your local Field Sales Office or the contacts listed below.Contact Location Title Telephone E-Mail Guenter Gutwein Europe MSLP Customer Engineering(+49) 8161 80 4253ggut@Table 1: Nomenclature Change for the TSS721AOld NewDevice Name Device NameTSS721TSS721ATable 2: TSS721A, Tested Device InformationReason for Qualification:Product RedesignProduct Affected:TSS721A ‘E’ATTRIBUTESDevice Specific InfoDevice Name TSS721ADDie Revision EDie Dimension080 x 140 milsWafer Fab InfoFab Site SFabFab Technology BipolarWafer Thickness11 milsMetal 1AlCu 0.25%Metal 2AlCu 0.25%Passivation10KA CNAssy/Test InfoAssy Site TaiwanMold PF9ASMount Comp Hit EN-4088ZBond Type/Matl 1.0 AuPackage InfoPackage Type D (SOIC)Pin Count16Leadframe Finish Pd PlateLeadframe Comp CuTable 3: TSS721A, Reliability Test ResultsTSS721AD Qualification Results Act. SS/ #Fails Operating Life Dyn. Test (150°C, 300 hrs.)120/0 Temperature Cycle Test (-65°C to 150°C, 1000 Cycles)120/0 Latch Up5/0 Electrical Characterization Pass Machine Model (EIAJ-ESD 200 pF,0 Ohm , 150V)3/0 Human Body Model (MIL-STD ESD 100 pF, 1500 Ohm,3/0 2000V) CLASS 2 (1,2,3)Charged Device Model ESD - (1000V)3/0Table 4: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721AAbsolute maximum ratingsTSS721TSS721AParameter unit Input voltage at pin UBAT- 0.3 to 5.5VTable 5: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721ARecommended operating conditionsTSS721TSS721AParameter min max min max unit Receiver11.34010.842.0V Bus voltage|BUSL2-BUSL1|Transmitter12401242.0V V B voltage (receive mode)9.3V V BAT,(see Note 1) 2.5 3.8 2.5 3.8V NOTE 1: V BATmax≤ V STC – 1VTable 6: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721AElectrical characteristics at recommended ranges (unless otherwise noted)TSS721 max TSS721AmaxParameter Test conditions min max min max unit V drop Rectifier BR I BUS=3mA 1.5V V drop current source CS1R IDD=13kΩ 1.8V ∆I BUS∆V BUS=10V; R IDD=13kΩ;I MC=0mA20µA∆I BUS∆V BUS=10V; I MC=0mA;R IDD=13 – 30 kΩ2%I CC V STC=6.5V; I MC=0mA;V BAT=3.8V; R IDD=13kΩ;(See Note 2)650µAI CI1V STC=6.5V; I MC=0mA;V BAT=3.8V; R IDD=13kΩ;V BUS=6.5V; RX/RXI=off(See Note 2)350µA NOTE 2:Inputs RX/RXI and outputs TX/TXI are open; I CC=I CI1+I CI2Table 6: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721A (continue)Electrical characteristics at recommended ranges (unless otherwise noted)TSS721max TSS721A max ParameterTest conditionsmin max min max unit I BAT-22-0.50.5µA I BAT + I VDD V BUS =0V; V STC =0V -22-0.50.5µA V VDD -I VDD =1mA; V STC =6.5V 3.2 3.4 3.13.4V R VDD -I VDD =2 to 8mA; V STC =4.5V5.0ΩV RIDD R IDD =30k Ω 1.23 1.32 1.23 1.33V R VS V DD =off4008003001000k ΩV STC =6V; I PF =-100µA V BAT -0.6V BAT V V VB =V STC +0.3V; I PF =1µA 00.6V V PFV VB =V STC +0.3V; I PF =5µA0.6V V VB =V STC +0.8V I PF =-100µAV BAT -0.6V BAT V I PF =1µA00.6V V PF V STC =6.5V V VB =V STC +0.3V I PF =5µA0.6V t on C STC =50µF, (See Note 4)3sNOTE 4:Bus voltage slew rate: 1V/µsTable 7: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721AElectrical characteristics at recommended ranges (unless otherwise noted)RECEIVER SECTIONTSS721max TSS721A max Parameter Test conditionsmin max min maxunit V T MARK -7.9MARK -5.7MARK-8.2MARK -5.7V I TX ; I TXIV TX =7.5V; V VB =12V;V STC =6.0V; V BAT =3.8V1010µATable 8: Comparison of TSS721 and TSS721AElectrical characteristics at recommended ranges (unless otherwise noted)TRANSMITTER SECTIONTSS721max TSS721Amax ParameterTest conditionsmin max min max unit V RX =V BAT =3V; V VB =V STC =0V -11-0.50.5µA I RX V RX =0V; V BAT =3V; V STC =6.5V -10-30-10-40µA V RX =V BAT =3V; V VB =V STC =0V 10301040µA I RXIV RX =0V; V BAT =3V; V STC =6.5V10301040µA。
目录第一章.MODEL7211A产品接线方式 (1)1.1以太网口引脚定义 (1)1.2以太网口接线 (1)1.3ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口引脚定义 (2)1.4ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线 (2)1.5ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口引脚定义 (3)1.6ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口接线 (3)第一章.MODEL7211A产品接线方式1.1以太网口引脚定义以太网接口:(10/100M)注:“TX±”为发送数据±,“RX±”为接收数据±,“—”为未用。
1.2以太网口接线直通线(MDI):注100M一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕另一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕交叉线(MDI-X):注:100M采用了1-3,2-6交换的方式,也就是一头使用T568A制作,另外一头使用T568B制作一端(T568A):白绿/绿/白橙/蓝/白蓝/橙/白棕/棕另一端(T568B):白橙/橙/白绿/蓝/白蓝/绿/白棕/棕引脚号MDI信号MDI-X信号1TX+RX+2TX-RX-3RX+TX+6RX-TX-4、5、7、8——181.3ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口引脚定义ITU-TG.703(75Ω)引脚定义引脚引脚定义IN信号输入OUT信号输出1.4ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线ITU-TG.703(75Ω)接口接线:1.5ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口引脚定义ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)引脚定义、1.6ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)接口接线引脚ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)引脚ITU-TG.703(120Ω/RJ45)2RX+(接收数据正)接6TX+(发送数据正)3RX-(接收数据负)接7TX-(发送数据负)6TX+(发送数据正)接2RX+(接收数据正)7TX-(发送数据负)接3RX-(接收数据负)接线示意图:引脚号功能定义信号方向1NC(空)2RX+(接收数据正)输入3RX-(接收数据负)输入4GND (地)5GND (地)6TX+(发送数据正)输出7TX-(发送数据负)输出8NC (空)18想了解更多产品咨询,行业咨询,请关注一下二维码。
1.CD40511- A4 2- A6 3-Y 4-A7 5-A5 6-INH 7-VCC 8-VSS9-C 10-B 11-A 12-A3 13-A0 14-A1 15-A2 16-VDD用于:传输数字信号,或模拟信号从1路到8路或从8路到1路的开关切换.CD4051有A、B和C三个二进制控制输入端以及INH共4个输入,具有低导通阻抗和很低的截止漏电流。
这些开关电路在整个VDD-VSS和VDD-VEE 电源范围内具有极低的静态功耗,与控制信号的逻辑状态无关。
只有当INH=0 时,三位二进制信号才可以选通8通道中的一个通道,连接该输入端至输出。
CD4051引脚功能说明引脚号符号功能1 2 4 5 12 13 14 15 IN/OUT 输入/输出端9 10 11 A B C 地址端3 OUT/IN 公共输出/输入端6 INH 禁止端7 VEE 负电压端8 Vss 数字信号接地端16 VDD 电源+2真值表输入状态接通通道INH C B A 输出0 0 0 0 “0”0 0 0 1 “1”0 0 1 0 “2”0 0 1 1 “3”0 1 0 0 “4”0 1 0 1 “5”0 1 1 0 “6”0 1 1 1 “7”1 x x x 均不接通CD4051功能及使用概述:CD4051相当于一个单刀八掷开关,开关接通哪一通道,由输入的3位地址码ABC来决定。
此外,CD4051还设有另外一个电源端VEE,以作为电平位移时使用,从而使得通常在单组电源供电条件下工作的 CMOS电路所提供的数字信号能直接控制这种多路开关,并使这种多路开关可传输峰-峰值达15V的交流号。
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(1) 满足国际EN1434-3标准;
(2) 具有动态电平识别的接收逻辑;
(3) 通过电阻可调接收电流;
(4) 无极性连接;
(5) 防掉电功能;
(6) 可提供3.3V稳压源;
(7) 支持远程供电;
(8) 半双工下通信速率可达9600波特率,支持UART协议;
(9) 从机可由总线或后备电池供电;
(10) 只在数据传输时总线有效。
图5.4 TSS721A内部功能框图
图5.5 TSS721A外形封装
图5.6TSS721A管脚功能说明 TSS721A的工作原理
(1) 从机接收电路:TSS721A在此模式下采用总线电压调制传输数据,而总线电流保持恒定。
总线电压U BUS=U MARK(标识值)是由从机管脚BUSL1和BUSL2之间的电压差定义的。
连接在管脚SC上的电容C SC的充电电流I SCcharge和放电电流I SCdischarge不同,一般有如下关系:I SCdischarge= I SCcharge/40。
这个比例关系是独立于数据内容运行任意UART协议所必需的条件(例如,如果传输采用11位UART协议,当所传数据只有停止位为“1”,其它位都为“0"的情况),必须有足够的时间来对电容C SC进行再充电。
电压比较器TC3检测来自主机的调制电压,并根据该电压U BUS=U SPACE(空值)或U MARK(标识值)来开关正端输出TX和反端输出TX1。
(2) 从机发送电路:TSS721A在此模式下使用总线电流调制传输数据,而总线电压保持恒定。
芯片内电流源电流I CS3调制总线电流,由主机检测调制电流。
恒流源CS3受输入RX或RX1控制,也可通过外部电阻R RIS调节。
在调制过程中调制电路部分供电电流I MS和电流源电流I CS3一起流入内部电路,如图5.8所示。