1周 口译Interpretation(1)
Unit 1 ReceptionSection 1 单句口译Chinese-English Interpretation1.我很荣幸代表中国政府和各国人民向各位外交使节表示热烈欢迎。
English-Chinese Interpretation1. ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take grewat pleasure in introducing our guest Professor Brown.2. I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful country.3. On behalf of the people of my country, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have recei ved.4. It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Local Trade Del egati on.5. In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast to the health of our distingui shed guests.Section 2 Listening and Note-TakingListen to the recording and take notes while listening.Repeat the major parts of the passage.Section 3 Sight Interpretation尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们:大家晚上好!在第十五届大连国际服装节开幕之际,我谨代表大连市政府对观光服装节晚会的中外佳宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!对大连父老乡亲表示亲切的节日问候!今晚的星海湾广场充满着节日的快乐与激情。
第1单元 口译简介Essentials of Interpreting - 副本 - 副本 - 副本

What is the so-called “key word” in a sentence?
“Key word”should be the words that convey speaker's main ideas and intentions. It reveals speaker's focus and emphasis in a speech.
Definition of Interpreting (ii)
Interpretation means an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. It cannot be viewed as a merely linguistic undertaking, but should be regarded as an aspect of a larger domain, namely, that of communication. (zhong shukong, 1999)
From which four perspectives can we identify key words in a sentence to get the key information?
A key word can be noticed from its part of speech, syntactic structure, semantic analysis, and tones.
Basic Requirements for Interpreters (ⅱ)
Non-linguistic knowledge

口译教程汉英翻译1—13单元译文Chapter 1: Introduction to InterpretationUnit 1: The Basics of InterpretationUnit 2: Types of InterpretationUnit 3: Skills Required for InterpretationChapter 2: The Process of InterpretationUnit 4: The Preparatory StageBefore starting the interpreting process, interpreters need to familiarize themselves with the topic and conduct research to understand the subject matter thoroughly. They should also prepare their interpreting equipment, such as headsets, microphones, and notepads. Additionally, interpreters may needto review and practice specialized terminology related to the event.Unit 5: The Interpreting StageDuring the interpreting stage, interpreters listen to the speaker and simultaneously translate their words into the target language. They must stay focused and concentrate on thespeaker's message to accurately convey the meaning. Interpreters should also pay attention to the speaker's tone, emotion, and non-verbal cues, as these elements can affect the interpretation.Unit 6: Note-taking TechniquesNote-taking is an essential skill for interpreters.Effective note-taking allows interpreters to retain important information and assist with memory recall during interpretation. Interpreters should develop their own note-taking system and use abbreviations and symbols to jot down key points quickly. However, note-taking should not interfere with active listening and immediate interpretation.Chapter 3: Consecutive InterpretationUnit 7: Introduction to Consecutive InterpretationConsecutive interpretation involves listening to one or several sentences in the source language and then reproducing them in the target language. It requires good memory retention and the ability to accurately convey the meaning. Interpreters should take notes and use their notes as a reference during the interpretation.Unit 8: The Techniques of Consecutive InterpretationInterpreters use several techniques during consecutive interpretation to ensure accurate and fluent delivery. These techniques include paraphrasing, summarizing, clarifying ambiguous statements, and maintaining natural rhythm and pacing. Interpreters should also adapt their interpretation style to match the speaker's tone and style.Unit 9: Consecutive Interpretation PracticeInterpreters can practice consecutive interpretation by engaging in role plays or shadowing experienced interpreters. They can also utilize practice materials, such as speeches, interviews, or articles, to improve their interpretation skills. Regular practice is essential for enhancing memory retention, improving fluency, and perfecting delivery.。

成交金额 增 A股 B股 合计 减 成交量 增 减
554,909.9 260,319.0 7,191,568 3,380,274 6 5 9,480.59 6386.62 171,386 98,150 564,390.5 265,705.6 7,362,954 348,424 5 7
• • e.g. World Expo 不夜城 磁悬浮列车 大学城 everbright city maglev train college town Metro pass
Why do I learn interpretation in college? 1. to enhance your English competence.
• Listen to the following conversation and start to interpret at the end of each segment.
Vocabulary to help
• • • • • • 取行李 claim the luggage time 马路对面 across the road auto parts 直飞:non-stop flight/fly directly 温哥华 Vancouver 倒时差 recover from your jet lag 锦绣中华:Splendid China Theme Park
• It delivers message from one language into another orally, aiming at bridging the linguistic and cultural barriers in international communication. • 1. It is done on request and for a financial reward; 2. it is paid for by a client; • 3. interpreters are subject to professional rules.
Unit 1 Interpreting 口译概况

Aptitude Test n
Translators ns for
Interpreters and
考试主办机 国家人事部和中 教育部考试中心 上海市委组织部
可查阅,问询, 即时,即席,短
很难见到作者和 理解发言人和听
口译工作有时效性和即席性 口译工作有不可预测性和独立性 处理信息内容具有多元性和广泛性 使用语言口语化 译员技能的综合性:听、视、记、写、读、
相同点: 都需要将一种语言经过理解和重组用另一
种语言表达出来; 翻译者都必须精通两种语言、文化和转换
输出 内容 信息处理 互动 质量标准
文字,可修改 声音难以修改
证书有效期 每3年重新注册 暂无
登记一次,一次 注册有效期3年
在“非全日制就业人员工资指导价位”表 中列出的54种行业里,同声传译以每小时 2000元人民币的价格拔2.1 万元人民币,非英语类是1.8万元人民币。
业内人士称,平均每星期做两次同声翻译, 一年平均50多万RMB。
周 口译 Sight Interpretation(1)ppt课件

e.g. China overtook Germany to become the world’s thirdlargest economy in 2007 after the Chinese authorities revised upwards the figures for growth during that year.
(初级版)中国已超越德国成为世界上第三大经济强国,这是 在2007年继中国官方修订上升的数据所表明的当年的增长。
(高级版)中国已赶超德国成为世界第三大经济强国,这是 2007年中国修订当年的增长数据所表明的。
Sight Interpreting (1)
What is Sight Interpreting? The Types of Sight Interpreting How to prepare for Sight
Interpreting ? The Practice of Sight Interpreting Tips for Sight Interpreting Principles in Sight Interpreting Basic Skills in Sight Interpreting
What is S译是什么? 1.视译就是口译员一边看文稿一边将文稿的内容
1)必须在很短的时间明白文句的意思(message)。 2)将前后的逻辑关系整理清楚。 3)转换成译文(target language)的文字精准,语法

InterpretationInterpreting is a form of translation in which a one-time presentation of a text is presented in a source language and rendered in another language. There are several types of interpreting, including community interpreting, such as that in social services and health care settings, court interpreting, media interpreting and conference interpreting. A few things can be done to help improve interpreting skills. Interpretative skills are used to determine the precise meaning and significance of a message or signal, whether it is a gesture, sign, set of data, written or spoken words, diagram, icon, chart or graph.Procedures:a. Study the background of the subject you specialize in and make sure you understand the choice of vocabulary. For example, if you are interpreting in community settings, you should have a thorough knowledge of the subject as a whole, and the same goes for business knowledge and interpreting in conference settings.b. Take notes efficiently. Write them vertically instead of horizontally; leave out vowels, and use acronyms, abbr., symbols and signs where appropriate. Note properly what happens whenever numbers, names, dates are mentioned in the text you are shadowingThis makes note-taking quicker and easier to understand once you are used to your system.c. Improve your proficiency in the languages you specialize in. You should have a high level of proficiency in the source language and in the target language.d. Practice interpreting from online podcasts, record your work and compare your notes with the correct interpretation to double check your accuracy.Interpreting skillsshort-term-memorizing, note-taking, attentive-splitting(An exercise with distractions, like extra sounds, excessive gesticulation, etc.),figure-switching, summarization, humors and idioms, use as many as you feel comfortable with.1. listen in L1;2. understand in L1;3. memories the information in L1;4. mentally translate, compress and "edit" the message from L1 into L2;5. a) for consecutive interpreting:and finally to verbalize the message in L2;5. b) for simultaneous interpreting:and finally to verbalize the message in L2 while listening to the new portion in L1.a. Cover up the latter half of a sentence and try to predict what it says. Do certainkey words in the first half provide important clues.b. Read the title of an entire article or essay and try to predict the content. Confirmor reject your conclusion as you read the articlec. Then move on to a favorite poem or a passage such as the preamble to the U.S. Constitution (always choose a passage in the same language as that which you are shadowing).。
Interpretation 01-Introduction

Introduction to Interpreting Course
正式口译的场合: 正式口译的场合: 1. 重大场合的演讲和讲话 2. 招商或者介绍会的重点发言 3. 双边会谈 4. 谈判 5. 新闻发布会
China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters
Interpreting Skills Numbers
English to Chinese: 3,245 65,100,000 876,320,000 Chinese to English: 96.5万 万 305万 万 52亿 320亿 亿 亿 5千亿 4万亿 千亿 万亿 675,098 45,000 32,431,000,000 360万 2180万 万 万 4600亿 39.6亿 亿 亿 5885亿 7.8万亿 亿 万亿
• 考试科目:口译综合能力测试 (60分钟) 考试科目: 分钟) 分钟 分钟) 口译实务测试 (30分钟) 分钟 • 考试基本要求: 考试基本要求: 1. 掌握5000个以上英语词汇。 掌握5000个以上英语词汇 个以上英语词汇。 2. 初步了解中国和英语国家的文化背景知识。 初步了解中国和英语国家的文化背景知识。 3. 胜任一般场合的交替传译。 胜任一般场合的交替传译。 • 通过率:本考试不控制通过率,考试只要达到了各科试卷 通过率:本考试不控制通过率, 总分数的60% 60%就可以拿到证书 总分数的60%就可以拿到证书
1 thousand 10 thousand 100 thousand = 1千 千 = 1万 万 = 10万 万
1 million 10 million 100 million = 100万 万 = 1000万 万 =1亿
口译11.19figure interpreting 1

英译汉: a. 听到英文数字:“one hundred billion thirtysix million seven thousand forty-one” b. 在笔记上记下:“100b36m7k41” (or 100,36,7,41) c. 按照英文数字每节三位的特点从右至左补零: 100,036,007,041 d.从右至左按汉语计数方式每四位一划: 100,0/ 36,00 /7,041 ( 1000/亿 3600/万 7041 ) f.读出汉语: “一千亿三千六百万七千零四十一”
Assignment: Pair-work — 1. pure figure reading and interpreting 2. memory training 3. note taking practice
2. Decimals:
0.8 zero/naught point eight (naught: BrE; zero: AmE); point eight 9.009 nine point o o nine
3. Indefinite numbers:
tens of dozens of scores of hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of millions of tens of millions of hundreds of millions of billions of
4. Multiples:
A是B的X倍—— A is X times as large as B; A is X times larger than B A比B大X倍(=A是B的X+1倍)—— A is X+1 times as large as B; A is X+1 times larger than B
英语口译Unit 1(1)

1.是指反应快:译员要能听词取意,得“意”忘 “形”,快速理解讲话人的“真情实意”,反应迟缓 就无法胜任译员高强度的工作;
2.是指记笔记要快:译员不可能也不必记录下讲 话人的所有词句,而只需以快捷务实的方式记下一些 关键词、省略词、符号等,否则就跟不上讲话人的节 奏;
ambiguity) (He talked with a woman with a cup of
red wine.) 3) 韵律性(prosodicness)
4. 译员技能的综合性 在口译活动中,译员要在至少两种不同语言文化系
统中游走,接收和处理来自不同渠道的复杂信息,应 对极其丰富的话题内容,还要通过不同方式进行信息 的再传递,这就决定了译员技能的综合性和多样性, 包括听、视、记、写、读、说,以及分析、决策与应 变能力。
2008年12月18日在纪念党的十一届三中全会召开30周 年大会上,胡锦涛总书记在讲话中连用了三个“不”
怠、不折腾”。其中“不折腾”的英文翻译难倒了不 少国内外翻译高手,有译成don’t flip flop(不翻来倒 去)或是(don’t toss)(不摇摆)的,有译成no trouble-making(不制造麻烦)、no major change (没有重大变化)或no dithering(不踌躇)的,也 有译成no self-consuming political movements(不高 自我消耗的政治运动),有译don’t sway back and forth(别反复)或是don’t get sidetracked(别走岔 路)的,也有译成avoid futile actions(不做无用功) 的,还有翻译成avoid self-inflicted setbacks(避免自 我造成的失败)的,buzheteng。
interpreting exercise商务口译练习

VocabularyB/L (bill of lading) 提货单to be subject to market fluctuation 随行就市breach of contract 违约bulk goods 散货business claim 贸易索赔business intelligence 商业情报capital chain 资金链cash flow 现金流catalog 商品目录to compromise/meet halfway 折中concession 让步containerized goods 集装箱货物cost price 成本价counteroffer 还价/还盘D/A(documents against acceptance) 承兑交单deposit/advance payment/down payment 定金firm offer 实盘floor offer 最低报价/底盘forward price 期货价freight 运费goodwill 商誉/信誉inquiry 询盘inventory/stock 库存irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证L/C (letter of credit) at sight 即期信用证L/C 60 days after sight 见票后60天付款信用证lead time 制造周期/订货到交货的时间non-firm offer 虚盘OEM (original equipment manufacturing) 代工生产price ceiling 价格上限price difference 价差price-performance ratio 性价比purchasing contract 购买合同return commission 回佣settlement 结算sourcing/procuring 采购spot price 现货价T/T(telegraphic transfer) 电汇to bargain 讨价还价to close a deal/strike a bargain 成交to offer 报盘/发盘to quote 报价USP (unique selling proposition) 卖点Dialogue 1 At the Company Conference Room广州买家:威廉姆斯先生,您好。
7周 口译 Sight Interpretation(2)

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. round flat cakes 2. German immigrants 3. their name 4. claim 5. clear answer 6. great hit 7. fast, practical and cheap 8. in the 1920s 9. five cents each 10. drive-in restaurant
Ⅲ. Sight Interpreting Techniques
一、断句 二、转换 三、重复 四、增补 五、省略 六、反说 七、归纳
断句:所谓的断句指的是在同传时将原语句子,按适当意群或概念单位,进行切割处理并 译成目的语。 1.I come to China at an important time. 我到中国来访问,正逢一个重要的时刻。 2.They built the bridge in two months. 他们建这座桥,只花了两个月。 3.Several more fundamental proposals are advanced for consideration by the General Assembly for possible action in the longer term. 一些基本的建议也提出来了,供大会审议,以便采取更长期的行动。 4. Twentieth century history shows the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations based on multinational principles and norms. 二十世纪的历史表明,国际关系具有惊人的调整适应能力,而这种关系的基础是多边原则 与准则。 5. The United Nations must further strengthen its capacity for launching coherent and coordinated humanitarian actions, under the guiding principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality. 联合国必须进一步加强其能力,发起一致而又协调的人道主义的行动。这一切的指导原则 是人道、中立、公正。 (比较:联合国必须进一步加强按照人道、中立、公正的指导原则开展一致而又协调的人 道主义行动的能力。)
interpreting exercise口译练习

4.I’ve been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel very honored and pleased that I’ll be working with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group.5.There’s so much to learn about this mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform.6.我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。
10.You’ll be staying at the Hilton Hotel. The hotel is locat ed in the downtown area, a few minutes’ walk from the office of the Edinburgh Tourist Centre. 11.After the dinner, you will watch a video entitled “Touring Around Edinburgh”, which I believe will give you a bird’s-eye view of the tourist attractions and the services provided in Edinburgh and its surrounding areas.12.我为能在此设宴招待威廉斯副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。
note-taking in Interpreting 口译笔记

Dialogue 1
• 大家现在所在的琶洲展馆建筑总面积70 万平方米,首期占地43万平方米,建筑 面积39.5万平方米,已建好16个展厅, 其中室内展厅面积16万平方米,室外展 场面积2.2万平方米,是目前亚洲最大的 会展中心。
Compare with your note
建总面 70万㎡ 1st 期 地 43万㎡ 建面 39.5万㎡
• Note-taking VS Shorthand
• Note-taking
An interpreter’s notes
Features of Note-taking
• Temporary • Concise • Understandable/readable • Logical
Compare with your note
• Glob 化 • exhb ind 熟 • 标 • 展会 • push /intl trd • E/ tech coop • Glob 化 • exhb ind/ devp/ • 必/趋
• 国际贸易和经济技术合作的发展需 要展览业的国际化,/展览业的国际 化又助推国际贸易和经济技术合作 的发展,两者相互依存,相互促进。
Verticality of lists
Eg:目前广州已经与美国的洛杉矶,加拿 大的温哥华,澳大利亚的悉尼等城市结 成友好城市。我们每天接待数以万计的 官员,客商和旅游者。
• now/ 广 • US/ L.A. • 加/ Vcv • Aus/ Syd / etc • /日 官 • 10k 商 • 旅 //
Unit 4 Note-taking in interpreting (I) (interpreting skills)

Note-taking in interpreting (I)
练习2: Can you take notes?
Exhibitions are the most cost efficient way to bring products to market and those responsible for organizing exhibitions are dedicated to protecting that cost advantage.
Note-taking in interpreting (I)
interpreting skills
Interpreting skills Note-taking in interpreting (I) Developing Vocabulary and Expressions
Note-taking in interpreting (I)
听写的要求是让学生记录听到的每一个词,还要保证拼写和 标点符号的准确。听写时,学生有机会听到原文不止一遍,还有 时间校对。这样的听雪成果出来是人人看得懂,也没有语法拼写 错误的原文记录。 而做口译笔记是个完全“自我”的过程。口译员决定记录内 容的取舍,用融合了文字、标记、还有口译这本人自创的符号等 进行记录,最后完成的作品是口译员本人才看得懂的“天书”。 口译结束之后,笔记也就失去了效用。
1. Revise the interpreting skills in this unit. 2. Practice the interpreting skills. 3. Read the Pre-interpreting readings and learn the new words.

unit1 (1)Unit3 (2)Unit5 (3)UNIT 7 (4)Unit 9 (5)Unit 11 (6)Unit 13 (7)Unit 15 (9)Unit 17 (10)Unit 19 (11)Unit 21 (12)Unit 23 (13)Unit 25 (14)Unit 27 (15)Unit 29 (16)UNIT 31 (17)Unit 33 (18)Unit 35 (19)unit11.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to bewelcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing akey role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Globalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me.3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world statemen, was in Beijing to discuss chinaand the world in the 21st century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important “understanding” between the nations of the world is.4.Our forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, is part of this vitalprocess of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and asall our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring.5.People can only grasp these opportunities. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas andexperiences. And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalisation of the economy , chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few.6.As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents ha huge chanllenge for China. The requirementsof joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws. Whilst producing some pain in short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be encouraged and sustained. I personally am much looking forward to my own involvement in the discussions on small and medium sized enterprises.7.China’s decision to embrace t he dynamism of the private sector brings up the role smallfirms can play in achieving rapid growth and innovation. They are, and can be, a significant engine for economic development. Therefore, we have much work to do in our forum. We want to show our Chinese friends how much of a partner the UK can be but also that as a sign of a mature and true relationship, we can afford to be frank and open in our discussions with one another.8.This will be particularly true in the sessions on issues of competitiveness and corporategovernance that will be held tomorrow. We ate building on discussions and relationships that are already well founded and I believe that this forum will take the special role that our meeting plays in the relations between our two countries further forward.Unit31.In the space of a single generation, relations between the UK and the People’s Republic ofChina have been transformed. Government-to-government and business-to-business links are closer and more varied than ever before. But the most exciting changes have been in the links between the British and Chinese peoples. Chinese communities have long existed as a respected and cherished presence in British cities.2.But today , more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the newdynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We are re-discovering China’s incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential. The Chinese are re-discovering Britain, too. We are delighted to welcome more Chinese visitors to our country each year. Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the internet.3.Indeed , there are more Chinese people learning the English language than there are nativespeakers of English in the world today. This growing relationship is measurable, too, in financial terms. British firms now have a huge presence in China, a sign of their confidence in the country and its future. The UK is the largest European investor, and a British company, BP, is investing more capital in China than any other foreign firm. The largest foreign manufacturing investment in Western China is also British.4.The UK is China’s second largest European trading partner. British exports to China last year,at $3.72 billion were up 17% on the year 2000. China’s exports to Britain are at an all-time high. Many Chinese enterprises now regard Britain ‘s flexible and open economy has an ideal launching pad into the wider European market. All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors. Then, there were virtually no Chinese student in Britain. Today, there are over 20,000 –one of the largest overseas communities at our universities.5.Then , there were no direct air services between Beijing and London . this year , more than aquarter of a million British tourists will travel to China, then , no serving British Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary had ever visited chan. last year , there were visits from eleven British ministers. The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit. In the globalised world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders.6.We are interdependent as well as independent. Challenges such as fighting environmentaldamage ,ensuring global human rights are properly observed, removing barriers to trade and investment , and reducing poverty , have become truly global issues. They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organizations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM. In the 21st century , bilateral relations between countries will depend on progress on issues like these.7.As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our government worktogether on a daily basis on problems affecting every corner of the world. Another change in the relationship between Britain and China has been developments in Hong Kong. I am delighted that Hong Kong has prospered since 1997, and that “one country , two systems”is proving such an effective approach.8.As a signatory of the joint declaration, he UK has an abiding interest in the continuedwell-being of the Special Administration Region. But this is only a part of our wider commitment to China, we are increasing the resources we allocate through our department for international development to poverty reduction in China from 25m this year to 60m by 2004.Unit51.Good morning everybody. And welcome to the launch of our new L50, and to thispresentation . In a way, launch is no longer the correct word. Many of you have already hada chance to get to know the new car in your test drive this morning. So , i will not dwell onthe technical capabilities of this car. What i would like to do is to share with you the thoughts that have gone into developing this new model so that you’ll have a better idea of why it’s such an exciting car to drive.2.I will also talk a bit about what has been happening in our company –the direction we areheading, our strategy, and our ambitions. After that, I’ll talk about some of the major stages in our design and development of this model. After this presentation , We’ll have lunch, which is served in the main conference hall. Our chef has promised a few surpri ses. I ‘m curious as you are about what these might be , but , back to the presentation.3.Our new L50 is the first in a family of new car to be launched this year and in the nextcouples of years. It’s the result of the most ambitious investment in our company’s history-125m, in design and development, in production capabilities, in sales network and in our own people. The investment is base on our understanding of the market and our goal for the future. so what are they then?4.We want to sell 800,000 cars a year for the next 5 years . so far this year, we’ve already sold560,000,and congratulations to those of you that have contributed to this success. This represent nearly 20 % increase over the previous year at a time when the market had declined by nearly 10% .much of the increase sales have come from the commitment and dedication of our dealers and our staff . thank you and well done.5.The launch of this L50 will mark the beginning of a series of launches, giving us a fullrange of new cars, 3-door,5-door, estate, diesel, and from 1 liter all the way up to our luxury2 liter saloon. A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage. With thisnew family, we’ll be able to compete robustly with any competitor in US, and will be able to take on the EU market too. But products alone are not enough.6.We’ve put substantial amount of money and effort into upgrading our retail operation ,into our dealer network and into our own sales forces. This is built on our in-depth knowledge of our customers, what they want and what they need. It is base on the strength of our brand. If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms, you’ll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for. We are taking market shares from our competitors. .we are on target to take even more.7.We believe that the most effective way of getting more customers and growing our businessis by new cars. Not just any new cars. It had to be new cars that re-enforce our brand value.Having test driven the L50, I am sure you will all agree with me that the new L50 is exactly that-an embodiment of performance, safety, and functionality. These are the core elements of our brand value. These are features that have caught the attention of media across Europe. These will be repeated in each and every new member of the family.8.That’s all I’d like to say at this stage. My colleagues will now take you through some of thehighlights in the design and development. This is a short video we produced just before this launch. It is meant to answer some questions, what is the thinking behind this development?How do we translate concepts into a new model? How does our core value influence the thinking of people on the factory floor and in showrooms? Ladies and gentlemen, the new L50.UNIT 71.Traditionally HM Treasury , along with the bank of England ,has been responsible fordeciding all aspects of the UK’S economic and financial policy. Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth.2.I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify thekey institutions, their leaders and main responsibilities. There are three main institutions.The first is HM Treasury which is responsible for the overall economic framework and forfiscal policy in particular. It is led by the Chancellor, Gordon Brown who is an elected politician.3.He is supported by 4 junior minister with specific responsibilities, who are also electedpolitician . the ministers receive advice from three main source: civil servants, political advisers. And for some specific projects, business leaders also prepare advice. Fiscal policy is decided through two main processes: the budget and the spending review process.4.The budget is presented each spring to parliament. It sets out tax policy for the year. Since1997 there has also been a pre-budget report. This explains progress and suggests some ideas for discussion. Later in the spring budget s decision is made. Spending policy is decided every three years. There are two main elements of spending policy. Both are decided at the same time.5.One , the amount of money which each department receives and two, using this money,targets each department will achieve. For example for the education department a target for how many children pass exams. The second main institution is the bank of England . it is led by someone non-political, at the moment, Eddie George. In 1997 it was given full independent to set interest rates. A committee , which includes a Treasury civil servant , makes the decision.6.The level of interest rates is set in order to achieve a certain rate of inflation. This target isdecided by the chancellor. Therefore although the bank can decide the level of interest rates without any interference, the macroeconomic position is guided by an elected politician who is responsible to the country. The bank also deals in the foreign exchange market.7.Finally, the financial services authority is responsible for monitoring and regulating thefinancial services industry. It has four main aims. One, maintaining confidence in the UK financial system. They supervise stock exchanges . two ,promoting public understanding of the financial system. They help consumers to become informed consumers, so that they can manage their financial affairs more effectively.8.Three , securing the right degree of protection for consumers. They monitor how firms andindividuals are meeting standards. Where serious problems arise they investigate and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those that have violated rules, four, helping to reduce financial crime. Their work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundrying, fraud, and criminal market misconduct such as insider dealingsUnit 91.Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, it is with greatpleasure that I welcome you tonight to this magnificent castle. We warmly welcome you and your distinguished delegation to Wales. Wales is small country compared with China, however , the welsh people have made a significant contribution to the development of the UK and to the part the UK has played throughout the world.2.Welsh companies make an important contribution to the UK economy. Some arerepresented here this evening. Many already trade with China. Mangy more would like to do so. This is one aspect of the growing relationship between our two country. China is a focal point for trade and investment form Wales. Wales’s exports to China are valued at over 25million. It’s good, but not good enough. I would encourage welsh companies to do better.3.I would like also ask you, Mr. chairman, to help increase the awareness of Wales amongChinese companies , particularly among Chinese companies that are considering their first move into Europe. For many years, Wales has been on e of the most popular destinations for foreign investment in Europe , Investors in Wales have brought over 12 billion into the country and contribute to reinvest once established.4.Investors are not limited to US and Europe . many companies from the far east have chosento establish their European operations here. Our welsh development agency has set up an office in China, it demonstrates our commitment to your country. Meanwhile , welsh companies are increasingly focused on outward investment and establishing joint venture with partners in China. China’s accession to the world trade organization will p resent new opportunities for both our economies.5.Developing special relationships with China is something to which we attach greatimportance, not only through trade but in other areas such as science , education, and justice, recently , the welsh science mission visited China, the visit raised Wales’s profile with the Chinese scientific community, it also established an exchange scheme in which welsh scientists will benefit.6.The warm reception the delegation received in China was a clear signal of the highlyproductive relationship which Wales and China have developed. During the visit, we signeda memorandum of understanding with our Chinese counterparts in the scientific community.This will encourage and facilitate greater scientific cooperation between China and Wales. I understand that tomorrow morning , there will be several working group meetings to explore other areas of common interest. I look forward to receiving their report in due course.7.Mr. chairman , as you are aware, there has been contact at ministerial level. Not long ago,we were delighted to receive a visit from his Excellancy Mr. Wen Jiabao. as you know already, his visit was a great success. In return our deputy first minister has just accepted a generous invitation to lead a delegation to China later this year. They will be visiting Beijing ,shanghai , and Guangzhou. They are looking forward to this visit.8.These visitors are clear signals of the highly productive relationship which Wales and Chinahave developed. Judging by the crowd that have gathered here tonight. I am very confident that the relationship will continue to grow. Thank you for taking the time to include a visit to Wales in your busy and demanding program. We are honored by your presence here this evening and would ask you to take back with you the warmest good wishes from the people of Wales and the UK , may I now propose a toast.Unit 111.Welcome to Pfizer- the world’s largest , ,most valuable and fastest –growing pharmaceuticalcompany. Ours is a noble purpose: to he lp realize humanity’s quest for longer , healthier, happier lives. Our mission is to become the world’s most valued company in serving patients, customers, colleagues ,investors, business partners and the communities where we work and live. We now employ 90,000 people worldwide, turning well over 30 billion a year.Spending more than 5 billion a year on research and development. Our products are available in more than 150 countries.2.It all start back in 1849, when Charles Pfizer & company opened as a fine-chemicals business.It was a modest red-brick building in the Williansburg section of Brooklyn , New York. it served as office , laboratory, factory, and ware house .the company’s first product was santonin-a palatable antiparasitic which was an immediate success., for the past 154 years.pfizer has been discovering , developing , manufacturing, and marketing leading prescription medicines for humans and animals and many of the world’s best –known consumer brands.3.Pfizer is built on three pillars: a broad portfolio of human pharmaceuticals meeting essentialmedical needs; a wide range of consumer products aimed at self-care and well-being ; and health products for livestock and companion animals. research and development is the lifeblood of our business. To c ontinue our heritage of innovation , we support the world’s largest privately funded biomedical research organization ,engaging 12.000 scientists and other research colleagues worldwide.4.We currently have nearly 100 new medicines in various stages of development, and areworking on dozens of new uses for our current medicines. Our targets include many of humanity’s most feared illness, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer ’s ,cancer ,HIV/AIDS ,depression and schizophrenia.(精神分裂) pfizer is also a leader In contributing to the development of communities where we live and work.5.We have pioneered numerous initiatives to improve access to medicines including theinternational Trachoma Initiative, (沙眼) aimed at the world ‘s greatest cause of prev entable blindness,and the Diflucan partnership , aimed at HIV/AIDS patients in developing nations.Through the pfizer foundation, we are building with our partners an advanced infectious disease treatment and medical education center in Kampala, Uganda.6.In the US , we sponsor the pfizer for living share card. A program that provide eligible,low-income medicine recipient without prescription drug coverage the opportunity to purchase a 30 –day supply of Pfizer medicine for 15 per prescription. A career with Pfizer is one of the most rewarding choices you can make. Pfizer has been recognized as one of the nation’s best employers and most admired company. We seek talented people from a broad array of disciplines and prize diversity of thought and experience.7.Our company is thoroughly grounded In our values. They begin with a prized personal andorganizational quality-integrity-and end with a shared concern for community. Our values include leadership, innovation, performance, teamwork, customer focus, and request for people. These values guide every decision we make, everywhere we make them, as you can sense by now, these are exciting times for our company.8.We demand of ourselves and others the highest ethical standards, and our products andprocesses will be of the highest quality. We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our customers. And we constantly focus on customer satisfaction. We play an active role in making every country and community in which we operate a better place to live and work. I hope you will enjoy your visit for the rest of the day, thank you.Unit 131.Standard Chartered is the world’s leading emerging market bank. It employs 29,000 peoplein over 500 offices in more than 50 countries in the Asia pacific Region, south Asia, the middle east, Africa, united kingdom and the Americas. Our global headquarters is in London.The bank serves both consumer and wholesale banking customers. The consumer bank provides credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, deposit taking activity and wealth management services to individuals and medium- sized business.2.The wholesale bank provides services to multinational, regional, and domestic corporate andinstitutional clients in trade finance, cash management, custody , lending, foreign exchange, interest rate management and debt capital markets. Like all companies we are operating in a climate of massive change. We are therefore developing new strategies to ensure that our business keeps abreast of the moves to apply the principles of corporate social responsibility.3.Standard Chartered recognizes its responsibilities to its staff and to the communities inwhich it operates. We believe that with appropriate policies and practices in place we can bea legitimate influence for good by promoting the best standards of socially responsiblebusiness in the developing world. By doing so we hope to stimulate positive change and greater engagement. Standard Charted strives to operate in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical , legal, commercial, and public expectations of society.4.Our objective is to benefit all of our stakeholders including our shareholders, customers,staff and the communities in which we operate. We strongly support the trend towards delivering shareholder value in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner.We also believe that improved transparency through reporting and improved engagement through dialogue offers clear benefit, not only for society, but also for standard Chartered.5. A responsible organization will be better able to attract and retain its customers, employees,shareholders and suppliers. It will operate with greater cohesion and clearer focus. It will be better able to listen and respond rapidly to changing needs and markets. Responsibility, dialogue ,action and reporting are the key elements in a virtuous circle through which everyone benefits. We are proud to promote our support for corporate social responsibility.6.Standard Chartered offers personal financial solutions relevant to you as an individual . someof these include priority banking, credit care, insurance, personal investment as well as retail services. We treasure building a relationship with you, developing an understanding of your changing financial needs at different stage of your life. Our long heritage of nearly 150 years had enabled us to change with time. Offering quality products by means that are convenient to you.7.Business financial services offer one of the widest range of banking products and services inthe market today. Managing a growing business demands most of you time and energy. That is why working with the right bank can help your business sail more smoothly. Corporate & Institutional banking provides cash management, custody and trade finance services. We offer a one stop risk management solution to our customers-the local corporate, multinational companies, investment and financial institutions, and central banks.8.Corporate & Institutional banking provides cash management , custody and trade financeservices through our strong market networks in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. we provide a bridge to these markets for clients form the US and Europe. With 150 years in the emerging markets the bank has unmatched knowledge and understanding of its customers in its markets.Unit 151.Prudential was founded in 1848. As the prudential mutual assurance, the investment andloan association in London. The company grew from a small life assurance company, with a customer base limited to the well-off middle classes, to Britain’s la rgest life company by number of policy-holders. In 1854 prudential opened its industrial department and began to sell ”penny policies” that could be afforded by poorer people.2.The department really began to expand in 1856 when the company pioneered infantileinsurance, allowing parents to insure the lives of children under the age of ten. By keeping statistical records about policy-holders, prudential was able to calculate accurate premium rates and improve the benefits payable on policies. By the turn of the century one third of the population was insured with “ the pru“ .by the mid 1970s, the company started to employ lady clerks and use “ modern “calculator and typewriters.3.By 1900 there were nearly 15,000 agents collecting prudential premiums. Until 1915prudential sold life assurance only. In 1915 the range of business was extended with the opening of the general branch, through which fire, accident, marine and other form of insurance were sold from 1919 onwards. During the 1920s prudential began go expand overseas and agencies were set up all over the world to sell prudential policies.4.In Britain, new policies were introduced for women, family protection and long term savingopportunities. In the post war period the range of prudential’s products change d towards an emphasis on savings, annuities, pensions and family income protection. In the 1970s a number of acquisitions were made and in 1978 prudential corporation was set up as the holding company for the group. The focus on adopting new sales and marketing techniques to promote products dominated the 1980s.5.The sales force was restructured to deal better with customer needs and new channels ofcommunication were opened through telephone sales and independent financial advisers. In 1986, prudential was launch as the new image for prudential corporation, the traditional values of the company presented in a modern forward-looking way, the 1990s saw further diversification of products and methods of communication.6.Sales by telephone and through IFAs have gradually reduced the role of direct sales incustomer’s home. In 1997 Scottish amicable was acquired, strengthening prudential’s position in the IFA sector. The launch of egg in 1998 saw prudential use a new distribution channel, targeting the internet generation. The acquisition of M&G, the fund managers, in 1999 strengthened the Group’s investment portfolio. In recent years prudential has expanded in key markets, principally the US and Asia.7.Prudential corporation Asia has operational business in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Indonesia, China , Vietnam, and the Philippines. New business ventures have been established in Japan and Korea in the last year. In the US, Prudential’s subsidiary, Jackson National Life is represented in all states and distributes products through independent agents as well as financial institutions and broker-dealer. The next of the importance of international business can be seen by the fact that over 50% of the group’s sales are international.8.Prudential’s history has been about change and innovation . throughout its history。

时间仓促,内容不是很全面,请原谅!版权没有,责任自负!unit11.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to bewelcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing akey role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Globalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me.3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world statemen, was in Beijing to discuss chinaand the world in the 21st century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important “understanding” between the nations of the world is.4.Our forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, is part of this vitalprocess of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as all our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring.5.People can only grasp these opportunities. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas andexperiences. And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalisation of the economy , chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few.6.As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents ha huge chanllenge for China. The requirementsof joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws. Whilst producing some pain in short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be encouraged and sustained. I personally am much looking forward to my own involvement in the discussions on small and medium sized enterprises.7.China’s decision to embrace the dynamism of the private sector brings up the role smallfirms can play in achieving rapid growth and innovation. They are, and can be, a significant engine for economic development. Therefore, we have much work to do in our forum. We want to show our Chinese friends how much of a partner the UK can be but also that as asign of a mature and true relationship, we can afford to be frank and open in our discussions with one another.8.This will be particularly true in the sessions on issues of competitiveness and corporategovernance that will be held tomorrow. We ate building on discussions and relationships that are already well founded and I believe that this forum will take the special role that our meeting plays in the relations between our two countries further forward.Unit31.In the space of a single generation, relations between the UK and the People’s Republic ofChina have been transformed. Government-to-government and business-to-business links are closer and more varied than ever before. But the most exciting changes have been in the links between the British and Chinese peoples. Chinese communities have long existed as a respected and cherished presence in British cities.2.But today , more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the newdynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We are re-discovering China’s incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential. The Chinese are re-discovering Britain, too. We are delighted to welcome more Chinese visitors to our country each year. Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the internet.3.Indeed , there are more Chinese people learning the English language than there are nativespeakers of English in the world today. This growing relationship is measurable, too, in financial terms. British firms now have a huge presence in China, a sign of their confidence in the country and its future. The UK is the largest European investor, and a British company, BP, is investing more capital in China than any other foreign firm. The largest foreign manufacturing investment in Western China is also British.4.The UK is China’s second largest European trading partner. British exports to China last year,at $3.72 billion were up 17% on the year 2000. China’s exports to Britain are at an all-time high. Many Chinese enterprises now regard Britain ‘s flexible and open economy has an ideal launching pad into the wider European market. All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors. Then, there were virtually no Chinese student in Britain. Today, there are over 20,000 –one of the largest overseas communities at our universities.5.Then , there were no direct air services between Beijing and London . this year , more than aquarter of a million British tourists will travel to China, then , no serving British Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary had ever visited chan. last year , there were visits from eleven British ministers. The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit. In the globalised world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders.6.We are interdependent as well as independent. Challenges such as fighting environmentaldamage ,ensuring global human rights are properly observed, removing barriers to trade and investment , and reducing poverty , have become truly global issues. They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organizations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM. In the21st century , bilateral relations between countries will depend on progress on issues like these.7.As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our government worktogether on a daily basis on problems affecting every corner of the world. Another change in the relationship between Britain and China has been developments in Hong Kong. I am delighted that Hong Kong has prospered since 1997, and that “one country , two systems”is proving such an effective approach.8.As a signatory of the joint declaration, he UK has an abiding interest in the continuedwell-being of the Special Administration Region. But this is only a part of our wider commitment to China, we are increasing the resources we allocate through our department for international development to poverty reduction in China from 25m this year to 60m by 2004.Unit51.Good morning everybody. And welcome to the launch of our new L50, and to thispresentation . In a way, launch is no longer the correct word. Many of you have already hada chance to get to know the new car in your test drive this morning. So , i will not dwell onthe technical capabilities of this car. What i would like to do is to share with you the thoughts that have gone into developing this new model so that you’ll have a better idea of why it’s such an exciting car to drive.2.I will also talk a bit about what has been happening in our company –the direction we areheading, our strategy, and our ambitions. After that, I’ll talk about some of the major stages in our design and development of this model. After this presentation , We’ll have lunch, which is served in the main conference hall. Our chef has promised a few surprises. I ‘m curious as you are about what these might be , but , back to the presentation.3.Our new L50 is the first in a family of new car to be launched this year and in the nextcouples of years. It’s the result of the most ambitious investment in our company’s history-125m, in design and development, in production capabilities, in sales network and in our own people. The investment is base on our understanding of the market and our goal for the future. so what are they then?4.We want to sell 800,000 cars a year for the next 5 years . so far this year, we’ve already sold560,000,and congratulations to those of you that have contributed to this success. This represent nearly 20 % increase over the previous year at a time when the market had declined by nearly 10% .much of the increase sales have come from the commitment and dedication of our dealers and our staff . thank you and well done.5.The launch of this L50 will mark the beginning of a series of launches, giving us a fullrange of new cars, 3-door,5-door, estate, diesel, and from 1 liter all the way up to our luxury2 liter saloon. A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage. With thisnew family, we’ll be able to compete robustly with any competitor in US, and will be able to take on the EU market too. But products alone are not enough.6.We’ve put substantial amount of money and effort into upgrading our retail operation ,into our dealer network and into our own sales forces. This is built on our in-depth knowledge of our customers, what they want and what they need. It is base on the strengthof our brand. If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms, you’ll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for. We are taking market shares from our competitors. .we are on target to take even more.7.We believe that the most effective way of getting more customers and growing our businessis by new cars. Not just any new cars. It had to be new cars that re-enforce our brand value.Having test driven the L50, I am sure you will all agree with me that the new L50 is exactly that-an embodiment of performance, safety, and functionality. These are the core elements of our brand value. These are features that have caught the attention of media across Europe. These will be repeated in each and every new member of the family.8.That’s all I’d like to say at this stage. My colleagues will now take you through some of thehighlights in the design and development. This is a short video we produced just before this launch. It is meant to answer some questions, what is the thinking behind this development?How do we translate concepts into a new model? How does our core value influence the thinking of people on the factory floor and in showrooms? Ladies and gentlemen, the new L50.UNIT 71.Traditionally HM Treasury , along with the bank of England ,has been responsible fordeciding all aspects of the UK’S economic and financial policy. Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth.2.I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify thekey institutions, their leaders and main responsibilities. There are three main institutions.The first is HM Treasury which is responsible for the overall economic framework and for fiscal policy in particular. It is led by the Chancellor, Gordon Brown who is an elected politician.3.He is supported by 4 junior minister with specific responsibilities, who are also electedpolitician . the ministers receive advice from three main source: civil servants, political advisers. And for some specific projects, business leaders also prepare advice. Fiscal policy is decided through two main processes: the budget and the spending review process.4.The budget is presented each spring to parliament. It sets out tax policy for the year. Since1997 there has also been a pre-budget report. This explains progress and suggests some ideas for discussion. Later in the spring budget s decision is made. Spending policy is decided every three years. There are two main elements of spending policy. Both are decided at the same time.5.One , the amount of money which each department receives and two, using this money,targets each department will achieve. For example for the education department a target for how many children pass exams. The second main institution is the bank of England . it is led by someone non-political, at the moment, Eddie George. In 1997 it was given full independent to set interest rates. A committee , which includes a Treasury civil servant , makes the decision.6.The level of interest rates is set in order to achieve a certain rate of inflation. This target isdecided by the chancellor. Therefore although the bank can decide the level of interest rates without any interference, the macroeconomic position is guided by an elected politician who is responsible to the country. The bank also deals in the foreign exchange market.7.Finally, the financial services authority is responsible for monitoring and regulating thefinancial services industry. It has four main aims. One, maintaining confidence in the UK financial system. They supervise stock exchanges . two ,promoting public understanding of the financial system. They help consumers to become informed consumers, so that they can manage their financial affairs more effectively.8.Three , securing the right degree of protection for consumers. They monitor how firms andindividuals are meeting standards. Where serious problems arise they investigate and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those that have violated rules, four, helping to reduce financial crime. Their work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundrying, fraud, and criminal market misconduct such as insider dealingsUnit 91.Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, it is with greatpleasure that I welcome you tonight to this magnificent castle. We warmly welcome you and your distinguished delegation to Wales. Wales is small country compared with China, however , the welsh people have made a significant contribution to the development of the UK and to the part the UK has played throughout the world.2.Welsh companies make an important contribution to the UK economy. Some arerepresented here this evening. Many already trade with China. Mangy more would like to do so. This is one aspect of the growing relationship between our two country. China is a focal point for trade and investment form Wales. Wales’s exports to China are valued at over 25million. It’s good, but not good enough. I would encourage welsh companies to do better.3.I would like also ask you, Mr. chairman, to help increase the awareness of Wales amongChinese companies , particularly among Chinese companies that are considering their first move into Europe. For many years, Wales has been on e of the most popular destinations for foreign investment in Europe , Investors in Wales have brought over 12 billion into the country and contribute to reinvest once established.4.Investors are not limited to US and Europe . many companies from the far east have chosento establish their European operations here. Our welsh development agency has set up an office in China, it demonstrates our commitment to your country. Meanwhile , welsh companies are increasingly focused on outward investment and establishing joint venture with partners in China. China’s accession to the world trade organization will present new opportunities for both our economies.5.Developing special relationships with China is something to which we attach greatimportance, not only through trade but in other areas such as science , education, and justice, recently , the welsh science mission visited China, the visit raised Wales’s profile with the Chinese scientific community, it also established an exchange scheme in which welsh scientists will benefit.6.The warm reception the delegation received in China was a clear signal of the highlyproductive relationship which Wales and China have developed. During the visit, we signeda memorandum of understanding with our Chinese counterparts in the scientific community.This will encourage and facilitate greater scientific cooperation between China and Wales. I understand that tomorrow morning , there will be several working group meetings to explore other areas of common interest. I look forward to receiving their report in due course.7.Mr. chairman , as you are aware, there has been contact at ministerial level. Not long ago,we were delighted to receive a visit from his Excellancy Mr. Wen Jiabao. as you know already, his visit was a great success. In return our deputy first minister has just accepted a generous invitation to lead a delegation to China later this year. They will be visiting Beijing ,shanghai , and Guangzhou. They are looking forward to this visit.8.These visitors are clear signals of the highly productive relationship which Wales and Chinahave developed. Judging by the crowd that have gathered here tonight. I am very confident that the relationship will continue to grow. Thank you for taking the time to include a visit to Wales in your busy and demanding program. We are honored by your presence here this evening and would ask you to take back with you the warmest good wishes from the people of Wales and the UK , may I now propose a toast.Unit 111.Welcome to Pfizer- the world’s largest , ,most valuable and fastest –growing pharmaceuticalcompany. Ours is a noble purpose: to help realize humanity’s quest for longer , healthier, happier lives. Our mission is to become the world’s most valued company in serving patients, customers, colleagues ,investors, business partners and the communities where we work and live. We now employ 90,000 people worldwide, turning well over 30 billion a year.Spending more than 5 billion a year on research and development. Our products are available in more than 150 countries.2.It all start back in 1849, when Charles Pfizer & company opened as a fine-chemicals business.It was a modest red-brick building in the Williansburg section of Brooklyn , New York. it served as office , laboratory, factory, and ware house .the company’s first product was santonin-a palatable antiparasitic which was an immediate success., for the past 154 years.pfizer has been discovering , developing , manufacturing, and marketing leading prescription medicines for humans and animals and many of the world’s best –known consumer brands.3.Pfizer is built on three pillars: a broad portfolio of human pharmaceuticals meeting essentialmedical needs; a wide range of consumer products aimed at self-care and well-being ; and health products for livestock and companion animals. research and development is the lifeblood of our business. To continue our heritage of innovation , we support the world’s largest privately funded biomedical research organization ,engaging 12.000 scientists and other research colleagues worldwide.4.We currently have nearly 100 new medicines in various stages of development, and areworking on dozens of new uses for our current medicines. Our targets include many of humanity’s most feared illness, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer ’s ,cancer ,HIV/AIDS ,depression and schizophrenia.(精神分裂) pfizer is also a leader In contributing to the development of communities where we live and work.5.We have pioneered numerous initiatives to improve access to medicines including theinternational Trachoma Initiative, (沙眼) aimed at the world ‘s greatest cause of preventable blindness,and the Diflucan partnership , aimed at HIV/AIDS patients in developing nations.Through the pfizer foundation, we are building with our partners an advanced infectious disease treatment and medical education center in Kampala, Uganda.6.In the US , we sponsor the pfizer for living share card. A program that provide eligible,low-income medicine recipient without prescription drug coverage the opportunity to purchase a 30 –day supply of Pfizer medicine for 15 per prescription. A career with Pfizer is one of the most rewarding choices you can make. Pfizer has been recognized as one of the nation’s best employers and most admired company. We seek talented people from a broad array of disciplines and prize diversity of thought and experience.7.Our company is thoroughly grounded In our values. They begin with a prized personal andorganizational quality-integrity-and end with a shared concern for community. Our values include leadership, innovation, performance, teamwork, customer focus, and request for people. These values guide every decision we make, everywhere we make them, as you can sense by now, these are exciting times for our company.8.We demand of ourselves and others the highest ethical standards, and our products andprocesses will be of the highest quality. We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our customers. And we constantly focus on customer satisfaction. We play an active role in making every country and community in which we operate a better place to live and work. I hope you will enjoy your visit for the rest of the day, thank you.Unit 131.Standard Chartered is the world’s leading emerging market bank. It employs 29,000 peoplein over 500 offices in more than 50 countries in the Asia pacific Region, south Asia, the middle east, Africa, united kingdom and the Americas. Our global headquarters is in London.The bank serves both consumer and wholesale banking customers. The consumer bank provides credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, deposit taking activity and wealth management services to individuals and medium- sized business.2.The wholesale bank provides services to multinational, regional, and domestic corporate andinstitutional clients in trade finance, cash management, custody , lending, foreign exchange, interest rate management and debt capital markets. Like all companies we are operating in a climate of massive change. We are therefore developing new strategies to ensure that our business keeps abreast of the moves to apply the principles of corporate social responsibility.3.Standard Chartered recognizes its responsibilities to its staff and to the communities inwhich it operates. We believe that with appropriate policies and practices in place we can bea legitimate influence for good by promoting the best standards of socially responsiblebusiness in the developing world. By doing so we hope to stimulate positive change and greater engagement. Standard Charted strives to operate in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical , legal, commercial, and public expectations of society.4.Our objective is to benefit all of our stakeholders including our shareholders, customers,staff and the communities in which we operate. We strongly support the trend towards delivering shareholder value in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner.We also believe that improved transparency through reporting and improved engagement through dialogue offers clear benefit, not only for society, but also for standard Chartered.5. A responsible organization will be better able to attract and retain its customers, employees,shareholders and suppliers. It will operate with greater cohesion and clearer focus. It will be better able to listen and respond rapidly to changing needs and markets. Responsibility, dialogue ,action and reporting are the key elements in a virtuous circle through which everyone benefits. We are proud to promote our support for corporate social responsibility.6.Standard Chartered offers personal financial solutions relevant to you as an individual . someof these include priority banking, credit care, insurance, personal investment as well as retail services. We treasure building a relationship with you, developing an understanding of your changing financial needs at different stage of your life. Our long heritage of nearly 150 years had enabled us to change with time. Offering quality products by means that are convenient to you.7.Business financial services offer one of the widest range of banking products and services inthe market today. Managing a growing business demands most of you time and energy. That is why working with the right bank can help your business sail more smoothly. Corporate & Institutional banking provides cash management, custody and trade finance services. We offer a one stop risk management solution to our customers-the local corporate, multinational companies, investment and financial institutions, and central banks.8.Corporate & Institutional banking provides cash management , custody and trade financeservices through our strong market networks in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. we provide a bridge to these markets for clients form the US and Europe. With 150 years in the emerging markets the bank has unmatched knowledge and understanding of its customers in its markets.Unit 151.Prudential was founded in 1848. As the prudential mutual assurance, the investment andloan association in London. The company grew from a small life assurance company, with a customer base limited to the well-off middle classes, to Britain’s largest life company by number of policy-holders. In 1854 prudential opened its industrial department and began to sell ”penny policies” that could be afforded by poorer people.2.The department really began to expand in 1856 when the company pioneered infantileinsurance, allowing parents to insure the lives of children under the age of ten. By keeping statistical records about policy-holders, prudential was able to calculate accurate premium rates and improve the benefits payable on policies. By the turn of the century one third of the population was insured with “ the pru“ .by the mid 1970s, the company started to employ lady clerks and use “ modern “calculator and typewriters.3.By 1900 there were nearly 15,000 agents collecting prudential premiums. Until 1915prudential sold life assurance only. In 1915 the range of business was extended with the opening of the general branch, through which fire, accident, marine and other form of insurance were sold from 1919 onwards. During the 1920s prudential began go expand overseas and agencies were set up all over the world to sell prudential policies.4.In Britain, new policies were introduced for women, family protection and long term savingopportunities. In the post war period the range of prudential’s products changed towards an emphasis on savings, annuities, pensions and family income protection. In the 1970s a number of acquisitions were made and in 1978 prudential corporation was set up as the holding company for the group. The focus on adopting new sales and marketing techniques to promote products dominated the 1980s.5.The sales force was restructured to deal better with customer needs and new channels ofcommunication were opened through telephone sales and independent financial advisers. In 1986, prudential was launch as the new image for prudential corporation, the traditional values of the company presented in a modern forward-looking way, the 1990s saw further diversification of products and methods of communication.6.Sales by telephone and through IFAs have gradually reduced the role of direct sales incustomer’s home. In 1997 Scottish amicable was acquired, strengthening prudential’s position in the IFA sector. The launch of egg in 1998 saw prudential use a new distribution channel, targeting the internet generation. The acquisition of M&G, the fund managers, in 1999 strengthened the Group’s investment portfolio. In recent years prudential has expanded in key markets, principally the US and Asia.7.Prudential corporation Asia has operational business in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Indonesia, China , Vietnam, and the Philippines. New business ventures have been established in Japan and Korea in the last year. In the US, Prudential’s subsidiary, Jackson National Life is represented in all states and distributes products through independent agents as well as financial institutions and broker-dealer. The next of the importance of international business can be seen by the fact that over 50% of the group’s sales are international.8.Prudential’s history has been about change and innovation . throughout its historyprudential has had to survive in different markets where other business folded. It recognized that it had to grasp the difficulties of communicating the value of its products to differing and diverse markets through periods of great political and social change. The development of new products and the emergence of new markets have established prudential as a significant player in the world of international retail financial services.Unit 171.Rockwell company is a leading industrial automation company focused to be the mostvalued global provider of power, control and information solutions. With a focus onautomation solutions that help customers meet productivity objectives, the company brings together leading brand in industrial automation.2.We are also a leading provider of contract management technologies and applications,marketed under the Rockwell firstpoint contact brands that help companies moreefficiently manage interaction with their own customers . Global technical and customer service is an integral part of Rockwell automation , with nearly 5,600 distributors, system integrators and agents serving customers in 80 countries.3.We extend our capabilities through partnerships with a network of reliable localcompanies in distribution, software and product referencing. with leading brand andstrategic partnerships, we deliver industry solutions around the world , Rockwell automation。

英语口译试题Section 1: IntroductionEnglish interpretation is a crucial skill in today's globalized world. It requires the ability to accurately convey spoken language from one language to another. This article aims to provide a sample English interpretation test, allowing individuals to practice and assess their interpreting skills. The test consists of three parts, each with different difficulty levels.Section 2: Part One - Consecutive InterpretationInstructions: Listen to the audio recording and interpret the speaker's words into English. Take notes as you listen and begin interpreting after the speaker has finished speaking.Audio Recording:Speaker: 欢迎大家来到今天的会议。
Interpretation:Welcome everyone to today's meeting. I will introduce to you the new marketing strategy. We need to increase our presence on social media and maintain close contact with our customers. Additionally, we need to improve our customer service to enhance customer satisfaction. I hope everyone can work together to achieve greater success in the market.Section 3: Part Two - Sight TranslationInstructions: Read the following text and verbally interpret it into English.Text:亲爱的朋友们,感谢大家出席今天的婚礼仪式。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Pair work & Group Performance
The in-class practices are mainly done in pairs. And the whole class will also be divided into several groups. This will take up 20%.
1.4 Course Policies:
Grading Policy: Class work grade is determined by attendance, participation, presentation, group performance and the final exam. Attendance and participation 10 points Presentation 10 points Pair work & Group Performance 20 points Final exam 60 points TOTAL 100 POINTS
1.2 Objective:
The objective is to develop interpreting skills. By the end of the course the students will be able to interpret in professional communication. They will become aware of the role of interpreters as well as the difficulties and subtle nuances involved in bilingual communication in the modern society where there is a constant flow of information.
Each of you is given an opportunity to show yourselves and your oral English. You can do anything just to let all of us know your talents on English. This part will take up 10% of your grade.
1.3 Methods of Teaching:
In this course the students will complete individual presentation and conduct pair-work and group performances. The interpretation practice will be accomplished by means of role play.
2.2 Definitions and Types of Interpreting
It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83).
Interpret Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is Interpreter usually a face-to-face communicative act. Interpretation “Interpret” may mean “to understand the likely meaning of a statement or action, etc.” or “to show one‟s own ideas of the meaning of a work of art in one‟s performance”. All these meanings have nothing to do with the meaning discussed in this paper, which is particularly defined as “to put (something spoken) in one language into the words of another language.”
1.1 Description:
What is this course designed for? This course is designed to teach and develop students’ interpretation skills between English and Chinese. How can you learn it? In terms of cognitive science and psychological linguistics, the mastery of interpretation skills is dependent on plenty of pertinent trainings, that is to say interpretation is not mastered by teaching but by practicing. Thus this course pays great importance on practical training either from English to Chinese or vice versa.
Attendance and Participation
Participation is vital. Participation does not mean being physically present in class. Participation relates with your in-class performance and involvement. Your attendance and participation will make 10% of your course grade.
1.1 Description:
What does this course include? The course provides both theoretical and practical knowledge in interpretation. The theoretical part focuses on the general knowledge of interpretation, as well as universal and language-specific problems in interpretation. The practical part provides the student with situations in interpretation taken from actual professional assignments.
Final exam
There will be a final exam in this semester.
1.5 Textbook and reference books:
《中级口译教程》(第三版)。梅德明,上海外语教育出版社, 2008。 《中级听力教程》(第三版)。周国强,2010。 《高级口译教程》(第三版)。梅德明编著,上海外语教育出版 社,2010。 《高级听力教程》(第三版)。周国强,2010。 《实战口译》。林超伦,外语教学与研究出版社,2004。 《英语口译笔记法实战指导》。吴钟明,武汉大学出版社,2008。 《新编英语口译教程》。林郁如等,上海外语教育出版社,1999。 《最新简明英语口译教程》。李天舒。世界图书出版公司,2003。 《口译理论与实践-同声传译》
2. A Brief Introduction to Interpreting
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
History of Interpreting Definitions and Types of Interpreting Qualifications of Interpreters Process of Interpreting Training and mastery of interpreting skills
Course Guide A Brief Introduction to Interpreting
1. 2.
Wang Yan
Email: gracewang11@
1. Course Guide
1.1 Description: 1.2 Objective: 1.3 Methods of Teaching: 1.4 Course Policies: 1.5 Textbook and Reference Books:
2.1 History of Interpreting
Interpreting occurred when people speaking two different languages came to communicate with each other. Course book p.3 In China, interpreting as a practice can be dated back a long time ago. The earliest appointment of “interpreting officials” in China was in the Zhou Dynasty (1100-770 BC). “寄”, “译”, “象胥首”, “重译”, and “舌人” It is during the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 that the field of conference interpreting begins to draw people‟s attention. In other words, it is in the year 1919 that interpreting becomes a profession. The job these interpreters did was consecutive interpreting. Consecutive interpreters would interpret a few sentences of one language after the speaker of that language delivered his/her speech, thus enabled the speakers to use the time to consider while the languages other than their own were presented. It also made the whole audience of both languages not sit idle or uncomprehending through the length of the whole speech.