第七届海峡两岸口译大赛总决赛[历年第二届全国英语翻译口译大赛总决赛赛题]第一环节:英译中Part I. Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是美国Verizon公司董事长的一次会议讲话节选,主题是展望新技术在卫生保健领域的应用前景。
And “Revolution” is not too strong a word for what technology can do for health care – but we need to act with more speed and more urgency to make this happen. Policy makers could aelerate the implementation of health IT dramatically with just a few critical reforms.If we get this right, we have the chance to dramatically improve the quality of life, not just in the U.S., but around the world. If you think about it, there are more than 5 billion wireless phones in use today around the world. Wireless works cover more than 85 percent of the world’s population. In lessdeveloped countries, they’re more pervasive than roads and electricity.The World Health Organization has just published a report on the fantastic potential for using these wireless works to deliver m- and e-health care solutions to the world’s population. They note that, while there are lots of small-scale m-health experiments going on, no one has really solved the security, interoperability and standardization problems that are getting in the way of delivering these vital services in asystem-wide,worldwide basis in a secure and interconnected way.At Verizon we think it’s time to scale up.We believe in the disruptive power of innovation to transform health care and dramatically improve the quality of life, for America and the world. This is not only one of the world’s great social and moral challenges, but also one of its greatest growth opportunities. We look forward to working with partners across throughout this industry to finally realize the full potential of the health IT revolution.Thank you.第二环节:中译英Part II. Interpret the passage from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是国家工商行政管理总局领导就xx年中国知识产权发展状况答记者问。
中西部翻译大赛首届初赛笔译试题及答案(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--中西部翻译大赛四川赛区首届初赛笔译试题I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。
Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______.2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。
I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary.3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。
When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。
When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin.5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。
You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。
Unemployment is one of our main problems; we need a government that will __________.7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。
2010年3月高级口译真题(完整版)点击下载MP3 (1)SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (1)SECTION 2: READING TEST (2)SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (30 minutes) (9)SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST (9)SECTION 5: READING TEST (30 minutes) (10)SECTION 6: TRANSLATION TEST (30 MINUTES) (14)2010年秋季口译复习资料(热点话题、词汇、音频等)汇总下载 (14)点击下载MP3SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTPart A SPOT DICTATIONYou probably know that asthma can cause breathing problems, so can kids with asthma play sports. ________(1). Being active and playing sports is an especially good idea if you have asthma. Why? Because it can ________(2). So they work better.Some athletes with asthma have done more than developed stronger lungs. They've played ________(3) and they've even won medals at the Olympic Games. Some sports are less likely to bother a person's asthma.________(4) are less likely to trigger flare-ups and so are sports like baseball, football and gymnastics.In some sports, you need to ________.(5) These activities may be harder for people with asthma. They ________ (6) long-distance running, cycling, soccer, basketball, cross-country skiing, ________(7). But that doesn't mean you can't play these sports if ________(8). In fact, many athletes with asthma have found that with the ________(9), they can do any sport they choose.But before playing sports, it's important that your asthma is ________(10). That means you are having lots of ________(11). To make this happen, it's very important that you ________ (12)just as your doctor tells you to. Even when ________(13), your doctor will also tell you other things you can do to avoid flare-ups. This may mean ________(14) when there is a lot of pollen in the air. wearing ________(15) when you play outside during the winter. Or making sure you always have time for ________(16).Make sure your coach and teammates know about your asthma. That way, they will understand if you ________ (17)because of breathing trouble. It's also helpful if your coach ________(18) if you have a flare-up. Listen to your body, and ________(19) your doctor gave you for handling breathing problems. And if you can keep your asthma in good control, you will be in the game and ________(20)!Part B.Questions 1 to 51. For which of the following factors did the man move out of New York city at first?2. What happens to the man's mother when she took her granddaughter to a show?3. How does the man's wife feel about living in the city?4. Apart from the interesting people, which other thing did the man like about big cities?5. The man and his family have lived in several places, which of the following is not one of these places? Question 6-10Q6: Which of the following statements is true about British Prime Minister's proposal?Q7: At what percentage did real GDP of Cananda increase in the third quarter of the year?Q8: What did the Dubai government decide to do on Thursday?Q9: Why did an estimated three thousand people march in central Geneve's main shopping street?Q10: What casualties did the derailment of an express train cause inRussia?Question 11-15Q11 According to the man being interviewed, what's the function of fengshui?Q12 What background does the man have?Q13 According to the man, there is fengshui in many parts of the world, which of the following is not one of the places that he mentions in the interview?Q14 Which of the following is a good example of fengshui being huge in the U. S?Q15 Which of the following of the statements is true about the man being interviewed?Question 16-20Q16 According to the talk, who is arrested recently for spanking a 5-year old boy?Q17 What does Mr. Dale Cover believe about spanking?Q18 Which of the following statements is true according the majority view among the parents in the New York University survey?Q19 Which of the following views do most experts probably disagree with?Q20 What percentage of parents in the United States today say they use corporal punishment?SECTION 2: READING TESTQuestion 1-5On the worst days, Chris Keehn used to go 24 hours without seeing his daughter with her eyes open. A soft-spoken tax accountant in Deloitte’s downtown Chicago office, he hated saying no when she asked for a ride to preschool. By November, he’d had enough. “I realized that I can have control of this,” he says with a small shrug. Keehn, 33, met with two of the firm’s partners and his senior manager, telling them he needed a change. They went for it. In January, Keehn started telecommuting four days a week, and when Kathryn, 4, starts T-ball this summer, he will be sitting along the baseline.In this economy, Keehn’s move might sound like hopping onto the mommy track—or off the career track. But he’s actually making a shrewd move. More and more, companies are searching for creative ways to save—by experimenting with reduced hours or unpaid furloughs or asking employees to move laterally. The up-or-out model, in which employees have to keep getting promoted quickly or get lost, may be growing outmoded. The changing expectations could persist after the economy reheats. Companies are increasingly supporting more natural growth, letting employees wend their way upward like climbing vines. It’s a shift, in other words, from a corporate ladder to the career-path metaphor long preferred by Deloitte vice chair Cathy Benko: a lattice.At Deloitte, each employee’s lattice is nailed together during twice-a-year evaluations focused not just on career targets but also on larger life goals. An employee can request to do more or less travel or client service, say, or to move laterally into a new role—changes that may or may not come with a pay cut. Deloitte’s data from 2008 suggest that about 10% of employees choose to “dial up” or “dial down” at any given time. Deloitte’s Mass Career Customization (MCC) program began as a way to keep talented women in the workforce, but it has quickly become clear that women are not the only ones seeking flexibility. Responding to millennials demanding better work-life balance, young parents needing time to share child-care duties and boomers looking to ease gradually toward retirement, Deloitte is scheduled to roll out MCC to all 42,000 U.S. employees by May 2010. Deloitte executives are in talks with more than 80 companies working on similar programs.Not everyone is on board. A 33-year-old Deloitte senior manager in a southeastern office, who works half-dayson Mondays and Fridays for health reasons and requested anonymity because she was not authorized to speak on the record, says one “old school” manager insisted on scheduling meetings when she wouldn’t be in the office. “He was like, ‘Yeah, I know we have the program,’ “she recalls, “‘but I don’t really care.’”Deloitte CEO Barry Salzberg admits he’s still struggling to convert “nonbelievers,” but says they are the exceptions. The recession provides an incentive for companies to design more lattice-oriented careers. Studies show telecommuting, for instance, can help businesses cut real estate costs 20% and payroll 10%. What’s more, creating a flexible workforce to meet staffing needs in a changing economy ensures that a company will still have legs when the market recovers. Redeploying some workers from one division to another—or reducing their salaries—is a whole lot less expensive than laying everyone off and starting from scratch.Young employees who dial down now and later become managers may reinforce the idea that moving sideways on the lattice doesn’t mean getting sidelined. “When I saw other people doing it,” says Keehn, “I thought I could try.” As the compelling financial incentives for flexibility grow clearer, more firms will be forced to give employees that chance. Turns out all Keehn had to do was ask.1. The author used the example of Chris Keehn _____.(A) to show how much he loved his daughter and the family(B) to tell how busy he was working as a tax accountant(C) to introduce how telecommuting changed the traditional way of working(D) to explore how the partners of a company could negotiate and cooperate smoothly2. What is the major purpose of shifting from a corporate ladder to the career path of lattice?(A) To take both career targets and larger life goals of employees into consideration.(B) To find better ways to develop one’s career in response to economic crisis.(C) To establish expectations which could persist after the economy reheats.(D) To create ways to keep both talented women and men in the workforce.3. The expression “on board” in the sentence “Not everyone is on board.” (para. 4) means _____.(A) going to insist on old schedules(B) concerned about work-life balance(C) ready to accept the flexible working system(D) accustomed to the changing working arrangement4. Which of the following is NOT the possible benefit of lattice-oriented careers for businesses?(A) reducing the costs on real estate.(B) cutting the salaries of employees.(C) forming a flexible workforce to meet needs in a changing economy.(D) keeping a workforce at the minimal level.5. According to the passage, the idea that “moving sideways on the lattice doesn’t mean getting sidelined”______.(A) would discourage employees from choosing telecommuting(B) might encourage more employees to apply for flexible work hours(C) would give employees more chances for their professional promotion(D) could provide young employees with more financial incentivesQuestions 6-10Right now, there’s little that makes a typical American taxpayer more resentful than the huge bonuses being dispersed at Wall Street firms. The feeling that something went terribly wrong in the way the financial sector is run—and paid—is widespread. It’s worth recalling that the incentive structures now governing executive pay in much of the corporate world were hailed as a miracle of human engineering a generation ago when they focused once-complacent ECOs with laser precision on steering companies toward the brightest possible futures.So now there’s a lot of talk about making incentives smarter. That may improve the way companies or banks are run, but only temporarily. The inescapable flaw in incentives, as 35 years of research shows, is that they get you exactly what you pay for, but it never turns out to be what you want. The mechanics of why this happens are pretty simple: Out of necessity, incentives are often based on an index of the thing you care about—like sound corporate leadership—that is easily measured. Share price is such an index of performance. Before long, however, people whose livelihoods are based on an index will figure out how to manipulate it—which soon makes the index a much less reliable barometer. Once share price determines the pay of smart people, they’ll find a way to move it up without improving—and in some cases by jeopardizing—their company.Incentives don’t just fail; they often backfire. Swiss economists Bruno Frey (University of Zurich) and Felix Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard Business School) have shown that when Swiss citizens are offered a substantial cash incentive for agreeing to have a toxic waste dump in their community, their willingness to accept the facility falls by half. Uri Gneezy (U.C. San Diego’s Rady School of Management) and Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota) observed that when Israeli day-care centers fine parents who pick up their kids late, lateness increases. And James Heyman (University of St. Thomas) and Dan Ariely (Duke’s Fuqua School of Business) showed that when people offer passers-by a token payment for help lifting a couch from a van, they are less likely to lend a hand than if they are offered nothing.What these studies show is that incentives tend to remove the moral dimension from decision-making. The day-care parents know they ought to arrive on time, but they come to view the fines as a fee for a service. Once a payoff enters the picture, the Swiss citizens and passersby ask, “What’s in my best interest?” The question they ask themselves when money isn’t part of the equation is quite different: “What are my responsibilities to my country and to other people?” Despite our abiding faith in incentives as a way to influence behavior. in a positive way, they consistently do the reverse.Some might say banking has no moral dimension to take away. Bankers have always been interested in making money, and they probably always will be, but they’ve traditionally been well aware of their responsibilities, too. Bankers worried about helping farmers get this year’s seed into the ground. They worried about helping a new business get off to a strong start or a thriving one to expand. They worried about a couple in their 50s having enough to retire on, and about one in their 30s taking on too big a mortgage. These bankers weren’t saints, but they served the dual masters of profitability and community service.In case you think this style. of banking belongs to a horse-and-buggy past, consider credit unions and community development banks. Many have subprime mortgage portfolios that remain healthy to this day. In large part, that’s because they approve loans they intend to keep on their books rather than securitizing and selling them to drive up revenue, which would in turn boost annual bonuses. And help bring the world economy to its knees.At the Group of 20 gathering in September, France and Germany proposed strict limits on executive pay. The U.S. Now has a pay czar, who just knocked down by half the compensation of 136 executives. But the absolute amounts executives are paid may be inconsequential. Most people want to do right. They want their work to improve the lives of others. As Washington turns its sights on reforms for the financial sector, it just might consider nudging the industry’s major players away from the time-dishonored tradition of incentives and toward compensation structures that don’t strip the moral dimension away from the people making big decisions.6. According to the passage, the incentive structures governing today’s executive pay in the corporate world_____.(A) are perfect and shall be continued(B) have gone wrong somewhere and should be remedied(C) are with inescapable flaws and must be stopped(D) have fundamentally improved the corporate management7. Which of the following best paraphrases the sentence “Incentives don’t just fail; they often backfire.” (para. 3)?(A) Incentives cannot promote the management of companies and banks; they often lead to corporate bankruptcy.(B) Incentives are only material stimulation, they can be used to destroy human morality.(C) Incentives do not achieve desired results, moreover, they often produce negative effect.(D) Incentives do not treat everything in terms of money and they are often used to change human mentality.8. According to the passage, with the current incentive structures, the rising of share prices _____.(A) is surely the reliable barometer of a company’s performances(B) will endanger the company and do harm to the share holders(C) is often driven up by corporate managers to boost their bonuses(D) proves the necessity of reforms for the financial sector9. The author introduced the “dual masters of profitability and community service” of the traditional bankers _____.(A) to support the view that “banking has no moral dimension”(B) to prove that bankers have always been interested in making money(C) to display that the traditional banking is healthier and more successful(D) to argue that bankers could be saints so long as they serve the community10. Which of the following can be the major conclusion of the author?(A) Strict limits should be imposed by the government on executive pay.(B) The time-dishonored tradition of incentive structures could jeopardize companies.(C) The financial sector could be reformed on the basis of compensation structures.(D) The moral dimension should be separated from incentive structures.Questions 11-15Quick quiz: Who has a more vitriolic relationship with the US? The French or the British. If you guessed the French, consider this: Paris newspaper polls show that 72 percent of the French hold a favorable impression of the United States. Yet UK polls over the past decade show a lower percentage of the British have a favorable impression of the United States.Britain’s highbrow newspaper, The Guardian, sets the UK’s intellectual tone. On any given day you can easily read a handful of stories sniping at the US and things American. The BBC’s Radio 4, which is a domestic news and talk radio station, regularly laments Britain’s social warts and follows them up with something that has become the national mantra, “Well, at least we’re not as bad as the Americans.”This isn’t a new trend: British abhorrence of America antedates George W. Bush and the invasion of Iraq. On 9/11 as the second plane was slamming into the World Trade Center towers my wife was on the phone with an English friend of many years. In the background she heard her friend’s teenage son shout in front of the TV, “Yeah! The Americans are finally getting theirs.” The animosity may be unfathomable to those raised to think ofBritain as “the mother country” for whom we fought two world wars and with whom we won the cold war.So what’s it all about?I often asked that during the years I lived in London. One of the best answers came from an Englishwoman with whom I shared a table for coffee. She said, “It’s because we used to be big and important and we aren’t any more. Now it’s America that’s big and important and we can never forgive you for that.” A detestation of things American has become as dependable as the tides on the Thames rising and falling four times a day. It feeds a flagging British sense of national self-importance.A new book documenting the virulence of more than 30 years of corrosive British animosity reveals how deeply rooted it has become in the UK’s national psyche. “[T]here is no reasoning with people who have come to believe America is now a ‘police state’ and the USA is a ‘disgrace across most of the world,’” writes Carol Gould, an American expatriate novelist and journalist, in her book “Don’t Tread on Me.”A brief experience shortly after George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq illustrates that. An American I know was speaking on the street in London one morning. Upon hearing his accent, a British man yelled, “Take your tanks and bombers and go back to America.” Then the British thug punched him repeatedly. No wonder other American friends of mine took to telling locals they were from Canada. The local police recommended prosecution. But upon learning the victim was an American, crown prosecutors dropped the case even though the perpetrator had a history of assaulting foreigners.The examples of this bitterness continue:I recall my wife and I having coffee with a member of our church. The woman, who worked at Buckingham Palace, launched a conversation with, “Have you heard the latest dumb American joke?” which incidentally turned out to be a racial slur against blacks. It’s common to hear Brits routinely dismiss Americans as racists (even with an African-American president), religious nuts, global polluters, warmongers, cultural philistines, and as intellectual Untermenschen.The United Kingdom’s counterintelligence and security agency has identified some 5,000 Muslim extremists in the UK but not even they are denounced with the venom directed at Americans. A British office manager at CNN once informed me that any English high school diploma was equal to an American university degree. This predilection for seeing evil in all things American defies intellect and reason. By themselves, these instances might be able to be brushed off, but combined they amount to British bigotry.Oscar Wilde once wrote, “The English mind is always in a rage.” But the energy required to maintain that British rage might be better channeled into paring back what the Economist (a British news magazine) calls “an overreaching, and inefficient state with unaffordable aspirations around the world.” The biggest problem is that, as with all hatred, it tends to be self-destructive. The danger is that as such, it perverts future generations.The UK public’s animosity doesn’t hurt the United States if Americans don’t react in kind. This bigotry does hurt the United Kingdom, however, because there is something sad about a society that must denigrate and malign others to feed its own self-esteem. What Britain needs to understand is that this ill will has poisoned the enormous reservoir of good will Britain used to enjoy in America. And unless the British tweak their attitude, they stand to become increasingly irrelevant to the American people.11. Which of the following is NOT the example given by the author to show the British abhorrence of America?(A) A boy shouted “The Americans are finally getting theirs.” when watching TV on 9/11.(B) A woman working at Buckingham Palace told an American joke against blacks.(C) An American speaking on a London street was punched and no prosecution followed.(D) An English author once wrote, “the English mind is always in a rage.”12. The word “animosity” used in the passage can best be replaced by _____.(A) strong hatred (B) total indifference(C) great sympathy (D) sheer irrelevance13. The author quoted from the American novelist Carol Gould’s book _____.(A) to reveal how America has become a police state(B) to expand on the British attitude to America(C) to explain the changing course of British mentality to America(D) to document the past 30 years of relationship between Britain and America14. The author argues that the UK public opinion about America will _____.(A) undermine the relations between the UK and the US(B) be self-destructive to Great Britain(C) destroy the self-esteem of both the UK and the US(D) hurt the United States except the United Kingdom15. What is the best title for the passage?(A) “Police state”: America in the eyes of the UK public(B) “The mother country”: Britain and America fought two world wars(C) The British national psyche of self-importance(D) The ally the British love to hateQuestions 16-20History may soon become extinct in our secondary schools, only less missed and less lamented than before. A new study by the Historical Association found that 3 out of 10 comprehensives no longer bother to teach the subject, which isn’t part of the core curriculum after the age of 13. Only 30 per cent do GCSE history. The researchers interviewed 700 history teachers. Most British kids can name every contestant appearing in The X Factor, but a substantial number don’t know about the Battle of Trafalgar, 20 per cent believe the Germans, Spanish or Americans once occupied Britain and some think Winston Churchill was the first man to walk on the moon.And who were the dunces who decided to make this subject optional? Why the Tories when last they ruled over us. That was then. Today’s Tories are ardent History Boys, eager to return to the days when the past was hammered into the heads of the young, or embellished tales of glory to give British children an inheritance of innate superiority. Michael Gove, Shadow Schools Secretary for Children, has been banging on about this for a while and earlier this year the Tory Andrew Rosindell raised the issue in parliament, but regrettably turned a serious debate into brassy, right-wing patriotism: “The peoples of these magnificent British Isles...have a rich and proud history like no other”. Really, sir? So Fat Henry and his sorry wives or Churchill only have to stand up to blank out the histories of Egypt, Turkey, Mexico, Austria, Greece, India, France, Iran and other old lands? Many of us who long passionately for the reinstatement of history as a core GCSE subject are now concerned about the substance and purpose behind the Tory plans to do just that. They have a burning desire to use history as a feelgood hallucinogen, get its band of revisionist stars to head up the cavalry, to lead us back to the future. As this prospect approaches, at times I think the current state of ignorance may prove to be less harmful. When politicians exploit these and turn them into propaganda, the results can be lethal.We are not immune. Thousands of Britons today swallow the BNP’s message and vote for racist views, thus betraying the legacy of their iconic war against Nazism and the millions of Indians, Africans, Chinese, Caribbeans and others who fought with this country in both world wars. When the BBC hosts these blackguards on its most prestigious programmes and uses democracy as an excuse, it too is guilty of treacherous historicalamnesia. Arguably, the lack of good historical education makes our citizens more open to neo-Nazi brain-washers. Young Muslims too, are easily plucked off by charismatic Islamicists who weave fictionalised accounts of splendiferous Islamic epochs when they did no wrong and brought paradise to earth.There is another disconcerting trend. Britain is deeply conservative and these days looks back longingly to the Tudors, Georgians, Victorians, Edwardians, wartime Britons, and now the Sixties. Showman historians provide our public with an entertaining and comforting view of what has gone before. Audiences are never really forced to question things or feel troubled. If we are to reinstate history as a key subject in secondary schools, we must do so with a better understanding of its impact, and design the syllabus to tell as full a story as possible of this complicated nation and its connections to the world. Few in power have the imagination to take up this challenge because that would be too tricky. Yet our children have a right to learn about British fascism as well as the battles and ultimate victory over Hitler; they need to be taught about how this country set up the endless conflict in Palestine, and the mistakes made by the British government when Zimbabwe was created. Hardly anyone over 20 in Britain knows this. The coming generations surely must, if only to understand the games played during the bitter Cold War, particularly as we may be returning to those days.The long neglected positive aspects of our history also need to be exhumed. As left-wing historians often point out, the hard-won democratic rights we enjoy were not bestowed by kings and the landed gentry, but were wrested by oppressed peasants, industrial working classes and the abject poor. Most black, Asian and Arab British children do not know about the many white anti-Imperialist MPs and an alarming number are woefully ignorant of the erudite Arabists who loved the Middle East and its many cultures. If we had known better the history of Iraq and Afghanistan, our government might have avoided the foolhardy and disastrous interventions that have left us with no credit. I write here as one of the ignoramuses. I was not taught anything about Afghanistan and have only now started to understand a little more about the people and the places.Oscar Wilde wrote: “The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it”. And having rewritten it as honestly as possible, to teach it to those who will inherit our land.16. When the author says “today’s Tories are ardent History Boys” (para. 2), he implies that _____.(A) the Tories should be responsible for having made the subject of history optional(B) the Tories have realised the mistakes they made in the past(C) the Tories plan to resume the course of history in secondary education(D) the Tories want to use history to gain back the ruling power of the country17. Which of the following is true?(A) Winston Churchill was a statesman in the 20th century British history.(B) The Germans, Spanish or Americans once occupied Britain.(C) British fascism led to the ultimate victory over Hitler in World War II.(D) The Battle of Trafalgar was fought in the Trafalgar Square in London.18. The passage mentions the histories of Egypt, Turkey, Mexico, Austria, Greece, India, France, Iran and other old lands _____.(A) to support the right-wing patriotism of the Tory Andrew Rosindell(B) to show the proud history of Great Britain over the past centuries(C) to question the right-wing patriotism of the Tory Andrew Rosindell(D) to agree with the Tories on the interpretation of the British history19. Which of the following is not the author’s major concern about the reinstatement of history as a core GCSE subject?。
第三届海峡两岸口译大赛(大陆区级赛)赛 题第一环节:主旨口译1.汉译英近日一份由美国美世咨询公司公布的2011年全球生活成本调查报告,首次将北京的物价置于纽约之上。
2.英译汉For many people exercising outdoors, be it walking, jogging, or biking, musical devices are almost as essential as their sports outfit. The problem? When you concentrate on the music while exercising, your ability to perceive danger in your vicinity will be compromised, whether hearing a car approaching, or noticing an attacker, or seeing a lamppost in the way. When your brain is preoccupied with music, you are less likely to pick up on pain sensations from a minor injury, so the injury may end up being more serious. Exercising to music can also interfere with the quality of your workout. A song that gives a strong beat could cause you to overexert yourself, while music that’s too low-key may prevent you from pushing yourself to the next level. Some states are now trying to crack down on exercise multitasking. In New York, a pending bill would make it illegal for walkers and joggers to cross the street while using any kind of electronic device. Oregon and Virginia are planning to fine cyclists for riding while listening to music.第二环节:对话口译私人飞机在中国A:截至今年4月底,中国注册私人飞机已经有150架,中国将有望超越美国成为拥有私人飞机最多的国家。
口译决赛题目(C-EE-C-PPT))第一篇:口译决赛题目(C-E & E-C-PPT))Script for Interpretation contest(2011)1、中国出口商品交易会(Chinese Export Commodities Fair-CECF)创办于1957年,每年春秋举办两届,因为在中国南部最大城市广州举行,又称广交会(Canton Fair)。
Franklin Roosevelt was one of the most influential presidents in American history.He was elected president four times.He served more than twelve years, longer than any other president.He led the nation through its worst economic crisis, and through one of its worst wars.// Winston Churchill wrote about the day he heard the news of the death of his close friend: “I felt as if I had been struck with a physical blow.My relation with this shining man had played so large a part in the long, terrible years we had worked together.// Now that had come to an end.And I was overpowered by a sense of deep and permanent l oss.”(115)2、近几天,广州市到处洋溢着友好的气氛,参加美国商会亚太地区理事会年会(the Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific American Chamber of Commerce)的各位工商界的朋友陆续来到广州,为我们这座美丽的海滨城市增添了光彩。
2010 National English Contest for College Students(Level C--- Preliminary)Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1What is the woman probably doing now?A.She is writing an essay.B.She is studying for a test.C.She is shopping for shoes.2.How did the woman feel according to the conversation?A.She was relaxedB.She was pleasedC.She was disappointed3.What does the woman say about her presentation?A.It’s far from being readyB.She got a lot of information from the internetC.She needs another week to get it ready4.Where will the company probably hold the stuff party?A B C5.Which picture shows the corrections to the man’s name?Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choicesmarked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about?A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone ParkB.A research project in Yellowstone ParkC.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowstone ParkA B CSection B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation one6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about?A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone ParkB.A research project in Yellowstone ParkC.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowstone Park7. According to the man, why is the buffalo population increasing in Yellowstone Park?A. a lot of buffalo have come from neighbouring areas.B. Fewer buffalo are dying of diseaseC. It is easier now for the buffalo to find food in winter.8. Why does the man think Ann would be interested in going to Yellowstone ?A. She has been studying animal diseasesB. She is eager to visit Yellowstone ParkC. She needs the money to continue her studies9. What did the woman plan to do in July?A. Work on her thesisB. Have a holidayC. Study the buffalo population10. Where will the woman most probably spend the coming summer?A. At the University of WyomingB. At Yellowstone National ParkC. At her friend’s home in Wyomin g.Conversation Two11. What was Matt Ryan’s first job?A. Doing holiday relief work at a television channelB. Working part-time as a modelC. Taking pictures for a television station12. What did Matt find interesting about the sixties?A. The increasing number of comic booksB. The rapid advances in technologyC. The American space programme13. Why were Matt’s models once used on the news?A. They presented better images than the real picturesB. The spacecraft camera got damaged and failed to take any picturesC. The television studio was trying some new ideas14. What was the name of the programme that marked the beginning of Matt’s TV career?A. Strange Creatures.B. Time Traveller.C. Bright Star.15. What did Matt do for the programme?A. He made models.B. He acted the part of a monster.C. He filmed it.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short news item. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center16. How many times has the National Hockey League allowed its players to take part in the Winter Olympics?A. Five times.B. Three times.C. Twice.17. Where was the Africa Cup of Nations held?A. In Togo.B. In South Africa.C. In Angola.18. What has caused a large number of people to flee their homes in northern Yemen?A. An armed conflict.B. Lack of food.C. Freezing temperatures.19. Who is Emtiaz Sooliman?A. A search and rescue specialist.B. Head of a South African foundation.C. Leader of a local civic group.20. What did the second stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives aim at?A. Promoting international trade.B. Boosting employment.C. Expanding the private sector.Section D (10 marks)In this section, you are required to fill 10 blanks, each with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS after listening to a short passage. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Children’s Toys✓Most popular wooden toy: (21)✓The wooden toy is for (22)✓Output per (23) :4,000 items✓Average (24) time per box (25) minutes✓The number of boxes in (26) :1,000✓Date of the coming dispatch (27)✓Current number of (28) :20✓Number of staff working on the (29) :40 staff✓All staff do: (30) workPart II Vocabulary and Structures ( 15 marks ) 10There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices, marked A, B C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. When Ian was injured, Harry was chosen as last-minute c for the rugby team.A. preferenceB. diversificationC. alternativeD. replacement32.—Hello, Mr. Brown, I’m ringing about our component delivery. It’s not arrived yet and it’s already three o’clock inthe afternoon.—Let’s see...it’s a reach you on Tuesday afternoon.A. owing toB. likely toC. due toD. subject to33. Among the last groups of people to accept the new model were religious groups, who still a the idea that the earth was the center of the universe.A. clung toB. applied toC. adapted toD. contributed to34. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to dconsiderable impact.A. escapeB. overwhelmC. withstandD. suppress35.—Would you like me to go to the dentist with you?—No, you b with me.A. need not to goB. need not goC. do not need goD. not need go36. Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was d diagnosed with cancer.A. aggressivelyB. drasticallyC. exactlyD. initially37. Great minds generally look at life in a way a to themselves.A. peculiarB. confinedC. similarD. unusual38. They called in an electrician c he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.A. to hopeB. to be hopingC. hopingD. to have hoped39. The resistance experienced when one body moves over another, c it is in contact, is called frictionalforce.A. to whichB. whereC. with whichD. while40. Above all, they want to study a b question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?A. contraryB. fundamentalC. solemnD. progressive41.—Tina, I hear you had a good journey to the Maldives last week, How was it?—I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but the hotel was d satisfactory.A. not anythingB. nothing fromC. nothing butD. anything but42.At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee a a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water.A. by dumpingB. to dumpC. for dumpingD. that dumped43. If you b Susan recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.A. shouldn’t contactB. hadn’t contactC. weren’t to contactD. didn’t contact44. Beata: I’ve put the job advertisement in th e newspaper, Mr. Trim.Trim: Good. dBeata: Well, it was a bit more than the $10 that they quoted us.Trim: As long as it wasn’t $10 a day.A.How to schedule it?B. How much was it?C. How often was it put there?D. How about the newspaper?45. Woman: Who is Jackie Tow? I have a parcel here for him.Jackie: That’s me. dWoman: Yes, put your name here.Jackie: Thank you. It must be the new pair of shoes I bought online.A. This is the receipt for it.B. Do you have the sender’s address?C. I have to check the packageD. Do I have to sign for it?Part III Cloze (10 marks) 8R ead the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Where The Wild Thing Are“I didn’t set out to make a children’s movie,” says Being john Malkovich director Spike Jonze , “I set out to make a movie about childh ood.” Indeed, like the recent alternative children’s book (46) adapt ion , Fantastic Mr Fox, this is more like an adult film (47) in children’s clothing -or rather in Jim Henson monster suits. When rambunctious (无法无天) nine-year-old Max feels (48) ig nored by his busy single mum and her new boyfriend, and runs away (49) from home , he finds himself on an island populated by huge, hairy, scary Wild Things. Here, he gets himself crowned king, and he and the monsters fight and play, and throw mud at each other (which the younger viewers will love). They return home. That’s it .And that’s your problem. As a film , I can’t (50) de ny it’s disappointing. Despite whimsical (异想天开) imaginative and heart-tugging moments, Jonze and co-writer Dave Eggers inevitably lose the wonderful subtlety (精妙之处) of Maurice sendak’s well-loved 338-word picture book just by (51) spinning (spin) it out into a full-length feature. Enough already! We get this dysfunctional group of neurotic Wild Things (52) rep etiting Max’s child’s eye view of grown-ups as comprehensible giants, both terrifying and loving. (53) However , even the repetitive action and non-subtleties (54) ,make this feel more like family therapy than a fairy (55)tale can’t destroy the film’s haunting magic.Part IV Reading Comprehension (40marks)Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Section A (10 marks) 10HOLDAYS IN WALES1. Rhos –Ddu Country CottagesYnys, Criccieth LL532 OPBDelightful hideaway cottages with private fishing. Comfortably furnished with antiques, old oak beams, log fires, giving the aura and grace of a bygone age, but with all the essentials of the 20th century –sauna, jacuzzi , four poster bed ,snooker table… A holiday venue one rarely finds –but often dreams of.For Enquiries contact:Mrs A JonesRhandir, Boduan, Pwllheli Gwynedd, LL53 8UA2. Five Star CottageTalhenbont hall, Talhenbont, Criccieth, GwyneddEnq: Roger & Gillian GoodLovingly restored stone cottage and hunting lodge in 70 acre wooded country estate with river. A luxurious and carefree holiday for the discerning. Available throughout the year.Woodland walks and wildlife.Free tennis, riding and fishing .One mile from coast, five miles Snowdonia . Under the personal supervision of the owners.3.Windsor Flats12 Marine Terrace, Criccieth,Gwynedd,LL52 OEFOn sea front close to Criccieth fortable, clean,fully equipped,completely private flats,in picturesque village central for Snowdonia and the Llyn Peninula. Climbing, sailing, fishing, walking, tennis and golf closeby. Colour TV,payphone.Bed linen supplied. Short breaks available out of season.Write or phone for brochure.4.Dwyach CottagesCticciech, GwyneddEnquiries: Mrs S Edwards Pen-y-Bryn,Chwilog, Pwllheli, Gwyhedd,LL53 6SXEnjoy a peaceful holiday in beautifully situated farmhouse or single storey cottage. This is an area of unrivalled natural beauty, the haunt of buzzards and woodpeckers. Cottages are superbly equipped to make your holiday relaxed and memorable. Dishwasher , washer/dryer, microwave, linen, children’s play area, barbecue and farm trail.5.Bron Afon Self CateringBorth-y-Gest, Phorthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9TUSituated only minutes from the beach with fabulous views of garden, sea and mountains. The accommodation is quiet and private. An ideal base for touring , walking, climbing, fishing, the slate mines, castles, Portmeirion, Porthmadog leisure centre or just relaxing on the beach.Bed & Breakfast also available.Question 56 to 58: Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the advertisements.56.To have a holiday in a delightful hideaway cottage ,you should contact Mrs S Edwards. f57.In the Cticcieth Five Star Hotel , free tennis ,game fishing, riding and golf are available. f58.Short breaks are available out of season in the Llyn Peninsula. tQuestion 59 to 60:Answer the following questions briefly according to the advertisements.59. If you plan to have a holiday with your children, what is the best place? Dwyach cottages60.What will you enjoy most in Bron Afon Self Catering?the beach thingSection B(10 marks) 6The giant panda,the creature that has become a symbol of conservation ,is facing extinction. The major reason is loss of habitat, which has contitued despite the establishment of 14 panda reserves . Deforestation , mainly carried out by farmers clearing land to make way for fields as they move higher into the mountains,has drastically contracted the mammal’s range. The panda has disappeared from much of central and eastern China, and is now restricted to the eastern flank of the Himalayas.Satellite imagery has shown the seriousness of the situation ; almost half of the panda’s habitat has been cut down or degraded since 1975.Worse ,the surviving panda population has also become fragmented; a combination of satellite imagery and ground surveys reveals panda “islands” in patches of forest separated by cleared land. The population of these islands has become isolated because the animals are loath to cross open areas .Just putting a road through panda habitat may be enough to split a population in two.The minuscule size of the panda populations worries conservationists. The smallest groups have too few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out .The larger populations may be viable in the short term, but will be susceptible to genetic defects as a result of inbreeding.In these circumstances, a more traditional threat to pandas – the cycle of flowering and subsequent withering of the bamboo that is their staple food – can become literally species-threatening. The flowering prompts pandas to move from one area to another, thus preventing inbreeding in otherwise sedentary populations. In pandas, however, bamboo flowering could prove catastrophic(灾难性的)because the pandas are unable emigrate.The latest conservation management plan for the panda, prepared by China’s Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature, aims primarily at maintaining panda habitats and ensuring that populations are linked wherever possible. This plan will change some existing reserve boundaries, establish 14 new reserves and protect or replant corridors-of forest between panda islands. Other measures include better control of poaching, reducing the degradation of habitats outside reserves, and reforestation.The plan is ambitious. Implementation will be expensive and will require participation by individuals ranging fromvillagers to government officials.Question 61 to 65: Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, only one word for each blank.The survival of the giant panda is being seriously (61) threatened .This is largely because the overall size of their habitat has been reduced. As a result, pandas are more prone to problems and are unable to (62)emigrate around freely, following the growth cycles of (63) bamboo plant. A new plan aims to protect existing panda (64) population and to join some of them together. This plan also involves reforestation and the creation of new reserves. To succeed, everyone, (65) including both the government and individuals, will have to cooperate. Section C (10 marks)10Honda has developed a way to read patterns of elect ric currents on a person’s scalp as well as changes in cerebral blood flow when a person thinks about four simple movements-moving the right hand, moving the left hand, running and eating.67 d In a video shown at Tokyo headquarters, a person wearing a helmet sat still but thought about moving his right hand – a thought that was picked up by electrodes attached to his head inside the helmet.68 c Honda said the technology wasn’t quite ready for a live demonstration because of possible distractions in th e person’s thinking.Another problem is that brain patterns differ greatly among individuals, and so about two to three hours of studying them in advance are needed for the technology to work. The company, a leader in robotics, acknowledged the technology was still at a basic research stage, with no immediate practical applications in the works.69 a Japan boasts one of the leading robotics industries in the world, and the government is pushing to develop the industry as a road to growth. Research on the brain is being tackled around the world, but Honda said its research was among the most advanced in figuring out ways to read brain patterns without having to hurt the person, such as embedding (植入) sensors into the skin . Honda has made robotics a centerpiece of its image, sending Asimo to events and starring the walking, talking robot in TV ads.70 b“Our products are for people to use. It is important for us to understand human behavior, ” he said.“We think this is the ultimate in making a machine move.”Question 66:Choose the best answer according to the passage.66. What does Honda say about its robot Asimo?cA. It can detect a person’s way of thinking.B. It can imitate complex human movements.C. It is still in its experimental stage.D. It is ready for market distribution.Question 67 to 70: Choose the most appropriate of the following paragraphs that fit into questions 67 to 70 in the passage.A. “I’m talking about dreams today,” said Y asuhisa Arai, executive at the Honda Research Institute in Japan, the company’s research unit. “Practical uses are still way into the future.”B. Among the challenges for this brain technology is making the reading-device smaller so it can be portable, according to Honda.C. After several seconds, Asimo, programmed to respond to these brain signals, lifted its right arm.D. Honda succeeded in analysing these thought patterns, and then relayed them as wireless commands to Asimo, its human-shaped robot.Section D (10marks)10Being an introvert is a bad thing, right? Well, a lot of people seem to think so, judging by the number of articles I’ve read about how to “cure” introversion. In response to these articles, I wrote The Introverts Strike Back, in which I a rgued that introverts can’t become extraverts, and they shouldn’t particularly want to.However, I’m not here to debate whether it’s better to be an introvert to an extravert. The fact is, we all have to interact with both types of people every day. Regardless of which type you are, you can greatly improve your relationships by learning to get along better with people of the other type. Here are some tips for getting started.For Introverts:*Indicate to others when you’re busy.When an extravert sees you reading, writing, or maybe just thinking, he might assume that the only reason you are doing this is because you don’t have someone to talk to. So he thinks he’s doing you a favor by striking up a conversation, when he’s actually interruptin g.To prevent this, be sure to give an indication that you’re in the middle of something and don’t want to socialise right now. This can be a visual sign or verbal.I know one person who tended to get a lot of visitors at work, and while he was actually an extravert, thefrequent visits were slowing him down too much. He put a sign on his door saying “If I don’t make eye contact or respond to you, I apologize. I’m not trying to be rude, I just have a lot of work to do. Thank you for understanding.” While I don’t think many people need to go that far, it certainly worked!*Realise that extraverts often need to talk.Because extraverts are more in touch with the external world, for them talking is something as necessary as breathing. They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people, and they might need to chat in order to boost their energy.For an introvert, this can be the most difficult part of dealing with an extravert. The same conversation that energises the extravert also drains the introvert. However, keeping in mind that the extravert is not being intentionally malicious, the introvert has at least two options for handling this in a polite way. They can patiently participate in the conversation, and then, when it’s over, recharge by being alone. Or they can cut off the conversation early by mentioning something else they need to be doing, or even by saying, “I’d like to help, but I’m not sure that I’m the right person for you to be talking to.”Of course, somet imes a conversation can be very enjoyable for an introvert, in which case this isn’t a problem.For Extraverts:*Ask if someone is busy before spending time with them.If someone appears to be lonely, they might not be. Even if they’re just sitting there and don’t seem to be doing anything, they could be deep in thought and not want to be interrupted.If you need something, try to ask for it up front. Otherwise, look for clues that they might not feel like talking right now, such as lack of eye contact.If they seem uninterested, don’t take it personally. You just don’t know what you’re interrupting.*Understand what a draining effect a conversation can have on someone.No matter how fabulous a person you are, keep in mind that introverts simply prefer their internal world to the external world. They might start off with a fully changed battery, but while they’re engaged in conversation, that battery is steadily draining. How long it lasts depends on various factors, but be sure to keep an eye out for when t hey’re starting to lose interest. Be more to the point with introverts, and save most of your chatting for extraverts who will appreciate it more.Questions 71 to 74: Complete each of the following sentences with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS according to thepassage.71. Introverts are advised to learn to indicate people to prevent interrupting when they are in the middle of something.72. For extraverts, having a conversation with people can be as important as breathing73. An important clue that someone might not feel like talking with you right now is lacking eye contact74. It is necessary to remember that introverts tend to focus more on internal worldQuestion 75: Choose the best answer according to the passage.75. What is the passage mainly about?bA. Whether it is better to be an introvert or an extravert.B. How to get along with both introverts and extraverts.C. How to avoid embarrassment in conversations.D. One should be neither an introvert nor an extravert.Part V Translation (20marks)Section A (10 marks) 7Translate the underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.A soaring dropout rate is causing the United Stated to lose ground educationally to rivals abroad and is trapping millions of young American at the very margins of the economy. (76)The Obama administration acknowledges the problems in its new budget, which includes a $50 million prevention programme, but solving this problem will require a lot more money and a comprehensive national strategy.奥巴马内阁意识到了这种现象,并在他们的新财政预算中为阻止这种现象拨款了五千万美金。
2010年9月上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. 口译题口译题Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.听力原文:As for us Americans, you may think that we give too much importance to individualism and personal gains, so much so that it might sacrifice collective benefits, and even bring harm to the harmony of the society. // Yes, but you don’t have to be worried. American work ethic is more individual-oriented. We often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process. // If I am not mistaken, the traditional Chinese work ethic is based on Confucianism, which stresses the benefit of communal harmony rather than individual freedom. // It’ s really very hard to say which is better because of the cultural differences. With the economic globalization, cultural exchanges have become more and more extensive and Americans and Chinese will know and understand each other better.1.Passage 1正确答案:至于我们美国人,你们会感到我们太看重个人主义,太看重个人利益,这样可能会牺牲集体的利益,甚至会损害社会的和谐。
第四届海峡两岸口译大赛校级赛样题(文本)主旨口译(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段长约1 分钟的英文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用中文概述其主要信息。
It’s a second round of strike for cabin crew of British Airways. This one starts on Saturday morning and goes for four days. British airways news says it has put its contingency plans into effect and that will allow it to continue with most of its flights. The good news for travelers is that British Airways flights out of London’s Gatwick and City airports will not be affected. They will continue as scheduled. Here however at Heathr ow about 50% of British Airway’s flights will be affected but British Airways says that some cabin crew have been coming to work despite the strike and that together with leasing 11 airplanes on an emergency basis means that they’ve been able to go ahead with some of the scheduled flights here. British Airways estimates about 50% of short-haul flights will continue as normal and 70% of the long-haul flights here at Heathrow will also go ahead. Nonetheless, it is getting expensive for the company. It’s estim ated to cost about 10 million dollars a day for British Airways.主旨口译参考译文:英国航空的空乘人员开始第二轮罢工。
第七届海峡两岸口译大赛总决赛[历年第二届全国英语翻译口译大赛总决赛赛题]第一环节:英译中Part I. Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是美国Verizon公司董事长的一次会议讲话节选,主题是展望新技术在卫生保健领域的应用前景。
And “Revolution” is not too strong a word for what technology can do for health care – but we need to act with more speed and more urgency to make this happen. Policy makers could aelerate the implementation of health IT dramatically with just a few critical reforms.If we get this right, we have the chance to dramatically improve the quality of life, not just in the U.S., but around the world. If you think about it, there are more than 5 billion wireless phones in use today around the world. Wireless works cover more than 85 percent of the world’s population. In lessdeveloped countries, they’re more pervasive than roads and electricity.The World Health Organization has just published a report on the fantastic potential for using these wireless works to deliver m- and e-health care solutions to the world’s population. They note that, while there are lots of small-scale m-health experiments going on, no one has really solved the security, interoperability and standardization problems that are getting in the way of delivering these vital services in asystem-wide,worldwide basis in a secure and interconnected way.At Verizon we think it’s time to scale up.We believe in the disruptive power of innovation to transform health care and dramatically improve the quality of life, for America and the world. This is not only one of the world’s great social and moral challenges, but also one of its greatest growth opportunities. We look forward to working with partners across throughout this industry to finally realize the full potential of the health IT revolution.Thank you.第二环节:中译英Part II. Interpret the passage from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是国家工商行政管理总局领导就xx年中国知识产权发展状况答记者问。
为保证顺利参赛、合理安排行程,先将赛事议程做出如下说明:1. 4月23(周五)下午2:00至21:00在东北大学东荣宾馆一楼大厅(游泳馆西北侧)有会务组人员接待。
2010 National English Contest for College Students (Level C--- Preliminary) Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be was said. Both the conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be pause. During the pause, read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Th mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. What is the woman probably doing now? A.She is writing an essay. B.She is studying for a test. C.She is shopping for shoes. 2. How did the woman feel according to the conversation? A.She was relaxed B.She was pleased C.She was disappointed 3. What does the woman say about her presentation? A.It A.It’’s far from being ready B.She got a lot of information from the internet C.She needs another week to get it ready 4. Where will the company probably hold the stuff party? A B C 5. Which picture shows the corrections to the man’s name? Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of ea conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer She with a single line through the center. 6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about? A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone Park B.A research project in Yellowstone Park C.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowstone Park A B C Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of ea conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer She with a single line through the center. Conversation one 6. What does the man want to talk to Ann about? A.A holiday trip to Yellowstone Park B.A research project in Yellowstone Park C.A lecture by a professor who visited Yellowstone Park ellowstone Park? 7. According to the man, why is the buffalo population increasing in YA. a lot of buffalo have come from neighbouring areas. B. Fewer buffalo are dying of disease C. It is easier now for the buffalo to find food in winter. 8. Why does the man think Ann would be interested in going to Yellowstone ? A. She has been studying animal diseases B. She is eager to visit Yellowstone Park C. She needs the money to continue her studies 9. What did the woman plan to do in July? A. Work on her thesis B. Have a holiday C. Study the buffalo population 10. Where will the woman most probably spend the coming summer? A. At the University of Wyoming B. At Yellowstone National Park C. At her friend’s home in Wyoming. Conversation Two 11. What was Matt Ryan’s first job? A. Doing holiday relief work at a television channel B. Working part-time as a model C. Taking pictures for a television station 12. What did Matt find interesting about the sixties? A. The increasing number of comic books B. The rapid advances in technology C. The American space programme 13. Why were Matt’s models once used on the news? A. They presented better images than the real pictures B. The spacecraft camera got damaged and failed to take any pictures C. The television studio was trying some new ideas ’s TV career? 14. What was the name of the programme that marked the beginning of MattA. Strange Creatures. B. Time Traveller. C. Bright Star. 15. What did Matt do for the programme? A. He made models. B. He acted the part of a monster. C. He filmed it. Section C (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short news item. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will b pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the be answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center the Winter Olympics? 16. How many times has the National Hockey League allowed its players to take part in A. Five times. B. Three times. C. Twice. 17. Where was the Africa Cup of Nations held? A. In T ogo. B. In South Africa. C. In Angola. 18. What has caused a large number of people to flee their homes in northern Yemen? A. An armed conflict. B. Lack of food. C. Freezing temperatures. 19. Who is Emtiaz Sooliman? A. A search and rescue specialist. B. Head of a South African foundation. C. Leader of a local civic group. 20. What did the second stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives aim at? A. Promoting international trade. B. Boosting employment. C. Expanding the private sector. Section D (10 marks) In this section, you are required to fill 10 blanks, each with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS after listening to a short passage. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Children Children’’s Toys ü Most popular wooden toy: (21) ü The wooden toy is for (22) ü Output per (23) :4,000 items ü Average (24) time per box (25) minutes ü The number of boxes in (26) :1,000 ü Date of the coming dispatch (27) ü Current number of (28) :20 ü Number of staff working on the (29) :40 staff ü All staff do: (30) work Part II Vocabulary and Structures ( 15 marks ) There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices, marked A, B C and D. Choos the one that best completes the sentence, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single lin through the center. 31. When Ian was injured, Harry was chosen as last-minute for the rugby team. A. preference B. diversification C. alternative D. replacement 32.32.—Hello, Mr. Brown, I’m ringing about our component delivery. It’s not arrived yet and it’s already three o’clock in —Hello, Mr. Brown, I’m ringing about our component delivery. It’s not arrived yet and it’s already three o’clock inthe afternoon. —Let’s see...it’s reach you on Tuesday afternoon. A. owing to B. likely to C. due to D. subject to 33. Among the last groups of people to accept the new model were religious groups, who still the idea that the earth was the center of the universe. A. clung to B. applied to C. adapted to D. contributed to 34. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to considerable impact. A. escape B. overwhelm C. withstand D. suppress 35.—Would you like me to go to the dentist with you? —No, you with me. A. need not to go B. need not go C. do not need go D. not need go 36. Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was diagnosed with cancer. A. aggressively B. drastically C. exactly D. initially 37. Great minds generally look at life in a way to themselves. A. peculiar B. confined C. similar D. unusual 38. They called in an electrician he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit. A. to hope B. to be hoping C. hoping D. to have hoped 39. 39. The resistance The resistance experienced experienced when when when one one one body body body moves moves moves over over over another, another, it it is is is in in in contact, contact, contact, is is is called called called frictional frictional force. A. to which B. where C. with which D. while 40. Above all, they want to study a question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? A. contrary B. fundamental C. solemn D. progressive 41.—Tina, I hear you had a good journey to the Maldives last week, How was it?—I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but the hotel was satisfactory. A. not anything B. nothing from C. nothing but D. anything but 42.At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water. A. by dumping B. to dump C. for dumping D. that dumped 43. If you Susan recently, you ’d think the photograph on the right was strange. A. shouldn ’t contact B. hadn ’t contact C. weren ’t to contact D. didn ’t contact 44. Beata: I ’ve put the job advertisement in the newspaper, Mr. Trim. Trim: Good. Beata: Well, it was a bit more than the $10 that they quoted us. Trim: As long as it wasn’t $10 a day. A. How to schedule it? B. How much was it? C. How often was it put there? D. How about the newspaper? 45. Woman: Who is Jackie Tow? I have a parcel here for him. Jackie: That ’s me. Woman: Yes, put your name here. Jackie: Thank you. It must be the new pair of shoes I bought online. A. This is the receipt for it. B. Do you have the sender’s address? C. I have to check the package D. Do I have to sign for it? Part III Cloze (10 marks) Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in one of the following three way according to the the context, context, context, by by by using using using the the the correct correct correct form form form of of of the the the given given given word, word, word, or or or by by by using using using the the the given given given letters letters letters of of of t t he he word. word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Where The Wild Thing Are ―I didn ’t set out to make a children ’s movie,ǁ says Being john Malkovich director Spike Jonze , ―I set out to make a movie about childhood.ǁ Indeed, like the recent alternative children ’s book (46) adapt , Fantastic Mr Fox, this is more like an adult film (47) children children’’s clothing -or rather in Jim Henson monster suits. suits. When When rambunctious (无法无天) nine-year-old Max feels (48) ig by his busy single mum and her new boyfriend, and runs away (49) home , he finds himself on an island populated by huge, hairy, scary Wild Things. Here, he gets himself himself crowned crowned crowned king, king, king, and and and he he he and and and the the the monsters monsters monsters fight fight fight and and and play, play, play, and and and throw throw throw mud mud mud at each other at each other (which (which (which the the the younger younger viewers viewers will will will love). love). love). They They They return return return home. home. home. That That That’’s s it .And it .And that that’’s s your your your problem. problem. problem. As As As a a a film film film , , , I I I can can can’’t t (50) (50) (50) de de it it’’s disappointing. disappointing. Despite Despite Despite whimsical whimsical whimsical ((异想天开) ) imaginative imaginative imaginative and and and heart-tugging heart-tugging heart-tugging moments, moments, moments, Jonze Jonze Jonze and and and co-writer co-writer co-writer Dave Dave Eggers inevitably lose the wonderful subtlety (精妙之处) of Maurice sendak’s well-loved 338-word picture book just by (51) (spin) it out into a full-length feature. Enough already! We get this dysfunctional group of neurotic Wild Things (52) rep Max Max’’s child ’s eye view of grown-ups as comprehensible giants, both terrifying and loving. (53) , even the repetitive action and non-subtleties (54) ,make this feel more like family therapy than a fairy (55)t can can’’t destroy the film ’s haunting magic. Part IV Reading Comprehension (40marks) Read Read the the the following following following passages passages passages carefully carefully carefully and and and answer answer answer the questions given. the questions given. R emember Remember Remember to to to write write write the the the answers on answers on the answer sheet. Section A (10 marks) HOLDAYS IN WALES 1. Rhos –Ddu Country Cottages Ynys, Criccieth LL532 OPB Delightful Delightful hideaway hideaway hideaway cottages cottages cottages with with with private private private fishing. fishing. fishing. Comfortably Comfortably Comfortably furnished furnished furnished with with with antiques, antiques, antiques, old old old oak oak oak beams, beams, beams, log log log fires, fires, giving the aura and grace of a bygone age, but with all the essentials of the 20th century –sauna, jacuzzi , four poster bed ,snooker table … A holiday venue one rarely finds –but often dreams of. For Enquiries contact: Mrs A Jones Rhandir, Boduan, Pwllheli Gwynedd, LL53 8UA 2. Five Star Cottage Talhenbont hall, Talhenbont, Criccieth, Gwynedd Enq: Roger & Gillian Good Lovingly restored stone cottage and hunting lodge in 70 acre wooded country estate with river. A luxurious and carefree holiday for the discerning. Available throughout the year. Woodland walks and wildlife.Free tennis, riding and fishing .One mile from coast, five miles Snowdonia . Under the personal supervision of the owners. 3.Windsor Flats 12 Marine Terrace, Criccieth,Gwynedd,LL52 OEF On On sea sea sea front front front close close close to to to Criccieth Criccieth Criccieth fortable, fortable, fortable, clean,fully clean,fully clean,fully equipped,completely equipped,completely equipped,completely private private private flats,in flats,in flats,in picturesque picturesque village village central central central for for for Snowdonia Snowdonia Snowdonia and and and the the the Llyn Llyn Llyn Peninula. Peninula. Peninula. Climbing, Climbing, Climbing, sailing, sailing, sailing, fishing, fishing, fishing, walking, walking, walking, tennis tennis tennis and and and golf golf golf closeby. closeby. Colour TV,payphone.Bed linen supplied. Short breaks available out of season.Write or phone for brochure. 4.Dwyach Cottages Cticciech, Gwynedd Enquiries: Mrs S Edwards Pen-y-Bryn, Chwilog, Pwllheli, Gwyhedd,LL53 6SX Enjoy Enjoy a a a peaceful peaceful peaceful holiday holiday holiday in beautifully in beautifully situated farmhouse or s ingle single single storey storey storey cottage. cottage. cottage. This This This is is is an an an area area area of unrivalled of unrivalled natural beauty, the haunt of of buzzards buzzards buzzards and and and woodpeckers. woodpeckers. woodpeckers. Cottages Cottages Cottages are are are superbly superbly superbly equipped to equipped to make make your your your holiday holiday relaxed and memorable. Dishwasher , washer/dryer, microwave, linen, children ’s play area, barbecue and farm trail. 5.Bron Afon Self Catering Borth-y-Gest, Phorthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9TU Situated Situated only only only minutes minutes minutes from from from the the the beach beach beach with with with fabulous fabulous fabulous views views views of of of garden, garden, garden, sea sea sea and and and mountains. mountains. mountains. The The The accommodation accommodation accommodation is is quiet quiet and and and private. private. private. An An An ideal ideal ideal base base base for for for touring touring touring , , , walking, walking, walking, climbing, climbing, climbing, fishing, fishing, fishing, the the the slate slate slate mines, mines, mines, castles, castles, castles, Portmeirion, Portmeirion, Porthmadog leisure centre or just relaxing on the beach. Bed & Breakfast also available. Question 56 to 58: Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the advertisements.56.To have a holiday in a delightful hideaway cottage ,you should contact Mrs S Edwards. 57.In the Cticcieth Five Star Hotel , free tennis ,game fishing, riding and golf are available. 58.Short breaks are available out of season in the Llyn Peninsula. Question 59 to 60:Answer the following questions briefly according to the advertisements. 59. If you plan to have a holiday with your children, what is the best place? 60.What will you enjoy most in Bron Afon Self Catering? Section B(10 marks) The giant panda,the creature that has become a symbol of conservation ,is facing extinction. The major reason is loss of habitat, which has contitued despite the establishment of 14 panda reserves . Deforestation , mainly carried out by farmers clearing land to make way for fields as they move higher into the mountains,has drastically contracted the mammal ’s range. The panda has disappeared from much of central and eastern China, and is now restricted to the eastern flank of the Himalayas.Satellite imagery has shown the seriousness of the situation ; almost half of the panda ’s habitat has been cut down or degraded since 1975.Worse ,the surviving panda population has also become fragmented; a combination of satellite imagery and ground surveys reveals panda ―islands islandsǁǁ in patches of forest separated by cleared land. The population of these islands has become isolated because the animals are loath to cross open areas .Just putting road through panda habitat may be enough to split a population in two. The The minuscule minuscule minuscule size size size of of of the the the panda panda panda populations populations populations worries worries worries conservationists. conservationists. conservationists. The The The smallest smallest smallest groups groups groups have have have too too too few few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out .The larger populations may be viable in the short term, but will be susceptible to genetic defects as a result of inbreeding. In these circumstances, a more traditional threat to pandas – the cycle of flowering and subsequent withering of the bamboo that is their staple food – can become literally species-threatening. The flowering prompts pandas to move from from one one one area area area to to to another, another, another, thus thus thus preventing preventing preventing inbreeding inbreeding inbreeding in in in otherwise otherwise otherwise sedentary sedentary sedentary populations. populations. populations. In In In pandas, pandas, pandas, however, however, bamboo flowering could prove catastrophic (灾难性的)because the pandas are unable emigrate. The latest conservation management plan for the panda, prepared by China ’s Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Wide Fund Fund Fund for for for Nature, Nature, Nature, aims aims aims primarily primarily primarily at at at maintaining maintaining maintaining panda panda panda habitats habitats habitats and and and ensuring ensuring ensuring that that that populations populations populations are are are linked linked wherever possible. This plan will change some existing reserve boundaries, establish 14 new reserves and protect or replant corridors-of forest between panda islands. Other measures include better control of poaching, reducing the degradation of habitats outside reserves, and reforestation. The plan is ambitious. Implementation will be expensive and will require participation by individuals ranging from villagers to government officials. Question 61 to 65: Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, only one word for each blank. The The survival of survival of the giant panda panda is is is being being being seriously (61) seriously (61) .This is is largely because largely because the the overall overall overall size size size of of of their their habitat has been reduced. As a result, pandas are more prone to problems and are unable to (62) around freely, following the growth cycles of (63) plant. A new plan aims to protect existing panda (64) and to join join some some some of of of them them them together. This together. This plan plan also also also involves involves involves reforestation reforestation reforestation and and and the the the creation creation creation of of of new new new reserves. reserves. reserves. T o T o succeed, succeed, everyone, (65) both the government and individuals, will have to cooperate. Section C (10 marks) Honda Honda has developed has developed a a way way way to to to read patterns of read patterns of e lectric electric electric currents currents currents on on on a person a person a person’’s s scalp scalp scalp as as as well well well as as as changes changes changes in in cerebral blood flow when a person thinks about four simple movements-moving the right hand, moving the left hand running and eating. 67 In a video shown at Tokyo headquarters, a person wearing a helmet sat still but thought about moving his right hand – a thought that was picked up by electrodes attached to his head inside the helmet. 68 Honda said the technology wasn ’t quite ready for a live demonstration because of possible distractions in the person ’s thinking. Another Another problem problem problem is is is that that that brain brain brain patterns differ greatly patterns differ greatly a mong among among individuals, individuals, individuals, and and and so so so about about about two two two to to to three three three hours of hours of studying them in advance are needed for the technology to work. The company, a leader in robotics, acknowledged the technology was still at a basic research stage, with no immediate practical applications in the works. 69 Japan Japan boasts boasts boasts one one one of of of the the the leading leading leading robotics robotics robotics industries industries industries in in in the the the world, world, world, and and and the the the government government government is is is pushing pushing pushing to to develop the industry as a road to growth. Research on the brain is being tackled around the world, but Honda said research research was was was among among among the the most most advanced advanced advanced in in in figuring figuring figuring out out out ways ways ways to to to read read read brain brain brain patterns patterns patterns without without without having having having to to to hurt hurt hurt the the person, person, such such such as embedding (as embedding (植入植入) ) sensors sensors sensors into into into the the the skin . skin . Honda Honda has has has made made made robotics robotics robotics a a a centerpiece centerpiece centerpiece of of of its its its image, image, sending Asimo to events and starring the walking, talking robot in TV ads. 70 ―Our products are for people to use. It is important for us to understand human behavior, ǁ he said.“We think this is the ultimate in making a machine move.ǁQuestion 66:Choose the best answer according to the passage. 66. What does Honda say about its robot Asimo? A. It can detect a person ’s way of thinking. B. It can imitate complex human movements. C. It is still in its experimental stage. D. It is ready for market distribution. Question 67 to 70: Choose the most appropriate of the following paragraphs that fit into questions 67 to 70 in t passage. A. ―I ’m talking about dreams today,ǁ said Yasuhisa Arai, executive at the Honda Research Institute in Japan, the company company’’s research unit. ―Practical uses are still way into the future.ǁ B. Among the challenges for this brain technology is making the reading-device smaller so it can be portable according to Honda. C. After several seconds, Asimo, programmed to respond to these brain signals, lifted its right arm.D. D. Honda Honda Honda succeeded succeeded succeeded in analysing these in analysing these t hought patterns, thought patterns, and and then then then relayed relayed relayed them them them as as as wireless wireless wireless commands commands commands to to Asimo, its human-shaped robot. Section D (10marks) Being an introvert is a bad thing, right? Well, a lot of people seem to think so, judging by the number of artic I’I’ve read about how to ve read about how to ―cure cureǁǁ introversion. In response to these articles, I wrote The Introverts Strike Back, in which I argued that i ntroverts can’introverts can’t become extraverts, and they shouldnt become extraverts, and they shouldn ’t particularly want to. However, However, I’I’I’m not here to debate whether it m not here to debate whether it ’s better to be an introvert to an extravert. The fact is, we all have to interact interact with with with both both both types types types of of of people people people every every every day. day. Regardless Regardless of of of which which which type type type you you you are, are, are, you you you can can can greatly greatly greatly improve improve improve your your relationships by learning to get along better with people of the other type. Here are some tips for getting started. For Introverts: *Indicate to others when you’re busy. When an extravert sees you reading, writing, or maybe just thinking, he might assume that the only reason yo are doing this is because you don ’t have someone to talk to. So he thinks he ’s doing you a favor by striking up a conversation, when he ’s actually interrupting. To prevent this, be sure to give an indication that you’re in the middle of something and don ’t want to socialise right now . This can be a visual sign or verbal. I I know know know one one one person person person who who who tended tended tended to to to get a get a lot lot of of of visitors at visitors at work, work, and and and while while while he he he was was was actually actually actually an an an extravert, extravert, extravert, the the frequent visits were slowing him down too much. He put a sign on his door saying ―If I don ’t make eye contact or respond to you, I apologize. I’I’m not trying to be rude, I just have a lot of work to do. Thank you for understanding m not trying to be rude, I just have a lot of work to do. Thank you for understandingǁ While I don ’t think many people need to go that far, it certainly worked! *Realise that extraverts often need to talk. Because Because extraverts extraverts extraverts are are are more more more in in in touch touch touch with with with the the the external external external world, world, world, for for for them them them talking talking talking is is is something as something as necessary necessary as as breathing. They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people, and they might need to chat in orde to boost their energy. For For an an an introvert, introvert, introvert, this this this can can can be be be the the the most most most difficult difficult difficult part part part of of of dealing dealing dealing with with with an an an extravert. extravert. extravert. The The The same same same conversation conversation conversation that that energises the extravert also drains the introvert. However, keeping in mind that the extravert is not being intentionally malicious, the introvert has at least two options for handling this in a polite way. They can patiently participate in the conversation, conversation, and and and then, then, then, when when when it it it’’s s over, over, over, recharge recharge recharge by by by being being being alone. alone. alone. Or Or Or they they they can can can cut cut cut off off off the the the conversation conversation conversation early early early by by mentioning something else they need to be doing, or even by saying, ―I’d like to help, but I’I’m not sure that m not sure that I’I’m the m the right person for you to be talking to.ǁOf course, sometimes a conversation can be very enjoyable for an introvert, in which case this isn’t a problem. For Extraverts: *Ask if someone is busy before spending time with them. If someone appears to be lonely, they might not be. Even if they ’re just sitting there and don ’t seem to be doing anything, they could be deep in thought and not want to be interrupted. If you need something, try to ask for it up front. Otherwise, look for clues that they might not feel like talking rig now , such as lack of eye contact. If they seem uninterested, don ’t take it personally. You just don ’t know what you ’re interrupting. *Understand what a draining effect a conversation can have on someone. No matter how fabulous a person you are, keep in mind that introverts simply prefer their internal world to the external external world. world. world. They They They might might might start start start off off off with with with a a a fully fully fully changed battery, changed battery, but but while while while they they they’’re engaged in in conversation, conversation, conversation, that that battery is steadily draining. How long it lasts depends on various factors, but be sure to keep an eye out for wh th they’ey’ey’re starting to lose interest. Be more to the point with introverts, and save most of your chatting for extraverts wh re starting to lose interest. Be more to the point with introverts, and save most of your chatting for extraverts wh will appreciate it more. Questions 71 to 74: Complete each of the following sentences with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS according to the passage. 71. Introverts are advised to to prevent interrupting when they are in the middle of something. 72. For extraverts, having a conversation with people can be as important as 73. An important clue that someone might not feel like talking with you right now is 74. It is necessary to remember that introverts tend to focus more on Question 75: Choose the best answer according to the passage. 75. What is the passage mainly about? A. Whether it is better to be an introvert or an extravert. B. How to get along with both introverts and extraverts. C. How to avoid embarrassment in conversations. D. One should be neither an introvert nor an extravert. Part V Translation (20marks) 。
中译杯2010年全国口译大赛试题 (26151)
A题(英译汉)When I was in China in February, it was my first time back in almost a decade. And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place. Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like I was watching a movie in fast-forward. From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.From millions of Flying Pigeon bicycles navigating the streets, to cars of every model traversing modern thoroughfares.And for those traveling to Shanghai, an already cosmopolitan world city soon to add the Shanghai Expo. All are testaments to China’s dynamism and growth. And the United States welcomes these. We know that our nations face common global threats, from the economic crisis, to non-proliferation, climate change, clean energy, pandemic disease, global poverty, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and beyond. So to meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.参考译文:我今年二月访问中国时,据我前一次访问已有将近十年之久。
2010年9月高级口译考试真题一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题2小题.每题30.0分,共60.0分。
Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese )第1题 During the term of this Contract, all technical documentation, including but not limited to manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques and know-how, to be provided by one Party to the other shall be treated by the recipient as "Confidential Information". Each Party agrees to use Confidential Information received from the other party only for the purpose contemplated by this Contract and for no other purposes. Confidential Information provided is not to be reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of, and in accordance with the terms of, this Contract. Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall remain with the provider all the time.【正确答案】:答案:合同有效期内,所有对方提供的技术文档,包括但不限于生产技术,流程,方法,配方,工艺以及专有技术,接收方都应视作“保密信息”对待。
2010年9月中级口译英译汉考试真题及答案The economic system of the United States is principally one of private ownership. In this system, consumers, producers and government make economic decisions on a daily basis, mainly through the price system. The dynamic interaction of these three groups makes th e economic function. The market’s primary force, however, is the interaction of producers and consumers; hence the “market economy” designation.美国的经济体制主要是一种私有制。
As a rule, consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers s eek the best price and profit for what they have to sell. Government, at the federal, state, and local level, seeks to promote public security, assure reasonable competition, and prov ide a range of services believed to be better performed by public rather than private enter prises.一般来说,消费者追求的是消费后所获价值的最大化,而生产者则是追求其所售物品的最理想价格和最大利润。
2010下半年中级口译口试真题2010中级口译口试真题2010年11月21日上午中口口试真题口语:China's national entrance examination is usually on June 7~8, usually on Monday and Tuesday.高考日期为6月7/8号,是周一和周二。
家长接送学生和影响上班族,引起traffic jam. 有人提议改为6月的第一个周末。
你怎么看?a. 原本在7~8号的优缺点是什么?b. 改为周末后的优缺点是什么?c. 谈谈你的观点?口译:E-C1. 中美两国的文化差异关键词:we emphasize efficiency, competition & originality while your management gives priority to prudent planning & encourages close cooperation & altruistic dedication among team members.通过教育和锻炼这一实践,发扬奥运精神。
启示:虽然奥运已经过去,但是这个话题是永远必须关注的!2. 文化遗产 Cultural Heritage自然和人为的损坏,我们要引起重视。
b.介绍政府安抚工作,可以提及comfort fund这样的概念。
(看来得多看新闻!)c.你或你的同学是否有做过这方面的志愿者?谈谈下经历口译:E-C1. 合资企业 Joint Venture 《口译教程》3-3原文 P94关键句:Your investment proposal is a very wise decision; Our company is also seeking foreign investment in a manufacturing company for cordless & mobile phones. Your initiative is most welcome.let's get down to the business of this joint venture. May I have...8 million is more than a lucky nbumber; it's the right number for the initiation of this joint venture, as i understand it.wish to continue the partnership and extend the contract.2. volunteering 志愿者活动以及志愿者为社会带来的利益。
第二届海峡两岸口译大赛样题时间:2010-04-02 10:19来源:大赛组委会作者:大赛组委会点击:1136次第一环节:综合素质(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段约1分钟的英文视频,然后在45秒内用中文概述其主要信息。
With one-third of American children either overweight or obese, schools are searching for ways to help kids eat leaner, healthier meal. The New York City Department of Education has found a simple solution that made a big impact on its students. Between 2005 and 2006, the public schools phased out the use of whole milk, and replaced it with low-fat or skim milk. Even flavored milks such as chocolate were only available in reduced-fat form. Officials were somewhat concerned that students would stop drinking milk altogether, thereby lowering their intake of vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. But in a new study, researchers from New York city’s health department found that milk drinking was actually up slightly in 2009. And the switch to low-fat and skim choices has saved each milk-drinking student nearly 6000 calories and 600 grams of fat each year.主旨口译参考译文:超过 1/3的美国儿童肥胖;学校想法改善饮食;简单解决办法是提供低脂和是提供低脂和脱脂奶。
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西南赛区赛题第一部分:英译汉1.下面,您将听到一段关于世界粮食危机的讲话The world food crisis has forced hunger higher on the world’s agenda, from NGOs to the G8s to Africa heads of state, there is a rush of new commitment. There is no reason for so many farmers to be so hungry and so poor. Poor farmers are not a problem to be solved—they are the solution, the best answer for a world that is fighting hunger and poverty and trying to feed a growing population. If farmers can get what they need to feed their families and sell their surplus, hundreds of millions of the poorest people can build themselves a better life. It will take passion and focus and a sustained sense of urgency. It will take a willingness to put aside old divisions and come together behind this cause. We have the ability to build these tools. And we can be the generation that builds a world free of hunger.参考译文:世界粮食危机已经迫使饥饿成为全球最受关注的问题!从非政府组织到八国集团到非洲国家元首,所有人都在迫切进行新的努力。
我们这一代人能够建造一个没有饥饿的世界!2.下面,您将听到一段关于应对金融危机的讲话At the G-20 Leaders meeting in London in April, we agreed on an unprecedented program of coordinated policy actions to support growth, to stabilize and repair the financial system, to restore the flow of credit essential for trade and investment, to mobilize financial resources for emerging market economies through the international financial institutions, and to keep markets open for trade and investment. That historic accord on a strategy for recovery was made possible in part by the policy actions already begun in China and the United States.China moved quickly as the crisis intensified with a very forceful program of investments and financial measures to strengthen domestic demand. In the United States, we put in place a comprehensive program of tax incentives and investments –the largest peace time recovery effort since World WarⅡ – to help arrest the sharp fall in private demand.参考译文:在4月份的20国集团领导人伦敦会议上,我们商定了一个前所未有的协调的政策行动计划,以支持经济增长,稳定和修复金融体系,恢复对贸易和投资至关重要的信贷流动,通过国际金融机构来为新兴市场经济体调动财政资源,并保持贸易和投资市场的开放。
3.下面,您将听到一段关于亚洲地区经济增长的讲话Singapore, a bellwether of the world’s fastest-growing economic region, tightened its monetary policy after reporting its swiftest expansion on record. This is the latest sign that Asia is recovering far more rapidly than the West. More evidence came from South Korea, where a spurt of hiring in the manufacturing sector helped to push jobless numbers sharply lower.The data show how economic growth in Asia continues to exceed people’s expectation, not just in China, which reports first quarter gross domestic product Thursday morning, but also among its neighbors. In addition, the expansion is forcing authorities to confront the threat of inflation. Singapore’s tightening policy surprised many economists and raised the likelihood that other central banks in the region will follow suit. Australia, Malaysia and India already have raised their interest rates, but economies such as South Korea and Taiwan have kept policy at crisis levels for fear of derailing the recovery.参考译文:作为世界增长最快经济区域的领头羊,新加坡在报出有记录以来最快的经济增长速度后,收紧了货币政策。
Societies can’t aspire to innovation-driven growth while not enforcing intellectual property rights. This is one of the major challenges we face in our relationship with China. While some progress has been made recently, such as new rules requiring legal operating software to be pre-loaded on computers, and a commitment to join the World Intellectual Property Organization, more needs to be done. We believe it is a hurdle that China still must overcome to truly become an open, innovation-driven society. Last year, more Chinese patents were filed in China than foreign patents. Clearly, Chinese innovators have a great stake in effective IPR protection. Importantly, a lack of intellectual property enforcement has an impact beyond economics. For example, counterfeit drugs impact the health and safety of those who think they are getting the real deal. And sometimes, sadly, they kill. Ensuring the safety of products is essential for the growth of an innovative society.参考译文:不执行知识产权保护,社会就不能企望创新带动的经济增长。