Unit 2 新世纪大学英语系列教材 综合教程2
He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning.他终于累死了,The obituary didn’t say that, of course. It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis----I think that was it----but everyone among his friends and acquaintances knew it instantly. He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their heads----and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived.讣告并没有这么说.讣告说他死于冠桩血栓---应该就是这种病吧----但他所有的朋友和熟人全都立刻就知道他其实是累死的.他是典型的A型血人,典型的工作狂,所谓的精英,他的朋友们一边摇头一边交谈,花上五到十秒钟反省自己的生活方式.This man who worked himself to death finally and precisely at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning---on his day off---was fifty one years old and a vice-president. He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably---if the president died or retired soon enough---have moved to the top spot. Phil knew that.那累死在周日凌晨三点---这天是他的假期---的死者今年51岁, 是一家公司的副总裁. 不过,那家公司有六个副总,他是其中三名有望升任总裁----如果老总去世或是及时退休的话--的副总之一, 他很有希望爬到颠峰, 非尔明白这一点.He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives. He worked like the Important People. He had no outside “extracurricular interests,” unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way. To Phil, it was work. He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk. He was, of course, overweight, by 20 or 25 pounds. He thought it was okay, though, because he didn’t smoke.他每周工作六天, 其中五天一直到晚上八点或九点. 这时,公司已开始实行四工作日制, 当然,这不包括行政人员. 非尔和每一个所谓的”重要人物”一样, 没有任何业余爱好, 当然了,每月打一次高尔夫除外.但对非尔来说, 这也是工作.非尔总是坐在办公桌前啃鸡蛋沙拉. 当然了,他体重超标,大概超重20或25磅. 不过非尔觉得那没关系, 因为他从不吸烟.On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit,because it was the weekend.周六时,非尔会把西装换成运动装,因为周末到了.He had a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty, and most of them liked him most of the time. Three of them will be seriously considered for his job. The obituary didn’t mention that.非尔有一大群下属为他工作,估计有六十人吧,大部分的人在大部分的时候都很喜欢他们的上司. 其中三人将角逐非尔现在的位置.讣告也没有提到这一点.But it did list his “survivors” quite accurately. He is survived by his wife, Helen, forty-eight years old, a good woman of no particular marketable skills, who worked in an office before marrying and mothering. She had, according to her daughter, given up to compete with his work years ago, when the children were small. A company friend said, “I know how much you will miss him.” And she answered, “I already have.”不过,讣告明确地提到了他的”未忘人”. 非尔撇下了他的妻子海伦. 她是个好女人, 今年四十八岁, 没有多少经商头脑. 在做妻子和母亲之前,她一直在办公室做一名小职员. 他们的女儿说,母亲多年前就放弃了同父亲的工作竞争, 在孩子们都还很小的时候. 公司一个朋友安慰海伦道:” 我知道你会非常非常想念他.” 海伦答道:” 我已经想念了好多好多年.”“Missing him all these years,” she must have given up part of herself which had cared too much for the man. She would be “wel l taken care of.”“这么多年来,我每天都在想他”, 海伦许会因为过分思念丈夫而失落了自我吧. 她将得到”最好的照料”.His “dearly beloved” eldest of the “dearly beloved” children is a bard-working executive in a manufacturing firm down South. In the day and a half before the funeral, he went around the neighborhood researching his father, asking the neighbors what he was like. They were embarrassed.他”最最亲爱”的长子是南部一家工厂的行政人员, 他同父亲一样卖力地工作.在葬礼的前1.5天, 他走访了很多邻居想要找回他的父亲, 他向邻居们询问父亲的情况. 邻居们感到很尴尬,因为他们对他的父亲几乎一无所知.His second child is a girl, who is twenty-four and newly married. She lives near her mother and they are close, but whenever she was alone with her father, in a car driving somewhere, they had nothing to say to each other.老二是女儿, 今年二十四岁, 最近刚结婚. 她和母亲住得很近,她们亲密无间, 但每每她与父亲独处, 比如坐车去某个地方时, 他们从来都无话可说.The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high-school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. He was his father’s favorite. Over the last two years, Phil stayed up nights worrying about the boy.最小的儿子今年二十岁, 高中毕业生, 和他的朋友们一样靠着零零总总的工作赚钱来换取毒品.他确曾努力地想要留住他的父亲, 他确曾尝试过让父亲觉得自己很重要,重要到足以使父亲留在家里. 他是非尔最喜欢的孩子,在过去的两年里, 非尔常常彻夜难眠,为他担心.The boy once sa id, “My father and I only board here.”男孩曾经宣称, “我和爸爸只是寄居在这!”At the funeral, the sixty-year-old company president told the forty-eight-year-old widow that the fifty-one-year-old deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace. The widow didn’t look him in the eye. She was afraid he would read her bitterness and ,after all, she would need him to straighten out the finances-the stock options and all that.葬礼上, 六十一岁的公司总裁安慰四十八岁的寡妇说, 那五十一的过世者对公司多么重要, 大家会多么想念他, 找到一个接替他的人将多么困难. 可怜的女人不敢抬头看他, 她怕他看出她是多么地痛苦. 毕竟, 她需要他帮她理清所有财产问题-优先控股权以及诸如此类的事情.Phil was overweight and nervous and worked too hard. If he wasn’t at the office, he was worried about it. Phil was a Type A, a heart-attack natural. You could have picked him out in a minute from a lineup.非尔超重, 神经质, 工作得太玩命. 即使他不在办公室, 他也总是想着公司的事情. 非尔是典型的A型血, 心脏病易患群体. 你花一分钟就能从人潮中轻易地认出他.So when he finally worked himself to death, at precisely 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning, no one was really surprised.所以当他终于在周日凌晨三点累死时, 并没有谁真正大吃一惊.By 5:00 P.M. the afternoon of the funeral, the company president had begun, discreetly of course, with care and taste, to make inquiries about his replacement, one of the three man. He asked around:” who ‘s been working the hardest?”葬礼当天下午,五点后, 公司总裁开始慎重, 仔细, 挑剔地考虑非尔的接班人, 他问那三个职员, “你们谁工作最最卖力呢?”。
新世纪大学英语综合教程2课文翻译及课后答案完整版新世纪大学英语综合教程2Unit 1 Living in HarmonyText A “我原谅你”1并非只有婚姻关系才需要宽恕。
新世纪大学英语 综合教程2 unit2
characterize: v. be typical of a person, place or thing
Picasso’s work The Tragedy is characterized by dominant use of blue.
The spacious entrance hall characterizes all the buildings here.
a keen observer a keen mind 2) sb. who is keen on sth. is very interested in it or enjoys doing it very much She is keen on ballet.
Detailed Reading
adopt: v. start to deal with or think about sth. in a particular way
Detailed Reading
emphasize: v. say sth. in a strong way
He repeatedly emphasized the importance of team spirit.
Detailed Reading
keen: adj. 1) sb. with a keen mind is quick to understand things
We adopted new methods to cultivating tulips this year.
The newly-adopted techniques improved the quality of products.
Detailed Reading
新标准大学英语综合教程2 unit2课后答案
(本答案仅供学习交流)Unit 2Acting Reading (1)41.stroke2.crawl3.imitate4.pat(a)patted(b)imitating(c)crawl(d)stroking51.distinct2.Infants3.sympathetic4.stem from5.trace; discipline6. A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have an overall impressionthat I often felt a vague sense of distress.6 a, a, a, a, b, b, a, a, bActing Reading (2)41.honorable2.drama3.beam4.catalog5.volume6.knot7.couch8.clip9.mostly51.honorable2.beam3.mostly4.catalog5.clip6.knot7.couch8.volume9.drama6 b, a, a, a, b, a, a, b, bLanguage in use11.immigrants2.contestants3.vacancies4.consultancy5.defendant6.hesitancy7.attendant8.pregnancy9.assistant21.You misunderstand it.2.You have misplaced it.3.It is misfortune.4.You have made a misjudgment.5.You have been misinformed about it.31.By the time I arrived at the party, almost everyone had already left.2.By the time children are two, they have known about 100 words.3.By the time he realized what was happening, it had been too late to ask for help.4.By the time I finally got my degree, most of my friends already had jobs.5.By the time they leave primary school, children have learnt a lot of useful skills.6.By the time Courtney finished writing the essay, the deadline had already passed. 41.The old man shouted at me, as if / as though it were me who had made themistake.2.The girl started crying, as if / as though it were she who had fallen over.3.Lucy stood at the door welcoming everyone, as if /as though it were her party.4.Sylvia closed the door of David’s room, as if / as though it were him that wasmaking the noise.51.这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。
新世纪⼤学英语综合教程第⼆册讲解Unit2第⼀讲Unit 2 Learning a Language(Listen and Talk)(讲义)⼀、教学⽬的1. Know the definition of a language.2. Understand the importance of learning a foreign language.3. Master the ways of learning a foreign language.⼆、教学时数 2学时三、教学⽅法: Discussion四、教学重点:To talk and discuss about why should a foreign language.五、教学难点: Learn a suitable and effective way to learn a foreign language.六、教学内容(详细具体)Step I Lead-in:1) What is language?Language is a system of symbols designed for the purpose of human communication2) What is the function of language?Direction: Rearrange the words and phrases into a logical order.The tongue is not made of steel, yet it cuts. ⾆头不是钢,⼀动把⼈伤。
A good tongue is a good weapon.⼝齿伶俐,是件利器。
A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.外语是⼈⽣⽃争的武器。
Step II Listen: Why should we learn English: Dialogue1: Listen to the dialogue once and answer the questions.1. How important is English in Yi Ling’s opinion?English gives her more access to knowledge and job opportunities.2. What type of career is Yi Ling thinking of?To be a businessman, an engineer, or a scientist.Direction: Listen to the dialogue again and check your understanding.ScriptJohn: Do you think English is very important to you, Yi Ling?Yi Ling: Definitely!John: In what way?Yi Ling: The biggest thing is that it gives me more access to knowledge. So many materials and resources are in English these days.John: Tell me more about it?Yi Ling: With English we can use more computer software, get more information onthe Internet, enjoy foreign movies and TV shows. You see, it makes a big difference. John: What about job opportunities? Can you get a better career if you are good at English here in China?Yi Ling: Definitely. And a better career means a better salary.John: What type of career are you thinking of?Yi Ling: I’m not sure yet. Maybe a businessman, maybe an engineer, or who knows? Maybe even a scientist.John: Wow, you have high aspiration(ambition)!Why should we learn English?Think of at least 3 reasons why we should learn English in groups.to learn about some western culture to use for business to talk to native speakers to serve in the Olympics to use in tourism to read English books and surf the internet to listen to English music and movies SummaryWith the development of globalization(全球化), English has become an international tool for people to communicate with each other. And we are the future of our homeland, so it’s our duty to prosper(繁荣)our country; therefore, to master a foreign language becomes a necessity (= It is necessary to master a foreign language).Share your experience or effective ways of studying EnglishTips:+ keen interest+ confidence+ aggressiveness in study+ strong motive to communicate and express self-feeling+ participation in class-teaching+ trial and error procedure+ unique style of self-studyReferences:1. Cultivate learning interests and practice. (Tell me,I will know it;Teach me,I will understand it;Involve me,I will remember it.)2. Make you obtain certain language points and rejoice in your achievements.3. Have good learning strategies and develop your learning efficiency.StepV Homework: Preview Text B and recite the new words in Text B.Presentation: How to live a healthy life?Step III Listen: Peoples’ experiences of learning a foreign language.1) listen and find out various Language Learning Stylesa. You may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going aboutlearning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others.b. Researchers have identified four basic learner “types”…c. It’s unusual for a person to be exclusively one “type” rather than another.d. Most of us are mixtures of styles.2) Focus on the four basic learner “types.” Match Column A, the learner types, with Column B, ways of learning languages.Communicative learners : Watching & listening to native speakers and having conversations.Analytical learners : Studying grammar and finding their own mistakes. Authority-oriented learners : Having teachers explain everything and writing everything down in the notebook.Concrete learners: Playing games, looking at pictures and talking in pairs, etc. ScriptAll right, class. Today we're going to be looking at different language learning styles. You may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going about learning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others. Researchers have identified four basic learner "types" -- the communicative learner, the analytical learner, the authority-oriented learner and the concrete learner. Communicative learners like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers. At home, they 'like to learn by watching TV and videos. They like to learn new words by hearing them. In class, they like to learn by having conversations. Now, concrete learners like to learn by playing games, by looking at pictures and videos in class, by talking in pairs, and by listening to cassettes at home and school. Now, authority-oriented learners, on the other hand, like the teacher to explain everything. They like to write everything down in their notebook, and they like to have a textbook. They like to learn new words by seeing them. And finally, we have analytical learners. These learners like to learn by studying grammar. At home, they like to learn by studying English books, and they like to study by themselves. They like to find their own mistakes. Now, of course, it's unusual for a person to be exclusively one "type" rather than another. Most of us are mixtures of styles. What type of learner do you think you are?Step IV Discussion: What are the effective ways of learning a foreign language. Tips:+ keen interest+ confidence+ aggressiveness in study+ strong motive to communicate and express self-feeling+ participation in class-teaching+ trial and error procedure+ unique style of self-studyReferences:1. Cultivate learning interests and practice. (Tell me,I will know it;Teach me,I will understand it;Involve me,I will remember it.)2. Make you obtain certain language points and rejoice in your achievements.3. Have good learning strategies and develop your learning efficiency.Step V homeworkPreview Text A and recite the new words in Text A.Presentation: What are the appropriate ways for you to learn a foreign language?七、教学反思Will Chinese become a lingua franca in the near future?第⼆讲Unit 2 Learning a Language(Read: Text AA Language Teacher’s Personal Opinion)(讲义)⼀、教学⽬的1. Learn some words.2. Understand the difficult sentences.3. Learn to give suggestions of learning a foreign language.⼆、教学时数 2学时三、教学⽅法: Discussion四、教学重点:Learn the new words and expressions.五、教学难点: The difficult sentences of Text A.六、教学内容(详细具体)Step I. Revision: dictate the new words of Text A.Step II. Skim the text and choose the best heading for each paragraph.1) Text A has six paragraphs (1-6). Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. List of headingsA. A good method that suits all students does not existB.The behaviorist approachC.Two false attitudes toward English learningD.The role of fellow studentsE.Advertisements often give the false impressionF.The role of interestKey:1-E 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-F 6-D2) Text organizationPart Ⅰ(para.1-2 )-----Discussion on the false impression that learning English is easyand does not need much effort.Part Ⅱ (para.3)-----The two extremes concerning the belief of language learning. Part Ⅲ(para.4) -----The uselessness of teaching method based on the behaviorist theory.Part Ⅳ (para.5-6)-----The useful way of learning a language.Step III. Scan the text and detect the detail information of the text.1) Part ITrue or False1. In order to catch the attention of potential learners, advertisements usually exaggerate the fast pace and great ease of learning English. T2. To be able to read the original works by great writers can be a motivation for people to learn the language of those great writers. T3. People don’t believe what advertisements say about language learning at all. F4. Each individual teacher may have his or her unique way of teaching a language. T Sentence rearrangement1. No doubt this is true to a certain extent, but it is not very helpful to students.2. But it is difficult for anyone to explain in simple language why one method is better than another, and it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation.3. It is natural for students to be attracted to methods that will teach them as quickly and efficiently and cheaply as possible.4. Some experts even argue that there are as many good methods of teaching a language as there are good teachers, because every teacher is an individual with his own personality.Key: 3-2-4-1Questions and answerQ 1 What do advertisements for English learning always claim?It is easy to learn English; it doesn’t take much time; it doesn’t take much effort.Q 2 Why do those advertisements also refer to famous writers like William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens?Both they were great writers and are considered ad great masters of the English language. The advertisers intend to use the two British writers to encourage students to join them in learning English so that they will be able to enjoy works by these great writers in the original.Q 3 Wh at is the writer’s response to such advertisements?It’s impossible to learn English well in a short time; many people must believe these ads.SkimmingQ 4 Does the author feel satisfied with the fact that every teacher has his or her own way of teaching English?No. The author recognizes the fact but does not feel happy about it because he thinks simply pointing out the fact does not help students much.If it were as easy to learn English as they say, I would have to look for another job, because very few qualified teachers would be needed.Q 5 What is the author’s profession?He must be an English teacher whose job is to train qualified English teachers.Q 6 What is meant by “every teacher is an individual with his own personality”?It means that different teachers have different personalities and, therefore, a teacher may have his or her own way of teaching English.Q 7 If you all feel that your teacher’s way of teaching is good and acceptable, does it mean that everyone in your class can learn English well enough?No. The reason is simple. Each student is an individual with his or her own personality. That is why the teach should attend to / satisfy / meet the individual needs of his or her students.No doubt this is true to a certain extent, but it is not very helpful to students.Q 8 What can we learn from the expression “This is true to a certain extent, but …”? We can see the author doesn’t totally agree with the previous statement.Q 9 Then, what, in the author’s opinion, is helpful to students?Students should have some good methods in learning English.2) Part IITrue or falseThe only way to learn a language well is to go and live in a country where it is spoken. FQuestions and answerQ 1 What are the two extremes concerning the beliefs of language learning?On one hand, some believe that the only way to learn a foreign language is to spend a great deal of time in the target country; on the other hand, some learners claim that they can master a foreign language just by self-study with only the help ofdictionaries.Q 2 Could you give some examples to show that “it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language and vice versa”?One example is that the English word “aunt”may refer to 姑母,姨母,舅母,婶母,伯母,etc. Another case in point is that in Chinese we have “mantou”(馒头)which has no precise equivalent in English, though we can paraphrase it as “steamed bread”.3) Part IIITrue or falseLearning a language is just like how a parrot imitates a human being. FQuestions and answerWhat would teachers who believe in behaviorist psychology encourage students to do in the language learning context? Behaviorists believe that language learning is a kind of habit formation and they assume that people learn things very much like parrots and chimpanzees. So teacherswho believe in behaviorist psychology would ask students to repeat phrases and do mechanical exercises by imitation.4) (Part IV)Questions and answerQ 1 What is the author’s opinion about lea rning a new language?The author believes that no one can learn a new language well enough unless he or she is interested in it. He also thinks that the way of learning to speak and write in another language is probably similar to the way of learning one’s mother tongue.Q 2 What does the writer emphasize towards the end of this essay?He emphasizes the importance of group work in learning a new language.Q 3 Why does the writer repeat the word “real” in the last sentence?He wants to emphasize the idea th at language learning should be based on “real situations” in “real life” and the language we learn should be “real language”.5)Summary of the textDirection: Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given. (Page 28) Step IV. Learn some new wordsGood Usage(Para. 1)according to these advertisementswith very little effort on the student’s parta reference to William Shakespeare or Charles DickensI don’t know whether to laugh or cryridiculous claimsor else(Para. 2)as quickly and efficiently and cheaply as possiblein simple languageit is no use pretendingin every possible situationthere are as many good methods of teaching a language as there are good teachersan individual with his own personalityno doubt (that)to a certain extent(Para. 3)have a great advantage over othersafford to dogo to the opposite extremeit is wrong to assume that .a precise equivalentvice versaprovide students with .let alone(Para. 4)is based onare fond of making students repeat phrasesif we were parrotsit is a pity(Para. 5)in my personal opinionunless he is interested in itrelate them to their own livesIt is worth remembering that languageis a means of communication.is very similar to(Para. 6)another relevant point worth mentioningwe need other people to talk to and listen to when …Key Words and Expressions for Text Apersonal a.[no comp.] concerning, belonging to, or for the use of a particular person; private [⽆⽐较级]个⼈的;私⼈的e.g. 1. Please do not take what I said too seriously; it was just my personal opinion.2. I don’t want to have a hand in his personal affairs.我不愿意过问他个⼈的事。
Unit TwoOptimism and Positive ThinkingEnhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)positive2)startled3)perspective4)harden5)shape6)address7)crises8)curse9)incredible10)conversely11)issue12)response13)prior14)rare15)accomplish2. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing theblank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)get the hang of2)have lived through3)makes a difference4)have no idea5) concerned with6)slipped over7)ran into8)in reverse9)mull over Increasing Your Word Power▆1.Decide whether “do”, “make” or “take” is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Changethe verb form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)does2)make3)take4)do5)make6)Take7)done8)taken9)making10)took2. In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words or expressions in brackets.Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1)concerned2)Concerning3)reject4)declined5)unconscious6)subconscious7)former8)preceding9)raise10)rise3.Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalent in Column B. You mayconsult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)d2)j3)k4)a5)b6)h7)c8)f9)l10)e11)g12)i GRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as” can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since /because”, “in the way / manner that”, etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure. Studythe following sentences and explain the meaning of “as” in each sentence.▆ Answers for reference:1)in the way /manner that2)though / althoughwhen 3)since4)used in a comparison 5)though 6)while7)in the way that8)Task 2: Complete the following sentences after the example by translating the Chinese into English, using“as” as a relative pronoun.▆ Answers for reference:1)as you describe / have described / described2)as concern every one of us3)As is well known4)As we all can see5)as you show / as you have shown for your teacher6)As is reported / announced in today's papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. Theinitial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)p erspective2)d espair3)necessity4)p erform5)C onversely6)prophecy7)w here8)a s9)a chieve10)recognize11)dw ithealt12)a ttitude13)channels14)c oncerned TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. / The only people who can fullyappreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience.2)Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ are formed and interact (with one another).3)Those who have got the hang of Rubik's Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face to consisting of one colour in no time.4)The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.5) The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins.6)He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to / sitting in front of theTV set all day long.7)There's a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live.8)She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others. Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You may draw on some useful ideas and expressions from avariety of sources, such as the two texts in this unit or the Internet.1) Having read the two passages in this unit, you may have come to a better understanding of life and the timeswhen pessimistic and optimistic thoughts take turns to affect your behaviour. Write a letter of encouragement(of about 150 words) to one of your high school friends who failed in the college entrance examination. Tellhim or her about your new understanding of the need to remain optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that we need to look at the positive side ofanything that comes to us and that we need to take an optimistic and positive attitude toward life. Write anessay (of about 150 words) to share your ideas with your classmates. The following hints may be of somehelp:a. What is meant by “thinking positively”?b. What is the connection between success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude?▆Sample Letter for Task 1:Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeling upset about your results in the college entrance examination. I've just read anarticle about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I'm now sending you acopy, hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, failing the college entrance examination can be very depressing, yet if you continue to dwell onthe past, you will never be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for now and the future.Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic attitude towards the things wehave to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picturethem often. Please do have confidence in your potential. Just work hard and prepare for another chance. You will make it.Yours,Janet(152 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mind to be filled with optimistic feelings, and always hoping forthe best though still aware of the difficulties that might be involved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts of optimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though it might seem impossible to some, positive thinking and success actually have acause-and-resultrelationship. The reason is that a person with positive thinking will always broadcast goodwill and confidenceand that kind of radiating attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people's attitude will shift towards more trust and respect. This not only opens up moreopportunities for the individual, but it also feeds back emotionally, and the cycle continues.Though the shaping of a positive or negative personality often happens subconsciously, it is possible toisit whether situations, favourable visualizing try can person A consciously. processes such control remembering a contest won as a child or imagining getting that job offer so long sought after. Overtimecircumstances will change accordingly. (169 words)Unit ThreeThe Road to SuccessEnhance Your Language Awareness Words in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions3.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:a)favourableb)discouragedc)consentedd)neglecte)creptf)sufficientg)tracedh)somewhati)refreshj)worthyk)prospectsl)resolvedm)remarkedn)undergoo)rewarded4.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in theproper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form wherenecessary.▆ Answers:16)pack up17)many a18)stays the course19)put to the test20)flooding in21)came across22)come up with23)plunged ... intoIncreasing Your Word Power ▆1.Listed in the box below are someunit nouns. Discuss their meanings and then complete the following table by filling in the appropriate unit noun. The same unit noun may be used for more than once. Consult adictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:of rockparticle a of bread slice aa bunch of keys a bar of soapa sheet of glassa can of orange juicean article of furniture an item of businessa particle of dust a slice of meata barcan of beerof chocolate aa bunch an article of luggage of flowersan itemsheet of paper of expensea2.Words such as respectful, respectable and respective may cause confusion because they are similar eitherin meaning or in spelling. To communicate effectively, we need to pay special attention to such confusablewords.▆ Answers:1)neglected2)neglectful3)colourful4)coloured5)rough6)tough7)worth8)worthy9)favourable10)favourite11)respectful12)respectable13)respective14)considerate15)considerable3.Word BuildingMatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult adictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1)d. 2) i 3) l 4) a 5) k 6) o 7) p 8) b9)m 10) n 11) e 12) c 13) f 14) g 15) h 16) jGrammar in contextsubordinate clausesappear in this unit, paying special attention to the1.Study the following sentences thatand connectives. Reflect on their grammatical function and then do the task that follows.Task: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing proper connectives from the box below.Answers for reference: ▆5) what whose 4) whoever 3) 2) 1) what whetherthat 10) that 8) which 9) how 6) where 7)preposition + relative Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to“the2. structure. Reflect on their uses and then do the following task.pronoun” Complete the following sentences using a preposition and a relative pronoun. Task: Answers for reference: ▆in whom 4) in which )1 of which 2) for which 3)for which 7) to which 6) 5) of which 8) at whichClozeComplete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each targetword is given.▆ Answers:1) for 2) aware 3) affair 4) prospects 5) storage 6) matter 7) plunged 8) break9) offered 10) dancing 11) cleared 12) welled 13) stick 14) sacrifices 15) published Translation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Rumour has it that his new book is based on a true story about a family in a small Tennessee town.2)He teaches in a middle school, but he does some translation work on the side to bring in extra cash /money.3)It's good to be confident (about yourself), but there's a difference between(self-)confidence andconceit.4)Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Those who give up halfway will never realize theirdreams.5)A true hero possesses / has courage, a noble purpose and a willingness to make sacrifices.6)Anyone who picks up this novel and reads the first paragraph will be hard pressed to put it down.7)In a sense, life is like swimming; if you keep holding on to the sides of the pool, you (will) never learn.8)The future of a nation depends in a large measure upon the quality of education and training. Theme-Related Writing1) Write a narrative essay (of about 150 words) about your pursuit of a dream or someone's experiences inmaking his / her dream come true.Sample essayLi Hui, my friend in high school, was born into a worker's family. She began to dream of becoming a cartoon artist from her childhood. To her disappointment, her parents strongly opposed her career choice,because the cost of her education would be too high for the poor family, and they were worried about the jobopportunities for a cartoon artist. However, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hard to perfect herskills and searched persistently for ways to realise her dream. Just before she finished high school, the chancecame: a famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winners wouldbe given ascholarship to study cartoon drawing at the school. Li Hui told herself not to let the chance slip through herfingers. She readily participated and won the second place. She is now studying there and I feel certainthat herdream will come true. (156 words)2) People may have different opinions about the key factors for success. Write a short essay (of about 150words) and share your opinions with your classmates.Sample essay:In my opinion, before a person becomes successful, he or she should fully understand the basic elementsof success: competence, determination and optimism.For a person to succeed, he or she has to face great competition and excel in his or her chosen career. Theperson needs to demonstrate and prove his or her competence in dealing with problems. Without competence,the person can neither stand out among the crowd nor attract the attention of those who hold the keys to thedoors of opportunity and advancement.Yet ability alone cannot guarantee success. Often enough, things do not go the way we have planned andfailure is unavoidable no matter how intelligent or capable we may be. In such cases one needs to remain firmand optimistic, always believing that hard work will eventually pay off. If the person gives up halfway, successwill never knock at the door. (149 words)Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▇Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete thefollowing sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) objective2) current3) adopt4) exhibit5) capture6) integrated7) outstanding8) strategies9) convince10) striving/strive11) diagnosed12) side13) spaced14) thick15) painful16) eventually17) fascinating18) confidence19)label20) creations2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do youunderstand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Nowcheck for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) at rest2) dropped out3) drying out4) drop in5) dawned on6) falls away7) drowned out8) on the sidelines9) falling out10) start over11) lose faith12) sign off▆ Increasing Your Word PowerFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition given in the box.▆ Answers:1) with2) to3) with4) on5) at6) with7) from8) beyond9) from10) on11) for)to 121. Study the use of but in different contexts and then do the task that follows. ▆ Answers for reference:1) What can we do but sit and wait for a passing car to bring us to a city nearby?2)He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.3)“Gone with the Wind”was/is a great movie, but it was/is a little long.4) I had/have no choice but to accept the challenge.5) The situation looked/looks desperate, but they didn't/don't want to give up.6)But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.7)Who else but John would have played a trick like that?8)She was the best singer in China at that time. I could not but admire her.9)The machines we bought were cheap, but they went quite well.10)Because he had/has a sore throat he was/is unable to swallow anything but liquids.2. Word BuildingMatch each of the English words in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.Youmay consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) j2) k3) g4) h5) i6) b7) n8) l9) f10) c11) m12) d13) a 14) e。
"At our core, humanbeings are social creatu res," says Michal Chick, CEO of Corner stone Initia tives, a manage mentand techno logyconsul tingfirm in San Diego, Califo rnia. "The fact is that no one person couldhave builtour railro ads or progra mmedMicros oft Window s. Like it or not, we are all team player s." He adds that whileour cultur e stilltendsto worshi p stars, the most respec ted starshave tended to be indivi duals who also made theirteamsbetter. “在我们的团队中,人是一种社会属性的生物”,迈克奇科,一家加利福尼亚圣迭戈的管理与技术过问公司,基石主动的首席执行官说,“事实上,没有单独一个人可以完成我们铁路的建设或者设计实施Wi ndows操作系统。
"In the workpl ace, it is essent ial to be percei ved as a team player," says LibbySartai n, vice presid ent of Southw est Airlin es. "Beinga team player will lead to promot ion, whilenot beinga team player will limitcareer and promot ional opport uniti es. I cannot thinkof a job at Southw est Airlin es that doesn't requir e teamwo rk.在工作场所,做为团队的一员而被考虑是非常重要的”,LibbySartai n,西南航空的副总裁说,“具有团队精神的成员会得到升迁,而非团队精神的成员的职业和升迁机会会受到限制。
Unit 2 Text A Three Days to See看见东西的三天海伦·凯勒1 我们大家都读过一些令人激动的故事,这些故事里的主人公仅仅活在有限并且特定的时间内,有时长达一年,有时短到24小时。
2 这样的故事让我们思考,在相似的情况下,我们该怎么办,作为终有一死的人,在那最终的几个小时内安排什么事件,什么经历,什么交往?在回顾往事时,我们该找到什么快乐?什么悔恨?3 有时我想到,过好每一天是个非常好的习惯,似乎我们明天就会死去。
4 但是,我们大多数人把生活认为是理所当然的。
5 恐怕,同倦的懒散也成为利用我们所有的本能和感觉的特点。
新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材 综合教程2课后答案
UNIT 1Text comprehension:ⅠCⅡ1.F2.F3. T4.FⅢ1. The answer to this question can be found in the first paragraph , in which the author implies that for Mayblum the WTC was a symbol of power---- for its height and steadiness, and the force of storms was actually nothing to the WTC2.The author means that the survival of the people inside the WTC would simply depend on their locations , i.e. where they were at that moment .3.Refer to Paragraph 9,13,19,and29 .Ramos went to help the panicked workers into a stairwell(on the 78th floor),helped the heavyset man down one more flight to an elevator (on the 53rd floor),and reassured the man he would be staying with him (on the 36th floor).4.They helped the heavyset man 17floors down the building .They met him on 53rd floor and their attempt to descend ended on the 36th floor.5.The sentence implies that Ramos ‘s wife refused to believe that Ramos did not make it out of the building.Ⅳ 1.On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown ,all of a sudden into a conditio n of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them.2. It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed the man’s h ope of climbing down the remaining stairs ,and thus took away his remaining energy.V ocabularyⅠ 1.burning 2. something ,a situation of a circumstance ,that is dependent on one’s location in the building3. in an intermittent manner4. help you5. Things are satisfactory up to this point.Ⅱ1. scoffed 2. dilemma 3. collapsed 4.pandemonium 5. reassuring 6. rumble 7. glancing at 8.meet up withⅢ1.panicky2. descends/descended3. enjoyable4.expectation5.morality6. persuasion7. strong 8 .energetic ⅣA/D/C/B/D/C/A/DⅤ1. amoral /nonmoral2. disappear3. wildly4. uncover /disclose /reveal5.dissuade6.happily/j oyfully/joyously7. ordinary/common8. small /thin /slenderⅥ1. helpful / helpless 2. childish /childlike/childless 3. active 4. persistent 5. revolutionary 6. successful 7.womanly dylike GrammarⅠ1.would2.woulded to would4. used toed to6. used to7.would8.woulded to 10.would would wouldⅡ1. used to travel2.was not used to accepting3. was not used to receiving4. used to think5. u sed to living6. used to say7. didn’t use to eat8.am not used to drivingⅢ 1. insistence 2. habitual action 3. probability 4. willingness 6. probability 7. improbability 8.capabilityⅣ1. could would might might should might2.could /would should could might could would3.should should would would couldⅤ 1.needn’t have carried 2.needn’t have bought 3. didn’t need to tell 4. needn’t have had 5.need’t have stood 6. didn’t need to hurry 7. didn’t need to open 8. didn’t need to take 9.needn’t have washed 10.didn’t need to work Ⅵ略 Translation1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是她们所在的位置------不仅仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的事大楼的哪个角落2. 周围噪声震耳,烟雾弥漫,火星四溅,美布勒姆没有意识到,他的朋友朱宏始终就在他身后的楼梯井里。
新世纪大学英语综合教程第二版 综合教案 B2U6
concept n.
[(of)] a thought, idea or principle; notion (常与of连用) 概念;观念;思想
railroad n.
AmE a railway 〖美〗铁路
Listen and Respond
Unit 6
Word Bank
Listen and Respond
Word Bank
Task One
Task Two
Unit 6
1. The speaker believes that our success in life lies in _______.
A) working well with other people B) being a great player in a team C) working with a great player like Michael Jordan D) performing a specific role in a team
Michael Jordan 迈克尔·乔丹
Listen and Respond
Unit 6
Word Bank
Task One
Task Two
cooperate vi.
(with, in) work or act together for a shared purpose (常 与with或in连用)合作,协作
Get Started
Unit 6
大学英语综合教程2 的课后练习答案unit2
Curiosity, patience, determination, genius, persistence ...
2. What kind of boy was Einstein in his parents’ eyes?
They might have thought him slow because he hardly spoke until he was almost three years old.
What was his ultimate quest?
“I want to know how God created this world ... I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.”
新世纪大学英语教材 第二版 综合教程2 unit2
Get Started
Read and Explore
Enhance Your Language Awareness
Get Started
Unit 2
Watching and Discussion
Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.
1. How do you feel about your present life? 2. Are you in a bad mood sometimes? If so, why? 3. Do you know how to keep yourself in a good mood? 4. How do you react to difficulties in life? Can you give
Unit 2
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human
— Victor Hugo
Click Picture
When we feel disappointed, sad, lonely or miserable, we tend to feel as if we were living in winter. But laughter is a good medicine and it can work miracles. If we make a conscious effort to laugh, we will soon find that we are in a better mood. Here, Victor Hugo tells us, in a humorous way, the importance of being optimistic in times of adversity.
大学英语综合教程2 UNIT 2
• •
(28 days to D-Day)May 9, 1944
The invasion, I read, is a topic of daily conjecture among the people at home and I guess you are a bit worried. Well, sweetheart, don’t worry, please. It is possible I may be a member in the assault but no more possible than that I may someday die. It is God’s will darling, to which we must all bow. In prep school we had a quarterback who always ended his pre-game prayers with the addition of the phrase, “Not my will God, but Thine” and so it is sweetheart and so it must always be — we must trust our God unflinchingly, unquestioningly. I love ’em all but Polly best of all — Frank 6(诺曼底登陆前28天) 1944年5月9日 最亲爱的, 我读到报道说,国内人天天在揣测登陆作战一事,我猜你会担心。唉,宝贝,请别担心。我可能成为进攻行动的一员,这就跟我总有一天可能要死一样。这是上帝的 意志,亲爱的,我们都必须俯首遵从。在读预科学校时我们有个四分卫,他在赛前祈祷结尾时总要加上一句: “主啊,这不是我的意愿,这是您的意愿。” 是这样 的,宝贝,向来如此——我们必须相信主,无所畏惧地,毫无疑问地。 我爱大家,最爱的是波莉—— 弗兰克
Unit TwoOptimism and Positive ThinkingEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)positive2)startled3)perspective4)harden5)shape6)address7)crises8)curse9)incredible10)conversely11)issue12)response13)prior14)rare15)accomplish2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)get the hang of2)have lived through3)makes a difference4)have no idea5)concerned with6)slipped over7)ran into8)in reverse9)mull over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Decide whether “do”, “make” or “take” is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Changethe verb form where necessary.▆Answers:1)does2)make3)take4)do5)make6)Take7)done8)taken9)making10)took2.In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words or expressions in brackets.Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)concerned2)Concerning3)reject4)declined5)unconscious6)subconscious7)former8)preceding9)raise10)rise3.Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalent in Column B. You mayconsult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)d2)j3)k4)a5)b6)h7) c8)f9)l10)e11)g12)iGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as” can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since / because”, “in the way / manner tha t”, etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure. Study the following sentences and explain the meaning of “as” in each sentence.▆Answers for reference:1)in the way /manner that2)though / although3)when4)since5)used in a comparison6)though7)while8)in the way thatTask 2: Complete the following sentences after the example by translating the Chinese into English, using “as” as a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)as you describe / have described / described2)as concern every one of us3)As is well known4)As we all can see5)as you show / as you have shown for your teacher6)As is reported / announced in today’s papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆Answers:1)p erspective2)d espair3)necessity4)p erform5)C onversely6)prophecy7)w here8)a s9)a chieve10)recognize11)d ealt w ith12)a ttitude13)channels14)c oncernedTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. / The only people who can fullyappreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience.2)Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ are formed and interact (with oneanother).3)Those who have got the hang of Rubik’s Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face to consisting of one colour inno time.4)The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.5)The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins.6)He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to / sitting in front of theTV set all day long.7)There’s a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live.8)She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others.Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You may draw on some useful ideas and expressions from a variety of sources, such as the two texts in this unit or the Internet.1) Having read the two passages in this unit, you may have come to a better understanding of life and the timeswhen pessimistic and optimistic thoughts take turns to affect your behaviour. Write a letter of encouragement (of about 150 words) to one of your high school friends who failed in the college entrance examination. Tell him or her about your new understanding of the need to remain optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that we need to look at the positive side ofanything that comes to us and that we need to take an optimistic and positive attitude toward life. Write an essay (of about 150 words) to share your ideas with your classmates. The following hints may be of some help:a. What is meant by “thinking positively”?b. What is the connection between success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude?▆Sample Letter for Task 1:Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeling upset about your results in the college entrance examination. I’ve just read an article about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I’m now sending you a copy, hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, failing the college entrance examination can be very depressing, yet if you continue to dwell on the past, you will never be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for now and the future. Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic attitude towards the things we have to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picture them often. Please do have confidence in your potential. Just work hard and prepare for another chance.You will make it.Yours,Janet(152 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mind to be filled with optimistic feelings, and always hoping for the best though still aware of the difficulties that might be involved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts of optimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though it might seem impossible to some, positive thinking and success actually have a cause-and-result relationship. The reason is that a person with positive thinking will always broadcast goodwill and confidence and that kind of radiating attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people’s attitude will shift towards more trust and respect. This not only opens up more opportunities for the individual, but it also feeds back emotionally, and the cycle continues.Though the shaping of a positive or negative personality often happens subconsciously, it is possible to control such processes consciously. A person can try visualizing favourable situations, whether it isremembering a contest won as a child or imagining getting that job offer so long sought after. Over time circumstances will change accordingly. (169 words)Unit ThreeThe Road to SuccessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions3.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:a)favourableb)discouragedc)consentedd)neglecte)creptf)sufficientg)tracedh)somewhati)refreshj)worthyk)prospectsl)resolvedm)remarkedn)undergoo)rewarded4.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in theproper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:16)pack up17)many a18)stays the course19)put to the test20)flooding in21)came across22)come up with23)plunged ... into▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Listed in the box below are some unit nouns. Discuss their meanings and then complete the following tableby filling in the appropriate unit noun. The same unit noun may be used for more than once. Consult a dictionary if necessary.2.Words such as respectful, respectable and respective may cause confusion because they are similar eitherin meaning or in spelling. To communicate effectively, we need to pay special attention to such confusable words.▆Answers:1)neglected2)neglectful3)colourful4)coloured5)rough6)tough7)worth8)worthy9)favourable10)favourite11)respectful12)respectable13)respective14)considerate15)considerable3.Word BuildingMatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1) d. 2) i 3) l 4) a 5) k 6) o 7) p 8) b9)m 10) n 11) e 12) c 13) f 14) g 15) h 16) jGrammar in context1.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the subordinate clausesand connectives. Reflect on their grammatical function and then do the task that follows.Task: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing proper connectives from the box below.▆Answers for reference:1) what 2) whether 3) whose 4) whoever 5) what6) where 7) how 8) which 9) that 10) that2.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to“the preposition + relative pronoun” structure. Reflect on their uses and then do the following task.Task: Complete the following sentences using a preposition and a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)of which 2) for which 3) in which 4) in whom5) of which 6) to which 7) for which 8) at whichClozeComplete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each target word is given.▆Answers:1) for 2) aware 3) affair 4) prospects 5) storage 6) matter 7) plunged 8) break9) offered 10) dancing 11) cleared 12) welled 13) stick 14) sacrifices 15) published Translation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Rumour has it that his new book is based on a true story about a family in a small Tennessee town.2)He teaches in a middle school, but he does some translation work on the side to bring in extra cash /money.3)It’s good to be confident (about yourself), but there’s a difference between(self-)confidence andconceit.4)Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Those who give up halfway will never realize theirdreams.5) A true hero possesses / has courage, a noble purpose and a willingness to make sacrifices.6)Anyone who picks up this novel and reads the first paragraph will be hard pressed to put it down.7)In a sense, life is like swimming; if you keep holding on to the sides of the pool, you (will) never learn.8)The future of a nation depends in a large measure upon the quality of education and training. Theme-Related Writing1) Write a narrative essay (of about 150 words) about your pursuit of a dream or someone’s experiences inmaking his / her dream come true.Sample essayLi Hui, my friend in high school, was born into a worker’s family. She began to dream of becoming a cartoon artist from her childhood. To her disappointment, her parents strongly opposed her career choice, because the cost of her education would be too high for the poor family, and they were worried about the job opportunities for a cartoon artist. However, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hard to perfect her skills and searched persistently for ways to realise her dream. Just before she finished high school, the chance came: a famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winners would be given a scholarship to study cartoon drawing at the school. Li Hui told herself not to let the chance slip through her fingers. She readily participated and won the second place. She is now studying there and I feel certain that her dream will come true. (156 words)2) People may have different opinions about the key factors for success. Write a short essay (of about 150words) and share your opinions with your classmates.Sample essay:In my opinion, before a person becomes successful, he or she should fully understand the basic elements of success: competence, determination and optimism.For a person to succeed, he or she has to face great competition and excel in his or her chosen career. The person needs to demonstrate and prove his or her competence in dealing with problems. Without competence, the person can neither stand out among the crowd nor attract the attention of those who hold the keys to the doors of opportunity and advancement.Yet ability alone cannot guarantee success. Often enough, things do not go the way we have planned and failure is unavoidable no matter how intelligent or capable we may be. In such cases one needs to remain firm and optimistic, always believing that hard work will eventually pay off. If the person gives up halfway, successwill never knock at the door. (149 words)Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▇Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) objective2) current3) adopt4) exhibit5) capture6) integrated7) outstanding8) strategies9) convince10) striving/strive11) diagnosed12) side13) spaced14) thick15) painful16) eventually17) fascinating18) confidence19)label20) creations2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) at rest2) dropped out3) drying out4) drop in5) dawned on6) falls away7) drowned out8) on the sidelines9) falling out10) start over11) lose faith12) sign off▆Increasing Your Word PowerFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition given in the box.▆Answers:1) with2) to3) with4) on5) at6) with7) from8) beyond9) from10) on11) for12)to1. Study the use of but in different contexts and then do the task that follows.▆Answers for reference:1) What can we do but sit and wait for a passing car to bring us to a city nearby?2)He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.3)“Gone with the Wind” was/is a great movie, but it was/is a little long.4) I had/have no choice but to accept the challenge.5) The situation looked/looks desperate, but they didn’t/don’t want to give up.6)But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.7)Who else but John would have played a trick like that?8)She was the best singer in China at that time. I could not but admire her.9)The machines we bought were cheap, but they went quite well.10)Because he had/has a sore throat he was/is unable to swallow anything but liquids.2. Word BuildingMatch each of the English words in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1) j2) k3) g4) h5) i6) b7) n8) l9) f10) c11) m12) d13) a14) e。
Unit 11.离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已.The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2.他孤注一掷, 用父母留给他的所有钱来开一家工厂.He took a gamble on starting a new factory with all the money his parents had left him3.赢得那场重要的比赛之后,他们把队长抬到肩膀上,欢呼着胜利.After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4.在全球化热潮中,我们要提防不同文化的冲突.In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5.在这种情况下, 出现麻烦是不足为奇的.In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6.这婴儿非常健康.The baby is the very picture of health.7.人们已经意识到儿童接触有关暴力和色情电视节目的危害.People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8. 我们始终考虑到我们是在为谁制作这部电影.We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Unit 21.只有那些有过类似经历的人,才能够完全理解这一点。
Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this.2. 科学家们一直没有弄明白这些粒子是怎么形成、又是如何相互作用的。
新世纪⼤学英语综合教程第⼆册课后作业及答案新世纪⼤学英语综合教程第⼆册课后作业及答案Prepared on 21 November 2021U n i t11. In the boxes below are some of the words youhave learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary. alternative constant cripple impressiveinitial move put react shallow tackle universal1)Though we have been successful in our work so far, we must be prepared to tackle difficult problems in the days to come.2)During the battle, the soldiers didn’t have many choices. The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.3)There are already initial successes, but for the final victory we will have to wait for another year.4)There is no universal agreement about the meaning of life; different people have different understandings.5) Unfortunately, a continuing rise in the oilprice has crippled the economy of this African country.8)We were attracted by the fascinating painting.Its clever use of colour and light was very impressive.9)A(n) shallow thinker may be able to say something clearly, but a deep thinker makes us see that there is something that cannot be said.10)What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.14)His wife was always complaining at home and he was tired of her constant complaints.17) I know you are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a bad argument, but someone has to make the first18) As William Shakespeare move put it in A Midsummer Night’s Dream,“love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.”2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings Do you know how to use them in the proper context Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.count sth. against sb.do sb. wrongfind it in oneself to do sth. like it or not root out sth. take hold warts and all 2)I advised him to get rid of his bad habit as soon as possible; otherwise it would be too late if it took hold.3)The professor says that the best way to root out poverty is creating more jobs for the local people.4) Stephen is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.5)If someone I love needs help, I’ll find it in myself to give of my very best.7)He wrote a letter of apology, saying he had never meant to do her wrong and wouldn’t hurt her any more.8) Whether you like it or not and whether you admit it or not, the Internet has become an essentialpart of our life.6. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets. 1)在⽣活中,我们最愚蠢的⾏为就是太执着于⾃⼰的东西,不愿意放弃。
新世纪大学英语综合教程2 课后习题答案Unit 1P201、1) tackle 2) alternative 3) initial 4) universal 5) crippled 6) genuine 7) construct 8) impressive 9) shallow 10) react 11) generate 12) entitled 13) contact 14) constant 15) rough 16) captured 17) move 18) put2、1) In any case2) took hold3) root out4) count…against5) find it in myself to6) aware of7) do her wrong8) like it or not1、1) cured2) heal3) treated4) cure5) treated6) heal7) treatP232、1) Action speaks louder than words2) The production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius3) I like to keep things rather than throw them away4) There is nobody here other than me5) She’d rat her leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss3.从左到右,从上到下分别为: irresponsible; unable; disagreeable; illogical; impolite; unaffected; indirect; immoral; unfortunate; unnecessary; disharmonious; informalP24 Grammar Review1、1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing/to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worryingP252、1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interestedCLOZE1) harmonious2) that3) ironically4) For5) recover6) go about7) realize/remember8) hardest9) unfair10) who11) forgiveness12) dealing with13) emotionalp26 翻译1. In life our stupidiest course of action is to cling too much to what we have and refuse to let go.2. I'm willing to work in the IT industry, but have no idea how to go about it.3. Many people are aware of the importance of living in harmony with nature.4. Problems like the generation gap cannot be swept under the carpet.5. I never did understand what was eating away at her.6. He has been at peace with the world all his life.7. He did not speak out/say what he thought. For one thing, she might not understand. For another, he was afraid that she might not forgive him.8. As the years rooled by, he became increasingly interested in /fascinatedUnit 2P481、1) b2) f3) d4) h5) j6) a7) i8) cP492. 2) relaxed; 3) lower; 4) indirect; 5) respective; 6) owe 7) hopeful; 8) cease The hidden word is glorious.3、1) bound for2) without so much as3) may well4) fall/get into debt5) played the fool6) on earth7) put my name up for8) was bestowed onP521) emphasize2) stretched3) remedy4) confine5) remarkable6) owe7) lower8) response9) reveal10) characterized11) picture12) adopt13) proposed14) tremblingP532、1) singled out for2) kept back3) all but4) in search of5) on earth6) in particular7) first and foremost8) took inP541、1) responsible for2) bound for3) aware of4) appreciative of5) thirsty of6) worthy of7) capable of8) noted for9) independent of10) suitable forP552、1) similar2) alike/similar3) sleeping4) asleep5) cheerful6) glad7) afraid/frightened8) frightened9) living10) alive3、1) a delightful holiday2) a hopeful man / person in politics3) a forgetful person4) a masterful manager5) a handful of rice6) a spoonful of waterP567) an armful of newspapers8) a roomful of students9) a mouthful of wineGrammar Review1. 1) be done away with; 2) is/gets punished 3)being erected; 4) Having been ignored; 5) believing 6) to have sent; 7) be looked up 8) speak/speaking 9)being interviewed; 10)takenP572. 英译汉1)杰克,有你的电话。
新世纪大学英语系列综合教程21. 引言新世纪大学英语系列综合教程是为广大大学生编写的英语教材,涵盖了听、说、读、写等多个方面的训练。
2. 教材概述《新世纪大学英语系列综合教程2》是新世纪大学英语系列教材的第二册,主要适用于大学英语专业的学生。
3. 教材结构3.1 单元结构《新世纪大学英语系列综合教程2》共分为四个单元,每个单元都以一个主题为中心,围绕着听、说、读、写等方面进行教学。
3.2 单元内容单元一:旅游与交通•课文:介绍了旅游和交通方面的话题,培养学生的阅读能力。
Unit 7 P230:Words in action:1。
viewpoint 2. conventional 3. typical 4。
merely 5。
valid 6. productive 7. asses 8。
alter 9。
employment 10。
convey 11. competent 12。
objective 13。
professional 14。
reserve 15. shift 16。
dismiss 17。
personally 18. strengths 19。
intense 20 norms2. 1. in reserve 2. To his credit 4。
in person 5。
take up 6. follow the herd 7。
asses/judge …on its (own) merits 8。
takes an … turnP232:1. to on to about,of toon,with to, with on to to2。
deep total heavy high deepstrong high heavy close total3. trustworthy: 值得信赖的;sightseeing: 参观,观光;viewpoint:观点; self-fulfilling:自我实现的;good—looking:漂亮的; light year: 光年; feedback: 反馈,反应;air force:空军;fault—finding:吹毛求疵的;guideline: 指导方针;sidewalk:人行道;fast food:快餐P234:Grammar review1. 1。
what 2。
whether 3。
whose 4. whoever 5。
what 6。
where 7。
how 8。
which 9.that 10. that2. 1。
The children said they had seen some of those animated cartoons 。
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Unit 2 Text A New words and Expressions1. hold on:to continue in spite of difficultiesDespite all the hardships, he held on to his pursuit of further study abroad.We should hold on to our business during the recession.在经济衰退时期我们要把业务坚持下去。
2.defy: vt. 1) to make impossible or unsuccessfulThis problem defied solution. 此问题无法解决。
That horrible scene defied any description. 那个恐怖的场景难以描述。
2) to refuse to obeyThey defied their parents and got married.These criminals who had defied the law were eventually punished.这些无视法律的罪犯终于得到了惩罚。
3.Collocationsdefy the authority反抗权威defy the government蔑视政府defy severe cold 不畏严寒defy enumeration不胜枚举defy laws human and divine 无法无天CF: oppose, defy & resist这些动词均含有“反抗”,“抵抗”之意。
4. overwhelming: adj.overpowering in effect or strengthThe girl screamed with overwhelming joy at the sight of her birthday present, a pink dress.He eventually got a nervous breakdown under the overwhelming pressure.巨大的压力终于让他精神崩溃了。
5.given: prep.taking sth. into accountGiven the company’s poor achievement in the first half of the year, we decided that the investment be left aside.考虑到公司上半年业绩不佳,我们决定暂缓这次投资。
Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.6.indulge: vi.[often used with in] to allow oneself to have or do sth. that one enjoys, esp. sth. that is considered rather bad or harmfulForget about dieting today and just indulge in the food.我们应该给孩子们提供更多引导,以免他们沉迷于电脑游戏。
We should give the children more guidance, in case they indulge in PC games.CF: spoil & indulge这两个动词均含“纵容”,“迁就”之意。
spoil 纵容,易造成性情的扭曲。
例如:indulge 指迁就或放任某人应该节制的欲望、要求或感情。
例如:Don’t spoil the child by giving him whatever he ask s for.不要对孩子有求必应,这样会惯坏他。
She always indulges in idle daydreams. 她总是沉溺于徒劳的白日梦中。
7.interact: vi.(of people) to act together or co-operatively, esp. so as to communicate with each otherParties are a chance for people to interact with each other.Teachers should interact with students frequently to ensure a good class atmosphere.好的课堂氛围应该是学生和教师能有足够的互动。
8.await: vt. to wait forWe are still awaiting instructions.我们仍在等候指示。
9.groom: vt. to take care of the appearance of (oneself) by dressing neatly, keeping the hair tidy, etc.The little girl is grooming herself carefully in front of the mirror.小女孩正在镜子前仔细地打扮自己。
A flight attendant should always be perfectly groomed.空中服务员应该总是浑身上下干净利落。
10.pursue: vt.try to achieve sth.; continue steadily with; carry onOur boss has decided not to pursue the matter any further.老板决定不再追查那事。
Collocationspursue sb. 追求某人pursue a vocation从事一份职业pursue a hobby从事一项爱好pursue a goal追求一个目标11.build on: to base onOur company’s future development is built on recent succes s.我们公司未来的发展是以近来的成功为基础的。
12.blossom: vi.to produce flowersThe cherry trees blossomed early this year.She has blossomed out into a beautiful young woman.13.affection: n. fondness; gentle lasting love, like that of a parent for a childThe old priest was held in great affection.The principal had a fatherly affection for the youngsters.老人很疼爱他的孙女。
The old man felt great affection for his granddaughter.CF: affection, love & attachment这些名词均含“爱”,“热爱”之意。
affection 指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情,强调感情的深沉。
love 比affection的语气更强。
attachment 通常用于书面文字中,既可指对某人某物的喜欢,又可指出自理智对某人或某物的热爱,尤指长时间的爱13.flesh: n.the body as opposed to the mind or soulThe spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
Collocations:flesh-eating 食肉的flesh and blood血肉之躯in the flesh活生生的,本人make one’s flesh creep心惊肉跳14.constraint: n.sth. that limits one’s freedom of actionWe should not ignore the moral constraints in our pursuit of success.15.restraint: n. the act of restraining or the condition of being restrainedThe police officer showed great restraint whatever the young man said to him.16.haste: n.quickness of movement, hurryWhy all the haste?为什么这么匆忙?More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。
CF: haste, speed & hurry这些名词均含“迅速”,“急速”之意。
hurry 指急速从事某项活动或匆忙对付一件事情,含明显慌乱的意思。
patible: adj.able to exist, live, or be used together or with (another thing)This printer is compatible with most computers.这台打印机与大多数计算机兼容。
18. sensibility: n.1) ability to receive and appreciate delicate impressionsThis painting shows his sensibility to color.2) capacity for being easily offended or shockedThis article offended most readers’ sensibilities.这篇文章挫伤了大多数读者的感情。
19.blame sth. on sth./sb.: to consider sth./sb. responsible for sth. badThey blame the failure on his stubborn attitude.他们把这次失败归咎于他顽固的态度。