[计算机软件设计精品] 基于.NET的酒店管理系统的设计与分析毕业设计 (论文)基于.Net的酒店管理系统的设计与分析Analysis and Design of the MIS in HotelBased On .Net学院: XXX 专业班级:学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXX指导教师: XXX,博士,年月毕业设计,论文,中文摘要基于.Net的酒店管理系统的设计与分析摘要:星级酒店是一个城市递给外地来客的第一张名片,其完善的管理、现代化的硬件设施体现出一个城市的现代化水平、文化底蕴与城市面貌。
本文首先对当前设计类似系统的技术作了简单的介绍和比较,然后针对酒店管理的实际需求,选择采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008作为开发工具,设计并实现了基于B/S结构的酒店管理系统。
本系统后台数据库采用SQL Server 2005,使用.Net自带的进行数据库的访问。
关键词:自动化;ERP;资源管理型毕业设计,论文,外文摘要Analysis and Design of the MIS in Hotel Based On .NetAbstract: Star hotel is the first card of the city for tourists, perfect managements and modern hardware facilities reflect a city’s modernization level, cultural backgroundand the appearance of the city. It let guests enjoy the feeling of more freedom and more honorable.With increasingly competition in the hotel business, the hotel management needs a higher demand. Using computer and Internet technology develops hotel system, itcan not only raise efficiency in the management of the hotel, but can also reduce costs and share resources. Firstly, the dissertation makes a brief introduction and compare about the technique used to design this kind of system. Then, according to the actual requirements of hotel management, it takes Microsoft Visual Studio as a developmenttool to design and realize the hotel management system which is based on B/S model. The background of the system takes SQL Server 2005 and uses to access the database. Based on the procedure of explaining the design and realization of the system, the dissertation summarizes the usage of the system. At last, it reviews some problems duration the procedure of design and realization of the system, and makes expectation for using some new techniques in future work.Keywords: Hotel Management System, B/S model, Sql Server 2005, 目录1 引言 (1)1.1 开发酒店管理系统的意义 (1)1.2 研究思路和工作计划 (1)1.3 国内外现状和发展趋势 (1)1.4 国内酒店信息管理系统目前所存在的不足 (2)1.5 酒店管理系统开发目标 (2)1.6 作者的工作 ............................................................................................. 3 2 酒店管理系统的相关技术探讨 .. (4)2.1 三层架构 (4)2.2网络分布式多层应用系统 (4)2.3 C/S和B/S之比较 (5)2.4 数据库管理系统(DBMS)选择 (7)2.5 技术 ........................................................................................... 7 3 可行性分析 . (10)3.1系统的设计思想 (10)3.2可行性分析 (10)3.3 数据流图 ..................................................................................................12 4 需求分析.. (13)4.1提供灵活多变的程序机制 (13)4.2 会员信息管理 (13)4.3 住房信息管理 (13)4.4 商品系统管理 (13)4.5 系统关系模型 ..........................................................................................13 5 系统设计.. (14)5.1系统的主要技术分析 (14)5.2 系统的运行环境和开发平台 (16)5.3 系统模块设计 ........................................................................................16 6 数据库结构设计 .. (18)6.1 数据库的引入 (18)6.2 三层结构应用体系 (19)6.3 数据库的完整性和安全性 (19)6.4 数据库表 (20)6.5 数据仓库与数据挖掘 .............................................................................25 7 详细设计.. (26)7.1程序设计思想 (26)7.2程序设计语言 (28)7.3系统详细设计 ...........................................................................................30 8 酒店管理系统的实现 (31)8.1 主页的与实现 (31)8.2 用户管理的设计与实现 (32)8.3 住房信息管理 (37)8.4 会员信息管理 (37)8.4 商品管理系统 (38)9 系统测试与安装 (47)9.1 软件测试的目的原则 ...............................................................................47 参考文献 (48)毕业设计,论文, 第 1 页共37 页1 引言1.1 开发酒店管理系统的意义随着社会经济的发展,社会已经进入了信息时代。
- 业务逻辑层(Business Logic Layer):负责处理系统的业务逻辑,包括数据的处理、业务规则的判断和业务操作的实现等。
- 数据访问层(Data Access Layer):负责与数据库的交互,包括数据的读取、修改、删除和新增等操作。
2.数据库设计本系统的数据库采用关系型数据库,包括以下表:- 客房信息表(Room):包含客房的基本信息,如房间号、房型、价格等。
- 餐饮信息表(Catering):包含餐饮的基本信息,如菜品、价格等。
- 订单信息表(Order):包含订单的基本信息,如订单号、客户姓名、入住日期、退房日期等。
- 员工信息表(Employee):包含员工的基本信息,如姓名、性别、职位等。
目录摘要一、概述 (2)二、ASP介绍 (2)(一)、ASP现状 (2)(二)、ASP六大对象 (3)三、酒店客房管理系统开发 (3)(一)、系统目标设计 (3)(二)、开发设计思想 (3)(三)、开发和运行环境选择 (4)四、系统介绍 (4)(一)、数据库设计 (5)(二)、主要功能 (6)五、主要模块介绍 (7)(一)、登录 (7)(二)、管理 (8)(三)、修改密码 (8)(四)、客户资料 (9)(五)、退房 (9)(六)、客房资料 (10)(七)、房间管理 (14)六、结束语 (14)参考文献 (14)酒店客房管理系统(计算机应用技术05(1)班黄国锋)摘要:随着计算机技术的广泛应用,在酒店客房管理中引入计算机管理技术,成为一个值得深入研究的问题。
本系统采用基于WEB 形式开发,使用了access+asp作为开发环境。
论文将就 ASP、酒店客房管理系统这二个方面分别进行比较详细的论述。
引言(一) 选题背景随着计算机网络的飞速发展,Internet技术越来越广泛的应用,网络覆盖的区域不断扩大,给酒店业计算机应用带来了蓬勃发展的机遇。
(二) 国内外研究现状国外的酒店管理系统最早是于70年代初发展起来的,到了80年代,国外的酒店管理系统,如EECO(Electronic Engineering CO。
)、HIS(Hotel Information System)、CLS、Lodgistix等,整个模式已基本定型,技术较成熟,功能也较齐全。
而且产生了一大批国际级的联号饭店,如希尔顿(Hilton Hotels Corp)、谢拉顿(Sheraton Corp)、假日(Holiday Corp)、凯悦(Hyatt Hotel Corp)等集团公司的世界饭店.国内的酒店计算机管理系统最早是在80年代初开始的,从事该方面工作的有清华大学自动化系的金国芬教授、西安交大和浙江省计算技术研究所。
7、系统需要具有友好的用户界 面和易于使用的操作流程。
在系统设计阶段,我们需要根据系统需求,设计数据库结构,并利用ASPNET 技术进行系统架构设计。
1、客房信息表:存储客房类型、 价格等信息;
2、客房管理我们使用Entity Framework作为ORM框架来访问数据库。通过 定义数据实体类和数据库上下文类,我们可以轻松地实现客房信息的增删改查操 作。为了方便客户端使用,我们将数据封装为RESTful API,并使用 Newtonsoft.Json库将数据以JSON格式返回给客户端。
3、客户信息管理客户信息管理的实现方式与客房管理类似,同样使用 Entity Framework和RESTful API进行数据封装。
在系统需求分析阶段,我们需要明确系统的基本功能、性能要求、用户界面 要求以及系统运行环境等。通过与酒店管理人员进行深入沟通,我们了解到以下 需求:
1、登录与权限管理:系统需要提供用户登录功能,并为用户分配不同的权 限。
2、客房管理:可以添加、编辑、删除和查询客房信息,如房间号、房间类 型、价格等。
基于ASPNET技术的酒店管理系统设 计与实现
01 一、系统需求分析
03 三、系统实现
02 二、系统设计
随着信息技术的不断发展,酒店行业对于管理系统的需求日益增长。ASPNET 作为一款强大的Web开发框架,为酒店管理系统的设计和实现提供了坚实的基础。 本次演示将介绍如何利用ASPNET技术设计和实现一个功能全面、易于使用的酒店 管理系统。
[关键词]酒店管理系统;B/S模式;VS 2008Hotel ManagerComputer Science and Technology Major FAN Xu-boAbstract:As the information of the development, hotel services and standards of the international market has become the trend of the times. The hotel industry to meet this challenge, we will have to improve overall competitiveness, reform the hotel management, enhance the management level. Implementation of information technology is to achieve this purpose and the only way to a wise move. At present, China’s hotel serv ices in the information management process has been slow, with foreign hotel management is still backward compared. The fierce competition in the hotel industry, how to seize the opportunity to maintain their advantage invincible? This makes it necessary to provide the best service to provide the best possible facilities and the most advanced technology. In the information age, is more important is also in need of a comprehensive management information system, Guests facilitate convenience and better management of the hotel.Key words: Hotel Manager; B/S mode; VS 2008.Net房屋销售管理系统源码1 前言21世纪的酒店,从内部管理到外部销售都将发生质的变化。
关键词:设计;开发;管理Design and Implementation of Hotel Management SystemAbstractWith the development of Internet and information technology, more and more work is being done by the human transformation of computer operation office. In the hotel industry has developed rapidly, the demand for more and more of the human resources, but in the premise of hiring more employees, costs need to be improved, how to make a combination of organic personnel and cost, which can meet the needs of customers, the premise does not affect the normal operation of the hotel, but also improve the quality of work, improve work efficiency, reduce the operation cost of the hotel, will become an important problem to be resolved.Development and implementation of the design of the system, the effective use of existing resources, high technology, high efficient means to achieve the intended purpose. The development of science and technology, is the foundation and the use of this system, computer office has gradually entered people's field of vision. The rapid development in science and technology today, the human is not the most important part, a good office system will effectively improve work efficiency, reduce manpower requirements. To reduce the company's labor costs, improve the company's benefit.The system is mainly provided to hotel operation and management personnel, the interface simple and generous, simple operation, suitable for any person to use a computer operating system. User friendly interface, providing a comfortable and easy office environment, improve work efficiency, the work flow to simple, clear, orderly. Clear, clear tasks, is the ideal environment for office and hotel management.Key words: Human; efficiency; management目录摘要 (I)Abstract ................................................................................................................................... I I 目录 (III)1.绪论 (1)1.1 论文主要研究内容 (1)1.2 国内外现状 (1)2.关键技术介绍 (1)2.1 运行环境的选择 (1)2.2 数据库的选择 (1)2.2.1 数据库特点 (2)2.2.2 平台特点 (2)2.3 开发工具的选择 (2)2.3.1 Struts2特点 (2)2.4 B/S模式 (2)2.4.1 B/S模式特点 (2)2.5 Struts2介绍 (3)2.5.1 Struts2 特点 (3)2.6 可行性分析 (3)2.6.1技术可行性 (3)3.系统分析 (4)3.1 用户角色需求 (4)3.2 功能需求 (4)3.3 性能需求 (4)4.系统设计 (5)4.1本系统的设计目标 (5)4.2 系统功能整体设计 (5)4.3 酒店管理系统功能模块 (5)4.4 数据库表的设计 (6)5.系统实现 (10)5.1 系统登录实现 (10)5.2 首页模块的实现 (11)5.3 工作信息管理 (12)5.4 会议日志管理 (13)5.5 员工信息管理 (14)5.6 日常花销管理 (16)5.7 文件上传和下载管理 (17)5.8 建议管理 (18)6.系统测试 (20)6.1 软件测试基本理论 (20)6.1.1 测试的含义 (20)6.1.2 测试的步骤 (20)6.2 软件测试目的 (20)6.3 软件测试的方法及分类 (20)6.3.1 静态测试 (21)6.3.2 动态测试 (21)6.4 酒店管理系统测试 (22)6.5 该系统测试用例 (22)7.结论 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (26)外文原文 (27)中文翻译 (38)1.绪论在二十一世纪的今天,酒店管理系统已经受到越来越多的酒店业内同行的青睐。
精品毕业论文--酒店管理系统的设计与实现精品毕业论文--酒店管理系统的设计与实现目录摘要III AbstractIV 引言1 第一章绪论2 1.1 系统开发背景2 1.2 课题研究目的及意义2 1.3 国内外现状及发展动态3 1.4 系统开发工具及相关技术4 1.4.1 系统开发工具4 1.4.2 数据库开发工具4 1.4.3 C#开发语言介绍5 第二章系统分析7 2.1 需求分析7 2.1.1 系统的主要功能7 2.1.2 系统的实现目标7 2.1.3 系统的性能需求8 2.1.4 运行环境9 2.2 可行性分析10 2.3 数据需求分析11 2.4 数据字典13 2.5 数据流图14 第三章系统设计15 3.1 系统功能结构设计15 3.2 数据库设计16 3.3 系统流程图20 第四章系统详细设计与实现21 4.1 用户登录21 4.3客房管理24 4.3.1客房信息修改24 4.3.2 入住管理28 4.3.3 退租管理32 4.3.4 客房类型管理34 4.4 员工管理37 4.5财务管理43 4.6 酒店初始化45 4.7用户密码更改47 第五章系统测试50 5.1测试的作用和意义50 5.2测试方法50 5.3系统测试51 结束语55 参考文献56 致谢57 附录58 摘要该软件采用应用开发技术,具有一些客房查询、入住、退房等功能,尤其依靠 的优点来为酒店更好的进行管理,稳定性,可扩展性,安全性,健壮性,都是该酒店管理的优势所在。
数据库采用的SQL Server 2008,SQL SERVER是大数据库,它也属于中型数据库,应用于中小型企业。
SQL SERVER的分布式、复制、全文检索、DTS都可以满足中型的应用。
所以使用SQL SERVER作为酒店管理系统的数据库再合适不过。
系统基于C/S架构,以C#语言并使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010平台和SQL Server 2008数据库;实现了酒店管理的客房管理、员工管理、财务管理、前台管理以及相关的资料的管理,并经过在本机Win7系统上运行测试可以很好的应用。
JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY本科毕业论文(设计)题目:基于的酒店管理系统的设计与实现学院:专业:姓名:班级:学号:指导教师:起讫时间:基于及SQL的酒店管理系统摘要现代化的酒店是集客房、餐饮、通讯、娱乐,商务文化及其他各种服务与设施为一体化的消费场所,酒店组织庞大,服务项目多,信息量大,要想提高劳动生产,降低成本,提高服务质量和管理水平,促进经济效益,必须借助计算机来进行现代化的信息管理。
该系统是运用Microsoft SQL server2005数据库和Microsoft Visual Studio2010编程工具开发实现的。
关键词:酒店管理,数据,查询Design and Implementation of Hotel Management System Based On AbstractThe modernized hotel is the collection guest room, the dining, the communic- ation, t he entertainment, the commercial culture and other each kind of service and the facili ty for the integrated expense place, the hotel organization huge, service project many, the information content is big, must want to enhance the labor prod- uction, reduces t he cost, improves the grade of service and the management level, the promotion econ omic efficiency, must draw support from the computer to carry on modernized the inf ormation management. This system is utilizes Microsoft SQLserver2005 database an d Microsoft Visual Studio2010 development kit develop- ment realization,"Hotel Man agement system management system"; has included the system administration subs ystem, the storehouse management subsystem, the establishment management subsyst em, the statistical analysis subsystem, the system maintenance subsystem and so on fi ve big mo- dules, has the operation simply, the contact surface friendly, the flexibility good, the system security is high, moves steadily grades the characteristic, is the hotel superintendent’s ideal choice.This text includes seven parts. It introduces the aviation company management infor mation system’s developing completed procedure from the syste m’s introdu--ction an d necessary of developing, the theory base of system’s development, the system’s an h otel management, the system’s designing, the system’s practice,kee- ping and prospect .Key words: Hotel Management,Data, Query目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 研发背景 (1)1.2系统目标 (1)第二章系统分析 (3)2.1 需求分析 (3)2.1.1功能需求 (3)2.1.2性能需求 (4)2.2 可行性分析 (4)2.3系统总体结构分析 (5)第三章系统设计 (6)3.1系统流程分析 (6)3.2系统功能模块分析 (7)第四章数据库设计 (9)4.1数据库选择 (9)4.2操作系统选择 (9)4.3 数据库分析 (10)4.3.1 E-R图分析 (10)4.3.2 表/字段分析 (12)4.4 数据库创建 (14)4.4.1 创建数据库 (14)4.4.2创建表 (15)4.5 连接数据库/数据库具体配置 (15)4.5.1 HMS中的Web.Config配置文档 (15)4.5.2调用HMS中Web.Config的代码 (17)第五章详细设计 (18)5.1酒店管理系统首页 (18)5.2房间信息维护页面 (18)5.3房间信息添加页面 (19)5.4房间信息修改页面 (19)5.5营业情况统计页面 (20)5.6房间管理页面 (20)5.7订房操作页面 (21)5.8退房操作页面 (21)第六章系统实现 (22)6.1 开发环境 (22)6.1.1 与Visual Studio 2010 (22)6.1.2 SQL与SQL Sever 2000 (22)6.2 酒店业务的实现 (23)第七章系统测试 (29)7.1软件测试的方法 (29)7.2模块测试 (29)7.2.1测试内容 (30)7.2.2测试结果 (30)参考文献 (31)致谢 (32)第一章绪论1.1 研发背景21世纪的酒店,从内部管理到外部销售都将发生质的变化。
毕业设计(论文)201 届题目基于的酒店管理系统专业计算机科学与技术学生姓名学号指导教师论文字数完成日期教务处印前言中华上下五千年,历史悠久,文化底蕴浓厚。
本系统使用了现流行的B/S架构,配合使用SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库开发工具。
描述了和web 2.0之间的关联及相关开发工具。
使用SQL Sever 2005作为后台数据库,提供强大的支持,完成酒店管理系统的设计与实现。
1. 研究背景和意义随着旅游业的飞速发展,酒店业也迎来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。
毕业设计(论文)题目:酒店管理系统学院: ____________ 专业: __________________ 学生姓名:班级/学号:__________________________指导老师/督导老师: _____起止时间:__________________________________摘要E时代的酒店管理具有四个鲜明特点:一是国际化、一是网络化、一是高效化、一是灵活性。
本系统采用语言,后端采用的是SQL Server 2000 数据库来完成酒店管理系统的设计与实现,通过数据操作模块能对本系统的相关信息进行各种操作,界面直观简洁。
关键字:;SQL Server 2000 数据库;酒店管理系统AbstractE era hotel management has four distinct characteristics: First, the internationalization, one network, one Efficient, one flexibility. Internationalization refers to the trend of economic globalization, international travel more Active, more diverse customer requirements, competition in the hotel industry will be more transparent and intense, so The introduction of international advanced management mode, to improve the level of service and competitiveness; Networking and wine Related to the complexity of the shop management, now in a more open environment, the management of content Add refinement, and the network can greatly simplify, standardize all this, but also can significantly reduce costs, this As a part of the tourism industry, hotel industry must strive to integrate into the entire business chain, and more through Over the Internet to expand their businesses; efficient is not only a manifestation of the level of service, and also the hotel-effective Fundamental; flexibility is the hotel must be able to master the demand from customers to Requirements, and meet a wide range of personalized needs.In view of the advantages of simple operation and interface visualization. With the advantage of the network. The system uses the the the language, the back-end is SQL Server 2000 database to complete hotel management system design and implementation, information on the system to perform various operations through data manipulation module, the interface is intuitive and simple.Keywords: ; Sql Server 2000 database; Hotel management system目录第1章绪论 (5)1.1 选题的依据及意义 (5)1.2 可行性分析 (5)1.3 课题研究的内容 (6)第2章相关技术与开发工具 (8)2.1 简介 (8)2.2 的安全性 (10)2.3 SQLserver 2000简介 (10)2.4 T-SQL语言介绍 (11)2.5 系统环境介绍 (11)第3章系统需求分析 (12)3.1需求分析概述 (12)3.2 后台整体功能模块分析 (13)第四章系统数据库设计 (16)4.1 数据库介绍 (16)4.2 数据库设计概述 (16)4.3 概念结构设计 (17)4.4 逻辑结构设计 (18)4.5 物理设计 (19)4.6 数据库的实施 (19)4.7 数据库的运行及维护 (20)第5章系统的设计与实现 (20)5.1 系统后台设计要达到的目标 (20)5.2 系统总体设计分析 (23)5.3 系统详细功能模块的设计与实现 (24)5.3.1 用户登录 (24)5.3.2餐饮预定管理 (24)5.3.3 客房管理 (25)5.3.4 餐饮管理 (28)5.3.5 餐饮帐单管理 (30)5.3.6 员工管理......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
研究现实状况:国外旳酒店管理系统最早是于70年代初发展起来旳,到了80年代,国外旳酒店管理系统,如EECO(Electronic Engineering CO.)、HIS(Hotel Information System)、CLS、Lodgistix等,整个模式已基本定型,技术较成熟,功能也较齐全。目前,国外酒店正向个性化方向发展,酒店按其经营方式可分为商务型酒店、长住型酒店、度假型酒店等等;按其经营形式可分为独立经营饭店、集团经营饭店等。并且产生了一大批国际级旳联号饭店,如希尔顿(Hilton Hotels Corp)、谢拉顿(Sheraton Corp)、假日(Holiday Corp)、凯悦(Hyatt Hotel Corp)等集团企业旳世界饭店。国内旳酒店管理系统于上世纪80年代初起步,之后国外先进系统被大规模引进,深入增进了我国酒店管理技术旳发展。国内酒店管理系统充足吸取国外管理系统旳精髓,结合国内实际旳状况下逐渐发展成熟,到90年代初期形成了几种较成熟旳软件系统。到了90年代中期,伴随计算机在饭店中旳普及应用,以及计算机技术旳不停发展,酒店计算机系统旳发展到了一种新旳时期,新旳系统平台、新旳软件功能、新旳系统特点及发展方向不停涌现。
毕业设计(论文)附属过程管理材料(201 届)专业计算机科学与技术学号学生姓名教务处印制实用文档目录1. 本科毕业设计(论文)选题审批表2. 本科毕业设计(论文)任务书3. 外文原稿(复印件)与译文4. 文献综述(前言、主题、总结、参考文献)5. 本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告6. 本科毕业设计(论文)中期检查报告7. 本科毕业设计(论文)指导教师审阅表8. 本科毕业设计(论文)评阅人评阅表9. 软件验收评分表10. 本科毕业设计(论文)答辩记录表11. 本科毕业设计(论文) 答辩评分表12. 本科毕业设计(论文)评分表13. 校级优秀毕业设计(论文)推荐表实用文档本科毕业设计(论文)选题审批表实用文档毕业设计(论文)任务书实用文档实用文档实用文档实用文档实用文档指导教师(签名)学生(签名)实用文档开始执行任务日期年月日实用文档毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(原文)Appropriate Uses For SQLiteSQLite is different from most other SQL database engines in that its primary design goal is to be simple:Simple to administerSimple to operateSimple to embed in a larger programSimple to maintain and customizeMany people like SQLite because it is small and fast. But those qualities are just happy accidents. Users also find that SQLite is very reliable. Reliability is a consequence of simplicity. With less complication, there is less to go wrong. So, yes, SQLite is small, fast, and reliable, but first and foremost, SQLite strives to be simple.Simplicity in a database engine can be either a strength or a weakness, depending on what you are trying to do. In order to achieve simplicity, SQLite has had to sacrifice other characteristics that some people find useful, such as high concurrency, fine-grained access control, a rich set of built-in functions, stored procedures, esoteric SQL language features, XML and/or Java extensions, 实用文档tera- or peta-byte scalability, and so forth. If you need some of these features and do not mind the added complexity that they bring, then SQLite is probably not the database for you. SQLite is not intended to be an enterprise database engine. It is not designed to compete with Oracle or PostgreSQL.The basic rule of thumb for when it is appropriate to use SQLite is this: Use SQLite in situations where simplicity of administration, implementation, and maintenance are more important than the countless complex features that enterprise database engines provide. As it turns out, situations where simplicity is the better choice are more common than many people realize.Another way to look at SQLite is this: SQLite is not designed to replace Oracle. It is designed to replace fopen( ).Situations Where SQLite Works WellApplication File FormatSQLite has been used with great success as the on-disk file format for desktop applications such as financial analysis tools, CAD packages, record keeping programs, and so forth. The traditional File/Open operation does an sqlite3_open() and executes a BEGIN TRANSACTION to get exclusive access to the content. File/Save does a COMMIT followed by another BEGIN 实用文档TRANSACTION. The use of transactions guarantees that updates to the application file are atomic, durable, isolated, and consistent.Temporary triggers can be added to the database to record all changes into a (temporary) undo/redo log table. These changes can then be played back when the user presses the Undo and Redo buttons. Using this technique, an unlimited depth undo/redo implementation can be written in surprisingly little code.Embedded devices and applicationsBecause an SQLite database requires little or no administration, SQLite is a good choice for devices or services that must work unattended and without human support. SQLite is a good fit for use in cellphones, PDAs, set-top boxes, and/or appliances. It also works well as an embedded database in downloadable consumer applications.WebsitesSQLite usually will work great as the database engine for low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, 99.9% of all websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends, of course, on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative 实用文档estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.Replacement for ad hoc disk filesMany programs use fopen( ), fread( ), and fwrite( ) to create and manage files of data in home-grown formats. SQLite works particularly well as a replacement for these ad hoc data files.Internal or temporary databasesFor programs that have a lot of data that must be sifted and sorted in diverse ways, it is often easier and quicker to load the data into an in-memory SQLite database and use queries with joins and ORDER BY clauses to extract the data in the form and order needed rather than to try to code the same operations manually. Using an SQL database internally in this way also gives the program greater flexibility since new columns and indices can be added without having to recode every query.Command-line dataset analysis toolExperienced SQL users can employ the command-line sqlite program to analyze miscellaneous datasets. Raw data can be imported from CSV files, then that data can be sliced and diced to generate a myriad of summary reports. 实用文档Possible uses include website log analysis, sports statistics analysis, compilation of programming metrics, and analysis of experimental results.You can also do the same thing with an enterprise client/server database, of course. The advantages to using SQLite in this situation are that SQLite is much easier to set up and the resulting database is a single file that you can store on a floppy disk or flash-memory stick or email to a colleague.Stand-in for an enterprise database during demos or testingIf you are writing a client application for an enterprise database engine, it makes sense to use a generic database backend that allows you to connect to many different kinds of SQL database engines. It makes even better sense to go ahead and include SQLite in the mix of supported databases and to statically link the SQLite engine in with the client. That way the client program can be used standalone with an SQLite data file for testing or for demonstrations.Database PedagogyBecause it is simple to setup and use (installation is trivial: just copy the sqlite or sqlite.exe executable to the target machine and run it) SQLite makes a good database engine for use in teaching SQL. Students can easily create as many databases as they like and can email databases to the instructor 实用文档for comments or grading. For more advanced students who are interested in studying how an RDBMS is implemented, the modular and well-commented and documented SQLite code can serve as a good basis. This is not to say that SQLite is an accurate model of how other database engines are implemented, but rather a student who understands how SQLite works can more quickly comprehend the operational principles of other systems.Experimental SQL language extensionsThe simple, modular design of SQLite makes it a good platform for prototyping new, experimental database language features or ideas.Situations Where Another RDBMS May Work BetterClient/Server ApplicationsIf you have many client programs accessing a common database over a network, you should consider using a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, the file locking logic of many network filesystems implementation contains bugs (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work like it should, it might be possible for two or more client programs to modify the same part of 实用文档the same database at the same time, resulting in database corruption. Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from many computers over a network filesystem.High-volume WebsitesSQLite will normally work fine as the database backend to a website. But if you website is so busy that you are thinking of splitting the database component off onto a separate machine, then you should definitely consider using an enterprise-class client/server database engine instead of SQLite.Very large datasetsWith the default page size of 1024 bytes, an SQLite database is limited in size to 2 terabytes (241 bytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the maximum size of files to something less than this. So if you are contemplating databases of this magnitude, you would do well to consider using a client/server database engine that spreads its content across multiple disk files, 实用文档and perhaps across multiple volumes.High ConcurrencySQLite uses reader/writer locks on the entire database file. That means if any process is reading from any part of the database, all other processes are prevented from writing any other part of the database. Similarly, if any one process is writing to the database, all other processes are prevented from reading any other part of the database. For many situations, this is not a problem. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.出处:/whentouse.html实用文档毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(译文)SQLite的最佳应用领域SQLite不同于其他大部分的SQL数据库引擎,因为它的首要设计目标就是简单化:易于管理易于操作易于嵌入到其他大型程序易于维护和配置许多人喜欢SQLite,因为它占用空间小,运行速度快。
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Internet 的发展历程以及目前的应用状况和发展趋势。
目前电子商务的运用已越来越广泛,网上酒店预订结合出行人员以及酒店运作方面的需求, 本设计尝试用在网络上架构一个电子订房系统,以使每一位出行者在出行前就可以痛过网络轻松订房。
在Visual 平台上运用技术, 选择B/S模式来实现的。
关键词:网上酒店预订系统,B/S模式,,Sql Server 2005,基于的网上酒店预订系统的设计与实现Online Reservation of Hotel Management SystemAbstractAlong with Internet technique of development, people's daily life have already canned not get away from a network.Future society people of life and work will more and more dependence at the numeral technique of development, more and more numeral turn, the network turn, electronical, conjecture turn.The development of the Internet process and current of application condition and development trend, can adequately believe a network technique will biggest of change our life and work way, even society of value would also occurrence a certain variety.This text is from the theories and practice two angle to set out, have a data excavation function online reservation system carry on design and realization analysis.Thesis first more and in details introduction face to object analysis and design of relevant concept and technique, special thorough introduction in this system usage arrive of knowledge, such as:Face to object of analysis design process;In the system characteristics, structure frame and operation method of the and of the development technique for use.Immediately after carried on analysis to the possibility of oneline reservation system, then to the design thought of system, design the whole structure of target and system carried on explicit of programming.The end is to the main page, database of system, application procedure of design and realization made more detailed of explain in detail.At present, the application of Electronic Commerce has grown stronger and broader. In view of the requirements of travelers and hotel management, online reservation sysetm is at Visual Studio, This design's trying to use structure is a online reservation system on the network to make each traveler order one or more rooms through Internet easy before each journey. Net terrace top usage the technique using B/S pattern to realize.Keywords:Online Reservation of Hotel Management System, B/S model, ,Sql Server 2005, 平顶山学院本科毕业论文目录1绪论 (2)1.1 项目开发背景及意义 (2)1.2 研究方法与思路 (3)1.3 论文主要工作和结构安排 (3)1.4 本章小结 (3)2相关技术及工具介绍 (5)2.1 开发技术 (5)2.1.1 B/S结构 (5)2.1.2 JSP页面技术 (5)2.1.3 CSS样式 (6)2.2 开发工具 (6)2.2.1 MyEclipse (6)2.2.2 Web服务器 (7)2.2.3数据库管理系统 (7)2.3本章小结 (8)3需求分析 (9)3.1实际业务操作流程 (9)3.2系统功能分析 (9)3.2.1总体分析 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.2.2功能模块分析 (10)3.3性能分析 (16)3.4本章小结 (16)4总体设计 (18)4.1需求分析 (18)4.2概念结构设计 (18)4.3逻辑结构设计 (20)4.4数据库实现 (20)4.4.1数据库的概念设计及创建表结构 (20)5详细设计与实现 (21)5.1系统功能设计 (25)5.2页面设计 (25)基于的网上酒店预订系统的设计与实现5.2.1 各页面关系 (26)5.2.2 首页面设计 (26)5.3主要功能实现 (27)5.3.1登录界面 (27)5.3.2房间类型界面 (30)5.3.3后台主界面 (31)5.3.4会员注册界面 (32)5.3.5预订房间界面 (32)5.3.6前台主界面 (32)5.4本章小结 (32)6测试 (34)6.1功能的意义 (34)6.2测试环境 (34)6.3功能测试 (34)6.4问题严重程度描述 (34)6.5本章小结 (35)7结束语 (37)7.1总结 (37)7.2展望 (37)附录 (38)参考文献 (40)致谢 (44)1 绪论正确高效的管理可以为客户提供更好的服务,也有利于提高酒店订房的竞争力,从而吸引更多的客户订房。
1.1 项目开发背景及意义随着电脑科技的飞速发展,计算机性能不断提高,而价格越来越来低,使得计算机的运行逐渐广泛,计算机技术得以造福广大人民群众。