



COM-4017+使用手册一、COM-4017+概述COM-4017+是16位A/D 8通道的模拟量输入模块,可以采集电压、电流等模拟量输入信号。



各通道可独立设置其输入范围,同时在模块右侧使用了一个拨码开关来设置INIT* 和正常工作状态的切换,输入范围+/-150mV,+/-500mV,+/-1V,+/-5V,+/-10V,+/-20mA,4~20mA。



图1 模块内部跳线设定COM-4017+技术说明:通道数:八通道有效分辨率:16位输入类型:V,mV,mA输入范围:+/-150mV, +/-500mV, +/-1V, +/-5V, +/-10V,+/-20mA, 4~20mA 隔离电压:3000VDC采样速率:10采样点/秒(所有通道)最高额定电压:+/-35V输入阻抗:20兆欧精度:+/-0.1%或更高功率:1.2W工作温度:-25℃~70℃I/O连接器类型:十针连接器外形尺寸:(长)120mm X(宽)75mm X (高)35mm二、COM-4017+硬件连线图2 COM-4017+模块简单控制接线图图3 COM-4017+模拟量输入模块接线图图4 二线制电流变送器和模拟量输入通道的接线方法变送器的“+”接24V供电电源的高电压端,变送器的“-”接模块的Vin+,Vin-接24V电源对应的低电压端(GND)注意:COM4017+在和变送器连接时,一般选用下图图5A的接线方法。

BTE Run 用户操作手册说明书

BTE Run 用户操作手册说明书

BTE Run 用户操作手册版本v2.0.1目录1.使用说明 (1)2.运行环境 (2)2.1软硬件运行环境 (2)1)软件运行环境: (2)2)硬件运行环境: (2)3.测试环境搭建 (3)3.1仪表热机 (3)3.2通讯方式 (3)4.用户交互界面 (3)4.1连接仪表 (3)1)打开软件: (3)2)选择连接方式: (4)3)通讯方式: (5)4)仪表连接: (5)4.2配置参数 (7)1)配置测试协议: (7)2)配置链路模式: (9)3)选择测试项目: (12)4)参数设置: (14)4.3开始测试 (16)4.4结果查看 (17)4.5CW测试 (18)1)CW测试参数配置: (18)2)CW测试: (18)4.6Power Control (19)1)Power Control参数配置及测试: (19)4.7RSSI (2)1)RSSI参数配置及测试: (2)1.使用说明欢迎您使用中承BTE Run客户端软件,本软件搭配BTE信令综合测试仪使用。


使用BTE Run客户端软件前,请先仔细阅读本手册。

本软件支持经典蓝牙(BR/EDR)协议测试,支持低功耗蓝牙(BLE 4.2/ 5.0/ 5.1/ 5.2)协议测试,测试项如表1-1所示:表1-1BTE测试项目表TRM-LE/CA/06/C Carrier Frequency Offset&DriftRCV-LE/CA/01/C Receiver SensitivityRCV-LE/CA/06/C Maximum Input Signal LevelRCV-LE/CA/07/C PER Report Integrity表1-12.运行环境2.1软硬件运行环境1)软件运行环境:软件控制平台(上位机),包括PC机或笔记本电脑,需要满足以下要求:系统:Windows7/Windows8/Windows1064bitCPU:Pentium(奔腾)Ⅱ及以上内存:至少256MB及以上硬盘:需预留20GB屏幕分辨率:1024*768及以上2)硬件运行环境:搭配深圳市中承科技有限公司的BTE系列BTE信令综合测试仪使用,装有该软件的软件控制平台使用以太网与仪器连接通信。



BarTector安装设定和功能说明目录系统的安装和设定 (3)一.Bartector软件与数据库的连线 (3)二.安装FuJi OpenInterface软件 (8)三.BarTector软件安装设定说明 (16)常用的系统菜单功能说明 (27)1)软件用户和群组权限的设定 (27)2)本地权限控制设置 (29)3)软件参数的设定 (31)4)条码读取规则 (34)5)条码打印规则设定 (37)6)Data Handling(增加字符) (38)7)替代料的设定 (39)8)禁用料的设定 (41)9)Feeder的保养设定和使用方法 (44)10)CHECK IN / CHECK OUT (45)11)Feeder的解除锁定 (47)12)Set skip parts (48)13)追溯功能的设定Lot code、Date code、Supplier的设定 (49)14)工单备料功能的设定及使用方法 (50)15)Inventory(Bartecter系统的物料库房管理) (52)16) 系统打印条码功能的介绍 (58)17) 更改系统中料卷的数量 (60)18) 资料库(DataBase)操作说明 (61)19)其他功能选项设置 (62)手动LOAD程式功能 (62)Export(导出log资料) (63)Import data (64)Rename local station (65)删除现有的station (66)视图显示设置 (67)扫描器测试功能 (68)报告FEEDER故障到资料库 (69)TRAY防错功能的操作说明 (70)预先扫描FEEDER(用在CP系列机器上) (72)检验用料是否正确 (73)多连板做tracebility追踪时候的绑定功能 (74)更换公司名称 (75)Inventory库存管理 (76)FEEDER的库房管理 (78)BarTector系统相关记录的查询 (80)1)查询feeder与料号的绑定关系 (80)2)查询备料记录 (81)3)查询FEEDER保养记录 (83)4)查询事件记录 (85)5)查询tracebility产品追溯记录 (87)6) FEEDER和机器的统计报表(Statistics) (89)7)查询当前的生产程式和FEEDER使用状况 (92)8) 查询Information (93)系统的安装和设定一.Bartector软件与数据库的连线当我们需要在某台电脑上安装bartector系统时,首先要将这台电脑与数据库连接好。

北京科瑞兴业 K85-CAN 模块 硬件说明书

北京科瑞兴业 K85-CAN 模块 硬件说明书

K85-CAN模块硬件使用说明书(Ver 2.0 2009.02)北京科瑞兴业科技有限公司北京科瑞兴业科技有限公司地址:北京市海淀区知春里28号开源商务写字楼212、213室邮政编码:100086 电话:************************传真:************Sales E-mail: *************Tech Support E-mail: ********************第一章概述注:和本说明书配套使用的还有K85-CAN模块软件说明书,在同一光盘中。





模块供电为宽电压输入,7-30VDC 均可。



2、使用CAN方式的系统构成:图2 CAN总线连接示意图注:由于K-85系列模块使用CAN总线方式,而大部分用户采用主从方式通过PC(计算机)作为主机来进行数据采集或控制。




第二章主要技术参数模块通用参数:1.通讯1.1通讯方式:CAN总线, 命令响应式通讯(主从方式)和主动上传模式(DAQ)。



















LedEdit-k 软件使用说明书

LedEdit-k 软件使用说明书

LedEdit-K软件使用说明书V1.0LedEdit-k v6.5 是我司最新程序编辑软件,具备在线升级功能,兼容Win7,Win8 ,Win10,同时与主流的设计软件Auto CAD、CoreIDAW、Flash 进行完美的结合,为LED灯光亮化设计提供了一款强大,便捷的软件。


深圳市欣博莱特科技有限公司深圳市欣博莱特科技有限公司2021/1/1目录第1章软件安装与卸载 (2)一、软件安装 (2)二、软件卸载 (4)三、软件升级 (4)第2章新建项目 (4)一、新建项目 (4)第3章布局 (5)一、布局界面 (5)二、手动布局 (6)三、自动布局 (7)四、导入.dxf文件 (9)五、导入.cjb文件 (10)六、快捷键 (10)七、锁定布局图 (10)第4章节目录制 (11)一、节目 (11)二、动画 (12)三、自定义 (17)四、分屏 (20)第5章工程输出 (21)一、工程参数设置 (21)二、效果下载 (25)第1章软件安装与卸载一、软件安装1.软件包解压右键点击压缩包,解压文件; 生成软件文件夹。



二、软件卸载1. 打开“控制面板”==》“程序和功能”==》“卸载软件”2. 左键单击选择LedEdit,右键点击卸载。

三、软件升级1. 电脑在连网中,打开软件如果检测到有更高版本的软件将会提示是否安装更新。

第2章新建项目一、新建项目“文件(F)”菜单下面包含新建、打开、退出;新建:在新的项目第一次编辑效果时选择使用;二、参数设定控制器型号:选择对应型号的控制器T系列为联机控制器型号,K系列为脱机控制器型号+灯具通道,其中灯具通道:RGB 三通道,RGBW 四通道,W 单通道,RGBWYA 多通道;K系列的控制器选型号时须同时选择对应的通道灯具,如灯具是RGB则控制器选K-xxxx-RGB,灯具是RGBW则控制器选K-xxxx-RGBW。



magnetrol产品快查Item Bulletin No.产品目录1浮球液位开关(顶装、侧装)44-106Tuffy II电动液位开关44-108TK1型侧装式浮球液位开关44-109Tuffy气动液位开关44-116侧装式浮球液位开关44-117T20/T21型顶装式浮球液位开关44-121T10型浮球液位开关44-306FLS型液位开关参数描述44-602操作手册-侧装式浮球液位开关44-604操作手册-T20/T21型顶装式浮球液位开关44-605操作手册-Tuffy电动液位开关44-606操作手册-Tuffy气动液位开关44-607操作手册-Tuffy II电动液位开关44-608操作手册-TK1型侧装式浮球液位开关2浮子液位开关(顶装)45-115顶装式浮子液位开关45-610操作手册-顶装式浮子液位开关3外浮筒式液位开关46-100浮力式产品样本46-115B73 & Series75焊接式外浮筒液位开关46-116法兰式外浮筒液位开关46-118C24,C25,锅炉及水柱型液位开关46-120B40 液位开关46-121高压外浮筒液位开关46-122J52制冷剂液位开关46-1233系列液位开关(ASME B31.1,ASME B31.3 NACE标准筒体46-128B40-P和B40-H液位开关带ASME B31.1认证46-602操作手册-B40外浮筒工业的,ASME B31.1标准筒体46-605操作手册-法兰式外浮筒液位开关46-620操作手册-B73 & Series75焊接式外浮筒液位开关46-622操作手册-3系列液位开关(ASME B31.3)46-624操作手册-3系列液位开关(ASME B31.1)46-627操作手册&部件清单-J52制冷剂液位开关46-630操作手册-用于锅炉控制的浮球液位开关46-635操作手册-高压外浮筒液位开关4流量开关-机械式47-116F10 & F50型流量开关47-602操作手册-F10 & F50型流量开关5浮筒液位变送器48-110Modulevel气动浮筒液位变送器48-118ES II Modulevel智能式数字输出/EZ模拟输出浮筒液位变送器48-614ES升级至ESII的步骤48-620操作手册-Modulevel气动浮筒液位变送器48-628操作手册-ES II Modulevel智能式数字输出/EZ模拟输出浮筒液位变送器6RF射频液位控制50-110KOTRON系列射频导纳50-102Kotron 810型射频点控液位开关50-103Kotron 811型射频点控液位开关50-104Kotron Sentinel 822,832,842型射频点控液位开关50-105Kotron 801型射频液位计(用于测量液位,流量,体积)50-118Kotron Sentinel 804型射频液位变送器50-123Kotron 82CE型射频液位变送器50-125Kotron 射频传感探头50-135Kotron 080/081型射频点控液位开关50-136Kotron Tip Sensitive 80-8032型射频点控液位开关50-160Kotron 805型智能射频导纳液位变送器50-604操作手册-Kotron 804型射频导纳液位变送器50-605操作手册-Kotron 080-081型射频点控液位开关50-606操作手册-Kotron Tip Sensitive 80-8032型射频点控液位开关50-607操作手册-Kotron 810型射频点控液位开关50-608操作手册-Kotron 811型射频点控液位开关50-613操作手册-Kotron 82CE型射频液位变送器50-621操作手册-Kotron Sentinel 822,832,842型射频点控液位开关50-624操作手册-测量液位,流量,体积的Kotron 801型射频液位变送器50-660操作手册-Kotron 805型智能射频导纳液位变送器7超声波液位控制51-102Echotel 911/912超声波液位开关51-105Echotel 910超声波液位开关51-111Echotel 350/351非接触式超声波液位变送器51-126Echotel 91S/92S三叉式超声波液位开关51-127Echotel 919超声波液位开关51-128Echotel 3P1泵控制器及超声波液位变送器51-129Echotel 344/345非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明渠流量51-130Echotel 300/301非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明渠流量51-135Echotel 915P/915W两线制超声波液位开关51-136Echotel 940/941超声波液位开关51-137Echotel 961/962超声波液位开关51-138Echotel 335非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明渠流量)51-139Echotel 338非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明渠流量)51-170接触式超声波速查手册51-180非接触式超声波速查手册51-203非接触式超声波选型指导51-601操作手册-Echotel 911/912超声波液位开关51-604操作手册-910超声波液位开关51-615Echotel 350/351非接触式双触点超声波液位控制器51-616操作手册-350/351超声波液位开关51-617Echotel III系列360/361非接触式超声波流量变送器51-623操作手册-Echotel 91S/92S三叉式超声波液位开关51-624操作手册-Echotel 300/301非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积51-627操作手册-Echotel Echotel 919超声波液位开关51-629操作手册-Echotel 344/341非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积51-635操作手册-Echotel 915P/915W两线制超声波液位开关51-637操作手册-Echotel 335非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明51-638操作手册-Echotel 338非接触式超声波液位变送器(用于液位、体积、明51-646操作手册-Echotel 961/962超声波液位开关51-647操作手册-Echotel 940/941超声波液位开关8流量控制-电子式54-100热扩散式流量计54-103热扩散式卫生型流量/液位探杆54-105TG1热扩散式开关54-160热扩散式卫生型流量/液位开关54-110TD1/TD2热扩散式流量/液位/界面开关54-120TA1质量流量变送器54-130TA2质量流量变送器54-131TA1/TA2测量杆选型54-610操作手册-TD1/TD2热扩散式流量/液位/界面开关54-620操作手册-TA1质量流量变送器54-630操作手册-TA2质量流量变送器54-640TA2标定检验程序9震动棒式料位开关56-101Solitel震动棒料位开关56-601操作手册-Solitel震动棒料位开关10导波雷达液位变送器57-100Eclipse导波雷达57-101Eclipse 705增强型导波雷达变送器57-150扭力管替换指南57-600操作手册-Eclipse 705增强型导波雷达57-640带FF总线输出的Eclipse 705增强型导波雷达11HORIZON导波雷达57-104Horizon 704导波雷达变送器57-134Horizon 导波雷达57-603操作手册-Horizon 704导波雷达变送器12pulsar非接触式雷达液位变送器58-100Pulsar 脉冲式雷达58-101Pulsar 脉冲式雷达液位变送器58-601操作手册-Pulsar 脉冲式雷达13调使软件59-101调试软件PACTware59-601操作手册-调试软件PACTware14磁翻板液位计ORI-138Orion Atlas Aurora Gemini磁翻板液位计ORI-148Orion Jupiter磁致伸缩液位计46-638操作手册-磁翻板液位计46-648操作手册-磁致伸缩液位计46-649操作手册-FF总线磁致伸缩液位计15附件41-104数字式显示表回路供电或专用线路供电41-114产品快速查阅手册41-140密封型或法兰型外筒41-640密封型或法兰型外筒技术手册41-142用在外筒液位开关和磁翻板上的高温附件41-170液位,流量仪表在卫生行业上的应用41-175液位仪表在电力行业上的应用41-176液位仪表在炼油行业上的应用41-202液位产品选型指南41-205液位产品技术比较表42-120开关容量42-619操作手册-S-5系列开关组件,部件列表42-683操作手册-电动开关组件42-685操作手册-J系列气动开关组件42-686操作手册-K系列气动开关组件42-694操作手册-气密式液位开关42-799操作手册-R系列电动开关组件以上标号为英文样本内文件ProductTuffy II Liquid Level Controls with Electric Switches Model TK1 Side Mounted Float Level SwitchTuffy Liquid Level Controls with Pneumatic Switch Side Mounting Liquid Level SwitchesTop Mounting T20 and T21 Liquid Level SwitchesT10 Float Level SwitchModel FLS Flood Level Switch Descriptive DataSide Mounting Liquid Level Controls IOMTop Mounting IOMTuffy Liquid Level Controls with Electric Switches Tuffy Liquid Level Controls with Pneumatic Switch IOMTuffy II Liquid Level Controls with Electric Switches IOMModel TK1 IOMDisplacer Type Liquid Level SwitchesDisplacer Type IOMBuoyancy ProductsB73 & Series 75 Sealed External Cage Liquid Level Switches Flanged External Cage Liquid Level SwitchesC24,C25,Boiler and Water Column Liquid Level SwitchesB40 Liquid Level SwitchExternal Cage Displacer Actuated Liquid Level SwitchesJ52 Refrigerant Level SwitchesSeries 3 Liquid Level Switches ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3 and NACE Construction B40-P & B40-H Liquid Level Switch ASME B31.1 CompliantB40 Sealed External Cage Industrial and ASME B31.1 Construction IOMFlanged External Cage IOMB73 & Series 75 IOMSeries 3 Liquid Level Switches IOMSeries 3 Liquid Level Switches IOMJ52 Refrigerant Level Switches Instruction Manual and Parts ListBoiler Controls IOMExternal Cage Displacer Actuated IOMF10 & F50 Flow SwitchesF10 & F50 IOMModulevel Pneumatic and APM Liquid Level ControlDigital ES II Modulevel w/HART Communication and Analog EZ Modulevel Electronic Liquid Level Transmitters Procedure for Conversion of Smart ES Electronics to Digital ES II ElectronicsPneumatic Modulevel & APM Controllers IOMES/EZ Modulevel IOMKOTRON RF CapacitanceKotron Model 810 RF Point Level SwitchKotron Model 811 RF Point Level SwitchKotron Sentinel Models 822,832 and 842 RF Point Level SwitchesKotron Model 801 RF Capacitance Transmitter for Level/Flow/VolumeKotron Sentinel Model 804 RF Level TransmitterKotron Model 82 CE RF Level TransmitterKotron RF Sensing ProbesKotron RF Point Level SwitchesKotron Tip Sensitive RF Level SensorKotron Model 805 Smart RF Level TransmitterKotron Sentinal II Model 804 RF Level Transmitter IOMKotron Model 80/81 IOMKotron Tip Sensitive RF Level Sensor IOMKotron Model 810 RF Point Level Sensor IOMKotron Model 811 RF Point Level Sensor IOMKotron Series 82 CE IOMKotron Sentinel Models 822,832 and 842 IOMKotron II Series 801 RF Capacitance Transmitter For Level/Flow/VolumeKotron Model 805 Smart RF Level Transmitter IOMEchotel Model 911/921 Ultrasonic Level SwitchesEchotel Model 910 Ultrasonic Level SwitchEchotel Model 350/351 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Level Transmitter and ControllerEchotel Trident 91S/92S Ultrasonic Level SwitchesEchotel Model 919 Ultrasonic Level SwitchEchotel Model 3P1 Pump Controller and Ultrasonic Level TransmitterEchotel Models 344/345 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Transmitters for Level, Volume, or Open Channel Flow Echotel Models 300/301 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Transmitters for Level, Volume, or Open Channel Flow Models 915P & 915W Echotel Ultrasonic Two-Wire Level SwitchesEchotel Model 940/941 Ultrasonic Level SwitchesEchotel Model 961/962 Ultrasonic Level SwitchesEchotel Model 335 Non-Contact Ultrasonic Transmitter for Level, Volume, or Open Channel FlowEchotel Model 338 Non-Contact Ultrasonic Two-Wire Transmitter for Level, Volume, or Open Channel Flow Echotel Contact UltrasoundEchotel Non-Contact UltrasoundProduct Selection Guide Ultrasonic Non-Contact TransmittersEchotel Model 911 & 921 Ultrasonic Level Controls IOMEchotel Model 910 IOMEchotel Model 350/351 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Dual Point Level ControllerEchotel Model 350/351 IOMEchotel III Series 360/361 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Flow TransmitterEchotel Trident 91S/92S Ultrasonic Level Switches IOMEchotel Model 300/301 Ultrasonic Non-Contact Transmitter for Level, Volume, or Open Channel Flow IOM Echotel Model 919 IOMEchotel Model 341 & 344 Ultrasonic Non-ContactTransmitter for Level, Volume, or Open Channel Flow IOM Echotel Models 915P & 915W IOMEchotel Model 335 IOMEchotel Model 338 IOMEchotel Model 961/962 IOMEchotel Model 940/941 IOMThermatel Thermal DispersionThermatel Sanitary Flow/Level ProbeThermatel Model TG1 Themal Dispersion SwitchThermatel Sanitary Flow/Level SwitchThermatel Model TD1/TD2 Thermal Dispersion Flow/Level/Interface SwitchThermatel Model TA1 Mass Flow TransmitterThermatel Model TA2 Mass Flow TransmitterThermatel Model TA1/TA2 Probe LocationThermatel Model TD1/TD2 IOMThermal Mass Flow Transmitter Model TA1 IOMThermatel Model TA2 IOMCalibration Verification ProcedureSolitel Vibrating Rod Level SwitchSolitel IOMEclipse Guided Wave RadarEclipse Enhanced Model 705 Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter T orque Tube Replacement GuideEclipse Enhanced Model 705 IOMEclipse Enhanced Model 705 with Foundation Fieldbus Digital Output Horizon Model 704 Guided Wave Radar Level TransmitterHorizon Guided Wave RadarHorizon Models 703 & 704 IOMPulsar Pulse Burst RadarPulsar Pulse Burst Radar Level TransmitterPulsar IOMPACTware PC SoftwarePACTware PC Software IOMOrion Atlas Aurora GeminiOrion JupiterMagnetic Liquid Level Indicators IOMJupiter Enhanced Model 2XX IOMJupiter Enhanced Model 2XX Foundation Fieldbus Digital Output IOMDigital Meters Loop and Line PoweredProduct Line Quick ReferenceExternal Chamber Sealed of Flanged TopExternal Chamber Sealed of Flanged Top Technical Reference ManualExtreme Temperature Accessories for use with External Level Switches and Visual Indicators Level & Flow Instruments for Sanitary ApplicationsA Guide to Level Instruments for Power Generating PlantsA Guide to Level Instrumentation for Gasoline RefineriesLevel Product Selection GuideLevel Technology ComparisonSwitch RatingsType S-5,Switch Mechanism Instruction Manual and Pars List Electric Switch Mechanisms Series A,B,C,D,E,F…IOMSeries J Pneumatic Switch Mechanism IOMSeries K Pneumatic Switch Mechanism IOMHermetically Sealed Switches IOMElectric Switch Mechanisms Series R IOM。



1 概述欢迎使用“pH/ORP-4500”智能型工业在线pH(ORP)控制器。











2 主要技术指标●显示方式:大型字段式背光LCD显示。






●输入阻抗:大于1.5×1012;●电极耐压力:0~0.6MPa●测量距离:不大于20m (电极电缆标准配置10m)。

距离太长,请选用pH /ORP变送仪。

●控制范围:pH 0~14;-1999mV~+1999mV。


●触点容量:AC 230V/5A Max;AC 115V/10A Max;●4~20mA电流环输出:隔离型,可迁移,可反向,可选择有源/无源;●最大负载:500Ω;●供电电源:AC 220V±10% 50Hz●环境条件:湿度:≤85%/RH;除地磁场外,无其他强电磁场干扰●外形尺寸:96×96×130mm(高×宽×深)表盘开孔:91×91mm●安装方式:盘装式。

科瑞特 全自动六轴示教系统 用户手册说明书

科瑞特 全自动六轴示教系统 用户手册说明书

全自动六轴示教系统用户手册2021-9-26深圳市科瑞特自动化技术有限公司ShenZhen CrtMotion Technology Co.LtD感谢您选用本公司的产品!目录第一章系统概述 (1)1.1 系统组成 (1)1.2 电气规格 (1)第二章快速入门 (2)2.1 示教基础知识 (2)2.2 示教编辑入门 (2)2.2.1 移动例程 (2)第三章实机操作 (6)3.1 DMC660MD控制器接线 (6)3.1.1 接口分布 (6)3.1.2 接口定义 (7)3.2 设备调试 (9)3.2.1 电机参数设置 (9)3.2.2 手动调试 (10)3.3 运行参数及程序编辑 (10)3.3.1 运行参数 (10)3.3.2 程序编辑 (10)3.3.3 矩形轨迹绘制 (12)3.3.4 输入/输出应用实例 (15)3.3.5 圆弧轨迹绘制 (17)第四章其他常用功能 (19)4.1 复位顺序设置(含各轴复位开关) (19)4.2 切换工件序号 (20)4.3 数据备份 (20)4.3.1 数据备份目标设置 (20)4.3.2 备份数据恢复 (21)第五章常见问题 (22)1、怎么定原点? (22)2、限位是什么?用什么接限位?怎么接限位? (22)3、手动调试速度慢怎么设置变快? (22)4、[系统设置→各轴手动速度参数]中的点动设定是什么?复位低速是什么? (23)5、复位速度慢怎么设置变快? (23)6、运行速度慢怎么设置变快? (23)第一章系统概述CRT-DMC660MF六轴示教系统是基于六轴运动控制器DMC660MD的硬件平台,在公司六轴仿形示教系统成熟的技术和广泛的市场应用的基础上,根据市场需求,采纳了广大客户的宝贵意见,并参考国内外高端同类产品的一些功能及优点,经深圳市科瑞特自动化全体同仁的共同努力,推出的一款功能齐全、使用方便灵活的高端运动控制系统。

1.1 系统组成CRT-DMC660MF系统主要由运动控制器(DMC660MD)和手持盒(LeaderSTB)两个部分组成。



Ruijie Reyee RG-RAP2260(E)Access PointDocument Version: V1.1 Date: 2023.03.02CopyrightCopyright © 2023 Ruijie NetworksAll rights are reserved in this document and this statement.Without the prior written consent of Ruijie Networks, any organization or individual shall not reproduce, extract, back up, modify, or propagate the content of this document in any manner or in any form, or translate it into other languages or use some or all parts of the document for commercial purposes., and other Ruijie networks logos are trademarks of Ruijie Networks.All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in this document are owned by their respective owners. DisclaimerThe products, services, or features you purchase are subject to commercial contracts and terms, and some or all of the products, services, or features described in this document may not be available for you to purchase or use.Except for the agreement in the contract, Ruijie Networks makes no explicit or implicit statements or warranties with respect to the content of this document.The content of this document will be updated from time to time due to product version upgrades or other reasons, Ruijie Networks reserves the right to modify the content of the document without any notice or prompt.This manual is designed merely as a user guide. Ruijie Networks has tried its best to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content when compiling this manual, but it does not guarantee that the content of the manual is completely free of errors or omissions, and all the information in this manual does not constitute any explicit or implicit warranties.PrefaceIntended AudienceThis document is intended for:●Network engineers●Technical support and servicing engineers●Network administratorsTechnical Support●The official website of Ruijie Reyee: https:///products/reyee●Technical Support Website: https:///support●Case Portal: https://●Community: https://●Technical Support Email: *****************************Conventions1. SignsThis document also uses signs to indicate some important points during the operation. The meanings of these signs are as follows:CautionAn alert that calls attention to safety instruction that if not understood or followed can result in personal injury.WarningAn alert that calls attention to important rules and information that if not understood or followed can result indata loss or equipment damage.NoteAn alert that calls attention to essential information that if not understood or followed can result in functionfailure or performance degradation.InstructionAn alert that contains additional or supplementary information that if not understood or followed will not lead to serious consequences.SpecificationAn alert that contains a description of product or version support.2. NoteThis manual provides installation steps, troubleshooting, technical specifications, and usage guidelines forcables and connectors. It is intended for users who want to understand the above and have extensiveexperience in network deployment and management, and assume that users are familiar with related terms and concepts.ContentsPreface (I)1Product Overview (1)1.1Technical Specifications (1)1.2Product Image (2)1.3LED Indicator and Button (2)1.4Power Sources (3)1.5Cooling Solution (3)2Preparing for Installation (4)2.1Installation (4)2.2Movement (4)2.3EMI (4)2.4Ventilation (5)2.5Temperature and Humidity (5)2.6Cleanness (5)2.7Power Supply (6)2.8Installation Tools (6)2.9Unpacking the Access Point (7)3Installing the Access Point (8)3.1Installation Flowchart (8)3.2Before You Begin (8)3.3Precautions (8)3.4Installing the Access Point (9)3.5Removing the Access Point (10)3.6Connecting Cables (10)3.7Bundling Cables (10)3.8Checking after Installation (11)4System Debugging (12)4.1Setting up a Debugging Environment (12)4.2Powering up the AP (12)4.2.1Checking before power-up (12)4.2.2Checking after power-up (recommended) (12)5Monitoring and Maintenance (13)5.1Monitoring (13)5.1.1Hardware Maintenance (13)6Troubleshooting (14)6.1Troubleshooting Flowchart (14)6.2Troubleshooting (14)Appendix A Connectors and Media (15)·1 Product OverviewFeaturing leading 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax and MU-MIMO, Ruijie RG-RAP2260(E) supports 4 spatial streams and delivers upto 800 Mbps at 2.4 GHz and 2400 Mbps at 5 GHz. The overall dual-band performance speeds up to 3200 Mbps perdevice, totally eliminating Gigabit wireless bottlenecks. RG-RAP2260(E) adopts either local power supply or PoE powersupply, and provides two Ethernet ports, making it possible connect a camera or switch device to adapt to challenges in awide variety of deployment scenarios.1.1 Technical SpecificationsTable 1-1 RG-RAP2260(E) Technical SpecificationsModel RG-RAP2260(E)RF Four-stream and dual-bandTransmissionProtocolSupport concurrent 802.11ax, 802.11ac wave2/wave1, 802.11a/b/g/nOperating Bands 802.11b/g/n: 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz802.11a/n/ac/ax: 5.150 GHz to 5.250 GHz, 5.250 GHz to 5.350 GHz, 5.470 GHz to 5.725 GHz, 5.725 GHz to 5.850 GHz (Country-specific)Antenna Array antenna (2.4 GHz: 3dBi, 5 GHz: 3dBi)Spatial Streams 2.4 GHz: 4 x 4 MIMO5 GHz: 4 x 4 MIMOMax Throughput 2.4 GHz: up to 800 Mbps5 GHz: up to 2400 MbpsUp to 3200 Mbps per APModulation OFDM: BPSK@6/9Mbps, QPSK@12/18Mbps, 16QAM@24Mbps, 64QAM@48/54Mbps DSSS:DBPSK@1Mbps,DQPSK@2Mbps,**********/11MbpsMIMO-OFDM: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM , 64QAM, 256QAM and1024QAMOFDMAReceive Sensitivity 11b: -91dBm(1Mbps), -90dBm(5Mbps), -87dBm(11Mbps)11a/g: -89dBm(6Mbps), -82dBm(24Mbps), -78dBm(36Mbps), -72dBm(54Mbps) 11n: -85dBm(MCS0), -67dBm(MCS7)11ac: 20MHz: -85dBm(MCS0), -60dBm(MCS9)11ac: 40MHz: -82dBm(MCS0), -57dBm(MCS9)11ac: 80MHz: -79dBm(MCS0), -53dBm(MCS9)11ax: 80MHz: -79dBm(MCS0), -53dBm(MCS9),-52dBm(MCS11)Transmit Power ≤100mw(20dBm) (adjustable)Transmit PowerAdjustment1 dBmDimensions(W x D x H)220 mm x 220 mm x 35 mm (8.7 in. x 8.7 in. x 1.4 in.) (excluding brackets)Weight ≤1.05 kg (excluding brackets)Service Ports One 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet uplink port, one 10/100/1000/2500BASE-T Ethernet uplink·port,LAN1/2.5G/PoE port is PoE+-capableManagement Ports N/ALED 1 LED (green)Power Supply Adapter: DC 12 V/2.5 A (optional)PoE: IEEE 802.3at-compliant (PoE+).Power Consumption < 25.4WTemperature Operating: 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) Storage: –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F)Humidity Operating: 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing) Storage: 5% to 95% RH (non-condensing)Installation Ceiling/wall mountCertification CEMTBF > 400,000 HWeight refers to the weight of host.1.2 Product ImageThe AP provides two Ethernet ports (LAN1/2.5G/PoE port is PoE+-capable), and one 12V DC power port for an external power supply.Figure 1-1 Appearance of RG-RAP2260(E)1.3 LED Indicator and ButtonLED Indicatorand ButtonState Frequency Meaning·LED IndicatorOff N/A The AP is NOT receiving power.Blinking0.5HzNormal operation, but there is an alarm. Fast blinking10HzPossible cases:1. Restoring the factory default settings2. Upgrading the firmware3. Restoring the image file4. Initializing the deviceSolid greenN/ANormal operation. Reset ButtonPress for less than 2 seconds Restart the device.Press for more than 5 secondsRestore the factory settings.1.4 Power SourcesThe AP can be powered either with a power adapter or through Power over Ethernet (PoE).The power adapter is customer-supplied.To use a PoE device, make sure that it supports the IEEE 802.3at standard.1.5 Cooling SolutionThe AP features a fanless design.Leave sufficient space surrounding the AP when installing the AP to permit proper airflow for ventilation.·2 Preparing for InstallationTo prevent device damage and physical injury, please read the safety recommendations carefully as described inthis chapter.Recommendations do not cover all possible hazardous situations.2.1 InstallationThe AP must be installed indoors. To ensure normal operation, the installation site must meet the following requirements.●Install the AP in a well-ventilated environment. If it is installed in a closed room, make sure there is a good coolingsystem.●Make sure the site is sturdy enough to support the AP and its accessories.●Make sure the site has enough space for installing the AP and leave sufficient room around the AP for ventilation.●Do not expose the AP to high temperature, dust, or harmful gases.●Do not install the AP in an area prone to fire or explosions.●Keep the AP away from EMI sources such as large radar stations, radio stations, and substations.●Do not subject the AP to unstable voltage, vibration, and noises.●Keep the AP at least 500 meters away from the ocean and do not face it towards the sea breeze.●The installation site should be free from water including possible flooding, seepage, dripping, or condensation.●The installation site should be selected according to network planning and communications equipment features, andconsiderations such as climate, hydrology, geology, earthquake, electrical power, and transportation.Please follow the correct method described in the installation guide to install and remove the device.2.2 Movement●Avoid frequently moving the device.●Turn off all power supplies and unplug all power cables before you remove the device.2.3 EMI●Please observe local regulations and specifications when performing electrical operations. Relevant operators mustbe qualified.●Carefully check for any potential hazards in the working area such as damp/wet ground or floors.●Find the location of the emergency power supply switch in the room before installation. Cut off the power supply firstin case of an accident.●Be sure to make a careful check before shutting down the power supply.●Do not place the device in a damp/wet location. Do not let any liquid enter the chassis.·●Keep the AP far away from grounding or lightning protection devices for power equipment.●Keep the AP away from radio stations, radar stations, high-frequency high-current devices, and microwave ovens.Any nonstandard and inaccurate electrical operation can cause an accident such as fire or electric shock, thuscausing severe even fatal damages to humans and devices.Direct or indirect contact with a wet object (or your finger) on the high voltage and power line can be fatal.2.4 VentilationFor proper ventilation, leave sufficient space around the AP.2.5 Temperature and HumidityTo ensure the normal operation and equipment service life, maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels in theequipment room. See Table 2-1. Improper room temperature and humidity can cause damage to the device.●High relative humidity may affect insulation materials, resulting in poor insulation and even electrical leakage.Sometimes it may lead to changes in the mechanical properties of materials and corrosion of metal parts.●Low relative humidity can dry and shrink insulation sheets and cause static electricity that can damage the circuitry.●High temperatures greatly reduce device reliability and shorten service life.Table 2-1 Required Temperature and Humidity for the RG-RAP2260(E)Temperature Relative Humidity0ºC to 40ºC (32°F to 104°F) 5% to 95%2.6 CleannessDust poses a serious threat to device operation. Dust on the surface of the device can be absorbed onto metal contactpoints by static electricity causing poor contact. Electrostatic absorption of dust occurs more easily when the relativehumidity is low, and might shorten the equipment service life and cause communication failures. Table 2-2 shows themaximum concentration and diameter of dust allowed in the equipment room.Table 2-2Maximum diameter (μm)0.5 1 3 5Maximum concentration1.4×1077×1052.4×105 1.3×105(Particles/m3)The amount of salt, acids and sulfides in the air are also strictly limited for the equipment room. These substances canaccelerate metal corrosion and aging of some parts. Table 2-3 describes the limits of some hazardous gases such as SO2,H2S, NO2 and Cl2 in the equipment room.Table 2-3·Gas Average (mg/m3) Maximum (mg/m3)SO20.2 1.5H2S 0.006 0.03NO20.04 0.15NH30.05 0.15Cl20.01 0.32.7 Power Supply●DC power adapter:Input voltage: 12VRated current: 2.5A●PoE+ injector: IEEE 802.3at compliantTechnical Specifications of the DC ConnectorInner DiameterOuter DiameterInsertionDepthConductorImpedanceVoltage-enduranceImpedanceVoltage-endurance(Insulator andConductor)Polarity 2.10+/-0.05mm 5.50+/-0.05mm 9mm 5Ω100MΩ1000VInner pole:positiveOuter pole:negativeThe DC input power should be greater than the power actually consumed by the system.Use DC power adapters with specifications recommended by Ruijie.Please use Ruijie certified PoE injectors.Warning:802.3af or non-standard PoE adapter may cause unknown issues. Please use Ruijie PoE+ switch or 802.3at PoE adapter as power supplier2.8 Installation ToolsCommon Tools Phillips (crosshead) screwdriver, copper and fiber cables, bolts, diagonal pliers, cable ties Special Tools Wire stripper, crimping pliers, RJ-45 crimping pliers, punch down toolMeter Multimeter, bit error rate tester (BERT)The tools listed above are customer supplied.·2.9 Unpacking the Access PointPackage ContentsItemsVerify that all parts are installed and debugged.ScrewsMounting bracketsProduct quick installation guide Packing listThe above listed items are for general situations, and contents may vary in the actual shipment. The purchasingorder shall prevail in any case. Please check each item carefully according to the packing list or purchasing order. If any item is damaged or missing, notify your sales representative.·3 Installing the Access PointThe RG-RAP2260(E) series must be fixed and installed indoors.Before installing the AP, make sure you have carefully read the requirements described in Chapter 2.3.1 Installation Flowchart3.2 Before You BeginBefore installing the AP, verify that:●The installation site provides sufficient ventilation for the AP.●The installation site meets temperature and humidity requirements.●The installation site is equipped with a proper power supply.●Network cables are in place.●The installation site meets all described requirements.●The custom AP meets customer requirements.3.3 PrecautionsTo avoid damage to the AP, observe the following safety precautions:●Do not power on the device during installation.●Install the device in a well-ventilated location.●Do not subject the device to high temperatures.●Keep away from high voltage cables.●Install the device indoors.●Do not expose the device in a thunderstorm or strong electric field.●Keep the device clean and dust-free.●Disconnect the device before cleaning it.●Do not wipe the device with a damp cloth.·●Do not wash the device with liquid.●Do not open the enclosure when the AP is working.●Fasten the device tightly.3.4 Installing the Access PointPlease install the AP in the method with a larger antenna coverage area.The antenna coverage area of ceiling-mounting is larger than that of wall-mounting indoors. Please select the formermethod.The installation process below is just for reference. The actual product prevails.●Ceiling Mount1. Attach the mounting bracket on the ceiling or wall, as shown in Figure 3-1.Figure 3-1 Attaching the Mounting Bracket on the Ceiling/Wall2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the LAN1 port. See Figure 3-2.Figure 3-2 Connecting the Ethernet Cable to the LAN1 Port3. Align the square feet on the rear of the AP over the mounting holes on the bracket. Slide the AP into the holes until itclicks into place, as shown in Figure 3-3.Figure 3-3 Fastening the AP·Install the Ethernet cables before mounting the AP on the bracket.The AP can be installed in any of four directions on the mounting bracket depending on how you route the Ethernetcable.The square feet should fit easily into the mounting slots. Do not forcibly push the AP into the slots.After installation, verify that the AP is securely fastened.3.5 Removing the Access PointHold the AP in your hands and push it upward and away from the bracket in the arrow direction, as shown in Figure 3-1.3.6 Connecting CablesConnect the UTP/STP to the LAN1 port on the AP. See Appendix A for the supported wiring for twisted pairs.Avoid bending the cable in a small radius close to the connector.Ruijie recommends that you do not use Ethernet cables with protective sleeves as they could make installation ofEthernet cables more difficult.3.7 Bundling CablesPrecautions●Make sure the cable bundles are neat and orderly.●Bend twisted pairs naturally or in a large radius close to the connector.●Do not over tighten a cable bundle as it may reduce cable life and performance.Bundling Steps1. Bundle the drop UTP/STP cables and route them to the LAN1/2.5G/PoE port.2. Attach the cables in the cable tray of the rack.3. Extend the cables under the AP and run in a straight line.·3.8 Checking after InstallationChecking the Cabinet●Make sure the external power supply matches the patch panel specifications for the cabinet.●After installation, make sure that the front and rear cabinet doors easily close.●Make sure the cabinet is stable and level.●Make sure the device and all cables are securely fastened in the rack.Checking Cable Connection●Make sure the UTP/STP cable matches the interface type.●Make sure cables are properly bundled.Checking the Power Supply●Make sure all power cables are properly connected and safe.●Make sure the AP is operational after powering on.4 System Debugging4.1 Setting up a Debugging EnvironmentUse a power adapter or PoE to power the AP.Setting up the Environment●Verify that the AP is properly connected to the power source.●Connect the AP to a wireless controller through a twisted pair cable.●When the AP is connected to a PC for debugging, verify that the PC and PoE switch are properly grounded.4.2 Powering up the AP4.2.1 Checking before power-up●Verify that the power supply is properly connected.●Verify that the input voltage matches the specification of the AP.4.2.2 Checking after power-up (recommended)After powering up, it is recommended that you check the following to ensure normal operation of the AP.●Check if any message is displayed on the Web-based configuration interface for the wireless controller.●Check if the LED works normally.5 Monitoring and Maintenance5.1 MonitoringLEDYou can observe the LED to monitor the AP in operation.5.1.1 Hardware MaintenanceIf the hardware is faulty, please contact our Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for help.6 Troubleshooting6.1 Troubleshooting Flowchart6.2 TroubleshootingLED does not light up after the AP is powered on1. If you use PoE power supply, verify that the power source is IEEE 802.11at compliant; then verify that the cable is properly connected.2. If you use a power adapter, verify that the power adapter is connected to an active power outlet; then verify that the power adapter works properly.Ethernet port is not working after the Ethernet port is connectedVerify that the device at the other end of the Ethernet cable is working properly. And then verify that the Ethernet cable is capable of providing the required data rate and is properly connected.Wireless client cannot find the AP1. First, follow the two steps above.2. Verify that the AP is correctly configured.3. Adjust the angle of the antennas.4. Move the client device to adjust the distance between the client and the AP.·Hardware Installation and Reference Guide Appendix A Connectors and MediaAppendix A Connectors and Media1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-TThe 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T is a 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-negotiation port that supports auto MDI/MDIX. Compliant with IEEE 802.3ab, 1000BASE-T requires Category 5e 100-ohm UTP or STP (STP is recommended) with a maximum distance of 100 meters (328 feet).1000BASE-T requires all four pairs of wires be connected for data transmission, as shown in Figure A-1.Figure A-1 1000BASE-T Connection10BASE-T uses Category 3, 4, 5 100-ohm UTP/STP and 1000BASE-T uses Category 5 100-ohm UTP/STP for connections. Both support a maximum length of 100 meters. Table A-1 shows 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T pin assignments. Table A-1 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T Pin AssignmentsFigure A-2 shows wiring of straight-through and crossover cables for 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T.Figure A-2 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T Connection。

1.0 Smart Home Controller 快速安装手册说明书

1.0 Smart Home Controller 快速安装手册说明书

Smart Home ControllerQuick Installation ManualTable of contents1.Introduction (4)1.1.Safety instructions (4)1.2.Intended use (4)1.3.About this document (4)1.3.1.How to start (4)1.3.2.Troubleshooting (4)1.3.3.Feedback (4)2.Installation (5)2.1.Smart Home Controller Installation (5)2.2.MRF xComfort Network Installation (5)3.Quick setup (7)3.1.Connect to the Web Admin Console (7)3.2.Import Data Points (8)3.3.Adjust available Devices (8)3.4.Create Users (10)3.5.Set Time Zone (11)3.6.Activate the Smart Home Controller (12)3.7.Create Zones and assign available Devices (13)3.8.Enable and setup needed Functions (14)3.9.Download and connect the App (IOS) (15)3.10.IOS App: Start the Temperature Control (16)3.11.IOS App: Create Light Scenes (17)4.Troubleshooting (18)4.1.LED Indicators on the Smart Home Controller Box (18)4.2.How to restore the default admin password (18)4.3.How to restore the SHC network settings (19)4.4.Ways to recover the SHC (19)4.5.Ways to connect to the SHC Web Admin Console (19)4.5.1.Directly via a browser and IP address (19)4.5.2.Via Bonjour (MAC) (19)4.5.3.Via UPnP (Windows) (20)4.5.4.Via MRF (20)4.6.Default admin password? (20)Appendix A Feedback form (21)1. Introduction1.1. Safety instructionsThis document contains important warnings and safety instructions which must be observed and followed by users. Failure to follow these warnings and safety instructions will put the fault-free operation of the Smart Home Controller at risk.1.2. Intended usexComfort products are designed for use in private homes and similar, fixed electrical installation systems. Applicable standards can be found in the CE declarations of conformity included in the mounting instructions supplied with each product.1.3. About this documentThis manual is intended for trained Installers only and describes the installation and configuration of the Smart Home Controller. Following this manual will ensure a successful installation1.3.1. How to startIf you are new to the System, start with the chapter “How things work” in the Smart Home Controller Reference Manual to understand the Smart Home Controller concept and basics. Important is to know how this system works based on Zones and the way functionality is provided. This will directly affect the way the User can control his home.If you are already familiar with the system, start directly with chapter 2 Installation and 3 Quick setup.1.3.2. TroubleshootingIn case of problems check chapter 4 Troubleshooting.1.3.3. FeedbackPlease feel free to support us with any suggestions or feedback. Please use the feedback form in appendix A.2. InstallationFollow the instructions in this chapter to install the Smart Home Controller and setup the xComfort network.Installation steps:• Smart Home Controller Installation• MRF xComfort network Installation2.1. Smart Home Controller InstallationFind an appropriate location for the Smart Home Controller. This location must be dry and free of other electric equipment that could disturb the working of the Controller. Keep in mind that the SHC does have an internal antenna for the xComfort RF network.ATTENTION! Find an appropriate location for the SHC. The SHC does have aninternal antenna for the xComfort RF module. Avoid disturbance from other equipment like WiFi routers. Minimum distance > 0,5m.Installation steps:1. Use the mounting holes in the SHC to screw the SHC to the wall.2. Connect the SHC to your home network using a network cable.3. Connect the power adapter to the SHC and switch on the power.2.2. MRF xComfort Network InstallationUse the MRF xComfort Network Configuration Tool to create and setup the xComfort Network and create a Datapoint file so that the SHC recognizes all the xComfort Devices in the network.ATTENTION! Use MRF tool version or higher: Eaton RF-System V2.19.Installation steps:1. Make a plan of all the functionality in Zones needed.2. Open the MRF Tool and create the MRF project.3. Scan the network for xComfort Devices.4. Configure the Device Settings if needed.Checklist:Door (Switch) Actuator: Function: Off / On with switch off delay. Shutter Actuator: Runtime. Dimming Actuator: Dimming time, Dimming limits. Binary Inputs: Mode 2, Cyclic sending.Analog Inputs: 0 – 10V, Cyclic sending.Temperature Sensors: Send Temperature value, Cyclic sending. By default the Climate Function expects within every hour a temperature value. Set cyclic sendingvalue to 55 minutes.5. Connect all xComfort Devices to the Smart Home Controller. See Figure 1: MRF Projectexample.ATTENTION! To maintain the correct status of the Actuators it is important toconnect all xComfort Actuators directly to the Smart Home Controller or an ECI. Find detailed information in the Smart Home Controller Reference Manual.6. Specify a clear name for each Device.7. Scan reception quality of all devices. Calculate and check all connections.8. Load the configuration into the devices.9. Create datapoint-file for the SHC and select Transmission: download by RF.10. Save project.Figure 1: MRF Project example3. Quick setupFollow the instructions in this chapter to do a quick setup of the Smart Home Controller with a basic configuration. Find additional information and configurations in the Smart Home Controller Reference Manual.Setup steps:Connect to the SHC Web Admin ConsoleImport Data PointsAdjust available DevicesCreate UsersSet Time ZoneActivate the Smart Home ControllerCreate Zones and assign available DevicesEnable and setup needed FunctionsDownload and connect the App (IOS)IOS App Function settings3.1. Connect to the Web Admin ConsoleConnect to the Web Admin Console via MRF.Steps:1. Open MRF and load the project2. Right click on the SHC and select: IP-Address3. Click on the link: Address4. The browser opens with the login page:5. Login with:- Username: admin- Password: admin6. The Web Admin Console is available3.2. Import Data PointsDuring the Installation the Data Points are already uploaded to the Smart Home Controller via MRF. If not, check chapter 2.2 MRF xComfort Network Installation.Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> DatapointsSetup steps:1. The default Internal RF Interface indicates the new datapoints:2. Click: Import Data Points3. Please wait until the popup shows the process is ready:ATTENTION! Do not interrupt this step.4. Click: OK5. Status indicates:3.3. Adjust available DevicesChange the name and purpose of imported devices if needed. Specify always the unit and ratio for Impulse Counters and Analog Inputs.Web Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> DevicesSteps:1. Select one Device of the available Devices on the left. Example:2. Change the Device parameters on the right. Example:3. Click: Save4. Repeat previous steps for each Device5. If finished, Click:6. Please wait until the popup shows the process is ready:ATTENTION! Do not interrupt this step.7. Click: OK3.4. Create UsersWeb Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> UsersFirst: Change always the default admin password!Steps to change the admin password:1. Click for User admin the Change Password Icon:2. Change and remember the password:3. Click: Ok4. Change the language if needed (Used for the Admin Console)Add at least one Advanced User:1. Specify User credentials:2. Click: Add3. The new User is shown in the list of UsersCheck options: Advanced and: RemoteAdd at least one normal User to control the system:1. Specify User credentials:2. Click: Add3. The new User is shown in the list of UsersIf needed check option: Remote3.5. Set Time ZoneWeb Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> Time Zone Steps:1. Check Time Zone Settings:2. Change settings if needed. Normally: Country and: City3. Click: Save3.6. Activate the Smart Home ControllerActivate the SHC for remote access and new software updates.Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> Remote AccessSteps:1. Check if there is Internet Access:2. Click: Activate:3. Read and Accept the Terms And Conditions: Accept4. Please wait until the popup disappears:5. Enable: Global Remote Access6. Refresh the page to check the connection status:7. Please make a note of the received Remote Access ID to connect remotely3.7. Create Zones and assign available DevicesAs defined by the Customer create the Zones and add the Devices to these Zones. Create general Zones if needed.Web Admin Console navigation: 2. ZonesSteps:1. Click: New2. Define a Zone name:3. Click: OK4. Select one or more Available Devices on the right side (Hold shift or ctrl):5. Click to add the selected Devices to the Zone:6. Added Devices are shown in the left screen:7. Repeat all steps for each Zone3.8. Enable and setup needed FunctionsEnable the Functions required by the Customer in each Zone.Web Admin Console navigation: 3. FunctionsSteps:1. Select the Zone (Per default the Functions are disabled):2. Enable the required Functions for this Zone (Function properties appears):3. Adjust specific properties if needed4. Repeat all steps for each Zone3.9. Download and connect the App (IOS)This example is based on the iPhone.Figure 2: Download AppOpen the App Store: Search for: EatonInstall and open the AppFigure 3: Connect to Smart Home ControllerClick: ConnectSelect your controllerLogin as advanced User3.10. IOS App: Start the Temperature ControlSelect the Climate Function:Figure 4: Start the Temperature ControlSelect a predefined mode Click: Edit Select: HeatingAnd: CloseThe question mark indicates that no temperature value has been received yet. For additional information see the Smart Home Controller Reference Guide. Start the Temperature Control in every Zone with a Climate Function via the “edit” button.3.11. IOS App: Create Light ScenesTo create a Light Scene, select the Status & Control Function to set the preferred light settings.Figure 5: Create a Light Scene 1Select Status & Control Set preferred LightsSelect Scene FunctionAnd click: EditClick:Figure 6: Create a Light Scene 2Define a Scene nameAnd click: OKCheck light settings And return to Zone Button created4. TroubleshootingFind in this chapter information and instructions to solve problems. Consult also the latest FAQ to find answers to questions.4.1. LED Indicators on the Smart Home Controller BoxPower LED:o Green: Power ON, the System is operational.o Orange: The System is booting.Network Connection LED:o Green: Remote Server Connection.o Orange: Internet connection. The SHC is not activated yet.o Red: No Internet connection. Check your internet connection via a PC or laptop.RF Traffic LED:o Blinking Green: RF traffic.System Message LED:o Green: There are no new messages in the Mailbox.o Yellow: New Warning Message in the Mailbox.o Red: New Error Messages in the Mailbox.Battery Status LEDo Green: All batteries are OK.o Yellow: At least one battery is weak. Consider to replace batteries.o Red: At least one battery one battery is very weak or empty. Replace batteries.4.2. How to restore the default admin passwordThis symbol indicates the recovery button on the Smart Home Controller Box.Use a small pin to access this button.Press the button on the Smart Home Controller for 15 seconds (power LED flashes green and will finally change to orange), system will reboot. Wait until the LED is green. Also the network settings will be set to DHCP.4.3. How to restore the SHC network settingsThis symbol indicates the recovery button on the Smart Home Controller Box.Use a small pin to access this button.Press the button on the Smart Home Controller for 15 seconds (power LED flashes green and will finally change to orange), system will reboot. Wait until the LED is green. Also the admin password is set to default.4.4. Ways to recover the SHCThe Smart Home Controller can be recovered in the following ways:•Power Off the System by removing the power plug for 1 minute and reconnect.•Reboot the Smart Home Controller via the Web Admin Console.•Set the Smart Home Controller back to factory settings. Reconfigure everything.•Reset internal RF Module password and datapoint list. Use MRF to reprogram. Admin Console navigation: 1. System -> Firmware4.5. Ways to connect to the SHC Web Admin Console4.5.1. Directly via a browser and IP address1. Open a browser2. Open the login page: http://<SHC IP address>:3. Login with:- Username: admin- Password: admin4. The Web Admin Console is available4.5.2. Via Bonjour (MAC)1. Open: Safari2. Click the Bookmark icon:3. Select Bonjour:4. Double click Bookmark: Smart Home Controller5. The browser opens with the login page4.5.3. Via UPnP (Windows)1. Open My Network Places:2. Double click link: Smart Home Controller3. The browser opens with the login page4.5.4. Via MRF1. Open MRF and right-click on the SHC:2. Select Check IP-Address3. Click on the Address4. The browser opens with the login page4.6. Default admin password?The default password for admin is admin. Please change this password directly after the setup.4.7. Diagnostics Status bar: Indicators and colorsIn the top bar the following status indicators are shown:Network status:o Green: Connected to the Remote Servero Yellow: Connected to Interneto Red: No Internet connectionBattery status battery powered Devices:o Green: All batteries are goodo Yellow: One or more batteries are weako Red: One or more batteries are emptyRF Interface status:o Green: All configured Interfaces are upo Red: One or more Interfaces are downNew Messages available:o Green: No new messages after the last checko Yellow: New Warning messageso Red: New Error messagesQuick Installation ManualPage 21 of 21 Appendix A Feedback formUse this feedback form below to send us your comments. We read all feedback carefully, but please note that we cannot respond to the comments you submit.Please send your feedback to your local sales contact.Name: ……………………………………………..Email Address: ……………………………………………..Used Smartphone, Tablet and browsers:iPhone App iOS Version:…………………………………………… iPad App iOS Version:…………………………………………… Andoid Phone App Android Version:………………………………………. Andoid Pad App Android Version:………………………………………. Safari Browser Version:………………………………………………….Google Chrome BrowserVersion:…………………………………………………. Mozilla Firefox Browser Version:…………………………………………………. Internet Explorer Browser Version:…………………………………………………. Other: ……………………………………………..Feedback Type:Bug Report Language-Specific Bug/IssueDesign/Ease of Use Missing/New FunctionalityConnectivity/Remote Server ConfigurabilitySmall description of the installation and building:Comments:。





1 型号规格:G80-01、G80-02、G80-03,产品型号差异划分见表1。


2 标记方法产品研发序号:01、02……产品类型代号GREEN首字母缩写1.3 软件信息本产品软件分为嵌入式软件和移动终端应用软件,详见表2.表22。

性能指标正常工作条件:a) 环境温度 +5℃~+40℃;b) 相对湿度 15%~80%;c) 大气压力 80kPa~105kPa;d) 电源电压内部电源:d.c. 3。


100V~240V 50/60Hz 0.5AMAX,输出d.c。

5.0V 1。



1 外观与结构2.1.1 血压计的外观应整洁美观,表面色泽均匀,无明显划痕、破损、锋棱、毛刺及变形。

2.1.2 血压计的配件应整洁美观,无破损、裂纹,相互连接可靠.2.1.3 血压计的控制和调节机构应动作可靠、灵活,紧固件无松动现象。


4 血压计的文字和标记应清晰、准确、牢固。

2.2 尺寸2.2。

1 主机尺寸血压计主机的尺寸应符合表1的要求,误差±2mm。



2 袖带尺寸血压计袖带的尺寸应符合表1的要求,误差±5mm。


3 显示功能a)无压力时,应指示在零位。

b) 在显示过程中,不应有缺笔划现象.c) 血压计应有“mmHg”和“kPa”的计量单位形式进行显示.d)显示屏上应能正常显示收缩压、舒张压和脉率的测量数值。


4 血压测量性能2。


1 量程血压计的测量范围为0mmHg~299mmHg(0.0kPa~39。



2 分辨率显示分辨率为1mmHg(0。



3 压力传感器准确性在量程中的任何测量点上,臂带内压力测量的最大误差应是±3mmHg(±0。


2.5 脉率血压计的脉率测量范围为(40~180)搏/分,精度为±5%;显示分辨率为1搏/分.2.6 超压保护功能血压计应有超压保护功能,当压力达到或超过300mmHg(40kPa)时,血压计的放气阀应开启,并应在10s内气路压力降至15mmHg(2kPa)以下。



02操作用户说明书总目录目录1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.8 3.8.1 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5试车和操作安全事项 (4)安全总则 (4)人身安全注意事项 (5)解锁工作区防护门,以便紧急撤离工作区 (6)机床保护注意事项 (7)刀具操作注意事项 (8)安全措施 (8)安全总措施 (8)机床专用安全措施 (9)集成安全 (9)镁加工时用油或乳化液的消防安全(可选功能) (10)操作部件 (11)主操作面板 (11)NC上的机床专用操作面板 (13)机床控制面板(MCP)的专用功能键 (14)工件装载站操作面板 (18)刀库装载站操作面板 (20)手持单元(HHU) (22)基本操作 (24)开/关机 (24)开机并准备运行 (24)停止/启动 (25)关机 (26)X、Y、Z、B和ZP轴的进给速度/快速移动键(镗杆主轴-可选) (27)打开/关闭工作区门 (27)工作区门打开和关闭时的手持单元或使能键的操作 (28)模式2—调整模式 (28)模式3—扩展调整模式 (30)交换工件 (31)刀具装卸 (32)交换主轴上的刀 (32)刀库的装载 (34)换刀机械手 (35)托盘交换 (36)操作时与SINUMERIK840D操作说明书的相异之处 (37)程序段搜索 (37)机床制造商在数控系统中开发的扩展操作区域的说明 (39)参数(刀具管理) (39)刀具目录、刀具柜、刀具表 (39)刀具监测(使用次数、刀具寿命) (41)“刀具管理”子菜单(链式刀库) (43)“Heckert(海科特)”操作区域 (56)服务功能 (57)机床功能 (61)刀库 (77)选择功能 (87)工作区抽尘 (87)预热程序 (87)彩色信号灯 (87)液压装夹系统 (88)传感测头 (91)5.5.1 5.5.2 67在主轴上安装传感测头 (92)使用传感测头 (92)故障排除 (94)数据备份 (95)1.试车和操作时的安全在加工中心的试车期间,对用户来说,因为机床移动部件首次运动,所以会遇到危险。

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目录第一章软件介绍 (5)1.1 软件简介 (5)1.2 硬件需求 (5)1.3 软件需求 (5)第二章部署说明 (6)2.1 准备工作 (6)2.2 部署流程 (6)2.3 服务器配置(网络启动模式) (6)2.4 制作母盘镜像 (7)2.5 添加其他工作站(与上传工作站硬件配置一样) (18)2.6 其他配置工作站启动(与上传工作站硬件配置不同) (20)第三章功能说明 (21)3.1 免加密锁试用 (21)3.1.1 试用版本 (21)3.1.2 试用转正式授权 (21)3.2 桌面系统 (21)3.2.1 桌面系统 (21)3.2.2 磁盘管理 (21)3.2.3 磁盘快照 (22)3.2.4 系统导出 (23)3.2.5 系统导入 (25)3.2.1 同步服务器时间 (26)3.2.2 启用工作站显示器扩展 (26)3.2.3 工作站内存缓存 (27)3.2.4 网卡智能加速 (28)3.2.5 双服务器热备 (28)3.2.6 系统不还原 (29)3.3 工作站 (29)3.3.1 静态工作站 (29)3.3.2 动态工作站 (30)3.3.1 工作站列表项说明 (32)3.3.2 工作站列表导出/导入 (32)3.3.3 远程管理 (32)3.3.4 切换模式 (33)3.4 高级功能 (40)3.4.1 外设管理 (40)3.4.2 计划任务 (40)3.4.3 资产管理 (44)3.4.4 备份任务 (45)3.5 选项设置 (45)3.5.1 智能回写 (45)3.5.2 DHCP服务配置 (46)3.6.1 镜像备份 (46)3.6.2 数据库备份 (47)3.6.3 数据库恢复 (47)第四章个人磁盘 (48)4.1 个人磁盘服务端 (48)4.1.1 管理界面 (48)4.1.2 默认设置 (48)4.1.3 新建用户 (48)4.1.4 编辑用户 (49)4.1.5 删除用户 (50)4.1.6 批量新建用户 (50)4.2 个人磁盘客户端 (51)4.2.1 登录界面 (51)4.2.2 系统托盘 (52)4.2.3 修改用户密码 (52)4.2.4 登录设置 (52)4.2.5 桌面、文档、收藏夹漫游 (53)4.2.6 个人虚拟磁盘部署在其他服务器 (54)第五章硬盘缓存 (55)5.1 服务端配置 (55)5.2 纯网络启动 (57)5.3 按需缓存 (57)5.4 完全缓存 (57)5.5 其他设置 (58)第六章更多功能 (59)6.1 工作站加入域 (59)6.2 个性化目录 (60)6.2.1 服务端配置 (60)6.2.2 客户端配置 (61)第一章软件介绍1.1 软件简介锐起RDV5基于桌面虚拟化技术,将工作站操作系统和用户数据集中存储在服务器上,并充分利用工作站硬件资源,最大限度满足各种复杂应用需求,包括高强度运算、离线应用、多硬件配置环境等。






第一章 概述回弹数据处理器以winbond 公司的78E58单片机为核心部件,能对回弹法原始数据进行记录、存储并能分析处理的专业仪器。


该仪器能够按中华人民共和国行业标准《回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度技术规程》(JGJ/T 23—2001)的要求进行角度、测试面、碳化及泵送修正,并对数据进行分析处理、显示处理结果;仪器最多能存储32000个原始数据;结果可打印;仪器自带—RS232接口,并可将数据传输到PC 机,由Windows 平台下的分析软件进一步分析处理,并生成Word 文件。


第二章 开机后说明①开如果显示为:请更换电池,换电池后仍显示Battery low !,请检查是否因为振动等原因使RAM 松动或脱落。

②自检正常后,仪器显示:此时用户在键盘上输入指令,以选择工作模式:2011a .按0~9之中的任意一个数字键,进入数据输入模式;b .按打印键,打印计算结果;c .按碳化键,进入碳化深度值输入模式;d .按传输键,将机内所存数据传入PC 机;e .按删除键,把机内所存数据清除。

第三章 记录回弹值如果在显示what ?界面下按0~9之中的数字键,仪器进入数据输入模式,显示如下界面:1、按数字键1,然后按确认键,选择泵送混凝土;2、按数字键2,然后按确认键,选择非泵送混凝土;3、按删除键,返回上一界面。




待安装完毕,配置数据库,打开server文件夹—》双击server电脑图标—》下一步—》server2000下一步—》SQLserver安装路径自己选择,不要放在C 盘—》安装后台服务—》退出,配置数据库成功。















LC480Software1.5中⽂使⽤说明(简单版)LightCycler480 Software 1.5软件操作(中⽂版)第⼀部分基本界⾯及图标概述:⼀、Overview界⾯Exit:关闭LC480软件Log off:从⽬前使⽤的数据库中退出并可登陆其他的数据库Overview:点击该图标进⼊“Overview”界⾯Navigator:点击该图标进⼊“Navigator”界⾯,可进⾏数据的导⼊导出等操作,详见。

Save:点击该图标进⾏保存Export:导出当前打开的⽂件Close:关闭当前打开的⽂件Print:打印当前打开的窗⼝Tools:打开“Tools”界⾯,可进⾏密码修改,建⽴和编辑⽤户,系统设置,查看数据库状态、仪器状态、滤光⽚组合等操作Help:查看软件版本,操作说明书等⼆、New Experiment 界⾯Run Module:编辑、运⾏或查看PCR程序及查看PCR实时数据Subset Editor:点击该模块后可进⾏⼦集的编辑Sample Editor:点击后进⾏样品信息的编辑Analysis Module: 点击进⾏结果分析或查看已保存的分析结果Report Module:选择需要的内容以报告的形式给出结果Summary Module : 查看实验的总体概况,包括实验名称,所⽤的程序,检测模式,滤光⽚组合等。

概况的内容由系统⾃动⽣成三、Navigator 界⾯Import:导⼊⼀个⽂件Export:导出⼀个⽂件Batch Import:导⼊⼀批数据Batch Export:导出⼀批数据New:新建⼀个实验或⽂件夹New Folder:新建⼀个⽂件夹Open:打开⼀个⽂件Rename:重命名Delete:删除选中的⽬标Copy:拷贝选中的⽬标Note:所有上述图标在深蓝⾊时为激活状态,灰⾊时为灭活状态也就是不可⽤状态。



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= +
页数 页数 1 5
总开关 电源插座
1 3 5 2 4
开关电源,电脑 AC220V接线柱
AC220 16A 设备外 公牛牌
钣金 LW39-25-9AC-03 /2Gr A70 B91
D32 IΔn=0.015A 电气柜
15C 14C 17C 20C 1C 2C
开始按钮 绿色无锁
复位按钮 蓝色无锁
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1L1- 1L3- 1L5- 1L7- 1L9- 1L113.3 3.5 5.5 2.1
日期 2014/7/11 校对. ADMINISTRATOR 审核 原始项目
3 广州和创电子科技有限公司 电源 科瑞特智能分拣插件系统
替换 替换人 WT-V1.0
= +
页数 页数 2 5
驱动器、风扇 24V接线柱
1L12+ 1L10+ 1L8+ 1L6+ 1L4+ 1L2+
4.1 5.7 5.3 3.4
1L2- 1L4- 1L6- 1L8- 1L10- 1L123.2 5.3 5.7 4.1
1L11+ 1L9+ 1L7+ 1L5+ 1L3+ 1L1+
2.1 5.5 3.3
24 25 49 50
X3 SS10 NO
自动按钮 绿色带锁
传送带电机编码器 5V 0V
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
停止按钮 黄色无锁
1L8+ 桃红c 灰红d 橙红a 黄红c 桃红d 灰红a
= +
页数 页数 4 5
带编码器传送带 电机驱动器 DIRDIR+ PULPUL+
上层传送带 电机驱动器 DIRDIR+ PULPUL+
下层传送带 电机驱动器 DIRDIR+ PULPUL+
A+ A- B+ BGND +Adc
A+ A- B+ BGND +Adc
A+ A- B+ BGND +Adc
1L52.5 2.4

PE2 PE2 T1 24V/10A 开关电源 LED1
2.4 / L N GND L N
AC220 10A 模数化插座 主机 电气柜
AC220 10A 模数化插座 显示器 电气柜
V+ 2.5 /
V+GND 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 EXGND 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
VDD VDD 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52
U10 TL-50LLI/gyr23 报警灯塔
黄线 绿线 红线 橙线 黑线
电磁阀 5.4 5.5 5.2 5.3
1L1- 1L1+
2.5 2.4
日期 2014/7/11 校对. ADMINISTRATOR 审核 原始项目
4 广州和创电子科技有限公司 68 Pin PCB板 科瑞特智能分拣插件系统
替换 替换人 WT-V1.0
= +
页数 页数 3 5
57HS22 步进电机
日期 2014/7/11 校对. ADMINISTRATOR 审核 原始项目
广州和创电子科技有限公司 驱动器、电机 科瑞特智能分拣插件系统
替换 替换人 WT-V1.0
= +
页数 页数 5 5
黑线 黑红 X1 白线 白红 橙 橙红
A+ AB+ BZ+ Z-
操作权限按钮 红色带锁
SLOT1 机器人接口
日期 2014/7/21 校对. ADMINISTRATOR 审核 原始项目
5 广州和创电子科技有限公司 37 Pin PCB板 科瑞特智能分拣插件系统
替换 替换人 WT-V1.0
China 广州 电话. 020-82001698
公司 / 客户 项目描述 绘图编号 代理
制造商(公司) 路径 项目名称 制作 类型 安装地点 项目负责人 部件特点 创建日期 编辑日期 2014/7/11 2014/7/21
科瑞特智能分拣插件系统 WT-V1.0
1L4+ 1L5+
蓝线 棕线 绿线 白线 红线 黑线 黄线 橙线
蓝线 棕线 绿线 白线 红线 黑线 黄线 橙线
蓝线 棕线 绿线 白线 红线 黑线 黄线 橙线
57HS22 步进电机
57HS22 步进电机
科瑞特智能分拣插件系统V1.0 Mathrew Chan AT78 +ET1
日期 2013/8/17 校对. ADMINISTRATOR 审核 原始项目
广州和创电子科技有限公司 科瑞特智能分拣插件系统
替换 替换人 WT-V1.0