外国语学院2008-2009学年第二学期综合测评加扣分材料加分材料品德加分(品德累加不能超过20分)校团委干部姓名职务班别考核加分韩紫琪副秘书长英语072 良好品德加7分徐盈宣传部副部长经英081 优秀品德加8分谭玉冰宣传部部长经英081 良好品德加7分校学生会姓名职务班级考核加分程靖副主席经英06-1 优秀品德加9分胡美婷副部长英本07-1 优秀品德加7分白鸥部长英本07-1 优秀品德加8分李林桃副主任经英07-1 优秀品德加8分谢伟芬干事英语08-2 优秀品德加6分张洪干事经英08-1 良好品德加5分邝家琪干事经英08-1 优秀品德加6分黄思欣干事经英08-1 优秀品德加6分何李梅干事经英08-1 优秀品德加6分丁婷干事经英08-2 优秀品德加6分王丽芳干事经英08-2 优秀品德加6分曾妙钰干事英语08-2 良好品德加5分梁海燕干事英语08-1 优秀品德加6分邹晓云干事英语08-2 优秀品德加6分校青协何嘉琦秘书处助理经英081 优秀品德加6分分团委副书记屈柳清品德加9分助理杨文坤品德加7分组织部部长刘洁仪品德加8分副部长黎金玲品德加7分助理黄明珠品德加4分罗晓静品德加5分赖媛媛品德加5分调研部部长黄穗燕品德加8分副部长刘敏斐品德加7分助理洪毅品德加5分张敏瑜品德加5分张翔品德加4分梁月珍品德加4分宣传部部长吴林郁品德加8分副部长杨佩湾品德加8分助理陈云梅品德加5分陈敏品德加4分潘泓玲品德加5分冯伟玲品德加4分科技实践部部长陈晓红品德加8分助理陆穗文品德加4分钟月梅品德加5分学生会(完成)主席邵志强品德加10分副主席陈冬梅品德加9分赖尚彬品德加8分韩晓品德加8分副秘书长梁宝婷品德加9分助理陈瑜品德加5分李怡霏品德加5分姚俊妃品德加5分学习部部长黄小凤品德加7分孔琳品德加8分助理潘菲玲品德加5分刘美品德加5分宣传部部长马欢欢品德加8分副部长孙莉莉品德加7分唐施琦品德加7分助理黄霞品德加5分陈玉瑜品德加5分李丽丽品德加5分体育部部长刘俊霖品德加8分副部长周思丽品德加8分卢从好品德加7分助理杨文浩品德加5分李梦奇品德加5分罗玉娟品德加5分陈小清品德加5分文娱部部长伍倩姗品德加8分副部长戴幼聪品德加7分许美英品德加7分助理姚俊妃品德加5分邱君茹品德加5分钟少华品德加5分公关部部长谈明珠品德加8分蓝曼菊品德加7分助理谭玉冰品德加5分李艳婷品德加5分贺莎品德加3分柯小丽品德加4分冯世芬品德加5分刘晓玉品德加4分女生部部长蒋艳萍品德加8分副部长陈丽惠品德加7分助理陈海燕品德加3分黄韦莹品德加5分陈燕君品德加5分生活部部长黎玉玲品德加8分副部长莫理秋品德加7分助理叶思萍品德加5分黄李炎品德加5分网络部部长魏宝文品德加7分副部长盘柏佳品德加7分助理林秋荣品德加5分刘珊品德加5分黄琬惠品德加5分杨瑞芳品德加5分勤工部部长庞海清品德加8分副部长黄雪梅品德加8分陈小庭品德加7分助理刘秋燕品德加5分毛晓敏品德加4分温土娟品德加5分权益部部长郭丽倩品德加8分助理曾广生品德加5分李丽燕品德加5分自律部部长尤剑勇品德加7分助理唐旋品德加5分黄丽珍品德加5分青年志愿者协会(完成)会长甘惠敏品德加9分副会长赵丕烨品德加9分副会长岑丽婷品德加9分秘书处董美丹品德加8分朱惠娟品德加8分秘书处助理王聪叶品德加5分郑慧玲品德加5分外联部部长冯伟瑜品德加8分助理游焕杰品德加5分陈浩辉品德加5分柯冰兵品德加5分李冰云品德加5分行动部部长杨宜梅品德加8分副部长彭海婷品德加7分李劲珍品德加8分助理陈梅莲品德加4分邓春婵品德加5分黄彩梅品德加5分李均丽品德加5分组织部部长林榕清品德加8分助理郑俏姿品德加5分何华庭品德加5分梁津瑜品德加5分网络部部长赵丕烨品德加8分助理李杰品德加4分张洪涛品德加5分宣传部部长李惠如品德加8分副部长陈小婉品德加8分黄远品德加7分助理张晓君品德加4分钟李英品德加5分蔡汉钊品德加4分大学生社团联合会干部(完成)姓名班别职务考核加分杨立喜经英081 书画协会组织部部长优秀品德加6分王梓羽英语082 大学生社团联合会财务部助理优秀品德加6分郭天凤经英081 大学生社团联合会财务部助理优秀品德加6分郑坤廉英本074 大学生社团联合会考核部副部优秀品德加7分黄洁贞英语074 大学生社团联合会文娱部部长优秀品德加8分罗晓静经英082 大学生社团联合会主席助理优秀品德加6分郑俏姿经英081 大学生社团联合会主席助理优秀品德加6分梁月玲经英061 音乐沙龙协会外联部部长良好品德加5分梁翠妃英语071 日语文化协会副会长优秀品德加6分蓝旭鸿英语073 英语爱好者协会英语角部长优秀品德加6分黄小凤英语074 英语爱好者协会英语角秘书处优秀品德加6分部长张晓君英语081 英语爱好者协会组织部助理优秀品德加4分刘晓玉经英082 英语爱好者协会助理优秀品德加4分肖婷鸿英语082 网球协会秘书部助理优秀品德加4分黄勉英语074 记者团副团长良好品德加6分蓝曼菊英语071 记者团外联部部长良好品德加6分周洪任英语081 新儒学堂外联干事合格品德加4分钟月梅经英082 羽毛球协会秘书部长优秀品德加6分茂名学院艺术团(完成)姓名职务班别考核加分黄洁茵部长经英061 优秀品德加8分叶金连队长经英071 优秀品德加8分黄思荧副部英语071 优秀品德加8分梁月珍助理经英082 优秀品德加6分李梦奇队员经英082 良好品德加1分丁婷队员经英082 良好品德加1分钟少华队员经英081 优良品德加2分陈海燕队员经英082 优良品德加2分魏宝文队员英语074 优秀品德加3分何李梅队员经英081 优良品德加2分陆穗文队员经英081 优良品德加2分谢伟芬队员英语082 优良品德加2分游焕杰队员经英082 优良品德加2分陈浩辉副队长经英081 优秀品德加8分邓春婵队员经英082 优良品德加2分陈月宁队员经英082 优秀品德加3分李艳婷队员经英082 优良品德加2分陈燕君队员经英082 优良品德加2分梁文静队员经英082 优良品德加2分张洪队员经英082 优良品德加2分校检操员(品德加3分):(完成)英本081:林金凤经英081:郭天凤校广播站成员(品德加3分)经英061:廖琛容子外国语学院心理联络员(完成)经英071 何芳芳(品德加8分)辅导员助理陈继宗(品德加6分)唐施琦(品德加6分)茂名学院校报记者团(完成)丁丹经英071 记者品德加5分)邹佳琴英语071 记者品德加5分邝家琪经英082 记者品德加4分《茂名学院大学生报》干部(完成)英语082 张泽纯记者良好品德加6分《茂名学院大学生报》征稿作者加分(完成)经英082 罗晓静品德加3分班干考核:(完成)经英08-1班:优:徐盈(团支书加8分)、梁津瑜(组织委员加6分)良:张洪涛(班长加7分)、李冰云(学习委员加7分)、何嘉琦(生活委员加5分)中:蔡汉钊(文体育委员加4分)、何李梅(心理委员加4分)、钟少华(文娱委员加4分)、李杰(宣传委员加4分)及格:何华庭(治保委员加3分)、柯冰兵(女生干事加3分)经英08-2班:优:张翔(班长加8分)、李丽燕(学习委员加8分)良:梁文静(体育委员加5分)、李小杏(生活委员加5分)、邓春婵(心理委员加5分)中:曾静真(团支书加6分)、游焕杰(治保委员加4分)、陈燕君(文娱委员加4分)、邝家琪(宣传委员加4分)及格:李梦奇(组织委员加3分)、、丁婷(女生委员加3分)英语08-1班:优:余艳芳(团支书加8分)、刘秋燕(学习委员加8分)良:吕扬扬(班长加7分)、林金凤(心理委员加5分)黄彩梅(体育委员加5分)中:陈敏(生活委员加4分)、黄霞(女生干事加4分)、黄秋映(文娱委员加4分)、陈清(宣传委员加4分)合格:彭秋丽(组织委员加3分)英语08-2班:优:王梓羽(班长加8分)、柯小丽(学习委员加8分)良:林超群(团支书加7分)、潘菲玲(组织委员加6分)李怡霏(生活委员加6分)中:黄宗娟(宣传委员加4分)、肖婷鸿(体育委员加4分)、温玉容(文娱委员加4分)、黄李炎(心理委员加4分)合格:黄丽珍(女生委员加3分)、唐旋(治保委员加3分)英语07-1班:优:邹佳琴(班长加8分)马欢欢(团支书加8分)良:冯辉玲(学习委员加7分)催玉华(生活委员加5分)杨金桃(组织委员加5分)中:李嘉琪(女生干事加4分)李钿君(文娱委员加4分)刘敏斐(宣传委员)卢凌燕(心理委员加4分)合格:余秀莲(治保委员加3分)、周思妙(体育委员加3分)英语07-2班:优:黎玉玲(班长加8分)孙莉莉(团支书加8分)良:何美妹(学习委员加7分)崔冠霞(组织委员加5分)、杨宜梅(女生干事加5分)中:陈福弟(文娱委员加4分)、华霞(生活委员加4分)曾丹(宣传委员加4分)温智在(体育委员加4分)合格:黄健瑜(心理委员加3分)梁毅敏(治保干事加3分)英语07-3班:优:傅进辉(班长加8分)岑铭霞(学委加8分)良:蓝旭鸿(团支书加7分)何婉玲(生活委员加5分)陈晓红(组织干事加5分)中:关转秀(体育委员加4分)刘洁仪(女生干事加4分)谭志峰(治保干事加4分)李珊珊(文娱干事加4分)合格:郭海珠(心理干事加3分)庞金梦(宣传干事加3分)英语07-4班:优:黄小凤(学学习委员加8分)邓清良(班长加8分)良:潘桂兰(生活委员加6分)黄远(宣传委员加6分)黄楚莹(团支书加7分)中:陈水仙(女生干事加4分)黎春色(组织委员加4分)梁广亮(文娱委员加4分)陈晓勇(纪律委员加4分)合格:李劲珍(体育委员加3分)周雨薇(心理委员加3分)经英07-1班:优:黎金铃(班长加8分)李雯涛(学委加8分)良:袁丽(生活干事加5分)李林桃(团支书加7分)林榕清(组织干事加5分)中:叶金连(心理干事加4分)李解(宣传干事加4分)周思丽(体委加4分)郭利倩(女生干事加4分)合格:刘兵(男生干事加3分)卢从好(治保干事加3分)戴幼聪(文娱干事加3分)英语06-1班:优:容秋鸣(班长加8分)洪娜娜(学习委员加8分)良:杨海梅(生活委员加6分)罗娟(团支书加7分)尤玲(体育委员加5分)中:龚艳(宣传委员加4分) 何起宇(女生干事加4分)邵志强(治保委员加4分) 陈继宗(组织委员加4分)合格:温春洪(心理委员加3分)徐品清(文娱委员加3分)英语06-2班:优:关明珠(学习委员加8分)陈亮亮(班长加8分)良:李文浩(团支书加7分)、李晓红(组织委员加5分)黄彩梅(生活委员加5分)中:蔡喜娜(心理委员加4分)梁婉嫦(宣传委员加4分)许文桑(纪律委员加4分)周丽丽(体育委员加4分)合格:刘燕红(文娱委员加3分)经英06-1班:优:刘盼(学委加8分)周平玲(班长加8分)良:陈文亮(团支书加7分)梁菲菲(生活干事加5分)李彦桃(宣传干事加5分)中:刘玉华(文娱干事加4分)张翠莲(纪律委员加4分)梁月玲(心理干事加4分)黄洁茵(组织干事加4分)合格:周张寅(体育委员加3分)陈彬(女生干事加3分)以上学生干部只能加最高分的一项。
(3分)①()借东风—巧用天时②()借荆州—只借不还③()进首营—一言不发④()上梁山—官逼民反⑤()打宋江—过后赔礼⑥()照镜子——里外不是人X|k | b| 1 . c|o |m二、综合运用(3分)5、合肥19中校园记者站为庆祝建国六十一周年决定出版一本国庆专辑,作为文学社成员,请你完成以下任务。
请仿照‚如果祖国是一只雄鸡,我愿是一粒米‛这个句子另写一句(2分)三、阅读理解——老师想考查你的阅读能力(42 分)(一)借你一个微笑(15分)⑴李俊是个性格内向的学生,阅完的试卷一发下,我发现他眉头又锁到一起了,他只得了58分。
(人教版)山东省兖州市教研室2008—2009学年八年级下学期期末质量检测试卷——英语 (NXPowerLite)
( )1.A.Paris,I think.B.Next month.C.Let’s do it.( )2.A.Yes,I’d like to.B.OK.Thanks a lot.C.Sorry.I’ll do it right away.( )3.A.Last year.B.Only once. C.It is beautiful.( )4.A.He’s scared.B.Please call him up.C.I had a terrible haircut.( )5.A.Five dollars.B.Twenty minutes.C.Forty kilometers.(二)听录音中五组对话,选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。
( )6.Where are they talking?( )7.What does Tom collect?( )8.What does Pete want to play after finishing the work in the kitchen?A.Baseball.B.Basketball.C.Computer games.( )9.Does the man think dogs are popular pets?A.Yes,he does.B.N0,he doesn’t.C.It isn’t mentioned.( )10.When are the things in the shop cheap?A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.. C On Sunday.(三)听录音中两段较长的对话,选择能回答下面问题的正确答案。
2008-2009学年度上学期08级11月月考 英语 试卷
1.How old is Anita now ?A . Fifteen.B . Twenty -one.C . Thirty – five.2.What does the woman mean ?A .The game just begins .B .She knew who is the winner .C .It’s high time when they went to watch the game .3 .Which of the following statements is TRUE ?A .The man was talking to the strangerB .The stranger asked the man and the woman the wayC .Neither the woman nor the stranger knows where the bus stop is4 . How long must the woman and the man wait outside the shop ?A .15 minutes .B .45 minutes .C .50 minutes .5 . What do we learn from the talk ?A .The Science Museum isn’t free any more·B .The Science Museum is free as it used to be .C .The Science Museum was closed .第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2008-2009学年度下学期08级3月月考 英语 试卷
第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. -Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?-I don’t know, ___________.A. nor don’t I careB. nor do I careC. I don’t care neitherD. I don’t care also2. Few buildings in the area ______the war.A. leftB. survivedC. remainedD. escaped3. _________it rains tomorrow, I will get there on time.A. Even thoughB. As ifC. As long asD. As soon as4. Premier Zhou always ______ happiness and sorrow _______ the people.A. shared; toB. shared in; withC. shared in; toD. was shared; with5. -I’d like to take a week’s holiday.-_____, we’re too busy.A. Don’t worryB. Don’t mention itC. Forget itD. Pardon me6. There’s plenty of rain in the southeast, _________there’s little in the northwest.A. onceB. thenC. whileD. if7. A lot of advanced equipment _______this factory.A. has brought inB. was brought inC. were brought inD. was given in8. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only________ the film stars had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told9. Hurry up! The plane is about to ________A. put offB. take offC. go offD. see off10. The music teacher with a lot of teaching ______ bought a lot of musical _____ yesterday.A. experiences; equipmentB. experience ;equipmentC. experiences; equipmentsD. experience; equipments11. _______London, Greenfield is a small city.A .Comparing to B. Compared with C. Except for D. Called for12. You will not succeed without _________.A. a hard wordB. work hardC. working hardD. work hardly13. If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to drink and _____A. take it easyB. be carefulC. that’s all rightD. make yourself at home14. I don't think you fully ______the importance of the professor's speech about forests.A. realizeB. retellC. replyD. repeat15. My English teacher often ______far into the night going over the books.A. stayed upB. stayedC. remainedD. kept第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(5分)1.What’s the matter with John?2.How does Tom learn Chinese?3.What is John looking for?4.Why will the boy be late for the party?5.Where are the two speakers talking now?二)请听对话,选择正确答案。
6.What’s the matter with the man?A.He finds it difficult to go to sleep at night.B.He can’t sweep the floor.C.He was seriously ill.7.How many days has the man been like this?A.Two days.B.Three days.C.Four days.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至第10小题。
8.Who had the worst morning?A.DingJun.B.Li Mei.C.The saleswoman.9.When did Li Mei’s daughter buy her a pair of new shoes?A.Today.B.last night.C.Yesterday 10.Why did she go back to change the new shoes?A.Because the shoes were too small.B.Because the shoes were broken.C.Because the shoes were too big.三)请听下面一段短文,然后根据短文内容回答第11-15小题。
2008-2009学年新人教版八年级(下)数学期中测试卷2008-2009学年新人教版八年级(下)数学期中测试卷一、填空题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.(2分)分式,当x=_________时分式的值为零.2.(2分)当x_________时,分式有意义.3.(2分)(2003•黑龙江)生物学家发现一种病毒的直径为0.0000043米,用科学记数法表示为_________米.4.(2分)写出一个含有字母x的分式(要求:不论x取任何实数,该分式都有意义)_________.5.(2分)如果反比例函数的图象经过点(﹣3,2),那么这个函数的解析析式是_________.6.(2分)已知函数y=(k﹣1)是反比例函数,那么k=_________.7.(2分)若y与x+1成反比例,且当x=3时,y=6,那么y关于x的函数关系式为_________.8.(2分)一项工程,甲单独做x小时完成,乙单独做y小时完成,则两人一起完成这项工程需要_________小时.9.(2分)若A(3,1),B(m,4)均为某双曲线上的点,那么m=_________.10.(2分)如图,是2002年8月在北京召开的第24届国际数学家大会的会标,它是由四个全等的直角三角形与中间的小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,若大正方形的面积为13,小正方形的面积是1,直角三角形较长的直角边为a,较短的直角边为b,则(a﹣b)(a2+b2)的值等于_________.二、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)11.(3分)下列各式(1﹣x),,,+x,,其中分式共有()个..CD.(a≠0)13.(3分)如果把分式中的x和y都扩大5倍,那么分式的值()14.(3分)①y=;②y=;③y=;④y=+2,以上四个函数中,是反比例函数的有()15.(3分)已知反比例函数y=(k为常数)的图象在第一、三象限,那么k的取值范围是()>16.(3分)已知函数:①y=2x;②y=2+5x;③y=(x>0);④y=;⑤y=,其中y随着x的增大而增大17.(3分)已知x、y为正数,且|x2﹣4|+(y2﹣3)2=0,如果以x、y的长为直角边作一个直角三角形,那么以这18.(3分)下列命题:①如果a、b、c为一组勾股数,那么4a、4b、4c仍是勾股数;②如果直角三角形的两边是3,4,那么斜边必是5;③如果一个三角形的三边是12,25,21,那么此三角形必是直角三角形;④一个等腰直角三222D.=20.(3分)(2000•辽宁)若点(﹣2,y1)、(﹣1,y2)、(1,y3)在反比例函数y=的图象上,则下列结论中的正三、解答题(共7小题,满分50分)21.(5分)22.(5分)先化简,再求值:,其中x=3.23.(10分)解方程:(1);(2).24.(8分)已知y1与x成正比例,y2与x成反比例,y=y1+y2,且当x=1时,y=3;当x=2时,y=4.5,求y关于x 的函数解析式.25.(10分)甲、乙合打一份稿件,4小时后,甲有事离去,由乙继续打6小时完成.已知甲打4小时的稿件乙需5小时完成.求甲、乙独打这份稿件各需多少小时?26.(8分)一架梯子AB长25米,如图斜靠在一面墙上,梯子底端B离墙7米.(1)这个梯子的顶端距地面有多高?(2)如果梯子的顶端下滑了4米,那么梯子底部在水平方向滑动了4米吗?为什么?27.(4分)先阅读下面的材料,然后解答问题:通过观察,发现方程:的解为;的解为;的解为;…(1)观察上述方程的解,猜想关于x的方程的解是_________;(2)根据上面的规律,猜想关于x的方程的解是_________;(3)把关于x的方程变形为方程的形式是_________,方程的解是_________.2008-2009学年新人教版八年级(下)数学期中测试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1.(2分)分式,当x=﹣3时分式的值为零.2.(2分)当x≠时,分式有意义..3.(2分)(2003•黑龙江)生物学家发现一种病毒的直径为0.0000043米,用科学记数法表示为 4.3×10﹣6米.4.(2分)写出一个含有字母x的分式(要求:不论x取任何实数,该分式都有意义).答案不唯一,例如.5.(2分)如果反比例函数的图象经过点(﹣3,2),那么这个函数的解析析式是.y=,.故答案为:6.(2分)已知函数y=(k﹣1)是反比例函数,那么k=﹣1.y=),本题考查了反比例函数的定义,重点是将一般式7.(2分)若y与x+1成反比例,且当x=3时,y=6,那么y关于x的函数关系式为.,再把已知点的坐标代入可求出y=,y=.8.(2分)一项工程,甲单独做x小时完成,乙单独做y小时完成,则两人一起完成这项工程需要小时.,乙单独做一天可完成工程总量的,二人合作一天可完成工程总量的.工程总量除以二人合作一天可完成工程量即可得出二人合作完成该工程所需天数.+÷=9.(2分)若A(3,1),B(m,4)均为某双曲线上的点,那么m=.y=,,得到y=,故答案为:10.(2分)如图,是2002年8月在北京召开的第24届国际数学家大会的会标,它是由四个全等的直角三角形与中间的小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,若大正方形的面积为13,小正方形的面积是1,直角三角形较长的直角边为a,较短的直角边为b,则(a﹣b)(a2+b2)的值等于13.二、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)11.(3分)下列各式(1﹣x),,,+x,,其中分式共有()个.不是分式.D..C(a≠0)13.(3分)如果把分式中的x和y都扩大5倍,那么分式的值()中的=×故把分式14.(3分)①y=;②y=;③y=;④y=+2,以上四个函数中,是反比例函数的有()根据反比例函数的定义,反比例函数的一般式是y=15.(3分)已知反比例函数y=(k为常数)的图象在第一、三象限,那么k的取值范围是()>y=<16.(3分)已知函数:①y=2x;②y=2+5x;③y=(x>0);④y=;⑤y=,其中y随着x的增大而增大((,17.(3分)已知x、y为正数,且|x2﹣4|+(y2﹣3)2=0,如果以x、y的长为直角边作一个直角三角形,那么以这y==,18.(3分)下列命题:①如果a、b、c为一组勾股数,那么4a、4b、4c仍是勾股数;②如果直角三角形的两边是3,4,那么斜边必是5;③如果一个三角形的三边是12,25,21,那么此三角形必是直角三角形;④一个等腰直角三角形的三边是a、b、c,(a>b=c),那么a2:b2:c2=2:1:1.其中正确的是()D.=、错误,应等于﹣;,错误,应等于=20.(3分)(2000•辽宁)若点(﹣2,y1)、(﹣1,y2)、(1,y3)在反比例函数y=的图象上,则下列结论中的正三、解答题(共7小题,满分50分)21.(5分)故答案为22.(5分)先化简,再求值:,其中x=3.=.23.(10分)解方程:(1);(2).)原方程可化为:﹣=224.(8分)已知y1与x成正比例,y2与x成反比例,y=y1+y2,且当x=1时,y=3;当x=2时,y=4.5,求y关于x 的函数解析式.,又y=ax+.的函数解析式为:25.(10分)甲、乙合打一份稿件,4小时后,甲有事离去,由乙继续打6小时完成.已知甲打4小时的稿件乙需5小时完成.求甲、乙独打这份稿件各需多少小时?,工作效率分别是:(×=126.(8分)一架梯子AB长25米,如图斜靠在一面墙上,梯子底端B离墙7米.(1)这个梯子的顶端距地面有多高?(2)如果梯子的顶端下滑了4米,那么梯子底部在水平方向滑动了4米吗?为什么?==24C===27.(4分)先阅读下面的材料,然后解答问题:通过观察,发现方程:的解为;的解为;的解为;…(1)观察上述方程的解,猜想关于x的方程的解是;(2)根据上面的规律,猜想关于x的方程的解是;(3)把关于x的方程变形为方程的形式是,方程的解是.变形为);变形为:再变形为:1=参与本试卷答题和审题的老师有:CJX;zhehe;fuaisu;zhjh;星期八;HLing;lanyan;cook2360;733599;Liuzhx;137-hui;zzz;心若在;xiawei;wdxwwzy;lanchong;zhangCF;lf2-9;算术;HJJ;ln_86;kuaile;张长洪;xiu;zhxl(排名不分先后)菁优网2013年4月7日。
2008-2009学年度潍坊市诸城第二学期八年级期中考试英语试卷参考答案及评分标准一、听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)1~5 BACBB 6~10 BABBC 11~15 BCCBA 16~20 BCCAC 二、语音考查(每小题1分,共5分)1~5 BCCCB三、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1~5 DDBDA 6~10 BCCCD 11~15 DBCBA四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)1~5 CCDAA 6~10 BDBAB五、阅读理解(共20分)1~5 TTFTT 6~10 BDCDB11.You should go to England to study.12.Mother13.Let's start a computer company together.14.Sister15.Please help me oil the farm六、句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)1.to go 2.Could,write 3.What was,doing4.Tom,he 5.don't,or七、词汇考查(每小题1分,共5分)1.buildings 2.except 3.kitchen 4.health 5.Money 八、动词运用(每小题1分,共10分)1.to learn 2.surprise 3.watches 4.were having 5.getting 6.playing 7.to do 8.look,don't know 9.to have 10.finishing 九、翻译句子(每小题1分,共10分)1.My clothes are out of style.2.People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.3.She said helping others changed her life.4.I think I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation.5.I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.6.I left my homework at home.7.On the other hand,they need time to do things by themselves.8.He became a national hero in China and became famous all over the world.9.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.10.If you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.十、书面表达(15分)略评分标准根据内容要点、语言表达和卷面书写情况分档次评分:1.优秀13~1 5分。
杨浦区2008-2009学年度第二学期初三质量抽查英语试卷 2009.5(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)A B CD E F GⅡ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)7. A) 9:00. B) 8:30. C) 8:00. D) 9:30.8. A) Mike. B) Betty. C) Tom. D) Jane.9. A) To the bank. B) To the cinema.C) To the hotel. D) To the post office.10. A) Rainy. B) Fine.C) Cloudy. D) Windy.11. A) On Tuesday. B) On Wednesday.C) On Thursday. D) On Friday.12. A) Four. B) A month and a half.C) Twelve. D) Sixteen.13. A) By car. B) By taxi.C) By bike. D) By bus.14. A) He stayed at home instead. B) He went fishing with his friend.C) He went shopping with his mother. D) He watched a football match.15. A) Doctor and patient. B) Mother and son.C) Teacher and student. D) Waitress and customer.16. A) At a booking office. B) At a railway station.C) At a restaurant. D) At a department store.Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)17.Sarah had learned horse riding, dancing and swimming before.18. It didn‘t cost Sarah much money to have the violin teacher.19. The violin teacher thought Sarah could learn to play the instrument well.20.Neither the father nor the teacher enjoyed it when Sarah played the violin.21. After six weeks, Sarah‘s father decided to stop paying for her lessons.22. The neighbors moved out because of the noise from the violin playing.23.Sarah had a special ability for many things including violin playing.Ⅳ. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的对话,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (共7分)24. When the accident happened, Alice was standing outside the bank ________.25. She looked at her watch and remembered it was a quarter to ________ exactly.26. A truck was moving slowly along ________ Road at that time.27. The truck went through the ________ lights at 10 miles an hour.28. The road condition was bad because of the heavy rain and ________.29. Just then the truck hit a middle-aged ________ who was running across the road.30. The truck with the number ________ stopped for a moment and ran away quickly.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)Ⅴ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共26分)31. L ook at ______ teacher in blue. He helped and taught the children in Wenchuan last year.A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Jack, a friend of ______, keeps healthy by taking an active part in sports and recreation.A) me B) I C) my D) mine33. It‘s time ______ our English class now. Let‘s get everything ready.A) for B) by C) to D) in34. There is still ______ fish on the plate. Please finish it off.A) little B) a little C) few D) a few35. ______ people went to visit the 2009 Auto Shanghai last April.A) Thousand B) Thousands C) Thousands of D) Thousand of36. Mr. Lee is always strict ______ us in class, but friendly out of class.A) with B) among C) on D) at37. This problem is so easy that ______ student can work it out in a minute.A) none B) any C) anyone D) everyone38. Bill isn‘t feeling well as he had too much ______ this morning.A) potato B) noodle C) biscuit D) bread39. If you have ______ try, I‘m sure you‘ll get the right answer.A) other B) another C) one another D) the other40. The Shanghai World Financial Centre located in Pudong is now ______ in China.A) high B) higher C) highest D) the highest41. Thanks to Elaine. With her help, we finished the work an hour ______.A) early B) earlier C) earliest D) the earliest42. That piece of music sounded very ______. I enjoyed every minute of it.A) beautiful B) well C) wonderfully D) beautifully43. The firemen put out the serious fire before any real damage was caused, ______?A) did they B) was it C) didn‘t they D) wasn‘t it44. It is ten o‘clock, but Joseph ______ at his lessons.A) has worked B) works C) is working D) was working45. The radio is pretty loud. ______ you please turn it down a bit?A) May B) Could C) Must D) Should46. The headmaster‘s praise for our independent thinking made us all ______ happily.A) smile B) to smile C) smiling D) smiled47. Our school newspaper ______ every Monday. The news of our life and study attracts us all.A) publishes B) published C) is published D) was published48. We have a class meeting on Friday, ______ there is nothing to discuss.A) unless B) until C) if D) because49. ______ good time the children are having in the Century Park!A) How B) What C) What an D) What a50. I wonder ______ you go to school on foot in all kinds of weather.A) that B) whether C) how D) what51. After three years of work and life in Shanghai, John is now ______ the changeable weather.A) responsible for B) surprised at C) proud of D) used to52. My father ______ English in his thirties. Now he is ready to be a volunteer for the comingExpo.A) picked up B) got up C) took up D) looked up53. Would you mind my bike while I go into the shop? The underlined word means ______.A) remember B) take care of C) hate D) worry about54. ―Take my advice, and you‘ll make progress in your English study,‖ the teacher said to Linda.The underlined word means ______.A) Accept B) Hear C) Receive D) Add55. –Someone stole my new ThinkPad last night.–______A) That‘s all right. B) I‘m afraid not. C) How awful! D) No problem.56. –Would you like some more coffee? It‘s still early.–______A) It doesn‘t matter. B) Help yourself. C) No, you needn‘t. D) That‘s kind of you.Ⅵ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)57. Jack was glad he had got two ________ of chocolates from his parents. (box)58. Though he is an English boy of ________, he can speak very good Chinese. (fifth)59. Tom, what are you going to be in the future, a scientist or a ________? (write)60. Those miners (矿工) were ________ enough to be alive after the accident. (luck)61. Our ships sail ________ in the Indian Ocean with the help of the Chinese warships. (safe)62. Do you know ________ bike this is? It is in our way. (who)63. Mr Black has a large family to ________, so he works for two companies. (food)64. The century-old Waibaidu Bridge is again an ________ for visitors to Shanghai. (attract)Ⅶ. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。
2008-2009学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期八年级期中考试英语试卷参考答案一、听力部分(计20分)1-5 CBABC 6-10 BCAAA 11-15 CBBBC(听力四)1.Shanghai 2.six-month 3.quiet, traditional 4.Italian food5.film festival二、单项选择(16分):16-20 CABBD 21-25 DACDC 26-31 BBCADB三、完形填空(15分):32-36 BACDA 37-41 CBDBC 42-46 ADCAB四、阅读理解(24分):47-50 BABB 51-54 CBAA 55-58 CCAB 59-62 CADB五、词汇考查(10分):1.seconds 2.virus 3.lonely 4.Whether 5.honest6.shelves 7.collection 8.hid 9.seems 10.lend六、任务型阅读(10分):任务一:(A):C (B):E任务二:(1).with (2).In任务三:did you任务四:如果你告诉他们你的感受,他们或许会停止争吵,或者至少向你解释一下他们争吵的原因(只要意思对就可得分)任务五:I will talk to them about my feelings.\I will try to stop the fight.七、动词应用(共10小题,满分为10分):1.catch 2.to stay 3.passing 4.Don’t use 5.are coughing\cough 6.keep 7.won’t have 8.try 9.are 10.to boil八、书面表达(15分):One possible version:My name is Wang Lei.My hobby is drawing.I like drawing because it can make me very happy.I have learned drawing for three years.But I couldn’t draw very well three years ago.With the teacher’s help,I can draw much better now.My classmates say that if I keep on practising,I will be best at drawing.I want to be an artist when I grow up.My teachers and my parents are happy to see my progress.I think drawing is the happiest thing to do in the world.I like it very much.。
2008-2009学年度潍坊市高密初中学段第二学期八年级期中考试英语试卷参考答案第Ⅰ卷(共65分)一、听力部分(20分)每小题1分一)1—5 ACBAC二)6—10 AABCA三)11—15 ACBBA四)16.Mary 17.three days ago 18.too short 19.her son 20.Red/the red skirt二、单项选择(15分)每小题1分21—25 AABCA26—30 BBBCC 31—35 BCBAD三、完形填空(10分)每小题1分36—40 CBCAD 41—45 ACDCD四、阅读理解(20分)(每小题1分)46—50 CDBAA 51—55 CDBAC 56—60 CBDDA61—65 DCBBA第Ⅱ卷(共55分)五、根据首字母和汉语提示,完成句中单词。
(5分)每小题0.5分1.foreigner 2.article 3.tidy 4.instructions 5.suggested 6.preparing 7.friendship 8.mention 9.refused 10.mend六、词组互译(10分)每小题1分1.take up 2.fell like 3.make friends 4.in one’s opinion 5.be afraid to do6.save one’s life 7.在……结束时8.毕竟9.打开10.许多七、按括号内的要求改写句子(10分)每小题2分1.wear if 2.It seemed that 3.whether or not4.If don’t 5.Will you go for a picnic if it does not rain this Friday?八、任务型阅读(10分)第3小题1分,其它各3分1.爸爸同意来西班牙,但是哥哥决定留在英格兰。
四川师范大学《大学英语》2008-2009学年第二学期期末试卷A卷 (1)
四川师范大学成都学院2008-2009 学年第二学期期末考试 《大学英语》试卷(A) 答卷说明:1、本试卷共 12 页 5 个大题,满分 100 分,120 分钟完卷。
3、PartI ---PartIV 为客观题,请把答案填在机读卡上, PartV 为作文,请写在答题卷上,否则不得分.评阅人:_ _ _ 总分人:__ _ _Part I Listening Comprehension (共 15 小题。
每小题 1 分,共 15 分) Understanding Short Conversations Directions: Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. Each conversation will be spoken once. (每个小对话只读一遍). Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. A. His girlfriend can not be believed. B. his girlfriend is always late. C. His girlfriend is afraid of him. D. His girlfriend is not on time. 2. A. Because she doesn’t care about music. B. Because she thinks it doesn’t express the reality of love. C. Because it’s sung by Elvis. D. Because it’s too sad. 3. A. He began to learn that Indians were romantic. B. He found it more and more romantic. C. He became bored after a period of time. D. He grew more excited about it. 4. A. Feelings of great sadness. B. Feelings of wanting to kill oneself. C. Feelings of being bettered. D. Feelings of wanting to be in love. 5. A. Because he has found love for the first time in years. B. Because he discovered that his sister is in love. C. Because he met a guy that loved his sister. 得分 ________学院______级__ _______班姓名_______ 学号_______ ………………………………(密)………………………………(封)………………………………(线)………………………………密 封 线 内 答 题 无 效D.Because he met a guy who helped him find love.6.A. Because he has forgotten her.B.Because he has forgotten her name and address.C.Because he doesn’t think the matter is important.D.Because he can’t provided any more information.7.A. He makes her feel good. B. He has changed everything..C. He looks great.D. He is very bright.8.A. He thinks she is being friendly. B. He thinks friends can be in love.C. He thinks she loves him.D. He thinks he loves her.9.A. 50 percent. B. 30 percent.C. 0 percentD. 40 percent10.A. Father and daughter. B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and parentsD. Son and mother.Understanding a Long CoversationDirections: Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. Theconversation will be spoken twice. (对话念两遍). Then mark your answer byblackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil from 11to 15. (答案请图在答题卡11 题到15 题的对应位置.)11.A. Because it’s private for her.B.Because it’s unusual and she’s interested.C.Because it’s from a girlfriend.D.Because it’s a pink envelope.12.A. Whether the man has a girlfriend.B.Whether all the letters are in pink envelopes.C.Whether the letter is private.D.Whether the man has been getting letters.13.A. The meaning of love.B.The way to communicate by mails.C.The appearance of his girlfriend.D.The sender of the letters.14.A. Understanding . B. Love letters.C. Spiritual contact.D. Visual contact15.A. Father and daughter. B. Mother and son.C. Wife and husband.D. Boyfriend and girlfriend.得分Part II Vocabulary and Structure(共40 小题。
江苏省连云港市2008—2009学年度第二学期七年级期中考试英语试题(考试时间:100分钟 试卷分值:150分)第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共84分)一、听力理解(共20小题,1-10每小题1分,11-20每小题2分,共30分)A. 听对话,根据所提问题选择正确答案。
1. What do they plan to do?2. What do they want to buy?3. What time is it now?4. What ’s the girl doing now?5. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom.B. In the bookshop.C. In the library.6. Who works in a school?A. Father.B. Mother.C. I.7. How many pens are there in Sandy ’s pencilcase?A. 7.B. 4.C. 11.8. What’s the bag made of?A. Silk.B. Leather.C. Wool.9. When will John have a birthday party?A. Next Sunday.B. Next Saturday.C. Next Friday.10. Why is Amy late?A. Because she went to bed late.B. Because she likes sleeping.C. Because she is ill.B. 听对话,根据对话内容,找出能回答所提问题的正确答案。
11. Where do they want to go?A. The Eiffel Tower.B. The Great Wall.C. The Pyramid.12. How will they go there?A. By train.B. By air.C. By car.听第二段对话,回答第13至第15小题。
A.圣库制度B.土地问题C.人口问题D.等级制度3. 19世纪末20世纪初,帝国主义在中国掀起瓜分中国的狂潮,其中广西成了()的势力范围。
A.兴中会B.同盟会C. 中华革命党D.中国国民党5. 外国在中国开设的第一家银行是()。
A 英国汇丰银行B 德国德华银行C 美国花旗银行D英国东方银行6.有人说,英国是用三样武器打开中国大门的,其使用的先后顺序是:()。
A 鸦片→商品→炮舰B 商品→鸦片→炮舰C 商品→炮舰→鸦片D 炮舰→鸦片→商品7. 标志着以慈禧为首的清政府已彻底放弃了抵抗外国侵略者的条约是:()。
A.洋务运动具有封建性 B.洋务运动对外国具有依赖性C.洋务运动的管理具有腐朽性 D.封建统治者不支持9.井冈山根据地的建立与巩固()。
(录音播放一遍)( )6.A.Coffee.B.Water.C.Orange;juice.( )7.A.We don’t Low.B.Yes,he can C.No、he can’t.( )8.A.Never B.once.C.Twice( )9.A.On Saturday afternoon.B.On Saturday morning C.On Sunny afternoon ( )10.A.A dog B.A fish.C.A snake.(C)听长对话,选择正确答案。
(录音播放两遍)( )11.How is the weather?A.It’s fine.B.It’s cold.C.it’s cloudy.( )12.What does the girl do?A.She’s a teacher B.She’s a doctor.C.She’s a student.( )13.Why does file girl come to Shanghai?A.To have a trip.B.To see her parents.C.To study.( )14.How long have her parents been working in Shanghai?A.Two years.B.Less出an two years C.More than two years.( )15.Where will she work after she graduates?A.in Japan.B.in England。
C.In china(D)听短文,完成表格的填写。
2008~2009学年度第二学期期中考试试卷初一数学一、选择(每题3分,共24分)1.下列现象是数学中的平移的是( )A.树叶从树上落下B.电梯由一楼升到顶楼 .C. 碟片在光驱中运行D.卫星绕地球运动 2.若∠1与∠2是同旁内角,∠1=30°,则( )A.∠2=150°B. ∠2=30°C. ∠2=150°或30°D. ∠2的大小不能确定 3.下列各式能用平方差公式计算的是( )A.))(3(b a b a -+ B.)3)(3(b a b a +--- C.)3)(3(b a b a --+ D.)3)(3(b a b a -+- 4.锐角三角形ABC 中,∠A>∠B>∠C,则下列结论中错误的是( )A.∠A>60°B. ∠B>45°C.∠C<60°D. ∠B+∠C<90° 5.下列各项中,给出的三条线段不能组成三角形的是( )A.)0(2,3,1>+++a a a aB. 三边之比为 5:6:10C.0cm 30cm,8cm,1D.)1(15,3,2>-===m m c m b m a6.若,1)12(0=+x 则( ) A.21-≥x B.21-≠x C.21-≤x D.21≠x 7.下列多项式中是完全平方式的是( )A.4422-+x xB.181622+-y x C.41292+-a a D.2222y xy y x ++8.如图,在边长为a 的正方形中挖掉一个边长为b 的小正方形()(b a >,把余下的部分剪拼成一矩形如图,通过计算两个图形(阴影部分)的面积,验证了一个等式,则这个等式是( ) A.222))(2(b ab a b a b a -+=-+ B.2222)(b ab a b a ++=+ C.2222)(b ab a b a +-=- D.))((22b a b a b a -+=-二、填空(每题2分,共22分)9.=-⋅-32)()(p p ,=-32)21(b a .10.如图,DAE 是一条直线,DE ∥BC ,则∠BAC = .11.如图,OP ∥QR ∥若,ST ∠2=,0110∠3=,则0120∠1= .12.若===+yx yx aaa 则,3,2 .13.000635.0 用科学计数法表示为 .14.若=++=-m a x x m x 则,)(22 ,=a .15.在ΔABC中,∠A=3∠B,∠A-∠C=30°,则∠A= ,∠C= 16.等腰三角形ABC的周长为20cm,如果它的腰长为6cm ,则底边长为 ,如果它的一边长为8cm,则另两边长为 .ab ab (第10题)D A E BC78012401R 2OPS TQ3(第11题)17.以cm cm 8,10为两边,第三边长为整数的三角形共有 个。
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(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)( ) 21. _________ important knowledge it is ! Please care more about it.A. What anB. HowC. How anD. What( ) 22. The___________ children will remember the________ news.A. exciting, excitedB. excited, excitingC. excite, excitedD. excitement, excited( ) 23. ---Where is your father?---He ________ Hongkong. He ______ Hongkong for three days.A. has gone to , has been toB. has gone to , has been inC. has been to , has been inD. has been to , has gone to( ) 24. Last week a car accident ____________ near our school.A. was happenedB. has been taken placeC. happenedD. was taken place( ) 25. We should plant some trees on ________ side of the path when spring comes.A. bothB. everyC. eachD. all( ) 26. It _______ seven years _________ the panda had her first baby panda.A. was, sinceB. is, afterC. was, afterD. has been, since( )27. In our daily life, wood_________ making houses and many other things.A. used toB. is used forC. is used asD. is used to( ) 28. ---Would you mind offering me some advice?----____________. I have to go to the headmaster’s office.A. Not at allB.Never mindC. Sorry, I can’tD. No, please( ) 29. ----Look! Your brother is playing basketball in the playground.---- He_________ be my brother. He has gone to Nanjing with my mother.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. mustD. may( ) 30.---Do you know how long _____ __? ----I’m sorry I don’t know.A. he has come hereB. has he been marriedC. Tom has bought the carD. his uncle has been abroad( ) 31. The fish ____ very delicious. but it must _____ by the cook before service.A. is tasted;tasteB. tastes;be tastedC. tastes;tasteD. is tasted;be tasted( ) 32. I knew little about the accident ____ they told me.A. sinceB. afterC. whenD. until( ) 33. The washing machine doesn’t work. I think it needs__________ now.A. repairB. to repairC. to be repairedD. repairs( ) 34. ----Please don’t make so much noise, boys and girls. ----____________.A. No, we don’tB. Sorry, we won’tC. Yes, we doD. Yes, we will( ) 35. He was seen_________ with his pet dog this time last night.A. to walkB. walkedC. walkingD. walk三、完形填空。
(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)China has the 36 largest population(人口) and a lot of poor people. So the Government has a different 37 from the UN to tell how many of its people live in poverty.Chinese living on 38 than 637 yuan a year are in terrible poverty. Those who live on less than 882 yuan are in the low income group.In 1978, 250 million Chinese 39 in poverty(贫穷).Today, 29 million, or 3 percent of the population, lives that way. Most are farmers 40 central and western China.Since 1980, the Government has 41 more than 102 billion yuan building roads and giving clean water 42 poor people.To make life better for them, the Government also plans to put 12 billion yuan into 43 the poor this year.The Government also plans to help farmers find 44 in cities by teaching them new skills.The hope is that one day, no one will have to worry about where to work or 45 the next meal will come from. ()36.A.worlds B. worlds C.world’s D.world()37.A.idea B. road C.way D.form()38.A.more B. less C.longer D.fewer()39.A.lives B. lived C.live D.living()40.A.from B. in C.on D.of()41.A.spent B. spend C.spends D.spending()42.A.for B. with C.over D.to()43.A.helps B. helped C.help D.helping()44.A.works B.work’s C.jobs D.job()45.A.when B.what C.where D.how四、阅读理解。
(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)A( ) 46. It’s Friday afternoon,you can go to_______ .A. visit the museumB. play soccerC. play basketballD. read children’s stories( )47. If children want to watch new films,they should go to________.A.16 Yangtze RoadB. 89 North Main StreetC.106 Green StreetD. 99 Brick Road( )48. If you dial (拨号)66387901,you can __________.A.ask for some hotel information B. do some shoppingC.have a good story time D.order fast food in a restaurantBDear Wei Han,Hi from Canada! We are having a wonderful holiday. We haven't seen a bear yet, but there are bears and deer in the forests around the lake where we're staying. The bears often go to the rubbish dump to look for food. Perhaps we'll go to see them at the dump. We will need to be careful because bears are quite dangerous. They will attack if you surprise them, so people carry bells when they are out walking to warn the bears away.On our first night we saw a fireworks show. It doesn't get dark here until 10 o'clock, so it was a really late night for us.Today I had a very short swim in the lake. It was cold.The weather has been sunny, but not likethe weather at home.Bye for now. We will be home next week.Lingnan( )49. Lingnan thinks that the probable place to see a bear will be_______.A. in the forestB. at the dumpC. by the lakeD. on the mountain( )50. Lingnan went to bed very late on the first night because he______.A. swam in the lakeB. just arrived in CanadaC. went to see the bearD. watched a fireworks show( ) 51. From the postcard, we can tell that Lingnan_______.A. has seen a bearB. has seen a deerC. is enjoying his holidayD. is travelling with Weihan( ) 52. From the postcard we can infer(推断) that the weather “at home”is_______.A. sunny and warmB. cold and cloudyC. sunny but coldD. windy and coldCComputer games are just fun, I have been playing them for years, and I have become really good at it. Some of my classmates think that I’m quite special. What’s so special about that ?One day I was having lunch at sch ool. Suddenly a girl I didn’t know came and sat next to me “What do you do for fun ?”She asked . “ I am a gamer,” I said in a low voice. “A gamer!” She couldn’t believe what I was saying and she burst into laughter(突然大笑), with all the apple pie out of her mouth.Most people think gaming is suitable for boys, but not for girls. Maybe I should cut my hair short and change my actions so that I look like a boy.Actually, most boys don’t feel there is anything wrong with my hobby. I have met many boy gamers— some online and some face-to-face. None of them think badly about me being a girl gamer. I have made some good friends with them.Playing computer games is also a kind of relaxing. I don’t know why people feel strange about girls who play games.Girls who play games do it for the same reason as boys do: it’s something fun to do in your spare time.( ) 53. The writer can play computer games quite well because ___________ .A. she is very smartB. she is very specialC. she plays it a lotD. she studies very hard( ) 54. Some of the writer’s c lassmates think that she is __________________.A. Helpful.B. Friendly.C. clever.D. Different.( ) 55. It seems that ________ are more surprised at the writer’s hobby than ________ .A. boys, girlsB. teachers, studentsC. girls, boysD. students, teachers( ) 56. The best title for the passage is ______________ .A. Computer gamesB. Boy gamersC. Girl gamersD. Boys and GirlsDHow to Talk Politely“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s friendly way that people in the United States greet each other. But“How are you?” is also a very unusual question. It’s a question that often doesn’t have an answer. The person who asks “How are you ?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an ans wer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.Sometimes, people also don’t say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone asks “Do you agree? ”,the other person might be thinking, “No, I disagree, I think you ‘re wrong···” But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say “I’m not sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people . For example, man y talks over the phone finish when one person says “I’ve to go now.” Often, the Person who wants to hang up gives an excuse: “Someone’s at the door.” “Something is burning on the stove.” The excuses might be real, or is might not. Perhaps the person who wa nts to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but is isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person.Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk , people often don’t say exactly what they are thinking. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it’s all part of the game of language.( ) 57.When a person wants to disagree with someone, it is polite to say “”.A. You’re wrong. I disagreeB. I’m not so sureC. I’m sure I disagreeD. No, I disagree( ) 58. A polite way to finish a talk to say “”.A. You have to go nowB. I want to hang upC. I have to go nowD. I don’t want to talk any more( ) 59.When a person says “I’ve got to go now .Someone’s at the door.”, the person may be .A. giving an excuseB. hurting someone’s feelingsC. talking to a person at the doorD. going to another place( ) 60.One of the rules of the game of language is probablyA. “Always say what you mean”B. “Don’t disagree with people”C. “Never say exactly what you are thinking”D. “Be polite”五、词汇应用。