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Abstract:ObjectiveTo study the effects of different extracts of Phrynium capitatum Willd flower on the uterus of rabbit, guinea pig, rat and mouse in vitro. MethodsIsolated uterus preparations of above animals were made according to the literature and its contractive effects to four different extracts of Phrynium capitatum Willd flower were observed and

recorded with BL-410 experimental system for biological function; the EC50s of the extracts were determined and compared with it of Herba Leonuri fluid extract. Results It was found that the extracts with butyl alcohol and with water could increase both contraction frequency and force of smooth muscle of the uterus of non-pregnant or diethylstilbestrol-injected animals, which were much potent than that induced by Herba Leonuri fluid extract. (P<0.05). However, the effect of the extract with petroleum ether and with ethyl cyanocaetate was negligible. ConclusionThe extracts of Phrynium capitatum Willd flower with butyl alcohol and with water have excitatory effects on the non-pregnant or diethylstilbestrol-injected animal uterus in vitro ,which is more potent than that of Herba Leonuri fluid extract.

Key words:Phrynium capitatum Willd flower; Isolated uterus; Excitatory effect

棕叶花(别名冬叶花、柊叶花)Phrynium capitatum Willd (flower)为竹芋科(Marantaceae)多年生本草,分布广西、广东、云南等地。全草可入药。文献记载:“全草味甘淡,性微寒,有清热解毒、凉血、止血和利尿之功效。”广西少数民族民间有用其花治疗月经过多、


1 器材与方法

1.1 受试药物与试剂棕叶花采自南宁地区,晒干备用。受试药物的制备:取干棕叶花750 g用中药材粉碎机粉碎后置10 000 ml 圆底烧瓶中加95%乙醇浸没,加热冷凝回流1 h,抽滤,重复上述操作3次;药渣50%乙醇浸没,热冷凝回流1 h,抽滤,重复3次。合并滤液,用旋转蒸发仪浓缩。再加适量蒸馏水使浓缩物完全溶解,置6 000 ml的锥形瓶中,加石油醚1 000 ml振摇1 h,然后离心15 min(6 000 r/min),取上层液体,如此重复5次;剩下部分用醋酸乙酯、正丁醇、蒸馏水重复石油醚操作。所得的石油醚(为1号)、醋酸乙酯(为2号)、正丁醇(为3号)、水溶性组分(为6号)旋转蒸发仪浓缩,45℃烘干后置冰箱备用。益母草流浸膏经烤箱60℃烘干,固体经磨粹后放入磨口玻璃瓶备用。
