



当代MOMA地处东二环核心腹地,坐拥东直门、工体,燕莎使馆区等诸多核心 区域,是首都北京国门地标。当代MOMA项目总建筑面积22万平方米,其中住 宅为13.5万平方米,配套商业面积8.5万平方米,由8幢高层高端住宅建筑组成, 为纯粹的高端社区。包括百老汇电影中心、库布里克书吧、山丘艺术中心、沃牛 精品超市、瑞士铂生医疗等高端艺术、高端生活设施,还包括了精品酒店,国际 双语幼儿园,顶级餐饮,空中连廊会所、空中游泳池、空中酒吧、空中健身房等 云上休闲、会客空间。
Materials and Resources. 鼓励使用可再生或速生的材料,减少资源浪费。 Water efficiency. 保护和节约水资源。
Energy and atmosphere. 旨在促进建筑节能,及减少对大气层的影响。
Sustainable sites. 可持续的场地规划,旨在通过合理的选址及场地设计减少项 目对生态系统和水资源的影响。
Green infrastructure & buildings. 旨在减少项目建设及建筑的运营维护对环境 造成的负面影响
Байду номын сангаас
LEED for Neighborhood Development 还包括以下三个方面(additional credit categories):
Smart location & linkage. 促进适于步行的、公共交通发达、有开放空间的社 区建设。 Neighborhood pattern & design. 促进密度较高的、有活力的、多功能的、与 周边居住组团有便利联系的社区。 Green infrastructure & buildings. 旨在减少项目建设及建筑的运营维护对环境 造成的负面影响



Parkview Green芳草地位于北京市朝阳区东大桥路西侧, 紧邻北京CBD核心地带,是侨福集团在中国大陆地区的第一个大型项目,是一座集顶级写字楼、时尚购物中心, 艺术中心和精品酒店于一身的创新建筑。















芳草地的建筑设计具有明显的后现代主义和工业主义风格。整体外观呈 现出尖锐的三角形,在周边环境中非常醒目。在建筑构造上,大量的钢结构 呈现出灰色和黑色,与透明玻璃一起,营造出一种冷漠、坚硬、充满力量的 气质。
______________________________________ ____________
P 停车场出入口
人行出入口 下沉式户外庭院
写字楼大堂 商场
向下挖空两层的户外庭院 和至项目二层。
东 大 桥 路
P ______________________________________ ____________
办公空间 8.2万平方米
零售商场 5万平方米 3层停车场
______________________________________ ____________
侨福芳草地形成了多首层总体规划。四栋塔楼之间互相连接,形成一个回环的 商场。四栋塔楼之间的大空间,笼罩在大型膜结构之下,实际形成了一个超大 型的室内中庭。
20万平方米 其中:商场5万平方米 写字楼:8.2万平方米,共4栋 精品酒店:60间客房
中国第一个获得绿色建筑评估体系 LEED铂金级预先认证的综合性商业 项目
侨福集团是香港上市公司,于一九五零年代在台湾创立,初期以承包军、公、教 营建工程为主, 如兴建机场、水坝、铁路和教育机构等,及后将主要业务集中在发展 和投资住宅及商业楼宇。一九八零年代,集团开始进军国际市场,将总部迁至香港, 并在香港、新加坡、欧洲等地扩张投资并进行多元化发展,涉足能源矿产、物流、运 输、贸易等多个行业。至八零年代末,集团斥资三十亿港币,于香港完成大型房地产 项目“阳明山庄”。一九九零年,集团旗下“侨福建设企业机构”在香港联交所成功 上市,香港联合交易所股票代码:00207。



Parkview Green
设计时间:由2001年开始,约3年设计期 施工时间:2005年– 2010年底 2012年底,商城与写字楼开业 2013年3月,北京怡亨酒店迎来第一批客人
建筑设计理念: 由ABCD四栋内部相连的独立建筑组成,其中两栋18层,两栋9层。 以其创新科技和绿色环保理念引领业界。 “永远走在时代前列同时坚持绿色环保可持续发展永续经营”。
夏季能耗可以大幅节省大约16%, 春秋季节可以达到30%,冬季更是 高达80%。
模块化办公格局的灵活性和兼容性 也为租户节省了10-15%的装修成 本。
Parkview Green

芳草地高效的水资源节约与回收利用也树立新标,不仅最大实现中水 循环, 更完整回收屋顶的雨水和降雪。 另外,占总建材成本42%的当地建材和81%可回收建筑废料的规划, 充分实践降低碳排放的环保理念。
侨福 芳草地 Parkview Green
芳草地位于北京市朝阳区西部,东起东大桥路,西至芳草地西街,北起朝 阳门外大街,南至日坛北路这一块区域。
Parkview Green
SOHO尚都 世贸天阶
京广中心 环球金融中心
规模: 购物中心:56,000平方米 国际级甲级写字楼:82,000平方米 怡亨酒店:100间客房及套的奢华酒店 总建筑面积:214,000 平方米 占地面积::3万平方米



揭秘北京侨福芳草地怡亨酒店坐落于北京朝阳区的侨福芳草地大厦(ParkviewGreen)的怡亨酒店(Hotel éclat Beijing)是小型奢侈酒店联盟(Small Luxury Hotel,简称SLH)成员。





大堂“The Gallery”坐落于中国最大当代艺术私人收藏地之一的北京怡亨酒店一层,有楼梯将其与“芳草地画廊”相连接。


酒店的动态吊顶由Jitka Kamencova Skuhava设计、使用Lasvit手工吹制的红、蓝色玻璃制造而成,被称为“神奇的深渊”,营造出一种独有的安静氛围。


在“The Gallery”的中央是著名油画家曾梵志的一幅重要作品《无题》,为来自世界各地著名设计师的作品提供一个很好背景。

其中各种椅子的设计囊括了Maarten Baas,Bertjan Pot 和阿纳·雅格布森的作品,几乎自成一格。





Opera BOMBANA 意大利餐厅登陆北京
米其林三星世界大厨Umberto Bombana打造的全新概念餐厅Opera BOMBANA,将于2013年首次在北京开业。
• 北京核心地带的娱乐天堂
• 拥有五个宽荧幕影厅,提供多种个性化的服务:丰富 的餐饮选择、更具私人化的小影厅、震撼人心的投影 及音响设备,为在中国具有领先地位的顶级院线。
侨 福 集 团
• Parkview Green芳草地是由北京侨福置业有限公 司开发管理,并为侨福集团之组成部分。侨福集 团由黄氏家族创立,总部设于香港。集团开发项 目不仅遍及亚洲,更已将触角迈向欧陆,面向全 球视野,是当代地产发展、休闲产业与精致生活 品质创造者的卓越代表。 • 集团项目:香港阳明山庄、南京丁山花园大酒店、 台北怡亨精品酒店、新加坡的鹤楼、侨福 ÉCLAT、以及法国的布瓦隆酒店。
领先国际的绿色科技 带来自然的绿意和阳光, 为置身国际超A级写字 楼的白领们提供了惬意 舒适的空间,开心享受 健康的活力办公。
最纯正的GIEVES & HAWKES皇室橱窗 利邦集团北京总部位于芳草地写字楼内
位于Parkview Green芳草地顶层的北京怡亨酒店,是 為了達成当代艺术、尊荣气度,私密空间及卓越服务品质 完美的结合。
Parkview Green 芳草地
购物 • 芳草地
Parkview Green芳草地拥有近100个钟表珠宝,时尚服饰, 风格配饰,高级定制品牌。让你尽享精彩购物!



Jianguomen Area建国门区域Henderson Centre 恒基中心Jian Guo Apartment 建国公寓Ya Bao Apartment 雅宝公寓Oriental Plaza 东方广场Royal Palace 贡院六号Lee Garden 丽苑公寓China World Trade Center Area国贸区域Cheng Yuan Plaza 成远大厦Global Trade Mansion 世贸国际公寓SOHO New Town 现代城SOHOThe St. Regis Beijing 国际俱乐部公寓Luxury Apartment 丽舍 (apartamentos en Beijing) New Town Apartment 现代城Regent Court 丽晶苑The Ascott Beijing 雅诗阁The Kerry Residence 嘉里公寓Yan Hua Court 燕华苑Ritan Area日坛区域Diyang Apartment 迪阳公寓Fairview Garden 怡景园Palace Apartments 京华豪园Jing Guang Area京广中心区域Bauhinia Court 紫荆豪庭Chaoyang Garden 朝阳园Golden Lake Garden 锦湖园公寓Sunshine 100 阳光100Goldfield Plaza 金地国际花园Blue castle 蓝堡国际公寓China Central Place 华贸中心He Qiao Lizhi Hotel Apt. 和乔丽致Part 5:Sanlitun Area三里屯区域East Gate Plaza 东环广场East Lake Villas Apartment 东湖别墅Embassy House 万国公寓Estoril Court 爱德苑Julong Garden 聚龙花园Lian Bao Apartment 联宝公寓One World Apartments 世芳豪庭Pacific Century Place 盈科中心Sun City 阳光都市Seasons Park 海晟名苑Part 6:Chaoyang Park朝阳公园区域Lakeside Garden 清境明湖Parkview Tower 景园Boya Garden 博雅园JingDa International Apartment Palm Spring 棕榈泉国际公寓Beijing Golf Palace 北京高尔夫公寓Park Avenue 公园大道Park Apartments 天安豪园Greenlake Garden 碧湖居Greenlake Place 观湖国际Part 7:Lufthansa Area燕莎区域Concordia Plaza 嘉和丽园First Shanghai Centre 第一上海中心San Quan Apartment 三全公寓Landmark Palace 亮马名居Somerset Fortune Garden 福景苑King's Garden Villas 京润水上花园Guang Ming Apartment 光明公寓Beijing Garden 北京花园Upper East Side 阳光上东Kempinski Apartment 凯宾斯基公寓Part 8:Lido Area丽都区域Chateau Regency 和乔丽晶Hong Yuan Apartment 宏源公寓Greenland Garden 嘉林花园Hairun International Apartment 海润国际公寓Star City 星城国际Richmond Park 丽都水岸Lido Courts 丽都公寓Part 9:International Exhibition Area国展区域Beijing International Friendship Garden 国际友谊花园Hengchuan Apartment 恒川公寓Phoenix Town 凤凰城Part 10:Northern Area北部区域Hui Yuan International Apartments 汇源国际公寓Sunshine Plaza 阳光广场Purple Jade Villas 紫玉山庄Yonghe Villa 雍和别墅Wangjing Area望京区域 MORE>>Wangjing AreaCLOSE TO WAB(京西国际学校区域) MORE>>Beijing Riviera 香江花园Lane Bridge Villa 长岛澜桥Cathay View 观唐Quanfa Garden 泉发花园Grand Hills 大湖山庄CLOSE TO ISBBeijing Eurovillage 欧陆苑Gahood Residential-Commercial Villa 嘉浩商住别墅Le Leman Lake Villas 莱蒙湖River Garden Villas 裕京花园Captial Paradise名都园Beijing Yosemite 优山美地AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY (机场高速区域)Dynasty Garden 丽斯花园Legend Garden Villas 丽京花园Merlin Champagne Town 美林香槟小镇Chateau Regalia 丽高王府Rits Garden 丽嘉花园SHUNYI COUNTY (顺义区域)Dragon Villa 龙苑别墅Lakeside Villas 枫桥别墅Woodlands Garden 华中园For rent MORE>>Close to Dong Si Area 250sqmJiaodaokou area 交道口四合院Small Courtyard in Dongsiliutiao 东四六条小院棕榈泉Palm Springs富力爱丁堡 Chateau Edinburgh华贸中心China Central Place蓝堡国际Blue castle International Apartments金地国际花园Gemdale International Garden新城国际Central Park北京高尔夫Beijing Golf Palace公园大道Park Avenue碧湖居Green Lake Garden星河湾Star River海晟(sheng)名苑Seasons Park阳光上东Upper East Side温莎大道Windsor Avenue博雅园Bo Ya Garden东方梅地亚Oriental Media万达广场Wanda Plaza嘉里中心Kerry Center万通中心Wantone Center京汇大厦The Exchange Beijing尚都国际The Spaces世贸天阶The Place天阶大厦the place tower时尚大厦trends tower大厦(双子座)LG Mansion Twins Tower富尔大厦Full Tower凯德大厦Capital Land财富中心Fortune Plaza人寿大厦china life tower丰联广场Full Link Plaza新保利大厦New Poly Plaza通用时代中心写字楼 G.T International Center银泰中心 Yintai Centre国贸大厦 China World Tower凯恒中心(一期)Metro World Center(1 Phase)海晟国际公寓 Cosmoplite Boutique Apartment凯恒中心 Metro world center中国海洋大厦 China Nation Offshore Oil Plaza东湖别墅 East Lake Villa观湖国际GuanHu Garden泛海国际居住区Ocean wide International Residential 中国红街 China View首开幸福广场The International Wonderland塞万提斯学院 Instituto Cervantes北京侨福芳草地park view green世界城world city百富国际广场 majestic plaza北京国际中心Beijing world center长安驿 Center Service Apartment盈科中心 Pacific Century Place文联大厦 WenLian Plaza凯富大厦Comfort Plaza瑞辰国际中心 RICHEN INTERNATION CENTER天安豪园 PARK APARTMENT景园大厦 PARKVIEW TOWER9号公寓 PARKWAY COURT NO。



侨福芳草地logo篇一:揭秘北京侨福芳草地怡亨酒店揭秘北京侨福芳草地怡亨酒店坐落于北京朝阳区的侨福芳草地大厦(ParkviewGreen)的怡亨酒店(Hotel éclat Beijing)是规模较大奢侈酒店联盟(Small Luxury Hotel,简称SLH)成员。





大堂“The Gallery”坐落于中国最大当代艺术一层收藏地之一的北京怡亨酒店私人,有楼梯将其与“芳草地画廊”相连接。


酒店的动态吊顶由Jitka Kamencova Skuhava设计、使用Lasvit手工吹制的红、蓝色玻璃制造而成,被称为“神奇的深渊”,营造出一种独有的安静氛围。


在“The Gallery”中央是著名油画家曾梵志的一幅首要作品《无题》,为室内设计来自世界各地著名设计师的作品提供一个很好背景。

其中各种椅子的设计囊括了 Maarten Baas, BertjanPot 和阿纳·雅格布森的作品,几乎自成一格。



[ topic ] 主题/香港:大都会建筑师 Hong Kong: The Metropolis Architects 233
[ UED ] 074 | 08 | 2013
精品酒店坐落在项目的巅峰楼层,只有通过街道 层进入酒店入口门厅,再进入全玻璃的穿梭电梯, 方可进入这里。酒店拥有 120 个豪华套间,其 中 50% 的房间面积从 72 ~ 144m2 递增,另有 一个阔达 500m2 的总统套间。每一间大型客房 均配备有宽展的室外露台和私人游泳池。一个玻 璃和钢构成的蚕茧形的结构体,栖迟在最高的尖 顶,这就是悬浮的空中酒吧,整个项目的压轴大 戏。从这里,主宾尽享脚下的城市与寥廓的远景: 惊险而又充满戏剧性。
四层的零售商场在设计上别出机杼 :有三个直通 底层的楼层——最低者就是下沉庭园,60m 高的 中庭底面 ;一层日常街道可达的地面层 ;还有一 个顶层与公共步行悬索吊桥相通,斜着跨过整个 基地。零售商场这样绕中庭盘旋而上,完全对外 开敞,将全无遮拦的视野献给来客,纵览整个项目, 畅达四界。
整个项目的核心所在,是跨达 235m 的悬索步行 桥——在世界上也是同类步行桥中的魁首。作为 一条面向公众的大道,它提供着振奋人心、别具 一格的空间体验,使得侨福绿地集团成为一个昼 夜不息、访客络绎的都市胜地。
方案设计 形式追随功能,是对北京这座侨福绿地项目设计 的最佳总结。从 2001 年构思起,本项目就对“光 的权利”体现着本质的尊重 :创造一种建筑形式, 成为环保可持续设计的传神写照与驱动力量。
建筑形式塑成的线索,是法律对最小日照时间的 强制要求 :西向与北向的邻里,每一扇窗户在冬 至日取得的无遮挡日照时间均不得短于 1 小时, 这就决定了房檐与建筑高度、屋顶坡度以及与相 邻建筑的分立关系。尽管邻里受到的日照损失能



巨大的保护壳,保证了内部微气候环境保持不变,保护建筑物不受恶劣 天气变化影响
空调系统:毛细管辐射空调 毛细管网作为辐射供冷方式的末端,是现阶段辐射供冷末端装置发展的最新型式。毛细管网系统主要有以下 几个部分组成:毛细管席;分集水器;露点控制器;进出风口;混水器;高温冷水机组;除湿机组。
在历史变迁的历程中,芳草地日益年轻而富有活力,忆往昔,在建国之初,中国文学艺术界 联合会所属的文艺协会剧协、音协、曲协等也曾在此处建立宿舍,很多文化界名人如赵树理, 屠岸,唐湜,艾青等在此度过了难忘岁月。
现在的芳草地已不见芳草,项目本身的立意是想恢复昔日的美景,当然,芳草不可复得, 只能在此区域营造人们心中的芳草地
缘 起
明时芳草地一带多草地和麦田。芳草地,自古以来此地就被称作北京最美的地名之一。清代,当朝则将左营参将衙门 设在朝阳门外芳草地处。关于芳草地的东端东大桥,在明朝时乃是通州至京城的粮运要道。历代从南方的漕运皆是走 水路将粮食运至通州,再由陆路走京通路至京城。进的就是朝阳门。东大桥当时是距城门三里的咽喉要道,正是庞大 的运粮队,造就了朝外关厢的繁荣,不仅商铺密集,而且大车店也很多。
生 态
“该建筑实际上是由处于‘环境外膜’中的四栋大楼组成,每栋大楼都是围绕挑高的中庭空间 构造,渗透着城市街道的氛围,在此您可以呼吸到过滤后的新鲜空气,轻松享受美妙生活。
屋顶采用ETFE膜结构,允许95%线透射 三层玻璃的三重皮肤 有效的控制温度和湿 度,并阻止98%日光紫 外线的.
一个文明古国,80%河流枯竭,2/3草原沙化,668座城市被垃圾包围,2000 万女人卖淫,年伐200万棵树制作成筷子卖给日本鬼子,3亿农民喝不到干净水, 4亿多城市居民呼吸不到新鲜空气,刑事案件年发400万例,外企每年获利高达4 万亿,耕地面积每年以10万亩缩减 。。。 。。。



Parkview Green
Parkview Green
最纯正的意式咖啡---illy,在休闲购物之余,点上 一杯纯正的espresso,也是一个不错的选择。
Parkview Green
Parkview Green
Parkview Green
Parkview Green
Parkvie Green侨福芳草地位于北京市朝阳区东大桥9号(东大桥路西侧,朝外 南街和日坛北路间),紧邻北京CBD核心地带,总面积达20万平方米,是一座 集顶级写字楼(建筑面积8.2万平方米)、时尚购物中心(4.65万平方米),艺 术中心和精品酒店于一身的创新建筑。立足芳草地浓郁的国际氛围与优势地段, Parkview Green侨福芳草地致力打造多元的商业及文化休闲综合体,成为北京 风格时尚与高品质的新复合生活版块。其领先的环保设计、永续发展的理念和 丰富多元的艺术氛围构成了Parkview Green侨福芳草地的独有特色,为每一位 到访者带来充满新意的独特体验。 Parkview Green芳草地是由北京侨福置业有限公司开发管理,并为侨福集团之
Parkview Green
巧妙建筑设计,阔达室内空间 室内钢柱结构给人以视觉感官上的冲击
Parkview Green
对侨福集团而言,文化底蕴和艺术品是一个建筑物的灵魂。侨福芳草地中摆放着 的41件达利雕塑,是世界上最丰富的达利真品收藏地之一。
Parkview Green
达利雕塑与建筑相融合,散发出属于侨福芳草地的独特气质。将自身的文化内涵 与北京独特的文化底蕴相融合,便是侨福芳草地所一直倡导的城市地标理念。



PARKVIEW GREENBetter Work Better LifeTenant Perspective – what about my needs Building Overview – more than a Landmark Work Space – floor plate efficient Life – building technologyWork Life Balance – management & services Urban Oasis – a greener way of Life Cost Saving – how much and what benefitCONTENTSDifferent prospective tenant representatives come with different concerns • User Client Representative• Client Real Estate & Project Manager • Client Facility ManagerTenant Perspective – what about my needsUser Client Representative•Working environment and quality, bright and spacious, quiet and comfort, easy to reach facilities, sense of identity •Landlord provision•Floor plate efficiency, workspace productivity•Commuting to work, transportation, car park•Property management and services•Building facilities and amenity•Rental, value engineering and cost saving•Mechanical and engineering, technology and communication •HVAC, electricity power, fire services, plumbing & drainage •Telecommunication, infrastructure and capacity •Floor loading, structure and mechanical rooms •The leasing termsClient Real Estate & Project Manager•User benefit of LEED Platinum •Indoor Environment Quality IEQ •Attribute to cost savingClient Facility Manager•Property Management and Services; building administration•Building Management System BMS;•Computer Aided Facility Management CAFM•Environment, Health and Safety & EHS•Fire and emergency; Security•Maintenance systems; Periodic Statutory Testing and InspectionsOwner Vision:• A landmark building in the capital of China •Pioneer of its kind in China and the world•The highest level of green, the lowest level of carbonBeyond environmental interest, the developers are committed to building a sustainable future for social, culture and economic reasons. A building that every Chinese should be proud ofBuilding Overview – more than a Landmark•The 82,000 sm international “Grade A” office space•State-of-the-art facilities allow tenants to utilize office spacemore efficiently•Terraced gardens, cafes and private areas, a stimulating andsocial environment for businessWorking City: Office SpacesTime Out: The Metropolitan Mall•56,000sm retail space, perfect destination for shopping, eating, and relaxing•Level I exciting range of eating and drinking experience, anda supermarket•Level II a new interpretation of lifestyle comes together by creativity, style, and entertainment•Level III galleries and boutiques, a vast 6,000sm open space for fashion shows, exhibitions and social events•Level IV a showcase of innovation from around the world of media and technology•Parkview Green’s boutique hotel at the very apex of the building•The exclusive and elegant space fill with welcoming•The 100 individually designed suites perfectly balance style •20 of the suites with private jetted swim spas, terraced gardens, and gyms•The 1,000sm Presidential Suite redefines the concept of fine living•The sense of art is filled in the air. Take time to feel, you willbe surprised! Luxury Escapes: The HotelArt Capital: Dali in Beijing•Salvador Dali, one of the most famousartists of the 20th century. Best known forhis surrealist work• A grand sculpture of his will greet you at theentrance, while inside, the first Dalimuseum in China featuring 42 of his mostfamous and personal piecesTop Tables:Dinning andEntertainmentUrban Oasis:A Green LivingWork Space – floor plate efficiencyAn Inside-Out, all from a single workstation •The modularity and compatibility architecture design are custom to tenant space layout •One size fit all!! Conceive from a grid to a zone, to the entire floor •From a window to a ceiling tile, and to a column. They are all tide up!!Modular floor and column grid 1.5 x 1.5 meterModular ceiling and window mullion grid 1.5 x 1.5 meterThe column, the window, the ceiling, the floor; they are all aligned and tide up with 1.5m² grid moduleThe Grid - The Spacecluster workstation modular workstationworkbench groupingmanager cubical‘One Size Fit All’typical staff workstation withpersonal storageworkstation group with low screendivider and group storageopen manager cubical withguest chair and personal storage workbench with clip-on dividerand group storagea flexible workspace for modernoffice setup•according to International Facility Management Association IFMA, 17% increase of collaborate space in modern office•flexible workplace allows employees to work individually and in teams freely as projects require •it improves productivity, collaboration and knowledge sharingteam workassigned for general project team works and activities also for workspace or meetingreference & libraryfor referencing, meeting, learning and sharing between colleaguestouch downa small bench for short drop-in to work between meetings, also for visitorsmeeting room 6 grid meeting room 9 grid meeting room 20 gridmanager room 6 gridmanager room 9 gridmanager room 12 grid•enclosed workspace for interaction and privacy•unassigned allows variety choices of space to fit the work nature•small meeting room for informal discussions •highest percentage of productivitystorage receptionpantryutilityopen and enclosed storage withshelf, cabinet and compactusfridge, microwave, vending andcoffee machine for refreshment,informal meeting, lunchopen and enclosed copier,printer, fax, binding, stationaryand storage spacea frontier to project corporateidentity, to greet visitors andclients•IFMA research states, meeting space are less formal, more like a living room, garden, with plenty of light, cushy chairs, sofas and greenery•Work Life Balance will be critically influence workplace design in next decade•Given the increase flexibility and mobility, advancements in technology, sustainability and design, alongwith the ability to work remotely, employees are much more happier Indoor and OutdoorInformal / break-out areas encourage colleagues’ interaction and communication Society of Human Resources Management SHRM:workplace environment, compensation and benefits are the 3 attraction factors to staffsCollaborative area: 269sm(meeting, breakout, pantry, patio) Work area: 1041sm (workstation, enclosed office, corridor) Facility area: 145sm (reception, storage, server, copier) Total area: 1455smWorkstation: 128 Enclosed office: 13 Headcount: 141 / 10.3sm@Collaborative area: 207sm(meeting, breakout, pantry, patio) Work area: 667sm (workstation, enclosed office, corridor)Facility area: 105sm (reception, storage, server, copier)Total area: 979smWorkstation: 98 Enclosed office: 10 Headcount: 108 / 9sm@Tower A/BCirculationOfficeCirculationTower C/DCirculationCirculationOfficeCirculationOfficeFacilitiesoffice/open/facilityoffice/openopenCirculationOfficeFacilitiesLease Depth AnalysisColumn Space Analysis12mTower A/BTower C/D*GIA: Gross Internal Area – the measured area of the entire floorplate inside the curtain wall*NIA: Net Internal Area – the actual area available for office. NIA does not include area taken bybuilding core and facilities, structural elements and floor lift lobby*NUA: Net Usable Area – Tenant area, NUA does not include common corridor outside of tenant areaFloor Plate EfficiencyA/B Tower Area(Sqm.)C/D Tower Area(Sqm.)GIA2005GIA4666 Core 322Core 645NIA1683NIA4021 Common Corridor191Common Corridor360 Patio(54)Patio(436) NUA1492NUA3661 NUA to GIA74%NUA to GIA78%Life – building technologyA comfortable and healthy working environment Staffs come here not just to work, but also to live. The objective of building technology is to take care of people who live and work insideEnvironmental Envelope•ETFE membrane roof, a lightweight polymer foil‘pillow’ which allows 95% of external light to comethrough•The Triple Skin allows efficient control oftemperature and humidity inside the envelop, andto block 98% of UV in daylight•Micro climate maintains a constant environmentwithin the envelop, protecting the buildings fromsevere weather change outside the windows•The environmental shield – a cradle of energyefficiencyEnvironmental Envelope AnimationUnder Floor A/C System•An integrated with chilled ceiling, and fresh air system•VAV under floor cooling system with AHU, air plenum inside raised floor and Floor Terminal Unit FTU, air return through louver at top of partitioninto corridor then back to AHU room•FTU, with independent on/off and 3 fan speed gear, are easy to relocate, every 11 FTU in between columns zone 12m x 12m•Running from 8am-7pm daily with constant condition 23℃ RH47% in Summer, and 26℃ RH>40% in Winter•Design cooling capacity up to 2m height, 2/3 of the room of 2.9m high•Energy efficient by localize independent control, and less capacityChilled Ceiling System•Chilled ceiling is a radiated cooling system with cold water pipes inside the ceiling tile•It serves the area above head level, where cooling is less critical, and heat are gathered•Cold water supply/return at 16℃/19℃, whereas standard chilled water at 6/9℃. Reduce cooling load to the system•Contribute a saving of 30% of total cooling space, and 60% of the A/C energy•The first building to integrate chilled ceiling with VAV system for coolingHeating System• A perimeter ring heating system with heating fan-coil unit along curtain wall through civil heating•Similar to 2 + 2 pipes system that office interior space are split into outer and inner zones. Outer zone along window provides cooling in Summer and heating in Winter, Inner zone provides cooling all year round •Additional floor heating on ground level of Atrium open area•An extremely efficient cooling and heating system significantly reduce energy consumption, a standard exceeding ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating A/C Engineering) for 30% comparing to conventional designFresh Air & Ventilation•Fresh air drawn in through B3 level and vent through the roof of the shield, monitored by BMS system•PAU fresh air intake with MERV 11 filtering system,equivalent to hospital condition•Charcoal (active carbonate) filter filtrating formaldehyde to ensure a healthy and safe environment•Fresh air exchange rate at 36m³/hr/hd compare to nation standard of 30-35m³•During summer and winter, fresh air drawn in through PAU to regulate atmosphere surrounding the blocks. Topvent louvers open to vent excessive heat, and close tokeep warm inside•During spring and autumn, fresh air is drawn into theoffice area through window louvers, and extracted throughthe natural ventilation duct room in the building coreInternal Air Plenum AnimationElectricityLighting•Normal power supply to building 10kv dual feed•Floor power supply: 80W/m2 excluding airconditioning•One diesel generator for life safety and operationequipment, one diesel generation for tenantessential lighting•Essential power supply density: 20W/m2•Power upgrade to be reviewed•Recessed fluorescent lighting integrated with chilledceiling modular panels•Osram fluorescent tube together with ItalianIGUZZINI reflector fitting to achieve both energysaving and luminary•10m daylight interior penetration due to 2.9m highceiling•Luminance level around 450 lux at workLavatory, Fire & Security System•Male and Female lavatory with heating toilet and integrated wash basin cubicle•Executive bathroom, handicap toilet and Janitorand smoking room on each floor•Wet sink inside tenant area is not recommended•Automatic sprinkler system and smoke detectors below ceiling panels•Smoke extraction panel in each fire zone and with suspended smoke dividers•FM200 fire fighting system is recommended intenant computer room•Public area alarm system are connected to building central control room•PA system in all public area•Security and cctv surveillance system in public area•Access control in all entrances and exits, cardaccess in passenger lifts•Base building own telecommunication terminal andbackbone• 6 fiber optic for Tower A and B, 12 fiber optic forTower C and D•Backbone cabling system is provided to ELV roomson each floor, available for connection•Tenant can choose their own prefer telecom serviceprovider•Dual riser for separate backbone•Earthing ≤0.5Ω•cable TV and Internet TV telecommunication system Telecommunication•Light weight hollow beam system to reduce columnsize•Floor loading 2KVA per sm•Slab opening for internal staircase is notrecommended•Back staircase as internal circulation of multi-floortenant• 6 /9℃ independent chilled water pipes for 24hrsA/C•Universal remote control venetian blinds in curtainwall•Ventilation louver size at a ratio of 0.25/10sm room•Calcium sulphate raised floor tiles 600x600mm,400ht, with sealed joint•Together with insulated chilled ceiling tiles, theclearance space between ceiling and floor tiles can achieve 45 db acoustic performance Building Misc & AcousticA touch of human, a lot of services•People work and live long hours, need a balanceto improve productivity•It’s all about “You are being taken care”Work Life Balance – management & servicesBuilding Automation and Facility Management•Property management, developer and leasing all-in-one to ensure uniqueness of management andeffective services•State of the art computerize BMS for buildingautomation systems and the microclimatemonitoring•The Computer Aid Facility Management CAFM andsecurity system• A periodic checking of building equipment andfittings provided to tenant spaceTo Work and to Live• A convenient and efficient environment to work and to live in•Subway station within 200m 3-5 minutes walk, three free shuttle bus service to city hubs (Dongzhimen, Sanyuanqiao, Guomao), 1000 basement car parking•Express lift services with a standard of 2 floors/lift, average waiting time less than 30 second. Pressurized lift compartment to ensure comfort of passengersAmenity•Hotel accommodation, house keeping and customer services are within the reach of office tenant•Shopping mall with all kinds of amenity to support your business, and your living as well•Parkview Green Club, exclusive for tenants, business and conference center•Exhibition and social event open space•Parkview Green Concierge Team provides five star services to tenant on all building facilities and amities, A service hot line serving 24hrs around the year •Accommodating services such as house keeping, maintenance, booking, messenger, taking care yourbusiness as well as your daily needs•Dial-to-order food delivery and dinning reservation, movie ticket, priority reservation of hotel room at tenant discount rate, VIP exclusive lift services, conferencecenter• A 10% discount in restaurant exclusive to tenant •Express courier service and incoming mail distribution •3-5 minutes security attendance on site for emergency incident A Touch of Human, A lot of Services•With nearly 200,000sm of space, Parkview Green combines dynamic spaces, leadingtechnology and climate control atmosphereto make it a sustainable and comfortablespace for human•According to the USGBC, 34 buildings in China awarded with LEED certification,only Parkview Green reaches “PlatinumPre-Certification”, and is expected to bethe very first mix-use building•The back filling of site used material recycled from various building demolitions •Reuse of recycled bricks•Only softwood and composite timbers used •Substantial use of recyclable steel, aluminum, glass and ETFE •Use of native plants and trees to reduced irrigation•With 30,000sm footprint site, Parkview Green is surrounded by low rise residential block and a primary school •It takes 25 minutes to get to airport and 15minutes to railway station, 200m to subwaySite Selection and Sustainable Materials UsedForm vs. Light AnimationEnergy Features •The transparency of the environment skin reducesenergy loads for lighting•Lighting design to save 50% - 6.7w/sm of energy consumption•The microclimate shield saves energy for the Atrium, increase energy efficient inside buildings•The Passive airflow system of building physics allow natural ventilation to save mechanical fanenergy consumption•The hybrid chilled ceiling and under floor cooling system save 60%/80% of energy in summer/winter compares to conventional system Spring Summer Autumn WinterWater Efficiency •Grey water system, a collection of rainwater fromthe roof and paved areas, waste water from sinks,showers and washing faucets to recycle and filtratefor irrigation of landscaping•Sanitary fitting such as sensor faucets, watersaving urinals, low flow toilets and showers save upto 50% of water consumption•Swimming pool water at hotel levels are recycledthrough filtrated and sterilized to acceptable levelOccupant Health and Safety•Indoor Air Quality - through a series MERV filtrationsystem, the intake of fresh air and HVAC systemexceeds requirement of ASHRAE specification by 30%•The natural ventilation system allows more fresh air flowinto tenant space•The envelope provides a comfortable and healthyenvironment from the impact of sand storm and severeweather outsideCost Saving – how much and what benefitConcept of Green and Sustainable building •The more you spend upfront, the more you save subsequently •Parkview Green cost more than 17,000/sm to build, more than a double of a normal grade A building •Benefit from retaining talented peopleHealth is pricelessThe Fitting Out Cost•With amply of landlord provision, tenant fitout requires literally just partition, switch and socket, carpet andfurniture•Special furniture and carpet package provide by Haworth and Interface – strategic partner of Parkview Green •Energy and luminance efficient light fitting reduce quality of light box requires on the ceiling•Relocation of floor A/C outlet (FTU) is cost free• A 10-15% saving on total construction cost comparing to other grade A conventional building• A 30-40% saving on construction cost on achievingLEED certification compare to non-LEED building。



楼层 地下各层 一层 二层 三层 四层 五层 六层 七层 八层 单层面积啊 15000㎡ 11000㎡ 11000㎡ 11000㎡ 业态规划 美食风尚 服饰、配饰 服饰、配饰 服饰手表珠宝 特色品牌 城市超市 i.t草地
侨福芳草地项目创新性地设计了国内首座长达二百三十六米的步行桥,它横跨在建 筑复合体之间
侨福芳草地项目创新性地设计了国内首座 长达二百三十六米的步行桥,它横跨在建 筑复合体之间,为顾客鸟瞰各个商户店面 和公共广场提供出理想的阔达空间,也让 人们可以更便捷地行走于四座建筑之间; 与整个建筑配套的系列观光电梯、直升梯 与十八座六米长的自动扶梯相配套,亦可 让来访客户和顾客尽享便利;而侨福芳草 地的独特造型,虽然牺牲了一定使用空间 并提高了建筑成本,却可以保证芳草地旁 边居民区的日照时间,并比同等的建筑群 减少了30%能耗,使其与周边环境自然融 合,实现建筑与环境的和谐共处
Parkview Green侨福芳草地位于北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号,总面积达20万平方米 ,是一座集写字楼(建筑面积8.2万平方米)、购物中心,艺术中心和酒店于一身的 创新建筑
Parkview Green侨福芳草地
侨福芳草地建筑面积20万平方米、商业面积8.2万平方米,有写字楼、酒店、商场组 成,层高2.9米,开业时间2012年9月16日



有点耳熟?没错. 这玩 意儿就 是水立方 的外
人多的 地方通 风 总是 很重 要的. 风 的好 通 坏 影响到人1最 直接的感宦感 受。 ok i n P ve r w
壳所采用的材 料。 几点: 它非 常轻 1 只相 当手同体 积玻 璃1 % 的重量 . 只需少量 的材料 用于支撑 , 太减 大
了重中之重的问题. 毕竟咱们首鄄寸土寸 要的是高低有致的建筑组台不但有利于功 空问也为^们营造出轻松休阑的氟围。 另外 金t 空间利用不好酌话浪费的可是大把太 能区域的规划. 蔓是预留出了 足够的内部空 的一个点睛之笔是建筑内部酌—座步行长 把的人民币 在这方面. 捃较于其他千篇一 间, 再加上无拘束的透明外观, 让^身处其 桥. 它横跨于各独立建筑之间, 戚为链接各 律的高楼大厦. aki ,n Prv wG ̄ 做得相当 e e 出 中之时 会有任何压抑的感觉。 另外这样的 空间的纽带. 行人世 可 通避它横穿整个芳
看 它到 绿色环保在哪里 底
P r iwG e 定位为包禽办公、 ok e v n 展览、 酒 成的透 明 罩, 部 则是由两座1 层及两痤 外 内 8 Pr i o v wGr n ke e 整体 的开放式没计使 得建筑 e 店、 购物 等元素在 内的多功能商业 建筑, 那 9 屠的 独立建 筑组合 而成. 整体设 计有着直 作为公共空 问的部分显得特 别突出. 比如中 么如 何合理 规戈并最 大限 度fm空间 就威 观简洁 的美感 , 人印象 深到 然, 噜 I J 让 当 更重 庭的广场和 各楼层的 露台. 拣光 线和开阔 自
。 。 =
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=盐 i
内 部混合式 通风系 统

能 漂篇



Jianguomen Area建国门区域Henderson Centre 恒基中心Jian Guo Apartment 建国公寓Ya Bao Apartment 雅宝公寓Oriental Plaza 东方广场Royal Palace 贡院六号Lee Garden 丽苑公寓China World Trade Center Area国贸区域Cheng Yuan Plaza 成远大厦Global Trade Mansion 世贸国际公寓SOHO New Town 现代城SOHOThe St. Regis Beijing 国际俱乐部公寓Luxury Apartment 丽舍 (apartamentos en Beijing) New Town Apartment 现代城Regent Court 丽晶苑The Ascott Beijing 雅诗阁The Kerry Residence 嘉里公寓Yan Hua Court 燕华苑Ritan Area日坛区域Diyang Apartment 迪阳公寓Fairview Garden 怡景园Palace Apartments 京华豪园Jing Guang Area京广中心区域Bauhinia Court 紫荆豪庭Chaoyang Garden 朝阳园Golden Lake Garden 锦湖园公寓Sunshine 100 阳光100Goldfield Plaza 金地国际花园Blue castle 蓝堡国际公寓China Central Place 华贸中心He Qiao Lizhi Hotel Apt. 和乔丽致Part 5:Sanlitun Area三里屯区域East Gate Plaza 东环广场East Lake Villas Apartment 东湖别墅Embassy House 万国公寓Estoril Court 爱德苑Julong Garden 聚龙花园Lian Bao Apartment 联宝公寓One World Apartments 世芳豪庭Pacific Century Place 盈科中心Sun City 阳光都市Seasons Park 海晟名苑Part 6:Chaoyang Park朝阳公园区域Lakeside Garden 清境明湖Parkview Tower 景园Boya Garden 博雅园JingDa International Apartment Palm Spring 棕榈泉国际公寓Beijing Golf Palace 北京高尔夫公寓Park Avenue 公园大道Park Apartments 天安豪园Greenlake Garden 碧湖居Greenlake Place 观湖国际Part 7:Lufthansa Area燕莎区域Concordia Plaza 嘉和丽园First Shanghai Centre 第一上海中心San Quan Apartment 三全公寓Landmark Palace 亮马名居Somerset Fortune Garden 福景苑King's Garden Villas 京润水上花园Guang Ming Apartment 光明公寓Beijing Garden 北京花园Upper East Side 阳光上东Kempinski Apartment 凯宾斯基公寓Part 8:Lido Area丽都区域Chateau Regency 和乔丽晶Hong Yuan Apartment 宏源公寓Greenland Garden 嘉林花园Hairun International Apartment 海润国际公寓Star City 星城国际Richmond Park 丽都水岸Lido Courts 丽都公寓Part 9:International Exhibition Area国展区域Beijing International Friendship Garden 国际友谊花园Hengchuan Apartment 恒川公寓Phoenix Town 凤凰城Part 10:Northern Area北部区域Hui Yuan International Apartments 汇源国际公寓Sunshine Plaza 阳光广场Purple Jade Villas 紫玉山庄Yonghe Villa 雍和别墅Wangjing Area望京区域 MORE>>Wangjing AreaCLOSE TO WAB(京西国际学校区域) MORE>>Beijing Riviera 香江花园Lane Bridge Villa 长岛澜桥Cathay View 观唐Quanfa Garden 泉发花园Grand Hills 大湖山庄CLOSE TO ISBBeijing Eurovillage 欧陆苑Gahood Residential-Commercial Villa 嘉浩商住别墅Le Leman Lake Villas 莱蒙湖River Garden Villas 裕京花园Captial Paradise名都园Beijing Yosemite 优山美地AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY (机场高速区域)Dynasty Garden 丽斯花园Legend Garden Villas 丽京花园Merlin Champagne Town 美林香槟小镇Chateau Regalia 丽高王府Rits Garden 丽嘉花园SHUNYI COUNTY (顺义区域)Dragon Villa 龙苑别墅Lakeside Villas 枫桥别墅Woodlands Garden 华中园For rent MORE>>Close to Dong Si Area 250sqmJiaodaokou area 交道口四合院Small Courtyard in Dongsiliutiao 东四六条小院棕榈泉Palm Springs富力爱丁堡 Chateau Edinburgh华贸中心China Central Place蓝堡国际Blue castle International Apartments金地国际花园Gemdale International Garden新城国际Central Park北京高尔夫Beijing Golf Palace公园大道Park Avenue碧湖居Green Lake Garden星河湾Star River海晟(sheng)名苑Seasons Park阳光上东Upper East Side温莎大道Windsor Avenue博雅园Bo Ya Garden东方梅地亚Oriental Media万达广场Wanda Plaza嘉里中心Kerry Center万通中心Wantone Center京汇大厦The Exchange Beijing尚都国际The Spaces世贸天阶The Place天阶大厦the place tower时尚大厦trends tower大厦(双子座)LG Mansion Twins Tower富尔大厦Full Tower凯德大厦Capital Land财富中心Fortune Plaza人寿大厦china life tower丰联广场Full Link Plaza新保利大厦New Poly Plaza通用时代中心写字楼 G.T International Center银泰中心 Yintai Centre国贸大厦 China World Tower凯恒中心(一期)Metro World Center(1 Phase)海晟国际公寓 Cosmoplite Boutique Apartment 凯恒中心 Metro world center中国海洋大厦 China Nation Offshore Oil Plaza 东湖别墅 East Lake Villa观湖国际GuanHu Garden泛海国际居住区Ocean wide International Residential 中国红街 China View首开幸福广场The International Wonderland塞万提斯学院 Instituto Cervantes北京侨福芳草地park view green世界城world city百富国际广场 majestic plaza北京国际中心Beijing world center长安驿 Center Service Apartment盈科中心 Pacific Century Place文联大厦 WenLian Plaza凯富大厦Comfort Plaza瑞辰国际中心 RICHEN INTERNATION CENTER天安豪园 PARK APARTMENT景园大厦 PARKVIEW TOWER9号公寓 PARKWAY COURT NO。







ParkviewGreen芳草地的能源使用量仅为同等规模建筑的50%,是中国第一个获得美国绿色建筑协会LEED®(LeadershipinEnergy&EnvironmentalDesignBuildingRatingSystem)“铂金级预先认证”的综合性商业建筑,此外,ParkviewGreen芳草地更分别获得以下奖项:2010年: MIPIMAsia「年度最佳绿色建筑」2011年: 「FuturArc」绿色先锋奖「Perspective透视」优秀奖「国际绿色大奖」最佳绿色智能建筑项目铜奖2012年: GBA环保建筑大奖中获得亚太区绿色建筑大奖整个建筑由四座塔楼构成。








梁 燕妮 高级 工程师 北京市建筑设计 研究院有 限公 司

Li an g Yan ni . Seni o r En gi nee r ,BI AD
英文 许嘉 译
E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n b y C a r me n X u
设计过 程回顾
在北京 市建筑 设计研 究院有 限公司 ( B I A D) 2 0 0 2年 开始侨 福 Wh e n t h e B e i j i n g I n s t i t u t e o f A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n C o L t d . ( BI AD )s t a r t e d t o c a r r y o u t

突破常 规的设 计也让我 们深 深感受 到这个 项 目所 带来的 挑战和 a n d t h e n u me r o u s u n c o n v e n t i o n a l d e s i g n d e t a i l s . Wi t h a n e x c e l l e n t d e s i g n t e a m BI AD t o ok 压 力 。B I A D项 目组构 建 了优 良的 人员 配置 ,带 着极 大 的热情 投 入到工作 中 。业 主先进 的管 理模式 ,弥补 了项 目由于 不同阶 段 设计主 导单位 的不 同而造成 方案与 初步设 计 、施 工图 阶段的

念让我 们眼 前一亮 ,同时 ,复合型 的功能 布局 、大量超 前的 、
w h i c h d i d s u r p r i s e u s . Me a n w h i l e . w e w e r e g r e a t l y c h a l l e n g e d b y t h e c 裂 ,2 00 5年 BI AD适 时 推 广 的 协 同 设 计 模 式 ,保 障 了 设 计



侨福芳草地PARKVIEW GREEN芳草地紧邻北京CBD中心,是侨福集团在中国大陆地区的第一个大型项目,是一座集顶级写字楼、时尚购物中心, 艺术中心和精品酒店于一身的创新建筑。

艺术是Parkview Green芳草地最独特的DNA之一, 许多独具一格的艺术创作展示于芳草地的灵动空间里。











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PARKVIEW GREENBetter Work Better LifeTenant Perspective – what about my needs Building Overview – more than a Landmark Work Space – floor plate efficient Life – building technologyWork Life Balance – management & services Urban Oasis – a greener way of Life Cost Saving – how much and what benefitCONTENTSDifferent prospective tenant representatives come with different concerns • User Client Representative• Client Real Estate & Project Manager • Client Facility ManagerTenant Perspective – what about my needsUser Client Representative•Working environment and quality, bright and spacious, quiet and comfort, easy to reach facilities, sense of identity •Landlord provision•Floor plate efficiency, workspace productivity•Commuting to work, transportation, car park•Property management and services•Building facilities and amenity•Rental, value engineering and cost saving•Mechanical and engineering, technology and communication •HVAC, electricity power, fire services, plumbing & drainage •Telecommunication, infrastructure and capacity •Floor loading, structure and mechanical rooms •The leasing termsClient Real Estate & Project Manager•User benefit of LEED Platinum •Indoor Environment Quality IEQ •Attribute to cost savingClient Facility Manager•Property Management and Services; building administration•Building Management System BMS;•Computer Aided Facility Management CAFM•Environment, Health and Safety & EHS•Fire and emergency; Security•Maintenance systems; Periodic Statutory Testing and InspectionsOwner Vision:• A landmark building in the capital of China •Pioneer of its kind in China and the world•The highest level of green, the lowest level of carbonBeyond environmental interest, the developers are committed to building a sustainable future for social, culture and economic reasons. A building that every Chinese should be proud ofBuilding Overview – more than a Landmark•The 82,000 sm international “Grade A” office space•State-of-the-art facilities allow tenants to utilize office spacemore efficiently•Terraced gardens, cafes and private areas, a stimulating andsocial environment for businessWorking City: Office SpacesTime Out: The Metropolitan Mall•56,000sm retail space, perfect destination for shopping, eating, and relaxing•Level I exciting range of eating and drinking experience, anda supermarket•Level II a new interpretation of lifestyle comes together by creativity, style, and entertainment•Level III galleries and boutiques, a vast 6,000sm open space for fashion shows, exhibitions and social events•Level IV a showcase of innovation from around the world of media and technology•Parkview Green’s boutique hotel at the very apex of the building•The exclusive and elegant space fill with welcoming•The 100 individually designed suites perfectly balance style •20 of the suites with private jetted swim spas, terraced gardens, and gyms•The 1,000sm Presidential Suite redefines the concept of fine living•The sense of art is filled in the air. Take time to feel, you willbe surprised! Luxury Escapes: The HotelArt Capital: Dali in Beijing•Salvador Dali, one of the most famousartists of the 20th century. Best known forhis surrealist work• A grand sculpture of his will greet you at theentrance, while inside, the first Dalimuseum in China featuring 42 of his mostfamous and personal piecesTop Tables:Dinning andEntertainmentUrban Oasis:A Green LivingWork Space – floor plate efficiencyAn Inside-Out, all from a single workstation •The modularity and compatibility architecture design are custom to tenant space layout •One size fit all!! Conceive from a grid to a zone, to the entire floor •From a window to a ceiling tile, and to a column. They are all tide up!!Modular floor and column grid 1.5 x 1.5 meterModular ceiling and window mullion grid 1.5 x 1.5 meterThe column, the window, the ceiling, the floor; they are all aligned and tide up with 1.5m² grid moduleThe Grid - The Spacecluster workstation modular workstationworkbench groupingmanager cubical‘One Size Fit All’typical staff workstation withpersonal storageworkstation group with low screendivider and group storageopen manager cubical withguest chair and personal storage workbench with clip-on dividerand group storagea flexible workspace for modernoffice setup•according to International Facility Management Association IFMA, 17% increase of collaborate space in modern office•flexible workplace allows employees to work individually and in teams freely as projects require •it improves productivity, collaboration and knowledge sharingteam workassigned for general project team works and activities also for workspace or meetingreference & libraryfor referencing, meeting, learning and sharing between colleaguestouch downa small bench for short drop-in to work between meetings, also for visitorsmeeting room 6 grid meeting room 9 grid meeting room 20 gridmanager room 6 gridmanager room 9 gridmanager room 12 grid•enclosed workspace for interaction and privacy•unassigned allows variety choices of space to fit the work nature•small meeting room for informal discussions •highest percentage of productivitystorage receptionpantryutilityopen and enclosed storage withshelf, cabinet and compactusfridge, microwave, vending andcoffee machine for refreshment,informal meeting, lunchopen and enclosed copier,printer, fax, binding, stationaryand storage spacea frontier to project corporateidentity, to greet visitors andclients•IFMA research states, meeting space are less formal, more like a living room, garden, with plenty of light, cushy chairs, sofas and greenery•Work Life Balance will be critically influence workplace design in next decade•Given the increase flexibility and mobility, advancements in technology, sustainability and design, alongwith the ability to work remotely, employees are much more happier Indoor and OutdoorInformal / break-out areas encourage colleagues’ interaction and communication Society of Human Resources Management SHRM:workplace environment, compensation and benefits are the 3 attraction factors to staffsCollaborative area: 269sm(meeting, breakout, pantry, patio) Work area: 1041sm (workstation, enclosed office, corridor) Facility area: 145sm (reception, storage, server, copier) Total area: 1455smWorkstation: 128 Enclosed office: 13 Headcount: 141 / 10.3sm@Collaborative area: 207sm(meeting, breakout, pantry, patio) Work area: 667sm (workstation, enclosed office, corridor)Facility area: 105sm (reception, storage, server, copier)Total area: 979smWorkstation: 98 Enclosed office: 10 Headcount: 108 / 9sm@Tower A/BCirculationOfficeCirculationTower C/DCirculationCirculationOfficeCirculationOfficeFacilitiesoffice/open/facilityoffice/openopenCirculationOfficeFacilitiesLease Depth AnalysisColumn Space Analysis12mTower A/BTower C/D*GIA: Gross Internal Area – the measured area of the entire floorplate inside the curtain wall*NIA: Net Internal Area – the actual area available for office. NIA does not include area taken bybuilding core and facilities, structural elements and floor lift lobby*NUA: Net Usable Area – Tenant area, NUA does not include common corridor outside of tenant areaFloor Plate EfficiencyA/B Tower Area(Sqm.)C/D Tower Area(Sqm.)GIA2005GIA4666 Core 322Core 645NIA1683NIA4021 Common Corridor191Common Corridor360 Patio(54)Patio(436) NUA1492NUA3661 NUA to GIA74%NUA to GIA78%Life – building technologyA comfortable and healthy working environment Staffs come here not just to work, but also to live. The objective of building technology is to take care of people who live and work insideEnvironmental Envelope•ETFE membrane roof, a lightweight polymer foil‘pillow’ which allows 95% of external light to comethrough•The Triple Skin allows efficient control oftemperature and humidity inside the envelop, andto block 98% of UV in daylight•Micro climate maintains a constant environmentwithin the envelop, protecting the buildings fromsevere weather change outside the windows•The environmental shield – a cradle of energyefficiencyEnvironmental Envelope AnimationUnder Floor A/C System•An integrated with chilled ceiling, and fresh air system•VAV under floor cooling system with AHU, air plenum inside raised floor and Floor Terminal Unit FTU, air return through louver at top of partitioninto corridor then back to AHU room•FTU, with independent on/off and 3 fan speed gear, are easy to relocate, every 11 FTU in between columns zone 12m x 12m•Running from 8am-7pm daily with constant condition 23℃ RH47% in Summer, and 26℃ RH>40% in Winter•Design cooling capacity up to 2m height, 2/3 of the room of 2.9m high•Energy efficient by localize independent control, and less capacityChilled Ceiling System•Chilled ceiling is a radiated cooling system with cold water pipes inside the ceiling tile•It serves the area above head level, where cooling is less critical, and heat are gathered•Cold water supply/return at 16℃/19℃, whereas standard chilled water at 6/9℃. Reduce cooling load to the system•Contribute a saving of 30% of total cooling space, and 60% of the A/C energy•The first building to integrate chilled ceiling with VAV system for coolingHeating System• A perimeter ring heating system with heating fan-coil unit along curtain wall through civil heating•Similar to 2 + 2 pipes system that office interior space are split into outer and inner zones. Outer zone along window provides cooling in Summer and heating in Winter, Inner zone provides cooling all year round •Additional floor heating on ground level of Atrium open area•An extremely efficient cooling and heating system significantly reduce energy consumption, a standard exceeding ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating A/C Engineering) for 30% comparing to conventional designFresh Air & Ventilation•Fresh air drawn in through B3 level and vent through the roof of the shield, monitored by BMS system•PAU fresh air intake with MERV 11 filtering system,equivalent to hospital condition•Charcoal (active carbonate) filter filtrating formaldehyde to ensure a healthy and safe environment•Fresh air exchange rate at 36m³/hr/hd compare to nation standard of 30-35m³•During summer and winter, fresh air drawn in through PAU to regulate atmosphere surrounding the blocks. Topvent louvers open to vent excessive heat, and close tokeep warm inside•During spring and autumn, fresh air is drawn into theoffice area through window louvers, and extracted throughthe natural ventilation duct room in the building coreInternal Air Plenum AnimationElectricityLighting•Normal power supply to building 10kv dual feed•Floor power supply: 80W/m2 excluding airconditioning•One diesel generator for life safety and operationequipment, one diesel generation for tenantessential lighting•Essential power supply density: 20W/m2•Power upgrade to be reviewed•Recessed fluorescent lighting integrated with chilledceiling modular panels•Osram fluorescent tube together with ItalianIGUZZINI reflector fitting to achieve both energysaving and luminary•10m daylight interior penetration due to 2.9m highceiling•Luminance level around 450 lux at workLavatory, Fire & Security System•Male and Female lavatory with heating toilet and integrated wash basin cubicle•Executive bathroom, handicap toilet and Janitorand smoking room on each floor•Wet sink inside tenant area is not recommended•Automatic sprinkler system and smoke detectors below ceiling panels•Smoke extraction panel in each fire zone and with suspended smoke dividers•FM200 fire fighting system is recommended intenant computer room•Public area alarm system are connected to building central control room•PA system in all public area•Security and cctv surveillance system in public area•Access control in all entrances and exits, cardaccess in passenger lifts•Base building own telecommunication terminal andbackbone• 6 fiber optic for Tower A and B, 12 fiber optic forTower C and D•Backbone cabling system is provided to ELV roomson each floor, available for connection•Tenant can choose their own prefer telecom serviceprovider•Dual riser for separate backbone•Earthing ≤0.5Ω•cable TV and Internet TV telecommunication system Telecommunication•Light weight hollow beam system to reduce columnsize•Floor loading 2KVA per sm•Slab opening for internal staircase is notrecommended•Back staircase as internal circulation of multi-floortenant• 6 /9℃ independent chilled water pipes for 24hrsA/C•Universal remote control venetian blinds in curtainwall•Ventilation louver size at a ratio of 0.25/10sm room•Calcium sulphate raised floor tiles 600x600mm,400ht, with sealed joint•Together with insulated chilled ceiling tiles, theclearance space between ceiling and floor tiles can achieve 45 db acoustic performance Building Misc & AcousticA touch of human, a lot of services•People work and live long hours, need a balanceto improve productivity•It’s all about “You are being taken care”Work Life Balance – management & servicesBuilding Automation and Facility Management•Property management, developer and leasing all-in-one to ensure uniqueness of management andeffective services•State of the art computerize BMS for buildingautomation systems and the microclimatemonitoring•The Computer Aid Facility Management CAFM andsecurity system• A periodic checking of building equipment andfittings provided to tenant spaceTo Work and to Live• A convenient and efficient environment to work and to live in•Subway station within 200m 3-5 minutes walk, three free shuttle bus service to city hubs (Dongzhimen, Sanyuanqiao, Guomao), 1000 basement car parking•Express lift services with a standard of 2 floors/lift, average waiting time less than 30 second. Pressurized lift compartment to ensure comfort of passengersAmenity•Hotel accommodation, house keeping and customer services are within the reach of office tenant•Shopping mall with all kinds of amenity to support your business, and your living as well•Parkview Green Club, exclusive for tenants, business and conference center•Exhibition and social event open space•Parkview Green Concierge Team provides five star services to tenant on all building facilities and amities, A service hot line serving 24hrs around the year •Accommodating services such as house keeping, maintenance, booking, messenger, taking care yourbusiness as well as your daily needs•Dial-to-order food delivery and dinning reservation, movie ticket, priority reservation of hotel room at tenant discount rate, VIP exclusive lift services, conferencecenter• A 10% discount in restaurant exclusive to tenant •Express courier service and incoming mail distribution •3-5 minutes security attendance on site for emergency incident A Touch of Human, A lot of Services•With nearly 200,000sm of space, Parkview Green combines dynamic spaces, leadingtechnology and climate control atmosphereto make it a sustainable and comfortablespace for human•According to the USGBC, 34 buildings in China awarded with LEED certification,only Parkview Green reaches “PlatinumPre-Certification”, and is expected to bethe very first mix-use building•The back filling of site used material recycled from various building demolitions •Reuse of recycled bricks•Only softwood and composite timbers used •Substantial use of recyclable steel, aluminum, glass and ETFE •Use of native plants and trees to reduced irrigation•With 30,000sm footprint site, Parkview Green is surrounded by low rise residential block and a primary school •It takes 25 minutes to get to airport and 15minutes to railway station, 200m to subwaySite Selection and Sustainable Materials UsedForm vs. Light AnimationEnergy Features •The transparency of the environment skin reducesenergy loads for lighting•Lighting design to save 50% - 6.7w/sm of energy consumption•The microclimate shield saves energy for the Atrium, increase energy efficient inside buildings•The Passive airflow system of building physics allow natural ventilation to save mechanical fanenergy consumption•The hybrid chilled ceiling and under floor cooling system save 60%/80% of energy in summer/winter compares to conventional system Spring Summer Autumn WinterWater Efficiency •Grey water system, a collection of rainwater fromthe roof and paved areas, waste water from sinks,showers and washing faucets to recycle and filtratefor irrigation of landscaping•Sanitary fitting such as sensor faucets, watersaving urinals, low flow toilets and showers save upto 50% of water consumption•Swimming pool water at hotel levels are recycledthrough filtrated and sterilized to acceptable levelOccupant Health and Safety•Indoor Air Quality - through a series MERV filtrationsystem, the intake of fresh air and HVAC systemexceeds requirement of ASHRAE specification by 30%•The natural ventilation system allows more fresh air flowinto tenant space•The envelope provides a comfortable and healthyenvironment from the impact of sand storm and severeweather outsideCost Saving – how much and what benefitConcept of Green and Sustainable building •The more you spend upfront, the more you save subsequently •Parkview Green cost more than 17,000/sm to build, more than a double of a normal grade A building •Benefit from retaining talented peopleHealth is pricelessThe Fitting Out Cost•With amply of landlord provision, tenant fitout requires literally just partition, switch and socket, carpet andfurniture•Special furniture and carpet package provide by Haworth and Interface – strategic partner of Parkview Green •Energy and luminance efficient light fitting reduce quality of light box requires on the ceiling•Relocation of floor A/C outlet (FTU) is cost free• A 10-15% saving on total construction cost comparing to other grade A conventional building• A 30-40% saving on construction cost on achievingLEED certification compare to non-LEED building。
