



TEXTPASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.Honorable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:尊敬的主席先生,女士们先生们:2.The world today asks for global cooperation to fight a common war against poverty.当今世界需要全球合作,共同向贫穷宣战。

3.The recent convening of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen bore witness to need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty. 最近在哥本哈根召开的联合国社会发展世界首脑会议,已经认识到国际社会携手起来迎战贫穷的必要性。

4.Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today.贫穷是当今世界面临的一个主要问题。

5.United Nations statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s population currently live below the poverty line.联合国统计数字表明20%的世界人口目前仍生活在贫困线以下。

6.In the past half century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have achieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially some newly industrialized nations arising in Asia and Latin America.在上半个世纪,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的许多发展中国家在经济和社会发展取得了显著的成就,尤其是一些亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴的工业化国家的出现。



高级口译教程经典背诵版之会议演讲TEXTPASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.Honorable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:尊敬的主席先生,女士们先生们:2.The world today asks for global cooperation to fight a common war against poverty.当今世界需要全球合作,共同向贫穷宣战。

3.The recent convening of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen bore witness to need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty.最近在哥本哈根召开的联合国社会发展世界首脑会议,已经认识到国际社会 携手起来迎战贫穷的必要性。

4.Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today.贫穷是当今世界面临的一个主要问题。

5.United Nations statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s population currently live below the poverty line.联合国统计数字表明 20%的世界人口目前仍生活在贫困线以下。

6.In the past half century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have achieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially some newly industrialized nations arising in Asia and Latin America.在上半个世纪,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的许多发展中国家在经济和社会发展 取得了显著的成就,尤其是一些亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴的工业化国家的出现。



高级口译教程(第四版)口译课文配套核心词汇第一单元外事接待第一篇制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd副总经理deputy managing director研究生graduate student论文paper研究成果research findings实验助手lab assistant市中心downtown area假日酒店Holiday Inn旅馆住宿费hotel accommodation fee招待所guesthouse舒适如归make fortable不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work排忧解难help sb.out第二篇Stanford University斯坦福大学a land of wonder充满奇观的国家head office总部magical power神奇的魅力Oriental东方的Confucianism儒家思想Taoism道家学说inexplicable难以言表的set foot on踏上……的土地cosmopolitan city国际大都市maximize充分利用in no time不久rewarding有成效的第二单元礼仪祝辞第一篇建交the establishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China不懈努力make unremitting efforts与时俱近keep pace with the times第一要务the primary task发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects高举......伟大旗帜uphold the great banner of科学发展观scientific outlook政策的连续性continuity of policy经济发展方式转变the transformation of the economic development pattern自主创新independent innovation包容性增长inclusive growth改善民生improve people’s well-being生态文明建设win-win result to everyone’s benefit互利共赢win-win本着……的精神it is in the spirit of一贯奉行in the persistent pursuit of双边关系bilateral relations祝酒join sb in a toast第二篇mission代表团gracious hospitality友好款待convey转达bosom friend知己thriving and robust蓬勃向上megalopolis特大型城市boast以……为自豪unequalled不能与……相媲美miraculous rise奇迹般地迅速崛起financial giants金融业的巨头business community商业界manufacturing industry制造业intellectual property rights知识产权joint consultancy service合资咨询服务机构transnational corporation跨国公司last but not least最后at one's earliest convenience在其方便的时候,尽早……cherish珍惜recession不景气第三单元商务谈判第一篇进出口商品交易会import and export commodities fair销售部经理sales managersupply department采购部brochure宣传小册子scope of business经营范围machine tool机床workmanship/craftsmanship工艺make an inquiry询价quotation报价C.I.F Seattle西雅图到岸价(*cost,insurance.freight)调整价格adjust the pricecompetitive具有竞争力bulk很大substantially大大地展台exhibition stand第二篇经营的新品new line of business汽车零部件auto partsupdate调整at the cost of不惜以……为代价our part我方报/发盘offer折扣discountsupplies货物free sample免费样品inspection检验floor offer底盘counter-offer还盘合同格式format of contract规格specification单价unit price保险费由贵方承担the insurance premium should be borne by your side business transaction生意顺利成交第四单元旅游观光第一篇广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery如诗如画poetic and picturesque名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty兵马俑The terra-cotta soldiers and horses故宫the Imperial Palace五岳之首the most famous of China's5great mountains险峻precipitousness幽静seclusion/steep武功Chinese martial arts峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal山外有山mountains beyond mountains融自然与文化景观于一体embody natural scenery and cultural heritage奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁grotesque rock formation,clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions历代文人雅士书法家famous ancient writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty 石刻碑文stone inscription重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty华夏祖先Chinese ancestors吉祥之地propitious place祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth联合国教科文组织UNESCO世界自然与文化遗产World heritage Commission第二篇geological accident地貌变化the earth's crust地壳temperate climatic zone热带地区unique fauna and flora珍禽奇兽,奇花异草Great Barrier大堡礁Ayer's Rock阿叶尔斯石柱山Kakadu National Park卡喀杜国家公园Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院skiing resort滑雪场gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产总值camping park野营公园caravan and cabin汽车旅馆,公寓住所international cuisine国际烹饪水准ethnic restaurant风味餐厅departure tax stamp离境印花税票American Express美国运通信用卡第五单元大会发言第一篇二十国集团G20(group of20)国家主权债务Sovereign debt系统重要性金融机构systemically-important financial institutions汇率大幅波动currencies fluctuate drastically大宗商品价格高位震荡Bulk commodity prices hover at a high level同舟共济、合作共赢的精神staying united in times of trouble and collaborating with each other for a win-win situation有机统一体integral concept首要任务top priority实体经济real economy财政政策fiscal policies不能一蹴而就It cannot be realized overnight由温饱到小康的历史性跨越historic breakthrough from a period of having only their basic needs met底子薄weak economic basis发展诉求development aspirations联合国千年发展目标the lennium Development Goals任重道远an arduous uphill task兑现承诺honor in good faith减免债务debt reduction and annihilation双边货币互换协议bilateral currency swap agreements提供信贷支持provide credit support清迈倡议多边化ChingMai Initiative Multilateralization优惠贷款concessional loans免关税待遇zero-tariff treatment第二篇in an atmosphere of learning在学术气氛中incubator孵卵器inception涌现undergrads大学生reengineer调整reduce inventory缩短开发周期cumulative日积月累compound rate复利率operating margins营业利率turnover周转次数outstanding receivable未清应收帐strategic sourcing initiative开源节流战略customer-driven以顾客为驱动力service-oriented服务型put a new premium on高度重视managerial competence管理能力Fortune500companies财富500强expertise专门技术win-win thinking双赢思维group synergy协作精神hold sb.accountable for让……放手做hold a grudge against怀恨在心第六单元宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原a soil deposit plain land常住居民permanent residents磁悬浮列车the maglev train长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta龙头作用play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty 石油化工产业the petrochemical industry精细化工产业the fine chemical家用电器产业the home electrical appliance industry生物医药产业the bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry支柱产业pillar industry历史文物保护单位sites of historical interest and cultural relics under protection 海派文化Shanghai regional culture美食家gourmet清真authentic Muslim万国建筑博览会exhibition of the world's architecture内环线高架道路elevated inner beltway野生动物园the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动New year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会Temple Fair桂花节Sweet Osmanthus Festival海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold 乘骐骥以驰骋兮on your steed galloping来吾道夫先路on my road pioneering聪明、精明、高明bright,smart,wise第二篇British Commonwealth英联邦physically spread out布局分散predominant主导conglomeration聚结commute外来工作者prominent landmark显著的地貌标志Saint Paul's Cathedral圣保罗大教堂Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂monarchy君主政体coronation加冕礼Buckingham Palace白金汉宫hub中心slum贫民窟lavish豪华philharmonic orchestra爱乐乐团venue场所cornucopia各类successive eras各个阶段chronologically从历史上repository陈列馆premier art collection最重要的美术作品striking portraits of Britons不列颠人逼真的肖像第七单元参观访问第一篇学科门类branches of learning综合性研究型大学a comprehensive research university学位点degree program国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering网络教育online education科举制imperial examination日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination治学态度educational philosophy取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith文理工医科综合性大学a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts,science,engineering and medicine全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions社会转型时期a period of social transition百年传承之名校a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem第二篇Vancouver温哥华Canada’s gateway to the pacific加拿大通往太平洋的门户The Panama Canal巴拿马运河Natural ice-free harbor天然不冻港Manufactured goods制成品Lumber and paper milling伐木、造纸Oil refining炼油Metal fabricating金属锻造Printed matter印刷Real estate房地产Triple增至3倍Quadruple增至4倍Quintuple增至5倍High-rise office building摩天办公楼Boutique时装礼品店Ethnic group少数民族团体Planetarium天文馆Aquarium水族馆Skating rink溜冰场Botanical garden植物园Conservatory of exotic plants异国植物花房Maple tree枫树Sap树液syrup糖浆第八单元人物访谈第一篇新闻集团创始人founder of News Corporation Sage圣人Prescient有先见之明的It is fitting that.......是恰逢其时的Fuse融合Unsettling令人惶恐的Traverse boundaries跨领域的On an unprecedented scale以空前的规模Discrete sectors各自为政的领域电子书e-reader尖端手机sophisticated mobile phones异想天开starry-eyed,half-glimpsedDigital audience数字受众The embrace of the digital迎接数字时代Mediocre平庸Expand revenues提升收入Reckless piracy肆无忌惮的盗版Pragmatic policy务实的政策遵纪守法的公民law-observing citizensCliche陈词滥调Both inheritor and custodian既是传承者也是守护者第二篇中国农历新年Chinese New Year精髓essence陶器pottery京剧戏装Costumes of Peking Opera莫高窟复制品the replica of the Mogao Grottoes青铜战车the bronze chariot战国早期的礼仪乐器ritual musical instruments produced early in the Warring States Period 八音度a range of octave音域宽wide range定音tone setting瑟,笙,箫,鼓se,sheng,xiao,drums骨笛bone flute摇篮cradle舞台服饰performance costumes夸张和象征的手法exaggeration and symbolic means名模famous model文明多样性cultural diversity全面战略伙伴关系comprehensive strategic partnership造福人民bring benefit to people第九单元文化交流第一篇书香浓郁distinctive academic atmosphere独特的办学风格unique way of school management诺贝尔奖获得者Nobel laureate耶鲁校友Yale alumnus开拓进取精神pioneering and enterprising spirit历史流变the backdrop of evolution鸦片战争the Opium war民族复兴national rejuvenation辛亥革命the Revolution of1911推翻君主专政制度overthrow the feudal autocracy艰苦创业pioneering enterprise with painstaking efforts沧桑巨变profound changes与时俱进keep pace with the times民为邦本,本固邦宁People are the foundation of a country and when the foundation is stable, the country is at peace.自强不息,革故鼎新unremitting self-improvement,reform and innovation传世格言ancient motto历经挫折而不屈survive numerous setbacks and adversity屡遭坎坷而不馁grow in succession and maintain uphill development坚忍不拔determination顽强毅力great tenacity生动写照reflect vividly亲仁善邻benevolence and good-neighborliness强不执弱,富不侮贫the strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor协和万邦all nations live side by side in perfect harmony兼收并蓄,博采众长all-embracing and learn widely from others’strong points第二篇millennium千年landmark标志性reclusive避世隐居Danish architect Jorn Utzon丹麦设计师钧恩乌特松with media access有机会接触媒体architectural icon建筑业偶像in the pantheon of在……的万神殿中a complete one-off空前绝后was quite at odds with相去甚远rectilinear垂直式maverick genius独树一帜的奇才promontory海角backdrop背景in high dudgeon一怒之下manifold difficulties各种各样的困难seductive beauty有魅力的纯美patron资助人第十单元科学报告第一篇萌芽阶段the embryo stage黄帝内经Huang Di’s Classic of Medicine神农本草经Shennong’s Herbal Classic of Materia Medica主治、功用和毒性primary treatments,functions and toxic character药典pharmacopoeia救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying职业道德规范professional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老defer senility诊断疾病diagnose disease阴阳对立制约yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining互根互用be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡proportionally change with the decrease of one,resulting in,or from the increase of the other新陈代谢metabolism临床治疗方法clinical treatment针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion按摩推拿medical massage气功疗法deep breathing exercises第二篇astrobiology天体生物学nitrogen氮hydrogen氢oxygen氧气photosynthesis光合作用equilibrium平衡meteor流星embedded埋植carbon compound碳化合物hypothesis假设Antarctic南极的aesthetics审美观the Leonid meteor showers狮子座流星雨debris碎片comet彗星The Azores亚速尔群岛Infrared spectrographs红外线摄谱仪organic molecule有机分子spectrographic摄谱的disseminate散布prebiotic life前生物生命galaxy银河系第十一单元饮食文化第一篇烹饪艺术culinary art民以食为天food is the first happiness推陈出新creative efforts色、香、味color,aroma and taste摆放layout冷盘cold dishes原料raw material作料调配the blending of seasoning调味艺术the art of proper seasoning食物质地the texture of food刀功slicing technique乳猪suckling pig点心pastries黄酒yellow rice wine烈性白酒strong white liquor敬酒toast with小啜take a sip馒头steamed bread热卡calories主食staple food第二篇food style饮食习惯solid diet丰盛的食物health food保健餐Little Italy小意大利城Germantown德国城native specialties家乡特色菜Creole accent to the food克里奥耳口味physical well-being身体健康ironic讽刺的preservative防腐剂第十二单元信息时代第一篇清风送爽with refreshing and pleasant breeze 世界媒体峰会the World Media Summit媒体从业者media professional大调整时期major adjustments世界多极化multi-polarization跨国有组织犯罪transnational organized crime传染性疾病等infectious diseases热点问题此起彼伏hot-spot issues have kept flaring up顺应时代潮流embrace the trend of times提高公信力increase credibility新闻从业基本准则the basic code of conduct in news professional 贴近实际stay close to realities增强亲和力be more accessible弘扬社会正气promoting healthy trends疏导公众情绪easing public emotional stress搞好舆论监督ensuring supervision by public opinion保障人民知情权safeguard the people’s rights of information常驻记者resident reporter政务公开promote transparency in government affairs第二篇free-rider无票搭车者Entitled to the property享用产权作品是天经地义的Intransigence不妥协Counterbalance对付The paint of a basketball court三秒区Do...at one’s peril铤而走险Premium scoring最佳得分点Metaphor比喻Breakthrough突破口Staggering惊人的Ponderous笨重的Fleet-footed shooter机灵的投手Three-point arc三分弧线Portal入口Crowd-sourcing众包Breaking news突发新闻Digital protocol数字协议Steer aggregator traffic信息汇总商Curate当......馆长Conduit向导第十三单元改革发展第一篇翻天覆地的变化earthshaking changes与西域交往start contacts with the Western Region鼎盛时期the prime time航海家navigator故步自封complacent and conservative康乾盛世The Kangxi-Qianlong Prosperity盲目自大blind complacency后来居上catch up from behind视......为“奇技淫巧”dismiss...as clever but useless沦为半殖民地become a semi-colonial country备受列强欺侮subjected to the bullying and humiliation of foreign powers崩溃的边缘on the blinks of collapse人均寿命average life expectancy免费义务教育free compulsory education老有所养the old cared for充满活力的体制dynamic system闭关自守seclusion体制创新institutional innovation资源配置allocating resources政通人和promote stability and harmony潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬From shore to shore it is wide at high tide,and before fair wind a sail is lifting第二篇overstate夸大turn one’s back on对……封闭anarchy政治混乱warlordism军阀割据make up lost ground收复失地springboard跳板with gusto满怀热情subsistence farming自然经济marginal productivity边际生产力tariff barrier关税壁垒bolster保持joint venture合资企业incremental capital output ratio资本产出比率reckon估计purchasing power parity购买力平价capital accumulation资本积累demographic forecasts人口统计学上的预见hiccup磕磕碰碰forerunner前驱dwarf让……相形见绌第十四单元外交政策第一篇利益交融interests closely interwoven不可阻挡的时代潮流irresistible trend of the times热点问题此起彼伏unceasing hot-spot issues联合国安理会常任理事国permanent member of the UN Security Council国际风云变幻international situation may involve培育战略互信foster strategic mutual trust尊重核心利益respect each other’s core interests主权独立和领土完整Sovereignty,independence and territorial integrity国际关系基本准则the norms governing international relations国家元首the head of state防扩散non-proliferation拓展民用航空develop cooperation in civil aviation注入新动力infuse fresh impetus双边渠道与多边机制bilateral channels and multilateral mechanisms减灾防灾reduction of damages by taking precautions against disasters打击跨国犯罪fight transnational crimes防止重大传染病等prevention and treatment of serious communicable diseases 建立人文交流机制establish a mechanism of people-to-people exchange第二篇diplomacy外交手段monetary structure货币组织military deterrence军事威慑utmost purpose最高宗旨subordinate服从于overshadow黯然失色initiative主动行动downright distrust不信任的传统utility利用authorization授权sponsorship操办intervention干预take…into account考虑到IMF国际货币基金组织trade deficits贸易赤字commitment致力于war-torn遭受战争破坏elite上层人物critiquemilitary alliance军事联盟confrontationdemobilization/remobilization遣散军队/重组军队第十五单元国际关系第一篇纪念……成立……周年commemorate…anniversary of the founding of恪守承诺commitment to《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter 善邻之道live together in peace with one another as good neighbors划时代意义epoch-making里程碑milestone人类社会沧桑巨变stupendous changes in human society国际舞台风云变幻vicissitudes in the international arena地区热点问题regional hot spot issue民族分裂势力regional separatists极端宗教势力religious extremist毒品走私drug trafficking传染性疾病communicable disease坚持多边主义uphold multilateralism摈弃冷战思维abandon the Cold War mentality标本兼治address both symptoms and root causes裁军与军备控制disarmament and arms control防止核扩散prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons包容精神the spirit of inclusiveness文明多样性diversity of civilization兼容并蓄的和谐世界harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other 休戚与共的命运interests and destinies第二篇subsequent endeavor此后的努力humanitarian人道主义者refrain不以non-intervention不干涉domestic jurisdiction内部事务the minimum doe of conduct最起码的行为准则the Security Council安理会paralysis瘫痪veto right否决权incapacitate无所作为nuclear weapon proliferation核武器扩散communicable disease传染性疾病buffer conflicts缓解冲突enforcement强制meddle管闲事manifold多种多样permeate渗透practice tolerance宽容忍让transcend differences超越差异convergence of interests共同利益的汇合点coercion高压政治tackle处理。




Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill.2.请允许我做自我介绍。

Please allow me to introduce myself.3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。

My name is Jianxin Hong, I am deputy managing director of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.4.久闻先生大名。

I have long heard about you.5.事实上,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。

As a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in my couple of papers during my graduate studies.6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人身感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。

It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months. 7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。

We will provide you with two lab assistants.8.必要时,我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一项研究工作。

If necessary, we would like to invite one of your associates to join us.9.您要是愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车三十分钟可到我们的实验室。



Part A About the theme后发现代化国家 a new comer striving formodernization借鉴国际经验draw experience from internationalpractice在和平崛起进程中in the process of (its/her) peacefulrise以自己为主rely on itself关注和解决问题address and resolve problems走出……道路blaze a trail能源节约energy conservation形成中国特色的节约方式shape up a China styleenergy-saving approach农村富余劳动力superfluous rural labor force有中国特色的stamped with Chinesecharacteristics解决这个世界级的大难题tackle the formidable universalproblem引导农村富余劳动力有序流动provide guided and orderly flow ofredundant rural labor forcebetween the countryside and thecity提高就业和创业本领enhance one’s skill to enter theworkforce or to start his ownbusiness保持东部沿海城市发展活力maintain the dynamics of economicgrowth of eastern costal areas掠夺别国资源loot resources of other countries输出意识形态和价值观念export its own ideology and values掠夺式经营the predatory operation model消耗人类不可再生资源consume unrenewable resources己所不欲;勿施于人What you do not want done toyourself, do not do to others.Part B For Structure极其需要be badly in need of在……进程中in the process of(中国的现代化一定要)有(中国特色)bear比如for instance在……问题上with regard to人均per capita热衷于be bent on不做某事refrain from doing sth.Unit Nine II主题词汇绝非易事it is anything but easy (it is no easy thing …)排在后列lag behind (the world)人均资源占有量per capita hold of resources短缺be in tight supply生态环境ecological environment环境污染严重severe pollution生态状况恶化deteriorating ecological conditions资源消费巨大huge consumption of resources回收率低low reclamation成为……的瓶颈become a bottleneck for sth.中国经济保持可持续性发展become a bottleneck for the sustainabledevelopment of the Chinese economy既要注重公平、减少差距,又要保持活力、提高效率balance emphasis on equality and narrowingdown gaps against efforts to maintain vitalityand enhance efficiency in economic activity 科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥High technology content, good economicreturns, low energy consumption, minimumenvironmental pollution, and full use of laborresources决心走出一条新的工业化道路be determined to blaze a new road inindustrialization近代in modern world history新兴大国传统的崛起之路the conventional development model ofemerging big powers以意识形态划线draw the line between friends and enemies onideological basis以暴力手段掠夺资源谋求世界霸权seek world domination by looting resourcesaround the world by force冷战对峙称霸争霸take the Cold-War confrontational approach inthe power struggle for world hegemony不合时宜的社会治理模式the anachronistic public governance model致力于构建和谐社会commit itself to the build-up of a harmonioussociety出现问题problems cropping up活力与失范并存vitality coexisting with disorder效率与失衡并存efficiency running alongside imbalance构建政府调控机制frame. a governmental regulatory mechanism 提高执政水平enhance governance capability改进社会服务improve public service奋发图强brace up泛用词汇应对cope with在……方面in terms of而且……coupled with面对in the face ofconfronted with有……特点的characterized by寒假班的学员们,这是高口的最后一篇了,i这篇中的词组与之前我们上课时讲过的有很多重复的单词。



高级口译教程第四版passage2Unit One ReceptionPassage 2原文:Hello, I’m Robert Brown form Stanford University. I’m very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder.This is a long-expected trip. All these years I’ve been looking forward to visiting this great and legendary country, and I feel very honored and pleased that I’ll be working with my Chinase colleagues in the head office of your automobile group. As you know, this is my very firs t visit to China, and I’m here to witness with my own eyes the magical power of the once very remote “Oriental Dragon.” You can imagine how excited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental civilization introduced me to the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable “China dream”.And I’m even more excited now that I’ve set foot on the beautiful land of China. I’ve had my “China dream” for years and I’m here to realize this dream. Just think this charming cosmopolitan city is going to be my home for the remaining days of the year! There’s so much to learn about this mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the c urrent reform. I’m really looking forward to my Chinese life.I’ll maximize this opportunity to learn as much as Ican and make as many friends as I can. I promise I’ll become a real expert on China in no time.Of course, I’ll work closely with my Chinese c olleagues onour research projects, through which I believe I’ll realize my “China dream” in the most rewarding direction.译文:您好!我是来自斯坦福大学的罗伯特·布朗。



Topic One ReceptionTeaching procedure:I. Introduction :1. Introduction of the arrangement of the course.Text book: An advanced course of interpretationAim: Improve students English speaking ability and interpretation skill.II. Class activities:1. Greetings with the students.2. Warming up activities:A.Easy interpretation practice: a. C-E: 一天,一位丈夫陪伴妻子买东西。





过了一会,妻子指者外面的月亮对丈夫说:亲爱的,你看天上的月亮多美啊!丈夫没加思索回答到:啊,亲爱的,多少钱?b. E-C Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday inNovember.People get together with friends and family for abig meal. Many people eat roast turkey, potatoes, cranberrysauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Most people don’t workthe Friday after Thanksgiving, so it’s a long four-dayweekend. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.3.Text book activities:P6A. An Introduction to InterpretationThe Definition of Interpretation:口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在跨文化,跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。



文化交流PASSAGE ONE汉译英:1.现代化的交通与传播手段使世界变得越来越小,整个国际社会好似一个巨大的世界村。


Thanks to the means of modern transportation andcommunication, the world is getting s maller and smaller. And thewhole world community appears to be no more than a large g lobal village, where the residentscome together with different cultural backgrounds and v alues. While experiencing the inevitablecultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers” seek to live in harmony.2.当代社会的任何一个民族,其先进文化不是孤立的现象,而是与其他民族的文化进行广泛交流的产物。

In this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolatedphe nomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other cultures.3.当然,任何一个民族的文化,其根基与主流必须具有这个民族的鲜明特征。

Of course, the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive nati onalfeatures.4.文化交流不是让外国文化吞没自己的文化,而是为了丰富和充实本民族的文化。

高级口译第三版教程4 部分内容

高级口译第三版教程4 部分内容









Shanghai is one of the world's largest seaports and among China's biggest industrial, commercial, financial and shipping centers. Here you will see the world's fastest means of land transportation, the maglev train, and the tallest tower in Asia, the Oriental Pearl Tower, marking metaphorically the speed and height of Shanghai. With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the Far East, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in the Yangtze River Delta. Meanwhile, Shanghai has attract millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm. As an international metropolis, Shanghai provides direct flights to more than 60 cities in the world.以东方明珠闻名于世的上海是中国通向世界的东大门。



高级口译经典背诵会议演讲.doc:高级口译会议演讲 PASSAGE ONE 英译汉:1.Honorable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: 尊敬的主席先生,女士们先生们:2.The world today asks for global cooperation to fight acommon war against poverty. 当今世界需要全球合作,共同向贫穷宣战。

3.The recent convening of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development inCopenhagen bore witness to need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty. 最近在哥本哈根召开的联合国社会发展世界首脑会议,已经认识到国际社会携手起来迎战贫穷的必要性。

4.Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today. 贫穷是当今世界面临的一个主要问题。

5.United Nations statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s population currently live below thepoverty line. 联合国统计数字表明 20%的世界人口目前仍生活在贫困线以下。

6.In the past half century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America haveachieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially some newlyindustrialized nations arising in Asia and LatinAmerica. 在上半个世纪,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的许多发展中国家在经济和社会发展取得了显著的成就,尤其是一些亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴的工业化国家的出现。



高级口译教程》核心词汇(3)大会发言大会发言第一篇20国集团g 20(group of 20)央行行长Central Bank Governor生物科技bio-technology科技进步日新月异science and technology have been making continuous progress 金融风暴financial turbulence贸易壁垒trade barriers保护主义protectionism取长补短make full use of favorable condition and promote complementarity注入新的活力inject new vitality to关税tariff减免债务debt relief优惠贷款concessional load转轨国家countries in transition灵活务实flexible and pragmatic由温饱到小康 a period of having only basic needs met to a comfortable life历史性跨越 a historic breakthrough底子薄weak economic basis全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in an all-around way科学发展观the guideline of scientific development扩大内须expand domestic demand科技含量高high scientific and technological content转变经济增长方式the transformation of the economic growth mode提高自主创新能力enhance innovative ability促进城乡区域协调发展facilitate a balanced development between rural and urban areas以人为本people-centered顺应时代潮流as a response to the trend of our times大会发言第二篇in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中incubator 孵卵器inception 涌现undergrad 大学生reengineer 调整reduce inventory 缩短开发周期cumulative 日积月累compound rate 复利率operating margin 营业利率turnover 周转次数outstanding receivable 未清应收帐strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略customer-driven 以顾客为驱动力service-oriented 服务型put a new premium on 高度重视managerial competence 管理能力Fortune 500 companies 财富500强expertise 专门技术win-win thinking 双赢思维group synergy 协作精神hold sb. accountable for 让……放手做hold a grudge against 怀恨在心。



《高级口译教程》(第四版)配套核心词汇(科学报告)《高级口译教程》(第四版)配套核心词汇(科学报告)量子力学 quantum mechanics天体物理学 astrophysics遗传工程 genetic engineering生物化学 biochemistry环境科学 environmental science温室效应 greenhouse effect生命层 biosphere食物链 food chain定律 law定理 theorem方程式 equation公式 formula假说 hypothesis虚拟现实 virtual reality计算机文化 cyberculture超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol三维全息图像 three-dimensional holographic image网民 netizen网络世界 cyber world; cyberia网络空间 cyberspace网吧cybercafé主页 home page网上冲浪 Web-surfing万维网搜索引擎 Web search-engine计算机辅导设计/制造 CAD (computer-aided design)针灸穴位 acupuncture points and meridians针刺疗法/麻醉 acupuncture therapy/anesthesia艾灸/拔火罐/气功疗法moxibustion/cupping/breathing technique therapy刮痧疗法 skin scraping therapy with water or vegetable oil理疗 physical therapy切脉 feeling the pulse偏方 folk prescription秘方 secret prescription (of excellent curative effect)相生相克 mutual generation and restriction阴阳五行学说the theory of yin-yang and five elements (of metal, wood, water, fire and earth)内伤七情(喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊)internal causes (of joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and surprise)外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火) external causes (of wind, cold, dryness, wetness, heat and fire)草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉 four properties of medical herb: cold, hot, warm and cool草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸 five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty五行学说是关于物质相生相克的理论,相生关系为木生火、火生土、土生金、金生水、水生木,相克关系为木克土、火克金、土克水、金克木、水克火。



2020年英语翻译资格高级口译考点(2)中国改革第一篇:翻天覆地的变化 earthshaking changes面貌焕然一新 take on a brand-new look出/入境旅游 outbound/inbound travel村/居委会 village committee/urban neighborhood committee解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing落实科学发展观 follow a scientific approach of development以人为本,执政为民 put people first in administration着力搞好宏观调控 concentrate on doing macro-regulatory work well激发创造活力 stimulate creativity实施稳健的财政政策 follow prudent fiscal policy三农工作是重中之重 work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority增强农田水利建设 intensify development of irrigation and conservancy project多渠道转移农业富余劳动力 transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs推动产业结构优化升级 optimize and upgrade the industrial structure增强生态建设 strengthen ecological improvement推动财税体制改革 promote the reform of fiscal and tax system增强精神文明建设 promote social and ethical progress增强行政水平建设和政风建设improve the government’s administrative capacity and style of work建设服务型政府 service-oriented government意气风发 in high spirits同心同德、再接再厉 united with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts。



高级英语口译笔记高级口译笔记——礼仪祝词(Ceremonial Speech)开幕/闭幕式opening/closing ceremony开幕词opening speech/address致开幕词make an opening speech友好访问goodwill visit阁下Y our/His/Her Honor/Excellency贵宾distinguished guest尊敬的市长先生Respected Mr.Mayor远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific 东道国host country 宣布……开幕declare……open值此之际on the occasion of借此机会take this opportunity to以……名义in the name of本着……精神in the spirit of代表on the behalf of由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks友好款待gracious hospitality正式邀请officioa invitation回顾过去look back on展望未来look ahead/look into the future最后in closing圆满成功 a complete success提议祝酒propose a toast亚太地区Asian-Pacific region建交establishment of diplomatic relations between互访exchange of visit外交政策foreign policy一贯奉行in persistent pursuit of平等互利equality and mutual benefit双边关系bilateral relations持久和平lasting peace贸易额trade volume商业界business community跨国公司transnational corporation经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power1.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意。



UNIT TWO A CEREMONIAL SPEECH下excellency建交 establishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探 offshore oil exploration弱、任人宰割enduring impoverishment and longstanding deblity落后就要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks.刻骨心的教never forgotten lesson中民族的大复 rejuvenate the nation 不懈努力 unremitting efforts与俱 keep pace with the times 第一要 on the primary task展是硬道理 development is of overriding importance 科学展 scientific outlook和社会harmonious society互利共win-win result本着⋯⋯的精神 in the spirit of ⋯一奉行 in persistent pursuit of 双关系bilateral relations祝酒join me in toastmission 代表gracious hospitality 友好款待convey 达bosom friend 知己last but not least 最后at one's earliest convenience 在其方便的候,尽早⋯⋯cherish 珍惜economic recession 不景气ensure a sustained growth 确保持增on the occasion of允我借⋯⋯的机会⋯⋯Economic power 大国Stay focused on 孜孜不倦的做A moderately prosperous society 小康社会海内存知己,天涯若比long distance separates no bosom friends迎 / 开幕 / 幕 welcome / opening / closing speech / address致开幕 / 幕 deliver / make an opening / closing speech 开幕 /幕式 opening / closing ceremony字式signing ceremony友好goodwill visit宣布⋯⋯开幕 declare⋯open; declare the commencement / opening of ⋯宣布⋯⋯幕declare the conclusion / closing of ⋯表情友好的 make a warm and friendly speech 情洋溢的迎 gracious speech of welcome尊敬的市先生 respected / respectable / honorable Mr. Majorthriving and robust 蓬勃向上陛下 Your / his / her Majestymegalopolis 特大型城市殿下 Your / his / her Highness / Excellency / royal Highness boast 以⋯⋯自豪下 our / his / her honor / Excellencyunequalled 不能与⋯⋯相媲美夫人 madammiraculous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起以⋯⋯的名in the name offinancial giants 金融的巨由衷的意heartfelt thanksbusiness community 商界承蒙⋯⋯的盛情邀 at the gracious invitation ofmanufacturing industry 制造回去 look back on; in retrospectIPR(intellectual property rights) 知展望未来 look ahead; look into the futurejoint consultancy service 合咨服机构最后 in conclusiontransnational corporation 跨国公司提祝酒 propose a toast荣幸地答您予我的情招待have the honor of reciprocating your warm reception愉快地答您情洋溢的迎have the pleasure in replying to your gracious speech of welcome着国人民的深厚感情with profound and amicable sentiments for your people道来 /来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land / the other side of the Pacific 作国人民的友好使者 as an envoy of friendship of your people随同易代表来的商界朋友friends from the business community accompanying the trade delegation增我彼此之的理解 & 友 increase / strengthen / promote / expand our mutual understanding and friendship 促我之友好合作 promote / facilitate/ enhance / strengthen / advance our friendly relations of cooperation 符合两国人的共同利益 according with / agree with / conform to/ meet the common interests of our two people在我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国政盟大会开幕。



(A)英语翻译高级口译英译中经济科技(一)(总分:100.04,做题时间:90分钟)一、试题1(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Japan's once enviable jobless rate will soar to double-digit levels if—and the warning is a big one—firms opt for drastic Western-style layoffs to boost profits. While Japan's lifetime employment system is visibly unravelling, many economists still doubt whether a scenario of soaring joblessness will occur, given that economic incentives to slash payrolls clash with social and political pressures to save jobs. A kinder, gentler approach to restructuring would soften the social instability many fear would result from doubling the jobless rate, already at a record high.531Critics believe it would also cap gains in profit margins and stifle economic vitality, especially in the absence of bold steps to open the door to new growth, industries. Some economists believe different methods of counting mean Japan's jobless rate is already close to 7 per cent by United States standards, not that far from the 7.8 per cent peak hit in the US in 1992 when it began to emerge from a two-year slump.(分数:20.00)(1).Japan's once enviable jobless rate will soar to double-digit levels if-and the warning isa big one-firms opt for drastic Western-style layoffs to boost profits.(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(如果日本各公司效仿西方国家,通过大幅裁员来增加利润,日本一度令人羡慕的低失业率将飙升至两位数,这不是耸人听闻。



UNIT SEVEN INTERVIEW学位点degree program国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering网络教育online education科举制imperial examination日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again人文精神humanistic spirit披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions社会转型时期 a period of social transition百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem Vancouver 温哥华Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸Oil refining 炼油Metal fabricating 金属锻造Printed matter 印刷Real estate 房地产Triple 增至3倍Quadruple 增至4倍Quintuple 增至5倍High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店Ethnic group 少数民族团体Planetarium 天文馆Aquarium 水族馆Skating rink 溜冰场Botanical garden 植物园Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树Sap 树液syrup 糖浆TEXTPASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.Welcome to Vancouver.欢迎光临温哥华。



中国热门科技词汇科学发展观concept of scientific development全民科学文化素质scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people发展科技scientific and technological advancement科教兴国revitalize China through science and education农业技术agricultural technology[扩展]白色农业white agriculture (microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice技术下乡spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas节水农业water-saving agriculture立体农业3-D agriculture农产品加工及转化the processing and commercialization of agro-products农业科技agro-science农作物良种seeds of high-quality crop农作物新品种选育the selection and breeding of new crops生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture无土栽培soil -less cultivationBP机,传呼beeper, pager背投屏幕rear projection screen不明飞行物unidentified flying object (UFO)operating system 操作系统产品科技含量technological element of a product创新innovation电话会议teleconference电话留言机answering machine对讲机talkie and walkie多媒体multimedia二期the second phase防抱死系统ABS (anti-lock braking system)孵化器incubator高产优质high yield and high quality高技术产业化apply high technology to production高科技板块high-tech sector高科技园high-tech park个人数字助理PDA (personal digital assistant)工业园区industrial park国家质量技术监督局the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 国家重点实验室national key laboratories火炬计划Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)计算机中央处理器central processing unit(CPU)技术产权technology property right技术交底confide a technological secret to someone.technology-intensive product 技术密集产品交叉学科interdisciplinary branch of science科技成果转化为生产力transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces科技含量technology content科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure科技是第一生产力Science and technology constitute a primary productive force科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system科技与经济脱节science and technology are out of line from the economy科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development纳米nanometer三峡水利枢纽工程the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River物种起源origin of species新兴学科new branch of science研究成果research results在孵企业incubated enterprises自动取款机automatic teller machine (ATM)自然科学与社会科学的交叉融合integration of natural and social sciencesIT 信息技术[扩展]信息港info port信息高地information highland信息高速公路information superhighway信息革命information revolution信息含量information content信息化informationization信息技术处理ITA - Information Technology Agreement信息检索information retri办公自动化OA (Office Automation)笔记本电脑laptop / notebook / portable computer电脑病毒computer virus电脑犯罪computer crime电子管理e-management电子货币e-currency电子商务e-business; e-commerce电子商务认证e-business certification电子邮件E-mail非对称数字用户环路ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)高速宽带互联网high-speed broadband networks公告板BBS (bulletin board system)光盘杂志CD-ROM magazine广域网WAN (wide area net word)汉字处理软件Chinese character processing softwarehacker 黑客计算机2000年问题Y2K problem计算机辅助教育CAI -computer assisted instruction计算机辅助设计CAD-computer assisted design计算机合成制造CAM-computer assisted manufacturing计算机中央处理器CPU - central processing unit超文本传送协议hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)界面interface金融电子化computerized financial services局域网LAN - local area network互联网服务提供商ISP (Internet Service Provider)全球移动通信系统(全球通)global system for mobile communications (GSM)刻录机CD burner宽带接入broadband access宽带网broadband networks内联网、局域网(计算机)Intranet垃圾邮件junk mail千年问题、千年虫millennium bug; Y2K bug人工智能AI - artificial intelligence人机交互human - computer interaction人机交互human-computer interaction虚拟人visual humanvirtual net 虚拟网虚拟网virtual net虚拟现实virtual reality虚拟银行virtual bank因特网服务提供商ISP- internet service provider万维网World Wide Web(WWW)应用软件internet applications域名domain在线on line掌上电脑palm computer政府上网工程Government Online Project只读存储器read-only-memory (ROM)智能感知技术perceptive technology智能终端intelligent terminal中文信息处理系统Chinese information processing system 数码科技digital technology高保真Hi-Fi (High Fidelity)高清晰度电视high definition TV (HDTV)光谷optical valley光通讯optical communication蓝光光盘Blue -ray Disc数码港cyber portdigital globe 数字地球数字蜂窝移动通信digital cellular mobile telecommunications三维电影three-dimensional movie三维动画three-dimensional animation[详析] “蓝光光盘”利用蓝色的激光束来刻录数据。

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高级口译教程经典背诵版之科技报告TEXTPASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.My topic today is “The Car and Air Pollution”.我今天的话题是“轿车与空气污染”。

2.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car.具体说来,我想先讨论一下轿车引起空气污染的途径,然后我们如何控制和减少由轿车产生的空气污染。

3.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution?首先,轿车如何导致空气污染?4.What happens is that the car’s internal combustion engine is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale.桥车内燃机实际上是一座小型化工厂。

5.It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car.内燃机所用的燃料是汽油和空气的混合物。


6.But while this is happening, many complicated chemical reactions are taking place.但是许多复杂的化学反应也同时发生。

7.In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up, and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons.具体而言,部分汽油空气混合物不能完全燃烧,并且发动机产生的废气包含着一些非常危险的化学物质,比如一氧化碳、氮氧化物、铅和碳氢化合物。

8.This is the situation, then, and it’s going to get much worse, unless we do something about it.这是一种情况,如果我们不对它采取某些措施,这种情况将会变得越来越糟糕。

9.So –let’s focus our attention now on ways of controlling or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car.因此,我们现在应把注意力放在控制或者减少由汽车产生的空气污染方法上来。

10.I want to mention five possibilities.我想谈一下可以采用的 5 中措施:11.First, we can discourage the use of cars.首先,我们不鼓励使用轿车。

12.For example, we can put higher taxes on petrol and on cars themselves - especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.例如,我们可以给汽油和轿车本身价更高的税 - 特别是耗油量高的大型车。

13.Second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport both between and within urban areas.第二,我们可以鼓励在城市内部和城市之间使用替代的交通工具。

14.For instance, we can make train and bus services cheaper and more convenient.比如,我们可以使火车和巴士服务更加廉价和便利。

15.And we can build a mass transit system in large cities, particularly an underground railway system such as those in London, New York, Moscow and Tokyo.我们可以在大城市建立公共交通系统,特别是像伦敦、纽约、莫斯哥和东京的地铁系统。

16.Next, we can use a different and cleaner fuel for the internal combustion engine with other designs.接下来,我们可以让内燃机使用不同的更清洁的燃料。

17.There are several possibilities being researched at present, such as electric, gas turbine, and “steam” engi nes.目前有几种正在研究中,比如电力引擎、燃气轮机、蒸汽机等。

18.However, each of these engine designs has its own disadvantages. 然而,这些引擎的设计自身都有弊端。

19.Last but not the least, we are trying to control the emissions from the internal combustion engine much more strictly.最后,我们正在尝试更加严格地控制内燃机释放的气体。

20.This, for example, is a catalytic converter, which converts the most dangerous ingredients of the car exhaust into water and harmless gases. 比如,催化式排气净化器,它将汽车废气中最危险的成分转变成水和无害气体。

21.These are five possible ways, then, of controlling air pollution caused by cars.以上是控制轿车空气污染的五个可行的方法。

22.As I’m sure you can see, there are problems with each of these ways; but at least they’re a step in the right direction.我相信你们都看到了,每一种方法都存在问题,但是至少它们都朝正确的方向跨出了一步。

23.Probable the best answer is a synthesis of all five.也许最佳的答案是对五种方法采取兼收并蓄的态度。

PASSAGE TWO汉译英:1.女士们、先生们:Ladies and Gentlemen:2.几百年来,中国向全世界传播了其在 5,000 年的历史长河中所积累的医疗保健知识。

For hundreds of years China has spread across the globe its knowledge of traditional medicine and health care, acquired over 5,000 years of history. 3.今日中国的传统保健方法,如太极拳、气功和按摩等,正日益显示其重要性。

Today the traditional Chinese health preservation methods, such as Taijiquan boxing (or shadow boxing), static qigong breathing (controlled deep breathing exercise) and therapeutic massage, are gaining increasing importance.4.中国人认为,太极是天地万物之根源。

We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on earth. 5.太极分为阴阳二气,阴阳二气产生木、火、土、金、水者五行。

Taiji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy. The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water derive from yin and yang.6.五行代表着或作用于人体器官,即火对心,木对肝、土对脾、金对肺,水对肾。

The five elements correspond or affect, particular human organs. That is the element of the fire corresponds to the heart, the wood to the liver, the earth to the spleen and the stomach, the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney.7.阴阳化合而生万物。

The combination of yin and yang gives birth to all lives on earth. 8.太极则代表了阴阳调和。

Taiji represents the harmonious state of balance between yin and yang. 9.根据《易经》记载,保持身心平衡是健康的要素。

According to ancient classic the Book of Changes, maintaining a balance between the mind and the body is vital for health.10.中医药典《黄帝内经》开卷第一章提出了心神恬然以保气防病的理论。
