ABB DCS系统培训手册
ABB机器人操作培训 S C IRB 说明书 完整版
S4C IRB 基本操作培训教材目录1、培训教材介绍2、机器人系统安全及环境保护3、机器人综述4、机器人启动5、用窗口进行工作6、手动操作机器人7、机器人自动生产8、编程与测试9、输入与输出10、系统备份与冷启动11、机器人保养检查表附录1、机器人安全控制链附录2、定义工具中心点附录3、文件管理1、培训教材介绍本教材解释ABB机器人的基本操作、运行。
ABB DCS系统MODBUS通讯简介一、概述:DCS MODBUS的通讯组态,了解整个的组态过程和信号的传送方式,在调试中,按MODBUS规程的约定,一般读数字量使用02功能代码,读模拟量使用03功能代码,写开关量使用05或者15功能代码, 写模拟量使用06或16功能代码.在MODBUS的编程时注意: 选择功能代码02时在GPI软件中对应数据类型为DIP,选择功能代码03时时在GPI软件中对应数据类型为AOP;选择功能代码01或者05时在GPI软件中对应数据类型为DOP;选择功能代码06时在GPI软件中对应数据类型为DOP;另外还需电气通讯管理机确定数字量和模拟量的起始地址,以方便编程。
通讯管理机全是一个设备地址,数字量与模拟量的RTU地址可重复,数字量需要一次读16个数据,在组态时要注意,模拟量没有要求;电气来的信号要考虑信号的系数问题,在MODBUS编程时要注意;另外电气还有长整型数据(比如电度量),在DCS的接口部分无法处理,只能在信号进入DCS后由组态进行处理,这还需要到现场后进行测试.二.硬件连接和地址设置:硬件连接图MFP12 模件方框图(functional block diagram):其中: ROM 512 kilobyte; RAM 512 kilobyte; NVRAM 256 kilobyte用户可用:347,712 byteS RAM, 194,752 bytes NVRAMDMA: directly memory access ,allows data received or transmitted.1.从PLC或者其他设备来的通讯接口首先连接至ADAM4520的DATA端,注意要直连,也即对方的正端接至ADAM4520的DATA+端,也即对方的负端接至ADAM4520的DATA-端, 然后通过一根通讯线将ADAM4520上的9针串口转换为NTMP端子上的25针串口,注意接法为: NTMP 端子上的25针串口pin 2、3、7分别对应ADAM4520 模块的9针串口的pin2、3、5;2.MFP12 模块拨码开关的设置:a.SW3: 模件地址和运行方式选择;具体如下:举例如下:MFP12采用正常的工作模式,并且地址为6,则SW3的设置为:6和7设为OPEN,其余全为CLOSED.b.SW4: 模件的特殊操作选择.具体如下当使用单网进行通讯时,SW4一般都设为CLOSED;当用于冗余通讯时,需要对POLE 8进行设置: 主MFP12 设为0,冗余MFP12设为1.值得注意的是,在做MODBUS通讯之前,先要对模件进行特殊操作,方法为:(1)1、7操作(即2操作):先将SW4的POLE 1和7拨为1,将MFP12模件推进去,然后再拔出来,再将POLE 1和7拨为0,再次将模件推进去,通过这样的操作,结果将NVRAM存储器进行了初始化;(2)1、6操作(即4操作):先将SW4的POLE 1和6拨为1,将MFP12模件推进相应槽位,然后再拔出来,再将POLE 1和6拨为0,再次将模件推进去,通过这样的操作,使得 Cnet或者INFI-NET网络规程成立.3.串口通讯接线方式:RS2321969年,美国电子工业协会(EIA)公布了RS-232C作为串行通信接口的电气标准,该标准定义了数据终端设备(DTE)和数据通信设备(DCE)间按位串行传输的接口信息,合理安排了接口的电气信号和机械要求,在世界范围内得到广泛的应用。
ABB DCS系统培训ppt课件
通讯模块 CI854、通讯模块 CI851
交换机 交换机在同一时刻可进行多个端口对之间的数据传输。每一端口都可视为独立的物理网段(注: 非IP网段),连接在其上的网络设备独自享有全部的带宽,无须同其他设备竞争使用。
一、DCS 800XA系统概念
工厂网络(Plant Network)
工厂网络可以专门用于过程自动化或工厂的一部分内部网站点上已经可以使用了。进一步的工厂 网络的连接到互联网或任何其他类型的外部网络应该执行依照适当的网络安全实践。
客户机/服务器网络(Client/Server Network)
客户机/服务器网络用于服务器之间的通信,包括工作站和服务器之间。通过一个路由器,客户机/服务 器网络可以连接到工厂内部,并通过互联网。对于任何大于单个节点安装系统和小系统,使用Windows 的工作组、800 xa系统节点必须驻留在一个专用的Windows 2008域。这需要你设置域控制器和DNS server。所有其他800 xa系统必须配置服务器和客户机节点域的成员。
IO模块 IO模块的基本原理是A/D、D/A转换,将数字信号转换为模拟信号输出,或者将模拟信号转换 为数字信号输入,所有IO模块的核心是AD和DA转换芯片,再加上通讯芯片和CPU通信。 IO模 块即输入输出模块,为当单片机自带的输入或输出的引脚已经被用完以后还需要更多引脚时使 用的一种模块,目的是为了增加输入、输出的引脚数
属性服务器(Aspect Server)
提供了属性目录和服务器和对象的管理、名字、安全等等相关。 这是800 xa的核心系统。因此它必须在任何时候很容易进入到所有节点。 在小型系统中(单节点),属性服务器可以结合其他方面的功能作为一个应用程序服务器或连接服务器。
ABB dcs操作手册
HC900 DCS操作员手册目录一.系统概述二.操作员软件(Station)介绍三.流程图操作四.细目画面操作五.报警汇总操作六.事件操作七.趋势组操作八.操作组操作九.附录(流程图)一、系统概述本装置DCS采用的是美国HONEYWELL公司的HC900系统,HC900作为一个混合控制器,既具有DCS连续控制的优点,又具有PLC(可编程控制器)逻辑控制的优点,主要用于中小型的连续控制和逻辑控制领域,其上位机组态软件采用的是HONEYWELL 的PLANTSCAPE R400系统。
HC900 DCS的结构如下图一:(图一:HC900 DCS结构)MTBE装置采用了3个HC900控制,其中1#和2#控制器是一对冗余的控制器,采用外部继电器进行切换,主要用于带控制的仪表回路;3#控制器是不带冗余的控制器,用于不带控制的仪表回路的调节和显示。
配备了两台操作站,同时兼做工程师站,采用奔4 CPU,21寸的纯平显示器,操作系统为WINDOWS 2000英文专业版。
其组态软件包括控制器组态软件Hybrid Control Designer;数据库组态软件Quick Builder;流程图组态软件Display Builder;操作站软件Station。
二、操作员软件(Station)介绍1、Station软件界面整体结构见图二:(图二:Station软件界面整体结构)2、菜单介绍:View Menu:Control Menu:Action Menu:3、工具条介绍:4、状态条介绍5、命令区介绍直接在命令区(Command Zone)输入命令后回车。
2.4 Function Block Edi案 建一个新的FBD 标签。
我们来创建一个简单的马达启动器“MotorStarter”。添加 一个与门和一个或门。在编辑窗口里,右击任意位置并在打开 的菜单内选择插入功能块“Insert Function Block”。 选择一个与门并点击Apply。 再添加一个或门。
您在任何时间都可以用PING 命令来查 询是否正确地连接上控制器。运行cmd 功 能之后,输入PING『』;在『』内填写IP 地址。
2.3 创建系统硬件架构
2.3.1 任务 这个任务的目的是在系统软件内创建一个同样与您项目 的架构。请您选择控制器CPU 类型。 2.3.2 解决方案 创建AC800M CPU 在File 目录里,选择新项目“New Project”,再选控制器 类型。
• CPU and I/O
全级别冗余 – “最大限度的提高系统的可用性”
冗余的CPU及可配置的CEX总线( 扩展12个通讯模块)
远程的PROFIBUS站可以配置 链路冗余
控制网络 (以太网 TCP/IP, 10Mbps)
1.3、电源模件 电源模件用于给系统AC800M控制器及S800I/O 模件提供标准24V DC 电源 , 作为可选项也可以给现场I/O 信号提供工作 电源,但要注意 计算电流容量,电源模件输出侧具备短路保护,电源模件可以并行使用 提供双倍电能,也可以增加一个SS822 冗余切换单元实现电源冗余功能, SS822冗余切换单元自动监控电源状态,同时自动无扰切换电源供电。
1.2、S800 I/O
ABB 800XA DCS系统基础讲义
2011 年 12月生产分厂仪表专业组培训讲义一、讲师(部门:生产分厂专业组:仪表职:DCS技术员姓名:尹海生工号:30721)二、主题:ABB 800XA DCS系统基础讲义三、时间:地点:四、培训部门专业岗位及人数:五、培训目的(培训结束后,受训人员应掌握的专业知识或技能,对工作的帮助如何):通过此次培训:认识ABB集散控制系统硬件组成和作用。
六、讲义提纲:1、集散控制概述2、硬件系统及简单的控制原理3、控制网络结构4、日常点检内容与维护5、常见问题及处理方法目录1.集散控制概述 (3)1.1DCS定义 (3)1.2DCS与PLC的异同 (3)2.系统概述 (4)3.硬件系统及简单控制原理 (5)3.1AC800M硬件的组成 (5)3.1.1控制器简介 (5)3.1.2电源 (6)3.1.3AC800M控制器接口 (6)3.2PID控制原理 (7)3.2.1PID的含义及控制规律的选用 (7)3.2.2PID控制方式 (7)3.2.3PID参数的基本计算(略) (7)3.3DCS简单控制逻辑 (8)3.4其他硬件 (8)3.5硬件安装更换指导 (8)4.控制网络结构 (9)4.1网络结构 (9)4.2AS和CS示例 (9)5.日常点检内容及维护 (9)6.常见故障及处理方法 (10)6.1IO卡件故障 (10)6.2通讯卡故障 (10)6.3DCS画面“” (10)1. 集散控制概述1.1 DCS定义DCS是分布式控制系统的英文缩写(Distributed Control System),在国内自控行业又称之为集散控制系统。
ABB DCS系统培训课件
PM866控制器:AC161 电源模块 SB822 通讯模块 CI854 交换机
PM866 控制器 AC162、控制器 AC161 AC800M是800系列产品中的一个重要组件,它是一款基于导轨安装的模块化的控制器,包含了 CPU、通信模块、电源模块及一系列附件。集成了多种通信功能、可以实现全方位冗余,并且支 持宽范围的I/O信号,同时也包括在危险区域的本质安全信号。AC800M控制器通过Control Builder编程软件为其编程组态,使得AC800M控制器可以实现各种控制应用。可重复使用代码和 库文件的功能特点也使AC800M的应用程序更加容易组态和建立。
一、DCS 800XA系统概念
域服务器( Domain Server)
小系统可以运行域控制器。在这种情况下,节点和用户是由Windows工作组。 用户的配置和安全必须在工作组中所有节点分别。 用户在Windows域处理完成从一个中央位置——域服务器。 每个域必须至少有一个域服务器,但对于弹性域应该多个域服务器。
电源模块 SB822
给控制器提供电源。控制器有内部电源和外部电源。内部电源是一块电池供电,外部电源通过 UPS电源供电。保证CPU稳定持续运行。
通讯模块 CI854、通讯模块 CI851
交换机在同一时刻可进行多个端口对之间的数据传输。每一端口都可视为独立的物理网段(注: 非IP网段),连接在其上的网络设备独自享有全部的带宽,无须同其他设备竞争使用。
工厂网络(Plant Network)
ABB800XADCS系统基础讲义2011 年 12⽉⽣产分⼚仪表专业组培训讲义⼀、讲师(部门:⽣产分⼚专业组:仪表职:DCS技术员姓名:尹海⽣⼯号:30721)⼆、主题:ABB 800XA DCS系统基础讲义三、时间:地点:四、培训部门专业岗位及⼈数:五、培训⽬的(培训结束后,受训⼈员应掌握的专业知识或技能,对⼯作的帮助如何):通过此次培训:认识ABB集散控制系统硬件组成和作⽤。
六、讲义提纲:1、集散控制概述2、硬件系统及简单的控制原理3、控制⽹络结构4、⽇常点检内容与维护5、常见问题及处理⽅法⽬录1.集散控制概述 (3)1.1DCS定义 (3)1.2DCS与PLC的异同 (3)2.系统概述 (4)3.硬件系统及简单控制原理 (5)3.1AC800M硬件的组成 (5)3.1.1控制器简介 (5)3.1.2电源 (6)3.1.3AC800M控制器接⼝ (6)3.2PID控制原理 (7)3.2.1PID的含义及控制规律的选⽤ (7)3.2.2PID控制⽅式 (7)3.2.3PID参数的基本计算(略) (7)3.3DCS简单控制逻辑 (8)3.4其他硬件 (8)3.5硬件安装更换指导 (8)4.控制⽹络结构 (9)4.1⽹络结构 (9)4.2AS和CS⽰例 (9)5.⽇常点检内容及维护 (9)6.常见故障及处理⽅法 (10)6.1IO卡件故障 (10)6.2通讯卡故障 (10)6.3DCS画⾯“” (10)1. 集散控制概述1.1 DCS定义DCS是分布式控制系统的英⽂缩写(Distributed Control System),在国内⾃控⾏业⼜称之为集散控制系统。
工厂网络可以专门用于过程自动化或工厂的一部分内部网站点上已经可以使用了。进一步的工厂 网络的连接到互联网或任何其他类型的外部网络应该执行依照适当的网络安全实践。
客户机/服务器网络(Client/Server Network)
客户机/服务器网络用于服务器之间的通信,包括工作站和服务器之间。通过一个路由器,客户机/服务 器网络可以连接到工厂内部,并通过互联网。对于任何大于单个节点安装系统和小系统,使用Windows 的工作组、800 xa系统节点必须驻留在一个专用的Windows 2008域。这需要你设置域控制器和DNS server。所有其他800 xa系统必须配置服务器和客户机节点域的成员。
连接服务器在整个网络中提供对控制器和其他数据源的访问 几组连接服务器可能存在于一个系统,各自服务每一组数据源。 服务的例子有: OPC数据访问 OPC报警和事件 系统消息
应用服务器(Application Server)
运行各种类型的系统应用程序,如: 批量管理 资产优化 信息管理
一、DCS 800XA系统概念
IO模块 IO模块的基本原理是A/D、D/A转换,将数字信号转换为模拟信号输出,或者将模拟信号转换为 数字信号输入,所有IO模块的核心是AD和DA转换芯片,再加上通讯芯片和CPU通信。 IO模块即 输入输出模块,为当单片机自带的输入或输出的引脚已经被用完以后还需要更多引脚时使用的 一种模块,目的是为了增加输入、输出的引脚数
一、DCS 800XA系统概念
域服务器( Domain Server)
小系统可以运行域控制器。在这种情况下,节点和用户是由Windows工作组。 用户的配置和安全必须在工作组中所有节点分别。 用户在Windows域处理完成从一个中央位置——域服务器。 每个域必须至少有一个域服务器,但对于弹性域应该多个域服务器。
ABB dcs操作手册
MTBE装置DCS操作员手册HC900 DCS操作员手册目录一.系统概述二.操作员软件(Station)介绍三.流程图操作四.细目画面操作五.报警汇总操作六.事件操作七.趋势组操作八.操作组操作九.附录(流程图)MTBE装置DCS操作员手册一、系统概述本装置DCS采用的是美国HONEYWELL公司的HC900系统,HC900作为一个混合控制器,既具有DCS连续控制的优点,又具有PLC(可编程控制器)逻辑控制的优点,主要用于中小型的连续控制和逻辑控制领域,其上位机组态软件采用的是HONEYWELL 的PLANTSCAPE R400系统。
HC900 DCS的结构如下图一:(图一:HC900 DCS结构)MTBE装置采用了3个HC900控制,其中1#和2#控制器是一对冗余的控制器,采用外部继电器进行切换,主要用于带控制的仪表回路;3#控制器是不带冗余的控制器,用于不带控制的仪表回路的调节和显示。
配备了两台操作站,同时兼做工程师站,采用奔4 CPU,21寸的纯平显示器,MTBE装置DCS操作员手册操作系统为WINDOWS 2000英文专业版。
其组态软件包括控制器组态软件Hybrid Control Designer;数据库组态软件Quick Builder;流程图组态软件Display Builder;操作站软件Station。
ABB DCS800 传动系统中文培训讲义
列系品产 008SCD -动传流直 BBA ©
图孔打的1�1有上箱装包 � 片拉或手把的运搬易容有 �
A 062 - A 081 :2D
)PA(程编义定自 宏用应 �导向动启的块模 �于基�试调速快 �
卸拆于易且全安装包新的 4D-1D � 货订络网 �
:试调和装安 � :输运 �
码代及件选可的同相流交与 � 型选eziSevirD 用可 � 箱示演的相单 �
A 0002 A 009 :5D
A 0025 A 0502 :7D
A 0003 A 0091 :6D
A 0001 - A 016 :4D A 025 - A 513 :3D A 062 - A 081 :2D A 041 - A 02 :1D
围范率功的整完 - 008SCD
块 模 单 A 002 5 至 A 02
,落跌 ,制控口窗
器节调度速 �
器码 编冲脉 ,机电发速测 ,FME
择选值际实度速 � 择选定给度速 � 坡斜度速 �
)枢电( 件软 - 008SCD
�能功要主 �
列系品产 008SCD -动传流直 BBA ©
行运脉21 � 从-主
制控通磁和 FME �
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第一章PGP概述PGP(Power Generation Portal,以前称为Tenore)为Industrial IT Symphony系统的人系统接口(即操作员站)之一。
§PGP以Windows2000 / NT为运行平台,具有完全开放性的界面,标签容量大(最大标签容量为130000),可为运行人员随时提供监视、控制、诊断、维护、优化管理等各个方面强有力的支持和实际运行的界面。
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ABB DCS800 Large DC Drives基础培训模块说明书
Welcome to the Large DC Drives Basic training module for the DCS800, ABB DC Drives.If you need help navigating this module, please click the Help button in the top right-hand corner. To view the presenter notes as text, please click the Notes button in the bottom right corner.After completing this module, you will knowwhat Large DC Drives arewhat DCS800 hard parallel is,what 12-pulse is,how to explain the differences between 12-pulse parallel, 12-pulse serial, serial sequential and quasi 12-pulse, andwhat master-followers, large field exciters, T-reactors, high speed DC-breakers and galvanic isolations are.Large DC Drives are used to drive the mechanics of very large installations for example mill stands, mine hoists, etc.The range of standard ABB converter modules is from 20 A to 5200 A with supply voltages from 230 VAC to 1000 VAC. It is possible to increase the power and torque of several different applications.The power and current can be increased by connecting several converter modules in hard parallel.The power and current can be increased by connecting two converter modules in 12-pulse parallel.The power and voltage can be increased by connecting two converter modules in 12-pulse serial.The power can also be increased by combining both hard parallel and 12-pulse.It is also possible to increase the power by using two or more motors. An example of this is that the motors are mounted on one shaft. All drives are controlled by one master. This configuration is called master-follower.A hard parallel DC Drive consists of two to four thyristor converter modules. The mains and the DC are connected in parallel.All modules are connected to a dedicated transformer. The only function of the transformer is to supply all of the converter modules, thus the name dedicated transformer.All converter modules are controlled by one paralleling master. Special hardware is used for this hard parallel master-slave communication.The current balancing between the converter modules is done by the DC and AC wiring. On the AC side, split and symmetrical cables, at least 3 m in length, have to be used. On the DC side, split cables of at least 3 m have to be used.Up to four converter modules can be connected in parallel. Thus, the power can be doubled, tripled or quadrupled by simply increasing the current.The current balancing between the converter modules is done by the DC and AC wiring. The AC wiring of each converter module is split on the secondary side of the transformer. All cables have to have the same length and must be routed symmetrically. The cables for DC wiring have to have the same length. No symmetrical routing is needed.The advantage of this design is the use of standard converter modules from the series production. Selected thyristors are not necessary anymore. This increases the quality, because converter modules from the series production can be used. Also, the spare part handling is easier, since standard spare parts can be used.Hard parallel is available for 6-pulse, 12-pulse parallel, 12-pulse serial, serial sequential and quasi 12-pulse.A 12-pulse DC Drive consists of two 6-pulse thyristor converter modules.The modules are connected to a dedicated three winding transformer. A three winding transformer has one primary winding and two secondary windings. Each of the secondary windings only supplies one of the 6-pulse converter modules, thus the name dedicated transformer.The phase shift between the secondary windings must be 30°electrical to achieve 12-pulse. This is possible with one of the secondary windings being in delta configuration and the other one being in star configuration. Thus 12-pulses will be seen on the primary side of the dedicated transformer and the current ripple of the DC-current.An example is a delta / delta / star transformer.The advantages of 12-pulse are:the reduced level of harmonics on the primary side of the transformer. Primarily the 5th and 7thharmonics are much lower compared to 6-pulse configurations.the power range is increased by either doubling the drive´s output current or its voltage. Theconfiguration is a 12-pulse parallel configuration if the output current is increased. It is a 12-pulse serial configuration, when the output voltage is increased.Since each 12-pulse drive consists of 2 converter modules it is possible to continue emergencyoperation with just one converter module.Compared to 6-pulse drives, the current ripple of 12-pulse drives is considerably lower. The motor efficiency increases due to the lower current ripple.All drives interfere with other equipment, because they produce harmonics on the AC side. To filter these harmonics, additional hardware is needed. For large drives this equipment is very expensive.An alternative to achieve a lower level of harmonics is the 12-pulse configuration. The 12-pulse configuration reduces the level of harmonics on the primary side of the transformer. Primarily the 5th and 7th harmonics are much lower compared to 6-pulse configurations. The total harmonic distortion is reduced by two thirds from over 36 % to fewer than 12 %.The characteristics of 12-pulse parallel are:two converter modules connected in parallel. Each converter module provides 50 % of the motor current. Thus, the power range is extended by doubling the DC current.The total harmonic distortion is reduced by two thirds by nearly eliminating the 5th and 7th harmonics.Compared to 6-pulse drives the current ripple of 12-pulse parallel drives is about 75 % lower. This reduces the motor noise level and increases the efficiency of the motor due to lower losses. This is an advantage especially for old motors which do not have sheeted bodies.Since each 12-pulse parallel drive consists of 2 converter modules, it is possible to continue emergency operation with only one converter. This converter module still supplies 100 % of the motor voltage but only 50 % of the motor current. Thus, it is possible to reach full speed with 50 % torque.The maximum mains voltage is 690 VAC for D5 converter modules and 1200 VAC for D6 and D7 converter modules.The characteristics of 12-pulse serial are:two converter modules connected in serial. Each converter module provides 50 % of the motor voltage.Thus, the power range is extended by doubling the DC voltage.The total harmonic distortion is reduced by two thirds by nearly eliminating the 5th and 7th harmonics.Compared to 6-pulse drives the current ripple of a12-pulse parallel drive is about 75 % lower. This reduces the motor noise level and increases the efficiency of the motor due to lower losses. This is an advantage especially for old motors which do not have sheeted bodies.Since each 12-pulse serial drive consists of 2 converter modules, it is possible to continue emergency operation with only one converter. This converter module still supplies 100 % of the motor current but only 50 % of the motor voltage. Thus, half speed with a maximum of 100 % torque is possible.The maximum mains voltage is 2 * 350 VAC for D5 converter modules and 2 * 600 VAC for D6 and D7 converter modules.The characteristics of serial sequential are:two converter modules connected in serial. Each converter module provides 50 % of the motor voltage.Thus, the power range is extended by doubling the DC voltage.The 30°phase shift on the secondary side of the dedicated transformer is not necessary.Due to the sequential type of firing pulses, the consumption of reactive power is reduced. This is important for large drives using high torques at low speeds.Since each serial sequential drive consists of 2 converter modules, it is possible to continue emergency operation with only one converter. This converter module still supplies 100 % of the motor current but only 50 % of the motor voltage. Thus, half speed with a maximum of 100 % torque is possible.The maximum mains voltage is 2 * 350 VAC for D5 converter modules and 2 * 600 VAC for D6 and D7 converter modules.The characteristics of quasi 12-pulse are:the reduced level of harmonics on the primary side of the transformer. This is one of the most significant advantages of 12-pulse especially since 12-pulse is mainly used for large drives.In a 12-pulse configuration the harmonics are suppressed on the DC side of the converter at the motor and on the primary side of the dedicated transformer. 12-pulse on the DC side reduces the losses of the motor. 12-pulse on the primary side of the transformer reduces the harmonics.In a quasi 12-pulse configuration the harmonics are only suppressed on the primary side of thededicated transformer. The DC motors run in normal 6-pulse configuration. Thus, less filtering and compensation hardware is needed on the high voltage side to suppress disturbances such as flickering.To increase the power even higher, 12-pulse and hard parallel configurations can be combined. Hard parallel is available for 6-pulse, 12-pulse parallel, 12-pulse serial, serial sequential and quasi 12-pulse.To increase the power of an installation, it is also possible to use more than one motor. All of these motors are controlled by a configuration called master -follower.For the master -follower configuration it is mandatory, that all motors run at the same speed and no speed difference between the motors is possible. Thus, all motors are, for example, mounted on one shaft.All drives are controlled by only one master. The other drives are followers and are either torque or window controlled.Standard ABB field exciters supply a maximum field current of 60 A. Large motors need higher field currents. To supply field currents up to 520 A, standard DCS800 converter modules are used. The standard converter module can be adapted to become a field exciter. This adaptation is done by means of parameters which are available in the standard firmware. So, to use a standard module as a field exciter, no hardware changes are needed in the converter module. Overvoltage protection is needed to protect the field circuit from damage.T-reactors are only used in 12-pulse parallel configurations. The 30 °phase shift between 12-pulse master and 12-pulse follower supply voltages generates an instantaneous voltage difference between the output voltages of both converters. The maximum amount of this difference is 50 % of the peak value of the supply voltage. The T-reactor absorbs this instantaneous voltage difference and provides the typical 12-pulse current to the DC-motor.ABB also provides customized T-reactors. The T-reactors are dimensioned depending on the line voltage and motor current.The T-reactors provided by ABB have a high overload capability and are much smaller than air-core reactors and are therefore much lower in cost.High speed DC-breakers are able to extinguish excessively high DC currents immediately. Thus, the motor can be protected against overcurrents causing damages to it, for example flash over at the commutator. Usually the high-speed DC-breaker trips itself when an overcurrent occurs.This is done by means of a fast magnetic overcurrent trip coil.It is also possible to trip the high-speed DC-breaker with a trip command from the drive. This trip signal is generated by motor or drive overcurrents, mains under voltage and excessively high current rise.To reduce the delay time before the high-speed DC-breaker is opened after a trip command from the drive, fast tripping relays are available.When using high speed DC-breakers, overcurrent trip become resettable, because the high-speed DC-breaker trips before other parts in the system -for example the fuse -become damaged.Thus, the availability of the whole drive increases.High speed DC-breakers are strongly recommended when using drives without AC breakers to ensure that the DC motors are protected against damage from overcurrent.ABB also provides high speed DC-breakers and integrates them into the drive's lineup.Usually the DC-and AC-voltage is measured via high ohmic resistors with a scaling of 1 MOhm per 100 Galvanic isolation is used to isolate the DC-and AC-voltage measurement circuits of the converter modules from dangerously high DC-and AC-voltages. Galvanic insulation is usually needed when either the supply voltage or the motor voltage is greater than 690 V.Galvanic isolation is used in both 6-pulse and 12-pulse systems.Only the AC-and DC-voltage measurement has to be galvanically isolated, because the current measurement is already isolated via current transformers -CTs for short.To isolate the AC-voltage measurement, a special isolation transformer for all three phases is needed. The DC-voltage measurement is isolated by means of a DC-DC transducer.The transformer and the DC-DC transducer are provided by ABB.Now you know what Large DC Drives using DCS800 hard parallel and 12-pulse are. Also, the differences between the different kinds of 12-pulse configurations should be clear. You should also know about master-follower, large field exciters, T-reactors, high speed DC-breakers and galvanic isolation.Here are some related documents for further training and additional references.Thank you for your attention. You may now go ahead and move on to the next unit.。
如图 13。用鼠标双击
停设备时,点击 后再
点 ,完成设备的停止
图 13:马达、泵、风机操作面板
3) 累积量的清零操作 对于累积量,如果需要进行手动清零,进入组显示画面,选择累积面板(见
图 14)点击淸零按钮,按确认后,累积量立即清零重新累积。
图 18:浊循环水停泵联锁画面
如图 18,当
时,LISA-0601 下限报警时, Z2MA、Z3MA
联锁停泵;LISA-0602 下限报警时, Z4MA、Z5MA 联锁停泵。
图 19:浊循环水停泵联锁画面
如图 19,当
按钮调出 PID 参数整定画面,见图 12
微分 积分
图 12:PID 参数整定画面
在该窗口中可以对相应 PID 参数进行设定。CP 表示自动调节的比例作用, TI 表示调节的积分作用,TD 表示微分作用。
2) 马达、泵、风机的控制操作
根据工艺要求,马达、泵、风机的启动都在现场进行,而停车操作则在 DCS
注:如果自动点火柜系统设为手动状态,则以上三个信号(点火条件具备、 允许点火、紧急停火)不被其接受。
5、工业萘点火条件具备联锁(见图 22)
煤气总管 压力
初馏塔循环泵 出口压力
图 22:工业萘点火条件具备联锁画面
精初馏塔循环 泵出口压力
如图 22,当进煤气总管压力 P-7508 下限报警或初馏塔/精馏塔循环泵出口压 力 P-7505/P-7506 上限报警时,点火条件具备按钮为红色,表示不具备点火条件。 否则可以点击允许点火按钮,将点火信号送至自动点火柜系统。遇有紧急情况, 可点击紧急停火指令按钮,将停火指令送至自动点火系统。
ABB DCS系统学习资料
© ABB Group September 9, 2010 | Slide 12
报警级别与报警组 逻辑1按钮
逻辑0按钮 按钮反馈
© ABB Group September 9, 2010 | Slide 13
PulseOut为0时,正常情况下(反馈在FBTime规定时间内返回),反馈到来后 输出Out不消失;若反馈未在FBTime时间内到来,或到来后又消失 Out与PulseOut,FBTime关系 (Tripped),则输出Out消失;PulseOut为1时,相应反馈到来后延时 PoutTime引脚定义的时间后Out信号消失。 只要发出指令就产生相应的Level,直到发出相反指令前不消失,但若发生 Trip或Fail则Level也会消失。 指令发出FBTime规定的时间后检测到相应反馈到来,而后又消失。 指令发出FBTime规定的时间后没有检测到相应反馈到来。 两反馈相同后FBTime规定的时间。 任一反馈或输出通道被强制。 FB1Tripped/FB0Tripped或者FB1Failed/FB0Failed或者外部故障任一信号产 生。 相应反馈信号到来而另一反馈信号没来。
阀门报警组与报警级别 阀门禁止操作(就地状态)
打开阀门按钮 关闭阀门按钮 错误复位按钮
综合故障显示 反馈相同故障显示 操作失败显示 跳闸显示 设备总运行时间(小时) 设备总启动次数
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ABB DCS 系统培训手册
主编 康后伟
பைடு நூலகம்
序 言........................................................... 3 第一节:软件 CBF 安装................................................ 4 第二节:软件组态.................................................... 4
第六节、熟悉各功能块使用、原理:................................... 33 6.1 开关量监控(图 111) ........................................ 33 6.2 模拟量输入(图 112) ........................................ 33 6.3 模拟量输出(图 113) ........................................ 33 6.4 电机控制.................................................... 34 6.4.1 单向电机(图 114)..................................... 34 6.4.2 双向电机(图 115)..................................... 34 6.4.3 组电机(图 116)....................................... 34
第七节、图形元件编辑、使用及原理:................................. 35 7.1 按钮:...................................................... 35 7.2 动态数字显示:.............................................. 37 7.3 棒图:...................................................... 38 7.4 图形符号:.................................................. 40 7.5 按钮域:.................................................... 43 7.6 单选按钮.................................................... 44