HAIL A Hardware-Accelerated Algorithm for Language Identification




128HAVAL算法的攻击介绍128-bit HAVAL是一种密码散列函数,属于MD家族之一、它是由AUS-CRYPT团队在1992年发表的一篇论文中介绍的。





1. 碰撞攻击(Collision Attacks): 碰撞攻击是指找到两个不同的输入消息,它们经过哈希函数计算后得到相同的哈希值。



2. 预象攻击(Preimage Attacks): 预象攻击是指已知一个哈希值,通过逆向计算得到输入消息。



3. 中间碰撞攻击(Mid-Collision Attacks): 中间碰撞攻击是指在计算哈希函数的过程中找到相同的中间状态,从而得到相同的哈希值。



4. 侧信道攻击(Side-channel Attacks): 侧信道攻击是指利用密码算法在实际执行过程中产生的一些非密码学属性来获取敏感信息。


Atmel CryptoAuthentication

Atmel CryptoAuthentication

Application Note Single-Wire and I2C Interfaces Seamless DebuggingUsing Saleae Logic AnalyzerATSHA204A, ATECC108A, and ATECC508A Prerequisites●Hardware PrerequisitesAtmel® AT88CK490 or AT88CK590 Demo-Evaluation Board orAtmel AT88CK101-() KitSaleae Logic Analyzer●Software PrerequisitesAtmel Crypto Evaluation Studio (ACES)IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to help the user gain a better understanding of how to use the Atmel CryptoAuthentication™ ATSHA204A, ATECC108A, and ATECC508A devices (crypto device) with the Saleae Logic Analyzer. The Saleae Logic Analyzer is a powerful tool to debug and evaluate the commands coming to and from these devices. The tool supports both the standard I2C and the Atmel Single-Wire Interface (SWI) protocols.The goal of this application note is to:●Understand the bus interfaces of the crypto device using the Saleae LogicAnalyzer.●Develop and debug with the crypto device using the Saleae Logic Analyzer. SummaryThe Saleae Logic Analyzer provides an in depth tool to quickly develop and debug integration of the crypto device into a customer’s system. The bus decoding allows for easy understanding of all bus traffic to the crypto device. By reducing the development time, the Saleae Logic Analyzer greatly reduces the cost of adding the crypto device.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_08201521.Saleae Logic AnalyzerOn load of the analyzer, either 8 or 16 channels will display depending on the analyzer used. Protocol specific settings are located on the far right under the heading, Analyzers .Figure 1-1.Channels and Protocol SettingsThe crypto device supports either a Single-Wire Interface (SWI) or I 2C Interface depending on the P/N. ●SWI — Supported through the use of a DLL library. Use version 1.1.16 or greater. This version comes with support on Win, LNX, and IOS.●I 2C — Supported by the use of the built-in I 2C interface that is included in the Saleae download.3CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820152.Single-Wire Interface (SWI)Use the SWI DLL library version 1.1.16 or greater.1.Copy the DLL into the Saleae LLC\Analyzers directory on the user’s PC. Once the driver has been copied to the correct folder, the Atmel SWI option will appear and be listed in the Analyzer drop-down options. The SWI Analyzer has three display modes:Token Byte Packet (as described in the datasheet)Figure 2-1.Atmel SWI Option2.Select the Atmel SWI Analyzer from the list. 3.After selecting Atmel SWI Analyzer , rename the channel when prompted, 4.Select the Falling Edge Trigger option and start sampling. Using ACES, select a command and send it to the device. For an overview of the ACES tool, please see “Using ACES Application Note”. This will cause the bus to become active and the Analyzer will trigger on the first falling edge and data line.In the screen shot below, the Wake command has been captured followed by Wake Status Read. The Wake command is a special token designed to wake the device and reset the watchdog timer.Figure 2-2.Wake Command Followed by Wake Status ReadEnlargement ofthe Analyzerpull-down options.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820154The token view displays each logic bit which is made up of seven bits on the wire. Each group of seven bits is encoded either as a Logic 1 or Logic 0 as follows:●A Logic 1 is one low bit followed by six high bits. ● A Logic 0 is one low bit followed by one high bit, then by one low bit, and then by four high bits.Figure 2-3.Token View Figure 2-4.Logic BitsThe byte view builds on the token view by combining eight tokens into a single byte. This view allows for easy matching of information on the data bus to the command set defined in the datasheet. The byte view istransmitted with the less significant bit first.Figure 2-5.BytesThe packet view further builds on the byte view by ordering the data into logic packets based on the datasheet definition. This allow for quick and easy review of the commands without the need to reference the datasheet.Figure 2-6.Packets0x880x045CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820153.I 2C InterfaceThe crypto device supports an I 2C interface that is directly supported by the Saleae tool.1.To configure the Analyzer for I 2C , select the I2C option from the Analyzer drop-down list and follow the configuration guide.Figure 3-1.I2C Analyzer Option 2.Select the clock and data channels that will be used for the I2C bus. Different encoding options can also be selected. The crypto device uses the default 8-bit encoding.Figure 3-2.Clock and Data Channels Enlargement ofthe Analyzerpull-down options.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820156 3.Next, the Update Channel Names dialog box will be prompted to rename the channels to reflect SCL andSDA. This is an optional step, but helps when analyzing more then one bus at a time.Figure 3-3.Update Channel Names 4.Now that the analyzer is configured, set-up the trigger settings. The Saleae has a One Shot trigger thatcan be triggered on either the falling or rising edge of the SCL channel. The bus is normally held high;therefore, setting a falling edge trigger is recommended.Figure 3-4.Trigger Settings7CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820155.Once the analyzer has been started, execute a command in order to generate data on the bus.Figure 3-5.Execute a Command After the Analyzer has been triggered, it will collect the waveform information and display it in the viewer. The first token shown is the ATSHA204 Wake.Figure 3-6.First Token — ATSHA204 WakeThe Wake command is a special command that is required to wake-up the device. The command consists of a I 2C Start event followed by a long period of Logic 0 on the SDA line, then followed a Stop event.Figure 3-7.Wake CommandCryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820158After a Wake command, an optional Read can be performed to read the status of the crypto device as shown in the waveform below. After the Read command is issued, the device will send four bytes of data (1-count, 1-data, and 2-CRC).Figure 3-8.Read WaveformThe Saleae tool supports a variety of display options for the I 2C interface including Binary, Hex, and ASCII to help quickly and easily evaluate the data. It can be selected by clicking the Configuration button next to the analyzer of interest on the right.Figure 3-9.Display Options4.Revision HistoryX X X X X XAtmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200| © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_082015.Atmel ®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities ®, CryptoAuthentication ™, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended,authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life support devices and systems, equipment or systems for the operation of nuclear facilities and weapons systems.Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in military or aerospace applications or environments unless specifically designated by Atmel as military-grade. Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in automotive applications unless specifically designated by Atmel as automotive-grade.。

hardfault handler 处理策略

hardfault handler 处理策略

hardfault handler 处理策略硬件错误是计算机系统中的一个常见问题,特别是在嵌入式系统中更为常见。

当硬件出现错误时,系统通常会由硬件故障处理程序(hardfault handler)进行处理。





















C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521C-DIAS Processor ModuleThe CCP 521 processor module runs the control program and thereby represents an essential component of an automation system. The internal DC/DC converter powers all modules on a C-DIAS module carrier. The VARAN bus, the CAN bus, an Ethernet interface or the USB device (Mini USB) can be used as the online interface connection. A 7-segment display and 2 status LEDs provide information on the actual status of the CPU. For program updates, the integrated USB Host interface can be used (USB stick, keyboard). With help from the exchangeable SD card, the entire control program can be easily exchanged. The CCP 521 processor module is designed to be mounted in the control cabinet.CCP 521Compatibility Completely PC-compatible. The CCP 521 works with standard PC BIOS and therefore no SIGMATEK-specific BIOS is needed; the LASAL operating system in provided.26.05.2010Page 1CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULETechnical DataPerformance dataProcessor Addressable I/O/P modules EDGE-Technology X86 compatible VARAN bus: 65,280 CAN bus: 32 C-DIAS bus: 8 No 32-kbyte L1 Cache 256-kbyte L2 Cache AMI 64 Mbytes 512 Kbytes 1-Gbyte micro SD card 1 x USB Host 2.0 (full speed 12 Mbit/s) 1 x USB Device 1.1 1 x Ethernet 1 x CAN 1 x VARAN 1 x C-DIAS Yes Yes Yes Yes (buffering approximately 10 days)Internal I/O Internal cache BIOS Internal program and data memory (DDR2 RAM) Internal remnant data memory Internal storage device (IDE) Interface connectionsData buffer Status display Status LEDs Real-time clockPage 2 a26.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE Electrical requirementsSupply voltage Current consumption of (+24 V) power supply Starting current Power supply on the C-DIAS bus Current load on C-DIAS bus (power supply for I/O/P modules). Typically 150 mA +18 –30 V DCCCP 521Maximum 500 mAFor a very short time (~20 ms) : 30 A Supplied by the CCP 521 Maximum 1.2 AStandard configurationEthernet 1 CAN bus IP: Station: 00 Subnet-Mask: Baud rate: 01 = 500 kBaudProblems can arise if a control is connected to an IP network, which contains modules that do not contain a SIGMATEK operating system. With such devices, Ethernet packets could be sent to the control with such a high frequency (i.e. broadcasts), that the high interrupt load could cause a real-time runtime error. By configuring the packet filter (Firewall or Router) accordingly however, it is possible to connect a network with SIGMATEK hardware to a third party network without triggering the error mentioned above.26.05.2010Page 3CCP 521 MiscellaneousArticle number Hardware version Project back-up StandardC-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE12-104-521 1.x Internally on the micro SD card UL in preparationEnvironmental conditionsStorage temperature Operating temperature Humidity EMV stabilityShock resistance Protection Type -10 –+85 °C 0 –+50 °C 10 - 90 %, uncondensed According to EN 61000-6-2 (industrial area) EN 60068-2-27 EN 60529 150 m/s? IP 20Page 426.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521Mechanical Dimensions104.10 (dimensioning incl. covers)109.212924.9026.05.2010Page 5CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEConnector LayoutPC通讯底层通讯电源Page 626.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE X1: USB Device 1.1CCP 521Pin 1 2 3 4 5Assignment +5 V DD+ GNDX2: USB Host 2.0Pin 1 2 3 4 Assignment +5 V DD+ GNDIt should be noted that many USB devices on the market do not comply with the relevant EMC standards for industrial environments. Connecting such a device can lead to malfunctions.X3: EthernetPin 1 2 3 4-5 6 7-8 Assignment TX+ TXRX+ RX-X4: VARANPin 1 2 3 4-5 6 7-8 Assignment TX+ / RX+ TX- / RXRX+ / TX+ RX- / TX-26.05.2010Page 7CCP 521 X5: CAN-BusC-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE12Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6Assignment CAN A (CAN LOW) CAN B (High) CAN A (CAN LOW) CAN B (High) GND -56X6: Power plug1Pin 1 2Assignment +24 V supply GNDX7: micro SD card Sandisk SDSDQ-1024-KPage 826.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE Exchanging the micro SD cardCCP 521The micro SD card is located under the LED cover.To exchange the micro SD card, carefully lift the LED cover.The micro SD card is located on the left side and can be disengaged by lightly pressing on the card itself.Remove the micro SD card.26.05.2010Page 9CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEApplicable connectors USB Device: USB Host: Ethernet: VARAN: CAN-Bus: Supply: 5-pin, type mini B 4-pin, type A 8-pin, RJ45 8-pin, RJ45 6-pin Weidmüller plug, B2L3, 5/6 2-pin Phoenix plug with screw terminal technology MC1, 5/2-ST-3,5 2-pin Phoenix plug with spring terminal FK-MCP1, 5/2-ST-3Page 10 a26.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521Status DisplaysEthernet LED Active Link Color Yellow Green Description Lights when data is exchanged over Ethernet Lights when the connection betweenthe two PHYs is established VARAN LED Active Link Color Yellow Green Description Lights when data is exchanged over the VARAN bus Lights when the connection between the two PHYs is established Control LED ERROR DCOK Color Red Green Description Lights when an error occurs (defective USV) Lights when the power supply is OK26.05.2010Page 11CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEDisplayThe CCP 521 processor module has a 2-digit decimal display (7 segment display) for the following functions:- When configuring the processor module, the parameters are shown in the display. - If an error occurs while running the program or no valid user program is found, the displayshows an error message. Thereby, "Er" (error) and the error code aredisplayed alternatingly. The same error code is also shown in the LASAL status line.- While running the program, the display can be used to show digits using the system vari-able _cpuDisplay. Valid values are 0 to 255; values over 99, however, are not shown and the display remains dark.Page 1226.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521CAN Bus SetupThis section explains how to configure a CAN bus correctly. The following parameters must first be set: Station number and data transfer rate. CAN bus station number Each CAN bus station is assigned its own station number. With this station number, data can be exchanged with other stations connected to the bus. Up to 31 stations can be installed in a CANbus system. However, each station number can only be assigned once. CAN bus data transfer rate The data transfer rate (baud rate) for the CAN bus can be set. However, the longer the length of the bus, the smaller the transfer rate that must be selected.Value 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07Baud rate 615 kBit/s 500 kbit/s 250 kBit/s 125 kBit/s 100 kBit/s 50 kBit/s 20 kBit/s 1 Mbit / sMaximum length 60 m 80 m 160 m 320 m 400 m 800 m 1200 m 30 mThese values are valid for the following cable: 120 ?, Twisted Pair. NOTE: the following is valid for the CAN bus protocol: 1 kBit/s = 1 kBaud.26.05.2010Page 13CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEConfiguration of the Process ModulePage 1426.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521To enter the mode for setting changes, press and hold the SETbutton while the C-IPC is booting. When the following appears in the display:the SET button can be released. After releasing the SET button, the first menu appears in the display.With several short presses of the SET button, it is possible to switch through the various menu points. By pressing the SET button for approximately 1.5 s, the menu is accessed and the setting can be changed with short presses. Once the desired changes are made, press the SET button for about 5 seconds to end the process. If the changes areto be discarded, press the RESET button to restart the C-IPC. The settings for the IP address, subnet mask and gateway are hexadecimal, whereas in the left and right digits, 0 - F must be entered separately. The switch occurs when the SET button is pressed for about 1.5 s. The values from AUTOEXEC.LSL are used as the standard settings; changes are written back to this file. Before this, the original content of the file is written to AUTOEXEC.BAK.26.05.2010Page 15 aCCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEC1 ... CAN PLC station 00 –30 ... Station numberC2 ... CAN PLC baud rate 00 ... 615.000 01 …500.000 02 …250.000 03 …125.000 04 …100.000 05 …50.000 06 …20.000 07 …1.000.000 I1, I2, I3, I4 IP address I1.I2.I3.I4, Hexadecimal 00 –FF respectivelyS1,S2,S3,S4 Subnet Mask S1.S2.S3.S4, hexadecimal 00 –FFrespectivelyG1,G2,G3,G4 Gateway G1,G2.G3.G4, hexadecimal 00 –FF respectivelyPage 16 a26.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521CAN Bus TerminationIn a CAN bus system, both end modules must be terminated. This is necessary to avoid transmission errors caused by reflections in the line.Device 1e.g. CPU DCP 080 CAN-Bustermination on terminal moduleDevice 2e.g. Terminal ET 081Device 3Device ne.g. Terminal ET 805 D-SUB-plug with terminating resistorsCAN-Bus-ConnectionsIf the CCP 521 processor module is an end module, it can be terminated by placing a 150Ohm resistor between CAN-A (Low) and CAN-B (High).1 x 150-Ohm resistor26.05.2010Page 17CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEWiring and Mounting InstructionsEarth ConnectionThe CCP 521 must be connected to earth over the mounting on the back wall of the control cabinet or over the earth terminal provided (C-DIAS module carrier). It is important to create a low-ohm earth connection, only then can error-free operation be guaranteed. The earth connection should have the maximum cross section and the largest electrical surface possible. Any noise signals that reach the CCP 521 over external cables must be filtered out over the earth connection. With a large (electrical) surface, high frequency noise can also be well dissipated.Page 1826.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521ShieldingThe wiring for the CAN bus, Ethernet and VARAN bus must be shielded. The low-ohm shielding is either connected at the entry to the control cabinet or directly before the CCP 521 processor module over a large surface (cable grommets, grounding clamps)! Noise signals can thereforebe prohibited from reaching the electronics and affecting the function.ESD ProtectionBefore any device is connected to or disconnected from the CCP 521, the potential with ground should be equalized (by touching the control cabinet or earth terminal). Static electricity (from clothing, footwear) can therefore be reduced.26.05.2010Page 19CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEProcess DiagramMain voltage onOnline with Lasal Software?noyes Output of a reset of the peripheral modules Output of a reset of the peripheral modulesDeletion of specific data areasDeletion of specific data areasStatus RESETProgram in external memory module functional?noyes Copy program into application program memory Program in internal memory module functional? noyes Status RUN ROM Copy program into application program memory Status CHKSUM or POINTERCall of application programStatus RUN ROMCall of application programPage 2026.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521Status and Error MessagesStatus and error messages are shown in the status test of the Lasal Class software. If the CPU has a status display, the status or error number is also show here as well. POINTER or CHKSUM messages can also be shown on the terminal screen.Number 00 Message RUN RAM Definition The user program is currently running in RAM. The display is not affected. 01 RUN ROM The user program in the program memory module was loaded into the RAM and is currently being run. The display is not affected. 02 RUNTIME The total duration of all cyclic objects exceeds the maximum time; the time can beconfigured using 2 system variables: -Runtime: time remaining -SWRuntime: pre-selected value for the runtime counter 03 POINTER Incorrect program pointers were detected before running the user program Possible Causes: Cause/solution- The program memory module ismissing, not programmed or defect.- The program in the user programmemory (RAM) is not executable.- The user program is overwriting asoftware error Solution:- Reprogram the memory module, if theerror reoccurs exchange the module.- Correct programming error04 CHKSUM An invalid checksum was detected before running the user program. Cause/solution: s. POINTER26.05.2010Page 21CCP 52105C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEWatchdog The program was interrupted through the watchdog logic. Possible Causes:- User program interrupts blockedover a longer period of time (STI command forgotten)- Programming error in a hardwareinterrupt.- INB, OUTB, INW, OUTW instructions used incorrectly.- The processor is defect.Solution:- Correct programming error.- Exchange CPU. 06 07 GENERAL ERROR PROM DEFECT General error An error has occurred while programming the memory module. Cause:- The program memory module isdefect.- The user program is too large. - The program memory module is missing. Solution:- Exchange the program memorymodule 08 Reset The CPU has received the reset signal and is waiting for further instructions. The user program is not processed. 09 WD DEFEKT The hardware monitoring circuit (watchdog logic) is defect. After power-up, the CPU checks the watchdog logic function. If an error occurs during this test, the CPU deliberately enters an infinite loop from which no further instructions are accepted. 10 11 12 13 14 STOP PROG BUSYS PROGRAM LENGTH PROG END PROG MEMO The memory module was successfully completed. The CPU is currently programming the memory module. Solution: Exchange CPU.Page 2226.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE15 16 17 STOP BRKPT CPU STOP INT ERROR The CPU was stopped by a breakpoint in the program. The CPU was stopped by the PG software (F6 HALT in status test). The CPU has triggered a false interrupt and stopped the user program or has encountered an unknown instruction while running the program. Cause:CCP 521- A nonexistent operating system wasused.- Stack error (uneven number of PUSHand POP instructions).- The user program was interrupted bya software error. Solution: - Correct programming error. 18 19 2021 22 SINGLE STEP Ready LOAD UNZUL. Modul MEMORY FULL The CPU is insingle step mode and is waiting for further instructions. A module or project has been sent to the CPU and it is ready to run the program. Theprogram has stopped and is receiving a module or project. The CPU has received a module, which does not belong to the project. The operating system memory /Heap) is too small. No more memory could be reserved, when an internal or interface function was called from theapplication. When starting the CPU, a missing module or a module that does not belong to the project was detected. A division error has occurred. Possible Causes:23NOT LINKED24DIV BY 0- Division by 0. - The result of a division does not fit inthe result register. Solution: - Correct programming error.26.05.2010Page 23CCP 52125C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEDIAS ERROR An error has occurred accessing a DIAS module. while Possible Causes:- An attempt is made to accessa nonexistent DIAS module.- DIAS bus error.Solution:- Check the DIAS bus - Check the termination resistors. 26 27 28 29 30 WAIT OP PROG OP INSTALLED OS TOO LONG NO OPERATING SYSTEM The CPU is busy. The operating system is currently being reprogrammed. The operating system has been reinstalled. The operating system cannot be loaded; too little memory. Boot loader message. No operating system found in RAM. 31 32 33 34 SEARCH FOR OS NO DEVICE UNUSED CODE MEM ERROR The operating system loaded does not match the hardware configuration. The boot loader is searching for the operating system inRAM.35 36 37MAX IO MODULE LOAD ERROR GENERELLER BS-FEHLER The LASAL Module or project cannot be loaded. A general error has occurred while loading the operating system. An error has occurred in the application memory (user heap).38 39 40 41APPLMEM ERROR OFFLINE APPL LOAD APPL SAVEPage 2426.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE46 47 50 APPL-LOAD-ERROR APPL-SAVE-ERROR ACCESS-EXCEPTIONERROR BOUND EXCEEDED PRIVILEDGED INSTRUCTION An error has occurred loading the application. whileCCP 521An error has occurred while attempting to save the application. Read or write access of a restricted memory area. (I.e. writing to the NULL pointer). An exception error caused by exceeding the memory limits An unauthorized instruction for the current CPU level was given. For example, setting the segment register. An error has occurred during a floating-point operation. Error from ASMaster. the Intelligent DIRestart; report error to Sigmatek.51 5253 60 64 65 66 67FLOATING POINT ERROR DIAS-RISC-ERROR INTERNAL ERROR FILE ERROR DEBUG ASSERTION FAILED REALTIME RUNTIMEAn internal error has occurred, all applications are stopped. An error has occurred during a file operation. Internal error. The total duration of all real-time objects exceeds the maximum time; the time cannot be configured. 2 ms for 386 CPUs 1 ms for all other CPUsRestart; report error to Sigmatek. Starting from Version 1.1.768BACKGROUND RUNTIMEThe total time for all background objects exceed the maximum time; the time can be configured using two system variables: -BTRuntime: time remaining -SWBTRuntime: pre-selected value for the runtime counter95 96 97 98USER DEFINED 0 USER DEFINED 1 USER DEFINED 2 USER DEFINED 3User-definable code. User-definable code. User-definable code.User-definable code.26.05.2010Page 25CCP 52199 100 101 102 103 104 105 106C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEUSER DEFINED 4 C_INIT C_RUNRAM C_RUNROM C_RUNTIME C_READY C_OKC_UNKNOWN_CID The CPU is ready for operation. The CPU is ready for operation. An unknown class from a standalong or embedded object: unknown base class. The operating system class cannot be created; the operating system is probably wrong. Reference to an unknown object in an interpreter program, creation of more than one DCC080 object. The hardware module number is greater than 60. No connection to the required channels. Wrong server attribute. No specific error, recompile all and reload project components. An attempt was made to open an unknown table.Memory allocation error Memory allocation error User-definable code. Initialization start; the configuration is run. The LASAL project was successfully started from RAM. The LASAL project was successfullystarted from ROM.107C_UNKNOWN_CONSTR108C_UNKNOWN_OBJECT109 110 111 112 113 114 115C_UNKNOWN_CHNL C_WRONG_CONNECT C_WRONG_ATTR C_SYNTAX_ERRORC_NO_FILE_OPEN C_OUTOF_NEAR C_OUT OF_FARPage 2626.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE116 117 224 225 C_INCOMAPTIBLE C_COMPATIBLE LINKING LINKING ERROR An object with the same name exists but has another class. An object with the same name and class exists but must be updated. The application is currently linking. An error has occurred while linking. An error messaged is generated in the LASAL status window. Linking is complete. The operating system is currently being burned into the Flash memory. An error has occurred while burning the operating system. The operatingsystem is currently being installed. The power supply was disconnected; the UPS is active. The operating system is restarted.CCP 521226 230 231 232 240 241 242 243 252 253 254 255LINKING DONE OP BURN OP BURN FAIL OP INSTALL USV-WAIT Reboot LSL SAVE LSL LOAD CONTINUE PRERUN PRERESET CONNECTION BREAKThe application is started. The application is ended.26.05.2010Page 27CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULEApplication exceptionsSRAM and IRQ routines Writing remnant data during interruptroutines is not allowed and leads to a system crash. SRAM and consistency of changed data If more than 32 different sectors are changed (512 byteseach) shortly before shutting down the voltage supply while the user program is writing to the micro SD card, this can sometimes lead to partial loss of remnant data. The file system does not support safe writing through SRAM If files are stored, modified or written on the micro SD card from the user program, these files must always be storedwith a fixed maximum size. Since changes in size and the simultaneous shutdown of the voltage supply can corrupt the file system, a later change in the file size is not allowed. Data Breakpoint This CPU does not support the data breakpoint is a feature.Page 2826.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 521Recommended Shielding for VARANThe real-time VARAN Ethernet bus system exhibits very robust characteristics in industrial environments. Through the use of IEEE 802.3 standard Ethernet physics, the potentials between an Ethernet line andsending/receiving components are separated. Messages to a bus participant are immediately repeated by the VARAN Manager in the event of an error. The shielding described below is principally recommended. For applications in which the bus is run outside the control cabinet, the correct shielding is required. Especially when for structural reasons, the bus line must be placed next to strong electromagnetic interference. It is recommended to avoid placing Varan bus linesparallel to power cables whenever possible. SIGMATEK recommends the use of CAT5e industrial Ethernet bus cables. For the shielding, an S-FTP cable should be used. An S-FTP bus is a symmetric, multi-wire cable withunshielded pairs. For the total shielding, a combination of foil and braiding is used. A non-laminated variant is recommended.The VARAN cable must be secured at a distance of 20 cm from the connector for protection against vibration!26.05.2010Page 29CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE1. Wiring from the Control Cabinet to an External VARAN ComponentIf the Ethernet lines are connected from a VARAN component to a VARAN node located outside the control cabinet, the shielding should be placed at the entry point to the control cabinet housing. All noise can then be dissipated before reaching the electronic components.Page 3026.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 5212. Wiring Outside of the Control CabinetIf a VARAN bus cable must be placed outside of the control cabinet, additional shielding is not required. Outside of the control cabinet,IP67 modules and connectors are used exclusively. These components are very robust and noise resistant. The shielding for all sockets in IP67modules is electrically connected internally or over the housing, whereby voltage spikes are not deflected through the electronics.26.05.2010Page 31CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE3. Shielding for Wiring Within the Control CabinetSources of strong electromagnetic noise located within the control cabinet (drives, Transformers, etc.) can induce interference in a VARAN bus line. Voltage spikes are dissipated over the metallic housing of aRJ45 connector. Noise is conducted over the control cabinet without additional measures needed on the circuit board of electronic components. To avoid error sources with data exchange, it is recommended that shielding be placed before any electronic components in the control cabinet.Page 3226.05.2010C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULECCP 5214. Connecting Noise-Generating Components.When connecting power lines to the bus that generate strong electromagnetic noise, the correct shielding is also important. The shielding should be placed before a power element (or group of power elements).26.05.2010Page 33CCP 521C-DIAS PROCESSOR MODULE5. Shielding Between Two Control CabinetsIf two control cabinets must be connected over a VARAN bus, it is recommended that the shielding be located at the entry points of each cabinet. Noise is therefore prevented from reaching the electronic components in both cabinets.Page 3426.05.2010。

cipheralgorithm 详解

 cipheralgorithm 详解

cipheralgorithm 详解cipheralgorithm是密码算法的意思,用于将信息进行加密和解密。













三、常见的cipheralgorithm算法类型1. DES(Data Encryption Standard)DES是一种对称加密算法,是最早被广泛应用的cipheralgorithm算法之一。



2. AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)AES是一种对称加密算法, 是目前应用最广泛的cipheralgorithm算法之一。



1.海里昂 bug 简介
2.海里昂 bug 的影响
3.海里昂 bug 的解决方法
4.海里昂 bug 的启示
1.海里昂 bug 简介
海里昂 bug 是指出现在微软操作系统中的一个著名漏洞,最早在2001 年曝光。

这个漏洞的全称是“海里昂波特兰德缓冲区溢出漏洞”,是由于 Windows 操作系统在处理字体文件时的一个缺陷导致的。


2.海里昂 bug 的影响
海里昂 bug 的影响非常广泛,它不仅影响了 Windows 操作系统的各个版本,还导致了一系列的安全问题。



3.海里昂 bug 的解决方法
微软公司在得知海里昂 bug 后,迅速展开了调查,并在短时间内发布了补丁程序,以修复这个漏洞。

用户可以通过安装这个补丁,来避免受到海里昂 bug 的攻击。


4.海里昂 bug 的启示
海里昂 bug 给我们带来了深刻的启示。





Revolutionary Visual Computing SolutionsHardware-Accelerated Pixel Read-Back Ultra-fast pixel read-back performance delivers massive host throughput, more than 10x the performance of previous generations of graphics systems.GPU ComputingNVIDIA CUDA provides a C languageenvironment and tool suite that unleashes new capabilities to solve complex, visualization challenges such as real-time ray tracing and interactive volume rendering.1NVIDIA PureVideo TechnologyNVIDIA PureVideo ™ technology is the combination of high-definition video processors and software that deliversunprecedented picture clarity, smooth video, accurate color, and precise image scaling for SD and HD video content. Featuresinclude, high-quality scaling, spatial temporal de-interlacing, inverse telecine, and high quality HD video playback from DVD.Features and BenefitsFull 128-Bit Precision Graphics Pipeline Enables mathematical computations to maintain high accuracy, resulting in unmatched visual quality.High-Quality Full-Scene Antialiasing (FSAA)Up to 32x FSAA dramatically reduces visual aliasing artifacts or “jaggies” at resolutions up to 2560 x 1600, resulting in highly realistic scenes. New rotated-grid FSAA algorithm (RG FSAA) delivers unprecedented quality and performance.High Precision, High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR)Sets new standards for image clarity and quality through floating point capabilities in shading, filtering, texturing, and blending. Enables unprecedented quality of rendered images for visual effects processing.NVIDIA Unified ArchitectureIndustry’s first unified architecture designed to dynamically allocate geometry, shading, pixel, and compute processing power to deliver optimized GPU performance.1Dual Dual-Link Digital Display Connectors Dual dual-link TMDS transmitters support ultra-high-resolution panels (up to 2560 x 1600 @ 60Hz on each panel) − which result in amazing image quality producing detailed photorealistic images.3Essential for Microsoft Windows Vista Offering an enriched 3D user interface,increased application performance, and the highest image quality, NVIDIA Quadro graphics boards and NVIDIA ® OpenGL ICD drivers are optimized for 32- and 64-bit architectures to enable the best Windows ® Vista ™ experience.Technical SpecificationsNVIDIA QUADRO WORKSTATION GPU > 12-bit subpixel precision > Up to 128 textures per pass > Eight (8) multiple render targets > Fast 3D texture support > Jumbo (8K) texture support> Hardware-accelerated antialiased points and lines> Hardware OpenGL overlay planes> Hardware-accelerated two-sided lighting > Hardware-accelerated clipping planes > Third-generation occlusion culling > OpenGL quad-buffered stereo (3-pin sync connector)> Hardware-accelerated pixel read-back NEXT-GENERATION SHADING ARCHITECTURE> Full Shader Model 4.0 (OpenGL and DirectX 10) o Vertex Shader 4.0 o Geometry Shader 4.0 o Pixel Shader 4.0> Unlimited Shader Lengths> FP32 texture filtering and blending > Non-power-of-two texture supportNVIDIA CUDA Software Development Tools > C language compiler, profiler and emulation mode for debugging> Standard numerical libraries for FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and BLAS (Basic Linear Algegra Subroutines)HIGH-LEVEL SHADER LANGUAGES > Optimized compilers for Cg, OpenGLSL, and Microsoft HLSL > OpenGL 2.1 and DirectX 10 support > Open source compilerHIGH-RESOLUTION ANTIALIASING > Up to 32x full-scene antialiasing (FSAA), up to 2560 x 1600> Rotated-grid FSAA significantly increases color accuracy and visual quality for edges, while maintaining performance UNIFIED DRIVER ARCHITECTURE > Single driver supports all products SUPPORTED PLATFORMS> Microsoft Windows ® Vista, XP, 2000 > Linux—Full OpenGL implementation, complete with NVIDIA and ARBextensions (complete XFree 86 drivers)> AMD64, Intel EM64TPROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Computer-Aided Design (CAD) /Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) /Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Applications > AutoCAD > CATIA > DeltaGen > Inventor > PDMS > PLM> Pro / ENGINEER > Revit> Solid Edge > SolidWorks> and many more…Digital Content Creation (DCC) and Broadcast > 3ds Max > After Effects > Houdini > Illustrator > Lightwave > Maya> Premiere Pro > Softimage | XSI > and many more…Energy> Landmark> Paradigm GEO > Schlumberger Medical/Life Sciences > Accelyris > Tripos> Vital Images1 Available on NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600, 4700 X2, 3700, 1700, 570, 370, 3600M, 1600M, 570M, and 360M.2 Available on NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600, 5500, 4700 X2, 4600, 4500, 3700, 3500, and 3450.3 Available on NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600, 5500, 4700 X2, 4600, 3700, 3500, 1700, and 1500.For more information about NVIDIA Quadro, visit © 2007 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVIDIA Quadro, Cuda, and SLI are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation.All company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability, and specifications are all subject to change without notice. Images courtesy of Right Hemisphere, Landmark, UVPHACTORY, NVIDIA Corporation, and Vital Images,The industry’s leading workstation applications leverage these solutions to enable hardware-accelerated features not found in any other professional graphics solution.The Quadro professional products include a set of industry specialtysolutions that have been architected to enable advanced imaging visualization and broadcast applications - from multi-system scalability andsynchronization to uncompressed 12-bit HD-SDI video output.The NVIDIA Quadro ® family of professional solutionstakes the leading professional applications to a new level of interactivity by enabling unprecedented capabilities.Images courtesy of Right Hemisphere, Landmark, a brand of the Halliburton Drilling, Evaluation and Digital Solutions, UVPHACTORY, and Vital Images, Volvo Image Copyright © 2006 MFX / Percival Productions. www.mfx.se.NVIDIA Quadro Family | Sep 2007Ground-breaking Unified Architecture Delivers Unprecedented Performance The latest NVIDIA Quadro architecture takes application performance tonew levels by featuring the industry’sfirst unified architecture1. Designed to dynamically allocate geometry, shading, pixel, and compute processing power, the latest NVIDIA Quadro graphics boards deliver optimized Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) performance. The GPU pipeline efficiency is further multipliedby fast 3D and large texture transfers, NVIDIA’s crossbar memory architecture, enabling occlusion culling, lossless depth Z-buffer, and color compression. These elements combine to achieveunprecedented 3D performance: blazinggeometry performance, lightening-fastline performance and massive fill ratespowered by a dynamically configurablearray of thread processors. With ultra-fast pixel read-back performance,massive host throughput gains can beachieved for professional applications.However, the true measure of power isapplication performance and the newNVIDIA Quadro architecture doubles theperformance of the previous generation.Advanced ProgrammabilityEmpowers a New Classof ApplicationsThe latest NVIDIA Quadro FX graphicssolutions are the reference standard forShader Model 4.0 and next generationoperating systems enabling breakthroughultra-realistic, real-time visualizationapplications. Styling and productionrendering are integral functions of thedesign workflow and NVIDIA QuadroFX provides professionals the toolsto shorten the production processand enable faster time to market.The major CAD and DCC applicationvendors can take full advantage of theprogrammable NVIDIA Quadro architectureby enabling sophisticated shaders tosimulate a virtually unlimited range ofphysical characteristics, such as lightingeffects (dispersion, reflection, refraction,BRDF models) and even physical surfaceproperties (casting effects, porosity,molded surfaces). Real-time shaders allowaccurately matching visual images.All images have a smoother, moreappealing variation in color density, whichincreases visual realism and generatesphotorealistic rendered images.Certified for the HighestQuality Experience withthe Most DemandingWorkstation ApplicationsThe performance and power of theNVIDIA Quadro architecture arebuilt on a solid foundation of qualityengineering. This engineering excellenceis exemplified by the NVIDIA UnifiedDriver Architecture (UDA), which iscertified for quality by the entire spectrumof CAD and DCC applications.these effects to be combined and modifiedinteractively, something that is impossiblewith simple 2D static texture maps.Full 128-bit Floating PointPrecision Delivers the Industry’sHighest Workstation QualitySophisticated real-time effects typicallyinvolve multiple mathematical operations thatdemand high precision to maintain imagequality. The NVIDIA Quadro architecturefeatures true 128-bit IEEE floating pointprecision (32-bit fp per component),resulting in the highest level of accuracyand the ultimate in visual quality.The NVIDIA Quadro family delivers true16-bit and 32-bit floating point formats forThe Definition of Performance. The Standard for Quality.uncompromisedprofessional graphics to goThe NVIDIA Quadro FX professional solutions for mobile workstations deliver the fastest application performanceand the highest quality graphics. The NVIDIA Quadro FX mobile solutions enable the leading CAD, DCC, and visualization applications to solve the most complex professional visual computing challenges in a mobile form factor.integrated graphics to video solutionThe NVIDIA Quadro SDI solutions are ideal foron-air broadcast professionals across manyapplications, including virtual-set, sports, andweather news systems. The NVIDIA Quadro SDIsolution is the industry’s only fully integratedgraphics to video out product, and will compositelive video footage onto virtual backgrounds andsend the result to live video for TV broadcast. Thesolution also allows film production and post-production professionals to preview the results of3D compositing, editing, and color grading in realtime on HD broadcast monitors.c programming environmentfor the gpuThe NVIDIA CUDA™software development kitprovides a C language environment and toolssuite that unleashes new capabilities to solvecomplex, visualization challenges such asreal-time ray tracing and interactive volumerendering.1revolutionizingadvanced visualizationThe NVIDIA Quadro G-Sync deliversframe and genlock functionality tounprecedented levels of industrialrealism, visualization, and collaborativecapabilities. The NVIDIA Quadro G-Sync IIoption can be combined with the QuadroFX 5600 or 4600, and G-Sync I can becombined with the FX 5500 to provideadvanced multi-system visualizationand external signal synchronization.a quantum leap in visual computingThe NVIDIA Quadro Plex is a dedicatedvisual computing system (VCS) enablingbreakthrough levels of capability andproductivity for professionals ranging frommanufacturing designers and stylists toearth scientists to digital content creators.NVIDIA Quadro Plex provides the flexibility tobe deployed with any certified PCI Express®x16 platform. NVIDIA Quadro Plex achievesunmatched compute density, can bedeployed in a wide range of environments,and scales to meet the most demandingprofessional applications requirements.HP Mobile Workstation courtesy HP - image on screen courtesy ProE2000. Racetrack image © Sam Sharpe / The Sharpe Image / Corbis. Inside right page: Geographic imagery courtesy Landmark, a brand of the Halliburton Drilling, Evaluation and Digital Solutions. Video Wall image courtesy ORNL.scalable graphics performance NVIDIA Quadro graphics solutions feature NVIDIA® SLI™ multi-GPU technology2.A revolutionary platform innovation,SLI technology enables professional users to dynamically scale graphics performance, enhance image quality, and expand display real estate by combining multiple NVIDIA Quadro graphics solutions in a single system.Available NVIDIA Quadro Solutions Ultra-High-EndNVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4700 X2 High-EndNVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500Mid-RangeNVIDIA Quadro FX 3450 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500 Entry-LevelNVIDIA Quadro FX 570 NVIDIA Quadro FX 560 NVIDIA Quadro FX 550 NVIDIA Quadro FX 370 SpecialtyNVIDIA Quadro Plex VCS NVIDIA Quadro SDINVIDIA Quadro G-Sync MobileNVIDIA Quadro FX 3600M NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M NVIDIA Quadro FX 570M NVIDIA Quadro FX 360M。

Honeywell EDA61K手持计算机附件指南说明书

Honeywell EDA61K手持计算机附件指南说明书

sps-ppr-scanpal-eda61k-handheld-computer-accessories-guide-en-ltrEDA61K MOBILE COMPUTERAccessories GuideT ABLE OF CONTENTS1 HOLSTERS AND HANDLES BATTERIES2 CHARGERS3 CABLES AND ADAPTERSREPLACEMENT PARTSEDA61K Mobile Computer Accessories Guide | H OLSTERS AND HANDLESEDA61K-SH-DC Scan Handle EDA61K scan handle, dockable with EDA61K homebaseBATTERIES50149348-001 Smart Battery EDA61K Replaceable Smart Battery, 7000 mAhEDA61K Mobile Computer Accessories Guide | | 1C HARGERSEDA61K-HB-0Home Base Charging cradle for recharging mobile computer and battery. Kit includes dock an EDA61K-HB-1Home Base Charging cradle for recharging mobile computer and battery. Kit includes dock, p EDA61K-HB-2Home Base Charging cradle for recharging mobile computer and battery. Kit includes dock, p EDA61K-HB-3Home Base Charging cradle for recharging mobile computer and battery. Kit includes dock, p EDA61K-CB-0*Charging base Charging cradle for recharging 4 mobile computers. Kit includes dock and pow *Only available in EU, APAC and MERTAEDA61K-CB-2*Charging base Charging cradle for recharging 4 mobile computers. Kit includes dock, power *Only available in EU, APAC and MERTAEDA61K-CB-3*Charging base Charging cradle for recharging 4 mobile computers. Kit includes dock, power *Only available in EU, APAC and MERTA871-230-101Quad Battery Charger Quad Battery Charger for CK3 (AC20) and ScanPal EDA60K/EDA61K (requir EDA61K Mobile Computer Accessories Guide | | 2C ABLES AND ADAPTERSCBL-500-120-S00-05USB Cable USB A/M to USB type C, 120 cm.50136024-001Power Plug Adapter Kit for US, EU, UK, ANZ, and India Kit includes 5V/2A power adapter andEDA61K-HS-3PKHand Strap Hand strap for terminalEDA61K-SHS-3PKHand Strap Hand strap for scan handleFor more informationHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions300 S Tryon St Suite 500 Charlotte, NC 28202 800-582-4263 EDA61K Mobile Computer Accessories Guide | Rev D | 01/21 � 2021 Honeywell International IReferencesHome | Honeywell LinkedIn Facebook Twitter YouTube InstagramHoneywell Productivity and Workflow SolutionsAdobe PDF Library 15.0 Adobe InDesign 16.0 (Windows)。

Hardware Acceleration硬件加速

Hardware Acceleration硬件加速

Hardware Acceleration 硬件加速Hardware Acceleration 从 Android 3.0 (API level 11)开始,Android 2D 渲染管线能更好的支持硬件加速。

硬件加速通过 GPU 执行各种绘画操作。

因为硬件加速需要消耗更多的资源,所以你的 App 需要更多的 RAM。


如果应用只使用标准的 View 和 Drawable, 全局设置 丌会产生丌利的影响。

然而,因为硬件加速丌支持所有的 2D 绘制操作,开启会影响一些自定义 View 或 者绘制调用。


为了补救这些,Android 提供给你选 项开启或者关闭硬件加速在以下几个层面:   Application Activity Window View 如果你的应用执行自定义绘制,开启硬件加速,测试应用在实际的硬件设备上去查找问题。

控制硬件加速你可以在以下层面控制硬件加速   Application Activity Window ViewApplication 层在你的 Android manifest 文件里,添加以下属性到<application>标签里,针对整个应用开启硬件加速: <application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" ...>Activity 层如果整个应用开启硬件加速表现的丌稳定,你也可以针对单个 Activity 迚行控制。

在 Activity 层开启或者 关闭硬件加速, 你可以使用 android:hardwareAccelerated 属性在<activity>标签内。

下面是单个 Activity 中关闭硬件加速的例子:<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true"> <activity ... /> <activity android:hardwareAccelerated="false" /> </application>Window 层如果你需要更细致的控制,可以在获得的 Window 里开启硬件加速:getWindow().setFlags( youtParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED, youtParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED);注: 在 window 层丌能取消硬件加速。

《Synology DiskStation DS418play 用户说明书》

《Synology DiskStation DS418play 用户说明书》

Synology DiskStation DS418play is a 4-bay NAS designed for ultra-high definition multimedia enthusiasts. Powered by a new dual-core processor, DS418play supports real-time transcoding for up to 2 channels of H.265/H.264 4K videos at the same time. AES-NI support ensures smooth encrypted data transfer and safeguards critical digital assets. Synology DS418play is backed by Synology’s 2-year limited warranty.DiskStationDS418playHighlights• Ideal 4-bay NAS as home multimedia center• Encrypted sequential throughput at over 226 MB/s reading, 185 MB/s writing 1• Dual-channel H.265/H.264 4K video transcoding on the fly 2• Dual-core processor with AES-NI hardware encryption engine • 2GB DDR3L-1866 memory, up to 6GB • Advanced Btrfs file system offering 65,000 system-wide snapshots and 1,024 snapshots per shared folder • Anywhere access with iOS/Android™/Windows ready mobile appsOptimal Performance and Hardware DesignSynology DS418play is a 4-bay network attached storage solution equipped with an dual-core processor and 2GB DDR3L memory (expandable up to 6GB). With Link Aggregation enabled, DS418play delivers great sequential throughput performance at over 226 MB/s reading and 220 MB/s writing 1. With AES-NI hardware accelerated encryption, DS418play delivers encrypted data throughput at over 226 MB/s reading and 185 MB/s writing 1.DS418play comes with two USB 3.0 ports for high-speed external storage exchange. The dual 1GbE ports support network failover to prevent unexpected LAN failure. Hot-swappable drive trays with tray locks ensure easy drive replacement and protect data security. Brightness-adjustable front LED with schedule control provides flexible LED settings that best suit your environment.4K Ultra HD Multimedia LibrarySynology DiskStation DS418play features real-time transcoding for up to 2 channels of H.264/H.265 4K videos at the same time, bringing more powerful support to the latest multimedia formats and contents. With Video Station , you can organize personal digital video library with comprehensive media information, and watch 4K Ultra HD movies and films. The intuitive design of Photo Station allows you to effortlessly organize photos into customized categories, smart albums and blog posts, and link them tosocial networking websites within a few clicks. Audio Station comes with Internet radio and lossless audio formats support, and provides music playback via DLNA and AirPlay®-compliant devices.Anywhere/Anytime AvailabilitySynology provides various mobile applications allowing you to enjoy your multimedia library even when on the go. Available on iOS, Android™, and Windows Phone® platforms, DS photo, DS audio, DS video, and DS file enable access to your Synology NAS through Photo Station, Audio Station, Video Station, and File Station. What’s more, you can use DS get to remotely manage and monitor download tasks onDownload Station.QuickConnect allows you to connect via a simple customizable address so that you can instantly access media and work files on any Windows/Mac/Linux computer, laptop, or mobile device.Btrfs: Next Generation Storage EfficiencyDS418play introduces the Btrfs file system, bringing the most advanced storage technologies to meet the management needs of modern businesses:• Built-in data integrity check detects data and file system corruption with data and meta-data checksums and improve the overall stability.• Flexible Shared Folder/User Quota System provides comprehensive quota control over all user accounts and shared folders.• Advanced snapshot technology with customizable backup schedule allows up to 1,024 copies of shared folder backups in a minimum 5-minute interval withoutoccupying huge storage capacity and system resources.• File or folder level data restoration brings huge conveniences and saves time forusers who wish to restore only a specific file or folder.• File self-healing: Btrfs file system can auto-detect corrupted files with mirroredmetadata, and recover broken data using the supported RAID volumes, which include RAID1, 5, 6, and 10.Effective Sync & Backup SolutionDS418play can serve as a centralized backup destination, making it easy to create your own private cloud. Cloud Sync keeps your Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Baidu, and Box storages in sync with DS418play at home. Cloud Station Suite allows you to sync files among multiple devices, including Windows PC, Mac, Linux, and Android/iOS tablets and phones, effortlessly keeping everything up-to-date.With block-level incremental backup and cross-version deduplication, Synology Hyper Backup provides multi-version backup with optimized storage utilization and allows back up to multiple destinations–local shared folders, external hard drives, network shared folders, rsync servers, and public cloud services.Energy Efficient and Easy ManagementSynology DS418play is designed and developed with energy efficiency in mind.DS418play consumes only 29.01 W in regular operation. Wake on LAN/WAN and scheduled power on/off can further reduce power consumption and operational cost. With HDD hibernation, hard drives can enter the energy-saving mode automatically when the system has been idle for a specified period of time.4K Ultra HD Multimedia Bank Real-time H.264/H.265 4K video transcoding provides hassle-free high quality video playback among various devices.Anytime AvailabilityAccess your DiskStation anywhere usingSynology mobile apps.Hardware OverviewTechnical SpecificationsHardwareCPUIntel Celeron J3355 dual-core 2GHz, burst up to 2.5GHz Hardware encryption engine Yes (AES-NI)Hardware transcoding engine • Supported codecs: H.264 (AVC), H.265 (HEVC), MPEG-2, VC-1• Maximum resolution: 4K (4096 x 2160)• Maximum frames per second (FPS): 30Memory2 GB DDR3L SO-DIMM (expandable up to 6 GB)Compatible drive type 4 x 3.5" or 2.5" SATA SSD/HDD (drives not included)External port 2 x USB 3.0 port Size (HxWxD)166 x 199 x 223 mm Weight 2.23 kg LAN2 x 1GbE (RJ-45)Wake on LAN/WAN Yes Scheduled power on/off YesSystem fan2 (92 x 92 x 25 mm)AC input power voltage 100V to 240V AC Power frequency 50/60Hz, single phase Operating temperature 5°C to 40°C (40°F to 104°F)Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C (-5°F to 140°F)Relative humidity5% to 95% RH Maximum operating altitude5,000 m (16,400 ft)1Status indicator2Drive status indicator 3Drive tray lock 4USB 3.0 port 5Power button and indicator 6Drive tray 71GbE RJ-45 port 8Reset button9USB 3.0 port10Power port11Fan12Kensington Security Slot6General DSM specificationNetworking protocol SMB, AFP, NFS, FTP, WebDAV, CalDAV, iSCSI, Telnet, SSH, SNMP, VPN (PPTP, OpenVPN ™ , L2TP)File system • Internal: Btrfs, ext4• External: Btrfs, ext4, ext3, FAT, NTFS, HFS+, exFAT3Supported RAID type Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR), Basic, JBOD, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10Storage management • Maximum internal volumes: 256• Maximum iSCSI targets: 32• Maximum iSCSI LUNs: 256• iSCSI LUN clone/snapshot supportFile sharing capability • Maximum local user accounts: 2,048• Maximum local groups: 256• Maximum shared folders: 256• Maximum concurrent SMB/NFS/AFP/FTP connections: 200Privilege Windows Access Control List (ACL), application privilegeDirectory service Windows® AD integration: Domain users login via SMB/NFS/AFP/FTP/File Station, LDAP integrationSecurity Firewall, encrypted shared folder, SMB encryption, FTP over SSL/TLS, SFTP, rsync over SSH, login auto block, Let's Encrypt support, HTTPS (Customizable cipher suite)Supported client Windows 7 and 10, Mac OS X® 10.11 onwardsSupported browser Chrome®, Firefox®, Internet Explorer® 10 onwards, Safari® 10 onwards; Safari (iOS 10 onwards), Chrome (Android™ 6.0 onwards)Interface Language English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Dansk, Norsk, Svensk, Nederlands, Русский, Polski, Magyar, Português do Brasil, Português Europeu, Türkçe, Český,Packages and ApplicationsFile Station Virtual drive, remote folder, Windows ACL editor, compressing/extracting archived files, bandwidth control for specific users or groups, creating sharing links, transfer logsFTP Server Bandwidth control for TCP connections, custom FTP passive port range, anonymous FTP, FTP SSL/TLS, and SFTP protocol, boot over the network with TFTP and PXE support, transfer logsUniversal Search Offer global search into applications and filesHyper Backup Support local backup, network backup, and backup data to public clouds Active Backup for Server Centralize data backup for Windows and Linux servers without client installationBackup tools DSM configuration backup, macOS Time Machine support, Cloud Station Backup Shared folder sync - maximum tasks: 4Cloud Station Suite Sync data between multiple platforms by installing the client utilities on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS devices, while retaining up to 32 historical versions of filesMaximum concurrent file transfers: 200Cloud Sync One or two-way synchronization with public cloud storage providers including Amazon Drive, Amazon S3-compatible storage, Baidu cloud, Box, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, hubiC, MegaDisk, Microsoft OneDrive, OpenStack Swift-compatible storage, WebDAV servers, Yandex DiskSurveillance Station Maximum IP cameras: 25 (total of 750 FPS at 720p, H.264) (includes two free camera licenses; additional cameras require the purchasing of additional licenses)Snapshot Replication • Maximum replications: 64• Maximum shared folder snapshots: 1,024• Maximum system snapshots: 65,536Active Directory Server A flexible and cost-effective domain controller solutionVPN Server Maximum connections: 20, supported VPN protocols: PPTP, OpenVPN™, L2TP/IPSecMailPlus Server Secure, reliable, and private mail solution with high-availability, load balancing, security and filtering design (Includes 5 free email account licenses; additional accounts require the purchasing of additional licenses)MailPlus Intuitive webmail interface for MailPlus Server, customizable mail labels, filters, and user interfaceCollaboration tools • Chat maximum users: 1,000• Office maximum users: 200, maximum simultaneous editing users: 60• Calendar: support CalDAV and access via mobile devicesNote Station Rich-text note organization and versioning, encryption, sharing, media embedding and attachmentsStorage Analyzer Volume and quota usage, total size of files, volume usage and trends based on past usage, size of shared folders, largest/most/least frequently modified filesAntivirus Essential Full system scan, scheduled scan, white list customization, virus definition auto updateDownload Station Supported download protocols: BT, HTTP, FTP, NZB, eMule, Thunder, FlashGet, QQDL Maximum concurrent download tasks: 80Web Station Virtual host (up to 30 websites), PHP/MariaDB®, 3rd-party applications supportSYNOLOGY INC.Synology is dedicated to taking full advantage of the latest technologies to bring businesses and home users reliable and affordable ways to centralize data storage, simplify data backup, share and sync files across different platforms, and access data on-the-go. Synology aims to deliver products with forward-thinking features and the best in class customer services.Copyright © 2017, Synology Inc. All rights reserved. Synology, the Synology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Synology Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Synology may make changes to specification and product descriptions at anytime, without notice.DS418play-2017-ENU-REV002Headqu artersSynology Inc. 3F-3, No. 106, Chang An W. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2552 1814 Fax: +886 2 2552 1824ChinaSynology Shanghai 200070, Room 516, No. 638 Hengfeng Rd., Zhabei Dist. Shanghai, ChinaUnited KingdomSynology UK Ltd.Unit C, Denbigh WestBusiness Park, Third AvenueBletchley, Milton KeynesMK1 1DH, UKTel: +44 1908 366380GermanySynology GmbHGrafenberger Allee125 40237 DüsseldorfDeutschlandTel: +49 211 9666 9666North & South AmericaSynology America Corp.3535 Factoria Blvd SE #200Bellevue, WA 98006, USATel: +1 425 818 1587FranceSynology France SARL39 rue Louis Blanc, 92400Courbevoie, FranceTel: +33 147 176288Other packages Video Station, Photo Station, Audio Station, DNS Server, RADIUS Server, iTunes® Server, Log Center, additional 3rd-party packages are available on Package CenteriOS/Android™ applications DS audio, DS cam, DS cloud, DS file, DS finder, DS get, DS note, DS photo, DS video, MailPlus Windows Phone® applications DS audio, DS file, DS finder, DS get, DS photo, DS videoEnvironment and PackagingEnvironment safety RoHS compliantPackage content • DS418play main unit x 1• Quick Installation Guide x 1• Accessory pack x 1• AC power adapter x 1• RJ-45 LAN cable x 2Optional accessories • D3NS1866L-4G• VisualStation VS360HD, VS960HD • Surveillance Device License Pack • MailPlus License PackWarranty 2 years*Model specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for the latest information.1. Performance figures may vary depending on environment, usage, and configuration.2. DS418play can transcode 4K video to 1080p or lower. The maximum number of concurrent video transcoding channels supported may vary depending on the video codec,resolution, bitrate and FPS.3. exFAT Access is purchased separately in Package Center.。



















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主题:Catapult HLS软件破解内容:1. 介绍Catapult HLS软件Catapult HLS是一款用于高层次综合(High-Level Synthesis,HLS)的工具,可以将C/C++代码转换为硬件描述语言(HDL)代码,帮助工程师加速FPGA设计过程。


2. Catapult HLS软件的功能和优点Catapult HLS软件具有以下功能和优点:- 高度灵活:支持C/C++代码到HDL代码的转换,能够快速生成硬件描述语言。

- 性能优化:能够将性能高、面积小的硬件结构自动生成,提升FPGA 设计的效率和性能。

- 易于部署:能够与常见的EDA工具集成,便于工程师在FPGA设计流程中使用。

- 支持多种应用领域:适用于通信、图像处理、人工智能等多个领域的FPGA设计。

3. Catapult HLS软件的破解现象近年来,一些不法分子在互联网上出现了大量Catapult HLS软件的破解版本。

这些破解版本使用非法手段,绕过软件的授权验证机制,使得用户可以免费获取Catapult HLS软件的完整功能。

4. Catapult HLS软件破解的危害Catapult HLS软件的破解现象对FPGA设计领域和整个电子信息行业造成了严重的危害,主要体现在以下几个方面:- 侵犯知识产权:软件破解行为严重侵犯了Catapult HLS软件的知识产权,损害了软件开发商的合法权益。

- 安全风险:破解软件可能存在植入恶意代码、木马等安全风险,给用户带来损失。

- 法律风险:使用盗版软件可能违反本国家的版权法和商标法,存在法律风险和责任。

5. 对Catapult HLS软件破解行为的态度作为电子信息行业的从业者和爱好者,我们应该对Catapult HLS软件的破解行为持坚决反对的态度。

我们应该:- 尊重知识产权:尊重软件开发商的知识产权,支持合法软件的使用和销售。

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"Failed to initialize hardware acceleration" 错误通常出现在使用图形或视频处理软件时,这可能是由于图形硬件加速的问题导致的。

1. 更新显卡驱动:


2. 检查图形硬件加速设置:


3. 检查操作系统更新:


4. 禁用或更改硬件加速选项:


5. 检查硬件兼容性:


6. 重启计算机:

7. 联系技术支持:



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年平均annual average锁定 blocking年平均风速 annual average wind speed制动器 brake年最高 annual maximum黑体 black body空气湿度 air humidity叶片 blade绝对湿度 absolute humidity叶片损失blade losses可利用率 availability制动系统 braking气动弦线 aerodynamic chord of airfoil制动机构 brake mechanism叶片展弦比 aspect ratio制动器释放 braking releasing叶片几何攻角 angle of attack of blade制动器闭合 brake setting年发电量 annual energy production刹车盘 brake disc精度 accuracy闸垫 brake pad可利用率 availability刹车油 brake fluid视在声功率级apparent sound powerlevel闸衬片 brake lining声的基准风速acoustic reference windspeed字节 byte平均噪声 average noise level位bit空气制动系 air braking system波特 baud辅助装置 auxiliary device等电位连接带 bonding bar齿轮的变位addendum modification ongears等电位连接导体 bonding conductor 告警 alarm硬母线固定金具 bus-bar support模拟信号 analog signal母线间隔垫bus-bar separetor地址 address母线伸缩节 bus-bar expansion模拟控制 analogue control球头挂环 ball-eye模拟盘 analogue board球头挂钩 ball-hook临界功率activation power 交流电动机的最初起动电流breakaway starting current if an a.c.衰减 attenuation击穿 breakdown交流电压 alternating voltage母线 busbar交流电流 alternating current基准误差 basic error 有功功率 active power有功电流 active current放大器 amplifier辅助电路 auxiliary circuit验收试验 acceptance test加速 accelerating有效性 availability加速试验 accelerated test透气性 air permeability自耦变压器 auto-transformer交流电机 alternating current machine异步电机 asynchronous machine老化试验 ageing tests灭弧装置 arc-control device年变化 annual variation年最高日平均温度annual extreme daily mean of temperature海拔 altitude环境温度 ambient temperature年发电量 annual energy production视在声功率级apparent sound power level声的基准面风速acoustic reference wind speed翼型 airfoil风轮空气动力特性aerodynamic characteristics of rotor主动偏航active yawing异步电机 asynchronous generator轴向齿距 axial pitch加速度幅值 acceleration amplitude幅值 amplitude确认 acknowledgement临界转速 activation rotational speed接闪器 air-termination system可调钳 adjustable pliers调整板 adjusting plate切入风速 cut-in speed直流电压 direct voltage切出风速 cut-out speed直流电流 direct current等截面叶片 constant chord blade设计和安全参数 design situation 弯度函数 curvature function of airfoil设计工况 design situation度电成本cost per kilowatt hour of theelectricity generated by WTGS设计极限 design limits笼型 cage下风向down wind换向器 commutator日变化 diurnal variation集电环 collector ring日平均值 daily mean换向片 commutator segment露 dew中心距 center distance直接太阳辐射 direct solar radiation 圆柱齿轮 cylindrical gear日变化 diurnal variations圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash距离常数 distance constant联轴器 coupling指向性 directivity中心轮 center gear弯度 degree of curvature扭转刚度系数 coefficient of torsional阻力系数 drag coefficient牙嵌式联接 castellated coupling数据组 data set临界阻尼 critical damping距离常数 distance constant计量值counted measured meteredmeasured metered reading指向性 directivity命令 command泻油 drain代码 code主动齿轮 driving, gear集中控制 centralized control从动齿轮 driven gear控制台 control desk直径和半径 diameter and radius控制柜 control cabinet人字齿轮 double-helical gear排除故障 clearance齿啮式联接 dynamic coupling共用接地系统 common earthing system阻尼系数 damping coefficient控制装置 control device阻尼比 damping ratio导电性 conductivity位移幅值displacement amplitude 导体 conductor双工传输 duplex transmission电容 capacitance 数据终端设备data terminal equipment线圈 coil数据电路 data circuit 电容器 capacitor译码 decode变流器 converter数字控制 digital control 触头 contact指示灯 display lamp控制设备 control gear数据库data base闭合电路 closed circuit引下线 down-conductor联结 connection阻尼 damping控制电路 control circuit畸变 distortion换向 commutation三角形联结 delta connection换接 change-over circuit负载比 duty ratio特性 characteristic耐久性 durability投运试验 commissioning test干式变压器 dry-type transformer 特性曲线 characteristic配电电器 distributing apparatus 控制电器 control apparatus直流电机 direct current machine 断路器 circuit breaker防尘 dust-protected控制器 controller防振锤 damper接触器 contactor双卡头 double clamp保护电容器 capacitor for voltage protection 数据组功率特性测试data set for power performance measurement腐蚀 corrosion介质试验 dielectric test 金属腐蚀 corrosion of metals化学腐蚀 chemical corrosion挂板 clevis重锤 counter weight耐腐试验 corrosion resistance tests夹线器 conductor holder卡线钳 conductor clamp电缆剪 cable cutter控制系统 control system严重故障 catastrophic failure气候 climate复杂地形带 complex terrain复杂地形地带 complex terrain持续运行 continuous operation紧急关机emergency shutdown for windturbine风速频率 frequency of wind speed外部条件 external conditions冻雨 freezing rain极端风速 extreme wind speed自由流风速 free stream wind speed环境 environment顺浆 feathering极端 extreme独立式塔架 free stand tower极端最高 extreme maximum自由流风速 free stream wind speed外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve气流畸变 flow distortion外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve齿宽 face width机组效率efficiency of WTGS柔性齿轮 flexible gear励磁响应 excitation response柔性滚动轴承 flexible rolling bearing 紧急制动系 emergency braking system弯曲刚度 flexural rigidity电磁制动系 electromagnetic braking system前置机 front end processor外齿轮external gear失效 failure啮合 engagement, mesh故障 fault弹性联接 elastic coupling失效-安全 fail-safe设备故障信息 equipment failure information外联机试验 field test with turbine编码 encode基础接地体 foundation earth electrode紧急停车按钮 emergency stop push-button 持续运行的闪变系数flicker coefficient for continuous operation外部条件 external conditions闪变阶跃系数 flicker step factor外部动力源 external power supply频率 frequency外部防雷系统external lighting protectionsystem变频器 frequency converter等电位连接 equipotential bonding现场可靠性试验 field reliability test 接地装置 earth-termination system安全性 fail safe接地线 earth conductor故障接地 fault earthing接地体 earth electrode万向套筒扳手 flexible pliers接地基准点 earthing reference points闪烙 flashover电electricity满载 full load电的 electric气流畸变 flow distortion静电学 electrostatics雾 fog电荷 electric charge颤振flutter电流 electric current闪变 flicker电磁感应 electromagnetic induction滤波器 filter励磁 excitation现场数据 field data电路 electric circuit电气元件 electrical device电极 electrode接地电路 earthed circuit电能转换器 electric energy transducer 电机 electric machine耦合器 electric coupling效率 efficiency环境条件 environment condition耐久性试验 endurance test放电 electrical discharge电线电缆 electric wire and cable电气寿命 electrical endurance旋转电机 electrical rotating machine 励磁机 exciter接地开关 earthing switch触电;电击 electric block地 earth电触头 electrical contact阵风影响 gust influence轮毂(风力发电机) hub (for wind turbine)雨淞 glaze 水平轴风力发电机horizontal axis wind turbine温室效应 greenhouse effect轮毂高度 hub height掠射角 grazing angle冰雹 hail几何弦长 geometric chord of airfoil轮毂高度 hub height掠射角 grazing angle液压制动系 hydraulic braking system齿轮泵 gear pump液压过滤器 hydraulic filter齿轮马达 gear motor液压泵hydraulic pump齿轮gear液压系统 hydraulic system齿轮副gear pair液压油hydraulic fluid平行轴齿轮副 gear pair with parallel axes液压马达hydraulic motor变位齿轮 gears with addendum modification斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear single-helical gear 发电机 generator斜齿轮 helical gear均压环 grading ring硬件 hardware线卡子 guy clip硬件平台 hardware platform阵风gust谐波 harmonics拉索式塔架 guyed tower吊架 hanger大齿轮 wheel , gear挂钩 hook液压缸 hydraulic cylinder半双工传输 half-duplex transmission空转 idling调线线夹 jumper clamp极限状态 limit state风切变影响 influence by the wind shear潜伏故障 latent fault dormant failure室内气候 indoor climate 对数风切变律logarithmic wind shear law互联 interconnection升力系数 lift coefficient塔影响效应 influence by the tower shadow就地控制 local control感应电机 induction generator限位开关 limit switch内齿轮internal限速开关 limit speed switch内齿轮副 internal gear pair层 layer level class固定联接 integrated coupling低压电器 low voltage apparatus接口 interface防雷系统 lighting protection system 信息 information防雷区 lighting protection zone累积值 integrated total integrated value雷电流 lighting current瞬时测值 instantaneous measured限流电路 limited current circuit内部防雷系统internal lighting protectionsystem负载特性 load characteristic电感 inductance负载load阻抗 impedance极限值 limiting value瞬时功率 instantaneous power泄漏电流 leakage current绝缘子 insulator锁定装置 locking device绝缘套管 insulating bushing前缘 leading edge电感器 inductor载荷状况 load case逆变器 inverter叶片长度 length of blade输入功率 input power损耗 loss输入 input寿命 life绝缘物 insulant寿命试验 life test绝缘 insulation挂环 link绝缘电阻 insulation resistance绝缘比 insulation ratio感应电机 induction machine检修接地 inspection earthing重复接地 iterative earth绝缘手套 insulating glove绝缘靴 insulating boots湍流惯性负区 inertial sub-range输入角 input shaft联锁装置 interlocker空转 idling瞬时值 instantaneous value阻抗电压 impedance voltage冲击动载荷试验 impulse load tests测量参数 measurement parameters正常关机 normal shutdown for wind turbine 测量位置 measurement seat电网连接点 network connection point最大风速 maximum wind speed静电功率输出 net electric power output月平均温度 mean monthly temperature叶片数 number of blades平均海平面 mean sea level净电功率输出 net electric power output最大功率 maximum power正常制动系 normal braking system测量功率曲线measurement powercurve非工作齿面non-working flank分组方法 method of bins齿数 number of teeth测量周期 measurement period法向齿距 normal pitch测量扇区 measurement sector正常关机 normal shutdown风轮最高转速maximum turning speed of rotor 电网阻抗相角network impedance phase angle平均几何弦长 mean geometric of airfoil正常运行 normal operation 中弧线 mean line正常状态 normal condition 分组方法 method of bins空载 no-load测量周期 measurement period空载运行 no-load operation 测量功率曲线 measured power curve中性点 neutral point测量扇区 measurement sector噪声 noise比恩法 method of bins空载电流 non-load current 最大力矩系数maximum torquecoefficient固有频率 natural frequency 机械制动系 mechanical braking system机舱 nacelle模数 module整流罩 nose cone啮合干涉 meshing interference调制解调器 modulator-demodulator监视信息 monitored information微机程控 minicomputer program模型 model最大转速 maximum rotational speed最大功率 maximum power最大允许功率 maximum permitted最大测量功率maximum measuredpower风力发电机最大功率maximum powerof wind turbine主电路 main circuit维护试验 maintenance test维修 maintenance平均寿命 mean life主触头 main contact机械寿命 mechanical endurance空载最大加速度maximum bare table acceletation平均风速mean wind speed电动机 motor海洋性气候 ocean climate停机 parking品质因数 quality factor 大陆性气候 continental climate停机制动 parking brake露天气候 open-air climate保护系统 protection system工作环境 operational environment瑞利分布RayLeigh distribution输出功率output power风切变幂律 power law for wind shear障碍物 obstacles降水 precipitation迎风机构orientation mechanism电力汇集系统 power collection system风力发电机组输出特性output characteristicof WTGS功率特性power performance油冷却器 oil cooler功率系数 power performance油封oil seal叶片投影面积 projected area of blade输出角 output shaft浆距角 pitch angle输出联接 output coupling被动偏航 passive yawing滑块联接 Oldham coupling功率特性 power performance有载指示器on-load indicator功率系数 power coefficient过电压保护 over-voltage protection压力控制器pressure control valve过电流保护 over-current protection压力继电器pressure switch断相保护 open-phase protection压力表pressure gauge运行管理 operation management行星齿轮系 planetary gear train运行转速范围operating rotational speedrange小齿轮 pinion过载功率 over power行星齿轮 planet gear振荡oscillation行星架 planet carrier振荡器oscillator节点 pitch point断开电路 open circuit节圆pitch circle输出 output 齿廓修行profile modification,profile correction有载运行 on-load operation压力角 pressure angle 开路运行 open-circuit operation齿距 pitch过电压 over-voltage柱销pin过电流 over-current 行星齿轮传动机构planetary gear drive mechanism工况 operating condition周期振动 periodic vibration工作时间 operating time峰值 peak value油浸式变压器 oil-immersed type transformer协议 protocol开路特性 open-circuit characteristic可编程序控制 programmable control 一对一控制方式 one-to-one control mode公共供电点 point of common coupling过电流保护装置 over-current protective device一次电流 primary current一次电压 primary voltage保护等级 protection lever风力发电机停机 parked wind turbine周期 period相位 phase脉动电压 pulsating voltage脉动电流 pulsating current功率因数 power factor光电器件 photoelectric device并联 parallel connection保护电路 protective circuit维护 preventive maintenance耐电压 proof voltage电力电缆 power cable护目镜 protection spectacles保护继电器 protective relay保护接地 protective earthing防溅protected against splashing防滴 protected against dropping water防浸水protected against the effects ofimmersion功率采集系统 power collection system浆距角 pitch angle额 rated condition常 routine test额rated voltage额 rated current额rated frequency可 reliability修 repair time可 reliability d 电 reactance voltage 电 resistance voltage 熔 fuse额 rated load torque 残 residual current棘 ratchet spanner补 repair sleeve漏 residual curren 叶 root of blade额 rated power额 rated tip-sp 粗 roughness length风轮转速 rotor speed支撑结构 support structure for wind turbine 旋转采样风矢量rotationally sampled windvelocity关机 shutdown for wind turbine额定风速 rated wind speed静止 standstill参考风速reference wind speed使用极限状态 serviceability limit states相对湿度 relative humidity安全寿命 safe life雨 rain安全风速 survival wind speed霜淞 rime标准大气状态 standard atmospheric state 辐射通量 radiant flux盐雾 salt fog风轮直径 rotor diameter雪载 snow load风轮扫掠面积 rotor swept area标准大气压 standard air pressure基准高度 reference height太阳辐射 solar radiation基准粗糙长度 reference roughness length天空辐射 sky radiation基准距离 reference distance太阳常数 solar constant风轮额定转速 rated turning speed of rotor太阳光谱 solar spectrum风轮尾流 rotor wake表面温度 surface temperature风轮实度 rotor solidity风场电器设备 site electrical facilities翼型相对厚度 relative thickness of airfoil扫掠面积 swept area叶片根梢比ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord声压级 sound pressure level调速机构 regulating mechanism标准风速 standardized wind speed风轮偏测式调速机构regulating mechanismof turning wind rotor out of the wind实度损失 solidity losses变浆距调速机构regulating mechanism byadjusting the pitch of blade叶片安装角setting angle of blade基准高度 reference height阻尼板spoiling flap基准粗糙长度 reference roughness滑动制动器sliding shoes基准距离 reference distance扫掠面积swept area风能利用系数 rotor power coefficient声压级 sound pressure level额定力矩系数 rated torque coefficient标准风速 standardized wind speed过载度 ratio of over load标准误差 standard uncertainty调节特性 regulating characteristics起动力矩系数starting torque coefficient溢流阀 relief valve减压阀reducing valve同步电机 synchronous generator旋转接头rotating union使用寿命 service life内齿圈 ring gear转差率 slip齿根圆 root circle电磁阀solenoid刚性联轴器 rigid coupling安全阀 safety valve柱销套roller设定压力setting pressure刚性齿轮 rigidity gear切换switching刚度 rigidity太阳轮 sun gear刚性联接 rigid coupling增速齿轮副 speed increasing gear径向销联接 radial pin coupling增速齿轮系 speed increasing gear train随机振动 random vibration增速比 speed increasing ratio实时 real time直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear运输终端 remote terminal unit安全联轴器 security coupling返回信息 return information起动力矩 starting torque响应时间 response time花键式联接 splined coupling额定工作电压 rated operational voltage单向传输 simplex transmission额定工作电流 rated operational current状态信息 state information冗余技术 redundancy设定值 set point value环形接地体 ring earth external信号 signal额定现在功率 rated apparent power强电控制 strong current control额定电流 rated current配电盘 switch board额定无功功率 rated reactive power屏幕显示 screen display额定载荷 rated load起动信号 starting signal共振 resonance软件 software辐射radiation软件平台 software platform电阻率 resistivity系统软件 system software电阻 resistance二次电流 secondary current电抗 reactance二次电压 secondary voltage无功功率 reactive power安全方案 safety concept无功电流 reactive current短时切出风速 short-term cut-out wind speed 接地电阻 resistance of an earthed conductor电涌保护器 surge suppressor继电器 relay起动 start-up整流器 rectifier切换运行 switching operation额定值 rated value安全系统 safety system额定 rating同步 synchronism额定工况 rated condition半导体 semiconductor常规试验 routine test串联电路 series circuit额定电压rated voltage相序 sequential order of the phase额定电流 rated current螺纹管 solenoid额定频率rated frequency传感器 sensor可靠性 reliability半导体器件 semiconductor修复时间 repair time开关设备 switchgear可靠性测定试验 reliability determination test通断 switching电抗电压 reactance voltage串联 series connection电阻电压 resistance voltage星形联结 star connection熔断器 fuse信号电路 signal circuit额定转矩 rated load torque短路运行 short-circuit operation残余电流 residual current短路 short circuit棘轮扳手 ratchet spanner安全带 safety belt补修管 repair sleeve缝焊机 seam welding machine漏电断路器 residual current circuit-breaker抽样试验 sampling test叶根 root of blade短路电流 short circuit current额定功率 rated power待命时间 standby time额定叶尖速度比 rated tip-speed ratio应力 stress粗糙长度 roughness length强度 strength开关 switch同步电机 synchronous machine饱和特性 saturation characteristic短路特性 short-circuit characteristic规定的最初起动转矩 specifies breakaway torque转差率 slip短路比 short-circuit ratio同步系数 synchronous coefficient系统system跨步电压 step voltage触电电流 shock current安全阻抗 safety impedance安全距离safety distance安全标志 safety marking安全色 safety color中性点有效接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral安全隔离变压器 safety isolating transformer避雷器 surge attester ; lightning arrester安全开关 safety switch点腐蚀 spot corrosion贮存 storage贮存条件 storage condition悬垂线夹 suspension clamp耐张线夹 strain clampU型挂环 shackle接续管 splicing sleeve屏蔽环 shielding ring间隔棒 spacer专用扳手 special purpose spanner单卡头 single clamp安全帽 safety helmet使用条件 service condition同步转速 synchronous speed单级行星齿轮系 single planetary gear train湍流强度 turbulence intensity极限限制状态 ultimate limit state湍流尺度参数turbulence scale parameter最大极限状态 ultimate limit state雷暴 thunderstorm上风向 up wind试验场地 test site测量误差 uncertainty in measurement 音值 tonality解缆 untwist风轮仰角 tilt angle of rotor shaft测量误差 uncertainty in measurement 叶尖tip of blade万向联轴器 universal coupling叶尖速度 tip speed单元控制 unit control后缘tailing edge欠电压 under-voltage翼型厚度 thickness of airfoil使用寿命 useful life厚度函数 thickness function of airfoil U型挂钩U-bolt翼型族 the family of airfoil叶片扭角 twist of blade叶尖损失tip losses叶尖速度比 tip-speed ratio推或拉力系数 thrust coefficient塔架tower试验场地 test site音值 tonality力矩系数 torque coefficient瞬态电流 transient rotor传动比 transmission ratio齿轮系 train of gears齿面 tooth flank齿顶圆 tip circle齿厚 tooth thickness齿 tooth齿槽 tooth space齿高 tooth depth扭转刚度 torsional rigidity传动误差 transmission error传动精度 transmission accuracy远程监视 telemonitoring分接头位置信息 tap position information自由脱扣 trip-free试验台 test-bed台架试验 test on bed扰动强度 turbulence intensity传递比 transfer ratio接线端子 terminal变压器 transformer试验数据 test data通信电缆 telecommunication cable有载调压变压器transformer fitted with OLTC分接 tapping运输条件 transportation condition接触电压 touch voltage牵引板 towing plate花篮螺栓 turn buckle心形环 thimble设备线夹 terminal connectorT形线夹 T-connector隔离 to isolate加载 to load充电 to charge放电 to discharge温升 temperature rise温度系数 temperature coefficient端电压 terminal voltage垂直轴风力发电机 vertical axis wind turbine风力发电机 wind turbine变截面叶片variable chord blade风电场 wind power station wind farm减震器 vibration isolator 风力发电机组wind turbine generator system WTGS振动频率 vibration frequency风特性wind characteristic速度幅值 velocity amplitude风速 wind speed电压变化系数 voltage change factor风矢量 wind velocity电压降 voltage drop风速分布 wind speed distribution电压 voltage威布尔分布 Weibull distribution对地电压 voltage to earth风切变 wind shear振动 vibration风廓线风切变律 wind profile wind shear law 外光检查 visual ins风切变指数wind shear exponent振动试验 vibration tests风场 wind site风功率密度 wind power density风能密度 wind energy density风能 wind energy白体 white body风障 wind break声级weighted sound pressure level;soundlevel风轮 wind rotor尾流损失 wake losses风障 wind break声级 weighted sound pressure level绕线转子 wound rotor绕组系数 winding factor工作齿面 working flank蜗杆 worm蜗轮 worm wheel电控制 weak current control风力发电机端口 wind turbine terminals波 wave绕组 winding工作接地 working earthing偏航 yawing偏航 yawing偏航驱动 yawing driven风轮偏航角 yawing angle of rotor shaft 联板 yoke plate。



关于交通方式改变的四级英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Changes in Transportation MethodsTransportation plays a crucial role in our daily lives, enabling people to travel from one place to another efficiently. Over the years, there have been significant changes in transportation methods, driven by advancements in technology, environmental concerns, and changing lifestyles. In this essay, we will explore how transportation methods have evolved over time and discuss the impacts of these changes on society.One of the most noticeable changes in transportation methods is the shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly options. With increasing awareness of climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, there has been a growing interest in alternatives to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Electric cars, bicycles, and public transportation systems have become popular choices for people looking to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. Thesesustainable transportation options not only help to reduce air pollution but also promote a healthier lifestyle for individuals.Advancements in technology have also played a significant role in transforming transportation methods. The development of autonomous vehicles, ride-sharing services, and transportation apps has revolutionized the way people travel. These innovations have made transportation more convenient, accessible, and efficient, allowing people to move around cities more easily and safely. For example, ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have made it easier for people to get around without owning a car, while transportation apps providereal-time information on public transportation schedules and routes.Another key trend in transportation is the rise of alternative modes of transportation, such as micro-mobility options like electric scooters and electric bicycles. These small, portable vehicles have become popular choices for short trips within cities, offering a convenient and eco-friendly way to travel. Additionally, the emergence of bike-sharing and scooter-sharing services has made it easier for people to access these vehicles without having to own them, further promoting sustainable transportation options.Changes in transportation methods have had a profound impact on society, affecting how people live, work, and interact with their environment. One of the major benefits of these changes is the reduction of traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas. By encouraging the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking, cities can reduce the number of cars on the road and improve air quality for residents. Additionally, sustainable transportation options can help to promote a healthier lifestyle by encouraging physical activity and reducing the reliance on cars for transportation.In conclusion, the changes in transportation methods have brought about positive benefits for society, including a focus on sustainability, advancements in technology, and the rise of alternative modes of transportation. As we continue to see these trends evolve, it is important for policymakers, urban planners, and individuals to embrace these changes and work towards creating a more sustainable and efficient transportation system for the future. By promoting sustainable transportation options, investing in technology-driven solutions, and supporting alternative modes of transportation, we can create a more inclusive and environmentally friendly transportation system for all.篇2The Way Transportation has ChangedTransportation plays a vital role in our daily lives. It allows us to travel from one place to another quickly and conveniently. Over the years, the way people get around has changed significantly, thanks to advancements in technology and shifts in societal preferences. In this essay, we will explore the changes in transportation methods and their impact on society.One of the most significant changes in transportation has been the rise of electric vehicles. With concerns about climate change and air pollution on the rise, many people are turning to electric cars as a more environmentally friendly option. Electric vehicles are not only better for the environment, but they also offer lower operating costs and reduced dependence on fossil fuels. As a result, we have seen a growing number of electric cars on the roads, signaling a shift towards a more sustainable transportation system.Another major change in transportation has been the advent of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. These services have revolutionized the way people travel, making it easier and more affordable to get around without owning a car. By simplytapping a few buttons on their smartphones, users can hail a ride from anywhere, anytime. This convenience has led to a decline in car ownership in urban areas, as more people opt to rely on ride-sharing services for their transportation needs.Public transportation has also undergone significant changes in recent years. Many cities have invested in improving their public transportation systems by introducing features such as real-time tracking, contactless payment options, and electric buses. These advancements have made public transportation more convenient and attractive to commuters, leading to an increase in ridership in some areas. Additionally, initiatives like bike-sharing programs and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure have encouraged people to choose alternative modes of transportation, reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated changes in transportation habits. With restrictions on travel and social distancing measures in place, many people have turned to walking and cycling as their primary modes of transportation. This shift has led to a surge in demand for bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly streets, as cities adapt to accommodate the increased number of cyclists and pedestrians. The pandemic hasalso spurred interest in telecommuting and remote work, leading to a potential long-term reduction in the need for traditional commuting methods.In conclusion, transportation has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and shifting consumer preferences. The rise of electric vehicles, the popularity of ride-sharing services, and the improvements in public transportation have all contributed to a more diverse and sustainable transportation system. As we continue to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of transportation, it is important to prioritize accessibility, efficiency, and sustainability in order to create a more connected and livable society.篇3Title: Changes in Transportation ModesWith the rapid development of technology and the increasing demand for convenience, transportation modes have undergone significant changes in recent years. From traditional methods such as walking and horse-drawn carriages to modern inventions like cars, trains, and planes, the way we get around has evolved dramatically.One of the most noticeable changes in transportation modes is the rise of electric vehicles. With concerns about climate change and the environmental impact of fossil fuels, many people are turning to electric cars as a more sustainable option. These vehicles are not only better for the environment but also cheaper to operate in the long run. In addition, advancements in battery technology have made electric cars more practical and reliable for everyday use.Another major shift in transportation modes is the increasing popularity of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. Instead of owning a car, many people now prefer to use these services for their daily commutes or occasional trips. This has led to a decrease in individual car ownership and a reduction in traffic congestion in many cities. Ride-sharing also provides a more flexible and affordable option for those who don't want the hassle of owning a car.Furthermore, the development of high-speed rail networks has revolutionized long-distance travel. In countries like China and Japan, bullet trains can transport passengers quickly and comfortably between major cities, reducing the need for air travel. These trains are not only faster but also moreenergy-efficient and eco-friendly compared to planes. As a result,more and more people are choosing to travel by train for both business and leisure purposes.In addition to these changes, the rise of autonomous vehicles promises to revolutionize transportation even further in the coming years. Self-driving cars have the potential to make roads safer, reduce traffic accidents, and improve overall traffic flow. They could also make transportation more accessible for the elderly or disabled who may have difficulty driving themselves. While there are still challenges to overcome, such as regulatory issues and public acceptance, autonomous vehicles are likely to play a significant role in the future of transportation.In conclusion, the way we travel is constantly evolving as new technologies and innovations emerge. From electric cars and ride-sharing services to high-speed trains and autonomous vehicles, the transportation landscape is changing rapidly. By embracing these changes and adopting new modes of transportation, we can create a more efficient, sustainable, and convenient way to get around in the modern world. Let's look forward to a future where our transportation options are safer, greener, and more connected than ever before.。











三、使用现有的加密算法库1. 调用现有的加密算法库在Halcon中,用户可以调用现有的加密算法库来实现数据加密。




2. 加密算法库的选择在选择加密算法库时,用户需要考虑加密算法的安全性和效率。



四、自行编写加密算法函数1. 加密算法的选择如果现有的加密算法库不能满足用户的需求,用户也可以自行编写加密算法函数。



2. 加密算法的实现在自行编写加密算法函数时,用户需要充分了解加密原理,并根据具体的需求选择合适的加密算法。






Alice选择一个私密数a,并计算A=(g^a) mod p,并将A发送给Bob;Bob也选择一个私密数b,并计算B=(g^b) mod p,并将B发送给Alice。

然后Alice计算B^a mod p得到相同的密钥,Bob也计算A^b mod p得到相同的密钥。


2.算法流程:(1)选择一个大素数p和一个原根g作为公开参数;(2)Alice选择一个私密数a,并计算A=(g^a) mod p,并将A发送给Bob;(3)Bob选择一个私密数b,并计算B=(g^b) mod p,并将B发送给Alice;(4)Alice计算B^a mod p得到相同的密钥;(5)Bob计算A^b mod p得到相同的密钥。

3.算法安全性:DH密钥协商算法的安全性基于数论中的离散对数问题,即找到一个整数x使得(g^x) mod p = A。










Manufacturer: National InstrumentsBoard Assembly Part Numbers (Refer to Procedure 1 for identification procedure): Part Number and Revision Description140050A-01L or later USB-8502(1 Port)140050A-02L or later USB-8502(2 Port with Sync)142889A-01L or later USB-8506(1 Port)142889A-02L or later USB-8506(2 Port with Sync)Volatile MemoryTarget Data Type Size Backup1Accessible Accessible ProcedureInstruction & data memory FPGAOn-chipMemory111KB/Port No No Yes Cycle Power Non-Volatile Memory (incl. Media Storage)Target Data Type Size BatteryBackupUserAccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureDevice configuration and info EEPROM 128 Kb No No Yes None 1 Refer to Terms and Definitions section for clarification of User and System AccessibleProceduresProcedure 1 – Board Assembly Part Number identification:To determine the Board Assembly Part Number and Revision, Open up the case of the USB module, look for a laser printed label on the top side of the PCB board, it should contain the part number and revision in the format of 14XXXXX-XXLTerms and DefinitionsCycle Power:The process of completely removing power from the device and its components and allowing for adequate discharge. This process includes a complete shutdown of the PC and/or chassis containing the device; a reboot is not sufficient for the completion of this process.Volatile Memory:Requires power to maintain the stored information. When power is removed from this memory, its contents are lost. This type of memory typically contains application specific data such as capture waveforms.Non-Volatile Memory:Power is not required to maintain the stored information. Device retains its contents when power is removed.This type of memory typically contains information necessary to boot, configure, or calibrate the product or may include device power up states.User Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable such that a user can store arbitrary information to the component from the host using a publicly distributed NI tool, such as a Driver API, the System Configuration API, or MAX. System Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable from the host without the need to physically alter the product. Clearing:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “clearing” is a logical technique to sanitize data in all User Accessible storage locations for protection against simple non-invasive data recovery techniques using the same interface available to the user; typically applied through the standard read and write commands to the storage device.Sanitization:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “sanitization” is a process to render access to “Target Data” on the media infeasible for a given level of effort. In this document, clearing is the degree of sanitization described.。

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HAIL:A HARDW ARE-ACCELERATED ALGORITHM FOR LANGUAGE IDENTIFICATION Charles M.Kastner,G.Adam Covington,Andrew A.Levine,John W.LockwoodApplied Research LaboratoryWashington University in St.LouisOne Brookings Drive,Campus Box1045St.Louis,MO63130-4899USAemail:{cmk2,gac1,aal1,lockwood}@/projects/fpx/reconfig.htmABSTRACTA hardware-accelerated algorithm has been designed to automatically identify the primary languages used in docu-ments transferred over the Internet.The algorithm has been implemented in hardware on the Field programmable port extender(FPX)platform.This system,referred to as the Hardware-Accelerated Identification of Languages(HAIL) project,identifies the primary languages used in content trans-ferred over Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)/Internet Protocol(IP)networks that operate at rates exceeding2.4 Gigabits/second.We demonstrate that this hardware accel-erated circuit,operating on a Xilinx XCV2000E-8FPGA, far outperforms software algorithms running on modern per-sonal computers while maintaining extremely high levels of accuracy.1.INTRODUCTIONAlthough modern microprocessors continue to increase in performance,they are not increasing in performance as fast as the rate of streaming Internet data.As the limits of Moore’s Law are reached,it is quite possible that the difference in performance improvements will increase further.Reconfigurable logic can process network traffic at rates much faster than what is achievable with microprocessor-based systems.Systems created from Field Programmable Gate Arrays(FPGAs)areflexible,as they can be easily mod-ified to provide new functionality.This paper presents the design of HAIL,a system imple-mented in FPGA hardware that classifies documents trav-elling across a network based on their language.The FPX implementation of HAIL is capable of identifying up to four This research was sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command,USAF,under Contract Number MDA972-03-9-0001.The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements,either expressed or implied,of AFRL or the U.S. nguages used in the same document,and can be programmed to recognize up to255different languages.Through exper-imentation,we will show that this implementation of HAIL is capable of processing data at OC48rates(2.488Giga-bits/second)while maintaining accuracy levels rivaling ex-isting language classification methods.1.1.MotivationAs of2004,nearly two-thirds of the world’s Internet users speak a language other than English as their primary lan-guage[1],and nearly one-third of the pages available on the World Wide Web are written in a language other than Eng-lish[2].As the rate that data is transferred over the Internet increases,the rapid identification of languages becomes a more difficult problem.A system capable of quickly identi-fying the primary language or languages used in documents can be useful as a preprocessor for document classification and translation services.It can also be used as a mechanism to winnow documents written in unwanted languages froma data stream.1.2.Related WorkSeveral methods can be used to classify document character-istics using principles from linguistics and artificial intelli-gence.Some existing methods of classifying documents use dictionary-building[3],Markov Models,tri-gram frequency vectors[4],and/or n-gram based text categorization[5,6]. While these methods are capable of achieving high degrees of accuracy,most requirefloating-point mathematics,large amounts of memory,and/or generous amounts of processing time.Commercial software applications have been developed that can identify a document’s language.One such tool is the Lextek Language Identifier[7],which can categorize a doc-ument into one of260different languages.Although Lex-tek is useful,it is computationally intensive,performs allHAIL: A Hardware-Accelerated Algorithm for Language Identification;by Charles M. Kastner, G. Adam Covington, Andrew A. Levine, John W. Lockwood;15th Annual Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL); August, 2005computations in software using a microprocessor,and can-not process data at the rates found on high-speed networks.2.ALGORITHMSome language-identification algorithms,including the al-gorithm implemented in HAIL,use n-grams to determine the language of a document.N-grams are sequential pat-terns of exactly n characters that are found in written docu-ments.By using n-grams as indicators of language,the pri-mary language or languages of a document can be reliably determined.HAIL could use any n-gram length,although experiments have shown that n-grams of length three(tri-grams)and length four(tetra-grams)provide the most accu-rate results.Prior to processing data with HAIL,the target system must be trained with information on various languages.This is accomplished by training on a set of documents in the lan-guages of interest;if an n-gram appears significantly more frequently in documents of one language than any other, it is associated with that language.After training has es-tablished which n-grams best correspond to particular lan-guages,memory modules on the hardware platform imple-menting HAIL must be programmed.This is performed by using a hash to map each n-gram to a particular memory location.The memory location that corresponds to a partic-ular n-gram is labelled with the associated language.Once data processing begins,n-grams are sampled from the data stream and used as addresses into memory to discern the language associated with the n-gram.2.1.N-gram ExtractionN-grams can be subsampled if memory bandwidth is small compared to that of the incoming data link.The subsam-pling scheme used by HAIL ignores n-grams that cross word boundaries,and extracts only those n-grams that begin on certain letter offsets within a word.For instance,if one memory access can be made for every two characters that arrive in the system,the n-grams that begin on a word’sfirst, third,fifth,etc.letters would be extracted.Likewise,if one memory access could be made for every three characters that arrive in the system,the n-grams that begin on each word’s first,fourth,seventh,etc.letters would be extracted.This subsampling scheme causes a given word to be processed in the same manner whenever it appears.When working with a single character set,several other optimizations can be made to reduce the amount of mem-ory needed to store n-grams.First,case conversion can be performed;in addition to reducing the amount of required memory,this practice allows n-grams to be identified con-sistently,regardless of the capitalization of individual letters. The amount of memory required can be reduced further by mapping accented characters(such as˜n and´e)to their non-accented forms(n and e).By using these two methods,the Latin alphabet can be compressed into twenty-seven char-acters(twenty-six letters plus a character representing a de-limiter)for use in HAIL.This allows each character to be represented withfive bits.As an example of HAIL’s operation,consider an im-plementation in which n-grams of length four(tetra-grams) are used,one memory access can be performed for every two characters that enter the system,and case conversion and accent mapping are performed.If the Spanish phrase Hablamos Espa˜n ol were passed into the system,HAIL would extract the tetra-grams HABL,BLAM,AMOS,ESPA,and PANO.From a statistical analysis,we found that the tetra-grams HABL,AMOS,and PANO are strong indicators of the Spanish language,while BLAM is a strong indicator of the English language.Since the count of Spanish tetra-grams exceeds that of English tetra-grams,this phrase could be cor-rectly classified as Spanish.We will show in Section4that HAIL provides a high level of accuracy for large numbers of languages and for documents of many sizes.2.2.CountingAs mentioned in Section1,our implementation of HAIL can tag packets andflows with up to four language IDs, while drawing from a pool of up to255different languages. To efficiently track which four of the255languages appear in the document,HAIL uses a trend register.HAIL im-plements four on-chip counters for language identification. The trend register determines which languages should uti-lize these counters.This trend register tracks successive n-grams from the same language.If several such n-grams arrive(three suc-cessive n-grams were found to be the optimal number),the corresponding language is granted use of one of the four lan-guage counters.Once a language is associated with one of these counters,any occurrence of a tetra-gram in that lan-guage increments the counter.Thus,up to four languages that establish trends within a given document are represented.3.IMPLEMENTATIONHAIL has been implemented on the Field-programmable Port Extender(FPX),an open hardware platform that allows circuits to be rapidly prototyped and implemented in recon-figurable hardware[8].The FPX is used extensively for the fast processing of streaming network data.Circuits developed for the FPX consist of VHDL speci-fied modules that include a common infrastructure as well as user-defined logic that performs customized content process-ing[9].FPX circuits exchange data over the network using a set of layered Internet Protocol wrappers[10].The Trans-mission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol wrappers allowFig.1.The FPX platform used to implement HAILthe FPX to directly process streaming TCP/IP network traf-ficflows in hardware[11].Once an application has been implemented for use on the FPX,a bitfile is uploaded to the hardware over a network.A Xilinx XCV2000E-8FPGA implements the user-defined logic on the FPX.A photograph of the FPX system is shown in Fig.1.The HAIL module runs on the large FPGA in the middle of the FPX circuit board.Information enters the HAIL system as IP packets trans-mitted across a network link.Documents sent across the link are split into one or more packets,which can arrive in the system interleaved with packets from other documents. Packets entering the systemfirst pass through an FPX mod-ule that performs TCP/IP stream assembly and protocol an-notation[11].This module maintains the state of each active network trafficflow in off-chip SDRAM,annotates packets withflow state information,and ensures that data entering the HAIL module is properly ordered.This implementation of HAIL also uses SDRAM to main-tain TCPflow context information.Each time that the sys-tem processes a packet of a TCPflow that has not yet termi-nated,intermediary language IDs and counters are stored in off-chip memory for retrieval when the next packet from the flow arrives.3.1.Engineering Trade-offsThe FPX is designed to accept four bytes of data per clock cycle.When processing streaming data on a high-speed net-work link,it is assumed that new data can arrive on every clock cycle.In order to reliably process all n-grams that ap-pear at every byte offset in a document,the system would need to be capable of performing four memory lookups per cycle.The Xilinx XCV2000E-8FPGA on the FPX contains 160small,single-cycle latency,dual-port memories called BlockRAMs.Each BlockRAM contains four kilobits of stor-age,providing a total of640kilobits of on-chip RAM.Al-though BlockRAMs have been used in other FPX circuits to efficiently perform string matching operations[12,13,14], HAIL must store more strings than couldfit into Block-RAM.The FPX platform is also equipped with a pair of two Megabyte,zero-bus turnaround(ZBT)SRAMs.Each of these memory devices can perform a single read or write operation during each clock cycle.By configuring the two SRAMs with identical dictionaries of n-grams,two parallel lookups can be performed per clock cycle.Since two n-gram lookups can be performed per clock cycle,and data enters the FPX at the rate of four bytes per clock cycle,only half of the n-grams in words of length greater than n can be looked up.Using the scheme described in section2.1,tetra-grams (n-grams with a length of four)can represent each character in the Latin alphabet withfive bits.Thus,a tetra-gram can be represented with twenty bits;since each SRAM on the FPX is two megabytes in size,every possible tetra-gram could fit into SRAM.Furthermore,we experimentally determined that tetra-grams performed approximately1.5%better than n-grams with a length of three,and significantly better than n-grams of other lengths.3.2.ArchitectureThe architecture of the HAIL system as implemented in the FPX is shown in Fig.2.It consists of eleven discrete com-ponents,which are pipelined to provide high throughput.A brief description of major components appears below.3.2.1.Tetra-gram GeneratorThis module processes bytes from the TCP data stream that represent letters in the extended ASCII character set.It con-verts all letters to their uppercase unaccented form,then compresses the letters into afive-bit format.The stream of letters is inserted into a shift register,and the circuit extracts tetra-grams that do not cross word boundaries and that begin on odd-numbered character offsets within a word.3.2.2.SRAM ReaderThis module uses tetra-grams as addresses into the SRAM dictionaries.Up to two lookups into the dictionaries are per-formed each clock cycle;the data returned from each lookup is an eight-bit language identifier,which is then passed to the count and score module described next.Fig.2.Block diagram of HAIL’s basic architecture3.2.3.Count and ScoreThis module uses the method described in Section2.2to track the trends of languages seen in tetra-grams.After processing the contents of a packet,the module annotates the packet data with its primary languages and passes the data to the TCP reserializer.Once the content of an entire TCPflow is analyzed,the module transmits information re-garding theflow’s language or languages to the report gen-erator described next.3.2.4.Report GeneratorHAIL records the source and destination IP addresses,source and destination ports,and the counters of the four primary languages used in a TCPflow.Upon termination of aflow, the report generator formats this data into a UDP packet and transmits it to a PC.3.2.5.SRAM ProgrammerCommunication between the FPX and external devices is performed via control packets transmitted over an IP net-work.In order to program dictionaries into SRAM and to set other options within HAIL,an external computer transmits formatted UDP/IP packets to the FPX.This module decodes the commands contained in the UDP packets and uses them to program the SRAM dictionaries.4.EXPERIMENTSWe performed several experiments in which the FPX imple-mentation of HAIL was compared to three other algorithms.A set of documents written in extended ASCII was obtained from the LDC corpora.This set contained documents writ-ten in Arabic,English[15],Dutch[16],French[17],Ger-man[18],Italian[19],Norwegian[20],and Spanish[21].For the experiments,we measured the accuracy of the algorithms as a function of the amount of training data.In each experiment,the number of words used for training was varied fromfive hundred tofive thousand words from each language of interest.The training documents were chosen at random from the set of documents in each language.Test sets in each experiment consisted of one hundred documents in each of the eight languages;testing data was chosen at random from the set of documents not used in training.Data presented is the average over ten runs of test-ing and training.The four algorithms used in the experiments are outlined below.HAIL:The algorithm outlined in this paper.Dictionary:All words found in the training data were associated with the respective language.Testing data was labelled as the language with the highest number of words in the document.Tetragrams:All sets of four letters that do not cross word boundaries were extracted from the training data.The probability that a tetra-gram identified a particular language was computed for all tetra-grams across all languages.AFig.3.Experimental results for language identification schemes using documents of one hundred words each.testing document was scored based on the sum of probabili-ties of the tetra-grams it contained.Damashek:This is an implementation of Damashek’s topic and language identification algorithm[5].Training was performed on n-grams of various lengths throughout a document,and n-grams were given scores based on their contribution to each language.Scores from the n-grams found in testing documents were used to compute the prob-ability that a document is written in a specific language.Experiments were run in which the average document size was varied from one hundred words to one thousand words.For document sizes offive hundred words or more, all four algorithms in consideration provided accuracy greater than99percent for training sets as small as one thousand words.For testing document sizes of one hundred words,the algorithm used in HAIL was over94percent accurate for training sets of one thousand words.However,when the number of training words grew tofive thousand,HAIL’s ac-curacy was nearly identical to that of the other algorithms. The results of this experiment are shown in Fig.3.4.1.Performance and Device UtilizationThe circuit implementing HAIL was placed and routed at90 MHz for the Xilinx XCV2000E-8found on the FPX board. As detailed in Table1,HAIL requires approximately one-quarter of the logic slices on the Xilinx XCV2000E-8.This figure also includes infrastructure for memory controllers and modules for communication between HAIL and exter-nal devices.The circuit implementing HAIL requires an overhead of30clock cycles per packet,during which data for the incom-ing packet’s TCPflow is retrieved from SDRAM.A typical TCP/IP packet contains40bytes of header data.Data en-ters the FPX four bytes at a time,so the40bytes of packet overhead consume10clock cycles of processing time.In total,each packet that enters the FPX implementation of HAIL utilizes40clock cycles to retrieveflow context andto process the header.For1500byte packets(the MTU on most Internet links), HAIL can process324Megabytes(2.5Gigabits)of payload data per second,a rate that exceeds the maximum through-put of a fully-utilized OC48link.For comparison,a program was written using an appli-cation programming interface(API)provided by Lextek[7],a company that provides a language identification tool.The API is accompanied byfiles that the provided functions useto identify the languages used in a document.The API al-lows the programmer to utilize multiple language identifi-cationfiles;however,the tool’s throughput decreases as the number of language identificationfiles increases.The program was executed on a PC containing an Athlon 643200+processor and one gigabyte of PC2100DDR SDRAM. The number of language identificationfiles used was varied from one to ten,and the software was run on4.5Megabytesof text.Measurements were taken only after the data had been loaded into memory.Table1.Device utilization for HAILXCV2000E-8Utilization Resources Utilization PercentageSlices5262out of1920027% 4-input LUTS7157out of3840014%Flip Flops5379out of3840018%Block RAMs88out of16055%The software utilizing Lextek had an average through-put of3.8Megabytes(30.4Megabits)per second when only one language identificationfile was open.As the number of thesefiles was increased to ten,performance decreased linearly to1.2Megabytes(9.6Megabits)per second.For 1500-byte TCP/IP packets,HAIL is85to270times faster (depending on the number of language modules loaded into Lextek).Furthermore,HAIL’s throughput does not change when more languages are programmed into it.5.CONCLUSIONHAIL,a hardware-accelerated algorithm that identifies the language used in documents sent over the Internet,has been implemented and tested on the FPX platform.This imple-mentation of HAIL processes content in a TCP/IP network trafficflow and tracks the four most-used languages from a set of up to255languages.With only a few thousand words of training data,HAIL achieves accuracy exceeding99per-cent for documents as small as one hundred words.As doc-ument size increases,HAIL is capable of identifying docu-ment languages over99.95percent of the time.HAIL proc-esses network payload data at up to2.5Gigabits per second, a rate much higher than that of algorithms designed for exe-cution in software.The circuit uses14%of the lookup tables and55%of the on-chip Block RAMs in Virtex XCV2000E-8FPGA on the FPX platform.The additional logic can be used for future expansions,including support for processing additional character sets.6.REFERENCES[1]Global Reach,“Global Internet Statistics By Language,”Online:/globstats-/index.php3,Dec.2004.[2]——,“Global Internet Statistics:Sources and References,”Online:/globstats-/refs.php3,Dec.2004.[3]R.Paulsen and M.Martino,“Word Counting Natural Lan-guage Determination,”U.S.Patent6,704,698,1996.[4]J.Schmitt,“Trigram-Based Method of Language Identifica-tion,”U.S.Patent5,062,143,1990.[5]M.Damashek,“Method of Retrieving Documents that Con-cern the Same Topic,”U.S.Patent5,418,951,1994.[6]R.Shaner,“Method of identifying data type and locating in afile,”U.S.Patent5,991,714,1998.[7]Lextek International,“Lextek Language Identifier,”On-line:,Dec.2004.[8]J.W.Lockwood,“An open platform for development of net-work processing modules in reprogrammable hardware,”in IEC DesignCon’01,Santa Clara,CA,Jan.2001,pp.WB–19.[9]J.Lockwood,J.Turner,and D.Taylor,“Field ProgrammablePort Extender(FPX)for Distributed Routing and Queuing,”in ACM International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays(FPGA).[10] F.Braun,J.Lockwood,and M.Waldvogel,“Layered Pro-tocol Wrappers for Internet Packet Processing in Reconfig-urable Hardware,”IEEE Micro,vol.V olume22,no.Number 3,pp.66–74,Feb.2002.[11] D.Schuehler and J.Lockwood,“A Modular System forFPGA-based TCP Flow Processing in High-Speed Net-works,”in14th International Conference on Field Program-mable Logic and Applications(FPL),Antwerp,Belgium, Aug.2004,pp.301–310.[12]S.Dharmapurikar,P.Krishnamurthy,T.Sproull,and J.Lock-wood,“Deep Packet Inspection Using Parallel Bloom Fil-ters,”in11th Annual IEEE Symposium on High Performance Interconnects(HotI),Stanford,CA,Aug.2003,pp.44–51.[13]S.Dharmapurikar,P.Krishnamurthy,and D.Taylor,“LongestPrefix Matching Using Bloom Filters,”in ACM Special Inter-est Group on Data Communications(SIGCOMM),Karlsruhe, Germany,Aug.2003.[14]M.Attig,S.Dharmapurikar,and J.Lockwood,“Implementa-tion Results of Bloom Filters for String Matching,”in IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Ma-chines(FCCM),Napa,CA,Apr.2004.[15]“Arabic English Parallel News Part1,”Philadelphia:Linguis-tic Data Consortium,2005.[16]Groningen and The Institute of Dutch Lexicology,“DutchECI Multilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Linguistic Data Con-sortium,2005.[17]Le Monde,“French ECI Multilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Linguistic Data Consortium,2005.[18]University of Munster,Frankfurter Rundschau,“German ECIMultilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Linguistic Data Consor-tium,2005.[19] A.Wilkin and E.Burr,“Italian ECI Multilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Linguistic Data Consortium,2005.[20]Bergen,“Norwegian ECI Multilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Linguistic Data Consortium,2005.[21]Moreno,“Spanish ECI Multilingual Text,”Philadelphia:Lin-guistic Data Consortium,2005.[22]Aggelos Bletsas,“Physical limitations on the expansionof Internet,”Online:-/∼aggelos/861.html,1999.。
