序号 1 项目名称 原始墙面修复 位置 单位 平米
工艺标准 铲除原始墙皮
数量 1235
Байду номын сангаас
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
界面剂 墙面大白 墙面乳胶漆 器材室货架 电路改造 开关\插座安装 力工搬运费 垃圾清运 双层文化展板 办公桌 卷柜 办公桌 小会议桌 1.5P 壁挂空调 主任室 主任室 11 楼 5 间 器材室
单 位 台 台 台 个 个 个 个 个 块 个 块 块 台 台 台 个 个 个 个 个 套 个
2.1 前期摄像部分 演播室摄像机 小高清摄像机 3D 专业摄像机 记忆棒 SD 卡 读卡器 广角镜头 指向话筒 电池 电池充电适配器 电池 电池 专业三脚架 专业三脚架 专业三脚架 手柄 UV 镜 UV 镜 大摄像包 摄像包 LED 摄像灯 白平衡卡 sskreder2 读卡器 HVL-EX0877 索尼 PMW-EX330K/L PMW-EX1R HXR-NX3D1 SONY SONY SONY SONY SONY SONY SONY
2 25
SW-EMS-0121 LED-203 70℃报警 LED-206 保护范围约 30 ㎡/个 SW-EMS-0020 SW-EMS-0010 YN1000 2316TL 带键盘、电源 LED-308 1/3SONY CCD420 线 DC12V2A
1 4 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 4
序号 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 视频线 电源线 硬盘录像机 硬盘
车载音视频设备通用检测规范GENERAL INSPECTION FOR CAR AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM技术本部发布前言本标准是车载AV类产品的通用性标准,此标准是设计车载AV产品的目标依据,也作为产品在设计验证、试产和量产阶段中产品检测、质量验收的依据。
起草部门:产品部起草者:审核:标准办:合议:批准:车载音视频设备通用检测规范1 范围本标准涉及的范围是公司车用AV系统2 说明本标准目的是对车载产品的设计要求进行规范化以及统一对车载产品的检测判定基准。
3使用条件-电源 DC 10.5~16v; 工作电流:≤10A-安装角度前后方向0~30°;左右±15°-使用温度-20℃~70℃-相对湿度 45%~85%-大气压860mbar~1060mbar4指标要求4.1 视频输出要求4.1.1 视频输出电平 1.0±0.2V;重放测试盘上的视频测试信号时白峰电平和负同步头电平之间的输出电压4.1.2 水平清晰度(TV线) ≥500沿水平方向人眼所能分辨的屏幕图象的最大电视线数4.1.3 亮度非线性失真(%) ≤5%输出图象信号的消隐电平和白电平之间的灰电平与输入图象信号的灰电平之偏差。
4.1.4 亮度信噪比(dB) ≥56(不计权)亮度信号的输出电平对有效噪声电平之比4.1.5 色度信噪比(dB) AM: ≥60 PM: ≥50色度信号的输出电平对有效噪声电平之比4.2 LINE OUT音频输出要求4.2.1 音频输出电平(V) 2.0±0.2V4.2.2 音频幅频响应 20Hz~20KHz±3dB4.2.3 音频信噪比(dB) ≥654.2.4 音频失真(dB) ≤0.1%4.2.5 分离度(dB) ≥804.2.6 1KHz通道不平衡度(dB) ≤ 频率误差±2HZ4.2.8 电平非线性(dB) ±1( 0dB~60dB)4.3 AMPLIFIER OUT音频输出要求4.3.1 最大输出功率(W) 25 (收音最大输出功率 20)4.3.2 频率范围(HZ) 20~200004.3.3 音频幅频响应 20Hz~20KHz±3dB4.3.4 总谐波失真≤0.7%4.3.5 音频信噪比(dB) ≥65dB4.3.6 分离度(dB) ≥654.3.7 1KHz通道不平衡度(dB) ≤ 频率误差(%) ± 电平非线性(dB) ±1( 0dB~60dB)4.3.10 10%失真输出功率(W)≤ 254.3.11 额定输出功率(W) 454.4 EARPHONE音频输出要求4.4.1 输出阻抗 16Ω/32Ω4.4.2 音频输出功率(W) 0.25W(16Ω)0.125W(32Ω)4.4.2 音频幅频响应 50Hz~20KHz±3dB4.4.3 音频信噪比(dB) ≥454.4.6 分离度(dB) ≥304.4.7 1KHz通道不平衡度(dB) ≤24.4.8 失真≤1%4.4.9 频率误差(%) ± 无信号输入时噪音(dB) ≤0.1mv 4.5 AUX IN输入4.5.1 输入强度 1000mv~2200mv4.5.2 输入通道分离度≥55dB4.5.3 输出失真≤0.5%4.5.4 音频信噪比(dB) ≥55dB4.5.5 输入频率范围 20Hz~20KHz4.6 TUNER FM4.6.1 频率范围(MHZ) 87.5-108.00 根据出口地不同4.6.2 中频 10.7±0.3MHz4.6.3 30dB噪限灵敏度≤26dbf4.6.4 50dB噪限灵敏度≤50dBf4.6.5 信噪比(A计权) ≥50dB4.6.6 双信号选择性≥20dB4.6.7 镜象抑制比≥50dB4.6.8 假响应抑制比≥50dB4.6.9 中频抑制比≥65dB4.6.10 调幅抑制比≥35dB4.6.11 总谐波失真≤1.5%4.6.12 俘获比≥3dB4.6.13 远程停台灵敏度 45±10dB4.6.14 近程停台灵敏度 25±5dB4.6.15 LINE OUT音频输出电平(V) 2.0±0.2V4.6.16 10%失真输出功率≤25 应同规格要求一致4.6.17 分离度≥27dB4.6.18 点灯灵敏度≤20dB4.6.19 通道平衡度≤3dB4.6.20 通道平衡度≤2dB4.6.21 ±3dB频响带宽 40-12500HZ4.7 TUNER AM4.7.1 频率范围(KHZ) 522-1620 出口地不同,范围有所不同4.7.2 中频 455±5 KHz4.7.3 噪限灵敏度≤100mv4.7.4 信噪比(A计权)≥46dB4.7.5 单信号选择性≥30dB4.7.6 镜象抑制≥34dB4.7.7 AGC ≥40dB4.7.8 3dB通频带 40Hz—2.4KHz4.7.9 总谐波失真≤7%4.7.10 中频抑制≥50dB4.7.11 停台灵敏度 30±5dB4.7.12 LINE OUT音频输出电平(V) 2.0±0.2V4.7.13 10%失真输出功率≤25 应同规格要求一致4.8 其它电气指标要求4.8.1 正常工作整机功耗按产品规格要求4.8.2 MAX(最大)输出整机功耗按产品规格要求4.8.3 standby(待机)输出功耗按产品规格要求4.8.4 读出碟时间≤15S4.8.5 长读碟时间≤5S4.8.6 短读碟时间≤2S4.8.7 恢复播放时间≤3S4.8.8 出仓时间≤5S4.8.9 功能反应时间≤1S4.8.10 高音变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.11 低音变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.12 JAZZ变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.13 POP变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.14 CLASSIC变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.15 ROCK变化幅度按产品规格要求4.8.16 VOCAL变化幅度按产品规格要求4.9 结构类指标要求4.9.1 按键承受力度 1.5-3.0KG4.9.2 按键反应力度≤250g4.9.3 连接线拔脱力度 1.5-3.0KG4.9.4 进出仓动作次数≥50004.9.5 按键动作次数≥100000次4.9.6 屏翻转次数≥50004.9.7 挤压力度≥50N4.9.8 碟推入力度≤0.5N4.9.9 结构类噪音要求噪音测试使在静音室内进行的,静音室的要求室可以测试到26dBA以下的噪音信号,测试位置是在离噪声源30CM中央位置为准。
? MOTIS的电子邮件传输是存储转 发型的,其中的MTA 扮演网关的 角色,邮件经逐个MTA 传输直至 信宿用户所在的MTA
发送者 UA
接收者 UA
10.2.5 电子邮件的结构
? 邮件中常见的标题域:
? Received域:邮件每经过一台主机时,就产生一个Received域, 用来记录所经过主机的地址和经过时间,回复的信件可以按原路 返回,而不必去选择路由。此域常拆为多行显示。
? Date域:记录邮件发送日期(本地主机的日期和时间)。 ? Message-ID域:邮件惟一的标识号。 ? From域:发信人邮件地址。 ? To 域:收信人邮件地址。 ? Cc域:抄送邮件地址,需要将邮件发送给多个收信人时使用。 ? Reply-to域:回复邮件地址,当发信人有几个邮件账号,且要求
代码 500 501 502 503 504 550 551 552 553 554
描述 命令不可识别或语法错 参数语法错 命令不支持 命令顺序错 命令参数不支持 操作未执行:邮箱不可用 非本地用户,请尝试<forward-path> 操作中止:存储空间不足 操作未执行:邮箱名不正确 传输失败
10.2.5 电子邮件的结构
用于初始化邮件传输 用于标识单个邮件接收人,在 MAIL命令后面可有多个 RCPT命令 用于将邮件报文发送给服务器
用于终止客户端与服务器之间的连接 用于中止当前的邮件事务并使两端复位 用于验证指定的用户 /邮箱是否存在,即验证接收方地址是否正确 空操作命令
工具操作手册目录UT311测振仪 (3)仪器简介 (3)工作原理 (3)仪表结构 (3)符号 (4)使用方法.................................................................4mC937Ci。
正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )
如J507RH、A022Mo 、J422Fe161) 第一位字母:表示焊条种类;2) 前两位数字:表示熔敷金属强度或合金类型;3)第三位数字:表示药皮类型及电流种类;结构钢焊条牌号中第三位数字的药皮类型和电源种类4)数字后面的字母和数字:附加合金元素或焊条特性(具有特殊性能和用途)。
重金属含量达到μg·L -1能催化物质代谢,达到mg·L -1会被生物富集,最终通过生物链在人体中积累,严重危害人体健康[5-7]。
《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB 5749-2022[12]与GB5749-2006[13]相比,前者的水质参考指标增加了钒等29项指标。
目前,国家城市供水水质监测网合肥监测站评审通过的钒检测方法为无火焰原子吸收分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法,检出限为0.007mg·L -1和0.0006mg·L -1。
2022版规定,钒的限值为0.01mg·L -1。
目前《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750-2022)尚未公布,本文参照2006版检验方法,创建了电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定钒、铬、钴、镍、铜、锌、钼、银、镉、锑、钡、铊、铅(按质量数顺序排列)13种金属的方法,测定了合肥市原水、出厂水中13种金属元素,同时扩大检测范围,测定了安徽省皖北、皖中及皖南地区的原水、出厂水,并将结果与国内外水质标准进行了比较分析。
INTERSIL X9C102 X9C103 X9C104 X9C503 说明书
®X9C102, X9C103, X9C104, X9C503Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™)FEATURES•Solid-state potentiometer•3-wire serial interface•100 wiper tap points—Wiper position stored in nonvolatile memory and recalled on power-up•99 resistive elements—Temperature compensated—End to end resistance, ±20%—Terminal voltages, ±5V•Low power CMOS—V CC = 5V—Active current, 3mA max.—Standby current, 750µA max.•High reliability—Endurance, 100,000 data changes per bit —Register data retention, 100 years•X9C102 = 1kΩ•X9C103 = 10kΩ•X9C503 = 50kΩ•X9C104 = 100kΩ•Packages—8 Ld SOIC and 8 Ld PDIP•Pb-free plus anneal available (RoHS compliant)DESCRIPTIONThe X9Cxxx are Intersil digitally controlled (XDCP) potentiometers. The device consists of a resistor array, wiper switches, a control section, and nonvola-tile memory. The wiper position is controlled by a three-wire interface.The potentiometer is implemented by a resistor array composed of 99 resistive elements and a wiper switch-ing network. Between each element and at either end are tap points accessible to the wiper terminal. The position of the wiper element is controlled by the CS, U/D, and INC inputs. The position of the wiper can be stored in nonvolatile memory and then be recalled upon a subsequent power-up operation.The device can be used as a three-terminal potentiom-eter or as a two-terminal variable resistor in a wide variety of applications including:–control–parameter adjustments–signal processingBLOCK DIAGRAMDeviceSSGeneralDetailed L/V L W/V W H/V HH/R HW/VL/R L SelectPIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin Symbol Brief Description1INC Increment . The INC input is negative-edge triggered. Toggling INC will move the wiper and either increment or decrement the counter in the direction indicated by the logic level on the U/D input.2U/D Up/Down. The U/D input controls the direction of the wiper movement and whether the counter is incremented or decremented.3R H /V HR H /V H . The high (V H /R H ) terminals of the X9C102/103/104/503 are equivalent to the fixedterminals of a mechanical potentiometer. The minimum voltage is -5V and the maximum is +5V. The terminology of V H /R H and V L /R L references the relative position of the terminal inrelation to wiper movement direction selected by the U/D input and not the voltage potential on the terminal.4V SS V SS5V W /R W V W /R W . V W /R W is the wiper terminal, and is equivalent to the movable terminal of a mechanical potentiometer. The position of the wiper within the array is determined by the control inputs. The wiper terminal series resistance is typically 40Ω.6R L /V LR L /V L . The low (V L /R L ) terminals of the X9C102/103/104/503 are equivalent to the fixedterminals of a mechanical potentiometer. The minimum voltage is -5V and the maximum is +5V. The terminology of V H /R H and V L /R L references the relative position of the terminal inrelation to wiper movement direction selected by the U/D input and not the voltage potential on the terminal.7CSCS. The device is selected when the CS input is LOW. The current counter value is stored innonvolatile memory when CS is returned HIGH while the INC input is also HIGH. After the store op-eration is complete the X9C102/103/104/503 device will be placed in the low power standby mode until the device is selected once again.8V CCV CCABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTemperature under bias....................-65°C to +135°C Storage temperature.........................-65°C to +150°C Voltage on CS, INC, U/D and V CCwith respect to V SS ..................................-1V to +7V Voltage on V H /R H and V L /R Lreferenced to V SS ...................................-8V to +8V ΔV = |V H /R H - V L /R L |X9C102 ...............................................................4V X9C103, X9C503, and X9C104.........................10V Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)......+300°C I W (10 seconds).................................................8.8mA Power rating X9C102........................................16mW Power rating X9C103/104/503..........................10mWCOMMENT Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device (at these or any other conditions above those listed in the operational sections of this specification) is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.POTENTIOMETER CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise stated.)Notes:(1)Absolute linearity is utilized to determine actual wiper voltage versus expected voltage = [V W(n)(actual) - V W(n)(expected )] = ±1 MI Maximum. (2)Relative linearity is a measure of the error in step size between taps = V W(n + 1) - [V W(n) + MI ] = +0.2 MI.(3) 1 MI = Minimum Increment = R TOT /99(4)Typical values are for T A = +25°C and nominal supply voltage.(5)This parameter is not 100% tested.Symbol ParameterLimitsUnit Test Conditions/NotesMin.Typ.Max.R TOTAL End to end resistance variation -20+20%V VH/RH V H terminal voltage -5+5V V VL/RL V L terminal voltage -5+5V I W Wiper current -4.44.4mA R WWiper resistance 40100ΩWiper Current = ±1mA Noise (5)-120dBV Ref. 1kHzResolution 1%Absolute linearity (1)-1+1MI (3)V W(n)(actual) - V W(n)(expected)Relative linearity (2)-0.2+0.2MI (3)V W(n + 1)(actual) - [V W(n)+MI ]RTOTAL temperature coefficient ±300(5)ppm/°C X9C103/503/104RTOTAL temperature coefficient ±600(5)ppm/°C X9C102Ratiometric temperature coefficient±20ppm/°C C H /C L /C W(5)Potentiometer capacitances10/10/25pFSee Circuit #3, Macro ModelRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Temperature mercial 0°C +70°C Industrial-40°C+85°CSupply Voltage (V CC )Limits X9C102/103/104/5035V ±10%ENDURANCE AND DATA RETENTIONA.C. CONDITIONS OF TEST Symbol ParameterLimitsUnit Test ConditionsMin.Typ.(4)Max.I CC V CC active current 13mA CS = V IL , U/D = V IL or V IH and INC=****************CYC I SB Standby supply current 200750µA CS = V CC - 0.3V, U/D and INC = V SS or V CC -0.3V I LI CS, INC, U/D input leakage current±10µA V IN = V SS to V CCV IH CS, INC, U/D input HIGH voltage2VV IL CS, INC, U/D input LOW voltage0.8V C IN (5)CS, INC, U/D input capacitance10pFV CC = 5V, V IN = V SS , T A = 25°C, f = 1MHzParameter Min.UnitMinimum endurance 100,000Data changes per bit per registerData retention100yearsInput pulse levels 0V to 3V Input rise and fall times 10ns Input reference levels1.5VTest Circuit #1Test Circuit #2Test Circuit #3Test Point V W /R W V R /R HV SV L /R LForce Current V H /R HTest PointV W /R WV L /R LR HC H10pFC W R LC LR WR TOTAL25pF10pFMacro ModelPOWER-UP AND DOWN REQUIREMENTSAt all times, voltages on the potentiometer pins must be less than ±V CC . The recall of the wiper position from nonvola-tile memory is not in effect until the V CC supply reaches its final value. The V CC ramp rate spec is always in effect.A.C. TIMINGNotes:(6)Typical values are for T A = 25°C and nominal supply voltage.(7) This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.(8)MI in the A.C. timing diagram refers to the minimum incremental change in the V W output due to a change in the wiper position.Symbol ParameterLimitsUnit Min.Typ.(6)Max.t Cl CS to INC setup100ns t lD INC HIGH to U/D change 100ns t DI U/D to INC setup 2.9µs t lL INC LOW period 1µs t lH INC HIGH period1µs t lC INC inactive to CS inactive 1µs t CPH CS deselect time (STORE)20ms t CPH CS deselect time (NO STORE)100ns t IW (5)INC to V W/RW change 100µs t CYC INC cycle time2µs t R , t F (5)INC input rise and fall time 500µs t PU (5)Power-up to wiper stable 500µs t R V CC (5)V CC power-up rate0.250V/msCSINCU/DV Wt CIt ILt IHt CYCt IDt DIt IWMI(8)t ICt CPHt Ft R10%90%90%DETAILED PIN DESCRIPTIONS R H /V H and R L /V LThe high (V H /R H ) and low (V L /R L ) terminals of the X9C102/103/104/503 are equivalent to the fixed termi-nals of a mechanical potentiometer. The minimum voltage is -5V and the maximum is +5V. The terminol-ogy of V H /R H and V L /R L references the relative position of the terminal in relation to wiper movement direction selected by the U/D input and not the voltage potential on the terminal.R W /V WV W /R W is the wiper terminal, and is equivalent to the movable terminal of a mechanical potentiometer. The position of the wiper within the array is determined by the control inputs. The wiper terminal series resistance is typically 40Ω.Up/Down (U/D)The U/D input controls the direction of the wiper move-ment and whether the counter is incremented or dec-remented.Increment (INC)The INC input is negative-edge triggered. Toggling INC will move the wiper and either increment or decre-ment the counter in the direction indicated by the logic level on the U/D input.Chip Select (CS)The device is selected when the CS input is LOW.The current counter value is stored in nonvolatile memory when CS is returned HIGH while the INC input is also HIGH. After the store operation is com-plete the X9C102/103/104/503 device will be placed in the low power standby mode until the device is selected once again.PIN CONFIGURATIONPIN NAMESPRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONThere are three sections of the X9Cxxx: the input con-trol, counter and decode section; the nonvolatile mem-ory; and the resistor array. The input control section operates just like an up/down counter. The output of this counter is decoded to turn on a single electronic switch connecting a point on the resistor array to the wiper output. Under the proper conditions the contents of the counter can be stored in nonvolatile memory and retained for future use. The resistor array is com-prised of 99 individual resistors connected in series. At either end of the array and between each resistor is an electronic switch that transfers the potential at that point to the wiper.The wiper, when at either fixed terminal, acts like its mechanical equivalent and does not move beyond the last position. That is, the counter does not wrap around when clocked to either extreme.The electronic switches on the device operate in a “make before break” mode when the wiper changes tap positions. If the wiper is moved several positions,multiple taps are connected to the wiper for t IW (INC to V W /R W change). The R TOTAL value for the device can temporarily be reduced by a significant amount if the wiper is moved several positions.When the device is powered-down, the last wiper posi-tion stored will be maintained in the nonvolatile mem-ory. When power is restored, the contents of the memory are recalled and the wiper is set to the value last stored.V CC CS V L /R L V W /R WINC U/D V SS12348765V H /R H X9C102/103/104/503DIP/SOICSymbol DescriptionV H /R H High Terminal V W /R W Wiper Terminal V L /R L Low Terminal V SS Ground V CC Supply Voltage U/D Up/Down Control Input INC Increment Control Input CS Chip Select Control Input NCNo ConnectionINSTRUCTIONS AND PROGRAMMINGThe INC, U/D and CS inputs control the movement of the wiper along the resistor array. With CS set LOW the device is selected and enabled to respond to the U/D and INC inputs. HIGH to LOW transitions on INC will increment or decrement (depending on the state of the U/D input) a seven-bit counter. The output of this counter is decoded to select one of one-hundred wiper positions along the resistive array.The value of the counter is stored in nonvolatile mem-ory whenever CS transitions HIGH while the INC input is also HIGH.The system may select the X9Cxxx, move the wiper, and deselect the device without having to store the lat-est wiper position in nonvolatile memory. After the wiper movement is performed as described above and once the new position is reached, the system must keep INC LOW while taking CS HIGH. The new wiper position will be maintained until changed by the sys-tem or until a power-down/up cycle recalled the previ-ously stored data.This procedure allows the system to always power-up to a preset value stored in nonvolatile memory; then during system operation minor adjustments could be made. The adjustments might be based on user pref-erence: system parameter changes due to tempera-ture drift, etc...The state of U/D may be changed while CS remains LOW. This allows the host system to enable the device and then move the wiper up and down until the proper trim is attained.MODE SELECTIONSYMBOL TABLECS INC U/D ModeL H Wiper UpL L Wiper DownH X Store Wiper PositionH X X Standby CurrentL X No Store, Return to StandbyL H Wiper Up (not recommended)L L Wiper Down (not recommended)WAVEFORM INPUTS OUTPUTSMust besteadyWill besteadyMay changefrom Lo w toHighWill changefrom Lo w toHighMay changefrom High toLowWill changefrom High toLowDon’t Care:ChangesAllowedChanging:State NotKnownN/A Center Lineis HighImpedancePERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSContact the factory for more information.APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONElectronic digitally controlled (XCDP) potentiometers provide three powerful application advantages; (1) the variability and reliability of a solid-state potentiometer, (2) the flexibility of computer-based digital controls, and (3) the retentivity of nonvolatile memory used for the storage of multiple potentiometer settings or data.Basic Configurations of Electronic PotentiometersV RBasic CircuitsX9C102, X9C103, X9C104, X9C503Small Outline Package Family (SO)GAUGE PLANEA2A1LL1DETAIL X4° ±4°SEATING PLANEeHbC0.010BM C A 0.004C0.010BM C A BD(N/2)1E1EN(N/2)+1APIN #1I.D. MARKh X 45°ASEE DETAIL “X”c0.010MDP0027SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE FAMILY (SO)SYMBOLSO-8SO-14SO16 (0.150”)SO16 (0.300”) (SOL-16)SO20 (SOL-20)SO24 (SOL-24)SO28 (SOL-28)TOLERANCENOTESA 0.0680.0680.0680.1040.1040.1040.104MAX -A10.0060.0060.0060.0070.0070.0070.007±0.003-A20.0570.0570.0570.0920.0920.0920.092±0.002-b 0.0170.0170.0170.0170.0170.0170.017±0.003-c 0.0090.0090.0090.0110.0110.0110.011±0.001-D 0.1930.3410.3900.4060.5040.6060.704±0.0041, 3E 0.2360.2360.2360.4060.4060.4060.406±0.008-E10.1540.1540.1540.2950.2950.2950.295±0.0042, 3e 0.0500.0500.0500.0500.0500.0500.050Basic -L 0.0250.0250.0250.0300.0300.0300.030±0.009-L10.0410.0410.0410.0560.0560.0560.056Basic -h 0.0130.0130.0130.0200.0200.0200.020Reference -N 8141616202428Reference-Rev. L 2/01NOTES:1.Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.006” maximum per side are not included.2.Plastic interlead protrusions of 0.010” maximum per side are not included.3.Dimensions “D” and “E1” are measured at Datum Plane “H”.4.Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M -199411All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems.Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at /design/qualityIntersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries.For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see FN8222.1December 20, 2006X9C102, X9C103, X9C104, X9C503Plastic Dual-In-Line Packages (PDIP)MDP0031PLASTIC DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGESYMBOLPDIP8PDIP14PDIP16PDIP18PDIP20TOLERANCENOTESA 0.2100.2100.2100.2100.210MAX A10.0150.0150.0150.0150.015MIN A20.1300.1300.1300.1300.130±0.005b 0.0180.0180.0180.0180.018±0.002b20.0600.0600.0600.0600.060+0.010/-0.015c 0.0100.0100.0100.0100.010+0.004/-0.002D 0.3750.7500.7500.890 1.020±0.0101E 0.3100.3100.3100.3100.310+0.015/-0.010E10.2500.2500.2500.2500.250±0.0052e 0.1000.1000.1000.1000.100Basic eA 0.3000.3000.3000.3000.300Basic eB 0.3450.3450.3450.3450.345±0.025L 0.1250.1250.1250.1250.125±0.010N814161820ReferenceRev. B 2/99NOTES:1.Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.010” maximum per side are not included.2.Plastic interlead protrusions of 0.010” maximum per side are not included.3.Dimensions E and eA are measured with the leads constrained perpendicular to the seating plane.4.Dimension eB is measured with the lead tips unconstrained.5.8 and 16 lead packages have half end-leads as shown.DAebA1NOTE 5A2SEATING PLANELNPIN #1INDEXE112N/2b2EeBeA c。
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obilityFireG L57V5 1245A MDF ierPr M3o900 155 MDAR adoe nD H5602 G51 6NVIIA DeGFrceo 302 M51 7VIDIA GNeFocreG T302 1M58A I TMobliiyt aRdon eDH2 600 TX159 AITMobil ti yRaeod n19X0 160 0TIAMobi lty iRdeaonX 800X1T排名号型57575 530 0500500 50070 005 0800 08080 0 1000128 25 621 128 182 8121089 c1 0 0 110 01 1180 0 695 6 56 555 0 440 04 04 5 55 45 02 40340 65 80 9 04 600 /7750 40 7 6/006 80 6806 0 800 440 5050700 400 550 核心率频(MH)z 45 450040 0 30 475 4444 70 500 700 7550 400 600 006720 7 0 628 6000 66 045 700 7070 009 80 800 080 008 070 018 1282 466 4 64 4 64 126 780 080 0008 100 1882 18 24 64 7960 7504 0 7650显存频率(M zH 5)00 60 05508 007 00 28 1281 526 52 显存6位(B宽i) 2t65256 2 6512 828 8010800 / 90 8000 008 9006 464 / 28112 821 6481 11 11 11.101 01. 1 1111 .0 10.111 0 9 c9c支持Di retX c版制造工艺( 本纳c9 9 cc9 01 0 11 11 1101 111 11 1.1 010. 10.11 01. 101.1 1 11 101 米9) 030111 065 0 832 5640 40 40 2 55 55 35555 55 4 400806 ATI1M bolityiR deoanX 810 162 0VINIA GeDoFce Go 6r08 0ltUra 16 3VIDNI AGeForceGo 8007 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() Preliminary Specification(V) Final SpecificationModule 17.3” FHD Color TFT-LCD Model Name G173HW01 V0Customer Date Approved byNote: This Specification is subject to change without notice.Checked &Approved by DateVito Huang2011/5/30 Prepared byVivian Huang2011/5/30Audio Video Business Group /AU Optronics corporationContents1. Handling Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)3. Functional Block Diagram (10)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (11)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (11)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (11)5. Electrical characteristics (12)5.1 TFT LCD Module (12)5.2 Backlight Unit (14)6. Signal Characteristic (15)6.1 Pixel Format Image (15)6.2 The Input Data Format (16)6.4 Interface Timing (19)6.5 Power ON/OFF Sequence (20)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (21)7.1 TFT LCD Module (21)7.2 Backlight Unit (22)8. Reliability Test (23)9. Shipping Label (24)10. Packing Form (25)10.1 Packaging material (25)10.2 External packaging material required (25)10.3 Palletizing sequence (26)10.4 Packing instruction (27)11. Outline Drawing (28)Record of RevisionVersion & Date PageOld DescriptionNew Description0.0 2011/1/20 All First Edition for Customer0.1 2011/1/31 12 IDD unit: A IDD unit: mA 14 VCC Max: 12.6V VCC Max: 13.4V14 Operation LifeLED life time1.0 2011/5/30 5 White Luminance(cd/m 2): 500(Typ.) White Luminance(cd/m 2): 400(Typ.) 5 Optical Response Time(ms): 8(Typ.)Optical Response Time(ms): 40(Typ.)5 Power Consumption(Watt): TBD(Typ.) Power Consumption(Watt): 17(Typ.) 5 Weight(g): TBD(Typ.) Weight(g): 1080(Typ.)6 Update Viewing Angle 6 Update Optical Response Time6 Update Color / Chromaticity Coordinates6Update White Luminance 12 IDD (mA): 350(Typ), 600(Max) IDD (mA): 1200(Typ), 1400(Max) 12 PDD (Watt): TBD(Typ), 2(Max) PDD (Watt): 5(Typ), 6(Max)12Update the diagram of Vin rising time 14 P VCC (Watt): 11.88(Typ), 13.39(Max) P VCC (Watt): 12(Typ), 15(Max) 14 Update LED Forward Voltage 14 Update Note6 description 25 Update Shipping Label25 Update Packing Form28Update Outline Drawing1. Handling Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration or spots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped on hard surface.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handling TFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was taken out from the container, do not press the center of the LED light bar edge. Instead, pressat the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nor tilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in a very short time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. The TFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lamp ignition voltage.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may accelerate lamp exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscape position.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to use screen saver or shuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionG173HW01 V0 is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display composed of a TFT-LCD panel, a LED driver circuit, and a LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support the FHD (1920(H) x 1080(V)) screen and 16.7M colors (RGB 6-bits + HiFRC data). All input signals are LVDS interface compatible. Inverter card of backlight is not included.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃condition:Items Unit Specifications Screen Diagonal [mm] 17.3W (17.25)Active Area [mm] 381.888 (H) x 214.812 (V)Pixels H x V 1920(x3) x 1080Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.1989 (per one triad) x 0.1989Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical StripeDisplay Mode Normally WhiteWhite Luminance [cd/m2] 400 (Typ.)Contrast Ratio 600 : 1 (Typ)Optical ResponseTime [msec] 40 (Typ, on/off)Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3 VPower Consumption [Watt] 17 (Typ)Weight [Grams] 1080 (Typ)Physical Size (H x V x D) [mm] 403 (H) x 240 (V) x 12.5 (D) (Typ) Electrical Interface Dual channel LVDSSurface Treatment Hard-coating (3H), Glare treatment Support Color 16.7M colors (RGB 6-bit data + HiFRC data)Temperature Range (Ta) Operating Storage (Non-Operating) [o C][o C]0 to +70-20 to +70RoHS Compliance RoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25℃ (Room Temperature):ItemUnit Conditions Min.Typ.Max.NoteHorizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 -Viewing Angle [degree]Vertical (Up) CR = 10 (Down) 50 70 60 80 - 1Luminance Uniformity [%] 13 Points 75 80 - 2, 3Rising - 37 50 Falling - 3 10 Optical Response Time[msec] Rising + Falling -4060 4, 5 Red x 0.590 0.640 0.690 Red y 0.296 0.346 0.396 Green x 0.264 0.314 0.364 Green y 0.574 0.624 0.674 Blue x 0.100 0.150 0.200 Blue y 0.004 0.054 0.104 White x 0.255 0.305 0.355 Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.268 0.318 0.368 4 White Luminance (At LED=100mA) [cd/m2 ]320 400 - 4 Contrast Ratio 500 600 - 4 NTSC%72Optical Equipment: BM-5A, BM-7, PR880, or equivalentNote 1: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio≧10, or ≧5, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and 180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as follows; 90° (θ) horizontal left and right and 90° (Φ) vertical, high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated about its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.Note 2: 13 points positionNote 3:Note 4: Measurement methodThe LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 30 minutes to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring. In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement should be executed after lighting Backlight for 30 minutes in a stable, windless and dark room.Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “Full Black” to “Full White” (rising time), and from “Full White” to “Full Black” (falling time), respectively. The response time is interval between the 10% and 90% of amplitudes. Please refer to the figure as below.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 17.3 inches Color TFT-LCD Module:4. Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings of the module are as following:4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic/LCD Drive Voltage Vin -0.3 +3.6 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP 0 +70 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 95 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -20 +70 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 95 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet- and no condensation.5. Electrical characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power Specification Input power specifications are as follows:SymbleParameter Min.Typ.Max.UnitConditionVDD Logic/LCD DriveVoltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt] ±10%IDD Input Current - 1200 1400 [mA] VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern At 75Hz, +30%PDD VDD Power - 5 6 [Watt] VDD= 5.0V, All Black Pattern At 75Hz , Note 1IRush Inrush Current- - 2000 [A] Note 2VDDrpAllowable Logic/LCD Drive Ripple Voltage --100[mV] p-pVDD= 3.3V, All Black Pattern At 75HzNote 1: The variance of VDD power consumption is ±30%. Note 2: Measurement conditions:Vin rising time0V5.1.2 Signal Electrical Characteristics Input signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off. Note: LVDS Signal Waveform.5.2 Backlight UnitFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using a inverter at 25℃. (Room Temperature): Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkVCC Input Voltage 10.8 12 13.4 [Volt]I VCC Input Current - 0.99 - [A] 100% PWM DutyP VCC Power Consumption - 12 15 [Watt]100% PWM DutyF PWM Dimming Frequency 200 - 20K [Hz]Swing Voltage 3 3.3 5.5 [Volt]Dimming duty cycle 5 - 100 %I F LED Forward Current-100 -[mA] Ta = 25o C- (3.3) (3.7) [Volt]I F = 100mA, Ta = 0o C- 3.2 3.6 [Volt]I F = 100mA, Ta = 25o C V F LED Forward Voltage- (3.1) (3.5) [Volt]I F = 100mA, Ta = 70o C P LED LED Power Consumption- (10.24)11.52 [Watt]LED Life Time50,000 - - Hrs I F=100mA, Ta= 25o CNote 1: Ta means ambient temperature of TFT-LCD module.Note 2: VCC, I VCC, P VCC are defined for LED backlight.(100% duty of PWM dimming)Note 3: I F, V F are defined for one channel LED. There are four LED channel in back light unit.Note 4: If G173HW01 V0 module is driven by high current or at high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The operating life will be reduced.Note 5: Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Minimum operating life time is estimated data.Note 6: LED lifetime is definition: brightness is decreased to 50% of the initial value. LED lifetime is restricted under6. Signal Characteristic6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship of the input signals and LCD pixel format.1st2nd1919th1920th1stLine1080thLin6.2 The Input Data FormatNote1: Normally, DE, VS, HS on EVEN channel are not used. Note2: 8-bit in6.3 Signal DescriptionThe module using a pair of LVDS receiver SN75LVDS82(Texas Instruments) or compatible. LVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and high speed data transfer device. Transmitter shall be SN75LVDS83(negative edge sampling) or compatible. The first LVDS port(RxOxxx) transmits odd pixels while the second LVDS port(RxExxx) transmits even pixels.PIN #SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION1 RxOIN0- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)2 RxOIN0+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)3 RxOIN1- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)4 RxOIN1+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)5 RxOIN2- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data, H-Sync,V-Sync,DSPTMG)6 RxOIN2+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data, H-Sync,V-Sync,DSPTMG)7 VSS Power Ground8 RxOCLKIN- Negative LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)9 RxOCLKIN+Positive LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)10 RxOIN3- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)11 RxOIN3+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)12 RxEIN0- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)13 RxEIN0+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)14 VSS Power Ground15 RxEIN1- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)16 RxEIN1+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)17 VSS Power Ground18 RxEIN2- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)19 RxEIN2+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)20 RxECLKIN- Negative LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)21 RxECLKIN+ Positive LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)22 RxEIN3- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)23 RxEIN3+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)24 VSS Power Ground25 VSS Power Ground26 VSS Power Ground27 VSS Power Ground28 VDD +3.3V Power Supply29 VDD +3.3V Power Supply30 VDD +3.3V Power SupplyNote1: Start from left sideRxOIN0-VDDNote2: Input signals of odd and even clock shall be the same timing. Note3: Please follow PSWG.6.4 Interface Timing6.4.1 Timing CharacteristicsBasically, interface timings should match the 1920X1080 / 60Hz manufacturing guide line timing.Note : DE mode only6.4.2 Timing Diagram6.5 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as follows. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power Sequence TimingPower Sequence TimingValueUnitsParameterMin. Typ. Max.T1 0.5 - 10T2 0 - 50T3 200 - --T4 0.5 - 10T5 10 - -T6 10 - -msT7 0 - -T8 10 - -T9 - - 10T10 110 - -T11 0 50T12 0 10T13 500 - -7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module.These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT LCD Module7.1.1 ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Interface Connector / Interface card Manufacturer HRSType Part Number MDF76TW-30S-1HMating Type Part Number MDF76-30P-1C7.1.2 Pin AssignmentPin#Signal Name Pin#Signal Name1 RxOIN0-2 RxOIN0+3 RxOIN1-4 RxOIN1+5 RxOIN2-6 RxOIN2+7 VSS 8 RxOCLKIN-9 RxOCLKIN+ 10 RxOIN3-11 RxOIN3+ 12 RxEIN0-13 RxEIN0+ 14 VSS15 RxEIN1- 16 RxEIN1+17 VSS 18 RxEIN2-19 RxEIN2+ 20 RxECLKIN-21 RxECLKIN+ 22 RxEIN3-23 RxEIN3+ 24 VSS25 VSS 26 VSS27 VSS 28 VDD29 VDD 30 VDD7.2 Backlight UnitPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.2.1 ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp Connector / Backlight lamp Manufacturer HRSType Part Number DF14A-6P-1.25HMating Type Part Number DF14-6S-1.25C7.2.2 Pin AssignmentPin No. Symbol DescriptionPin1 VLED 12V inputPin2 VLED 12V inputPin3 GND GNDPin4 GND GNDPin5 On/OFF 3.3-5V:ON, 0V:OFFPin6 Dimming PWM8. Reliability TestEnvironment test conditions are listed as following table.Items Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias (THB) Ta= 50℃, 80%RH, 240hoursHigh Temperature Operation (HTO)Ta= 70℃, 240hoursLow Temperature Operation (LTO) Ta= 0℃, 240hoursHigh Temperature Storage (HTS) Ta= 70℃, 240hoursLow Temperature Storage (LTS) Ta= -20℃, 240hoursVibration Test (Non-operation) Acceleration: 1.5 GWave: Random Frequency: 10 - 200 - 10 Hz Sweep: 30 Minutes each Axis (X, Y, Z)Shock Test (Non-operation) Acceleration: 50 GWave: Half-sineActive Time: 20 msDirection: ±X,±Y,±Z (one time for each Axis)Drop Test Height: 60 cm, package testThermal Shock Test (TST) -20℃/30min, 60℃/30min, 50 cycles 1Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec,8 points, 25 times/ point.ESD (Electro-Static Discharge)Air Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec8 points, 25 times/ point.2Note 1: The TFT-LCD module will not sustain damage after being subjected to 100 cycles of rapid temperature change. A cycle of rapid temperature change consists of varying the temperature from -20℃to 60℃, and back again. Power is not applied during the test. After temperature cycling, the unit is placed in normal room ambient for at least 4 hours before power on.Note 2: According to EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost.Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.9. Shipping LabelUnit: mm10. Packing Form10.1 Packaging materialFILM PROTECTBAG ANTI-STATICTAPETAPE CREPED PAPERPACKING CARTONLABEL SPECLABEL CARTON.CUSHION PACKING10.2 External packaging material required‧Carton : 524mm*321mm*360mm, weight (carton + cushion): 1250g‧Pallet : 1140mm*980mm*140mm‧Stretch film : 500mm (W)*300M (L)‧Corner angle : L type fiber board‧PET band : 19mm (W)‧ Label : 220mm*200mm10.3 Palletizing sequencepcs / box box / layer layer / pallet pcs / pallet Shipping by air 10 2*3 3 180 Shipping by sea 10 2*3 3 180A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NP r o d u c t S p e c i f i c a t i o nm e n t v e r s i o n 1.0 27/29G 173H W 01 V 0P a c k i n g i n s t r u c t i o nA U O P T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NP r o d u c t S p e c i f i c a t i o nm e n t v e r s i o n 1.0 28/29G 173H W 01 V 0A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P O R A T I O NP r o d u c t S p e c i f i c a t i o nm e n t v e r s i o n 1.0 29/29G 173H W 01 V 0。
1050 1200
用户手册 — 1050/1200
安全说明..................................................................................................................................... 3
简介............................................................................................................................................. 3 重要特征.....................................................................................................................................3 动态数据.....................................................................................................................................4 条码.............................................................................................................................................4 InfiniteDPI...................................................................................................................................4 用户安全及报告........................................................................................................................5 高级文本选项............................................................................................................................5 文本格式灵活....................................................................................................................5 支持国际字符....................................................................................................................5
2. 系统基本操作........................................................................................................... 5
开机和登录 ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 启动选择 ........................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 串口连接设置 ................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 串口登录 ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1.4 SSH 远程登录 .................................................................................................. 7 2.2 关机........................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Qt 演示程序 .............................................................................................................. 9 2.4 输入设备 ................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.1 触摸屏和 USB 鼠标 ......................................................................................... 9 2.4.2 USB 键盘 .......................................................................................................... 9 2.5 查看系统信息 ........................................................................................................... 9 2.6 系统设置 ................................................................................................................. 10 2.6.1 网络设置 ......................................................................................................... 10 2.6.2 系统时钟 ......................................................................................................... 11 2.7 文件传输 ................................................................................................................. 11 2.7.1 SSH 文件传输 ................................................................................................ 11 2.7.2 NFS 文件传输 ................................................................................................ 12 2.8 U 盘使用 ................................................................................................................. 13 2.9 TF 卡使用 ............................................................................................................... 13 2.10 音频播放 ................................................................................................................. 13 2.11 U-Boot 交互 ............................................................................................................ 13 2.12 LCD 待机设置 ........................................................................................................ 14 2.13 LCD 背光调节 ........................................................................................................ 14 2.14 ADC ........................................................................................................................ 14 2.15 串口测试 ................................................................................................................. 15
X30Cr13 3Cr13MoV
4Cr13 4Cr13Mo 4Cr14MoV 5Cr15MoV 6Cr13MoV 7Cr17MoV
8Cr13MoV & 8CR14MoV
9CR13MoVCo & 9Cr14MoV 9Cr18MoV
美国阿勒格尼技术 公司
日本高周波 日本爱知制钢
M390 N680 Elmax
X50CrMoV15 X15 X15TN
停产系列 大马士革
钛 Stellite 6-K
INFI D2/T30402 Vascowear
416 420 440A 440B 440C OU-31 AUS6(6A) AUS8(8A) AUS10(10A) ZA-18
Aogami蓝 Aogami/Blue-Num-2
Aogami/Blue-Super A
Shirogam i白
日本日立金属工业 Kigami黄 (Hitachi)
Shirogami/White-1 Shirogami/White-2
Байду номын сангаас不详 GIN-1(G2)
日本Myodo Foundry 公司
瑞典山特维克 (Sandvik)
奥地利&欧洲 (Bohler & Uddeholm) 欧洲Uddeholm公司 德国蒂森克虏伯集 团(ThyssenKrupp)
典型化学成份:Si≤0.03、Cu≤0.002、Zn≤0.013、Fe≤0.18 、Mn≤0.003,AL 余量用途广泛用于铁路机车、电力、化学、食品等行业。
典型化学成份:Si 12、Mg≤0.10、Fe≤0.80、Cu≤0.03、Zn≤0.20、Mn≤0.15,AL余量用途:焊接或堆焊轻质合金加工业。
铝硅合金焊丝ER4043性能特点:本品为含硅5%的合金焊丝,适合焊接铸铝合金典型化学成份:Si 5、Mg≤0.10、Fe≤0.04、Cu≤0.05 ,AL余量用途:船舶、机车、化工、食品、运动器材、模具、家具、容器、集装箱铝镁合金焊丝ER5356性能特点:本品为含镁5%的合金焊丝,是一种用途广泛的通用型焊材,适合焊接或表面堆焊5%镁的铸锻铝合金,强度高,可锻性好,有良好的抗腐蚀性。
典型化学成份:Mg 5、Cr 0.10、(Fe+Si)0.3、Cu≤0.05、Zn 0.05、Mn 0.15、Ti 0.1,AL余量用途:自行车、铝滑板车等运动器材,机车车厢、化工压力容器、兵工生产、造船、航空等行业。
典型化学成份:Mg 3.5,Cr 0.2,Fe 0.15,Cu≤0.05, Zn 0.10,Mn 0.05,Ti 0.1,AL余量用途:化工压力容器、核工业、造船、制冷行业、锅炉、航空航天工业等三、CrMo耐热钢、低温钢焊接材料一、不锈钢手工焊条二、不锈钢药芯焊丝三、不锈钢实芯焊丝一、镍及镍合金焊材镍及镍合金焊材广泛应用于如离岸钻井平台,陆基或船基燃汽轮机,各种航天、航空发动机的高温燃烧室、核电、热电厂的相关设备、汽车的新型排气系统、军用武器装备以及石油精炼及各种化工设备等。
ZXMP S330(V1.2)基于 SDH 的多业务节点设备 硬件手册
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3. 《Unitrans ZXMP S330(V1.2)基于 SDH 的多业务节点设备 安装手册》 介绍设备的工程安装步骤,包括安装准备、硬件安装、线缆布放、安装检 查、设备上下电的具体操作。
钢的热处理工艺设计经验公式------------根据经验公式确定热处理的保温温度------------1钢的热处理1.1正火加热时间加热时间t=KD (1)式中t为加热时间(s);D使工件有效厚度(mm);K是加热时间系数(s/mm)。
表1 K值的经验数据1.2 正火加热温度根据钢的相变临界点选择正火加热温度+(100~150℃)(2)低碳钢:T=Ac3中碳钢:T=Ac+(50~100℃)(3)3+(30~50℃)(4)高碳钢:T=ACm亚共析钢:T=Ac+(30~80℃)(5)3共析钢及过共析钢:T=A+(30~50℃)(6)Cm1.3淬火加热时间为了估算方便起见,计算淬火加热时间多采用下列经验公式:t=a· K ·D︱ (不经预热) (7)t=(a+b)· K ·D︱(经一次预热) (8)t=(a+b+c)· K ·D︱(经二次预热) (9)式中t—加热时间(min);a—到达淬火温度的加热系数(min/mm);b—到达预热温度的加热系数(min/mm);c—到达二次预热温度的加热系数(min/mm);K—装炉修正系数;D︱--工件的有效厚度(mm)。
在一般的加热条件下,采用箱式炉进行加热时,碳素钢及合金钢a多采用1~1.5min/mm;b为1.5~2min/mm(高速钢及合金钢一次预热a=0.5~0.3;b=2.5~3.6;二次预热a=0.5~0.3;b=1.5~2.5;c=0.8~1.1),若在箱式炉中进行快速加热时,当炉温较淬火加热温度高出100~150℃时,系数a 约为1.5~20秒/毫米,系数b 不用另加。
工件装炉修正系数K 的经验值如表2:表2 工件装炉修正系数K1.4 淬火加热温度按常规工艺, 亚共析钢的淬火加热温度为Ac 3+(30~50℃); (10)共析和过共析钢为Ac 1+(30~50℃); (11)合金钢的淬火加热温度常选用Ac 1(或Ac 3)+(50~100℃) (12) 1.5 回火加热时间对于中温或高温回火的工件,回火时间是指均匀透烧所用的时间,可按下列经验公式计算:t=aD+b (13) 式中t —回火保温时间(min );D —工件有效尺寸;(mm );a —加热系数(min/mm );b —附加时间,一般为10~20分钟。
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CR553X 采用电流模式 PWM 控制技术,具有逐周期峰值电流限制功能。在 MOSFET 导通瞬间,功率管将会产生一个很大的瞬时电流,该电流流过 CS 峰值检测电阻并在其两端 产生一个很大的瞬时电压,从而引起错误的 CS 峰值电流检测。前沿消隐电路就是为了滤除 MOSFET 导通瞬间 CS 端所产生的瞬时大电压,防止错误的 CS 峰值电流检测。在前沿消隐 时间内,不关断内部功率 MOSFET。CR553X 中设计了 320ns 的前沿消隐电路,它可以代替 传统的外接 RC 滤波电路,节省外围元件。
斜波补偿电路在 CS 端检测电压信号上叠加了一个三角波信号。这极大的改善了系统工 作在 CCM 模式的闭环稳定性,防止次谐波振荡,减小输出纹波电压。
CR553X 内置功率 MOSFET 采用栅极软驱动控制。栅极驱动能力太弱将导致较高的开 关损耗;栅极驱动能力太强又将导致 EMI 特性较差。因此两者之间必须采取一定的折中设 计。
z 700V高压启动 z 待机<30mW z 效率均衡技术、满足能效六级标准 z 集成600V MOSFET z 内置65kHz固定PWM频率 z 内置软启动技术降低开机MOSFET功
率管漏源电压应力 z 频率抖动技术改善了EMI特性 z 工作无音频噪音 z 过压保护(OVP)锁存
CR553X 的工作电流为 2mA,这种较低的工作电流和 Burst 模式能够更好的实现效率的 提高与待机功耗的降低,在无负载情况下工作电流进一步降低,保证能够实现超低待机功耗 (30mW 以下)。
每一次VDD电源启动瞬间,CR553X芯片内部都将触发软启动功能,即在VDD电压达到 UVLO_OFF以后,在大约4ms时间内,峰值电流从0上升到最大值峰值电流,以减少电源启动 期间功率MOSFET的电压应力。注意:无论何种保护导致的VDD再次启动,都必将触发软 启动功能。
高压启动输入脚,通过启动电阻连接到整流输入电容阳极。 高压MOSFET漏极,连接在变压器初级侧线圈一端,线圈另一端接整 流输入电容阳极。
EMI Filter
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V1.0
I (mA)
(VDD=18V, TA=25℃ 除了另作说明)。
I vs Temperature
2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (°C)
F vs Temperature OSC
成都启臣微电子有限公司 2/10
CR5534 CR5535
1.05 1.1 1.15 V
1.2 1.25 1.3 V
80 ms
2.2 2.5 Ω
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V1.0
成都启臣微电子有限公司 5/10
最小 典型 最大 单位
5 μA
5.0 20.0 μA 2 2.5 mA
0.8 1 mA
13.5 14.5 15.5 V
10 V
30 32 34 V
24 26 28 V
75 80 85 %
z 过载保护(OLP)和过温保护(OTP)自 动恢复
z 内置同步斜坡补偿增强环路稳定性 z 内置前沿消隐(LEB) z 内置动态峰值电流补偿功能,在输入
85V~264V的宽电压下可实现恒定最 大输出功率 z 输入电压欠压保护功能 z 4000V HBM ESD能力 z DIP-8L 绿色封装
进入绿色模式时基准电 压点
VREF_Burst_H 退出Burst模式
VREF_Burst_L 进入Burst模式
电感(CS Pin)
T_blanking 前沿消隐屏蔽时间
产品型号 CR5534 CR5535
待机功耗 <30mW <50mW
适用功率 <15W <20W
封装 DIP-8L DIP-8L
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V1.0
成都启臣微电子有限公司 1/10
管脚号 名称
CR553X 是一款高性能的电流模式 PWM 电源开关,用于超低待机功耗和低成本的离线 式反激转换器应用中。轻载和无负载情况下自动进入绿色模式和 Burst 模式,可以有效减小 电源模块的待机功耗,满足能效六级标准要求。
CR553X 采用了具有专利技术的高压启动电路,在启动时为 VDD 提供 2mA 的启动电流, 当 VDD 电压充电到高于 UVLO_OFF 时,启动电流关闭,以达到降低系统功耗,减少待机损 耗的目的。当 VDD 电容上的电压低于 UVLO_ON,启动电流并不会对 VDD 充电,VDD 电压 继续下降到 Vth_recovery 阈值后,芯片重新启动。这个迟滞电压有效地降低了芯片在输出短 路情况下的短路功耗。
内置的图腾柱栅极软驱动设计通过调节驱动强度和死区时间很好地实现了这个折中关 系,从而使芯片更容易降低系统损耗并且实现良好的 EMI 特性设计。
为了确保系统的正常工作,CR553X 内置了多重保护措施。这些保护措施一旦被触发, 将关断功率 MOSFET。能够自动恢复的保护包括逐周期电流限制(OCP)、过温保护(OTP)、 过载保护(OLP)、VDD 欠压锁定(UVLO)保护;当 VDD 过压保护(OVP),将进入锁存 状态。
单位 V ℃ W W
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V1.0
成都启臣微电子有限公司 3/10
(Ta=25℃, VDD = 18V,除了另作说明)
电源电压(VDD Pin)
CR553X 具有频率抖动功能,即开关频率以一个固定的中心频率为基准,在一定范围内 小幅随机变化,从而分散了谐波干扰能量。扩展的频谱降低了窄带 EMI,因此简化了系统设 计。
在轻载或者空载情况下,开关电源的大部分损耗来源于功率 MOSFET 的开关损耗,变 压器铁损和缓冲电路的损耗。功率损失的程度正比于开关频率。较低的开关频率可以降低功 率损耗,达到节能的目的。
当 VDD 电压超过 VDD 箝位阈值时,内部 VDD 箝位电路将 VDD 箝位在 32V,以保护 VDD 端口。此时 CR553X 的输出仍然关闭。
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V1.0
成都启臣微电子有限公司 8/10
F (kHz) OSC
VDD_CLAMP VDD_OVP Vth_recovery
关闭电压 GATE上拉PMOS导通 触发电压 VDD引脚钳位电压 VDD过压保护电压 自恢复阈值电压
Vth_latch 锁存阈值电压
电压反馈 (FB Pin)
Байду номын сангаас
7,8 Drain
描述 原边电流检测脚,通过检测CS电阻上的电压检测流过功率管的电流大 小,通过该脚可以调节最大输出功率。 输出电压反馈输入脚,引脚的输出电流可以控制PWM的工作周期、 短路保护和过载保护。 芯片地。