EMC35HREH中文资料(List Unclassifed)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
315VNSN820M35E中文资料(Nippon Chemi-Con)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
(at 120Hz) The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after subjected to DC voltage with the rated ripple current is applied for 3000 hours (2000 hours for F20mm products) at 105C. Capacitance change [P20% of the initial value DF (tanE) [200% of the initial specified value [The initial specified value Leakage current The following specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20C after exposing them for 1000 hours at 105C without voltage applied. Capacitance change [P15% of the initial value [150% of the initial specified value DF (tanE) Leakage current [The initial specified value
22B25 1.00 22B25 1.20 22B30 1.35 22B35 1.50 22B40 1.67 22B45 1.78 22B50 2.04
30B20 1.15 30B20 1.20 30B25 1.50 30B25 1.67 30B30 1.78 30B30 2.04 30B35 2.30 30B40 2.55 30B45 2.90 30B60 3.49
EH35MMMSC中文资料(Switchcraft)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
0.748 190.05 x 0.13 [1.3 x 3.2] SLOT提示和环端子0.13 3.2提示和环端子0.945 240.945 24RETAININGNUT0.929 23.6REF0.138 3.5(2)宿3.5mmPHONE JACKEH35MMSNSC SHOWN1.02 260.21 5.40.09 [2.4]HOLE推荐面板开孔E 系列外壳TIP终奌站TIP 师范大学终奌站套终奌站套终奌站环师范大学终奌站0.19 4.8套终奌站RING终奌站TIP终奌站TIP终奌站1.22 31套终奌站0.138 THRU0.230 [5.8] x 82(2)地方REF0.141±0.002 3.6±0.1孔3.5mm 插头0.083 2.1REF2.06 52.4EH35MMSNSC&EH35MMSNSCBEH35MMSSC&EH35MMSSCBE 系列外壳表面处理镍黑色镀铬镍黑色镀铬镍黑色镀铬RING终奌站EH35MMMSC&EH35MMMSCB零件号EH35MMMSC EH35MMMSCB EH35MMSSCEH35MMSSCB EH35MMSNSCEH35MMSNSCB说明EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,2芯MONO EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,2芯MONO EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,3芯立体声EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,3芯立体声EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,5芯立体声NORMALED EH 系列3.5毫米插孔,5芯立体声NORMALED注意:1.材料:外壳 - 锌合金,请参阅表用于精加工固定螺母 - 镀镍黄铜3.5毫米PHONE JACK :插座外壳 - 镀镍黄铜SPRINGS - 镍银绝缘子 - 热塑性INSERT OVERMOLD - 热塑性2.运组装无面板安装硬件. ADD"PKG"后缀INCLUDE 安装螺钉,独立包装.3.这些产品符合RoHS 指令.A客户图纸THIS DRAW ING DESCRIBES A DESIGN CONSIDERED PROPRIETARY IN NATURE, DEVELOPED AND MANUFACTURED BY SW ITCHCRAFT INC. AND IS RELEASED ON A CONFIDENTIAL BASIS FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY.除非另有规定1.英寸所有尺寸- 两地DECIM A LS - 三地DECIM A LS0.020.005SIZE FIN ISH W ID TH M U LTLBS/M 材料SP E C 号TE M P E RSP E C 号作为世界上最大当日所BY C H KD SC ALE1.5:125459E C O N U M BE R10/20/06D ATERSBYTJKAP VD10/17/05PNKRS 6/24/09TJK 8/27/09P AR T 号AP VDSHEETR E V修订不要比例图N AM EEH 系列3.5毫米PHONE JACK1OF1R E VEH35MM 系列ASolidWorksCAD 文件B。
10 CFR 50 • AERB • ASME QME-1* • ASME QSC (NCA-3800) • ASME 第 III 部分 • ASME U核级认证核级认证 • ASN • CNSC CRN-N* HAF 604 • IAEA SC-QA 780 298* • IEEE* • ISO 9001: •E 派克核电门户网站无论您是要建新的发电厂,还是要改进现有电厂,派克都会依照行业统一的质量保证计划,使不同部门的各种产品进入核电市场,提高生产率和利润率。
另外,我们在将近 50 个国家拥有 50,000 名员工,因而门户网站产品在全球都有供应。
有关订购门户网站产品的更多信息,请:拨打电话 256 885 3833(销售)、256 885 3880(技术支持)或 发送电子邮件至 ipdusnuclear@parker .com派克核电门户网站是根据派克现行的 NQA- 1 和 10CFR50 附录 B 规定的质量保证计划开发的,并且采用了行业及规范性文件中规定的最佳实3 级阀门的 ASME N 核级认证外,派克核电门户网站上提供的产品符合 10CFR 第 21 部分中对基本组件的规定,按照认可的质保计划或是商品级物项执行。
EU PED*HAF 604*IAEA SC-QA KTA 3507NNSANQA-1Parker Hannifin Ltd.Tachbrook Park DriveTachbrook Park,Warwick, CV34 6TU英国电话:+44 (0) 1926 317 878传真:+44 (0) 1926 317 855********************欧洲、中东和非洲AE – 阿联酋,迪拜电话:+971 4 8127100********************AT – 奥地利,维也纳新城电话:+43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – 东欧,维也纳新城电话:+43 (0)2622 23501 900****************************AZ – 阿塞拜疆,巴库电话:+994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – 比利时,尼韦尔电话:+32 (0)67 280 900*************************BY – 白俄罗斯,明斯克电话:+375 17 209 9399*************************CH – 瑞士,埃托瓦电话:+41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – 捷克共和国,Klecany电话:+420 284 083 111*******************************DE – 德国,卡尔斯特电话:+49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – 丹麦,巴勒鲁普电话:+45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – 西班牙,马德里电话:+34 902 330 001***********************FI – 芬兰,万塔河电话:+358 (0)20 753 2500parker. ****************FR – 法国,Contamine s/Arve电话:+33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – 希腊,雅典电话:+30 210 933 6450************************HU – 匈牙利,布达佩斯电话:+36 23 885 470*************************IE – 爱尔兰,都柏林电话:+353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – 意大利,Corsico (MI)电话:+39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – 哈萨克斯坦,阿拉木图电话:+7 7273 561 000****************************NL – 荷兰,奥尔登扎尔电话:+31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – 挪威,阿斯克尔电话:+47 66 75 34 00************************PL – 波兰,华沙电话:+48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – 葡萄牙,莱萨·达·帕尔梅拉电话:351 22 999 7360**************************RO – 罗马尼亚,布加勒斯特电话:+40 21 252 1382*************************RU – 俄罗斯,莫斯科电话:+7 495 645-2156************************SE – 瑞典,Spånga电话:+46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – 斯洛伐克,班斯卡·比斯特里察电话:+421 484 162 252**************************SL – 斯洛文尼亚,新梅斯托电话:+386 7 337 6650**************************TR – 土耳其,伊斯坦布尔电话:+90 216 4997081************************UA – 乌克兰,基辅电话:+380 44 494 2731*************************UK – 英国,沃里克电话:+44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – 南非,坎普顿公园电话:+27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************北美地区CA – 加拿大,安大略省米尔顿电话:+1 905 693 3000US – 美国,克利夫兰电话:+1 216 896 3000亚太地区AU – 澳大利亚,城堡山电话:+61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – 中国,上海电话:+86 21 2899 5000HK – 香港电话:+852 2428 8008IN – 印度,孟买电话:+91 22 6513 7081-85JP – 日本,东京电话:+81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – 韩国,首尔电话:+82 2 559 0400MY – 马来西亚,莎阿南电话:+60 3 7849 0800NZ – 新西兰,惠灵顿电话:+64 9 574 1744SG – 新加坡电话:+65 6887 6300TH – 泰国,曼谷电话:+662 186 7000-99TW – 台湾,台北电话:+886 2 2298 8987南美AR – 阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯电话:+54 3327 44 4129BR – 巴西,圣若泽杜斯坎普电话:+55 800 727 5374CL – 智利,圣地亚哥电话:+56 2 623 1216MX – 墨西哥,阿波达卡电话:+52 81 8156 6000核电门户网站手册 M&K 12/10 1M派克授权的本地经销商© 2010 派克汉尼汾公司派克全球办事处联系信息欧洲产品信息中心免费电话:00 800 27 27 5374(AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE,IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE,SK, UK, ZA)– 一点的方式。
安装、操作、维护手册关于电磁阀尺寸的常规性信息:Clark Cooper电磁阀的一些特殊术语解释理解;如:“全端口”尺寸电磁阀,是指接口尺寸规格与电磁阀的通径一样大小,再如:“减少型端口”尺寸电磁阀,是指管接口尺寸大于通径尺寸.电磁阀的流量系数Cv是通过电磁阀的每个尺寸流量测试确定的值。
“全端口”阀将具有比“减少型端口”阀的Cv更高.每个阀门的Cv等级都列在产品目录里的表格中.Cv的定义是当阀门打开时将以一定压力差情况下流过阀门的多少加仑的水量.以下等式可用于确定:•计算流量, 给出 Cv 和∆P•计算Cv, 给出流量值和∆P•计算∆P, 给出流量值和 CvCv = 阀门的流量系数(无量纲值)S = 比 重(1.0为空气或水)T = 绝对温度(°R)(°R =°F + 460)P1 = 输入端压力( PSIG)∆P = 压差在阀门处于打开位置,进出口直接的压差.PSIV = 特定体积CFP(立方英尺/磅)安 装:安装阀门之前,请确保操作压力、维护和电气要求与您的安装兼容。
切勿施加不相容的流体介质或超过阀门的压力和温度等级. 阀门应由专业的人员安装和维护.阀门方向:EH30、EH40和EH50阀门设计:进入端是水平进行输入流体,出口端面向下,电磁阀线圈位于顶部。
必须注意防止多余的胶带进入阀门.对于EH70阀门,当施加扭矩或夹紧时,始终使用阀体铸件的六边形部分, 不要对阀门的其他区域施加扭矩或压力.焊接端(仅限EH70阀门):建议在从阀体上取下阀门内部部件的情况下进行任何需要焊接的端口连接件.如果温度升高到400°F 以上,则可能会对阀门内的密封件造成损坏。
PROline promass 80科氏力质量流量测量系统功能描述BA 058D/28/zh 50098512目录1Proline Promass 8.0功能表 (5)2测量值..................................................................73系统单位...............................................................84快速设定菜单.........................................................135操作.....................................................................156人机界面...............................................................177累加器1/2............................................................208累加器操作 (229)电流输出 (23)10脉冲/频率输出.........................................................2911状态输出 (38)12状态输入...............................................................4213通信.....................................................................4414工艺参数...............................................................4515系统参数...............................................................4916传感器数据............................................................5217信息管理...............................................................5418系统模拟...............................................................5619传感器版本............................................................5720放大板版本............................................................5721出厂设定 (58)1.151.2611.14011.24121.1/5821.259功能表、结构和使用功能表图示状态输出的反应信息状态输出的动作国际单位(不适用于美国加拿大)美制单位(仅适用于美国/加拿大)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………注册商标HA RTHA RT 通讯基金会注册商标,奥斯丁.美国S DA T ,T D AT ,F -Ch ip E+H 瑞士流量厂注册商标,Re in c h.瑞士--TM TMT M1Proline Promass 80功能表1.1功能表:结构和使用功能表是两层的结构:组群是第一层,功能块是第二层。
MicroChemicals TI 35E 反照性胶技术数据手册说明书
TI 35Eimage reversal resistTechnical Data Sheetrevised 08/2016MicroChemicals GmbHNicolaus-Otto-Str. 39D-89079 UlmFon +49 (0) 731 977343 0Mobil +49 (0) 177 3332453Fax +49 (0) 731 977343 29Email ***********************Internet General InformationThe TI 35E resist is specially designed for the application in the so called “image reversal technology” for:·subsequent lift-off of deposited layers·wet chemical treatment in HF containing etching solutions·direct mesa grooving.The viscosity of the resist leads to a thickness range depending on the spin-speed from 3.0-4.5 µm. With spin-speed of 3000 rpm a resist thickness of 3.6 µm will be achieved that enables lift-off of evaporated solids up to a thickness of 6 µm. The typical aspect ratio of the structured features achievable is in the range of 1.6 .. 2.0.This technical data sheet intends to give you a guide-line for process parameters for various applications. However, the optimum values for e.g. spin profile, exposure dose, or development depend on the individual equipment and need to be adjusted on each individual demand.'Image Reversal' – A Short Introduction What 'image reversal' generally meansinverted mask (the exposed areas finally remain) behaves like an exposedpositive resist.cross-links the exposed area,while the unexposed arearemains photo-active(without mask) ... which was not exposed inthe first step, soluble indeveloper areas exposed in the first step now remain... and for what image reversal is good for:®High stability for wet-chemical etching allows the usage of the inverted TI 35E as mask for wet-chemical etching under harsh conditionsTI 35E – Fields of ApplicationLift-off of PECVD layers·Amorphous Si layer deposited in device quality at 110°C·Amorphous SiN xLift-off of sputtered layers·Due to non-directional deposition, lower thickness achievable (approx.1 µm)·Possibly ultra sonic treatment necessary·Liftability dependent on operating pressureEtching of SiN x in BHF (12.5%HF)·SiN x deposited at 400 °C with PECVD·Hardbake at 125°C (Hotplate) for two minutes·No visible degradation of resist after 10 min etching time·Enables structuring of SiN up to at least 100 nm (tested)·Use ammonia during SiN X deposition to increase adhesion of the resist on the surface(For harsh chemical attack prefer the use of TI 35E)Etching of thick thermal SiO2 with 20 % HF·No visible degradation of the resist after 10 min·Possible etching in HF conc. (50%) for several minutes(For harsh chemical attack prefer the use of TI 35E)Direct mesa grooving·TI series resists allow direct Si etching without SiO2 masking·Hardbake at 120-145°C for 2 min necessary·Use HNO3(70%) : HF(50 %) : H2O= 75 : 10 : 25 as etching solution and TI 35E resist in reversal mode, groove up to 4 µm in 45sTechnological RequirementsSince the TI 35E yields an inverted structure in the image reversal mode, an inverted exposure mask is needed. Beyond this, compared to standard positive resist processing, no further upgrade in existing technological infrastructure is necessary.Also compared to standard positive resist processing, applying the TI 35E implements just two further process steps: The reversal bake and the flood exposure without mask, both very easy to be performed and explained in the following.Processing the TI 35E(in chronological order)·Substrate preparation: Put the substrate on the hotplate at a minimum temperature of 120 °C for 10 minutes to remove adsorbed water from the substrates surface. Alternatively, you can use a furnace at same temperature for 30 min. Of course standard HMDS procedure (only from vapor phase at an optimum substrate temperature of 125°C!) is also an adequate preparation.·Spin-coat the resist after cooling down the substrates, spin at the final speed level for at least 30-40 seconds.·Softbake the coated substrate at 95°C for 2 minutes on the hotplate (when using a furnace, 95°C for 20 min is recommended)·Exposure the coated substrate (with the mask) at a dose of 140 mJ/cm2.This first exposure dose adjusts the negative wall profile the so called “undercut”. Lower the 1st exposure dose to increase the undercut. 140 mJ/cm² will be a good choice for most applications. A too low 1st exposure dose will dramatically increase the erosion of the resist not to be cleared (see appendix). Note: Exposure dose holds for calibration on i-line (365nm). A standard mask aligner with a 350W Hg lamp has approx.10 mW/cm2 i-line intensity.·Keep the coated substrate at room temperature after the exposure for at least 10 minutes. In this delay time nitrogen, generated during exposure, will diffuse out the resist. If you use square shaped substrates the resist thickness on the edges is significant thicker than 3-4 µm. In this case the nitrogen needs more time to diffuse out. In this case double the delay time.·After the delay bake the coated substrate on the hotplate at a temperature of 115 .. 120°C on the hotplate for two minutes (when using furnace try 20 minutes at 115°C. Because this step is very temperature critical furnace baking is not recommended). This step is the reversal bake where the image is reversed due to cross link the exposed areas making them insoluble in the developer.·Exposure the coated substrate for the second time without a mask (flood exposure). Use a dose (very uncritical) of 540 mJ/cm2 (200-800 has not a dominant effect). When, during a subsequent deposition, the temperature will raise over 80°C use high exposure doses to avoid nitrogen bubbles in the resist during the deposition. Especially when UV-light is present during deposition (plasma coating).·Develop in AZ developer such as 826MIF (metal ion free) or potassium or sodium based developer (AZ 400K 1:4). When the structure is through-developed (cleared), add another 10-30% in the bath of the total development time to finalize the side wall profile.·Hardbake the coated substrate only when using the resist as an etching mask under harsh conditions. When using it for mesa grooving hardbake at 140°C to 145°C for 2 minutes on the hotplate. The side-wall profile will loose the undercut during this step, lift-off processes become more problematic. If you need a hardbake and lift-off or very high temperatures during deposition, make a UV-curing to harden the resist after development (or contact us for further information).Processing the TI 35E - OverviewResist thickness (µm) 3.0... 4.5 Exposure Broadband org, h, i (mJ/cm-2) Typical Exposure time (sec)* 100 .. 250, 140 (typ.) 10-25, 14 (typ.)Reversal Bake Time (Hot plate Temperature)2 min (115-120°C)Flood exposure (mJ/cm-2) (without any mask) 540 (typ.) 200-800Developer Clariant AZ 351B, MIF Developers e.g. AZ 826 Hardbake 140 ... 145°C(only for hard etching, avoid itfor lift-off )2 minLift off media PGMEA, NMP, MMP, EEP, DMF, Acetone,ethyl lactateRemover (Stripper)AZ 100 remover, acetone*Exposure dose as calibrated on i-line (365nm). A standard mask aligner with a 350W Hg lamp has approx. 10 mW/cm2 i-line intensity。
Fluke 35 Series Infrared Thermometer 产品说明书
3. No UserAdjustmentErrorsA setting of emissivity = 0.9 on anfrom one will not necessarilymatch that on a different gun from another manufacturer. No industry-wide standards exist for the precise use of emissivityJ-35OS950 Series infrared scanners from OMEGA provide the highest accuracy available anywhere!They are very different from conventional temperaturemeasuring devices. These scanners are the only infrared instruments with certified NIST-traceable accuracy on real surfaces ofunknown emissivity, and they are free of the contact errors and heat errors of contact devices. Traceable accuracy applies to surfaces with an emissivity of 0.8 or higher.Digital Infrared Scanners High Accuracy, CertifiedNIST-TraceabilityOS951 with integral sensing headshown smaller than actual size.1. No Emissivity ErrorsThe true emissivity of a surface can never be accurately determined by conventional infrared devices. Without OMEGA’sautomatic emissivity compensation system (see Figure 1 above), infrared devices with a preset emissivity setting can only display an approximate temperature over their entire temperature range.The accuracy specifications given by most manufacturers are only for a“blackbody” calibration and do not hold outside laboratory conditions. Blackbody calibrations totally ignore emissivity shifts, ambient change effects on the target, andother phenomena. Only OMEGA’s OS950 Series is unaffected by these distortions (see Figure 2 above).2. No Emissivity Shift ErrorsEven if an infrared “gun” is set to the correct emissivity to read a surfaceaccurately at a particular temperature, it may not read the same target correctly at other temperatures. The emissivity of virtually all surfaces changes withtemperature. For non-metals, the average change in emissivity is approximately -2% per 100°F target temperature change (-3% per 100°C).Covered by U.S. and International patents and pending applications.PatentedNo PointsJ-36SpecificationsTemperature Range:OS951/2: -45 to 287°C (-50 to 550°F) OS953: -18 to 540°C (0 to 1000°F) Emissivity Adjustment:Automatic emissivity compensation system (best for emissivity above 0.8)Accuracy: ±1% of reading or 2°C Linearity Error (% of Reading): OS951/2: 1% OS953: 3%Emissivity Error: -1% maximum of difference between target temperature and instrument temperature when touching, for emissivity of 0.8 to 1.0Repeatability: 0.1°C (-0.1°F)Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)Response Time: Approximately 0.1 s Field of View: 1:1 (approximately 53°)Minimum Spot Size:Approximately 6.4 mm (0.25")Spectral Response: 2 to 20 microns Digital Output: RS232 (optional on all units)°C/°F Conversion: YesOperating Temperature Range: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Power: 9V battery (included)Battery Life: Approximately 5000 readingsDimensions: 165 H x 51 W x 25 mm D (6.5 x 2 x 1")Weight: 198 g (7 oz)in measurement. Therefore, quality-assurance programs should not rely on any instrument that allows users to alter the instrument settings.4. No Background Reflection Errors Even if the emissivity were constant at all temperatures (see reason 2, on previous page), errors could still occur depending on changes in ambient temperatures. For example, with emissivity = 0.9, ambient reflections account for 10% of the signal that the infrared gun will detect. If the ambient temperature changes, the infrared gun will display a different target temperature, even if the target remains at the same temperature (see Figure 3 below).5. No Contact ErrorsThermocouples, RTDs, thermistors, and other contact devices only measure their own temperature, not the surface temperature. When using such devices, one must ensure that the probes are brought to the same temperature as the surface.6. No Friction Heating ErrorsFor moving surfaces, a contact probe is prone to friction heating errors. The size of the error depends on the roughness of the surface, the speed, the coating on the probe, and so on. It is impossible to control all the variables.7. No Heat Sinking ErrorsFor most non-metals, heat sinking errors can be quite large. The metal leads of contact probes conduct heatfaster than the target material can replace it, resulting in fairly sizable errors. Ingeneral, the less thermally conductive the target material, the larger the heat sinking error with a contact probe.8. No Time-Based ErrorsContact temperature probes are slow. The temperature of a target can change more quickly than most probes can measure, causing errors in real-time measurement (see Figure 4 below).OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details whenplacing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.OS953 with integral sensing head shown smaller than actual size.Ordering Examples: OS951-RS232, handheld infrared scanner with integral sensor, -45 to 287°C (-50 to 550°F) range, and RS232 communications option.OCW-2, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 4 years.OS952, handheld infrared scanner with remote sensor, -45 to 287°C (-50 to 550°F) range.shown smaller thanactual size.。
LETTER 'A' SIDE .230 [5.84] .103 [2.62] .032 [0.81]
Termination .000100" Tin .000100" Tin .000005" Gold .000005" Gold Overall Plating .000100" Tin .000010" Gold .000010" Gold
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CONTACT MARKINGS B 1 2 3 ... 58 59 60 B A 1 2 3 ... 58 59 60 A
59 60 B 59 60 A
Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters, all others in inches. PART NUMBER** EZC04 EZC05 EZC06 EZC07 EZC08 EZC10 EZC12 EZC13 EZC15 EZC17 EZC18 EZC19 EZC20 EZC22 EZC23 EZC25 EZC26 EZC28 EZC30 EZC31 EZC35 EZC36 EZC40 EZC43 EZC44 EZC49 EZC50 EZC52 EZC60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* _ _ _* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* _ NUMBER OF CONTACTS 4/8 5/10 6/12 7/14 8/16 10/20 12/24 13/26 15/30 17/34 18/36 19/38 20/40 22/44 23/46 25/50 26/52 28/56 30/60 31/62 35/70 36/72 40/80 43/86 44/88 49/98 50/100 52/104 60/120 A +.008 _ 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.900 1.100 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.100 2.200 2.400 2.500 2.700 2.900 3.000 3.400 3.500 3.900 4.200 4.300 4.800 4.900 5.100 5.900 B +.008 _ 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.100 1.300 1.400 1.600 1.800 1.900 2.000 2.100 2.300 2.400 2.600 2.700 2.900 3.100 3.200 3.600 3.700 4.100 4.400 4.500 5.000 5.100 5.300 6.100 E +.020 _ 1.275 1.375 1.475 1.575 1.675 1.875 2.075 2.175 2.375 2.575 2.675 2.775 2.875 3.075 3.175 3.375 3.475 3.675 3.875 3.975 4.375 4.475 4.875 5.175 5.275 5.775 5.875 6.075 6.875 F +.005 _ A + 0.20 _ 7.62 10.16 12.70 15.24 17.78 22.86 27.94 30.48 35.56 40.64 43.18 45.72 48.26 53.34 55.88 60.96 63.50 68.58 73.66 76.20 86.36 88.90 99.06 106.68 109.22 121.92 124.46 129.54 149.86 B + 0.20 _ 12.70 15.24 17.78 20.32 22.86 27.94 33.02 35.56 40.64 45.72 48.26 50.80 53.34 58.42 60.96 66.04 68.58 73.66 78.74 81.28 91.44 93.98 104.14 111.76 114.30 127.00 129.54 134.62 154.94 MILLIMETERS C D + 0.38 + 0.25 _ _ 17.15 24.77 19.69 27.31 22.23 29.85 24.77 32.39 27.31 34.93 32.39 40.01 37.47 45.09 40.01 47.63 45.09 52.71 50.17 57.79 52.71 60.33 55.25 62.87 57.79 65.41 62.87 70.49 65.41 73.03 70.49 78.11 73.03 80.65 78.11 85.73 83.19 90.81 85.73 93.35 95.89 103.51 98.43 106.05 108.59 116.21 116.21 123.83 118.75 126.37 131.45 139.07 133.99 141.61 139.07 146.69 159.39 167.01 E F
EME 35汽油发动机用户手册说明书
EME 35 Gasoline Engine User ManualSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS◎ Thank you for purchasing EME 35 gasoline Engine. We at EME always strive to product reliable engines that bring you pleasure of flight. It is vitally important to read SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS very carefully before operating EME 35 gasoline engine.◎ Gasoline is POISONOUS and HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. Do not allow it contact with the eyes or mouth. Always store it in a cool and dark place, out of the reach of children. It is possible that the fuel can damage your health. Always store and transport it in an antistatic container.◎ DO NOT start the engine in an area containing loose gravel or sand.NEVER start the engine indoor.◎ For their safety, keep all onlookers (especially young children) well back (at least 5 meters behind the engine). NEVER stand at the front of, or to the side of the engine when it is running.◎ Check and tighten your propeller and spinner before one day’s flights.DO NOT use a Nylon propeller. NEVER try to repair and use a broken propeller.SpecificationsItem TechniqueData Displacement 35ccWeight 960 g/Engine, 45 g/Muffler, 140 g/Ignition ModuleCompressionRatio7.6Power 3.6 HP @ 7100 RPMIdle RPM 1550 RPM Practical RPM 1550 ~ 7500 RPM Thrust 1 9.0 kgf (50~200 m Altitude)Thrust 2 8.1 kgf (1800~2000 m Altitude) Spark Plug EME / NGK CM6 Ignition Voltage 4.8 V to 6 VFuel 91~93 Octane,1:30~1:35 MixRatioPackage ContentsItem QuantityEngine 1pcsMuffler 1pcs Ignition Module 1 pcsSpark Plug 1 pcsStand-off Spacer 4 pcsSpacer Screw M5*15 (front), 4 pcs M5*22 (rear), 4 pcsSpacer Washer M5*4 for rear mountingspacersMuffler Screw 2 pcsMuffler Gasket 1 pcsManual 1pcs Logo Tag 1 pcsMounting the Engine◎ The engine should be mounted on a firewall that will in turn mount to the fuselage. The firewall should have enough strength to prevent engine vibration. The firewall should be made from at least 5 mm aircraft plywood.◎ A tension free mounting is obligatory. The mounting surface should be even. Mount the engine with high tensile bolts and stand-off spacers, which are provided with the engine.◎ Proper cooling is vital for gasoline engines. Intake area should be more than 45*50 mm. Outlet area should be at least as 3 times as the intake area.Ignition Information◎ Install the ignition module with sufficient anti-vibration, at least 100 mm away from the engine and in the place where not affected by engine exhaust heat and radiation heat.◎ Do not share the battery with receiver. Use separated battery for ignition module. Equip an ON/OFF switch between the ignition module and battery. Use a high quality switch such as Futaba HSW-J or HSW-L heavy duty switch. Standard size receiver switches are not recommended.◎ Install the ignition module and make its cable, switch and battery be as far as possible away from the servos, the receiver battery and the receiver.◎ Install the spark plug cap on the plug securely. Protect the signal wire and high voltage spark plug cable from rubbing against fiberglass, sharp edges of wood and metal of the fuselage.Propeller Option◎ A wooden propeller, as well as a carbon fiber propeller, is suggested.Do not use a nylon propeller. XOAR,HAWK,VESS and MENZ wooden propellers are suggested . XOAR,FALCON,RED SWORD and MEJZLIK carbon propellers are also suggested. Since there are so many good propellers on the market, your choice is not limited to the brands mentioned above.◎ 18*10, 19*10 and 20*8 two-blade propellers are suggested. With the propellers mentioned above, the peak RPM range should be 6,500 to 7,300 RPM.Starting Process◎ Close the choke and switch on the ignition switch. Advance the throttle 1/8~1/4 from full closed.◎ Flip the propeller quickly until explosive sound can be heard.◎ After propeller stopping, open the choke and set the throttle to idle position(or a little higher). Flip the propeller again until the engine starts. BE CAREFUL!◎ Warm up the engine for about 30~45 seconds. Now the engine is ready for flight.Fuel & Break-in◎ Use low to middle octane gas for break-in. Use the propeller same as flight.◎ Use a 2-stroke petroleum based oil with a mixture of 25:1 to 30:1.Synthetic oil is NOT suggested in break-in process.◎ With this fuel mixture ratio and regular needle setting, run the engine for 1~2 hours. Too rich needle setting, which may cause misfiring or erratic running, is not suggested.◎ After break-in, you can use a 2-stroke synthetic oil with a mixture of 30:1 to 35:1.Needle Adjustments◎ A Walbro WT carburetor or equal carburetor is adopted. The carburetor has two needles, which are low speed needle and high speed needle. Low speed needle is effective through the high speed range, while the high speed needle is not effective in the low throttle status. Both needles are effective in the mid speed, but the low speed needle is more effective. Default position of high speed needle is 1 1/2 turns from full closed, as well as low speed needle is 1 1/2 turns.◎ For fine setting, please tune the engine for maximum RPM with the high speed needle by using a tachometer. Then richen the high speed needle until the motor runs 100~200 RPM less than the maximum RPM. Now the engine is slightly rich on the high speed needle.◎ Furthermore, keep the engine at idle for 45~60 seconds. Check that the idle RPM remains constant or not. If the RPM drops and the engine stops finally, the speed needle should be too rich. Lean it until stable idle status is achieved. Then check the transition with advancing throttle quickly. The engine should make steady power immediately without any hesitation. If the engine sounds hesitated to response, please check the low speed needle again.Mounting PatternCarburetor IntroductionEngine Maintaince◎ NEVER mix different kinds of 2 stroke oils for flying. Before changing oils, please clean the carburetor with pure gasoline.◎ To avoid incident carburetor failure, please remove carburetor pump cover and clean the built-in fuel filter every 50~100 fights.◎ It is advisable to maintaince or replace piston, piston ring, crankshaft, needle/ball bearing and spark plug every 300~500 flights, according to engine status. Please consult your local dealer.◎ Please examine and clean your engine very carefully after a crash. If it is damaged, please consult your local dealer to fix the engine. Repair due to crash is NOT free.WARRANTY◎ EME 35 engine and ignition module are covered with 18 months warranty by Eagle Master Engine since purchasing date.◎ The warranty covers defects of materials and assemble issues.◎ Damage by improper installing, operation is not covered by warranty. ◎ Damage by using improper fuel is not covered by warranty.◎ Damage by incident crash is not covered by warranty.Eagle Master Engine,Yinghuang Technology Co., LTD Chang Cheng Industry Park,Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, China Web: ; Mail:*********************Tel:86-135-88619003;Fax:86-579-87535076。
Applicable model: HRS SeriesRead before useThank you for purchasing SMC’s Thermo -chiller.This particle filter set is a set of parts for installing a particle filter into the piping used in the thermo-chiller HRS series.Read and understand the instructions shown below before use.Safety InstructionsSafety first, only trained personnel who has knowledge of general machinery and equipment can perform the installation of this product.Ensure this manual and the Operation Manuals for thermo-chiller are fully understood.Disconnect power from the chiller before performing product installation. Be sure to check that the power supply is shut off.Remove all circulating fluid before performing product installation.Confirm that there is no fluid leakage or condensation after installation.1. Parts and AccessoriesThis particle filter set includes the following parts.Please confirm that all of them are present before beginning installation.Parts[Materials of wetted parts]Stainless Steel, PTFE, PP , Acrylonitrile-styrene, NBR (PE: Element)2. Mounting1) Confirm that no foreign matter such as dust or dirt is adhered to the connectingport or piping.2) Apply the sealant tape (6) to the nipple (3). Mount the nipple (3) to the outlet ofthe resin filter case (1).Apply the sealant tape to the extension piece (4). Mount the extension piece (4) to the inlet of the resin filter case (1).CautionApply the sealant tape on the NPT side of the nipple 4 turns.3) Remove the cover of the filter case (1). Mount the nipple (3) (which is mounted inprocedure 2) to the circulating fluid return at the back of the thermo-chiller4) Insert the element (2) into the resin filter case (1). Mount the resin filter case byhand tighten.Cautionshouldbe 5) After mounting the fitting, operate the thermo-chiller to check that liquid does notleak.3. Related productsBypass piping set [Part No: HRS-BP001]Use in combination with the DI Filter Set (HRS-DP001, HRS-DP002) is(For "-H")(PTxNPT)(NPTxPT) 6. Sealant tape 7. Operation munual (This manual)5. Handle1. Resin filter case2. Element3. Nipple4. Extension piece[For HRS-PF003][For HRS-PF004][For HRS-PF003] For "-W005" Model: EJ202S-005X11 For "-W075" Model: EJ202S-075X11[For HRS-PF004] For "-W005" Model: EJ302S-005X11 For "-W075" Model: EJ302S-075X11HRX-OM-R012-FAssembled unit(Combined with the bypass piping)[HRS-PF003][HRS-PF004]*The element should be replaced when the pressure drop reaches 0.1 Mpa.*Use this handle only to loosen the case. Do not use to tighten the case.。
HRC+Decentralized high efficiency heat recovery unit For commercial applications, schools, officesSTRUCTUREHigh strength structure with frameself-supporting in sheet metal and internal insulation in polyethylene:FANSThe unit is equipped with EC centrifugal fans With high efficiency Brushless motorRECOVERERHigh efficiency countercurrent cross flow polypropylene heat exchanger.FILTRATIONUpstream of the recuperator they are present two filters with ePM1 filtration class Removal can take place without the aid of any toolsBYPASSThe units are equipped with recuperator Bypass, that allow the function of injecting fresh air from the outside when there are ideal conditions . CHECKThe unit provides for operation through Remote control and APP;Air quality, humidity and temperature sensorHRC+ is a ventilation unit complete with heat recovery unit dedicated to air exchange without wasting energy.The unit is particularly suitable for single individual environments where it is not possible to create ducted systems;CHASSIS: Self-supporting frame in sheet metal with polyethylene insulated interiors;HEAT EXCHANGER:High efficiency countercurrent cross flow polypropylene exchanger.Low freezing temperatures and operation down to -25 ° C.Very high exchange efficiency.FANS:Brushless forward curved centrifugal fans with electronic motor and modulating control.Very high efficiency and low noise levels.FILTERS: 70% ePM1 filters with low pressure drop.Easily removable by removing the lower external panels;FREE COOLING: Free cooling realized inside the unit with large air passage and damper with motorized actuator.ELECTRICAL CABINET: VERSION IElectrical panel complete with 4-speed fan management card, antifreeze, automatic bypass,temperature probes, management of post-heating coils and automatic dirty filter signaling.Mandatory control panel for unit operation with capacitive touch, integrated temperature, airquality and humidity sensors;for mounting on box 502-503 or on the wall;Wifi chip for management via remote APP;EFFICIENCY: Thanks to its construction features and its components, it is able to achieve recovery efficiencygreater than 90%.In the winter and summer seasons there is a significant energy recovery of the renewal airintroduced into the environment.The composition of the three possible electronics of the unit and the functions of the various versions is defined below:VERSION ICARDS ON THE MACHINEREMOTE PANEL WITH AIR QUALITY, HUMDITY AND TEMPERATUREREMOTE PANELEQA649 MODBUSREMOTE PANEL EQB649 MODBUSREMOTE PANEL ERA649 WIFIREMOTE PANEL ERB649 WIFIEXTERNAL CONTROLSON OFF1) Defines the maximum flow rateModels from: 600 m³ / h and 1150m³ / H2) Type of installation H: horizontal3) Type of control I: electronics IREAR VIEW FRONT VIEW-1--2- -3-HRC +60H.IGENERAL TECHNICAL DATASize 60 HFansType of FansForward curved centrifugal fans - directly coupled electronic motor - 0/10 V signalNumber of fans Nr 2 + 1 Air flow V3 / V2 / V1 mc /h 620/355/165Useful pressure Pa 15Heat exchanger (Data referred to the UNI EN 13141-7 standard - Internal temperature 20 ° - Internal humidity 28% - External temperature 7 ° - External humidity 72%) Type of exchanger Counter-current plates - polypropylene material Number ofExchangersNr 2Recovery efficiencyEN13141-7% 86.1EN305 recoveryefficiency % 91.8FiltersType of filters Pleated filters Filtration classePM1 70Acoustic data (Data referred to UNI EN 3741 and UNI EN 3744) Sound power Lwtransmitted by thestructuredB(A)59 Sound pressure at 3 meters V1 dB (A) 41 Sound pressure at 3 mt V2 dB (A) 36 Sound pressure at 3 meters V3 dB (A 33Electrical Data Supply voltage V. 230/1/50 Hz.Currentconsumption TO3.5 Max absorbedpower W340 Powerconsumption V3With 15pa pressure and clean filters165 Degree ofprotection IPX0Dimensional Length mm 1040 Depthmm905 Height mm 405 Connectiondiametermm250 Condensate drain mm20GENERAL TECHNICAL DATASize 120 HFansType of FansForward curved centrifugal fans - directly coupled electronic motor - 0/10 V signalNumber of fans Nr 3 + 2 Air flow V3 / V2 / V1 mc /h 1150/750/255Useful pressure Pa 15Heat exchanger (Data referred to the UNI EN 13141-7 standard - Internal temperature 20 ° - Internal humidity 28% - External temperature 7 ° - External humidity 72%) Type of exchanger Counter-current plates - polypropylene material Number ofExchangersNr 2Recovery efficiencyEN13141-7% 84.9EN305 recoveryefficiency % 90.4FiltersType of filters Pleated filters Filtration classePM1 70Acoustic data (Data referred to UNI EN 3741 and UNI EN 3744) Sound power Lwtransmitted by thestructuredB(A)62 Sound pressure at 3 meters V1 dB (A) 43 Sound pressure at 3 mt V2 dB (A) 37 Sound pressure at 3 meters V3 dB (A 34Electrical Data Supply voltage V. 230/1/50 Hz.Currentconsumption TO3.5 Max absorbedpower W620 Powerconsumption V3With 15pa pressure and clean filters355 Degree ofprotection IPX0Dimensional Length mm 1440 Depth mm 905 Heightmm 405 Connection diametermm250 Condensate drain mm20HRC + 60 HRC + 120 Width A mm10401440 Depth B mm905905 Height C.mm405405 Diameter DN OR 250250 Weight Kg7188 Condensation OR 2020ITEM OF SPECIFICATIONSVentilation unit with high flow heat recovery for decentralized applications;Specific unit for ventilation in environments with the need for ventilation and air treatment, such ascommercial environments, offices, schools and small service sectors;CONSTRUCTION FEATURESself-supporting structure in galvanized sheet with internal polyethylene insulation;Heat exchangers and counter-current cross flows with maximum seal and absence of leakage of traditionalheat exchangers;Compact dimensions for simplified ceiling installation with easily accessible lower panels for maintenance Array and inspection.Circular inlets for the air ducts to the outside with grilles, installation template supplied;Quick filter inspection and drain for condensate evacuation;Electrical panel with management cards and power cables and remote panel predisposed;forward curved centrifugal fans with EC motors with electronic flow control and low consumptionePM1 class filters with low pressure drop for external air and stale airElectrical panel on board the unit with microprocessor and dedicated regulation. Fan management,temperature display, timed dirty filter management, free cooling management and antifreeze function;Remote control panel with WIFI and APP or modbus RTU to be purchased separatelyB. Model identifier HRC + 60C. T ype declared UVNRD. Drive type installedVariable speed AND Heat recovery systemIn recoveryF . Thermal efficiency of heat recovery% 86.1 H. Nominal flowMc / s 0.172 THE SPF int W / (m3 / s) 634 J Front speedM / s 1.19 K Nominal external pressure(Dps, ext)Pa 15 L Internal pressure drop(Dps, int)Pa 194 M. Internal pressure dropto components unrelated to ventilation(Dps, int) Pa / No. Static efficiency of the fans as perEU 327/2011 % 31OR Maximum percentages of leakagedeclared%2.5 ext. / 2.9 int.P .Energy classification of filtersF7 / F7QLocation and description of the signal related to thefilterDisplayed on control panel and unit manualR. Sound power levelLwa55 S. Internet address for disassembly instructionsTOB. Model identifier HRC + 120C. T ype declared UVNRD. Drive type installedVariable speed AND Heat recovery systemIn recoveryF . Thermal efficiency of heat recovery% 85.3 H. Nominal flowMc / s 0.313 THE SPF int W / (m3 / s) 651 J Front speedM / s 1.21 K Nominal external pressure(Dps, ext)Pa 15 L Internal pressure drop(Dps, int)Pa 199 M. Internal pressure dropto components unrelated to ventilation(Dps, int) Pa / No. Static efficiency of the fans as perEU 327/2011 % 37OR Maximum percentages of leakagedeclared%2.1 ext / 2.5 intP .Energy classification of filtersF7 / F7 Q Location and description of the signal related to thefilterDisplayed on control panel and unit manualR. Sound power levelLwa 57 S. Internet address for disassembly instructionsCOMMANDS FOR WALL CONTROLEQA649 / EQB649Remote panel for mounting on box 502-503 or on the wall;Speed, temperature and operating modes control;Integrated air quality, temperature and humidity sensorMaximum connection length 50 m if made with 4-wire braided shielded cable.Black and white versionCOMMANDS FOR WALL CONTROLERA649 / ERB649Remote panel for mounting on box 502-503 or on the wall;Speed, temperature and operating modes control;Integrated air quality, temperature and humidity sensorMaximum connection length 50 m if made with 4-wire braided shielded cable.Wifi control for management via smartphone or tablet and dedicated APP;Black and white versionSPARE FILTERSKit consisting of two F7 filters for unit maintenance;The filters are easily removable through the dedicated inspectionable ports;UVCThe UVC system, with germicidal action, foresees UVC lamp and power supplywired and installed inside the unit to be selected when ordering;The lamp has a UVC wavelength of 254 nm;Lamp life is estimated at 10,000 hours of operation;Template UVR1 Drive compatible model Channeled models Nominal electrical power Watt 36Diet / 230 V / 1/50 Wave Length margin no 254 Bulb Length mm 350Replacement UV lampKit consisting of a bulb for the UVC system placed inside the unit;SPARE FILTERS F7Kit consisting of two F7 filters for unit maintenance;The filters are easily removable through the dedicated inspectionable ports;EXTERNAL GRIDS 250 mmKit consisting of two external grids for external wall holes diameter 250 mm;SILENCER DIAMETER 250 mmKit consisting of 2 silencers length 500 mm for noise reduction from the outsideCertified with the unit in the laboratory for Dnew valueHRC + - With sensitive heat exchanger horizontal installationTemplate Description Code HRC + 60 HI High efficiency and high flow decentralized heat recovery unit with sensitive heat exchanger and VRVP60OC1II HRC + 120 HI High efficiency and high flow decentralized heat recovery unit with sensitive heat exchanger and VRVPX2OC1II HRC + - With enthalpy exchanger horizontal installationTemplate Description Code HRC + X 60 HI High efficiency and high flow decentralized heat recovery unit with enthalpy exchanger and VRVP60HC1II HRC + X 120 HI High efficiency and high flow decentralized heat recovery unit with enthalpy exchanger and VRVPX2HC1II Commands for wall controlSmart touch wall control panel with thermostat and probe for temperature, relative humidity and ambient air quality. Description Black colour White colorCode EQA649II EQB649IICommands for wall controlSmart touch wall control panel. with thermostat and temperature probe, relative humidity and air quality in the room withintegrated WiFi module, InnovAppDescription Black colour White colorCode ERA649II ERB649IIReplacement UVC lampDescription Replacement UVC lampCode GR1238IIUVC lampDescription UVC lamp installed on board the unitCode GR1237IIReplacement filtersDescription Kit of 2 F7 replacement filters for unit maintenanceCode GR1202II GR1203IIModels HRC + 60 HI / HRC + X 60 HI HRC + 120 HI / HRC + X 120 HI SilencersDescription DN 250 mm silencers, for noise reduction outsideCode GR1204IIExternal grillsDescription Kit of 2 external grids for eternal wall holes, DN 250 mmCode GR1205IINOTE:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________CE markingThe CE marking (present on each machine) certifies compliance with the following Community standards: •Low Voltage Directive 2014/35 / EC•Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30 / EC•Ecodesign 2009/125 / ECThe data contained in this technical catalog can be changed by the manufacturer without prior notice.TECHNICAL SHEET-2022 rev.00。
Rocker 35 EZ用户手册说明书
Rocker 35 EZUser ManualS2035-ES2035-E-230VS2035-DES2035-DE-230VTABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)1.1. DEFINITION (3)1.2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION (3)2.0. TECHNICAL FEATURES (3)2.1. CONSTRUCTION (3)2.2. GENERAL FEATURES (3)3.0. INSTALLATION (4)3.1. UNPACKING (4)3.2. SELECTING THE RIGHT PLACE (4)3.3. ATTACHING THE POWER CORD (4)3.4. ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS (5)4.0. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE (5)4.1. INTRODUCTION (5)4.2. OPERATION (5)4.3. ADJUSTING TILT ANGLE (6)5.0. SAFETY (7)6.0. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (7)7.0. REGULAR MAINTENANCE (8)7.1. CLEANING (8)8.0. INSTALLATION OF DOUBLE PLATFORM (9)1.0. GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1. DESCRIPTIONRocker 35 EZ is a general purpose adjustable tilt rocker with digital time and speed controls. The tilt angle is easily adjustable without tools using the knob on right side of unit. This reliable rugged unit is designed for extended use and comes with a 5 year warranty.1.2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe motor is designed to generate a rocking effect while the electronic interface controls the RPM and Time features.2.0. TECHNICAL FEATURES2.1. CONSTRUCTIONThe housing of the rocker is made of plastic and steel plate varnished with high resistant polyurethane lacquer.2.2. GENERAL FEATURESELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY 230V ± 10%, 50/60Hz or 115V ± 10%, 50/60Hz MOTOR POWER 6 WFUSES 2 x 1AT (for 230V and 115V power supply)RPM REGULATION Microcontroller, load independent, from 10 to 120RPMTILT ANGLE 0 - 20° from horizontalTIMER 10 - 120 min, HOLD functionkgLOAD Max.5 DIMENSIONS W x D x H 360 x 360 x 170 mm (single platform)360 x 360 x 260 mm (double platform)PLATFORM DIMENSIONS W X D 360 x 280 mmWEIGHT 6.5 kg (single platform), 7.8 kg (double platform) AMBIENT CONDITIONS -10°C to 70°C, up to 85% RH, non-condensing3.0. INSTALLATION3.1. UNPACKINGBefore starting the installation, carefully examine the delivery for possible damage or missing parts.- Open the box and lift the device together with shock absorbers out of the box.- Remove the shock absorbers and check that the rocker has not been visibly damaged during the transportation. Keep the packing material until you are sure that the rocker works properly.- Check information on rocker name plate:- Type- Serial Number- Product number- Check that the mains cord has a pin configuration that will fit into a wall socket according to the local standard.Should any kind of damage have occurred during transportation, immediately make a complaint to the carrier. Any incorrect delivery or missing parts should be reported to the distributor.3.2. SELECTING THE RIGHT PLACEWhen selecting the right place for device, please consider following:- Put the device on smooth, horizontal and stable place.- Leave enough space beyond the device for normal air circulation, min. 10 cm.- Leave enough space around the device, that you will easy control and maintain it.- Don't use the device in surroundings, where there are fast temperature and humidity changes. Please avoid also such places, which are under direct access of sun light or places nearby devices which producing heat.- Avoid such places, where possibility of shocks and vibrations exists.NOTE: The equipment shall not be placed so, that it is difficult to pull out a mains cord plug from wall socket.3.3. ATTACHING THE POWER CORDFit the mains cord, which is included in the delivery, into the mains receptacle on the back side of rocker. Connect the other end of the cord to a grounded wall socket. To avoid interference from noise, surges and spikes, a special line is preferred. If no such line is available, avoid lines to which powerful electric motors, refrigerators and similar devices are connected.The power can be turned on and off by main switch located on the front panel of the device. Light, mounted in the switch indicates that power is on.Take care when you plug mains cord to a grounded wall socket. Do nottouch the plug with wet hands, because it can be very dangerous. Plugmains cord to a grounded wall socket only with dry hands.3.4. ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONSThe rocker has been built for operating in laboratory environment. Therefore the environmental reference parameters are the following:∙Temperature between -10°C to +70°C∙Humidity up to 85% RH, non-condensing4.0. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE4.1. INTRODUCTION2. SPEED knob - to set the rocker speed.3. TIME knob - to set the time of operation.4. HOLD yellow signal light - illuminates when the rocker is set to HOLD (continuousoperation).5. START/STOP key - to START or STOP the rocking operation.6. RUN green signal light - illuminates when the rocker is running.4.2. OPERATION1. Turn POWER switch ON (it should illuminate).2. Set SPEED knob to desired value.3. Set TIME knob to desired value or to HOLD - continuous operation (yellow signallight HOLD must illuminate).4. Press START/STOP key to start the rocking operation.5. Device automatically stops after the set time passes.6. If you want to stop the rocking operation before the set time passes, or when TIMEknob is set to HOLD, press START/STOP key.NOTE: Pressing START/STOP key during operation will reset the timer.It's possible to change speed during operation, but you cannot change time. If you want to change time, stop the rocker, set desired time and start it again.Do not put your hands between platform and housing during operation,because your fingers can get pinched.1 2 364.3. ADJUSTING TILT ANGLENOTE: Before you adjust the tilt angle, rocker must be STOPPED. Stop the rocker ina position, where marking on the knob, located on the right side of the housing, is aligned with arrow on the label (see picture below). Do this by operating the rocker at low speed (20 - 30 RPM). Only when marking and arrow are aligned, then it's easy to adjust tilt angle of rocker platform.How to adjust tilt angle:1. Stop the rocker in a position described above and unload the platform.2. Loosen the knob on the right side of the rocker housing, by rotating it counter-clockwise.3. Adjust the platform to desired tilt angle by moving it up or down and looking on the degree scale (see above) on the platform drive shaft (front center under platform).4. Tighten the knob on the right side by turning it clockwise. Test the unit without load to ensure platform is tight.Now rocker is ready for operation with new desired tilt angle.5.0. SAFETY- Do not use the device nearby water sources. Take care, that water will not drop in the device, especially by cleaning procedures.- Do not use the device in aggressive atmosphere.- To avoid shock hazards or destroying the device, do not put any electrical conducting objects into the device. It could happen that you would touch dangerous voltage points.In case of malfunction, unplug the device from mains power supply and call authorized service. You have to call the service in the following cases also: - Mains cord or mains receptacle are harmed or destroyed. - Liquid was dropped into the device.NOTE: In case that device is not functioning properly, even if you have exactlyfollowed instructions described in User's Manual, you are allowed to use only those commands and procedures, which are described by User's Manual. Use of any other commands, procedures and adjustments could result in device destruction or longer service repair time.If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Do not shake inflammable or explosive samples!6.0. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEReview the information in the table below to troubleshoot operating problems. In case of malfunction, unplug the device from main power supply and contact Labnet International, Inc. Service Department at (732) 417-0700 Monday through Friday 8:30am – 5pm EST.Problem Explanation / SolutionPOWER switch doesn't illuminate when turned ON. Check the connection to main power supply. Check fuses.Call authorized service.Rocker doesn't start when you press START/STOP key. Check the connection to main power supply. Check fuses.Call authorized service.HOLD yellow signal light and RUN green signal light are blinking. Motor overload - reduce the load on the platform. Call authorized service.7.0. REGULAR MAINTENANCE∙No routine maintenance or lubrication is required.∙It is recommended that the rocker is kept clean to ensure long trouble-free operation. 7.1. CLEANINGThe housing of the rocker can be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or special cleaners for plastic surfaces (e.g. for car interior - armature). Do not immerse the device or spill liquids on the device.NOTE: Do not use any aggressive or abrasive cleaners (acetone, nitro, polish etc.) because the surface can get permanently damaged.Prior to any cleaning or maintenance of the device, unplug the powercord from the wall socket.8.0. INSTALLATION OF DOUBLE PLATFORMBefore the installation of double platform, turn off the POWER switch.For installation of double platform, prepare upper platform with rubber pad and posts kit, which includes four posts, four washers, four screws and four nuts.1. Set four posts (A) above four holes at the corners of the bottom platform.2. Put the washer (B) on each screw (C) and then screw it into each post from the bottom side of the platform.3. Fit upper platform (D) on the top of four posts, so that the threads of the posts are protruding through four corner holes.4. Screw four nuts (E) on the threads of four posts, to fix the upper platform.AB CDEA B CE Posts kitThis equipment is marked with the crossed outwheeled bin symbol to indicate that this equipment mustnot be disposed of with unsorted waste.Instead it’s your responsibility to correctly dispose ofyour equipment at lifecycle-end by handing it over to anauthorized facility for separate collection and recycling.It’s also you responsibility to decontaminate theequipment in case of biological, chemical and/orradiological contamination, so as to protect from healthhazards the persons involved in the disposal andrecycling of the equipment.For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment,please contact your local dealer from whom you originally purchased thisequipment.By doing so, you will help to conserve natural and environmental resources and you will ensure that your equipment is recycled in a manner that protects human health.Thank youVersion 1.0 March 2016LIMITED WARRANTYLabnet International, Inc. warrants that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase. This warranty is valid only if the product is used for its intended purpose and within the guidelines specified in the supplied instruction manual.Should this product require service, contact Labnet International, Inc.’s Service department at 732-417-0700 to receive a return authorization number and shipping instructions. Products received without proper authorization will be returned. All items returned for service should be sent postage prepaid in the original packaging or other suitable carton, padded to avoid damage. Labnet International, Inc. will not be responsible for damage incurred by improper packaging. Labnet International, Inc. may elect for onsite service for larger equipment.This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, neglect, misuse, improper service, natural forces or other causes not arising from defects in original material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover motor brushes, fuses, light bulbs, batteries or damage to paint or finish. Claims for transit damage should be filed with the transportation carrier.ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED IN DURATION OF 12 MONTHS FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE OF PURCHASE.LABNET INTERNATIONAL, INC.’S SOLE OBLIGATION UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT, AT LABNET INTERNATIONAL, INC. DISCRETION, OF A DEFECTIVE PRODUCT. LABNET INTERNATIONAL, INC. IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE, COMMERCIAL LOSS OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT.Some states do not allow limitation on the length of implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from state to state.No individual may accept for, or on behalf of Labnet International, Inc., any other obligation of liability, or extend the period of this warranty.✂ cut along the dotted lineTo validate the warranty, complete and return this card within 10 days.Mail Warranty Registration to : or Register online atLabnet International, Inc. 31 Mayfield Ave.Edison, NJ 08837。
LEI EP-35至赫尔温度 说明书
Recommended Tools and supplies Recommended tools for this job include: drill, 1/8" (3 mm) drill bit for pilot hole, 1-1/16 (27 mm) hole saw with a blade type appropriate for the composition of your transom.
Required supplies for this job include: high quality, marine grade above- or below-waterline sealant/adhesive compound. We recommend 3M Polyurethane Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200 or an equivalent brand. The sensor is packed with a lock nut used for mounting.
35HM 电机保护器说明书
Page 135HM | MOTOR PROTECTORSHermetically Sealed On-Winding, 3-Phase SPECIFICATIONSFProduct Description• Protect WYE (Star) wound 3-phase motors from 4 to 10HP. Used in refrigeration compressors, submersible pumps and other restrictive environments.shape allows for close coupling to motor windings.• Hermetic reliability designed for leakage rates less than 1 x 10-9cc per second of air with 1 atmosphere pressure differential.• Klixon ® snap-action discs assure positive make and break action and controlled temperature differential.• Designed for low and high side pressure applications.This protector is designed to protect 3-phase refrigeration and air conditioning compressor motors from excessive winding temperature; however, device to be installed directly on motor windings for closely coupled temperature monitoring, thus enhancing over-temperature protection against loss of refrigeration charge, low voltage locked rotor, and secondary single-phasing (loss of phase). The 35HM is designed to reduce installation costs by replacing pilot control systems with a simple, economical, compact device.The basic element of the 35HM is the famous Klixon ®Snap Acting Disc.Maximum Recommended Locked Rotor CurrentCurrent ratings are based on life test data which has demonstrated high reliability at 5K cycles (standard series) and 2K cycles (high capacity series) at 0.7 power factor on Sensata life test boards. These capacities are intended as a guide for application work.Standard Operating TemperaturesPage 2DIAGRAMS35HM Hermetic Motor ProtectorElectrical SchematicLStandard / High Capacity DeviceUnit Ins mmW 0.86021.8H 1.37534.9P10.73518.7L 1.47037.3P20.1253.2P30.2506.4A 0.76519.4B 1.37534.9P2 High Capacity0.1874.7Protector ShellC o m p r e s s o r M o t o r W i n d i n g sORDERING OPTIONSQuick ConnectsWire LeadsSleeves, etc.When making an inquiry on Klixon®hermetically sealed motor protectors, be certain to specify the entire part number for your application, if known.AGENCY APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONSPage 3Rev:04/27/CONTACT USSensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems thatincorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsiblefor using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets havebeen created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than thatspecifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements,improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NOOTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, ANDNO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETSARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USEOF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMSANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIETENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARDTO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITYFOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELYRESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS,AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATIONOR SUPPORT THAT MAY BE PROVIDED BY SENSATA.Mailing Address: Sensata Technologies, Inc., 529 Pleasant Street, Attleboro, MA 02703, USA.Americas+1 (508) 236-2551electrical-protection-sales@sensata.comEurope, Middle East & Africa+1 (760) 597 7042*****************************************************.comChina +86 (21)2306 1651Japan +81 (45)277 7104Korea +82 (53) 644 9685India +91 (40)4033 9611Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006ext 2808。
DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.| 436The High Precision Series HM35 Digital Manometer is designed to reliably measure and log pressure measurements for critical applications. This family of manometer can measure absolute pressure, differential pressure or gage pressure with up to 0.05% accuracy. The data logging function can store up to 10,742 readings and transmit the readings to a PC through an IR serial port.The large display can graphically display trends in the data as well as peaks and valleys. The series HM35 comes standard with a calibration certificate so that the instrument can be used as a secondary calibration standard when testing other pressure instrumentation. This manometer is ideal for laboratories,calibration facilities, and other critical pressure applications.Series HM35Precision Digital Pressure ManometerUp to 0.05% Accuracy, Graphical Display, Data Logging CapabilitySPECIFICATIONSPressure Connections: Hose 4/6 mm or 1/8˝ NPT.Accuracy: (Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):Depending on model.±0.20% full-scale ±1 digit ±0.10% full-scale ±1 digit ±0.05% full-scale ±1 digitMeasuring Media: Instrument air or inert gases that are compatible with 18/8 SS.Temperature Limits: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C).Storage Temperature: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).Humidity: Maximum 95% RH non-condensing.Display: Graphical back lit LCD. 128 x 64 points.Power Requirements: (3) 1.5 V AA nickel hydride batteries, installed functional, user replaceable. Can operate on 6 to 9 VDC external power.Current Consumption: 25 mA without back lit display, IR, or buzzer.Memory: 10,742 readings. Recording intervals adjustable from 1 s to 24hrs or manual.Case Protection: IP54 (NEMA 3).Weight:10.5 oz (300 g).Agency Approval:CE.Error Limit 0.2% FS for gauge, vacuum, and differential pressure n Items are net priced and are not subject to any discount.b Items are subject to Schedule B discounts.For higher accuracy models change the 10th digit from a 3 to a 1 (0.05%FS), 2 (0.1% FS), or 6 (0.1% of reading). For example, 0 to 28 in of w.c. with 0.05% accuracy would be model number HM3531DLC100. Higher accuracies are only available on 0 to 28 in of w.c. range or higher. Consult factory for prices on higher accuracy models.ACCESSORIESHM28-0,1/8˝ NPT Adapter (1 Piece) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$47.50b HM35-1,Communication software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525.00b HM35-2,Infrared RS-232 Serial Adapter.Required to download stored data to a PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214.00b HM35-3,External Power Converter with U.S. plug adapter.Input 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134.00bOPTIONFor NIST traceable calibration certificate,use order code NISTCAL-MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00n。
DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.| 436The High Precision Series HM35 Digital Manometer is designed to reliably measure and log pressure measurements for critical applications. This family of manometer can measure absolute pressure, differential pressure or gage pressure with up to 0.05% accuracy. The data logging function can store up to 10,742 readings and transmit the readings to a PC through an IR serial port.The large display can graphically display trends in the data as well as peaks and valleys. The series HM35 comes standard with a calibration certificate so that the instrument can be used as a secondary calibration standard when testing other pressure instrumentation. This manometer is ideal for laboratories,calibration facilities, and other critical pressure applications.Series HM35Precision Digital Pressure ManometerUp to 0.05% Accuracy, Graphical Display, Data Logging CapabilitySPECIFICATIONSPressure Connections: Hose 4/6 mm or 1/8˝ NPT.Accuracy: (Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):Depending on model.±0.20% full-scale ±1 digit ±0.10% full-scale ±1 digit ±0.05% full-scale ±1 digitMeasuring Media: Instrument air or inert gases that are compatible with 18/8 SS.Temperature Limits: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C).Storage Temperature: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).Humidity: Maximum 95% RH non-condensing.Display: Graphical back lit LCD. 128 x 64 points.Power Requirements: (3) 1.5 V AA nickel hydride batteries, installed functional, user replaceable. Can operate on 6 to 9 VDC external power.Current Consumption: 25 mA without back lit display, IR, or buzzer.Memory: 10,742 readings. Recording intervals adjustable from 1 s to 24hrs or manual.Case Protection:IP54 (NEMA 3).Weight:10.5 oz (300 g).Agency Approval:CE.Error Limit 0.2% FS for gauge, vacuum, and differential pressure OPTIONFor NIST traceable calibration certificate, use order code NISTCAL-MD.ACCESSORIESHM28-0,1/8˝ NPT Adapter (1 Piece)HM35-1,Communication softwareHM35-2,Infrared RS-232 Serial Adapter. Required to download stored data to a PCHM35-3,External Power Converter with U.S. plug adapter. Input 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 HzFor higher accuracy models change the 10th digit from a 3 to a 1 (0.05%FS), 2 (0.1% FS), or 6 (0.1% of reading). For example, 0 to 28 in of w.c. with 0.05% accuracy would be model number HM3531DLC100.Higher accuracies are only available on 0 to 28 in of w.c. range or higher.。
Omega EHR系列胶囊式电子胶热器说明书
Enclosure HeatersSilicone Rubber Enclosure HeatersEHR Series silicone rubber heaters are designed for easyinstallation and safe operation. These rectangular shaped wire-wound silicone rubber heaters are vulcanized to an aluminum mounting plate with mounting holes. They provide superior protection for enclosures of all types against condensation, humidity and freezing.It is recommended that the enclosure heater be used with a thermostat either built in or mounted remotely to limit the maximum temperature reached and conserve energy. The suggested mounting method is at the bottom of the enclosure, mounted vertically. If a remote mounted thermostat ispreferred, mount the heater on the bottom of the enclosure and the thermostat in the middle of the enclosure.EHR SeriesDesign Featuresl A vailable with or without an Integrated Thermostat (See EHA below for Remote Thermostats)l C ustom Design and Alternate Thermostat Settings Available l H eater Vulcanized to an Aluminum Mounting Plate for Easy Installation l 120V Standard; Custom Voltages Available upon Request l 1.2 m (48") PTFE Leads Standard l S afe to Operate, No Exposed Electrical Connections l 13 mm (1⁄2") Mounting FlangeBuilt-in air sensing thermostatSelecting the Right Heater for Your Application1. D etermine the wattage of heater(s) that you need. See the instructions on this page to determine your wattage requirements.2. D etermine the type of heater that you need. Depending upon conditions, one heater type might be better than others. Items to take into consideration are space constraints inside the enclosure and wattages required.3.D etermine the number of heaters you need. You can combine multiple heaters to achieve your wattage requirements.4. D etermine how you will control the heaters. Will you use built-in thermostats to monitor the temperature? Or will you use a single temperature control to monitor and control the heaters?OMEGA manufactures a wide range of temperature control devices.Determining the Minimum Wattage for Your Application1. D etermine the lowest temperature to which the enclosure is expected to be exposed2. D etermine the operating temperature to which you want the enclosure heated3. S ubtract the ambient temperature from the enclosure temperature to get the temperature change required4. C alculate the surface area of the enclosure; For arectangular enclosure use the formula: 2 [(Length × Width)+(Length × Height) + (Width × Height)]5.S elect the correct table below depending upon whether your box is insulated or non-insulated; Read from the table the wattage required depending upon your calculated temperature change and surface area 6. A dd an additional 50% of the determined wattage if theenclosure is to be located in windy conditionsEnclosure HeatersRemote Thermostats for Enclosure Heaters51 mm 2.0"16 mm 0.625"Pressure Sensitive Adhesive for easy mountingEHA00005 D-ring and strap mounting thermostat. Can beapplied to sense the air around an object or an object directly.Design Featuresl S tandard PTFE Lead Length: 1.2 m (48")l C an Easily be Located Anywhere in the Enclosure Using the Pressure Sensitive Adhesive l A ny Standard Thermostat can be Used l S ilicone Rubber Base and Enclosure l Ratings: 10A/250 Vac, 15A/120 VacEHA Series38 mm 1.5"Ordering InformationSelect a remote thermostat from the list to the right Custom engineered/manufactured heaters availableconsult OMEGA.Please specify the following:l R ange: Select from the list of thermostats at l Lead Length: Specify any special lead length you require2Note: Mounting slot size is 6 x 4 mm (1⁄4 x 5⁄32").Silicone Rubber Enclosure Heaters (Continued)。
2. ACCESSORIES...........................................................................................................................10
● 使用说明书是本产品不可分割的重要组成部分,用户须妥善保管。 ● 请务必仔细阅读本使用说明书中描述的指南和警告事项,因为这些指南和警告事项
为安装人员/用户提供了正确安装、持续安全地使用和保养本产品所需的重要信息。 ● 请妥善保管本使用说明书,以便必要时参考使用。
● This booklet is an integral and essential part of the product and should be kept and preserved by the user.
II. 操作说明..................................................................................................................................................5 1. 启动....................................................................................................................................................5 2. 前板....................................................................................................................................................5 3. 柜内温度设置.....................................................................................................................................6 4. 框架加热器.........................................................................................................................................6 5. 除霜....................................................................................................................................................6 6. 关机....................................................................................................................................................7
EH_机械增压泵 中文手册
电源配置 G
电源配置 H
电源配置 I
润滑后轴承 (仅限 EH250、 EH500 和 EH500IND 泵)
2006 年 5 月
第 iv 页
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1.1 适用范围和定义
本手册中包含以下 BOC Edwards EH 机械增压泵的安装、操作和维护说明。
• 安全区 EH 机械增压泵: EH250、EH250IND、EH500、EH500IND、EH1200、EH1200IND、EH2600、EH2600IND、EH4200 和 EH4200IND。
EH 机械增压泵
操作及存放条件 性能数据 机械数据 电气数据 润滑数据 液压动力传动装置 / 齿轮箱吹扫氮气源数据 冷却水数据:非 ATEX 系统中的 EH 泵 冷却水数据:ATEX 系统中的 EH 泵 噪声和振动数据 连接 结构材料 件号 电动机电缆压盖孔的尺寸 电源连接配置 维护计划 备件件号 EH250 和 EH500 备件 EH1200 备件 EH2600 和 EH4200 备件
所有 EH 泵的液压动力传动装置 / 齿轮箱均通过压力均衡通路与泵的出口相连,而且构成真空系统的组成 部份。 连接通路装有滤除碎屑的滤清器,以防润滑油和轴承受到污染。 为使系统更为清洁,用户可以将 抽空口 (图 1 的第 5 项,或图 2 的第 6 项)与泵的入口或外接真空泵相连,将端盖 / 齿轮盖抽空。
1.3 化工 EH 泵
1.3.1 防爆电动机
VARICAM 35新发展超35毫米MOS传感器参考手册说明书
Newly Developedsuper 35mm MOS SENSOR REFERENCE MANUALJuly, 2015Revision Date ExplanationEditionFirstRev.1.2 July,2015SummaryPanasonic recently developed the "VARICAM 35", a modular camera system comprised of a camera “head” module (AU-V35C1G) and a recorder module (AU-VREC1G). The “VARICAM35” camera is equipped with a newly developed super35mm MOS sensor, and records using the "AVC-ULTRA" family of Video CODECs for 4K / UHD / 2K and HD recordings.The new super 35mm size MOS sensor in the "VARICAM 35" has very wide color gamut, and an effective 8.9 million pixels. Yet it easily achieves a wide dynamic range of 14 + stops. In addition, it provides the characteristic shallow depth of field of super 35mm cinema format, combined with the required high resolution for native 4K recording.This document explains the Panasonic newly developed s35mm imager technology and MOS Sensor developed for the high-performance "VARICAM 35" camera system.1. IntroductionThe digital video production process is quite common now in the video production industry because of some advantages such as efficiency of production workflows, Video quality and CG workflows. The type and number of digital video camera available on the market has also greatly expanded. The optical system for the camera is required to be the same as that of a super35mm camera, which features a single large-sized sensor, much different to the conventional 2/3” 3 imager / prism EFP video camera. Moreover, in order to meet the various demands of video producers, namely; wide latitude (dynamic range), high sensitivity, and high-frame rate capture are also required. Initially the large format cameras were of the HD or 2K (2048 (H) × 1080 (V)) resolution class, now various 4K (4096 (H) × 2160 (V)) cameras are available and in use.With this camera market growing, Panasonic decided to develop a 4K camera / recorder, to be known as the "VARICAM 35". In developing this camera, it was critically important to realize true 4K high-resolution, wide dynamic range and high-frame rate recording, plus the expected features like VFR (variable frame rate) recording, VFR was one of the strengths of the earlier Panasonic VariCam 2/3” cameras. To achieve this, Panasonic has developed a MOS sensor specifically designed to match the newly designed super35mm 4k optics. The following describes the new technology that has been integrated in the new sensor.2. The Design Criteria for the new Image Sensor.As the image sensor used in this camera of the video production field applications, the following requirements were considered the most important points, in order to meet the various requirement from video creators to represent their creative ideas.(1) Wide dynamic range to achieve the 14 stops and more.(2) High Sensitivity to allow shooting in low light.(3) VFR (Variable Frame Rate) high-speed imagingWith such a requirement, in order to achieve at a high pixel count for 4K signal, Panasonic developed the new technologies for image sensors by merging the experience from our semiconductor technology group, with that of the high-quality camera system design tradition that has been cultivated for many years for the broadcast and professional video industry.In the next section, the detail of the introduced technologies to achieve the superb performance and the unique functions will be described.3. New technology of the new image sensorThe specification of newly developed image sensor is shown in Table 3-1. When compared with the HD (or 2K) conventional image sensor with the same optical size., As UHD/ 4k imagers have twice the horizontal and vertical number of pixels, the pixel area will be very small as compared to a n HD 35mm imager, as ¼ of the effective size. Therefore, it is necessary to generate a four times performance improvement for 4K, to achieve equivalent performance at 2KFurther, imager clocking speeds are proportional to the increase in the number of vertical pixel columns, so in order to achieve the same frame rate, the operating speed is also required to be doubled for the pixel read speed and ADC.This chapter will describe the details of the technology developed and implemented to achieve the desired performance at 4k levels.Image sensor size ( effective area) 26.688 (H) mm × 143.848 (V) mmEffective pixels 4448 (H) × 2308(V)Total Pixels 5160(H) × 2408 (V)Size of Pixel 6.0 (H) μm × 6.0 (V) μmColor Filter pattern R,G,B Bayer PatternTable 3-1. Specification of Image Sensor3-1. High Dynamic Range and High Sensitivity technologyFigure 3-1-1 shows the electric potential distribution of the high-capacity photodiodes of this image sensor. By modifying the photosite well design, the charge capacity of the photodiode is boosted 1.3 times over a conventional well. Larger well capacity means more charge, which equates to higher dynamic range before well saturation.Fig. 3-1-1 High capacity PhotodiodesIn addition, high sensitivity is one aspect of the imager design vigorously pursued. The improvement of the light-harvesting performance was accomplished by optimizing the curvature of the on-chip lens that forms on top of the photodiode, and also the silicon’s photoelectric conversion efficiency.With the above technology, even though pixel area has been reduced by 75%, the high saturation characteristics and the high sensitivity are maintained. The VariCam35 s35mm imager has achieved industry's highest level of 14 + stops for dynamic range in amongst comparative 4K cameras.3-2. Dual Native ISOFigure 3-2-1 shows the conceptual diagram of Dual Native ISO and the conventional one. The relationship of ISO sensitivity and the noise of the new system is explained in Figure3-2-2.In a conventional imager / system, the ISO number is increased by increasing the gain of the gain amplifier. Therefore, in proportion with ISO number, it is also amplified the noise, theS/N ratio is deteriorated as a result. This is the traditional “gain-up” ISO boosting technique.In the new s35mm Panasonic image sensor, each imager pixel has an integral ISO (sensitivity) switching circuit. This ISO switch mode uses changes in the charge to voltage conversion processing of each pixel. The choices are native ISO 800 and native ISO 5000. ISO 5000 is about 6 times the standard sensitivity of ISO 800 (about 2.6stops), however and importantly as no electronic gain is used in this ISO switching process, the noise performance of the camera at ISO5000 is very similar to that of ISO800. (Measured SN/R differences are only about 1dB). Shown in Figure 3-2-2.Photos 3-2 shows gray scale chart of a “conventional camera system” (gain added to produce an effective ISO of 5000). Compare that with the image from the Dual Native ISO technology operating at ISO5000. As is apparent from the photographs, by using Dual Native ISO technology, the noise performance at ISO 5000 is only slight worse than that of native ISO800. This huge increase in ISO800 to 5000 equates to having two native film stocks in the camera. The obvious benefits of ISO 5000 are the ability to shoot with no added electronic gain in very low light levels and obtain remarkable imagery that well surpasses the human eye’s ability to see at those light levels. Native ISO 5000 provides for huge savings in necessary lighting levels, as it is possible to shoot at levels under 2 foot candles.With the need to shoot sports events in UHD/4k, the conundrum of 4k s35mm versus B4 2/3” arises. B4 2/3” EFP lenses provide the necessary depth of field, and the large zoom ratios for modern sports production. S35mm 4k cameras usually use s35mm large format imagers; those limit zoom size / ratio and an inherent shallow depth of field. The compromise oftenused is to use the B4-mount lens with some form of B4 2/3” to PL / s35mm optical adaptor. Although less than ideal, this process doe provide the much needed zoom capability, but at a cost of around 2.5 stops of light.Because the difference in optical image format sizes, the sensitivity of the camera system will decreases 2.5 stops.Interestingly, that 2.5 stops of light loss, just happens to coincide with the 800 / 5000 ISO relationship of the VariCam 35. So by using a 2/3” B4 to PL s35mm optical adaptor that enables large 2/3” zoom lenses, the use of ISO 5000 overcomes the 2.5stops of light loss in the large format conversion for 2/3” to s35mm, this native ISO process has no added noise, thus comparable performance is maintained.Figure 3-2-1. Conceptual Diagram of Dual Native ISOFigure 3-2-2. Relationship of ISO and Noise level with Dual Native ISOPhoto 3-2.Noise level at Gray Scale chart with Dual Native ISO (ISO5000)3-3. New technology to achieve high-speed imager clock driving.It shows a schematic diagram of the image sensor in Figure 3-3-1.In order to realize high-speed image capture, the following new technologies are implemented.(1) A pipeline processing system for vertical pixel reading and horizontal pixel reading.(2) Reduction of the parasitic capacitance by dividing the signal line to an up / down division of the pixel array. Also parallelization of the pixel array signal line.(3) Speed up of driving transistors for the signal in the pixel array.(4) Ultra-high-speed digital output circuit using cutting-edge micro-process semiconductors.The technology once implemented means that frame rate can be doubled over more conventional 4k imagers, and the reduction in the pixel read / xtalk succeeded in suppressing the noise by 1/2 or more. Thereby making it possible to achieve the goal of a wide dynamic range, high speed, dual ISO, 4k native MOS imager capable of 4k 120fps full imager operation.Figure 3-3-1. Conceptual Diagram of up/down division signal reading3-4 Pixel structure for the surround display (look-around feature) on ViewfinderFigure 3-4-1 shows the number of pixels on the image sensor. The effective number of pixels for recording video are 4096 (H) × 2160 (V). In addition to the active imaging area, there are the extra pixels, when these extra (surround pixels are read) they provide a “look-around” or wide view of the camera’s field of view. Although not used when recording 4k content, those extra “look-around” pixels provide the equivalent of an optical viewfinder, giving the ability to see things approaching the camera active field of view. These are items such as microphone booms, dollies, DIT carts, and the plethora of production paraphernalia that you do not want in the shot. The ability to see what is about to enter the shot is a useful and time saving one.By read out from these extra pixels, and displaying the image including the extra pixels only in the VF and VF output, the photographer can check before an obstacle such as a microphone enters the shot. In the VARICAM 35, the total capturing area including the surrounded extra is 4384 (H) × 2234 (V).Figure 3-4-1. Pixels of Image Sensor4. Consideration of global shutterOn the MOS image sensor, normally, unlike the CCD, the exposure time will be shifted for each scanning line, the result is a so-called the rolling shutter structure. Recently, in order to avoid the focal plane skew distortion on moving objects, a few MOS image sensors with global shutter structure have been commercialized.However, this global shutter structure has a number of side effects, further and importantly the basic performance (S/N, Dynamic Range, etc.) of the imager deteriorates if a Global Shutter is implemented.The current trend of technological development in image sensors is to maintain or improve imager performance and prevent unwanted side effects. This method can realize high-speed image capture, while maintaining the high dynamic range performance and, at the same time reduce motion skew by fast (often asymmetric readout of imager data, to reduce the focal plane distortion.4-1. The current structure of an implemented global shutterThis shows the structure of a single pixel configuration of an image sensor which uses a global shutter, and that of an imager with a traditional rolling shutter, both of these technologies are currently commercialized. Figure 4-1-1The global shutter function is realized by adding a transistor to reset the pixel, as shown in the 4.1.1. (FET is in RED)Such an implementation of a GS has many negative effects, one is the elimination of CDS (Correlated Double Sampling) This operation is long implemented and widely used noise reduction processing, so if the GS is implemented, the lack of CDS means noise levels increase. Allied with the noise increase, the extra pixel structure ( a FET and storage capacitor) eat away at the precious “fill factor” of the active pixel, simply put, the extra circuitry blocks some of the needed light and makes the active image sensitive area smaller, thus less sensitive and a lower dynamic range.Depending upon how GS was implemented other negative aspects can intrude, storage capacitor variations can introduce fixed pattern noise, signal leakage on the analogue storage can result in streaking and pixel to pixel leakage.Figure 4-1-1. Pixel structure of Rolling Shutter and Global shutter4-2. Side effects of global shutter structureFigure 4-2-1, shows the negative symptoms due to global shutter in Figure 4-2-2.In the present global shutter situation, it configures the analog memory (a capacitor) in the pixel, and charge the electrons in this capacitor. Therefore, when shooting a high luminance object, leakage of electric charge from the photodiode overflowing will be in a capacitor, or a defect due to photoelectric conversion at the capacitor itself occurs. Specifically, Figure 4-2-1, and Figure 4-2-2 are examples of bad symptoms.Figure 4-2-1 is a false signal that occurs when a bright object is moved to the left and right, a phenomenon similar to the residual image which is generated in the image pickup tube. Usually, residual image by the imaging tube will be created afterward of the moving object, but, this false signal is generated as a “pre-ghost” of the object, especially when object moving from the right to the left of the screen. It is a very unnatural phenomenon.Figure 4-2-2 shows the flash band. When the instantaneous shiny object, like a camera flash, it creates a defect which is generated the light leakage in the capacitor during its read wait time.Figure 4-2-1. Phenomenon 1 by Global ShutterFigure 4-2-2. Phenomenon 2 by Global ShutterAs described above, the global shutter structure being currently commercialized, compared with more highly developed conventional rolling shutter structure, it deteriorates the basic performances such as the S/N ratio, the Dynamic Range, also may create the unnatural phenomenon when shooting a high-luminance subject, it is not yet perfected.For these reasons, the image sensor that was developed for the VariCam35 uses an advanced and high speed readout rolling shutter structure. In particular, we are employing this structure to achieve the most important factors, the image performance and high-speed operation in the of image production field.5. ConclusionPanasonic has developed a new super35mm MOS image sensor. The image sensor has the High Pixel count of 4K, Wide Dynamic Range, High Sensitivity, and High S/N ratio, and further can achieve High Speed Operation of 120fps at 4K.The 4K camera/recorder "VARICAM 35" using this image sensor, is expected to provide the best video quality required 4K production field by the video creators around the world.。
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