Module1 Unit2 Project 教案



2. T asks Ss to get into their local area and look for mistranslations.
1. Ss work in groups and decide where to go.
2. Ss take a photo of each mistranslation they find and make notes.
1. Ss share what they’ve found and discuss the types of mistranslations.
2. Ss work in groupsand work outwhatthe correct translations should be
Analyse different types of mistranslations.
Practise skills in giving a presentation, and learn from each other.

外研版英语八年级上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教学设计2

外研版英语八年级上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教学设计2

外研版英语八年级上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教学设计2一. 教材分析《Module 1 Unit 2》是外研版英语八年级上册的一篇课文,主要介绍了一些日常生活中的交际用语和表达方式。



二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对于日常的英语交际用语有所了解。



三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本节课的主要单词和短语,如“问候”、“介绍”、“道别”等。



四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够掌握日常交际用语,如问候、介绍、道别等。


五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过设定各种日常交际场景,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用英语。



六. 教学准备1.准备相关教学材料,如课件、教材、练习册等。



七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过与学生进行简单的日常英语交流,激发学生的学习兴趣,引出本节课的主题。



八年级英语上册Module1 Unit2教学设计

八年级英语上册Module1 Unit2教学设计

八年级英语上册Module1 Unit2教学设计一、教学目标1.知识目标:通过本节课的学习,学生将能够掌握并运用有关运动和爱好的词汇和表达方式。





三、教学准备1.教学PPT2.教材和课件3.学生练习册4.音乐播放设备四、教学过程1. 导入新课教师通过出示图片或播放视频引入新课,让学生猜测下面要学习的内容。


2. 学习新词汇教师出示课件,呈现本课的新词汇,如football, basketball, swimming 等。


3. 听力练习教师播放录音,让学生听录音并根据所听内容的要求在练习册上做出相应的选择题。


4. 口语训练教师将学生分成小组,每组分配一个运动或爱好的词汇进行讨论和设计。


5. 阅读理解教师在课件中呈现一篇有关运动的短文,要求学生阅读并回答相关问题。


6. 听写练习教师播放录音,学生听录音并完成练习册上的听写任务。


7. 书面表达教师提供一个给朋友写信的示范,并向学生解释信件的格式和内容要求。





五年级下英语说课稿- Module 1 Unit 2-外研社(一起)

五年级下英语说课稿- Module 1 Unit 2-外研社(一起)

五年级下英语说课稿- Module 1 Unit 2-外研社(一起)一、教学目标1、知识目标1.掌握本课时的五个新单词:paper, scissors, rock, winner, loser2.学会表达英文游戏的规则: paper, scissors, rock(石头、剪刀、布)。







二、教学内容及重难点1、教学内容1.新单词的学习:paper, scissors, rock, winner, loser;2.讲解游戏规则,语法模板演示练习,反复熟悉背诵;3.多样化的英文游戏活动,提高学生口语表达能力。


三、教学过程1、引入引导学生回忆Unit 1中所学的“Let’s play”模板,然后引出“paper, scissors, rock”游戏,帮助学生理解游戏规则。









Unit 2 Project精品教案Teaching goal: Help students to make a speechTeaching objectives:By the end of this period, Ss will:LanguageMaster the usage of some useful words and expressions.Skills & strategiesLearn more information about OlympicsLearn how to write a speech about entering a new sport into the Olympics and how to present a speech.Culture & moralsShow more interest in Olympics.Keys & puzzlesHow to get the students make a speechImportant points & difficult pointsWrite a speech and present it in the classTeaching approaches1. Reading.2.Group work to make the students learn how to make a speech.3.Competition method.4.PresentingTeaching aidsMulti-media and a blackboardTeaching proceduresIn generalThis project part is about how to enter a new sport into the Olympics. After reading the passage the students need to prepare a speech on which sport should be in the Olympics and why. First, lead in, show some pictures to the students and let them know more sports about Olympics. Second, read the passage and get more information about how to enter a new sport into the Olympics. Third, pay attention to the new words andimportant sentences of this passage. Fourth, group work, to prepare a speech. Fifth, present the speech. Sixth, homework.在本单元的project 部分学生通过阅读了解更多的有关奥林匹克的知识。




三、教学目标Usefulexpressionsinintroducingpersons.Togetinforationfrothereadingaterialaboutpersonalinf oration四、知识与能力:1、TobeabletointroduceoneselforotherAsingforandreceivingpersonalinforation五、情感态度与价值观Tobuildupstudents’confidenceandinterestinEnglish-learning.六、教学过程aring-up/Leadin活动目的Revieandconsolidatethevocabularystudentshavelearned before。

教师活动1).Readthroughthesequestionsandansers.aesurethestud entsunderstandthe.).Practisetheiththeholeclasschorallyandindividu ally.).Pairthestudentstoasandanser.).Putthestudentsinnepairs,havethedoainglingacti vity,asingthepersonnearestthehenyouclapyourhands.学生活动1)活动目的Trainstudentstogetspecificinforationthroughreading.教师活动1).Asstudentstoreadandanserindividually.).Asthetochecithapartner.).callbactheansersfrotheholeclass,asingthestude ntstoreadthestateentsandthensay“true”or“false”.学生活动1).Readandanserindividually,thenchecithapartner.).chectheansersinclassandsharethelearningstrate gy.)correctthefalsesentences.Readingintensively/Practice活动目的1)Usetheordstheyhavejustlearnedinreallife.)Teachstudentsritingsills.教师活动1).Asthestudentstoreadthepassageinactivity2againand tofillinthetableithcorrectinforation.).chectheansersithholeclass,thenithindividualst udents.).AsstudentstodescribeDaing.Lingling.andanghuib ytheselves,thenassoestudentstothefronttotalaboutthe.学生活动1).Readthepassagecarefullyagainanddoactivity3—pletethetable.).chectheansersithapartner,theniththeholeclass.).TrytosaysoethingaboutDaing,Lingling,andanghui .First,preparebytheselvesthentrytotalaboutthetothefront.riting/output活动目的1).TrainSsritingsills.).Reviethenoledgelearned教师活动1).Asafestudenttotrytosaysoethingaboutjiangli,thenr itedonthesentencesaboutjiangli.).First,asSstoriteabouttheselves,thenasSstotryr itingsoethingabouttheirclassatesorfriends.学生活动1).Trytosaysoethingaboutjiangli,thenritedonthesente ncesaboutjiangli.)..First,riteabouttheselves,thentryritingsoethi ngabouttheirclassatesorfriends.七、作业布置Doexercise11inodule1inorboo.ritesoethingaboutapersonyouliebest.八、教学反思抓住学生刚刚升入初中好奇心强这一特点,本节课我围绕“介绍人物”这一话题创设了一个贴近学生生活实际的教学情境。



Module1 Unit2 第2课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第一模块第二单元第二课时:Unit 2 4. Listen and learn to say. 6. Guess and say. & 7. Write and talk.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语: map, right, in the east/west/north/south of.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并用句型:Where is...? It’s in the... (east/west/north/south) of...讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。

3. 能把握句子的节奏和重音。


三、教学重难点(一)重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词和短语map, right, in the east/west/north/south of.2. 学习句型: Where is...? It’s in the… (east/west/north/south) of...(二)难点:1. 用句型: Where is...? It’s in t he... (east/west/north/south)of...讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。

2. in the east/west/north/south的用法。

3. 句子的节奏和重音。

四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(可从优教平台下载“Module1 Unit2单词卡片集”直接使用)。

2. 音频(可从优教平台下载使用)。

3. PPT课件。

4. 人物大明和西蒙的头饰。

五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Listen and do.Revise the words: east/west/south/north. The whole class stand up, listen to the teacher and do the actions.The students should point to the right/left/or point up/ down, (in Chinese that is:上北下南,左西右东。


(2)句型:掌握一般现在时态的句型,如:He/She is my ...;This is my family.
举例:能够使用一般现在时态句型介绍家庭成员,如:“She is my mother. He is my father.”
举例:能够正确运用一般现在时态描述家庭成员的爱好,如:“My brother likes playing football.”
《Module1 Unit2》的核心素养目标旨在培养学生的语言能力、思维品质、文化意识和学习能力。1.语言能力:通过本单元的学习,学生能够掌握并运用描述家庭成员和关系的词汇、句型,流利地介绍自己的家庭;2.思维品质:培养学生运用英语进行逻辑思维和表达,提高观察、分析、解决问题的能力;3.文化意识:使学生了解中学习方式,提高学生英语听力、口语、阅读和写作技能,形成有效的学习策略。这些目标符合新教材要求,注重培养学生的综合素养。

Module 1Uint2教案

Module 1Uint2教案

Module 2Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin.教学目标:1.能听说并认读:tomorrow will2. 能听懂、会说并认读:It will snow. It will be sunny.之类的语句。

3. 能准确书写:snow rain sunny windy等。

4.能运用How’s the weather in ……tomorrow? It will snow. It will be sunny.之类的语句谈论将来的天气状况。

教学过程:一、Warm-up1.Greetings:2.Let’s enjoy a song:How is the weather? ( 播放课本CD)3. Review the five words: snow rain sunny windy cloudy①Look and say quickly: (看卡读词:看图说词)②Listen , draw and show quickly.(听单词画天气符号)4. Free talk:T: How’s the weather today? 引导学生根据实际情况答复:It’s sunny.(windy, cloudy, raining, snowing) 同时板书此问句。

T: 〔课件显示城市及天气状况〕Look!How’s the weather in Beijing today?S: It’s…….示范之后,找学生当小老师进行提问。

〔此时通过图片认识HongKong〕二、Presentation导入:T:How’s the weather today? ……How about tomorrow?How’s the weather tomorrow?〔此时将板书中的today换成tomorrow〕出示词卡学习tomorrow:to–mor–row.分音节让学生听清楚,然后模仿。

〔一〕Watch, listen and answer:播放课本CD1. How many cities do you hear?2. What are they?〔二〕Watch and listen again, then answer these questions.1. Ho w’s the weather in Shenyang tomorrow?2. How’s the weather in Hong Kong tomorrow?3. How’s the weather in Beijing tomorrow?逐一答复下列问题,板书并学习新句:1. It will snow. Will, will, will, it will snow.2. It will rain. Will, will, will, it will rain.3. It will be sunny. Be sunny, be sunny, it will be sunny.Chant together , in groups, in pairs, one by one.: We can also say: It will be windy. It will be cloudy.板书后引导学生自己去发现问题,总结规律:rain snow 前不加be;而windy sunny cloudy 前必须加be。

牛津英语模块1 Unit 2 Project 导学案

牛津英语模块1 Unit 2 Project 导学案

牛津英语模块1 Unit 2 Project 导学案第 2 页 Unit 2 of Module 1 ProjectLearning Aims:1. Read the text to improve the ability to find useful information quickly from a passage and have abetter understanding of growing pains.2. Learn some important language points.Important and difficult points:1.Improve the reading comprehension.2. Master the meanings and usages of some key words and phrases , learning a few long and complicated sentences, such as confuse, go out of control, think of …as …and so on.Learning procedures:第一部分:自主学习I. Remember the following important phrases1. feel lonely 感到孤独2. go through changes 经历变化班级 姓名 学号 时间评价第 3 页II. Fast reading (Go through the text and try to answer the following questions):1.What are growing pains and what different kinds of growing pains are talked about in the article?The difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults. Physical changes , psychological changes and how to fit in society(social changes)2. What is the difference between boys and girls in psychological changes?Many boys like taking risks to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them , butgirls ofen want someone-anyone- to talk to while dealing with their strong feelings3. What do the teenagers often question themselves?They often question who they are and how they fit in society.III. Fill in each blank with a proper word and then enjoy the following sentences.第 4 页请自己查奥!IV.Task-based reading (Fill in the blanks according the text)Growingpains Defi nitio n Growing pains are the difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults.Diffe rent chan ges (1)Physical_changesTheir body develops in many waysincluding growing taller and voicesgetting (2)_deeper_.Psycho-logicalchanges●They have the feelingsof(3)loneliness_, as if nobody canunderstand them.●They find the changing world bothinside and outside of them(4)confusing__.●Many boys like taking (5)_risks__ tofind their own limits and the limits ofthe world around them.●Girls need someone to talk to while(6)_dealing_with their strong feelings(7)Socialchanges●They struggle to be(8)independent_; meanwhile theyneed their parents’love and want tobe part of the group.●It’s difficult for them to balancethese needs, so they often becomeconfused and want to know how to fitin society.(9)C oncl usio ns/C om men ts Growing pains are a common part of (10) adolescence_, which adults have already gone through. But the pains don’t last long and everything turns out OK in the end.V. Reading comprehension(Multiple choice)第 5 页1. From the passage, we can learn that .A. all teenagers feel lonely, for no one understands them and their changesB. all teenagers need someone to talk to, as they try to deal with their problemsC. all adults have experienced adolescence, and growing pains are common for teenagersD. all adults grow older and become confused with the changing world2. Why do boy teenagers tend to take many risks during adolescence?A. Because they doubt whether they will find their own limitsB. Because they are sure they will find the limits of the worldC. Because they are not clever enough to do good thingsD. Because they may have no good ideas how第 6 页they should do things right3. The passage is written to tell readers .A. how to get along with teenagersB. about teenagers’ growing pains in adolescenceC. how to behave as teenagersD. how to deal with teenagers’ troubles in adolescenceVI. Self-study of important and difficult language points.1.[原句回放]Yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control. 句中go out of control 的含义是,充当,Sorry!此处设问欠妥,请说明。

Module 1 Unit 2 示范课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)

Module 1 Unit 2 示范课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)

Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 2 You should smile at her!教学设计一、教学目标1. 能够掌握新词汇:ask for, improve, basic, advise, shy, suggest, quickly等。

2. 能够掌握重点句型:(1) I also advise you to talk about the films…(2) What should I do?(3) I suggest you to…3. 能够读懂有关提出建议与问题相关的文章,掌握其细节内容。

4. 能掌握提建议的基本写作方法,写出简单的建议信。

5. 在学习如何提出建议的过程中逐步把握语言的得体性,学会照顾对方的感受。

二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 熟练掌握本课重点词汇和短语。

2. 读懂关于英语学习方法及学习建议的文章并获取细节信息。



四、教学过程Step 1 Warming-upMake a conversation about learning English.【设计意图】通过对话形式回顾上节课所学,调动课堂氛围,再次激活单元话题,为下面的阅读提供帮助。

Step 2 Pre-readingLearn some new words.【设计意图】学习本课新词汇,为下一个环节的阅读活动扫清障碍。

Step 3 While-reading1. Read the passage quickly and find out what problems the Ss have.2. Read paragraph 3 and finish the exercise about advice for Li Hao.3. Read paragraph 5 and find out true or false.4. Read paragraph 7 and fill in the blanks5. Read and complete the table.【设计意图】通过不同的阅读任务,帮助学生读懂英语学习方法和学习建议的文章,也培养学生理解文章主旨及把握细节的能力。

Module1(U1 U2两课时)教案

Module1(U1 U2两课时)教案

Module 2单元备课教学目标:1. 知识目标:a) 能听, 说, 读并正确使用单词miss\ sometimes\ restaurant\ really\ dancing\ square.b) 能理解并灵活掌握句型:There is\are … on\ in\ under\ near…c) 能听懂理解课文并回答相关问题。

2. 技能目标:学会运用There is \are …来谈论某处有某物,注意区别单数、复数的不同用法。

3. 习惯的培养:通过多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学英语的兴趣,引导他们积极参与小组编活动。



教学重点:1 .能听,说, 读、写单词:miss\ sometimes\ restaurant\ really\ dancing\ square.2能理解并掌握句型:There is\ are…on\ in\ under\ near ...3.能听懂理解课文并回答相关问题。

4.让学生通过学习,学会用英语讲述某处有某物.教学难点:1能理解并灵活使用句型:There is\are … on\in\under\near ...2学会运用所学语言描述某处有某物。

3.部分单词的读音:restaurant\ square任务:Describing the existence(描述图片或照片中的事物)课时:2课时教具:图片录音机教学过程:第一课时Step 1. Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Sing the English song《There is a Great Wall in China.》3.Memory game: Look, then close your books and say.让学生看第9页Part 5中的图画2分钟,然后关上书。

然后回忆图画中的事物,练习句型“There is a …或There are … ”Step 2. PresentationFree talk: Where has Daming gone ? (He is in New York with his cousin, Simon.) What’s he doing now? Does he miss china? 我们一起来学习课文就知道了。

外研版(一起)二年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教案设计

外研版(一起)二年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教案设计

外研版(一起)二年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2》教案设计教学内容本教案设计的教学内容是二年级英语上册外研版(一起)教材的 Module 1 Unit 2,主要包括以下内容:1.生词和词组:teacher, student, hello, I, am, you, too, good, bye。

2.日常交际用语:Hello, I am a teacher. / I am a student. / I am five years old. / Goodbye。

3.语音:Hello, I am a teacher. / I am a student. / I am five years old. / Goodbye。




教学准备1.教材:外研版(一起)二年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2。


教学过程Step 1:导入新课1.教师打招呼:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls!2.教师自我介绍:I am a teacher. What’s your name?3.学生自我介绍。

Step 2:学习生词和词组1.教师出示单词卡片,让学生模仿读音和发音,学习新生词和词组(teacher, student, hello, I, am, you, too, good, bye)。


Step 3:学习日常交际用语1.教师出示 PPT,模拟日常情境,让学生学习日常交际用语,如 Hello, I ama teacher/student/five years old. Goodbye。


Step 4:学习语音1.教师用录音机朗读出 Hello, I am a teacher/student/five years old. Goodbye,学生跟读。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Unit 2 project
Growing pains
I. Teaching aims
1.Make sure students understand what growing pains are all about.
2.Improve students’ reading ability.
3.Encourage students to do teamwork and learn to cooperative with each other.
II. Teaching importances and difficulties
1.To know the general idea of the article
2.Make sure the students know how to write a report on growing pains
III. Teaching procedures
Step one: lead- in
Have a group competition to review the new words learnt in the morning class.
Last,risk,desire,balance,physical,psychological,development,misunderstand,adolescen ce,as if, out of control, in this regard, be confused with, go through, day by day, tend to ,along with, have difficulty in doing sth.,
Step two: fast-reading
1.Ask the students to read the test in 1 min and answer the following questions
a.What does the passage talk about?
Growing pains(from the title)
b.What different kinds of changes are talked about?
Physical changes,psychological changes,social changes
2.Show some interesting pictures about the 3 changes.
1.Read the text fast, and answer the following questions.
a.Why many teenagers feel lonely?(no more than 12 words)
b.What is adolescence?(no more than 8 words)
c.What is the good news for teenagers?(no more than 9 words)
2.Finish the true or false questions and correct the false ones.
1. Teenagers grow taller and their voices get higher.
2. Boys and girls tend to be the same in psychological changes.
3. As teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on their parents and friends.
Step 3 Discussion
Have students to listen to the radio and fill the blanks in the screen.
Life never seems to be going ; life seems to be too fast and
even going .
Adolescence is the time of life . Every adult has adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now. It’s common for te enagers to feel and . These feels can be thought of
as .
During adolescence, teenagers will go through both physical and changes.
In this regard, boys and girls tend to be . Boys become , and girls
often want someone to talk to.
However, growing pains do not for a long time, the teenager becomes
in the end.
Step 4 Emotion education
1.Show students some pictures about children and parents to increase their love to
2.Play a song ”little boy” about growing pains.
IV Homework。
