市场营销学试题及答案一、选择题1. 市场营销的核心概念是()。
A. 产品开发B. 销售促进C. 顾客满意D. 市场细分答案:C2. 以下哪项不是市场调研的步骤?()。
A. 定义问题B. 收集数据C. 分析数据D. 制定营销策略答案:D3. 产品生命周期的第二阶段是()。
A. 介绍期B. 成长期C. 成熟期D. 衰退期答案:B4. 营销组合中的“价格”是指()。
A. 产品的生产成本B. 消费者支付的金额C. 产品的批发价格D. 产品的零售价格答案:B5. 目标市场选择的策略有()种。
A. 一元化B. 二元化C. 多元化D. 集中化答案:C二、填空题1. 市场营销的基本前提是__________,即企业必须从顾客的需求出发,提供满足其需求的产品或服务。
答案:顾客导向2. 市场细分是将市场划分为具有相似需求或欲望的__________群体的过程。
答案:消费者3. 营销环境分析中,__________是企业无法控制的外部因素,包括经济、政治、法律、社会文化等。
答案:宏观环境4. SWOT分析中的“T”代表的是__________,即企业面临的外部威胁。
答案:威胁(Threats)5. 促销组合中,__________是一种通过提供短期激励来增加产品销售的促销方式。
答案:销售促进(Sales Promotion)三、简答题1. 简述市场细分的作用。
2. 描述产品生命周期的四个阶段及其特点。
答:产品生命周期一般分为四个阶段:- 介绍期:产品刚刚推向市场,消费者对产品不熟悉,销售增长缓慢,利润较低。
- 成长期:产品逐渐被市场接受,销售快速增长,市场份额扩大,竞争者开始进入市场。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版Mengu1990出品市场营销学试题及参考答案一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1.市场营销学产生于()(1)十九世纪末(2)二十世纪(3)二战末期(4)本世纪五十年代2.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上适合尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是()(1)无差异市场营销战略(2)密集市场营销战略(3)差异市场营销战略(4)集中市场营销战略3.企业在调整业务投资组合时,对某些问号类业务单位单位,欲使其转入明星类单位,宜采取哪种战略()(1)保持(2)收割(3)发展增大(4)放弃4.机会水平和威胁水平均很高的企业业务属于()(1)理想业务(2)困难业务(3)冒险业务(4)成熟业务5.按马斯洛的需要层次论,最高层次的需要是()(1)生理需要(2)安全需要(3)自我实现需要(4)社会需要6.产业购买者往往这样选择供应商:你买我的产品,我也买你的产品,这种习惯做法称为()(1)直接购买(2)冲动购买(3)往返购买(4)互惠购买7.指出下列哪种市场是不可扩张市场()(1)儿童玩具市场(2)家用电器市场(3)烟草市场(4)食盐市场8.创新产品同原有产品只有细微差别,对消费模式的影响也十分有限,这种创新属于()(1)连续创新(2)非连续创新(3)动态创新(4)动态连续创新9.中国服装设计师李艳萍设计的女士服装以典雅、高贵享誉中外,在国际市场上,一件“李艳萍”牌中式旗袍售价高达1千美元,这种定价策略属于()(1)声望定价(2)基点定价(3)招徕定价(4)需求导向定价10.同一层次的多个企业为了争夺同一目标市场的销售而进行的竞争称为()(1)水平渠道冲突(2)垂直渠道冲突(3)水平渠道竞争(4)渠道系统竞争11.不同广告媒体所需成醒有差别的,其中最昂贵的是()(1)报纸(2)电视(3)广播(4)杂志12.以向企业管理人员提供有关销售、成本、存货、现金流程、应收帐款等各种反映企业经或现状信息为其主要工作任务的系统,是市场营销信息系统中的() (1)市场营销情报系统(2)市场营销研究系统(3)市场营销分析系统(4)内部报告系统13.在国际市场营销中,能最大限度刺激销售人员积极性的激励方法是()(1)固定薪金加奖励(2)佣金制(3)浮动工资(4)固定工资14.在影响服务定价的成本要素中,职员加班费属于()(1)固定成本(2)准固定成本(3)变动成本(4)准变动成本15.企业决定同时经营两种或两种以上互相竞争的品牌,这种决策称为()(1)品牌质量决策(2)家庭品牌决策(3)品牌扩展决策(4)多品牌决策二、多项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1.市场营销学主要对下列几类行为进行研究( )(1)消费行为(2)政府行为(3)供应商行为(4)市场营销机构行为(5)帮会组织行为2.市场每一次交易都包括以下几个可量度的实质内容()(1)至少有两个有价值的事物(2)交易双方所同意的条件(3)关联交易(4)各自的承诺(5)协议时间和地点3.一个有效的企业任务报告书应具备以下条件( )(1)市场导向(2)切实可行(3)有一定弹性(4)富鼓动性(5)具体明确4.企业最高管理层在规定企业目标水平时,必须对以下情况进行调查研究和分析后再作出决定()(1)政治环境(2)市场机会(3)资源条件(4)消费者运动(5)经营风险5.一体化增长战略的类型有()(1)前向一体化(2)后向一体化(3)双向一体化(4)水平一体化(5)垂直一体化6.根据消费者购物习惯划分,消费品可分为以下几类()(1)公用品(2)便利品(3)选购品(4)特殊品(5)非渴求品7.产品馐的作用有以下几方面( )(1)美化产品(2)保护产品(3)促进销售(4)增加产品价值(5)方便生产8.企业在调整和优化产品组合时,依据情况不同,可选择以下策略()(1)扩大产品组合(2)产品组合国际化(3)缩减产品组合(4)产品延伸(5)产品大类现代化9.消费者所生视的新产品的特性包括( )(1)相对优越性(2)适用性(3)复杂性(4)可试性(5)明确性10.企业定价导向大体上有以下几种( )(1)成本导向(2)需求导向(3)竞争导向(4)效益导向(5)批量导向11.垂直市场营销系统听合约系统有以下几种()(1)连锁店(2)消费者合作社(3)特许经营组织(4)零售商合作社(5)批发商创办的自愿连锁12.影响仓库位置选择的主要因素有()(1)运输量(2)运输距离(3)运输费用(4)运输时间(5)运输方向13.人员推销决策的内容大体上可分为以下几大类()(1)战略决策(2)组织决策(3)控制决策(4)目标决策(5)管理决策14.加工贸易是国际经济合作的有效方式,通常有以下几种重要形式()(1)来料加工(2)来样定制(3)来件装配(4)进料加工(5)补偿贸易15.在国际市场营销活动中,选择目标市场的标准有()(1)市场规模(2)市场增长速度(3)贸易费用(4)竞争相对优势(5)国际中间商成本三、填空题(每空1分,共15分)1.企业的回头客比率越高,________就越低。
市场营销学考试试题及答案一、选择题1. 市场营销的定义是什么?- A. 通过广告推广产品- B. 通过销售增加收入- C. 通过满足顾客需求和建立长期关系实现组织目标- D. 通过降低成本提高竞争力*答案:C*2. 以下哪种市场营销策略主要关注产品的差异化和创新?- A. 价格定位策略- B. 渠道选择策略- C. 产品发展策略- D. 市场细分策略*答案:C*3. 以下哪种营销环境因素属于宏观环境?- A. 顾客需求- B. 竞争状况- C. 政府政策- D. 公司资源*答案:C*二、简答题1. 请简述市场细分的概念和重要性。
*2. 请简要介绍SWOT分析法及其在市场营销中的应用。
在市场营销中,SWOT分析常用于:- 评估一个品牌或产品的竞争优势和不足之处;- 分析市场环境中的机会和威胁,以制定应对策略;- 根据分析结果调整市场定位和市场推广策略。
在产品策划和营销决策中,产品生命周期理论有重要的指导作用,主要表现在以下几个方面:- 可以根据产品所处的生命周期阶段进行不同的市场推广策略,如在成长期注重宣传和广告,而在成熟期则注重品牌维护和市场细分;- 可以帮助决策者预测产品未来的市场表现和销售趋势,从而制定相应的市场定位和市场调整策略;- 可以提醒企业不断创新和更新产品,以延长产品的生命周期,并适时推出新产品以替代衰退期的老产品。
《市场营销学》试卷(含答案)《市场营销学》一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1、市场营销最早产生于( )。
A、美国B、日本C、德国D、英国2、许多冰箱厂家近年来高举”环保”、”健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱.这些冰箱厂家奉行的营销观念是( )。
A、生产观念B、推销观念C、营销观念D、社会营销观念3、下列组织中,( )不是营销中介单位。
A、中间商B、供应商C、银行D、保险公司4、购买决策过程为( )。
A、收集信息~认识需要~判断选择~购买决策~购后决策B、收集信息~判断选择~认识需要~购买决策~购后决策C、认识需要~收集信息~判断选择~购买决策~购后决策D、认识需要~购买决策~购后评价~收集信息~判断选择5、不属于消费者市场细分标准的是( )。
A、地理环境B、人口状况C、最终用户D、行为细分6、处于( )的产品,可采用无差异性的目标市场营销策略。
A、成长期B、衰退期C、导入期D、成熟期7、企业开展目标市场营销决策的第三个步骤是( )。
A、市场细分B、目标市场选择C、市场定位D、执行和控制市场营销计划8、产品从制造商转移到消费者所经过的各中间商连接起来形成的通道是( )。
A、快速掠取策略B、缓慢掠取策略C、快速渗透策略D、缓慢渗透策略10、对现有产品的品质、款式、特点或包装等作一定的改进而形成的新产品,就是( )新产品。
A、仿制B、改进C、换代D、完全11、( )品牌就是指一个企业的各种产品分别采用不同的品牌。
A、个别B、制造商C、中间商D、统一12、一般来说消费品的促销工具主要是( )。
A、广告B、销售促进C、人员推销D、宣传13、企业针对最后消费者展开促销攻势,使消费者产生需求,进而向零售商要求购买该产品,零售商则向批发商要求购买该产品,批发商最后向企业购买该产品饿策略是( )。
市场营销学考试题及答案一、选择题1. 市场营销的核心是什么?A. 产品B. 价格C. 顾客需求D. 销售渠道答案:C2. 以下哪项不属于市场细分的依据?A. 地理位置B. 心理特征C. 购买力D. 产品类型答案:D3. SWOT分析中的“S”代表什么?A. 优势B. 劣势C. 机会D. 威胁答案:A4. 以下哪个不是市场定位的方法?A. 产品定位B. 价格定位C. 服务定位D. 品牌定位答案:D(品牌定位是市场定位的一种方法)5. 4P营销理论中的“P”代表什么?A. 产品(Product)B. 价格(Price)C. 地点(Place)D. 促销(Promotion)答案:ABCD二、简答题1. 简述市场调研的重要性。
2. 描述产品生命周期的四个阶段。
答案要点:1. 定位策略:将产品定位为高端市场,强调其创新技术和独特价值。
2. 推广策略:通过社交媒体、专业评测和口碑营销来提高产品知名度。
3. 价格策略:可以采取高价值定价策略,同时提供分期付款或优惠套餐来降低消费者的购买门槛。
4. 渠道策略:选择高端电子产品零售商和在线平台作为主要销售渠道。
5. 促销策略:举办产品发布会,提供限时折扣或捆绑销售其他配件。
市场营销学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是市场营销的四大基本营销策略组合因素?A. 产品(Product)B. 价格(Price)C. 地点(Place)D. 促销(Promotion)答案:D2. 市场营销观念的核心是:A. 提高生产效率B. 满足消费者需求C. 降低成本D. 提高产品质量答案:B3. 以下哪个市场细分依据属于行为细分?A. 年龄B. 收入C. 购买动机答案:C4. 以下哪种定价策略属于心理定价策略?A. 成本加成定价法B. 市场渗透定价法C. 声誉定价法D. 竞争对手定价法答案:C5. 以下哪个渠道策略属于直接渠道?A. 批发商B. 零售商C. 代理商D. 互联网销售答案:D6. 以下哪个属于促销组合中的营业推广?A. 广告B. 公关C. 人员推销D. 优惠券7. 品牌延伸策略的缺点不包括以下哪项?A. 可能损害原有品牌形象B. 可能降低原有品牌忠诚度C. 增加企业运营成本D. 增加市场竞争力答案:D8. 以下哪个不属于消费者购买决策过程的基本阶段?A. 需求识别B. 信息搜索C. 购买决策D. 购后评价答案:C9. 以下哪个市场细分依据属于地理细分?A. 年龄B. 收入C. 地域D. 购买动机答案:C10. 以下哪个属于网络营销的推广手段?A. 搜索引擎优化(SEO)B. 电子邮件营销C. 网络广告D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 市场营销的核心是______,其目的是满足______的需求。
答案:交换,消费者12. 市场营销的四大基本营销策略组合因素是______、______、______和______。
答案:产品,价格,地点,促销13. 市场细分的方法包括______、______、______和______。
答案:地理细分,人口细分,心理细分,行为细分14. 定价策略包括______定价策略、______定价策略、______定价策略和______定价策略。
1. 什么是市场定位?为什么市场定位对于营销战略至关重要?答:市场定位是企业根据市场需求和竞争对手状况,选择目标市场并确定产品在该市场的定位。
2. 请简要解释市场细分是什么,并列举出至少两种市场细分方法。
3. 什么是市场调研?市场调研的作用是什么?答:市场调研是指通过系统性的调查和研究来获取市场相关的信息和数据。
4. 请简要解释SWOT分析的概念,并说明其在市场营销中的应用。
市场营销英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is NOT a function of marketing?A. Product developmentB. PromotionC. DistributionD. Human resources management2. The 4Ps of marketing mix refer to:A. Product, Price, Place, PromotionB. Product, Price, Position, PromotionC. Product, Price, Positioning, PromotionD. Product, Place, Position, Promotion3. What is the primary goal of market segmentation?A. To increase the number of productsB. To target specific customer groupsC. To reduce advertising costsD. To expand the market share4. Which of the following is an example of a push strategy?A. AdvertisingB. Personal sellingC. Sales promotionsD. Public relations5. The concept of "Customer Lifetime Value" (CLV) is used to measure:A. The value of a customer's first purchaseB. The value of a customer's total purchases over timeC. The value of a customer's most recent purchaseD. The value of a customer's future purchases6. What is the term used to describe the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements efficiently and effectively?A. Market researchB. Customer relationship managementC. MarketingD. Product management7. A marketing campaign that focuses on the benefits of the product to the customer is known as:A. Feature-based marketingB. Benefit-based marketingC. Need-based marketingD. Value-based marketing8. Which of the following is a type of market structure?A. MonopolyB. OligopolyC. Perfect competitionD. All of the above9. In marketing, the term "brand equity" refers to:A. The value of the brand's assetsB. The brand's market shareC. The brand's advertising budgetD. The brand's customer base10. Which of the following is a key element of the marketing mix for services?A. Service qualityB. Service priceC. Service promotionD. All of the above二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. The SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and ________.12. The marketing concept is based on the idea that the key to achieving organizational goals is to determine the needs and wants of ________ and society.13. A ________ is a marketing strategy that involves creatinga unique image or identity in the minds of consumers.14. The term "market penetration" refers to increasing sales of existing products to existing customers without ________.15. The marketing mix for tangible goods is often referred to as the "4Ps," while for services it is sometimes called the "7Ps," which includes the additional elements of people, process, and ________.三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. Briefly explain the concept of market orientation and its importance in business.17. Describe the steps involved in the marketing research process.四、案例分析题(15分)18. (a) Assume you are a marketing manager for a new smartphone brand. Discuss the factors you would consider when setting the price for your product.(b) How would you use the concept of market segmentation to target different consumer groups?五、论述题(20分)19. Discuss the role of technology in modern marketing and how it has changed the way companies interact with their customers.答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. B4. B5. B6. C7. B8. D9. A10. D二、填空题11. threats12. target customers13. brand positioning14. targeting new markets15. physical evidence三、简答题16. Market orientation is a business philosophy that emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs in order to achieve long-term success. It involves a customer-centric approach where the company's actions are driven by the needs and wants of the market. This concept is important because it helps companies to be more competitive by focusing on customer satisfaction, which can lead to increased loyalty and profitability.17. The marketing research process typically involves the following steps: defining the research problem, designing the research, collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting findings. Each step is crucial for gaining insights into the market and making informed decisions.四、案例分析题18. (a) When setting the price for a new smartphone, factors to consider include production costs, competitor pricing, perceived value, target market's willingness to pay, and the desired profit margin. (b) Market segmentation can be used to identify different consumer groups based on demographics, psychographics, or behavioral factors. Tailoring。
市场营销学习题答案英语Market Marketing Study Guide Answers in EnglishMarket marketing is a crucial aspect of any business, and it is essential for students of marketing to have a deep understanding of the subject. To help students in their studies, here are the answers to some common market marketing study guide questions in English.1. What is market marketing?Market marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services to a specific target audience. It involves understanding the needs and wants of the target market and creating strategies to meet those needs effectively.2. What are the key elements of market marketing?The key elements of market marketing include market research, target audience identification, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. These elements work together to create a successful marketing strategy.3. What is the importance of market research in market marketing?Market research is crucial in market marketing as it helps businesses understand their target audience, their preferences, and their purchasing behavior. This information is vital in creating effective marketing strategies and developing products or services that meet the needs of the target market.4. How does market marketing differ from traditional marketing?Market marketing focuses on creating personalized and targeted marketing strategies to reach specific audiences, while traditional marketing tends to havea broader approach. Market marketing uses data and analytics to tailor marketing efforts to the needs of the target market, whereas traditional marketing may rely on more general advertising and promotion.5. What are the different types of market marketing strategies?There are various market marketing strategies, including segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation. Segmentation involves dividing the market into smaller, more manageable segments based on factors such as demographics, psychographics, and behavior. Targeting involves selecting specific segments to focus marketing efforts on, while positioning involves creating a unique and favorable perception of the brand in the minds of the target audience. Differentiation involves making the brand stand out from competitors by highlighting its unique features and benefits.In conclusion, market marketing is a complex and dynamic field that requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and effective marketing strategies. By mastering the key elements of market marketing and understanding the importance of market research, students can prepare themselves for successful careers in the field of marketing.。
四、名词解释(每小题3分,共12分)1. 需求:需求是指对有能力购买的某个具体产品的欲望。
2. 品牌:品牌是指一种名称、品牌、术语、符号或设计,或是它们的组合运用,其目的是借以辨认某个销售者或某群销售者的产品或服务,并使之同竞争对手的产品和服务区别开来。
3. 定位:定位指企业根据目标市场上同类产品竞争状况,针对顾客对该类产品某些特征或属性的重视程度,为本企业产品塑造强有力的、与众不同的鲜明个性,并将其形象生动地传递给顾客,求得顾客认同。
4. 数据库营销:数据库营销是指企业通过搜集和积累消费者的大量信息,经过处理后预测消费者有多大可能去购买某种产品,以及利用这些信息给产品以精确定位,有针对性地制作营销信息以达到说服消费者去购买产品的目的。
一、选择题1. 市场营销学的核心是:a) 产品设计b) 价格策略c) 市场需求d) 广告宣传答案:c) 市场需求解析:市场营销学的核心是了解市场需求,只有深入了解顾客的需求和需求背后的动机,企业才能提供满足顾客需求的产品和服务。
2. 市场细分是指将市场分割成若干具有相似需求特征的群体,这些群体被称为:a) 顾客细分b) 市场细分c) 受众细分d) 特定群体细分答案:b) 市场细分解析:市场细分是将市场按照顾客的需求特征和行为进行划分,以便企业可以更加精准地制定市场营销策略,满足不同群体的需求。
3. SWOT分析是指:a) 市场调研方法b) 竞争对手分析c) 企业内部分析和外部环境分析d) 客户满意度调查答案:c) 企业内部分析和外部环境分析解析:SWOT分析是指对企业内部的优势和劣势以及外部环境的机会和威胁进行评估和分析,以发现企业在市场中的竞争优势和不足之处。
4. 市场营销的四个P指的是:a) 产品、价格、人员、渠道b) 产品、价格、渠道、推广c) 产品、人员、渠道、促销d) 产品、价格、人员、促销答案:b) 产品、价格、渠道、推广解析:市场营销的四个P分别指产品(Product)、价格(Price)、渠道(Place)和推广(Promotion),这是企业制定营销战略时需要考虑的关键因素。
二、简答题1. 请简要解释市场定位的概念及其重要性。
这种定价策略属于(B)A成本加成策略 B差别定价策略 C心理定价策略 D组合定价策略2、假定某品牌微波炉单价由800元降至600元,销量由1万台增至1.5万台,则说明该产品的需求价格弹性为(D )A无弹性 B缺乏弹性 C 富有弹性 D单元弹性3、企业产品订价的最终目的是( B )A获得最大利润 B使顾客满意 C价格具有竞争力 D符合政策要求4、在市场竞争条件下卖主和买主只能是价格的接受者,而不是价格的决定者,这种竞争情况叫做(C)A垄断竞争 B寡头竞争 C完全竞争 D完全垄断5、企业把创新产品的价格定得较低,以吸引大量顾客,提高市场占有率,这种定价策略叫做(B )A撇脂定价 B渗透定价 C目标定价 D加成定价.6、中国服装设计师李艳萍设计的女士服装以典雅、高贵享誉中外,在国际市场上,一件“李艳萍”牌中式旗袍售价高达1千美元,这种定价策略属于( A )A声望定价 B基点定价 C招徕定价 D需求导向定价7、在完全竞争情况下,企业只能采取( B )订价法。
A成本加成 B随行就市 C拍卖 D边际成本8、饮用水厂向广大消费者免费赠送饮水机以扩大桶装饮用水的销售量是实施( )策略。
A招徕订价 B俘虏产品订价 C捆绑式销售 D选择产品订价9、按照顾客一次购买总量或订购量而给予折扣的方法是(C)A现金折扣 B累计折扣 C非累计折扣 D 数量折扣10、企业选定一些中心城市统一定价,再按最近城市距顾客距离收取运费为(C)A统一交货定价 B分区定价 C基点定价 D部分运费免收定价82、企业将产品通过自己设置的商店卖给消费者,通常称此营销行为是(C )A批发销售 B间接销售 C直接销售 D寄售83、协助买卖成交、推销产品,但对所经营产品没有所有权的中间商有(B )A批发商 B运输公司 C制造商代表 D零售商84、生产者——批发商——零售商——消费者称为(B )A一阶渠道 B二阶渠道 C三阶渠道 D四阶渠道85、确定各层次配置同类型中间商数目属于(C )渠道决策A直接渠道与间接 B长渠道与短 C宽渠道与窄 D单渠道与多86、企业在纵向上配置不同类型中间商层次数属于(B )渠道决策A直接渠道与间接 B长渠道与短 C宽渠道与窄 D单渠道与多87、某企业的主要产品是香皂和洗衣粉。
可见,该厂家深刻领悟到羽绒服的需求属于( A )。
A不规则需求B充分需求C潜伏需求D潜在需求2、保证市场调研取得成功的关键是是( B )A确定营销调研主题B制定营销调研方案C收集市场信息资料D提出营销调研报告3、海尔冰箱有各种各样的形式,包括单门冰箱、两门冰箱、三门冰箱、对开门冰箱、多开门冰箱、十字对开门冰箱等,它们之间的竞争方式属于( C )A愿望竞争者B一般竞争者C产品形式竞争者D品牌竞争者4、在春节、中秋节、情人节等节日即将来临的时候,许多商家都大作广告。
他们对市场进行细分的方法是( D )A地理细分B人口细分C心理细分D行为细分5、一般来说,市场成长率和相对市场份额都高,需要大量的资金投入以支持其快速增长的战略业务单位是( B )A问题类B明星类C现金牛类D瘦狗类6、某大豆加工企业为方便消费者识别自己的产品,现决定为其产品设计并创建品牌,这种品牌策略属于( A )A品牌化策略B品牌发展策略C品牌名称策略D品牌使用者策略7、企业把创新产品的价格定得较低,以吸引大量顾客,提高市场占有率,这种定价策略叫做( B )A撇脂定价B渗透定价C满意定价D加成定价8、经营口香糖的公司为使广大消费者能随时随地买到口香糖,最适宜采取的分销模式是( C )A独家分销B选择性分销C密集性分销D排他性分销9、KG公司在九寨沟地震后捐款1000万元,引发当地媒体的竞相报道,该企业的营销传播行为属于( C )A广告B销售促进C公共关系D人员推销10、由市场型营销组织与产品型营销组织结合起来的混合式营销组织类型是( C )A产品型营销组织B职能型营销组织C矩阵型营销组织D事业部型营销组织二、简答题(每题7分,共28分)1、营销观念的演进可分成哪些导向?答:生产观念:认为消费者或用户喜欢购买便利与价格低廉的产品。
Chapter 11-5 EBAEA 6-10 DDBCD 11-15 EACAD16-20 FTTFTChapter 21-5 BBBAC 6-10 ABACA 11-15 BCCAE16-20 TTFTF 21-22 TF23. Countries with emerging markets present great potential to international firms. These countries with emerging markets that are expected to have a successful economy future share a number of traits: high political stability, a sound currency, a low level of inflati on, privatization policies that reduce government deficit, create first-time share owners w ho vote for pro-business conservative policies and diminish the power of trade unions, p olicies that facilitate repatriation of dividends and capital, policies that are in line with in ternational accounting standards, open disclosure of directors' interests ,policies that stres s regular reporting of earnings and sales figures, a sound and comprehensive system of corporate law, a liquid and well-traded securities market reflecting fair prices, a high savi ngs rate, strong government support for internationalization, a people characterized by in tegrity, a strong work ethic, and respect for the law.24.S stands for strength;W stands for weakness;O stands for opportunity;T stands for thr eats.25.Geology and the shortage of natural resources; Hydrology and economic development topography and access to Markets;climate.Chapter 31-5 CACDA 6-10 BDDCD 11-15 EEDEA16-21 TTTFTF22. Marketing environment is constantly changing, Marketing managers need to constantly monitor the different forces affecting their international operations. Marketing informatio n, which should constitutes a basis for an executive action, must be taken into considera tion to improve the chances of success in a complex global environment.23.Marketing research system consists of :research of industry market characteristics and market trends,product research,distribution research,buyer behavior research,pricing researc h,promotion research.24. Defining the research problem and research objectives ,Developing the research plan, Deciding on information sources, interpreting data collected, Solving the problem.25.The data collected to address the problem at hands is known as primary data, collect ed either by the company itself (internal) or by some other firm or agency (external) is called secondary data.26. Defining the research problem and research objectives ,Developing the research plan, Deciding on information sources, interpreting data collected, Solving the problem.27.Data collected either by the company itself (internal) or by some other firm or agenc y (external) is called secondary data.28.We should pay attention to both macro-environment and micro-environment.(list some factors influencing the two mentioned environments).Chapter 41-5 CDAAE 6-10 CDDBC 11-15 ACDBD 16 Be price and sales promotions to promote buying,add product features or enhanceme nts to differentiate their brands from the rest of the pack and raise involvement.,Ad rep etition.First carefully choose your ads media,try to reach your target customer.And try to make customers interested.19.The marketer’s after-sale communications should provide evidence and support to hel p consumers feel good about their brand choices.20.People have attitudes regarding religion, politics, clothes, music, food, and almost ever ything else. Attitude describes a person’s relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and t endencies toward an object or idea.Chapter 51-5 CABAC 6-10 BEBBA 11-15 ACACDpanies today recognize that they cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace—or at least not to all buyers in the same way. Buyers are too numerous, widely scattere d, and varied in their needs and buying practices. Moreover, the companies themselves v ary widely in their abilities to serve different segments of the market.17.A product’s position is the way the product is defined by consumers on important a ttributes—the place the product occupies in consumers’minds relative to competing pr oducts. Products are made in factories, but brands happen in the minds of consumers.Co nsumers are overloaded with information about products and services. They cannot reeva luate products every time they make a buying decision.Consumers position products with or without the help of marketers;But marketers do not want to leave their products’positions to chance. They must plan positions that will give their products the greatest a dvantage in selected target markets.18.Markets consist of buyers, and buyers differ in one or more ways. They may differ in their wants, resources, locations, buying attitudes and buying practices.There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination.19.(1)Geographic Segmentation;(2)Services Differentiation,More for the Same positioning.(3) More for the Same positioning(4)State what the socially responsible target marketing. Chapter 61-5 CDBAB 6-10 DBABB 11-15 BCEAE 16-20 BDDCD21-26 TTTTFTTask1.Safety, reliability,maintenance,convenient,efficiency.2.Flexibility to produce, there will be changes relating to both limiting carbon emissions and increasing energy .3.Promotion can help make the launch successful.4.Growth and maturity stageChapter 71-5 AADBD 6-10 DBDBE 11-14 AEBB15-20 TFTFFFChapter 81-5 BDEDC 6-10 DCDCA 11 C12. Customer perceptions of value;Value-based pricing;Good-value pricing;Value-added pricing;13. Four:pure competition market,monopolistic competition,oligopolistic competition,pure m onopoly;oligopolistic competition14. Market skimming makes sense only under certain conditions. First, the product’s quality and image must lead customers to have a positive perception of its value against such a high price that they will accept the product at that price. Second, the costs of producing a smaller volume cannot be so high that they cancel the advantage of chargin g more. Finally, competitors should not be able to enter the market easily and undercut the high price.15. First, how does the company’s market offering compare with competitors’offering s in terms of customer value?Second, how strong are current competitors and what are their current pricing strategies?16.Product line pricing, optional-product pricing, captive-product pricing, by-product pricing, and product bundle pricing.17. In using psychological pricing, sellers take into consideration the psychology of prices and not simply the panies can strategically exert influence on consumers’psychology or use consumers’reference prices when setting price;reference prices are prices that consumers have in their minds and use them as reference when examining a given offer.18. FOB-origin pricing:the goods are placed free on board;Uniform-delivered pricing:the co mpany sets the same price including freight to all customers, regardless of their location; freight-absorption pricing:seller absorbs all or part of the actual freight charges to get the desired business.19.Economic conditions, competitive situations, laws and regulations, and developmentof the wholesaling and retailing system.20.They want to dominate the market through lower costs or reduce prices to promote sales and share.Chapter 91-5 EAECA 6-10 ACDAE11-15 First, buyers themselves are changing.;Second, marketing strategies are changing;Fin ally, changes in communications technology are causing striking changes in the ways in w hich producers and customers communicate with each other.12. Identifying the Target Audience;Determining the Communication Objectives;Designing a Message;Choosing Media;Selecting the Message Source; Collecting Feedback;13.Cost and effectiveness.(Each promotion tool has its own characteristics and costs.)14.New products normally need big advertising budgets to build awareness and gain cons umer trial,and so on. In contrast, mature brands usually require lower budgets as a ratio to sales.15. Start with customers. Identify all customer touch points for the company and its bra nds.Work to ensure that communications at each touch point are consistent with the ov erall communications strategy and that communications efforts are occurring when, where, and how customers want them;Analyze trends—internal and external—that can affect th e company’s ability to do business. Look for areas where communications can help the most. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each communications function. Developa combination of promotional strategies based on strengths and weaknesses;Audit the p ockets of communications spending throughout the organization. Itemize the communicati ons budgets and tasks and consolidate these into a single budgeting process;Reassess all communications expenditures by product, promotional tool, stage of the life-cycle, and ob served effect,etc.16. Media planners must compute the cost per thousand persons reached by a vehicle;T he media planner must also consider the costs of producing ads for different media. 17. Designing Sales Force Strategy and Structure;Recruiting and Selecting Salespeople;Traini ng Salespeople;Compensating Salespeople.18. The affordable method, the percentage-of-sales method, the competitive-parity metho d, and the objective-and-task method.19Start with customers. Identify all customer touch points for the company and its brand s.Work to ensure that communications at each touch point are consistent with the overal l communications strategy and that communications efforts are occurring when, where, a nd how customers want them;Analyze trends—internal and external—that can affect the company’s ability to do business and so on.19. Direct mail and catalogs, telephone marketing, online marketing, and others,others—t hey all share four distinctive characteristics. Direct marketing is less public: The message is normally directed to a specific person. Direct marketing is immediate and customized: Messages can be prepared very quickly and can be tailored to appeal to specific consum ers. Finally, direct marketing is interactive.20. Just give examples and use the knowledge you have learned.。
《市场营销学》(双语)试卷一参考答案Ⅰ.Single Choice Questions: (Please choose the best answer from the corresponding four alternatives and mark A, B, C or D into the blank.20 scores totally and 1 score for each.)1. D2. A3. D4. B5. D6. B7. C8. D9. D 10.A11. D 12.C 13. A 14. C 15.C 16.C 17. B 18.B 19. B 20.BⅡ.Multiple Choice Questions: (Please choose at least 2 best answers from the corresponding alternatives and mark what you have chosen into the blanks. 20 scores totally and 2 score for each.)1. ABCD2. ABCD3. ABC4. ABC5.ABCD6. BCD7. BCD8. AB9. ABCD 10.ABCⅢ. True or False Questions: (Please determine true or false for the following statements, marking √for true and ×for false in the relevant blank without correction. 10 scores totally and 1 score for each.)1. √2. √3. √4. √5. ×6. ×7. ×8.×9. ×10.×Ⅳ.Briefly Answer the Following Questions: (All written responses must be in English.22 scores totally)1.(1)production concept (2)product concept (3)selling concept(4)marketing concept (5)societal marketing concept (one score for each) 2.(1) demographic (2) economic (3) natural (4) technological (5)political(6)cultural (one score for each)3. (1) undifferentiated marketing strategy(2)differentiated marketing strategy(3)concentrated marketing strategy(4)micromarketing strategy(one score for each)4.(1) Specialty Stores(2) Department Stores(3) Convenience Stores(4) Discount Stores(5) Off-Price Retailers(6) Supermarkets(7) Superstores (one score for each)Ⅴ.Translation from Chinese into English: (12 scores totally and 1 score for each.)1. customer satisfaction2. purchase decision3. Value proposition4. product line5. Seal-bid pricing6. Retailer Cooperatives7. competitive advantages 8. product mix9. Going-rate pricing 10. Franchise Organizations11.sales promotion 12. Rational appealsⅥ.Case Study: (Please present brief answers of the attached questions based on you understanding and analysis of the following case. Answer in Chinese is acceptable , 16 scores totally.)1、(1)张丽对这批珠宝采取了哪些营销组合策略?(4分)答:张丽对这批珠宝采取了人员推销(2分)和销售推广(2分)这两种营销组合策略。
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