



Can you say something about these pictures?
Pictures of objects, like fruit and flowers, are called still life pictures.
Abstract art is about shapes, colours and textures rather than
Look at the following pictures
1.Which of the paintings above do you like best? Why?
2. What do you think are the differenced between traditional Chinese painting and traditional European painting?
With the development of painting skills and painting materials, people created different types of painting.
With the development of painting skills and painting materials, people created different types of painting.
With the development of painting skills and painting materials, people created different types of painting.
With the development of painting skills and painting materials, people created different types of painting.



Visiting the masters
What will the e-mail tell us?
An __em__a_i_l from _L__i _M__in_g_ to his friend about his visit to some famous a_r_t_m__u_s_e_u_m__s.
1. Which cities has he visited on the trip? How many museums has he visited? 2.Which masters has Li Ming visited?
Another museum Amsterdam The Van Gogh Museum Paris
译林英语选修8Unit3Reading(共36张P PT)
译林英语选修8Unit3Reading(共36张P PT)
“By popular consensus, this
is the most valuable
painting in the world – it is impossible to
calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the
1606-1669 The Night Watch
What was Picasso most famous for?
acute angles cubes
What characteristics does Cubism have?
译林英语选修8Unit3Reading(共36张P PT)



His __a_m_a_z_ed___(惊讶的) expression suggested that he was __a_m_a_z_e_d__ (惊讶的) when he heard the __a_m_a_z_in_g__ (令人惊讶的)news.
_T_o__ou_r__am__a_z_em__e_n_t __ (让我们惊讶的是), his brother didn’t feel ___a_m_a_z_e_d___ (惊讶的) at the news.
We could see a range of hills in the distance.
It’s difficult to buy a house in our price range.
Claude Monet Paris France
With Impression, the painter abandons the idea of representing things exactly as they look in a photograph, but seeks to show…(L29)
Read and find out the Chinese meanings of the word “while”.
1.While all of them are very excellent, only one will be chosen.____尽__管______
2.Be careful while crossing the road.__当__…__…__时_候__
11. receive little reward for 12. upwards of G 7,8,9

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The new supermarket ranges over (涉及, 包括) a wide range of (一系列的)goods, _r_a_n_g_in_g__fr_o_m__c_lo_t_h_t_o_e_l_ec_t_ro_n_i_c_p_r_o_d_u_c_ts_. (从布料到电子产品)
=__I_n_a_d_d__it_io_n__t_o_ the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has _u_p_w__a_rd_s__o_f_6,000 other European paintings, __w__h_i_ch ra_n_g__e__be_t_w__e_e_n_13th century _a_n_d__ the 19th century.
2. He is a _w_o_r_t_h_y gentleman. ( 值得尊敬的) ( 值得花时间,精力,金钱等)
3. Nursing is a very __w__o_r_th_w__h_il_e__ career. =It is worthwhile _w_o_r_k_i_n_g_/ _t_o__w_o_r_k_ as a nurse.
1. Which one of the following sentences shares the same meaning as “abandon” above?
A. His mother abandoned him when he was 5
C years old.
B. He abandoned himself to despair.
• He had to abandon _g_o_i_n_g_ (go) for a picnic due to the



Life must have been extremely unbearable for van Gogh in the hard times. However, the struggle against misfortune for glory is not supposed to have ended in tragedy or even death.
What do you think about van Gogh’s life?
What would you do if you were in his position?
What do you think about the masters’ journey to success?
Detailed reading
Para 7
Complete a profile:
Name: Rembrandt Nationality: Dutch Dates of birth and death:_1_6_0_6_-_1_6_6_9 His masterpiece:_T_h_e__N_i_gh_t__W_a_t_c_h__ The place where some of his paintings are kept:a museum in Amsterdam
and rectangles
Detailed reading
Para 3
Name: Leonardo da Vinci Nationality:_I_t_al_ia_n______ Dates of birth and death: 1452-1519 His masterpiece:_M_o_na__L_is_a__________ His profession:_a_p_a_in_t_er_,_a_n_a_r_ch_i_te_c_t,__ _s_ci_e_nt_is_t_a_n_d_e_n_gi_n_ee_r________________ The place where the painting is kept:_t_h_e _L_ou_v_re__M_u_s_eu_m_,_P_a_ri_s______

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We started our trip in Spain and went to Malaga, where Picasso was 1. born . Picasso 2p.roducedmore than 20,000 pieces of art, and he was also a 3s. culptor. After leaving Spain, we went to Paris where Picasso 4.settled. In the Louvre Museum is the 5p. ricelessMona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci who is regarded as a great 6.talent . Later we went to the Musee d’ Orsay to see the 7.modern works of Claude Monet who 8b. elongedto the Impressionism. Yesterday, we went to Van Gogh Museum. Although he 9.devotedhis whole life to painting, he didn’t pay off . But today his paintings are worth 10. over millions of dollars. Tomorrow we will continue our visit.

译林英语选修8Unit3 Reading (共25张PPT)

译林英语选修8Unit3  Reading (共25张PPT)
The Louvre Museum The Musee d’Orsay
Picasso’s house
Name: Vincent van Gogh Nationality:_____D_u_t_c_h____________ Year of birth and death:1853-1890 Number of his art works: a_b__o_u_t ___ __8_0_0_o_i_l _p_a_in_t_i_n_g_s_a_n_d__1_,6_0_0__d_r_a_w_ings His masterpieces:_T_h_e_P__o_ta_t_o__E_a_te_r_s_, ____S_t_a_r_ry__N_i_g_h_t_,_S_u_n_f_lo__w_e_r_s_______
The favourite thing in his late paintings:_w_a_t_e_r_l_il_ie_s_______________
water Lilies
Water lilies floating on the surface of a pond
Another museum Amsterdam The Van Gogh Museum Paris
Nationality:___D_u_t_c_h_______________ Year of birth and death:__1_6_0_6_-_1_6_69 His masterpiece:_T_h__e_N__ig__h_t_W__a_t_c_h
The Night Watch
Practice: finish Part D Answer: BDFAGCE
preview the language points in the reading part



A travelogue
I. Choose the best answer.
The reading passage is a/an _______ about ________. A. letter; some famous countries B. letter; some world-famous artists C. e-mail; a trip to some famous art
a master
Can you name some foreign masters you like or you are familiar with?
Pablo Picasso Van Gogh
Leonardo da Vinci
Skimming for
general ideas
____8_0_0_o_i_l _p_a_in_t_in__g_s_a_n_d__1_,6_0_0__d_r_a_w_i_n_g_s__
His masterpieces:T_h_e__P_o_t_a_to__E_a_t_e_rs_,__S_t_a_rr_y__N_ig_h_t
The style of his painting:_I_m__p_re_s_s_i_o_n_i_s_m__
is a most famous one.
Willow and Cattle
He has made great contributions to Chinese art and culture. He is recognized as the most outstanding artist in the 20th century in China.


Pablo Picasso Leonardo da Vinci Claude Monet
Van Gogh Five masters
Part 2
Detailed reading of the text
Read the passage again and find out more information about Li Ming's trip.
Louvre Museum
In the …. is the famous… A picture of a lady with…consensus
so valuable that…difficult to calculate…if…
besides…. more than 6,000 range from…to…
ws about masters interviews about masters
Famous sayings
1 Cease to struggle and you cease to live. —— Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。——卡莱尔
2. Energy and persistence conquer all things. —— Benjamin Franklin
1、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。2、你们应该培养对自己,对自己的力量的信心,百这种信心是靠克服障碍,培养意志和锻炼意志而获得的。 3、坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。4、天行健,君子以自强不息。5、有百折不挠的信念的所支持的人的意志,比那些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大 的威力。6、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。7、意大利有一句谚语:对一个歌手的要求,首先是嗓子、嗓子和嗓子……我现在按照这一公式拙劣地摹仿为:对 一个要成为不负于高尔基所声称的那种“人”的要求,首先是意志、意志和意志。8、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。9、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 10、发现者,尤其是一个初出茅庐的年轻发现者,需要勇气才能无视他人的冷漠和怀疑,才能坚持自己发现的意志,并把研究继续下去。11、我的本质不是我的意志的结果, 相反,我的意志是我的本质的结果,因为我先有存在,后有意志,存在可以没有意志,但是没有存在就没有意志。12、公共的利益,人类的福利,可以使可憎的工作变为可 贵,只有开明人士才能知道克服困难所需要的热忱。13、立志用功如种树然,方其根芽,犹未有干;及其有干,尚未有枝;枝而后叶,叶而后花。14、意志的出现不是对愿 望的否定,而是把愿望合并和提升到一个更高的意识水平上。15、无论是美女的歌声,还是鬓狗的狂吠,无论是鳄鱼的眼泪,还是恶狼的嚎叫,都不会使我动摇。16、即使 遇到了不幸的灾难,已经开始了的事情决不放弃。17、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。18、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下 去。19、意志若是屈从,不论程度如何,它都帮助了暴力。20、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。21、意志坚强,就会战胜恶运。22、只有刚强的人,才有神 圣的意志,凡是战斗的人,才能取得胜利。23、卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利和艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。24、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。25、能 够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。26、钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中 锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。27、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。28、立志不坚,终不济事。29、功崇惟志,业广惟勤。30、一个崇高 的目标,只要不渝地追求,就会居为壮举;在它纯洁的目光里,一切美德必将胜利。31、书不记,熟读可记;义不精,细思可精;惟有志不立,直是无着力处。32、您得相 信,有志者事竟成。古人告诫说:“天国是努力进入的”。只有当勉为其难地一步步向它走去的时候,才必须勉为其难地一步步走下去,才必须勉为其难地去达到它。33、 告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。34、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。35、一个人所能做的就是做出好榜样,要有勇气在风 言风语的社会中坚定地高举伦理的信念。36、即使在把眼睛盯着大地的时候,那超群的目光仍然保持着凝视太阳的能力。37、你既然期望辉煌伟大的一生,那么就应该从今 天起,以毫不动摇的决心和坚定不移的信念,凭自己的智慧和毅力,去创造你和人类的快乐。38、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。39、在希望与失望的决斗中,如果 你用勇气与坚决的双手紧握着,胜利必属于希望。40、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。41、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。42、生命里最重 要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借助才能与坚持来完成它。43、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。我在沙漠中曾亲眼看见,匆忙的旅人落在从容的后边;疾驰的骏马落在后头, 缓步的骆驼继续向前。44、有志者事竟成。45、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。46、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。47、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。 48、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。49、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。50、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。我终 生的等待,换不来你刹那的凝眸。最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。 真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末能力可以慢 慢锻炼,经验可以慢慢积累,热情不可以没有。不管什么东西,总是觉得,别人的比自己的好!只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹 出世间的绝唱。对时间的价值没有没有深切认识的人,决不会坚韧勤勉。第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。不要因为寂寞而恋爱,孤独是为了幸福而 等待。每天清晨,当我睁开眼睛,我告诉自己:我今天快乐或是不快乐,并非由我所遭遇的事情造成的,而应该取决于我自己。我可以自己选择事情的发展方向。昨日已逝,

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2. Read the article again and complete Part C2.
Nation- Dates of Famous
birth and painting
Pablo Picasso
Spanish 1881- Guernica 1973
van Gogh Dutch 18531890
The Potato Eaters Starry Night
Rembrandt Dutch 1606- The Night 1669 Watchman
Leonardo da Vinci
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(4) What is the most valuable painting in the world?
Mona Lisa.
(5) What did da Vinci do besides painting?
He was also a sculptor, an architect, an engineer and a scientist.
He received little reward for his effort before he died.
(8) In which city did Li Ming see Rembrandt’s paintings?
In Amsterdam.
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Do you like art? Do you think art is important to us?


3. What did Li Ming do in Pairs? He went to the Louvre Museum and the Musee d’Orsay.
4. What is the most valuable painting in the world? The Mona Lisa.
7. What was the sad thing about van Gogh? Although van Gogh committed his whole being to painting, he received little reward for his effort. Only one painting had been sold before he died.
Part 3 Careful reading
Station 3
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Dates of birth and death: 1881-1973 Number of his art works: _o_v_e_r__2_0_,0_0_0__________ His profession:__p_a_i_n_t_e_r___sc_u_l_p_t_o_r____________ Painting styles:__C_u__b_is_m__立__体__主__义______________
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译林英语选修8 Unit3 ReadingPPT优秀课件

译林英语选修8 Unit3 ReadingPPT优秀课件
What common qualities should a successful person have?
Discussion( pair work)
To be a successful person, we should be or have…
intelligent/ intelligence
Analyzing the structure of the passage
Para_4__-8___ Para__9____
Taylor’s achievement and change in recent 10 years
Taylor’s unique qualities and examples
1.She experienced a difficult period. 2.She is strong enough to deal with difficult situations successfully now.
After she experienced a difficult period, She is so successful and strong because of the h_a_r_d_w_o_rk and _b_r_a_v_e_ry_ .
3.She has so many songs, of which is Love Story.
Reading Taylor is tough
Activity2 Be a good reader Task1 Fast reading
1.What is the main idea of the passage ?



Guernica 格尔尼卡
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 亚维农的少女
his masterpiece
Mona Lisa(1503-1506)
a lady with dark hair and a _m_y_s_t_er_i_o_u_s smile; this is the most _v_a_l_u_a_b_le_ painting in the world
Task 1: T or F
1. Amazingly, Picasso had an output of more than
2100,0,00000 pieces of art.
F (L11)
2. Picasso was born in Spain but settled in France
uses acute angles; being constructed of cubes and rectangles
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Artist Leonardo da Vinci

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Task 2: Introduce an artist (Group work) Suppose you are invited to introduce your favorite artist. Who will you introduce and how to introduce him/her?



Malaga Picasso Museum
his work in Cubism
What was Picasso most famous for?
Pablo Picasso
acute angles cubes
What characteristics does Cubism have?
purpose of the trip
Read paragraph1 find out what the author thought about the trip
Read paragraph2
1.Where did the author start? 2.What did they do?
Many artists earn money by painting portraits of rich and famous people.
A simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details.
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He’s a C__h_i_n_e_sepainter. He’s from _H_u_n_a_n__ province.
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Reading: Visiting the masters ( P34)
As long as we are brave enough and pay attention to surrounding materials, everyone can make creative pictures.
However, not everyone can do drawings that are recognized by experts and the public. Only those who are committed to it and have great talent make it! We call them 'masters of art'.
Unit 3 The world of colors and light
1.Do you like painting? 1.How many different types of painting do you know?
2.How many different types of painting do you know?
always been popular, both in China and in the west.
___A_b_s_t_r_a_c_t _a_r_t_ is about shapes and colors rather than objects.
Many artists earn money by painting
__p__o_r_t_r_a_i_ts___of rich and famous people.
Word power :P38
Different subjects of paintings

Different painting materials
portrait landscape still life mural abstract act
2. What are they?
Pizza faces String pictures Feather and seshell pictures Rubbish pictures Rubbish prints
ProjecTt:oUpincusual Pictures
Types/Kinds/Categories Materials Various
oil paints paintbrushes watercolours palette(调色板c)anvas(e画a架se)l(画布) pencils
Project: Unusual Pictures
Besides using these traditional painting materials, there are also many other ways to create unusual pictures. For example,
Reading: Visiting the masters(p34)
Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:
1.Which countries has Li Ming visited on his trip? 2.How many days did they spend in each city? 3.What does the author think of the trip? 4.What kind of writing is it?
A m__u__r_a_l is a very large piece of painting that
is done on the wall.
Pictures of objects, like
fruit and flowers, are
Paintings of nature / _L__a_n_d__sc__a_p_e_s____have
Fast reading Fantastic!
Another museum
probably 1 days Holland, Amsterdam The Van Gogh Museum
4 days
France, Paris
The Louvre Museum
The Musee d’Orsay
4.What kind of writing is it? Travelogue
watercolour painting oil painting
What do we need to make watercolour painting or oil painting?
Painting materials Draw lines to link pictures with words
sand painting
Project: Unusual Pictures
Project: Unusual Pictures
Go through the passage on Page46-47 and answer the following questions:
1. How many unusual ways to create pictures are mentioned in the passage?
Stick included weight
serve/function wrinkled
Project: short discussion
1.Can you think of other materials that can be used to make unusual pictures? 2.How can you use these materials to make pictures?