Connelly_Narrative inquiry
关于母语负迁移的外国书籍1. "Interlanguage" by Larry Selinker 这本书是关于第二语言习得的经典之作,讨论了习得者在学习第二语言时如何受到母语的影响,包括母语负迁移的现象。
2. "Transfer in Language Production" edited by Robert J. Jarvella and Wolfgang Klein 这本书是一本论文集,涵盖了关于语言产出中转移现象的研究,包括母语负迁移的相关内容。
3. "Crosslinguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition" edited by Scott Jarvis and Aneta Pavlenko 这本书探讨了跨语言影响在第二语言习得中的作用,包括母语负迁移的影响因素和机制。
4. "The Multilingual Mind: Issues Discussed by, for,and about People Living with Many Languages" edited by Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa 这本书涵盖了多语言使用者的心理和认知方面的问题,包括母语负迁移在内。
5. "Language Transfer in Language Learning" by SusanGass and Larry Selinker 这本书系统地介绍了语言转移在语言学习中的作用,包括母语负迁移的相关研究和案例。
1.德国双元制大学创新驱动产学研合作之路——巴登-符腾堡州州立双元制大学总校长盖尔斯德费尔教授访谈录 [J], 任晓霏;戴研;莱因霍尔德·盖尔斯德费尔
2.尤尔-尼尔森公式的应用研究(英文) [J], 刘昕
3.阿尔温·菲尔教授访谈录 [J], 周文娟
4.阿尔登·林·尼尔森教授访谈录 [J], 张乐;阿尔登·林·尼尔森;
5.藏族教育家土登旺布教授访谈录 [J], 葛小冲
& Kavoori, 1994; Liebes, 1994; Roeh, 1989) ,惟受到 1980 年代「敘事典範轉向」 (the narrative turn; 見 Riessman, 1993:首章)之影響,雙方交會處已愈形明顯(姚媛譯,2002 /Berger, 1996) 。尤以文化人類學家 Bird & Dardenne(1988)大膽提出「新聞即故事」 (news as story)概念後, 「傳播(新聞)與敘事」的跨疆界思考模式已次第啟動。 由此觀之,從敘事研究典範入手檢視理論議題似非僅是對現有主流傳播(新聞)思 想之批判(見 Carey, 1989) ,更涉及了如前述「典範轉移」 (或世界觀之調整)的嚴肅議 題,係以不同面向重新觀察社會與個人如何受到傳播內容(含新聞報導)影響(如由傳 統之「資訊觀」轉而採取「故事觀」 ) ,進而思考傳播(新聞)內容之不同社會與人際意 涵 (如傳播不僅是資訊之交換或傳遞,更是透過故事理解日常生活重要管道 (見臧國仁、 蔡琰,2005;姚媛譯,2002/Berger, 1996) 。 如【圖一】所示,傳播內容(如新聞報導)應不僅被視為對應於外在世界的客觀真 實,而係傳播者(如新聞工作者)從真實世界裡挑選並重組某些片段後之再現 (representation)結果(見【圖一】上方) ,乃屬其認知思維(如記憶與經驗)運作後透 過語言符號所建構之文本( 【圖一】中間;參見臧國仁,1999) ,而其核心實體則係「故 ( Jacobs, 1996: 事」 ,可定義為「 時空背景中由行為者所引發或經驗的行為動作 」 387-388) ,係傳播者在其文本中對真實世界之模擬、轉述、建構而非該真實之反映。 依敘事理論觀之,上述再現或建構真實之歷程並非紀實文類(如新聞報導)專屬, 虛構敘事研究(如小說、電影、戲劇)早有涉獵且論述也較周全( 【圖一】右側) 。如 Fisher(1987)即已假設每個人皆有基本溝通本能,其觀察外界非如前述理性典範所稱 旨在尋求客觀、中立、正確資訊,而係探訪並分享「好的敘事表現(即好的故事) 」 ,相 互激勵並互通有無。在敘事典範字彙中,人際溝通乃建立在「意義共享」基礎,彼此以 好的故事聯結意義,而所謂之「好的敘事(故事)表現」當然涉及了社會文化對此「好」 的定義,因而敘事理論與美學及文化研究間的互動向來密切。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple2 The Comparison of the Economic Development in China and India3 论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式4 从僵尸和吸血鬼比较中西方文化的异同5 试探吸血鬼文化的起源6 《红楼梦》中的女性主义及其英译7 从《纯真年代》的女性角色看旧纽约的女性地位8 从功能对等理论角度看求职简历汉译英9 对中英组织文化差异的跨文化研究10 A Comparative Study of Chinese and French Higher Education11 《哈姆雷特》中的女性人物分析12 试论金融英语词汇的特点与翻译13 《蝇王》中的人物原型研究14 On the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot15 从文本类型角度看旅游宣传资料的汉英翻译16 An Analysis of the Cultural Identity in Amy Tan’s The J oy Luck Club17 The Comparison of the Two Main Characters in Daniel Defoe’s Roxana and Emily Zola’s Nana18 论凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中的女性主义19 分析《要说出全部真理,但不能直说》中的标记用法20 A Comparison of the English Color Terms21 《外星人》电影海报的多模态话语解析22 《卖花女》中莉莎人物形象分析23 《十日谈》中的乡村意象24 《当幸福来敲门》之美国文化价值观分析25 传播学视角下的影视字幕翻译研究—以美剧《复仇》为例26 关联理论在英语广告语中的应用27 浅谈《简爱》的女性意识28 《荆棘鸟》中的三位女性形象——追寻荆棘的女人29 The Influences of Religion On the American Society30 汉英颜色词的文化内涵及翻译31 从《简爱》看夏洛蒂•勃朗特的女性意识32 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响33 宗教对传统:犹太新年与中国新年的对比研究34 从精神分析学的角度论劳伦斯小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》35 《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型36 从《永别了,武器》与《老人与海》浅析海明威的战争观37 威廉•麦克佩斯•萨克雷《名利场》的道德研究38 概念整合对英语移就的认知解读39 威尔斯的对等翻译理论在商务翻译中的应用40 从弗吉尼亚伍尔夫到多丽丝莱辛:论女性主义的发展——对比两位作家笔下塑造的女性形象41 试论美国第二代女权主义42 说谎的语用顺应性分析43 英汉动物词汇文化内涵对比44 悖论式的唯美主义--论王尔德的《道连•格雷的画像》45 莎士比亚电影和爱情阻力:以《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例46 迷惘一代的英雄:厄内斯特海明威与弗雷德里克亨利47 浅析《紫色》中西丽的成长蜕变对当今女性的启示48 文化碰撞和融合——探讨少数裔文化在美国主流文化下的生存49 论文化软实力的提升对中国在国际社会中的影响力50 从《蜘蛛侠》系列看美国的英雄主义51 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移52 《雾都孤儿》中的女人们——试析狄更斯的女性观53 On the Difference of Family Education between China and America54 A Comparison of the English Color Terms55 Feminism in Eileen Chang's works56 《嘉莉妹妹》之女主人公新女性形象分析57 论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观差异58 从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性59 怎样结束诗歌:罗伯特•洛威尔的结尾60 浅谈如何培养初中学生学习英语的兴趣61 谁能给苔丝提供一段真正的婚姻?—浅析《德伯家的苔丝》的婚姻观62 论《小镇畸人》中人物的怪诞性63 论《杀死一只知更鸟》中的象征64 《可以吃的女人》的女性主义解读65 《呼啸山庄》中窗的意象66 On the Female Character During the War Through A Farewell to Arms67 汉语外来词翻译的文化解析68 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan69 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求70 《哈克贝利•芬恩历险记》中对自由的追寻71 对罗伯特•弗罗斯特自然诗的尝试性研究72 浅谈中学生英语口语能力的培养73 分析《绯闻女孩》中的美国社会文化特征74 西方电影片名翻译的功能目的论分析75 从语用学角度看广告英语中的模糊表达76 试比较中美中学历史教育中历史思维的培养77 A Study of AP’s News Reports from the Angle of Cooperative Principle78 An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Contradictory Character79 Analysis of American Culture in Friends80 从传递文化信息视角探讨《红楼梦》翻译中“异化”与“归化”策略81 论企业国际化中的品牌翻译开题报告+论文( )82 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义83 英汉模糊语言对比研究及其翻译84 《智血》中主要人物生命历程解读(开题报告+论)85 浅析《远大前程》中的两个乡村女性形象——乔大嫂和毕蒂86 艾米丽的心理性格分析8788 哥特式特征在《黑猫》中的运用89 美国宗教文化及价值观在其外交政策中的体现90 商标翻译及商标翻译中的文化禁忌91 论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式92 On Translation of Symbolism in Pop Songs with a Case Study of Hotel California93 《秀拉》的女性主义解读94 中美文化视野中对个人主义的认同差异95 从会话含义理论看《家有儿女》96 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析赵丽蓉的小品97 A Comparison of the English Color Terms98 英语习语的文化内涵99 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo100 《通天铁路》中超验主义与清教思想救赎观冲突之探析101 自立和创新——对爱默生超验主义的解读102 论爱伦坡的恐怖小说创作及其特点103 外贸函电文体及语言特点104 理智的动人诗篇——《马语者》105 A Miniature of Ambivalence and Self-Discovery as Reflected by Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club106 从男权主义角度分析《苔丝》中的人物107 《尤利西斯》的象征艺术108 析《虹》中的象征意义109110 Analysis of Tony’s Tragedy in A Handful of Dust111 从中西思维方式的差异看《梦》及其英译本中主语的确定112 中医文化翻译中的归化和异化113 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved114 It的用法与翻译115 “土生子”叛逆精神探源116 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信117 从《阿甘正传》看美国乐观主义118 An Analysis of the Divided Human Nature in O. Henry’s Major Works119 On the Functions of Metaphor in Obama’s Inaugural Address120 Analysis on the Withdrawal of Feminism in The Great Gatsby121 英汉称呼语的对比研究122 从三美原则看中国古诗词中酒意象的英译123124 (英语系经贸英语)浅析企业如何通过市场定位打开销售渠道125 从目的论看《红楼梦》中灯谜翻译126 解读艾丽斯•沃克《紫色》中的家庭127 任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用128 中国现代散文风格精彩再现——评张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》129 浅析《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的写作风格130 中法餐桌文化对比131 从《康州美国佬在亚瑟王朝》看马克•吐温的幽默讽刺艺术132 论英语新闻标题中修辞的汉译133 The Impact of High and Low Context on Intercultural Communication134 A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth’s Nature Poem and One by Tao Yuanming135 英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析136 战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用137 论“看,易,写”方法在旅游翻译中的应用138 中学英语课堂中教师的纠错策略139 意译在广告英语翻译中的重要性探析140 论《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结141 中学英语教学到大学英语教学衔接问题研究142 试析跨文化交流中文化休克现象及对策143 日用品广告语言中中西方价值观差异比较研究144 商业广告英汉互译的审美研究145 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法146 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响147 A Comparison of the English Color Terms148 从用词的角度分析商务英语信函的翻译149 论《爱玛》的反讽艺术150 中英礼仪文化禁忌比较与跨文化交际151 心灵的挣扎:浅析福克纳短篇小说《烧马棚》中萨蒂的困境152 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同153 英语习语的文化内涵154 中外服装品牌英文标签语言的跨文化研究155 量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究156 《等待野蛮人》中的寓言式写作手法157 中美价值观的比较--以《老友记》为例158 《生活大爆炸》言语幽默语用分析(开题报告+论)159 西方节日对中国传统文化的影响160 The Destruction and Degeneration of Heroines in William Faulkner’s Works161 On Sister Carrie’s Broken American D ream from the Perspective of Psychology162 A Study on Differences of Family Education between China and America--A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club163 The Comparison of Diet Culture between China and America164 从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异165 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界166 英语新闻标题中的修辞及其翻译167 从社会语言学角度分析美国黑人英语168 浅谈经济全球化背景下的商务英语169 简析《日常用品》中的矛盾冲突170 On Symbolism in The Wizard of Oz171 浅析托尼.莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》中皮克拉悲剧命运的根源172 从彼拉特透视托尼·莫里森的妇女主义173 The Growth of Humphrey Weyden in The Sea Wolf174 浅析英语无灵句中的汉英认知思维方式差异175 《飘》中郝思嘉是现代女性的楷模176 Imagery Translation in Classical Chinese Poetry177 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素178 从中西婚礼文化看中西方文化差异179 文化差异视角下的英语称谓语的翻译策略180 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默181 浅析汉英动物词的文化内涵及其翻译182 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播183 透析《洛丽塔》中的性184 离开“美国出品”185 从功能目的论看化妆品广告的英汉翻译186 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms187 论证北美独立战争的合法性—重读托马斯.潘恩的《常识》188 解析《拉帕西尼之女》中贝雅特丽丝189 象征在女性主义小说《占有》中的作用190 论内莉丁恩在《呼啸山庄》中的作用191 从《看不见的人》中透视美国黑人寻找自我的心路历程192 论海明威在小说《太阳照样升起》中的象征意义193 A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China 194 《彼得潘》中的“成长”主题195 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物悲剧的必然性196 浅谈《鲁滨逊漂流记》中现实主义元素197 英语外贸电子邮件的语篇分析198 Maternal Love in The Millstone199 西游记神话人物称谓翻译策略:归化与异化200 英语习语中隐喻的汉译。
在翻译过程中,需要关注以下几个方面:1. 文化背景:雪莉·杰克逊的作品反映了美国中产阶级的生活状态和心理压力,需要对相关文化背景有一定的了解。
2. 情感色彩:文本中充满情感色彩的词汇和表达方式,需要准确传达原文的情感。
3. 语言表达:原文使用了大量生动的语言和修辞手法,需要准确把握语言特点。
三、翻译实践在翻译过程中,我们采用了以下策略和方法:1. 文化背景的翻译:通过查阅相关资料和背景知识,准确理解原文中的文化内涵,确保译文在传达信息的同时,保持与原文相似的文化氛围。
2. 情感色彩的传达:在翻译过程中,注重传达原文的情感色彩,通过恰当的词汇和表达方式,使译文具有与原文相似的情感基调。
3. 语言表达的转换:针对原文中的生动语言和修辞手法,我们在译文中采用了相应的表达方式,力求保持原文的语言风格和特点。
四、案例分析以下是翻译过程中的几个典型案例:1. 文化词汇的翻译:如“middle-class anxiety”(中产阶级焦虑)等词汇,需要在理解文化背景的基础上进行准确翻译。
2. 情感表达的翻译:如“feeling overwhelmed”(感到压力巨大)等表达方式,需要准确传达原文的情感色彩。
3. 语言修辞的转换:如原文中的比喻、排比等修辞手法,需要在译文中采用相应的表达方式,使译文具有与原文相似的语言风格。
促使我把这本书放进 “购物篮”的,⼤约是传说中此书详尽的注释和上海译⽂出版社列出的纳博科夫主要著作的⽬录。
当我拿到书时,版权页上的⼀串数字让我吃了⼀惊:2006年2 ⽉第3次印刷。
就是说,这本书在不到三个⽉的时间⾥就加印了两次! 众所周知,纳博科夫⼩说的第⼀个译者是梅绍武先⽣。
⽽主万呢,笔者看不出他的原则,有时似乎在尽量让译⽂更加汉化,能 “雅”则“雅”,但是译⽂中硬译、不通的地⽅最多,⽽且离纳博科夫越来越远。
学习年限: 2.5 年,分为两个阶段实施。 第一阶段(一年半):课程学习,社会实践,教学实践,开题报告。 第二阶段(一年):访学查阅资料,实验或调查研究,硕士论文撰写及答辩。
社会实践与教学实践: 社会实践和教学实践是加强硕士生能力培养的重要途径。社会实践一般安排在第 一学期末暑期进行,大致完成 40 学时的活动,由导师和教研室提出社会实践计 划,报院(系)审定。教学实践一般安排在第 2、3 学期,要求完成 40 学时的教 学、辅导、批改作业等工作,安排专人指导并写出考核评语。
Johnson, Robert Keith.1989. The Second Language Curriculum.Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. H. Long. 1991. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. London: Longman. Nunan, D. 1988. The Learner-Centred Curriculum: A Study in Second Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nunan, D. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Palmer, Parker J. 1998. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco: Jessey-Bass Publishers. Connelly, F.M.& D.J. Clandinin. 1990. Stories of experience and narrative inquiry. Educational Researcher 19(5):2-14. Polettini, A.F.F.2000. Mathematics teaching life histories in the study of teachers’ perceptions of change, in Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol.167, pp.765-783. Richards, J. C. 1998. Beyond Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J. C. and C. Lockhart. 1994. Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J C and D. Nunan. 1990. Second Language Teacher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schon, D. (1987, September). Educating the reflective practitioner. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC. http://hc /ot her/ m Stern, H. H. 1983. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
艾伦布什内尔 英语作文
艾伦布什内尔英语作文Allen Ginsberg was a renowned American poet who played a significant role in shaping the literary landscape of the 20th century. Born on June 3, 1926, in Newark, New Jersey, Ginsberg's life and work were marked by a profound commitment to social and political activism, as well as a deep exploration of the human experience through the lens of poetry.Ginsberg's poetic journey began in the late 1940s, when he was a student at Columbia University. It was during this time that he met the influential poet William Carlos Williams, who would become a mentor and inspiration to the young Ginsberg. Ginsberg's early work, such as the poem "Howl," which was published in 1956, quickly gained recognition for its raw, uncompromising style and its bold exploration of themes like sexuality, drug use, and societal oppression."Howl" was a landmark in American poetry, as it challenged the prevailing norms and conventions of the time. The poem's vivid, stream-of-consciousness language and its unapologetic depiction ofthe counterculture movement of the 1950s resonated with a generation of readers and writers who were searching for a voice that could capture the complexity and turmoil of the post-war era.Ginsberg's influence extended far beyond the realm of literature, as he was also a prominent figure in the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s. He participated in numerous protests and demonstrations, using his platform as a poet to advocate for social and political change. Ginsberg's activism was rooted in a deep sense of compassion and a belief in the power of individual expression to challenge the status quo.One of the most striking aspects of Ginsberg's work was his exploration of Eastern spiritual traditions, particularly Buddhism. Ginsberg's interest in Eastern philosophy and religion was influenced by his experiences with psychedelics, which he believed could provide a gateway to deeper states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. This interest manifested in his poetry, which often incorporated elements of Buddhist imagery and themes of transcendence and interconnectedness.Ginsberg's commitment to social and political activism was not without its challenges. He faced numerous legal battles and personal struggles throughout his life, including arrests for his involvement in anti-war protests and his own struggles with mental health issues.However, Ginsberg never wavered in his dedication to using his art as a means of challenging the dominant power structures and advocating for a more just and equitable world.Ginsberg's legacy as a poet and activist continues to resonate with readers and thinkers today. His work has been celebrated for its raw, uncompromising honesty, its willingness to tackle difficult and taboo subjects, and its ability to capture the complexities of the human experience. In the decades since his death in 1997, Ginsberg's influence can be seen in the work of countless poets, writers, and artists who have been inspired by his bold and unapologetic approach to the creative process.At the heart of Ginsberg's work was a deep commitment to the power of language to transform and enlighten. He believed that poetry had the capacity to transcend the boundaries of the individual and to connect people across cultures and generations. Through his writing and his activism, Ginsberg sought to challenge the status quo and to create a more just and equitable world, one in which the voices of the marginalized and the oppressed could be heard and celebrated.In the end, Allen Ginsberg's legacy as a poet and activist is a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. His work continues to inspire and challenge readers and thinkers around theworld, reminding us of the transformative potential of art and the importance of using our voices to fight for a better future.。
该报告引起了学界广泛的讨论,1994年伯恩海默将三位比较文学学者对此报告的不同回应以及另外13位学者分别从不同角度写下的关于比较文学现状与未来的文章和三篇十年报告一书,并为此书写下了《导言:比较的焦虑》(The Anxieties of Comparison),这篇导言即为笔者解读的对象。
1.多元竞流与价值引领——评《多元文化时代的价值引领》 [J], 袁超
2.多元文化时代比较文学的文学性 [J], 邓艮;乔琦
3.比较文学在多元文化相撞与互渗之间——寻绎陈岗龙教授的比较文学观 [J], 索朗卓玛
4.迈向新世纪:多元化时代的比较文学——中国比较文学学会第六届年会暨国际学术讨论会综述 [J], 姜源;刘荣
5.十全十美继往开来四川省比较文学学会第十届年会暨“多元文化时代的文学研究”研讨会隆重召开 [J], 祝慧敏;史芸芸
Rise of the Novel
Flat Character and Round Character
A flat character (a type or two dimensional character) is built around a single idea or quality, and is presented without much individualizing detail, therefore can be described in a single phrase or sentence. A round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularity; such a character therefore is as difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life, and like real person, is capable of surprising the readers.
Robinson Crusoe
It is the first novel in the complete modern sense. It is not only a masterpiece of story –telling, but also an interpretation of life. As a novel, it has all the essential constituents: unity of theme, of action, and of style; character, narrative, dialogue, and etc. No story, whether true or fictitious, has been told with such a combination of minute and inexhaustible realism and of curiosity that keeps the mind on the stretch to the very end.
Narrative listening - an exercise叙事倾听练习1.Participants will divide into groups of three or four and have a round in which every timeone participant is a 'teller' and the others witnesses、 3、4个人一组,围成一圈。
2.Teller - Tell in turn, of an experience (short story or anecdote) from younger age, fromwhich you draw: strength, empowerment and/or inspiration、 An experience from your: roots, family of origin and/or culture、 The experience could relate to values, beliefs, symbols or rituals that are important for you、 Please tell the experience in detail、讲述者:按顺序讲述一段小时候的经历(小故事或者轶事),从这段经历中您活的了:力量、胆魄/或鼓舞。
1.从接受理论视角看傅东华译本《飘》的翻译策略 [J], 陈彦彦
2.从接受理论视角看基础英语教学 [J], 段丽丽
3.接受理论视角下看《尤利西斯》中文化“他者”的注释性翻译策略 [J], 王艳霞
4.接受理论视角下看《尤利西斯》中文化"他者"的注释性翻译策略 [J], 王艳霞
5.从文化差异看英汉翻译的传意与可接受性 [J], 何东
My favorite novel is a captivating piece of literature that has deeply resonated with me,both emotionally and intellectually.It is a story that has the power to transport me to another world,allowing me to experience a myriad of emotions and thoughts that are both profound and enlightening.The novels plot is intricately woven,with a series of events that unfold in a manner that keeps the reader engaged and eager to turn the next page.The narrative is filled with unexpected twists and turns,which serve to maintain the suspense and intrigue throughout the story.The authors masterful storytelling skills are evident in the way they have crafted a plot that is both complex and coherent.The characters in the novel are welldeveloped and relatable,each with their own unique personality traits and motivations.The protagonist is a character that I find myself rooting for,as they face numerous challenges and obstacles in their journey.The supporting characters are equally welldrawn,adding depth and richness to the story.One of the aspects that I particularly admire about this novel is the authors ability to create a vivid and immersive setting.The descriptions of the locations,the atmosphere, and the cultural nuances are so detailed and evocative that I can almost see,hear,and feel the world that the characters inhabit.The themes explored in the novel are thoughtprovoking and relevant to our lives today. The author delves into issues such as love,friendship,betrayal,and the human condition, prompting the reader to reflect on their own experiences and beliefs.The novel also offers valuable insights into the complexities of human relationships and the choices we make.The language used in the novel is eloquent and poetic,with a rich vocabulary that enhances the reading experience.The authors writing style is both descriptive and engaging,making it a pleasure to read.The dialogue between characters is natural and believable,adding to the authenticity of the story.In conclusion,my favorite novel is a literary gem that has left an indelible mark on my heart and mind.It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact that a wellcrafted narrative can have on its readers.This novel has not only provided me with countless hours of entertainment but has also enriched my understanding of the world and the human experience.。
美国文学简史常耀信版Chapter 1and 2
The 1920s
T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Ernest Hemingway (Lost Generation) Imagism: Ez American literature
The 1930s
Steinbeck Harlem Renaissance (Black American literature) Hughes Wright Ellison
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
Stephen Crane Theodore Dreiser
3. 4.
Democratic Period (17831802) Romanticism (1820-1861)
Washington Irving Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Howthorne William Whitman * Transcendentalism * (New England Renaissance) Ralph Waldo Emerson Fillip Thoreau
Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, sermon, (auto) biography, travel accounts, novelette, etc. Non-fiction : Essay (4 categories) It contains fiction & non-fiction. Fiction: (4 genres) • description • Poetry • narration • novel • exposition • drama • argumentation • short story
理智与情感英语阅读难度Reading Level: Intermediate to AdvancedIntroduction:The interplay between reason and emotion is a timeless theme in English literature. Authors often explore the conflict between these two aspects of human nature, using it to drive character development and plot progression. This article delves into the complexity of these themes, discussing how they are portrayed in various literary works and the impact they have on readers.Body:1. The Role of Reason:a. Reason as a Guiding Force: In many classical texts, reason is portrayed as a guiding force that helps characters navigate through life's challenges. For instance, in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice," Elizabeth Bennet'srationality allows her to overcome societal pressures and personal biases.b. The Limits of Reason: However, an overreliance on reason can also be a source of conflict. In Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," Victor Frankenstein's obsession with scientific discovery leads to tragic consequences, highlighting the limitations of reason without emotion.2. The Power of Emotion:a. Emotion as a Driving Force: Emotion is often depictedas a powerful force that can both inspire and destroy. InEmily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights," the intense emotions of love and hatred drive the characters to extreme actions, demonstrating the potential for emotion to consume reason.b. Emotion and Connection: On a positive note, emotionscan also foster deep connections between characters. InHarper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," the empathy and compassion Atticus Finch shows towards others serves as a moral compass, guiding both his actions and the reader's understanding of justice and morality.3. The Balance Between Reason and Emotion:a. The Ideal Balance: Many works of literature suggestthat a balance between reason and emotion is essential for a fulfilling life. In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet," the protagonist's internal struggle between his intellectual analysis and emotional response to his father's murder is a central theme.b. The Search for Balance: Characters often embark on a journey to find this balance, learning from their experiences. In Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities," Sydney Carton's transformation from a man of reason to one who sacrifices himself out of love illustrates the complex relationship between these two elements.Conclusion:The exploration of reason and emotion in English literature offers readers a deeper understanding of the human experience. By examining how these themes are woven into the narratives, readers can gain insight into the complexities of their ownlives and the world around them. Whether through the lens of classical literature or modern works, the interplay between reason and emotion remains a compelling and relevant topic for readers of all levels.。
该文序言中说道:“精神分析理论被作为一种政治武器,以便阐明父权制社会中的无意识怎样建构了电影的形态” 。
目录前言 (1)第一章第一人称叙述的反叛与平衡 (3)第二章对书信体小说的超越与回归 (6)第三章家庭女教师故事类型的超越与皈依 (11)一、“我必须说话”——对女家庭女教师角色的反叛 (13)二、“我兴致勃勃勃地听他谈”——沉默的简.爱体现家庭教师的本分 (22)第四章严肃小说与通俗小说的平衡 (27)前言从1847年出炉后,《简·爱》就不断地成为文学批评界的宠儿。
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“Why” Questions
Why Narrative Inquiry? Why Teacher Development?
Why Narrative Inquiry? (Special Way to Think of Teacher Development)
Why Teacher Development? (Pivotal to all School Improvement)
Methods of School Reform
• Policy Development • Curriculum Development • Teacher Development • Community Development • Achievement Testing
Policy Development
The lesson for teacher educators and developers is to think of their teaching as a transaction with a person; not an action upon a person.
Imagine the Flow of a Life Space
Schwab: The Practical Dewey: Experience
Teacher Knowledge Vs Knowledge-for-Teachers
Personal Practical Knowledge
Tacit Knowledge and Teacher Knowledge
Stages in Development of Narrative as Phenomena
• • • • Intellectual Resources Origins Personal Practical Knowledge Professional Knowledge Landscapes • Narrative Interaction of Ways of Knowing and Being
• The first lesson for teacher educators
and developers is that they need to imagine themselves entering into, and working within, the flow of their students.
Curriculum Development
Teacher Development
Community Development
Achievement Testing
What Works?
Life - Education - Experience Life Life Life Education Education Experience Experience
Narrative Inquiry for Teacher Development
Michael Connelly
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto
Puzzling Stories
• The Puzzle of Chinese Student Achievement in North America • Teacher Facilitators and Egyptian Educational Reform
Teacher Education Takes Place on a Relationship Continuum with Teacher Students
The lesson is that teaching/ learning situations need to be thought of as the intersection of teacher educator and teacher student narratives of experience.
Teachers Do Many Things
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to assess life spaces and listen to their teacher students.
Begin at Home in China
Professional Knowledge Landscapes
Sociality Environment
Narrative Interaction of Ways of Knowing and Being Narrative Intersection of Cultural Ways of Knowing and Being
The Spirit of Inquiry vs. An Attitude of Certainty
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to be humble in the face of teacher knowledge, rather than certain about what it is they have to teach teachers.
Narrative as Phenomena -- A Brief History
Reform and School Improvement Context
Steps in the Development of a Narrative Idea of Teacher Development
Intellectual Resources
Life - Education - Experience Life Life Narrative Inquiry Education Experience
What is Narrative Inquiry?
• Narrative as a Way of Thinking • Narrative as Phenomenon • Narrative as Method
Teacher Education is Life-Long
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to focus on teacher narratives of experience, drawing on them as a key resource in foreign language teacher education.
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to study, value, and build upon indigenous traditions and knowledge.
Begin With Teacher Knowledge
Narrative Inquiry for Teacher Development
Michael Connelly
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto
Teacher Education Takes Place Someplace
The lesson is that place needs to be carefully noted in teacher education and development.
Thank you!谢谢! you!谢谢!
Narrative as Method
• A Way of Thinking • Life Space • Time • Personal-Social • Place
What is Narrative Inquiry?
• Narrative as a Way of Thinking • Narrative as Phenomenon • Narrative as Method
Narrative as Method
A Way of Thinking
Narrative as Method
Life Space
Life Space
Life Space - Time
Life Space - Personal/Social
Life Space - Place
3-Dimensional Life Space Time, Personal/Social, Place
• The second lesson is that teachers need to think the same way about their students.
The Spirit of Thinking Narratively
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to pay as much attention to imagining teacher student life spaces as they do in thinking about the details of language and language teaching.
Considerations in a Narrative Approach to Teacher Education and Development
Teacher Development is Part of Educational Reform
The lesson is that teacher educators and developers need to keep the organic whole in mind and learn to work in harmony within a system.