GSM3000手册1:引言1.1.适用范围1.2.操作原理2:构造2.1 底座2.2 主体部分2.3 悬浮环2.4 被动防震环2.5 适应底座3:顶部面板3.1 连接器3.2 控制器3.3 液压装制3.4 保险丝4:操作4.1 操作模式4.1.1 模式4.1.2 置平4.1.3 旋偏4.1.4 快速置平4.2 接通电源4.3 工作过程中操作4.3.1 自主运作4.3.2 手动操作4.3.3 自动操作4.3.4 改变过滤器5:日常保养、运输和存放5.1 日常保养5.2 运输和存放6:附件6.1 说明书6.2 机械装置6.2.1 一般提示6.2.2固定孔的尺寸6.2.3上升扩展空间 6.2.4 在飞机上安装 6.2.5 从飞机上拆除 6.2.6 安装有效负载6.3 电源供应接头和电缆 6.4座架界面6.4.1 连接端口分配 6.4.2 端口属性6.4.3 命令列表(远程计算机座架装置)6.4.4 请求命令(座架装置 电脑)6.5 LMK-FMS连接端口6.6 LMK-CM连接端口6.7 LMK-DU连接端口6.8 固件更新6.9 代理范围1 说明1.1 适用范围陀螺稳定座架做为动力稳定设备用于民用航空摄影自1990年以来出现在市场。
1.2 运作原则座架的一般职能是一个刚性可调整的悬架。
V3 中 文
自拍 .................................................................36
安全信息.......................................................... 15 录
入门知识.......................................................... 27 原装配件 .......................................................... 27 安装 SIM 卡...................................................... 28 安装电池 .......................................................... 28 为电池充电....................................................... 29 电池的使用....................................................... 30 开机 ................................................................. 31 关机 ................................................................. 32 调节音量 .......................................................... 32 拨打电话 .......................................................... 33 接听电话 .......................................................... 33 查看本机号码 ................................................... 34
摩托罗拉MOTO 安桌系统可精简列表 安卓系统软件删除
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Specially designed for the demands of mission critical operations in harsh field environments, theXTS 2500I Digital Portable Radio delivers high-powered features in a durable, water-resistent, andrugged design. Be prepared for the unexpected, respond immediately, and execute effectively withthe high quality communication that the XTS 2500I Digital Portable Radio provides.Rugged Design Rated IP67 for resilience and resistance to the ingress of dust and water, the XTS 2500I portable radio is perfect for rough field initiatives. Ensure constant communication when it is most critical.Advanced Interoperability The XTS 2500I portable radio is easy to operate andintegrate into existing SmartZone ™ and ASTRO ™ conventional systems and works well with your current XTS or MTS accessories. This allows you to use a mixed set of subscribers without the need for multiple accessory platforms.Software EncryptionThe XTS 2500I portable radio supports software basedencryption on ASTRO 25 systems. Motorola’s AdvancedDigital Privacy algorithm allows you to communicatein secure mode preventing the loss of sensitivecommunication to criminals, the media or curiosityseekers.Easily Adaptable and ExpandableBuilt-in FLASHport ™ support lets you customize yourXTS 2500I portable radio with new software. Futureenhancements can be made as you embrace moresophisticated features and new technologies andinnovations.transmitter VHF UHF r1 UHF r2 800mHz rated rF Output Power* 1 to 5 W 1 to 5 W 1 to 5 W 764-806 MHz: 1 to 2.5 W 806-870 MHz: 1 to 3 W modulation Limiting* 12.5 kHz channel ±2.5 kHz ±2.5 kHz ±2.5 kHz ±2.5 kHz25 kHz channel ±5.0 kHz ±5.0 kHz ±5.0 kHz ±5.0 kHz nPsPaC channel N/A N/A N/A ±4.0 kHz emissions*(conducted & radiated) -65 dBc -70 dBc -70 dBc -75 dBc audio response* (6 dB/Octave Pre-emphasisfrom 300 to 3000 Hz) +1, -3 dB +1, -3 dB +1, -3 dB +1, -3 dB Fm Hum & noise* 12.5 kHz -42 dB -45 dB -45 dB -40 dB 25 kHz -46 dB -40 dB -40 dB -43 dB audio Distortion* 1% 2% 2% 2%enVirOnmentaL sPeCiFiCatiOnsOperating temperature -30°C / +60°C storage temperature -40°C / +85°CHumidity Per MIL-STDesD IEC 801-2KVWater & Dust intrusion IP67, MIL-STDGeneraL Dimensions without Battery (HxWxD) 6.0” x 2.30” x 1.50”Weight without Battery (grams/ounces) 312 gm / 11.0 o z Power supply R echargeable 7.5 V Nicad or Li Ion Battery VHF UHF r1 UHF r2 800mHz Frequency 136-174 MHz 380-470 MHz 450-520 MHz 764-806 MHz, range 806-870 MHz Channel spacing 12.5 /25 kHz 12.5 /25 kHz 12.5 /25 kHz 12.5 /25 kHz maximum Frequency separation Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Frequency stability* (-30°C to +60°C)(+25°C ref.) 2.0 ppm 2.0 ppm 2.0 ppm 1.5 ppm ASTRO XTS 2500I DIgITAL PORTABLE RADIOraDiO mODeLs VHF UHF r1 UHF r2 800mHz model 1.5 (16/48 Channels) H46KDD9PW5_N H46QDD9PW5_N H46SDD9PW5_N H46UCD9PW5_N advanced (keypad, display160/255 channels) H46KDH9PW7_N H46QDH9PW7_N H46SDH9PW7_N H46UCH9PW7_N LE-XTS2500I-PS MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Motorola Inc. 2008 Specifications subject to change without notice.POrtaBLe miLitary stanDarDs 810 C, D, e & F miL-stD 810C miL-stD 810D miL-stD 810e miL-stD 810F method Procedures method Procedures method Procedures method Procedures Low Pressure 500.1 I 500.2 II 500.3 II 500.4 II High temperature 501.1 I, II 501.2 I/A1, II/A1 501.3 I/A1, II/A1 501.4 I/Hot, II/HotLow temperature 502.1 I 502.2 I/C3, II/C1 502.3 I/C3, II/C1 502.4 I/C3, II/C1temperature shock 503.1 I*** 503.2 I/A1C3 503.3 I/A1C3 503.4 I solar radiation 505.1 II 505.2 I 505.3 I 505.4 I rain 506.1 I, II 506.2 I, II 506.3 I, II 506.4 I, III Humidity 507.1 II 507.2 II 507.3 II 507.4 I***salt Fog 509.1 I*** 509.2 I*** 509.3 I*** 509.4 I***Blowing Dust 510.1 I 510.2 I 510.3 I 510.4 I Vibration 514.2 VIII/F, Curve-W 514.3 I/10, II/3 514.4 I/10, II/3 514.5 I/24shock 516.2 I, II 516.3 I, IV 516.4 I, IV 516.5 I, IV *Measured in the analog mode per TIA / EIA 603. **Measured in digital mode per TIA / EIA IS 102.CAAA. Specifications subject to change without notice. ***Military Standards specify a single procedure for this test.enCryPtiOnsupported encryption algorithms ADP (Advanced Digital Privacy)encryption Keys per radio 8 Encryption Keys encryption Keying Customer Programming Softwareencryption type Digital Software Based reCeiVerVHF UHF r1 UHF r2 800mHz audio OutputPower at rated* 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW analog sensitivity*12 dB sinaD .25 µV .25 µV .25 µV .25 µV Digital sensitivity**1% Ber .25 µV .35 µV .35 µV .40 µV5% Ber .20 µV .25 µV .25 µV .25 µVselectivity*12.5 kHz -63 dB -73 dB -73 dB -63 dB25 kHz -80 dB -63 dB -63 dB -72 dB intermodulation -78 dB -73 dB -75 dB -74 dBspurious rejection -80 dB -75 dB -75 dB -75 dB Fm Hum and noise*12.5 kHz -40 dB -47 dB -50 dB -40 dB 25 kHz -52 dB -40 dB -47 dB -47 dB audio Distortion* 1%2.0% 2.0%2.5%Batteries FOr astrO DiGitaL Xts 2500i Battery Capacity / type Dimensions (HxWxD) Weight Part no. Battery CapacityDuty Cycle immersible nimH Fm imPres4.86” x 2.37” x .968” 10.16oz NNTN6263 1690 5-5-90/10hr.Trunking Standards Supported• APCO Project 16 (3600 control channel) • APCO Project 25 (9600 control channel)System Configurations• SmartZone Analog and Digital Trunking • ASTRO 25 Digital Trunking• ASTRO 25 ConventionalEnhanced Audio Features• Noise Reduction Software • Audio gain ControlUses Windows-based Customer Programming Software (CPS)Built-in FLASHport SupportFeatures MIL-810C, D, E, & FIP67 rating - sealing against dust and water intrusion - submersible in up to one meter of fresh water for up to 30 minutes.immersiBLe OPtiOn sPeCiFiCatiOnsMotorola, Inc. Latin American Countries Region 789 International Parkway Sunrise, FL 33325 USA 954-723-8959 Motorola de argentIna Ave. del Libertador 1855 B1638BGE, Vicente Lopez Buenos Aires, Argentina 5411-4317-5300Motorola de venezuela, c.a. Ave. Francisco de Miranda Centro Lido, Torre E Piso 14, El Rosal Caracas, 1060 Venezuela 58212-901-4600 Motorola do BrasIl ltda. Av Chedid Jafet, 222 4º andar Bloco D Villa Olimpia - São Paulo - SP Brasil 04551-065 5511-3847-6686 Motorola chIle Ave. Nueva Tajamar 481 Edif. World Trade Center Of. 1702, Torre Norte Las Condes Santiago, Chile 562-338-9000Motorola de coloMBIa, ltda. Torre Banco Ganadero Carrera 7 #71-52 Torre B, Oficina 1301 Bogotá, Colombia 571-376-6990Motorola de costa rIca Oficentro Plaza Mayor Piso 3, Rohrmoser San José, Costa Rica 506-296-5385 Motorola del ecuador Quito, Ecuador 593-2264-1627Motorola de MexIco, s.a. Calle Bosques de Alisos #125 Col. Bosques de Las Lomas 05120 México D.F. México52-555-257-6700Motorola del Peru, s.a.Ave. República de Panama 3535 Piso 11, San Isidro Lima 27, Peru511-211-0700。
摩托拉罗XTS 1500迷你通讯设备说明书
Motorola’s XTS 1500 portable radio is the cost-effective, convenient, compact solution for public works and public utilities. This high-quality APCO Project 25 radio features two-way functionality in a durable, dependable unit that is very easy to use.Both Model 1 and Model 1.5 (display version) are available in 700/800 MHz, VHF, UHF R1 and UHF R2 bands, and supports APCO Project 16 or Project 25 operation. Use the analog functionality on the XTS 1500 or migrate to wide-area Project 25 operation.Model 1Model 2XTS ®1500 DigiTAl PORTAblE RADiOXTS®1500 SPECifiCATiOnSAvailable Frequency:• 136-174 MHz (5W)• 380-470 MHz (5W)• 450-520 MHz (5W)• 764-870 MHz (3W)Supports APCO Project 16 (3600 control channel) or APCO Project 25 (9600 control channel)Works with ASTRO® Analog and Digital Trunking with Mutual Aid or ASTRO 25 Digital Trunking with Mutual Aid Meets Military Standards 810, C, D, E and FUtilizes Customer Programming Software and supports USB and RS-232Compatible with most XTS 3000, XTS 3500, XTS 2500, HT 1000, JT 1000 and MTS 2000 portable radio accessories Supports enhanced audio features: noise reduction software, Hear Clear and audio gain controlXTS 1500 PORTAblE RADiOS fEATURE:TRAnSmiTTER TyPiCAl PERfORmAnCE SPECifiCATiOnS700/800 mHz UHf R1 VHf UHf R2 Frequency Range 700 MHz: 764-776,794-806800 MHz: 806-870380-470 MHz136-174 MHz450-520 MHzChannel Spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz Maximum Frequency Separation Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Rated RF Output Power Adj* 764-806 MHz: 1 to 3 W806-870 MHz: 1 to 3 W 1 to 5 W 1 to 5 W 1 to 5 W Frequency Stability*(–30°C to +60°C; +25°C Ref.) 0.00015% 0.0002% 0.00025% 0.0002%Modulation Limiting*25 kHz channel NPSPAC channel 12.5 kHz channel 5.0 kHz4.0 kHz2.5 kHz5.0 kHzN/A2.5 kHz5.0 kHzN/A2.5 kHz5.0 kHzN/A2.5 kHzEmissions* (Conducted & Radiated) –75 dBc –70 dBc –73 dBc (<1 GHz) –70 dBc Audio Response* (6 dB/OctavePre-emphasis from 300 to 3000 Hz) +1, –3 dB +1, –3 dB +1, –3 dB +1, –3 dBFM Hum & Noise Ratio* 25 kHz 12.5 kHz –43 dB–40 dB–45 dB–40 dB–46 dB–42 dB–45 dB–40 dBAudio Distortion* 2.0% 2.0% 1.0% 2.0%* Measured in the analog modeper TIA / EIA 603** Measured in digital mode perRADiO mODElSDisplay Keypad Channel Capacity 700/800mHz band (764-870 mHz)UHf R1 (380-470 mHz)VHf (136-174 mHz)UHf R2 (450-520 mHz)Model 1 None None 48 H66UCC9PW5_N H66QDC9PW5_N H66KDC9PW5_N H66SDC9PW5_N Model 1.5 Yes None 256H66UCD9PW5_N H66QDD9PW5_N H66KDD9PW5_N H66SDD9PW5_N FCC Designation AZ489FT5804 AZ489FT4865 AZ489FT3807 AZ489FT4866FCC Emissions Designators 11K0F3E, 16K0F3E, 8K10F1E, 8K10F1DPower Supply One rechargeable nickel-cadmium, or nickel-metal hydrideDimensions without battery (HxWxL)6.00” x 2.30” x 1.50”Weight without battery 11.0 ozRECEiVER TyPiCAl PERfORmAnCE SPECifiCATiOnS700/800 mHz UHf R1 VHf UHf R2Frequency Range Note: Radio covers entire 700 MHz and 800 MHz frequency ranges700 MHz: 764-776, 800MHz: 851-870 380-470 MHz 136-174 MHz 450-520 MHz Channel Spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz 12.5 / 25 kHz Maximum Frequency Separation Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Audio Output Power at Rated* 500 mW 500 mW 500 mW 500 mWFrequency Stability* (–30°C to +60°C; +25°C Ref.) 0.00015% 0.0002% 0.00025% 0.0002%Analog Sensitivity* 12 dB SINAD Digital Sensitivity** 1% BER 5% BER .25 µV .40 µV .25 µV .25 µV .35 µV .25 µV .25 µV .25 µV .20 µV .25 µV .35 µV .25 µVSelectivity* 25 kHz channel 12.5 kHz channel –72 dB –63 dB –73 dB –63 dB –80 dB –63 dB –73 dB –63 dBIntermodulation* –75 dB –73 dB –78 dB –75 dBSpurious Rejection* –75 dB –75 dB –80 dB –75 dBFM Hum & Noise Ratio* 25 kHz 12.5 kHz –47 dB –40 dB –47 dB –40 dB –52 dB –40 dB –50 dB –47 dBAudio Distortion* 2.5% 2.0% 1.0% 2.0%bATTERiES fOR ASTRO DigiTAl XTS 1500battery Type Dimension (HxWxD) Weight battery Part numbersmAH Duty Cycle NiCD 4.86” x 2.37” x .968” 8.85 oz NTN9815 1525 5-5-90 / 8 hrNiCD FM 4.86” x 2.37” x .968” 8.85 oz NTN9816 1525 5-5-90 / 8 hrIMPRES™ NiMH 4.86” x 2.37” x .968” 9.63 oz NTN9858 2100 5 -5-90 / 10 hrIMPRES NiMH FM 4.86” x 2.37” x .968” 9.63 oz NTN9857 2000 5-5-90 / 10 hr* Measured in the analog mode per TIA / EIA 603** Measured in digital mode perMOTOROLA, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, and the stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC Motorola Solutions, Inc. 1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A. EnViROnmEnTAl SPECifiCATiOnSOperating Temperature –30°C / +60°CStorage Temperature –40°C / +85°CHumidity Per MIL-STDESD IEC 801-2 KVWater & Dust Intrusion IP54, MIL-STDPORTAblE miliTARy STAnDARDS 810 C, D, E & fmil-STD-810C mil-STD-810D mil-STD-810E mil-STD-810fmethod Proc./Cat.method Proc./Cat.method Proc./Cat.method Proc./Cat.Low Pressure 500.1 I 500.2 II 500.3 II 500.4 IIHigh temperature 501.1 I, II 501.2 I/A1, II/A1 501.3 I/A1, II/A1 501.4 I/Hot, II/Hot Low Temperature 502.1 I 502.2 I/C3, II/C1 502.3 I/C3, II/C1 502.4 I/C3, II/C1Temperature Shock 503.1 – 503.2 I/A1C3 503.3 I/A1C3 503.4 I Solar Radiation 505.1 II 505.2 I 505.3 I 505.4 I Rain 506.1 I, II 506.2 I, II 506.3 I, II 506.4 I, III Humidity 507.1 II 507.2 II 507.3 II 507.4 –Salt Fog 509.1 – 509.2 – 509.3 – 509.4–Blowing Dust 510.1 I 510.2 I 510.3 I 510.4 I Vibration 514.2 VIII/F, Curve-W514.3 I/10, II/3 514.4 I/10, II/3 514.5 I/24Shock 516.2 I, II 516.3 I, IV 516.4 I/IV 516.5 I, IV Specifications subject to change without notice.。
Motorola® Saber™ Radio Service Software User’s Guide业余无线电中文计划注意:·本说明书参照Motorola 68P81062C95-F文档翻译,内容有删改。
·本说明书针对的RSS(Radio Service Software)版本为R07.01.00,该版本软件已经可以支持高时钟频率的计算机,并拥有最全面的功能,推荐您采用。
·译者英语和无线电知识水平有限,难免有错误和不足,敬请各位老师指正!版权声明:The Motorola equipment described in this manual may includecopyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola equipment described in this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola equipment shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal nonexclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sales of a product.版本:Ver. 0.1(02/12/2007)本项目参与者:暂无请您加入“业余无线电中文计划”,为中国业余无线电发展献出一份力量!第一部分 SERVICE: alignment, service aids, board replacement一、Align Radio Parameters注意:当您修改了本菜单中的任何设置后,您需要为电台重新编程(Reprogram Radio),才能使改动生效。
先用写频软件读一遍机器,然后打开winhex,工具-打开 ram,
下面是最重要的一部了,我这部3000r是445-521的,想要写到445一下,只要一改就会报错,用winhex里面的-搜索-替换 16 进制数
替换为你了以后你再改,写频软件就不会报错了,D07B40是445的意思, 307940是403的意思,不过这台我试过,最低到430,再往下写就报错了,
摩托罗拉A3000说明书 使用手册A3000_Simply_Chinese
引 言欢迎您成为摩托罗拉大家庭的一员恭喜您成为摩托罗拉移动电话的用户!我们非常高兴您选择了本款摩托罗拉MOTO A3000移动电话。
该款手机的功能与前沿Microsoft™ Windows™ Mobile 技术相匹配:综合了蓝牙、300万像素照相机和全面的多媒体支持,可进行个性化设置,是一款智能化手机。
引言注: • 本手机支持飞信功能。
• 手机软件不断更新,请以实际为准,本手册仅供参考。
USB/引 言摩托罗拉全质量服务网页:/service 服务电话:400-810-5050,(021)38784655热线服务时间:周一至周日,早9:00-晚17:30热线传真:(010)65668800若您有意订购摩托罗拉原装配件或手机,请访问 ,或致电销售热线4006-123456。
MOTOROLA 及M 标识,还有这里所用的其他商标均为摩托罗拉公司所有。
Java 和其他基于Java 的标志均为美国或其他国家SUN 公司的商标或注册商标,Microsoft 和Windows 的标志均为Microsoft 公司的注册商标,Windows XP 和Windows Media 标志为Microsoft 公司的注册商标。
安卓下载软件/Theme/Android.html2问:手机数据线怎么连接电脑?答:您用数据线链接手机插上电脑--在手机最上方有个三角块--用手按住往下拉--就有USB 显示了--选择储存--就连接了(不读内存卡)温馨提示:内存卡都是内存不满的而且安卓系统的内存卡放进去以后就会自动生成文件夹一.手机上网问题A.问:怎么连接GPRS上网?答:打开设置-无线和网络(有的是无线控制)-移动网络,勾选数据漫游,选择网络及运营商,接入点名称:cmnet或者cmwap,下一个“海卓APN”软件,选择“一键设定APN信息”,在海卓里打开GPRS开关,屏幕上方信号左边出现带上下箭头的“2G”或者“E”字图标表示连上了,如果无效请重复整个操作过程并重启手机。
答:您在电脑上面下载一个91手机助手安卓版的,连接手机以后点开程序管理然后搜索APN 找一个叫海卓HIAPN的软件点开以后添加到手机里面然后在功能表里面可以找到找到后进入开启一下海卓APN 进入一键设置APN 然后会提示您是否是三星手机您选择是然后在设置设置无线网络移动网络数据漫游打开B.问:怎么连接WIFI?答:打开“设置”-“无线和网络”勾选“WL AN",选择wlan设置开始搜索无线网络,搜索到之后选择一个网络连接并输入密码。
方法如下:答:手机:1.进入手机,在WIFI高级设置中,将Wlan休眠策略设置为永不休眠2.信号通道默认设置为11,路由器上的也选择为11路由器:1.將WEP加密方式改成WAP加密2.无线方式选项中,选择G mode G mode一般是比较稳定的无线环境设置3.重启路由器和手机正确连上WIFI但无法上网的请修改密码,随便改个。
Motorola Android内置APK程序中英文对照
APK程序中英文对照[转贴]大小(KB)程序/服务的描述(CN)Account andSync Settings60 帐户与同步设置(CN)(del)AlarmClock.a pk 288闹钟,包括analog clock widget(CN)(*)ApplicationsProvider.apk14 应用程序支持服务(CN)(*)AtCmd.apk 132MOTO Atcommand Service,专用atcmd插件支持服务(CN)(del)AudioEffect.a pk 20摩托音效/data/data/com.motorola.android.audioeffect(CN)Bluetooth.ap k 169蓝牙(CN)(del)Browser.apk 44浏览器/data/data/com.android.browser(del)Calculator.ap k 70/172计算器/data/data/com.android.calculator2(del)Calendar.apk 274 /592Google Calendar/谷歌日历/data/data/com.android.calendar(del)CalendarProv ider.apk 127 /40Google Calendar谷歌日历数据存储服务/data/data/com.android.providers.calendar(del)Camera.apk 645相机(CN)(*)CertInstaller.a28 证书安装程序pk(CN)Contacts.apk 771通讯录/联系人(CN)ContactsProv ider.apk 145通讯录/联系人数据存储服务(CN)(*)DMService.apk98 设备管理服务/手机管理服务(del)Dock.apk 2,222 /2,30Dock Station多媒体底座感应程序/system/etc/motorola/com.motorola.dock/sys/devices/vi rtual/switch/dock/sys/class/switch/dock/data/data/com .motorola.dock(CN)(*)DownloadProvider.apk57 下载管理器(CN)(*)DrmProvider.apk14 DRM受保护数据存储服务(del)Email.apk 701 /1,71电子邮件/data/data/com.android.email(del)EnhancedGo ogleSearchProvid er.apk 186 /34Google搜索引擎增强服务,安装后将在设置(settings)的搜索设置(search)中获得更多关于Google搜索引擎的服务。
1、计算机自动发现MOTOTRBO驱动程序。该驱动程序能够让计算机和对讲机建立通信。 利用编程电缆将对讲机连接至计算机。
2、MOTOTRBO对讲机开机后,计算机屏幕上将跳出一条信息,提示发现一个新硬件。 3、该安装只需进行一次。如果将来利用另一台计算机对对讲机进行编程,请遵照上述安装
克隆到设备: 1、使用编程电缆将目标对讲机连接到 PC 的通用串行总线 (USB) 端口,如下图所示。
3、在菜单栏(打开)一个文件,把这个原配置好的文件克隆到一个新的 设备中去。 4、选择要克隆的目的对讲机。 5、将数据克隆到对讲机时会出现进度栏。成功完成克隆后,进度栏会 消失,同时出现一个窗口,指示克隆成功。单击确定按键。对讲机将重置。
注:点击“浏览(Browse)”可手动选择驱动程序。驱动程序默认路径为 C:\Program Files\ Common Files\Motorola\MOTOTRBO Driver。 7.安装完成后,点击“完成(Finish)”。
从设备中读取: 1、使用编程电缆将目标对讲机连接到 PC 的通用串行总线 (USB) 端口,如下图所示。
MOTOTRBO 客户编成软件 (CPS)是一种用于对MOTOTRBO对讲机和中继台进行编程的工具。 CPS能够让客户根据公司的操作要求,对每台对讲机进行个性化编程。 ‘设定内容’是存储在对讲机或中继台中的固态信息,可由CPS读取并进行相应操作。 默认情况下,每套MOTOTRBO CPS都预装了用于不同MOTOTRBO对讲机和中继台的几个设定内
motorola ASTRO XTS3000维修手册 射频板
13-1Block Diagrams, Schematics, Electrical Parts Lists, and Circuit Board DetailsTransceiver BoardIntegrated Circuit ModulesU10113-2NLD8892R VHF Transceiver Board Schematic Diagram13-313-4O.K. AS O.K. ASISS.REVISIONCORRECTED ASMARKED ILLUSTRATORDATEENGINEERDATEPROGRAM DISKMEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS DDWG. NO.EDITORDATECHECKERDATEIllustratorAstro VHF RF8405880V08.G/NLD8892RJPMAEPF-27MAEPF-27142-O3/16/01OAMNLD8892RVIEWED FROM SIDE 1MAEPF-27141-O13-5Notes:1.For optimum performance, order replacement diodes, transistors, and circuitmodules by Motorola part number only.2.When ordering crystals, specify carrier frequency, crystal frequency, crystaltype number, and Motorola part number.3.Part value notations:p=10 -12 n=10 -9 µ=10 -6 m=10 -3 k=10 3 M=10 64.ITEM refers to the component reference designator.5.NLE4560K UHF Range 1 Transceiver Board Schematic Diagram 13-613-7NLE4560K UHF Range 1 Transceiver Circuit Board Details and Parts ListNLE4560K UHF Range 1 Transceiver Board Electrical Parts List13-8Notes:1.For optimum performance, order replacement diodes, transistors, and circuitmodules by Motorola part number only.2.When ordering crystals, specify carrier frequency, crystal frequency, crystaltype number, and Motorola part number.3.Part value notations:p=10 -12 n=10 -9 µ=10 -6 m=10 -3 k=10 3 M=10 64.ITEM refers to the component reference designator.5.NLE4244P UHF Range 2 Transceiver Board Schematic Diagram13-913-10NLE4244P UHF Range 2 Transceiver Circuit Board Details and Parts ListNLE4244P UHF Range 2 Transceiver Board Electrical Parts ListNotes:1.For optimum performance, order replacement diodes, transistors, and circuitmodules by Motorola part number only.2.When ordering crystals, specify carrier frequency, crystal frequency, crystaltype number, and Motorola part number.3.Part value notations:p=10 -12 n=10 -9 µ=10 -6 m=10 -3 k=10 3 M=10 64.ITEM refers to the component reference designator.5.NUF6411K 800 MHz Transceiver Board Schematic DiagramNotes:1.For optimum performance, order replacement diodes, transistors, and circuitmodules by Motorola part number only.2.When ordering crystals, specify carrier frequency, crystal frequency, crystaltype number, and Motorola part number.3.Part value notations:p=10 -12 n=10 -9 µ=10 -6 m=10 -3 k=10 3 M=10 64.ITEM refers to the component reference designator.5.。
我o Radio Configuration(电台配置)Radio Wide(电台范围)General(常规)Radio Cloning:选中此项允许电台复制或被复制。
CPS 也提供复制Codeplug的功能,但与此选项无关。
Block Pending CA/PC:选中此项允许无人值守的电台忽略Call Alert 和Private Call 呼叫。
Maximum Channels:最大信道数。
Out of range Indicator:用于指示在集群系统中的“ 事件,可以选择任意的Emergency(紧急)Silent Alarm:选中此项电台将在紧急模式时工作在隐蔽模式,没有任何声音和显示的反馈。
Keep Alive:选中此项电台在紧急模式下将会保持工作,不管开关的处于何种位置。
Unmute Option:Emergency Channel Selector Lock:选中此项,电台如果在紧急模式工作,将会锁定在紧急信道上。
Channel Delay:选择电台在传输紧急模式数据前等待的时间。
Man Down Pre-Alert:此两项都是关于人员意外跌倒时报警的,没有相关配件时此两项无作用。
Man Down Post-Alert:如上。
Alert Tones(警告音)Alert Tone:选中此项允许电台发出警报音。
V olume Adjust Tone Offset:选中此项将警告音量维持在一个恒定的值。
Power-up Self Test Alert:选中此项电台将在开机发出提Zero Level Audio Mute:选中此项,如果音量旋钮在制定的值之下,那么电台将关闭警告音。
Alert Tone V olume Offset:Mute Tones:选择关闭那些声音。
MOTOROLA MC3000 系列中文操作手册 附故障分析表
MOTOROLA /Symbol MC3000 系列手持移动终端操作手册本文主要介绍MC3000 系列手持移动终端硬件方面的操作方法,各种功能键的说明,扫描器的使用等等本操作手册使用了下列指示图标1.0 设备简介MC3000系列手持移动终端包括MC3000,MC3070以及MC3090,根据其型号的更新,目前使用较多的是MC3090,由于MC3000系列是一款功能强大,适用性广的设备,因此在型号后面有 “R ”和“G ”作为后缀,“R ”代表旋转扫描头,“G ”代表固定式扫描头带手柄,以下将以较常见的 MC3090R 38键手持移动终端作为案例讲解。
在开机状态下,点按关机按钮,虽然屏幕关闭了,但是运行的程序并没有关闭,而是挂起3.0 安装电池操作步骤:(如右图)3.1 打开后盖锁扣3.2 拉开后盖3.3 按照指示放入电池3.4 盖上后盖3.5 扣住锁扣4.0 电池充电MC3000充电有两种方式:直冲或座充直冲是直接把电池放在底座后面电池仓中,连接好电源线即可,如右图右上角所示。
5.0 扫描器的使用MC3000 的扫描器设计非常出色,可以 270°旋转,对于一些特殊位置的条码,可以调节扫描头的位置,方便准确的扫描条码内容。
6.0SD 卡安装方法 打开电池后盖,取出电池,会看到如右图1所示,按图中箭头方向打开SD 卡扣,然后按图2方式放入SD 卡,放好后关闭SD 卡扣即可,再装入电池,盖好后盖即可使用SD 卡,在系统下会多出一个7.0键盘按键说明这里先把MC3000 的38个按键分成47.1一区主要是方向键,从左往右依次是: 向左,向上,向下,向右四个方向7.2二区主要是功能键,实现系统级的操作,从左往右依次是ALPHA 组合键,BACK后退键,SHIFT功能键,ENT回车键7.3三区主要是数字键,实现0-9 十个数字的输入,以及小数点和逗号键。
Sun StorEdge™ 3000 系列安装、操作和维护手册Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI Array Sun Microsystems, Inc.文件号码 817-6624-112005 年 7 月,修订版 A请将有关本文档的意见和建议提交至:/hwdocs/feedback版权所有 © 2004-2005 Dot Hill Systems Corporation, 6305 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009, USA. 保留所有权利。
对于本文档中介绍的产品,Sun Microsystems, Inc. 和 Dot Hill Systems Corporation 对其所涉及的技术拥有相关的知识产权。
需特别指出的是(但不局限于此),这些知识产权可能包含在 /patents 中列出的一项或多项美国专利,以及在美国和其他国家/地区申请的一项或多项其他专利或待批专利。
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Scan Pro 3000 High Definition Microfilm Scanner Us
This manual is modified from University of Memphis Libraries’ Scan Pro 3000 High Definition Microfilm Scanner Help Guide.Getting StartedTo begin, double click the ScanPro 3000 icon that you see on the desktop of thecomputer. This will automatically cause the machine to power up. When the programopens on your computer, you will see the “Film Wizard Window” (below), where youare asked to click on the picture that matches the film that you have loaded.Note: Most of microfilms we have is in the 35mm Roll Film format.When you have selected the appropriate format, the following screen will appear:Note: If you think you have made a mistake in the format you have selected, you canselect “Film Selection Wizard” in the top left-hand corner of the screen, to go back.Loading the FilmNow you are ready to load your film. If you look down at the bottom right-hand corner the scanning program, you should see a diagram (like the one below) that shows you how to load the film onto the machine. Follow the instructions in the picture.Note: Don’t manually pull or push the plate. After choosing type of film, the scanner will automatically move the plate forward and open the glass.Press “Load” after correctly putting film into the scanner.Viewing Your FilmWhat you should now see in the middle of your computer screen is a projection of the film you have loaded. Don’t worry that you don’t see any content yet, you will need to move your film forward to get to the first of the images you want to view. To do this you will need to use the Motorized Roll Film Control.Motorized Roll Film ControlThe film controls can be found in the bottom right-hand corner. These are the controls that allow you to rewind and fast-forward the film along at varying speeds.The Motorized Roll Film Control1. Load – Click to load the film. The glass closes and the plate moves back.2. Rewind - Double click to rewind film3. Fast Reverse – Click and hold to move film backward4. Fast Forward – Click and hold to move film forward5. Slider –hold, and drag the slider to the left or right of center to move the film slowly (thefurther the slider is dragged from center the faster the film moves)6. Scan Lock – Used with Slider (when glass is closed)• OFF: When the mouse button is released the slider returns to the center and filmmovement stops (Note: OFF is the recommended setting)• ON: When the mouse button is released the slider will not return to the center andfilm movement will not stop7. Auto-Frame™ Checkbox – When checked, it causes the film to stop when a completeimage is positioned within the display, when “Fast Reverse” or “Fast Forward” are usedAdjustment If the images might not look clear or sharp enough for you to identify the text, you will need to adjust settings. Go to the Adjust tab on the side panel. You may manually tweak Brightness, Zoom, Contrast, Focus, and Manual Straighten. Or you may start with Auto-Adjust and do more manual adjustments as needed.6 1 2 75Scanning Note: For the sake of consistency, scan microfilms in one go, or leave it with the program running while someone else can look after it. This ensures continuity between scans, and fewer issues down the line. Crop BoxOnce you have an image centered, you will see a green dashed line bordering the outsides of the display. This is the “Crop Box”, which defines the area to be scanned or printed.Drag PointsCrop BoxManual scan (1 page at a time)Scan to Drive #1 Click to save a standard resolution image of the area within the green crop box to thehard drive of the computer in front of you.This button saves the area defined by the “Crop Box” to the desktop of the computerthat you are viewing the image on. When clicked, a dialog box will open, asking youto select a place on the computer to save your file.Note: Primarily, you will want to scan and save as Tiff LZWs onto the PC’s local drive, and transfer images to the T:/ drive when you are finished scanning. This prevents latency from causing an issue with scanning.File location and other setupNavigate to the Setup Tab, and to the Setup Menu button. After entering the super-secret password (1234), a Dialog Box should appear. This is where you can change the software, how images are being scanned, where images are being saved, et cetera. Your supervisor will be able to walk you through exactly how to change save locations and get settings you need available to you.Auto scanning Navigate to Output tab and select Auto-scan, you will see a window pop-up. Choose file path and fill file prefix. If you know how many pages you will need to scan, you may enter the number of scans. But it’s okay to leave the number of scans field empty and just click stop whenever you finish scanning all pages you need. Choose TIFF (LZW) for file type.Note: Auto-scan works well on some films but not all. If you have trouble capturing good images with Auto-scan, it might be more efficient to just scan each page manually.RescanCheck all the images you saved and make sure they all legible and no text missing. Rewind and rescan if needed.Finishing up Rewind : double click rewind button. If you don’t do this step before closing the software, you will get a reminder asking you to rewind.Take microfilm off: gently take the film off and put it back to the container/box it was stored originally. Close the scanning software: After the software is closed, the scanning plate should move backward automatically.。
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商标Macintosh 是 Apple Computer, Inc. 的注册商标。
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
摩托罗拉软件更新用户指南目录 3目录关于软件更新. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5概述. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5个人信息与第三方应用程序. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5例外情况 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7安装软件更新. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8开始之前 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8安装软件更新程序 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9安装 USB 驱动程序. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11安装驱动程序. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11使用软件更新. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13开始之前 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13更新设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14常见问题. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15一般问题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15方法. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17故障诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18服务和支持 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20资源. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20获取数据线 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20术语表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21索引. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 目录摩托罗拉软件更新用户指南关于软件更新概述摩托罗拉软件更新使最新的软件随时可用,从而使您的设备保持最佳运行状态。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Radio Configuration(电台配置)●●●
Radio Cloning:选中此项允许电台复制或被复制。
该过程不需要 CPS。
CPS 也提供复制 Codeplug的功能,但与此选项无关。
Block Pending CA/PC:选中此项允许无人值守的电台忽略 Call Alert 和 Private Call 呼叫。
Maximum Channels:最大信道数。
Out of range Indicator:用于指示在集群系统中的“事件,可以选择任意的
Silent Alarm:选中此项电台将在紧急模式时工作在隐蔽模式,没有任何声音和显示的反馈。
Keep Alive:选中此项电台在紧急模式下将会保持工作,不管开关的处于何种位置。
Unmute Option:
Emergency Channel Selector Lock:选中此项,电台如果在紧急模式工作,将会锁定在紧急信道上。
Channel Delay:选择电台在传输紧急模式数据前等待的时间。
1 / 19。