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Face-Changing in Sics a "moment of art", according to the needs of the story, actors change the different masks in a very short time of raising hands or tossing sleeve during the perform. And the skilled person often change dozen of masks in only ten or twenty seconds.
• Face-changing approachs can be divided into three ways:towel the face , blow the face and pull the face, in addition, there is a "luck face". • 川剧变脸可分为三种:抹脸、吹脸 和扯脸, 此外,还有一种“运气”变脸。
Thread is tied to clothes somewhere easily to work but not striking. During the performance , actors rip the masks off one by one under the cover of the dance movements. 丝线则系在衣服的某一个顺 手而又不引人注目的地方, 随着表演的需要,在舞蹈动 作的掩护下,再一张一张地 扯下来。
变脸是一种“瞬间艺术”,演 员根据剧情的需要,在极短的 时间内,在一抬手一拂袖一甩 头之间,变换出不同的面目 来——技艺纯熟者,往往只用 十几、廿秒钟就可幻化出十来 张不同的脸谱。
And different mask represents different demeanor, modality and state of mind.It can show the emotions of characters and sudden changes of mental state, such as fear, despair, anger, sinister, etc. Therefore it will achieve the artistic effect---changing with hearts. 而不同的脸谱则代表不 同的神态、情态和心态, 用以表现剧中人物的情 绪和心理状态的突然变 化,如惊恐、绝望、愤 怒、阴险等等,达到 “相随心变”的艺术效
• 颜色特征 红色 表现性情激烈、忠耿正大的人物 关羽 黄色 表现体格不健壮、实则勇武过人的角色 甘 宁 蓝色(绿) 多用于凶猛、可怖的人物 卢杞、恶鬼 白色 表现奸诈、阴险 曹操、董卓 黑色 表现正直、坦率、鲁 莽 张飞、李逵
Face-changing is a stunt used in the art of Sichuan Opera in order to shaping the image of characters. It can also express the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters in a romantic way. 川剧变脸是运用在川剧艺术中塑造人物的一种特技。 是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。
Pull face is a complex change method. Before performs actors paint masks on several pieces of silk,and then cut it out. After tying each silk mask with a thread, actors finally attach masks to his face one by one. 扯脸是比较复杂的一种变 脸方法。它是事前将脸谱 画在一张一张的绸子上, 剪好,每张脸谱上都系一 把丝线,再一张一张地贴 在脸上。