BA level 6 SIS & the eBusiness (Assignment 2 of 2) 2010




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Q& li-626D 3.1 ~. Msteri&l covered thisspecification by shallbe manufactured suchhot or coldworking by follosed suchannsaling may‘In? by as required wet therequirements thisspecification.hen specified to of W (see 6.2), softmterial shallbs finishannealed. . 3.2 Unless othercise kpecifed (see 6.2),caterial i shallbs furnished in strslght lengths. The mterial shallconform the chemical to 3.3 ~. requiretrents specified tableI. in TA55LE. cnsmical 1 composition, p.ercen#’
FORGINGS, AND FLAT PRODUCTS WITH FINISHED FDGFS (RAR AND STRIP) ‘fbisspecification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administrqtion, for the use of all Federal agencies.
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怎么识别规格繁多的主板呢?由于各厂商的技术参数各不一样,编号也随着各人的不同而让消费者麻烦不已 ,但是尽管此时此刻的主板的编号越来越艰难,但是万变不离其宗,它们的产品编号还是紧紧围围着芯片组和支持的处理器类型来命名,所以只要我们能把各个厂商的主板编号规律搞清晰,就能通过主板编号了解该产品的特点和性能,让大家购置主板时不在犯愁。



联想(QDI)我们可以通过主板芯片名称就初步判定该主板是支持 INTEL 或者AMD 系列CPU,其中主板芯片名称取自联想公司研发代号的第一个字母,假如浮现重复就选择研发代码的最终一位字母作为附加标识码。

例如 Intel i815 芯片组在联想公司的主板研发代号为Synacti X,假如只取字母 X,这样 Intel i815 芯片组主板的主板芯片名称就确定为 SX。

联想将 VIA 芯片组的研发代号指定为Advance,其主板的主板芯片名称确定为 A。

精英(ECS)首先通过第一个英文字母来说明主板支持的 CPU 类型, P 表示支持 Intel 或者与 Intel 处理器兼容的 CPU,后面的数字那末详细说明支持的 CPU 类型。

6 说明支持赛杨和 PII 级 CPU 主板, K 那末说明支持 AMD 的 K7 系列 CPU,并且还会协作数字 7 一并运用。

其次局部是采用的芯片组名称, BX 代表 440BX 芯片组、 IW 代表 I810 芯片组、 BA 代表 VIA 的 Apollo 芯片组、 VA 代表 VIA 的 694X 芯片组、 SE 代表 SIS 的 620 芯片组等。

第三局部处理器接口类型,用一个英文字母来简洁区分, T 表示主板同时拥有 Slot 1 和 Socket 370 两种接口,而 P 表示该主板上惟独一个 Scocket 370 接口。




在对病毒传播过程的描述各种模型中,“易感-感染-易感”(SIS )模型是研究者经常的选择。

关于SIS 模型,可以简单的描述为:一个易感的个体在和一个具有传染性的个体的接触中,在单位时间以一定的概率(β)被感染,同时,已感染的个体以概率(γ)被治愈又重新成为健康(易感)的个体。







本题我们主要研究二部网络上的病毒传播问题,根据附件提供的一个二部网络(由10000个A 类节点和10000个B 类节点构成)的节点度的数据,完成以下任务:1.根据“附件”提供的数据data.xls ,选择适当的坐标,作出节点连接度和其出现频率的图形,观察这种类型的连接度数据大致服从什么分布?2.生成上述网络,可以采用如下的机制:先生成一个小型的二部图,随后在A 类中加入一个新节点并向B 类中的节点连边,该边指向B 类中i 号节点的概率正比于i 号节点当前的连接度,而后在B 类中产生新节点,以同样的方式向A 类连边,当这两个步骤进行足够多次之后即可得到满足数据文件特点的网络。



安全仪表系统(SIS)技术规格书目录1 总则 (4)1.1 概述 (4)1.2 工厂及装置简况 (4)1.3 卖方的责任 (4)1.4 供货及服务范围 (4)1.5 报价技术文件要求 (4)1.6 无效报价 (6)1.7 关于招标及投标的修改 (6)1.8 本规格书程度用词 (6)2 系统技术规格 (7)2.1 概述 (7)2.2 技术要求 (7)2.3 通信要求 (15)2.4 系统负荷要求 (16)2.5 维护和安全、可靠性要求 (17)2.6 系统机柜 (18)2.7 辅助机柜 (18)2.8 电缆及连接配件 (19)2.9 电源及接地 (19)3 软件配置的基本要求 (20)3.2 软件的版本更新 (20)3.3 汉字系统 (20)4 备品备件及辅助工具 (20)4.1 备品备件 (20)4.2 专用仪器和工具 (20)5 文件资料 (20)5.1 工程设计文件资料 (20)5.2 应用手册文件 (21)5.3 中间文件资料 (21)5.4 组态培训资料 (21)5.5 文件资料的文字 (21)6 技术服务 (22)6.1 概述 (22)6.2 项目管理 (22)6.3 工程条件会 (22)6.4 现场技术服务 (22)6.5 操作运行服务 (23)7 技术培训及软件组态 (24)7.1 系统技术培训 (24)7.2 软件组态培训 (24)7.3 组态 (24)7.5 操作培训 (24)8 测试与验收 (25)8.1 工厂测试与出厂验收 (25)8.2 现场验收 (25)9 性能保证 (25)9.1 性能保证 (25)9.2 备件 (26)10 特殊要求 (26)附图1. 中心控制室建筑平面图 (26)附录1. 系统硬件清单及技术服务 (27)附录2. 检测点统计表 (30)1 总则1.1 概述本安全仪表系统(以下简称SIS)规格书为××××××××××公司××××××工程而编制。



总之SIS原则上应单独设置,独立与DCS和其他系统 ,并与DCS进行通信;SIS应具有完善的诊断测试功 能,SIS应采用经安全认证的PLC系统;SIS关联的 检测元件、执行机构原则上单独设置;SIS中间环节 应保持最少;SIS应采用冗余或容错结构;SIS应设 计成故障安全型,I/O模件应带电磁隔离或光电隔离 ,每通道应相互隔离,可带电插拔;来自现场的三取 二信号应分别接到三个不同的输入卡,当模拟量输入 信号同时用于SIS、DCS时,应先接到SIS的AI卡, 采用SIS系统对变送器进行供电。
从SIS发展历史来看,安全仪表系统(SIS) 经历了继电器系统、固态电路系统和可编程 电子系统3个阶段。
采用单元化结构,由继电器执行逻辑,通过 重新接线来重新编程。 可靠性高,具有故障安全特性,电压适用范 围宽,一次性投资较低,可分散于工厂各处 ,抗干扰能力强。 系统庞大而复杂,灵活性差,进行功能修改 或扩展不方便,无串行通信功能,无报告和 文档功能。易造成误停车,无自诊断能力。 用户维修周期长,费用高。
一、概述 二、安全仪表系统的组成 三、工艺过程的风险评估及安全功能SIS 等级的确定 四、SIS安全仪表系统常用术语
1.安全仪表系统的定义 2.安全仪表系统(SIS)的分类 3. 安全仪表系统(SIS)的特点
2. DIN V,19250/ IEC61508标 准风险分析图
工艺过程的风险是以恶性事故概率及其造成 的后果来衡量的。目标安全水平是以可接受 的恶性事故概率及其造成的后果来确定的。 目标安全水平与恶性事故概率之间的差值就 是安全功能的SIL等级,即SIS系统中采用 SIL等级的安全功能来使恶性事故概率低于 目标安全水平。



XX有限责任公司XX项目SIS技术规格书编制:校核:审核:XX年XX月XX日目录1 总则 (3)2 系统技术规格 (7)3 软件配置的基本要求 (14)4 备品备件及辅助工具 (14)5 文件资料 (15)6 技术服务 (16)7 技术培训及软件组态 (18)8 测试与验收 (19)9 保证期 (19)附表1 控制及检测点统计表 (21)附表2 安全栅的数量及规格统计表 (22)1 总则1.1概述安全仪表系统(以下简称SIS)规格书是为XX有限责任公司XX项目安全仪表系统而进行编制的。






卖方的技术服务应包括(但不限于) :设计条件会、系统工程设计、技术培训、系统组态、出厂测试、包装运输、安装指导、现场测试、开工指导、系统移交及质量保证、系统资料和支持服务等。


1.1.2供货原则声明卖方必须接受下列原则并签字供货原则声明本公司的技术标书完全符合买方提出的下列五项原则:(1) 服从原则询价书及其附件和以后修改通知中规定的所有要求都将100%满足。




SIS数据交换标准能够保证不同系统间 的数据一致性和完整性,提高数据交 换的效率和安全性,促进SIS系统间的 互联互通和信息共享。
SIS安全标准与规范是保障SIS系统安全稳定运行的重要技术标准,包括系统安全 、数据安全、通信安全等。
SIS安全标准与规范能够提高SIS系统的安全防护能力,防止信息泄露和攻击,保 障SIS系统的正常运行和数据安全。
SIS标准体系是指导SIS应用和发 展的规范性文件,包括基础标准 、应用标准、安全标准等。
SIS标准体系旨在规范SIS的各项 技术要求和操作流程,提高SIS的 可靠性和安全性,促进SIS的广泛 应用和发展。
SIS数据交换标准是实现SIS系统间数 据交换和共享的关键技术标准,包括 数据交换格式、数据交换协议等。
SIS系统集成是将多个子系统或模块进 行整合,以实现数据共享和协同工作。
SIS系统的部署环境需要考虑硬件设备、 操作系统、网络环境等多个因素,以 确保系统的稳定性和安全性。
SIS系统的部署方式包括集中式部署和 分布式部署,具体选择哪种部署方式 需要根据实际情况进行评估。
SIS系统架构是一个由数据采集、 数据处理、数据存储、数据展示
SIS系统架构设计应遵循标准化、 模块化、可扩展性等原则,以确
SIS系统架构包括数据采集层、 数据处理层、数据存储层和数据 展示层等多个组件,每个组件都









本项⽬配备的SIS系统及各类卡件、系统软件的安全等级必须取得IEC61508 SIL3、TUV AK6级认证( 投标⽅需提供产品认证证书)。















从表1中看出: 由于该石化装置建设较早,所以用的SIS系统牌号多, 几经变革,从时间跨度上看,现有装置较早的系统 1998年投用,最近投用的也已到2007年。 由于SIS品类多、每种SIS系统尽管采用的技术有相近 之处,但对用户来说技术的学习难度大,备件种类繁 多,系统的更新换代迫在眉睫。 在SIS选用上,由于国际标准IEC 61508/61511、国家 标准GB/T 21109.1-2007出台较晚,国内也只有SHB206-1999《石油化工紧急停车及安全联锁系统设计导 则》,用于指导设计、施工和运行。因此在选用SIS时 只强调控制器达到AK5、AK6或达到SIL3这样的安全 标准就可以了。没有提供一个SIS系统整体设计(包括 输入输出部分)的解决方案。
项目 序号
6 5 3 2 1 1 1 5
良好 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
• 首先由于共同的系统结构提供了非常容易的系统设计, DCS系统和SIS系统不必设计成分离的方案和通信, DCS与SIS之间流畅的数据交换不需要任何网关/接口 单元,集成系统中的设备时针同步。 • 其次,一套共同的通信网络可加快项目的执行,既可 实现SIS安全控制器之间的数据交换,DCS也可以通过 位号读取SIS系统中的数据,不需要接口单元。控制网 络是一个安全通信协议通过TUV认证。DCS的HIM是 控制网的时钟主站,通过标准的控制网(例如 YOKOGAWA的Vnet网)功能进行时钟同步。



1999年 1O月,美 国圣母大学物理系的 Baraba— 的机率越大,但超过一定距离则不可能被传染)和恢
si教授及其博士生 Albert在 Science杂志上发表了 题为《随机网络 中标度 的涌现》一 文,揭示 了复杂 网络 的无标 度特 性 ,并 建 立 了无标 度 网络 的模 型 [2,31.
第 32卷 第 3期 2014 年 05 月
佳 木 斯 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Journal of Jiamusi University(Natural Science Edition)
文章编号 :1008—1402(2014)03-'0424一o4
Vo1.32 No.3 May 2014
当 d(£√)≥ d时 ,P(A ) =0 (2)
标度网络 中的传 染病传 播模 型 就体现 了这 些特
同时由恢复性知,第人 由患病者变为健康者的
点 _ .
机 率 为 :
由于解析方程建立的难度 ,所以上面的模型都
P( ) =b
不能将传染性与恢复性 是按 照一定概率进行的这
所以由传播性知 ,第 i人 由第 _『人传染成为患 病者的机率为 :
由于网络的复杂性 ,建立确切的传染病模型是很困 难的 ,同时即便建立起模型 ,对其的研究也是不容
当 d( ,-『) <d时 ,P(A ) =
易 的.在 Pastor—Satorras和 Vespingnani建 立 的无
表 1 第一 组实验
图 23 没有传播 的初期 图
表 4 第 四组 实验
第 3期
续 婷 ,等 :无标 度 网络 中的 SIS模 型的计 算机 模 拟

英语流利说 Level6 等级测试汇总

英语流利说 Level6 等级测试汇总

PART1同义词:1、Desperate 绝望的:2、Lost the Sanity 失去理智的: insane, crazy3、Bored Tasks 无聊的任务: repetitive, routine4、Current Performance 近期表现:5、Living Conditions 生活条件: deplorable6、不确定某些事情: skeptical, doubtful7、比别人表现好: unsurpassed, unrivalled8、adequate, sufficient9、solution, remedy10、unuseful: unnecessary, inessential11、going faster: accelerating, speeding up填词:1. If they owned a home or flat, it would more difficult to move. If they decided to move, they would probably have to sell. If prices have risen,that would be OK. In fact, they might even make a profit. However, if prices were down when they have to sale, theywould lose money.2. When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree,was laughing. The sheep were grazingpeacefully. Annoyed. The villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities.3. The accident wouldn’t have happened had the weather been better.4. Though the days are dark and freezing cold in the depths of winter, the moonwill rest above the horizon for weeks at a time. Its pale light illuminates the cold, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a companion and reaffirming the bonds of life. So even for those who live in the darkest part of the earth, there is light.5. Injuries can be minimized by doing a proper warm up. This consists of increasing your heart rate and blood flow to all part of your body.6. Understanding injuries and the body reacts to them can help people cope with the problems that accompany physical exercise. The support and understanding of coaches, teammates and family can be a critical factor in prevention and recovery. Once an injury occurs, it’s too late to prevent it, and recovery can take a long time.7. After discussing the injury with Bob and his parents, they concluded that the cause of the injury was from playing soccer.8.With his death, power shifted to his adopted son Octavian, whovowed revenge against the event of assassins. Eventually, several ofthe leading assassins were either killed or committed suicide.9.From the left atrium, The oxygenated blood is pumped into another chamber, the left ventricle. The left ventricle then pumps the blood into the aorta, which is thelargest artery in the body. From the aorta, the oxygenated blood passes through a network of smaller arteries throughout the entire body, including the brain.10.Controversy has arisen at times when teams have made decisions thatcould threaten a player’s long-term health for short-term gain.11.Many works will become redundant, replaced by machines that can perform cognitive tasks better than people. An even greater danger is that they willdevelop personalities and become more interesting than people.12.He may have taken his computer with him, but i'm not sure if he did or not.13.On the day of his assassination, it is reported that Caesar may have been handed a warning note as he enterd the senate.14.Gradually, Bob improved, and after a few month was close to full recovery.He no longer had any signs of depression, and was finally able to return to school.Ultimately, Bob graduated from his university with honors, and entered a famouslaw school.15.Since diseases and epidemics don't stop at national borders, this is a global issue requiring global action.16.A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent of all the risk of stroke.句子排序:1、(1) Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.(2) Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, virus and parasites.(3) These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity.(4) That’s because they are adaptable.(5) Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases.2、(1) Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems.(2) He has been treating patients for many years and he has used a variety of treatments.(3) Sometimes he just listens and talks to patients and sometimes he uses meditations.(4) These meditations affect the brain in many different ways.3、(1) To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert.(2) Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.(3) You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants.(4) Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface.(5) But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poi sonous, so don’t eat them.4、(1) The forest area near the reactor site is one of the most radioactive places on Earth.(2) Named the Red Forest because its trees turned a reddish-brown color as they died, the forest is trying to make a recovery.(3) Animals such as elk and eagles have been seen in the area.(4) And birch trees have grown where the radioactive trees of the forestwere bulldozed and buried by the Soviet government.5、(1) One thing he is considering is to sell his share in the company.(2) He could begin to sell a little at a time and reinvest the money in somewhere else.(3) But where would he invest?(4) He doesn’t know much about investing and several of his friends have lost a lot by making a bad investment.6、(1) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker’s point of view.(2) Here is an example,(3) He wishes he had a car.(4) The fact is that he doesn’t have a car, so the use of had indicated that it isn’t real,it’s imaginary.7、(1) You want a lifestyle that you can’t have in the city.(2) If you really wanted those things, you can move back to the countryside.(3) Not, that’s not an option. If I did that, my wife would divorce me.(4) Have you ever talked about it with her?8、(1) The company he works for is a pharmaceutical company.(2) It develops new drugs which is risky business and sells them worldwide.(3) It’s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved.(4) Without government approval, it can’t be sold, which can result in a huge loss.9、(1) Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days.(2) It had to be stopped because of what was happening to the participants.(3) The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading.(4) The guards had become aggressive and brutal, and the prisoners were passive and depressed.(5) As a result, five of prisoners had to be released early because of severe negative emotions.10、(1) Many people think that the past tense form only indicates past time.(2) However, that is only one of the possible meanings.(3) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker's point of view.(4) Here is an example: "He wishes he had a car."(5) The fact is that he doesn't have a car, so the use of "had" indicates that it isn't real: it's imaginary.11、(1) Anyway, if it were possible, would you want a woman you could control?(2) A woman I could control?No, I can't imagine it.(3) Most of the women I've been with have tried to control me!(4) Well, that's one of the differences between men and women.PART2 : Repeat & Read Sentences:Violent actions were seldom shown in gruesome detail but were inferred from the situation.The experiment demonstrates that situations can have a powerful effect on human behavior.An injured brain must be healed before other treatments, such as vitamins, drugs or counseling, can work.He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he's had plenty of time to get there.Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. The car accident wouldn’t have been happened had the weather been better.Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment.If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious.It's difficult to have a conversation with her because she always interrupts.There's a good chance he'll be transferred, so it would be foolish to buy a house at this time.Could you come back in a few minutes?It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him.Something is controversial if it causes public disagreement.With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern.Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population.Her mother's memory problems have gotten worse, so it's more difficult to live with her. Worried that he was ill, they gave him a series of health examinations, but none showed anything wrong.Estimates of the number of deaths that will eventually result from the accident vary enormously.Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country.If he hadn’t played soccer, his brain wouldn’t have been injured.His company is downsizing and moving its head office to another city.If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious.From her facial expression, it was obvious that she really disliked him.Once you upload the brain onto the internet, you could leave your body behind.Is that really what you want to do?It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him.Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment.By involving herself in mathematics and engineering, she broke the dominant stereotype. Kennedy and his wife were sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot.When the nuclear fuel rods hit the cooling water, the fission reaction accelerated out of control due to a sudden power surge.He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he's had plenty of time to get there.Their sales revenues were much less than they anticipated, so they ran out of money.If he hadn’t played soccer, his brain wouldn’t have been injured.Housing costs, food prices, and energy costs are all important that affect the cost of living in an area.I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was a child.If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people.It’s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a newdrug approved.Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities.If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way. People today are living longer than at any point in human history.The conclusion is the most important part of the presentationShe's never been very social, so it's unlikely that she will go out to meet new friends Viral infections are cause by viruses, such as the influenza virus.He has practice hard so he should do well in the competition.To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them.We can't issue a ticket until you give us definite dates.So what is it that you wanted to see me about.。



SIS-甲基丙烯酸酯接枝改性胶粘剂的研制SIS是三嵌段共聚物,属于苯乙烯类热塑性弹性体,它在室温下具有硫化橡胶的性质,高温下又呈现塑性,具有高弹性、易加工、余料可重复利用等特点[1],因此其应用范围和需求量日益增大.广泛用于塑料改性、沥青改性、制鞋业、汽车制造业、胶粘剂、儿童玩具等行业[2, 3].与SBS(聚苯乙烯-聚丁二烯-聚苯乙烯三嵌段共聚物)相比, SIS价格偏高,但它的模量低、溶液粘度和熔融粘度小,更适合制造胶粘剂,且SIS类胶粘剂比SBS 类胶粘剂的耐老化性、粘接性及使用寿命都要强得多[1].因此,近年来SIS胶粘剂的研制及应用发展非常迅速[4-8].由于SIS与SBS均为非极性材料,作为胶粘剂对许多极性材料的粘接性能较差,难以满足对一般极性材料粘接的要求,因此需对SIS进行接枝改性,在其分子主链上引入带有柔性基团的极性单体,以提高其对极性材料的粘接力和扩大其应用范围.本文拟对丙烯酸酯与SIS的接枝改性工艺条件及配比进行探讨,以求制得性能优异的SIS/丙烯酸酯多元接枝胶粘剂.1实验部分1. 1原材料SIS:工业品,岳阳石化总厂生产; BPO(过氧化二苯甲酰):分析纯,湖北大学化工厂;甲苯:分析纯,天津市化学试剂三厂;乙酸乙酯:分析纯,上海华彭实业有限公司; MMA:分析纯,天津市科密欧化学试剂开发中心; BMA:化学纯,中国医药集团上海化学试剂公司;AA(丙烯酸):分析纯,天津市化学试剂研究所;丙酮:分析纯,信阳市化学试剂厂.1. 2主要设备JJ-1型精密增力定时电动搅拌器:江苏金坛市中大仪器厂; DZKW-4型电子恒温水浴锅:北京中兴伟业仪器有限公司;BP-Ⅱ型架盘药物天平:上海医疗器械八厂;WSM-20K数字式实验机:长春智能实验机研究所; 102型电热恒温干燥箱:山东潍坊医药股份有限公司医疗器械厂;NXB-2L旋转粘度计:成都仪器厂;玻璃仪器等.1. 3SIS的接枝共聚在装有回流冷凝器、电动搅拌器、滴液漏斗的三口烧瓶中加入溶有经过净化处理的SIS与一定量的甲苯溶剂.开动搅拌器和水浴锅,升温达一定温度后,滴加溶有少量BPO的定量乙酸乙酯,继续升温至所需温度时恒温,开始滴加溶有剩余BPO 的MMA、AA、BMA或它们的混合液,在氮气保护下恒温反应数小时后,自然降温冷却至50℃左右,摇匀出料,得浅黄色透明粘稠状均匀胶液.1. 4性能测定剥离强度:将制得的胶液均匀地涂在25 mm 宽的棉帆布上,在恒温干燥箱中烘去大部分溶剂, 对粘、加压,晾2 d左右,用WSM-20K数字式实验机测其180°剥离强度. 单体转化率:取15 g胶液于蒸发皿中,干燥至恒重,计算转化率.单体转化率=(合成聚合物的单体质量÷加入单体的总质量)×100%[9].单体接枝率:将干燥产品置于丙酮溶液中抽提或浸泡48 h,干燥至恒重,计算接枝率.单体接枝率=[(接枝聚合物重-骨架聚合物重)÷加入单体的总质量]×100%[9].胶液粘度:用NXB-2L旋转粘度计测定各样品的绝对粘度[10].2结果与讨论2. 1温度对接枝共聚反应的影响丙烯酸及丙烯酸酯与SIS的接枝共聚反应属于自由基聚合反应.因此,聚合温度对聚合反应及产品性能都有较大影响.在物系组成、反应时间一定的条件下,温度对产品性能的影响见图1.由图1可见,当温度低于80℃时,胶液的粘度和粘接力较小,单体转化率及接枝率都较低; 80~ 85℃时胶液粘度与粘接力都较大,单体的转化率和接枝率都较高,超过85℃时,单体接枝率呈下降趋势.综合考虑各种因素,聚合反应温度控制在80~85℃较为适宜.2. 2反应时间对接枝共聚反应的影响当物系组成一定,在适宜温度下进行接枝聚合反应时,反应时间的长短对胶液的性能也有较大影响.当反应时间较短时,接枝共聚反应不完全,胶液性能不佳;而当反应时间过长时,因在反应物中仍存在引发剂BPO,所以会使接枝共聚物发生分解、链断裂、氧化等副反应,反而使胶液性能下降.反应时间与胶液性能的关系见图2.由图2可以看出,随着反应的进行,单体的转化率和与SIS的接枝率不断提高,胶液的粘度和粘接力逐渐增大,反应进行4 h时,单体的转化率和接枝率呈现最高, 4h后单体接枝率、胶液粘度和粘接力呈明显下降趋势,故聚合反应时间以4 h左右为宜.2. 3引发剂用量对接枝共聚反应的影响实验发现,其他实验条件固定时,引发剂的用量不同(SIS总量为10 g)对胶液的性能有较大影响.引发剂较少时,由于链转移副反应的发生和杂质消耗自由基,使引发剂被消耗掉,起不到充分引发单体接枝聚合的目的;过多时,易发生分解、氧化等副反应,使得接枝聚合物发生断裂.具体影响如表1所示.由表1可以看出,随着引发剂BPO用量的增加,在一定范围内,单体转化率有所增加,粘度也随之增加,但当BPO用量多于0. 10~0. 11 g后,胶液粘度、剥离强度、单体转化率和接枝率呈下降趋势. 这是因为BPO 用量大,诱导分解速度加快,产生过多的低分子均聚物,并有可能引发副反应,故合适的BPO用量应控制在SIS总质量的1. 0%左右.值得说明的是引发剂的用量还与引发剂的含水量和反应体系的杂质含量有关.2. 4接枝单体MMA用量对接枝共聚反应的影响在适宜的聚合温度、时间及引发剂用量的条件下,单体MMA的加入量对接枝聚合反应及产物性能的影响如图3所示.由图3可以看出,随着MMA用量的增多,胶粘剂的粘度和剥离强度不断下降,单体的转化率以及接枝率不断降低,故单体MMA的用量为SIS总质量的15%左右为宜.2. 5甲基丙烯酸丁酯用量对聚合产物性能的影响在引发剂BPO的作用下,将BMA与SIS进行接枝共聚以增大其极性和韧性,在其他条件固定时(SIS用量为10g),BMA的用量对胶液性能的影响见图4.由图4可见,随着BMA用量的增加,胶液的180°剥离强度和粘度均增大,特别是BMA用量为2. 0 g时,胶液的各项性能都很好;当BMA用量继续增大时,单体转化率和接枝率及胶液的粘接强度均有所下降,随着BMA用量继续增大,单体转化率急剧升高,接枝率和胶液粘度也明显升高,粘接力也有所增大.从表面上看,此时的BMA用量(4g 应为最佳用量,但从接枝聚合物的状态看,此用量是不可取的,因为此时均聚反应增加(由胶液呈糊状、静止放置后分层和难以用丙酮抽提可知),造成转化率和接枝率都较好的假象.综合考虑各种因素,二元接枝时BMA的用量以SIS用量的20%为宜.2. 6 BMA/MMA的配比对胶液性能影响由于SIS单独与MMA或BMA接枝时,其产物性能都有局限性,前者接枝上pMMA硬性链段后可增强产物的粘接强度,但胶膜脆性增大,粘接件的耐曲挠性变差;当SIS接枝上柔性链段pBM后,产品的韧性增强,而强度不如前者.故将二者混合作为接枝单体,可有效改善产品性能.当其他反应条件一定,MMA与BMA的总重(4 g)固定,改变二者的质量比,所得产品性能有较大差别,结果见表2.由表2可以看出,胶液的剥离强度、单体转化率、接枝率和粘度均随MMA/BMA的质量比的增加先逐渐增大而后又逐渐减小,在其比值为2∶1 时,各项性能最好.综合考虑产品成本和性能等各种因素,MMA/BMA 的质量比以2∶1为宜.3 结论在引发剂BPO的作用及N2气保护下,MMA、BMA及其混合物可有效接枝SIS,制得多元接枝改性SIS 胶粘剂,增加其极性和柔韧性,改进与极性材料表面的粘接性能.反应时间、温度、单体用量及配比、BPO用量对胶液性能都有影响,合适的单体MMA用量为SIS总质量的15%左右, BMA用量为SIS质量的20%,MMA与BMA的质量比为2∶1, BPO用量为SIS总质量的1. 0%左右,适宜的反应温度为85 ℃,反应时间为4. 0 h左右.单独用MMA对SIS进行接枝聚合时,接枝率较低,MMA自身易发生均聚,效果不太理想;MMA 与BMA 复配后进行接枝时,接枝率有所提高,胶液性能也较好.参考文献:[1]杨性坤. SIS接枝改性胶粘剂的研究[J].信阳师范学院学报:自然科学版, 2003, 16(4): 454-456.[2]杨性坤,严自力,程珏,等.一种新型热塑性弹性体的研制[J].高分子材料科学与工程, 2001(4): 113-115.[3]杨性坤,宋世林.用SIS及SBS制备热熔压敏胶的工艺研究[J].化学与粘合, 2001(3): 107-109.[4]刘向红,张军营.国产SIS及其在胶粘剂中的应用[J].化学与粘合, 2001(1): 36-38.[5]邸明伟,王勃,姜兴盛,等.国产SIS热熔压敏胶的研制[J].中国胶粘剂, 2001(2): 17-19.[6]孙秋菊,赵桂贞,段纪东.丙烯腈接枝SBS共聚胶粘剂的研究[J].现代化工, 1999(1): 24-25.[7]张天秀,范金石,徐桂云. SBS多元接枝鞋用胶粘剂的研制[J].山东轻工业学院学报, 1998(2): 28-30.[8]朱致雄,曾繁涤.MAH接枝SBS反应及其产物粘接性的研究[J].粘接, 1996(1): 10-13.[9]马小丽,杨性坤.氯丁橡胶和MMA接枝共聚胶粘剂的研制[J].信阳师范学院学报:自然科学版, 2005, 18(4): 446 448.[10]李子东.实用胶粘技术[M].北京:新时代出版社, 1992: 92-95.[11]刘延信,齐春平.CR. SBS/MMA.AA四元接枝胶粘剂的研制[J].中国胶粘剂, 1996, 6(3): 23-25.[12]杨建军,奎刘生. SBS/MMA-BA接枝贴塑胶的研制[J].中国胶粘剂, 1995, 5(1): 42-45.。



4 O p ie L H. A n g i o ten sin co n ve r t i n g en zym e i n h ib ito r s: Sc i en2t i f i c ba s is fo r c l in ica l u se. A u tho r’s P u b lish in g. H o u se N ew Yo rk , 1992: 1695 S ihm I, Sch ro ede r A P , A a lk j o a re e t a l .N o r m a liza t i o n o f m ed ia to lu m en ra t i o o f h u m an subcu tan eo u s a r te r ie s du r i n g an t i h y p e r t en sive t r ea t m en t w ith a p e r i n dop r i l ba s ed r eg i2 m en. E u r H ea r t J , 1993; 14 (Sup p l) : 63 7 A s m a r R G, Jo u rno H J , L a i o lley P J e t a l . T rea t m en t fo r o n e yea r w ith p e r in dop r il effec t o n ca rd ia l m a ss an d a r te r i a l com p lian ce in e ssen t ia l h yp e r ten si o n. J H yp e r ten s, 1988;6 (Sup p l 3) : S338 M ich e l J B , C a t t i o n A L , Su lz m an n J L e t a l . H o r m o n a l an d ca rd ia l effec t s o f co n ve r t in g en zym e inh ib it i o n in ra t m y2 o c a r d i a l in fa r c t i o n. C ire R e s, 1988; 62 (4) : 641(收稿: 1996205207; 修回: 1997201206)(编辑王红、沈锡庚)6 L evy B I, M ich e l J B , Sa l z m an n J L e t a l . A r t e r i a l effec t so f A C E inh ib ito r in reno v a s cu la r an d sp o n t an eo u sly h y p e r2ten sive ra t s. J H yp e r t en s , 1988; 6 (Sup p l 3) : S23Therapeut i c ef f e c t s of per i n dopr il on con g e s t i ve hear t fa ilureC h e n Gu a n g h u i, Zh u Sh a n j u n,Y u a n Y u q u a n (D ep a r t m en t o f C a r d i o lo gy, X in q i ao H o sp t i a l, T h ird M ilita r y M ed i ca l U n i2 ve r s ity, C h o n gq i n g, 630037)A b stra c t O b je c t i v e :T o in ve s t i ga t e th e th e r ap e u t i c effec t s o f p e r i n dop r i l o n co n ge s t i ve h e a r t fa i lu re(CH F )an d it s p o ssib le m ech a n is m. M e tho d s: 40 p a t i en t s(20 m a l e s, 20 fem a l e s) w ith th e age ran g in g f r om21 to 77 yea r s o ld (m ean = 51. 47) w e re r an dom ized in to th e co n t ro l g ro up ( n = 17) t rea ted w ith d ig ita l is andd iu re t ic s an d th e t rea t m en t g ro up ( n = 23) t rea ted w ith p e r in dop r il, d ig ita lis an d d iu re t ic s.T h en th e ch a ng e so f th e fo llow in g in d ice s w e re o b se rved: 1) N YHA c la ss; 2) h em o dyn am ic s an d ca rd iac p e rfo rm an ce such a sF S, E F , C I, C O an d SV ; 3)V ST , L V I D, L V PW T an d L V m a s s; 4) p la s m a A N F , A NG II, A ld, E T, A C Ean d PRA. R e s u lts : In th e t rea t m en t g ro up , it w a s fo un d th a t: 1)N YHA c la ss w a s am e li o ra ted; 2) th e ca r d i a cp e rfo rm an ce an d h em o dyn am ic s w e re i m p ro ved; 3) th e b loo d RA A S w a s in h ib ited; 4) th e syn th e sis o f A N Fan d d isch a r ge o f E T w e re sign if ican t l y dec rea sed. C o nc lus io n: P e r in dop r il is an effec t ive agen t i n th e t r ea t2m en t o f CH F. It s m ech an is m m igh t be to dec rea se th e syn th e sis o f A N F an d d isch a rge o f E T be side s i n h i b it2in g RA A SKey words p e r i n dop r i l; co n ge s t i ve h e a r t fa i lu re (CH F ) ; ren in 2an g i o ten sin2a s d s te r o n e sy s tem (RA A S)培养黑素细胞生物学鉴定方法及选择The m e t hodm e l an o cy t e san d cho ice of iden t i f i ca t i on on b i o l og i ca l cult i va ted 钟白玉邓军叶庆佾(第三军医大学附属西南医院皮肤科) 重庆, 630038皮肤色素障碍性疾病主要与皮肤黑素系统中的黑素细胞(M C ) 有关。






四、相关⽂件与引⽤标准《国家安全监管总局关于加强化⼯安全仪表系统管理的指导意见》(安监总管三〔2014〕116号)《报警/联锁管理制度》六、内容描述1.SIS系统安装1.1 公司新、改、扩建⼯程的SIS系统必须与主体⼯程“同时设计、同时施⼯、同时投⼊⽣产和使⽤”。

1.2 各相关部室、车间应参与新、改、扩建等项⽬中SIS 系统的设计审查,依据安全可靠、技术先进、经济合理的原则,对设计选型的可靠性、维修性、适⽤性、经济性、先进性、安全性提出要求。


1.3 SIS系统施⼯必须按设计要求及《⽯油化⼯仪表⼯程施⼯技术规范》(SH3521-99)进⾏。



2.SIS系统运⾏管理2.1 新增及变更SIS系统投⽤前应由电仪车间、⽣产车间、安全部共同开展风险分析,编制相关规程,开展全员培训。



化工安全仪表系统的运行和维护(1)系统的运行规程编制内容包括∶① SIS 基本构成的描述;②操作员画面上与 SIS有关的显示和操作;③联锁设定值及其 SIS 的动作;④旁路和复位功能的使用;⑤何时启动以及如何操作手动开关;⑥对SIS 的报警和SIF 动作的响应∶⑦ SIS 诊断报警的含义及相关的响应;⑧安全操作的限制;⑨辅操台上的开关、按钮和报警指示的功能和操作(2)系统的维护规程编制内容包括∶①规定维护类型、维护内容、应急预案、维护步骤、维护完成的确认标准、工具和备件材料、技术文档、工艺和电气等部门的配合, 授权批准程序、危险警告的辨识、遵循的 HSE 管理程序, 以及维护后续工作等②规定维护活动的功能, 如报警、旁路开关、紧急停车按钮及复位按钮等。

③ SIS 旁路管理程序, 如权限管理、限制某此工艺操作模式、启动报警和解除要求。

④对维护活动的潜在危险和风险进行评定、执行不同的维护作业, 应有报警显示及监护程序等。

(3)系统的运行和维护①对回路中各元件进行定期检修复或更换, 并做好记录。

每天对系统的诊断报警情况进行巡检, 确保系统的完好运行状态, 环境条件应满足系统正常运行要求, 检查情况应做好相关记录, 参见表6-1。

②对SIS 系统的仪表设备进行重点监控, 实施预防性维护。

③根据检验测试计划, 定期对系统进行点检测试, 确认满足安全要求规格书规定, 并做好记录, 参见表6-2。

如在验证测试中发现元件/功能不满足要求, 应及时修复或更换, 并做好记录。

④所有SIS 系统的作业(回路检查、维修、校验等)必须办理《联锁工作票》, 参见表 6-3。

作业时, 必须实行监护操作(至少两人)。

⑤SIS 系统联锁投运后的变更(包括设定值、联锁条件、联锁程序、联锁方式等), 必须办理联锁变更审批手续, 参见表6-4。

SIS 系统的变更原则上要重新设计, 以满足SIS的SIL 要求。




第一变位法laudare, laudavi,laudavi, laudatumlaudo, laudare,第一变位法 laudo,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现laudo laudor直完laudavi laudatus sum 陈在laudas laudaris(-re)陈成laudavisti laudatus es式时laudat laudatur式时laudavit laudatus est laudamus laudamur laudavimus laudati sumuslaudatis laudamini laudavistis laudati estislaudant laudantur laudaverunt(-ere)laudati sunt直未laudabam laudabar直过laudaveram laudatus eram 陈完laudabas laudabaris陈去laudaveras laudatus eras 式成laudabat laudabatur式完laudaverat laudatus erat 时laudabamus laudabamur成laudaveramus laudati eramus laudabatis laudabamini时laudaveratis laudati eratislaudabant laudabantur laudaverant laudati erant直将laudabo laudabor直将laudavero laudatus ero陈来laudabis laudaberis陈来laudaveris laudatus eris式时laudabit laudabitur式完laudaverit laudatus erit laudabimus laudabimur成laudaverimus laudati erimuslaudabitis laudabimini时laudaveritis laudati eritislaudabunt laudabuntur laudaverint laudati erunt虚现laudem lauder虚完laudaverim laudatus sim拟在laudes lauderis拟成laudaveris laudatus sis式时laudet laudetur式时laudaverit laudatus sit laudemus laudemur laudaverimus laudati simuslaudetis laudemini laudaveritis laudati sitislaudent laudentur laudaverint laudati sint虚未laudarem laudarer虚过laudavissem laudatus essem 拟完laudares laudareris拟去laudavisses laudatus esses 式成laudaret laudaretur式完laudavisset laudatus esset 时laudaremus laudaremur成laudavissemus laudati essemus laudaretis laudaremini时laudavissetis laudati essetislaudarent laudarentur laudavissent laudati essent命现//命将//令在lauda laudare令来laudato laudator式时//式时laudato laudator ////laudate laudamini laudatote///laudanto laudantor不现laudare laudari分现laudans/定完laudavisse laudatus esse词完/laudatus式将laudaturus esse laudatum iri将laudaturus laudandus第二变位法moneo,monui, monitummonitummonere, monui,moneo, monere,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现moneo moneor直完monui monitus sum 陈在mones moneris陈成monuisti monitus es式时monet monetur式时monuit monitus est monemus monemur monuimus moniti sumusmonetis monemini monuistis moniti estismonent monentur monuerunt moniti sunt直未monebam monebar直过monueram monitus erat陈完monebas monebaris陈去monueras monitus eras 式成monebat monebatur式完monuerat monitus erat 时monebamus monebamur成monueramus moniti eramus monebatis monebamini时monueratis moniti eratismonebant monebantur monuerant moniti erant直将monebo monebor直将monuero monitus ero陈来monebis moneberis陈来monueris monitus eris式时monebit monebitur式完monuerit monitus erit monebimus monebimur成monuerimus moniti erimusmonebitis monebitis时monueritis moniti eritismonebunt monebuntur monuerint moniti erunt虚现moneam monear虚完monuerim monitus sim拟在moneas monearis拟成monueris monitus sis式时moneat moneatur式时monuerit monitus sit moneamus moneamur monuerimus moniti simusmoneatis moneamini monueritis moniti sitismoneant moneantur monuerint moniti sint虚未monerem monerer虚过monuissem monitus essem 拟完moneres monereris拟去monuisses monitus esses 式成moneret moneretur式完monuisset monitus esset 时moneremus moneremur成monuissemus moniti essemus moneretis moneremini时monuissetis moniti essetismonerent monerentur monuissent moniti essent命现//命将//令在mone monere令来moneto monetor式时//式时moneto monetor ////monete monemini monetote///monento monentor不现monere moneri分现monens/定完monuisse monitus esse词完/monitus式将moniturus esse monitum iri将moniturus monendus第三变位法agere, egi,egi, actumago, agere,第三变位法 ago,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现ago agor直完egi actus sum 陈在agis ageris陈成egisti actus es式时agit agitur式时egit actus est agimus agimur egimus acti sumusagitis agimini egistis acti estisagunt aguntur egerunt acti sunt直未agebam agebar直过egeram actus eram 陈完agebas agebaris陈去egeras actus eras 式成agebat agebatur式完egerat actus erat 时agebamus agebamur成egeramus acti eramus agebatis agebamini时egeratis acti eratisagebant agebantur egerant acti erant直将agam agar直将egero actus erim 陈来ages ageris陈来egeris actus eris式时aget agetur式完egerit actus erit agemus agemur成egerimus acti erimusagetis agemini时egeritis acti eritisagent agentur egerint acti erunt虚现agam agar虚完egerim actus sim拟在agas agaris拟成egeris actus sis式时agat agatur式时egerit actus sit agamus agamur egerimus acti simusagatis agamini egeritis acti sitisagant agantur egerint acti sint虚未agerem agerer虚过egissem actus essem 拟完ageres agereris拟去egisses actus esses 式成ageret ageretur式完egisset actus esset 时ageremus ageremur成egissemus acti essemus ageretis ageremini时egissetis acti essetisagerent agerentur egissent acti essent命现//命将//令在age agere令来agito agitor式时//式时agito agitor ////agite agimini agitote///agunto aguntor不现agere agi分现agens/定完egisse actus esse词完/actus式将acturus esse actum iri将acturus agendus第三变位法第三变位法--io io词干词干 capio,capio, capere,capere, cepi,cepi,captum 主动态被动态主动态被动态直现capio capior 直完cepi captus sum 陈在capis caperis 陈成cepisti captus es 式时capit capitur 式时cepit captus est capimus capimur cepimus capti sumus capitis capimini cepistis capti estis capiunt capiunturceperunt capti sunt 直未capiebam capiebar 直过ceperam captus eram 陈完capiebas capiebaris 陈去ceperas captus eras 式成capiebat capiebatur 式完ceperat captus erat 时capiebamus capiebamur 成ceperamus capti eramus capiebatis capiebamini 时ceperatis capti eratis capiebantcapiebantur ceperant capti erant 直将capiam capiar 直将cepero captus ero 陈来capies capieris 陈来ceperis captus eris 式时capietcapietur 式完ceperit captus erit capiemus capiemur 成ceperimus capti erimus capietis capiemini 时ceperitis capti eritis capientcapienturceperintcapti erunt虚现capiam capiar 虚完ceperim captus sim 拟在capias capiaris 拟成ceperis captus sis 式时capiatcapiatur 式时ceperitcaptus sit capiamus capiamur ceperimus capti simus capiatis capiamini ceperitis capti sitis capiantcapiantur ceperintcapti sint 虚未caperem caperer 虚过cepissem captus essem 拟完caperes capereris 拟去cepisses captus esses 式成caperet caperetur 式完cepisset captus esset 时caperemus caperemur 成cepissemus capti essemus caperetis caperemini 时cepissetis capti essetis caperentcaperenturcepissentcapti essent命现//命将//令在cape capere 令来capito capitor 式时//式时capitocapitor ////capite capimini capitote ///capiunto capiuntor不现capere capi 分现capiens /定完cepisse captus esse 词完/captus 式将capturus esse captum iri 将capturus capiendusaudivi, auditumaudire, audivi,audio, audire,第四变位法audio,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现audio audior直完audivi auditus sum 陈在audis audiris陈成audivisti auditus es式时audit auditur式时audivit auditus est audimus audimur audivimus auditi sumusauditis audimini audivistis auditi estisaudiunt audiuntur audiverunt auditi sunt直未audiebam audiebar直过audiveram auditus eram 陈完audiebas audiebaris陈去audiveras auditus eras 式成audiebat audiebatur式完audiverat auditus erat 时audiebamus audiebamur成audiveramus auditi eramus audiebatis audiebamini时audiveratis auditi eratisaudiebant audiebantur audiverant auditi erant直将audiam audiar直将audivero auditus ero陈来audies audieris陈来audiveris auditus eris式时audiet audietur式完audiverit auditus erit audiemus audiemur成audiverimus auditi erimusaudietis audiemini时audiveritis auditi eritisaudient audientur audiverint auditi erunt虚现audiam audiar虚完audiverim auditus sim拟在audias audiaris拟成audiveris auditus sis式时audiat audiatur式时audiverit auditus sit audiamus audiamur audiverimus auditi simusaudiatis audiamini audiveritis auditi sitisaudiant audiantur audiverint auditi sint虚未audirem audirer虚过audivissem auditus essem 拟完audires audireris拟去audivisses auditus esses 式成audiret audiretur式完audivisset auditus esset 时audiremus audiremur成audivissemus auditi essemus audiretis audiremini时audivissetis auditi essetisaudirent audirentur audivissent auditi essent命现//命将//令在audi audire令来audito auditor式时//式时audito auditor ////audite audimini auditote///audiunto audiuntor不现audire audiri分现audiens/定完audivisse auditus esse词完/auditus式将auditurus esse auditum iri将auditurus audiendus第一变位法异态动词hortari, hortatushortatus sumhortor, hortari,第一变位法异态动词 hortor,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现hortor/直完hortatus sum/陈在hortaris/陈成hortatus es/式时hortatur/式时hortatus est/hortamur/hortati sumus/hortamini/hortati estis/hortantur/hortati sunt/直未hortabar/直过hortatus eram/陈完hortabaris/陈去hortatus eras/式成hortabatur/式完hortatus erat/时hortabamur/成hortati eramus/hortabamini/时hortati eratis/hortabantur/hortati erant/直将hortabor/直将hortatus ero/陈来hortaberis/陈来hortatus eris/式时hortabitur/式完hortatus erit/hortabimur/成hortati erimus/hortabitis/时hortati eritis/hortabuntur/hortati erunt/虚现horter/虚完hortatus sim/拟在horteris/拟成hortatus sis/式时hortetur/式时hortatus sit/hortemur/hortati simus/hortemini/hortati sitis/hortentur/hortati sint/虚未hortarer/虚过hortatus essem/拟完hortareris/拟去hortatus esses/式成hortaretur/式完hortatus esset/时hortaremur/成hortati essemus/hortaremini/时hortati essetis/hortarentur/hortati essent/命现//命将//令在hortare/令来hortator/式时//式时hortator/////hortamini/////hortantor/不现hortari/分现hortans/定完hortatus esse/词完/hortatus式将hortaturus esse/将hortaturus hortandus第二变位法异态动词fateor,fassus sumsumfateri, fassusfateor, fateri,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现fateor/直完fassus sum/陈在fateris/陈成fassus es/式时fatetur/式时fassus est/fatemur/fassi sumus/fatemini/fassi estis/fatentur/fassi sunt/直未fatebar/直过fassus eram/陈完fatebaris/陈去fassus eras/式成fatebatur/式完fassus erat/时fatebamur/成fassi eramus/fatebamini/时fassi eratis/fatebantur/fassi erant/直将fatebor/直将fassus ero/陈来fateberis/陈来fassus eris/式时fatebitur/式完fassus erit/fatebimur/成fassi erimus/fatebitis/时fassi eritis/fatebuntur/fassi erunt/虚现fatear/虚完fassus sim/拟在fatearis/拟成fassus sis/式时fateatur/式时fassus sit/fateamur/fassi simus/fateamini/fassi sitis/fateantur/fassi sint/虚未faterer/虚过fassus essem/拟完fatereris/拟去fassus esses/式成fateretur/式完fassus esset/时fateremur/成fassi essemus/fateremini/时fassi essetis/faterentur/fassi essent/命现//命将//令在fatere/令来fatetor/式时//式时fatetor/////fatemini/////fatentor/不现fateri/分现fatens/定完fassus esse/词完/fassus式将fassurus esse/将fassurus fatendus第三变位法异态动词sequi, secutussecutus sumsequor, sequi,第三变位法异态动词 sequor,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现sequor/直完secutus sum/陈在sequeris/陈成secutus es/式时sequitur/式时secutus est/sequimur/secuti sumus/sequimini/secuti estis/sequuntur/secuti sunt/直未sequebar/直过secutus eram/陈完sequebaris/陈去secutus eras/式成sequebatur/式完secutus erat/时sequebamur/成secuti eramus/sequebamini/时secuti eratis/sequebantur/secuti erant/直将sequar/直将secutus ero/陈来sequeris/陈来secutus eris/式时sequetur/式完secutus erit/sequemur/成secuti erimus/sequemini/时secuti eritis/sequentur/secuti erunt/虚现sequar/虚完secutus sim/拟在sequaris/拟成secutus sis/式时sequatur/式时secutus sit/sequamur/secuti simus/sequamini/secuti sitis/sequantur/secuti sint/虚未sequerer/虚过secutus essem/拟完sequereris/拟去secutus esses/式成sequeretur/式完secutus esset/时sequeremur/成secuti essemus/sequeremini/时secuti essetis/sequerentur/secuti essent/命现//命将//令在sequere/令来sequitor/式时//式时sequitor/////sequimini/////sequuntor/不现sequi/分现sequens/定完secutus esse/词完/secutus式将secuturus esse/将secuturus sequenduspassum sumpati, passumpatior, pati,第三变位法-io词干异态动词patior,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现patior/直完passus sum/陈在pateris/陈成passus es/式时patitur/式时passus est/patimur/passi sumus/patimini/passi estis/patiuntur/passi sunt/直未patiebar/直过passus eram/陈完patiebaris/陈去passus eras/式成patiebatur/式完passus erat/时patiebamur/成passi eramus/patiebamini/时passi eratis/patiebantur/passi erant/直将patiar/直将passus ero/陈来patieris/陈来passus eris/式时patietur/式完passus erit/patiemur/成passi erimus/patiemini/时passi eritis/patientur/passi erunt/虚现patiar/虚完passus sim/拟在patiaris/拟成passus sis/式时patiatur/式时passus sit/patiamur/passi simus/patiamini/passi sitis/patiantur/passi sint/虚未paterer/虚过passus essem/拟完patereris/拟去passus esses/式成pateretur/式完passus esset/时pateremur/成passi essemus/pateremini/时passi essetis/paterentur/passi essent/命现//命将//令在patere/令来patitor/式时//式时patitor/////patimini/////patieuntor/不现pati/分现patiens/定完passus esse/词完/passus式将passurus esse/将passurus patiendusmolitus summoliri, molitusmolior, moliri,第四变位法异态动词molior,主动态被动态主动态被动态直现molior/直完molitus sum/陈在moliris/陈成molitus es/式时molitur/式时molitus est/molimur/moliti sumus/molimini/moliti estis/moliuntur/moliti sunt/直未moliebar/直过molitus eram/陈完moliebaris/陈去molitus eras/式成moliebatur/式完molitus erat/时moliebamur/成moliti eramus/moliebamini/时moliti eratis/moliebantur/moliti erant/直将moliar/直将molitus ero/陈来molieris/陈来molitus eris/式时molietur/式完molitus erit/moliemur/成moliti erimus/moliemini/时moliti eritis/molientur/moliti erunt/虚现moliar/虚完molitus sim/拟在moliaris/拟成molitus sis/式时moliatur/式时molitus sit/moliamur/moliti simus/moliamini/moliti sitis/moliantur/moliti sint/虚未molirer/虚过molitus essem/拟完molireris/拟去molitus esses/式成moliretur/式完molitus esset/时moliremur/成moliti essemus/moliremini/时moliti essetis/molirentur/moliti essent/命现//命将//令在molire/令来molitor/式时//式时molitor/////molimini/////moliuntor/不现moliri/分现moliens/定完molitus esse/词完/molitus式将moliturus esse/将moliturus moliendus。

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…At first glance, it seems odd that an online retailer [Amazon] has become a major cloud c omputing
provider‟ (Anderson, 2010). Yet, …Amazon has established a booming business selling cloud computing services including processing, disk storage, and database software to what it says are hundreds of thousands of users, at hourly fees based on how much computing power they consume. “Amazon Web Services can be as big as our retail business, in the fullness of time,” says Andy Jassy, the senior vice-president in charge of Amazon's cloud computing business‟ (Ricadela, 2010).
Indeed, several major retailers rely on the cloud: for instance, Mothercare and Marks and Spencer partnered with Amazon for their e-Commerce operations (Kiss, 2010) while at start-up, Twitter used Amazon‟s storage for files (Anderson, 2010).
So why do organisations choose to use the services of cloud providers such as Amazon rather than their own resources? Making reference to real-life organisations as examples, evaluate the benefits and challenges/risks inherent in the purchase of cloud computing services and their impact on the organisations.
Anderson, T (2010) …Time to Stop Sitting on Your Data‟, The Guardian, 21st June (online). Available at
/cloud-computing/time-to-stop-sitting-on-your-data/ Accessed 7 September 2010
Kiss, J. (2010) …High Street Stores Turn To Hosted Services‟, The Guardian, 21st June (online). Available at
/cloud-computing/high-street-stores-turn-to-hosted-services/ Accessed 7 September 2010
Ricadela, A. (2010) …Amazon Looks to Widen Lead in Cloud Computing‟ Bloomberg Business Week 28th April (online). Available at /technology/content/apr2010/tc20100428_085106.htm Accessed 30 September 2010
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