

Schneider Electric Altivar 320 IP6x 产品说明书.pdf_1719

Schneider Electric Altivar 320 IP6x 产品说明书.pdf_1719
product. • Before applying voltage to the drive system:
- Verify that the work has been completed and that the entire installation cannot cause hazards. - If the mains input terminals and the motor output terminals have been grounded and short-circuited, remove
• Many components of the product, including the printed circuit boards, operate with mains voltage. • Only use properly rated, electrically insulated tools and measuring equipment. • Do not touch unshielded components or terminals with voltage present. • Motors can generate voltage when the shaft is rotated. Prior to performing any type of work on the drive system,
Ø M4
a mm in. 109 4.29
b mm in. 46 1.81
c mm in. 85 3.35


图3 充电器V-I曲线
在一个充电器应用中,电池电压低于B点电压VB时,充电器通过不断重启来完成对过放电电池小电流补 充电;当电池电压达到B点电压VB时,芯片正常工作,充电器对电池恒流充电;随着电池电压的升高,到达A 点电压VA时,输出功率最大,此时进入恒压充电模式,充电电流逐渐减小。 VO=VB时,辅助绕组整流后的电压达到芯片的最低工作电压VDD_OFF 。
N AVX (21) (VA VD V ) …………………………………… NS
1.传统启动 电源上电开机时,通过启动电阻 RIN 为 VDD 端的电容 C1 充电,直到 VDD 端电压达到芯片的启动电压 VDD_ON 时芯片启动并且驱动整个电源系统工作。
图 1 典型启动电路
4.初级峰值电流和有效值 初级平均电流:
PO …………………………………………… (7) VMIN
2 I AVG ……………………………………………… (8) DMAX
初级有效值电流: 5.初级电感量
2 IP (9) DMAX ………………………………………… 3

Advantech IPC-623 4U 20槽4系统上架式工业机箱 用户手册说明书

Advantech IPC-623 4U 20槽4系统上架式工业机箱 用户手册说明书

用户手册IPC-623系列4U 20槽4系统上架式工业机箱版权声明随附本产品发行的文件为研华公司2009年版权所有,并保留相关权利。





认可声明IPC-623、PCE-5B18、PCE-5B16Q、PCA-6120、PCA-6120P4、PCA-6120D、PCA-6120DP4、PCA-6120Q、PCA-6120P12、PCA-6120P18、PCA-6119P7、PCA-6119P16、PCA-6119P17、PCA-6118DP7和 PCA-6116QP2是研华公司的产品名。


在线技术支持如需技术支持和服务,请访问我们的网站:/supportPart No. 2002062350第一版中国印刷2009年6月IPC-623用户手册ii安全指示1.请仔细阅读此安全操作说明。













CR623X 设计指南
Байду номын сангаас
本文阐述了一个基于原边控制开关的充电器/适 配器设计。包括芯片的特征和详细的工作原理,以 及设计技巧。
手机、无绳电话、PDA、数码相机等电池充电器 小功率适配器 PC,TV 等辅助电源 线性电源/RCC 替换
恒压恒流均采用原边控制,无需光耦和 TL431 内置高压功率 MOSFET 低的启动电流:5uA(Typ) 低的工作电流:2.5mA(Typ) 内置软启动功能 内置前沿消隐电路(LEB) 内置频率抖动以改善 EMI 特性 内置自适应 OCP 补偿 内置原边绕组电感补偿 内置输出线压降补偿 VDD 欠压保护(UVLO)、过压保护(OVP)及 VDD 电压 钳位功能
GND GND Drain Drain
满足能源之星EPS 2.0版Ⅴ级能耗标准
CR623X 设计指南
CR623X 系列采用反激式拓扑结构,输出与输入使用变压器隔离。在这种拓扑中,开关管导通时,变压器 储存能量,负载电流由输出电容提供;开关管关断时,变压器将储存的能量传递到负载和输出滤波电容, 以补偿电容单独提供负载电流所消耗的能量。
CR623X 设计指南
IP × LP Bsat × Ae
×102 ……………………………………(3)
其中单位分别为高斯、安培、微亨、平方厘米, Bsat为饱和磁通量密度,如无参考数据,则使用 Bsat=3500~4000,以高斯为单位;或者Bsat=0.35~0.4,以特拉斯为单位。




应用应用领域领域领域:电池充电器数码产品适配器VCR,SVR,STB,DVD PC,TV开放式电源管脚管脚信息信息信息:芯片工作原理一、芯片工作2.欠压锁定和启动电路系统在上电时,整流后的高压通过启动电阻1.3 快速启动电路1.3C1 的值可以取得较小(但需要考虑系统的稳定性),R 系统的启动时间同时也可降低系统空载时的损耗。


在V端电压对应系统工作状态图1.4 FB端电压对应系统工作状态为系统在空载或轻载时工作在间歇模式下的端电压;1.1V~1.62V端电压;1.62V~3.7V为系统在重载下的FB端电压;端电压;FB端的短路电流典型值为1.55mA的时间,关闭开关管,状态被保持。







CR622X的反激式隔离对于AC 90~264V 宽范围输入, C IN 按2~3uF/Watt 输出功率选取;对于AC 230V 或者115V 倍压整流输入,C IN 按1uF/Watt 输出功率选取。

最小直流输入电压V MINMIN V =…………………………(2.2) 其中,f L为输入交流电压频率(50Hz/60Hz );t C 为桥式整流大额导通时间,如无数据可供参考,则取3ms ;所有单位分别为伏特、瓦特、赫兹、秒、法拉第。



图 4 INV 采样电路
如图 4, PR6234C 通过电阻 RUPPER 和 RLOWER 分压器在每个开关周期采样辅助绕组去磁结束时的电压。 采样电 压被送到 INV 脚与基准电压 2.5V 比较,误差被放大,误差放大器的输出电压反映了负载情况,通过控制开 关频率来调节输出电压,达到恒压目的。 当采样电压低于 2.5V 时,开关频率被采样电压控制,通过输出电压去控制输出电流,达到恒流目的。 输出线压补偿可获得良好的负载调节, PR6234C 内部补偿电流 IC 流向电阻分压器导致 INV 脚上的电压失 调,补偿电流与负载电流成反比,即空载时补偿电流最大,空载电压被压低。因此,输出线损失的电压可 以得到补偿。当负载从满载减小到空载,INV 脚的失调电压增加,所以通过调整 RUPPER 和 RLOWER 阻值,可实现 各种输出线压降补偿。 确定分压阻值:
满载时,通常建议开关频率fs设置在50KHz左右。 其中,式中的单位分别为微亨、瓦特、安培、赫兹 6.选择磁芯确定初级匝数 实际上,磁芯的初始选择肯定是很粗略的,因为变量太多了。选择合适磁芯的方法之一是查阅制造商 提供的磁芯选择指南。 磁芯尺寸 EE13 EE16 输出功率 3W 6W
I P LP (12) 102 ……………………………………… 2500 Ae
2 NP 1 (13) Lg 40 Ae …………………………… 1000 L A P L
其中,Lg单位为毫米,Ae单位为平方厘米,AL单位为纳亨/圈 ,LP单位为微亨。 通常不推荐对中心柱气隙磁芯使用小于0.1 mm的值,因为这样会导致初级电感量容差增大。如果您需 要使用小于0.1 mm的Lg值,请咨询变压器供应商以获得指导。 7.变压器绕组间匝比



热设计规格分析指导书目 录1512.3与热设计相关的EMC 要求...................................................1512.2变速风扇散热时的设计要求..................................................1512.1与热设计相关的安全和防护性要求.. (15)12其它要求......................................................................1511.3采用变速风扇时的特殊保障性要求............................................1411.2散热系统维护安全性........................................................1411.1散热系统的冗余设计要求. (14)11散热系统保障性.................................................................1410.4变速散热风扇产品的声称噪声................................................1310.3确定室外产品的噪声........................................................1310.2确定室内产品的噪声规格....................................................1210.1室内通信产品噪声要求 (11)10强迫风冷设备散热噪声...........................................................109.2如何选择散热方式.. (10)9.1自然散热方式细化描述 (9)9.1散热方式当前状态和未来的发展方向 (9)9系统的散热方式...................................................................88产品构成模块的散热要求...........................................................77关键器件允许工作温度范围.........................................................66产品单板及配置热耗...............................................................65关键器件热性能参数...............................................................64.3确定太阳辐射条件............................................................64.2确定海拔条件................................................................54.1.2短期工作条件下的温度和湿度范围.........................................54.1.1长期工作条件下的温度和湿度范围.........................................54.1温度和湿度范围..............................................................54 确定产品运行的环境条件..........................................................53规格分析原则....................................................................42开始准则........................................................................41术语............................................................................热设计规格分析指导书摘 要:本指导书用来指导如何根据不同的需求确定产品的热设计规格。

HT6X2X 用户手册 (2)

HT6X2X 用户手册 (2)

HT6X2X用户手册Tel: ************Fax*************Email:*********************Web: 版本更新说明版本号修改时间修改内容V0.1 2014-12-25 初版V1.0 2015-3-30 1.ADC管脚的输入范围和最大输入电压改为800mV2.芯片引脚结构说明图更改V1.1 2015-8-19 1.增加AES、GHASH、RAND模块概述V1.20 2015-8-29 1,电器规格:ADCBAT输入最低02,POWIN描述V1.30 2015-9-22 1. 电源框图修改,去掉VCC到VRTC之间的二极管2. 功耗参数修订:HRC、PLL增加区分所有数字模块开启和关闭的功耗数据V1.31 2015-9-28 1.RCCaliCON增加CLOCKIN说明V1.32 2016-4-6 1.删除MEMS相关内容V1.33 2016-4-21 1.增加5V tolerance IO的说明V1.4 2016-05-16 1.增加HT6027B 64PIN封装双SPI同时更改引脚定义2.增加TPS内部框图3.更改RTCRSTFLAG定义的POR复位为VRTC电源域2016-05-24 1.LCD章节添加1/4bias的COM/SEG 波形说明,LCDCON_VRSEL[3:0]]更新。

V1.5 2016-08-09 1. 修改ADCIN、ADCBAT、VCC计算公式2.ADCBA T pin输入范围统一到5.5V,公式修改;3.INT \RX Sleep唤醒状态描述修改;4.PIN脚描述修改,增加复用功能数字IO和模拟IO说明,以及OD和上拉的应用说明;5.寄存器默认值修正及说明;6.7816时序图及说明;7.14.4章节HRC频率描述笔误,更改为11MHz8.时钟单元增加时钟源的起振时间描述9.Sleep唤醒增加UART唤醒描述10.外部数字滤波增加说明11.Toff寄存器增加说明。


在作为充电器应用时,先是恒流充电直到接近电池充饱的状态,随后再进行恒压充电。 在 CR6233 中, 恒流值和最大输出功率可以通过外部的限流电阻 RS 来设定。输出功率 的大小随着恒流值的变化而变化。系统功率大小,主要决定于原边电感量的大小;在系统功 率范围内 RS 越大,恒流值就越小,输出功率也越小;在系统功率范围内 RS 越小,恒流值 就越大,输出功率也越大。具体参照图 2 所示。
启达科技(香港)有限公司 V3.0

成都启臣微电子有限公司 6/10
基于原边控制模式的高精度 CV/CC PWM 控制器
⋅ (VO + ΔV
+ Vcable )
其中VCable 为导线上的损耗压降。为了补偿导线上的损耗压降,一个电压偏移量被叠加到 INV
CR6233 在 CS 端设计了一个约为 540ns 的前沿消隐时间用来防止在开关导通时刻错误 的过流保护被触发。因此,不需要在 CS 端在增加额外的 RC 滤波电路。采样电流的输入信 号 CS 和误差放大器的输出 COMP 共同决定开关的占空比,稳定输出。
EMI 特性的改善
为了改善 CR6233 系统的 EMI 特性,芯片内部采用了两种方式。其中一种方式是采用 频率抖动,即在 CR6233 正常工作频率的基础上叠加一个微小的扰动。也就是说,内部振荡 器的频率被调制用来分散谐波干扰能量,分散的能量能够最小化 EMI 带宽。另一种方式是 软驱动,即逐渐打开功率 MOSFET。当提供给功率 MOSFET 的栅驱动太强时,EMI 特性会 变差;当提供给功率 MOSFET 的栅驱动太弱时,开关损耗又会加大,因此需要在 EMI 特性 和开关损耗之间寻求折衷来提供合适的栅驱动。CR6233 采用了软驱动和图腾柱输出结构, 既获得了很好的 EMI 特性,又降低了开关损耗。频率抖动和软驱动的综合应用使系统的 EMI 特性获得了很大的改善。





特征:恒压恒流均采用原边控制,无需光耦和TL431 内置650V 功率开关MOSFET 低的启动电流:5uA(Typ) 低的工作电流:2.5mA(Typ) 内置软启动功能内置前沿消隐电路(LEB)内置频率抖动以改善EMI 特性 内置自适应OCP 补偿 内置原边绕组电感补偿 内置输出线压降补偿 VDD 欠压保护(UVLO)、过压保护(OVP)及VDD 电压钳位功能高效节能:满足能源之星EPS 2.0版能耗标准应用:手机、无绳电话、PDA、数码相机等电池充电器 小功率适配器PC,TV 等辅助电源 线性电源/RCC 替换管脚信息:CR6235/CR6236/CR6238典型应用:内部框图:应用应用指导指导指导::2 2 快速启动电路快速启动电路短系统的启动时间同时也可降低系统空载时的损耗。

启动电阻RI上最大损耗:4.初级峰值电流和有效值7.变压器绕组间匝比OR PS O D V N N V V V=++∆.............................................(14) O C V I R ∆=× (15)其中,V D 为二极管正向电压:对超快速PN结二极管选取0.7 V,肖特基二极管选取0.5 V。

△V为最大负载输出线压降:I O 为最大负载电流,R C 为输出线等效电阻S O D AVX AVX DBN V V VN V V ++∆=+………………………………………(16) 其中,V AVX 为辅助绕组整流后的电压,V DB 为偏置绕组整流管正向电压;8.次级峰值电流和次级有效值电流次级峰值电流: PSP P SN I I N =×……………………………………………(17) 次级峰值电流: SRMS SP I I =(18)9.次级绕组次级绕组匝数匝数O D S P ORV V VN N V ++∆=×……………………………………(19)10.辅助绕组由于CR623X 通过采样辅助绕组的电压来完成恒压恒流控制(请参考规格书)。




X6232C 齿轮是铣床的重要传动部件,本文主要进行了 X6232C 齿轮的加工工艺的拟定,包括定位基准的选择、表面加工方案的选择、工艺路线的拟定等内容,尔后对插齿工序的专用夹具进行了设计,以满足加工要求,最后进行了齿面加工的插齿刀具的设计。

重点词: X6232C 齿轮;加工工艺;夹具;刀具大纲 (1)目录 (2)1. 绪论 (3)1.1 研究背景及意义 (3)1.2 齿轮加工相关归纳 (3)齿轮加工归纳 (3)夹具设计归纳 (3)刀具设计归纳 (4)1.3 本文的主要研究内容 (4)2. X6232C 齿轮的加工工艺 (5)2.1 定位基准的选择 (5)2.2 表面加工路线的确定 (6)2.3 工艺路线的拟定 (6)2.4 工序设备及工艺装备 (7)2.5 加工余量、工序尺寸和公差的计算 (7)3.夹具设计 (9)3.1 定位基准的选择 (9)3.2 切削力及夹紧力计算 (9)3.3 定位误差解析 (9)3.4 相关说明 (10)4. 刀具设计 (11)5.总结 (16)参考文献 (17)致谢 (18)1.绪论1.1 研究背景及意义齿轮是重要的传动装置,能够实现较大的变速范围,而且拥有较大的承载能力和能量传达效率,在各种机械设备中都有宽泛应用。




CRMX Nova WisDMX 设备说明书

CRMX Nova WisDMX 设备说明书

CRMX NOVA CONTROL PANELSee the operation section for details on how to link and unlink CRMX Nova units . CRMX NOVA OPERATION INDICATIONSWhen operating, the CRMX Nova units show different indications depending on its mode and link status:RF Link DMX RDMEthernetLock PowerReceiver when not linked with a transmitter.RF Link DMX RDMEthernetLock PowerReceiver showing a healthy link with a transmitter.RF Link DMX RDMEthernetLock PowerReceiver warning about a link problem.Transmitter(regardless of link status)RF Link DMXRDMEthernetLock PowerThe information furnished in this start guide is for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Please check for latest version. LumenRadio AB assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this start guide. All information and graphics are property of LumenRadio AB, Svangatan 2B SE-416 68 Gothenburg, Sweden.Easy one-button operation. See page 2 for details.2SuperNovaLINKINGCRMX Nova units can link with any other CRMX units as well as legacy W-DMX™ (G2/G3/G4) transmitters (2.4 GHz only).FLEX MODE CHANGING (CRMX NOVA FX ONLY)The CRMX Nova Flex unit offers the ultimate flexibility to operate as either a transmitter or a receiver. The CRMX Nova Flex unit is pre-configured as a receiver . The mode can be changed in either of two ways:1. Using the SuperNova software. Please refer to the SuperNova website at /supernova for more information.2. Using a special button press sequence on the CRMX Nova Flex unit.SuperNova runs on any Windows, Mac OS X or GNU/Linux computer with a Java runtime environment of at least version 1.6. The latest version of SuperNova as well as detailed user guides can be accessed at /supernova.SUPERNOVAFor configuration, management and monitoring of all CRMX units as well as RDM compatible devices, LumenRadio provides the soft-ware SuperNova free of charge. SuperNova is needed in order to configure network and port settings, manage frequency usage, etc. SuperNova connects to any number of CRMX transmitters through Ethernet. For best performance, LumenRadio recommends using a network switch and straight through Ethernet cables. All CRMX units equipped with Ethernet are delivered with the following default network settings:3REAR PANEL CONNECTIONSRDM TX2TRANSMITTER UNITS TX TRANSMITTER UNITETHERNET NODEThe Ethernet enabled CRMX Nova units can act as Ethernet to DMX or DMX to Ethernet nodes for a multitude of Ethernet proto-cols. For specific instructions refer to the SuperNova user guides available at /supernova.RX AND RDM RX RECEIVER UNITSRDMTX2 units• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.MOUNTINGEach CRMX Nova unit is supplied with a M10 T -screw and nut to allow the unit to be securely fixed to any mounting point, such as trussing.Release 4.0 June 2016SPECIFICATIONSPower protection: Overvoltage and ESD protected power input Operation temp. range: -20°C to +40°C (-4°F to 122°F) (ambient)Environmental: For indoor use only Frequency range: 2.402 to 2.480 GHzOutput power levels: 300mW (25dBm) (Permitted only in NorthAmerica), 100mW (20dBm), 35mW (15dBm),10mW (10dBm)PoE operation: IECTR 62101. The PoE port is to be connected only to PoE networks without routing to theoutside plantLow voltage operation: This product can also be powered by a UL listedLPS power supply rated 12VDC, maximum 1ACRMX™, CRMX Nova™, CRMX Outdoor™, CRMX Slim™, CRMX OEM™, CRMX SuperNova™ are trademarks of LumenRadio AB. W-DMX™ is a trademark of Wireless Solution Sweden AB. CRMX is patent pending, CE, FCC, ICES, SRRC and ARIB STD-T66 approved.SECURITY WIRE:All CRMX Nova units have slots where a security wire can be attached. See illustration.FCC ID: XRSCRMXNOVA101IC: 8879A-CRMXN101US Patent 7,432,803EU Declaration of ConformityThese products comply with the RED (Radio Equipment Directive) of the European Union (2014/53/EC). This equipment meets the following conformance standards:ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1; ETSI EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1; ETSI EN 300 328 V1.81; EN 609 50FCC statementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television recep-tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:For any questions, please contact ****************************+46 (0)31 301 03 70.********************。

ConferX 6x2矩阵开关说明书

ConferX 6x2矩阵开关说明书

User Manual AC-CX62-AUHDIntroductionThe ConferX 6x2 Matrix Switcher is the ideal solution for any conference room, classroom or huddle space. This 4K switcher is able to display any of the four sources through both the HDBaseT or HDMI output port. Each of these outputs are completely independent of each other allowing to show two sources at the same time. With additional audio inputs and outputs you will have not problems working with a microphone or intercom system. When you needa stable solution for video distribution, look to the entire line of ConferX products.With two HDBaseT inputs this switch works alongside two ConferX Wall Plate Transmitters at the same time. You can have Mini DisplayPort, HDMI, VGA or USB-C inputs located up to 100 meters away from the AC-CX62-AUHD. This allows a teacher or presenter to use their laptop directly at the podium or presenters’ station without having to connect anything to the matrix switcher. The AC-CX62-AUHD gives any end user a simplified experience for sharing their ideas inside a classroom, conference room or huddle space.Simple, intuitive and automatic control makes this unit the ideal "leave in the room" matrix. The unit features an "Auto" option where the it defaults to the last plugged in device or simple one button control for each output. Prefera control system? No problem, with a built-in web-based GUI and a full set of control commands you can make thisswitch work for you.Features:Compatible AVProEdge HDBaseT productsHDBaseT Input/Transmitters •AC-CXWP-HDMO-T •AC-CXWP-MDP-T •AC-CXWP-VGA-T•AC-CXWP-USBC-T HDBaseT Output/Receivers •AC-EX70-UHD-R •AC-EX100-UHD-R3•AC-EX70-444-RNE •AC-EX70-SC2-R·HDMI 2.0(a/b)·18Gbps Bandwidth Support (HDMI and HDBaseT output)o Note: 18Gbps on HDBaseT requires AC-EX70-444-RNE Receiver with ICT·4K60 4:4:4 Support (HDMI and HDBaseT output)·Full HDR Support (HDR 10 & 12 Bit)·Dolby Vision, HDR10+ and HLG Support·HDCP 2.2 (and all earlier versions supported)·Advanced EDID Management·Audio input and output·Web based control GUI·Works with 3rd party control (Control4, Crestron, Savant, etc)In The Box:•AC-CX62-AUHD Matrix Switch•IR Remote Control•48V/0.5A Power Supply• 5 pin/3 pinTerminal Connectors•Mounting HardwareDevice Overview FRONTBACKSwitching:The AC-CX62-AUHD can be switched from the front panel by pressing the corresponding OUTPUT SELECT button: 1.Press the HDBT OUTPUT SELECT button to cycle through the four Inputs 2.Press the HDMI OUTPUT SELECT button to cycle through the four Inputs3.Press and hold the desired OUTPUT SELECT button (HDBT or HDMI) for 3 seconds to Enable/Disable AUTO SWITCH MODE (all INPUT LEDs will flash)a.AUTO SWITCH Enabled - AUTO LED ON b.AUTO SWITCH Disabled - AUTO LED OFFBasic Installation:Basic Control Using Front Panel:1.Plug in the display(s) or sink devices 2.Plug in the sources3.Plug in the power supply to the AC-CX62-AUHD4.Power on the Sources and Display(s)This will ensure proper EDID application across the device.The unit has an Auto-Config on boot up and reception of new sources and displays to maximize plug and play installation:Auto-Switching LogicWhen the AC-CX62-AUHD is in "Auto" mode the logic is to switch to the most recently plugged in device based on a Hot PlugEvent. You can have either the HDMI, HDBaseT, or both be set to "Auto" mode.1.2.HDBT - This is for transmitting RS232 signals from the Matrix to the remote HDBaseT ReceiverMATRIX - This is for sending signals to the AC-CX 62-AUHD Matrix for controlling the device. An example is show n on the next page. The complete command list is on page after that.ISP / CONTROLThis ConferX switch can also be controlled using a computer and amicro USB cable, using the Micro USB Port on the front of the device.1.Connect your computer to one of the control ports (Micro USB/3pin Terminal)2.Open up MyUart and verify the correct settingsa.Baudrate: 57600, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit) with no handshaking.3.On MyUart c lick Search Port>> (you will see a red indicator once connected)a.You can verify the COM port by using Windows Device Manger. Both USB and 3pin connections should show up as a COM #.4.Send "GET DHCP" with a carriage return (no " " and hit Enter/Return on keyboard ).a.Default is OFF so the return message should be "DHCP 0" (0=Off, 1=On)5.Send "SET DHCP 1", the return message should read "DHCP 1"a.This will also return the current IP Settings. If there is no connection it will reply with the Default Settings .6.You can now connect to the WebUI by typing in the HIP address into a webbrowser. There you can alter the IP address of the Matrix to one of your choosing.7.You can also set the address of the matrix by sending the following commanda."SET HIP" (SET HIP configured it is recommended to turn DHCP back off so the settings are set to Static and will not change (this can also be done from the WebUI).a."SET DHCP 0"9.You can verify the settings by getting the status of the matrixa."GET STA"RS-232 and TCP/IPCommands:The Matrix can be controlled with either RS-232 or TCP/IP commands. Certain switching or format configurations can only be done using these commands. We recommend using either the MyUART (RS-232 - free) or Hercules (TCP/IP - free) apps as they are very easy to use for sending commands to the machine.For TCP/IP control commands use Telnet Port 23.For RS-232, use a null modem serial cable adapter and set the serial communications to: 57600,n,8,1 (baud: 57600, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit) with no handshaking. Please add a return (Enter key) after each command when using direct commands. The unified command list (ASCII) is listed on the next page.Command Example: DHCP and setting the IP AddressIR ConfigurationIR Mode Slide Switch: (On Back) This is used to select a preferred IR Mode - There are two modes: •IR-EYE - The IR Input will be configured to operate with an IR Receiver Eye.•I R PASS - The IR Input will be configured to safely operate with a direct connection from a control system using a mono or stereo 3.5mm cable. It's protected @ 3v-20v.Default mode is IR-EYE.IR Configuration Cont.IR OUT - The IR OUT port is send IR signals out ofan IR Emitter (Pictured below) that originate atthe HDBaseT Receiver OR HDBaseT TransmitterIR Emitter:IR Sensor:Audio Wiring Diagram:Audio Output Logic and Cable Prep:You can extract audio from toslink or balance 2CH Audio. Audio outputs are an un-decoded output. This means that what goes in, is what goes out.2CH Balanced Audio Port - Supports 2CH PCM audio only, which is ideal for 2 Channel systems and zoned audio systems.Toslink Audio Port - Supports PCM, LPCM (up to 7CH), Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS, DTS-HD, DTS Master Audio, which is ideal for multi-channel audio systems and older AVR's that do not support 18Gbps.Need to down-mix for combination, uncompressed and 2CH systems? Check out the AC-ADM-AUHD and AC-ADM-COTO.You can use balanced analog outputs in a balanced system, but you can also prep a cable as shown below toto convert to a traditional 2CH unbalanced (L/R) system.You can also purchase pre-made cables (AC-CABLE-5PIN-2CH)*NOTE: Make sure ground is always connectedMicrophone In and Cable Prep:The Microphone/Line Input There are 3 settings for the Microphone Input, they are1.LINE IN - LINE IN - Balance Mono Analog Audio Input (use + and Ground )a.VPP should be less than 2Volts2.MIC - Select this for non-powered or Dynamic microphones.3.48V - This if for Microphones that require Phantom Power.Web OS OverviewSense SwitchUse this to switch between inputs and outputs from the web interface.HDMI Auto SwitchUse this to turn HDMI Auto Sense Switching ON/OFF per output.Video Scaler ModeWith the video scaler mode, you can scale the HDBaseT output (OUT1)o4K-2K - If incoming signal is 4K, it will be downscaled to 1080P or 1900x1200 depending on the input format.o ICT MODE = ICT Mode (Enables ICT (18G) Compression mode on HDBT Port) - DEFAULT.Audio StatusUse this to turn the extracted audio ports ON/OFF.Audio BindingUse this to select what Output the Audio Follows.Test PatternUse this to turn the built in Test Pattern Generator ON/OFF for each output. EDID ManageUse this to select the EDID for each INPUT (default is 1080p 2ch)o Select from the Drop-down list, then click "Apply".System SettingIP Settings - Default is "Static IP" with the following•Host IP Address•Subnet Mask255.255.255.0•Router IP Address192.168.1.1•TCP Port 23Port Alias SettingHere you can re-label the individual Input/Outputs**Note - There is a 7 Character limit**Re-label, then click "Apply"•Use t he power supplies provided. If an alternate supply is required, check voltage,polarity and that it has sufficient power to supply the device it is connected to.•Do not operate these products outside the specified temperature and humidity range given in the above specifications.•Ensu re there is adequate ventilation to allow t his product to operate efficiently.•Rep air of the equipment should only be carried out by qualified professionals as these products contain sensitive components that may be damaged by any mistreatment.•Only use this product in a dry environment. Do not allow any liquids or harmful chemicals to come into contact with these products.•Clea n thi s unit with a soft, dry clot h. N ever use alcohol, paint thinner or benzene to clean this unit.▪MaintenanceTo ensure reliable operation of this product as well as protecting the safety of any person using or handling this device while powered, please observe the following instructions.▪Damage Requiring Service•The DC power supply cord or AC adaptor has been damaged•O bjects or liquids have gotten into the unit•The un it has been exposed to rain•The un it does not operat e normally or exhibits a marked change in performance •T he un it has been dropped or the housing damaged▪SupportShould you experience any problems while using this product, first, refer to theTroubleshooting section of this manual before contacting Technical Support. Whencalling, the following information should be provided:•Product name and model number•Product serial number•Details of t he issue and any conditions under which the issue is occurring▪WarrantyIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials orworkmanship, AVProEdge (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated as below, (Parts/Labor (10) Years), which starts with the date of original purchase (“Limited Warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts, or (b) replace it with a new or a refurbished product. Thedecision to repair or replace will be made by the warrantor. During the “Labor” Limited Warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. You must mail-in your product during the warranty period. This Limited Warranty is extended only to the original purchaser and only covers product purchased as new. A purchase receipt or other proof of original purchase date is required for Limited Warranty service.This warranty extends to products purchased directly from AVPro or an authorizeddealer. AVPro is not liable to honor this warranty if the product has been used in any application other than that for which it was intended, has been subjected to misuse, accidental damage, modification or improper installation procedures, unauthorized repairs or is outside of the warranty period. Please direct any questions or issues you may have to your local dealer before contacting AVPro.Troubleshooting•Verify Power - The HDBT and HDMI INPUT Select blue LEDs on the front will always be on when powered.•Verify Connections - Check that all cables are properly connected•HDBaseT Transmitters/Receivers not powering from the Matrix, try changing the POE set-ting from AUTO to Forced (command list Page s 9 and 10).“SET OUT0 TP POE 1” - This will change the two HDBaseT Outputs to Forced (0=All).“SET IN0 TP POE 1” - This will change the two HDBaseT Inputs to Forced (0=All).•Issues with one INPUT/OUTPUT - Swap ports/cables/etc to help narrow down if the issue stays with the input/output/etco Follows the device, then it may be an EDID issue. Default out of the box is a 1080p 2ch. Try another canned EDID or use the COPY FROM OUTx command to copy theconnected displays EDID - Pg.8 and 14•Issues with 4k but 1080p or less is workingo Verify all connected devices are capable of the signal you are sending. See chart on page 21 for details.Thank you for choosing AVProEdge!Please contact us with any questions.W e are happy to be ofservice!AVPro Edge2222 E 52nd St N ~ Sioux Falls, SD 571041-877-886-5112 ~ 605-274-6055support@。



ca6236课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解并掌握CA6236课程中关于数据结构与算法的基本概念和原理。

2. 学生能运用所学知识,分析并解决实际问题,如排序、查找等常见算法的应用。

3. 学生了解数据结构在实际编程中的应用,如链表、栈、队列等。

技能目标:1. 学生具备使用所学数据结构与算法编写程序的能力,提高代码质量与效率。

2. 学生能够运用所学知识,设计并实现简单的算法应用,解决实际问题。

3. 学生通过课程学习,培养良好的编程习惯和逻辑思维能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生对计算机科学产生兴趣,增强学习积极性,提高自主学习能力。

2. 学生在学习过程中,培养团队合作精神,学会沟通与分享。

3. 学生认识到数据结构与算法在实际应用中的重要性,树立正确的价值观。



教学要求:1. 结合课本内容,注重理论与实践相结合,提高学生的实际操作能力。

2. 通过案例分析,激发学生兴趣,培养学生解决实际问题的能力。

3. 注重分层教学,使学生在原有基础上得到提高,达到课程目标。

二、教学内容1. 数据结构基本概念:介绍数据结构的基本概念、分类及在计算机科学中的应用。

- 线性表、树、图等基本数据结构的特点与用途。

- 教材第二章内容。

2. 线性表及其实现:讲解线性表的概念、顺序存储和链式存储结构。

- 顺序表、单链表、双向链表的结构与实现。

- 教材第三章内容。

3. 栈与队列:探讨栈和队列的特点、实现及应用场景。

- 栈的顺序存储和链式存储实现。

- 队列的顺序存储和链式存储实现。

- 教材第四章内容。

4. 串与数组:介绍串的基本概念、模式匹配算法以及数组的定义和应用。

- KMP算法、Boyer-Moore算法等模式匹配算法。



113ContentSelection tables......................................................................................................................114Approvals and marks............................................................................................................114Safety for man and machine. (116)G eneral information ........................................................................................................116Safety category acc. to EN 954-1.................................................................................117Standards, functions, applications.................................................................................118Cross circuit safety ........................................................................................................119EMERG ENCY STOP monitors and safety gate monitors C571, C571-AC, C573, C576, C577, C572, C574Ordering details .....................................................................................................................120Technical data .......................................................................................................................132Dimensions ............................................................................................................................133TWO-HAND control C575Ordering details .....................................................................................................................125Technical data .......................................................................................................................132Dimensions ............................................................................................................................133Extension unit C579 for contact expansionOrdering details .....................................................................................................................126Technical data .......................................................................................................................132Dimensions ............................................................................................................................133Safety relays with solid-state output C67xxOrdering details .....................................................................................................................127Technical data .......................................................................................................................134Dimensions ............................................................................................................................135Accessories for C57x and C67xx rangeOrdering details .....................................................................................................................130Safety relays C57xConversion table ESTOP, SG ATE, 2HAND, EBLOC to C57x (131)1142C D C 265 012 F 0004Safety relays C57x rangeSelection table1)Possible with additional external measures. The figures apply only if the cables and sensors are laid safely and protected mechanically. See also user manual and application manual.2)The maximum safety category acc. EN 954-1, which can be reached, depends essentially on the external wiring, the choice of the sensors and the position of the machine. The nominal regulations for the safety at machines have to be observed.3)Possible with undelayed enable contact.4)The safety category acc. to EN 954-1 corresponds to those of the basic unit.5)The ON-button is not monitored. Valid only for C574 devices with auto-start.6)With monitored ON-button possible. Valid only for C574 devices with monitored start.7)Acc. to EN 574, type III C.Approvals / marks, , SUVA / ; (pending)2C D C 265 031 F 0004Type C6700C6701C6702FunctionEMERGENCY-STOP Safety gate monitoringPress control ---Tread mats-Electronic sensors -Cascade input 24 V DC -11Cross short-circuit detection Safety categorie B acc. to EN 954-1 1)1234-One safety circuit can be used as signaling circuit.The outputs are only safe in connection with an external contactor., , SUVA / (pending)116Safety relaysSafety for man and machine G eneral informationSafety for man and machineMachinery Directive 98/37/EECThe Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC is valid throughout Europe. This Directive obliges the machine manufacturer to guarantee, byattaching the CE mark, that all European Standards relevant to this machine type have been observed.The CE mark is attached by the manufacturer at his responsibility.No machine may be put into circulation or marketed without this CE mark.Important notice:The products described here in are designed to be components of a customized machinery safety-oriented control system. A complete safety-oriented system may include safety sensors, evaluators,actuators and signaling components. It is the responsibility of each company to conduct its own evaluation of the effectiveness of the safety system by trained individuals.ABB AG, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively "ABB") are not in a position to evaluate all of the characteristics of a given system or product or machine not designed by ABB.ABB accepts no liability for any recommendation that may be implied or stated here in. The warranty contained in the contract of sale by ABB is the sole warranty of ABB. Any statements contained here in do not create new warranties or modify existing ones.Further Information:User manualA user manual with a device description, connection diagrams and application information in several languages is enclosed with every safety switching device of C570 and C67xx range.Application manual “Safety Engineering”You can find further information in the "Safety Engineering"application manual. It provides you with the required information on the relevant safety standards and project planning information.The entire range of components used for safety applications is explained in this Manual, from the sensor (emergency stopcommand devices and position switches), through evaluation units (safety switching devices C57x and fail-safe control AC 31 S) to the actuator (e.g. contactor for switching motors). All these components must be selected correctly in order to meet the requirements applicable to modern safety facilities.Please order the "Safety Engineering" application manual:English:1SAC 103 201 H 0201German:1SAC 103 201 H 0101Safety circuits must meet the following requirements depending on the safety categorie acc, to EN 954-1:Coping with an individual fault including all sequential faults in the control circuit (single-fault tolerance).Prevention of automatic restart of the machine when the EMERG ENCY STOP facility is reset.Setting up a redundant circuit by at least two contactor relays.Creating diversity, e.g. by combining n/c and n/o contacts of the auxiliary contactors.Cyclic monitoring of the safety circuit with each ON-OFF cycle.The ABB safety switching devices comply with all requirements of EN 60204, part 1, and are approved by the German Employers’ Liability Insurance Associations (BG) and/or TÜV (German Technical Inspection Authority).Fields of application:EMERG ENCY STOP circuits Safety gate monitoring Two-hand controls Safety tread matsPractical experience has shown that, in a few applications, it is necessary to also monitor the sensing elements (EMERG ENCY STOP buttons, limit switches of the safety gates etc.).A two-channel and/or cross circuit safe configuration is advisable in systems with a high level of contamination. In case of the two-channel control configuration, the contact part of the command unit has a redundant design. The supply leads can also be monitored for cross circuits.In case of a fault, the system reverts to safe state after the safety contacts (enabling circuits ) are opened. Enabling circuits are safety contacts which reliably switch off the hazardous drives or machines. (n/o contacts which reliably open in case of faults).Depending on the device type, there are additional signalling contacts (n/c contacts which close in the event of a fault or semiconductor outputs). Of course, it is possible to also use enabling contacts as signaling contacts.Unique and clear terminal identification permits simple, reliable and rapid wiring. The risk of a wiring fault is appreciably reduced.Standards for the safety of machineryEN 60204-1"Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems"EN 418"Safety of machinery; emergency stop equipment"EN 574"Two-hand control devices"EN 954-1"Safety-related parts of control systems"EN 1050"Principles for risk assessment"EN 1088"Interlocking devices associated with guards"IEC 61508"Functional safety of electrical/programmable electronic safety related system"118Stop categories acc. to EN 60204Standard EN 60204 demands that every machine must feature the stop function of category 0. Stop functions of categories 1 and/or 2must be provided if necessary for technical safety and/or functional requirements of the machine. Category 0 and category 1 stops must be operable independent of the operating mode, and a category 0stop must have priority.There are three categories of stop functions:Category 0:Shut-down by immediate switch-off of the energy supply to the machine drives.Category 1:Controlled shut-down, where the energy supply to the machine drives is retained in order to achieve shut-down and where the energy supply is only interrupted after standstill has been reached.Category 2:A controlled shut-down where the energy supply to the machine drives is retained.Scope of applicationPotential risks and hazards posed by a machine must be eliminated as fast as possible in the event of danger. For dangerous move-ments, the safe state is generally a standstill. All safety switching de-vices of C 570 range switch to de-energized state, i.e. standstill for drives, in the event of danger or fault.EMERGENCY STOPEMERG ENCY STOP devices must have priority over all other func-tions.The energy supplied to the machine drives which may cause dange-rous states must be switched off as fast as possible without further risks or dangers. Resetting the drives may not trigger a restart. The EMERGENCY STOP must act either as a stop of category 0 or as a stop of category 1.According EN 418 "EMERG ENCY STOP equipment, functional aspects, principles for design" the resetting of the control device may only be possible as a result of an action by hand at the control device. Resetting the control device may not release a restart in-struction. A restart of the machine may only be possible when all concerned operating elements have been reset individually and consciously by hand.The basic devices of the C57x range of safety switching devices can be used for EMERG ENCY STOP applications up to category 4acc. to EN 954-1. Depending on external wiring and cable routing of the sensors, category 3 or 4 acc. to EN 954-1 can be reached.Safety gate monitoringAccording to EN 1088, a distinction is made between interlocking gu-ards and interlocking guards with guard locking.Here as well, the safety switching devices are used for EMERG EN-CY STOP applications. Controls up to category 4 to EN 954-1 are possible.P resses and punchesTwo-hand control is intended for devices on which the operator must use both hands simultaneously, thus protecting him against risks and dangers.Safety functionsAuto-startWhen the sensor circuit is closed the device is active.If an ON-button is installed in the feedback circuit, a cross circuit of the feedback circuit is not monitored. Safety categories B, 1, 2, and 3 do not dictate a cross-circuit detection.If a device with the function "auto-start" shall be used for safety ca-tegories 4 and EMERG ENCY STOP, the user has to guarantee a fault exclusion in the ON-button circuit, e.g. by a safe laying of the ON-button line.Monitored startAfter a supply voltage failure or a saftey-related switch-off, the de-vice will be started only by actuation of the ON-button.Especially for presses type III C to DIN 574 is possible.Safety category 4 to EN 954-1 is possible if the feed and the feed-back circuit are monitored for cross circuits.After closing the sensor line the ON-button has to be actuated.Cross circuit safetyCross circuit safety denotes the ability of monitoring modules to de-tect faults (caused by pinched cable, earth-leakage, ect.) that can occur in the application being monitored and to prevent the release of the safety circuits until external faults have been removed.Device outputsSafety outputsThe safety-related function must be controlled via safe output con-tacts, the so-called safety outputs. Safety outputs are always nor-mally open contacts and switch off without delay.Signalling outputsFor the signalling outputs, normally open contacts and normallyclosed contacts which may not perform safety-related functions are used. Safety outputs also be used as signalling outputs.Delayed safety outputsDrives which have a long overtravel must be decelerated in the event of danger. For this purpose, the energy supply must be maintained for electrical braking (stop category 1 acc. to EN 60 204-1).Contact expansionIf the safety outputs of the basic device do not suffice, positively dri-ven contactors (e.g. B6, B7) may be used for contact expansion.C571Auto-start / monitored start Operating voltage V c at EMERGENCY STOP button or limit switch Feedback loop for monitoring of external contactorsSafety outputs:2 n/o contacts,positively guided3 L EDs for status indicationSafety category acc. toEN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3, 41)C573 Operating voltage V c at EMERGENCY STOP button or limit switch Single- or two-channel connectionFeedback loop for monitoring of external contactorsSafety outputs:3 n/o contacts, positively guided Signalling contacts:1 n/c contact, positively guided3 L EDs for status indicationSafety category acc. to EN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3, 41)C576C577C576:Auto-StartC577:Monitored StartC567 and C577:Cross circuit detection at EMERGENCY STOPbutton or limit switch24 V DC at the EMER-GENCY STOP buttonTwo-channel connectionFeedback loop formonitoring of externalcontactorsSafety outputs:2 n/o contacts,positively guided3 L EDs for statusindicationSafety category acc. toEN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3, 4Auto-start / monitored start 24 V DC at EMERGENCYSTOP button or limit switchAuto-start/ monitored start Single- or two-channelconnectionTwo-Hand control acc. to EN 574 Type III C24 V DC at the two-handcontrol switchesC5791 safety output contact of the basic device is required for connection to the extension unit.Safety outputs:4 n/o contacts,positively guided2 LEDs for status indicationSafety category acc. to EN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3, 4 depending on the external connectionC6700Auto-start / monitored start Feedback loop for monito-ring of external contactors Safety outputs:2 solid-state components á 0,5 AEDs for status indicationSafety category acc. toEN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3 Safety integrity level acc. to IEC 61508: SIL 1, SIL 2C6701Auto-start / monitored start Cross circuit detection configurableFeedback loop for monito-ring of external contactors 2 solid-state components à 1,5 ACascading inputEDs for status indicationSafety category acc. to EN 954-1: B, 1, 2, 3, 4Safety integrity level acc. to IEC 61508: SIL 1, SIL 2,C6702Auto-start / monitored start Cross circuit detection configurableFeedback loop for monito-ring of external contactors 2 Safety outputs à 1,5 A:1 solid-state component undelayed:stop category 01 solid-state component delayed (delay time adjustable from 0,05-3 s or 0,5-30 s): stop category 1 Cascading inputEDs for status indicationSafety category acc. to ENC565.20132Safety relays C57x range Technical data1)at 115 V AC, 230 V AC: max. 200 ms2)at 24 V AC: max. 300 ms3)at 115 V AC, 230 V AC: max. 300 ms4)at 115 V AC, 230 V AC: max. 80 ms5)undelayed / delayed release circuits6)other fuses on request7)signal circuit of C573 = 6 A1331S V C 110 000 F 03131)Possible with additional external measures. The figures apply only if the cables and sensors are laid safely and protected mechanically. See also user manual and application manual.2)Possible with undelayed enable contact.3)The safety category acc. to EN 954-1 corresponds to those of the basic unit.4)Acc. to EN 574, type III C.134Safety relays with solid-state outputs C67xx rangeTechnical data2)When the casade input is supplied from A1, the maximum reaction time after an EMERGENCY STOP aplies.3)No supply of the drivers, only internal supply bridging, SELV-/PELV power supply buffers.4)Electrical equipment of furnaces. VDE-Certificat for C6701 and C6702 available.136Notes。

ON Semiconductor MC623 数据手册

ON Semiconductor MC623 数据手册

SO–8D SUFFIX CASE TBDPRELIMINARY INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping ORDERING INFORMATIONMC623DR28–Pin SOIC2500 Tape/ReelPIN CONFIGURATION(Top View)MC623D12348765NC LOW SET HIGH SET GND V CC LOW LIMIT HIGH LIMIT CONTROLABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Parameter Value Unit Package Power Dissipation (T A≤ 70°C)470mW Derating Factors 6.0mW/°C Supply Voltage 5.5V Input Voltage, Any Input(GND – 0.3) to (V DD + 0.3)V Operating Temperature Range–40 to +125°C Maximum Chip Temperature150°C Storage Temperature Range–65 to +150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 Seconds)+300°C* Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over Operating T emperature Range, V DD = 2.7V to 4.5V,unless otherwise noted.) Symbol Characteristic Min Typ1Max Unit V DD Supply Voltage Range 2.7— 4.5V I DD Supply Current (2.7V ≤ V DD≤ 4.5V)—150250µAAbsolute AccuracyT = Programmed Temperature T–3T±1T+3°CV OH I OH = 250µAI OH = 500µA 0.9 x V DD0.8 x V DD————VV OL I OL = 500µAI OL = 1.0mA ————0.1 x V DD0.2 x V DDVHYST Hysteresis (Falling Temperature)——–2.0°C 1.Measured at 25°C.DETAILED DESCRIPTIONMC623 OperationThe MC623 consists of a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) temperature sensor and dual threshold detector.Temperature set point programming is easily accomplished with external programming resistors from the HIGH SET and LOW SET inputs to V CC . The HIGH LIMIT and LOW LIMIT outputs remain inactive (low) as long as the measured temperature is below setpoint values. As temperature increases, the LOW LIMIT is driven high when temperature exceeds the LOW LIMIT setpoint (±3°C). If temperature continues to climb, the HIGH LIMIT output is driven high when temperature exceeds the HIGH LIMIT setpoint (±3°C). Figure 1 shows the relationship between the sense resistance values and trip point temperature.Figure 1. MC623 Sense Resistors vs. TripTemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)R E S I S T A N C E (k )12585654525–15–35–5550100150200250W 5105The CONTROL output is driven high when the HIGH LIMIT output goes high, and is reset low when the LOW LIMIT output goes low. This output provides the logic for simple ON/OFF fan control. Figure 2 shows overall MC623operation.Figure 2. MC623 Temperature vs. OutputHigh Set PointLow Set Point Low Limit Output High Limit Output Control Output (Cool Option)TemperatureTo prevent output ”chattering” when measured temperature is at (or near) the programmed trip point values,the LOW SET and HIGH SET inputs each have a built–in hysteresis of - 2°C max. As a result, the HIGH LIMIT and LOW LIMIT outputs remain active until the measured temperature falls a maximum of 2°C below the programmed HIGH SET and LOW SET thresholds as shown in Figure 3.The programmed setting threshold of Figure 3 is user–programmed temperature trip points of either the LOW SET or HIGH SET inputs. The LOW LIMIT or HIGH LIMIT output is driven active when temperature equals the programmed setpoint value (to within 3°C). The output remains active until the temperature falls an additional 2°C below the setpoint due to hysteresis.Figure 3. High Set and Low Set ThresholdsProgrammedSetpoint–2°C HysteresisHigh Limit orLow Limit OutputAPPLICATIONSMountingIf the MC623 is used to measure the temperature of another device, it is important that the top surface of the MC623 package be in intimate contact with the measured device. Good thermal conductivity and no air space is critical to accurate temperature measurement in applications of this type.Trip Point ProgrammingThe resistance values required for the HIGH SET and LOW SET inputs are calculated using the formula below:R TRIP = 0.5997 x T 2.1312Where Rtrip = Programming resistor value in Ohms T = Desired trip temperature in degrees Kelvin.For example, to program a trip point of 50°C, the programming resistor is:R TRIP = 0.5997 x (50 + 273.15)2.1312) = 133,652Wand are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changesPUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONCENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA:Spanish Phone:303–308–7143 (Mon–Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm MST)Email:ONlit–*********************ASIA/PACIFIC: LDC for ON Semiconductor – Asia SupportPhone:303–675–2121 (Tue–Fri 9:00am to 1:00pm, Hong Kong Time)Toll Free from Hong Kong & Singapore:001–800–4422–3781Email:ONlit–******************JAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–8549Phone: 81–3–5740–2745Email:*****************。

两阶段ISO3尺寸3的堵值2 2方向阀,座式设计说明书

两阶段ISO3尺寸3的堵值2 2方向阀,座式设计说明书

Stacking2/2Directional Valve,ISO size3 Solenoid Controlled,Seated DesignSeries SWRA22..ECA...-6S315bar,80l/minS With two--stage,solenoid controlled 2/2cartridge valve,type WRA22 ..--10S’No flow’pilot stageS All ports rated to315barS Corrosion protection:body zinc--phosphated,exposed cartridge parts zinc--plated S With ISO4401/CETOP R35H size3,NFPA D03,DIN24340A6interface1.DescriptionSeries SWRA22...--6stack valves aretwo--stage units,the pilot and mainstages both being of seated design.They are equipped with the2/2sole-noid cartridge valve typeWRA22G...--10or WRA22O...--10.Thevalve design features screw--in car-tridges,thus ensuring straightforward,very user--friendly maintenance.Seal-ing at the manifold--side(’bottom’)inter-face is by means of O--rings that arefitted in counterbores in the stackingbody.2.Symbols123456783.DimensionsSymbols1 (3)Symbols5 (7)2,52,54.Schematic sectionshowing the relevant portsSeal kit no.DS--311,comprising:Itm.Qty.DescriptionSize11Seal ring ∅22,1/16,5x2,521O--ring no.117∅20,29x 2,62N9031O--ring no 020∅21,95x 1,78N9042O--ring ∅16,00x 2,00Viton 51O--ring ∅27,00x 1,50N7564O--ring no.012∅9,25x 1,78N901Sealkit for SWRA22..ECA--PT/AT/BT--...--6...2Sealkits for SWRA22..ECA--ABT--J--6...5.Installation and servicingAll installation and servicing must be carried out with care,and by qualified personnel only.At installation,make sure that the valve interface aligns with the interface of the mating surface anddo not confuse the directional valve (’top’)and manifold (’bottom’)faces of the valve.When changing seals,the new seals should be thoroughly oiled orgreased before they are fitted.When fit-ting the cartridge,ensure that the seals are oiled or greased and use the speci-fied tightening torque.6134256.Ordering codeSWRA22GECA=directional valve,deenergised closed WRA22OECA=directional valve,deenergised open PTATBTTABTFFAFBJ6(blank)VSpecial seals by arrangementVoltage and current plainly specified Ex.== = = = = = = = = = = =stack--mounting valvefunction in P⇒Tfunction in A⇒Tfunction in B⇒Tfunction in T⇒Tfunction in A and B⇒Tstacking body typeF(A⇒T)stacking body type FA(B⇒T)stacking body type FB(P⇒T)stacking body type J(A⇒T+B⇒T)nominal size6mmNitrile seals(standard)Viton sealsS WRA22GECA-AT-F-6_24VDC7.Related data sheetsOld no.New no.i--00400--P--010101--E Table of interface equivalentsi--31400--P--030501--E DIN24340size A6interfaceW--6.160400--P--131120--E2/2Solenoid Cartridge Valve WRA22..--10E 2015 by Bucher Hydraulics AG Frutigen, CH-3714 Frutigen ****************************All rights reserved.Data is provided for the purpose of product description only, and must not be construed as warranted characteristics in the legal sense. The information does not relieve users from the duty of conducting their own evaluations and tests. Because the products are subject to continual improvement, we reserve the right to amend the product specifications contained in this catalogue.。

Seeed Air602 Wi-Fi 模块设计手册说明书

Seeed Air602 Wi-Fi 模块设计手册说明书

Air602 Hardware Design ManualV1.0Creat by Luat, translated by seeedVersion Change log DataAuthorV1.0.0Initial2018‐8‐3LuXiangchengLuatV1.0.0_EN 2018‐11‐01JellyTranslate to EnglishContentsContent (3)1 Overview (4)2 Feature (4)2.1 Interface (4)2.2 Wireless (4)2.3 Others (5)3 Specification (6)4 External antenna specifications (7)5 Pin Out (7)6 Environmental adaptability (8)6.1 Low temperature working test (8)6.2Low temperature storage test (8)6.3 High temperature working test (8)6.4 High temperature storage test (9)6.5 Vibration test (9)6.6 Environmental certification (9)7 Module reference circuit design (9)Luat1OverviewThe Air602 is a Wi‐Fi reference design module based on the embedded Wi‐Fi SoC chip (W600). Stamp hole interface, small size, easy to develop. This module is suitable for IoT applications such as smart home appliances, wireless audio and video, smart toys, medical monitoring, industrial control. This specification specifies the technical standards for the physical characteristics, technical specifications, communication protocols, product functions, performance, stability, environmental adaptability, and safety of the module.Luat2Features2.1Interface•Stamp hole interface, spacing 2mm•2 UART interfaces, support RTS/CTS, baud rate range 1200bps ~ 2Mbps •1 high speed SPI device controller with operating clock range 0 ~ 50MHz •Integrated GPIO controller2.2 Wireless•Support IEEE802.11 b/g/e/i/d/k/r/s/w/n •Support frequency range :2.4~2.4835GHz •Support Wi‐Fi WMM/WMM‐PS/WPA/WPA2/WPS •Support Wi‐Fi Direct•Support EDCA channel access method •Support 20/40M bandwidth working mode•Support STBC, GreenField, Short‐GI, support reverse transmission •Support RIFS frame interval•Support AMPDU 、AMSDU•Support IEEE802.11n MCS 0~7, MCS32 physical layer transmission rate, transmission rate up to 150Mbps •Short Preamble support at 2/5.5/11 Mbps rate transmission•Support HT‐immediate Compressed Block Ack 、Normal Ack 、No Ack response method •Support CTS to self•Support STA/AP/AP+STA function•In the BSS network, multiple multicast networks are supported, and each multicast network is supported in different encryption modes. It can support up to 32 multicast networks and incoming STA encryption.•When the BSS network is used as an AP, the total number of supported sites and groups is 32, and 16 sites are supported in the IBSS network.Luat3.Others•Support for user‐programmable GPIO control•Supports AT+ instruction protocol based on ASCII encoding (UART interface)•Support multiple network protocols :TCP/UDP/ICMP/DHCP/DNS/HTTP •Support DHCP Server 、DNS Server•Support for scalable WEB servers •Support firmware online upgradeItem Parameter NoteWireless SupportWi‐Fi ModeIEEE802.11b/g/nRF system impedance50ΩSWR<‐10dBFrequency Range 2.4~2.4835GHzReceiving sensitivity20MHz MCS7@‐71dBm;40MHz MCS7@‐68dBm;54Mbps@‐73dBm;11Mbps@‐86dBm;1Mbps@‐95dBm;Physical layer data rate802.11n MCS 0~7 150MbpsModulation DSSS、OFDM、DBPSK、DQPSK、CCK、QAM16/64 Output PowerIEEE802.11b,DSSS1Mbps,POUT = +17dBm;IEEE802.11g,OFDM54Mbps, POUT=+10dBm;IEEE802.11n,OFDM MCS7, POUT =+10dBm;Antenna interface Stamp holeHardware Interface Type UART、SPI、GPIOInterface rate2Mbps@UART (Max)50Mbps@SPI (Max)Operating Voltage 3.3VOperating current110mA(PS Mode35mA,DTIM= 1)Operating humidity5%~90%(No condensation )storage temperature‐40~+125 ℃Operating temperature‐40~+85℃Dimensions10mm×12mmSoftware Network Type STA/AP/AP+STA/Wi‐Fi Direct Verification WEP/WPA‐PSK/WPA2‐PSK Encryption WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/CCMP(AES) WPS Function WPSEnergy saving PS‐POLL/StandbyNetwork protocol TCP/UDP/ARP/ICMP/DHCP/DNS/HTTP Interface Protocol AT+ instruction set3 SpecificationTable3‐1 Product specification list Luat4 External antenna specificationsTable 4‐1 Recommended specifications for purchased antennasItem descriptionFrequency Range 2.4~2.4835GHzimpedance50 ΩVoltage standing wave ratio≦1.5Polarization mode Linear polarizationInterface IPX5 Pin OutThe module Air602 is shown in Figure 5‐1:Figure5‐1LuatThe module pin description is shown in Table 5‐1:Table5‐1Pin Number Pin Name Type Default pin function Pin multiplexing1GND P GND2ANT ANT antenna3GND P GND4VCC P 3.3V power supply5PA_4I/O UART0_TX6PA_5I/O UART0_RX7PB_8I/O GPIOPB_8H_SPI_CK8PB_9I/O UART1_CTS H_SPI_INT9PB_10I/O UART1_RTS H_SPI_CS10PB_11I/O UART1_RX H_SPI_DI11PB_12I/O UART1_TX H_SPI_DO12RST I Low level reset6 Environmental adaptability6.1 Low temperature working test•Reference standard :GB/T2423.1‐2001;•Under the condition of ambient temperature of ‐40±1°C, the NIC module sample can work continuously for 72 hours, and the performance and function remain good after the test.6.2 Low temperature storage test•Reference standard :GB/T2423.1‐2001•The NIC module sample was placed for 72 hours at an ambient temperature of ‐40 °C. The performance and function remained good after the test.6.3 High temperature working test•Reference standard :GB/T2423.2‐2001Luat•At an ambient temperature of 85 ±1 °C, the NIC module sample can work continuously for 72 hours, and the performance and function remain good after the test.6.4 High temperature storage test•Reference standard :GB/T2423.2‐2001•The NIC module sample was placed for 72 hours at an ambient temperature of 125 °C. The performance and function remained good after the test.6.5Vibration test•Reference standard :GB/T4798.5‐2007•Random vibration, vibration direction: X, Y, Z axis, displacement, frequency refer to GBM 4798.5‐2007 5M3 grade, vibration time: 60min per axis. For detailed test methods, please refer to the 5M3 rating in GB/T4798.5‐2007.6.6Environmental certification•Compliant with RoHS IEC62321‐1:2013 standard7Module reference circuit designFigure 7‐1 Air602 reference circuit designAir602Luat。

IEC62321 XRF

IEC62321 XRF

6 XRF光谱筛选法

总结:如果出现以下情况:检测目标可以被认为是一致的并且可 以进行非破坏性分析。 ·样品没有着色或者镀金并且用眼睛看颜色是相同的和贯通一致 的。 ·从结构和设计来看样品并没有另外看出是不一致的 ·薄涂层的顶层从只有一个基体中分离出来,可以用来分析,并 且这个设备是用了校准已知基体的,当用到任何XRF设备时候, 如果目标的设计允许的话,建议对样品的测试要多于一个部位。 任何统计学上仪器间重要的差别都可能意味着存在着不均匀。如 果如何一次重复实验的结果表明测试材料的不均匀的话,建议用 破坏性的分析方法。

c) 基体效应对检出限(LOD)的影响
6 XRF光谱筛选法——附件D

含≥2%Sb,不含Br的聚合物 含≥2%Br,不含Sb的聚合物
~ A → 2A≥2A
~ A → 2A≥2A

~ 2B≥3B
~ 2B≥3B
注:如果A和B代表纯聚合物中Cd和Pb的检出限LOD,那么复杂基体中 的检出限就可以表示为A和B的倍数,如上表所示。表中提供的信息只作 指导用,实际分析元素的检出限要随仪器和测试条件而定。

5.2 仪器/设备和材料 a) 附带4毫米和1毫米不锈钢底筛的切割粉碎机 (Retsch SM2000 或相似型号) b) 附带25微米碳化钨镀层钢筛的离心粉碎机,6-折 镀碳化钨转子 (1毫米的钢筛适用于 均质塑料材料) (Retsch ZM100 或相似型号) 。为避免制粉过程中引入杂质,应该使用1 毫米的钛筛和钢/钛筛转子。 c)低温研磨机 d)搅拌器 e)分析天平: 可以精确测量到 0.0001克 f) 刷子 (不同尺寸) g) 纸 h) 剪刀, 大金属板剪 i) 250毫升玻璃烧杯 j) 液氮(N2) 注:液氮非常容易挥发并造成使用区域内缺氧,尤其是在封闭区域内,应用时实验室 应确保操作和设备安全。 k) 粉末漏斗 l) 手套 m) 安全镜 n)聚乙烯容器



手动机器人自控系统设计湖南农业大学东方科技学院全日制普通本科生毕业设计手动机器人自控系统设计THE DESIGN OF MANUAL HANDLING ROBOT IN AUTONOMOUSSYSTEM学生姓名:谢雨帆学号:200941914423年级专业及班级:2009级机械设计制造及其自动化(4)班指导老师及职称:康江副教授学院:理工学部湖南·长沙提交日期:2013 年05月湖南农业大学东方科技学院全日制普通本科生毕业设计诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业设计是本人在指导老师的指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。





毕业设计作者签名:年月日目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)1 前言 (2)1.1 2012年亚太机器人大赛比赛主题与规则 (2)1.1.1 主题简述 (2)1.1.2 规则简述 (2)1.2 手动机器人的主要任务简介 (3)2 机器人创意设计与方案 (4)2.1 机器人一般组成 (4)2.2 本次机器人设计原则 (5)2.3 比赛策略 (5)2.4 机械结构设计 (5)2.5 方向盘的设计与讨论 (6)2.6 棘轮机构的设计与讨论 (7)3 机器人自控部分设计 (8)3.1 总体方案设计 (8)3.2 各模块硬件部分设计 (9)3.2.1 中央处理模块 (9)3.2.2 通信模块 (12)3.2.3 LM629驱动模块 (13)3.2.4 单片机模块 (19)3.2.5 驱动模块 (20)3.2.6 电源模块设计 (23)3.2.7 电机模块 (24)3.2.8 底盘控制系统 (26)3.2.9 升降系统及棘轮模块 (27)3.2.10 输入模块 (28)3.3. 辅助电路设计 (29)3.3.1 复位电路设计 (29)3.3.2 过流保护与欠压保护电路设计 (29)3.3.3 信号隔离部分部分电路设计 (31)3.3.4 编码盘采样模块电路设计 (31)3.3.5 按键模块电路图 (32)3.4 硬件抗干扰措施 (32)3.5印刷电路板可靠性和抗干扰性分析 (32)4 算法论证 (33)4.1 主控板程序流程图 (33)4.2 底盘控制系统算法设计 (38)4.2.1程序流程图: (38)4.2.2电子油门程序 (38)4.2.3电子方向盘及差速器程序 (40)4.2.4刹车程序及底盘方向判断程序 (41)5 调试工具和方法介绍 (42)5.1应用PROTUES进行调试与仿真 (42)5.2应用IAR EMBEDDED WORKBENCH FOR ARM进行编程调试 (43)6 结论 (43)参考文献 (44)附录 (44)附录1:主控板程序代码 (44)附录2:LM629控制程序 (44)附录3:总电路原理图(A0图) (44)附录4:STM32最小系统原理图(A2图) (44)附录5:手动机器人总装配图(A1图) (45)手动机器人自控系统设计学生:谢雨帆指导老师:康江(湖南农业大学东方科技学院,长沙410128)摘要:在国内外机器人竞赛热潮的背景下,作为人才新生主力军的大学生,自制机器人参加各种比赛已经成为了大学校园里一道亮丽的风景线。

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图5 COMP 电压与补偿电流曲线

8 布局原理示意

高频电流路径C2 → 变压器 → 内置MOSFET → R4 → C2。


保证布线(尤其 → )短,直接,宽。

高压布线如MOSFET Drain,RCD箝位网络都要远离控制电路防止不必要的干扰。


10 CR6235宽电压输入元器件清单
元件 规格 元件 F1Fuse,0.5A/250Vac C1,C2 D1—D4 Diode, General,1N4007 C3 Diode, Fast, FR104,1A/400V
D6 Diode,
D7 Diode,
Resistor,750K,1/4W,±5% C7 R3 Resistor,270K,1/2W,±5%
R5 Resistor,34K,1/4W,±1%
R6 Resistor,5.1K,1/4W,±1%
R7 Resistor,510R,1/4W,±5%
R8 Resistor,Open
11 CR6238宽电压输入
元件 规格 元件
F1Fuse,1A/250Vac C1,C2EC,15uF/400V
D1—D4 Diode, General,1N4007
Diode, Fast, FR104,1A/400V
Fast,UF4007 Capacitor, ceramic,100nF/25V D6 Diode,
Schottky,SB360 EC,1000uF/16V,LOW ESR
D7 Diode,
R1 、Resistor,750K,1/4W,±5% C7EC,470uF/16V,LOW ESR R3 Resistor,120K,1/2W,±5%
R5 Resistor,28K,1/4W,±1%
R6 Resistor,5.1K,1/4W,±1%
R7 Resistor,510R,1/4W,±5%
R8 Resistor,Open
