Assignment 1


研究生英语翻译 Assignment 1

研究生英语翻译 Assignment 1

Moreover, much of the new wealth turned out to be pure illusion, paper wealth that could vanish as magically as it had appeared.
而且,很多新财富现在看来纯粹是一场镜 花水月.纸面财富来得快,去得也快.
The fantasy that everyone can become rich in the information economy has soured in today’s reality, and many now wonder whether they will keep their job or be able to meet their rent and pay off their credit cards. 网络经济时代人人都可暴富的神话,被今 天的现实击得粉碎.现在许多人都不知道 能否保得住工作,能否付得起房租,能否付 得清信用卡的透支款.
Assignment 1
But the collapse of the dot-com economy and thd the prospects of a serious economic slowdown at this writing in 2001, have put the fabled new economy in a different light. 但是,2000年网络经济崩溃,高新技术板块 的纳斯达克指数大跌, 2001年本文写作时 经济面临严重衰退.这一切都使得虚幻的 新经济成为明日黄花.
We are learning that the boom never really did reach millions of Americans, since the bulk of the new wealth created in the 1990s was pocketed mainly by the very rich. 我们开始明白,千百万美国人根本没有从 这次经济繁荣中受益,因为20世纪90年代 所创造的大量新财富主要都被富人纳入 囊中.







1. “assignment”是什么意思?“assignment”这个词源自拉丁词根“assignare”,意为“指派”或“分派”。



2. 词根词缀含义解析在“assignment”这一词中,“assign-”是词根,代表指派或分派的意思。



3. “assignment”在不同领域和语境中的应用在教育领域,“assignment”通常指代老师布置给学生的作业或任务。




4. 个人观点和理解在我看来,“assignment”不仅仅是简单的任务分配,它背后蕴含着领导能力、责任担当和团队合作的重要意义。


5. 总结和回顾通过本文的探讨,我们对“assignment”这一主题有了全面、深刻和灵活的理解。


Assignment 1_Solution

Assignment 1_Solution
0.05×2/12 = V1/6 USD1e0.02×2/12 × 0.81 − USD0.8e = USD0.0060.
5. (5-24) A stock is expected to pay a dividend of $1 per share in two months and in five months. The stock price is $50, and the risk-free rate of interest is 8% per annum with continuous compounding for all maturities. An investor has just taken a short position in a six-month forward contract on the stock. a) What are the forward price and the initial value of the forward contract? b) Three months later, the price of the stock is $48 and the risk-free rate of interest is still 8% per annum. What are the forward price and the value of the short position in the forward contract? Solution: a) The present value, I, of the income from the security is given by: I = 1× e −0.08×2/12 + 1× e −0.08×5/12 = 1.9540. From equation (2.3) the forward price, F0, is given by: F0 = (50 − 1.9540)e0.08×6/12 = 50.01. The initial value of the forward contract is (by design) zero. The fact that the forward price is very close to the spot price should come as no surprise. When the compounding frequency is ignored the dividend yield on the stock equals the riskfree rate of interest. b) In three months: I= 1× e −0.08×2/12 = 0.9868. The delivery price, K, is 50.01. From equation (2.9) the value of the short forward contract, f, is given by: f = −(48 − 0.9868 − 50.01e −0.08×3/12 ) = 2.01. And the forward price is (48 − 0.9868)e0.08×3/12 = 47.96. 6. (5-27) A trader owns gold as part of a long-term investment portfolio. The trader can buy gold for $550 per ounce and sell gold for $549 per ounce. The trader can borrow funds at 6% per year and invest funds at 5.5% per year. (Both interest rates are expressed with simple annual compounding.) For what range of one-year forward prices of gold does the trader have on arbitrage opportunities? Assume there is no bid-offer spread for forward prices.



assignment-1 Find a database system in you lifeDiscover a database system in your life, submit a report which discusses the application background , the functions it provides and what data/information need to be stored in such a system with the functions you proposed above生活中的数据库近年来,随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,数据库在我们生活中的应用越来越广泛,例如学校的学生管理系统、图书馆的图书管理系统、各大网站的后台数据库、各个企业的财务管理系统等等。









assignment 1_译析

assignment 1_译析

第一讲练习试将下列句子译成汉语:1.The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。

2. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.他有一种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。

3.This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the chair.这是一次精心组织起来的会议。


4.Power can be transmitted over a great distance withpractically negligible loss if it is carried by an electric current.电流可以把动力传送到很远的地方,其消耗几乎可以忽略不计。

5.The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。

6.Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。

7.She said, with perfect truth, that “it must be delightful to have a brother,”and easily got the pity of tender-hearted Amelia, for being alone in the world, an orphan without friends or kindred.她说道,“有个哥哥该多好啊,”这话说得入情入理。



一、解:设第k月的需求量为Nk(k=1,2,3,4)状态变量Xk:第k月初的库存量,X1=X5=0,0≤Xk≤Nk+…+N4决策变量Uk:第k月的生产量,max{0,Nk-Xk}≤Uk≤min{6,Nk+…+N4 - Xk}状态转移方程:X k+1 = Uk + Xk – Nk第k月的成本Vk = 0.5*(Xk - Nk) Uk=03 + Uk + 0.5*(Uk + Xk - Nk) Uk≠0设F k(Xk)是由第k月初的库存量Xk开始到第4月份结束这段时间的最优成本则F k(Xk) = min{Vk + F k+1(X k+1)} 1≤k≤4= min{ 3 + Uk + 0.5*(Uk + Xk - Nk) + F k+1(Uk + Xk - Nk) } Uk≠0min{ 0.5*(Xk - Nk) + F k+1(Xk - Nk) } Uk=0 F5(X5)=0四个月内的最优成本为F1(X1)=F1(0)详细计算步骤如下:(1)k=4时4(2)k=3时(3)k=2时(4)k=1时由以上计算可得,4个月的总最优成本为F1(0) = 20.5(千元)二、解:1、变量设定阶段k:已遍历过k个结点,k=1,2…6,7。



状态转移方程:X k+1 = T(Xk,Uk) = (j,Sk-{j})第k阶段的指标函数Vk = D[i,j]。

最优指标函数Fk(Xk) = Fk(i,Sk):已遍历k个结点,当前从i结点出发,访问Sk中的结点一次且仅一次,最后返回起点V1的最短距离。

则Fk(i,Sk) = min{ D[i,j] + F k+1(j,Sk-{j}) } 1≤k≤6F7(X7) = F7(1,Φ) = 02、分析:(1)k=6时,F6(i,Φ) = min{D[i,1] + F7(X7)} = D[i,1] i=2,3,4,5,63、伪代码和时间复杂度为方便计算,结点编号改为0到5.(1)用一张二维表格F[][]表示F(i,Sk),行数是n,列数是2n-1。



Consider the following small data set:
xy 13 -1 -2 24
• Solve for the value of θ1 that minimizes the cost function by substituting the values from the training set into the cost function, setting the derivative equal to zero, and solving for θ1. Show your work.
some θ0, θ1 such that J(θ0, θ1) = 0. Which of the statements below must then be true? (Check all that apply.)
A: This is not possible: By the definition of J(θ0, θ1), it is not possible for there to exist θ0 and θ1 so that J(θu,
∂ ∂v
∂ ∂u
∂ ∂v
Partial Derivative Intuition Consider the contour plot of a function f (u, v) in Figure 1. For each of the following partial derivatives, state whether it is positive, negative, or equal to zero. Briefly explain. These questions can be answered from the contour plot without knowing the formula for the function.





一、assignment的基本含义1. 在日常生活中,assignment指的是任务、工作或者指定的事项。



2. 在学术领域中,assignment通常指的是老师或者导师布置的作业、论文或者项目任务。


二、assignment在学术领域中的更多用法1. assignment作为学术用语,一般指的是教师布置的作业或者课程任务。


2. 不仅仅在学校教育中,assignment也常常出现在大学、研究机构等教育和科研领域。


3. 在商学院和管理学院中,assignment可能指的是实际案例分析、行业调研、商业计划等实践性的任务。

4. 另外,assignment还可以是指派某项任务或者角色。


三、assignment的重要性1. 在学术领域中,assignment是对学生学习成果的一种评估方式,也是学生掌握知识和技能的重要途径。


2. 对于教师来说,布置assignment也是一种教学手段,可以检验学生对课程内容的理解和掌握情况。




CSC415/CI6226 2011 P rogramming A ssignment 1 (100 p oints) Objectives: I n t his a ssignment, y ou w ill•Build a s pelling c orrection e ngine•Build a t ext s earch e ngine w ith L ucene, a nd•Integrate y our s pelling c orrector i nto t he t ext s earch e ngineDue: M arch 10, 2011 (Thursday) 11:59pm. L ate s ubmissions a re a llowed b ut w ill b e p enalized a t a r ate of 10% p er d ay.Teams: Y ou a re a llowed (but n ot r equired) t o w ork i n p airs f or t his a ssignment. T eams o f t wo s hould only s ubmit o ne c opy o f t heir w ork. Y ou m ay (and a re e ncouraged t o) d iscuss w ith o ther t eams, b ut should N OT t ake a ny d etailed n otes f rom t he d iscussions t hat w ill a ppear v erbatim i n y our s ource c odes and r eports.Implementation: W e s trongly r ecommend t hat y ou w rite y our p rogram i n J ava, t hough y ou m ay u se other p rogramming l anguages (e.g. C, C++, P ython) w ithout o fficial s upport (e.g. L ucene). Delivery: Y ou s hould s ubmit t he f ollowings v ia e mail t o j•A z ip f ile t hat c ontains t he c odes y ou w rote (Do N OT i nclude d ata f iles a nd c ompiled l ibraries) •A t ext f ile w ith p rogram o utput•A d ocument i n r eadable E nglish s entences w ith f igures o r t ables a s n eeded. T he d ocument should N OT h ave m ore t han 4 p ages (excluding f igures a nd t ables). I t s hould c ontain o The n ames o f t eam m emberso Descriptions o f w hat y ou h ave d one f or e ach p art, r epresentative o utput f rom y our program, a ny n otable d esign d ecisions m ade o r t rade-­‐offs c onsidered (withjustifications), a nd a n e rror a nalysis o f w hen y our s ystem f ailso Detailed i nstructions o n h ow t o c ompile a nd r un t he c odes f or e ach p art, i ncluding where t o p lace d ata f iles a nd l ibraries u sed. I f y ou u se a ny o ther r esource f iles e xceptthose p rovided b y u s, p lease p lace t hem i n a W eb s ite (e.g. N TU M ySite) a nd d escribehow t o d ownload t hem s o t hat w e c an d ownload a nd t est t hem. P lease m ake s ure t heinstructions w ork o n o ther m achines e xcept y ours b efore s ubmission. Y ou w ill l osepoints i f y our c odes f ail t o c ompile o r r un o n t he e valuator’s m achine.If y our e mail s ubmission i s r eturned b ack t o y ou a s a s pam d ue t o t he c odes b y t he N TU e mail s ystem, you s hould s ubmit t he p rogram o utput a nd t he d ocument b y e mail b y t he d eadline a forementioned a nd bring a U SB m emory d evice w ith t he c odes t o t he o ffice (N4-­‐02c-­‐111) d uring o ffice h ours o n M arch 11. Honor c ode: Y ou s hould n ot l ook f or p roblem a nswers e lsewhere. B ut, i f m aterial i s t aken f rom elsewhere, t hen y ou s hould a cknowledge i t. Y ou a re n ot p ermitted t o g et p rogramming h elp f rom people o ther t han y our p artner. I n g eneral, w e w ill e xpect y ou t o a ct o n y our h onor.Part 1: S pelling C orrection (40 p oints)In t his p art y ou w ill b uild a n n-­‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector. I n l ecture 3 (tolerant r etrieval), w e s aw that o ne w ay t o o ffer s pelling s uggestions w as t o c ount t he p roportion o f c haracter n-­‐grams t hat o verlap between t he q uery w ord a nd k nown w ords f rom a c orpus. D oing s o w ill r equire a n i nverted i ndex t hat maps n-­‐grams t o d ictionary w ords a nd a s coring f unction t hat c ounts n-­‐gram o verlaps b etween candidate w ords. Y ou a re o n y our o wn f or b uilding t he i nverted i ndex -­‐ y ou s hould n ot u se a ny e xisting libraries o r c ode s nippets t o d o t his f or y ou. Y ou s hould i mplement t he J accard s core o f n-­‐gram o verlap as d escribed i n c lass a s t he s coring f unction f or c andidate r eplacements.Take a l ook a t t he s i nterface:package;import java.util.List;/*** Basic interface for the spelling corrector.** @author dramage (revised by kim)*/public interface SpellingCorrector {/*** Returns a list of top-scoring spelling corrections for a given* (possibly misspelled) word. The list is expected to include* the best corrected spelling. The maximum length of the* returned list will be specified, while the actual length of* the list may be smaller than it.** @param word A single word whose spelling is to be checked.* @param max The maximum number of corrections in the* returned list. Should be greater than 0.* @return A list of top-scoring corrections, with better corrections* ordered first.*/public List<String> corrections(String word, int max);}Your n-­‐gram b ased s pelling c orrector w ill i mplement t his i nterface t o r eturn a l ist o f m ost l ikely candidate s pelling c orrections f or a g iven (possibly m isspelled) w ord.Your s pelling c orrector s hould r ead a ll t he w ords f rom a l arge f ile o f E nglish t ext. Y ou m ay u se t he t ext file (‘big.txt’) t hat c omes f rom P eter N orvig's p age o n H ow t o W rite a S pelling C orrector, w hich t akes a n alternative a pproach t o b uilding a s pell c hecker. [From N orvig's s ite: "The f ile i s a c oncatenation o f several p ublic d omain b ooks f rom P roject G utenberg a nd l ists o f m ost f requent w ords f rom W iktionary and t he B ritish N ational C orpus."]You m ust c omplete t he f ollowing s ub-­‐problems:1.1. I mplement a n n-­‐gram s pelling c orrector (named s b asedon t he w ords i n t he f ile b ig.txt. B riefly d escribe y our i mplementation a nd p rovide s ome e xample mis-­‐spelled w ords a long w ith t he p ossible c orrections y our a lgorithm p rovides. W hat i s t he o utput of s c lass (see b elow) w hen r un w ith a rguments s hown b elow (a-­‐d)?What a re t he s ources o f e rrors? 1 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 1 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest1.txt’ 10 ‘path t o s pelltest2.txt’1.2. I n c lass, i t i s m entioned t hat a n n-­‐gram b ased c orrector c ould b e u sed i n c oncert w ith a n e ditdistance f unction. W rite a n i mplementation o f L evenshtein e dit d istance a nd a n ew i mplementation of S pellingCorrector, c alled N GramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector, t hat w raps t he u nderlying spelling c orrector a nd r e-­‐scores i ts o utput u sing t he w eighted e dit d istance f unction. I n p articular, use y our n-­‐gram s pelling c orrector t o g et s ome n umber o f c losest c andidates i n t he d ictionary, score e ach w ith t he E dit d istance f unction a nd t hen s uggest t he c orrections w ith l owest e ditdistance. P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s y ou d id f or s ub-­‐problem 1.1, w hilereplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith ‘NGramWithEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t hearguments.1.3. W rite a w eighted e dit d istance f unction a nd u se i t f or a n ew i mplementation o f S pellingCorrector,called N GramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector. Y ou s hould d efine y our o wn w eighting scheme, f or e xample, a llowing d ifferent w eights f or d ifferent k inds o f e dit o perations a nd d ifferent weights f or d ifferent c haracter r eplacements. H ow d id y ou f ind t he w eighting s cheme a nd w hy?What i s t he i mpact o f a ny c hanges o n t he s cheme? P rovide o utput, e xamples, a nd e rror a nalysis a s you d id f or s ub-­‐problem 1.1, w hile r eplacing ‘NGramSpellingCorrector' w ith‘NGramWithWeightedEditDistanceSpellingCorrector' i n t he a rguments.Using S pellingScorer a nd A utomatic Q uantitative G radingThe i ncluded c lass s p rovides a w ay t o t est t he r esults o f y our SpellingCorrector i mplementations a cross a c ollection o f s pelling e rrors (see t he N orvig's s ite). T o r un the S pellingScorer, y ou s hould p rovide t he f ollowing t hree a rguments:1.Java c lass o f t he s pelling c orrector t o b e t ested2.The m aximum n umber o f c orrections f or e ach m is-­‐spelling t o b e t ested.3.Path t o t he d ata f ile t o b e t ested (e.g. s pelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txt).(You m ay r evise t he r eleased v ersion o f S pellingScorer f or y our p rogram i f n ecessary. F or e xample, i t does n ot a llow w hite s paces i n t he f ile p ath, a nd y ou c an r evise t o f ix t he p roblem.)For e xample, y ou m ay r un i t a s f ollows:$ j ava -­‐cp b in/ s s 1data/spelltest1.txtThe S pellingScorer c hecks, f or e ach m is-­‐spelling i n t he d ata f ile, i f t he l ist o f c orrections r eturned b y t he given S pellingCorrector i ncludes t he e xpected c orrected s pelling. S pellingScorer w ill r eport t he performance o f t he S pellingCorrector b ased o n t he d ata f ile.You m ust i nclude t he o utput o f t his p rogram i n y our s ubmission. W e a lso m ay u se t he S pellingScorer o n a d ifferent s et o f w ords t o e valuate t he q uality o f y our i mplementation.Part 2: L ucene (50 p oints)In t his p art y ou b uild u p a s earch e ngine f or t he c ollection o f 30,000+ T DT3 n ews a rticles (i.e. ‘’) by u sing L ucene, a t ext s earch e ngine l ibrary w ritten i n J ava. T he c ollection c onsists o f t ext f iles, w here each f ile c ontains a n ews a rticle. A n e xample f ile i s s hown b elow.File: tdt3/19981001/CNN19981001_1600_1059.txt<DOC><DOCNO> CNN19981001.1600.1059 </DOCNO><DOCTYPE> NEWS </DOCTYPE><TXTTYPE> CAPTION </TXTTYPE><TEXT>General Motors is taking another step in its effort to lure customersback after strikes shut down most of its plants this summer. G.M.says it will install a safety and security system on many of its trucksand cars for free. The system is worth about $1,300. G.M. saw itsmarket share shrink from 31% in June to less than 21% in July as thestrike was taking place.</TEXT></DOC>Your t ask i s t o c reate a L ucene i ndex f or t he c ollection, w rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a q uery f rom t he user (i.e. S a nd r eturns a l ist o f t op 20 d ocuments, a nd i ntegrate s pelling c orrectors w ith t he program. T he i ndex s hould h ave t he f ollowing t hree f ields: d ocno (called I Ds), d ate (inferrable f rom t he sub-­‐directory n ames, e.g., 19981001), a nd t ext.2.1 I mplement s ome q ueries i n t he p rogram t o f ind t he I Ds (e.g. C NN19981001.1600.1059) o f t he documents t hat m eet t he f ollowing c onditions:a)Documents t hat c ontain b oth “New Y ork” a nd “San F rancisco”b)Documents w here t he w ords ‘helicopter’ a nd ‘hurricane’ a ppear w ithin 5 w ords o f e ach o therc)Documents w hich c ontain t he n ame “Dan R onan” a nd w as p ublished i n N ovember 19982.2 A ssume t hat w e a re i nterested i n n ews a rticles a bout s tock m arket m ore t han o thers. W rite a program t o a utomatically c ollect t erms r elated t o s tock m arket (e.g. s tock, s hare, f und), f or e xample, from t he W ikipedia p age o n s tock m arket (/wiki/Stock_market). C ount t heir frequencies i n t he T DT3 a rticles a nd a ssign q uery-­‐independent w eights b etween 0 a nd 1 t o t he a rticles (cf. S ection 7.1.4 o f t he t extbook). R evise t he p rogram f rom 2.1 t o r erank t he r esults f rom t he L ucene index b y u sing t he q uery-­‐independent w eights: F or e xample, c onsidering a q uery q, o ne o f i ts r esultant articles d, a nd t he o riginal s core o f d g iven b y L ucene, s core(q,d), y ou m ay a dd t he q uery-­‐independent weight o f d, g(d), t o s core(d) t o o btain t he n ew s core o f d, s core’(q,d), a s f ollows:score’(q,d) = s core(q,d) + g(d)Find e xample q ueries w hose t op 20 d ocuments a re a ffected b y t he r eranking a nd t hose n ot a ffected. Discuss i f t he r eranking h elps u s a chieve t he g oal o f f ocusing o n s tock m arket a nd h ow t o i mprove i t.2.3 W rite a p rogram t hat t akes i n a m isspelled q uery, r uns t he b est s pell c orrector y ou w rote i n p art 1 o n this q uery t o s uggest a lternative s pellings, a nd q ueries t he L ucene i ndex u sing t he s uggested s pellings, printing o ut t he I Ds o f t op 20 d ocuments. S how o utput o f y our s ystem w here t he s pell c orrection d oes well a nd w here i t d oes p oorly. L ucene a lso h as a s pell c hecker. W rite a nother p rogram t hat u ses t he Lucene S pellChecker. C ompare t he r esults w ith t hose o f t he b est s pell c orrector f rom p art 1. W hich i s better a nd w hy? H ow c an y our e ngine b e i mproved?Credit f or a dvanced (10 p oints):Implement s ome o f y our s uggestions f or i mprovement f rom 2.2 a nd 2.3. T he q uality o f y our i dea, implementation, a nd w riteup w ill a ll b e c onsidered.References:•Lucene: h ttp:///java/docs/index.html•Information R etrieval a nd W eb S earch c ourse a t S tanford U niversity (source o f t his a ssignment): /class/cs276/•Topic D etection a nd T racking (TDT) P hase 3 (source o f t he T DT3 c orpus):/TDT3/Resource f iles p rovided a t t he c ourse s ite:•, S A s m entioned a bove•big.txt: A c ollection o f d ocuments f rom w hich y ou m ay c ollect d ictionary w ords•spelltest1.txt, s pelltest2.txto Test d ata f iles f or s pelling c orrection, w here e ach l ine f ollows t he f ormat “a d ictionary word : a l ist o f i ncorrectly s pelled w ords”• A n ews a rticle c ollection。

英国文学史assignment 1

英国文学史assignment 1

Assignment 11.Who were the earliest settlers of Britton/England? What do you know about them (home,language, belief, life style)?The earliest settlers of Britain/England were Britons.They were ancient Celtic people from the island of Great Britain . They lived a tribal life ,spoke Celtic language, and had no belief. The Britons (sometimes Brythons or British) were the Celtic people culturally dominating Great Britain from the Iron Age through the Early Middle Ages. They spoke the Insular Celtic language known as British or Brythonic. They lived throughout Britain south of about the Firth of Forth; after the 5th century Britons also migrated to continental Europe, where they established the settlements of Brittany in France and the obscure Britonia in what is now Galicia, Spain. Their relationship to the Picts north of the Forth has been the subject of much discussion, though most scholars accept that the Pictish language during this time was a Brythonic language related to, but perhaps distinct from, British.2.What are the 3 conquests? What effects they had upon the nation?The first is the Roman Conquest. Romans brought Christianity to England. And one of the worst results of the Roman conquest was the growth of the slave system, private land ownership.The Romans made the part of island under their control a province of their huge empire, called Britannia, ruled by Roman governors. The Romans also built walls and forts across northern England to protect the province from the war like tribes of Scotland .The most famous of the walls was Hadrian's Wall, named after the Emperor Hadrian. During the Roman period, Christianity came to England. A number of things with Christian symbols on them that date from the 4th century AD have been found in various places in England.The second is the Anglo-Saxon Conquest. In 449 A.D., Britain was invaded by three Germanic tribes from the Northeast of Europe: Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who had reached the later stages of tribal society. At first they established some small kingdoms in Britain which by the 7th century were combined into a united kingdom called England (the land of Angles). Its people was called the English. The three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Angles, Saxons and Jutes usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishmen. Language spoken by them is called the Old English, which is the foundation of English language and literature. With the Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain, the history of English literature began.The third is Norman Conquest. Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England. The conquest also greatly influenced the English language.3.Ideologically what is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life?The acceptation of Christianity is the most significant change in people’s spiritual life.4. How was the nation developed politically or what changes were there in the form of the social structure?After the Roman Conquest, the form of social was changed from slave society to feudal society. based on the ownership of land.5. In terms of literature, what influence had the French upon England?Due to the Norman influence, English passed from Old to Middle English. The French influence affected the English vocabulary, grammar, spelling and pronunciation and brought the romance style to England6. How many languages were spoken during the French reign? How do you understand modern English as a language?Two, they are French and Old English.Modern English as we know it has existed since about 1500, and Shakespeare's plays were written between 1592 and 1610 -- exact dates are not known. Shakespeare was using the same "English" that we use today, but as languages tend to do, the meanings of words and some words in their entirety have changed.。

Assignment 1(writing)

Assignment 1(writing)

Assignment 1Name the figures of speech used in each of the following sentences:1.Records fell like ripe apples on a windy day.2.My words swirled around his head like summer flies.3.He is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing.4.White Cloud Mountain is lungs of the City of Guangzhou.5.Hitler’s attack on Poland in 1939 was like lightning.6.The Wall Street definitely has more say in their policy making.7.An individual human existence should be like a river --- small at first, narrowlycontained within its banks, and rushing passionately over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.8.He has a heart of stone.9. Water is to fish what masses are to soldiers.10. The grey hair should be respected.11. The kettle is boiling.12. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.13. More haste, less speed.14.The influence of the Crown has increased.15. The hand that rocked the cradle ruled the country.16. Nervous hours came.17. Better to rein in hell, than serve in heav’n.18. To live a life half dead, a living death.19. IBM has a handsome increase of productivity this year.20. The child is father of the man.21. but the plea fell on deaf ears.22. The willows waved violently in the wind.23. It was creative destruction. (9.11 attack)24.All day long the sea waves sobbed with sorrow.25. He liked the cup a bit too much.26. The child gazed in wide-eyed astonishment at me.27. He always speaks to us in a cold pleasant manner.28. People often compare life to a road through the mountain because both have theirups and downs.29. A man who is full of himself is empty.30. She wept floods of tears.。

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Assignment 1Dear Madams and Sirs,I am a saleswoman work for the Shanghai Xincheng I/E Corporation. I am very glad to introduce our products here.Shanghai Xincheng I/E Corporation is a state-run import and export corporation dealing in light industrial products. It was build in 1990 and owned registered capital 20 million RMB. Operating types of goods have add up to hundreds over a decade.Now, we are still constantly applying ourselves to build relationship with domestic manufacturers, introduce to foreign customers our Chinese light industrial with high qualities.Our Corporation have good reputation. Our Customers are very happy to buy our products. Our products are famous all over the world. So our choice can not wait any more.If you are interested in our products, please contact with us and we will offer you good service. We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Assignment 2Task 1 Inquirythe United Textiles Company, Ltd.26 Lawton Streetliverpool, England10 April 2009Dear Miss Lily,I am Lawrence, the general Manager of the United Textiles Company, Ltd and i am interested in silk products.I learn from a newspaper that your company have silk products. Could you please deliver the lowest quotation CIF London for 3000 pieces silk carpet with details of discount and payment terms. I want to buy large quality of silk products. And i will be grateful if you can send me some catalogues and sample cuttings.I look forward to hearing from you by return.Yours faithfully,LawrenceThe General ManagerTask 2 Reply to InquiryThe China National Import&Export Corporation,Fujian Branch30 April 2009Dear Mr Lawrence,We thank you very much for your enquiry of 10 April and happy to learn that you are interested in our silk products.Our products according to CIF London 125$ each, you should pay us before 9 May in effect. We will give you a special discount according to the following order quantity proportion's increase and decrease, Have 3% discount, between 1000 pieces and 2000 pieces. Have 4% discount, between 2000 pieces and 3000 pieces. More than 3000 pieces have 5% discount.You can use irrevocable letter of credit,sight draft to pay. We have already send you catalogue list and sample cutting by air mail.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,LilyThe Sales ManagerTask 3 Counter-offerthe United Textiles Company, Ltd.26 Lawton Streetliverpool, England3 May 2009Dear Miss Lily,Thank you for your letter of 30 April offering us CIF London 125$ each.We have been very pleased with your products as you know. However, it is regretful that your price is too high to come to business. And we find that other companies' goods at local are lower on about 10% discount sale than you. Your quality of goods are better than others , only if the spread not up to 20%.In view of our long-standing business relationship, If we could obtain declined 10% price, we will please a large order with you. According to your returned before 5 February in effect.We look forward to hearing from youYours truly,LawrenceThe General ManagerTask 4 Declining Counter-offerThe China National Import&Export Corporation,Fujian Branch16 June 2009Dear Mr Lawrence,We thank you for your letter of 3 May and your friendly asked us to consider reduce our price.But our counter-offer go through critical count and the raw materials' price go up, our products always have good qualities, so we have little profit. We could not decrease 10% price, but you could have 7% discount if you bought more than 3000 pieces.We are looking forward to your immediate acceptance.Yours sincerely,LilyThe Sales ManagerTask 5 Orderthe United Textiles Company, Ltd.26 Lawton Streetliverpool, England1st July 2009Dear Miss Lily,Our Order No.1Please forward the following merchandise to us:Quantity Pattern No Name of Commodity Prices5000 pieces ML121 silk carpet US $70 each3500 pieces ML123 silk carpet US $140 each(All the prices are FOB London)Packing: Usually packing in wooden box, with cotton material.Payment: By bonded, irrevocable letter of credit,payable at sight.Please deliver sales confirmation immediately so as to establishment of letter of credit right now,you can book space.I look forward to hearing from you.Faithfully yours,LawrenceThe General ManagerTask 6 Acknowledgement of an OrderThe China National Import&Export Corporation,Fujian Branch8 July 2009Dear Mr Lawrence,Your Order No.1Thank you for your order for silk and we assure you that all the items you required are in stock. We are happy that you are one of our customers.We confirm with you the following order for the silk at the prices stated in your letter of 1st July: Quantity Pattern No Name of Commodity Prices5000 pieces ML121 silk carpet US $70 each3500 pieces ML123 silk carpet US $140 each(All the prices are FOB London)Packing: Usually packing in wooden box, with cotton material.Payment: By bonded, irrevocable letter of credit,payable at sight.For the above order, we enclose our Sales Confirmation NO.105 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file at your earliest convenience.The L/C should be opened to us immediately. When L/C arrived, goods will be ready for shipment. Please attention,L/C terms must perfectly in accord with our sales confirmation terms, so as not to After correction.We thank you again for the above order and hope that the goods we have shipment will make you fully satisfied.Yours truly,LilyThe Sales ManagerAssignment 3Dear madam or sir,We have received the NO.3524 letter of credit by the bank of New South Wales. We like to remind you that the letter of credit is not allow to partial shipment or T/S transshipment.As rare of direct ship across your port, we usually have to arrange for T/S transshipment in HongKong. As for partial shipment, we could send goods how many we have in store and not necessary to waiting to prepare whole of goods sending by the gross. It is good for both of us.So this afternoon we have mailed you for ask for amendment to letter of credit to read " Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed".Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Assignment 4Dear madam or sir,We learn from your letter of 5 May, about the 2000 set of color TVs under the NO.123 purchase contract, we inform given below:According to contract stipulations, the goods we talk about above should be made in three equal lots, April, May, June , three months by shipment. But until now, it still not shipment the first goods. Our customers is waiting for the goods and is very surprised at your delay in delivery.Please do your best to effect the shipment of the first and second lots together before the end of June. Or our customers will be dissatisfied with your delay in shipment, as a result, it is possible to cancle order and look elsewhere.If you see the inform, please tell us the exact data of shipment. Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,。

Assignment 1各种信函

Assignment 1各种信函

6. 合同的正文范例
Buyers: Peter Company Limited Sellers: John Hayde, Inc. Ltd. This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: Name of Commodity: Printed Cotton Sheeting Specifications: No.137 35.36 inch in width Quality: as per sample submitted by the buyers on March 9 Quantity: 40,000 yards Price: USD 6.6 per yard CIF London Amount: USD 264,000
We refer to contract 235 for 3000 photocopiers. The contract was made on a C&F basis, whereas basis, your L/C states CIF. To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the necessary insurance coverage. The premium will coverage. cost US$ 2500 and we could deduct it from the commission payable to you. The consignment is being shipped, leaving Liverpool for Taiwan on 15th June. We will send you bill of lading and other shipping documents as soon as we receive them and meanwhile enclose a invoice showing prices at which the goods should be offered for sale.

assignment 1 分析

assignment 1 分析

3. 我存在,我曾经存在。 I am,I was. 电影“Artificial Intelligence”,I am, I was. I think, so I am. (Decarte) 改译: I am here, I was here. ??? I exist, I ever existed. ???
4. 有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。 I want something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
语义问题: Someone to love指有一个人去爱,但原文中是“有值得 爱的人”,与原文不符。Something to hope for指“有事情去期待” 的意思,与原文中“有美丽的梦”仍不吻合。 改译:
17.生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,后会有期。 Life is full of encounters and separations. See you some day.
语义问题:separation: n. a period of time that people spend apart from each other. 一般指长时间离别。所以在该句中用parting: n. the act or occasion of leaving a person or place”一词比较好,与原文 中所表达的意思相近。
2. 我希望活得有意义,活得深刻,汲取生命所有的精髓。 I wanted to live deliberately,live deep and suck out all the marrow of the life. (Walden) 语法问题:原文中的动词wanted用了过去式,过去式指的是在过去的时间内所发生的 事情,从原文中了解到这种渴望和希望应该经常存在,故用一般现在时want比较合适。 语义问题:deliberately有两个意思,分别是“done in a way that was planned, not by chance”和 “slowly and carefully”, deliberately 并不符合有意义的意思。deep可以指物理意 义上的深,情感上的深厚,知识的渊博,人性格深沉,这里指生活态度不恰当。尽管 deep也有做副词的时候,但多用于deep inside,deep into这种情况,在这里用deeply才 是正确的。而且此处用profoundly更好,语气更强,更能体现出活得深刻的意味。 文体问题:“汲取”在文中具有象征意义,指的是“学习”生命的意义。suck out指的 是吮吸,只是单纯的动作。marrow象征的是生命中的智慧,而marrow是生物上骨髓的 意思。 改译: I wanted to lead a meaningful and profound life, from which I receive all the wisdom of life.



Assignment 1, PSAProblem 1: Multiple Choice Questions (2 points for each problem)1. Counterfactual is synonymous with ________.a. potential outcomeb. counterfactual frameworkc. unobserved heterogeneityd. both a and b2. The treatment effect model shares same features as the propensity score matching inthe following way(s) ________.a. both estimate propensity scoresb. both create a matched samplec. both cause reduction of sample sized. both a and c3. The strongly ignorable treatment assignment assumption is synonymous with________.a. no omission of important predictors of sample selectionb. independence between an independent variable and the error term of a regressionmodelc. no correlation between treatment assignment and a covariate of outcomed. both a and be. all a, b, and c4. The challenge(s) of running instrumental variable approach is (are) the difficulty (ordifficulties) to________.a. know potential outcome for all study participantsb. know the causes of sample selectionc. to find a useful instrumental variabled. all a, b and ce. both b and c5. The Heckman sample selection model differs from the treatment effect model in thefollowing way(s) ________.a. estimation methods (i.e., two-step estimator versus maximum likelihood)b. whether the regression equation includes the binary treatment variablec. whether the outcome variable is known for all participantsd. both b and ce. all a, b, and c6. The SUTVA implies that ________.a. to test the effectiveness of aspirin the evaluator should give aspirin to all studyparticipantsb. to test effectiveness of aspirin the evaluator should use exactly the same type ofaspirin in the studyc. recent graduates from a job training program should not affect the average incomein the job marketd. all a, b and ce. both b and c7. When Rubin (2008) says “design trumps analysis”, he means that ________.a. a randomized experiment should always be designed carefullyb. an observational study should model randomization and make efforts to correct fornonrandomized selectionsc. analysis is less important than design when conducting an observational studyd. all a, b and ce. both a and b8. The consequence(s) of having an endogeneity problem in running regression is (are)________.a. the estimated R2 is misleadingb. the significance tests are misleadingc. treatment effect is exaggeratedd. all a, b and ce. both b and c9. The randomized experiment (RE) is superior to an observational study (OS) in thefollowing way(s): ______________a. RE is less expensiveb. OS fails to control for unmeasured heterogeneityc. RE dose not require restrictive assumptionsd. all a, b and ce. both b and c10. Which of the following statement(s) is (are) false? ______________a. average treatment effect equals to intent-to-treat effectb. efficacy effect is the same as the treatment effect for the treatedc. in a randomized experiment the average treatment effect for the treated is thesame as the average treatment effect for the controld. all a, b and ce. both b and cProblem 2 (30 points)In the data file “chpt4_1.dta” of the PSA Website, the variable “bc3_tpt” is a total score of CBCL. Like the externalizing and internalizing scores, a high value on the total score indicates a greater extent of behavioral problems.Use this variable as an outcome, and exactly the same set of covariates affecting the selection and regression equations as those for the externalizing model (i.e. the model presented in Section 4.5.1 of Guo & Fraser, 2009, pp108-113), run a treatment effectmodel using maximum likelihood estimator. Attach (or copy/paste) the output to your completed assignment. Answer the following questions.2.1 What is your model estimated treatment effect? Interpret your finding.2.2 What is your estimated correlation between the error of the selection equation and theerror of the regression equation? Perform a significance test of the null hypothesis stating that the correlation is zero. What dose your test inform you?2.3 Interpret the meaning of model chi-square. What does the test of the significance ofmodel chi-square inform you?2.4 From your estimated model, what do you know about important covariates that affectthe sample selection? What does sample selection mean under the current context? 2.5 What variables are important in predicting participants’ total score?2.6 Run the same model using a two-step estimator.2.7 Compare results between maximum likelihood method and the two-step method.Examine each covariate, and then report whether or not the two estimators give you the same findings. Note that by same findings, I mean the same sign of regression and selection coefficient and same conclusion of significance test (two-tailed) at a .05 level.Problem 3 (20 points)You are provided with 50 imputed files in which missing values of independent variables are all imputed. You can download the data (i.e., the zip file “”) from the PSA Website and unzip it. Run a treatment effect model based on all 50 files with the following specifications:Regression equation:icsaggch = β0 + β1 ageyc + β2 fmale + β3 blck + β4 whit + β5 hisp + β6 pcedu + β7 ipovl + β8 pcemft + β9 fthr + εintbl = β0 + β1 ageyc +β2 fmale + β3 blck + β4whit + β5 hisp +β6 pcedu +β7 ipovl + β8 pcemft + β9 fthr + β10 dicsagg2 + β11 dicsint2 + uThe same model should also control for clustering effect. That is, use schbl as a clustering variable (i.e., a variable denoting school ID—study participants are nested within schools) to obtain a robust estimate of standard errors to correct for clustering effect.Report:3.1 The estimated treatment effect based on all 50 imputed files in terms of the magnitudeof the effect and whether or not it’s statistically significant.3.2 Which variables might be important in affecting sample selection? Be clear whichsignificance level you use in the evaluation.3.3 Which variables might be important in affecting outcome? Be clear whichsignificance level you use in the evaluation.3.4 What is the estimated correlation between εand u?Problem 4 (30 points)Write an abstract (< 400 words) to describe a design of observational study. You may choose a research problem from the substantive area of your interest. Use Rubin’s (2008) general advice to show important components of your design.。

Assignment 1 for Ch 1 to Ch 4

Assignment 1 for Ch 1 to Ch 4

Assignment 1 (for Ch 1 to Ch 4)Question 1Suppose that one investment has a mean return of 8% and a standard deviation of returns of 14%. Another investment has a mean return of 12% and a standard deviation of returns of 20%. The correlation between the investments is 0.3. Produce a chart similar to Figure 1.2, showing alternative return-risk portfolios from the two investments. Question 2A fund manager has maintained an actively managed portfolio with a beta of 0.2. During the last year, the risk-free rate was 5% and major equity indices performed very badly, providing returns of about -30%. The manager produced a return of -10% and claims that in the circumstances it was good. Discuss this claim.Question 3Regulators calculate that DLC bank (see Section 2.2) will report a profit that is normally distributed with a mean of $0.6 million and a standard deviation of $2.0 million. How much equity capital in addition to that in Table 2.2 should regulators require for there to be a 99.9% chance of the capital not being wiped out by losses?Question 4An investment bank has been asked to underwrite an issue of 10 million shares by a company. It is trying to decide between a best-efforts deal where it charges a fee of $0.2 for each share sold and a firm-commitment deal where it buys the shares for $10 per share. For the latter deal, the bank considers that the selling price per share is either $10.8 or $9.8. What are the break-even probabilities of selling prices so that the bank is indifferent to the two deals (assume that all 10 million shares are sold out)? Question 5Use Table 3.1 to calculate the minimum premium an insurance company should charge for a $5 million three-year term life insurance contract issued to a man aged 60. Assume that the premium is paid at the beginning of each year and death always takes place halfway through a year. The risk-free interest rate is 6% per annum (with semi-annual compounding).Question 6Suppose that in a certain defined benefit pension plan (1)Employees work for 45 years earning salaries thatincrease at the real rate 實質利率 of 2% per year (= the nominal rate 名義利率 the inflation rate 通脹率 ).(2)The pension fund’s income is invested in bonds, whichearn the real rate of 1.5% per year.(3)They retire with an annuity equal to 70% of their finalsalaries. This annuity decreases at the real rate of 1% per year.(4)The annuities are received for 18 years.Calculate (using a software, say Excel) the percentage R of an employee’s salary that must be contributed to the pension plan if it is to remain solvent.Assume that the initial salary is $100,000 per year. Note that the salary of the employee makes no difference to the answer. This is because it has the effect of scaling all numbers up or down.Do all calculations in real rather than nominal dollars. Each team is required to hand in a spreadsheet only. (Given that the required contribution rate R = 25.02%.)Question 7An investor buys 100 shares in a mutual fund on 1 January 2015, for $50 each. The fund earns dividends of $2 and $3 per share during 2015 and 2016. These are reinvested in the fund. The fund’s realized capital gains in 2015 and 2016 are $5 per share and $3 per share, respectively. The investor sells the shares in the fund during 2017 for $59 per share. Explain how the investor is taxed.Question 8Good years are followed by equally bad years for a mutual fund. It earns +8%, –8%, +12%, –12% in successive years.(a)What is the investor’s overall return for the four years?(b)What is the inve stor’s av erage return each year?Form a team having 4 or 5 students (who register with the same Monday's or Friday's classes) to complete this assignment.Please hand in a hard copy of your team work during the classes held on 29 February 2016 (Monday's classes) / 4 March 2016 (Friday's classes).Note that this assignment carries only 5 marks out of 15 marks (the total of continuous assessment).。

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Ecuadorean Valentine RosesIt is 6:20 a.m. February 7, in the Ecuadorean town of Cayambe, and Maria Pacheco has just been dropped off for work by the company bus. She pulls on thick rubber gloves, wraps an apron over her white, traditional embroidered dress, and grabs her clippers, ready for another long day. Any other time of year, Maria would wor k until 2 p.m., but it’s a week before Valentine’s Day, and Maria along with her 84 coworkers at the farm are likely to be busy until 5 p.m. By then, Maria will have cut more than 1,000 rose stems.A few days later, after they have been refrigerated and shipped via aircraft, the roses Maria cut will be selling for premium prices in stores from New York to London. Ecuadorean roses are quickly becoming the Rolls-Royce of roses. They have huge heads and unusually vibrant colors, including 10 different reds, from bleeding heart crimson to a rosy lover’s blush.Most of Ecuador’s 460 or s o rose farms are located in the Cayambe and Cotopaxi regions,10,000 feet up in the Andes about an hour’s drive from the capital, Quito. The rose bushes are planted in huge flat fields at the foot of snowcapped volcanoes that rise to more than 20,000 feet. The bushes are protected by 20-foot-high canopies of plastic sheeting. The combination of intense sunlight, fertile volcanic soil, an equatorial location, and high altitude makes for ideal growing conditions, allowing roses to flower almost year-round.Ecuador’s rose industr y started some 20 years ago and has been expanding rapidly since. Ecuador is now the world’s fourth-largest producer of roses. Roses are the nation’s fifth-largest export, with customers all over the world. Rose farms generate $240 million in sales and support tens of thousands of jobs. In Cayambe, the population has increased in 10 years from 10,000 to 70,000, primarily as a result of the rose industry. The revenues and taxes from rose growers have helped to pave roads, build schools, and construct sophisticated irrigation systems. In 2003, construction was to begin on an international airport between Quito and Cayambe from which Ecuadorean roses will begin their journey to flower shops all over the world.Maria works Monday to Saturday, and earns $210 a month, which she says is an average wage in Ecuador and substantially above the country’s $120 a month minimum wage. The farm also provides her with health care and a pension. By employing women such as Maria, the industry has fostered a social revolution in which mothers and wives have more control over theirfamil y’s spending, especially on schooling for their children.For all of the benefits that roses have bought to Ecuador, where the gross national income per capita is only $1,080 a year, the industry has come under fire from environmentalists. Large growers have been accused of misusing a toxic mixture of pesticides, fungicides, and fumigants to grow and export unblemished pest-free flowers. Reports claim that workers often fumigate roses in street clothes without protective equipment. Some doctors and scientists claim that many of the industry’s 50,000 employees have serious health problems as a result of exposure to toxicchemicals. A study by the International Labor Organization claimed that women in the industry had more miscarriages than average and that some 60 percent of all workers suffered from headaches, nausea, blurred vision, and fatigue. Still, the critics acknowledge that their studies have been hindered by a lack of access to the farms, and they do not know what the true situation is. The International Labor Organization has also claimed that some rose growers in Ecuador use child labor, a claim that has been strenuously rejected by both the growers and Ecuadorean government agencies.In Europe, consumer groups have urged the European Union to press for improved environmental safeguards. In response, some Ecuadorean growers have joined a voluntary program aimed at helping customers identify responsible growers. The certification signifies that the grower has distributed protective gear, trained workers in using chemicals, and hired doctorsto visit workers at least weekly. Other environmental groups have pushed for stronger sanctions, including trade sanctions, against Ecuadorean rose growers that are not environmentally certified by a reputable agency. On February 14, however, most consumers are oblivious to these issues; they simply want to show their appreciation to their wives and girlfriends with a perfect bunch of roses.Sources: G. Thompson, “Behind Roses’ Beauty, Poor and Ill Workers,” The New York Times, February 13, 2003, pp. A1, A27; J. Stuart, “You’ve Come a Long Way Baby,” The Independent, February 14, 2003, p. 1; V. Marino, “ByAny Other Name, It’s Usually a Rosa,” The New York Times, May 11, 2003, p. A9; A. DePalma, “In Trade Issue,the Pressu re Is on Flowers,” The New York Times, January 24, 2002, p. 1; and “The Se arch for Roses without Thorns,”The Economist, February 18, 2006, p. 38.Read the article, and answer the following questions using what you learned from the first five chapters in our textbook:1.How has participation in the international rose trade helped Ecuador’s economy and its people? How has the rise of Ecuador as a center for rose growing benefited consumers in developed nations who purchase the roses? What do the answers to these questions tell you about the benefits of international trade?2.Why do you think that Ecuador’s rose industry only began to take of f 20 years ago? Why do you think it has grown so rapidly?3.To what extent can the alleged health problems among workers in Ecuador’s rose industry be laid at the feet of consumers in the developed world and their desire for perfect Valentine’s Day roses?4. Do you think governments in the developed world should place trade sanctions on Ecuador roses if reports of health issues among Ecuadorian rose workers are verified? What else might they do to improve the situation in Ecuador?。

Assignment 1 – Write each word 3 times each

Assignment 1 – Write each word 3 times each

Assignment 1– Write each word 3 times each.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 2– List your words in alphabetical order.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________ Assignment 3– Use each of your words in a completesentence.1._________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________7._________________________________________________________8._________________________________________________________9._________________________________________________________10._________________________________________________________11._________________________________________________________12._________________________________________________________13._________________________________________________________14._________________________________________________________15._________________________________________________________16._________________________________________________________17._________________________________________________________18._________________________________________________________19._________________________________________________________20._________________________________________________________Spelling PracticeSpelling Websites– Use the following sites to study your spelling words in fun ways. You can type in the list of words, then play games and complete other activities./SpellingTest/FreeSpellingTest.htmlOther ways to practice words …∙Write your words in shaving cream∙Use magnet letters and cookie sheets∙Write your words on a dry erase board∙Write your words outside with chalk∙Use a Q-tip and water to paint on a chalkboard∙Use a tape recorder to record yourself spelling the words ∙Practice your words out loud with a parent or sibling ∙Type your words on a typewriter or a computer∙Paint your words∙Use toothpicks or pipe cleaners to form your wordsName __________________ Date ____________ Lesson _____ Spelling Homework Checklist1._____ Complete the spelling rule sheet.2._____ Write your spelling words 3 times each.3._____ List your words in alphabetical order.4._____ Use each of your words in a complete sentence.5._____ Study for your test. Use the list of suggestions on thelast page.6._____ Check off all assignments. The entire packet should beturned in by Friday.----------------------------------------------GradingSpelling Rule Page - _____ out of 53 Times Each - _____ out of 5Alphabetical Order - _____ out of 5Sentences - _____ out of 5Total Weekly Homework Grade - _____ out of 20。

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Assignment 1
My company: I want to establish a instrument securities company.
1.Produce and services: my company aims at helping the investor invest
reasonable, because they have little knowledge about then stock. They always been hurt and lost a lot of money, because of lacking of major
knowledge. We will give them appropriate advice according to their riches, the ability of accepting risk, background and so on.
w and economics school of jurisprudential: they thought that the law
should promote market efficiency, and the law is market’s safeguard
besides, the law should be main concern of decision-making.
3.Codified law: May be we can use the codified law, because our company is
stock company, there are many trade need to make a bargain, so we need the codified law to regulate it.
Judicial decisions:
In stock company, there are some investor wanting to get more profit by unethical or illegality way. They destroy other people’s profit. Judicial
decision could warn the illegality investor, and give attention to them, so judicial decision limit them illegal behaviors, give them and punishment. 4. A (a) legislative branch
The legislative branch has established congress and house of representations to make government more responsive to citizen
needs. When people want to have more chance to do business,
then congress will senate will introduce more law to protect
business’s right, give them more tolerant policy environment, which
is good for me to operate my company.
(b)Executive branch
The executive branch will enforce the law about the business. They will elect the representative of commerce ad ensure the operation
about stock law.
(c)Judicial branch
In the stock market, there are some illegal behaviors, then the judicial branch will punish them who have illegality behavior and
purpose, which makes the market operate smoothly and steady.
B commerce clause
I will comply with the foreign commerce clause, because my company
will extend the market to other nation. USC gives the federal
government power to regulate commerce with foreign nations.
Therefore, IF we want to grow smoothly in other nations ,we
should have kept in law.
C First amendent business freedom of speech , such as oral , writen and
symbolic speech, which encourage business speack their creation idea to develop the business。
