名言警句的中英文对照 人性的弱点中英文对照

Life is too short, tomorrow to give up today can not get it.来是偶然的,走是必然的。
To be aidental, go is inevitable. So you have to, pay the same, the same fate.我有一颗水晶般的心,可别人以为是玻璃的。
I have a crystal heart, but other people think is glass.做好人,靠的是一颗善良的心。
Be good, by a kind heart. Do a nice guy, is a fickle face.谎言像一朵盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。
A lie like a blooming flowers, appearance beautiful, life is short.漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。
Beautiful can only provide pleasure to others, but not necessarily in happiness.最漆黑的那段路,最痛苦的那段路,最终要自己走完。
The darkest period of road, the most painful it was, eventually to himself.生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。
Life is like my song, sometimes without spectrum, sometimes not.顺境的时候一定要找出路,逆境的时候才会有退路。

《人性的弱点》英文原文精选(1)--15% VS 85%These investigations revealed that even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15 percent ofone's financial success is due to one's technical knowledge and about 85 percent is due to skill inhuman enineering---to personality and the ability to lead people.(2)--The highest-paid personnel in engineeringThey came to me because they had finally realized, after years of observation and experience, thatthehighest-paidpersonnelinengineeringarefrequentlynotthosewhoknowthemostaboutengineerin g.(3)--The second interest for adultsThatsurveyrevealedthathealthistheprimeinterestofadultsandthattheirsecondinte restispeople: how to understand and get along with people; how to make people like you; and how towin others to your way of thinking.(4)--Exciting assignmentI gave the talk and urged the listeners to go out and test it in their business and social contacts, andthen come back to class and speak about their experiences and the results they had achieved(5)--Criticism is futile and dangerousCriticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive tojustifyhimself.Criticismisdangerous,becauseitwoundsaperson'spreciouspride, hurtshissenseofimportance, and arouses resentment(6)--Criticism engenders resentmentThe resentment that criticism engenders can demoralize employees, family members and friends,and still not correct the situation that has been condemned.(7)--How would Lincoln handle this problem if he had it?The next time we are tempted to admonish somebody, let's pull a five-dollar bill out of our pocket,look at Lincoln's picture on the bill, and ask. "How would Lincoln handle this problem if he hadit?"(8)--Creatures of logic VS Creatures of emotionWhen dealingwithpeople, letusrememberwearenotdealingwithcreatures oflogic.Wearedealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride andvanity.(9)--Most fools can criticize, condemn and complainAnyfoolcancriticize,condemnandcomplain---andmostfoolsdo.Butittakescharacterandself-control to be understanding and forgiving.(10)--It'snotthatIdidnotloveyou;itwasthatIexpected too much of youth.The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding--this was my reward to you for being a boy. It's not thatI did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstickof my years.(11)--To know all is to forgive all.Insteadofcondemningpeople,let'strytounderstandthem.Let'strytofigureout whytheydowhat they do. That's a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it breeds sympathy,tolearance and kindness. "To know all is to forgive all."。

(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
9. 對於對方的意念及欲望表示同情。 10. Be sympathetic with the
other person’s ideas and desires. 10.激發對方比較高尚的動機。
7. 讓對方覺得這主意是他的。
8. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
8. 要誠實地站在對方的觀點看事情。
Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.
quickly and emphatically. 4. 用友善的方法開始。 5. Begin in a friendly way.
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
5. 立即得到對方信任的方法是:說 “是,是”。
G6i.ving OLfefetncteheorotAhroeursipnegrsRoesnenstamveent face.
6. 稱讚最細微的進步,並且稱讚每一個 進步。(誠於嘉許,寛於稱道)
Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.
4. 善於靜聽,鼓勵別人談論他們自己。 5. Be a good listener.
Encourage others to talk about themselves. 5. 就著別人的興趣談話。 6. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests.

indignation in the early 1920s. It rocked the nation!
Bare:[ ber ]
adj.赤裸的 / 不加修饰 的 / 基本的 / 空荡荡
Within the memory of living men, nothing like it had ever happened before 的
丑闻是1922年被揭发的,美国的参议员委员会和特殊会议花了6年时间来 处理这个 事件。1928年当听证会和调查有结果的时候,哈定已经自杀;福尔辞去政府工作而在 辛克莱那里任职;这三个主要人物——多赫尼、辛克莱和福尔都面临着指控;政府成 功地起诉了石油公司并收回了油田。
同控告的严重性质相比对他们的惩罚是轻的:福尔被判受贿罪,罚款10万美元并 监禁1年,多赫尼 和辛克莱被指控同谋罪和行贿罪,但是不久却宣布罪名不成立而无 罪释放。
If You Want to Gather Over Honey, Don't Kick Over the Beehive
塔夫特尽力替自己辩护,眼中含着泪水,反复地说:“我不知道怎么做,才能比我 Indignation:[ ɪndɪɡ'ne
ɪʃ(ə)n ]
n.愤慨 / 义愤 / 愤怒
Or, take the Teapot Dome oil scandal. It kept the newspapers ringing with
he supported Taft, who was elected President.
n. 提名;任命;被提名

How to Win Friends and Influence PeopleAs early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of abetter life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speeches and writings arouse themorale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: "A person's success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. ""The weakness of human nature," a book the author described as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me mostdeeply in an article entitled "unfavorable factors will translate into success factor", there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut,he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenly a wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card, he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has nottraversed step Road, was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to become their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people.More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? ? He said: "No! I was almost glad that it happened." Shock and resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. "The first time in my life, the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of things have no real value."Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understand people, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a localpolitical figures from elevated to a national politica l figure. The legend is that Al ? Smith. He was re-elected governor of New Y ork 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said: "Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential." Y es, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will beinspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasons people are above the otheron biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things, but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing you have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Y u, the fate of each person to a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: " True happiness is not pleasant, it is more than a victory. "Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by theunfortunate, it is not in itself be good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only become a victory.Also as the title "human weakness", is full of human weaknesses,but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow willbe better, be more perfect.中文翻译:早在20世纪中叶,当经济不景气、不平等,战争恶魔正在磨灭人类追求美好生活的心灵时,卡耐基先生以他对人性的洞察,利用大量普通人不断努力取得成功的故事,通过他的演讲和著作唤起无数陷入迷茫的斗志者,激励他们取得辉煌的成功,正如卡耐基先生所言:“一个人的成功,只有15%归结于他的专业知识,还有85%归结于他表达思想、领导他人及唤起他人热情的能力。

1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
文 家 。汉 族 ,东 晋 浔阳 柴桑 人 (今 江西 九江 ) 。曾 做过 几 年小 官, 后辞 官 回家 ,从 此 隐居 ,田 园生 活 是陶 渊明 诗 的主 要题 材, 相 关作 品有 《饮 酒 》 、 《 归 园 田 居 》 、 《 桃花 源 记 》 、 《 五 柳先 生 传 》 、 《 归 去来 兮 辞 》 等 。
7、翩翩新 来燕,双双入我庐 ,先巢故尚在,相 将还旧居。
嗟身后ຫໍສະໝຸດ 名,于我
9、 陶渊 明( 约 365年 —427年 ),字 元亮, (又 一说名 潜,字 渊明 )号五 柳先生 ,私 谥“靖 节”, 东晋 末期南 朝宋初 期诗 人、文 学家、 辞赋 家、散

The Wisdom of Showing Concerns towards others in How to Win Friendsand Influence PeopleAbstractSince the publication of his first book How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936, Dale Carnegie has touched millions of readers and his classic works continues to impact lives to this day. It can be seen clearly that Carnegie fully expresses some skills in handling people, making people to like us by showing concerns towards others. It provides some hints for modern individuals in their development of rapport and communication skills.Key Words:communication skills , Carnegie , others ,concerns1. IntroductionDale Carnegie (1888-1955) was a pioneer of the self-improvement genre. The book How to Win Friends and Influence People is the classic book about rapport and communication skills. Well interpersonal relationship will minimize the effort required to have work completed. There is no doubt that developing the rapport with others is a crucial part of our daily life and it will benefit us in various aspects. There is a perfect combination of vivid examples and concise words in Carnegie’s suggestion of communication skills. Among these communication skills, many are relevant to showing concerns to others. The value of showing concerns towards others is worthy of exploring.2. The Wisdom of showing concerns to othersShowing concerns to others plays a crucial role in learning how to make people like you and win people over to your way of thinking.2.1 make people like youAlmost everyone desires to be welcomed everywhere. However, it is very difficult for one to make it come true when he spares no efforts in getting other people interested in him. In Carnegie’s view, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other peopleinterested in you”(Carnegie59) Psychologically, human being are self-centered by nature. So becoming genuinely interested in others will fulfill this kind of needs of other persons. The happiness and sense of fulfillment derived from it is obviously clear. Paying more attention to others not only helps us to win friends, but also to some aspect helps the receivers. To assume that when we are frustrated and lonely, a warmth and tenderness from others will somewhat be comforting.Carnegie also emphasizes the importance of being a good listener. He suggests us to encourage others to talk about them. As we all know, an interesting conversationalist can always draw our attention. Carnegie holds the view that “if you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener.”(Carnegie94)Sometimes a good listener is equal to an interesting conversationalist. We all dislike those who talk only of themselves or like to interrupt other’s conversation. In contrast, we are willing to make friends with those who can always be attentive and sympathetic listeners. As the Reader’s Digest once said: “Many persons call a doctor when all they want is an audience,”It is not uncommon that what we all want when we are in trouble is merely a friendly, sympathetic listener to whom we could unburden ourselves.2.2 Win people over to your way of thinkingOne of Carnegie’s advice on win people over to you way of thinking is “show respect for the other person's opinion, never say, 'you are wrong.' ” (Carnegie127)Not even the most distinguished person can be right all the time. As to common people, we can’t be sure of being right even 55 percent of the time. In this situation, why should we tell other people they are wrong? By telling others they are wrong, we have struck a direct blow at their intelligence, judgment, pride and self-respect. That will make them want to strike back. But it will never alter their opinions, for we have hurt their feelings.“The little word“my” is the most important one in human affair, and properly to reckon with it is the beginning of wisdom.”(Carnegie120) We should liberate ourselves from theself-concerned thinking pattern. Showing more respect to others opinion and taking their feeling into consideration will win more agreement than argument.What’s more, we should “Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.”(Carnegie163)Seeing things through another person’s eyes may ease tensions when interpersonal problems become overwhelming. One of my friends once complained to me about her roommates. On her birthday, her roommates sent her a Green Tea cake which is always the last choice of her. She thought that they intentionally made her awkward. However, I think neither my friend nor her roommates have stood in other’s place to think question. Her roommates just chose the flavor of cake according to their own. and accidently got the unsuitable one. If my friend had seen this through her roommates’ eyes, she would not care about this trivial thing. For the sake of winning people to think in our way, we can by no means lose sight of their view.3. ConclusionTo sum up, showing concerns to others is of great importance. It can not only help us to win more friends but also win people over to our way of thinking. If we can keep this in mind, we can build a much more harmonious rapport.Dale Carnegie .How to Win Friends and Influence People.Simon & Schuster.2010。

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人性的弱点经典名句英文版1. 翻译一个句子,来自人性的弱点英文版在这一刻,你和我正在站两个永恒的交叉路口:已经延续了永久的巨大过去和正在向有记录的时间的最后一个音节猛冲而去的未来.----这本来就是个很抽象,很文艺话的句子,所以不太好理解.two eternities:两个永恒endured:延续/存活recorded time:有记录的时间(其实就是有史以来,永远的意思)last syllable:最后的音节last syllable of recorded time:永远的最后一响(特文艺的说法)2. 人性的弱点经典名句1、一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。

人性的弱点英文赏析How to Win Friends and Influence PeopleAs early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speeches and writings arouse the morale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: “A person's success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. ""The weakness of human nature," a book the author described as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled "unfavorable factors will translate into success factor", there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut, he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenly a wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card,he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has not traversed step Road, was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to e their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people. More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? He said: "No! I was almost glad that it happened." Shock and resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over 1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. "The first time in my life, the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of things have no real value."Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understandpeople, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure. The legend is that Al Smith. He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said: "Their success is the most excited because some of the ings of their potential." Yes, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will be inspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not e now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasons people are above the other on biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things, but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing you have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss ofprofit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu, the fate of each person to a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: " True happiness is not pleasant, it is more than a victory. "Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by theunfortunate, it is not in itself be good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only e a victory.Also as the title "human weakness", is full of human weaknesses, but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow will be better, be more perfect.中文翻译:早在20世纪中叶,当经济不景气、不平等,战争恶魔正在磨灭人类追求美好生活的心灵时,卡耐基先生以他对人性的洞察,利用大量普通人不断努力取得成功的故事,通过他的演讲和著作唤起无数陷入迷茫的斗志者,激励他们取得辉煌的成功,正如卡耐基先生所言:“一个人的成功,只有15%归结于他的专业知识,还有85%归结于他表达思想、领导他人及唤起他人热情的能力。
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(一) 待人接物的藝術
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
1. 要善於了解和原諒別人,這樣你 會被別人很快地接受。
2. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain.
(一) 待人接物的藝術
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
3. Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, “You’re wrong.”
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
3. 如果你錯誤,請立即鄭重地承認。 4. If you are wrong, a Nhomakorabeamit it
quickly and emphatically. 4. 用友善的方法開始。 5. Begin in a friendly way.
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
5. 立即得到對方信任的方法是:說 “是,是”。
3. 記住一個人的名字,這是語言中對 於他最甜蜜最重要的聲音。
4. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
(二) 使人喜歡你的6種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
1. 得到辯論最大利益的方法,就是避免辯論。
2. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
2. 表示對對方意見的尊重,請永遠不要指出 他的錯誤。
(二) 使人喜歡你的6種方法
6 Ways to Make People Like You
1. 真實地對別人發生興趣 2. Become genuinely interested in
other people. 2. 總是微笑 3. Smile.
(二) 使人喜歡你的6種方法
6 Ways to Make People Like You
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
9. 對於對方的意念及欲望表示同情。 10. Be sympathetic with the other
person’s ideas and desires. 10. 激發對方比較高尚的動機。
2. 誠於嘉許,寬於稱道,這樣會讓人 心甘情願。
3. Give honest and sincere appreciation.
(一) 待人接物的藝術
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
3. 給他最想要的,他就會給你最想要 的。
4. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
(四) 改變別人而不冒犯或 引起反對的9種方法
9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment
1. 用稱讚及誠實的欣賞開始。
2. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
Appeal to the nobler motives.
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
11. 表演你的意念。 12. Dramatize your ideas. 12. 拋出下一個挑戰。
Throw down a challenge.
2. 讓別人間接地注意自己的錯誤。
Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly.
(四) 改變別人而不冒犯或 引起反對的9種方法
9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment
(二) 使人喜歡你的6種方法
6 Ways to Make People Like You
6. 努力使別人感覺到自己很重要─ 7. 並且真實地去做。 8. Make the other person feel
important - and do it sincerely.
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
3. 在批評對方之前先談自己的錯誤。 4. Talk about your own mistakes
6. Get the other person saying ”yes, yes” immediately.
6. 讓對方多說話。
Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
(三) 讓別人同意你的12種方法
12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
7. 讓對方覺得這主意是他的。 8. Let the other person feel that
the idea is his or hers. 8. 要誠實地站在對方的觀點看事情。
Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.
6 Ways to Make People Like You
4. 善於靜聽,鼓勵別人談論他們自己。 5. Be a good listener. Encourage
others to talk about themselves. 5. 就著別人的興趣談話。 6. Talk in terms of the other person’s