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Exercise 13C 1. 雨一停,我们就动身. A: We’ll start off as soon as the rain stops. 2. 一有消息,我就给你打电话. A: I’ll ring you up directly I hear the news. 3. 如果你明天一早动身,就得在睡觉前把行李打好. A: If you are leaving early tomorrow morning, you’ll have to finish packing before bedtime. 4. 委员们定于下星期四开会来解决这一问题. A: The committee are to gather next Thursday to settle the question. 5. 他不可以在这儿待下去. 他得马上离开. A: He is not to stay here any longer. He is to leave at once.
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12. 到下周末,我在这儿就整整一年了. A: By next weekend, I’ll have been here for a whole year. 13. 车未停稳,切勿下车. A: Don’t get off the bus till it stops. 14. 明年夏天他们打算到大连去度假. A: They are going to spend their holidays in Dalian next sumer. 15. 瞧!乌云满天,就要下雨了. A: Look! The dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain. 16. 如果他来时我在吃中饭,请告诉他等一会儿. A: If I’m at lunch when he comes, please tell him to wait a little
been back to China next month.
minister of Japan was to visit China next Monday.
9. 你假如明早六时去看他,他正在做早操. A: If you go and see him at si来自百度文库, he will be taking morning
The snow will have disappeared before the end of March. 3) be going to + 不定式 表示意图 Are you going to post that letter by air mail? How long is he going to stay here? 表示即将发生 I must hurry. I am going to be late. 4) be + -ing 现在进行表将来 We’re leaving on Friday. 5) be to + 不定式 I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon. Where are we to stay tonight?
discuss the proposals for easing the crisis, but the war broke out.
第13讲 将来时间表示法
13.1 表示将来时间的多种结构 1) will / shall + 不定式 will 用于第一,二,三人称,shall 用于第一人称, The next train to Beijing will leave at 8 a.m. We shall know the result next week. 2) will / shall + 不定式进行/完成 将来进行: The train will be arriving at two o’clock. I’ll be working in Geneva during May. 将来完成: By the end of next month I shall have been working here for 20 years exactly.
• 19. 多少学生要去?他们坐船去吗? • A: How many students are going? Are they going by boat? • 20. 外长们原定于五月十四日开会来讨论缓和危机的 建议,可是战争爆发了. • A: The foreign Ministers were to have met on May 14 to
6)一般现在时表将来 通常为主将从现,或客观事实 If he comes, please inform me. Tomorrow is Saturday. 13.2 过去将来时间表示法 1) would + 不定式 2) was / were going to + 不定式 3) was /were to + 不定式 He said that he was going to live in the country when he retired. As I was to leave the next day, I went to bed early on Thursday evening.
10. 明晚七点半你在做什么? A: What will you be doing at 7:30 tomorrow evening? 11. 下星期你从南京回来,讨论会已经结束. A: When you come back from Nanjing next week, the discussion will have finished.
I had written the article when he came. By six o’colck they had worked twelve hours. 2)过去完成进行体的用法 I’d been working for 3 hours when he called. 3)过去完成体的想象性用法,即虚拟语气中的用法 If only you had told me before. I had hoped that we would be able to leave tomorrow, but it’s beginning to look difficult. 12.3关于完成体用法的几点补充说明 It’s the first time that sb have done sth… It’s the first time I’ve been here. It was the first time he had been late.
6. 她说,到周末她将已经返回中国. A: She said that by the end of the week she would have 7. 昨天他告诉我,他打算下个月结婚. A: He told me yesterday that he was going to get married 8. 他在记者招待会上宣布, 日本首相定于下星期一访华. A: He announced at the press conference that the prime
• 17. 去西安前我们还要在这儿待一两天. • A: We’ll stay here for a couple of days before we go on to Xi’an.
• 18. 我们明晚彩排,你来吗? • A: We’re having our dress rehearsal tomorrow evening. Are you coming?
第12讲 动词的时和体(二)
12.1 现在完成体和现在完成进行体的用法 1)现在完成体的用法 已完成: He has turned off the light. 未完成: He has lived here since 1960. 2)现在完成进行体的用法 I’ve been writing letters for an hour. 12.2 过去完成和过去完成进行体的用法 1)过去完成体的用法