Spreadsheet Framework for Visual Exploration of Biomedical Datasets
Spreadsheet说明Spreadsheet说明OWC.11 控件帮助文件及控件下载(Spreadsheet /图表/ACCESS 数据访问页/数据透视表) Spreadsheet, 图表, 控件, OWC, ACCESS 关于Spreadsheet 对象的方法、事件、属性本文转自:/thread-52327-1-1.html 控件与操作指南,编程指南都可以在C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Components\11\2052 下面找到。
Spreadsheet 介绍:如何在网上办公?如果你的机器没有装EXCEL怎么办?那就可以用到Spreadsheet 控件了、Spreadsheet 控件几乎可以支持所有的EXCEL 函数计算,也可以进行数组公式输入,完全合适在无OFFICE平台上当做一个MINI EXCEL来用。
******************* 属性:*******************1、ActiveCell:返回代表活动单元格的Range只读对象。
5、AllowPropertyT oolbox:确定用户是否可以在运行时显示“命令和选项”对话框。
6、Application:有两种情况, a)应用于OWCLanguageSettings 对象时,返回表示指定Web Component的Obejct对象; b)返回表示电子表格控件的Spreadsheet对象7、AutoFit:对于Spreadsheet或者PivotTable对象,如果由可见的行列数确定电子表格的总体大小,则设置为True。
SpreadsheetDevExpress WinForms Spreadsheet Control是一个可以轻松的创建EXCEL表单的winofrm程序控件,为电子表格功能。
主要特点Winforms spreadsheet control模拟的外观,, 感觉像Microsoft®Excel®的功能,允许你创建、查看和编辑电子表格文档。
Spreadsheet control将数据存储在一个网格的细胞组织的行和列, 并提供全面的数据形成和分析工具, 如数据挖掘、分组、过滤和图表。
spreadsheet还提供了一个包罗万象的邮件合并功能为各种不同的业务需求, 通过使用这个功能,您可以自动生成个性化的信件或业务文档和组成主从复合结构目录和任何复杂的报告。
下面列出spreadsheet control最主要的特点:外观定制:用户界面: 添加一个bar或rabbon UI到你的srpeadsheet应用程序在设计时进行作分类、电子表格命令、逻辑页面和页面组。
外观和感觉:spreadsheet control还支持皮肤定制,可以使用它来使您的应用程序更加美观.文件操作:创建、加载、转换并保存工作簿流行的文件格式EXCEL格式:xls,xlsx,xlsm,xltx,xltm,xlt;文本格式:txt,csv;其他格式: 你的文档导出到PDF文件,或将其保存为网页(HTML导出).工作表基础管理工作表:创建、复制、重命名、移动、隐藏和删除工作表定制工作表视图选项:改变缩放级别和网格线的可见性和控制、标题指定打印设置:设置纸张大小,缩放和取向为工作表页面单元格及单元格范围:操作单元格及单元格的范围:复制、清除、删除、合并和拆分单元格。
表格控件Spread Studio使用教程固定输入及导出中文名称Excel
表格控件Spread Studio使用教程固定输入及导出中文名称Excel一、如何导出中文名称Excel我们在客户端以Excel 格式保存Spread ,当设置文件名为中文时,导出文件名称会出现乱码。
只需要通过UrlEncode 方法转码中文名称就可以了。
示例代码:1: this.FpSpread1.SaveExcelToResponse(Server.UrlEncode("测试.xls")); 同时附上,从服务器端导出Spread 文件方法:1: this.FpSpread1.SaveExcel(Server.MapPath("测试.xls"));二、如何实现固定输入格式很多人想知道在单元格进入编辑状态时如何显示固定的占位符,例如用户输入电话号码时显示:×××-××××-××××。
这里将给大家讲解如何通过MaskCellType 来实现固定输入格式。
代码如下:/// <summary>/// 添加 MaskCellType 单元格类型/// </summary>private void AddCellType(){FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.MaskCellType mc = new F arPoint.Win.Spread.CellType.MaskCellType();mc.Mask = "\\电话号码:XXX-XXXX-XXXX";mc.MaskChar = Convert.ToChar("X");fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 1].CellType = mc;fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Columns[1].Width = 150;}效果图如下:以上就是表格控件Spread Studio固定输入及导出中文名称Excel的教程方法。
FarPoint Spread 组件的一些简单操作
Spread 的简单操作桃花心木(原创)最近公司接了一个小日本的项目---报表输出系统。
接下来是将安装好的FpSpread控件添加到Visual Studio 2010的Web Form程序。
第一步运行Visual Studio 2010.第二步创建一个新的网站。
1. 如果工具箱不可见,可以从视图菜单选择工具箱。
2. 一旦工具箱可见,查看是否有GrapeCity类别(或者在其他的类别下面,如果你已经安装了Spread 并将它放在了不同的工具箱图标下)。
3. 如果FpSpread控件不在工具箱中,鼠标右击工具箱,选择【选择项】,在弹出对话框中选择【.NET Framework 组件】选项卡。
在【.NET Framework 组件】选项卡的选择项列表中选中名称为FpSpreadTemplateReplacement、FpSpread、FpChart的选项,点击【确定】按钮,便可以在工具箱中看到一个名为GrapeCity Spread类别的新类别。
Spread for WinForms 基础教程:清除试用版或旧版本信息的详细解决方案
Spread for WinForms 基础教程:清除试用版或旧版本
1.使用试用版开发,购买License ,激活开发环境的Spread产品,发布的客户机或本机,仍然会弹出试用版提示框问题。
2.从旧版本Spread 升级到新版本Spread。
1、删除使用了Spread 工程中Spread相关的DLL引用
2、删除使用了Spread的工程中licenses.licx 文件
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel只能读95-2003格式的Excel文档,对于office 2007 Excel则要安装Spreadsheet::XLSX。
Spreadsheet安装Windows下安装ppm> install OLE::Storage_Liteppm> install Spreadsheet::ParseExcelppm> install Spreadsheet::WriteExcelMac下安装sudo perl -MCPAN -e "install 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel'"Spreadsheet插入行/列在owc提供的Spreadsheet api 中,没有直接添加行列的方法,可以使用执行命令的方式实现添加新行在第3行,代码如下:var ssConstants = Spreadsheet1.Constants;Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.Row(3).Select();mands(ssConstants.ssCommandInsertRo ws).Execute();添加新列在第3列,代码如下:var ssConstants = Spreadsheet1.Constants;Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.cells(2,3).Select();mands(ssConstants.ssCommandInsertCol s).Execute();原文来自:doc/20052Spreadsheet::WriteExcel#usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel -> new('perl.xls');my $worksheet = $workbook -> add_worksheet('sheetname1');$worksheet -> write("A1","Hello word!");Format的函数库$contentStyle->set_size( 8 );$contentStyle->set_bold(); #设置字体为粗体$contentStyle->set_align( 'center' );#设置单元格居中$contentStyle->set_text_wrap(); #是否回车换行$contentStyle->set_color('red'); #设置单元格前景色为红色f_row = workbook.add_format(:color=>"black", :bold=>0, :italic=>false, :text_wrap=>true)SpreadSheet是支持单元格合并的,把要合并的单元格的格式属性设置为:align => :merge就行了。
项目5 报表和标签设计 任务 5.2 报表设计器——设计报表
项目5 报表和标签设计
任务 5.2 报表设计器——设计报表
3.从数据环境设计器中移去表 将表从数据环境中移去时,与这个表有关的所有关系也随之移去。 (1)在“数据环境设计器”中选择要移去的表或视图。 (2)从“数据环境”菜单中选择“移去”命令。 4.在数据环境设计器中设置关系
项目5 报表和标签设计
任务 5.1学生信息报表制作——创建报表文件
〖任务小结〗 (1)报表 报表是指将Visual FoxPro中的表或视图中的数据,经过报表向导或报表设 计器制作成可以打印的报表文件(.frx)。报表由两个基本组成部分:数据源和 布局。数据源主要由表的字段组成,布局可以报表向导、报表设计器完成。 (2)报表的预览和打印 在程序中预览报表 REPORT FORM 报表名 PREVIEW 在程序中打印报表 REPORT FORM 报表名 to printer
项目5 报表和标签设计
任务 5.2 报表设计器——设计报表
四、常用控件操作 1.选择、移动及调整报表控件的大小 如果创建的报表布局上已经存在控件,则可以更改它们在报表上的位置和尺寸。可 以单独更改每个控件,也可以选择一组控件作为一个单元来处理。 (1)移动一个控件 选择控件并把它拖动到“报表”带区中新的位置上,用鼠标或键盘上的 “↑”“↓”“→”“←”移动控件。 (2)选择多个控件 在控件周围拖动以画出选择框。选择控点将显示在每个控件周围。当它们被选中后, 可以作为一组内容来移动、复制或删除。 (3)控件组合 可以把若干个控件通过控件组合后作为一个整体处理。例如,将标签控件和域控件 彼此关联在一起,这样不需要分别选择便可整体移动它们。控件组合的方法是:选择想 作为一组处理的控件,从“格式”菜单中,选择“分组”命令。
1. 了解Excel的基本功能和操作:在进行Excel编程和开发之前,需要了解Excel的基本功能和操作,例如单元格、行、列、工作表等概念,以及公式、函数、图表等工具的使用。
2. 学习VBA编程语言:VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)是Excel内置的一种编程语言,可用于自动化和扩展Excel的功能。
3. 了解Excel对象模型:Excel对象模型是Excel编程的基础,它包括了一系列对象和集合,例如Application、Workbook、Worksheet、Range等对象。
4. 学习Excel事件:Excel事件是Excel编程的重要概念,它可以用于在用户执行特定操作时自动执行代码。
5. 掌握Excel开发工具:Excel开发工具包括了许多开发工具和库,例如Microsoft Office Interop、Office Object Model、Office Add-ins等,这些工具可以帮助开发人员更方便地开发Excel应用程序。
6. 实践开发:学习Excel编程和开发需要不断的实践和探索,通过编写简单的程序和插件来掌握Excel编程的基本技能和技巧。
2021年EXCEL VBA 完全教程
Excel VBA欧阳光明(2021.03.07)目录一、VBA语言基础................................................................................................................. ..1第一节标识符................................................................................................................. . (1)第二节运算符................................................................................................................. . (1)第三节数据类型................................................................................................................. (1)第四节变量与常量................................................................................................................. .. (1)第五节数组................................................................................................................. .. (2)第六节注释和赋值语句................................................................................................................. (2)第七节书写规范................................................................................................................. (2)第八节判断语句................................................................................................................. (2)第九节循环语句................................................................................................................. (3)第十节其他类语句和错误语句处理 (4)第十一节过程和函数................................................................................................................. . (4)一.Sub过程 (4)二.Function函数 (5)三.Property属性过程和Event事件过程.........................................5第十二节内部函数................................................................................................................. (5)一.测试函数 (5)二.数学函数 (5)三.字符串函数 (5)四.转换函数 (6)五.时间函数 (6)第十三节文件操作................................................................................................................. .. (6)文件 (6)删除 (6)打开 (6)读入 (7)写入 (7)关闭 (7)其他文件函数 (7)二、VISUAL BASIC程序设计网络教学 (1)第一课 VBA是什么 ................................................................................................................ .11.1 VBA是什么................................................................................................................. . (1)1.2 EXCEL环境中基于应用程序自动化的优点 (1)1.3 录制简单的宏................................................................................................................. . (1)1.4 执行宏................................................................................................................. . (2)1.5 查看录制的代码................................................................................................................. (2)1.6 编辑录制的代码................................................................................................................. (3)1.7 录制宏的局限性................................................................................................................. (3)1.8 小结................................................................................................................. .. (3)第二课处理录制的宏 (3)2.1 为宏指定快捷 (3)2.2 决定宏保存的位置................................................................................................................. .. (4)2.3 个人宏工作簿................................................................................................................. . (4)2.3.1 保存宏到个人宏工作簿 (4)2.3.2 使用并编辑个人宏工作簿中的宏 (4)2.4 将宏指定给按钮................................................................................................................. (4)2.5 将宏指定给图片或其他对象 (5)2.6 小结................................................................................................................. .. (5)第三课学习控件................................................................................................................. ..5----------------------- 页面 2-----------------------3.1 EXCEL开发过程简...53.2 认识不同的控件................................................................................................................. (5)3.3 向工作表添加控件................................................................................................................. .. (6)3.4 设置控件的特性................................................................................................................. (6)3.5 给控件命名................................................................................................................. .. (6)3.6 使用用户窗体................................................................................................................. . (6)3.7 疑难解答................................................................................................................. (7)第四课理解变量和变量的作用 (7)4.1 代码存在的位置:模4.2 对模块的概览................................................................................................................. . (7)4.2.1 创建过程 (8)4.2.2 运行宏 (9)4.3 保存对模块所做的改变 (9)4.4 变量................................................................................................................. .. (9)4.4.1 变量的数据类型 (9)4.4.2 用Dim语句创建变量(声明变量) (10)4.4.3 变量命名的惯例 (10)4.4.4 使用数组 (10)4.4.5 变量赋值 (11)第五课利用VBA设置工作表使用权限 (11)1.使用WITH语句。
界⾯开发控件DevExpressSpreadsheet使⽤教程:如何从数据库保存和加载⽂档DevExpress技术交流群2:775869749 欢迎⼀起进群讨论拥有.NET开发需要的所有平台控件,包含600多个UI控件、报表平台、DevExpress Dashboard eXpressApp 框架、适⽤于 Visual Studio的CodeRush等⼀系列辅助⼯具。
屡获⼤奖的软件开发平台DevExpress Universal 2020年全新⾸发v20.1,最新版拥有众多新产品和数⼗个具有⾼影响⼒的功能,可为桌⾯、Web和移动应⽤提供直观的解决⽅案,全⾯解决各种使⽤场景问题。
系统背景平台: MVC产品:MVC Spreadsheet实现步骤:1. 创建⼀个返回Spreadsheet设置的帮助器类,确保指定Name和CallbackRouteValues属性:public static class SpreadsheetSettingsHelper {public static SpreadsheetSettings GetSpreadsheetSettings() {SpreadsheetSettings settings = new SpreadsheetSettings(); = "SpreadsheetName";settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Home", Action = "SpreadsheetPartial" };...return settings;}}2. 在这些设置中处理Saving事件,然后使⽤SaveCopy⽅法将Spreadsheet⽂档保存到byte[] 。
然后将结果保存到数据库中:settings.Saving = (s, e) =>{byte[] docBytes = SpreadsheetExtension.SaveCopy("SpreadsheetName", DocumentFormat.Xlsx);DataHelper.SaveDocument(docBytes);e.Handled = true;};3. 在带有Spreadsheet部分视图和控制器中使⽤帮助器:@Html.DevExpress().Spreadsheet(SpreadsheetSettingsHelper.GetSpreadsheetSettings()).Open(Model.DocumentId, Model.DocumentFormat, () => { return Model.Document; }).GetHtml() public ActionResult SpreadsheetPartial() { // Spreadsheet's CallbackRouteAction methodreturn SpreadsheetExtension.GetCallbackResult(SpreadsheetSettingsHelper.GetSpreadsheetSettings());}变更记录:16.1:Spreadsheet现在允许处理Controller中的某些操作,因此可以使⽤Spreadsheet ribbon的'Save'按钮将⽂档保存到数据。
不能取得类worksheet的pivottables -回复
不能取得类worksheet的pivottables -回复Excel 是一种功能强大的电子表格软件,广泛应用于业务分析和数据处理。
然而,有时候我们发现无法取得类worksheet 的PivotTables 对象。
在VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)编程环境中,当我们尝试通过代码获取PivotTables 对象时,可能会遇到以下错误信息:"Cannot get the PivotTables property of the Worksheet class"(无法获得类Worksheet 的PivotTables 对象)。
这意味着Excel 对象模型无法识别当前工作表中的PivotTable。
下面是一些常见原因和相应的解决方法:1. 检查是否存在PivotTable:首先,请确保当前工作表中确实存在PivotTable。
可以手动打开Excel 文件,确认是否存在数据透视表。
如果在工作表上找不到PivotTable,那么就无法访问PivotTables 对象。
解决方法就是先创建一个PivotTable,然后再通过VBA 访问它。
2. 检查是否有多个工作表选中:如果你在多个工作表上选择了数据区域,Excel 将无法确定PivotTable 属于哪个工作表。
因此,确保只选择了包含PivotTable 的工作表,并取消选择其他工作表。
3. 确认是否选择了正确的工作表:在代码中获取PivotTables 对象时,需要明确指定工作表的名称或索引号。
如果名称或索引号错误,Excel 无法找到PivotTable,就会产生上述报错信息。
1、环境:我安装的是Microsoft office 2003,visual studio 2010没有用vc6.0,主要是Spreadsheet在vc6.0上无法运行,vc6.0版本太低。
2、使用步骤:以一个Demo举例形式讲解:1)建立简单的vc dialog程序;2)嵌入Spreadsheet控件,“Insert activex control”->Microsoft Office Spreadsheet 11.0,OK3)Spreadsheet 可以打开的文件格式为xml,html形式,这里我们用xml,即我们获得数据库数据之后写数据的操作是在xml文件这儿,将数据库数据写入xml文件中。
1)<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="28" ss:ExpandedRowCount="280000" x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1" ss:StyleID="s24" ss:DefaultColumnWidth="54" ss:DefaultRowHeight="14.25">与<Panes><Pane><Number>3</Number><ActiveRow>500000</ActiveRow><ActiveCol>40</ActiveCol></Pane></Panes>这里ExpandedRowCount 和ActiveRow,以及ExpandedColumeCount,ActiveCol。
visual studio开发excel插件例子
visual studio开发excel插件例子在Visual Studio中,我们可以轻松地开发Excel插件,以扩展Excel的功能。
本文将介绍一个简单的例子,展示如何使用Visual Studio进行插件开发。
首先,我们需要在Visual Studio中创建一个新的项目。
选择"Visual C#"作为项目类型,然后选择"Excel 2013和Excel 2016插件"作为模板。
此外,我们还可以利用Visual Studio的调试功能来调试我们的插件代码。
总结一下,通过使用Visual Studio进行Excel插件开发,我们可以轻松地扩展Excel的功能。
MSFORMS.EXD标题:MSFORMS.EXD:解析和解决方法简介:MSFORMS.EXD是Microsoft Office Suite中的一个文件,它与Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)和Microsoft Excel宏一起使用。
以下是一些可能导致问题的原因:1. MSFORMS.EXD文件被损坏或已删除。
2. MSFORMS.EXD文件与新版本的Office Suite不兼容。
3. 未能正确启动或关闭Excel,导致MSFORMS.EXD文件未能正确创建或清除。
第3部分:问题的结果当MSFORMS.EXD文件出现问题时,可能会导致以下结果:1. VBA代码中的表单控件无法正常加载或执行。
2. Excel宏中的用户表单无法显示或正常工作。
3. 弹出错误消息,提示无法找到或访问MSFORMS.EXD文件。
第4部分:解决方法以下是一些解决方法,可以尝试解决MSFORMS.EXD文件的问题:1. 删除损坏的MSFORMS.EXD文件:首先关闭所有正在运行的Excel实例。
1. 添加工作表在WPS中,我们可以通过使用宏编程来添加新的工作表。
下面是一个示例代码:Sub AddWorksheet()Dim wb As WorksheetSet wb = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add = "New Sheet"End Sub通过上述代码,我们可以添加一个名为"New Sheet"的工作表。
2. 删除工作表除了添加工作表,我们还可以通过宏编程删除不需要的工作表。
下面是一个示例代码:Sub DeleteWorksheet()Application.DisplayAlerts = FalseThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").DeleteApplication.DisplayAlerts = TrueEnd Sub通过上述代码,我们可以删除名为"Sheet1"的工作表。
3. 修改单元格数据在宏编程中,我们可以通过修改单元格数据来实现对表中数据的修改。
下面是一个示例代码:Sub ModifyCellData()ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "Hello, WPS!"End Sub通过上述代码,我们将"Sheet1"工作表中A1单元格的值修改为"Hello, WPS!"。
Farpoint Spread For Windows Forms 5.0 使用指南 中文
For Windows Forms 5.0使用指南使用指南简介1产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛使用指南简介Spread for Windows Forms 是一个综合性的、用于微软.NET 平台的Windows Forms 应用程序开发的表格控件。
一个Spread控件可以处理多达20 亿个工作表,每个工作表可以有20 亿行和20 亿列,并且支持跨工作表的数据引用和跨工作表的公式引用。
Spread 控件已经被业界公认为功能最为强大的表格控件。
Spread 在中国也有了超过10 年的使用历史,得到了许多软件开发人员的认可。
随着5.0 版本的推出,Spread 增加了对于图表功能的支持。
通过超过85 种不同类型的图表和内置的用户界面,为创建和定制图表提供了全面支持,丰富了数据的展示方式。
同时,Spread 与Excel 文件的兼容性得到了进一步的提升。
虽然Spread 产品附带了大量的文档和示例代码,但不可否认的是,对于初次接触Spread 的中国软件开发人员来讲,有时难免会觉得Spread 入门不太容易。
本使用指南旨在帮助软件开发人员较快地了解和运用Spread 的常用功能。
开发人员可以在了解Spread 整体功能的基础上,循序渐进地学习单元格操作、行列操作和工作表操作。
每个操作都附带了具体的C#和VB 代码,读者可以直接运行例子代码进行联系并查看效果。
对于项目管理人员和技术主管来讲,通过对本指南中Spread 主要功能的概览,可以帮助他们决策Spread 是否适合于其项目的需要。
有关Spread 产品的更多信息,请访问:Spread 产品网站/toolsSpread 技术支持论坛目录2产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛目录使用指南简介 (1)1. 从例子入门:创建CHECKBOOKREGISTER (4)1.1 添加S PREAD 控件到C HECKBOOK 工程 (4)1.2 设置行和列 (5)1.3 设置单元格类型 (7)1.4 添加公式 (10)2. SPREAD 产品介绍 (12)2.1 产品概述 (12)2.2 基本功能介绍 (13)2.3 S PREAD 5.0 FOR W INDOWS F ORMS 的主要新增功能 (17)3. 单元格操作 (19)3.1 设置单元格类型 (19)3.2 设置单元格的颜色 (21)3.3 合并单元格 (23)3.4 锁定、解锁单元格 (24)3.5 给单元格添加批注 (26)3.6 设置公式 (28)4. 行列操作 (31)4.1 设置行列数 (31)4.2 移动行列 (31)4.3 调整行高、列宽 (33)4.4 冻结行列 (34)4.5 使用分组 (36)4.6 定制行头、列头的文字 (37)4.7 设置多行行头、多列列头 (39)5. 工作表操作 (42)5.1 使用当前工作表 (42)5.2 设置背景色或背景图 (42)5.3 增加工作表 (44)5.4 删除工作表 (45)5.5 移动工作表 (46)5.6 显示或隐藏工作表 (46)5.7 添加标题和子标题 (47)6. 高级数据操作 (50)目录3产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛6.1 数据绑定示例 (50)6.1.1 把Spread添加到一个数据绑定项目 (50)6.1.2 设置数据库链接 (50)6.1.3 指定需要使用的数据 (50)6.1.4 创建数据集 (52)6.1.5 把Spread绑定到数据库 (52)6.1.6 设置单元格类型,改善显示效果 (53)6.2 数据排序 (54)6.3 数据过滤 (55)6.3.1 允许数据过滤 (55)6.3.2 使用数据过滤 (56)7. 使用图形 (58)7.1 创建图形对象 (58)7.2 设置图形属性 (58)7.3 图形旋转 (59)7.4 图形缩放 (59)7.5 图形移动 (60)7.6 图形锁定 (60)8. 使用图表 (61)8.1 创建图表对象 (62)8.2 使用图表设计器 (68)8.3 绑定图表 (69)8.4 允许用户改变图表 (70)9. 与其他数据格式交互 (72)9.1 打开E XCEL 文件 (72)9.2 保存为E XCEL 文件 (74)9.3 导出PDF (75)10. SPREAD WIN 5 中英文术语对照 (77)从例子入门:创建Checkbook Register 4产品网站/tools 技术支持论坛1. 从例子入门:创建Checkbook Register1.1 添加Spread 控件到Checkbook 工程创建一个新的Visual Studio .NET 工程并命名为Checkbook。
如何激活表格控件Spread for WinForms教程
如何激活表格控件Spread for WinForms教程
本篇文章将为您阐述如何激活Spread for WinForms表格控件。
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管理科学运用Spreadsheet建模和求解教学设计 (2)
它具有以下特点:1. 实时数据更新Spreadsheet软件可以通过公式自动计算各个单元格的数值,从而实现实时数据更新。
2. 数据可视化Spreadsheet软件可以将数据以图表的形式展现出来,帮助决策者更好地理解数据。
3. 数据分析Spreadsheet软件可以通过各种公式和函数进行数据分析,如求平均值、标准差、方差等。
4. 建模和求解Spreadsheet软件可以通过各种功能,如规划求解、线性回归、数据透视表等,进行建模和求解。
如何使用Spreadsheet进行管理科学建模和求解以下是使用Spreadsheet进行管理科学建模和求解的一些基本步骤:1. 数据输入将数据输入到Spreadsheet的相应单元格中,可以手动输入或导入数据。
2. 数据分析通过各种公式和函数对数据进行分析,如求平均值、标准差、方差等。
3. 数据可视化将数据以图表的形式展现出来,帮助决策者更好地理解数据。
4. 建模将数据建模成数学模型,如线性规划模型、控制模型等。
5. 求解通过各种功能,如规划求解、线性回归、数据透视表等,进行求解。
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A Spreadsheet Frameworkfor Visual Exploration of Biomedical DatasetsSofiane Sarni, Anderson Maciel, Ronan Boulic, Daniel ThalmannVirtual Reality Lab (VRlab)Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland {Sofiane.Sarni, Anderson.Maciel, Ronan.Boulic, Daniel.Thalmann}@epfl.chAbstractIn this paper, we present our spreadsheet framework, which uses a spreadsheet-like interface for exploring biomedical datasets. The principles and advantages of this class of visualization systems are illustrated, and a case study for the analysis of hip joint congruity is presented. Throughout this use case, we see how end users can compare different datasets, apply parallel operations on data, create analysis templates, and how this helps them in the exploration process.1. IntroductionWith the increase in computer power, more and more effort is being dedicated for building more realistic computational and graphical models to be used in clinical applications [1, 2]. This effort is important but is not sufficient in itself since end users (clinicians) need tools that can effectively help them in performing the regular tasks they are used to. Such tasks include diagnosing, planning and analyzing interventions. They are in general done visually, based on images like MRI, CT, Ultrasound, reconstructed volumetric or surface models and other derived functional models. Resulting biomedical datasets can be multi-dimensional and are usually very large, which makes them difficult to explore and understand [3]. Therefore there is a need for intuitive representations for end users to deal with the increasing complexity of biomedical datasets. In addition, we need rapid application development tools for building those representations.Most medical visualization systems [4, 5] are based on the general flow chart paradigm [6]. Flow chart visualization systems are typically used for data visualization and are widely available as commercial products. In these systems, users select processing modules and wire them together into a pipeline. A common problem with flow chart visualization systems is that they spend the most part of their screen on operators and their interconnections. To deal with this problem another class of visualization systems was introduced: spreadsheet-like interfaces. Spreadsheet-like interfaces are a generalization of conventional spreadsheets where cells can contain graphical objects such as images, volumes, or animations or even widgets to interact with data [7]. Screen space is spent on operands rather than operators, which are usually more interesting to the end user [8]. They also benefit from the fundamental properties of spreadsheets, which makes it easy to organize, compare, analyze and perform operation on data.Despite those advantages, the state of the art shows no significant medical application apart from some illustrative examples [9]. We developed a spreadsheet framework, which uses a spreadsheet-like interface, and used it to explore biomedical datasets.The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. The principles of the framework are presented in section 2. In section 3, an example of construction shows how to build a spreadsheet step-by-step. Section 4, presents a use case for the analysis of hip joint congruity.2. The spreadsheet frameworkThe spreadsheet framework consists basically of the following elements: cells, operators and dependencies.Cells are the basic data elements. A cell can contain numbers, images (2D or 3D), curves, vectors or matrices. They can also contain display widgets or control widgets for interactive cells (for example, sliders to control opacities for volumetric data). A list of supported cells is presented in Table 1. The cells are organized in a tabular layout and referenced by row and column, which makes them easy to browse. References can be relative or absolute, which helps in quickly constructing complex spreadsheets by moving cells or simply through copy and paste.Operators are applied to cells or ranges of cells, and results are stored in cells. These operators define the dependencies between the cells.Dependencies - A firing algorithm controls dependencies as in conventional spreadsheets. This algorithm keeps track of dependencies between cells and automatically updates the cells to reflect changes. Dependencies are recorded in a directed graph pointed from reference cells to depending cells.The framework is implemented in C++, uses the VTK library [10] for rendering and filtering capabilities, and Trolltech’s QT for Graphical User Interface [11]. These libraries, being portable, facilitate migration of the environment to other platforms.Type CellsData Scalar, Vector, Matrix, List, Volume, Mesh, Image, Color,ColorMap, Text, Loader, Importer, Exporter, vtkDataset,vtkSourceDisplay widgets Label, Renderer, ImageViewer, PlotterControl widgets Button, Slider, AnimController, ComboBox, Radio, Checkbox Table 1. Type of cells supported in the framework.3. An example of simple constructionA step-by-step example is given in this section in order to show how a spreadsheet can be constructed. In this example, we want to view volumetric data coming from MR images. Cells can be edited alternatively by a command line or graphically through property windows.In Figure 1, to load the MR data, we start by creating a data loader in cell A1:A1 = loaderA button is associated with this data loader to change datasets. Then, we create an image viewer in B2. We define the data source giving the loader A1 as argument:B2 = imageviewer A1After that, we create a slider widget to be used for selecting the slice being viewed in B2. A name is given for the widget (“slice”) and the number of steps is linked to the number of slices in the data source A1:B1 = slider –name "Slice" –steps A1.nSlicesWe have also to tell B2 that the slice to be viewed is given by the slider in B1:B2.currentslice = B1Finally, we create a color map in A2 and associate it with the image viewer:A2 = colormap "grayscale"B2.colormap = A2The resulting spreadsheet and dependencies graph is shown in Figure 1. The spreadsheet can now be interactively used to explore MR volumes by loading different datasets (A1), browsing slices (B2) and changing color maps (A2).Figure 1. Example of construction of a spreadsheet for volumetric MR data exploration. The dependencies graph is shown on the right. This dependencies graph can also be seen as an equivalent flow chart diagram.We continue with our example to see how we can benefit from the tabular organization of cells to create analysis templates. We want to compare between different color mappings for viewing the slices. For this, we add a new row (3). This row can be created from zero but it is more interesting to use relative references in the previously constructed row (2) and simply copy and paste this row as a new one in (3).B2 = imageviewer $A$1 – currentslice B$1 – colormap $A2We use the same notation as in Microsoft Excel [12] for referencing cells. The source for B2 is given by an absolute reference $A$1. If cell B2 is moved or copied elsewhere it will always take its data from the cell A1. While in the reference for the color map reference, only the column is considered absolute ($A1), which means that the color map will be considered as situated on the same row but always in column A. Copying row 2 and pasting it into row 3 creates new cells with correct references. Figure 2A21Bshows the results. We used the same approach to extend the spreadsheet to the right.Figure 2. Example showing advantages of tabular layout and relative references. Row 2 was copied into row 3. Then, column B was copied into column C. The slider in B1 was replaced by an animation controller in C1. This controller allows to animate the slices in column C by cycling through the slices. On the right, dependencies graph with elements created with copy/paste in dashed lines.4. A concrete case study: contact area estimation in the hip jointIn the context of this paper, the explored data come from the biomechanical simulation of the human hip joint. Separated software, based on a conceptual joint model is used for hip simulation [13]. The model is based on a hybrid approach. A kinematical component defines the bony rigid motion from measures on the static and dynamic MRI, while a biomechanical component computes soft connective tissues deformation, and allows estimating force exchange and consequent stress on those soft structures. Both soft and hard tissues are geometrically represented by b-rep in the form of 3D meshes reconstructed from MRI analysis, which are used for visualization and collision detection. In addition, soft parts are discretized such that a generalized mass-spring system can process the deformations. Special considerations had to be taken into account to adapt traditional mass-spring system to medical applications. The most important is the correct biomechanical behavior of the biomaterials. In a previous work[14], we describe how we configure our springs lattice such that our virtual ligaments and cartilages have a predictable elasticity, defined by the Young’s Modulus (E ) of the material. Other material properties are also considered, like anisotropy, viscoelasticity, permeability and so on, but are less relevant for the application presented in this paper.A hip model has then been built to illustrate a use case where the joint congruity is analyzed. The elements present in our hip are: the femur and the pelvis bones; the femoral head and the pelvis cup cartilages; the ischiofemoral ligament; the acetabular rim (labrum). The bones and the labrum are considered rigid, and the elasticity for the cartilages and ligament is defined to be 10 kPa . It is softer than the mean value found on the literature, but it allows our simulation to converge faster, while the stress distribution remains coherent. In addition, fibers orientation is taken into account for the ligament, in a way that it is anisotropic. The motion we performed is 90° of flexionplus total internal rotation, a key motion in Orthopedics.A B C123Figure 3. A template comparing different contact area estimations on the hip joint cartilage. The contact area is estimated based on the stress calculated on the cartilage surfaces. A stress threshold was defined in A2 and used to determine the contact area on the 3D animation in B2. Other views were derived (C2 and D2) and a plot of the contact area history is shown in E2. The row 2 was then copy-pasted into rows 3 to 5. Finally, different thresholds are chosen and the contact area changes propagate into the remaining cells.A template comparing different contact area estimations for this motion is shown in Figure 3. The motion simulation, including deformation and stress calculation is done offline (because it takes about 10 minutes to process in a standard computer) and produces an animation dataset. The animation dataset, containing all displacements and stresses along time, is then loaded and played into a cell of the spreadsheet, where it is combined with other cells to define operations and views. The threshold slider in column A (Figure 3), for example, determines different estimated contact area and consequent color distribution for each row of the sheet. Users can also use transparency to inspect internal parts that are usually masked in the 3D views.5. ConclusionsWe have developed a framework based on a spreadsheet-like interface to be used in visual exploration of biomedical datasets. We took a hip joint motion simulation as ause case to illustrate the potentialities of our framework.Besides all the advantages known about conventional spreadsheet interfaces (creating analysis templates, applying operations in parallel), we can mention some that have shown to be very relevant in the context of medical applications. Medics do not care about the data operations, they are more interested on the data itself, and that is the heart of spreadsheet interfaces. Medical data being multidimensional are easily understood due to the tabular organization of the interface, which reduces data dimensionality. It helps in creating a coherent mental model. Comparing different visual representations and modifying the parameters that make them different at the same time allows clinicians to isolate and focus on the interesting features and discard less useful views, as in the case study of section 4. That allows clinicians to gain time on diagnosis.Conclusions can also be drawn about our hip joint model development. The possibility of easy comparison and parameterization offered by the spreadsheet highlight the weak points of the model allowing us to correct them. It also aids in identifying the biomechanical features playing a key role on the medical problematic, guiding the researcher on the task of simplifying the model while keeping it medically useful.6. AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the framework of the NCCR CO-ME. We thank Dr. Hassan Sadri, MD, from the Orthopedics Department of Fribourg Hospital for his support with the simulation of the hip joint. 7. References[1] A. Aubel, and D. Thalmann, “Interactive Modeling of Human Musculature”, Proc. Computer Animation2001, Seoul, Korea, November 7–8, 2001.[2] F. Scheepers, R. E. Parent, W. E. Carlson, and S. F. May, “Anatomy-Based Modeling of the HumanMusculature”, SIGGRAPH’97, 1997, pp. 163–172.[3] I. S. Lim, P. H. Ciechomski, S. Sarni, D. Thalmann, “Planar Arrangement of High-dimensional BiomedicalData Sets by Isomap Coordinates”, In. Proc. Of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2003), June 26–27, 2003, New York, pp. 50–55.[4] Amira form Mercury Computer Systems,, last accessed April 5th, 2005.[5] Rymon-Lipinski B., Jansen T., Hanssen N., Lievin M., Keeve E., "A Software Framework for MedicalVisualization", In Proc. of IEEE Visualization '02, Boston, MA, October 27 - November 01, 2002.[6] P. E. Haeberli, “ConMan: A Visual Programming Language for Interactive Graphics”, In Computer Graphics(SIGGRAPH’88 Proceedings), ACM Press, volume 22, pp. 103–111, 1988.[7] E. H. Chi, P. Barry, J. Riedl, and J. Konstan. “A Spreasdheet Approach to Information Visualization”, InProc. IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization '97, Phoenix, Arizona, IEEE CS Press, pp. 17–24.[8] M. Levoy, “Spreadsheets for Images”, In Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '94 Proceedings), Orlando,Florida, July 24-29, 1994, ACM Press, volume 28, pp. 139–146.[9] T. J. Jankun Kelly, K.-L. Ma, and M. Gertz, “A Model for the Visualization Exploration Process”, In Proc.13th IEEE Visualization 2002, Boston, MA, U.S.A., October 27 - November 1, 2002, IEEE CS, pp. 323–330.[10] W. Schroeder, K. Martin and B. Lorensen, The Visualization Toolkit, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.[11] M. K. Dalheimer. Programming with QT, 2nd Edition. O’Reilly. March 2002.[12] Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Excel language reference. Microsoft Corporation, 1997.[13] S. Sarni, A. Maciel, R. Boulic, D. Thalmann, “Evaluation and Visualization of Stress and Strain on SoftBiological Tissues in Contact”, In Proc. of International Conference on Shape Modelling and Applications, Genova, Italy, June 7-9, 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 2004, pp. 255–262.[14] A. Maciel, R. Boulic and D. Thalmann, “Deformable Tissue Parameterized by Properties of Real BiologicalTissue”, In Proc. International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modeling, 2003, Juan-les-Pins, France, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, pp. 74–87.。