












1.4 Speech by Wang Ganga at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar frightful my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiithaamleistory concertantes country, it has producednanyoutstanding eople,Woodrow Wilson, the 28 US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and Tselios, the famous poet, to name but as former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the"250 anniversary of Princeton, every pivotal moment in American history, Princetonleaslership, faculty and its suedette played a crucial role. “I am more pleased to learn that you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common everyday lifeWhile many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald's fast food, many Americans said that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today's seminal will help you gain better understanding.1.5新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。



口译教程重点段翻译口译教程lecture 1 schools and educationP6 10句话1. How many courses are you going to take this semester [s?'mest?]?这个学期你准备要选几门课程?2. You must finish registration [red??'stre??(?)n]today, since it’s the last day for completingyour schedule ['sk?d?ul] and paying your bill.你必须在今天就注册好,因为过了今天你就没法完成你的进度并且付款。

3. You have no assignments [?'sainm?nt]for the weekend, but don’t forget your composition[k?mp?'z??(?)n]for next week.这个周末你们没有作业,但别忘了下周的作文。

4. The results of the final examinations will be released next Tuesday, two days beforewe are off for summer vacation.期末考试的结果将于下周二公布,即暑假放假前两天。

5. I had a tough time with English Grammar-I got a C plus in the final examination.我在英语语法上吃尽苦头—期末考试这门课我考了C+。

6. It’s a famous university, but it doesn’t offer courses I’m interested in.这是一所著名的大学,但没有什么课程我感兴趣的。



大学口译教程课文翻译4单元The Economic Impact of September 11thClearly, september 11th was an act of brutality that left the world first in shock, then in anger, an act of sudden violence that without warning stole a parent from 10,000 children and that shattered the illusion that we in North America are somehow insulated from external attack.显然,9月11日的暴行使整个世界为之震惊,继而愤怒。


In response, we have borne witness to an uncompromising resolve that more than matches the initial shock. The world has come together in an uncommon and irrevocable commitment to eliminate the threat of terrorism. The physical assault levelled against us is being met by an international coalition of nations, faiths and force that will not fail.我们已经证明,不妥协的决心是对这次袭击的最佳回应。





口译教程汉英翻译1—13单元译文Chapter 1: Introduction to InterpretationUnit 1: The Basics of InterpretationUnit 2: Types of InterpretationUnit 3: Skills Required for InterpretationChapter 2: The Process of InterpretationUnit 4: The Preparatory StageBefore starting the interpreting process, interpreters need to familiarize themselves with the topic and conduct research to understand the subject matter thoroughly. They should also prepare their interpreting equipment, such as headsets, microphones, and notepads. Additionally, interpreters may needto review and practice specialized terminology related to the event.Unit 5: The Interpreting StageDuring the interpreting stage, interpreters listen to the speaker and simultaneously translate their words into the target language. They must stay focused and concentrate on thespeaker's message to accurately convey the meaning. Interpreters should also pay attention to the speaker's tone, emotion, and non-verbal cues, as these elements can affect the interpretation.Unit 6: Note-taking TechniquesNote-taking is an essential skill for interpreters.Effective note-taking allows interpreters to retain important information and assist with memory recall during interpretation. Interpreters should develop their own note-taking system and use abbreviations and symbols to jot down key points quickly. However, note-taking should not interfere with active listening and immediate interpretation.Chapter 3: Consecutive InterpretationUnit 7: Introduction to Consecutive InterpretationConsecutive interpretation involves listening to one or several sentences in the source language and then reproducing them in the target language. It requires good memory retention and the ability to accurately convey the meaning. Interpreters should take notes and use their notes as a reference during the interpretation.Unit 8: The Techniques of Consecutive InterpretationInterpreters use several techniques during consecutive interpretation to ensure accurate and fluent delivery. These techniques include paraphrasing, summarizing, clarifying ambiguous statements, and maintaining natural rhythm and pacing. Interpreters should also adapt their interpretation style to match the speaker's tone and style.Unit 9: Consecutive Interpretation PracticeInterpreters can practice consecutive interpretation by engaging in role plays or shadowing experienced interpreters. They can also utilize practice materials, such as speeches, interviews, or articles, to improve their interpretation skills. Regular practice is essential for enhancing memory retention, improving fluency, and perfecting delivery.。



《实用英语口译教程》(第三版)(上)口译练习参考译文(仅供参考)第3单元1. Interpret the following Chinese idioms into English.(1)to harbor/have/out of/with ulterior motives; with malicious intent; to have an axe to grind(2)to go back on one’s words; to play fast and loose; to blow hot and cold; to chop and change; inconsistent/undependable/self-contradictory(3)to lord it over (others/all); to play the tyrant; to dominate/domineer and swashbuckle(4)to act in bad faith; to play foul/false; treacherous; to go back on one’s words(5)arrogant and conceited; self-important; to ride the high horse; false pride; to get too big for one’s boots(6)to work hand in glove with; to band together; to collaborate/collude with sb. in evil doing(7)Courtesy demands reciprocity; to exchange on an equal basis/footing(8)The united will of the masses is like a fortress; People with one will are stronger than a fortress; Unity isstrength.(9)blinded by one’s gains (by the lust for gain/the love of gain/self-interests); to bend one’s principles to one’sinterests; to be so obsessed with the idea of profit-making that one loses all sense of righteousness(10)to eat one’s own bitter fruit (the fruit of one’s own doing/the fruit of one’s own making); to reap what onesows; to bite off one’s own head; to face the consequences of one’s own action(11)Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear.(12)to court one’s own ruin/doom/disaster; to invite one’s own destruction; to cut one’s own throat; to bringdestruction to oneself; to take the road to one’s doom(13)to go against the trend of the times; to set back the clock; to push a reactionary policy;retrogressive/perverse acts(14)to intensify one’s efforts to do sth; to become aggravated; to be further intensified; with ever-increasingintensity(15)to be obvious to all; as clear as day(16)as always; just as in the past; as before(17)to exaggerate just to scare/frighten people; alarmist talk; sensational(18)to make irresponsible remarks/criticisms(19)to surrender a country’s sovereign rights under humiliating terms; to humiliate the nation by forfeiting itssovereignty(20)to invite/bring a wolf into the house; to open the door to an enemy(21)no end of trouble for the future; Endless troubles will follow.(22)to be filled with indignation(23)the trend of the time; the general trend(24)to run counter to …(25)to cling obstinately to one’s course; to act willfully; to insist on having one’s own way(26)to reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; to profit from other’s conflict(27)Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives. Neighbors are more helpful than distant relatives. A remotekinsfolk is not as good as a near neighbor.(28)the same medicine prepared with different water; the same old stuff with a different label; a change in formbut not in essence(29)to lift a rock only to crush/squash one’s own feet; to tread on one’s own tail(30)to defy public opinion (the will of the people); to fly/go in the face of the will of the people (public opinion);to face universal condemnation(31)Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Love sees no fault. Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes. Love blinds a man toimperfections.(32)Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake; The drinker’s heart is not in his cup —he has something else in hismind. One talks about one thing, but tries to do another.(33)While the magistrates are free to burn down houses, the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.One may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge.(34)Living near a wolf’s den, you can never be too cautious.(35)Of all the living things nurtured between heaven and earth, the most valuable is the human beings.(36)You want the horse to run fast and yet you don’t let it graze.(37)Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight. The weather and human life areboth unpredictable.(38)A person cannot be judged by his appearance, just like the sea cannot be measured with a bucket. A personcan no more be judged by his looks than the sea be measured with a bucket.(39)Man cannot be always fortunate just as flowers do not last forever.(40)Blood is thicker than water, the falling leaves settle on the roots.(41)Haughtiness invites losses while modesty brings profits.(42)One’s position alters the temperament, just as nourishment affects the body. Honors change manners.(43)Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as strength.(44)Like the Eight Fairies/Immortals crossing the sea, each displays his own talent/magic power.(45)On festive occasion, more often than ever, we think of our dear ones far away.(46)Among bosom friends, a thousand cups of wine are not too many/enough. A thousand cups of wine are toofew when drinking with close friends.(47)As the saying goes, “What’s near cinnabar goes red, and what’s next to ink turns black.”(48)Those who are meant to meet will meet even if they are separated by a thousand miles; those who are notmeant to meet will not get acquainted even if they brush past each other.(49)Preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure. Forewarned, forearmed.(50)Spare the rod and spoil the child.(51)The well-fed simply have no idea of how the starving suffers. Little does the fat sow know what the leanmeans.(52)Nearest the king, nearest the gallows.(53)As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection.(54)It takes more than a day to freeze three feet of ice. Rome was not built in a day.(55)No pains, no gains. No gains without pains.(56)When I walk along with two others, they may serve as my teachers. I will select their good qualities andfollow them, their bad qualities and avoid them. When I walk along with several people, they can serve as my teachers. I select their good qualities and emulate them, their bad qualities and amend them.(57)Sun Zi said, “War is a matter of vital importance to the state, a matter of life and death. Hence, it is imperativethat it be thoroughly studied.”(58)I recall my first lesson on calculus in senior high school. My teacher quoted a line from Zhuang Zi, a Chinesephilosopher over 2,000 years ago, which reads: “Cut away half of a rod and keep on halving what is left, and there will be no end to that process.” This gave me a vivid concept of limit.2. Interpret the following English idioms into Chinese.(1)有眼无珠(2)镇定自若(3)易如反掌(4)称心如意的境遇;安乐窝(5)进退两难(6)直言不讳(7)机不可失,时不再来(8)跟某人开玩笑;骗某人(9)假心假意地(10)雷声大雨点小(11)过于心直口快;过于直率(12)江山易改,本性难移(13)千里之堤,溃于蚁穴(14)和坏人打交道,必须提高警惕(15)试金石试金,金子则考验人(16)山外有山,天外有天(17)实践得真知(18)巧妇难为无米之炊(19)一事成功,事事顺利(20)知足常乐(21)不要过早乐观(22)人多好办事(23)天网恢恢,疏而不漏(24)谁笑在最后,谁笑得最美(25)草率结婚后悔多(26)单方面礼貌不会长久(27)物以类聚,人以群分(28)窃钩者诛,窃国者侯(29)说到曹操,曹操就到(30)人不为己,天诛地灭(31)覆水难收,后悔无益(32)上梁不正下梁歪(33)不入虎穴,焉得虎子(34)时不我待(35)豺狼活,则羊羔死(36)雄辩是银,沉默是金(37)债务还得早,朋友交得长(38)没有不带刺的玫瑰;没有尽善尽美的快乐(39)迟到总比不到好(或晚做总比不做好)(40)良牛产劣犊(好的父母未必培养出好的子女)第4单元(1) Meeting a Visiting US Military Delegation at the AirportMaj. Gen. Xiao Yang (X), Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense (MND), is at the airport to welcome a US military delegation headed by Maj. Gen. Smith (外). With him is Maj. Zhao Hua (Z), an interpreter from the Office.Z: 请问,您是美国军事代表团团长史密斯将军吗? //外:是的,我是美国来的约翰·史密斯。



Lesson 1010.3 中与欧盟的关系女士们、先生们、朋友们:今天,我很荣幸给大家介绍欧盟的一些情况以及欧盟与中国的关系。

















*** 这次欧盟的扩大还将创造一个几乎拥有5亿消费者的统一市场,这个市场饱含经济增长和不断繁荣的极大潜力。

我的话讲完了,谢谢大家!10.4 中国与东盟的关系A: Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now?B: 东盟于1967年8月8日成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。



Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。








对各位老师坚持复旦大学 99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。

1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleaguesand for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hopet hat today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼! 感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢! ”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲, 他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。



Lesson 33.3 Steve Forbes on Forbes我祖父二十世纪初来到美国,他离开苏格兰时身上没有什么钱。



** 他创办了《福布斯》杂志,报道那些实干家,那些给商业社会带来变革的人。





** 当前世界信息泛滥,足以将人淹么其中,人们迫切需要一本刊物来解读这些信息,告诉读者哪些重要哪些可以不必理会。




3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts companyDistinguished guests, dear friends:I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference.Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts. Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50; now the figure is 1,700. Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of4,500 square meters; now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters. **These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.Our leading products are various architectural models, including exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animaltoys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs. Our designs have become trend setters in the industry.Today, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. They are well received by both local importers and customers.For fifteen years, our output value has maintained an annual growth rate of 30%.3.5 财富500强45年来,《财富》杂志一直给美国的大公司排名,这就是一年一度的“财富500强”,有时也将前面的100名成为“财富100强”。



Lesson2口译教程参考译文Lesson 22.3 Yo-Yo Ma今天将与我们见面的是我们这个时代最伟大的大提琴家-马友友。















2.4 CNN interview with Jet LiCNN 记者:祝贺《英雄》所取得的成功。

请问您在《英雄》里扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相似呢?JL: It is a very special part and a very special movie. I think it’s one of the most important action movies in my life.CNN 记者:为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近30部电影,而《英雄》是如何与其他影片不同的呢?JL: Usually action films have a formula: a child whose parents have been murdered by the bad guys tries hard to learn martial arts and he grows up into an outstandingKongfu master. He takes revenge and kills the badguys. But “Hero” has a much broader theme.CNN 记者:就比如很像《卧虎藏龙》?JL: No, it’s totally different. I think Ang Le e is a very talented director.He uses martial arts to talk about love and girls, youknow… But Zhang Yimou tries to tell about Chineseculture, Chinese thinking and their hopes throughmartial arts.CNN 记者:含义的确很深。


























Week 1-10 Oral Interpretation (Advanced Level) Unit 1 Tourism Industry 1. sunrise 朝阳的/方兴未艾的;第三产业the tertiary industry 2. 长期目标long term goals/targets 3. 中国社会经济发展"九五"计划:the Nineth Five-Year Plan for China's National Economic & Social Development 4. pillar/key/backbone industry 支柱产业 5. tourist undertakings 旅游事业; accommodation食宿条件/设施 6. a star-level management system 星级管理制
7. to grant power to lower levels 8. market-oriented以市场为导向/为中心; a trial basis 试点基地;theme park 主题/特色公园;the booming development 蓬勃发展;say good-bye to poverty 告别/摆脱贫困;poverty-striken population 贫困人口 9. guest house 客房/招待所;inn,hostel 10. foreign-funded(-invested) 外商投资的 11. promulgation 颁布;preset growth rate预先设定的 增长率;预定增长率 12. adverse/deteriorated恶劣的/恶化的 circumstance of international market;optimize 使。。。优化/优 化 13. tour package 代办旅游/包办:group tour组团游/团 体游;package tour 个人包游;volunteer tour自助 游/自主游;DIY car tour/travel 自驾游



单元1 中英论坛讲话1It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends。

The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。



It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning。

This year, we ha ve taken the theme ”The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me。



Lesson 1111.3 倾销与反倾销如一公司以低于其国内市场正常水平的价格出口产品,则被视为“倾销”。
















//11.4 ABC of the WTOA: With the development of globalization, international economic organizations are playing an increasingly important role. What are the major economic organizations in the world today? Could you please tell me briefly about them, not only about their common characteristics in international trade practice, but also their particular features?B: 三个主要的国际经济组织是世界银行、国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织。



Lesson 1212.3 新款手机女士们,先生们:欢迎参加此次产品推介会。





















您一定不会失望的!12.4 NanotechonologyThe term, nanotechnology, may not sound unfamiliar anymore. It has become a buzzword within the high-tech community, but ***when asked what’s it about and its impact on our life,I’m afraid manypeople are not able to answer right away. As a matter of fact, it’s already a part of daily life for many. The promise of nanotechnology is almost unlimited. Some may think nanotechnology is all in the future; however, that’s not the case. In the US, nano trousers are already on the market. ***They feel like ordinary cotton trousers but there’s a thin nano layer, which resists spills and stains. So, if you spill your drink, it just runs off. The trousers don’t even get damp.Nano trousers are just one application of the technology. Nano can be used to produce almost anything you want.Nanotechnology is the science of the very small. But how small is small? Well, imagine I were shrunk to a size 1000 times smaller. I’d be about as big as the eye of a fly, but nano is even smaller than that. In fact, much, much smaller. Imagine I were shrunk again, this time by 10,000 times. I’d be about as big as a virus, but nano is even small er than that. You’d have to shrink me another 100 times to get the nano version of me, a billion times smaller than the real me.Industry is already building ***devices on that scale (nano devices). In Cambridge, they’re making verythin nano layers of a plastic that emits light when an electric current runs through it. The technology will soon be on the market, in mobile phones with very bright, energy-saving displays.People will see these developments initially in fairly simple products like mobile phones, but ultimately they will be in TVs, and when the technology moves on to plastics, you’ll have a roll-down TV that you can hang on your wall.Nanotechnology can also be applied to medicine. Ultimately, it will be applied in making a chip that can go into the body, which *** will release a drug or a whole variety of drugs at an assigned period of time, thus having a healing effect on the body. Nanotechnology can be used in many other fields which are closely related to our daily life as well. The promise of nanotechnology is almost unlimited. That’s why the government is backing it strongly (investing substantial amount of resources in the development of the technology), yet still many critics fear possible side effects.12.5 “.biz”的光明未来Anchor: It’s been 15 years since the launch of popular web domain names like “.com”, “.org”, and “.net”. Now, there are new names about to enter theinternet, like “.info”, “.name”, “.coop”, and “.biz”. “.biz”is the domain name built for business. It is operated by a company called “NeuLeveal”. Today we are glad to have its chief executive officer, Doug Almonchant, join us on the show. Welcome, Mr. Almonchant.嘉宾:谢谢。



DialogueA: 莉莉,你好!我听说你被选为2008 年奥运会志愿者,祝贺你!我刚来北京,对于中国即将举行的奥运会也非常感兴趣,你能不能简单地告诉我一些关于北京奥运会的基本信息呢?B: Thank you, Jay, of course I can tell you something. As a volunteer, I have the responsibility to promote the Beijing Olympic Games. What would you like to know? A: 太好了!我想知道的东西太多了。



B: Oh, no problem, I will explain to you one by one. First, let’s talk about the slogan of the Beijing Games. That is “One World, One Dream.” This slogan reflects the essence of the universal values of the Olympic spirit. In spite of our differences, we come together for the Olympic Games. This slogan was chosen from thousands of proposals submitted by people across China and around the world.A: 成千上万条提议,数量可真不少!B: “One World, One Dream” is simple in expression, but profound in meaning. It conveys the lofty ideal of the people in Beijing, as well as in China, i.e., the Chinese people and the world people share the same globe and will create a bright future hand in hand. It also voices the aspiration of the Chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and beautiful world.A:我明白了,它的意义确实很深远。



1.3 US Vice President's Speech at Fudan University美国副总统在复旦大学的演讲开场白Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we're delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. // We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.//非常感谢您,市长先生。







I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。



Lesson 1414.3 Speech at the Forum on Revitalizing the Old Industrial Bases in Northeast ChinaLadies and gentlemen,Good morning. “The Forum on Revitalizing the Old Industrial Bases in Northeast China”, co-hosted by the State Council’s Office of the Leading Group for Revitalizing Northeast China and Other Old Industrial Bases, the Ministry of Commerce, the Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provincial governments and the organizing committee of the CIFIT, is being held in Xiamen as scheduled. This CIFIT features a series of activities for revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. First, on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Director Zhang Guobao, and the leaders of the three northeastern provinces in China. My thanks also go to the Organization of Economic and Cooperative Development, the International Financial Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency for their support. Also, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates. Supporting those old industrial bases to accelerate adjustment and reconstruction is a major strategic decision made by the CPC central committee. Speeding up the process is not only theurgent demand of northeast China for its own reform and development but also an important strategy to realize the harmonious development of China’s economy and society. The success of the strategy is the key to the sustainable development of China’s economy.The old industrial bases in northeast China boast a batch of enterprises in strategic industrie s such as energy, raw material and equipment-manufacturing, and they once made great contributions to the nation’s economic construction. However, with the deepening of China’s economic restructuring, the problems faced by those old industrial bases have become more and more prominent, such as the lower level of marketization and opening-up to the outside world, the unitary structure of the ownership economy, tardiness in the adjustment of the industrial structure, aging of the equipment and technology and the immense pressure on social security and employment.All these require us to do some brainstorming and come up with effective measures. The plan to revitalize the old industrial bases in northeast China is a comprehensive system and the policies for adjustment cover all aspects. Nevertheless, opening more widely to the outside world, absorbing overseas investments, bringing in capital, technology and managerial expertise, andpromoting the development of the old industrial bases and the reform and restructuring of sate-owned enterprises are the major measures to revitalize northeast China and other old industrial bases.The biggest selling-point for northeast China is the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. By cooperating with large or medium-sized state-owned enterprises, their former competitors, foreign-invested enterprises can shorten the amount of time needed to gain access to the Chinese market. They can attract a number of technically and managerially talented people who worked in the state-owned enterprises, as well as the market, the resources of their partners and support from the government. What’s more important, they can convert their competitors into partners and become more competitive.As for the foreign-funded enterprises, it’s necessary for them to stick to the principle of “contacting, cooperating and developing” if they want to turn these measures into substantial yields. They should express sincerity for cooperation in the contract, achieve complementary advantages in the cooperation and remove the risks in investment through development. Only when they attain full contact, in-depth communication and understanding, and sincere cooperation can they realize mutualdevelopment. To develop is the best means for us to diminish the risks and realize a win-win situation. To carry out the development strategies made by the CPC central committee and the State Council to revitalize the old industrial bases in northeast China, the Ministry of Commerce and the three northeastern provinces in China have put forward some tentative policies after carrying out much investigation and research. At present, the Ministry of Commerce is working out some specific measures in collaboration with relevant departments and the three provincial governments in northeast China. It’s believed that these measures will facilitate the economic development of northeast China.In conclusion, I wish the forum complete success.14.4 西部经贸洽谈会开幕式致辞尊敬的张省长、尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们:我很高兴今天上午来这里参加中国西部经贸洽谈会的开幕式。



英语专业口译教程unit2参考译文第一篇:英语专业口译教程unit2参考译文英国女王2009 圣诞致词过去每年似乎都各具特点。






英国和包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服役。


今年是英联邦成立60 周年,今天其成员国25 岁以下人口超过10 亿,为它保持长久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。















Unit 1Passage A[参考译文]:人生的两条真理抓紧,放开:明白了这对矛盾,你就踏进了智慧的大门(美国犹太人联合会主席)亚历山大·M·辛德勒人生的艺术就是要懂得适时地收与放.而人生其实就是这样的一个矛盾:尽管到头来注定一切都不能长久,它还是令我们依恋于它所赋予的各种恩赐。























英语口译基础教程1-7单元段落翻译Unit 1P1 China will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third worldwide. 1.69 billion tourists will travel in china, representing an average 8% increase annually; the revenue from the domestic tourism will reach 881 billion yuan with an increase of 11% on the average every year; the tourism earnings will total 1.226 trillion yuan ,up 10%, representing 7% of GDP ; tourism will create 9.8 million direct and 49 million indirect job opportunities.中国旅游创汇将达426亿元,年均增长8%左右,有望居世界第三位;国内旅游人数16.9亿人次,年均增长8%;国内旅游收入8810亿元,年均增长11%左右,旅游业总收入12260亿元,年均增长10%左右,相当于全国国内生产总值的7%;旅游带动直接就业980万人,间接就业4900万人。

P2 The eleventh five-year plan is a crucial strategic period for upgrading china’s tourism which will be faced with new opportunities and challenges. The tourism industry is continuously raising its status in the national economy. Currently, 24 provincial-cities have promoted tourism as their pillar, pioneering or crucial industry with the further optimization of the macro-environment of tourism. Accompanied by theprogress of the development of the well-of society, the per capita GDP in china will jump from 1000 dollars to 3000 dollars, thus leading to a dramatically increased demand for tourism consumption. This constitutes the paramount driving force behind the sustainable bloom in china’s tourism.“十一五”是中国旅游业发展的重要战略提升期,面临着心得发展机遇和挑战。

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大学口译教程课文翻译单元The Economic Impact of September 11thClearly, september 11th was an act of brutality that left the world first in shock, then in anger, an act of sudden violence that without warning stole a parent from 10,000 children and that shattered the illusion that we in North America are somehow insulated from external attack.显然,9月11日的暴行使整个世界为之震惊,继而愤怒。


In response, we have borne witness to an uncompromising resolve that more than matches the initial shock. The world has come together in an uncommon and irrevocable commitment to eliminate the threat of terrorism. The physical assault levelled against us is being met by an international coalition of nations, faiths and force that will not fail.我们已经证明,不妥协的决心是对这次袭击的最佳回应。



For each of us september 11th was, above all, a tragedy in human terms. For the terrorists, however, the aim of their criminal act was not only thedestruction of life; they were seeking to destroy our way of life. The terrorists did not choose their targets randomly. New York’s world trade center stood at the heart of the international financial district. It was a symbol of accomplishment and confidence. It was targeted for that reason. The terrorists sought to cripple economic activity, to paralyze financial relations, to create new barriers between economies, countries and people.总之,9月11日对于我们每个人来说都一场悲剧,然而,对于恐怖分子来说,他们的罪恶行径目的不光在于摧毁我们的生活,他们是想摧毁我们生活的方式。



Our goal in response must be even more direct and even more purposeful. It must be to deny those who traffic in terrorism and hate advantage in any measure and in any theatre, be it military or economic. For the major industial nations, the slowdown we are experiencing is a matter of real concern. For developing and emerging economies, however, the consequences could well be devastating. Jobs might not just be lost temporarily, they could disappear forever. Incomes might not just fall, they could vanish for good.作为回应,我们的目标必须更直接,更有针对性。





Let us be clear, it is the poor primarily who bear the long-term consequences of terrorism. For this reason, all of us must dedicate ourselves to the cause of economic security, just as surely as we have dedicated ourselves to the cause of physical security. In that context, there are considerable grounds for optimism.我们必须清楚,最先承受恐怖主义带来的漫长后果的是那些穷人,鉴于此,就像我们专注于自身安全一样,我们也必须致力于经济安全问题。


First, strong fiscal and economic policies have left most industrial nations better positioned to withstand economic turbulence than they have been in many years, even many decades.首先,强有力的财政和经济政策使大多数工业国比前几年甚至前几十年抵御经济动荡的能力更强了。

Second, central banks have moved rapidly to maintain liquidity in markets and to bring intrest rates down.其次,中央银行已经迅速转向保持市场资金流动性,并降低利率。

And third, the IMF, the World Bank and other international institutions stand ready to provide resources to help those most in need.三,国际货币基金组织,世界银行和其他国际机构已经准备好物资,随时提供给最需要帮助的人。

That being said, however, if we are translate all of this into widespread economic recovery, a greater effort than that generated so far will be required, one that gathers countries in common cause and coordinated approch. Now is not the time for defeatism, but neither is it a time for rose-coloured glasses. The campaign for economic security must involve swift and steady response to new realities.然而,如果我们将这些转变为经济的全面复苏,将需要付出比以往更大的努力,这需要各国竖立一致目标,共同协作。



Part of the terrorist agenda is to see governments turn borders into barriers, to erect walls behind which people live in fear and economies stagnate. To retreat from today’s integrated world economy would be a terrible mistake. It would be to concede victory to criminals. And we cannot allow this to happen. For decades nations, large and small, rich and poor, have laboured to promote a freer and orderly flow of goods and services throughout the world. Why? Because doing so is crucial to the development of their economies and the well-being of their people. The fact is, we are all sovereign nations, but our relations are intertwined, our fortunes are linked, and our economies are interdependent.恐怖分子的部分日程安排是将政府间的国界变为障碍,在那些处于恐惧或经济萧条中的人们背后竖起高墙。
