霍兰德职业兴趣测试量表 英文版
霍兰德职业兴趣测试量表英文版(中英文实用版)Title: Holland Career Interest Test ScaleContent:The Holland Career Interest Test, developed by John Holland, is a widely recognized assessment used to identify an individual"s vocational interests and personality types.This test is based on the theory that there are six basic types of occupational interests: Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and Conventional (C).Below is a brief description of each interest type:1.Realistic (R):- Individuals with a realistic interest are skilled in using tools and enjoy hands-on, operational work.- They have strong manual dexterity, coordination, and prefer concrete tasks.- They are not very articulate, conservative in their approach, and tend to be modest.- They lack social skills and often prefer to work independently.2.Investigative (I):- Those with an investigative interest are curious and enjoy scientific, analytical, and intellectual pursuits.- They have a strong desire for knowledge and are skilled atproblem-solving.- They are precise, logical, and prefer to work with data and facts.3.Artistic (A):- Individuals with an artistic interest are creative, imaginative, and expressive.- They have a strong appreciation for aesthetics and are skilled in various forms of artistic expression.- They tend to be emotional, open-minded, and prefer unstructured environments.4.Social (S):- Socially-oriented individuals enjoy helping, teaching, and counseling others.- They are empathetic, nurturing, and skilled in communication.- They value relationships and prefer work that involves interaction with people.5.Enterprising (E):- Those with an enterprising interest are ambitious, competitive, and persuasive.- They are skilled in leadership, sales, and business management.- They are energetic, outgoing, and enjoy taking risks.6.Conventional (C):- Individuals with a conventional interest are organized, detail-oriented, and enjoy structured work.- They are skilled in record-keeping, clerical work, and financial management.- They are reliable, practical, and prefer work that follows clear rules and procedures.The Holland Career Interest Test Scale consists of various questions designed to assess your preferences in different activities and work environments.By understanding your interest types, you can make informed decisions about your career path and educational choices.---标题:霍兰德职业兴趣测试量表内容:霍兰德职业兴趣测试是由约翰·霍兰德开发的一种广泛认可的评估工具,用于识别个人的职业兴趣和人格类型。
儿童社交反应量表教师版分数1、社交行为量表社交行为量表(autism behavior checklist,ABC)是20世纪80年代由Krμg等编制。
基于该研究结果,中文版的ABC 量表在临床辅助社交的诊断、筛查、干预效果评估等方面得到了广泛使用。
2、社交沟通问卷社交沟通问卷(social communication questionnaire,SCQ)是1999年由Rutter和Lord两位专家共同编制,该问卷基于社交诊断金标准工具-社交诊断访谈量表(Autism DiagnosticInterview-Revised,ADI-R)编制的问卷,该问卷由40个条目,3个维度组成:社交沟通领域,沟通领域以及重复刻板行为领域。
《营销量表手册》(作者:William O. Bearden, 1945-;书名:Handbook of Marketing Scales:Multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research 2nd ed;出版社:SAGE Publication India Pvt. Lid,1999)第一章:简介背景量表选择的标准书的格式警告与提示测量的评价第二章:特质与个体差异变量与人际取向、需求/偏好和自我概念有关的量表:内倾——外倾取向:社会偏好量表(1962)人际取向:CAD量表(1967)认知需求:NFC(1982)情感需求:NFE(1995)需要评价量表:NES(1996)精确需要:NFP(1997)一致性偏好:PRC(1995)数字信息偏好:PNI(1993)理性—经验量表:REI(1996)浪漫—古典:RC指数(1995)自我实现——消费者自我实现检验:自我概念澄清:SCC(1996)自我概念、个人概念(演员)、产品概念(汽车)(1981)自我描述:离群—合群:SC(1997)性别认知量表:SIS(1987)虚荣:虚荣的特质方面(1995)与消费者强迫性与冲动性有关的量表:强迫性购买量表(1988)强迫性消费:冲动:冲动购买量表(1995)冲动:冲动购买倾向(1997)冲动—消费者冲动量表:CIS(1996)与国家形象与归属有关的量表:**国家形象量表(1993)**国家—产地量表(1992,1994)**种族中心主义—消费者种族中心主义:CETSCALE (1987)与消费者意见领袖和意义寻找有关的量表:**专家:消费者专家(1994)**时尚领袖(1993)**市场专家:提供市场场所和购物信息的癖好(1987)。
简版无法忍受不确定性量表在中学生中应用的效度和信度吴莉娟;王佳宁;齐晓栋【期刊名称】《中国心理卫生杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(030)009【摘要】目的:检验简版无法忍受不确定性量表(IUS-12)测评中学生人群的适用性.方法:选取中学生800人(样本1)用于进行条目分析和探索性因子分析;另外选取中学生475人(样本2),用于进行验证性因子分析及聚合效度、区分效度、组合信度以及内部一致性信度检验.在样本1中,选取90人施测特质焦虑分量表(T-AT)、元担忧量表(MWQ)、特质抑郁分量表(T-DS)、无法忍受不确定性量表(IUS)检验效标效度;半个月后,在样本Ⅰ中随机选取120人进行重测.结果:探索性因子分析得到预期性行为、抑制性行为与预期性情绪3个因子,累积解释量表总变异量的53.42%;验证性因子分析表明模型拟合较好(x2/df=2.57,CFI=0.91,TLI=0.88,RMSEA=0.05,SRMR=0.06);IUS-12中文版总分与T-AT、MWQ、T-DS、IUS得分均呈正相关(r=0.44、0.54、0.40、0.93,均P <0.001).IUS-12中文版总量表的Cronbach a系数和组合信度分别为0.79和0.83,3个因子的α系数和组合信度分另别为0.74和0.82、0.74和0.67、0.74和0.67;IUS-12中文版总量表的重测信度为0.80,3个因子的重测信度分别为0.82、0.67和0.66.结论:修订后的简版无法忍受不确定性量表测评中学生显示有良好的效度和信度.【总页数】6页(P700-705)【作者】吴莉娟;王佳宁;齐晓栋【作者单位】哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院,哈尔滨150025;哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院,哈尔滨150025;哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院,哈尔滨150025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】B841.7;B844.2【相关文献】1.简版健康相关生存质量量表在中医内科门诊患者中测试的效度和信度 [J], 刘寒;何燕玲;缪菊明;王静夷;曾庆枝2.简版生活质量量表(SF-12)在农村高龄老年人中的测量信度与效度 [J], 王红雨;张林3.简版状态焦虑量表在大学生群体中的效度和信度 [J], 田彦英;杨东;DING Cody;曹梦露4.中文简版正念能力量表在多民族大学生中应用的信度和效度 [J], Lin Pingzhen;Wang Yanrong;Yang Bei5.中文版工作同盟量表简版修订版在住院精神分裂症患者中的信度和效度研究 [J], 陈如梦;陈剑华;徐一峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Modified Ashworth Scale .......................................................................................................... 2 Purpose of the measure ............................................................................................................ 2 Available versions ...................................................................................................................... 2 Features of the measure ........................................................................................................... 3 Alternative forms of the Modified Ashworth Scale................................................................... 7 Client suitability ......................................................................................................................... 8 Modified Tardieu Scale (MTS) ................................................................................................. 10 Purpose of the measure .......................................................................................................... 10 Available versions .................................................................................................................... 11 Features of the measure ......................................................................................................... 12 Scoring and Score Interpretation ............................................................................................ 15 Alternative forms of the Modified Tardieu Scale .................................................................... 17 Client suitability ....................................................................................................................... 19
GCS评分注意事项 儿童和婴儿如何评分? 儿童受言语能力的限制,
婴儿受言语能力和自主活动能力的限制,儿童和婴 儿的GCS是根据成人GCS修订而成的。
如果两次刺激后患者的反应不同,或者两侧肢体反应 不同,如何评分? 按其最好反应评分。
如何用GCS反映患者的病情变化? 一般是做成类 似于体温单的表格(chart),连续评定,观察其动态
• 或45度(仰卧位)。上肢10秒前下落记录为滑动。
• The limb is placed in the appropriate position: extend the arms (palms down) 90° (sitting) or 45° (supine). Drift is scored if the arm falls before 10 seconds.
现在十要最需要注意什么? 一定要客观评价,完 全遵从量表规定,不要受主观影响;刺激强度要足 够。
睁眼反应的局限性有哪些? 持续性植物状态 的人自发睁眼,使评分不能反映其实际病情。 但我们只能按看到的评。
GCS评分注意事项 疼痛刺激睁眼评分要注意什么? 采取周围性疼
• 量表定义 Scale Definition:
• 0 =无下落 No drift • 1 =下落,肢体在90(或45)度能维持不超过10秒,下落
• Drift; limb holds 90° (or 45°) but drifts down
• 2 =能对抗一些重力,但不能达到或维持90(或45)度
• 8. 感觉 Sensory: 用针尖刺激/撤除刺激观察昏迷或失语患 者的感觉和表情。
国际原子量表元素原子量元素原子量元素原子量元素原子量符号名称符号名称符号名称符号名称Ac 锕227.0 Er 铒167.3 Mn 锰54.94 Ru 钌101.1 Ag 银107.9 252Es 锿252.1 Mo 钼95.94 S 硫32.07 Al 铝26.98 Eu 铕152.0 N 氮14.01 Sb 锑121.8 243Am 镅243.1 F 氟19.00 Na 钠22.99 Sc 钪44.96 Ar 氩39.95 Fe 铁55.85 Nb 铌92.91 Se 硒78.96 As 砷74.92 257Fm 镄257.1 Nd 钕144.2 Si 硅28.09 210At 砹210.0 223Fr 钫223.0 Ne 氖20.18 Sm 钐150.4 Au 金197.0 Ga 镓69.72 59Ni 镍58.69 Sn 锡118.7 B 硼10.81 Gd 钆157.3 No 锘259.1 Sr 锶87.62 Ba 钡137.3 Ge 锗72.64 Np 镎237.0 Ta 钽180.9 Be 铍9.012 H 氢 1.008 O 氧16.00 Tb 铽158.9 Bi 铋209.0 He 氦 4.003 Os 锇190.2 Tc 锝98.91 247Bk 锫247.1 Hf 铪178.5 P 磷30.97 Te 碲127.6 Br 溴79.9 Hg 汞200.6 231Pa 镤231.0 Th 钍232.0 C 碳12.01 Ho 钬164.9 Pb 铅207.2 Ti 钛47.867 Ca 钙40.08 I 碘126.9 Pd 钯106.4 Tl 铊204.2 Cd 镉112.4 In 铟114.8 145Pm 钷144.9 Tm 铥168.9 Ce 铈140.1 Ir 铱192.2 210Po 钋210.0 U 铀238.0 252Cf 锎252.1 K 钾39.10 Pr 镨140.9 V 钒50.94 Cl 氯35.45 Kr 氪83.80 Pt 铂195.1 W 钨183.9 247Cm 锔247.1 La 镧138.9 239Pu 钚239.1 Xe 氙131.1 Co 钴58.93 Li 锂 6.941 Ra 镭226.0 Y 钇88.91 Cr 铬52.00 Lr 铹260.1 Rb 铷85.47 Yb 镱173.0 Cs 铯132.9 Lu 镥175.0 Re 铼186.2 Zn 锌65.39 Cu 铜63.55 Md 钔256.1 Rh 铑102.9 Zr 锆91.22 Dy 镝162.5 Mg 镁24.31 222Rn 氡222.0。
Work Design Questionnaire(工作设计调查问卷——Morgeson&Humphrey)Autonomy(自主性)Work Scheduling Autonomy(工作调度自主性)1.The job allows me to make my own decisions about how to schedule my work.这项工作能让我自主决定工作安排。
2.The job allows me to decide on the order in which things are done on the job.这项工作可使我决定工作中要做的事情的次序。
3.The job allows me to plan how I do my work.这项工作可使我计划如何工作。
Decision-Making Autonomy(决策的自主性)1.The job gives me a chance to use my personal initiative or judgment in carrying out the work. 这项工作给了我一个在完成工作中使用个人自主性和判断力的机会。
2.The job allows me to make a lot of decisions on my own.这项工作可使我自己做很多决定。
3.The job provides me with significant autonomy in making decisions.在决策时,这项工作给了我极大的自主性。
Work Methods Autonomy(工作方法的自主性)1.The job allows me to make decisions about what methods I use to complete my work.这项工作可使我决定用什么方法来完成这项工作。
2.The job gives me considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do the work.这项工作给了我很大的关于如何做这项工作的独立性和自由。
能谱(Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,简称EDS)是一种通过测量材料中X射线反射的能量谱,来确定材料成分的方法。
Guidelines for Data Processing andAnalysis of the Internationa 丨 PhysicalActivity Questionnaire (IPAQ) 一 Short andLong FormsNovember 2005ContentsIntroductionUses of IPA Q InstrumentsSummary Characteristics of Short and Long FormsOverview of Continuous and Categorical A nalyses of IPA QProtocol for Short FormProtocol for Long FormData Processing RulesSummary AlgorithmsAppendix 1.A t A Glance IPA Q Scoring Protocol - Short Forms Appendix 2. A t A Glance IPA Q Scoring Protocol - Long FormsIntroduction This document describes recommended methods of scoring the data derived from the telephone / interview administered and self-administered IPAQ short and long form instruments. Themethods outlined provide a revision to earlier scoring protocols for the IPAQ short form andprovide for the first time a comparable scoring method for IPAQ long form. Latest versions ofIPAQ instruments are available from there are many different ways to analyse physical activity data, to date there is no formal consensus on a …correct‟ method for defining or describing levels of physical activity based on self-report population surveys. The use of different scoring protocols makes it very difficult to compare within and between countries, even when the same instrument has been used. Use of these scoring methods will enhance the comparability between surveys, provided identical sampling and survey methods have been used.2. Uses of IPA Q InstrumentsIPAQ short form is an instrument designed primarily for population surveillance of physical activity among adults. It has been developed and tested for use in adults (age range of 15-69 years) and until further development and testing is undertaken the use of IPAQ with older an d younger age groups is not recommended.IPAQ short and long forms are sometimes being used as an evaluation tool in intervention studies, but this was not the intended purpose of IPAQ. Users should carefully note the range of domains and types of activities included in IPAQ before using it in this context. Use as an outcome measure in small scale intervention studies is not recommended.3. Summary Characteristics of IPA Q Short and Long Forms1. IPAQ assesses physical activity undertaken across a comprehensive set of domainsincluding:a. leisure time physical activityb. domestic and gardening (yard) activitiesc. work-related physical activityd. transport-related physical activity;2. The IPAQ short form asks about three specific types of activity undertaken in the fourdomains introduced above. The specific types of activity that are assessed are walking, moderate-intensity activities and vigorous-intensity activities.3. The items in the short IPAQ form were structured to provide separate scores on walking,moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activity. Computation of the total score for the short form requires summation of the duration (in minutes) and frequency (days) of walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activities. Domain specific estimates cannot be estimated.The IPAQ long form asks details about the specific types of activities undertakenwithin each of the four domains. Examples include walking for transportation andmoderate-intensity leisure-time activity.The items in the long IPAQ form were structured to provide separate domain specificscores for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activity within each of the work, transportation, domestic chores and gardening (yard) and leisure-time domains.Computation of the total scores for the long form requires summation of the duration (in minutes) and frequency (days) for all the types of activities in all domains. Domainspecific scores or activity specific subscores may be calculated. Domain specific scores require summation of the scores for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activities within the specific domain, whereas activity-specific scores require summation of the scores for the specific type of activity across domains.4. Overview of Continuous and Categorical A nalyses of IPA QBoth categorical and continuous indicators of physical activity are possible from both IPAQ forms. However, given the non-normal distribution of energy expenditure in many populations, it is suggested that the continuous indicator be presented as median minutes/week or median MET-minutes/week rather than means (such as mean minutes/week or meanMET-minutes/week).4.1 Continuous VariablesData collected with IPAQ can be reported as a continuous measure. One measure of the volume of activity can be computed by weighting each type of activity by its energy requirements defined in METs to yield a score in ME十-minutes. METs are multiples of the resting metabolic rate and a MET-minute is computed by multiplying the Met score of an activity by the minutes performed. MET-minute scores are equivalent to kilocalories for a 60 kilogram person. Kilocalories may be computed from MET-minutes using the following equation: MET-min x (weight in kilograms/60 kilograms). MET-minutes/day orMET-minutes/week can be presented although the latter is more frequently used and is thus suggested.Details for the computation for summary variables from IPAQ short and long forms are detailed below. As there are no established thresholds for presenting MET- minutes, the IPAQ Research Committee propose that these data are reported as comparisons of median values and interquartile ranges for different populations.4.2 Categorical Variable: Rationale for Cut Point ValuesThere are three levels of physical activity proposed to classify populations:1. Low2. Moderate3. HighThe algorithms for the short and long forms are defined in more detail in Sections 5.3 and 6.3, respectively. Rules for data cleaning and processing prior to computing the algorithms appear in Section 7.Regular participation is a key concept included in current public health guidelines for physical activity.1 Therefore, both the total volume and the number of days/sessions are included in the IPAQ analysis algorithms.The criteria for these levels have been set taking into account that IPAQ asks questions in all domains of daily life, resulting in higher median MET-minutes estimates than would have been estimated from leisure-time participation alone. The criteria for these three levels are shown below.Given that measures suc h as IPAQ assess total physical activity in all domains, the “leisure time physical activity” based public health recommendation of 30 minutes on most days will be achieved by most adults in a population. Although widely accepted as a goal, in absolute terms 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity is low and broadly equivalent to the background or basal levels of activity adult individuals would accumulate in a day. Therefore a 1Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, Haskell WL , Macera CA, Bouchard C et al. Phy sical activ ity and public health. A recommendation f rom the Centers f or Disease Control and Prev ention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Journal of Am en'can Medical Association 1995; 273(5):402-7. and U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv ices. Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Department of Health and Human Serv ices, Centers f or Disease Control and Prev ention, National Center f or Chronic Disease Prev ention and Health Promotion, The Presidents' Council on Phy sical Fitness and Sports: Atlanta, GA:USA., higher cutpoint is needed to describe the levels of physical activity associated with health benefits for measures such as IPAQ, which report on a broad range of domains of physical activity.…Hiah,This category was developed to describe higher levels of participation. Although it is known that greater health benefits are associated with increased levels of activity there is no consensus on the exact amount of activity for maximal benefit. In the absence of any established criteria, the IPAQ Research Committee proposes a measure which equates to approximately at least one hour per day or more, of at least moderate-intensity activity above the basal level of physical activity Considering that basal activity may be considered to be equivalent to approximately 5000 steps per day, it is proposed that “high active” category be considered as those who move at least 12,500 steps per day, or the equivalent in moderate and vigorous activities. This represents at least an hour more moderate-intensity activity over and above the basal level of activity, or half an hour of vigorous-intensity activity over and above basal levels daily. These calculations were based on emerging results of pedometers studies.2This category provides a higher threshold of measures of total physical activity and is a useful mechanism to distinguish variation in population groups. Also it could be used to set population targets for health-enhancing physical activity when multidomain instruments, such as IPAQ are used.2 Tudor-Locke C, Bassett DR Jr. How many steps/day are enough? Preliminary pedometer indices f or public health. Sports Med.2004;34(1):1-8.…Moderate,This category is defined as doing some activity, more than the low active category. It is proposed that it is a level of activity equivalent to “half an hour of at least moderate-intensity PA on most days”, the former leisure time-based physical activity population health recommendation.…Low,This category is simply defined as not meeting any of the criteria for either of the previous categories.5. Protocol for IPA Q Short Form5.1 Continuous ScoresMedian values and interquartile ranges can be computed for walking (W), moderate- intensity activities (M), vigorous-intensity activities (V) and a combined total physical activity score. All continuous scores are expressed in MET-minutes/week as defined below.5.2 MET Values and Formula for Computation of MET-minutes/weekThe selected MET values were derived from work undertaken during the IPAQ Reliability Study undertaken in 2000-20013. Using the Ainsworth et al. Compendium (Med Sci Sports Med 2000) an average MET score was derived for each type of activity. For example; all types of walking were included and an average MET value for walking was created. The same procedure was undertaken for moderate-intensity activities and vigorous-intensity activities. The following values continue to be used for the analysis of IPAQ data: Walking = 3.3 METs, Moderate PA = 4.0 METs and Vigorous PA = 8.0 METs. Using these values, four continuous scores are defined:Walking MET-minutes/week = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days ModerateMET-minutes/week = 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate days Vigorous MET-minutes/week = 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET- minutes/week scores.5.3 Categorical Score Category 1 LowThis is the lowest level of physical activity. Those individuals who not meet criteria for Categories 2 or 3 are considered to have a …low‟ physical activity level.The pattern of activity to be classified as …moderate‟ is either of the following criteria:a) 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day ORb) 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30minutes per dayORc) 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorousintensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 600 MET-minutes/week.3 Craig CL,Marshall A , Sjostrom M et al. International P hysical Activity Questionnaire: 12 country reliability and validity Med Sci Sports E xerc 2003;AugustCategory 2 ModerateIndividuals meeting at least one of the above criteria would be defined as accumulating a minimum level of activity and therefore be classified as …moderate‟. See Sect ion 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.Category 3 HighA separate category labelled …high‟ can be computed to describe higher levels of participation.The two criteria for classification as …high‟ are:a) vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days achieving a minimum Totalphysical activity of at least 1500 MET-minutes/weekORb) 7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity orvigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of atleast 3000 MET-minutes/week.See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.5.4 Sitting Question in IPA Q Short FormThe IPAQ sitting question is an additional indicator variable of time spent in sedentary activity and is not included as part of any summary score of physical activity. Data on sitting should be reported as median values and interquartile ranges. To-date there are few data on sedentary (sitting) behaviours and no well-accepted thresholds for data presented as categorical levels.6. Protocol for IPA Q Long FormThe long form of IPAQ asks in detail about walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous- intensity physical activity in each of the four domains. Note: asking more detailed questions regarding physical activity within domains is likely to produce higher prevalence estimates than the more generic IPAQ short form.4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity 6.1 Continuous ScoreData collected with the IPAQ long form can be reported as a continuous measure and reported as median MET-minutes. Median values and interquartile ranges can be computed for walking (W), moderate-intensity activities (M), and vigorous-intensity activities (V) within each domain using the formulas below. Total scores may also be calculated for walking (W), moderate-intensity activities (M), and vigorous-intensity activities (V); for each domain (work, transport, domestic and garden, and leisure) and for an overall grand total.6.2 MET Values and Formula for Computation of MET-minutes Work DomainWalking MET-minutes/week at work = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days at workModerate MET-minutes/week at work= 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate-intensity days at work Vigorous MET-minutes/week at work= 8.0 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days at work Total Work MET-minutes/week =sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET-minutes/week scores at work.Active Transportation DomainWalking MET-minutes/week for transport = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days fortransportation Cycle MET-minutes/week for transport= 6.0 * cycling minutes * cycle days for transportation Total Transport MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + CyclingMET-minutes/week scores for transportation. Domestic and Garden lYard Work] DomainVigorous MET-minutes/week yard chores= 5.5 * vigorous-intensity activity minutes * vigorous-intensity days doing yard work (Note: the MET value of 5.5 indicates that vigorous garden/yard work should be considered a moderate-intensity activity for scoring and computing total moderate intensity activities.) Moderate MET-minutes/week yard chores= 4.0 * moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate- intensity days doing yard work Moderate MET-minutes/week inside chores= 3.0* moderate-intensity activity minutes * moderate- intensity days doing inside chores. Total Domestic and Garden MET-minutes/week =sum of Vigorous yard + Moderate yard + Moderate inside chores MET-minutes/week scores.Leisure-Time DomainWalking MET-minutes/week leisure = 3.3 * walking minutes * walking days in leisure Moderate MET-minutes/week leisure = days in leisure Vigorous MET-minutes/week leisure days in leisure Total Leisure-Time MET-minutes/week = sum of Walking + Moderate + Vigorous MET-minutes/week scores in leisure.Total Scores for all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous Physical ActivitiesTotal Walking MET-minutes/week = Walking MET-minutes/week (at Work + for Transport + in Leisure) Total Moderate MET-minutes/week total = Moderate MET-minutes/week (at Work + Yard chores + inside chores + in Leisure time) + Cycling Met-minutes/week for Transport + Vigorous Yard chores MET-minutes/weekTotal Vigorous MET-minutes/week = Vigorous MET-minutes/week (at Work + in Leisure)Note: Cycling MET value and Vigorous garden/yard work MET value fall within the coding range of moderate-intensity activities.Total Physical Activity ScoresAn overall total physical activity MET-minutes/week score can be computed as:Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Total (Walking + Moderate + Vigorous) MET- minutes/week scores.This is equivalent to computing:Total physical activity MET-minutes/week = sum of Total Work + Total Transport + Total Domestic and Garden + Total Leisure-Time MET-minutes/week scores.As there are no established thresholds for presenting MET-minutes, the IPAQ Research Committee proposes that these data are reported as comparisons of median values and interquartile ranges for different populations.6.3 Categorical ScoreAs noted earlier, regular participation is a key concept included in current public health guidelines for physical activity.4 Therefore, both the total volume and the number ofday/sessions are included in the IPAQ analysis algorithms. There are three levels of physical activity proposed to classify populations - …low‟, ‟moderate‟, and …high‟. T he criteria for these levels are the same as for the IPAQ short [described earlier in Section 4.2]Category 1 LowThis is the lowest level of physical activity. Those individuals who not meet criteria for Categories 2 or 3 are considered …low‟.Category 2 ModerateThe pattern of activity to be classified as …moderate‟ is either of the following criteria:d) 3 or more days of vigorous-intensity activity of at least 20 minutes per day ORe) 5 or more days of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking of at least 30minutes per dayOR4Pate RR, Pratt M, Blair SN, Haskell WL , Macera CA, Bouchard C et al. Phy sical activity and public health. A recommendation f rom the Centers f or Disease Control and Prev ention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Journal of Am erican Medical Association 1995; 273(5):402-7. and U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv ices. Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Department of Health and Human Serv ices, Centers f or Disease Control and Prev ention, National Center f or Chronic Disease Prev ention and Health Promotion, The Presidents' Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: Atlanta, GA:USA. 1996.ORb) f) 5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous- intensityactivities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of at least 600 MET-minutes/week. Individuals meeting at least one of the above criteria would be defined as accumulating a moderate level of activity. See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.Category 3 HighA separate category labelled …high‟ can be computed to describe higher levels of participation. The two criteria for classification as …high‟ are:a) vigorous-intensity activity on at least 3 days achieving a minimum Total physicalactivity of at least 1500 MET-minutes/week 7 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity orvigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum Total physical activity of atleast 3000 MET-minutes/week.See Section 7.5 for information about combining days across categories.6.4 IPA Q Sitting Question IPA Q Long FormThe IPAQ sitting question is an additional indicator variable and is not included as part of any summary score of physical activity. To-date there are few data on sedentary (sitting) behaviours and no well-accepted thresholds for data presented as categorical levels. For the sitting question …Minutes‟ is used as the indicator to reflect time spent in sitting rather thanMET-minutes which would suggest an estimate of energy expenditure.IPAQ long assesses an estimate of sitting on a typical weekday, weekend day and time spent sitting during travel (see transport domain questions).Summary sitting variables includeSitting Total Minutes/week = weekday sitting minutes* 5 weekdays + weekend day sitting minutes* 2 weekend daysAverage Sitting Total Minutes/day = (weekday sitting minutes* 5 weekdays + weekend day sitting minutes* 2 weekend days) / 7Note: The above calculation of …Sitting Total‟ excludes time spent sitting during travel because the introduction in IPAQ long directs the responder to NOT include this component as it would have already been captured under the Transport section. If a summary sitting variable including time spent sitting for transport is required, it should be calculated by adding the time reported (travelling in a motor vehicle) under transport to the above formula. Care should be taken in reporting these alternate data to clearly distinguish the …total sitting‟ variable from a …total sitting - including transport‟ variable.Data Processing RulesIn addition to a standardized approach to computing categorical and continuous measures of physical activity, it is necessary to undertake standard methods for the cleaning and treatment of IPAQ datasets. The use of different approaches and rules would introduce variability and reduce the comparability of data.There are no established rules for data cleaning and processing on physical activity. Thus, to allow more accurate comparisons across studies IPAQ Research Committee has established and recommends the following guidelines:7.1 Data CleaningI. Any responses to duration (time) provided in the hours and minutes response optionshould be converted from hours and minutes into minutes.II. To ensure that responses in …minutes‟ were not entered in the …hours‟ column by mistake during self-co mpletion or during data entry process, values of …15‟,…30’,…45‟,…60‟ and …90‟ in the …hours‟ column should be converted to …15‟,…30‟,…45‟,…60‟ and …90‟ minutes, respectively, in the minutes column.III. In some cases duration (time) will be reported as weekly (not daily) e.g., VWHRS, VWMINS. These data should be converted into an average daily time by dividing by 7. IV. If …don‟t know‟ or …refused … or data are missing for time or days then that case is removed from analysis.Note: Both the number of days and daily time are required for the creation ofcategorical and continuous summary variables7.2 Maximum Values for Excluding OutliersThis rule is to exclude data which are unreasonably high; these data are to be considered outliers and thus are excluded from analysis. All cases in which the sum total of all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous time variables is greater than 960 minutes (16 hours) should be excluded from the analysis. This assumes that on average an individual of 8 hours per day is spent sleeping.The …days‟ variables can take the range 0-7 days, or 8, 9 (don‟t know or refused); values greater than 9 should not be allowed and those cases excluded from analysis.7.3 Minimum Values for Duration of A ctivityOnly values of 10 or more minutes of activity should be included in the calculation of summary scores. The rationale being that the scientific evidence indicates that episodes or bouts of at least 10 minutes are required to achieve health benefits. Responses of less than 10 minutes [and their associated days] should be re-coded to …zero‟.This rule attempts to normalize the distribution of levels of activity which are usually skewed in national or large population data sets.In IPAQ short - it is recommended that all Walking, Moderate and Vigorous time variables exceeding ... 3 hours‟ or ...180 minutes‟ are truncated (that is re-coded) to be equal to (180)7.4 Truncation of Data Rulesminutes‟ in a new variable. This rule permits a maximum of 21 hours of activ ity in a week to be reported for each category (3 hours * 7 days).In IPAQ long - the truncation process is more complicated, but to be consistent with the approach for IPAQ short requires that the variables total Walking, total Moderate- intensity and total Vigorous-intensity activity are calculated and then, for each of these summed behaviours, the total value should be truncated to 3 hours (180 minutes).When analysing the data as categorical variable or presenting median and interquartile ranges of the MET-minute scores, the application of the truncation rule will not affect the results. This rule does have the important effect of preventing misclassification in the …high‟ category. For example, an individual who reports walking for 10 minutes on 6 days and 12 hours of moderate activity on one day could be coded as …high‟ because this pattern meets the …7 day” and “3000 MET-min” criteria for …high‟. However, this uncommon pattern of activity is unlikely to yield the health benefits that the …high‟ categor y is intended to represent. Although using median is recommended due to the skewed distribution of scores, if IPAQ data are analysed and presented as a continuous variable using mean values, the application of the truncation rule will produce slightly lower mean values than would otherwise be obtained.7.5 Calculating MET-minute/week ScoresData processing rules 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 deals first with excluding outlier data, then secondly, with recoding minimum values and then finally dealing with high values. These rules will ensure that highly active people remain classified as …high‟, while decreasing the chances that less active individuals are misclassified and coded as …high‟.Using the resulting variables, convert time and days to MET-minute/week scores [see above Sections 5.2 and 6.2; METS x days x daily time].7.6 Calculating Total Days for Presenting Categorical Data on Moderate and HighLevelsPresenting IPAQ data using categorical variables requires the total number of …days‟ on which all physical activity was undertaken to be assessed. This is difficult because frequency in …days‟ is asked separately for walking, moderate-intensity and vigorous- intensity activities, thus allowing the total number of …days‟ to range from a minimumof 0 to a maximum of 21‟days‟ per week in IPAQ short and higher in IPAQ long. The IPAQ instrument does not record if different types of activity are undertaken on the same day.In calculating …moderately active‟, the primary requirement is to identify those individuals who undertake activity on at least …5days‟/week [see Sections 4.2 and 5.3]. Indi viduals who meet this criterion should be coded in a new variable called “at least five days” and this variable should be used to identify those meeting criterion b) at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity and/or walking; and those meeting criterion c) any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous-intensity activities achieving a minimum of 600MET-minutes/week.APPENDIX 1 Below are two examples showing this coding in practice:i) an individual who reports …2 days of moderate -intensity‟ and …3 days of walking‟ should be coded as a value indicating “at least five days”;ii) an individual reporting …2 days of vigorous -intensity‟, …2 days of moderate -intensity‟ and …2 days of walking should be coded as a value to indicate “at leastfive days” [even though the actual total is 6].The original frequency of …days‟ for each type of activity should remain in the data file for usein the other calculations.The same approach as described above is used to calculate total days for computing the…high‟ category. The primary requirement according to the stated criteria is to identify thoseindividuals who undertake a combination of walking, moderate-intensity and or vigorous-intensity activity on at least 7 days/week [See section 4.2].Individuals who meet this criterion should be coded as a value in a new variable to reflect “atleast 7 days".Below are two examples showing this coding in practice:i) an individual who reports …4 days of moderate -intensity‟ and …3 days of walking‟ shouldbe coded as the new variable “at least 7 days".ii) an individual reporting …3 days of vigorous -intensity‟, …3 days moderate - intensity‟ and…3 days walking‟ should be coded as “at least 7 days" [even though the total adds to9] .8. Summary algorithmsThe algorithms in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to this document show how these rules work inan analysis plan, to develop the categories 1 [Low], 2 [Moderate], and 3 [High] levels ofactivity.IPA Q Research CommitteeNovember 2005。
护士工作压力源量表Revised at 2 pm on December 25, 2020.
Modified Ashworth Scale
Purpose of the measure
The Modified Ashworth Scale is considered the primary clinical measure of muscle spasticity in patients with neurological conditions. However, some publications question its ability to measure spasticity and advocate the Modified Ashworth Scale as a rating scale to measure abnormality in tone or the resistance to passive movements, since there is no clinically direct method for measuring spasticity (Gregson, Leathley, Moore, Sharma, Smith & Watkins, 1999; Pandyan, Johnson, Price, Curless, Barnes & Rodgers, 1999).
Available versions
The Ashworth Scale was initially developed in the early 1960s by Bryan Ashworth, to estimate the efficclients with Multiple Sclerosis. It is a 5-point scale, with a grade score of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (Ashworth, 1964). In 1987, Bohannon and Smith added the grade "1+" and
量表一:Beck焦虑量表(BAI) 贝克焦虑量表(BecK Anxiety Inventory)由美国阿隆.贝克(AaronT.Beck)等于1985年编制,是一个含有21个项目的自评量表。
二、适用范围BAI 主要适用具有焦虑的成人。
2、信度:用BAI对60名焦虑患者及80名健康人作检查,并把结果的总分作t检验,结果表明两组BAI 的评分有显著的差异(p<0.01)。
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B4 如果孩子没有理解“电灯”这个词,重复说“玩具熊在哪里”或其他一些拿不到的物体。
1. 明显高危儿童的标准:
2. 一般高危儿童的标准: