在合适的时间间隔内,主动联系call 客,了解其使用产品或服务的感受和 体验,以便及时调整和改进。
在回访和维护过程中,不断向call客 提供优质的产品和服务,以满足其需 求和期望。
通过定期回访和维护,建立良好的客 户关系,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
保持逻辑性,按照一定的顺序 或结构来表达观点,让客户更
在与客户通话前,充分了解你要推销的产 品或服务,这样你才能更加自信地回答客 户的问题。
保持积极的心态,相信自己能够说服客户 ,不要有畏难情绪。
通过不断地练习和实践来提高自己的自信 心,可以模拟通话或与朋友家人进行练习 。
根据目的的不同,制定不同的call 客计划和话术,以提高call客的效 率和效果。
在打电话之前,要调整好自己的状态 ,保持积极、自信和愉悦的心情,以 提高自己的表达能力和感染力。
可以进行一些简单的准备工作,例如 喝一杯水、做一些深呼吸等,以帮助 自己放松心情和提高注意力。
02 电话call客中的沟通技巧
了解客户的业务范围、需求和偏好,以便能够更好地满足客户的需求,提高客户满 意度。
了解客户的购买历史和交易记录,以便能够更好地了解客户的购买习惯和需求,为 后续的销售策略提供依据。
在打电话之前,要明确call客的目 的,是想推销产品、了解客户需 求还是维系客户关系,以便能够 更好地与客户沟通。
电话接通使用热情、欢快的礼貌通话“先生/女士,您好!这里是中天栖溪里……”,通话后客户表示考虑了解项目则在考虑处打钩,不考虑则在不考虑处打钩!三、邀约说辞A类:【电CALL:】您好!请问您考虑购买公园的纯板楼大户型产品吗?【客户:】有什么事么?【电CALL:】这里是中天栖溪里,请问洋湖湿地公园里的143㎡的大户型考虑吗?【客户:】没有兴趣/不考虑/烦不烦!【电CALL:】那打扰了!如果你有亲戚朋友有需要的,可以到我们中天栖溪里参观,具体位置稍后我会发您一条短信,或者您也可拨打栖溪里热线:822266888咨询,祝您生活愉快,再见!B类:【电CALL:】这里是中天栖溪里,请问洋湖湿地公园里的143㎡的大户型考虑吗?【客户:】有什么事么?【电CALL:】我们中天在洋湖湿地公园景观核心出打造了一个无缝连接湿地,纯板楼、小高层、一梯一户的品质项目,户型143-170㎡的大户型产品,问您或者您亲戚朋友有兴趣了解吗?【客户:】在哪里?什么价位?……( 客户有兴趣了解,继续)【电CALL:】项目地点(营销中心):项目在岳麓区洋湖湿地公园里岳塘路和公交路交汇处东南角,未来地铁3号线边上!(博才实验小学正对面对面)具体信息可以前往中天栖溪里营销中心详细了解。
Release notes for Power Xpert Multi PointPXMP RELEASE 5.1These release notes are provided as a guide to help troubleshoot issues with already installed Power Xpert Multi-Point meters from previous releases. This document is not intended to be all-inclusive.Technical Data TD150035EN Effective August 2023 Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point2 EATON 1 Product DescriptionThe Eaton Power Xpert Multi-Point Meter (PXMP Meter) offers a highly modular approach to high-density metering applications in electrical power distribution. The modularity of the PXMP Meter allows this metering system to be customized to suit each metering installation based on the number and type of circuits to be metered. Up to ten different PXMP Meter Modules (PXMP-MMs) can be mixed and matched within a PXMP Meter Base (PXMP-MB) to accommodate a total of up to 60 poles of metering channels.Various meter modules can be mixed and matched in a single Meter Base. In addition, PXMP Pulse Input Modules (PXMP-PIMs) can be installed into a PXMP Meter base for pulse metering from other electricity, gas, water, air, or steam meters. Output modules are available for either remote control over Modbus or automatic control by the PXMP Meter based on customer configured threshold triggers. A PXMP Energy Portal Module (PXMP-EPM) is available that can make metered data available to individual tenants via an embedded web server. The Energy Portal module also supports a variety of protocols including Modbus TCP, SMTP, SNMP, SFTP, HTTPS, LDAP, and more. In addition to Ethernet, the Energy Portal Module supports an optional dial up telephone connection for interface with remote billing software. A Touch Screen Display (PXMP-DISP-6-XV) is available as a local display.2 System Requirements for PXMP installations equipped with an Energy PortalWhen configuring more than one meter through the local configuration port at, the PC's Ethernet port must either be disabled temporarily to clear its ARP table (alternatively, use right-click "Repair" delete by typing "arp -d" at the command prompt.2.1 LAN Requirements∙ For web-page access on LAN/WAN, port 80 must be open [inbound] ∙ For web-service access on LAN/WAN, port 8080 must be open [inbound] ∙ For web-service access on LAN/WAN, port 8081 must be open [outbound]∙ For secure web-service (SSL) access on LAN/WAN, port 443 must be open [inbound] ∙ For Modbus TCP access on LAN/WAN, port 502 must be open [inbound and outbound] ∙ For firmware upgrades on LAN/WAN, port 7693 must be open [inbound and outbound] ∙ For network time protocol (NTP), UDP port 123 must be open [inbound and outbound] ∙ For email notifications, port 25 must be open [outbound]∙ For SNMP, ports 161 and 162 must be open [inbound and outbound] ∙For SFTP data on LAN/WAN, port 2222 must be open [outbound]3 Compatible DevicesThe backbone of the PXMP is the Meter Base and Configuration Software. Also required are a 24Vdc source and at least one meter or pulse-input module.3.1 Optional Modules• 24Vdc Power Supply (e.g. PXG60E)• Meter Modules (PXMP-MM10MA / PXMP-MM100MA / PXMP-MM333MV) • Pulse-Input Modules (PXMP-PIM)• Discrete-Output Modules (PXMP-DOM) • Local HMI Display (PXMP-DISP-6-XV) •Energy Portal (PXMP-EPM)4 New Features and FixesPXMP RELEASE 5.1METER FIRMWARE 2.5∙Removes meter module voltage gain adjustments (007), incompatible with the ADE9078Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.20•Added support for Active Directory connections via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point Technical Data TD150035ENEffective August 2023PXMP RELEASE 5.0Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.19•Added support for Load Grouping feature that will allow users to select Load Grouping configuration (ASHRAE 90.1, California Title 24, and Custom) and classify virtual meters according to available load typesPXMP RELEASE 4.9Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.16•General security enhancements (Third party components) and support for configuration of Trusted HostsPXMP RELEASE 4.6METER FIRMWARE 2.4•Added support for auto-detection of high-leg in 3-Phase 4-Wire Delta ConfigurationPXMP RELEASE 4.5METER FIRMWARE 2.3•Added support for coefficient trimPXMP RELEASE 4.4Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.13•Added support for configuration of BACnet/IP UDP Port (0-65534)•Fix for disabled login screen due to uncleared event filesPXMP RELEASE 4.3Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.10•General security enhancements (Third party components, Certificates upgraded to 2048 bits)PXMP RELEASE 4.2Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.8•Includes unique linux-root password for meters.•General security enhancements (Third party components, Upgrade to SHA-2).•Download of a single zip file for the BACnet epics files selected.•Added support for current per energy meter in the BACnet epic files.HTML5 UI 3.8•Fix for meter base upgrade through Energy portal Web UI.•Range for routed network number set to 1-65534.•Added Pulse multiplier column on Energy tab-pulse meter web page.E-Allocation 1.4.3•Tenant description character limit set to 150 characters.•Improved the fetching time for E-allocation data files.Javaconfig 1.6•Provides meter base version in PXMP configuration software.•Fixed display of scaled input counts in configuration softwareEATON 3Technical Data TD150035EN Effective August 2023 Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point4 EATON METER FIRMWARE 2.2•Added support for display of meter base version/revision in PXMP configuration software.PXMP RELEASE 4.1EAllocation 1.4.1•Additional of support for PXMP-PIM when used to monitor WAGES. Pulse data made available on E-Allocation.PXMP RELEASE 4.0Energy Portal FIRMWARE 3.6•Includes new HTML5 UI as default. The old UI still accessible under http://<meterip>/java.htmlPXMP RELEASE 3.1METER FIRMWARE 2.1•Includes changes for displaying PXMP Meter base DIP switch position on register 2903.Javaconfig 1.5•Save load profile functionality disabled in pass-through mode.Energy Portal FIRMWARE 2.5• Includes newer glibc•Fix to comply with ASHRAE 135.1 Standard. BACnet/IP epics file can now be used with the latest Visual Test ShellPXMP RELEASE 3.0Energy Portal FIRMWARE 2.4.0• Fixes inconsistent BACnet self-discovery of virtual meters. Some BACnet objects were missing. BACnet/IP MAC Address does not update after EPM IP address changes.• Fixes Modbus registers 13570-13689 not updating fast.• Fixes PXMP-EPM not displaying "This Week with Last Week" data correctly for load profile• Fixes PXMP-EPM not getting detected sometimes. PXMP Configuration SW via PXMP-EPM shows "no Energy Portal Module in slot 10". • Fixes Java Trace showing incorrect EPM firmware version.• Includes Forward and Reverse energy .csv files under the FTP folder.• Includes PXMP EPM reset and password recover functionality using reset button on EPM.• Includes support for unique password for Admin user and password expiry and account lockout support. • Includes support to download the BACnet EPICS file from web UI • Includes Current per meter on Channel Page• Phase C-N now available via BACnet for Voltage for monitoring •General security enhancementsEAllocation 1.3• Fixes E-Allocation not working with JRE8• Includes Rate field for all the utilities in the printed bills. User can turn this feature on or off. • Includes "start" and "end" energy values to the printed bills.•Can co-exist with EAllocation 1.2. For Bill generation in case energy files are not available then older version of EAllocation needs to be used.Javaconfig 1.3• Fixes Configuration Software not working with Java 8.• Fixes Configuration Software unable to save the connection profile or offline configuration file at default location. These files will now get saved at C:\Users\<Username>\EATON_CORPORATION\PXMP Configuration • Includes how the outputs are configured along with the name, ID, count, etc. • Includes re-authentication of user while changing password. •Alarm Indication now available in the header.Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point Technical Data TD150035ENEffective August 2023PXMP RELEASE 2.0.1METER FIRMWARE 2.0•Fixes the Pulse Constant Adjustment issue•Includes support for Master Alarm to energize meter base relay output based on if any of the submeters exceed their defined thresholdJavaconfig 1.2•Includes support for Master Alarm to energize meter base relay output based on if any of the submeters exceed their defined thresholdEnergy Portal FIRMWARE 2.3.1•Fixes the PXMP Discovery on BACnet network i.e. sending an I-Am message in response to a Broadcast Who-Is messageEnergy Portal FIRMWARE 2.3•Includes migration to TLSv1.2 with disabling of SSLv3•Fixes the issue: EPM cannot connect to Local via or when LAN IP =•Fixes the glibc security issue i.e. Qualys Security Advisory CVE-2015-0235 - GHOST: glibc gethostbyname•Fixes the Network Time Protocol Vulnerabilities - ICS-VU-644440•Includes renaming of the FTP file name containing energy quantities to "Power"•Includes support for BACnet/IP•Includes addition of GSA Banner Screen•Fixes the time miss-match on Energy portal data and system log.•Fixes the time-zone out of order issue•Fixes the Web UI connection Error with the upgraded version (8.25) of Java JRE.EAllocation•Includes support for customized billing firm name logo•Includes updated license agreement for the installation of EAllocation set up•Includes addition of disclaimer to the bill generated by EAllocation•Includes renaming of the FTP file name containing energy quantities to "Power"5Known Issues and Limitations•User will have to scroll up to perform actions while on the Settings pages.•Multiple meters cannot be added and deleted simultaneously for a tenant/user on the HTML5 UI. This will have to be done one meter at a time.•On Channel Page name cells for 2-Phase & 3-Phase need to be merged and represented by a single meter name on the HTML5 UI.•Occasionally on the Timeline tab, event details do not update properly.•On the Timeline tab, the Slot No. and Channel(s) information for a meter displayed in "Associated Meter Details" is incorrect.•Navigation header may be missing on Google chrome browser. User may consider performing a hard reload or using a different browser.•If Email settings for Alarms are configured and if the facility is then disabled, the meter can misbehave resulting in reboot. Please reboot the meter after disabling the Email for Alarms feature.•Multiple syslog entries are sometimes observed while syncing with a NTP server.•Safari browser automatically opens BACnet EPICS file without providing a save option.•EAllocation v1.3 works on Forward Energy .csv files on FTP. These files are supported from EPM 2.4.0 onwards.•Upon upgrade from EAllocation v1.2 to EAllocation v1.3, all the old configuration data (except date ranges) are imported to the new EAllocation.The contents of EAllocation v1.3 are formed under C:\Users\<Username>\EATON_CORPORATION\EAllocationv1.3 •The PXMP-MB firmware must be upgraded to 1.1.x or higher for use with the Energy Portal. Otherwise, time will not synchronize correctly and no Profile Data will be transferred.•The Energy Portal creates date-based file names for archived data. It is important to use the Configuration Software to set the correct time in the Meter Base, preferably before the Energy Portal is installed into Slot 10 of the PXMP Meter Base. Otherwise, the Energy Portal creates sets of Profile and Trend files according to Jan 1, 2000. Later, when the correct time is available, another set of data files are created. For this reason, the initial setting of the correct time is important even if long-term plans are to use NTP for time synchronization.•The Energy Portal connection requires SSL to bring up and run its Java application. First install the Root CA Certificate (e.g.•Separate Root CA Certificates need to be installed not only for the LAN/WAN port but also for the Local Configuration port.•When connecting to the Energy Portal with a web browser, a series of security warnings appear. Amongst these are "The sites security certificate is not trusted" and "The certificate is not valid and cannot be used to verify the identity of this website". While the PXMP is a multi-point meter, its Energy Portal is a server that generates its own security credentials that cannot be confirmed by a third-party service. To use the Energy Portal, it is necessary to accept all warnings by clicking Next, Proceed, OK or other browser-specific acceptance.EATON 5Technical Data TD150035EN Effective August 2023 Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point6 EATON • Timing variations between various versions of web browser and Energy Portal can result in pages that display "Showing Splash Screen..." or "Connecting to Meter...". When this occurs, it is necessary to refresh the screen and try again.•When configuration changes are made in the Meter Base, it may reboot so quickly that the Energy Portal misses the change, especially on a system with fewer than 5 configured meter modules. To assure that the Energy Portal runs according to the new configuration, reboot the Energy Portal via the Reboot button on its Setup>System Firmware page.•Using the Configuration Software to set the time and time zone is preferred. Changing the time zone via the UI in the Energy Portal leads to unexpected short-term results and potentially interfere with the collection of Profile data. If the time displayed via the Configuration Software does not agree with what is displayed Energy Portal's UI, synchronize the time by rebooting the Energy Portal via the Reboot button on its Setup>System Firmware page.•Neither the Energy Portal's UI nor Configuration Software update the selected time zone in real time, so changes made to one are not immediately visible in the other. To see the updated time zone in the Energy Portal, exit the Clock Setup page and return. To see the updated time zone in the Configuration Software, logout and then login.•When Onboard Inputs (1-3) are configured or reconfigured as pulse counters on the Meter Base, their initial count is arbitrary and not zero. If starting at zero is desired, use the Configuration Software to reset the input counters via the "Reset Input Counters" button under Advanced>Resets.• When viewing the profile on the Load Profile page, selecting the "Save" button may result in an error or take several hours to complete, especially for a highly configured meter with a 1-minute profile interval.•After installing an Energy Portal, a burn-in is recommended to assure that the Energy Portal can collect Profile data and be accessible via the LAN without hangs or reboots. After 24 hours verify correct operation (i.e., connect to the Energy Portal via the LAN, verify that Profile data is being collected and examine System Log on the Setup>Diagnostics page for errors).•If the Energy Portal hangs and becomes unresponsive via its web connection, cycle the 24Vdc power. After the PXMP boots, as much as 15 minutes is required to resynchronize the Profile Data with the Meter Base. In the end, several minutes of Profile data would be lost along with any trend data that should have been collected while the Energy Portal was hung.•The PXMP operates according to how it has been set with the Configuration Software, regardless of what modules or sensors are installed. That is, the PXMP flags configuration anomalies but does not presume that the hardware is correct. For example, if a meter module is configured for a 400A sensor but a 125A sensor is detected, the PXMP will log the error but operate and record data according to the 400A configuration.•The Energy Portal may lose its control connection with the Meter Base. If or when this occurs, real-time, trend and profile data continues to be collected, but controls such as Reset Profile, Reboot Meter Base and Firmware Upgrade are disabled. To recover control, reboot the Energy Portal via its Setup>System Firmware screen, select Energy Portal click on Reboot. After the Energy Portal boots, as much as 15 minutes is required to resynchronize the Profile Data with the Meter Base. In the end, no Profile data would be lost, but 1 Trend Data point may be missing.• When busy with multiple tasks, the Energy Portal may lose its data connection with the Meter Base. If or when this occurs, real-time and trend data does not update. While Profile data can be recovered when the connection is restored, trend data is missed.• The Local HMI Display is preconfigured with a Slave ID of "01". For the display to communicate successfully with the meter base, either the base's rotary switches need to be set for "01" or the display's Com2 setting for Default Station needs to be changed to match the rotary switches.• The facility to change the name of the .csv files that are mailed to specific mail IDs as a part of the "Email Setup" feature under "Communications" on the Web UI also changes the names of the .csv files on the FTP. As a result, EAllocation fails to load relevant data. • The corner grounded Delta configuration does not show phase current values for the grounded phase.• After several weeks or months, time-stamped min/max values ratchet to extremes the rarely update. Frequent observation and resetting of the min/max values is recommended. The min/max reset is available via a right-click in an unused area of the user interface.• When an Energy Portal is added to an existing PXMP system, the importing of old data is limited to the past 2 days despite the base having data from the past year or more.•There are several setup requirements for the PXMP-EPM to send email. 1) Hostname must have no spaces (e.g. PXMP)2) Domain name must be valid (automatic when using DHCP)3) Domain Name Server (DNS) must be valid (automatic when using DHCP) 4) SMTP server must be valid (e.g. )5)Use an Account/ID and Password that is valid for the selected SMTP server.• On the Energy page: peak demands are displayed as positive, even on the Reverse and Net Energy graphs.• Due to processing requirements within the meter, only 1 PXS/PXI subscription is recommended. Additional connections could result in loss of data and/or corruption.• The Com Reset button forces the LAN/WAN port for DHCP operation, losing any set fixed IP address.• The meter switches to a local IP address of only in the case of a conflict with LAN IP. If the conflict is removed, the meter will revert to a local IP upon reboot.• The 2 rotary switches on the Meter Base set the Modbus Slave ID for Com1, Com2 and USB connections.• When creating User Names and Passwords, special characters should not be used. Restrict User Names and Passwords to Alpha-Numeric values. Do not use spaces, underscores, dashes or other non-Alpha-numeric values.• There is a 1 second jitter in the profile interval that results in noticeable variation in lab-test data with 1-minute profile intervals. The variation is less noticeable when the PXMP is set for profile intervals of 5 minutes or more.•When using the PXMP for single-phase applications, some values are unexpectedly zero. For example, the average voltage is calculated from the line-to-line voltages, which do not apply for the single-phase application.Release notes for Power Xpert Multi Point Technical Data TD150035ENEffective August 2023 •If you are unable to open the meter webpage and are getting a Java Application Blocked message of "Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running", add the Meter IP address to the exception list in Java Security Settings of your system.•BACnet/IP epics files will be supported in Visual Test Shell version 3.6.5+. With VTS 3.6.5 manual change of removing all the rows containing "units: power-factor" in epics file is required. BACnet/IP epics file may not be supported in versions less than VTS 3.6.5.EATON 7Technical Data TD150035EN Effective August 2023 Release notes for Power Xpert Multi PointEaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective ownersEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2021 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in the USA Publication No. TD150035ENOctober 2023。
2.管理职能2.1 ON-CALL值班人员按轮值表挂牌值班,值班期间,严格执行运行规程、电业安全工作规程及各项规章制度,坚守岗位。
3.4 ON-CALL值班人员必须在值守地点(发电厂中控室)实行轮换挂牌制度,接班前按职责顺序把该人员姓名、通讯号码挂在规定位置上。
3.9 中控室运行值长是现场运行总负责人,设备异常、故障和事故发生后,全权指挥,应急处理,统一调动各级相应人员和其他有关人员,在处理告一段落,即设备退出备用,完成安全隔离操作后,才由检修或其他领导去指挥现场抢修。
call sheet template making -回复
call sheet template making -回复制作《电话通话记录表》模板的步骤。
常见的选项包括Microsoft Excel、Google Sheets或其他类似的电子表格软件。
根据你的需求,可以考虑以下基本字段:1. 通话日期:记录通话的日期。
2. 通话时间:记录通话的具体时间。
3. 号码:记录与之通话的电话号码。
4. 通话类型:记录通话的类型,如呼入、呼出或未接。
5. 通话时长:记录通话的持续时间。
6. 备注:记录任何附加信息或需要特别注意的事项。
水电厂on-call 8000系统简介
水电厂on-call 8000系统简介摘要:本文主要针对国内某大型水轮发电机励磁引线烧毁的事故,从发电机发生事故时的安装情况、运行状况、励磁引线的材质、机械变形及引线温升对绝缘材料影响等几个方面进行了分析,对于大型水轮发电机励磁引线的截面设计、材料选择及受力情况提出一定的借鉴作用。
关键词:水电厂;on-call;系统1系统概述“OnCall”系统,又叫电厂数据查询及事故报警通知系统,指整个电厂在实现计算机监控的基础之上,利用CTI(Computer Telephony Integration)技术使电厂事故报警信息通过语音电话、手机短信等现代化通讯手段迅速通知客户,使电厂运行维护人员随时处于待召唤状态,客户也可以通过语音电话和手机短信随时查询电厂实时数据;真正实现24×7的信息传递,完成了由“人找信息”到“信息找人”的革命性飞跃,被业界公认为电厂实现“无人值班,少人值守”的最后一公里解决方案。
2系统组成2.1 on-call系统硬件2.1.1 工业级计算机最低配置要求:CPU:1GHz推荐P4 2.0以上硬盘:10G推荐80G内存:128MB推荐256M以上网卡:10/100M Ethernet Adapter分辨率:1024×7682.1.2 无线调制解调器产品性能要求:支持GSM和GPRS;支持GSM Phase2 + Specifications;3V SIM卡。
3. 中涂清洗自动机后的第一批车
5 38%
3 2 2 1 0% 问题点1 问题点2 问题点3 问题点4 问题点5
伊顿 辅助电话报警和信号装置 双 LED 数据表
Secondary T elephone Alarm and Signal Unit TWIN LEDOptical and acoustic call signallingOverviewThe optical and acoustic secondary alarm and signal unit is designed for application in industrial areas and and suitable for indoor and outdoor use.The TWIN LED is a device suitable forconnection to analogue public telephone networks and private branch exchanges.When receiving a call signal to the respec-tive telephone connection, the device submits optical and acoustic signals.The signal light is available in 5 different cap colours.The TWIN LED is a compact unit comprising power supply, telephone connection, strobe light, amplifier and loudspeaker. The bottom box is made of seawater-resistant cast aluminium coated with plastic. The loudspeaker is permanently mounted to the housing. The strobe light cap forms the housing cover and is made of polycarbonate.Features• Protection class IP 66• Robust housing made of aluminium • Very bright LED technique • Extremely long life-cycle • 4 loud melodies selectable •Volume approx. 100 dB(A)All specifi cations, dimensions, weights and tolerances are nominal (typical) and Eaton reserve the right to vary all data without prior notice.No liability is accepted for any consequence of use.© 2022 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in UK Publication No.DSFH0087.B March 2022Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.CROUSE-HINDSSERIESFollow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.EatonFHF Funke + Huster Fernsig GmbHGewerbeallee 15-19D-45478 Mülheim an der RuhrPhone +49-208-82 68-0Fax +49-208-82 68-286http://www.fhf.detrans-parent 01red 02amber 03green 04blue05DSFH0087.B 03/22Secondary T elephone Alarm and Signal unit Selectable via slide-switchSecondarytelephone alarm Signalling is performed when call from analogue telephone network arrives. A present power supply is required.Signal unit Signalling is performed at activation of power supply Cable glands 2x M20 x 1.5 for lines ø 6-13 mm T erminal capacity 0.2-2.5 mm² stranded wire 0.2-4.0 mm² massivePower supply T erminal designation Voltage supply ACVoltage supply DCOperating time For AC supply: L, N, PE, additionally PA outside For DC supply: V+, V-, PA outsideOvervoltage category CAT II (according to EN60664-1)Un= 115 VAC to 230 VAC /f = 50 Hz to 60 Hz Minimum admissible voltage = 100 VACMaximum admissible voltage = 253 VAC24 VDC +10/-20 %Minimum admissible voltage = 19,2 VDC Maximum admissible voltage = 26,4 VDCSuitable for continuous operation T elephone connection AC ringing voltage 24 V AC … 100 V AC Overlaid supply voltage ≤ 66 V DCRinging frequency 20 Hz … 68 HzInput impedance at 25 HzZ ≥ 16 kΩ @ 30 … 70 VZ Input impedance at 50 HzZ ≥ 8 kΩ @ 30 … 70 VZ T erminal designation TCP1, TCP2Acoustic signalling Acoustic signal 8 different settings (selectable via slide-switch)Volume setting 4 loud melodies selectable 4 lower melodies selectable Maximum volume Approx. 101 dB(A) in 1 m distance Minimum volume Approx. 91 dB(A) in 1 m distance Optical signalling Optical signalling unit 3 LEDs Colour selection Flashing interval Flashing interval 80 ms Flash frequency 1 Hz Signalling interval after ringing (bridging of calling pause)Approx. 4 sHousing die-cast Aluminium, surface powder-coated WeightApprox.1.7 kg Operating position AnyGeneral arrangementall dimensions in mmEnvironmental conditions Operating temperature Transport and storage temperature Protection class Category -40 °C bis +65 °C-40 °C to +85 °C according to IEC60721IP 66 according to EN 60529I (PE connection available)Connection T elephone network Supply network Connect polarity-independent in parallel to telephone (TCP1, TCP2)Observe the polarity in DC networks.In AC networks, the outer conductor should be connected to L, the neutral conductor to N and the protective conductor to PEPotential equalizationMust be connected in all models, even in case of Dc supply. Theconnector is situated on the outside of the housing.Alarm and Signal UnitAC Order requirements* The full article number is made up by appending the colour code to the article numbers given below.TWIN LED Secondary Alarm and Signal Unit24 V DC 0,15 A FHF 118 823 ..。
雅马哈PSR-550的音色表和节奏表音色表钢琴001 Grand Piano 三角大钢琴002 Bright Piano 卧式钢琴003 Honky Tonk 酒吧钢琴004 Rock Piano 摇滚钢琴005 Midi Grand 迷笛钢琴006 CP 80 80键钢琴007 Harpsichord 羽管拨弦古钢琴008 Grand Harpsi 卧式古钢琴电钢琴009 Galaxy EP 大健琴010 Polaris EP 盛大的电钢琴011 Suitcase EP 星系电钢琴012 Super DX EP 北斗电钢琴013 DX Modern EP 便携式电钢琴014 Funk EP 特级电钢琴015 Modern EP 现代电钢琴016 Hyper Tines 祛懦电钢琴017 New Tines 现代电钢琴018 Venus EP\ 电子玻璃钢片琴019 Tremolo EP 电震钢琴020 Clavi 雅马哈电钢琴1021 Wah Clavi 雅马哈电钢琴2风琴022 Jazz Organ1 爵士风琴1023 Jazz Organ2 爵士风琴2024 GlassJazzOrg 古典爵士风琴025 Click Organ 按健风琴026 Dance Organ 舞蹈风琴027 DrawbarOrgan 拉杆风琴028 Mellow Draw 古风琴029 Bright Draw 现代风琴030 Rock Organ 1 摇滚风琴1031 Rock Organ 2 摇滚风琴2032 Purple Organ 紫光风琴033 60''''s. Organ 60健风琴034 Blues Organ 布鲁斯风琴035 16+1 Organ 16+1:风琴036 16+2 Organ 16+2:风琴037 16+4 Organ 16+4:风琴038 an 电子风琴039 TheaterOrg1 戏院风琴1040 TheaterOrg2 戏院风琴1041 Pipe Organ 管风琴042 ChapelOrgan1 礼堂风琴1043 Organ2 礼堂风琴2044 ChapelOrgan3 礼堂风琴3045 Reed Organ 簧片芦笛风琴手风琴046 Trad.Accrd 传统风琴047 MusetteAccrd 法国的小风琴048 Tango Accrd 探戈风琴049 Bandoneon 南美手风琴050 Soft Accrd 柔软的风琴051 Accordion 手风琴052 Harmonica 口琴吉他053 Spanish Gtr 西班牙吉他054 Classic Gtr 经典吉他055 Folk Guitar 民间吉他056 FolkGw/Pickl 匹克吉他1057 FolkGw/pick2 匹克吉他2058 FolkGw/pick3 匹克吉他3059 12Str Guitar 12弦吉他060 Smooth Nylon 滑音古典吉他061 Campfire 营火吉他062 Jazz Guitar 爵士吉他063 Octave Gtr 八度吉他064 Hawaiian Gtr 夏威夷吉他065 VintageOpen 温特古(老式吉他)066 VintageChors 和声温特古067 Solid Guitar 固体吉他068 Bright Clean 明亮的吉他069 Clean Guitar 清音吉他070 Elec12StrGtr 12弦电吉他071 Tremolo Gtr 颤音吉他072 Cool! E.Gtr 酷派吉他073 VintageMute 弱音温特古074 Funk Guitar 祛懦吉他075 Muted Guitar 静音吉他076 Feedback Gtr 反馈吉他077 Overdriven 电吉他078 Distortion 弯音吉他079 Pedal Steel 钢丝吉他080 Mandolin 曼陀林贝司081 Finger Bass 指拨贝司082 AcousticBass 低音贝司083 Bass&Cymbal 跷钹贝司084 Pick Bass 精选贝司085 FretlessBass 噪音爵士086 Jaco Bass 爵士爵士087 Slap Bass 打拍贝司088 Funk Bass 祛懦贝司089 Fusion Bass 熔化贝司090 nth Bass 和弦贝司091 Analog Bass 模仿贝司092 Dance Bass 舞曲贝司093 Hi-Q Bass 嗨声贝司094 Rave Bass 咆哮贝司弦乐095 String Ensbl 弦乐096 Orch.Strings 弦乐合奏097 SymphonicStr 交响弦乐098 Slow Strings 慢的弦乐099 Str. Quartet 弦乐四重奏100 Concerto Str 强音弦乐101 Marcato Strs 合成弦乐102 Chamber Strs 室内弦乐103 Tremolo Strs 颤音弦乐104 Pizz.Strings 拨弦齐奏105 Syn Strings 合成弦乐106 Analog Strs 技术弦乐107 Tech Strings 交响乐弦乐108 OrchestraHit 管弦乐队109 Solo Violin 独奏小提琴110 Soft Violin 轻柔小提琴111 Fiddle 小提琴112 Viola 中提琴113 Cello 大提琴114 Contrabass 低音提琴115 Harp 竖琴116 Hackbrett 砍琴117 Shamisen 三弦118 Koto 古筝119 Sitar 锡塔尔琴120 Banjo 班卓琴121 Choir 唱诗班122 Air Choir 空气唱诗班123 Gothic Vox 哥特式嗓音124 Vocal Ensbl 人声1125 Vox Humana 人声2小号126 SweetTrumpet 明亮的小号127 Solo Trumpet 独奏小号128 Soft Trumpet 轻柔的小号129 Flugel Horn 号角130 MutedTrumpet 甜美的小号131 Trombone 长号132 Mel.Trombone 柔美长号133 French Horn 圆号134 Tuba 大号铜管乐135 BigBandBrass 大乐团铜管乐136 BrassSection 铜管乐组137 Mellow Brass 柔美铜管乐138 Small Brass 小铜管乐139 Pop Brass 流行铜管乐140 Mellow Horns 柔美圆号合奏141 Ballroom Brs 舞厅铜管乐142 Full Horns 丰满铜管乐143 High Brass 高音铜管乐144 Bright Brass 明亮铜管乐145 Trb.Section 铜管组146 Synth Brass 合成铜管乐147 Analog Brass 模拟铜管乐148 Brass 跳跃铜管乐149 Techno Brass 技术铜管乐萨克斯150 Sweet Tenor 次中音萨克斯151 BreathyTenor 气声次中音萨克斯152 Breathy Alto 气声中音萨克斯153 Soprano Sax 高音萨克斯154 Alto Sax 中音萨克斯155 Tenor Sax 次中音萨克斯156 Baritone Sax 上低音萨克斯157 Sax Section 萨克斯组158 Sax Combo 合成萨克斯159 Clarinet 单簧管160 Mel.Clarinet 柔美单簧管161 Woodwind Ens 木管合奏162 Oboe 双簧管163 English Horn 英国号角164 Bassoon 巴松管芙绅165 Sweet Flute 美妙的长笛166 Flute 长笛167 Pan Flute 排萧168 Piccolo 短笛169 Ethnic Flute 人声长笛170 Shakuhachi 尺八171 Whistle 口哨172 Recorder 竖笛173 Ocarina 奥卡利那笛174 Bagpipe 风笛合成主奏175 Fire Wire 火网176 Square Lead 方波主奏177 SawtoothLead 锯齿波主奏178 Big Lead 大型主奏179 Stardust 星尘180 Blaster 冲击波181 Analogon 模拟182 Sun Bell 太阳钟183 Aero Lead 飞行主奏184 Mini Lead 迷你主奏185 Vinylead 葡萄树主奏186 Warp 弯曲187 Hi Bias 高斜线188 Tiny Lead 微型主奏189 Sub Aqua 水下190 Fargo. 法尔格主奏合成长音191 Insomnia 失眠192 Golden Age 黄金时代193 Cyber Pad 电脑音色垫194 Wave 2001 声波2001 195 Equinox 春分196 Stargate 星际之门197 DX Pad DX音色垫198 Fantasia 幻想199 Xenon Pad 氙音色垫200 Area 51 51区201 AtmospherPad 大气202 Dark Moon 黑月亮203 Ionosphere 电离层204 Symbiont 共生205 Solaris 太阳系206 Millenium 千年207 Transform 变形打击乐器208 Jazz Vibes 百音盒209 Vibraphone 铁琴210 Marimba 木琴211 Xylophone 木琴212 Steel Drums 钢鼓213 Celesta 小乐器214 Glockenspiel 钟琴215 Music Box 音乐盒216 Tubular Bell 管铃217 Kalimba 扬琴218 Timpani 定音鼓219 Dulcimer 日本琴220 StandardKit1 标准鼓组1 221 StandardKit2 标准鼓组2 222 Room Kit 室内鼓组223 Rock Kit 摇滚鼓组224 Electro Kit 电子鼓组225 Analog Kit 模拟鼓组226 Dance Kit 舞曲鼓组227 Jazz Kit 爵士鼓组228 Brush Kit 刷击鼓组229 Symphony Kit 交响鼓组230 Style Kit 风格鼓组231 ArabicKit 阿拉伯鼓组232 SF Kit 1 效果音1233 SFX Kit 2 效果音2音效666 Seashore 海岸667 Bird Tweet 鸟鸣叫668 TelephonRing 电话铃669 Helicopter 直生机670 Applause 鼓掌欢迎671 Gunshot 射击672 CuttingNoise, 敲际声1 673 CuttingNoiz2 敲际声2 674 String Slap 敲际声3 675 Fl. Key Click 敲际声4 676 Shower 阵雨677 Thunder 雷声678 Wind 风声679 Stream 溪水声680 Bubble 泡沫681 Feed 饲养682 Dog 狗叫683 Horse 马蹄声684 Bird Tweet 2 鸟叫685 Ghost 鬼叫686 Maou 水下呼吸687 Phone Call 电话接通688 Door Squeak 门吱吱声689 Door Slam 关门690 Scratch Cut 武打1691 ScratchSplit 武打2692 Wind Chime 游戏升级693 TelphonRing2 手机铃声694 CarEnginelgn 汽车点火695 CarTiresSqel 急刹车696 Car Passing 汽车经过697 Car Crash 汽车碰撞698 Siren 汽笛699 Train 火车700 Jet Plane 喷气式飞机701 Starship 宇宙飞船起飞702 Burst 爆裂703 RollrCoaster 雷火车尖叫合并704 Submarine 潜水艇705 Laugh 冷笑706 Scream 尖叫707 Punch 冲压机708 Heartbeat 心跳709 FootSteps 脚步710 Machine Gun 机关枪711 Laser Gun 激光炮712 Explosion 爆炸713 Firework 燃放礼花节奏表8 Beat 八拍001 8 Beat1 八拍1002 8 Beat2 八拍2003 8 Beat3 八拍3004 8 Beat Adria 八拍亚德理亚005 8 Beat Party 八拍舞会006 8 Beat Rock 八拍摇滚007 Root Rock 根源摇滚008 Hard Rock 硬摇滚16 Beat 十六拍009 16Beat Pop 流行十六拍010 Guitar Pop Latin 吉他拉丁流行011 Kool Shuffle 库尔滑步012 Pop Shuffle 流行滑步013 Jazz Rock 爵士摇滚Ballad 叙事曲014 16 Beat Ballad 十六拍叙事曲015 Slow&Easy 舒缓叙事曲016 Love Song 情歌017 Organ Ballad 风琴叙事曲018 Analog Ballad 模拟叙事曲019 6/8 Slow Rock 6/8拍慢摇滚020 Modern 6/8 现代6/8021 Acoustic Ballad 声学叙事曲Dance 舞曲022 House 房屋舞曲023 Eurobeat 欧罗巴节拍024 Euro House 欧洲房屋舞曲025 Trance 迷幻舞曲026 Clubdance 俱乐部舞曲027 Techno 技术舞曲028 Hip Hop 说唱乐029 Trip Hop 迷幻说唱乐030 Groundbeat 街舞Disco 迪斯科031 Saturday Night 周末之夜032 70''''s Disco 70年代迪斯科033 Disco Chocolate 巧克力迪斯科034 Disco Hands 迪斯科之手035 Disco Funk 疯克迪斯科036 Disco Fox 狐步迪斯科037 Disco Party 迪斯科舞会Swing&Jazz 摇曳与爵士乐038 Big Band 1 大乐团1039 Big Band 2 大乐团2040 Big Band 3 大乐团3041 Swing 摇曳042 Swing fox 狐步摇曳043 Shuffle 滑步舞044 Acoustic Jazz 声学爵士045 Jazz Ballad 爵士叙事曲046 Dixieland 南方爵士乐R&B 节奏布鲁斯047 Soul Shuffle 滑步灵歌048 Cat Groove 猫之律动049 Gospel Brothers 唱诗班(男声) 050 Gospel Sisters 唱诗班(女声) 051 Boogie Woogie 波吉伍吉052 Croco Twist 克洛克扭扭舞053 Rock & Roll 摇滚054 60''''s Rock&Roll 60年代摇滚055 Soul 灵歌056 Rock Shuffle 滑步摇滚057 Motown Soul 底特律灵歌058 6/8 Blues 6/8拍布鲁斯Country 乡村音乐059 Country Rock 乡村摇滚060 Country 2/4 2/4拍乡村乐061 Country 8 Beat 8拍乡村乐062 Country Pop 流行乡村乐063 Country Swing 乡村摇曳064 Country Shuffle 乡村滑步舞065 Country Ballad 乡村叙事曲066 Country Waltz 乡村华尔兹067 Bluegrass 兰草音乐068 Hoedown 活泼乡村乐Latin 拉丁音乐069 Latin Pop 流行拉丁070 Samba City 城市桑巴071 Bossa Nova 波萨诺瓦072 Guitar Bossa 吉他波萨诺瓦073 Mambo 曼波074 Salsa 萨尔萨075 Beguine 贝圭英076 Gypsy Rumba 吉普赛伦巴077 Pop Rumba 流行伦巴078 Happy Reggae 快乐雷吉079 Disco Latin 拉丁迪斯科March & Waltz 进行曲和华尔兹080 US March 美国进行曲081 German March 德国进行曲082 6/8 March 6/8拍进行曲083 Polka Oberkrainer 奥伯克莱纳波尔卡084 Waltz Oberkrainer 奥伯克莱纳华尔兹085 Polka Pop 流行波尔卡086 Tarantella 塔兰泰拉087 Reel 苏格兰纺车088 Musette 谬赛特(法国民谣)089 Jazz Waltz 爵士华尔兹090 Christmas 3/4 圣诞华尔兹091 Slow Waltz 慢华尔兹Ballroom 舞厅092 Vienna Waltz 维也纳华尔兹093 English Waltz 英国华尔兹094 Slowfox 慢狐步095 Quickstep 快步舞096 Foxtrot 狐步舞097 Tango 探戈098 Samba 桑巴099 Rumba 伦巴100 Cha Cha Cha 恰恰恰101 Pasodoble 斗牛舞102 Jive 牛仔舞Pianist 钢琴伴奏103 P_Swing 钢琴摇曳104 P_Stride 大踏105 P_Boogie 钢琴波吉106 P_Ballad 钢琴叙事曲107 P_Pianoman 钢琴家108 P_March 钢琴进行曲109 P_6/8 March 钢琴3/4拍进行曲110 P_Ragtime 钢琴拉格泰姆111 P_Jazz Waltz 钢琴爵士华尔兹112 P_Waltz 钢琴华尔兹。
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第九部分:畅信达公司产品介绍9.1、ipxcall A9概述Ipxcall A9呼叫中心融合IP-PBX和传统呼叫中心功能于一体,采用先进的计算机电话集成技术,结合客户的当前业务和未来业务发展的实际情况,协助用户快速建立一个功能全、易使用、易维护的一体化呼叫中心。
9.2、ipxcall A9-CTI介绍A9-CTI包含调度子系统与业务支撑子系统,如下:(一) 、A9-CTI调度子系统A9-CTI调度子系统用来实现网络、电话、短信等通道的调度,包含:统一的服务热线接入、来电号码采集、来电排队等待策略、来电弹屏的触发、座席号码的分配与管理、通话录音、电话通道监听、网络访问管理、短信收发管理等功能。
具体功能包括:电话交换功能(PBX)座席接听电话、座席之间相互呼叫、座席外呼出局等,并可实现呼叫前转(Forward)无条件、遇忙、无应答转移;支持呼叫后转Transfer、呼叫保持Call Holding、呼叫等待Call Waiting、呼叫驻留;电话代接:分组式电话代接功能;分组群振、轮流振铃。