序号ISO英文名称中文名称人口数据(默认:万)人均GDPE-Packet1AD Andorra安道尔72AE United Arab Em.阿联酋927 3AF Afghanistan阿富汗3,3374AG Antigua andBarbuda安提瓜和巴布达95AI Anguilla安圭拉16AL Albania阿尔巴尼亚290 7AM Armenia亚美尼亚3038AN NetherlandsAntilles荷属安的列斯群岛189AO Angola安哥拉2,583 10AR Argentina阿根廷4,385 11AS American Samoa美属萨摩亚612AT Austria奥地利857序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet13AU Australia澳大利亚2,431Yes 14AW Aruba阿鲁巴群岛1015AZ Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆98716BA Bosnia波斯尼亚38017BB Barbados巴巴多斯2918BD Bangladesh孟加拉16,29119BE Belgium比利时1,13720BF Burkina Faso布基纳法索1,86321BG Bulgaria保加利亚71022BH Bahrain巴林14023BI Burundi布隆迪1,15524BJ Benin贝宁1,11725BL Saint Barthelemy 圣巴瑟米(法)26BM Bermuda百慕大627BN Brunei文莱4328BO Bolivia玻利维亚1,08929BQ Bonaire SintEustatius Saba荷兰加勒比区30BR Brazil巴西20,957 31BS Bahamas巴哈马3932BT Bhutan不丹7833BV Bouvet Island 布韦岛(挪)序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet34BW Botswana博茨瓦纳23035BY Belarus白俄罗斯94836BZ Belize伯利兹3737CA Canada加拿大3,629Yes38CC Cocos (Keeling)Islands科科斯群岛039CD The DemocraticRepublic of theCongo刚果民主共和国7,97240CF Central AfricanRepublic中非共和国50051CG Congo刚果47442CH Switzerland瑞士83843CI Côte d'Ivoire科特迪瓦2,325 44CK Cook Islands库克群岛245CL Chile智利1,813 46CM Cameroon喀麦隆2,392 47CN China中国138,232 48CO Colombia哥伦比亚4,865 49CR Costa Rica哥斯达黎加48650CU Cuba古巴1,139 51CV Cape Verde佛得角5352CW Curacao库拉索1653CX Christmas Island圣诞岛054CY Cyprus塞浦路斯118序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet55CZ Czech捷克1,055 56DE Germany德国8,068 57DJ Djibouti吉布提9058DK Denmark丹麦56959DM Dominica多米尼克760DO Dominican Rep多米尼加1,065 61DZ Algeria阿尔及利亚4,038 62EC Ecuador厄瓜多尔1,639 63EE Estonia爱沙尼亚13164EG Egypt埃及9,338 65EH Western Sahara西撒哈拉5866ER Eritrea厄立特里亚53567ES Spain西班牙4,606 68ET Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚10,185 69EU EU欧盟70FI Finland芬兰55271FJ Fiji斐济9072FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)73FM Micronesia,Federated Statesof密克罗尼西亚联邦1074FO Faroe Islands法罗群岛575FR France法国6,467序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet76GA Gabon加蓬17677GB Great Britain英国6,511Yes 78GD Grenada格林纳达1179GE Georgia格鲁吉亚39880GF French Guiana法属圭亚那2881GG Guernsey格恩西岛782GH Ghana加纳2,80383GI Gibraltar直布罗陀384GL Greenland格陵兰685GM Gambia冈比亚20586GN Guinea几内亚1,29587GP Guadeloupe瓜德罗普4788GQ Equatorial Guinea赤道几内亚8789GR Greece希腊1,09290GS South Georgia andthe Islands南乔治亚岛091GT Guatemala危地马拉1,667 92GU Guam关岛1793GW Guinea-Bissau几内亚比绍189 94GY Guyana圭亚那7795HK Hong Kong中国香港73596HM Heard Island andMcDonald Islands赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛97HN Honduras洪都拉斯819序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet98HR Croatia克罗地亚42399HT Haiti海地1,085 100HU Hungary匈牙利982101ID Indonesia印度尼西亚26,058 102IE Ireland爱尔兰471103IL Israel以色列819104IN India印度132,680105IO British IndianOcean Territory英属印度洋领地106IQ Iraq伊拉克3,755 107IR Iran伊朗8,004 108IS Iceland冰岛33109IT Italy意大利5,980 110JM Jamaica牙买加280 111JO Jordan约旦775 112JP Japan日本12,632 113KE Kenya肯尼亚4,725114KG Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦603115KH Cambodia柬埔寨1,583 116KI Kiribati基里巴斯11 117KM Comoros科摩罗81118KN Saint Kitts andNevis圣基茨和尼维斯6序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet119KP DemocraticPeople's Republicof Korea朝鲜2,528120KR South Korea韩国5,050121KV The Republic ofKosovo科索沃180122KW Kuwait科威特401 123KY Cayman Islands开曼群岛6124KZ Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦1,786 125LA Laos老挝692 126LB Lebanon黎巴嫩599 127LC Saint Lucia圣卢西亚19 128LI Liechtenstein列支敦士登4129LK Sri Lanka斯里兰卡2,081 130LR Liberia利比里亚462 131LS Lesotho莱索托216 132LT Lithuania立陶宛285 133LU Luxembourg卢森堡58 134LV Latvia拉脱维亚196 135LY Libya利比亚633 136MA Moroco摩洛哥3,482 137MC Monaco摩纳哥4138MD Republic ofMoldova摩尔多瓦406139ME Montenegro黑山63序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet140MG Madagascar马达加斯加2,492 141MH Marshall Islands马绍尔群岛5142MK Republic ofMacedonia马其顿208143ML Mali马里1,813 144MM Myanmar缅甸5,436 145MN Mongolia蒙古301 146MO Macau中国澳门60147MP Northern MarianaIslands北马里亚纳群岛6148MQ Martinique马提尼克40149MR Mauritania毛里塔尼亚417 150MS Montserrat蒙特塞拉特1151MT Malta马耳他42152MU Mauritius毛里求斯128 153MV Maldives马尔代夫37154MW Malawi马拉维1,775 155MX Mexico墨西哥12,863 156MY Malaysia马来西亚3,075 157MZ Mozambique莫桑比克2,875 158NA Namibia纳米比亚251159NC New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚27160NE Niger尼日尔2,072序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet161NF Norfolk Island诺福克岛0162NG Nigeria尼日利亚18,699163NI Nicaragua尼加拉瓜615164NL Netherlands荷兰1,698165NO Norway挪威527166NP Nepal尼泊尔2,885167NR Nauru瑙鲁1168NU Niue纽埃0169NZ New Zealand新西兰457Yes 170OM Oman阿曼465171PA Panama巴拿马399172PE Peru秘鲁3,177173PF French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚29174PG Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚778175PH Philippines菲律宾10,225 176PK Pakistan巴基斯坦19,283 177PL Poland波兰3,859178PM Saint Pierre andMiquelon圣皮埃尔和密克隆1179PN Pitcairn皮特凯恩0 180PR Puerto Rico波多黎各368 181PS Gaza Strip加沙地带220序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet182PT Portugal葡萄牙1,030 183PW Palau帕劳2184PY Paraguay巴拉圭673 185QA Qatar卡塔尔229 186RE Reunion留尼旺群岛87187RO Romania罗马尼亚1,937 188RS Serbia塞尔维亚881 189RU Russia俄罗斯14,344 190RW Rwanda卢旺达1,188 191SA Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯3,216 192SB Solomon Islands所罗门群岛59193SC Seychelles塞舌尔10194SD Sudan苏丹4,118 195SE Sweden瑞典985 196SG Singapore新加坡570197SH Saint Helena,Ascension andTristan Da Cunha圣赫勒拿,阿森松岛和特里斯坦达库尼亚198SI Slovenia斯洛文尼亚207199SJ Svalbard 斯瓦尔巴特群岛200SK Slovakia斯洛伐克543 201SL Sierra Leone塞拉利昂659 202SM San Marino圣马力诺3序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet203SN Senegal塞内加尔1,559 204SO Somalia索马里1,108 205SR Suriname苏里南55 206SS South Sudan南苏丹1,273207ST Sao Tome andPrincipe圣多美和普林西比19208SV El Salvador萨尔瓦多615 209SX Sint Maarten荷属圣马丁4210SY Syrian ArabRepublic叙利亚1,856211SZ Swaziland斯威士兰130212TC Turks and CaicosIslands特克斯和凯科斯群岛3213TD Chad乍得1,450 214TG Togo多哥750 215TH Thailand泰国6,815 216TJ Tajikistan塔吉克斯坦867 217TK Tokelau托克劳群岛0218TL East Timor东帝汶121 219TM Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦544 220TN Tunisia突尼斯1,138 221TO Tonga汤加11 222TR Turkey土耳其7,962223TT Trinidad andTobago特里尼达和多巴哥136序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet224TV Tuvalu图瓦卢1225TW Taiwan中国台湾2,340226TZ Tanzania, UnitedRepublic of坦桑尼亚5,516227UA Ukraine乌克兰4,462 228UG Uganda乌干达4,032229UM United StatesMinor OutlyingIslands美国本土外小岛屿230US USA美国32,412Yes 231UY Uruguay乌拉圭344232UZ Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦3,030233VA Vatican CityState梵蒂冈0234VC Saint Vincent andthe Grenadines圣文森特和格林纳丁斯11235VE Venezuela委内瑞拉3,152236VG British Virginlslands英属维尔京群岛3237VI Virgin Islands维京群岛11 238VN Vietnam越南9,444 239VU Vanuatu瓦努阿图27240WF Wallis and Futuna 瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群1序号ISO英文名称中文名称(默认:万)均GDPE-Packet岛241WS Samoa萨摩亚19 242YE Yemen也门2,748 243YT Mayotte马约特岛25 244ZA South Africa南非5,498 245ZM Zambia赞比亚1,672 246ZW Zimbabwe津巴布韦1,597。
ADOPT研究中代谢综合征及各组分在不 同人种的发生率
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
HT Low HDL High TG WC MetS
高加索人 非洲裔美国人 亚裔美国人 其他
ADOPT: A Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial; NCEP ATPIII criteria was used; 1756 caucasians, 164 African-Americans, 74 Asian-Americans, 215 others
How do we measure insulin resistance?
Euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp Frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance HOMA-IR Mathematical modeling of oral glucose tolerance testing
心血管疾病很常见 机制复杂 胰岛素-受体 受体-G蛋白磷酸化底物激活 葡萄糖转运子生成 线粒体中葡萄糖氧化酶表达缺陷 AngⅡ兴奋性增加导致上述过程活性下降
肾上腺素 肾上腺皮质激素 甲状腺素 肾素-血管紧张素-醛 固酮(RAS) 胰高糖素
男性<40mg/dl, 女性<50mg/dl
男性>102cm, 女 性>88cm
第一册1----8331 what2 is3 what's4 your5 name6 my7 I8 am9 I'm10 in11 row12 one13 number14 two15 too16 three17 are18 you19 yes20 four21 five22 no23 not24 hi25 class26 grade27 six28 seven29 eight30 nine31 ten32 zero33 plus34 it35 it's36 how37 old38 eleven39 twelve40 minus41 thirteen42 fourteen43 fifteen44 hello45 please46 can47 spell48 that49 secret50 this51 in52 English53 in English54 a55 clock56 and57 pencil-box 58 an(个;59 pencil n60 ruler61 pen62sharpener63 eraser64 room65 book66 map67 desk68 cup69 bag70 computer71 mouse72 bed73 keyboard74 isn't75 pear76 cake77 banana78 apple79 orange80 egg81 bike82 bus83 car84 jeep85 Chinese86 Japanese87 look88 who89 she90 he91 bird92 its93 do94 don't95 know96 think97 Mr=mister98 very99 picture100 Mrs101 boy102 girl103 woman104 man105 cat106 his107 teacher108 her109 everyone110 here111 today112 at prep113 school114 at school115 sorry116 where117 home118 at home119 How areyou?120 fine121 thanks122 OK123 thank124 goodbye125 bye126 parrot127 sister128 father129 mother130 box131 excuse132 me133 Here youare.134 but135 these136 they137 good138 those139 boat140 hill141 tree142 their143 much144very much145 all146 right147 all right148 mum149 friend150 brother151 nice152 to153 meet154 child155 children156 welcome157 our158 come159 come in160 morning161 class162 on163 duty164 on duty165 we166 aren't167 have168 new169 student170 twin171 look172 the173 same174 look thesame175 America176 sit177 down178 sit down179 over180 there181 over there182 after183 look after184 Miss185 way186Thisway,please.187 put188 coat189 them190 washroom191 let192 us193 let's194 go195 Let's go.196 classmate197 nice198 love199 No200 middle201 middleschool202 well203 fax204 phone205 ID206 policeman207 ask208 sir209 yes210 licence211 look at212 dear213 see214 I'll215 will216 take217 address218 age219 glad220 why221 forgot222 now223 China224 or225 work226 goes227 family228family tree229grandmother230 grandma231grandfather232 grandpa n233 dad234 wife235 husband236 daughter237 son238 parent239 parents240 big241 England242 aunt243 uncle244 afternoon245 do246 How doyou do?247 seat248 have aseat249 like250 look like251 hat252 doctor253 worker254 guess255 behind256 chair257 ball258 under259 floor260 can't261 photo262 wall263 shoe264 near265 door266 of267 classroom268 answer269blackboard270 some pron271 schoolbag272 flower273 find274 broom275 window276 raincoat277 cap278 football279 table280HongKong281 Macao282 SAR283 there284 there's285 lock286 many287 thing288 must289 open290 get291 help292 purse293 money294 worry295 Let mesee.296 fifty297 colour298 black299 house300 small301 playhouse302 like303 play304 up305 with306 great307 look308 have alook309 ping-pong310 how many311 kite312 young313 pioneer314 YoungPioneer315 men316 women nwoman317 only318 work319 at work320 sky321 count322 river323 dog324 light325 any326 animal327 people328 little329 sheep330 come on331 red332 colour333 yellow334 blue335 white336 green337 purple338brown339 orange340 grey341 sweater342 light343 want344 which1345 on346 clothes 347 line 348.whose 349 blouse 350 dress351 shirt352 trousers 353 skir354 dark355 yours 356 mine357 her358 put on 359 theirs 360 ours361 glove 362 about 363Whatabout 364 beside 365 watch n & 366 give367 time368 about 369 thirty 370.get..up 371 late 372.o'clock 373 midnight 374 noon375 past376 half377 quarter 378 for379 break 380 lunch 381 breakfast 382 clean 383 supper 384.have........ supper385 TV386 watch 387 game 388 go home 389 p.m.390 London 391 Tokyo 392 Sydney 393 hour394 a.m.395 hundred 396 yourself 397 bedroom 398 doll399 else400 sure401 between 402 tall403 funny 404 favourite405 e-mail406 speak407 next408 term409 could410 minute411.Tuesday412 February413 eighteenth414 listen415.careful416.carefully417 draw418 has419 face420 eye421 ear422 leg423 hand424 long425 short426.mouth427 say428 tick429 heavy430 empty431 certainly432 full433 be full (of)phr.434 carry435 too436 so437 listen to438 tape439 there440 all441 basket442 bottle443 a bottle of444 juice445 head446 nose447 hair448 arm449 foot450 wardrobe451 day452 from453 America454 zoo455 away456 put away457 out adv458 come out459 sock460 other461 wrong462 broken463 so464 catch465 get down466 him467 right468 goodness469 plane470 with471 mend472 knife473 robot474 body475 broke476 lost477 tell478 round479 mummy480 pleasure481 food482 drink483.hungry484 thirsty485 water486 eat487 rice488.bread489 meat490 tea491 milk492 glass493 a glass of494.wouldlike495 something496 porridge497 fish498 dumpling499 fruit500 piece501 a pieceof502hamburger503.Noodle504.Potato505 chips506.Coke507.Coffee508.Madam509 dear510 ice511 cream512 ice cream513 USA514 different515 vegetable516sometimes517.sport518 come on519.ouch520 be good at521 basketball522 easy523 pass524 try525 yo-yo526 go527 throw528 hard529 ride530 swim531 skate532 fly533 card534 volleyball535 jump536 sing537 run538 high539 then540 question541 postal542 code543 ski544 tennis545.tabletennis546.......roller-skating547 chess548fan549 player550 team551 every552 Friday553 make554 makethe bed555homework556.dohomework557 read558 write559 sleep560 look for561 cook562 talk563 talk with564 open565 close566.Take.photos567 wear568 Sunday569 park570 toy571 lake572 clear573 shop574 closed575 day576 Friday577 early578.supermarket579.Wednesday580 may581 borrow582 from583 Thursday584 week585 Monday586 Saturday587 Sunday588 hey589 dictionary590 back591 tomorrow592 CD593 lot594 a lot595.give...ahand596 evening597 after park602 rest603.havea(good)rest604 maths605.Math606 all607 hard608 fun609 yeah610 take611.straight612 use613 wheel614 into615 music616 boat617 lake618 into619.worried620 save621.Ticket622 New York623 learn624learn...from625 meeting626 bring627.foreign628 difference629 each630 each other631 talk about632 USA633 Australia634 Canada635 UK636 Japan637 America638 a little639 French640 great641 the GreatWall642 hotel643 building644 follow645 call646.familyname647 first648 postcard649 teach650.dinner651 soon652 stay653.highschool654 Toronto655 schoolboy656 country657.makefriends658 France659 textbook660Englishman661 Australian662 Canadian663 city664 foreigner665 visit666 word667 well668 why669English-speaking670 letter671 hot672 hot dog673 all674 different675 kind676 a kind of677 every adj678 meal679 noodle680 vegetable681 restaurant682 often683 potato2684 well685 why 686.because 687 housework 688 machine 689 again 690.make phone calls 691 wash692 dish693 electronic 694 mail n 695 smoke 696 fog697 smog 698 dance room700 dining room n701 driver 702 farmer 703 soldier 704 businessman 705 assistant 706 a shop assistant707 nurse 708 postman 709 factory 710 station 711 bus station712 hospital 713 farm714 post715 office office717 study 718 party 719.friendly 720 also721 medicine 722 in the day 723 at night 724.make money725 weekend 726 job727 writer 728 cleaner 729 turn 730.Grow 731.Baker 732 artist733 hobby 734 be,735 place736 weekday737 when adv738 leave739 begin740.havesports741 go to bed742 usually743 right now744sometimes745 take off746.afterschool747 get to748 shopping751.go...shopping752.garden753 be754 over755 do (some)reading756living-room757playground758 walk759 news760 match761 quickly762 sun763 moon764 bridge765 train766 ship767 on foot768 holiday769 year770 by771 by plane772 by ship773 air774 by air775 sea776 by sea777 take time778 how long779 walk780 clean781 story782 far783 problem784 earlier785 ill786 tear787.chicken788 tofu789 fridge790 list791 shoppinglist792 buy793 kilo794 sell795 how much796 cheap797 expensive798 tomato799 onion800 carrot801 pork n802 all day ,803 a lot of804 open805 market806 dollar807 cent808 pound809 health810 fast811 of course812 travel813 safe814 minibus815 and so on816 price817 example818.forexample819 stand820 field n821 one day822 job823 bright824 foreign825sunglasses826 each827 language828 helpful829 get on (abus)830business831 company832 manager n833 century第二册834----1644834 lesson835 fun836 when837 traffic838 bad839 matter840 on time841September842 happy843 best844 wish845.second846 idea847 last848.givenname849 mean850.meaning851 important852 use853 Ms854 before855 never856 just857 third858 afraid859 live860 sound861 have to862 time863 more864 not...anymore865 laugh866 waste867 a waste oftime868 fifth869 trip870 field trip871hometown872.discuss873 fish874 fishing875 go fishing876 east877 agree878.boating879.goboating880.maybe881 mountain882 hike883 hiking884 go hiking885 top888 problem889 quick890 quickly891 start892 trip over893 tired894 hurry895 hurry up896 tie897 die898 city899 take900.eighth901 salesgirl902 far903 beautiful904 together905 autumn906 festival907 ninth909mid-autumn910 mooncake911 nut912 sweet913 inside914 store915 come over916thanksgiving917Thanksgiving=Thanksgiving Day918.Get.together919 October920 taste921 theopen air924.harvest925 than926.another927 delicious928 better929 pumpkin930.twelfth931 turkey932 celebrate933 wait934 feed935 cow936interesting937 tractor938 taxi939 slow940.slowly941 grow942 wheat943 country944 hear945 bleat946 agree with947 corn n948 most949 summer950 winter951 stop ,中止952 pick953 exciting954 town955 star956 until957 till958 college959 farming960 somebody961.nobody962 shall963 zoo964 nothing965 dolphin966 show967 gate968 land969 just970 grass971 dangerous972 panda973 lion974 elephant975 monkey976 tiger977 deer978 snake979 rabbit980 duck981 fox982 horse983 bear984 cage985 should986 forest987 feel988 if989 fall990 climb991 finish992 cinema993 seafood994 twentieth995 baby996 back997 place998twenty-first999 bank1000 theatre1001bookshop1002 toilet n1003 museum1004 front1005 in frontof1006 left1007 right1008 side31009 on the left/right side 1010 all the same1011 need 1012 ask for 1013 along 1014 road 1015.turn 1016.turning 1017 metre 1018kilometre 1019hadbetter 1020coin 1021 keep 1022 as1023 moment 1024 tell 1025.street 1026 next to 1027 around 1028 lift 1029 up and down1030 busy 1031 team 1032.centre 1033 popular 1034 soccer 1035 quite 1036 month 1037 village 1038 strong 1039 was 1040yesterday 104November 1042 ill1043hope 1044 Composition 104remember 1046 were 1047 bit 1048 a bit 1049 healthy 1050 grow up 1051.visit 1052 ago Before. yesterday 1054 enjoy 1055 world 1056 at the same time 1057.a moment ago 1058 just now 1059 reply 1060 by the way1061 match1062 cold1063.drive1064 plan1065 diary1066.maketelephonecalls1067 go out1068.India1069went1070 rain1071 rained1072 momery1073.pack1074everything1075 umbrella1076 dry1077newspaper1078 paper1079 morningpaper1080.atbreakfast1081saygoodbye to1082 useful1083 scientist1084 invent1085 all thetime1086 always1087everywhere1088 born1089 be born1090 May1091 move1092understand1093 so-so1094 at first1095 most1096 luck1097 April1098 hate1099 fly v1100 painting1101 airport n1102 Swedish1103 rock1104 band1105 concert1106 give aconcert1107 tonight1108 singer1109journalist1110 famous1111 Sweden1112 song1113.morethan1114 thousand1115 accident1116 careless1117.falldown1118 break v1119 go on phr.1120 someone1121 heart1122 past1123 end1124 at theend of1125 happen1126 part1127 tourist1128 go back1129 in ahurry1130 grape1131 science1132 marry1133 getmarried1134 subject1135friendship1136 anyone1137 date1138 season1139 writedown1140 January1141 March1142 June1143 July1144 August114December1146.spring1147 last1148 weather1149 warm1150 come out1151 heavily1152 crop n1153 really1154 snow n1155snowman1156 all theyear round1157 true1158 nearly1159 unlike1160 opposite1161 sunny1162 cloud1163 cloudy1164 wet1165 rainy1166 wind1167 windy1168 snowy1169 later1170 later on1171 ring1172 ring up1173 west1174 strange1175 sunshine1176 melon1177 radio1178 report1179 north1180 south1181 at times1182 northeast11temperature1184 above1185 daytime1186 below1187northwest1188 lift1189 worse1190 foggy1191 low1192 birthday1193 invite1194 film1195 hold1196 hold on1197 message1198take/leave amessage1199 ready1200sandwich1201 plate n1202 candle n蜡烛1203 doorbell1204 present1205 smile1206telephone(phone)1207 double1208 but1209 take out1210 the sameas1211 word1212 shout1213 turn over1214 study1215 less1216 less than1217 be latefor1218 beef1219 helpyourself to1220Christmas1221 during1222 SpringFestival1223 exam1224get-together1225 put on1226 play1227 shower1228 showery1229 magical1230 Rome1231 Berlin1232 Moscow1233 kitchen1234cupboard1235 few1236 a few1237 salt1238 sugar1239 pepper1240 oil1241 wine1242 beer1243 fork1244 spoon1245chopsticks1246 cabbage1247 pea1248 butter1249 cheese1250.soup1251.Italian1252.pizza1253.Indian1254 kinds of1255workplace1256 seem1257 even1258 Italy1259chocolate1260 ice n 冰1261 makeugh1263.both1264 either1265either...or...1266 anything1267 neither1268 nor1269neither...nor.1270 a bit (of)1271 without1272 take aseat1273take-away1274 waiter1275madamn1276 menu1277 order1278 bill1279.befamous for1280 kind1281 lady1282 ladies'room1283 tell1284 library n图书馆1285 cross1286 crossing1287 across1288 miss1289 church1290 cafe1291 video n1292 reach v1293 corner n1294 on one'sway to1295.sick1296.pocket1297.still1298.weak1299 wait for1300 cut1301 finger1302geography1303 physics1304 history1305 key1306 fixb(=laboratory)1308 suddenly1309 DVD1310 in time1311 makeone's way to1312 sign4。
121Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA10-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Standard ..............................................1810-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs.............................1810-1530.........1.5" x 3" Standard .................................................2110-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ................................2110-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round ...............................................2010-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45......................................................2010-1560.........1.5" x 6" Standard .................................................2410-1575.........1.5" x .75"..............................................................2010-1591.........1.5" x 1.5" Mono Slot ............................................1910-1592.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Corner......................................1910-1593.........1.5" x 1.5" Tri-Slot .................................................1910-1594.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ...............................1910-3030.........3" x 3" Standard ....................................................2310-3030PKG..3" x 3" Standard 2 x 8' Pcs ...................................2310-3092.........1.5" x 3" Tri-Slot Corner ........................................2210-3093.........1.5" x 3" Quad Slot................................................2210-3094.........1.5" x 3" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ..................................2211-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Heavy...................................................1811-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs .................................1811-1530.........1.5" x 3" Heavy......................................................2111-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs ....................................2111-3030.........3" x 3" Heavy .........................................................2312-001............Upper Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-002............Lower Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-006............Sliding Door Guide 1", Upper ...............................8312-007............Sliding Door Guide 1", Lower ...............................8312-010............Mesh Clamp Profile, Clr - Max 13.1ft ...................8212-011............Stiffener/ Handle Profile, Clr - Max 9.8ft ..............8212-012............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-013............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-018............Panel Extrusion 40, Clr - Max 19.7ft ....................8212-022............Rolling Door Guide Profile, Clr - Max 13.1 ft.......8612-032............32 x 18 Bi-Slot .......................................................2512-090............Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Clear ................................2912-090B .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Black ................................2912-090Y .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Yellow ..............................2912-095............Aluminium Cover Strip 1"......................................2912-095B .........Aluminium Cover Strip 1", Black ..........................2912-101............Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft........................2912-1010.........1" x 1" Standard ....................................................1612-1010PKG..1" x 1" Standard 6 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-101B .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft .......................2912-101Y .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yellow - 6.6ft..................2912-102............Al Cover Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft..................................2912-1020.........1" x 2" Standard ....................................................1612-1020PKG..1" x 2" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-102B .........Al Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6 ft. Length ..................2912-1030.........1" x 3" Standard ....................................................1712-105............Clamp Bar Profile ..................................................2712-106............Panel Gasket .........................................................2812-107............Mesh Gasket .........................................................2812-108............Panel Gasket 10 Clear - Max 410 ft.....................2512-109............19" Rack Angle......................................................2612-110............Rack Angle, Blank .................................................2612-111B .........PVC Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft.............................2912-111BL .......PVC Cover Strip 40, Blue - 6.6ft ..........................2912-112............Safety Cover Strip 40/28, Yellow - Max 9.8ft.......2812-114............Anti-Skid Cover 40, Blk - Max 65.6ft....................2812-2020.........2" x 2" Standard ....................................................1712-400............UHMW Slide Bar 40 max 120"...........................11112-402............Slide Strip 1" max 120".......................................11112-410............Slide Strip 1.5" max 120"....................................11112-420............UHMW Slide Bar 40 x 10 max 120"...................11112-421............UHMW Guide Profile .............................................8613-012............Steel Tube, Plastic Coated for handles(max. 120 in.).....................................................5413-410............Slide Profile 40....................................................11013-430............Slide Profile 40 Side Flange . (110)13-440............Slide Profile 28....................................................11013-450............Slide Profile 28 Side Flange ...............................11013-800............Slide Profile 56....................................................11013-810............Slide Profile 80....................................................11018-1010.........1" x 1" End Cap .....................................................3118-1020.........1" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-1030.........1" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" End Cap...............................................3118-1530.........1.5" x 3" End Cap..................................................3118-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round End Cap................................3118-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45? End Cap.....................................3118-1575.........1.5" x .75" End Cap...............................................3118-2020.........2" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-3030.........3" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-710............Access Hole Plug ..................................................3118-713............Access Hole Plug - Steel ......................................3118-807............32x18 End Cap......................................................2519-004............Drill & Counterbore for BHCS or SHCS .............11419-006............Drill & Countersink for FHCS ..............................11419-007............Saw Cut for Linear Shaft.....................................11419-009............Tap 5/16-18........................................................11419-026............Panel Packing for Secure Transport ..................11419-029............Panel - Chamfer Corner ......................................11419-030............Panel - Notch Corner ..........................................11419-104............Special Miter Cut .................................................11419-200............Special Invoice Required ....................................11419-201............Assembly Required .............................................11419-202............Assembly Form Follows......................................11419-203............Packaging in Kit Form.........................................11419-204............Kit Form Follows..................................................11419-205............Special Assembly Documents Enclosed............11419-206............Engineering..........................................................11419-207............On-Site Installation..............................................11419-208............Special Packing Slip Required ...........................11419-210............Special Machining ...............................................11419-211............Miter Connection Service....................................11419-300............Inspection/Acceptance/Approval ........................11419-501............Saw Cut up to 3"x1.5".........................................11419-502............Saw Cut up to 3"x3"............................................11419-503............Saw Cut 6"x1.5"...................................................11419-511............Drill .277" Access Hole - Except 6" side ............11419-512............Drill & Tap (10/32",1/4",5/16", 3/8")....................11419-514............Drill & Tap (1/2" or 5/8" up to 1.5" Deep)...........11419-515............Step Drill for Universal Fastener 1.5" or 1"........11419-516............Drill/ Tap 5/16x1.5" for 5/16"Foot .......................11419-517............Drill/ Tap 3/8"x 2" for 3/8" Foot...........................11419-520............Step Bore for Pneum. Univ. Fastener(3/4" x 1/4")......................................................11419-525............Drill .277" Access Hole thru 6" side ...................11419-527............Panel - Thru Hole up to 3/8"l Profile Square 3"x1.5"l Profile Square 3"x3"l Profile Square 6"x1.5"..................................11419-603............Drill/ Tap/ Mill for Roller PA ................................11419-605............45° Miter Cut, up to 3x3" profile .........................11419-606............45° Miter Cut, 6"x1.5" profile ..............................11420-059............T-Slot Profile 1.5"..................................................3620-062............Heavy T-Slot Bar - 1.5".........................................3620-082............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18.....................3520-082SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18,Stainless Steel ...................................................3520-083............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 1/4-20.......................3520-088............Economy T-Slot Nut, #10-32...............................3520-093SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 Stainless Steel .......20-1010.........Cast Gusset 1"......................................................4520-1010C.......Cap for Cast Gusset 1".........................................4520-102z4........Gusset Profile ........................................................2720-182............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18. (35)122Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business Unit Wadsworth, Ohio USA20-193............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut 1.5" - 1/4-20.............3520-200............Retainer for Wire mesh 1"Single ..........................8120-201............Retainer for Wire mesh 1" Double........................8120-202............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Single ......................8120-203............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Double.....................8120-300............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 3"..........................................4820-301............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 6"..........................................4820-302............Joining Plate, 3" x 3".............................................4820-303............Joining Plate, 3" x 6".............................................4820-304............Joining Plate, Corner 4.5" x 4.5"..........................4920-305............Joining Plate, T , 4.5" x 4.5".................................4920-306............Joining Plate, Corner 6" x 6"................................4920-307............Joining Plate, T , 6" x 6".......................................4920-310............Joining Plate, 1" x 2".............................................5020-311............Joining Plate, 1" x 4".............................................5020-312............Joining Plate, 2" x 2".............................................5020-313............Joining Plate, 2" x 4".............................................5020-314............Joining Plate, Corner 3" x 3".................................5120-315............Joining Plate, T , 3" x 3".......................................5120-330............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.5"...........4220-335............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 1"....................4320-336............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 2"....................4320-337............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 3"..............4220-338............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 3" x 3".................4220-4040.........1 x 1 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4520-440............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1.5"..............................4420-441............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 3".................................4420-442............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1".................................4420-500............Corner Element 1, 1.5"..........................................4620-501............Corner Element 1, 3".............................................4620-502............Corner Element 2, 1.5"..........................................4620-503............Corner Element 2, 3".............................................4620-504............Corner Element 3, 1.5"..........................................4620-505............Corner Element 3, 3".............................................4620-506............Machined Gusset 1" x 1"......................................4720-507............Machined Gusset 1" x 2"......................................4720-508............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 1.5"................................4720-509............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 3"...................................4720-8040.........2 x 2 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4521-020............Rubber Insert 80....................................................9221-021............Clamping Shoe 80.................................................9221-032............Floor Fastening Set...............................................9221-057z4........L-Bracket Profile....................................................2721-060............L Base Floor Anchor 1.5"......................................9321-061............L Base Floor Anchor 1".........................................9321-073............UHMW Guide Insert Set - 1/4-20..........................8621-075............Roller Insert Set.....................................................8621-1020-04....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 1/4-20..................................10121-1020-05....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-1030-04....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 1/4-20..................................10121-1030-05....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 5/16-18................................10121-1530-06....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 3/8-16..............................10121-1530-08....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 1/2-13..............................10121-1530-10....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 5/8-11..............................10121-2020-05....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-2020-06....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 3/8-16..................................10121-2020-08....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 1/2-13..................................10121-250............Flange Foot 1.5" x 1.5".........................................9521-252............Flange Foot 1" x 1"................................................9521-255............Flange Foot 1.5" x 3.0".........................................9521-256............Flange Foot 3.0" x 3.0".........................................9521-300............Caster Swivel 2" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-301............Caster Swivel 2", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-302............Caster Rigid 3" - Top Plate ...................................9721-303............Caster Swivel 3" - Top Plate.................................9721-3030-06....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 3/8-16..................................10121-3030-08....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 1/2-13..................................10121-3030-10....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 5/8-11. (101)21-304............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-305............Caster Swivel 3" - 7/16 Grip Ring.........................9621-306............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - 7/16 Grip Ring..........9621-309............Caster Swivel 3" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-310............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-311............Caster Rigid 5" - Top Plate ...................................9721-312............Caster Swivel 5" - Top Plate.................................9721-313............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-316............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 550lbs ..........................10021-317............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 550lbs ...........10021-318............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 900lbs ..........................10021-319............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 900lbs ...........10021-320............Standard Duty 1-5/8" - 7/16 Grip Ring .................9621-323............Leveling Caster 1"- Threaded Stud M12..............9921-324............Leveling Caster 1" - Plate Mount.........................9921-325............Floor Lock - Plate Mount.....................................10021-327............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Threaded Stud M12...........9921-328............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Plate Mount.......................9921-330............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Heavy....................................9621-331............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Standard ...............................9621-332............Corner Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ..........9621-333............Straight Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ........9621-336............Caster Swivel 3" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-337............Caster Swivel 3" - Locking - 1/2" Stem ................9721-338............Caster Swivel 5" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-339............Caster Swivel 5"- Locking - 1/2" Stem .................9721-340............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring.................................9821-341............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring-Locking ..................9821-342............Institutional Twin Wheel ........................................9821-343............Institutional Twin Wheel Locking ..........................9821-344............Dual Wheel 3" - 1/2" Stem ....................................9821-401............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 2"............................9021-402............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 3"............................9021-403............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 3/8-16 x 3"..............................9021-404............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 4".................................9021-405............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 6".................................9021-406............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 4".................................9021-407............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 6".................................9021-409............Corner Mounting Plate ..........................................9221-410............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 1/4-20 x 2"......................8921-411............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 3/8-16 x 3"......................8921-412............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/4-20 X 2".......................8921-413............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 3/8-16 X 3".......................8921-414............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/2-13 x 3".......................8921-415............L-Base Leveling Foot 1.5".....................................9321-416............L-Base Leveling Foot 1"........................................9321-420............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 1/2-13......................9121-421............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 5/8-11......................9121-422............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Light......................9121-423............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Medium.................9121-424............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Heavy ...................9121-440............Floor Mounting Bracket 1.5".................................9421-441............Floor Mounting Bracket 3"....................................9421-442............Floor Mounting Bracket 1"....................................9421-443............Floor Mounting Bracket 2"....................................9421-500............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-501............Adapter Plate 1.0".................................................9921-502............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-504............Base Plate for heavy Casters.............................10022-111............Economy Mesh Clamp 1.5"..................................8122-115............Multiblock 1.5" - 1/4-20.........................................8022-116............Multiblock 1" - 1/4-20............................................8022-153............Corner Bracket 1.5"...............................................4122-154............Connector Cap 1.5" Radius ..................................4122-155............Connector Cap 45 Degree ....................................4122-202............Cable Tie Holder....................................................8722-204............T-Clip 5/32-1/4 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-206............T-Clip 1/4-5/16 w/Fast Kit . (87)123Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA22-209z1........T-Clip 5/16-3/8 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-211z1........T-Clip 3/8-1/2 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-213z1........T-Clip 1/2-5/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-216z1........T-Clip 5/8-3/4 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-219z1........T-Clip 3/4-7/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-223z1........T-Clip 7/8-1 w/Fast Kit ..........................................8722-230............Cable Hose Holder w/ English Fast Kit ................8723-030............Light Duty Aluminium Handle ...............................5323-031............Handle PA 132......................................................5423-032Z1.......Handle PA 179......................................................5423-033............Handle PA 93.5.....................................................5423-038............L-Handle Locking...................................................5523-038z1........Backing Plate.........................................................5723-039............L-Handle Non-locking............................................5523-046............Magnetic Catch......................................................6023-051............Strike Plate for Magnetic Catch............................6023-058............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Straight Key .................7023-059............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Angle Key.....................7023-060............Safety Switch 1 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7223-061............Safety Switch 1 (2 NC)..........................................7223-062............Safety Switch 2 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7323-063............Safety Switch 2 (2 NC + 2 NO).............................7323-064............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Lock.........................7423-066............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Unlock .....................7423-070............Open Angled Handle .............................................5323-071............Closed Angled Handle ..........................................5323-072............Tube Handle Ends.................................................5423-073............Tube Handle Center Supports ..............................5423-102............Mini-Key Mounting Bracket...................................7023-104............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 1.......................7223-108............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Top .........................7123-109............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Sliding ....................7123-110............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 3.......................7423-119............Mounting Bracket for Magnetic Catch..................6023-120............Ball Catch Bracket Style 1....................................5823-121............Ball Catch ..............................................................5823-122............Magnetic Catch Bracket........................................6023-124............Door Stop 1"..........................................................6323-125............Door Stop 1.5" - Straight.......................................6323-126............Door Stop 1.5" - Angle ..........................................6323-127............Ball Catch Bracket Style 2....................................5823-128............Ball Plunger, 3/8" Dia x .786"...............................5923-129............Ball Plunger, 1/2" x 1.10"......................................5923-130............Rachet Lock (for panel sliding doors)..................6323-133............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking..........5523-134............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking...............5523-135............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert ......................5523-137............Ball Catch Bracket 1"............................................5923-140z1........Spare Key for 23-134/23-144...............................5723-140z2........Square Key for 23-135/23-145.............................5723-140z4........Cam 45-2 Offset ....................................................5723-140z5........Cam 35-10 Offset ..................................................5723-140z7........Keeper Bracket......................................................5723-140z8........Cam 45-8...............................................................5723-142z1........Hooked Cam..........................................................5723-143............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking Panel 5623-144............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking Panel ....5623-145............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert Panel ...........5623-155............Slam Latch - Keyed...............................................6223-156............Slam Latch - Non Locking.....................................6223-158............Velcro Plate ...........................................................6323-159............Internal Handle for Quarter Turn Handles............5623-160............Deadbolt Latch ......................................................6223-210............Grabber Door Catch ..............................................6123-211............Grabber Door Catch w/Micro-Switch..................6123-212............Grabber Door Catch Bracket 90 degree ..............6123-213............Grabber Door Catch Bracket Flat.........................6123-220............Adjustable Hinge 1................................................6823-222............Adjustable Hinge 2................................................6823-224............Positioning Hinge 85°............................................6823-226............Positioning Hinge 120°..........................................6823-228............Positioning Hinge 155°..........................................6823-250............Hinge 1" - Steel .....................................................6623-250L .........Hinge 1" - Steel Left ..............................................6623-250R.........Hinge 1" - Steel Right............................................6623-251............Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel..............................................6623-251L .........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Left ......................................6623-251R.........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Right ....................................6623-252............Hinge 1.5" - Steel ..................................................6623-252L .........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Left ...........................................6623-252R.........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Right ........................................6623-260............Pivot Joint 1", Blk ..................................................6923-261............Pivot Joint 1", Blk - Locking..................................6923-262............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk ...............................................6923-263............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk - Locking...............................6923-550............Plastic Hinge 1".....................................................6723-550L .........Plastic Hinge 1" - Left ...........................................6723-550R.........Plastic Hinge 1" - Right .........................................6723-551............Plastic Hinge 1.5"..................................................6723-551L .........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Left ........................................6723-551R.........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Right......................................6723-552............Plastic Hinge 1/1.5"...............................................6723-552L .........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Left .....................................6723-552R.........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Right...................................6723-620............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Long .......................6423-621............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Long..........................6423-622............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Short ......................6423-623............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Short .........................6423-624............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Receiver ..........................6423-625............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Double Pin .......................6423-626............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Heavy Duty ..........6523-626L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Left .......................6523-626R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Right .....................6523-630............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Long ..........................6423-631............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Long.............................6423-632............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Short..........................6423-633............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Short ............................6423-634............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Receiver..............................6423-635............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Double Pin ..........................6423-636............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Heavy Duty..............6523-636L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Left...........................6523-636R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Right ........................6523-640............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Heavy Duty......6523-640L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Left ...................6523-640R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 1/pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 5/16-18...........................3525-001............T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20....................................3425-002............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18......................................3425-002SS.......T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18, Stainless Steel...........3425-003............Standard Fastener 5/16-18...................................3225-003SS.......Standard Fastener 5/16-18, Stainless Steel........3225-004............Universal Fastener 5/16-18..................................3325-005............Drop In T-Nut 10-32...................................................25-006............Drop in T-Nut 1/4-20", Rubber post...........................25-007............Drop in T-Nut 5/16-18", Rubber post.........................25-008............Drop-in T-Nut, 1/4-20, 28/56......................................25-009............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" *- #10-32......................................3425-014............Single Ear Standard Fastener 1.5" - 5/16-18.......3225-015............Profile to Wall Universal Fastener 5/16-18..........3325-016............Butt Fastener Assembly 5/16-18..........................3325-017............Butt Fastener Assembly 1/4-20............................3325-022............Standard Fastener, 1/4-20....................................3225-022z1........Standard Fastener, 1/4-20 - Clip .. (32)。
英文中文代 码AAfghanistan阿富汗AFG Albania阿尔巴尼亚ALB Algeria阿尔及利亚DZA American Samoa美属萨摩亚ASM Andorra安道尔AND Angola安哥拉AGO Anguilla安圭拉AIA Antarctica南极洲ATA Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达岛ATG Argentina阿根廷ARG Armenia亚美尼亚ARM Aruba阿鲁巴岛ABW Australia澳大利亚AUS Austria奥地利AUT Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆AZEBBahamas巴哈马BHS Bahrain巴林BHR Bangladesh孟加拉国BGD Barbados巴巴多斯BRB Belarus BLR Belgium比利时BEL Belize伯利兹BLZ Benin贝宁BEN Bermuda百慕大BMU Bhutan不丹BTN Bolivia玻利维亚BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina波斯尼亚和墨塞哥维那BIH Botswana博茨瓦纳BWA Bouvet Island布韦岛BVT Brazil巴西BRA British Indian Ocean Territory英属印弟安海城IOT British Virgin Islands英属维尔京群岛VGB Brunei文莱BRN Bulgaria保加利亚BGR Burkina Faso BFA Burundi布隆迪BDICCambodia柬埔寨KHM Cameroon喀麦隆CMR Canada加拿大CAN Cape Verde佛得角群岛CPV Cayman Islands开曼群岛CYM Central African Republic中非共和国CAF Chad乍得TCD Chile智利CHLChina中国CHN Christmas Island (Australia)圣诞岛CXRCocos(Keeling)Islands科科斯群岛CCK Colombia哥伦比亚COL Comoros科摩罗COM Congo刚果COG Cook Islands库克群岛COK Costa Rica哥斯达黎加CRI Cote d Ivoire象牙海岸CIV Croatia克罗地亚HRV Cuba古巴CUB Cyprus塞浦路斯CYP Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克CSKDDemocratic People's Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国PRK Denmark丹麦DNK Djibouti吉布提DJI Dominica多米尼加DMA Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国DOM EEast Timor东帝汶TMP Ecuador厄瓜多尔ECU Egypt埃及EGY El Salvador萨尔瓦多SLV Equatorial Guinea赤道几内亚GNQ Estonia爱沙尼亚EST Ethiopia埃寒俄比亚ETH FFalkland Islands (Malvinas)福克兰FLK Faroe Islands法罗群岛FRO Fiji斐济FJI Finland芬兰FIN France法国FRA French Guiana法属圭亚那GUF French Polynesia法属波利尼西亚PYF French Southern Territories ATF GGabon加蓬GAB Gambia冈比亚GMB Georgia格鲁吉亚GEO Germany德国DEU Ghana加纳GHA Gibraltar直布罗陀GIB Greece希腊GRC Greenland格陵兰岛GRL Grenada格林纳达GRDGuadeloupe瓜德罗普GLP Guam关岛GUM Guatemala危地马拉GTM Guinea几内亚GIN Guinea Bissau几内亚比绍GNB Guyana圭亚那GUYHHaiti海地HTI Heard and Mc Donald Islands HMD Honduras洪都拉斯HND Hong Kong中国香港HKG Hungary匈牙利HUNIIceland冰岛ISL India印度IND Indonesia印度尼西亚IDN Iran伊朗IRN Iraq伊拉克IRQ Ireland爱尔兰IRL Israel以色列ISR Italy意大利ITA JJamaica牙买加JAM Japan日本JPN Jordan约旦JOR KKazakhstan哈萨克斯坦KAZ Kenya肯尼亚KEN Kiribati基里巴斯KIR Korea, Repubiic of韩国KOR Kuwait科威特KWT Kyrgyzstan KGZ LLao People's Democratic Republic老挝民主主义人民共和国LAO Latvia拉脱维亚LVA Lebanon黎巴嫩LBN Lesotho莱索托LSO Liberia利比里亚LBR Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LBY Liechtenstein列支教士登LIE Lithuania立陶宛LTU Luxemburg卢森堡LUX MMacau马考MACMadagascar马达加斯加MDG Malawi马拉维MWI Malaysia马来西亚MYS Maldives马尔代夫MDV Mali马里MLI Malta马耳他MLT Marshall Islands马歇尔群岛MHL Martinique马提尼克MTQ Mauritania毛里塔尼亚MRT Mauritius毛里求斯MUS Mexico墨西哥MEX Micronesia密克罗尼西尼群岛FSM Moldova, Republic of 摩尔多瓦MDA Monaco摩纳哥MCO Mongolia蒙古MNG Montserrat蒙塞拉特山 MSR Morocco摩洛哥MAR Mozambique莫桑比克MOZ Myanmar MYA NNamibia纳米比亚NAM Nauru瑙鲁NRU Nepal尼泊尔NPL Netherlands荷兰NLD Netherlands Antilles荷属安的列斯群岛ANT Neutral Zone中立区NTZ New caledonia新喀里多尼亚岛NCL New Zealand新西兰NZL Nicaragua尼加拉瓜NIC Niger尼日尔NER Nigeria尼日利亚NGA Niue纽埃NIU Norfolk Island诺福克群岛NFK Northern Mariana Islands北马里亚纳群岛MNP Norway挪威NOR OOman阿曼OMN PPakistan巴基斯坦PAK Palau帕劳PLW Panama巴拿马PAN Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚PNG Paraguay巴拉圭PRY Peru秘鲁PER Philippines菲律宾PHL Pitcairn Islands皮特凯恩群岛PCN Poland波兰POL Portugal葡萄牙PRT Puerto Rico波多黎各PRIQQatar卡塔尔QAT RReunion留尼汪REU Romania罗马尼亚ROM Russian Federation俄罗斯联邦RUS Rwanda卢旺达RWA SSaint Helena圣赫勒拿SHN Saint Kitts and Nevis圣基茨和尼维斯KNA Saint Lucia圣卢西亚LCA Saint Pierre and Miquelon圣皮埃尔和密克隆岛SPM Saint Vincent and the Grenadines圣文森特和格林纳丁斯VCT Samoa萨摩亚WSM San Marino圣马力诺SMR Sao Tome e Principe圣多美和普林西比STP Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯SAU Senegal塞内加尔SEN Seychelles塞舌尔SYC Sierra Leone塞拉利昂SLE Singapore新加坡SGP Slovenia斯洛文尼亚SVN Solomon Islands所罗门群岛SLB Somalia索马里SOM South Africa南非ZAF Spain西班牙ESP Sri Lanka斯里兰卡LKA Sudan苏丹SDN Surinam苏里南SUR Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands斯瓦巴德和扬马延岛SJM Swaziland斯威士兰SWZ Sweden瑞典SWE Switzerland瑞士CHE Syrian Arab Republic叙利亚阿拉伯共和国SYR TTaiwan, Province of China中国台湾省TWN Tajikistan塔吉克斯坦TJK Tanzania坦桑尼亚TZA Thailand泰国THA Togo多哥TGO Tokelau托克劳群岛TKL Tonga汤加TON Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥TTO Tunisia突尼斯TUN Turkey土耳其TUR Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦TKMTurks and Caicos Islands特克斯和凯科斯群岛TCA Tuvalu图瓦卢TUV UUganda乌干达UGA Ukraine乌克兰UKR United Arab Emirates阿拉伯联合酋长国ARE United Kingdom英国GBR United States Misc. Pacific Islands米西太平洋群岛UMI United States of America美国USA Uruguay乌拉圭URY Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦UZB VVanuatu瓦努阿图VUT Vatican City State梵蒂冈VAT Venezuela委内瑞拉VEN Viet Nam越南VNM Virgin Islands(US)美属维尔京群岛VIR WWallis and Fortuna Islands沃利斯和帕图那岛WLS Western Sahara西撒哈拉ESH YYemen, Republic of 也门共和国YEM ZZaire扎伊尔ZAR Zambia赞比亚ZMB Zimbabwe津巴布韦ZWE[求助] LEN在公式里是什么意思啊LEN 返回文本字符串中的字符数。
思科 ATA 191 模拟电话适配器用户手册 为 Cisco Unified Communicati
《适用于 Cisco Unified Communications Manager 的 Cisco ATA 191模拟电话适配器用户手册》首次发布日期: 2017年11月22日Americas HeadquartersCisco Systems, Inc.170 West Tasman DriveSan Jose, CA 95134-1706USATel: 408 526-4000800 553-NETS (6387)Fax: 408 527-0883本手册中有关产品的规格和信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier 1191 -
Solid State Broadband High Power Amplifier2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsThe BBM5K8CKT (SKU 1191) is a 2500 to 6000 MHz amplifier which is guaranteed to deliver 100W minimum output power and related RF performance under all specified temperature and environmental conditions. Typical power output is 125W and other typical performance parameters are also listed as a guide for consideration, but not guaranteed. This amplifier is suitable for broadband mobile jamming and band specific high power linear applications in the S and C frequency bands. This compact module utilizes the latest high power RF GaN transistors and also features built in control and monitoring, with protection functions to ensure high availability.▪ Solid-state Class AB linear design ▪ Instantaneous ultra broadband▪ Suitable for CW, AM, and FM (Consult factory for other modulation types) ▪ Small and lightweight▪ 50 ohm input/output impedance ▪ High reliability and ruggedness▪ Built-in control, monitoring and protection circuits ▪ RS485 serial interface for monitoring and control******************************DC , Over Temperature and Environmental Conditions, as specified. Min Typ Max Operating frequency BW MHz 2500 6000 Peak output power P SAT W CW input signal 100 125Gain, small signal G SS dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBmCW. Input power calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.55 6065 Gain flatness small signal ΔG SS dB Test conditions the same as G SS ±5 Gain adjustment range G ADJ dB Test conditions the same as G SS 15 Gain adjustment step size G STEP dB Test conditions the same as G SS 0.5 Maximum input powerwithout damageP IN, Max dBm CW input signal for unlimited duration.20 Input return loss IRL dB Measured with VNA in swept frequency mode at -20dBm and 0dBm CW. Input power calibrated / measured at theamplifier input port. Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.-10 Noise figure NF dB Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.20 2nd harmonics 2nddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-10 3rd harmonics 3rddBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source at an output power of 100W.-20Spurious Spur dBc Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation. CW signal source of 0dBm at the input to the amplifier. Input power is calibrated / measured at the amplifier input port.Spurious defined as any non-harmonic amplifier output.Spurious measured in a 1kHz resolution bandwidth,10kHz video bandwidth. Specifications apply at offsets of greater than or equal to +/- 10kHz from the RF carrier. Maximum measurement frequency is 6.5GHz.-60Operating voltage V DC V Note: Output power capabilities and gain will vary withvoltage.26 2832 Current consumption I DC A Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement at an output power of 100W with a CW source.22Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-201319812500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsPA enable / Disable time T ON/OFF uSec Variable attenuator set to nominal attenuation.Measurement with 0dBm CW signal presented to theinput of the amplifier. Rise and fall times of amplifieroutput envelope recorded. Rise and fall times at 10% /90% of the output power in linear scale. PA Enable /Disable signal set to 10kHz repetition rate and 50% dutycycle.1PA PROTECTION / RUGGEDNESSThe PA includes protection circuits for:•Over temperature•Over voltage•Reverse polarity•Over currentIn addition to protection circuits, the PA will withstand full reflection at the RF output port at any angle for up to 1 minute at P3dB. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating Case Temperature T C-40 +85 °C Storage Temperature T STG-40 +85 °C Relative Humidity (non-condensing) RH 95 % Altitude (MIL-STD-810F Method 500.4) ALT 30,000 Feet Vibration/ShockMIL-STD-810F Method 514.5/516.5 – Proc 1VI/SH AirborneMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions 8.0 x 6.5 x 1.0 Inch Max Weight 3.5 lb. MaxRF ConnectorsInput: Type-SMA, Female Output: Type-TNC, FemaleDC Interface Connector Hybrid – D-Sub 17-Pin, Male (17W2) Cooling External Heatsink Required (not supplied)2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts DC INTERFACE CONNECTORA1 GND Ground ReturnA2 VDD Supply Voltage: +26.0 – 32.0V DC, 28.0V DC Nominal1 RS485 (-) Serial Communication Bus2 Temperature Reporting Analog Output Voltage @ 10 mV/°C with a 500 mV offset (i.e. 0.75V = 25°C)3 Address 1 Hardware Address 14 Address 3 Hardware Address 35 Attenuator Setting Voltage input in the range of 0.5 – 3.0V DC, 0.5V DC corresponds with minimum attenuation, 3.0V DC is maximum attenuation. Leave pin open or grounded to utilize RS-485 interface. (See RS-485 details below)6 PA Enable 0/3.3V logic levels:Power Amplifier disable is a TTL Logic Low (0V).(Internally Pulled-High 3.3V)Leave pin open or pulled high to utilize RS-485 interface.(See RS-485 details below)7 Alarm Amplifier Alarm indicator: Normally TTL LowA logic High indicates a fault condition, 0/3.3V Logic Levels8 RS485 (+) Serial Communication Bus9 Current Reporting Analog output voltage range of 1V/10 A (i.e. 1.5V = 15A)10 Address 0 Hardware Address 0 – Least significant bit11 Address 2 Hardware Address 212 Address 4 Hardware Address 4 – Most significant bit13 Not Used No Connection14 Not Used No Connection15 Reset Hardware resetLogic 0 to reset PA and clear latched faultsPh. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232 Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsRS-485 User InterfaceThe following settings are used for serial communications:• Baud rate: 115,200 • Start bits: 1 • Data bits: 8 • Stop bits: 1 • Parity: None• Handshake: NoneFrame and Message StructuresFrame structureThe serial link will be asynchronous, and follows a typical RS485 frame structure. The frame structure is defined in the figure below.Each frame is 10 bits in length and will begin with a start bit, followed by 8 data bits and finally a single stop bit.Message structureFigure 1: Serial interface frame structureFigure 2: Serial interface message structure316 W. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301 Ph. 1 (310) 412-8100 Fax. 1 (310) 412-9232Stock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-20132500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Master AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0X X X X X X X XMaster Address is not evaluatedSlave AddressA7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A00 0 0 16 8 4 2 132 Slave addresses are possible (If no address lines are strapped on hardware, unit defaults to address 0)LenLen contains the number of bytes that follow, from Status to Checksum.StatusMaster should load this with zero.Slave will echo back status of the command after it is evaluated.Possible Slave responses:Value Description0x00h Message received and decoded successfully0x13h Checksum error0x2Bh Command not availableThere are 7 supported RS-485 commands, detailed below.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsNullThe null command responds with message status. It is used for a basic test of the communications link.Command frame value (hex) 0x00Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data noneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 17:58:15.3]SEND: 00 00 03 00 00 03 ......[8/30 17:58:15.4]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Soft resetPerforms a restart of the system.Command frame value (hex) 0x04Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:09:39.0]SEND: 00 00 03 00 04 07 ......[8/30 18:09:39.1]RECV: 00 00 03 00 00 03 .......Set power up conditionSets the state of the amplifier bias on application of DC or reset.Command frame value (hex) 0x05Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data 2 bytes:0x0001 sets power up condition to biasenabled.0x0000 sets power up condition to biasdisabled.Slave response Echo with status set2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Example:[8/30 18:13:08.5]SEND: 00 00 05 00 05 00 01 01 ........[8/30 18:13:12.3]RECV: 00 00 03 00 05 06 .......DisableDisables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x06Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:14:36.7]SEND: 00 00 03 00 06 05 ......[8/30 18:14:36.8]RECV: 00 00 03 00 06 05 .......EnableEnables amplifier bias.Command frame value (hex) 0x07Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Echo with status setExample:[8/30 18:15:35.4]SEND: 00 00 03 00 07 04 ......[8/30 18:15:35.5]RECV: 00 00 03 00 07 04 .......Set input attenuationSets the attenuation level.Notes:•The RS-485 attenuation value overrides voltage control on pin 5.•The value of the attenuation can only be increased from the factory value.•The gain of the amplifier is also a function of temperature compensation.•Variations in gain versus temperature are expected, independent of the user attenuation setting.2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 Watts Command frame value (hex) 0x11Length frame value (hex) 0x05Command data 2 bytes. The first byte is 0 and the secondbyte is the mixed number attenuationvalue.D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D00 0 16 8 4 2 1 . 1/2Examples:30dB is 0x00 0x3C8.5dB is 0x00 0x11Slave response Echo with status setExample for setting 8.5dB user attenuation:[9/4 15:45:49.9]SEND: 00 00 05 00 11 08 05 19 ........[9/4 15:45:49.9]RECV: 00 00 03 00 11 12 .......Get statusReturns current status of amplifierCommand frame value (hex) 0x02Length frame value (hex) 0x03Command data NoneSlave response Input Current (2 bytes)Input Voltage (2 bytes)Temperature (2 bytes)Attenuator Setting (2 bytes)Alarm Register (2 bytes)Example:[8/30 17:59:39.5]SEND: 00 00 03 00 02 01 ......[8/30 17:59:39.5]RECV: 00 00 0D 00 02 00 0A 0A ........0008: C4 00 19 00 11 00 00 C3 ...2500 – 6000 MHz / 100 WattsALARM REGISTER15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Temperature Alarm > 85 C Current Alarm > 25 A Voltage Alarm > 34 V Sequencer AlarmLatched Alarm Current > 29 A Latched Alarm Voltage or Temperature >36 V and/or>90 C00Notes on Alarms• Any alarm condition will pull the Alarm line high (Pin 7)• For Latched Current Alarm, the input power is attenuated by approximately 15 dB. • For Latched Voltage or Temperature, the unit will disable.• A Software or Hardware reset is required to clear Latched Alarm.Voltage 16 bit signed, 1/100th of a Volt +327.67 / -327.66 V Current16 bit unsigned in 1/100th of an Amp0 ~ 65535 in hundredths of an AmpTemperature 16 bit signed inwhole degrees+32767 / -32766 degrees CentigradeStock No. 1191D.S. Rev. 1.32 / 12-18-2013。
cisco ata191 和 ata192 用户手册(mpp 固件)说明书
适用于多平台固件的Cisco ATA191和ATA192模拟电话适配器用户手册首次发布日期:2018年2月5日Americas HeadquartersCisco Systems,Inc.170West Tasman DriveSan Jose,CA95134-1706USATel:408526-4000800553-NETS(6387)Fax:408527-0883THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION,AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS.THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE.IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY.The following information is for FCC compliance of Class A devices:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,pursuant to part15 of the FCC rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates,uses,and can radiate radio-frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference,in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.The following information is for FCC compliance of Class B devices:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part15of the FCC rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If the equipment causes interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,users are encouraged to try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Modifications to this product not authorized by Cisco could void the FCC approval and negate your authority to operate the product.The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California,Berkeley(UCB)as part of UCB’s public domain version of the UNIX operating system.All rights reserved.Copyright©1981,Regents of the University of California.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN,ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESE SUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED"AS IS"WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING,USAGE,OR TRADE PRACTICE.IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL,EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HA VE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Any Internet Protocol(IP)addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers.Any examples,command display output,network topology diagrams,and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only.Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.All printed copies and duplicate soft copies of this document are considered uncontrolled.See the current online version for the latest version.Cisco has more than200offices worldwide.Addresses and phone numbers are listed on the Cisco website at /go/offices.Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S.and other countries.To view a list of Cisco trademarks,go to this URL:https:///c/en/us/about/legal/trademarks.html.Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company.(1721R)©2020Cisco Systems,Inc.保留所有权利。
七年级仁爱版英语上册单词表序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1girl/ɡɜːl/n.女孩25hi/haɪ/interj.喂2we/wi/pron.我们26thanks/θæŋks/interj.&n.感谢,谢谢3student/ˈstjuːdnt/n.学生27Mr/mistə(r)/n.(=Mister)先生4speak/spiːk/v.讲,说;谈话28see/siː/v.遇见;看到;明白5good/ɡʊd/adj.好的,令人愉快的29mom/mɒm/n.(mum BrE)妈妈6morning/ˈmɔːnɪŋ/n.早晨;上午30this/ðɪs/pron.&det.这,这个7I/aɪ/pron.我31is/ɪz/v.是8am/əm/v.是32my/maɪ/det.我的9welcome/ˈwelkəm/interj.&v.欢迎33teacher/ˈtiːtʃə(r)/n.老师,教师10China/ˈtʃaɪnə/n.中国34how/haʊ/adv.怎样;多少;多么11thank/θæŋk/v.谢谢,感谢35Dad/dæd/n.爸爸12you/ju/pron.你;您;你们36Miss/mɪs/n.女士,小姐13the USA (=the United Statesof America)美国;美利坚合众国37Ms/mɪz/n.女士14the UK (=the United Kingdom)英国;联合王国(包括大不列颠及北爱...38afternoon/ˌɑːftəˈnuːn/n.下午15hello/həˈləʊ/interj.喂,你好39goodbye/ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ/interj.再见16are/ə(r)/v.是40bye/baɪ/interj.再见17yes/jes/interj.是,同意41fine/faɪn/adj.健康的;晴朗的18no/nəʊ/interj.不,不是;没有42and/ənd/conj.和19no/nəʊ/det.没有,无43OK/əʊ ˈkeɪ/adj.(口语)安然无恙20not/nɒt/adv.不;没有44OK/əʊ ˈkeɪ/interj.好,行21oh/əʊ/interj.哦;啊45here/hɪə(r)/adv.在这里22nice/naɪs/adj.令人愉快的,友好的46excuse/ɪkˈskjuːs/v.原谅23meet/miːt/v.结识;遇见47excuse/ɪkˈskjuːs/n.借口24too/tuː/adv.也;太;很48me/mi/pron.我49what/wɒt/pron.什么74one/wʌn/num.一50your/jɔː(r)/det.你的;你们的75one/wʌn/pron.一(个,只……)51name/neɪm/n.名字;名称76two/tuː/num.二52name/neɪm/v.给……命名77three/θriː/num.三53please/pliːz/interj.请78four/fɔː(r)/num.四54where/weə(r)/adv.在(到)哪里79five/faɪv/num.五55from/frəm/prep.来自;从80six/sɪks/num.六56Canada/ˈkænədə/n.加拿大81seven/ˈsevn/num.七57America/əˈmerɪkə/n.美国82eight/eɪt/num.八58Japan/dʒəˈpæn/n.日本83nine/naɪn/num.九59England/ˈɪŋɡlənd/n.英格兰84ten/ten/num.十60they/ðeɪ/pron.他/她/它们85her/hə(r)/det.她的61who/huː/pron.谁86her/hə(r)/pron.她62Cuba/ˈkjuːbə/n.古巴87family/ˈfæməli/n.家族;家庭63he/hi/pron.他88guess/ɡes/v.猜64she/ʃi/pron.她89small/smɔːl/adj.小的65look/lʊk/v.看;看起来90nose/nəʊz/n.鼻子66telephone/ˈtelɪfəʊn/n.电话91big/bɪɡ/adj.大的67number/ˈnʌmbə(r)/n.(No.)号码;数字;数量92eye/aɪ/n.眼睛68it/ˌaɪ ˈtiː/pron.它93know/nəʊ/v.知道;认识69very/ˈveri/adv.很,非常94right/raɪt/adj.正确的;右边的70much/mʌtʃ/adv.非常,很95right/raɪt/n.右边71much/mʌtʃ/det.多少,许多,大量96ear/ɪə(r)/n.耳朵72very much非常,很97hair/heə(r)/n.头发73zero/ˈzɪərəʊ/num.零98head/hed/n.头99head/hed/v.朝(某方向)前进124blond/blɒnd/adj.金黄色的100face/feɪs/n.脸125blue/bluː/adj.蓝色的101neck/nek/n.脖子126blue/bluː/n.蓝色102mouth/maʊθ/n.(pl.mouths)嘴127color/ˈkʌlə(r)/n.(colour BrE) 颜色103round/raʊnd/adj.圆形的128color/ˈkʌlə(r)/v.(colour BrE) 给……着色,涂色104long/lɒŋ/adj.长的129pink/pɪŋk/n.粉红色105wide/waɪd/adj.宽的130pink/pɪŋk/adj.粉红色的106favorite/ˈfeɪvərɪt/adj.(favourite BrE)最喜爱的131red/red/n.红色107favorite/ˈfeɪvərɪt/n.(favourite BrE)特别喜欢的人(或物)132red/red/adj.红色的108actor/ˈæktə(r)/n.演员133purple/ˈpɜːpl/n.紫色109Chinese/ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/n.中国人;汉语134purple/ˈpɜːpl/adj.紫色的110Chinese/ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/adj.中国的;中国人的;汉语的135brown/braʊn/n.棕色111arm/ɑːm/n.胳膊136brown/braʊn/adj.棕色的112hand/hænd/n.手137gray/ɡreɪ/n.(grey BrE)灰色113leg/leɡ/n.腿138gray/ɡreɪ/adj.(grey BrE)灰色的114foot/fʊt/n.(pl.feet)脚;英尺139yellow/ˈjeləʊ/n.黄色115short/ʃɔːt/adj.短的;矮的140yellow/ˈjeləʊ/adj.黄色的116boy/bɔɪ/n.男孩141green/ɡriːn/n.绿色117come/kʌm/v.来;来到142green/ɡriːn/adj.绿色的118come from出生于,来自143white/waɪt/n.白色119sister/ˈsɪstə(r)/n.姐,妹144white/waɪt/adj.白色的120different/ˈdɪfrənt/adj.不同的145give/ɡɪv/v.给121knife/naɪf/n.(pl.knives)小刀146letter/ˈletə(r)/n.信;字母122black/blæk/adj.黑色的147sorry/ˈsɒri/interj.对不起,抱歉123black/blæk/n.黑色148sorry/ˈsɒri/adj.难过的149like/laɪk/prep.像;跟……一样174next/nekst/adv.随后150like/laɪk/v.喜欢,喜爱175next to在……近旁,紧邻151tall/tɔːl/adj.高的176shirt/ʃɜːt/n.(尤指男式)衬衫152will/wɪl/modal v.会;将177cool/kuːl/adj.酷;凉爽的153young/jʌŋ/adj.年轻的178other/ˈʌðə(r)/pron.&adj.另外,其他154man/mæn/n.(男人179go/ɡəʊ/v.走,去155woman/ˈwʊmən/n.(pl.women)成年女子,妇女180get/ɡet/v.得到;到达156snowman/ˈsnəʊmæn/n.(pl.snowmen)雪人181zoo/zuː/n.动物园157want/wɒnt/v.想要;需要182Sunday/ˈsʌndeɪ/n.星期日158buy/baɪ/v.买183need/niːd/v.& modal 需要159T-shirt/ˈtiː ʃɜːt/n.T恤衫184dog/dɒɡ/n.狗160cap/kæp/n.便帽185look forward to盼望161pair/peə(r)/n.一对;一双186twelve/twelv/num.十二162of/əv/prep.(表示所属、数量、 其中)……的187year/jɪə(r)/n.年163shoe/ʃuː/n.鞋188old/əʊld/adj.……岁的;老的;旧的164coat/kəʊt/n.外套;大衣189class/klɑːs/n.班级;课165dress/dres/n.连衣裙190in/ɪn/prep.在……里;用;以;穿着,戴着166pants/pænts/n.(pl.)(trousersBrE)裤子191in/ɪn/adv.在家;在里面167skirt/skɜːt/n.(女式)短裙192grade/ɡreɪd/n.年级;成绩;登记168glove/ɡlʌv/n.(分手指的)手套193eleven/ɪˈlevn/num.十一169look at看着194thirteen/ˌθɜːˈtiːn/num.十三170photo/ˈfəʊtəʊ/n.照片195fourteen/ˌfɔːˈtiːn/num.十四171strong/strɒŋ/adj.强壮的196fifteen/ˌfɪfˈtiːn/num.十五172happy/ˈhæpi/adj.幸福的,快乐的;高兴的197sixteen/ˌsɪksˈtiːn/num.十六173next/nekst/adj.下一个的198seventeen/ˌsevnˈtiːn/num.十七199eighteen/ˌeɪˈtiːn/num.十八224ruler/ˈruːlə(r)/n.尺子200nineteen/ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/num.十九225car/kɑː(r)/n.小汽车,轿车201twenty/ˈtwenti/num.二十226egg/eɡ/n.蛋202English/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/n.英语227orange/ˈɒrɪndʒ/n.柑橘;橙子;橘黄色203English/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/adj.英语的;英国的;英国人的228orange/ˈɒrɪndʒ/adj.橘黄色的204an/ən/art.一(个,件……)229bus/bʌs/n.公共汽车205eraser/ɪˈreɪzə(r)/n.橡皮;黑板擦230box/bɒks/n.盒;箱206map/mæp/n.地图231now/naʊ/adv.现在207pen/pen/n.钢笔,笔232school/skuːl/n.学校208pencil/ˈpensl/n.铅笔233Beijing InternationalSchool北京国际学校209desk/desk/n.书桌234his/hɪz/det.&pron.他的210spell/spel/v.拼写235same/seɪm/adj.相同的211a/ə/art.一(个,件……)236same/seɪm/pron.(和……)同样的事物212can/kən/modal v.能,会237but/bət/conj.但是,可是213apple/ˈæpl/n.苹果238friend/frend/n.朋友214toy/tɔɪ/n.玩具239junior/ˈdʒuːniə(r)/adj.初级的215wow/waʊ/interj.呀,哇240high/haɪ/adj.高的216try/traɪ/v.试;试图,努力241high/haɪ/adv.在高处,向高处217again/əˈɡen/adv.再一次242junior high school初中218those/ðəʊz/pron.&det.那些243mine/maɪn/pron.我的219book/bʊk/n.书;本子244whose/huːz/det.&pron.谁的220book/bʊk/v.预约,预订245then/ðen/adv.那么;那时;然后221these/ðiːz/pron.&det.这些246yours/jɔːz/pron.你的;你们的222let/let/v.让247hers/hɜːz/pron.她的223help/help/v.&n.帮助248ours/ɑːz/pron.我们的249theirs/ðeəz/pron.他/她/它们的258baby/ˈbeɪbi/n.动物幼崽;婴儿250bike/baɪk/n.自行车259new/njuː/adj.新的251cat/kæt/n.猫260classmate/ˈklɑːsmeɪt/n.同班同学252our/ˈaʊə/det.我们的261clothes/kləʊðz/n.(pl.)衣服253banana/bəˈnɑːnə/n.香蕉262us/ˌjuː ˈes/pron.我们254their/ðeə(r)/det.他/她/它们的263find/faɪnd/v.找到255jacket/ˈdʒækɪt/n.夹克衫;短上衣264him/hɪm/pron.他256think/θɪŋk/v.想,认为;思考265police/pəˈliːs/n.警察257schoolbag/ˈskuːlbæɡ/n.书包266七年级仁爱版英语上册单词表序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1could/kəd/modal v.可以;(can的过去式)能25so/səʊ/conj.因此,所以2tell/tel/v.告诉26so/səʊ/adv.如此,这么3sure/ʃʊə(r)/adv.(表示同意)当然27them/ðəm/pron.他/她/它们4sure/ʃʊə(r)/adj.确信的,肯定的28each/iːtʃ/pron.&det.各个,每个5pen pal n.(=penfriend)笔友29each other互相,彼此6some/sʌm/det.&pron.一些30all/ɔːl/pron.所有,全部7with/wɪð/prep.关于;具有;和;用31not ... at all一点儿也不,根本不8problem/ˈprɒbləm/n.问题32read/riːd/v.读,朗读9well/wel/adv.很好地;充分地33 a lot of许多10well/wel/interj.好吧,那么34people/ˈpiːpl/n.人;人们11well/wel/adj.健康的;良好的35every/ˈevri/det.每一个,每个12often/ˈɒfn/adv.经常36day/deɪ/n.一天,一日;白天13lot/lɒt/pron.许多37home/həʊm/adv.到家;在家14 a lot许多38home/həʊm/n.家15about/əˈbaʊt/prep.关于39kid/kɪd/n.小孩16about/əˈbaʊt/adv.大约40kid/kɪd/v.开玩笑17live/lɪv/v.居住;生活41glad/ɡlæd/adj.高兴的,愉快的18say/seɪ/v.说,讲42mother/ˈmʌðə(r)/n.母亲;妈妈19visit/ˈvɪzɪt/v.&n.参观,拜访43father/ˈfɑːðə(r)/n.父亲;爸爸20many/ˈmeni/det.许多的44doctor/mʌtʃ/n.医生21many/ˈmeni/pron.许多(人或物)45parent/ˈpeərənt/n.父(母)亲22little/ˈlɪtl/adv.一点儿,稍许46office/ˈɒfɪs/n.办公室23little/ˈlɪtl/adj.小的47worker/ˈwɜːkə(r)/n.工人24 a little一点儿48driver/ˈdraɪvə(r)/n.司机49farmer/ˈfɑːmə(r)/n.农民74play/pleɪ/v.玩耍;演奏50cook/kʊk/n.厨师75play/pleɪ/n.戏剧51cook/kʊk/v.烹饪,烹调76its/ɪts/det.它的,他的,她的52nurse/nɜːs/n.护士77love/lʌv/v.&n.爱;喜爱53show/ʃəʊ/v.给……看,出示;表明78yourself/jɔːˈself/pron.(pl.yourselves)你自己54show/ʃəʊ/n.演出;展示;展览(会)79fish/fɪʃ/n.鱼肉;鱼55work/wɜːk/v.工作;运转80fish/fɪʃ/v.钓鱼56work/wɜːk/n.工作,劳动;作品81chicken/ˈtʃɪkɪn/n.鸡肉;鸡57hospital/ˈhɒspɪtl/n.医院82rice/raɪs/n.米,米饭;稻米58restaurant/ˈrestrɒnt/n.餐馆83drink/drɪŋk/v.喝59farm/fɑːm/n.农场84drink/drɪŋk/n.饮料60teach/tiːtʃ/v.教85juice/dʒuːs/n.果汁61act/ækt/v.扮演,表演86milk/mɪlk/n.牛奶62drive/draɪv/v.驾驶,开车87idea/aɪˈdɪə/n.主意63aunt/ɑːnt/n.婶母,伯母,姨母,舅母,姑母88water/ˈwɔːtə(r)/n.水64uncle/ˈʌŋkl/n.叔,伯,舅,叔父,姑父,姨父89vegetable/ˈvedʒtəbl/n.蔬菜65brother/ˈbrʌðə(r)/n.兄,弟90bread/bred/n.面包66sofa/ˈsəʊfə/n.沙发91hamburger/ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)/n.汉堡包67grandparent/ˈɡrænpeərənt/n.祖父(母),外祖父(母)92usually/ˈjuːʒuəli/adv.通常地68cousin/ˈkʌzn/n.堂(表)姐妹;堂(表)兄弟93breakfast/ˈbrekfəst/n.早餐69daughter/ˈdɔːtə(r)/n.女儿94lunch/lʌntʃ/n.午餐70tree/triː/n.树95dinner/ˈdɪnə(r)/n.晚餐;正餐71family tree家谱96food/fuːd/n.食物72son/sʌn/n.儿子97may/meɪ/v.可以;可能73cute/kjuːt/adj.可爱的;机灵的98take/teɪk/v.拿;乘坐;花费;服用;携带99order/ˈɔːdə(r)/n.点菜;命令;顺序124sixty/ˈsɪksti/num.六十100order/ˈɔːdə(r)/v.命令;点菜;组织125eighty/ˈeɪti/num.八十101sir/sə ˌɡɑːweɪn ən ðə ˌɡriːn ˈnaɪt/n.先生126ninety/ˈnaɪnti/num.九十102something/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/pron.某物,某事127hundred/ˈhʌndrəd/num.百103glass/ɡlɑːs/n.(玻璃)杯128just/dʒʌst/adv.仅仅;只是104mm/əm əm/interj.嗯129think of认为;想起105eat/iːt/v.吃130think about考虑106out/aʊt/adv.在(到)外面131anything/ˈeniθɪŋ/pron.任何东西(事物)107why/waɪ/adv.为什么132mean/miːn/v.意思是108dear/dɪə(r)/adj.亲爱的;昂贵的133kilo/ˈkiːləʊ/n.(=kilogram)千克109kind/kaɪnd/adj.友好的134bag/bæɡ/n.袋子;包,手提包110kind/kaɪnd/n.种,类135loaf/ləʊf/n.一条(面包)111be/bi/v.在;是136bar/bɑː(r)/n.(长方形)条,块;酒吧112p.m./ˌpiː ˈem/下午,午后137bottle/ˈbɒtl/n.一瓶(的量);瓶子113if/ɪf/conj.如果;是否138tin/tɪn/n.听,罐114email/ˈiːmeɪl/n.电子邮件139save/seɪv/v.节省;攒钱;挽救115email/ˈiːmeɪl/v.用电邮发送140chocolate/ˈtʃɒklət/n.巧克力116shop/ʃɒp/n.商店141Coke/kəʊk/n.可乐117shop/ʃɒp/v.购物142do some shopping购物118madam/ˈmædəm/n.夫人;女士143any/ˈeni/det.任何的;任一的119try on试穿144any/ˈeni/pron.任一,任何一些120seventy/ˈsevnti/num.七十145heavy/ˈhevi/adj.重的121thirty/ˈθɜːti/num.三十146er/ɜː(r)/interj.哦,嗯122forty/ˈfɔːti/num.四十147free/friː/adj.空闲的;免费的123fifty/ˈfɪfti/num.五十148up/ʌp/adv.(尤指异常或不愉快的事)发生;向上149West Hill西山170panda/ˈpændə/n.熊猫150picnic/ˈpɪknɪk/n.野餐171monkey/ˈmʌŋki/n.猴子151call/kɔːl/v.(给……打电话);称呼172lion/ˈlaɪən/n.狮子152when/wen/adv.什么时候,何时173tiger/ˈtaɪɡə(r)/n.老虎153when/wen/conj.当……的时候174elephant/ˈelɪfənt/n.象154tomorrow/təˈmɒrəʊ/n.明天175o'clock/əˈklɒk/adv.……点钟155tomorrow/təˈmɒrəʊ/adv.(在)明天176past/pɑːst/prep.在……之后;超过;经过156sing/sɪŋ/v.唱歌177past/pɑːst/n.过去,往事157song/sɒŋ/n.歌,歌曲178quarter/ˈkwɔːtə(r)/n.一刻钟;四分之一158have to不得不179half/hɑːf/n.半,一半159fly/flaɪ/v.放(风筝、飞机模型等);飞行180a.m./ˌeɪˈɛm/abbr.上午,午前160kite/kaɪt/n.风筝181clever/ˈklevə(r)/adj.聪明的,聪颖的161time/taɪm/n.时间;次,回182animal/ˈænɪml/n.动物162bow-wow/ˈbaʊ waʊ/n.狗汪汪叫声183hour/ˈaʊə(r)/n.小时163ask/ɑːsk/v.请求;邀请;询问184later/ˈleɪtə(r)/adv.以后;后来164back/bæk/adv.回到(原处);往后185today/təˈdeɪ/adv.在今天;当今165back/bæk/n.背部;后部186today/təˈdeɪ/n.今天,当今166evening/ˈiːvnɪŋ/n.晚上;傍晚187get up起床,起来167way/weɪ/n.路,道路;方式188meat/miːt/n.肉类;(某种)食用肉168homework/ˈhəʊmwɜːk/n.家庭作业189rabbit/ˈræbɪt/n.兔169do one's homework做家庭作业190。
V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A05V15T16-EZ100-K V15H16-CZ200V15H16-CZ300A0V15H16-CZ300A0V15H22-CZ100A0V15T16-CZ100V15T16-EZ100A02MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic SwitchesV15 SeriesDESCRIPTIONHoneywell’s MICRO SWITCH V-Basic Standard Switch, V15 Series is an electromechanical switch designed to provide outstanding value in a reliable global package. This switch is often ideal for “low-cost-of-failure” applications, where the cost is minimal to replace or service any failure related to the switch. With a wide variety of operating forces, andamperage ratings, the V15 is designed for numerous types of applications.Available in both pin plunger and levered styles, the V15 Series also offers a multitude of termination styles to fit almost any application.VALUE TO CUSTOMERS• Wide choice of electrical ratings: 0.1 A, 5 A, 10 A, 16 A, 22 A, 26 A• Certified for global use: UL/cUL, ENEC, CQC• Available with pin plungers or integral levers to meet multiple application and equipment requirements DIFFERENTIATION• Choice of actuation, termination, and operatingcharacteristics that can allow for flexibility in numerous types of applications• With a broad current capacity, one switch package can control a wide range of electrical loadsFEATURES• Broad range of electrical loads: 0.1 A, 5 A, 10 A, 16 A, 22 A, 26 A• Long service life: over one million mechanical operations • Gold contacts are also available for controlling logic level/low energy circuits• World-wide package size acceptance• UL/CSA, cUL, ENEC, and CQC approvals• Variants with cadmium-free contacts available POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS • Appliances • Furnaces• Gaming machines • Ice makers • Power washers • Vending machinesPORTFOLIOHoneywell offers a broad range of MICRO SWITCH basic switches including large, V-Basic, miniature, watertight, and special application switches.Sensing and Internet of Things004945Issue 10MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 Seriesmax. inductive value (Amps)• GPA = General Purpose Amps (Inductive Load,75 % to 80 % power factor)• VL = Lamp Load2 Sensing and Internet of Things 3MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesV15S05 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeSLeverPositionElectrical Rating05V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1V15T10 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeTLever PositionElectrical Rating10V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06A special designator letter is used only when there is a special modificationto the switch.Review Product Specification to determine the exact differences. Below is an example.Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1V15H16/T16/T22/H22/T26 PRODUCT NOMENCLATUREV15Switch TypeTemperatureGradeHLever PositionElectrical Rating16V15 Series Standard Basic SwitchTerminal TypeCircuit Code—ZAOperating Force(at pin plunger max)200Mounting HolesKALever Type06Special DesignatorC—Housing Type1MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesPinPlunger4 MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesShortStraightLeverStandardStraightLeverSensing and Internet of Things 5MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesLongStraightLeverSimulatedRoller6 MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesShortRollerLeverSensing and Internet of Things 7MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesRollerLever8 Sensing and Internet of Things 9MICRO SWITCH Standard Basic Switches, V15 SeriesMOUNTING DIMENSIONSFigure 1. V15 Series Standard Switch DimensionsFigure 2. V15 Series Metric Mounting Hole Dimensions for Ø 3 mm pins or screwsMetric mounting for Ø 3 mm pins or screws Ø 3,10 mm +0,10 mm/-0,05 mm 10,3 m m ±0,1 m m Ø 0.12 in +0.004 in/-0.002 in mounting holeFigure 3. V15 Series USA Mounting Hole Dimensions for #4 screws US mounting for #4 screws - K DesignatorØ 2,90 mm +0,10 mm/-0,05 mm10,3 m m ±0,1 m m Ø 0.11 in +0.004 in/-0.002 in mounting holeFigure 4. V15 Series Housing Dimensions10 Sensing and Internet of Things 1112 STANDARD LEVER OPTIONS • DIMENSIONSFigure 19. V15 Series A01/Straight Short LeverFigure 20. V15 Series A02/Standard Straight LeverFigure 21. V15 Series A03/Long Straight LeverFigure 22. V15 Series A04/Simulated Roller LeverFigure 23. V15 Series A05/Short Roller LeverFigure 24. V15 Series A06/Roller LeverNOTE: These dimensions apply for the “A” lever position. For the “B” leverposition, please add 5,7 mm [0.224 in].Position APosition BWarranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the appli-cable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warrantedgoods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defec-tive. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility for its use.004945-10-EN | 10 | 12/19© 2019 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.m WARNINGPERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.m WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION• The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 ADDITIONAL MATERIALSThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Installation instructions• Product part listing/nomenclature tree • Product application-specific information– Application note: Electronic sensors and eectromechanicalswitches in valves and flow meters – Application note: Electronic sensors and MICRO SWITCHswitches in industrial air compressors – Application note: Sensors and switches for potentialHVAC/R applications – Application note: Sensors and switches for valve monitorsand valve indicators – Application note: Sensors and switches in sanitary valves – Case study: Switching it up– Technical bulletin: Applying precision switchesFor more informationHoneywell Sensing and Internet of Things services its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or the nearest Authorized Distributor, visit or call:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481USA/Canada+1-800-537-69452-K6-K2V15T16-EZ100A06V15T16-EZ300A24V15T22-CP300V15T26-C1P300V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A03V15T16-EZ100A05V15T16-EZ100-K V15H16-CZ200V15H16-CZ300A0V15H16-CZ300A0V15H22-CZ100A0V15T16-CZ100V15T16-EZ100A02。
Crosby McKissick 筒穿孔选择指南说明书
Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLCAll Rights Reserved281M c K i s s i c k S h e a v e s McKissick ® sheaves come in a variety of sizes to suit your specific applications. Crosby offers many sheaves as standard and these are shown in the pages that follow.For applications that require unique specifications, Crosby can make minor modifications to many of the sheaves listed at a reasonable charge. We can also custom design and manufacture sheaves to your exact requirements. Contact Crosby Sales to order McKissick ® sheaves and include the stock number and quantity . For help in finding that standard sheave or for help with special requirements or custom designed sheaves, furnish the following important information:InUSA:Crosby’sSpecialEngineeredProductGroupat1-800-777-1555,fax(918)834-5035,***************************In Canada: Crosby Canada at (905) 451-9261In Europe: N.V. Crosby Europe at 32 15 757125(26).DIMENSIONAL INFORMATIONNominal Outside Diameter:_____________Wire Rope Size:______________________Rim Width:__________________+ Shaft Size:__________________________*Hub Width:__________________________Nominal T read Diameter (Optional):_________________________Nominal Hub Diameter (Optional): ____________ *Hub width is measured over the cone of the T apered Bearing Sheaves.+ Shaft Size is Bore Size on Plain Bore Sheaves.BEARING TYPEq Bronze Bushing q ++ Roller Bearing q T apered Roller Bearing q Finish / Plain Bore q Full Complement Cylindrical Roller Bearing q Underwater q Other ++ Requires hardened and ground shaftMATERIAL TYPEq Roll-Forged™ (Flame hardened 356mm and larger )q Forged Steelq Domedq Cast Steel q Fabricated q OtherAPPLICATION INFORMATION Line Pull:__________________________Fleet Angle:____________________Degree of Wrap:______________________Line Speed:___________________Environment:___________________ Groove Angle: ___________________________SPECIAL REQUIREMENTSSpecial T esting:________________________________________________________________________________________Finish:________________________________________________________________________________________________Third Party Inspection / Approval:_______________________________________________________________________。
OPERATIONThe ASHCROFT ®pressure control is a precision device which features a snap action switch.Fixed deadband is available with single or dual SPDT independently adjustable switches with various electrical ratings.Adjustable deadband is available with SPDT switch with various electrical ratings.Several wettedmaterial constructions for compatibility with pressure media may be obtained.Series LP-S switches have a fixed deadband which will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LP-D switches may be set to operate simultaneously or up to 85 percent of the range apart.The deadband of each switch will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LP-A switches may be set to operate with any deadband within the limits shown on the nameplate.MOUNTINGThe “L ”Series ASHCROFT snap action pressure switch has a NEMA-4 enclosure which is an epoxy coated aluminum casting.T wo holes in the integral bracket are used to surface mount the control.Location of these holes is shown on the general dimension drawings.An optional pipe mounting bracket is also available.Mount on a vibration free surface or pipe in any orien-tation.When tightening control to pressure line, always use the wrench flats or hex on the pressure connection.NEVER TIGHTEN BY TWISTING THE CASE.CONDUIT CONNECTIONSOne 3⁄4NPT hole fitted with a shipping plug, and two additional knock outs are provided.The knockouts may be removed by placing a screwdriver in the slot and rapping sharply with a hammer It is recommended that T eflon tape or other sealant be used on conduit bushings or plug threads to ensure integrity of the enclosure.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONRemove cover, held in place by two screws.On all units except one with terminal blocks – wire directly to the switch according to circuit requirements.Units with terminal blocks – wire directly to terminal blocks as required.T erminals are marked common (C), normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).4.126.091/2NPT MALE &1/4NPT FEMALE8psi Rangesin.H 2O RangesLEFT SWITCH RIGHT SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCKSERVICE LEADS TO THESE TERMINALSSTANDARD RANGES15, 30, 60, 100, 200, 400, 600 psi *1000, 2000, 3000 psi 30˝Hg vac.-0 psiSTANDARD RANGES 30, 60, 100, 150 in.H 2O 15 in.H 2O-15 in.H 2O2.7 lbs.3.4 lbs.SETPOINT ADJUSTMENTSSetpoints are changed by means of the setpoint adjusters The LP-S single switch has one adjuster and the LP-A adjustable deadband and LP-D dual switch each have two adjusters.On switches with two adjusters, the one on the left is referred to as “A”and the right one is referred to as “B”;see illustration.Setpoints can be adjusted from 15 to 100 percent of full range on increasing pressure.SERIES LP-S SINGLE SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required set-point pressure.If setpoint is on increasing pressure, turn adjuster so that switch operates (if common – normally closed circuit is being monitored light goes off).If setpoint is on decreasing pressure, turn adjuster so that switch resets (if common – normally closed circuit is being monitored light comes on).When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct.The deadband (difference between the operate and resetpressures) may be verified at this time to be between the values noted on the nameplate label.SERIES LP-D DUAL SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required higher setpoint pressure and turn adjuster “B”until the switch operates or resets as required.See discussion of increasing or decreasing pressure setpoints and deadband verification under Series LP-S Single Switch.When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct.Then reduce system pressure to the required lower setpoint pressure and turn adjuster “A”until the switch operates or resets as required.Verify this setpoint by raising and lowering pressure.Now increase system pressure to higher setpoint and make final adjustment on “B.”AB02040600204060SERIES LP-A ADJUSTABLE DEADBAND SWITCHRemove cover.Adjuster “B”controls the operating point of the switch on increasing pressure.Adjuster “A”controls the re-setpoint of the switch on decreasing pressure.For accurate setpoint adjustment, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required setpoint pressure.T urn adjuster “B”until switch operates.Then lower pressure to the re-setpoint, turn adjuster “A”until the switch resets.Now increase pressure to the operating point and make final adjustment on “B”.Raise and lower pressure to ensure that the setpoint and re-setpoint are correct.SOME PRECAUTIONS TO OBSERVEDo not loosen the screws holding the precision switch element(s)or mounting bracket in place.Nameplate PROOF pressure should not be exceeded.Inter-mittent operation up to proof pressure is permissible, however,some change of setpoint may be noted.Operation and correct setpoint actuation should be routinely tested.Note –Since vacuum models are already above setpoint atatmosphere, the Normally Open (NO) circuit will be closed as received.。
Magnasafe MS8安全切换说明书
DescriptionKEEP THIS GUIDE FOR FUTURE REFERENCEMAGNASAFE MS8 safety switches are extended range non-contact, magnetically operated switch and actuator. Designed to work with safety relays that have a low inrush current on the switch input, these switches provide an economical method of switching for the higher category, dual channel circuits.These safety switches are available in a robust ABS, or 316 Grade Stainless Steel housing, and both switch and actuator are fullysealed to IP67 & IP69K making them suitable for use in wet or dusty environments. They are easy to install and tolerant to misalignment. With correct installation, these safety switches comply with the guidelines given in EN14119.Magnasafe safety switches are designed to be used in part of safety related control system. A risk assessment should take place toestablish that the specifications of these safety switches are suitable for the application required. See Technical Specifications below or contact Mechan Controls for further information.The information is designed to help suitably qualified personnel install and operate Mechan Controls safety equipment. Before using this product, read this guide thoroughly along with any relevant European and/or National Standards E.g. Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and its Amendments, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. Further information can be obtained from Mechan Controls Ltd.Technical Specifications MS8MS8-SSMS8-DContacts2 NO or 2 NO + 1 NC 2 NO or 2 NO + 1 NC 2 NO + 1 NC Safety Contact Rating 24Vdc / 400mA24Vdc / 400mA24Vdc / 400mA Safety Contact Switching 30mm ON / 50mm OFF (Face to Face)30mm ON / 50mm OFF (Face to Face)30mm ON / 50mm OFF 25mm ON / 40mm OFF (Side to Side)25mm ON / 40mm OFF (Side to Side)25mm ON / 40mm OFF Auxiliary Contact Rating 24Vdc / 300mA 24Vdc / 300mA 24Vdc / 300mA Auxiliary Contact Switching 30mm OFF / 40mm ON30mm OFF / 40mm ON30mm OFF / 40mm ONInternal Fuse---External Fuse (Customer Supplied)0.3 Amps Fast Acting 0.3 Amps Fast Acting 0.3 Amps Fast Acting Construction RED ABS 316 Grade Stainless Steel 316 Grade Stainless Steel IP RatingIP67 / IP69K IP67 / IP69K IP67 / IP69K Operating Temperature -25°C to +55°C-25°C to +55°C-25°C to +55°CFixing M4 Torx security screws (Tightening Torque 1.0NM)M4 Torx security screws (Tightening Torque 1.0NM)M4 Torx security screws (Tightening Torque 1.0NM)Connection Pre-wiredPre-wired or M12 Quick Disconnect Pre-wiredVibration 10 - 50Hz IEC 68-2-610 - 50Hz IEC 68-2-610 - 50Hz IEC 68-2-6Shock10g, 11ms IEC 68-2-2710g, 11ms IEC 68-2-2710g, 11ms IEC 68-2-27Safety Related DataB10d2,000,000PFH 6.52 x 10-8TM (Mission Time)> 20 Years PFHd 4.3 x 10-8 See Note 1DC 99%SFF98%MTTFdHigh > 100 Years (Based on usage rate of 360 Days/Year, 24 Hours/Day, 10 Operations/Hour)Note 1: Based on dual channel wiring according to CAT 4. Diagnostic coverage provided by downstream control logic. DC - medium, MTTFd = 100 Years. Suitable for performance level applications PLe according to ISO 13849-1. (SIL 3 according to IEC 62061)Magnetic Safety SwitchesSafety StandardsApprovalsCE Complies with all relevant sections of the CE Marking DirectivecUL 508 Industrial Control TUV ApprovedInternational DirectivesMachinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC; EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, RoHS Directive 2011/65/EC International StandardsEN 12100 Safety of Machinery. General principles for design.EN ISO 14119 Safety of Machinery. Interlocking devices associated with guards. Principles for design and selection. EN ISO 13849 Safety of Machinery. Safety related parts of control systems.EN ISO 62061 Safety of Machinery. Functional safety of safety related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systemsEN 60204 Safety of Machinery. Electrical equipment of machines.EN 60947-5-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.EN 60947-5-3 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.DimensionsMountingThe MS8 Safety Switch & Actuator has been designed with in-creased switching distance to suit certain applications. When mounting the switch & actuator on the machine guard cannot be opened sufficiently to allow access to the hazardous parts of the machinery before the machine has stopped.Do not use safety switches as a stop. 1 mm separation when closed provides the best results.Mount the switch on to the machine frame and the actuator on to the opening edge of the door.Always try to mount the switch on non-ferrous material. (Ferrous materials may reduce the switching distance.)EN14119: Hide the actuator where possible.NOTES:Minimum separation 50mm between adjacent switchesDO NOT mount on hinged side of the guard.MS8MS8-SSMS8-DConnections & FusesOperationMagnasafe safety switches can approach each other from most directions. When closed the target printed on the front face of the switches must be aligned.Please see switching faces below:MS8-DMS8SIDE VIEWTOP VIEWIMPORTANTA ll control contacts should be externally fused.Recommended Safety Control Unit Mechan Part Number: SRL-1 24VAC/DC or EM1 & ESM MaintenanceIt is recommended to check the safe operation of the switches and look for signs of damage or excessive wear on a weekly basis. Damaged units should be replaced or returned to the manufacturer for repair where practical.NotesIn the interest of product development specifications are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with any acts or by-laws in place. All information regarding Mechan equipment is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Responsibility cannot be accepted for errors or omissions.Contact DetailsMechan Controls Ltd , 14/16 Seddon Place, Stanley Industrial Estate, WN8 8EB, United Kingdom, Tel: +441695722264, Web: Recommend Safety Control UnitMagnetic Safety Switches。
Before proceeding to the troubleshooting steps below it will be vital to start with checking the power supply:•Check battery: Verify all connection points are proper, clean and show no sign of corrosion.•Load Test: Have the batteries Load Tested at an automotive part store or marine dealer. Load testing is very helpful in determining if the battery is the cause of some issues.Keep in mind the accuracy and responsiveness with which the i-Pilot controls your boat is highly dependent upon many variables:•Ratio of motor thrust to boat weight. The effect of this is excessive thrust on a smaller boat can cause i-Pilot to over correct. Not enough thrust on a large boat can cause i-Pilot to respondslowly.•Wind. Excessive wind and/or current can reduce i-Pilot’s positioning accuracy.•GPS signal strength. The greater number of GPS signal bars the greater the accuracy. As voltage at the motor lowers the GPS will become less accurate or drop out completely.1.i-Pilot BT remote displays “RF error”a.This is a fatal error in the remote and it will need to be replaced.2.Boat doesn’t seem to keep close enough to the recorded Spot-Lock location:a.Verify voltage at the trolling motorb.Check for weeds, fishing line, or other debris behind the prop.3.Spot Lock or other i-Pilot/i-Pilot Link Features will not engage; the motor emits an “errortone”• If a GPS signal is not available the i-Pilot cannot engage.a.Verify a clear view of sky, check the GPS signal on the i-Pilot or i-Pilot Link remote.b.The GPS controller is voltage dependent, if you do not have a signal it may be due toreduced power reaching the motor, load test the trolling motor batteries and checkthe connections.c. Many features will not engage if the motor is stowed.4.Spot Lock or other i-Pilot/i-Pilot Link Features disengage unexpectedly. This is usuallyaccompanied by a series of beeps from the motor.a.Check for anything that might restrict foot pedal movement. Any command fromthe foot pedal overrides and will disengage i-Pilot functions.b.i-Pilot/i-Pilot link is voltage sensitive, check the connections between the batteriesand the motor and have the batteries load tested.5.The motor is making erratic steering corrections while in AutoPilot, Spot-Lock or Tracka.Verify voltage at the trolling motorb.Keep all ferrous metallic objects away from the i-Pilot Controller (top head), thisincludes anchors, metal framework, etc.c.If using Advanced AutoPilot, try changing the AutoPilot mode to Legacy AutoPilot. (Tellthem how to do this??)6.overshoots the recorded Spot-Lock location or keep close enough to the recorded Spot-Locklocationa.I-Pilot/i-Pilot Link is voltage sensitive, check the connections between the batteries andthe motor and have the batteries load tested.b.Check for weeds or other debris wrapped around and under the prop.c.Verify proper GPS signal. The GPS signal strength indicator on the i-Pilot/i-Pilot Linkremote should show at least 1 bar.d.Verify the heading sensor is properly installed and has gone through the calibration andoffset procedures.e.Adjust the boat scale on the i-Pilot/i-Pilot Link remote. Ideal installation for a trollingmotor is to have the proper amount of thrust for the size of the boat. If the motor thrustis not properly matched to the boat size it can cause overshooting the Spot-Locklocation.i.For an installation where the motor thrust is undersized for the boat, increaseboat scaleii.For an installation where the motor thrust is oversized for the boat, decrease boat scale.7.Erratic Steering in AutoPilot.a.Load Test the Battery and check all connections. A drop in voltage to the motor willcause the heading information to be inaccurate and will cause erratic steering ineither AutoPilot Mode.b.Try changing the AutoPilot mode. Advanced mode (default) tracks to a series ofimaginary points on the line the motor was pointed when AutoPilot was engaged,this will have you arrive at a distant point you were aiming at, but along the way themotor will point in other directions. Legacy Mode strictly uses the compass tomaintain the motor heading.8.The i-Pilot/i-Pilot Link GPS-based features drop out when the motor speed setting is increaseda.I-Pilot/i-Pilot Link is voltage sensitive, check the connections between the batteries andthe motor and have the batteries load tested.9.The heading sensor calibration faileda.The heading sensor needs to be in a place where it is not subject to magneticinterference. Ensure that the heading sensor is mounted at least 24 inches frommagnetic or ferrous materials or anything that may create magnetic interference. Thisincludes: base of the trolling motor, anchors, metal railings, speakers, radios, andtrolling motor battery wires. It must be mounted on a flat, horizontal surface with thearrow on the heading sensor parallel to the boat’s keel. It should also have a line of sightto the trolling motor.。
NOM-121-SCT1-2009 (Mexico) - User Manual Requireme
Product Compliance Specialists Ltd Tel: +44 1844 273 277 The Malthouse, Malthouse Square, Fax: +44 1844 273 278 Princes Risborough Bucks, HP27 9AZ ************************************* United KingdomRegistered Office: 73 Southern Road, Thame, Oxon, OX9 2EDCompany Registration Number: 5101011 Registered in England and Wales Doc ref: RU1204005Regulatory UpdateMexicoFollowing publication of NOM-121-SCT1-2009 in Mexico (the Standard which introduced mandatory local testing for any 902 - 928MHz, 2.4GHz or 5725 – 5850MHz RF products) recent advice from PCS’s local contacts advises that COFETEL are now more strictly enforcing the User Manual requirements found in Section 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 of NOM-121-SCT1-2009.Accordingly, we advise that the following requirements should be adhered to with immediate effect:∙ The User Manual must be provided in Spanish language.∙ The User Manual must feature the following mandatory statement :“La operación de este equipo está sujeta a lassiguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que esteequipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicialy (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquierinterferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar suoperación no deseada.”The statement can be interpreted, as follows:The operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this equipment or device must not cause harmful interference and(2) this equipment or device must accept any interference, includinginterference which could otherwise cause its undesired operation.Despite similarity to the FCC Regulatory statement (already included in most User Manuals for RF products, often in Spanish), COFETEL advisePage 2 of 2 Doc ref: RU1204005 re-using the FCC statement wording is not acceptable: the exact wording above (Spanish text) should be used.For additional information on the above article please contact:Jamie HarperProduct Compliance SpecialistsEmail: **************************************。
Genie GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932 Service M
Serial Number RangeGS-1530from SN GS3015A-141946 toGS3016A-151486GS-1532from SN GS3016P-151487 toGS3016P-160599GS-1930from SN GS30P-160600GS-1932Part No. 1275130GTRev A3April 20172GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932Part No. 1275130GTApril 2017Part No. 1275130GT GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-19323April 2017How to Read Y our Serial NumberThis manual is updated frequently. If you have a printed manual, you can keep it up to date bydownloading new figures from the Genie website at . For the most up-to-date parts information, visit the Parts Lookup System on the Genie website at .How to Read Y our Serial Number..........................................3Parts Stocking List.................................................................7How to Order Parts................................................................8Service Parts Fax Order Form.. (9)001 Parts Stocking List001.1 Parts Stocking List (10)100 Decals101.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Battery Side, ANSI &Austalia................................................................................12102.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Ground Controls Side,ANSI & Australia..................................................................14103.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, ANSI...........16104.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, Austraila......18105.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Battery Side, ANSI &CE........................................................................................20106.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Ground Control Side,ANSI & CE...........................................................................22107.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, ANSI........24108.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, CE............26109.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532, Battery Side,Australia...............................................................................28110.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Ground Controls Side,Australia...............................................................................30111.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Platform, Austraila.......32112.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Battery Side, CE.....34113.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Ground Control Side,CE........................................................................................36114.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Platform, CE............38115.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Battery Side, ANSI &Australia...............................................................................40116.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Ground Controls Side,ANSI & Australia..................................................................42117.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Platform, ANSI............44118.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Platform, Austraila. (46)119.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1930 Battery Side, ANSI &CE........................................................................................48120.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1930 Ground Control Side,ANSI & CE...........................................................................50121.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1930 Platform ANSI.........52122.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1930 Platform CE.............54123.1 Decals with Words, GS-1932 Battery Side,Australia (56)124.1 Decals with Words, GS-1932 Ground Controls Side,Australia...............................................................................58125.1 Decals with Words, GS-1932 Platform, Austraila.......60126.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1932 Battery Side, CE.....62127.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1932 Ground Control Side,CE. (64)128.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1932 Platform CE (66)200 Drive Chassis Components201.1 Steer Linkage and Wheels.........................................68202.1 Non-steer Axle Installation, All Models......................70203.1 Level Sensor Installation, All Models.........................72204.1 Pothole Protection Assembly.....................................74205.1 Battery Pack Module..................................................76206.1 Battery Charger.........................................................78207.1 Power Unit Module (to SN GS3016P-159832)..........80207.2 Power Unit Module (from SN GS3016P-159833)......82208.1 Ground Controls, All Models......................................84209.1 Electrical Wiring.........................................................86210.1 Power Cables.............................................................88211.1 Function Manifold and Accumulator Components.. (90)300 Scissor Components301.1 Scissor Assembly Installation....................................92302.1 Scissor Assembly, GS-1530/1532.............................94303.1 Scissor Assembly, GS-1930/1932.. (96)400 Platform Comonents401.1 Platform Components, GS-1530................................98402.1 Plattform Components, GS-1532.............................102403.1 Plattform Components, GS-1930.............................106404.1 Platform Components, GS-1932..............................110405.1 Platform Gates.........................................................114406.1 Power to Platform....................................................116407.1 Platform Controls.....................................................118408.1 Joystick Controller (120)500 Hydraulic Components501.1 Hydraulic Components............................................122502.1 Function Manifold. (124)503.1 Check Valve Manifold (126)4GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932Part No. 1275130GTApril 2017T able of Contents504.1 Brake Release Hand Pump Manifold.......................128505.1 Hydraulic Power Unit, All Models.............................130506.1 Lift Cylinder Assembly, All Models...........................132507.1 Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings.. (134)600 Accessories601.1 Alarm, Horn and Flashing Beacons.........................136602.1 Air Line to Platform..................................................138603.1 Platform Work Light.................................................140604.1 Voltage Inverter........................................................142605.1 Padded Auxiliary Rail, GS-1930 (144)700 Platform Overload Components701.1 Platform Overload (146)IndicesPart Number Index.............................................................148Part Description Index. (151)Cross ReferencesFittings Cross Reference (156)Part No. 1275130GT GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-19325April 2017T able of Contents (continued)6GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932Part No. 1275130GTApril 2017NotesPart No. 1275130GT GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-19327April 2017Parts Stocking List8GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932Part No. 1275130GTApril 2017How T o Order PartsPart No. 1275130GT GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-19329April 2017Fax Order Form10GS-1530, GS-1532, GS-1930, GS-1932Part No. 1275130GT001 Parts Stocking List April 2017001.1 Parts Stocking ListDescription Qty.Part No.ItemPAINT ,WET,TRAFFIC BLACK (1 GL)**1257733GT --1-gallonPAINT , AEROSOL, TRAFFIC BLACK 1258567GT --12-ounce spray paintPAINT ,AEROSOL,GENIE GRAY***1268GT --12-ounce spray paintPAINT ,AEROSOL,BRIGHT BLUE***1484GT --12-ounce spray paintPAINT ,WET,GENIE BLUE (1 GL)**32150GT --1-gallonPAINT ,WET,GENIE GRAY (1 GL)**32151GT --1-gallonGREASE,DIELECTRIC 4 OZ**66399GT --MANUAL,AEM SAFETY27581GT 1MANUAL,RESPON,A92.5 BOOM 31779GT --BELT,V , KUBOTA D9*******GT 2(refer to figure 402.1)AC MOTOR GEARBOX Z60E 226939GT 3(refer to figure 204.1)MOTOR CTRL, 48V , 3PH, 1234SE 1263938GT 4(refer to figure 302.1)FILTER,AIR,D9*******GT 5(refer to figure 403.1)FILTER,OIL,KUBOTA 866050GT 6(refer to figure 404.1)BELT,V , KUBOTA D9*******GT 7(refer to figure 402.1)PLUG AND CAP KIT -SERVICE,ORFS*49613GT 8(refer to figure 701.1)FILTER,ELEMENT ,BETA(5)=100060857GT 9(refer to figure 305.1)FILTER,ELEMENT ,BETA(10)=20088917GT10(refer to figure 305.1)001 Parts Stocking List April 2017001.1 Parts Stocking List100 Decals April 2017 101.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Battery Side, ANSI & AustaliaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,DANGER,CRUSHINGHAZARD.................................................244255GT 1DECAL,DANGER DO NOT ALTERSWTC.....................................................131060GT 2DECAL,DANGER,ELECTHAZARD,PLUG.......................................131508GT3(Australia models)DECAL,DANGER,BA TTERYSAFETY***..............................................131788GT 4DECAL,LABEL,TIRE SPECS.................243093GT 5DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR230V........................................................143658GT6(Australia models)DECAL DANGER TIP OVER TRAYS......144737GT 7DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK...........................................................144980GT8(Australia models)DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORTTIEDOWN*..............................................352475GT 9DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................372086GT 10DECAL,INSTRUCTIONS-CHARGEROP...........................................................172970GT 11DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 1530......282485GT 12(ANSI models)DECAL,DANGER-USE SAFETY ARM....182561GT 13DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32...................................................282570GT14(Australia models)DECAL,INSTRUCT,BATTERYCONNECT..............................................182657GT 15DECAL,DANGER-TIP-OVER,BATT........1114360GT 16DECAL,LABEL-TRANSPORTDIGRAM..................................................2114361GT 17DECAL,DANGER,ELEC HAZARD,GS.....1114385GT 18DECAL,DANGER,BRAKE RELSAFETY (1)T107029GT19100 DecalsApril 2017101.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Battery Side, ANSI & Austalia100 Decals April 2017 102.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Ground Controls Side, ANSI & AustraliaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1Warning - Compartment Access.............128175GT 2DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 3DECAL,DANGER,ELECTHAZARD,PLUG.......................................131508GT4(ANSI models)DECAL,LABEL,TIRE SPECS.................243093GT 5DECAL,LABEL,SAFETY ARM................143619GT 6DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR230V........................................................143658GT7(ANSI models)DECAL,DANGER,CRUSHINGHAZARD.................................................244255GT 8DECAL DANGER TIP OVER TRAYS......144737GT 9DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK...........................................................144980GT10(ANSI models)DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 11(option)DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORTTIEDOWN*..............................................252475GT 12DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................172086GT 13DECAL,EMERGENCY STOP ,GR...........172143GT 14DECAL,DANGER,IMPROPER USEHAZ.........................................................172853GT 15DECAL,LABEL,QUINTOLUBRIK............172998GT 16(models with Quintolub hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,PETRO CANADA***......172999GT 17(models with Petro Canada hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,ST A TOIL HYDRAWAY........................................................182160GT18(models with Statoil hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,UCON HYDROLUBE.....182161GT19(models with UConn Hydrolube hydraulic oil)DECAL,CHEVRON RANDO HD.............182366GT20(models with Chevron Random hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 1530......282485GT 21(ANSI models)Warning - Skin Injection Hazard.............182558GT 22DECAL,INSTRUCT -ANNUAL INSPREQ........................................................182559GT 23DECAL,DANGER-USE SAFETY ARM....182561GT 24DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32...................................................282570GT25(Australia models)DECAL,DANGER,ELEC HAZARD,GS.....1114385GT 26DECAL,EMERGENCY LOWERING.......1133276GT 27DECAL,OP INST ,GCON. (1)T107031GT28Description Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,GCON P ANEL,GS (1)T112804GT29100 DecalsApril 2017102.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Ground Controls Side, ANSI & Australia100 Decals April 2017 103.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, ANSIDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,LABEL,MANUAL NOT HERE.....128176GT 2DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 3DECAL,WARN,IMPROPEROPERATION...........................................128236GT 4DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGEPOINT.....................................................340434GT 5DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTIONARROWS................................................243618GT 6DECAL,DANGER,TIP-OVER,TILT..........144736GT 7DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 8DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1530**...262053GT 9DECAL,LABEL,PLA T CONTLOCATION..............................................182557GT 10DECAL,INSTR-MAX CAP 600LBS.........182564GT 11DECAL,INSTR-SIDE FRC,ANSI.............182565GT 12DECAL,DANGER-GEN SAFETY............1114386GT 13DECAL,LABEL,FAULT CODES..............1133596GT 14DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 15DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 16DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT............11256702GT 17DECAL, OP INST , PLA T, GS30, ANSI.....11257182GT 18DECAL, SMARTLINKPROPORTIONAL (2)1257923GT19100 DecalsApril 2017103.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, ANSI100 Decals April 2017 104.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, AustrailaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,LABEL,MANUAL NOT HERE.....128176GT 2DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 3DECAL,WARN,IMPROPEROPERATION...........................................128236GT 4DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGEPOINT.....................................................340434GT 5DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTIONARROWS................................................243618GT 6DECAL,DANGER,TIP-OVER,TILT..........144736GT 7DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 8DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1530**...262053GT 9DECAL,LABEL,PLA T CONTLOCATION..............................................182557GT 10DECAL,INSTR-INDOOR USE,AUS........197618GT 11DECAL,DANGER-GEN SAFETY............1114386GT 12DECAL,LABEL,FAULT CODES..............1133596GT 13DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 14DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 15DECAL,INSTR-MAX CAP 600LBS.........182564GT 16DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT............11256702GT 17DECAL, OP INST , PLA T , GS30, AUS.....11257184GT 18DECAL, SMARTLINKPROPORTIONAL (2)1257923GT19100 DecalsApril 2017104.1 Decals with Words, GS-1530, Platform, Austraila100 Decals April 2017 105.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Battery Side, ANSI & CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORT TIEDOWN*..............................................352475GT 1DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................372086GT 2DECAL,SYMBOL-USE SAFETY ARM....182474GT 3DECAL,SYMBOL-ELEC HAZARD,GS.....182476GT 4DECAL,SYMBOL-BA TTERY SAFETY.....182481GT 5DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 1530......282485GT 6(ANSI models)DECAL,SYMBOL-BRAKE REL SAFETY..................................................182495GT 7DECAL,SYMBOL-CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................282562GT 8DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 9(CE models)DECAL,SYM-TIP-OVER,LIM SWITCH (1)114337GT 10DECAL,LABEL-TRANSPORTDIGRAM (2)114361GT 11DECAL-SYM-TIP-OVR,BATTRIES (1)114370GT 12DECAL SYMBOL TIP OVER TRAYS......1114372GT 13105.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Battery Side, ANSI & CE106.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Ground Control Side, ANSI & CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 2DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 230V........................................................143658GT 3DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK...........................................................144980GT 4DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 5DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORT TIEDOWN*..............................................252475GT 6DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................172086GT 7DECAL,EMERGENCY STOP ,GR...........172143GT 8DECAL,SYMBOL-COMP ACCESS........182473GT 9DECAL,SYMBOL-USE SAFETY ARM....182474GT 10DECAL,SYMBOL-ELEC HAZARD,GS.....182476GT 11DECAL,LABEL,AUX LOWERING...........182482GT 12DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 1530......282485GT 13(ANSI models )DECAL,SYMBOL-READ THE MANUAL.................................................182487GT 14DECAL,SYMBOL-SKIN INJECT HAZRD....................................................182560GT 15DECAL,SYMBOL-CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................282562GT 16DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 17(CE models)DECAL, LABEL, SAFETY ARM SYMB (1)97719GT 18DECAL,SYM-ELEC HAZARD,PLUG (1)114334GT 19DECAL SYMBOL TIP OVER TRAYS (1)114372GT 20DECAL,GCON P ANEL,GS......................1T112804GT 21106.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Ground Control Side, ANSI & CE107.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, ANSIDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 2DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGE POINT.....................................................340434GT 3DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTION ARROWS................................................243618GT 4DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 5DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1530**...262053GT 6DECAL,SYMBOL-READ THE MANUAL.................................................182487GT 7DECAL,SYM-MAXCAP 600....................182501GT 8DECAL,SYM-SIDE FORCE 445N..........182656GT 9DECAL,SYM-TIP-OVER,TILT ALARM.....1114338GT 10DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 11DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 13DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT............11256702GT 14DECAL, SMARTLINKPROPORTIONAL (2)1257923GT 16107.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, ANSI108.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 2DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGE POINT.....................................................340434GT 3DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTION ARROWS................................................243618GT 4DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 5DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1530**...262053GT 6DECAL,SYMBOL-READ THE MANUAL.................................................182487GT 7DECAL,SYM-SIDEFORCE 400N ID.......197582GT 8DECAL,SYM-TIP-OVER,TILT ALARM.....1114338GT 9DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 10DECAL, UI, GR/GRC/GS PCON............1137636GT 11DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 12DECAL,SYM MAX CAP 272 KG,CE.......1T112807GT 13DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT............11256702GT 14DECAL,QR CODE,P ARTS&SERVICEMANUAL (1)1263646GT 15108.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1530 Platform, CE109.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532, Battery Side, AustraliaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,DANGER,CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................244255GT 1DECAL,DANGER DO NOT ALTER SWTC.....................................................131060GT 2DECAL,DANGER,ELECTHAZARD,PLUG (1)31508GT 3(Australia models)DECAL,DANGER,BA TTERYSAFETY*** (1)31788GT 4DECAL,LABEL,TIRE SPECS (2)43093GT 5DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR230V (1)43658GT 6(Australia models)DECAL DANGER TIP OVER TRAYS (1)44737GT 7DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK (1)44980GT 8(Australia models)DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORTTIEDOWN* (3)52475GT 9DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE (3)72086GT 10DECAL,INSTRUCTIONS-CHARGEROP (1)72970GT 11DECAL,DANGER-USE SAFETY ARM (1)82561GT 12DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 13(Australia models)DECAL,INSTRUCT,BATTERYCONNECT (1)82657GT 14DECAL,DANGER-TIP-OVER,BATT (1)114360GT 15DECAL,LABEL-TRANSPORTDIGRAM (2)114361GT 16DECAL,DANGER,ELEC HAZARD,GS (1)114385GT 17DECAL,NOTICE-DO NOT OPENDOOR (1)133213GT 18DECAL,DANGER,BRAKE RELSAFETY..................................................1T107029GT 19109.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532, Battery Side, Australia110.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Ground Controls Side, AustraliaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1Warning - Compartment Access.............128175GT 2DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 3DECAL,LABEL,TIRE SPECS.................243093GT 4DECAL,LABEL,SAFETY ARM................143619GT 5DECAL,DANGER,CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................244255GT 7DECAL DANGER TIP OVER TRAYS......144737GT 8DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 9(option)DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORT TIEDOWN*..............................................252475GT 10DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................172086GT 11DECAL,EMERGENCY STOP ,GR...........172143GT 12DECAL,DANGER,IMPROPER USE HAZ.........................................................172853GT 13DECAL,LABEL,QUINTOLUBRIK............172998GT 14(models with Quintolub hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,PETRO CANADA***......172999GT 15(models with Petro Canada hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,ST A TOIL HYDRAWAY (1)82160GT 16(models with Statoil hydraulic oil)DECAL,LABEL,UCON HYDROLUBE (1)82161GT 17(models with Ucon Hydrolube hydraulid oil)DECAL,CHEVRON RANDO HD (1)82366GT 18(models with Chevron Random hydraulicoil)Warning - Skin Injection Hazard (1)82558GT 19DECAL,INSTRUCT -ANNUAL INSPREQ (1)82559GT 20DECAL,DANGER-USE SAFETY ARM (1)82561GT 21DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 22(Australia models)DECAL,DANGER,ELEC HAZARD,GS (1)114385GT 23DECAL,EMERGENCY LOWERING (1)133276GT 24DECAL,OP INST ,GCON (1)T107031GT 25DECAL,GCON P ANEL,GS......................1T112804GT 26110.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Ground Controls Side, Australia111.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Platform, AustrailaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,LABEL,MANUAL NOT HERE.....128176GT 2DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 3DECAL,WARN,IMPROPER OPERATION...........................................128236GT 4DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGE POINT.....................................................340434GT 5DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTION ARROWS................................................243618GT 6DECAL,DANGER,TIP-OVER,TILT..........144736GT 7DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 8DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1532.....282568GT 9DECAL,LABEL,PLA T CONT LOCATION..............................................182557GT 10DECAL,INSTR-MANUAL FRC,AUS........182566GT 11DECAL,DANGER-GEN SAFETY............1114386GT 12DECAL,LABEL,FAULT CODES..............1133596GT 13DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 14DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 15DECAL,INSTR-MAX CAP 600LBS.........182564GT 16DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT............11256702GT 17DECAL, OP INST , PLA T , GS30, AUS.....11257184GT 18DECAL, SMARTLINKPROPORTIONAL (2)1257923GT 19111.1 Decals with Words, GS-1532 Platform, Austraila112.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Battery Side, CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORT TIEDOWN*..............................................352475GT 1DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................372086GT 2DECAL,SYMBOL-USE SAFETY ARM....182474GT 3DECAL,SYMBOL-ELEC HAZARD,GS.....182476GT 4DECAL,SYMBOL-BA TTERY SAFETY.....182481GT 5DECAL,SYMBOL-BRAKE REL SAFETY..................................................182495GT 6DECAL,SYMBOL-CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................282562GT 7DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 8(CE models)DECAL,SYM-TIP-OVER,LIM SWITCH (1)114337GT 9DECAL,LABEL-TRANSPORTDIGRAM (2)114361GT 10DECAL-SYM-TIP-OVR,BATTRIES (1)114370GT 11DECAL SYMBOL TIP OVER TRAYS......1114372GT 12112.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Battery Side, CE113.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Ground Control Side, CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 2DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 230V........................................................143658GT 3DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK...........................................................144980GT 4DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 5DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORT TIEDOWN*..............................................252475GT 6DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................172086GT 7DECAL,EMERGENCY STOP ,GR...........172143GT 8DECAL,SYMBOL-COMP ACCESS........182473GT 9DECAL,SYMBOL-USE SAFETY ARM....182474GT 10DECAL,SYMBOL-ELEC HAZARD,GS.....182476GT 11DECAL,LABEL,AUX LOWERING...........182482GT 12DECAL,SYMBOL-READ THE MANUAL.................................................182487GT 13DECAL,SYMBOL-SKIN INJECT HAZRD....................................................182560GT 14DECAL,SYMBOL-CRUSHING HAZARD.................................................282562GT 15DECAL,LABEL-WHEEL LOAD1530/32 (2)82570GT 16(CE models)DECAL, LABEL, SAFETY ARM SYMB (1)97719GT 17DECAL,SYM-ELEC HAZARD,PLUG (1)114334GT 18DECAL SYMBOL TIP OVER TRAYS (1)114372GT 19DECAL,GCON P ANEL,GS......................1T112804GT 20113.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Ground Control Side, CE114.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Platform, CEDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 230V...128174GT 1DECAL,POWER TO PLA TFORM 115V...128235GT 2DECAL,LANYARD ANCHORAGE POINT.....................................................340434GT 3DECAL, LABEL - DIRECTION ARROWS................................................243618GT 4DECAL,LABEL,AIRLINE 110 PSI...........144981GT 5DECAL,SYMBOL-READ THE MANUAL.................................................182487GT 6DECAL,SYM-SIDEFORCE 200400........182497GT 7DECAL,COSMETIC,GENIE GS-1532.....282568GT 8DECAL,SYM-TIP-OVER,TILT ALARM.....1114338GT 9DECAL,E-STOP ,GR/GRC/GS PCON.....1137605GT 10DECAL,PROPEL,GR/GRC/GS,PCON.....1137656GT 11DECAL,SYM MAX CAP 272 KG,CE.......1T112807GT 12DECAL, UI, GS/GR, PROP LIFT 1256702GT 13DECAL, SMARTLINK PROPORTIONAL....................................21257923GT 14DECAL,QR CODE,P ARTS&SERVICEMANUAL (1)1263646GT 15114.1 Decals with Symbols, GS-1532 Platform, CE115.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Battery Side, ANSI & AustraliaDescription Qty.Part No.ItemDECAL,DANGER,CRUSHINGHAZARD.................................................244255GT 1DECAL,DANGER DO NOT ALTERSWTC.....................................................131060GT 2DECAL,DANGER,ELECTHAZARD,PLUG.......................................131508GT3(Australia models)DECAL,DANGER,BA TTERYSAFETY***..............................................131788GT 4DECAL,LABEL,TIRE SPECS.................243093GT 5DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR230V........................................................143658GT6(Australia models)DECAL DANGER TIP OVER TRAYS......144737GT 7DECAL,LABEL,PWR TO CHARGR 115UK...........................................................144980GT8(Australia models)DECAL,LABEL,TRANSPORTTIEDOWN*..............................................352475GT 9DECAL,LABEL,LIFTING EYE.................372086GT 10DECAL,INSTRUCTIONS-CHARGEROP...........................................................172970GT 11DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 1930......282486GT 12(ANSI models)DECAL,DANGER-USE SAFETY ARM....182561GT 13DECAL,LABEL,WHEEL LOAD 19XX.....282571GT 14(Australia models)DECAL,INSTRUCT,BATTERYCONNECT..............................................182657GT 15DECAL,DANGER-TIP-OVER,BATT........1114360GT 16DECAL,LABEL-TRANSPORTDIGRAM..................................................2114361GT 17DECAL,DANGER,ELEC HAZARD,GS.....1114385GT 18DECAL,LABEL,WHEELLOAD,1930PAR.......................................21256070GT19(ANSI models with padded auxiliary rail only)DECAL,DANGER,BRAKE RELSAFETY (1)T107029GT20115.1 Decals with Words, GS-1930 Battery Side, ANSI & Australia。
PARTS LISTCOMMANDER 27 COMMANDER 27 VAC-TRACUPPER ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 1016190481THROTTLE CABLE1 10261909213/8 -16 X 2 1/2 CARRIAGE BOLT1 1036190501HANDLE1 1046190511REPLACEMENT KEY1 1056190421KEY SWITCH HOUSING1 1066190411KEY SWITCH COMPLETE - INCLUDES HARDWARE1 1076190521CHOKE CABLE1 10891221003/8 SPLIT LOCK WASHER1 10991219903/8-16 HEX JAM NUT1 1106190441REGULATOR1 1116190471QUICK COUPLING1 1126190461HOSE LP TANK TO REGULATOR1 113659017145° STREET ELBOW 1/41 1146190451FUEL LOCK WITH FILTER - 12 VOLT1 1156190531HOSE - 3 FOOT - FUEL1 116619210190° BRASS ELBOW - 3/8 NPT X 5/16 HOSE1 1176190551FITTING 1/4 BARB X 1/4 NPT1 1186190561HOSE - 3 FOOT - VAC1 11991214505/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT2 120912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (5/16)2 1216190401BATTERY BOX1 6190331BATTERY - 12 VOLT1 12223917511/8 X 5/8 DOME HEAD POP RIVET - STEEL3 1236190321HOUR METER1 12491214505/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT5 125912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (5/16)5 1267690931DECAL - NSS LOGO1 1276190571CLUTCH SPACER1 1286190581CLUTCH ARM HOLDER1 12961909317/16-20 X 1 HEX BOLT1 1306190591CLUTCH WASHER1 1316190201ELECTRIC CLUTCH1 1326190041BAG TRAY - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 133********/4-20 X 1/2 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW - VAC-TRAC ONLY6 134********/16-18 X 1 3/4 HEX BOLT3 91221305/16-18 X 2 1/4 HEX BOLT1 135912139011/32 I.D. X 11/16 O.D. X .051/.080 THICK FLAT WASHER (5/16)4 1366190661DECK - 27” - STANDARD1 6190031DECK - 27” - VAC-TRAC1 1376190381LP TANK1 138********/16-18 X 1 1/4 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW4 1396590111CLAMP - TANK1 14061909615/16-18 X 1 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW2 14191221403/8-16 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT1 14291208801/4 SPLIT LOCK WASHER2 14391212101/4-20 X 5/8 HEX BOLT2 14491222603/8-16 X 1 HEX BOLT2 14561909118 X 1 1/2 HEX HEAD SELF TAPPING SCREW3 1466190631KILL SWITCH ASSEMBLY - COMPLETE1 1476190491HANDLE GRIP2UPPER ASSEMBLYLOWER ASSEMBLYITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 20161909715/16-18 X 1 FLAT HEAD SOCKET CAP SCREW4 20291210603/8-16 X 1 1/4 HEX HEAD BOLT1 20391221103/8 I.D. X 1 1/2 O.D. FENDER WASHER1 20491225401/2-13 X 1 1/4” HEX HEAD BOLT4 20591224709/16 I.D. X 1 3/8 O.D. X .086/.132 THICK WROUGHT WASHER (1/2)4 20661909911/4-20 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW - VAC-TRAC ONLY4 2076190661DECK - 27” - STANDARD1 6190031DECK - 27” - VAC-TRAC1 2086190641BUMPER MOLDING1 20923917511/8 X 5/8 DOME HEAD POP RIVET - STEEL7 21091224709/16 I.D. X 1 3/8 O.D. X .086/.132 THICK WROUGHT WASHER (1/2)1 2116190701FRONT BEARING AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY - 27” - STANDARD - INCLUDES:1 6190651FRONT BEARING HOUSING16190691DRIVEN SHAFT - 27” - STANDARD16190671SNAP RING26190681205pp BEARING26190111FRONT BEARING AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY - 27” - VAC-TRAC - INCLUDES:16190651FRONT BEARING HOUSING16190661DRIVEN SHAFT - 27” - VAC-TRAC16190671SNAP RING26190681205pp BEARING2 21261909811/4 SQUARE X 1 1/4 LONG KEY1 2136190211PULLEY 8.51 21491213805/16-18 X 3/8 SET SCREW - KNURL POINT2 2156190021FLEXIWALL SHIELD MOUNT - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 216912035010-24 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 2176190081FLEXIWALL SHIELD MOUNTING RING - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 218619024127” PAD DRIVER COMPLETE - INCLUDES:1 6190231PAD DRIVER 27”1 2196190251CENTER LOCK PAD HOLDER - BLACK1 220912045010-24 X 1 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW3 2216190261FLANGE1 222------------PAD - FOR INFORMATION SEE ACCESSORIES PAGE1 22391209801/4-20 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW4 2246592552BUMPER STRAP - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 225912045010-24 X 1 ROUND HEAD PHILLIPS MACHINE SCREW - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 2266592531BUMPER / BRUSH - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 2276190011FLEXIWALL SHIELD - VAC-TRAC ONLY1 2286190221BELT1 22991221403/8-16 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT1 2306190301PULLEY - IDLER1 2316190311TENSIONER ARM1 23291220803/8-16 X 2 1/2 HEX BOLT1 2336190601TENSIONER ARM SPACER2 23461902716” X 1 1/2” WHEEL WITH BRACKET - STANDARD - INCLUDES:2 6190281 WHEEL ONLY2 2356190611 WHEEL AXLE BOLT2 6190621 WHEEL BEARING KIT2 2369121990 3/8-16 HEX JAM NUT2 23461901316” X 1 1/2” WHEEL WITH BRACKET - FOR VAC-TRAC ONLY - INCLUDES2 6190281 WHEEL ONLY2 2356190611 WHEEL AXLE BOLT2 6190621 WHEEL BEARING KIT2 2369121990 3/8-16 HEX JAM NUT2 23791214505/16-18 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT4 23891209001/4-20 HEX NUT WITH NY-LOK INSERT4 23961902912” CASTER WITH GRAY WHEELS2 24061909911/4-20 X 3/4 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREW2 24161910011/4-20 X 3/4 FLAT HEAD SOCKET CAP SCREW2LOWER ASSEMBLYCOMMANDER ENGINE SERVICE PARTSPART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 6191021OIL PRESSURE SWITCH1 6191031WIRE HARNESS1 6191121MUFFLER CLAMP1 6191141AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN SYSTEM1 6191151GROUND WIRE1 6191261OXYGEN SENSOR1 6192121OIL DRAIN VALVE1 KAWASAKI FH 500 V 17 hp SERVICE PARTSPART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 6191011MUFFLER1 6191041AIR PRECLEANER - FOAM COOLING AIR FILTER1 6191051AIR PRECLEANER SUPPORT1 6191061STARTER SOLENOID1 6191071 1 1/8 SPACER2 6191081M6 X 130 STUD2 619109110-32 X 1 3/4 SCREW2 6191101RUBBER CAP1 6191111FUEL LOAD BLOCK1 6191131RECOIL FILTER SUPPORT GASKET1 6191161BATTERY CONNECTION COMPLETE1 6191171WIRE - CLOCK1 6191181WIRE - STARTER TO SOLENOID1 6191191CONVERTED ENGINE1 6191211EXHAUST MANIFOLD1 6191221PRE FILTER - FOAM ENGINE INTAKE1 6191231AIR FILTER - ENGINE INTAKE1 6191241OIL FILTER1 6191251SPARK PLUG - CHAMPION RCJ8Y2ROBIN ZXV 653 22 hp SERVICE PARTSPART NO.DESCRIPTION QTY. 6190071MOTOR COVER1 6192011AIR PRECLEANER - FOAM COOLING AIR FILTER1 6192021MUFFLER1 6192031EXHAUST MANIFOLD1 6192041ENGINE COVER1 6192051AIR PRECLEANER SUPPORT1 6192061FUEL LOAD BLOCK1 6192071ORIFICE - #261 6192081BATTERY CONNECTION COMPLETE1 6192091WIRE - CLOCK1 6192111CONVERTED ENGINE1 6192131AIR FILTER - ENGINE INTAKE1 6192141OIL FILTER1 6192151SPARK PLUG - NGK BP6ES2 NOTE:FOR NON-PROPANE SPECIFIC ENGINE COMPONENTS, REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE ENGINE PARTS LIST.COMMANDER WIRING DIAGRAMCOMMANDER 27 AND 27 VAC-TRAC ORIG. 12-02 9096103799275127” LITE BLUE POLISH / BURNISH PAD - FOR SOFT FINISH 799276127" LITE HAIR BURNISH PAD - FOR ALL FINISHES799278127" ULTRA HAIR HARD FINISH PAD - FOR HARD FINISH799279127” ULTIMATE HAIR PAD - HARD FINISH AGGRESSIVE BURNISHING6590801L.P. TANK STORAGE CAGEACCESSORIESNSS ® Enterprises, Inc.3115 Frenchmens Road, Toledo, Ohio 43607PHONE (419) 531-2121 FAX (419) 531-3761NSS ® Enterprises, Inc. European Distribution Centre Unit II, Pinfold Trading Estate * 55 Nottingham Road STAPLEFORD, NOTTINGHAM NG9 8AD ENGLAND U.K.PHONE: (44) 0115 939 1568 * FAX: (44) 0115 949 0615。
美国戴维斯(Davis)电子(Davis Electronics) PIO-D144 168 插槽卡
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Opt ional Variant sThe (MCOM-R) gives a 5 second pulse on reset, and is used for connecting/resetting beam detectors.The (MCOM-S) is identified by the panel as a sounder and does not reset when put into‘silence’ mode, only resets once panel has been reset.The (MCOM-FC) is identified by the panel assounder and will activate f ro m its associate cause and effect programming. It will reset from a global reset not a global silence command. Suitable for use with fan controller devices for smoke management.•Quick and simple to install •Compact size •Soft Addressed•Integral short circuit isolator•Plug and play, no hard addressing required •No external short circuit isolator requiredAn extensive range of micro interfaces are available to support our range of control panels, providing solutions for most design requirements.The MCOM is a single output, soft addressed, micro interface, incorporating integral short circuit isolators. It is extremely compact and therefore ideal for incorporation into other equipment.The MCOM is fully compatible with the current range of Eaton intelligent addressable fire control panels.It is suitable for switching low voltage (24V dc at 1A maximum), via a set of non latching relay contacts.It is suitable for switching HVAC control circuits, plant shutdown control circuits, fire door closure etc.MCOMMicro Single Channel Output UnitsBenefitsDimensions H (mm)W (mm)D (mm)633518.5Code MCOM , MCOM-S, MCOM-R, MCOM-FCDescription Micro single channel output unit Standards EN54 Pt17 & Pt18Specification Operating Voltage 18.5V dc to 30V dc Quiescent Current 310μAOutput Relay Switching Voltage 24V dc to 30V dc Contact Rating 1A Switching Power 30 WattsEnvironmental Operating temperature -10ºC to +60ºC Humidity (non condensing)0 to 95% RH Physical ConstructionPC/ABSDimensions (H x W x D)63mm x 35mm x 18.5mm Weight 0.078kg Compatibility Suitable for use withEaton Intelligent addressable fire systemsRecommended loop/cable typeFire Tuff, FP200, MICC T echnical SpecificationInstallation1.Suitable for switching 24V dc control circuits (firedoor retainers etc).2.Connections suitable for single strand fireproof cableup to 2.5mm 2.3.Loop and output cable screen must be connected tointerface earth terminals.4.The relay output is a set of change over, non-latching,volt free contacts which are non monitored.Note: No addressing of the interface is required (see control panel operation for details)DescriptionCodeMicro single channel output unit (recognised as output unit)MCOM Micro single channel output unit (recognised as sounder)MCOM-S Micro single channel output unit (5 second reset pulse)MCOM-R Mini module box unit (empty box)ULBUCatalogue numbers37.5mm22m mStandard ConnectionsMounting DetailsChanges to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions.Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks. The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.EatonElectrical Sector EMEA Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland EatonFire Systems Business Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster South Y orkshire DN2 4NBUnited KingdomTel: +44 (0)1302 303 999 Fax: +44 (0)1302 303 333Email: FireCustomerService@eaton .com Web: www.eaton .com /gb © 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPub Reference: F -DS025 April 2019Micro single channel output unit (fan controller output unit)MCOM-FC。
华硕(Harman Kardon)L1 模型 1S 系统与 ToneMatch 端口的使用者指南说明
L1® model 1S system with ToneMatch® portOwner’s GuideGuía de usuarioNotice d’utilisation2S AFETY I NFORMATIONPlease read this owner’s guidePlease take the time to follow the instructions in this owner’s guide carefully. It will help you set up and operate yoursystem properly and enjoy its advanced features. Please save this owner’s guide for future reference.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose the system to rain or moisture.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this system unless you are qualified. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle alerts the user to the presence of uninsulated, dangerous voltage within the system enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electrical shock.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle, as marked on the system, is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions in this owner’s guide.CAUTION: This product shall be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.CAUTION: Make no modifications to the system or accessories. Unauthorized alterations may compromise safety, regulatory compliance, and system performance.CAUTION: Do not place any naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on or near the apparatus.CAUTION: Where the mains plug or appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, such disconnect device shall remain readily operable.Note: The product must be used indoors. It is neither designed nor tested for use outdoors, in recreation vehicles, or on boats.This product conforms to all applicable EU requirements.The complete Declaration of Conformity can be found at: /compliance.Please complete for your recordsNow is a good time to record the serial numbers of your system here and on your product registration card. You can register your product online at /register or call (800) 905-1044. Failure to do so will not affect your warranty rights.L1® model 1S power stand: _____________________________________________________________________Top array and bottom extension:_________________________________________________________________B1 or B2 bass module: _________________________________________________________________________©2012 Bose Corporation. No part of this work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, or otherwise used without prior written permission.3I MPORTANT S AFETY I NSTRUCTIONS1.Read these instructions.2.Keep these instructions.3.Heed all warnings.4.Follow all instructions.5.Do not use this apparatus near water.6.Clean only with a dry cloth.7.Do not block any ventilation openings. Install inaccordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.8.Do not install near any heat sources, such asradiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appa-ratus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. 9.Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polar-ized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wider blade or third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electri-cian for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10.Protect the power cord from being walked on orpinched, particularly at plugs, conveniencereceptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. 11.Only use attachments/accessories specified bythe e only with the cart, stand, tripod,bracket, or table specified by the man-ufacturer or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution whenmoving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.13.Unplug this apparatus during lightning stormsor when unused for long periods of time.14.Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.15.To prevent risk of fire or electric shock, avoidoverloading wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles.16.Do not let objects or liquids enter the product –as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-circuit parts that could result in a fire or electric shock.17.See product enclosure bottom for safety-relatedmarkings. e proper power sources – Plug the product intoa proper power source, as described in the operating instructions or as marked on the product.19.Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping orsplashing, and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.Information about products that generate electrical noiseNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Bose Corporation could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Initial turn on inrush current: 32 AmpsInrush current after AC mains interruption of 5 seconds: 32 AmpsThis product meets all EN55103-2 immunityrequirements for E2 electromagnetic environment.I NTRODUCTION5Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Features and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Connections and controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S YSTEM S ETUP8 Parts list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Positioning your system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Setting up the power stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Assembling the L1® model 1S system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Connecting to AC power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Connecting the B1 or B2 bass module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Adding a T1 ToneMatch® audio engine (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Adding a second B1 bass module (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14O PERATING I NFORMATION 15 Setting the analog input level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Using a T1 ToneMatch® audio engine and an analog input source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 User scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Single musician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Multiple musicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Full band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DJ events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18C ARE AND M AINTENANCE 19 Caring for your product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Getting service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Limited Warranty and Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Audio Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214I NTRODUCTIONWelcomeThank you for purchasing the Bose® L1® model 1S system with ToneMatch® port. Based on arevolutionary new technology, this system brings the benefits of an intimate acoustic concertto amplified performance.This owner’s guide provides detailed setup and operating instructions for your L1 system andexplains how to connect equipment to it.For additional information on using this system, including tips, techniques, and frequentlyasked questions, please visit /livesound on the Internet.Features and benefits•You control the sound – Just as in an unamplified performance, you control the sound.You will no longer wonder how you sound to your fellow musicians or to your audiencebecause you will hear what they hear.•Quick and easy setup – The L1 system is easy to carry and can be set up in minutes, nothours. This frees you from the time-consuming and often frustrating effort required to prop-erly set up conventional sound equipment.•Dramatically improved performance – Compared to using conventional equipment,performance and enjoyment dramatically improve because the struggle to hear yourselfand the other musicians is diminished.•Creates excitement and emotion – Enhanced performance of the musicians creates thekind of excitement and emotion that is valued by music lovers.•You hear what the audience hears – For the first time, musicians hear what theiraudiences hear and thus, are less likely to play at uncomfortable sound levels.•The music is naturally dynamic – The softest to the most intense passages can beheard and enjoyed.•Improves your appearance – There is less equipment on the stage and more room.•Sound reproduction unlike before – Audience members report that the clarity andexcitement that come from hearing the accurate reproduction of sound from eachinstrument, and from hearing the sound of each instrument in its position on stage(as opposed to mono or even stereo mix of all instruments), is unlike anything they haveheard before in an amplified performance.56I NTRODUCTIONProduct overviewThe L1® model 1S system – with ToneMatch ® port consists of: the power stand, bottomextension, top array, and a B1 or B2 bass module. The system also comes with a padded carrying bag for each of its parts.To expand your system and enhance performance, you can add:•A second B1 bass module for bass guitar, kick drum, or organ. Each power stand can power up to two B1 bass modules.•A T1 ToneMatch audio engine for digital signal processing, additional inputs and user-inter-face control.For a complete list of optional equipment and accessories, please visit: /livesound.Figure 1optional equipmentL1 model 1S system with ToneMatch port and B1 bass moduleOptional equipment B1 bass moduleB2 bass moduleI NTRODUCTION® port78S YSTEM S ETUPParts listThe L1® system is shipped in three cartons. Carefully unpack the cartons and check that youhave all the items listed on this page.WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep the plastic bags out of the reach of children.S YSTEM S ETUPPositioning your systemPlacing the power stand in the right location is an important part of setting up this product.Determining the best location for your performance depends on several things.•Size of staging area•Number of performers•Shared system (adding a T1 ToneMatch® audio engine and multiple instruments)The following guidelines should get you started in setting up for a concert or show.•Set up your system in the rear area of the performance stage.•If possible, position your system behind the performer(s).•If you are part of a group, avoid crowding together on stage. Allow some distance,ideally 7-8 feet (2.1-2.4 m), between you and the L1® system and anotherperformer. This allows the sound to wrap around performers and reflect off adjacentsurfaces of the room, creating a more pleasing room-filling sound.Figure 1recommendationsBest910S YSTEM S ETUPSetting up the power stand1.The legs must be 2.Figure 2Putting the power stand on the floorchosen location before assembling the system.Figure 3Setting up the systemCAUTION: Bose recommends using a quality surge suppressor on all electronic equipment. Voltage variations and spikes can damage electronic components in any system. A quality suppressor, which can eliminate the vast majority of failures attributed to surges, may bepurchased at electronics stores.S YSTEM S ETUPFigure 5B1 and B2 bass modulesCAUTIONS:•DO NOT connect any bass module other than the B1 or B2 to the power stand.•DO NOT substitute the supplied cable with a 2-wire speaker cable. Use only the supplied B1 bass module 4-wire cable to connect the B1 bass module to the power stand. The power stand uses the signals on two of the wires to automatically sense how many B1 or B2 bass modules are connected.•DO NOT connect a B1 or B2 bass module to two power stands at the same time.S YSTEM S ETUPAdding a T1 ToneMatch ® audio engine (optional)The T1 ToneMatch ® audio engine provides additional input/output capabilities to yoursystem, plus digital signal processing to customize the way you sound. The audio engine comes with hardware for mounting it on the left or right side of the bottom extension.Note: The audio engine mounts on the bottom section of the loudspeaker and requires removal of the top section before starting this procedure.1.Slide the carriage into the channel on the rear of the bottom extension and turn the knob clockwise to lock it in place (Figure 6).2.Insert the mounting bar into the slot in the carriage and push it downward.3.Place the T1 on the mounting bar as shown.4.Plug one end of the ToneMatch cable (supplied with the audio engine) into the ToneMatch output port () on the the hook and loop strap, secure the cable to the carriage.6.Plug the other end of the cable into the ToneMatch port on the power stand.Figure 6Mounting the T1S YSTEM S ETUPAdding a second B1 bass module (optional)The bass module output of the power stand can adequately drive one or two B1 bass1.2.Figure 7Installation of two B1 bassmodulescableO PERATING I NFORMATIONO PERATING I NFORMATIONSetting the analog input levelWhen connecting an audio source to the Analog Input, follow these steps to adjust the inputTrim control.1.Set the Trim control on the power stand to the 0 (zero) position.2.Connect the audio source to the Analog Input.3.Adjust the volume of the audio source to the desired level.4.While playing the source, increase the Trim level until the Signal/Clip indicator glowsgreen or yellow.5.If the Signal/Clip indicator glows red, decrease the Trim level so that it glows only greenor yellow.®C ARE AND M AINTENANCEC ARE AND M AINTENANCE Caring for your productCleaning•Clean the product enclosures using only a soft, dry cloth.•Do not use any solvents, chemicals, or cleaning solutions containing alcohol, ammonia,or abrasives.•Do not use any sprays near the product or allow liquids to spill into any openings.•If necessary, you may carefully vacuum the grille of the L1® loudspeaker.Getting serviceFor additional help in solving problems, contact Bose® Live Music Customer Service Productand Technical Support Team at (877) 335-2673 or visit our support area online at/livesound.TroubleshootingIf you experience problems while using this product, try the following solutions. If you stillcan’t solve the problem, please call the Bose Live Music Product and Technical SupportTeam direct at (877) 335-2673 to arrange for service.Recommended troubleshooting tools•Portable voltmeter •XLR and ¼" phone plug cables•Cable tester•B1 bass module 4-wire cable•AC outlet tester•Spare AC power cordProblem What to doSystem is plugged in, power switch is on, but power LED is off •Make sure you have power at the AC outlet. Try operating a lamp or other equipment from the same AC outlet or test the outlet using an AC outlet tester.•Make sure the power stand’s power cord plug is fully inserted into the AC outlet.Power LED is on (green), but no sound •Make sure volume control is turned up on your instrument.•Make sure the Trim level control is turned up on the power stand.•Make sure your instrument is plugged into the Analog Input jack.•Connect your instrument to the power stand using a different cable.•Plug your instrument into a different amplifier to make sure the instrument is working.Power LED is red while thepower stand is on•Please call Bose Live Music Customer Support at (877) 335-2673 for assistance.House circuit breaker keeps tripping •If more than one power stand is plugged into the same AC circuit, stagger the turn-on times. Each power stand has an inrush current of about 32 amps when turned on.•If you have more than three power stands plugged into a single 15 amp circuit, move some systems to another AC circuit. Each power stand can draw 5 amps or more when playing at high volumes for long periods of time.C ARE AND M AINTENANCEWith nothing plugged into the power stand, a slight hum or buzz is heard •Using an AC outlet tester, test the AC outlet that the power stand is plugged into for reversed or open (hot, neutral, and/or ground) contacts.•If using an extension cord, make sure that the cord is also tested as above.B1 or B2 bass module is plugged in, but no bass audio is heard •Make sure you are using the included 4-wire B1/B2 bass module cable.•Make sure the B1 or B2 bass module cable is plugged into the Bass Module Out connector and the cable plug is fully engaged in the connector.•Try a different 4-wire cable.•If available, try a different B1/B2 bass module.B1 bass module sounds out of balance with the system •Make sure you are using the B1/B2 bass module 4-wire cable included with the B1 bass module package.•Make sure that the B1 or B2 bass module grille is facing forward toward the musicians and audience.No mid/high sounds heard from the L1® top array •Make sure the L1 top array and bottom extension are firmly seated in their connectors.•Make sure connections are not bent or broken.•Try cleaning the contacts on the loudspeaker top and bottom with electronic contact spray cleaner.Instrument or audio source sounds distorted •Make sure the Signal/Clip LED is not constantly red. If it is, lower the trim level.•Try a different source or instrument.•Try your source or instrument on another power stand.Microphone is encountering feedback •Orient the microphone so that it is not pointing directly at its respective L1 system.•Try a different microphone.•Try a different position for the loudspeaker and/or vocalist on stage.•Increase the distance from the loudspeaker to the microphone.•If using a vocal effects processor, make sure it is not contributing to the feedback problem.Problem What to do21C ARE AND M AINTENANCELimited Warranty and RegistrationYour product is covered by a limited warranty. Details of the warranty are provided with your product. Register your products online at /register or call (800) 905-1044. Failure to do so will not affect your warranty rights.AccessoriesVisit /livesound, or call (800) 905-0886 for accessory information.Technical InformationMechanicalComponent Dimensions Weight Power stand:5''H x 10''W x 27''D (12.8 cm x 26.2 cm x 69.2 cm)23.7 lb(10.7 kg)Top array:43½''H x 3½''W x 4''D (111.0 cm x 9.0 cm x 10.5 cm)16.3 lb(7.4 kg)Bottom extension:39.63''H x 4.15''W x 4.13''D (100.6 cm x 10.6 cm x 10.5 cm)8.5 lb(3.8 kg)B1 bass module:15''H x 10¼''W x 17¾''D (38.0 cm x 26.0 cm x 45.0 cm)25.1 lb(11.4 kg)B2 bass module:23.4''H x 13.31''W x 18.9''D (59.4 cm x 33.8 cm x 48 cm)45 lb(20.41 kg)Electrical•AC power rating:50/60Hz 500W (Europe)•Peak inrush current:50Hz (Europe)Component ImpedanceL1® model 1S loudspeaker:ΩB1 bass module:8ΩB2 bass module:4ΩAudio Input/Output•T1 ToneMatch ® port:DC output/data input Ethercon/RJ45 connector for aT1 ToneMatch audio engine•Analog Input:Line-level input channel for ¼" TRS phone plug•Bass Module Out:Neutrik ® NL4 output for one or two B1 bass modulesL1 and ToneMatch are registered trademarks of Bose Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8©2012 Bose Corporation, The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USAAM356144 Rev.00/livesound。