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一、单选题(共40 道试题,共100 分。)V 1. Among the representatives of the Enlightenment, who was the first to introduce rationalism to England ?A. John Bunyan

B. Daniel Defoe

C. Alexander Pope

D. Jonathan Swift

正确答案:C 满分:2.5 分

2. Dryen’s contribution to England literature lies in the following exceptA. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms

B. he clarified the English prose

C. he raised the English literary criticism to a new level

D. he raised English comedy to a higher level

正确答案:D 满分:2.5 分

3. In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as "Our intellectual Declaration of Independence."A. "Nature"

B. "Self-Reliance"

C. "Divinity School Address"

D. "The American Scholar"

正确答案:D 满分:2.5 分

4. The realists of the 18th century and those of the 19th century have the following in common except both of themA. use the form of novel fully

B. present social and political events in details

C. indicate the broad social conflicts

D. describe the fate of individuals and of social classes

正确答案:C 满分:2.5 分

5. Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse - with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______ farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.A. Southern

B. Western

C. New Hampshire

D. New England

正确答案:D 满分:2.5 分

6. ______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern man‘s identity .A. The Hairy Ape

B. Long Day‘s Journey into Night

C. The Iceman Cometh

正确答案:A 满分:2.5 分

7. Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.A. the evil in man’s heart

B. the material pursuit

C. the racial conflict
