







历年高级口译考题翻译部分精解第一套英译中Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.【参考译文】达尔文以后的生物学家们一直相信,大自然的运行是没有计划没有意义的,不会按照预先设定的途径实现任何目的。



.外事接待inexplicable 难以言表的第一篇set foot on 踏上⋯⋯的土地制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltdcosmopolitan city国际大都市副总经理 deputy managing directormaximize 充分利用研究生 graduate studentin no time 不久论文 paperrewarding有成效的研究成果 research findings实验助手 lab assistant参观访问市中心 downtown area第一篇假日酒店 Holiday Inn学位点degree program旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee国家级重点社科研究基地key social science 招待所 guesthouse research centers舒适如归 make sb. comfortable博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research 不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work stations排忧解难 help sb. out国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy第二篇of science and the Chinese academy of engineering Stanford University 斯坦福大学网络教育online educationa land of wonder充满奇观的国家科举制imperial examinationhead office 总部日月光华 ,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight magical power 神奇的魅力and the moonlight after night the day dawns again Oriental东方的人文精神humanistic spiritConfucianism 儒家思想披荆斩棘 , 筚路蓝缕negotiate various Taoism道家学说impediment精选范本.博学而笃志 ,切问而近思extensive scholarship第二篇with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry withVancouver温哥华close examinationCanada ’ gatewaysto the pacific加拿大通往太治学态度educational philosophy平洋的门户取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology ofThe Panama Canal巴拿马运河extracting the best and exploiting the greatestNatural ice-free harbor天然不冻港怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliantManufactured goods制成品scholarshipLumber and paper milling伐木、造纸高等教育发展的重中之重priority amongOil refining炼油institutions of high learningMetal fabricating金属锻造承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in thePrinted matter印刷future missionReal estate房地产精诚团结 ,共襄盛举strive together in goodTriple增至 3倍faithQuadruple 增至 4倍文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensiveQuintuple增至 5倍university with a complete range disciplines in liberalHigh-rise office building摩天办公楼arts, science, engineering and medicineBoutique时装礼品店全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence andEthnic group少数民族团体visibility in all dimensionsPlanetarium天文馆社会转型时期 a period of social transitionAquarium水族馆百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with aSkating rink溜冰场century-long academic tradition and intellectualBotanical garden植物园esteemConservatory of exotic plants异国植物花房精选范本.Maple tree 枫树domestic liquidity国内流动资金Sap树液precipitous move突然变动syrup糖浆stifle葬送workable measures of transition 可行的过度措施人物访谈stance姿态第一篇:国际清算银行行长president of the Bank for第二篇international settlements新千年the new millennium宏观经济 macroeconomic新纪元 the new age浮动汇率 floating foreign exchange rate精髓essenceworld economic projection 世界经济预计陶器potteryimpetus 动力京剧戏装 Costumes of Peking Opera reassuring 让人放心莫高窟复制品 the replica of the Mogao Grottoes command economy 计划经济青铜战车 the bronze chariotfiscal policy 财政政策战国早期的礼仪乐器ritual musical instruments surplus and deficit赢余和赤字produced early in the Warring States Period deterioration 最坏;最低点八音度 a range of octavewithout precedent第一次音域宽wide rangepact公约定音tone settingcurb deficits 防止财政状况恶化瑟,笙,箫,鼓 se, sheng, xiao, drums pension commitments 养老金投入整理collateyields on nominal bonds 名义收益率骨哨bone flutedeflation 紧缩摇篮cradleexchange rate appreciation 货币升值舞台服饰 performance costumes精选范本.夸张和象征的手法exaggeration and symbolic历史性跨越 a historic breakthroughmeans底子薄 weak economic basis名模 famous model全面建设小康社会 build a moderately prosperoussociety in an all-around way大会发言科学发展观the guideline of scientific 第一篇development20 国集团g 20(group of 20)Central Bank Governor 扩大内须 expand domestic demand央行行长科技含量高high scientific and technological 生物科技bio-technologycontent科技进步日新月异science and technology haave转变经济增长方式the transformation of the been making continuous progresseconomic growth mode金融风暴financial turbulence提高自主创新能力enhance innovative ability贸易壁垒trade barriers促进城乡区域协调发展facilitate a balanced 保护主义protectionismdevelopent between rural and urban areas取长补短make full use of favorable condition and以人为本people-centeredpromote complementarity顺应时代潮流as a response to the trend of our 注入新的活力inject new vitality totimes关税 tariff减免债务debt relief第二篇优惠贷款concessional load in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中转轨国家countries in transition incubator孵卵器灵活务实flexible and pragmatic inception涌现由温饱到小康 a period of having only basic needs undergrad大学生met to a comfortable life reengineer 调整精选范本.reduce inventory缩短开发周期principles of the UN Chartercumulative日积月累善邻之道 live together in peacewith one another compound rate 复利率as good neighborsoperating margin 营业利率划时代意义epoch-makingturnover 周转次数里程碑 milestoneoutstanding receivable 未清应收帐人类社会沧桑巨变 stupendous changes in human strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略societycustomer-driven以顾客为驱动力国际舞台风云变幻vicissitudes in theservice-oriented服务型international arenaput a new premium on高度重视地区热点问题 regional hot spot issuemanagerial competence管理能力民族分裂势力regional separatistsFortune 500 companies财富 500 强极端宗教势力religious extremistexpertise专门技术毒品走私 drug traffickingwin-win thinking双赢思维传染性疾病communicable diseasegroup synergy 协作精神坚持多边主义uphold multilateralismhold sb. accountable for 让⋯⋯放手做摈弃冷战思维 abandon the Cold War mentality hold a grudge against 怀恨在心标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes裁军与军备控制 disarmament and arms control国际关系防止核扩散prevent the proliferation of nuclear 第一篇weapons纪念⋯⋯成立⋯⋯周年包容精神the spirit of inclusiveness commemorate ⋯ .anniversary of the founding of文明多样性diversity of civilization恪守承诺commitment to兼容并蓄的和谐世界harmonious world where all 联合国宪章宗旨和原则the purpose and the精选范本.coexist and accommodate each other coercion高压政治休戚与共的命运interests and destinies tackle处理第二篇旅游观光subsequent endeavor 此后的努力第一篇humanitarian 人道主义者广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of refrain 不以the Chinese territorynon-intervention 不干涉绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied domestic jurisdiction 内部事务natural scenerythe minimum doe of conduct 最起码的行为准则如诗如画poetic and picturesquethe Security Council 安理会名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic paralysis瘫痪beautyveto right否决权兵马俑 terra-cotta sodiers and horses incapacitate 无所作为故宫the Imperial Palacenuclear weapon proliferation 核武器扩散五岳之首the most famous of China's 5 great communicable disease 传染性疾病mountainsbuffer conflicts 缓解冲突峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal enforcement 强制山外有山mountains beyond mountainsmeddle管闲事融自然与文化景观于一体embody natural manifold多种多样scenery and cultural heritagepermeate 渗透奇石 ,清瀑 ,古松 ,亭阁grotesque rock formation, practice tolerance 宽容忍让clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions transcend differences 超越差异历代文人雅士书法家famous ancient convergence of interests 共同利益的汇合点writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty精选范本.石刻碑文stone inscription caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆 ,公寓住所重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another international cuisine 国际烹饪水准经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of ethnic restaurant 风味餐厅various dynasty departure tax stamp 离境印花税票华夏祖先Chinese ancestors American Express 美国运通信用卡吉祥之地propitious place科学报告祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth第一篇联合国教科文组织UNESCO(c=cultural,其他中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated 不必说了吧 ?)herbal master of ancient China世界自然与文化遗产World heritage中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the Commissiondevelopment of TCM第二篇战国时期 the Warring States Periodgeological accident 地质变化黄帝内经HuangDi ’ s Classic of internal the earth's crust 地壳Medicinetemperate cllimatic zone 热带地区神农本草经Shennong ’ s herbal classic unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽 ,奇花异草主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions Great Barrier大堡礁and toxic characterAyer's Rock阿叶尔斯石柱山药典 pharmacopoeiaKakadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园救死扶伤 healing the sick and saving the dying Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院职业道德规范 professional work ethicskiing resort滑雪场食补保健food treatment approachgross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值延缓衰老defer senilitycamping park 野营公园相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and精选范本.interdependence hydrogen 氢有机的整体an organic whole oxygen氧气诊断疾病diagnose disease photosynthesis 光合作用阴阳对立制约 yin and yang are mutually opposing equilibrium平衡and constraining meteor流星互根互用be interdependent and mutually embedded埋植promoting carbon compound碳化合物消长平衡 proportionally change with the decrease hypothesis假设of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other Antarctic南极的相互转化mutually transformational aesthetics审美观健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨good health debris碎片指导思想guiding concept comet彗星临床治疗方法clinical treatment The Azores亚速尔群岛针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪按摩推拿medical massage organic molecule有机分子气功疗法deep breathing exercises spectrographic 摄谱的赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim disseminate散布中医专业队伍TCM professionals prebiotic life前生物生命综合医院general hospital galaxy银河系第二篇礼仪祝辞astrobiology天体生物学第一篇nitrogen氮阁下your excellency...精选范本.建交 the establishment of diplomatic relations gracious hospitality友好款待近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration convey 转达积贫积弱 ,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,bosom friend 知己long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy thriving and robust 蓬勃向上of other countries megalopolis 特大型城市落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to boast 以⋯⋯为自豪attacks unequalled 不能与⋯⋯相媲美刻骨铭心的教训 never-forgotten lesson miraculous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起中华民族伟大复兴 the rejuvenation of China financial giants 金融业的巨头不懈努力 make unremitting efforts business community商业界与时具近 keep pace with the times manufacturing industry 制造业第一要务 the primary task IPR(intellectual property rights)知识产权发展是硬道理development is of overriding joint consultancy service 合资咨询服务机构importance transnational corportation 跨国公司科学发展观 scientific outlook last but not least 最后和谐社会 harmonious society at one's earliest convenience在其方便的时候,互利共赢 win-win尽早⋯⋯本着⋯⋯的精神 it is in the spirit of cherish 珍惜一贯奉行 in the persistent pursuit of economic recession 经济不景气双边关系 bilateral relations ensure a sustained growth 确保持续增长祝酒 join sb in a toast on the occasion of 请允许我借⋯⋯的机会⋯⋯第二篇商务谈判mission 代表团第一篇精选范本.进出口商品交易会 import and export commodities发盘/报盘offerfair折扣discount销售部经理 sales manager supplies 货物supply department 采购部free sample 免费样品brochure 宣传小册子inspection检验scope of business经营范围floor offer底盘machine tool 机床counter-offer 还盘workmanship工艺合同格式format of contractmake an inquiry询价规格specificationquotation 报价单价unit priceC.I.F Seattle西雅图到岸价保险费由贵方承担 the insurance premium should (*cost,insurance.freight)be born by your side调整价格 adjust the price business transaction 生意顺利成交competitive具有竞争力bulk 很大外交政策substantially大大地第一篇展台 exhibition stand外国使节 diplomatic envoy复杂而深刻的变化complex and profound第二篇changes经营的新品 new line of business各种问题相互交织 various threats are intertwined 汽车零部件auto parts指导国际关系的准则norms governing update 调整international relationsat the cost of不惜以⋯⋯为代价切实履行implement in real earnestour part我方精选范本以强凌弱的霸权主义bully the weak and pursue amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood hegemony奔腾不息的时代潮流irresistible tide of the times文明的多样性the diversity of civilizations第二篇万物并育而不相害all living creature growdiplomacy外交手段together without harming one anothermonetary structure 货币组织道并行而人不相悖ways run parallel withoutmilitary deterrence 军事威慑interfering with one anotherutmost purpose 最高宗旨相互借鉴、取长补短learn from each other insubordinate 服从于mutual emulationovershadow黯然失色相互包容、求同存异mutual tolerance, seekinitiative主动行动agreement while shelving differencesdownright distrust不信任的传统减免债务reduce and forgive debtsutility利用军事联盟military allianceauthorization授权动辄诉诸武力resort to use or threat of forcesponsorship操办摈弃冷战思维the Cold War mentality should beintervention干预done away withtake ⋯ into account考虑到核武器扩散nucleus weapons proliferationthe IMF国际货币基金组织跨国犯罪trans-boundary crimestrade deficits贸易赤字生态恶化environmental degradationcommitment致力于永远不称霸never seek hegemonywar-torn遭受战争破坏维护国家主权和领土完整safeguard nationalelite上层人物sovereignty and territorial integritymilitary alliance 军事联盟睦邻、安邻、富邻政策the policy of creating andemobilization/remobilization 遣散军队 / 重组军精选范本队国之宝箴treasured maxim第二篇文化交流millennium千年第一篇landmark标志性民为贵people being the most importantreclusive避世隐居巨大活力the immense vitalityDanish architect Jorn Utzon丹麦设计师钧恩乌生动写照vivid reflection特松生存权subsistence rightwith media access 有机会接触媒体立国之本the foundation to build the countryarchitectural icon 建筑业偶像不懈努力make unremitting endeavorin the pantheon of在⋯⋯的万神殿中相辅相成the two are complementary to eachpluck淘汰othera complete one-off 空前绝后民族先人ancestorwas quite at odds with 相去甚远初步繁荣昌盛initial prosperityrectilinear垂直式吸收和借鉴absorb and draw upon fruits ofmaverick genius 独树一帜的奇才祖国统一reunification of the countrypromontory海角繁衍multiplybackdrop背景伟大复兴the great rejuvenationin high dudgeon一怒之下先行者forerunnermanifold difficulties各种各样的困难区域自治regional autonomyseductive beauty 有魅力的纯美宪法保障protected by the Constitutionpatron资助人崇高目标lofty goal亲仁善邻benevolence and good-neighborliness信息时代精选范本.第一篇第二篇筹备会议preliminary meetingdon穿上处理程序性问题address procedure issuescaffold框架智能化intelligence computerizationthermostat恒温计多样化diversificationEKG心电图仪信息通信技术infocom technologytelemetric system 遥测系统结构调整architecture readjustmentemulate仿效升级换代upgradingsymbiosis 共生现象融语音、数据、图像于一体integrate voice datesoftware programmer 软件编程师and imagecollaborate合作宽带高速信息网high-speed broadbanddebug调试information networkneuron神经元全方位地满足业务需求meet various servicetackle解决requirements in all dimensionsinterstellar星际制约因素reasonmicroprocessor 微型处理器宏观调控macroeconomic controlad hoc特别的市场管制market regulationcell phone手机规避市场风险avoid market risksthe heftiest desktop 最先进的台式机创新的融资机智innovative financing mechanismfight off an attacking wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂资金的多元投入for more financing channelssimpleton傻子911 事件September 11 terrorist attackemergent behavior 突发性的行为应急系统emergency systemmischievous and sinister 恶意数字鸿沟digital divideantithetical对立的精选范本.resilience 应变能力industryseismic activity 地震活动生物医药产业the bioengineering and geomagnetic storm 地磁风暴pharmaceutical industrya worrisome spike麻烦支柱产业pillar industryreroute traffic 改变行动路线历史文物保护单位sites of historical interest and InterPlaNet 星际网cultural relics under protectionasteroid 小行星海派文化Shanghai regional culture unmanned probe吾人驾驶探测器美食家gourmetproprietary (信息 )专有清真authentic Muslimfeel tingles on one ’感s觉spine到脊椎的震颤万国建筑博览会exhibition of the world'sarchitecture宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原 a soil deposit plain land 常住居民permanent residents慈悬浮列车the maglev train长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta龙头作用play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty石油化工产业the petrochemical industry精细化工产业the fine chemical家用电器产业the home electrical appliance 内环线高架道路elevated inner beltway野生动物园the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动New year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会Temple Fair桂花节Sweet Osmanthus Festival海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold乘骐骥以驰骋兮on your steed galloping来吾道夫先路on my road pioneering聪明,精明,高明bright,smart,wise第二篇British Commonwealth 英联邦精选范本.physically spread out 布局分散第一篇predominant 主导烹饪艺术 culinary artconglomeration 聚结民以食为天 food is the paramount necessity of the commute外来工作者peopleprominent landmark 显著的地貌标志推陈出新 creative effortsSaint Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂色、香、味 color, aroma and tasteWestminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂摆放layoutmonarchy君主政体冷盘cold dishescoronation加冕礼原料raw materialBuckingham Palace白金汉宫作料调配 the blending of seasoninghub中心调味艺术 the art of proper seasoningslum贫民窟食物质地 the texture of foodlavish豪华刀功slicing techniquephilharmonic orchestra 爱乐乐团乳猪suckling pigvenue场所点心pastriescornucopia各类黄酒yellow rice winesuccessive eras 各个阶段烈性白酒 strong white liquorchronologically 从历史上敬酒toast withrepository陈列馆小啜take a sippremier art collection最重要的美术作品馒头steamed breadstriking portraits of Britons 不列颠人逼真的肖像热卡calories主食staple food饮食文化第二篇精选范本.food style饮食习惯以人为本,执政为民put people first in solid diet丰盛的食物administrationhealth food保健餐着力搞好宏观调空concentrate on doing Little Italy小意大利城macro-regulatory work wellGermantown德国城激发创造活力stimulate creativitynative specialties 家乡特色菜实施稳健的财政政策 follow prudent fiscal policy Creole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味三农工作是重中之重work relating agriculture, physical well-being 身体健康rural areas and farmers remains top priorityironic 讽刺的加强农田水利建设intensify development of preservative防腐剂irrigation and conservancy projectcheese 奶酪多渠道转移农业富余劳动力transfer surplusrural labor to nonagricultural jobs中国改革推进产业结构优化升级optimize and upgrade the 第一篇industrial structure翻天覆地的变化earthshaking changes加强生态建设strengthen ecological improvement 面貌焕然一新 take on a brand-new look推进财税体制改革promote the reform of fiscal 出 / 入境旅游outbound/inbound travel and tax system村/ 居委会village committee/urban neighborhood加强精神文明建设promote social and ethnical committee progress解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and加强行政能力建设和政风建设improve the clothing government’administrative capacity and style of 落实科学发展观follow a scientific approach of workdevelopment建设服务型政府service-oriented government精选范本.意气风发in high spirits forerunner前驱同心同德、再接再厉united with one heart and dwarf让⋯⋯相形见绌one mind, continue our concerted and unyieldingefforts第二篇overstate 夸大turn one’ s back on对⋯⋯封闭anarchy政治混乱warlordism军阀割据make up lost ground 收复失地springboard跳板with gusto满怀热情subsistence farming 自然经济marginal productivity边际生产力tariff barrier关税壁垒bolster保持joint venture 合资企业incremental capital output ratio 资本产出比率reckon估计purchasing power parity 购买力平价capital accumulation 资本积累demographic forecasts 人口统计学上的预见hiccup磕磕碰碰精选范本。



高级口译教程笔记unit11CateringCultureUNIT ELEVEN CATERRING CULTURE第一篇烹饪艺术culinary art ['k?lin?ri] adj. of, relating to, or used in the kitchen or in cookery民以食为天food is the paramount necessity of the people Paramount ['p?r?maunt] adj of the greatest importance or significance; pre-eminentNecessity [ni'sesiti] n. something needed for a desired result; prerequisiteunder the necessity (of doing sth.)不得己而(做某事), 不得不(做某事), 被迫(做某事)推陈出新creative efforts色、香、味color, aroma [?'r?um?]n.. and taste摆放layout冷盘cold dishes原料raw material作料调配the blending ['blendi?]n. of seasoning ['si:zni?]n. something that enhances the flavour of food, such as salt or herbs调味艺术the art of proper seasoning食物质地the texture of food刀功slicing ['slaisi?] n. technique乳猪suckling pig ['s?kli?]n. an infant or young animal that is still taking milk from the mother点心pastries ['peistri] n.黄酒yellow rice wine烈性白酒strong white liquor敬酒toast with小啜take a sip馒头steamed bread [sti:m] n.热卡calories主食staple food ['steipl]adj.第二篇food style 饮食习惯solid diet 丰盛的食物health food 保健餐Little Italy 小意大利城Germantown 德国城native specialties ['spe??lti]n. 家乡特色菜Creole accent ['?ks?nt] n. to the food 克里奥耳口味physical well-being 身体健康ironic [a?'r?n?k] 讽刺的preservative [pri'z?:v?tiv] something that preserves or tends to preserve, esp a chemical added to foods to inhibit decomposition 防腐剂cheese 奶酪食谱recipe山珍海味delicacies from land and seaTEXT PASSAGE ONE汉译英:1.中国悠久的历史、广褒的国土、与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。



Unit Two 8-10
Unit Three 11-15
Unit Four 16-19
Unit Five 20-24
Unit Six 25-26
Unit Seven 27-29
Unit Eight 30-32
Unit Nine 33-35
Unit Ten 36-39
重损失 ,人口比例大大失调 ,平均寿命降低 ,经济发展受阻 ,生活水平下降。遏制艾滋病的蔓
1 December 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. This year’s theme is “Lead –
Unit Eleven 40-41
Unit Twelve 42-44
Unit Thirteen 45-47
Unit Fourteen 48-49
Unit Fifteen 50-52
Unit Sixteen 53-56
pullover 套衫
vest 背心
limb 四肢
Part Five A Typical University Course in North America
orientation meeting 学期前会议
major in 主修
Empower – Deliver" Designating leadership as the theme provides an opportunity to highlight



文化交流PASSAGE ONE汉译英:1.现代化的交通与传播手段使世界变得越来越小,整个国际社会好似一个巨大的世界村。


Thanks to the means of modern transportation andcommunication, the world is getting s maller and smaller. And thewhole world community appears to be no more than a large g lobal village, where the residentscome together with different cultural backgrounds and v alues. While experiencing the inevitablecultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers” seek to live in harmony.2.当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象,而是与其他民族的文化进行广泛交流的产物。

In this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolatedphe nomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other cultures.3.当然,任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特征。

Of course, the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive nati onalfeatures.4.文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化。



PASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.Australia warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world.澳大利亚热烈欢迎来自世界各地的游客。

2.Australia is a land of exceptional beauty.澳大利亚是一个异常美丽的国家。

3.A series of geological and historical accidents have made Australia one of the world’s most attractive countries from the tourist’s viewpoint.地质史上,这块土地的地貌形态发生了一系列变化,澳大利亚在旅游者眼中成了世界上最吸引人的国家之一。

4.The vast movements of the earth’s curst created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zone.地壳的剧烈运动使澳大利亚成了幅员辽阔、与大陆分离、地处温、热带地区的国家。

5.This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled.由于澳大利亚人口稀少,大片土地仍属为开发的处女地。

6.Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, from tropical beach to white snow field, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.游客在澳大利亚可以观赏到各种地形风貌,从沙漠到热带雨林,从地处热带的海滩到白雪皑皑的田野,从扑朔迷离的大都市到人迹罕至的旷野。



1999.9上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试参考答案:SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTPart A: Spot Dictation1. the majority of employees2. that affect them3. two-way communication4. within the company5. set in motion6. between managers and staff7. value consultation with our workforce 8. to perform effectively9. know the basic facts 10. more efficient11. give you one example 12. new products13. some outline about a company’s profit14. its competitors15. future product plans 16. hear about it17. ignore the face 18. communicate with supervisors 19. what is going on 20. they haven’t been told formallyPart B: Listening Comprehension1-5 B D C A C 6-10 C B C A C11-15 C A D A D 16-20 A B D A CSECTION 2: READING TEST1-5 D D B C B 6-10 B C B D A11-15 C D B A D 16-20 D B C C BSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST如果各公司断然采取西立国家裁员的做法以增加利润,日本一度令人羡慕的失业率将上升至两位数。



单元11 辉瑞制药有限公司Welcome to Pfizer –the world’s largest, most valuable and fastest-growing pharmaceutical company. Ours is a noble purpose: to help realize humanity’s quest for longer, healthier, happier lives. Our mission is to become the world’s most value d company in serving patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners and the communities where we work and live. We now employ 90,000 people worldwide, turning well over $30 billion a year, spending more than $5 billion a year on research & development. Our products are available in more than 150 countries.欢迎各位光临辉瑞。






It all started back in 1849, when Charles Pfizer & Company opened as a fine-chemicals business. It was a modest red-brick building in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York. It served as office, laboratory, factory, and warehouse. The company’s first product was santonin – a palatable anti-parasitic which was an immediate success. For the past 154 years, Pfizer has been discovering, developing, manufacturing, and marketing leading prescription medicines for humans and animals and many of the world’s best-known consumer brands.追根溯源,1849年,查尔斯•辉瑞公司宣告成立,经营精细化学品。



上海英语高级口译资格证书第1阶段测试参考答案参考答案:SECTION 1:LISTENING TESTPart A: Spot Dictation1. government success2. talk about3. press conferences4. alert foreign correspondents5. local officials6. write their stories7. eye witness 8. opposition politicians9. check information 10. close to it11. inform other people 12. in an interesting way13. only one chance 14. element of repetition15. at the start of a report 16. shorten17. match the subject matter 18. royal wedding19. plane crash 20. making it difficult to understandPart B: Listening Comprehension1-5 D B D C B 6-10 C A D A D11-15 B A C A B 16-20 D A C B BSECTION 2: READING TEST1-5 A B A B C 6-10 B C C D B11-15 C D C D B 16-20 C B D C BSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST自达尔文以来,生物学家们一直坚信,大自然的运作是没有计划的或者是没有意义的,它不会通过直接的设计途径去追求目标。





1997.9上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试参考答案:SECTION1:LISTENING TESTPART A:Spot Dictation1. produce fuel2. four main areas3. a possible solution4. look at the oil crisis5. alternative energy sources6. fossil fuels7. harnessing of wind and waves 8. human and animal waste9. conversion of plant material 10. a large agriculture sector11. possiblility of using 12. in the production of alcohol13. has fallen dramatically 14. in the last decade15. dependent on 16. using their sugar17. relatively economical 18. other starchy plants19. in tropical countries 20. corn and sugar beetPART B: Listening Comprehension1-5 B D C A B 6-10 D B C A B11-15 C D B A B 16-20 A B B D BSECTION 2: READING TEST1-5 B C B D B 6-10 C C D B B11-15 D C C B B 16-20 D C B D CSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST对美国文化常见的批评,是说美国人过分热衷于物质产品而忽视人的精神。




高级口译英译汉必备15篇(1)Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world's most attractive counties from the tourist's viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686, 850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers.// The vast movements of the earth's crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.//澳大利亚是一个异常美丽的国家。



2011年上译考试高级口译笔试(全真试题+答案)完整版SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST(30 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the world or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play is very important for humans from birth to death. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of ___________ (1) that can tap into your creativity, and can allow you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others. I have collected the ___________ (2) of play here.Play can stimulate you ___________ (3). It can go against all the rules, and change the same ___________ (4). Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to ___________ (5) changed the world of entertainment. The next time you are stuck in a ___________ (6) way of life, pull out a box of color pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and ___________ (7) and break free. You will be amazed at the way your thinking ___________ (8).Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like-if___________ (9) each day in play? I bet just asking you this question has ___________ (10). Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment, ___________ (11). Starting today, try to get 30 minutes each day to engage in some form of play, and ___________ (12) rise!Play is known ___________ (13). Studies show that, as humans, play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and ___________ (14).With regular play, our problem-solving and ___________ (15) will be in much better shape to handle this complex world, and we are much more likely to choose ___________ (16) as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and __________ (17) to our daily living.Play can ___________ (18), curiosity, and creativity. Research shows that play is both a‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on’ learning process. It produces a deeper, ___________ (19) of the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story making, and playing out___________ (20).Part B: Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spokenONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.1. (A) in CherryBlossomsVillage ninety of the residents are over 85 years old.(B) In the United States, there are twice as many centenarians as there were ten years ago.(C) All the people studied by these scientists from Georgia live in institutions for the elderly.(D) Almost all the residents in CherryBlossomsVillage have unusual hobbies.2. (A) Whether the centenarians can live independently in small apartments.(B) Whether it is feasible to establish a village for the “oldest old〞people.(C) What percentage of the population are centenarians in the state of Georgia.(D) What the real secrets are to becoming an active and healthy 100-year-old.3. (A) Diet, optimism, activity or mobility, and genetics.(B) Optimism, commitment to interesting things, activity or mobility, and adaptability to loss.(C) The strength to adapt to loss, diet, exercise, and genetics.(D) Diet, exercise, commitment to something they were interested in, and genetics.4. (A) The centenarians had a high calorie and fat intake.(B) The centenarians basically eat something different.(C) The centenarians eat a low-fat and low-calorie, unprocessed food diet.(D) The centenarians eat spicy food, drink whiskey, and have sweet pork every day.5. (A) Work hard.(B) Stay busy.(C) Stick to a balanced diet.(D) Always find something to laugh about.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.6. (A) Global temperatures rose by 3 degrees in the 20th century.(B) Global warming may spread disease that could kill a lot of people in Africa.(C) Developed countries no longer depend on fossil fuels for transport and power.(D) The impact of the global warming will be radically reduced by 2050.7. (A) Taking bribes.(B) Creating a leadership vacuum at the country’s top car maker.(C) Misusing company funds for personal spending.(D) Offering cash for political favors.8. (A) The nation has raised alert status to the highest level and thousands of people have moved to safety.(B) The eruption of MountMerapi has been the worst in Indonesia over the past two decades.(C) All residents in the region ten kilometers from the base of the mountain have evacuated.(D) The eruption process was a sudden burst and has caused extensive damage and heavy casualty.9. (A) 6 to 7.(B) 8 to 10.(C) 11 to 16.(D) 17 to 25.10. (A) Curbing high-level corruption.(B) Fighting organized crime.(C) Investigating convictions of criminals.(D) Surveying the threats to national security.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.11. (A) A wine taster.(B) A master water taster.(C) The host of the show.(D) The engineer who works on the water treatment plant.12. (A) Berkeley Springs.(B) Santa Barbara.(C) Atlantic City.(D) Sacramento.13. (A) Being saucy and piquant.(B) Tasting sweet.(C) A certain amount of minerals.(D) An absence of taste.14. (A) Looking—smelling—tasting.(B) Tasting—smelling—looking.(C) Smelling—looking—tasting.(D) Tasting—looking—smelling.15. (A) Bathing.(B) Boiling pasta in.(C) Swimming.(D) Making tea.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.16. (A) Enhance reading and math skills.(B) Increase the students’ appreciation of nature.(C) Improve math, but not reading skills.(D) Develop reading, but not math skills.17. (A) To help the students appreciate the arts.(B) To make the students’ education more well-rounded.(C) To investigate the impact of arts training.(D) To enhance the students’ math skills.18. (A) Once weekly.(B) Twice weekly.(C) Once a month.(D) Twice a month.19. (A) Six months.(B) Seven months.(C) Eight months.(D) Nine months.20. (A) The children’s attitude.(B) The children’s test scores.(C) Both the children’s attitude and test scores.(D) Both the tea chers’ and the children’s attitude.SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST(30 minutes)SECTION 2: READING TEST(30 minutes)Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1—5Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong toddler starting to talk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their initial efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, around the start of middle or junior high school, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed and end up joining the ranks of underachievers. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often inextricably tied to their children’s success, it can be a bewildering, painful experience. So it’s no wonder some parent s find themselves hoping that, just maybe, ambition can be taught like any other subject at school.It’s not quite that simple. “Kids can be given the opportunities to become passionate about a subject or activity, but they can’t be forced,〞says Jacquelynne Eccles, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, who led a landmark, 25-year study examining what motivatedfirst-and seventh-grades in three school districts. Even so, a growing number of educators and psychologists do believe it is poss ible to unearth ambition in students who don’t seem to have much. They say that by instilling confidence, encouraging some risk taking, being accepting of failure and expanding the areas in which children may be successful, both parents and teachers can reignite that innate desire to achieve.Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer from an emotional or learning disability, or isn’t involved in some family crisis at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or peer pressure that conveys the message that doing well academically somehow isn’t cool. “Kids get so caught up in the moment-to-moment issue of will they look smart or dumb, and it blocks them from thinking about the long term,〞says Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford. “You have to teach them that they are in charge of their intellectual growth.〞Over the past couple of years, Dweck has helped run an experimental workshop with New York City public school seventh-graders to do just that. Dubbed Brainology, the unorthodox approach uses basic neuroscience to teach kids how the brain works and how it can continue to develop throughout life. “The message is that everything is within the kids’ control, that the ir intelligence is malleable,〞says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at ColumbiaUniversity who has worked with Dweck to develop and run the program, which has helped increase the students’ interest in school and turned around their declining math grade s. More than any teacher or workshop, Blackwell says, “parents can play a critical role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, strategy and progress rather than emphasizing their ‘smartness’ or praising high performance alone. Most of all, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.〞Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testing and rigid separation of students into different levels of ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. “These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,〞says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist and president of the Efficacy Institute, a Boston-area organization that works with teachers and parents in school districts around the country to help improve children’s academic performance. Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to a world beyond homework and tests, through volun teer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurricular activities. “The crux of the issueis that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,〞says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor who runs a Boston-area mentoring program called Project IF (Inventing the Future), which works to get low-income underachievers in touch with their aspirations. The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to disabuse them of the notion that classwork is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. Like any ambitious toddler, they need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?(A) Children are born with a kind of healthy ambition.(B) How a baby learns to walk and talk.(C) Ambition can be taught like other subjects at school.(D) Some teenage children lose their drive to succeed.2. According to some educators and psychologists, all of the following would be helpful to cultivate students’ ambition to succeed EXCEPT ________.(A) stimulating them to build up self-confidence(B) cultivating the attitude of risk taking(C) enlarging the areas for children to succeed(D) making them understand their family crisis3. What is the message that peer pressure conveys to children?(A) A sudden lack of motivation is attributed to the student’s failure.(B) Book knowledge is not as important as practical experience.(C) Looking smart is more important for young people at school.(D) To achieve academic excellence should not be treated as the top priority.4. The word “malleable〞in the clause “that their intelligence is malleable,〞(para.3) most probably means capable of being ________.(A) altered and developed(B) blocked and impaired(C) sharpened and advanced(D) replaced and transplanted5. The expression “to disabuse them of the notion〞(para.4) can be paraphrased as________.(A) to free them of the idea(B) to help them understand the idea(C) to imbue them with the notion(D) to inform them of the concept Questions 6—10Civil-liberties advocates reeling from the recent revelations on surveillance had something else to worry about last week: the privacy of the billions of search queries made on sites like Google, AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft. As part of a long-running court case, the government has asked those companies to turn over information on its users’ search behavior. Al l but Google have handed over data, and now the Department of Justice has moved to compel the search giant to turn over the goods.What makes this case different is that the intended use of the information is not related to national security, but the gov ernment’s continuing attempt to police Internet pornography. In 1998, Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), but courts have blocked its implementation due to First Amendment concerns. In its appeal, the DOJ wants to prove how easy it is to inadvertently stumble upon pore. In order to conduct a controlled experiment—to be performed by a UC Berkeley professor of statistics—the DOJ wants to use a large sample of actual search terms from the different search engines. It would then use those terms to do its own searches, employing the different kinds of filters each search engine offers, in an attempt to quantify how often “material that is harmful to minors〞might appear. Google contends that since it is not a party to the case, the government has not right to demand its proprietary information to perform its test. “We intend to resist their motion vigorously,〞said Google attorney Nicole Wong.DOJ spokesperson Charles Miller says that the government is requesting only the actual search terms, and not anything that would link the queries to those who made them. (The DOJ is also demanding a list of a million Web sites that Google indexes to determine the degree to which objectionable sites are searched.) Originally, the government asked for a treasure trove of all searches made in June and July 2005; the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries.One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case. If the built-in filters that each search engine provides are effective in blocking porn sites, the government will have wound up proving what the opposition has said all along—you don’t needto suppress speech to protect minors on the Net. “We think that our filtering technology does a good job protecting minors from inadvertently seeing adult content,〞says Ramez Naam, group program manager of MSN Search.Though the government intends to use these data specifically for its COPA-related test, it’s possible that the information could lead to further investigations and, perhaps, subpoenas to find out who was doing the searching. What if certain search terms indicated that people were contemplating terrorist actions or other criminal activities? Says the DOJ’s Miller, “I’m assuming that if something raised alarms, we would hand it over to the proper authorities.〞Privacy advocates fear that if the government request is upheld, it will open the door to further government examination of search behavior. One solution would be for Google to stop storing the information, but the company hopes to eventually use the personal information of consenting customers to improve search performance. “Search is a window into people’s personalities,〞says Kurt Opsahl, an Electronic Frontier Foundation attor ney. “They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.〞6. When the American government asked Google, AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft to turn over information on its users’ search behavior, t he major intention is _________.(A) to protect national security(B) to help protect personal freedom(C) to monitor Internet pornography(D) to implement the Child Online Protection Act7. Google refused to turn over “its proprietary informatio n〞(para.2) required by DOJ as it believes that ________.(A) it is not involved in the court case(B) users’ privacy is most important(C) the government has violated the First Amendment(D) search terms is the company’s business secret8. The ph rase “scaled back to〞in the sentence “the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries〞(para.3) can be replaced by _________.(A) maximized to(B) minimized to(C) returned to(D) reduced to9. In the sentence “One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.〞(para.4), the expression “sink its own case〞most probably means that _________.(A) counterattack the opposition(B) lead to blocking of porn sites(C) provide evidence to disprove the case(D) give full ground to support the case10. When Kurt Opsahl says that “They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.〞(para.5), the expression “Big Brother〞is used to refer to _________.(A) a friend or relative showing much concern(B) a colleague who is much more experienced(C) a dominating and all-powerful ruling power(D) a benevolent and democratic organizationQuestions 11—15On New Year’s Day, 50,000 inmates in Kenyan jails went without lunch. This was not some mass hunger strike to highlight poor living conditions. It was an extraordinary humanitarian gesture: the money that would have been spent on their lunches went to the charity Food Aid to help feed an estimated 3.5 million Kenyans who, because of a severe drought, are threatened with starvation. The drought is big news in Africa, affecting huge areas of east Africa and the Horn. If you are reading this in the west, however, you may not be aware of it—the media is not interested in old stories. Even if you do know about the drought, you may not be aware that it is devastating one group of people disproportionately: the pastoralists. There are 20 million nomadic orsemi-nomadic herders in this region, and they are fast becoming some of the poorest people in the continent. Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.How so? It comes down to the reluctance of governments, aid agencies and foreign lenders to support the herders’ traditional way of life. Instead they have tended to try to turn them into commercial ranchers or agriculturalists, even though it has been demonstrated time and again that pastoralists are well adapted to their harsh environments, and that moving livestock according to the seasons or climatic changes makes their methods far more viable than agriculture insub-Saharan drylands.Furthermore, African pastoralist systems are often more productive, in terms of protein and cash per hectare, than Australian, American and other African ranches in similar climaticconditions. They make a substantial contribution to their countries’ national economies. In Kenya, for example, the turnover of the pastoralist sector is worth $800 million per year. In countries such as Burkina Faso, Eritrea and Ethiopia, hides from pastoralists’ herds make up over 10 per cent of export earnings. Despite this productivity, pastoralists still starve and their animals perish when drought hits. One reason is that only a trickle of the profits goes to the herders themselves; the lion’s share is pocketed by traders. This is partly because the herders only sell much of their stock during times of drought and famine, when they need the cash to buy food, and the terms of trade in this situation never work in their favour. Another reason is the lack of investment in herding areas.Funding bodies such as the World Bank and-USAID tried to address some of the problems in the 1960s, investing millions of dollars in commerci al beef and dairy production. It didn’t work. Firstly, no one bothered to consult the pastoralists about what they wanted. Secondly, rearing livestock took precedence over human progress. The policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors. They were based on two false assumptions: that pastoralism is primitive and inefficient, which led to numerous failed schemes aimed at converting herders to modern ranching models; and thatA frica’s drylands can support commercial ranching. They cannot. Most of Africa’s herders live in areas with unpredictable weather systems that are totally unsuited to commercial ranching.What the pastoralists need is support for their traditional lifestyle. Over the past few years, funders and policy-makers have been starting to get the message. One example is intervention by governments to ensure that pastoralists get fair prices for their cattle when they sell them in times of drought, so that they can afford to buy fodder for their remaining livestock and cereals to keep themselves and their families alive (the problem in African famines is not so much a lack of food as a lack of money to buy it). Another example is a drought early-warning system run by the Kenyan government and the World Bank that has helped avert livestock deaths.This is all promising, but more needs to be done. Some African governments still favour forcing pastoralists to settle. They should heed the latest scientific research demonstrating the productivity of traditional cattle-herding. Ultimately, sustainable rural development in pastoralist areas will depend on increasing trade, so one thing going for them is the growing demand for livestock products: there will likely be an additional 2 billion consumers worldwide by 2020, the vast majority in developing countries. To ensure that pastoralists benefit, it will be crucial to give them a greater say in local policies. Other key tasks include giving a greater say to women, who play critical roles in livestock production. The rich world should pay proper attention to the plight of the pastoralists. Leaving them dependent on foreign food aid is unsustainable and will lead to more resentment, conflict, environmental degradation and malnu trition. It is in the rich world’s interests to help out.11. Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?(A) Forcing Africa’s nomadic herders to become ranchers will save them from drought.(B) The difference between pastoralist and agriculturalist is vital to the African people.(C) The rich world should give more support to the African people to overcome drought.(D) Environmental degradation should be the major concern in developing Africa’s pastoralism.12. The word “encaps ulates〞in the sentence “Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.〞(para. l) can be replaced by ________.(A) concludes.(B) involves.(C) represents.(D) aggravates.13. What is the author’s attitude toward A frican drought and traditional lifestyle of pastoralism?(A) Neutral and indifferent.(B) Sympathetic and understanding.(C) Critical and vehement.(D) Subjective and fatalistic.14. When the author writes “the policies and strategies of internat ional development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors.〞(para.4), he implies all the following EXCEPT that the aid agencies did not __________.(A) have an objective view of the situation in Africa(B) understand the unpredictable weather systems there(C) feel themselves superior in decision making(D) care about the development of the local people15. The author’s main purpose in writing this article in _________.(A) to evaluate the living conditions of Kenyan pastoralists(B) to give suggestions on the support of the traditional pastoralism in Africa(C) to illustrate the difference between commercial ranching and pastoralism(D) to criticize the colonial thinking of western aid agencies Questions 16—20The prospects for finding life beyond Earth may be brightening. Today, scientists are reporting evidence for yet another potential habitat in our solar system: Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Scientists mining new data from the Cassini spacecraft say they may have found evidence that Enceladus—the planet’s fourth-largest moon—hosts liquid water.If the results hold up, this would bring to four the number of bodies in the solar system—including Earth—that display active volcanism. And since life as biologists know it requires liquid water and a source of energy, Enceladus would join Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Titan, as well as Mars, as possible spots beyond Earth where simple forms of life may have gained or still maintain a foothold.The di scovery, however, is bittersweet for many scientists. NASA’s proposed budget for fiscal 2007 calls for a 50 percent cut in its astrobiology program. Although the program is a tiny piece of the agency’s overall spending plan for science, it’s a significant source of money for probing fundamental questions of how and why life emerged on Earth and whether life arose elsewhere in the universe.A 50-percent cut “is almost a going-out-of-business-level cut〞in a vibrant line of research that stands as one pilla r supporting President Bush’s vision for space exploration, says planetary scientist Sean Solomon, who heads the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.Nevertheless, the research in today’s issue of the journal Sci ence is the sort of thing that continues to light a fire under the field. Its report about liquid water under the icy surface of Enceladus is a “radical conclusion,〞acknowledges Carolyn Porco, who leads the imaging team working with data from the Cassini orbiter. But if the team is right, “we have significantly broadened the diversity of solar-system environments〞that might have rolled out the welcome mat “for living organisms,〞she concludes.Images released last fall show the moon ejecting vast plumes of material near its unexpectedly warm south pole. As the team pondered the evidence, they nixed several explanations, including the idea that the particles in the plumes were driven by vapor billowing out as ice reached the surface and immediately turned into a gas. The last idea standing: Liquid water was venting from reservoirs near the surface, perhaps only tens of meters below the frigid crust. This explanation also helped solve the riddle of puzzlingly high levels of oxygen atoms found in Saturn’s ne ighborhood.Confirmation could come with additional flybys, if water—and perhaps life—is present, it wouldn’t be “luxuriant,〞notes Jeffrey Kargel, a researcher at the University of Arizona at Tucson. It likely would face tough conditions—nasty chemicals, very low temperatures, and little energy to drive it. Still, he adds, it’s premature to cross the moon off the list of possible “outposts〞for life beyond Earth. Yet the prospect of building on these results could be dimmer with the threat of budget cuts. The proposed reductions post several challenges, researchers say.。



英语高级口译考试真题听力英语高级口译考试真题听力英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test,youwillhearapassageand read thesamepassage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear. the passage ONLY ONCE.The single markethas already had an enormous impact. Here inSpain there have been a greatnumberof _______________(1)andacquisitions where Frenchand Germancompanies have seen opportunities to enter a growing market. And as the barriers _______________(2) this has become more and more possible.As far as specific industries have been concerned, well, _______________(3), for example, is an industry which you would think was very _______________(4), but we haveseen over the last ten years how much different _______________(5) have changed, and this is very much a function of a single market. Frenchcompanies have been _______________(6) in this area. Theyve moved heavily into Spain and Italy and they have been largely responsible for marketing many _______________(7). Were seeing, in fact, southern eating habits moving north in Europe. _______________(8); we have yet to convince the Italians that eating British is preferable to eating Italian, but the move has been north to south _______________(9). Britain actually is one of the largest drinks producers in the world and Guinness has, for example, been very active in Spain _______________(10). So the food and drink industry has really opened out. With regard to _______________(11), we see a great deal more regulation of these companies because theyre obviously _______________(12). With electricity, youve got power plants giving off sulphur and all sorts of unpleasant things. _______________(13) everybodys ditching everything they don t want into the rivers, so theres more regulation now from Brussels. And there were also _______________(14) when the European markets opened up.Banking is an area where there has been a tremendous amount of activity with mergers between French and Spanish banks, _______________(15). Or if not full mergers, at least joint ventures. And there will be more of this to come. This was something _______________(16) some years ago: governments felt that the banking system was strategic to own economic development and therehad always been a very _______________(17). This has now changed. added to this there are controls on banks that have _______________(18), and indeed beyond Europe, in terms of their control of risk and exposure to poor credit quality. This is being applied worldwide and it is just a measure of how _______________(19) of industry is taking place. And there will certainly be _______________(20).Part B: LISTENING ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.1. (A) For two years. (B) For one year.(C) For three or four months. (D) For five or six weeks.2. (A) To cook breakfasts. (B) to comb her daughters hair.(C) To water the garden. (D) To do sewing.3. (A) Theres too much work to do. (B) She doesnt get paid enough.(C) She hasnt got a desk or a telephone. (D) Her office is too small.4. (A) In three months time. (B) In November.(C) Next month. (D) Two weeks from now.5. (A) She is a female Welsh MP.(B) Shes the first black woman to get into Parliament.(C) Shes not been nominated by any political party.(D) Shes not a member of either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.6. (A) 1.3 billon dollars. (B) 500 million dollars.(C) 20 million dollars. (D) 10 million dollars.7. (A) That the boy not be granted an asylum hearing.(B) That the boys Miami relatives have the right to keep the boy.(C) That the boy be prevented from leaving the country.(D) That only a parent can act for the boy.8. (A) Because the government has introduced new invement policies.(B) Because the inflation rate hit an all-time low in Jana.(C) Because high-tech industries have drawn a lot of investment from other countries.(D) Because foreign companies bought shares of Japanese firms.9. (A) To discuss Israels new peace proposals.(B) To decide on a secret location for a new round of peace talks.(C) To work out a framework peace deal.(D) To negotiate the date for Israels withdrawal from Lebanon.10.(A) A major breakthrough has been made in the talks between the opposing sides.(B) More than 30 foreign hostages are still held by the rebels.(C) A new government will be formed within the next 24 to 36 hours.(D) Foreign intervention is very much needed to stable the domestic situation.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.11. (A) The experience of working in different countries.(B) Differences between Britain and Germany.(C) The employment situation in Europe.(D) Different social customs in continental Europe.12. (A) Most German company executives speak better English than their british counterparts.(B) Company executives are more formal at work in Britain than in Germany.(C) British company employees have very poor language skills.(D) Company executives behave more or less the same in different countries.13. (A) Holding a lot of meetings before making decisions.(B) Little use of first names with colleagues.(C) Greeting each other whenever they meet.(D) The withering away of the custom of handshaking.14. (A) It is more usual to socialize with colleagues out of work in Germany.(B) Business operations are market-led in Britain.(C) Long-term plans are more important.(D) People are more formal in doing business than they used to.15. (A) Life long service for one comapny is rarely seen nowadays.(B) Young people move from company to company more often than older people.(C) People stay longer with the same company in Germany than in Britain.(D) The length of service with a comapny is more determined by the salary than before.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.16. (A) He studied as an undergraduate at Oxford.(B) He had done a few different jobs before the present one.(C) He hadjust given up a job of a similar kind.(D) He studied history and got a degree.17. (A) English speaking people who have interesting things to say.(B) People from different backgrounds, irrespective of the language they speak.(C) People doing important jobs.(D) Very famous people working in entertainment.18. (A) Christianity. (B) Religion in general.(C) An introduction to the Middle Ages. (D) A look back on the past century.19. (A) Less than thirty. (B) Around forty.(C) In his early fifties. (D) Nearly sixty.20. (A) he doesn t find it so exciting as the previous one.(B) It is interesting but the pay is not so good.(C) He loves it very much.(D) He feels that he might not be fit for it.【英语高级口译考试真题听力】。



单元1 中英论坛讲话1It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends。

The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。



It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning。

This year, we ha ve taken the theme ”The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me。



英译中1Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.中译英11995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥Z后建成通车的第四座大桥——奉浦大桥。




Welcome to Shanghai,Dr.and Mrs.Hill.2.请允许我做自我介绍。

Please allow me to introduce myself.3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。

My name is Jianxin Hong.I am deputy managing director of the Sino-American Ph armaceutical Co,Ltd.4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。

It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance .5. 我们去取行李吧。

We wil go there and pick up the luggage .4.久闻先生大名,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。

I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact,I referred to your researchfindings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies.6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。

It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here inShanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six month s.7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。


We will provide you with two lab assistants,and If necessary,we would like to invite one of your associates to join us.9.您若愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车40分钟可到我们的实验室。

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Unit Eleven Catering Culture 饮食文化(1)我国悠久的历史.广褒的国土.与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育中餐烹饪的独特艺术。






(1)China‘s long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures havegiven birth to t distinctive art of Chinese Culinary(中餐烹调).An ancient Chinese saying, still pop today, ―Food is t paramount necessity of t people.‖With several thousand years of creative and accumulative efforts,t Chinese cuisine has become increasingly popular among M&M overseas gourmets,serving as an envoy of friendship in China‘s external cultural exchanges.(2)Modern China enjoys a WW reputation as t ―kingdom of cuisine‖,t exquisite Chinese Culinary Art,has prevailed all over t world andregarded indisputably as one of t world‘s finest culinary traditions,T nearly endless variety o natural ingredients & methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled elsewhere in t world, which may very well account for t universal popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese cooking overseas.(3)评判中餐烹调的优劣可依据中餐的三大要素,即―色香味‖。







(3)T 3 essential elements,by which CCg is judged r known as ―color, aroma & taste‖.T ―color‖ of Chinese food, t first o these elements which is so evident in a Chinese banquet, includes t layout & design of dishes.Best exemplified by t large elaborately-prepared cold dish served at t beginning of t dinner.―Aroma‖implies more than what one‘s nose can detect directly;it also includes t freshness of t raw materials and t blending of seasonings.―Taste‖ is t art o proper seasoning,it also involves t texture o food & fine slicing techniques.These 3 essential elements, color, aroma, taste,are achieved by t careful coordination of a series of delicate steps:selecting ingredients, mixing flavor, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on t plate for t table.Visitors to China are often surprised when a typical dinner for a table of 8 people consists of 4 courses of cold dishes, 4 courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup & steamed rice;they consider this a lavish spread.(4)但在中国人眼里,以这种规格的晚餐招待宾客,只是一种起码的标准。

准备10 道份量适中的菜肴并不为过,即使献上16道菜,亦不足为奇。











(4)But in t Chinese mind, a dinner prepared as above for guests is t minimum requirement.10 courses of dishes, not necessarily prepared in huge quantities,would not be considered excessive, and few people would blink at 16.A standard banquet will consist of 4 to 8 prepared cold dishes, 8 hot dishes served one at atime, two whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a suckling pig or a chicken), in addition to soups, steamed rice and pastries.The dinner finishes up with fruit.Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet.In this way, a Chinese banquet takes on the character of a western buffet reception.(5)Often beer, yellow rice wine & strong white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.People at a table will usually ―Gan Bei‖ when toasting each other.―GB‖ means to raise up 1‘s WG & drink it all t way down so t glass is ―dried up to t last drop‖.People dry up their glasses to communicate message to others that they are sincere & joyful.It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass when toasting with his or her Chinese host.(6)但中国普通家餐却完全不同于宴席。







(6) HE, an average Chinese HM is quite dif in composition from a Chinese banquet.At an everyday HM, an adult may consume 2 small bowls of steamed rice,or a large bowel of noodles, or several pieces of steamed bread,accompanied by several meat or vegetable dishes,but not t other way round.For most Chinese, about 75% of an average HM‘s calories come from grain sources.(7)Traditionally, at t Chinese dining table everyone has his or her own bowl of staple food,that is, steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread,while t dishes are placed in t middle of t dinning table to be shared by all.This age-old custom is one manifestation of the importance of food in Chinese civilization: It‘s t cooked dishes, rather than flowers, that serve as centerpieces on a Chinese table;food is frequently t main topic of dinnertime conversation.Variety in t color & material of t dishes serves aesthetic ends, while t ritual of sharing t food from t same dishes is conducive to family togetherness & friendship.HE,In some more health-conscious environments, only ―public‖ chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in t middle of t dining table,so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases.(8)以上所介绍的情况对外国客人来说,虽不应是一种离奇的―天方夜谭‖,却也说明中国人在饮食方面所持的价值观与西方人有很大的不同。
