

人教版新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section B教案(1)

人教版新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section B教案(1)

Unit1 My name’s GinaSection BPeri od One璇惧墠鍑嗗鏁欏笀锛氬噯澶囨墍闇€鐨勬瓕鏇茬甯︺€佸悕鐗囨牱鏈強鍚勯」琛ㄦ牸銆?/font>瀛︾敓锛氬埗浣滃悕鐗囨墍闇€鐨勭焊寮犮€佺敾绗旂瓑銆?/font>鏁欏璁捐Step One: Present the English numbers.1. Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.锛堟瓕鏇叉蹇湁瓒o紝姣旇捣鍗曠函鏁欐巿鍗曡瘝鏇翠负鏈夋晥銆傦級Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do?S1: A telephone call.T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.T: If we want to kn ow about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English. Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.WordsOne little, two little, three little Indians,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indian boys.(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)T: Count the number together from zero to nine.S2: Zero…2. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.锛堥€氳繃鍚姏澶嶄範鍗曡瘝銆傦級Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number. But I can’t hear it clearly. Could you please help me write it down?(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)Step Two Drills.1. Make a survey about your partners’ te lephone numbers.锛堣皟鏌ョ粍鍐呮垚鍛樼殑鐢佃瘽鍙风爜锛岄噸鐐圭粌涔犳墍瀛﹀彞寮忋€傦級Teacher: Thank you for your help. But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’s make a survey about it a nd try to fill in the chart.NameTelephone numbersLi LeiLiu YuLin FangYin KailinS1: Hello, Liu Yu. What’s your telephone number?S2: My telephone number is …S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang?S3: It’s…S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?S4: …S1: Thank you very much. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone nu mber is…2. Report it to th e class.(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)Example:My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin Kailin’ s phone number is…3. Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.锛堝埗浣滅數璇濆彿鐮佺翱杩欎竴浠诲姟鑳藉澶ч潰绉皟鍔ㄥ鐢熻鐨勫弬涓庢剰璇嗐€傦級Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the person’s telep hone number in the space after that person’s name.(Students listen to the tape.)T: Next, I’ll play the recording again. This time, fill in the missing numbers.(Students listen to the tape again.)T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are?S:…4. Make an address book.Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to con tact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book. Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”. Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”Step Three: Make an ID card.1. Show some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.锛堝悜瀛︾敓灞曠ず涓嶅悓绉嶇被鐨勫悕鐗囷紝涓€鏂归潰寮€闃斿鐢熺溂鐣岋紝涓€鏂归潰渚夸簬瀛︾敓鎵惧嚭鍚嶇墖鎵€鍚唴瀹广€傦級锛堝紩瀵煎鐢熸湁鏁堟悳闆嗗悕鐗囦笂鐨勪俊鎭紝鎻愰珮瀛︾敓鐨勯槄璇昏兘鍔涖€傦級Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book. We can use it to talk with others on the phone. But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along. What’s more, they are very enjoyable. Sometimes they can show the owners’ special personalities. Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?S1: It must have a person’s name…S2: Sometimes it has a motto.T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address. So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above. But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card. It’s very important.2. Read the ID card and answer the questions.锛堟彁渚涘弬鑰冧俊鎭紝浣嗗厑璁稿鐢熷垱鏂般€傦級Teacher: Look! Here’s an ID card of my friend’s. Please look at it and find out some useful information about her.FIRST NAME:JennyLAST NAME:BrownTELEPHONE NUMBER:535-23751. What’s her telephone number?2. What’s her family name?3. What’s her first name?Homework1. Students are asked to make ID Cards of their own.Demands: A. Useful information must be included.B. It can be designed as beautifully as possible.C. Students may show their own personalities if possible.Personal InformationFirst name:________________ Last name:_________________English name:______________ School:_____________________Class:____________________ Phone number:______________Home address:____________________________________________________E-mail:__________________________________________________________Mott___________________________________________________________2. Find out the information about the famous person.Period Two璇惧墠鍑嗗鏁欏笀:鍑嗗璇勪环琛ㄣ€佸悕浜哄浘鐗囧拰涓€寮犱釜浜烘捣鎶ャ€?nbsp;瀛︾敓锛氬噯澶囧ソ瀹屾垚鐨勫悕鐗囧弬鍔犲睍瑙堛€?/font>鏁欏璁捐Step One: Make an ID card show.1. Show the ID cards to the students.Teacher: Yesterday all of you made some beautiful ID cards. Today we’ll make a show here. Let’s enj oy it together and try to choose the best ones.2. Find the owner of the card.Teacher: The ID card show is over. All the cards are mixed together. I can’t find the owners. Who can help me?S1:I can.(Show one of the cards to another students.)S1: Excuse me, are you in...?S2: Yes, I am.S1: What’s your telephone number?S2: It’s...S1: Are you...?S2: Yes, I am.S1: Here’s your ID car d.S2: Thank you.(Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).Step Two “Face to Face”.1. Play a guessing game.Teacher: ID cards are useful. But some persons ‘names are known to all the people. They are very famous. Now look at the pictures and guess their names.(The teacher shows some famous person’s pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)2. Collect useful information.Teacher: These persons are very famous. But it’s better for us to know something else about them. Before class you’ve been asked to collect some information. Now let’s exchange it together.3. Report it to class.Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favorite person. The other students can ask him some questions in class.Example:S1:This is Michael Jordan. He’s …years old. He’s... He speaks...His birth place is ... He is a famous ...player. He’s a membe r of six Chicago Bulls championship teams.People like to call him “Air Jordan”.S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?S1:Yes, I like him very much because he’s so ...S2:Do you want to be a basketball player like him?S1:Of course I do. That’s my dream.Step Three: Make a poster about yourself.Teacher: Do you want to be famous all over the world?First you must learn to show yourself. Now you have a chance to do that. Please try to make a poster about yourself. In your poster you should try to introduce yourself.(Students can write a passage about themselves. They can give some personal information. They can also design the poster as well as they can.)HomeworkStudents are asked to sun up this unit, especially about how to talk with others politely.。



2017八年级语文上12唐诗五首教案(新人教版)12鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳?1.娣卞叆浣撲細鍙よ瘲鐨勯煹寰嬶紝鏈?2岀悊瑙h瘲鎰忥紝鎶婃彙鎰熸儏銆?3?杩囩▼涓庢柟娉?1.?2紡鐞嗚В璇楁剰锛屼綋浼氳瘲浜烘儏鎰熴€?鎯呮劅銆佹€佸害銆€枃鍖栧搧浣嶅拰瀹$編鎯呰叮銆?绗?璇炬椂銆€銆婇噹鏈涖€嬨€婇粍楣ゆゼ銆?1锛庝簡瑙h瘲鎰忥紝浣撲細鎯呮劅锛岃儗璇佃瘲绡囥€?閲嶇偣) 2?闅剧偣) 3Н?閲嶉毦鐐? ?鍞愪唬楃殑鏍煎緥涔嬬編銆?浜屻€佹暀瀛︽柊璇?閲庛€€鏈?璇嗭紝鐤忛€氭枃涔?1?2鐓ф敞閲婏紝鍊熷姪宸ュ叿涔︼紝鐤忛€氳瘲鍙ワ紝鐞嗚В璇楁剰銆?3?В瀹?鎻愰棶1鏄庣‘锛氭弿缁樹簡璇椾汉涓磋繎榛勬槒鏃跺緲寰婂湪涓滅殝涔嬩笂锛屽洓澶勭満鏈涳紝璧拌蛋鍋滃仠锛呯殑鐢婚潰銆?鎻愰棶2浜嗘€庢牱涓€骞呮櫙璞★紵鏄庣‘锛氫袱鑱旇繍鐢ㄤ簡鍔ㄩ潤缁撳悎鐨勮〃хт紝閫忛湶鍑哄嚑鍒嗗咖閮佸拰鑻﹂椃銆??鎻愰棶3锛氳瘯鍒嗘瀽棣栬仈鍦ㄥ叏璇椾腑鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ€?埌鐭ラ煶銆佸緱涓嶅埌璧忚瘑鐨勮嫤闂枫€佹€呮儤鐨勫績鎯呫€?鎻愰棶4锛銆?х瘎瀵撲簡璇椾汉瀛ょ嫭銆佽惤瀵炵殑鎯呮€€銆?鎻愰棶5锛氳瘲浜哄湪璇椾腑娴侀湶浜嗘€庢牱鐨勬劅鎯咃紵棿涓よ仈鍐欐櫙锛屽€熸櫙鎶掓儏锛岃〃鐜颁簡璇椾汉鐧炬棤鑱婅禆鐨勫椒寰ㄥ績鎯呭拰鍦ㄧ幇瀹炰腑瀛ょ嫭鏃犱緷銆佸彧濂借拷鎬€鍙や汉鐨勮惤瀵炲績?榛勯工妤?鎻愰棶1锛氳皥璋堜綘鎵€浜嗚В鐨勬睙鍗椾笁澶у悕妤煎強涓庝箣鏈夊叧鐨勮憲鍚嶈瘲鏂囷紵鏄庣‘锛氭箹鍖楋細榛勯工妤笺€€宕旈ⅱ銆€銆婇粍楣ゆゼ銆?婀栧崡锛氬渤闃虫ゼ銆€鑼冧徊娣广€€銆婂渤闃虫ゼ璁般€?姹熻タ锛氭粫鐜嬮榿銆€鐜嬪媰銆€銆婃粫鐜嬮榿搴忋€?屽垎鏋愭帰绌?鎻愰棶2轰粈涔堬紵鏄庣‘锛氱敓1鐪煎墠濂藉儚涔熷嚭鐜拌繖涔堜竴骞呬护浜洪櫠閱夌殑鐢婚潰銆?鐢?锛氭垜涔熷枩娆㈣繖涓€鍙ャ?鐢??鎻愰棶3鏄庣‘锛氳〃杈句?鎻愰棶4锛氳瘲浜哄湪鏈€鍚庢劅鍙归亾鈥滅儫娉㈡睙涓婁娇浜烘剚鈥濓紝浠栦负浣曡€屾剚锛熸剚浠€涔堝憿锛?鏄庣‘锛氳瘲浜虹敱榛勯工妤肩殑鍚嶅瓧鐢辨潵鎯冲楣よ€屽幓锛屽彧鐣欎笅杩欏骇妤煎拰鍗冨勾涓嶅彉鐨勬偁鎮犵櫧浜戯紱鍐嶇満鏈涚溂鍓嶆眽闃冲煄涓€甯︼紝鑽夋湪鑼傜洓鑻嶇繝锛涚户鑰屾兂璧疯嚜宸辩殑鏁呬埂锛屼笉绂佹姃鍙戜簡鎬€鏃с?鎻愰棶5锛岃繍鐢ㄤ簡浠€涔堟墜娉曪紵浼犺揪浜嗚瘲浜烘€庢牱鐨勬儏鎰燂紵鏄庣鐨勫悜寰€銆??绗??1锛庢湕璇诲彜璇楋紝鎶婃彙鎯呮劅銆?閲嶇偣) 2?閲嶇偣)柊璇??浜屻€佹暀瀛︽柊璇?浣胯嚦濉炰笂1锛庝綔鑰呯畝浠嬪強鍐欎綔鑳屾櫙鐜嬬淮锛屽瓧鎽╄瘶锛屽攼浠h憲鍚嶇殑灞辨按鐢板洯璇椾汉銆備粬涓嶄粎х殑鑹烘湳鐗硅壊銆?寮€鍏冧簩鍗佷簲骞?737)鐨勬槬澶╋紝鐜嬬淮濂夊攼鐜勫畻涔嬪懡锛屼互т?2锛庢暀甯堣寖璇昏瘲姝岋紝?3綈璇伙紝骞舵劅鐭ヨ瘲姝屽唴瀹广€??鎻愰棶1?ч泚銆傚彧瑙佺伩榛勬棤鍨犵殑澶ф紶涓婏紝鎸烘嫈鐫€涓€鏌辩洿鍐蹭簯闇勭殑瀛ょ儫锛岀坏闀垮€?鎻愰棶2紝棰堣仈鎻忕粯鍑轰竴骞呯粡鍏哥殑鐢婚潰锛屽熬鑱斿彊浜嬨€?涓夛細璧忔瀽璇楀彞锛屾妸鎻℃儏鎰?鎻愰棶3?鏄庣‘锛氳繖涓ゅ彞璇楀厖鍒嗕綋鐜颁簡璇椾腑鏈夌敾鐨勭壒鑹诧紝闈炲父璁茬┒鏅竴鏍风殑鏋勫浘锛屼粠澶╄竟鐨勮惤鏃ュ埌绌轰腑鐨勭兘鐑熷埌鍦颁笅鐨勬渤娴侊紝浠庤繎澶勭殑鐑界儫鍒拌繙澶勭殑澶曢槼鍐嶅埌缁靛欢鏃犺竟鐨勫ぇ婕鏈涙棤闄呯殑澶ф鍨犵殑澶ф岄潤闈欏湴灞呬簬澶╅檯锛岃緣鏄犵潃娉㈡緶涓嶆儕鐨勯棯鐫€鐧藉厜鐨勬渤姘达紝娌欐紶涓婂崌璧蜂竴缂曠櫧鑹茬殑鐑界儫锛岀洿涓婇珮绌猴紝闆勬祽杈??娓¤崋闂ㄩ€佸埆鎻愰棶1腑娉ㄨВ?鎻愮ず锛氭垜椹捐交鑸熶竴鍙讹紝椤烘祦鑰屼笅锛屼婏紝瀹冧笉杩滀竾閲屾妸鎴戦€佸埌姹熸眽骞冲師銆??鎻愰棶2锛氥€婃浮鑽嗛棬閫佸埆銆嬫槸涓€棣栦簲瑷€寰?鎻愰棶3?(鎴栤€滀互鍔ㄥ啓闈欌€?伙紝鐪熷垏鍦拌〃鐜颁簡鍑烘潵锛岀粰浜轰互绌洪棿鎰熷拰娴佸姩鎰熴€備竴?鎻愰棶4?鏄庣‘锛氳繖涓€鑱斾互姘翠腑鏈紝浠ュぉ涓婁簯褰╂瀯鎴愭捣甯傝渻妤艰‖鎵樻睙宀哥殑杈介様锛屽ぉ绌虹殑?鎻愰棶5棰樹腑鈥橀€佸埆鈥欎簩瀛楀彲鍒犫€濄€備綘鏈変粈涔堢湅娉曪紵鏄庣‘锛寰锋綔璁や负鈥滈€佸埆鈥濅簩瀛楀彲鍒犲苟涓嶆槸娌℃湁閬撶悊鐨勩€?涓夈??綋鎰熺煡1?2?3熷€熷姪娉ㄩ噴鍜屽弬鑰冭祫鏂欙紝鐤忛€氳瘲鏂囧ぇ鎰忋€?岋細鎰熸偀鍏ㄨ瘲锛岃川鐤戦噴闅?鎻愰棶1烘潵鐨勶紵鏄庣‘锛氭棭鏄ャ€備粠姘撮潰鍒濆钩銆佹棭鑾轰簤鏆栨爲銆佹柊鐕曞晞鏄ユ偿銆佷贡鑺便€佹祬鑽夌湅鍑恒€?鎻愰棶2?鏄ョ殑椋庝織鏋佺洓銆?鎻愰棶3?鏄庣‘锛氫粠瀛ゅ北瀵虹殑鍖楅?鎻愰棶4锛?) 鏄庣‘锛氳瘲浜烘渶鐖辨箹涓滅殑鐧藉牑锛屽洜涓鸿繖閲岀豢鏌虫嶈儨鏀讹紝浣夸汉涔呬箙涓嶅繊绂诲幓锛岃瘲浜轰笉绂佽禐鍙归亾锛氳繖鎵嶆ㄣ€???瀛ゅ北瀵恒€€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€浜戞按鐢熸槬鎰?鈫撱€€銆€銆€銆€娓搞€€銆€銆€鏄?琛?璐惧叕鑾虹嚂浜夋槬鍏?銆€韪?鈫撱€€銆€銆€銆€?鐧芥矙鍫ゃ€€銆€銆€銆€銆€鑺辫崏绔炴槬鑽?銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€鈫撱€€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€鈫?銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€銆€瑗挎箹銆€銆€銆€鏃╂槬鍥?鏈€鐖?銆€銆€璇椾汉璧炴槬鎯?銆€銆€绱ф墸鏂囨湰鐗互璇绘潵鐞嗚В?銆€銆€㈠紡銆?。



2017七年级英语上册Unit4单词短语句型汇总2017涓冨勾绾цnit4?Unit4 Where鈥檚my schoolbag??1. my pencil box 鎴戠殑閾呯瑪鐩?2. on the sofa 鍦ㄦ矙鍙戜笂3. in your schoolbag 鍦ㄤ綘鐨勪功鍖呴噷 4. under your bed 鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫簥搴曚笅5. in your grandparents鈥?room 鍦ㄤ綘绁栫埗姣嶇殑鎴块棿閲?6. a tape player 涓€鍙板綍闊虫満7. a model plane ?8. English books ?9. in the bookcase 鍦ㄤ功鏌滈噷10. under the radio 鍦ㄦ敹闊虫満涓嬮潰11. on the teacher鈥檚desk 12. on your head 鍦ㄤ綘澶翠笂銆愰噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬨€?1.鈥昗here鈥檚the schoolbag? 涔﹀寘鍦ㄥ摢閲? 鈥?I t 鈥檚under the table. ?2.鈥?Where are my books锛熸垜鐨勪功鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紵鈥昑hey鈥檙e on the sofa. 鍦ㄦ矙鍙戜笂銆?3.Where is your ruler? 浣犵殑灏哄瓙鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紵 4.鈥昗here鈥檚my bag? ?鈥旾s it on your desk? 鍦ㄤ綘鐨勪功妗屼笂鍚楋紵 5.It鈥檚not under the chair.?6.I think it 鈥檚in your grandparents鈥?room. 鎴戞?7.I鈥榤tidy锛宐ut Gina is not. 鎴?涓滆タ鏀惧緱)鏁撮綈,浣嗗悏濞滀笉鏁撮綈銆?8.I have a clock. 鎴戞湁涓€鍙伴挓銆?9.Gina鈥檚books are everywhere. ?銆愰噸鐐瑰崟璇嶃€?where /we蓹/ adv. 鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紱鍒板摢閲?table /'teibl/ n. 妗屽瓙bed /bed/ n. 搴?bookcase /'bukkeis/ n. 涔︽灦锛涗功鏌?sofa /'s蓹uf蓹/ n. 娌欏彂chair /t蕛e蓹/ n. 妞呭瓙on /蓴n/ prep. 鍦?......涓?under /'蕦nd蓹/ prep. 鍦?......涓?come /k蕦m/ v. 鏉ワ紱鏉ュ埌come on ?desk /desk/ n. think /胃i艐k/ n. 璁や负锛涙兂锛涙€濊€?room /ru:m/ n. 鎴块棿their /冒e蓹/ pron. 浠栵紙濂广€佸畠锛変滑鐨?hat /h忙t/ n. 甯藉瓙head/hed/ n. 澶?yeah /je蓹/ interj. know /n蓹u/ v. 鐭ラ亾锛涗簡瑙?radio /'reidi蓹u/ n. 鏀堕煶鏈猴紱鏃犵嚎鐢靛箍鎾?clock /kl蓴k/ n. 鏃堕挓tape /teip/ n. 纾佸甫锛涘綍闊冲甫锛涘綍鍍忓甫player /plei蓹/ n.鏈?tape player 褰曢煶鏈?model /'m蓴dl/ n. 妯″瀷plane /plein/ n. 椋炴満model plane 椋炴満妯″瀷tidy /'taidi/ adj. 鏁存磥鐨勶紱浜曚簳鏈夋潯鐨?but /b蕦t/ conj. 浣嗘槸our /'au蓹/ pron. 鎴戜滑鐨?everywhere /'evriwe蓹/ adv. 澶always /'蓴:lweiz/ adv. 鎬绘槸。



七年级英语上册单词表人教版(新课标)涓冨勾绾ц 1. this 杩欙紱杩欎釜pron.& adj. 2. pencil 閾呯瑪n. 3. pen 閽㈢瑪n. 4. book . 5. eraser 姗$毊锛涢搮绗旀摝锛涢粦鏉挎摝n. 6. ruler 灏猴紱鐩村昂n. 7. case 绠憋紱鐩掞紱姗眓. 8. pencil case 閾呯瑪鐩掞紱鏂囧叿鐩?9. backpack 鍙岃偐鑳屽寘n. 10. pencil sharpener 鍗风瑪鍒€锛涢搮绗斿垁11. dictionary 瀛楀吀锛涜瘝鍏竛. 12. that 閭o紱閭d釜pron.& adj. 13. yes 锛堣〃绀鸿偗瀹氾級鏄痑dv. 14. no 锛堣〃绀哄惁瀹氾級涓嶏紱涓嶆槸adv. 15. not 锛堟瀯鎴愬惁瀹氬舰寮忥級涓嶆槸adv. 16. isn't =is not 17. thank 鎰熻阿v. 18. OK 濂斤紱涓嶉敊interj 19. inず鏂规硶锛屽獟浠嬶紝宸ュ叿绛夛級prep. 20. English . 21. aart. 22. how ?浣曠瓑;鎬庢牱adv. 23. do 鍋?骞?v.& aux. 24. spell 鎷煎啓v. 25. baseball 妫掔悆n. 26. watch 鎵嬭〃n. 27. computer n. 28. game 杩愬姩锛涙父鎴弉. 29. key閽ュ寵n. 30. notebook . 31. ring n. 32. call 鎵撶數璇?v. 33. at 鍦ㄢ€︼紙閲岄潰鎴栭檮杩戯級锛?鍦ㄢ€︼紙鐐广€佸埢锛夛紱浠?prep. 34. the 琛ㄧず鐗规寚鐨勪汉銆佺墿銆佷簨鎴栫兢浣揳rt. 35. lost 涓㈠け鐨勶紱閬楀け鐨刟dj. 36. found 锛坒ind鐨勮繃鍘诲紡,杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝锛?鎵惧洖v. 37. lost and found 38. pleaseinterj 39. school 瀛︽牎n. 40. a set 涓€濂楋紱涓€鍓?41. of (灞炰簬)鈥︾殑42. excuse 鍘熻皡;瀹芥仌v. 43. excuse me 璇峰師璋??1. sister 濮愶紱濡筺. 2. mother瞡. 3. father 鐖哥埜锛涚埗浜?n. 4. parent 鐖朵翰鎴栨瘝浜瞡. 5. brother 鍏勶紱寮焠. 6. grandmother n. 7. grandfather埗n. 8. friend 鏈嬪弸n. 9. grandparent 绁栫埗/姣嶏?姣峮. 10. these杩欎簺pron.& adj. 11. are 鏄痸. 12. those 閭d簺pron.& adj. 13. she 濂筽ron.14. he 浠杙ron. 15. he's =he is 16. son 鍎垮瓙n. 17. cousin ;n. 18. daughter 濂冲効n. 19. uncle?n. 20. aunt ?n. 21. dear 锛堝啝浜庝俊鍑戒腑鐨勭О璋?浠ョず绀艰矊锛変翰鐖辩殑adj. 22. thanks for 涓衡€︹€﹁€屾劅璋?23. photo 鐓х墖锛涚浉鐗噉. 24. here 杩欓噷锛涘湪杩欓噷adv. 25. picture 鐓х墖;鍥剧墖n. 26. for浜?prep.?1. where adv 2. table 妗屽瓙n. 3. bed 搴?n. 4. dresser . 5. bookcase 涔︽煖;涔︽┍n. 6. sofa 娌欏彂n. 7. chair 妞呭瓙n. 8. drawer 鎶藉眽n. 9. plant 妞嶇墿n. 10. under 鍦?.涓嬮潰prep.11. they 浠栦滑pron. 12. on 鍦?.涓婇潰prep. 13. know 鐭ラ亾;浜嗚Вv. 14. bag 涔﹀寘;鎻愬寘;琚嬪瓙n. 15. math n. 16. alarm clock 闂归挓17. CD (=compact disc) 鍏夌洏abbr. 18. video 褰曞儚;n. 19. tape 褰曢煶甯?n.20. video tape褰曞儚甯?21. hat 甯藉瓙n. 22. take 鎷胯蛋;甯﹀埌v. 23. thing 涓滆タ;鐗?n. 24. to 鏈?鍚?鑷?杈?prep. 25. mom (?n. 26.can 鑳?;浼?modal v. 27. bring 鎷挎潵;鍙栨潵;甯︽潵v. 28. some 涓€浜?鑻ュ共pron.& adj. 29. need 闇€瑕?v. 30. floor 鍦版澘;鍦伴潰n. 31. room 鎴块棿n. (=television) ;?abbr. 33. desk ?n.?1. have 鏈夛紱鍚冿紱楗畍. 2. soccer 鑻卞紡瓒崇悆n. 3. ball 鐞?n. 4. soccer ball 鑻卞紡瓒崇悆5. tennis 缃戠悆n. 6. racket 锛堢綉鐞冦€佺窘姣涚悆鐨勶級鐞冩媿n. 7. tennis racket 缃戠悆鎷?8. ping-pong 涔掍箵鐞?n. 9. volleyball 鎺掔悆n. 10. basketball n. 11. bat 锛堜箳涔撶悆绛夌殑锛夌悆鎷?n. 12. does (do?鍋氾紱骞诧紱鏋勬垚v.& aux. 13. doesn't = dost not 14. let 鍏v. 15. us 鎴戜滑锛坵e pron. 16. let's =let us 17. play 鐜╋紱鎵撶悆v. 18. sound . 19. gooddj. 20. sport 杩愬姩锛涙父鎴?n. 21. we 鎴戜滑pron. 22. many 澶ч噺鐨刟dj. 23. club 绀惧洟锛涗勘涔愰儴n. 24. more ?pron. 25. classn. 26. interesting 鏈夎叮鐨?浠や汉鎰熷叴瓒g殑adj. 27. boring 鏃犺亰鐨勶紱浠や汉鐢熷帉鐨刟dj. 28. fun 鏈夎叮鐨勶紱浠や汉鎰夊揩鐨刟dj. 29. difficult 鍥伴毦鐨刟dj. 30. relaxing 杞绘澗鐨刟dj. 31. watch 瑙傜湅锛涙敞瑙?v. 32. watch TV 鐪嬬數瑙?33. has 锛坔ave鏁板舰寮忥級鏈塿. 34. great х殑adj. 35. collection 鏀惰棌鍝侊紱鏀堕泦鐗?n. 36. but 浣嗘槸conj. 37. play sports 鍙傚姞浣撹偛杩愬姩鎴栨瘮璧?38. only adv. 39. them (they?浠栵紙濂广€佸畠锛変滑pron. 40. every 姣忎竴锛涙瘡涓猘dj. 41. day 澶╋紱鏃ラ棿锛涚櫧澶╋紱涓€.?1. like v. 2. banana 棣欒晧n. 3. hamburger 姹夊牎鍖卬. 4. tomato 瑗跨孩鏌縩. 5. broccoli 鑺辨ぐ鑿渘. 6. French fries 7. orange 姗欏瓙n. 8. ice 鍐皀. 9. cream 濂舵补锛涗钩鑴俷. 10. ice cream 鍐版穱娣?11. salad 娌欐媺n. 12. strawberry 鑽夎帗n. 13. pear 姊╪. 14. have 鍚冿紱楗畍. 15. oh璁剁瓑锛塱nterj. 16. countable noun 17. uncountable noun 涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇?18. food 椋熺墿n. 19. egg 铔嬶紱楦¤泲n. 20. apple 鑻规灉n. 21. carrot 鑳¤悵鍗渘. 22. chicken 楦★紱楦¤倝n. 23. breakfast n. 24. lunch n. 25. dinner . 26. fruit 姘存灉n. 27. vegetable. 28. runner 濂旇窇鑰卬. 29. eat 鍚僾. 30. well 濂斤紱瀵癸紱婊℃剰鍦癮dv. 31. run 璺戯紱濂旇窇v. 32. star 鏄熸槦锛涙槑鏄焠. 33. lot緢澶歛dv. 34. lots of 澶ч?35. healthy 鍋ュ悍鐨勶紱寮哄仴鐨刟dj.36. dessert 锛堥キ鍚庣殑锛夌敎椋焠. 37. list 娓呭崟n. 38. Bill 姣斿皵锛堢敺鍚嶏級39. Sandra 妗戝痉鎷夛紙濂冲悕锛?40. Clark 鍏嬫媺鍏嬶紙濮擄級Review of units 1---6 1. furniture 瀹跺叿锛堟€荤О锛塶. 2. people 浜猴紱浜烘皯n. 3. an ?鎶?鍙扳€︼級art. 4. blank 绌虹櫧n. 5.conversation 浜よ皥锛涜皥璇漬. 6. other ron. 7. also涔燂紱浜︼紱鑰屼笖adv. 8. Joe 涔旓紙鐢峰悕锛?厓鍗曡瘝鍙婄煭璇?1. how much 锛堜环閽憋級澶氬皯 2. pants 锛坧l.锛夎¥瀛?3. sock n. 4. shirt n. 5. T-shirt T鎭よ~n.6. shorts n.7. sweater 姣涜。

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理鏂扮洰鏍囪嫳璇叓骞寸骇涓嬪唽Unit 1 Will people have robots?鍗曡瘝琛ㄦ暣鐞?will 灏嗭紱浼氾紱瑕?Clare will be five years old next month. 鍏嬭幈灏斿皢鍦ㄤ笅涓湀婊′簲宀佷簡銆?They won't lend us any more money. 浠栦滑涓嶄細鍐嶅€熺粰鎴戦挶浜嗐€?I'll see him tomorrow. 鎴戞槑澶╄瑙佷粬銆?1 robot 鏈哄櫒浜?These cars are built by robots. 杩欎簺姹借溅鏄敱鏈哄櫒浜哄埗閫犵殑銆?2 won't =will not 灏嗕笉 3 they'll =they will 4 everything姣忎欢浜?涓€鍒?Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. 浣犳嬁鍖咃紝鍏朵粬涓€鍒囩暀缁欐垜銆?鈥楬ow's everything with you?鈥?鈥楩ine, thanks.鈥?鈥滀竴鍒囬兘濂斤紵鈥?鈥滄槸鐨勶紝璋㈣阿銆傗€?My family means everything to me. 瀹跺涵瀵规垜鏉ヨ鎰忓懗鐫€涓€鍒囥€?閾炬帴鈫抋nd everything 绛夌瓑She told me about the baby and everything. 濂规妸鍏充簬杩欎釜瀛╁瓙鐨勬儏鍐电瓑绛夐兘鍛婅瘔浜嗘垜銆?5 paper n. 绾?涓嶅彲鏁?,鏂囦欢,璁烘枃,鎶ョ焊; 璇曞嵎(鍙暟) v. 鐢ㄧ焊绯?璐村绾? adj.绾稿埗鐨?a piece/sheet of paper 涓€寮犵焊The photo was on the front page of all the papers. 杩欏紶鐓х墖鐧诲湪鎵€鏈夋姤绾哥殑澶寸増銆?6 use n. 鍒╃敤,浣跨敤,鐢ㄩ€? v. 浣跨敤; vt. 浣跨敤,鐢?鈼弖se something Can I use your phone? 鎴戝彲浠ョ敤浣犵殑鐢佃瘽鍚楋紵鈼弖se something for something/for doing something We used a carrot for the snowman's nose. 鎴戜滑鐢ㄤ竴鍙儭钀濆崪褰撲綔闆汉鐨勯蓟瀛愩€?鈼弖se something to do something Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. 璀﹀療鐢ㄥ偓娉摝鏂┍鏁d汉缇ゃ€?鈼弖se something as something You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. 浣犱笉鑳戒竴鐩寸敤鑳岀棝褰撲綔鍊熷彛銆?閾炬帴鈫?use up鐢ㄥ畬;鑰楀敖锛寀se your head鍔ㄥ姩鑴戠瓔7 less a. pron.adv. 鏇村皯鐨?鏇村皬鐨? 鏇村皯鍦?鏇村皬鍦?Exercise more and eat less. 灏戝悆澶氳繍鍔ㄣ€?Getting out of bed in summer is less difficult than in winter. 澶忓ぉ璧峰簥姣斿啲澶╁鏄撶偣銆?閾炬帴鈫掆棌less and less 瓒婃潵瓒婂皬銆斿皯銆曞湴He's less and less able to look after himself. 浠栬秺鏉ヨ秺涓嶈兘鐓ч【鑷繁浜嗐€?鈼弆ess than ... 涓嶅埌锛屽皯浜?The young man is less than twenty years old. 杩欎釜骞磋交浜轰笉鍒?20 宀併€?鈼弉o less than 鎰忎负鈥滀笉灏戜簬锛涗笉涓嬩簬鈥︹€︿箣澶氾紱澶氳揪鈥︹€濄€備緥濡傦細In that battle, we wiped out no less than twenty thousand enemies. 鍦ㄩ偅涓€娆℃垬褰逛腑锛屾垜浠秷鐏殑鏁屼汉涓嶄笅20,000 浜恒€?鈼弉ot less than 鎰忎负鈥滀笉灏戜簬鈥濓紝鍚?at (the) least銆?Our school has not less than three thousand students. 鎴戜滑瀛︽牎鎷ユ湁鐨勫鐢熶笉涓?3,000 浜恒€?8 fewer a. 灏戠殑; int. 杈冨皯鏁? a. 杈冨皯鐨?There seem to be fewer tourists around this year. 浠婂勾娓稿浼间箮灏戜簡銆?閾炬帴鈫抐ewer+鍙暟鍚嶈瘝锛屽锛歠ewer books銆?less+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶏紝濡傦細less water銆?9 pollution n. 姹℃煋air/water pollution 绌烘皵銆佹按姹℃煋environmental pollution 鐜姹℃煋noise pollution鍣煶姹℃煋10 tree 鏍?We sat under a tree for shade. 鎴戜滑鍧愬湪鏍戜笅涔樺噳銆?11 she'll=she will 12 building寤虹瓚鐗?tall/old/historic buildings 楂樺ぇ銆佸彜鑰併€佸巻鍙插缓绛?the building of the school 瀛︽牎鐨勫缓绛?the building trade寤虹瓚涓?13 astronaut 瀹囪埅鍛?14 rocket n. 鐏,鐑熺伀; v. 鍙戝皠鐏,鐚涙定They launched a rocket to the planet Venus. 浠栦滑鍚戦噾鏄熷彂灏勪簡涓€棰楃伀绠€?15 space n. 浣嶇疆,绌洪棿,璺濈; v. 闅斿紑,鍒嗛殧Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard? 琛f煖杩樻湁绌洪棿鏀炬垜鐨勮。



三年级语文知识点整理:汉字的结构涓夊勾绾ц姹夊瓧鐨勬瀯閫犲崟浣嶏細(1)?(2)鍋忔梺涓眽瀛楃殑鍩烘湰鍗曚綅锛涘瓧鍏哥紪绾傛椂鎶婄浉鍚屽亸鏃佺殑瀛楃紪鍦ㄤ竴?鐨勩€?姹夊瓧绗旈『锛?т竴瀹氱殑绗旈『鏉ュ啓鐨勶紝绗旈『鏄啓椤哄簭鐨勯棶棰樸€?闂存灦缁撴瀯鍚堢悊鐨勬眽瀛楁潵銆?锛涘厛璧板悗鍙炽€€锛涘厛閲屽ご鍚庡皝鍙??銆?姹夊€?姹夊瓧鐨勯棿鏋剁粨鏋勬槸鎸囧亸鏃併€佺瑪椤虹殑缁勫悎鏂瑰紡锛屼富瑕?锛?锛変笂涓嬬粨鏋勶細鎬濄€€鍏?锛?撴瀯锛氳崏銆€绔?锛?锛夊乏鍙崇粨鏋勶細銆€濂姐€€鍜?锛?缁撴瀯锛氳阿銆€鏍?锛?锛変笂涓夊寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍚屻€侀棶銆侀椆銆佸懆锛?锛変笅涓夊寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍑汇€佸嚩銆佸嚱銆佺敾锛?锛夊搧瀛楀舰缁撴瀯锛氬搧銆€妫?锛?锛夊崟涓€缁撴瀯锛?鏃?鏈?锛?锛夌┛鎻掔粨鏋勶細鐖?鍣?锛?0锛夊彸涓婂寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍙ャ€佸彲銆佸徃銆佸紡锛?1锛夊乏涓婂寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細搴欍€佺梾銆佹埧銆佸凹锛?2锛夊乏涓嬪寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細寤恒锛?3锛夊彸涓嬪寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鏂?锛?4锛夊叏鍖呭洿缁撴瀯锛氬洜銆佸浌鐗规畩缁撴瀯锛氬潗銆佺埥銆佸す銆佸櫓鎵€鏈夋眽瀛楃?姹夊瓧鐨勭粨鏋勭粡鍏镐緥棰?閫夊嚭涓嬪垪鍙ュ瓙椤哄簭鎺掑垪姝g‘鐨勪竴椤广€?鈶村敖绠♀€滄湅鈥濃€滃弸鈥濅袱瀛楀悇鏈夋墍鎸囷紝鍚庢潵浜轰滑稿皧閲嶃€佷簰鐩稿府鍔╃殑浜恒€?€濄€?簡銆?嗗?A锛庘懙鈶粹懚鈶?B锛庘懛鈶碘懚鈶?C锛庘懙鈶粹懛鈶?D锛庘懛鈶碘懘鈶?: D? ) 鎴戜滑鐨勯噸鐐瑰ぇ瀛︼紝蹇呴』鎵€銆?A锛庡?B锛庡惁鍒欏氨涓嶄粎鑰屼笖C锛庢墍浠D?: B庣殑缁嗚妭锛岄偅浜涚儹鐖辩敓娲荤殑浜猴紝浠栦滑甯哥敤涓€绉嶇編濂界殑鐪煎厜鍘荤湅涓栫晫锛岀敤涓€棰椻€曗€曠殑蹇冨幓鎰熸偀鐢熸椿锛屽嵆浣挎湁鎵€鎬ㄣ€佹湁鎵€蹇э紝涔熼兘鑳藉寲瑙c€傛€€鐫€涓€棰楁劅鎭╃殑蹇冿紝鈥曗€曟墍缁忓巻鐨勭偣鐐规淮婊达紝浣犱細鍙戠幇鐢熸椿涓€鐩村緢缇庛€?A锛庡煿鑲茬粏鑷存敹钘?B锛庡瓡鑲茬粏鑵绘敹钘?C锛庡瓡鑲茬粏鑷存悳绱?D锛庡煿鑲茬粏鑵绘悳绱?: B?A B锛庝笉绠″嵆浣挎垨鑰呴兘C D: B?A锛庤€佹枒缇氬嚟鐫€濞寸啛鐨勮烦璺冩妧宸э紝鍦ㄥ崐澶ф枒缇氫粠鏈€楂樼偣濞寸啛锛氱啛缁冦€傦級B锛庢槸灞堣颈鐨勫績鐏靛湪鎶芥悙鍚楋紵锛堟娊鎼愶細杩欓噷鎸囧績鐏靛洜鐥涜嫤鑰岄ⅳ鎶栥€?锛?C甸瓊/鎺犺繃鎴戠殑澶撮《锛堜笉缇侊細涓嶅彈鎷樻潫銆傦級D锛庢墍浠ラ偅浜?锛?: D 涓嬪垪鍙ヤ腑鍔犵偣呰壊褰╂病鏈夊彂鐢熷彉鍖栫殑涓€椤规槸锛堬級(2鍒嗭級A锛庨笩鍎垮皢宸銆?Bф溅銆?C?D紝鎴戣瘉瀹烇紝鍙戠敓浜嗕竴娆″伔绐冿紝鏈変袱鍚嶇獌璐笺€傚厛鐢燂紝浠?: C 锛?鍒嗭級姹夊瓧鐨勭粨鏋勮瘯棰??A锛庤€佹枒缇氬嚟鐫€濞寸啛鐨勮烦璺冩妧宸э紝鍦ㄥ崐澶ф練鐨勮箘涓嬨€傦紙濞寸啛锛氱啛缁冦€傦級B锛庢槸灞堣颈鐨勫績鐏靛湪鎶芥悙鍚楋紵锛堟娊鎼愶細杩欓噷鎸囧績鐏靛洜鐥涜嫤鑰岄ⅳ鎶栥€?锛?C锛庢湁/鎺犺繃鎴戠殑澶撮《锛堜笉缇侊細涓嶅彈鎷樻潫銆傦級D?锛?棰樺瀷:惧害锛氬亸鏄?栫殑涓€椤规槸锛堬級(2鍒嗭級A?Bф嗕粬缁堜簬璁插畾浜嗕环閽憋紱灏遍€佹垜涓婅溅銆?C锛庣埗浜茶€佸疄鍘氶?D浗鐨勫叏閮ㄨ禐瑾夈€?棰樺瀷: ?4鍒嗭級鈶犱俊瀹㈡矇绋冲湴鐐圭偣澶达紝浠栫湅寰楀お澶氾紝瀵硅繖涓€鍒囧叏鑳界悊瑙c€傞兘甯傞噷鐨勫崌娌夎崳杈憋紝闇囬ⅳ鐫€闀挎湡杩焏霉n锛堛€€銆€銆€锛夌殑鍐滄潙绁sh膩o( )銆?鈶′腑鏂囨眽瀛楋紝闆嗗舰浣撱€佸0闊冲拰鎰忎箟浜庝竴浣擄紝瀹冪嫭鍏穖猫i()ц鐨刧u墨()瀹跺洯銆?棰樺瀷: В?鍒嗭級鈶犱腑鏂扮綉鍖椾含绔?011骞?2鏈?1О呮瘨鐨勪富瑕佺殑浼犳挱銆?鏄?鍏跺啗浜嬫€с€佹垬鏂楁€с€?槸閭d簺闈炰弗鏍兼剰涔夌殑鍚屼箟璇嶏紝鍥犱负瀹冧滑鍚屼腑鏈夊紓锛屼娇鐢ㄧ殑鏃跺€欏氨蹇呴』鏈夋墍銆?A锛庡獟浠嬫帺楗板尯鍒?B锛庡獟浣撴帺楗板垎鍒?C锛庡獟浠嬫帺鐩栧垎鍒?D锛庡獟浣撴帺楗板尯鍒?棰樺瀷:闅惧害锛氬亸鏄?€鎭板綋鐨勪竴椤规槸锛堬級锛?鍒嗭級_________________侊紝澶氫簡涓€浠藉畞闈欙紱灏戜簡涓€浠藉焊淇楋紝澶氫簡涓€浠介泤鑷达紱灏戜簡涓€浠戒笘鏁咃紝澶氫簡涓€浠界函鐪熴€?A锛庢竻鍐藉菇棣欓唶鍘?B锛庢竻鍐介唶鍘氬菇棣?C锛庨唶鍘氭竻鍐藉菇棣?D锛庨唶鍘氬菇棣欐竻鍐?棰樺瀷: ?閫夊嚭?3鍒? (1)澶╄竟鐨勪簯褰╀笉鍋滃湴鐫€锛屾椂Н?(2)閭i粍浜嗙殑绋昏崏锛屼篃灏辨槸涓婂勾鐨勭Ё鑻楋紝杩欑豢鑹茬殑绉ц嫍锛屽張浼氬彉鎴愭潵骞寸殑绋昏崏锛岀ɑ鑽変笌绉ц?(3)鏄ュぉ锛?A浉鏄犳垚瓒?B锛庡彉骞讳紶鎵胯祻蹇冩偊鐩?C锛庡彉骞讳紶閫掔浉鏄犳垚瓒?D?棰樺瀷: ?。



七年级下册《平方根》第二课时教案涓冨勾绾т?1锛庡唴瀹?---鐢ㄦ湁鐞嗘暟浼扮畻銆佺敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰鍊硷紟2锛庡唴瀹硅В鏋?锛?()鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц渶瑕佺殑涓€绉嶈兘鍔涳紟浣跨敤璁$畻鍣ㄥ彲浠ユ眰浠讳綍姝f暟鐨勫钩鏂规牴锛屼絾涓嶅悓鍝佺墝鐨?及璁′竴涓??鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц嚧鑼冨洿锛?瀽1锛庢暀瀛︾洰鏍?锛?锛?В琚(鎴栫缉灏?(鎴栫缉灏?鐨勮2锛庣洰鏍囪В鏋?锛?氬埄鐢ㄤ及绠楁瘮杈冨ぇ灏忥紱浜嗚В澶归€兼硶锛岄噰鐢ㄤ笉瓒宠繎浼煎€煎拰杩囧墿杩戜技鍊兼潵锛?圭殑绋嬪簭(鎸夐敭鐨勯『搴?В琚2浣嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰氨鐩稿簲鍦板悜鍙虫垨鍚戝乏绉诲姩1浣嶏紝鍗宠?鎴栫缉灏?100鍊嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰氨鎵╁ぇ(鎴栫缉灏?10鍊嶏紟???鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶цц滃す閫兼硶鈥濊繘琛屼及璁★紝鍗冲埄鐢ㄥ叾涓€绯诲垪涓嶈冻杩戜技鍊煎拰у€涓??鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц嚧鑼冨洿鐨勮繃绋嬶紝??11 锛?锛変粈涔堟槸绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍?鎬庢牱琛ㄧず?锛?锛夎礋鏁版湁绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰悧锛?甯堢敓娲诲姩銆€瀛︾敓鍥炵瓟锛屾?4锛涗絾瀹為??2锛庨棶棰樻帰绌讹紝瀛︿範鏂扮煡21dm2dm堝睍绀哄壀鎷兼柟娉曪紟杩介棶锛?锛?2dm鐨勫ぇ姝f柟褰㈢殑杈归暱搴旇?В绛旓紝鏁欏笀瀵硅В熻繘琛屾寚瀵硷紟杩介棶锛?锛??dm锛?檯鐢熸Н鏋佹€э紝杩介棶锛?锛変富瑕佷负鍚庨潰浠嬬粛鐢ㄦ暟杞翠笂鐨勭偣琛ㄧず浣滃噯澶囷紟3у?фэ紝鐢辩洿瑙傚彲鐭ュぇ浜?鑰屽皬浜?欏笀鏉夸功鎺ㄧ悊杩囩▼锛?杩介棶锛?锛?閭d箞鏄?鍥达紵?涓旀渶鎺ヨ繎鐨?浣嶅皬鏁版槸1锛?锛岃€屽钩鏂规暟澶т簬2涓旀渶鎺ヨ繎鐨?浣嶅皬鏁版槸1锛?锛屾墍浠ュぇ浜?锛?鑰屽皬浜?锛??杩介棶锛?锛?у皬鐨勬柟娉曪?у皬鐨勬柟娉2锛変富瑕佷负鍙婃椂宸╁浐浼扮畻鏂规硶锛?3渚?锛?锛夛紱锛?锛?绮剧‘鍒?锛?01)В绛斿畬锛?у屼綋浼氬す閫兼硶鐨勫彲琛屾€э??锛夛紟?缁冧範44椤电粌涔?锛???4?鐜板湪鎴戜滑鏉ヨВ?4銆€锛?锛変綘浼氳〃绀哄嚭, 鍚楋紵锛?锛夌敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰, 锛??屼唬鍏ワ紝鍒╃敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰鍑? 锛?旂敤锛?5鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?杩介棶锛?锛?暟鐨勫皬鏁扮偣鍚戝彸鎴栧悜宸︾Щ鍔?浣嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍圭殑灏忔暟鐐瑰氨鐩稿簲鍦板悜鍙虫垨鍚戝乏绉诲姩1浣嶏紟杩介棶锛?锛?浣犺兘璇村嚭鍏朵腑鐨勯亾鐞嗗悧锛?规暟鎵╁ぇ鐨勫€嶆暟涓庡叾绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍规墿澶х殑鍊嶆暟鎬濊€冨洖绛(鎴栫缉灏?100鍊嶏紝10000鍊嶁€︽椂锛屽叾绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍圭浉搴斿湴鎵╁ぇ(鎴栫缉灏?10鍊嶏紝100鍊嶁€︼紟杩介棶锛?锛?(绮剧‘鍒?锛?01)锛屽苟鍒╃敤鍒氭墠鐨勫緱锛岀殑杩戜技鍊硷紟杩介棶锛?锛?30涓??渚? 400cm鐨勯暱鏂瑰舰绾哥墖锛屾部鐫€杈300cm鐨勯暱鏂瑰舰绾哥墖锛屼娇瀹冪殑涓?:2槑瑙佷簡璇?甯堢敓娲诲姩锛氭暀甯堝嚭绀洪棶棰橈紝瀛︾敓鐞嗚В: 锛??锛??锛?锛夐暱鏂瑰舰鐨勯暱鍜у皬鍏崇郴鏈€鍚庣粰鍑哄畬鏁寸殑瑙g瓟杩囩▼锛?5锛庡綊绾冲皬缁擄細?锛?涔堬紵锛?浼煎€煎悧锛?锛?(鎴栫缉灏?(鎴栫缉灏?鎬庢牱鐨勫憿锛?锛??6?锛?绗?銆?銆?0棰橈紟?1锛庢眰鐨勬暣鏁伴儴鍒嗭紟2锛庢瘮杈冧笅鍒楀悇缁勬暟鐨勫ぇ灏忥紟锛?锛変笌锛涳紙2锛変笌12锛涳紙3锛変笌锛?у皬鐨勮兘鍔涳紟3锛庤嫢锛岋紝閭d箞_______锛沖______锛?鏈夊叧瑙勫緥鐨勭悊瑙o紟4锛庡浗闄呮瘮璧涚殑瓒崇悆鍦虹殑闀垮湪100m鍒?10m涔嬮棿, 瀹藉湪64m鍒?5m涔嬮棿, ?锛?鍊? 闈㈢Н涓?560m,В鍐冲疄闄呴棶棰樼殑鑳藉姏锛?。



新目标英语八年级上册第二单元词语解释与延伸? Section A 1.matter n 浜嬫儏(1) We have a lot of matters to talkabout.?* It doesn't matter. 娌″叧绯汇€傜敤浜庢帴鍙楀埆鐨勪汉姝夋剰銆?锛?锛? I'm, sorry I'm late.瀵逛笉璧锋垜杩熷埌浜嗐€?锟紺It doesn't matter. 娌″叧绯汇€?* What's the matter? 涓?What's wrong? What's your trouble ? 浣犳€庝箞浜嗭紵璇ュ彞鐢ㄤ簬璇㈤棶瀵规柟鐨勮韩浣撶姸鍐碉紝?锛?锛?What's the matter, Granny? 鑰佸ザ濂讹紝浣犳€庝箞浜嗭紵-I want to see my husband in hospital,but I can't find its address. 鎴戞兂鍘荤湅鎴戠敓鐥呬綇闄鎵句笉鍒板湴鍧€浜嗐€?* What's the matter with somebody ? = What's wrong with somebody? 鏌愪汉鎬庝箞浜嗭紵鏌愪汉寰椾簡浠€涔堢梾锛?锛?锛?What's the matter with you?浣犳€庝箞浜嗭紵锟紺I have a bad headache.?锛?锛?What was the matte with her yesterday ? 锟紺She caught a bad cold. 鏄ㄥぉ濂规€庝箞浜嗭紵濂规崲浜嗛噸鎰熷啋銆?* What's wrong with something? 鏌愮墿鍑轰簡浠€涔堟晠闅滐紵锛?锛?What's wrong with your watch? 浣犵殑琛ㄥ嚭浜嗕粈涔堟瘺鐥咃紵- It doesn 鈥檛work.鍧忎簡銆?锛?锛塇e has a sore throat. What鈥檚wrong with him? 2. have a cold 鎮f劅鍐?have a bad cold 鎮i噸鎰熷啋- What's wrong with you? 锟紺I have a bad cold. - How are you feeling now ? - I'm feeling much better. 3. stomachache 鑳冪棝鑵圭棝鑲氬瓙鐥?have a stomachache 鑳冪棝= have a pain in the stomach have a bad stomach 鑳冪棝寰楀帀瀹?(1) -I'm not feeling well at the moment.- What's wrong? - I have a bad stomachache..姝ゅ埢鎴戞劅瑙変笉鑸掓湇銆??(2)The boy said he had a stomachache.The boy said he had a pain in the stomach.?4. sore adj 鐤肩棝鐨?閰哥棝鐨?throat 鍠夊挋鐑熷枆have a sore throat 鐑熷枆鐥?have a sore back = have a pain in the back 鑳岀棝锛?锛塂o you have a sore throat? 浣犲枆鍜欑棝锛?锛?锛塗here's something wrong with my throat.鎴戠儫鍠夋湁姣涚梾銆?锛?锛塈can't speak out because I have a sore throat.?锛?锛塇e can't speak carry the heavy box because he has a sore back.浠栦笉鑳借埇杩欓噸绠卞洜涓鸿儗鐥涖€?5锛巄ack arm ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth -teeth (1)- What鈥檚wrong with her? 锟紺She has a pain in the back. =She has a backache.濂规€庝箞浜嗭紵鑳岀棝銆?(2) Look at the boy . There are only two teeth in his mouth.?6 have a toothache 鐗欑棝dentist 鐗欏尰锛?锛?What鈥檚the matter? 锟紺I've a toothache. 鎬庝箞浜嗭紵鎴戠墮鐥涖€?- Maybe you should see a dentist.-That鈥檚 a good idea. 鍑?锛?锛?I had a bad toothache last night.-I鈥檓sorry to hear to that. 鎴戞槰鏅氱墮鐥涘緱寰堝帀瀹炽€傚惉鍒?(3) -Do you think I should see a dentist ?璇ョ湅鐗欏尰鍚楋紵锟紺Yes , I think so.?7锛巉ever adj 鍙戠儳have a fever 鍙戠儳have a high fever 楂樼儳A: What's wrong with you? B: I caught a bad cold yesterday .I鈥檝e got a headache and a fever. A: How long have been like this ? B: Ever since last night. A: You鈥檇better take some medicine .Have a good rest and drink more water. You will be OK soon. 8. rest n 浼戞伅have a rest 浼戞伅涓€浼氬効have a good rest 濂藉ソ浼戞伅Lie down 韬轰笅锛?锛塝ou had a cold . You should have a good rest in bed 浣犳偅浜嗛噸湪搴婁笂濂藉ソ浼戞伅銆?(2) Let's stop to and have a rest.?(3) Please take off your shirt and lie down on the bed.?* rest n 鍓╀綑閮ㄥ垎the rest 鍓╀綑鐨勪汉There are ten boys in the classroom .Three of them are cleaning the classroom. The rest are cleaning the windows.?9锛巋oney n 铚傝湝tea with honey 鍔犺渹铚滅殑鑼?with 甯︽湁鍏锋湁锛?锛塂rinking tea with honey is good for our health. ?锛?锛塛ould you like some dumpling with meat in them? 浣犳兂鍚冭倝棣呴摪瀛愬悧锛?锛?锛塗he man with a pair of think glasses is my English teacher.鎴存繁搴︾溂闀滅殑浜?10锛巑edicine鑽?take some medicine 鍚冭嵂take this medicine 鍚冭繖鑽?锛?锛塝ou'd better take this medicine twice a day. You'll be all right soon. ?浣犱細寰堝揩灏卞ソ鐨勩€?锛?锛塎y mother asked me to give her some medicine for cold .姹傛垜缁欏ス涔扮偣娌荤偣鎰熷啋鐨勮嵂銆?锛?锛?A: What's wrong with you, young man ? B: I don't feel well. A: I'm sorry to hear that. Please take off your shirt and lie down on the bed. B: Yes,doctor. A: Well, there's nothing much wrong with you Do you take much exercise ? B: No, doctor. I never have any time for exercise. A: How do you sleep? B: Very badly, doctor.Can you give me some medicine to help me sleep? A: Yes, I can.but I'm going to,You don't need medicine. Just take more exercise. B; You are right, doctor. It's important for me to keep healthy.Thank you for your advice. A: You鈥檙e welcome . I hope you feel better soon. Section B 1.illness n 鐤剧梾綋涓嶉€?ill adj 鐥呯殑锛?锛塗aking this medicine twice a day after meals isgood for your illness.泭銆?锛?锛?I鈥檓feeling very ill. 锟紺You鈥檇better a doctor. 2.adivcegive sb. some advice 缁欐煇浜烘彁浜涘缓璁?give sb. some advice on 缁欐煇浜烘彁鏌愪竴鏂归潰鐨勫缓璁?(1) He had a bad cold . Could you give him some advice?浠栨偅浜嗕弗閲嶇殑鎰熷啋浣犺兘缁欎粬鎻愪簺寤鸿锛?锛塎y dentist gave me some advice on my teeth .鎴戠殑鐗欏尰缁欎簡鎻愪簡鍏充簬鐗欓?3锛巘hirsty adj 鍙f复鐨?feel thirsty be thirsty 娓?(1) 锟紺I鈥檓feeling tired and thirsty at the moment . - You may drink a glass of water with nothing and lie down on the bed . Have a good rest. You'll bebetter in the few days. ?浣犲彲浠ユ复涓€鏉?4锛巗tress v 鍔犲帇鍔涗簬锛屼究绱у紶* be stressed out 鏈夊帇鍔涚殑锛岀揣寮犵殑get stressed out 鏈夊帇鍔?锛?锛塖he's always stressed out,so she can't sleep well.濂规€绘槸鏈夊帇鍔涳紝鎵€浠ョ潯寰椾笉濂姐€?锛?锛塂on't be stressed out and try to relax .?锛?) Don't get stressed out, It'll make you sick. 4 problem n锛?锛塈have some problem to ask . (2) The physics problem is very difficult,I can't work it out. 杩欓亾鐗╃悊棰樺緢闅撅紝鎴戠畻涓嶅嚭鏉ャ€?* have some problems( in ) doing something 鍋氭煇浜嬫湁鍥伴毦* have no problem doing something 鍋氭煇浜嬫病鏈夊洶闅?(3) It was very rainy last Sunday,so we had some problems climbing the mountains. 涓婃槦鏃ヤ笅澶ч埇灞遍亣鍒颁簡鍥伴毦銆?锛?锛塇e said he had no problem in working out the physics problem.?* no problem 娌¢棶棰?-Can you go the movies with me mow? - No problem.6.traditional adj 浼犵粺鐨?锛?锛塗raditional teaching methods can't improve our grades.?锛?锛塗he doctor is good at traditional Chinese medicine .杩欎綅鍖荤敓寰堟搮闀夸紶缁熺殑?7锛巄elieve vt 鐩镐俊璁や负believe + that + . (1)I believe that the best way to learn English well is to speak it as much as possible. 鎴?* I don't believe that + 銆?(2)I don't believe that that he will come tomorrow.銆?8 balance n骞宠鍗忚皟keep the balance of the naturea balanced diet 鍧囪鐨勯ギ椋?锛?锛塒eople should protect animals in order to keep the balance of the nature.濇姢鍔ㄧ墿/ 锛?锛塈t's easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and it's important to eat abalanced diet. 鐨?yin (u)闃?yang (u) 闃?(1) It might be because you have too much 鈥測in鈥??(2) You have too much yang in your life ,so you shouldn鈥檛eat a lot of yang food . 鍦ㄤ綘鐨勭敓娲讳腑闃冲おч?(3) People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang .Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu.槼鎬ц繃鐩?被鐨勯槾鎬ч€?9.weak adj 铏氬急鐨?鏃犲姏鐨?鍙嶄箟璇?strong 寮哄.鐨?feel weak涓嶈垝鏈?be weak in = be not good at / not do well in 鍦ㄣ€併€併€佸樊be a little weak in =be not very good at = not do very well in 鍦ㄣ€併€併€併€佹湁鐐瑰樊锛?锛?I'm feeling very weak.I can't walk on. 鎴戞劅瑙変笉鑸掓湇銆傛垜涓嶈兘缁х画寰€鍓嶈蛋浜嗐€?锛?锛塇e said he wasn鈥檛very good at Chinese. =He said he didn鈥檛do very well in Chinese .= He said he was a little weak in Chinese. ?锛?) The boy said that was weak in sight and hearing.銆?10.Dangshen 鍏氬弬, Huangqi 榛勮姫herb 鑽夋湰妞嶇墿锛岃嵂鑽夛紝棣欒崏- Maybe you have too much yin.. You should eat hot yang foods likebeef .Eating Dangshen and Hruangqi herbs are also good for this .ч?榛勮?11锛巃ngry adj 鎰ゆ€掔殑锛岀敓姘旂殑be angry get angry become angry 鐢熸皵be angry with sb. 鐢熸煇浜虹殑姘?锛?锛塅ather and I are always angry, but we are good friends.鎴戝拰鐖朵翰鎬绘槸鐢熸皵锛屼絾?锛?锛塈was angry with him for taking my notebook without saying anything.?锛?锛塇e became angry when he heard the news. 褰撲粬?12 west n 瑗块儴瑗挎柟鈥晈estern adj瑗挎柟鐨勶紝鏉ヨ嚜瑗挎柟鐨?锛?锛塜injiang lies in the west of China. x鐤嗗湪鎴戝浗鐨勮タ閮ㄣ€?锛?锛塊orea lies to the west of Japan.殑瑗块儴銆?锛?锛塁hinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.涓?13锛巉ew寰堝皯鍑犱箮娌℃湁a few 鍑犱釜涓€浜?little 寰堝皯娌℃湁 a little涓€鐐瑰効few a few 淇?few 琛ㄧず鍚﹀畾a few little a littleグ涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃€?little 琛ㄧず鍚﹀畾a little 锛?锛塗om has to stay at home himself because he has few friends.湪瀹堕噷鍥犱负浠栨病鏈夋湅鍙嬨€?锛?锛堿lthough it's windy,a few students are playing football there.,鍑犱釜瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ摢鍎胯涪瓒崇悆銆?锛?锛塛e must hurry ,There鈥檚little time left.戝墿涓嬬殑鏃堕棿浜嗐€?锛?锛塎y father can speak a little Japanese. 鎴戠埗浜?14. stay v stay + adj stay at home 鍛嗗湪瀹堕噷锛?锛塛e often stay at home on Sundays. ?锛?锛塗aking excise every day is good for staying health..澶╁ぉ閿荤偧瀵逛繚鎸佸仴搴锋湁鐩娿€?15锛巙ntil= till conj 鐩村埌銆併€併€併€併€佷箣鏃讹紝鍦ㄣ€併€併€併€併€併€佷箣鍓?у姩璇嶈繛鐢?锛?锛塈watched TV until my father came back at 12:00 last night.村埌鎴戠埗浜?2鐐瑰洖鏉ャ€?锛?锛塈'll stay in Shanghai until next week. 鎴戝皢鍦ㄤ笂娴峰憜鍦ㄤ笅鍛ㄣ€?* not 鈥︹€?until 鈥︹€︾洿鍒扳€︹€︽墠鈥︹€?у姩璇嶃€傚彞瀛愮粨鏋勬槸锛?鍚﹀畾鍙? until + 浠庡彞/ ?锛?锛塈didn't go out to play football until I finished my homework..鎴戝仛瀹屼綔涓氭墠鍑哄幓韪㈣冻鐞冦€?锛?锛塈won't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.垜鎵嶄細鐩镐俊銆?not鈥︹€?.until when, before, after, if 绛夊?(4)He went to bed after he did his homework.- He didn't go to bed until he did his homework. (5)They left the room when the meeting wasover. -He didn't leave the room until the meeting was over. (6)I'll let you in if you show your pass.- I won't let you in until you show your pass.(? 16銆?hear vt 鍚?hear sb. do sth.锛堝姩浣滅殑鍏ㄨ繃绋嬶級hear sb. doing sth. 锛?锛塈heard children singing in the nest room when I passed by.鎴戣矾杩囩殑鏃跺€欏惉?锛?锛塛e heard them cry just now. 鍒氭墠鎴?锛?锛塈listened, but I heard nothing.鎴戝惉浜嗭紝鍙?。



2018苏教版九年级语文下册词语盘点(第二单元)2018鑻忔暀鐗堜節骞寸骇璇枃涓嬪唽璇嶈鐩樼偣锛堢浜屽崟鍏冿級绗簩鍗曞厓浜?钘ら噹鍏堢敓銆愮儌鐔筹紙m脿n锛夈€戯細棰滆壊椴滆壋銆傞€氬父鍐欎綔鈥滅儌婕€濄€?銆愮化锛坒膿i锛夌孩銆戯細椴滅孩銆俒娉ㄦ剰]缁紝璇籪膿i锛屼笉璇籪臎i銆?銆愭补鍏夊彲閴淬€戯細澶村彂鎿︽补锛屾⒊寰楀緢鍏変寒锛屽彲浠ュ綋闀滃瓙鐓с€傞壌锛屽師鎰忔槸闀滃瓙锛岃繖閲屼綔鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄣ€?銆愬彂楂伙紙j矛锛夈€戯細鎶婂ご鍙戠痪鎴愮粨锛岀洏鍦ㄨ剳鍚庢垨澶撮《涓や晶鐨勫彂寮忋€?銆愭爣鑷淬€戯細褰㈠瀹硅矊绉€涓斤紝濮挎€佷紭缇庯紝鏈枃鏄弽璇紝鐢ㄦ潵璁藉埡銆?銆愮簿閫氥€戯細娣卞叆鍦颁簡瑙o紝鐔熺粌鍦版帉鎻°€俒渚媇锛氫粬璇楋紝璇嶏紝璧嬫棤涓嶇簿閫氥€?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氱啛涔?[鍙嶄箟璇峕锛氱敓鐤?銆愰┛绔欍€戯細鍙や唬鍦ㄩ┛閬撲笂璁剧疆鐨勪緵浼犻€掑叕鏂囩殑浜轰互鍙婃潵寰€鐨勫畼鍛樹腑閫斾紤鎭紝浣忓鐨勫湴鏂广€傜幇鍦ㄤ篃鎸囦腑閫旇浆杞︽垨浼戞伅鐨勫湴鏂广€?銆愬姝汇€戯細姝诲湪浠栦埂寮傚浗銆?銆愬埄瀹炽€戯細鍓х儓锛屼弗閲嶃€傜幇鍦ㄤ竴鑸啓浣溾€滃帀瀹斥€濄€?[杈ㄦ瀽]锛氬埄瀹?鍘夊鍖哄埆鍦ㄤ簬锛氾紙1锛夎瘝鎬т笉鍚岋細鈥滃埄瀹斥€濇槸鍚嶈瘝锛屸€滃帀瀹斥€濇槸褰㈠璇嶏紱锛?锛夎瘝鎰忎笉鍚岋細鈥滃埄瀹斥€濊〃绀哄埄鐩婂拰瀹冲銆俒渚媇锛氳繖浠朵簨鐨勫埄瀹冲緱澶憋紝浠栧簲璇ユ竻妤氥€傗€滃帀瀹斥€濊〃绀哄墽鐑堬紝涓ラ噸銆俒渚媇锛氫粬鐨勭梾涓€澶╂瘮涓€澶╁帀瀹炽€?銆愮墿浠ュ笇涓鸿吹銆戯細鐗╁搧鐢变簬绋€灏戣€屾樉寰楃弽璐点€傗€滃笇鈥濆悓鈥滅█鈥濓紱浠ワ紝鍥犱负锛岀敱浜庛€?銆愮編鍏跺悕鏇帮紙yu膿锛夈€戯細鏁呮剰涓哄畠璧蜂竴涓編濂界殑鍚嶇О鍙仛锛堝惈璐箟锛夈€俒渚媇锛氭槑鏄庢槸渚电暐锛屽嵈缇庡叾鍚嶆洶鎻村姪銆?銆愪紭寰呫€戯細浼樺帤鐨勫緟閬囥€?銆愬眳鐒躲€戯細琛ㄧず鍑轰箮鎰忔枡銆傜浉褰撲簬鈥滅珶鐒垛€濄€?鈥滃眳鐒垛€濆彲浠ョ敤鍦ㄤ富璇墠闈€俒渚媇锛氳繖涔堝ぇ鐨勫0闊筹紝灞呯劧浣犱細娌℃湁鍚銆傗€滃眳鐒垛€濅篃鍙互鐢ㄥ湪涓昏鍚庯紝璋撹鍓嶃€傦細浠栦互鍓嶈繛鎯充篃娌℃兂鍒拌繃锛岀幇鍦ㄥ眳鐒舵垚涓轰簨瀹炰簡銆?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氱珶鐒躲€?銆愮浉瀹溿€戯細閫傚疁锛屽悎閫傘€俒渚媇锛氫綘浠h〃澶у鍘诲弽鏄犳儏鍐垫渶鐩稿疁銆?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氶€傚疁銆?銆愮嚎瑁呫€戯細涔﹁瑁呰娉曠殑涓€绉嶃€傝璁㈢殑绾胯惤鍦ㄤ功鐨勫闈紝鏄垜鍥戒紶缁熺殑瑁呰娉曘€?銆愮炕鍒汇€戯細鐓у師鐗堟牱绡嗗埢閲嶅嵃涔﹀垔锛屽浘鐢荤瓑銆傦紙澶氭寚涓嶆槸鍘熷嚭鐗堣€呴噸鍒荤殑銆傦級銆愯瘧鏈€戯細缈昏瘧鎴栧彟涓€绉嶆枃瀛楃殑鏈瓙銆?銆愬瘨棰らⅳ锛坺h脿n锛夈€戯細鍐峰緱鏈夌偣鍙戞姈鐨勬牱瀛愶紝涔熷吋鏈夊瘨閰哥殑鎰忔€濄€俒娉ㄦ剰]锛氶ⅳ锛岃zh脿n锛?涓嶈ch脿n銆?[鍙嶄箟璇峕锛氭殩娲嬫磱鏆栬瀺铻嶃€?銆愯劚婕忋€戯細閬楁紡锛屾紡鐢点€俒渚媇锛氳繖涓€椤佃劚婕忎簡涓€琛屾枃瀛椼€?銆愭姂鎵€戯細锛堝0闊崇瓑锛夐珮浣庤捣浼忋€?銆愯9鑴氥€戯細鎴戝浗鏃ф椂缁熸不闃剁骇閫犳垚鐨勪竴绉嶆懅娈嬪濂宠韩浣撶殑闄嬩範銆傛妸濂冲瀛愮殑鑴氱敤闀垮竷鏉$揣绱у湴缂犱綇锛屼娇鑴氶鍙樺舰锛岀氦灏忥紝浠ヤ负缇庤銆備篃鍙€滅紶瓒斥€濄€?銆愮暩锛坖墨锛夊舰銆戯細鏈姣斿柣浜嬬墿涓笉姝e父鐨勬儏鍐点€傛効鎰忔槸鐢熺墿浣撴煇閮ㄥ垎鍙戣偛涓嶆甯哥殑褰㈡€併€俒渚媇锛氫粬浠鏈変竴鐩寸暩褰㈢殑灏忕尗锛屽彧鏈変笁鏉¤吙銆?銆愬共浜嬨€戯細鍦ㄦ煇閮ㄩ棬涓笓闂ㄨ礋璐f煇椤瑰叿浣撲簨鐗╃殑浜哄憳銆?銆愰€傚€笺€戯細姝eソ閬囧埌锛屾濂界涓娿€傚€硷細閬囧埌锛岀涓娿€?銆愭劋鐒躲€戯細褰㈠姘旀劋鍙戞€掔殑鏍峰瓙銆?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氬靠鐒?[鍙嶄箟璇峕锛氭鐒?銆愭紡娉勩€戯細鍗斥€滄硠闇测€濓紝涓嶅簲璇ヨ浜虹煡閬撶殑浜嬫儏璁╀汉鐭ラ亾浜嗐€?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氭紡瀵?銆愭棤鑱娿€戯細鏈鎸囬瞾杩呭綋鏃剁敓娲绘溅鍊掞紝閬彈鎺掓尋鐨勫澧冦€傚師鎰忔槸鐢变簬娓呴棴鑰屾劅鍒扮┖铏氱儲闂枫€俒渚媇锛氱敱浜庤繛鏃ヤ笅闆ㄥ嚭涓嶄簡闂紝娌′簨鍙共锛屽績涓€绘槸瑙夊緱鏈変簺鏃犺亰銆?銆愭暀璇诧紙hu矛锛夈€戯細鏁欐潯锛岃瀵笺€俒娉ㄦ剰]锛氳锛岃hu矛锛屼笉璇籬u菒銆傗€滄暀璇测€濋檺鐢ㄤ簬闀胯緢瀵规櫄杈堬紝涓婄骇瀵逛笅绾с€?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氭暀瀵硷紝鏁欒偛锛屾暀璁?[杈ㄦ瀽]锛氭暀璇?鏁欏杩欎袱涓瘝閮芥槸鍔ㄨ瘝锛岄兘鏈夊惎杩紝寮€瀵肩殑鎰忔€濓紝閮介檺浜庨暱杈堝鏅氳緢锛屼笂绾у涓嬬骇銆備富瑕佸尯鍒湪浜庯細鈥滄暀璇测€濅竴鑸彧鐢ㄤ簬涔﹂潰璇紝姣斺€滄暀瀵尖€濇洿甯︽湁浜插垏锛屽簞閲嶇殑鎰熸儏鑹插僵銆傗€滄暀璇测€滀娇鐢ㄨ寖鍥磋緝鐙獎銆傜粡甯告椿鐢ㄤ负鍚嶈瘝銆俒渚媇锛氣憼鍏堢敓璋嗚皢鏁欒鎴戜滑瑕佸仛涓鐩寸殑浜恒€傗憽浣犵粰浜堟垜鐨勭湡璇氭暀璇诧紝鎴戝皢缁堢敓闅惧繕銆?鈥滄暀瀵尖€濇墍甯︾殑鎰熸儏鑹插僵娌℃湁鈥滄暀璇测€濋偅涔堜翰鍒囧簞閲嶏紝鍙敤浜庝功闈㈣涔熷彲鐢ㄨ鍙eご璇紝浣跨敤鐨勮寖鍥寸浉瀵硅緝瀹姐€俒渚媇锛氣憼鑰佹牎闀垮父鏁欏鎴戜滑瑕佹案杩滀繚鎸佸勾杞讳汉鐨勬湞姘斿拰鐑儏銆傗憽濡堝鐨勬暀瀵间娇鎴戝績涓眮鐒跺紑鏈椼€?銆愭澇锛坹菐o锛夋棤娑堟伅銆戯細寰堥暱鏃堕棿娌℃湁涓€鐐规秷鎭€傛澇锛岃繙寰椾笉瑙佽釜褰便€?銆愮灔锛坧i膿锛夎銆戯細涓€鐪肩湅瑙併€傜灔锛屽緢蹇湴鐪嬩竴涓嬨€俒娉ㄦ剰]锛氱灔锛岃pi膿锛屼笉璇籶i臎銆?[杩戜箟璇峕锛氱湅锛屾湜銆愭姂鎵】鎸€戯細涓嬮檷锛屼笂鍗囷紝鍋滈】锛岃浆鎶樸€傚舰瀹瑰0闊筹紝璇皟绛夎穼瀹曡捣浼忥紝鑺傚鍒嗘槑锛屽瘜鏈夊彉鍖栥€?銆愭繁鎭剁棝鐤俱€戯細褰㈠瀵规煇浜烘煇浜嬫瀬涓哄帉鎭讹紝鐥涙仺銆傛伓锛氬帉鎭讹紱鐤撅細鎲庢仺鍏?鐢熷懡涓庡拰骞崇浉鐖?銆愬嚩娈嬨€?鍑剁嫚娈嬪繊[杩戜箟璇峕鍑舵毚娈嬫毚銆愬垏杩戙€?鏈鎸団€滆创杩戔€濈殑鎰忔€濓紝鍙﹀杩樻湁褰㈠璇嶇殑鐢ㄦ硶锛岃〃绀衡€滅浉绗︺€佺浉杩戔€濈殑鎰忔€濄€?銆愭潃鎴紙l 霉锛夈€?澶ч噺鏉€瀹?[杩戜箟璇峕灞犳潃銆愮棔杩广€?浜嬬墿鐣欎笅鐨勫嵃鐥曪紝娈嬫湁鐨勮抗璞°€俒渚媇浣滄鐜板満鎬讳細鐣欎笅涓€鐐圭棔杩圭殑銆?銆愮敓鏈哄媰鍕冦€?褰㈠鐢熷懡鍔涙椇鐩涳紝鏈濇皵钃媰銆俒渚媇涓€鍦烘槬闆紝鍘熼噹涓婅崏闀胯幒椋烇紝鐢熸満鍕冨媰銆?[杈ㄦ瀽] 鐢熸満鍕冨媰鐢熸皵鍕冨媰杩欎袱涓瘝閮芥槸褰㈠璇嶏紝閮藉瓨瀵屾湁鏈濇皵锛屽厖婊℃椿鍔涚殑鎰忔€濄€備富瑕佸尯鍒湪浜庨€傜敤鐨勮寖鍥翠笉鍚屻€傗€滅敓鏈哄媰鍕冣€濈敤浜庡舰瀹硅嚜鐒剁晫閲岀殑涓囩墿锛岃€屸€滅敓鏈哄媰鍕冣€濈敤浜庡舰瀹逛汉銆?銆愮簿骞层€?绮炬槑骞茬粌銆愯糠鎯戙€?鏈鏄姩璇嶁€滀娇杩锋儜鈥濈殑鎰忔€濓紝鍙﹀杩樻湁褰㈠璇嶇殑鐢ㄦ硶锛岃〃绀衡€滃垎涓嶆竻鏄潪锛屽苟涓嶆槑鐧解€濈殑鎰忔€濄€?銆愯创鍒囥€?濡ュ綋锛岀‘鍒?銆愬ù锛坸i谩n锛夌啛銆?鐔熺粌銆愬崠寮勩€?鏁呮剰鍦ㄥ埆浜洪潰鍓嶆樉绀猴紙鑷繁锛夛紝涓€鑸惈鏈夎船涔夈€?銆愪緝渚冿紙k菐nk菐n锛夎€岃皥銆?浠庡涓嶈揩锛岀悊鐩存皵澹湴璋堣銆?銆愯祫娣便€?璧勫巻鑰侊紝璧勬牸鑰併€俒渚媇浠栨槸涓祫娣辩殑澶栦氦瀹躲€?銆愭墠鎯呫€?锛堟枃瀛︺€佽壓鏈柟闈㈢殑锛夋墠鍗庢儏鑷淬€?銆愮泿鐒躲€?褰㈠姘旀皼銆佽叮鍛崇瓑鍏呭垎娴侀湶鍑烘潵鐨勬牱瀛愩€傛湰璇锯€滃叴鑷寸泿鐒垛€濇槸鍏磋叮寰堟祿鐨勬剰鎬濄€?銆愰敳锛坬i猫锛夎€屼笉鑸?sh臎)銆?姣斿柣瀛︿範銆佸仛浜嬫湁姣呭姏銆佹湁鎭掑績锛屼笉鍗婇€旇€屽簾銆傛敞鎰忥細鈥滈敳鈥濊qi猫锛屼笉璇籷矛锛涒€滆垗鈥濊sh臎锛屼笉璇籹h猫銆?銆愬厖娌涖€?鍏呰冻锛屾椇鐩涖€?銆愭祦绂诲け鎵€銆?娴佽浆绂绘暎锛屾病鏈夊畨韬箣鍦般€傛墍锛氬湴鏂广€俒渚媇鐢变簬杩炲勾寰佹垬锛岀櫨濮撴祦绂诲け鎵€銆?銆愮伃缁濄€?鏈鏄交搴曚抚澶辩殑鎰忔€濄€?[杈ㄦ瀽] 鐏粷鐏抗鐏骸杩欎笁涓兘鏄姩璇嶏紝閮芥湁涓嶅瀛樺湪鐨勬剰鎬濄€備富瑕佸尯鍒湪浜庤瘝涔夌殑鐫€閲嶇偣鍜岄€傜敤瀵硅薄涓嶅悓銆傗€滅伃缁濃€滄槸鎸囩梾鐥囨垨浜烘€х瓑褰诲簳娑堢伃鎴栦抚澶憋紝渚ч噸鐐瑰湪鈥滅粷鈥濓紝鎸囧交搴曪紱鈥滅伃杩光€濇寚娓呴櫎鐥曡抗锛屽鎸囩姱缃暀涓嬬殑鐥曡抗锛屼晶閲嶇偣鍦ㄢ€滆抗鈥濓紝鎸囩棔杩广€佺嚎绱紱鈥滅伃浜♀€濇寚鍥藉銆佹皯鏃忔垨鏀挎不闆嗗洟绛夎娑堢伃锛屼笉鍐嶅瓨鍦紝渚ч噸鐐瑰湪鈥滀骸鈥濓紝鎸囦笉澶嶅瓨鍦ㄣ€?銆愭汉鐖便€?杩囧垎鍦板疇鐖便€俒渚媇濂跺ザ鐗瑰埆婧虹埍灏忓瓩濂冲効銆傛敞鎰忥細鍙敤浜庨暱杈堝鏅氳緢銆?銆愰€犲氨銆?鏈鏄煿鍏讳娇鎴愰暱鐨勬剰鎬濄€傚彟澶栬繕鏈夊悕璇嶇殑鐢ㄦ硶锛岃〃绀衡€滈€犺銆佹垚灏扁€濈殑鎰忔€濄€?[杩戜箟璇峕閫犺銆愮绁枫€?鍚戠鐏甸粯鍛婅嚜宸辩殑鎰挎湜锛岀姹傚厤绁搁檷绂忋€?[杩戜箟璇峕绁堟眰绁堟効銆愯唉鍜屻€?璋﹁櫄娓╁拰銆俒渚媇浠栧緟浜鸿唉鍜屻€?銆愪紒鐩笺€?娈峰垏鍦板笇鏈涖€俒渚媇鍙版咕浜烘皯浼佺浖绁栧浗鏃╂棩缁熶竴銆?銆愭繁璋?膩n)銆?娣卞埢浜嗚В锛涢潪甯哥啛鎮夈€傛敞鎰忥細鈥滆皺鈥濊膩n锛屼笉璇幻爊銆?銆愭弿閲戙€?鍦ㄥ櫒鐗┿€佸銆佹煴绛夌殑鍥炬涓婏紝鐢ㄩ噾绮夈€侀摱绮夊嬀鍕掓弿鐢汇€?銆愭綔钘忋€?钑磋棌銆俒渚媇浜烘皯缇や紬涓綔钘忕潃宸ㄥぇ鐨勫姏閲忋€?銆愭縺娲汇€?姣斿柣鍒烘縺銆佸奖鍝嶆煇浜嬬墿锛屼娇娲昏穬璧锋潵銆俒渚媇涓ぎ璋冩暣璐у竵鏀跨瓥锛屽皢婵€娲婚噾铻嶅競鍦恒€?銆愯豹杩堛€?姘旈瓌澶э紝鍕囦簬杩涘彇銆?涓?鐑埍鐢熷懡銆愪竴鐦革紙qu茅锛変竴鎷愩€戣吙鑴氭湁姣涚梾锛岃蛋璺椂韬綋涓嶈兘淇濇寔骞宠銆?銆愬ぉ闄呫€戝ぉ杈广€?銆愭亹鎯с€戠晱鎯с€佸鎬?銆愯鲸鏋愩€戞亹鎯?鎭愭€?杩欎袱涓瘝閮芥湁褰㈠璇嶇敤娉曪紝閮借〃绀哄鍗遍櫓鎰熷埌鍙€曡€岄潪甯告儕鎭愶紝涓昏鍖哄埆鍦ㄤ簬锛?锛夎瘝鎬ц寖鍥翠笉鍚屻€傗€滄亹鎯р€濇病鏈夊悕璇嶇敤娉曪紱鈥滄亹鎬栤€濇湁鍚嶈瘝鐢ㄦ硶锛岃〃绀轰娇浜烘劅鍒版亹鎬栫殑鎵嬫鍜屾皵姘涖€傦紙2锛夎涔夌殑绋嬪害涓嶅悓銆傗€滄亹鎬栤€濈殑璇箟姣斺€滄亹鎯р€濋噸銆佸鎸囧洜鐢熷懡鍙楀埌濞佽儊鑰屼骇鐢熺殑鎯ф€曘€?銆愬闆堕浂銆戝鍗曞崟娌℃湁渚濋潬鎴栭櫔琛€傘€斾緥銆曞効濂充滑閮戒笉鍦ㄨ韩杈癸紝鍙墿鑰佷汉瀛ら浂闆朵竴涓汉銆傘€旀敞鎰忋€曚笉瀹滃啓浣溾€滃鍙﹀彟鈥濃€滃浼朵级鈥濄€?銆愭布娉姐€戞按鑽変笡鐢熺殑娉ユ碁鍦板甫锛屼篃璇粹€滄布娉藉湴鈥?銆愭祮鏋溿€戞恫鏋滅被鏋滃疄锛屽鏋滅毊钖勮€岃蒋锛屼腑鏋滅毊鍜屽唴鏋滅毊鑲夎川锛屽姹侊紝鍐呭惈涓€鑷虫暟绮掔瀛愩€?銆愮鎷欙紙zhu艒锛夈€戠锛屼笉鐏靛阀銆傘€旀敞鎰忋€曗€滄嫏鈥濊璇烩€渮hu艒鈥濓紝涓嶈鈥渮hu贸鈥濄€?銆愮暀杩炪€戠幇鍦ㄨ鑼冭瘝褰㈠啓浣溾€滄祦杩炩€濓紝琛ㄧず鈥滆垗涓嶅緱绂诲紑鈥濈殑鎰忔€濄€?銆愯鲸鏋愩€戠暀杩?鐣欐亱杩欎袱涓瘝閮芥槸鍔ㄨ瘝锛岄兘鏈夎垗涓嶅緱绂诲紑鐨勬剰鎬濓紝涓昏鍖哄埆鍦ㄤ簬锛氫袱涓瘝鐨勬剰涔変笉鍚岋紝鈥滅暀杩炩€濇寚鍙楀惛寮曡€屼笉鎰胯繑鍥烇紝瀵瑰浠呴檺浜庤嚜鐒舵櫙鑹层€佸悕鑳滀匠澧冪瓑鍙緵娓镐箰瑙傝祻鐨勫鎵€銆佺幆澧冦€傗€滅暀鎭嬧€濇寚蹇冨瓨渚濇亱鑰屼笉蹇嶇鍘伙紝瀵瑰閫氬父鎸囨晠涔°€佹瘝鏍°€佷翰浜虹瓑涓庤嚜宸辩殑缁忓巻鏈夎繃瀵嗗垏鍏崇郴鐨勪汉鎴栦簨鐗┿€?銆愯嫈钘擄紙t谩ixi菐n锛夈€戣嫈鍜岃棑涓ょ闄㈣姳妞嶇墿鐨勭粺绉般€?銆愮唤锛坺h脿n锛夈€戣寮€銆旀敞鎰忋€曗€滅唤鈥濊璇烩€渮h脿n鈥濓紝涓嶈鈥渄矛ng鈥?銆愯笇韬囷紙chu贸ch煤锛夈€戠姽璞紝鍙﹀杩樿兘鍋氬舰瀹硅瘝锛屽舰瀹瑰織寰楁剰婊$殑鏍峰瓙銆傘€斾緥銆曡笇韬囧洓椤俱€傘€旀敞鎰忋€曚笉瑕佸啓浣溾€滆笇韫扳€濄€?銆愬彿锛坔谩o锛夊晻锛坱谩o锛夊ぇ鍝€戝ぇ澹板湴鍝€?銆愮疮璧橈紙l茅i zhui锛夈€戞湰璇句綔褰㈠璇嶈〃绀轰簨鐗╁浣欍€侀夯鐑︺€傘€斾緥銆曡繖绡囨枃绔犵殑缁撳熬鏄惧緱绱禈銆傚彟澶栬繕鑳藉仛鍚嶈瘝琛ㄧず浣夸汉鎰熷埌澶氫綑鐨勪簨鐗╃殑鎰忔€濄€傘€斾緥銆曡刀涓婇槾澶╋紝鑽夊附鍙嶈€屾垚浜嗙疮璧樸€傘€旀敞鎰忋€曚笉瑕佸啓浣溾€滅疮鍧犫€?銆愰浂涔便€戞暎钀借€岀磰涔便€?銆旇繎涔夎瘝銆?鏁d贡銆斿弽涔夎瘝銆?鏁撮綈銆愯浆鐬嵆閫濄€戣浆鍔ㄧ溂鐝犵殑涓€鍒归偅灏辨秷澶变簡锛屽€熸寚娑堝け鐨勯€熷害蹇€?銆愬惍锛坰h 菙n锛夊惛銆戣仛鎷㈠槾鍞囨潵鍚稿彇涓滆タ銆傘€旀敞鎰忋€曗€滃惍鈥濓紝瑕佽鈥渟h菙n鈥濓紝涓嶈鈥測菙n鈥濄€?銆愭捣甯傝渻锛坰h猫n锛夋ゼ銆戝厜娴呭洜涓嶅悓瀵嗗害绌烘皵灞傜殑鎶樺皠锛屾妸杩滃鏅墿鏄剧ず鍦ㄧ┖涓垨鍦伴潰鐨勫寮傚够鏅€傚鍙戠敓鍦ㄥ澶╂部娴蜂竴甯︽垨娌欐紶涓紝鍙戠敓鏃跺彲瑙佹瀬杩滃闅愮害鏈夊北宄﹀煄姹犮€佷涵鍙版ゼ闃佺瓑锛屼笉涔呭氨鍏ㄩ儴娑堝け銆備篃璇存捣甯傝渻鏅€傘€旀敞鎰忋€曡渻锛岃璇烩€渟h猫n鈥濅笉璇烩€渃h茅n鈥濄€?銆愬够瑙夈€戞病鏈夊彈鍒板鐣屽埡婵€鑰屽湪鍚锛岃瑙夊拰鑳借绛夋柟闈㈠嚭鐜扮殑铏氬够鎰熻銆傘€斾緥銆曠簿绁炵梾浜哄父甯告湁骞昏銆?銆愬崐韬笉閬傦紙su铆锛夈€?鍋忕槴銆?銆愰矞琛€娣嬫紦銆戝舰瀹硅娑插線澶栨笚鎴栧線涓嬫淮锛屽彟澶栦篃褰㈠鐥涘揩銆佸敖鍏淬€傘€斾緥銆曟穻婕撳敖鑷淬€?銆愯娓嶏紙z矛锛夈€戣。

Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World教案

Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World教案

Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World教案Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World I锛庢暀瀛﹀唴瀹瑰垎鏋?Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World涓鸿瘽棰橈紝浠嬬?Introduction 閮ㄥ垎閫氳繃鍥涘垯灏忕煭鏂囨弿杩板洓规湰妯″潡瀛︿範鐨勫叴瓒c€?Reading and Vocabulary 閮ㄥ垎閫氳繃璇炬枃В?Speaking 閮ㄥ垎鎵€缁欑€?Function 閮ㄥ垎閫氳繃鍥涗釜娲诲姩锛岀粌涔犫€滃彲鑳解€濄€佲€滀笉?Listening and Vocabulary 閮ㄥ垎鍏磋叮銆?Grammar閮ㄥ垎澶嶄範骞跺綊绾砿ay have done 鎴杕ight have done?Writing繘涓€姝ョ啛缁冧娇鐢ㄦ湰妯″潡璇嶆眹銆?Pronunciation€?Everyday Englishack in the news, throw light on something銆?Cultural CornerВ澶?Taskц?Module File?II锛庢暀瀛﹂噸鐐瑰拰闅剧偣1. (1) 鎺屾彙涓?(2) 瀛︿範鎯呮€佸姩璇嶈〃鐚滄祴鐨勭敤娉曘€?(3) 瀛︿範鎻愬彇鏂囩珷鏈夌敤淇℃伅锛岀寽娴嬭瘝涔夌殑鏂规硶銆?2. (1)?(2) 姝g‘浣跨敤鎯呮€?(3) 瀛︿細鍒╃?III锛庢暀??竴璇炬椂锛欼ntroduction, Speaking, eading and Vocabulary, Writing ocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday Englishrammar, Function ultural Corner, task, Module File IV Period 1 Introduction, Speaking Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss鈥?interest in learning about mysterious things. 2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe mysteries of the nature. 3. To get Ss to know and describe some mysterious things in nature. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Introduction Purpose: To arouse Ss鈥?interest in learning about mysteries of the nature. 1. Pair work (1)Ask Ss to look at the four pictures on page 51 and give some descriptions in their own words. For your reference: 鈶?A large foot which looks like a giant鈥檚. It is similar to our human being鈥檚but much bigger than it. Strangely it has only four toes. 鈶?A huge monster like a gorilla, but looks taller and stronger than a gorilla. You may find the same creature in the film King Kong. 鈶?A kind of animal like a huge dragon in ancient Chinese legend. It lives in the water. 鈶?A terrible creature with long grey hair and face. It has long claws instead of hands. (2) Let Ss read the four paragraphs and match them with the pictures. Suggested Answers: 鈶?b 鈶?a 鈶?d 鈶?c 2. Individual work Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 51 individually. Suggested Answers: (1) creature (2) monster (3) hairy (4) footprint (5) tail (6) dinosaur (7) spirit (8) claw (9) attack Step 2. Speaking Purpose: To enable Ss to practice reporting mysteries of the nature. 1. Pair work Ask Ss to suppose they are interviewed by a journalist to describe something about the monsters they saw. Ask them to do the role-play in pairs. One acts the interviewer and the other acts the interviewee. Ask them to describe the four creatures in Activity 1 of Introduction one by one according the information showed in the introduction. Show Ss two examples to guide them. Example (1): Student A: Where and when you saw the Bigfoot? Student B: I was cutting the firewood in the mountainous forests that evening. About 6 o鈥檆lock, when I wanted to go home, it appeared in the woods 20 yards from me. Student A: What is it like? Student B: It looks like a very large monkey鈥晅all and hairy with big arms and legs. Student A: Did you feel frightened then? Student B: Yes, very. I thought it would attack me. I was frightened to death. 鈥?Example (2) Student A: Can you describe the scene when you met the monster like The Yeti? Student B: yeah. It鈥檚about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. Its head is very big and its eyes opened wide. It approached me slowly as if it wanted to attack me. I was very frightened but I didn鈥檛dare to cry for help鈥?Student A: It 鈥檚really exciting and risky. But what happened last? Student B: 鈥? 2. Individualwork Ask Ss to say the imaginary creatures and scene in details according the dialogue they made. Then report in individuals. Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to revise the passages in the Introduction. 2. Ask Ss to practise making dialogue to say the monsters.. 3. Ask Ss to preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module. Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary, Writing Teaching Goals: 1. To let Ss master how to get useful information from a passage. 2. To let Ss master some words and phrases. 3. To get Ss to talk something about a monster. 4. To help Ss write a story about another monster. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision: Purpose: To check whether Ss master what they鈥檝e learnt in the last period or not. Ask Ss to answer the following questions.(1) What will the Yeti do when it gets angry? (2) What does the Bigfoot look like? (3) Where does the Grey man live? (4) What鈥檚the Loch Ness Monster like? Suggested Answers: (1) It will attack anyone who goes close to it. (2) It looks like a very large monkey 锟紺tall and hairy with big arms and legs. (3) The Grey man lives on mountains in Scotland. (4) It has a small head and a long tail and some people believe it is a dinosaur. Step 2. Leading-in Purpose: To let Ss have a discussion about the Monster of Lake Tianchi. 1. Group work Show four pictures and ask Ss to say something about the Lake Tianchi and the monster.2. Group work Let Ss reported their discussions to the class and collect them. Then give a simple introduction to lead in the reading. For your reference: Lake Tianchi is located in the north-eastern Jilin province near the border of North Korea, in China. The lake is 1,243 feet deep and has had some volcanic activity in the last 300 years. Tianchi is honoured as the deepest mountain lake and the largest crater lake in China. There have been more than 30 reported sightings by tourists from home and abroad over the past 20 years. They said that they saw the great monster in the lake. There are quite a few pictures and videos of this creature, but none is clear enough to give a good appearance of it. Some persons made the picture with computer images of it based on interviews. Someone drew a picture to show its shape, but it remainsunconfirmed. Step 3. Reading Purpose: To improve Ss鈥?reading skills. 1. Skimming Ask Ss to read the beginning of the passage and finish Activity 1 on page 52. Suggested Answers: A newspaper. 2. Scanning (1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph quickly and answer the two questions. 鈶?According to the text, what did the monster look like? 鈶?How many people saw it? Suggested Answers: 鈶?Black in color; jumped like a seal; its head looked like a horse. 鈶?About 200 (2) Ask Ss to read the second paragraph and answer the questions: 鈶?Who else saw the animal? 鈶?What were they doing? 鈶?What did it look like? Suggested Answers: 鈶?A group of soldiers 鈶?They were walking along the side of the lake. 鈶?It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10cm horns. (3) Ask Ss to read the third and fourth paragraph and answer the questions. 鈶?What did Li Xiaohe see?鈶?Why could they see the animal clearly? 鈶?How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi? 鈶?What do many people think? 鈶?What do the scientists think? Suggested Answers: 鈶?A round black creature moving quickly through the water. After 300 or 400 meters it dived into the water. 鈶?The weather was fine and the lake was calm. 鈶?Since the beginning of the last century. 鈶?The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. 鈶?The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. (4) Ask Ss to read the last paragraph and give the following information about Lake Tianchi: Height:鈶?Area: 鈶?Depth: 鈶?Suggested Answers: 鈶?2189 m 鈶?10 km2 鈶?370 m deep in some places 4. Post-reading Ask Ss to do Activity 4 on page 53. Then check their answers. Suggested Answers: (1) a (2) a (3) a (4) b (5) c (6)a (7) a (8) c (9) c (10) b Step 4. Language Points Purpose: To let Ss understand the passage well. 1.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points in groups. (1) It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. (Page 51) 瀹冪粡甯哥. attack vt & vi Eg 鈶?A girlwas attacked and robbed by two strong men. 鈶?The enemy attacked during the night. 鈥汇€愭嫇灞曘€?鈼?attack vt 鎶ㄥ嚮attack sb / sth for sth 涓烘煇浜嬫姩鍑绘煇浜?Eg He was attacked for his corruption. 鈼?attack n launch / make an attack (on sb / sth) 鏀诲嚮鏌愪汉鎴栬€呮煇鐗?Eg They launched an attack on racism. (2) He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 锛圥age 52锛?㈠揩閫熸父杩囥€?claim vt瀹gО锛屽0绉帮紙鍚庡彲璺焧hat浠庡彞鎴栧姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡锛?Eg 鈶?I don鈥檛claim to be an expert. 鈶?He claimed he should be given a fairer opportunity. 鈥汇€愭嫇灞曘€?claim鐨勬剰鎬濊繕鏈夛細鈼?vt ?Eg Has anyone claimed this watch? 鈼?vt绱㈣禂锛岀储鍙?Eg Did you claim the insurance after your car accident? 鈼?vt 娉ㄦ剰锛屾€濊€?Eg The matter claims our attention. (3) It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometers. 锛圥age 52锛?澶╂睜娴锋嫈2189绫筹紝闈㈢Н鏈?0cover an area of鎰忎负鈥滃崰鏈夆€︹€︾┖闂粹€?涔熷彲浠ュ彧鐢╟over琛ㄧず姝ゆ剰銆?Eg The town covers (an area of) 5 square miles. 鈥汇€愭嫇灞曘€?cover 鐨勫叾浠栨剰鎬濊繕鏈夛細鈼?vt 瑕嗙洊Eg The mountain is covered with snow all the year round. 鈼?vt鍖呭惈锛屾秹鍙?Eg The lecture covers many aspects of business. 鈼?vt璧板畬锛堜竴娈佃矾绋嬶級Eg I can cover the distance on foot in two hours. 鈼?vt鎶ラ亾Eg The reporters are covering the fire for a newspaper. (4) They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 锛圥age 52х殑鐢熺墿銆?鈼?be(un)likely to do鈥?锛堜笉锛夊彲鑳藉仛鈥︹€?Eg You鈥檙e likely to catch a cold if you go out now. 鈥汇€愭嫇灞曘€?It鈥檚likely that鈥?鏈夊彲鑳解€︹€?Eg It鈥檚likely that he will be late. = He is likely to be late. 2. Individual work Ask Ss to fill the blanks of the summary according to the passage. The 鈥淢onster鈥?of Lake Tianchi, the highest __(1)__ lake in the world, is __(2)__ after several recent sightings.But no one has ever got a clear look at the __(3)__ creature. In one sighting, as is__(4)__ by the director of a local tourist office, it is black and __(5)__ the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers watched it __(6)__ for about 2 minutes. A third report came from a family who __(7)__ to __(8)__ a round black creature __(9)__ quickly through the water and then __(10)__the water. Many people think the monster may be a __(11)__cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are __(12)__, because the low-temperature lake is__(13)__ to be able to __(14)__ such a large __(15)__ creature. Suggested Answers: (1) volcanic (2) back in the news (3) mysterious (4) claimed (5) jumped out of (6) swimming (7) claimed (8) have seen (9) moving (10) diving into (11) distant (12) sceptical (13) unlikely (14) support (15) living Step 5. Writing Purpose: To enable Ss to learn how to write a passage to say about another monster. 1. Group work Ask Ss to read the passage on page 52 and answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 57. Suggested Answers: (1) Several groups of people saw a kind of 鈥?monster鈥? (2) In Lake Tianchi in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province (3) It lived in the water, was black or greenish-black, and some people said it had a roundhead and body with10-cm horns on the head, while others said it had a horse鈥檚head. (4) The weather or large food supply to the monster. 2. Group work Ask Ss to write a passage using the words and sentences in Activity1. Step 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to finish Reading exercises in the Workbook on pages 99~101. 2. Ask Ss to prepare for the Listening class. Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening. 2. To study some daily expressions. 3. To learn the intonation in exclamations. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision Check the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook. Step 2. Vocabulary study Purpose: To get Ss to learn some new words. 1. Group work Ask Ss to match the words with their definitions. (1) dinosaur (a) A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser (2) carnivore (b) a large extinct reptile living onearth ever. (3) meteorite (c) a stony or metallic mass that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space (4) mammal (d) the act or process of radiating (5) radiation (e) A flesh-eating animal (6) galaxy (f) a warm-blooded milk-producing animal like human being (7) crater (g) A sudden, often violent outburst (8) eruption (h) numerous stars, gas, and dust containing large amount of solar masses Suggested Answers: (1) b (2) e銆€(3) c銆€銆€(4) f (5) d (6) h (7) a (8) g 2. Individual work Let Ss do Activity 1 on page 55 and check the answers. Suggested Answers: (1) climate (2) extinct (3) disappear (4) survive (5) adapt (6) evolve Step 3. Listening Purpose: 鈼?To get the main information in the listening part; 鈼?To develop Ss 鈥?listening ability. 1. Pre-listening Let Ss do Activity 2 on page 56 to know something about dinosaurs. 2. While-listening (1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the answers to Activity 2 on page 56 Suggested Answers: 鈶?c 鈶?c 鈶?c 鈶?a (2) Ask Ss to listen again and fill the missing words in the listening passage Good afternoon, and welcome to this week鈥檚鈶?of Mysteries of Nature. Today鈥檚topic is a 鈶?one--- it鈥檚鈶?, those strange creatures which 鈶?the earth for no less than two hundred million years, some of them were 鈶?eaters, others were like the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, carnivores who lived off meat and who 鈶?the more peaceful plant 鈶?dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs were big --- some were the 鈶?of chickens, and in fact the 鈶?things to dinosaurs living today are actually birds. But the 鈶?we are going to talk about today is why the dinosaurs suddenly __(11)__ exactly 66 million year ago, and to __(12)__ light on the subject we鈥檝e invited one of the world鈥檚foremost __(13)__ on the subject, from the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, Dr Roger Binfield. Suggested Answers: 鈶?edition 鈶?big鈶?dinosaurs 鈶?ruled 鈶?plant 鈶?attacked 鈶?eating 鈶?size 鈶?closest鈶?mystery (11) disappeared (12) throw (13) experts (3) Listen to the second part and do Activity 4 and 5 on page 56. Suggested Answers to Activity 4: 鈶?A meteorite hit the earth. 鈶?They stopped evolving. 鈶?They killed each other 鈶?A volcaniceruption 鈶?Cancer caused by radiation Suggested Answers to Activity 5: (4) Listento the second part again and do Activity 6 on page 56. Suggested Answers: 鈶?F鈶?T 鈶?F 鈶?F 鈶?F 鈶?F 鈶?T 3. Post-listening Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss which theory they think is most likely and why. Step 4. Pronunciation鈥?Consonants disappearing Purpose: To enable Ss to know the words which consonants disappear. 1. Pair work Show the sentences in the Pronunciation Activity 1 on the screen and ask Ss to read them out. (1) I鈥檒l come straight to the point. (2) The most widely accepted theory. (3) I think it鈥檚the most likely explanation. 2. Individual work Ask Ss to listen to the tape. Let them pay attention to the elides. Give them the right pronunciation. Suggested Answers: (1) straight to = / / (2) most widely=/ / (3) most likely=/ / 3. Pair work Ask Ss to listen to the sentences in Activity 2 and repeat the elides. Then ask them to practise more. Suggested Answers: (1) went to= / / (2) most fantastic= / / (3) didn鈥檛take= / / Step 5. Everyday English Ask Ss to choose the correct answers to Everyday English exercises and try to grasp the meaning of these expressions on page 58. Suggested Answers: (1) a (2) b (3) a (4) a (5) b (6) a (7) b Step 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to finish Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on pages 98~99. 2. Ask Ss to preview Grammar and Function. Period 4 Function, Grammar Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know about the way to express possibility and improbability. 2. To enable Ss to master the usage of 鈥渕ay鈥? 鈥渕ight鈥? and 鈥渓ikely鈥? 3. To help Ss learn how to use modal verbs 鈥渕ay 鈥?and 鈥渕ight鈥?to express conjecture. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision Check the answers to the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook. Step 2. Function Purpose: To let Ss know how to talk about possibility and improbability. 1. Pair work Ask Ss to do Activity 1 on page 54 and then call back the answers. Suggested Answers: (1) a, b (2) c (3) unlikely 2. Group work Ask Ss to identify the creatures in the pictures in Activity 4 on page 55, by using 鈥渕ay鈥?or 鈥渕ight鈥? Arouse their interest in talking about possibility. 3. Individual work Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 54individually. Then check their answers. Suggested Answers: (1) There might still be dinosaurs somewhere. (2) Don鈥檛go near the water. It may be very deep. (3) We are unlikely to see the monster. (4) There may be an underground river from Loch Ness to the sea. (5) We must help him 锟紺he may not be able to swim. (6) There are likely to be lots of strange creatures in that lake. Step 3. Grammar Purpose: To enable Ss to know how to use modal verbs 鈥渕ay鈥?and 鈥渕ight鈥?to express conjecture. 1.Group work Ask Ss to discuss the two sentences in Activity 1 of Grammar on page 57, and then ask them to choose the best answer. Suggested Answers: We use may have or might have (with the past participle) to talk about something which happened in the past鈥昿erhaps. 2. Explanation Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened in the past鈥昿erhaps. (1)褰㈠紡涓may have done may not have done锛?He may have gone back home, because he didn鈥檛say he would take part in her birthday party. He may not have paid for the bill, because he had lost his job. (2)might have done锛屽惁瀹氬舰寮忕敤might not have done锛?They helped send her bat to the hospital; otherwise, she thought, the baby might have died. She might not have left home when I got to school. (3) 瀵硅繃鍘荤殑浜ц緝澶фmust have done锛屽惁瀹氬舰寮忎竴can鈥檛have done?Your score is the highest; you must have studied very hard. You can鈥檛have seen her in her office last Friday; she鈥檚been out of town for two weeks. 3. Practice Ask Ss to do Activity 2 on page 57. Then call back the answers and correct them. Suggested Answers: (1) might have caused (2) may have cut off (3) may have survived (4) might have been killed 4. Supplements Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened at present鈥昿erhaps. 鐢ㄦ潵琛ㄧ寽娴嬬殑鎯呮€佸姩璇嶆湁锛歮ust, can, mayф槸涓嶅悓鐨勩€?(1) ц緝澶ф椂锛岃must ust涓嶅啀琛ㄧずcanan涓嶅啀琛ㄧず鈥滆兘澶熲€濓紝鑰屾槸?I saw him go out just now. He can鈥檛be in his own room. It must be Linda in the classroom, because she is on duty today. (2)may ay涓嶅啀琛ㄧず鈥滃彲may not鍔?He may tell the truth to his father. She may not angry because she is good-tempered. (3)mightmight not?She might not be angry because she usually is very patient. He might be at home now, but I鈥檓not sure. (4) 鎯呮€佸姩璇??At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. Doctor Wang isn鈥檛here. He might be giving a lecture in the hall. (5) 鎯呮€佸姩璇??Your mother must have been looking for you. The light was on the whole night. He may have been doing his homework all the time. 5. Consolidation Ask Ss to translate the following sentences.(1) ?(2)鍦虹瓑鎴戜滑銆?(3) Tom鐪熺浉鍛婅瘔浠栫埗浜层€?(4)垂鍔插氨鑳芥壘鍒版垜鐨勪綇澶勩€?Suggested Answers: (1) They may have missed the plane. (2) Let鈥檚hurry! They may be waiting for us at the airport. (3)Tom is an honest boy. He may tell his father about the truth this evening. (4) He came to see me five years ago. He might find my house without any difficulty. Step 4. Homework 1. Ask Ss to review Grammar. 2. Ask Ss to finish Grammar exercises in the Workbook pages 97~98. Period 5 Cultural Corner, task, Module File Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss鈥?interest in learning the differences of the dragon in different countries. 2. To make Ss develop the patriotic feeling. 3. To let Ss learn how to write a mystery of China. 4. To help Ss review what we have learnt in this module; Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision Check the workbook grammar exercises on pages 97~98. Step 2. Cultural Corner Purpose: To arouse Ss鈥?interest in learning the differences of the dragon in different countries. 1. Group work Show two pictures of Chinese dragon and western dragon. Ask Ss to discuss the differences and tell something about them. For your reference: Western dragons were typically bad creatures which had to be killed. But in China they were generous and wise, and associated with the royal family to show power and strength. 2. Individual work Ask Ss to read the passage and fill in the blanks by using the key words from the passage. People talk about (1) almost everywhere in the world but have _(2)_ opinions. In _(3)_ culture, dragons are generous and _(4)_.The dragon was closely _(5)_ to the royal family. According to popular belief, _(6)_you were born in the year of the dragon, you are_(7)_, brave and a natural leader. But in the west, most people think _(8)_of the dragon. It is said that in an old English story a man kills a _(9)_ dragon and the man is called by people a_(10)_. The reason _(11)_ westerners dislike dragons is that the idea of the dragon came from the_(12)_, an animal which people _(13)_and were afraid of. But the idea of the dragon in China came from alligator, an animal which is a good _(14)_for agriculture, so the Chinese people think dragons can bring good_(15)_ to them. Suggested Answers: (1) dragons (2) different (3) Chinese (4) wise (5) connected (6) if (7) intelligent (8) poorly (9) dangerous (10) hero (11) why (12) snake (13) hated (14) sign (15) fortune Step 3. Module File Purpose: To enable Ss to make aconclusion of this module and deepen what they have learned in the module. Ask Ss to look at Module File on P60 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they don鈥檛know. Help Ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points. Step 4. Homework 1. Ask Ss to review Module 6. 2. Ask Ss to finish the rest of the exercises in the Workbook. V. 琛ュ厖缁冧範涓€銆佸崟椤归€夋嫨棰?1. Don鈥檛get _____ the animal. It might attack you. A. close with B. closely with C. close to D. closely to 2. ----Did you get a clear look at the monster? ----No, but it seemed to be red_______. A. in colour B. in the colour C. with colour D. with the colour 3. Something unusual was floating _____ surface of the lake. A. in the B. over C. on D. on the 4. ----Has anyone _____ be responsible for the accident? ----Not yet. A. claiming to B. claimed to C. been claimed to D. being claimed to 5. He has been _____ the research in monsters ever since. A. diving into B. dived into C. diving to D. dived to 6. ---Will Yao Ming take part in the Spring Festival Party? --- Sorry, he _____ appear there. A. is likely to B. should likely to C. is unlikely to D. is unlike to 7. Though without any evidence, the police thought the accident_____ caused on purpose. A. might be B. might have been C. should have been D. might have 8. The factory_____ area of 50 square kilometers. A. covers B. covers an C. takes an D. takes 9. ----Why should we study mathematics while we are in the Physics Department? ----You know, physics _____ mathematics closely. A. related to B. related with C. is related to D. is relating to 10. His kind of animal may_____ thousands of years ago. A. die out B. die away C. have died away D. have died out 11. he soldiers were trained to be able to _____ any difficult conditions. A. adapt to B. adapt with C. be adapted to D. adapt for 12. It is generally believed that good health_____ healthy diet. A. is different from B. is connected with C. is connected from D. connected to 13. He failed to catch the first bus______ the bad weather. A. due to B. being due to C. due for D. being due for 14.---- The math problem is quite difficult. ---- Ask Tom for help and he might _____ it. A. throw light to B. give light for C. throw light to D. give out light to 15. I鈥檓afraid our money in hand will be useless because the price is_____. A. going sharp B. becoming sharp C. becoming sharply D. going up sharply 16. Such large creatures can 鈥檛be able to _____ in this lake. A. support B. be supported C. catch D. be lived 17. The 鈥?Monster of Lake Tianchi鈥?is back _____ the news _____ several recent sightings. A. on; before B. to; on C. in; after D. with; to 18. The soldier watched the creature _____ for about two minutes in the lake. A. to swim B. to walk C. walking D. swimming 19. They were able to see the monster_____ because the lake was______.A. clear; calmB. clearly; calmlyC. clearly; calmD. clear; calmly 20. _____ have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi_____ the beginning of the last century. A. There; since B. it; at C. That; in D. What; before 1銆乀hey ____ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reasons. A. can have lost B. may have lost C. can have missed D. may have missed 2銆?----I need a dictionary at present time. ----Jack____. He bought a new dictionary last week. A. may lend you one B. might lend one C. may lend this D. might be lending you 3銆乄hen we got to the airport, they ____ home. A. may have just left B. may just leave C. might be leaving D. might leave 4銆丼orry. I am late. I ______ have turned of the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.. A. should B. can C. will D. might 5銆?----Excuse me. Is this the right way to the post office? ----Sorry, I am not sure. But it _____ be. A. will B. might C. must D. can 6銆?--- Is Tom coming by train? ---- He should, but he ____ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may 7銆丣ohnny, you_____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself.. A. won鈥檛; can鈥檛B. mustn鈥檛; may C. shouldn鈥檛; must D. can鈥檛; shouldn鈥檛8銆?---Are you coming to Jeff鈥檚party? ---- I鈥檓not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might 9銆?---Who is the man over there? Is he our headmaster? ---- It ____be him. He has just gone to Shanghai. A. might not B. can鈥檛C. isn鈥檛 D. shouldn鈥檛10銆乀he dinosaurs _____ because the climate changed. A. are disappearing B. will have disappeared C. may have disappeared D. might be disappearing ?creature ,famous, lakes, legends, neck, Scotland ,sightings, mysterious , clear, exists 锛?The lakes of North America also have their share of__(1)__ creatures. There have been __(2)__ of curious creatures in most big__(3)__. None of these monsters are as __(4)__ as Nessie who lives in Loch Ness in __(5)__ but some have become local __(6)__. For nearly four hundred years, here have been sightings of a strange__(7)__ living in Lake Champolion. It is said to have a long__(8)__ and a very small head. All the photographs of this monster are not __(9)__, so no one knows if it really __(10)__. 鍥涖€佸崟璇嶆紨缁?鏍规嵁涓嬪垪鍙ュ瓙?1銆乊ou are easy to be_______ (鏀诲嚮) when you are in red in the forest. 2銆乀he man claimed to be able to tell my _______ (鍛借繍) by looking at my hands. 3銆乄hen moving to Europe together, the children ________ (閫傚簲) to the changes quickly. 4銆乀here is something _______ () in what he said. 5銆丠is answer _______ (鏆楃ず) that I could leave. 6銆丮y suggestion is to try to remain c_______ before he interviewer. 7銆乀here are probably lots of strange c_______ in that lake. 8銆乀hese animals d_______ mysteriously millions of years ago. 9銆乄ithout protection, some animals will be d______ in the near future. 10銆丠e managed to cross theb_______ into Germany. 鍙傝€冪瓟妗? 涓€銆?~5 CADBA 6~10 CBBCD 11~15 ABACD 16~20 BCDC 浜屻€?~5 DAADB 6~10 DBDBC 涓夈€?.mysterious 2. sightings kes 4. famous 5. Scotland 6. legends 7.creature 8. neck 9. clear 10. exists 鍥涖€?.attacked 2.fortune 3. adapted 4. mysterious 5. indicated 6. calm 7.creatures 8.disappeared 9. distinct 10. border。



小学英语三年级上册单词表(人教版)т笂鍐屽崟璇嶈〃锛堜汉鏁欑増锛?Unit 1 pen [pen]閽㈢瑪pencil ['pens蓹l]閾呯瑪pencil-case ['pens蓹lkeis]閾呯瑪鐩?ruler ['ru:l蓹]灏哄瓙eraser [i'reiz蓹]姗$毊crayon ['krei蓹n]铚$瑪book [buk]涔?bag [b忙锟斤拷]涔﹀寘sharpener['蕛锟斤拷:p蓹n蓹]鍗风瑪鍒€school [sku:l]瀛︽牎Unit 2 head[hed] 澶?face[feis] 鑴?nose[n蓹uz] 榧诲瓙mouth ]mau胃]鍢?eye [ai]鐪肩潧ear [i蓹]鑰虫湹arm[锟斤拷:m] 鑳宠唺finger['fi艐锟斤拷蓹] 鎵嬫寚leg [le 锟斤拷]鑵?foot [fut]鑴?body ['b蓴di]Unit 3 red [red]绾㈣壊鐨?yellow ['jel 蓹u]榛勮壊鐨?green [锟斤拷ri:n]缁胯壊鐨?blue [blu:]钃濊壊鐨?purple ['p蓹:pl] ?white [hwait] 鐧借壊鐨?black [bl忙k]榛戣壊鐨?orange ['蓴rind蕭] 姗欒壊鐨?pink [pi艐k]绮夎壊鐨?brown [braun]妫曡壊鐨?Unit 4 cat [k忙t] 鐚?dog [d 蓴锟斤拷, d蓴:锟斤拷]鐙?monkey ['m蕦艐ki]鐚村瓙panda ['p忙nd蓹]鐔婄尗rabbit ['r忙bit]鍏斿瓙duck d蕦k] pig [pi锟斤拷]鐚?bird [b蓹:d]楦?bear [b蔚蓹]鐔?elephant ['elif蓹nt]澶ц薄mouse ]maus, mauz]鑰侀紶squirrel ['skw 蓹:r蓹l] 鏉鹃紶Unit 5 cake [keik] 铔嬬硶bread [bred]闈㈠寘hot doghamburger ['h忙mb蓹:锟斤拷蓹]姹夊牎鍖?chicken ['t蕛ikin]楦¤倝French [frent 蕛] Fries 姒ㄨ柉鏉?Coke [k蓹uk] juice [d蕭u:s] 鏋滄眮milk[milk]鐗涘ザwater['w蓴:t蓹] 姘?tea[ti:]鑼?coffee ['k蓴fi]鍜栧暋Unit 6 one [w蕦n]涓€two [tu:]浜?three[胃ri:] 涓?four [f蓴:]鍥?five [faiv] 浜?six[siks] 鍏?seven['sev蓹n] 涓?eight [eit]鍏?nine[nain] 涔?ten[ten]鍗?doll [d蓴l]鐜╁叿濞冨▋boat [b蓹ut]灏忚埞ball [b蓴:l]鐞?kite[kait] 椋庣瓭balloon ]b蓹'lu:n] 姘旂悆car [k锟斤拷:]灏忔苯杞?plane [plein] 椋炴満唽鈥㈠崟璇嶈〃Unit 1 boy [b蓴i]girl [锟斤拷蓹:l] teacher ['ti:t 蕛蓹] 鏁欏笀student ['stju:d蓹nt]瀛︾敓this [冒is, 寮泵吧檚] 杩欎釜my 鎴戠殑friend [frend] 鏈嬪弸I鈥檓=I am 鎴戞槸nice [nais]good morning ['m蓴:ni艐] 鏃╀笂濂?good afternoon [,锟斤拷:ft蓹:'nu:n]" 涓嬪崍濂?meet [mi:t]?goodbye [,锟斤拷ud'bai] too [tu:] 涔燂紱澶?Unit 2 father ['f锟斤拷:冒蓹] 鐖朵翰锛涚埜鐖?dad 鐖哥埜mother ['m蕦冒蓹]?mom man [m忙n] 鐢蜂汉woman['wum蓹n]濂充汉grandmother ['锟斤拷r忙nd,m蕦冒蓹] 澶?绁栨瘝grandma ['锟斤拷r忙ndm锟斤拷:]瘝grandfather ['锟斤拷r忙nd,f锟斤拷:冒蓹]?grandpa ['锟斤拷r忙ndp锟斤拷:]紙澶栵級绁栫埗sister ['sist蓹] brother ['br蕦冒蓹] let鈥檚=let [let] us [蕦s] 璁╂垜浠?great [锟斤拷reit] ?really ['ri蓹li, 'ri:li] 鐪熷湴锛涚‘鍒囧湴and 忙nd, 鍜岋紱骞朵笖how [hau] 澶氫箞锛涙€庝箞鏍?Unit 3 eleven [i'lev蓹n]鍗佷竴twelve [twelv] 鍗佷簩thirteen '胃蓹:'ti:n]鍗佷笁fourteen ['f蓴:'ti:n]鍗佸洓fifteen ['fifti:n]鍗佷簲sixteen ['siks'ti:n] 鍗佸叚seventeen [,sev蓹n'ti:n] 鍗佷竷eighteen ['ei'ti:n] 鍗佸叓nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 鍗佷節twenty ['twenti] 浜屽崄how [hau] many ['meni]澶氬皯can [k忙n, k蓹n] ?look [luk] at [, 寮鄙檛]鐪嬶紱鐬?Unit 4 peach [pi:t蕛]妗?pear [p蔚蓹]姊?orange ['蓴rind蕭] 姗欏瓙watermelon ['w蓴:t蓹mel蓹n]瑗跨摐apple ['忙pl] 鑻规灉banana [b蓹'n锟斤拷:n蓹] 棣欒晧strawberry ['str 蓴:b蓹ri]鑽夎帗grape [锟斤拷reip]钁¤悇like [laik]some [s蕦m, 涓€浜涳紱鏌愪簺thanks 澶氳阿Unit 5 bus [b蕦s]bike [baik]杞?taxi ['t忙ksi] ?jeep [d蕭i:p]鍚夋櫘杞?desk [desk]chair [t蕛蔚蓹]妞呭瓙Walkman 闅忚韩鍚?lamp [l忙mp]鍙扮伅your [j蓴:, j蓹u, 寮眏蓹]zoo [zu:] 鍔ㄧ墿鍥?Unit 6 small [sm蓴:l] 灏忕殑big [bi锟斤拷]澶х殑long [l蓴艐, l蓴:艐] 闀跨殑short [蕛蓴:t] ?tall [t 蓴:l] 楂樼殑giraffe [d蕭i'r锟斤拷:f] ?deer [di蓹] 楣?浜烘暀鐗堝皬瀛Unit 1 unit 3 window锛歔'wind蓹u] 绐楁埛thin [胃in] 鐦︾殑board锛歔b蓴:d] 鏈ㄦ澘strong [str蓴艐] 寮哄.鐨? light锛歔lait] 鍏夌嚎quiet [kwai蓹t] 瀹夐潤鐨?picture锛歔'pikt蕛蓹] 鐢?friend[frend] 鏈嬪弸door锛歔d蓴:] 闂?Chinese [t蕛a瑟ni:z, -ni:s] ?floor 锛歔fl蓴:] 鍦版澘like [laik] classroom锛歔'kl锟斤拷:srum] his [hiz, 瑟z] 浠栫殑many锛歔'meni] ?photo [f蓹ut蓹u] 鐓х墖our锛歔'au蓹] 鎴戜滑鐨?has [h忙z鏈?classmate锛歔'kl锟斤拷:smeit] name [neim] 鍚嶅瓧seat锛歔si:t] 搴т綅he [hi: 浠?near锛歔ni蓹] 杩戠殑teacher [ti:t蕛蓹锛宼i藧t蕛蓹(r)] 鏁欏笀what锛歔hw蓴t] 浠€涔?student [stju:d蓹nt] 瀛︾敓in锛歔in] 鍦?..閲? music [mju:zik] 闊充箰the锛歔冒蓹] 杩?涓?,閭?涓?science [sai蓹ns] we锛歔wi:] 鎴戜滑sport [sp蓴:t] 杩愬姩have锛歔h忙v] 鏈?鎷ユ湁right [rait] 姝g‘鐨?new锛歔nju:] 鏂扮殑;鏂伴矞鐨?鏂板瀷鐨?boy [b蓴i] go锛歔g蓹u] 鍘?绂诲幓girl [锟斤拷蓹:l]where锛歔hw蓻蓹] 鍦ㄥ摢閲?unit 4 computer锛歔k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 鐢佃剳,鐢靛瓙璁$畻鏈?study [st蕦di] 瀛︿範wall锛歔w蓴:l] 澧?bathroom [b锟斤拷:胃rum] fan锛歔f忙n] 鎵囧瓙bedroom [bedru:m, -r蕣m] 鍗уclean 锛歔kli:n] 娓呮磥鐨?kitchen [kit蕛in] 鍘ㄦ埧you锛歔ju:] 浣?浣犱滑fish [fi 蕛] . 楸?see锛歔si:] here [hi蓹] 鍦ㄨ繖閲?me锛歔mi:] 鎴?home [h蓹um] 瀹?look at锛歔luk] [忙t] 鐪?room [ru:m] 鎴块棿Unit2 school [sku:l] 瀛︽牎Chinese book锛歔't蕛ai'ni:z][buk] ?phone [f蓹un] 鐢佃瘽English book锛歔'i艐gli蕛] [buk] ?bed [bed] 搴? math book [m忙胃] [buk] 鏁板?schoolbag [sku:lb忙g] 涔﹀寘storybook [st蓴:ribuk] 鏁呬簨涔?fridge [frid蕭] notebook [n蓹utbuk] ?table [teibl] 妗屽瓙colour [k蕦l蓹] 褰╄壊they [冒ei, 冒e] 浠朳濂? 瀹僝浠?fat [f忙t] 鑳栫殑sofa [s蓹uf蓹] 娌欏彂shelf [蕛elf] 鏋跺瓙key [ki:]閽ュ寵may [mei]open [蓹up蓹n]寮€鐫€鐨?sure [蕛u蓹] 褰撶劧please [pli:z]璇?bag [b忙锟斤拷] 琚? 鍖?on [蓴n]鍦ㄢ€︿笂pencil[pens蓹l閾呯瑪no [n蓹u]涓? 涓嶆槸pen [pen] 绗?desk [desk]twenty-one [twenti:w蕦n, tw蕦n-] 浜屽崄涓€door [d蓴:]闂?thirty [胃蓽:ti:] 涓夊崄chair [t蕛蓻蓹锛宼蕛e蓹(r)]妞呭瓙forty [f 蓴:ti:] 鍥涘崄bed [bed]搴?fifty [f瑟fti:锛宖瑟fti] 浜斿崄heavy [hevi] 閲嶇殑sorry [s蓴ri] 瀵逛笉璧?sorry [s蓴ri] 瀵逛笉璧?book [buk] 涔?ruler [ru:l蓹]灏?Unit 3 thin [胃in] 鐦︾殑strong [str蓴艐] 寮哄.鐨? quiet [kwai蓹t] 瀹夐潤鐨?friend [frend] 鏈嬪弸Chinese [t蕛a瑟ni:z, -ni:s] ?like [laik]his [hiz, 瑟z] 浠栫殑photo [f蓹ut蓹u] 鐓х墖has [h忙z鏈?name [neim] 鍚嶅瓧he [hi: 浠?teacher [ti:t蕛蓹锛宼i藧t蕛蓹(r)] 鏁欏笀student [stju:d蓹nt] 瀛︾敓music [mju:zik] 闊充箰science [sai蓹ns] sport [sp蓴:t] 杩愬姩right [rait] 姝g‘鐨?boy [b蓴i] girl [锟斤拷蓹:l] Unit 4 study [st 蕦di] 瀛︿範bathroom [b锟斤拷:胃rum] bedroom [bedru:m, -r蕣m] 鍗уkitchen [kit蕛in] 鍘ㄦ埧fish [fi蕛] . 楸?here [hi蓹] 鍦ㄨ繖閲?home [h蓹um] 瀹?room [ru:m] 鎴块棿school [sku:l] 瀛︽牎phone [f蓹un] 鐢佃瘽bed [bed] 搴? sofa [s蓹uf蓹] 娌欏彂shelf [蕛elf] 鏋跺瓙fridge [frid蕭]table [teibl] 妗屽瓙they [冒ei, 冒e] 浠朳濂? 瀹僝浠?key [ki:]閽ュ寵open [蓹up蓹n]寮€鐫€鐨?please [pli:z]璇?on [蓴n]鍦ㄢ€︿笂no [n蓹u]涓? 涓嶆槸desk [desk]door [d蓴:]闂?chair [t蕛蓻蓹锛宼蕛e蓹(r)]妞呭瓙bed [bed]搴?Unit5 rice [rais] 澶х背fish [fi蕛] 楸?noodle [nu:dl]闈㈡潯beef [bi:f]鐗涜倝vegetable [ved蕭it蓹bl]soup [su:p]姹?have [h忙v, h蓹v, 蓹v, v]鍚?dinner [din蓹]wait [weit]绛?bread [bred]闈㈠寘milk [milk]鐗涘ザegg [e锟斤拷]铔?water [w蓴:t蓹]姘?hungry [h蕦艐锟斤拷ri]楗ラタ鐨?for [f蓴:, f蓹]涓猴紝缁?knife [naif]鍒€chopstick [t蕛蓴pst瑟k]绛峰瓙spoon [spu:n]鍕哄瓙plate [pleit]鐩樺瓙fork [f蓴:k]鍙夊瓙help [help]pass [p锟斤拷:s]浼犻€?ready [redi]try [trai]灏濊瘯show [蕛蓹u]灞曠ずyummy [j蕦mi]濂藉悆鐨?food [fu:d]椋熺墿use [ju:z]浣跨敤chicken [t蕛ikin]楦¤倝fish [fi 蕛]楸?Unit6 family [f忙mili]瀹跺涵parent [p蓻蓹r蓹nt锛宲e蓹r蓹nt]鐖舵瘝uncle [蕦艐kl]鑸呰垍aunt[锟斤拷:nt]baby [beibi]濠村効people [pi:pl]浜?member [memb蓹]鎴愬憳only [蓹unli]浠呬粎puppy [p蕦pi]灏忕嫍gee [d 蕭i:]come [k蕦m]鏉?who [hu:, hu]璋?sister [sist蓹]brother [br蕦冒蓹]鍏勫紵father [f锟斤拷:冒蓹]鐖朵翰mother[m蕦冒蓹]姣嶄翰driver [draiv蓹]鍙告満doctor [d蓴kt蓹]鍖荤敓farmer [f锟斤拷:m蓹]鍐滄皯nurse [n蓹:s]鎶ゅ+young [j蕦艐]骞磋交鐨?浜烘暀鐗堝皬瀛﹁Unit1 playground ['plei锟斤拷raund] 鎿嶅満garden ['锟芥嫭锟?dn ] 鑺卞洯office ['蓴fis] 鍔炲叕瀹?teacher,s-office ['蓴fis] 鏁欏笀鍔炲叕瀹?library [ 'laibr蓹ri ] 鍥句功棣?canteen [ k忙n'ti:n ] 椋熷爞first [ f蓹:st ] floor [ fl蓴: (r)] 灞傦紙妤硷級welcome [ 'welk蓹m ] 娆㈣繋to 缁欙紝瀵?our [ 'au蓹] 鎴戜滑鐨?many [ 'meni ]?visitor [ 'vizit 蓹] ;?there [ 冒蔚蓹] ;閭i噷class [ kl锟斤拷:s]骇;璇剧▼lunch [ l蕦nt蕛] at 鍦?this way [ wei ] 杩欒竟please [ pli:z ] 璇?beautiful [ 'bju:tiful ]缇庝附鐨?computer [ k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 璁$畻鏈?board [ b 蓴:d ]鍐欏瓧鏉?fan [ f忙n ]鎵囧瓙锛涚數鎵?light ['lait ]鐏?this [冒is] 杩欙紝杩欎釜is 鏄?my [ma瑟] 鎴戠殑that [冒忙t] 閭?閭d釜your 浣犵殑art [锟斤拷:t]art room [锟斤拷:t] [ru:m] computer [ k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 璁$畻鏈猴紱鐢佃剳computer room 璁$畻鏈烘暀瀹?washroom ['w蓴蕛rum] ?music ['mju:zik] 闊充箰music room['mju:zik] [ru:m] gym [ d蕭im ] 浣撹偛棣?TV roomsecond [ 'sek蓹nd ] cool [ ku: ] 璁㈠ソ鐨?閰风殑teacher,s desk[ desk ]璁插彴picture[ 'pikt蕛蓹]鍥剧敾. wall[ w蓴:l ]澧?floor[ fl蓴: ] 鍦版澘yes [ jes ] it [ it ] 瀹?Unit2 English [ 'i艐gli蕛]嫳鏂?English class璇?class [ kl锟斤拷:s ] 璇?music class [ kl锟斤拷:s ] 闊充箰璇?P.E. class浣撹偛璇?breakfast [ 'brekf蓹st ] dinner [ 'din蓹] ? over [ '蓹uv蓹] 缁撴潫go [ g蓹u ]鍘?go to the playground [ 'plei锟斤拷raund ]鍘绘搷鍦?go home [ h蓹um ] now[ nau ]鐜板湪just a minute ['minit]€浼?kid [ kid ] ;瀛╁瓙run [ r蕦n ] 璺?one[ w蕦n ]涓€two[ tu: ]浜?three [ 胃ri: ]涓?four [ f蓴: ]鍥?five[ faiv ]浜?six[ siks ] 鍏? seven[ 'sev蓹n ]涓?eight[ eit ] 鍏? nine[ nain ] 涔? ten[ ten ]鍗?what[ w蓴t]浠€涔?time [ta瑟m] 鏃堕棿it鈥檚= it is o鈥檆lock [蓹鈥檏l蓴k] 鈥︹€︾偣閽?get [ 锟斤拷et ]寰楀埌鑾峰緱get up [ 锟斤拷et ] [ 蕦p ] 璧峰簥go to school [sku:l]go home go to bed ready [ 'redi ] hurry [ 'h 蕦ri ] 鎶撶揣;璧跺揩math [ m忙胃] Chinese ['t蕛ai'ni:z] n眽璇?dj;china ['t蕛ain蓹] n ;鐡峰櫒English [ 'i艐gli蕛] a鑻卞浗鐨?鑻卞浗浜虹殑;;鑻卞浗浜?England ['i艐gl蓹nd] n鑻辨牸鍏?鑻卞浗P.E.浣撹偛music[ 'mju:zik ] 闊充箰for [ f蓴] 涓?缁?class [ kl锟斤拷:s] ;璇剧▼Unit3 jacket [ 'd蕭忙kit ] 澶瑰厠琛?shirt [ 蕛蓹:t ] skirt [ sk蓹:t ] 瑁欏瓙dress [ dres ] 杩炶。



鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲奯濂借瘝鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲奯濂借瘝鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲?<ol><ol><li style="text-indent: 0px;">鍋忓惉鍋忎俊锛氬亸闈㈠湴鍚簡涓€鏂归潰鐨勮瘽灏变俊浠ヤ负鐪?澶氭寚澶勭悊浜嬫儏鐨勬€佸害涓嶅叕姝?<li>瀹℃椂搴﹀娍锛氬锛氫粩缁嗙爺绌?鏃讹細鏃跺眬;搴︼細浼拌;鍔匡細鍙戝睍瓒嬪娍.瑙傚療鍒嗘瀽鏃跺娍,浼拌鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖?<li>娑堟伅鐩堣櫄锛氭寚浜嬬墿鐨勭洓琛板彉鍖栨垨琛屼负鐨勫嚭澶勮繘閫€.<li>瀹樺満濡傛垙锛氬畼鍦猴細鏃ф椂鎸囧畼鍚忎滑缁忓父鍑哄叆鐨勫湴鏂?鎴忥細鎴忓墽,鎸囬殢鏃堕兘鍦ㄥ彉鍖?鏃ф椂鎸囧畼鍦哄儚婕旀垙涓€鏍峰彉鍖栨棤甯?<li> 闅忔満搴斿彉锛氭満锛氭椂鏈?褰㈠娍.闅忕潃鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖栫伒娲绘満鍔ㄥ湴搴斾粯.<li>娌″ご娌¤剳锛氬ご銆佽剳锛氭瘮鍠荤嚎绱㈡垨鏍圭敱.姣棤绾跨储鎴栨病鏈夋牴鐢?<li>鍙樺寲濡傜锛氱锛氱濂?褰㈠鍙樺寲杩呴€熻€岀濂?<li>鍦拌澶╃炕锛氳锛氱炕杩囨潵.褰㈠鍙樺寲宸ㄥぇ.涔熷舰瀹归椆寰楀緢鍑?<li> 搴勭敓姊﹁澏锛氬簞鐢燂細鎴樺浗浜哄簞鍛?搴勫懆姊﹁鑷繁鍙樻垚浜嗚儭铦?姣斿柣姊︿腑涔愯叮鎴栦汉鐢熷彉鍖栨棤甯?浜︿綔鈥滃簞鍛ㄦⅵ铦垛€?<li>鎹荤鎹婚锛氬舰瀹规儕鎱屽鎬曠殑鏍峰瓙.<li>娑堟伅鐩堝啿锛氭寚浜嬬墿鐨勭洓琛板彉鍖栨垨琛屼负鐨勫嚭澶勮繘閫€.<li>闃撮槼鎯ㄨ垝锛氬彜浠ョ鍐负闃?鏄ュ涓洪槼.鎰忎负绉嬪啲蹇ф垰,鏄ュ鑸掑揩.鎸囧洓鏃剁殑鍙樺寲.璇湰姹夊紶琛°€婅タ浜祴銆嬶細鈥滃か浜哄湪闃虫椂鍒欒垝,鍦ㄩ槾鏃跺垯鎯?鈥?<li>鑻嶉粍鍙嶅锛氳媿锛氶潚鑹?鍙嶅锛氶杩囨潵鍊掕繃鍘?闈掔殑涓€浼氬効鍙樻垚榛勭殑,榛勭殑涓€浼氬彉鎴愰潚鐨?姣斿柣鍙樺寲涓嶅畾,鍙嶅鏃犲父.浜︿綔鈥滆媿榛勭炕澶嶁€?<li>涓庝笘鎺ㄧЩ锛氶殢鐫€涓栭亾鐨勫彉鍖栬€屽彉鍖栦互鍚堟椂瀹?<li>浠婇潪鏄旀瘮锛氱幇鍦ㄤ笉鏄繃鍘昏兘姣斿緱涓婄殑.澶氭寚褰㈠娍銆佽嚜鐒堕潰璨岀瓑鍙戠敓浜嗗法澶х殑鍙樺寲.<li>鏄熺Щ鏂楄浆锛氭枟锛氬寳鏂楁槦.鏄熸枟鍙樺姩浣嶇疆.鎸囧鑺傛垨鏃堕棿鐨勫彉鍖?<li>瀹︽捣娴矇锛氭寚瀹樺満鐢熸动鏇叉姌澶嶆潅,鍙樺寲涓嶅畾.<li>鍑洪鍏ョ锛氳皳鍙樺寲澶氱,涓嶅彲鎹夋懜.<li>闆ㄨ浜戠炕锛氭瘮鍠诲彉鍖栨棤甯?<li>缇庤疆缇庡锛氳疆锛氶珮澶?濂傦細浼楀.褰㈠鎴垮眿楂樺ぇ鍗庝附.<li>楸奸緳鏇艰锛氬師鎸囧悇绉嶆潅鎴忓悓鏃舵紨鍑?鍚庡舰瀹逛簨鐗╂潅涔?涔熸瘮鍠诲彉鍖栧緢澶?鍚船涔?.<li>浜嬭繃鎯呰縼锛氶殢鐫€浜嬫儏杩囧幓,瀵硅浜嬬殑鎰熸儏銆佹€佸害涔熻捣浜嗗彉鍖?鍖瑰か鍖瑰锛氬钩姘戠敺濂?娉涙寚骞虫皯.鏃惰繃澧冭縼锛氳縼锛氬彉鍔?闅忕潃鏃堕棿鐨勬帹绉?鎯呭喌鍙戠敓鍙樺寲.闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氬舰瀹逛袱鍏勫紵閮藉ソ,闅惧垎涓婁笅.鐜颁篃鍙嶇敤,璁藉埡涓ゅ厔寮熼兘鍧?楂樺哺娣辫胺锛氭寚骞藉兓鐨勫鎵€.褰㈠骞藉抄娣遍們.涔熸瘮鍠讳簨鐗╃殑宸ㄥぇ鍙樺寲.闅斾笘涔嬫劅锛氭寚鍥犱汉浜嬫垨鏅墿鍙樺寲澶ц€屽紩璧风殑銆佽薄闅斾簡涓€涓椂浠d技鐨勬劅瑙?鍙樺寲鑾祴锛氬彉鍖栧緢澶?涓嶈兘棰勬枡.鑳藉眻鑳戒几锛氳兘寮洸涔熻兘浼哥洿.鎸囦汉鍦ㄥけ鎰忔椂鑳藉繊鑰?鍦ㄥ緱蹇楁椂鑳藉ぇ骞蹭竴鐣?鍦拌€佸ぉ鏄?锛氬舰瀹瑰彉鍖栧墽鐑?浜轰笘娌ф锛氭瘮鍠讳汉闂翠笘浜嬪彉鍖栧緢澶?鍐疯鍔ㄧ墿锛氫綋娓╅殢鐜娓╁害鐨勬敼鍙樿€屽彉鍖栫殑鍔ㄧ墿.姣斿柣缂轰箯鎰熸儏銆佸浜哄浜嬪喎婕犵殑浜?娴锋哺灞卞穿锛氭捣姘存哺鑵?灞辩煶宕╁.姣斿柣鍙樺寲宸ㄥぇ.浜︿綔鈥滄捣娌稿北鎽団€?闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氬舰瀹逛袱鍏勫紵閮藉ソ,闅惧垎涓婁笅.鐜颁篃鍙嶇敤,璁藉埡涓ゅ厔寮熼兘鍧?绉绘槗杩佸彉锛氥€栬В閲娿€楁寚杩佺Щ鍙樺寲. 鍗冨彉涓囧寲鏃ユ柊鏈堝紓涓€鏃ュ崈閲?闈㈢洰鍏ㄩ潪鐒曠劧涓€鏂?鏄ㄦ槸浠婇潪绋備笉绋傝帬涓嶈帬鏃笉璞$▊,涔熶笉璞¤帬.姣斿柣涓嶆垚鏉?娌″嚭鎭?闅惧垎闅捐В锛氭寚鍙屾柟浜夊惖銆佹枟浜夈€佹瘮璧涚瓑鐩告寔涓嶄笅,闅句互鍒嗗紑.鏈夋椂涔熷舰瀹瑰弻鏂瑰叧绯诲崄鍒嗕翰瀵?鍒嗕笉寮€.澶滈暱姊﹀锛氭瘮鍠绘椂闂翠竴鎷栭暱,鎯呭喌鍙兘鍙戠敓涓嶅埄鐨勫彉鍖?闅忔柟灏卞渾锛氬浜嬮『搴斿舰鍔垮拰鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖?寰呬汉闅忓拰鑰屼笉鍥烘墽.鍙樼偒鏃犵┓锛氬彉鍖栧绉嶅鏍?娌℃湁绌峰敖.鏋佽█鍙樺寲涔嬪.浣╅煢浣╁鸡锛氶煢锛氱啛鐗涚毊,寮︼細寮撳鸡.鍘熸寚瑗块棬璞规€ф€?浣╅煢鑷垝;钁e畨浜庢€х紦,浣╁鸡鑷垝.鍘熷舰瀹归殢鏃惰鎴掕嚜宸?鍚庡父姣斿柣..澶ц搐铏庡彉锛氳檸鍙橈細濡傝檸韬姳绾圭殑鍙樺寲.姣斿柣灞呬笂浣嶈€呭嚭澶勮鍔ㄥ彉鍖栬帿娴?鎹忔墜鎹忚剼锛氬舰瀹硅交鎵嬭交鑴氬湴璧?涔熷舰瀹硅交钖勭殑涓惧姩.闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氭寚鍏辫繃鎮i毦鐨勪汉鎴栧郊姝ゅ浜庡悓鏍峰洶澧冪殑浜?韫堟満鎻℃澕锛氳剼韪╁竷鏈?鎵嬫彙绛樻.姣斿柣鎺屾彙鐫€浜嬬墿鍙戝睍鍙樺寲鐨勬灑閿?鍒嗕箙蹇呭悎,鍚堜箙蹇呭垎锛氥€栬В閲娿€楁寚浜烘垨浜嬬墿鍙樺寲鏃犲父,鍒嗗悎鏃犲畾.鏃ユ柊鏈堝紓锛氭柊锛氭洿鏂?寮傦細涓嶅悓.姣忓ぉ閮藉湪鏇存柊,姣忔湀閮芥湁鍙樺寲.鎸囧彂灞曟垨杩涙杩呴€?涓嶆柇鍑虹幇鏂颁簨鐗┿€佹柊姘旇薄.楝煎嚭鐢靛叆锛氭瘮鍠诲彉鍖栧阀濡欒繀閫?涓嶆槗鎹夋懜.闆炬暎浜戞姭锛氬柣鍙樺寲涔嬪揩.鑻嶇嫍鐧借。



2017七年级语文下册基础知识点整理:古诗词默写2017涓冨勾绾ц?浜屻€佸彜璇楄瘝榛樺啓 1.ч儊鐨勬棩瀛愰噷闇€瑕侀晣闈欙細鐩镐俊鍚э勬棩瀛愬皢浼氭潵涓淬€?2.鏈夎瘲浜戯細鈥滈唹鍗ф褰?3.銆婃湪鍏拌瘲銆嬩腑琛ㄧ幇鏈ㄥ叞浠庡啗鍚庤壈鑻︾殑鎴樺湴鐢熸椿鐨勫ч搧琛c€?4.鈥滈泟鍏旇剼鎵戞湐锛岄泴鍏旂溂杩风_鈥濅竴鍙ャ€?5.?6.________ 7.鍙ユ槸锛歘锛屾繁鏋椾汉涓嶇煡锛屾槑鏈堟潵鐩哥収銆?8.銆婂敞鐪夊北鏈堟瓕辨湀鍗婅疆绉嬶紝褰卞叆骞崇緦姹熸按娴?9.銆婃槬澶滄礇鍩庨椈绗涖€嬩腑锛10.___銆?11.銆婂北?13.銆婃睙_ 14.銆婄害15.澶勮洐銆俖16.銆婇€佺伒婢堜笂浜恒€嬩腑锛岃瘲浜虹洰閫佸弸浜烘笎琛屾笎杩滅殑鍙ュ瓙锛氳嵎绗犲甫鏂滈槼锛岄潚灞辩嫭褰掕繙銆?17.銆婃粊宸炶タ娑с€嬩腑锛屽摢?18.銆??€?1銆佸叾瀹冧袱閮ㄥ垎鍒嗗埆涓?銆婂湪浜洪棿銆?鍜?銆婃垜鐨勫ぇ瀛︺€?銆?2鍐欒捣锛屽埌缁撴潫锛岀敓鍔ㄧ殑鍐嶇幇浜?19涓栫邯涓冨叓鍗佸勾浠d縿缃楁柉涓嬪眰浜烘皯鐨勭敓娲荤姸鍐?銆?3€?4銆佷綘浠庨樋寤栨矙鐨勫彉鍖栦腑寰楀埌浜嗕粈涔堝惎绀猴紵绛旓細瑕佹岃兘澶熻嚜鍦嗗叾璇淬€?晠浜嬶細1704绗涚鐨勪綔瀹舵嵁姝や负鍘熷瀷鍒涗綔浜嗕竴閮ㄥ皬璇?銆??鏄熸湡浜?鈥濓紝鍚庢潵锛岃繖涓€鍦熶汉鎴愪负浠栫殑蹇犲疄鐨勪粏浜哄拰鏈嬪弸銆?涓夈€佸湪銆婇瞾婊ㄥ瓩婕傛ф牸銆?1銆佷粬鏈夊摢浜涙€ф牸鐗瑰緛锛熺瓟锛氬媷浜庡啋闄┿€佺櫨鎶樹笉鎸犮€佸姟瀹炶偗骞?銆佷箰瑙傝眮杈?2銆佸湪浠栫殑鎬ф鍦嗗叾璇淬€?懡鐨勮瘲绡囷紝瀹冩槸鍚嶈憲??12冭瘷璋愬菇榛橈紝鍏呮弧鐩庣劧鐨勬儏瓒?B 锛?A19涓栫邯涓冨叓鍗佸勾浠d縿缃楁柉涓嬪眰浜烘皯鐨勭敓鐘跺喌銆?Bф牸鍧氭瘏銆備粬鍦ㄥ皬浜哄浗銆佸ぇ浜哄浗鍘嗛櫓澶氬勾?C銆併€櫎浜嗙湡瀹炲湴璁板綍鏄嗚櫕鐨勭敓娲伙紝杩橀€忚繃鏄嗚櫕涓栫晫鎶樺皠鍑虹ぞ浼氫汉鐢熴€?D鐢熷枩娆㈠啋闄╋紝涓嶇敇瀵傚癁涓庢棤鑱婄殑浜恒€?墖娈碉細锛屽儚涓€闈㈤粦缃戜技鐨勯伄鐫€娓愭笎鐔勭伃鐨勫ぉ绌猴紝闅忓悗灏变笉鐭ユ秷澶卞埌浠€涔堝湴鏂瑰幓浜嗭紝鐣欎笅涓€鐗囩┖铏氥€傚綋浣犵満鏈涜繖浜涚殑鏃跺€欙紝涓€鍙ヨ瘽涔熶笉鎰挎剰璇达紝鎰夊揩鐨勬儐鎬呭厖婊′簡鑳告€€銆?х潃锛屽ぉ绌鍦版瓕鍞憋紝銆佷竴鍒囬矞鑺卞拰闊冲搷锛屽儚闇叉按鐝犲効浼肩殑寰€鑳搁偣璧峰簥鍋氱偣浜嬫儏锛屽拰鍛ㄥ洿涓€鍒囩敓鐗╁弸鐖卞湴鐢熸椿鐨勬効鏈涖€??鎴愰暱鐨勭儲鎭?1.璇蜂綘鐢鎴戝墠琛屼腑鐨勪竴澶ч殰纰嶃€?澶囨敞锛氣憼鎴戠殑鐑︽伡灏辫薄澶忓ぉ鐨勯獎闃筹紝鐐界儹涓嬶紝鎴戝彧濂借蛋鍦ㄤ粬浜虹殑闃村奖閲屻€傗憽鑻ユ垚? 2.锛?澶囨敞锛氭崲浣嶆€濊€冪殑鏂规硶锛屾瘮濡傜珯鍦ㄧ埗姣嶃€佽€佸笀銆佹湅鍙嬬殑瑙掑害鍘昏€冭檻涓€浜涢棶棰橈紝灏辫兘澶熶簰鐩哥悊瑙o紝绯鎯呮劅娉曡ВуЩ?锛?3.鈥滅儲鎭尖€濓紝涓嶆槸鎴戜滑綘蹇靛嚭涓€棣栨湁鍏斥€滅儲鎭尖€濈殑璇楁瓕鎴栧悕鍙ワ紝鍙嬫儏鎻愮ず藉彲浠ャ€?(澶囨敞锛氬皯骞翠笉璇嗘剚婊嬪懗锛屼负璧嬫柊璇嶅己璇存剚-----杈涘純鐤撅? 4.() 5.鈶?笉缇庢槸鐢卞緢澶氬洜绱犵患鍚堣€屾垚鐨勶紝濡備釜浜轰慨鍏汇€佺埍蹇冦€佺ぜ璨屻€佸緟浜烘帴鐗╃瓑銆?鈶?鍋氬埌蹇冪伒鏇寸編銆傜敤蹇冪伒缇庢擄紝?鈶?鸿嚜鍗戠殑涓滆タ鏈夊緢澶氾紝鍚屾牱锛屼娇浜鸿嚜淇$殑涓滆タ涔熸湁寰堝銆?6.綍鐪嬪緟杩欎簺鐑︽伡锛熺敤鍚嶈█璀﹀彞鐨勫舰寮忓啓鍑轰綘瀵圭儲鎭肩殑璁よ瘑鍜屾劅鎮熴€??鐒剁殑褰卞瓙銆?7.鍥犱负鎬фВ?寮€蹇冩墘锛屼綘灏辫兘鎰熷彈鍒板悓瀛︿滑鐨勭儹鎯呫€? 榛勬渤锛屾瘝浜叉渤 1锛庡叧浜庨粍娌崇殑钁楀悕璇楀彞 锛?傦紙鏉庣櫧銆婂皢杩涢厭銆嬶級锛?锛夐粍娌宠惤澶╄蛋涓滄捣锛屼竾閲屽啓鍏ヨ兏鎬€闂淬€傦紙鏉庣櫧銆婅禒瑁村崄鍥涖€嬶級锛?浠炲北銆傦紙鐜嬩箣娑c€婂噳宸炶瘝銆嬶級锛?锛夌櫧鏃ヤ緷灞卞敖锛岄粍娌楣抽泙妤笺€嬶級锛?2.?涓嶅埌榛勬渤蹇冧笉姝汇€栬В?璺冲埌榛勬渤娲椾笉娓呫€栬В閲娿€楁瘮鍠绘棤娉曟憜鑴卞珜鐤戙€傚叧浜庨粍娌崇殑鎴滅敤銆?娉炬腑鍒嗘槑?3锛?锛夊ぇ绂规不姘达紙2锛夊?锛夐儜鍥芥笭4锛庝簡瑙i粍娌冲咖鎮o紝鍏虫敞榛勬渤锛屼繚鎶ら粍娌炽€?锛?锛夐粍娌崇殑鐜扮姸锛?锛?锛夋不鐞嗘帾鏂斤細鑺傜害鐢ㄦ按銆佸姞寮洪粍娌虫祦鍩熺敓鎬佺幆澧冧繚鎶?锛?燂紙涔濇洸榛勬渤涓€浠芥儏锛屼袱宀哥豢鏋楀洓瀛f竻锛?5锛庨粍娌崇煡璇嗛棶绛旓細锛?锛夆€滆棎瑙嗛粍娌筹紝灏辨槸钘愯2锛夐粍娌虫祦鍩熺殑鍙ゆ垬鍦猴細鐗ч噹鍙ゆ垬鍦猴紙鍛ㄢ€曞晢锛夈€佸畼娓″彜鎴樺満锛堟浌鎿锛?锛夋部榛勫悇鐪佸尯钁楀悕鐨勭煶绐燂細浜戝唸鐭崇獰銆侀緳闂ㄧ煶绐熴€佹暒鐓岃帿楂樼獰銆?6. 淇濇姢榛勬渤锛屼汉浜烘湁璐c€闀挎彁鍑犳潯淇濇姢榛勬渤鐨勫缓璁?绛旓細鐜嬪眬闀匡紝鎮ㄥソ锛佷负浜嗘洿存薄鏌擄?鎴戜篃杩解€滄槦鈥?1.?銆婅礉澶氳姮浼犮€嬨€傚洜涓鸿礉澶氳姮涓,辨儏澶辨剰锛屼絾浠栦笉鍚戝懡杩愬眻鏈嶏紝鍦ㄩ煶涔愭柟闈㈠仛鍑轰簡宸ㄥ?2.鈥滆拷鏄熲€濅笉鏄?鎴忔洸澶ц垶鍙?1銆佹垙鏇蹭?2цゅぇ鑺辫劯鍙婁笐瑙掍互澶栫敺鎬цО锛堣€佺敓銆佸皬鐢熴€цО鈥濓紝淇楃О鈥滆姳鑴糕€濓紝澶уф牸銆佸搧璐ㄣ€佺浉璨岀壒寮傜殑鐢锋€т灏忓潡鐧界矇锛屼織绉扳€滃皬鑺辫劯鈥濄€?锛庣壒鐐癸細鈥滆櫄鎷熲€曗€曟病鏈夊疄鐗╃殑琛ㄦ紨鈥濄€?4琛ㄧ幇浜虹墿銆?5鑵斻€侀緳濂椼€佽劯璋扁€︹€?6х褰╁敱娈?锛?锛夋槅鍓р€曗€曚腑鍥芥垙鏇蹭箣姣嶏紙2锛変含鍓э紙銆婄О涓衡€滀笢鏂规瓕鍓р€濓紙3?锛?锛夎鲍鍓э紙銆婅姳鏈ㄥ叞銆嬶級7銆佷含鍓ф棪瑙掓祦娲撅細锛?筹級锛?锛夌▼娲撅紙绋嬬牃绉嬶級锛?锛夎崁娲撅紙鑽€鎯犵敓锛夛紙4锛夊皻娲撅紙灏氬皬浜戯級8銆佽劯璋憋細锛?锛夌孩鑴稿惈瑜掍箟锛屼唬琛ㄥ繝鍕囷紙2э紝浠h〃鐚涙櫤锛?э紝浠h〃鑽夎幗鑻遍泟锛??锛夐噾鑴稿拰閾惰劯?.湅娉曘€??2.?锛?锛夋敼闈╂垙鏇茬殑琛ㄧ幇褰㈠紡鍜屽敱璇嶏紝閲囩敤鐜颁唬浜哄枩闂讳箰瑙佺殑褰㈠紡銆?锛?╂洿澶氱殑浜轰簡瑙f垙鏇层€?锛?鍏婚潚灏戝勾鐨勬垙鏇? 1.瀛︽?簨猴紝骞跺弬鍔犱粖澶╀妇琛岀殑鐜板満鎷涜仒浼氥€?脳脳瀛︽牎鐢熷瓨鎸戞垬。




















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张成皓 朱保全 解 冻
1、目的 (2)
2、适用范围 (2)
3、术语与定义 (2)
4、职责 (2)
5、质量缺陷统计规则 (2)
6、缺陷统计计算公式 (3)
7、质量缺陷统计数据报送渠道 (3)
8、明源CIM系统录入说明 (3)
9、 三级支持体系 (4)
10、附录 (4)
张成皓 朱保全 解 冻


3.1 房屋质量缺陷

3.2 集中交付缺陷总量

3.3 无缺陷交付户数

3.4 每月质量缺陷数量


4.1 本指引的编制、修订、解释部门为集团工程与采购管理部及集团客户关系管理部。

4.2 一线公司客户关系中心或公司第一负责人授权的其他部门负责质量缺陷的记录、统计及总结。

序号 质量类别 统计规则
普通裂缝 以出现条数计
1 裂缝
龟裂 以处计,一处龟裂计作一条
2 渗漏 以每一个渗漏点或房间数(适用于厨卫)为单位计
3 漏水 水管、接口、水龙头、阀门漏水以处计
3 空鼓 以处计(空鼓上出现裂缝,分开统计)
4 尺寸偏差 以业主一次验收过程中出现部位偏差次数计
张成皓 朱保全 解 冻
5.2 部品质量缺陷统计规则
序号 质量类别 统计规则
1 结构 以业主一次验收过程中出现缺陷次数计
2 砌体工程 以出现同类缺陷条数计
3 装饰工程 以出现缺陷处或物品个数计
4 门窗工程 塑钢(铝合金)门窗与入户门分开,以出现问题的门窗樘数计
5 家电类 以出现问题的物品个数计
6 强电工程 业主一次验收中线路问题以系统计,其他以物品个数计
7 弱电工程 业主一次验收中线路问题以系统计,其他以物品个数计
8 给排水 业主一次验收过程中水管问题以处计,五金件以出现问题物品个数计
9 暖通 以业主一次验收过程中出现问题次数计,设备及机体以出现问题的物品个数计
10 户外总体 以出现问题的个数计
11 楼栋单体
12 其他 门窗与墙体连接处渗漏:填入外墙渗漏,门窗框体本身渗漏填入门窗渗漏
详细质量缺陷统计规则见 附录一
集中交付无缺陷户数比例 = 集中交付无缺陷户数÷集中交付总户数
集中交付户均缺陷量 = 集中交付缺陷总量÷集中交付总户数
交付后4个月月均每百户缺陷量 ={(交付4个月内缺陷总量(含集中交付)÷交付4个月内总
交付后全年月均每百户缺陷量 ={(交付12个月内缺陷总量÷交付12个月内总入住户数)÷12
7.1 集中交付质量缺陷、无缺陷交付户数:在“项目入住总结”中填报。

7.2 房屋交付过程中及交付后发生的质量缺陷均应在明源CIM系统中即时录入(包括集中交付

7.3 内部预验收质量缺陷暂不要求在明源CIM系统中录入,但质量缺陷统计责任部门须进行详
张成皓 朱保全 解 冻

8.1 各公司在CIM系统上录入质量缺陷指标按各分类以实际缺陷条数计。

8.2 专业描述:渗漏——外墙渗漏、屋面渗漏、(卫生间)墙面渗漏;漏水——水管、水龙头、阀门等漏水。

9.1 为保证明源CIM系统录入数据的准确性,要求建立集团三级支持体系,由集团、区域本部及一线公司分别安排确定支持团队、安排固定人员负责系统使用相关培训及技术支持工作。

9.2 区域本部及一线公司支持团队人员名单须报集团工程与采购管理部及客户关系管理部备案,如因人员工作调整发生变化,也应在调整完成后一周内将调整后名单上报。

9.3 各级支持团队成员及工作职责
9.3.1 集团三级支持团队: 成员组成:由集团工程与采购管理部及客户关系管理部指定人员; 工作职责:负责跟踪各区域/一线公司对明源CIM系统使用情况;负责解决系统出现的技术问题。

9.3.2 区域二级支持团队: 成员组成:由各区域确定; 工作职责:负责支持对区域内成员公司组织的培训;负责对成员公司种子选手无法解决的业务或功能问题给予指导、解答;负责定期跟踪各成员公司系统使用情况,与种子选手沟通、总结用户遇到的问题,提交集团。

9.3.2 一线公司一级支持团队: 成员组成:由各公司确定; 工作职责:负责组织对所在公司用户进行集中培训;负责引导本公司用户使用系统进行指导和答疑;负责定期总结本公司用户遇到的问题,提交区域、集团。

10.1 附录一
10.2 附录二
