
; ;总理李鹏1995年7月5日中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例第一章总则第一条为了实施知识产权海关保护,促进对外经济贸易和科技文化交往,维护社会公共利益,根据中华人民共和国有关法律,制定本条例。
; ;第二条本条例适用于与进出境货物有关并受中华人民共和国法律、行政法规保护的知识产权,包括商标专用权、著作权和专利权。
; ;第三条侵犯受中华人民共和国法律、行政法规保护的知识产权的货物(以下简称侵权货物),禁止进出口。
; ;第四条中华人民共和国海关对与进出境货物有关的知识产权实施保护,行使《中华人民共和国海关法》规定的有关权力。
; ;第五条进口货物的收货人或者出口货物的发货人以及他们的代理人(以下统称收货人或者发货人)应当按照海关的要求,向海关如实申报与进出口货物有关的知识产权状况,交验有关单证。
; ;第六条知识产权权利人以及他们的代理人(以下统称知识产权权利人)要求海关对其与进出境货物有关的知识产权实施保护的,应当将其知识产权向海关备案,并在其认为必要时向海关提出采取保护措施的申请。
; ;第七条海关实施知识产权保护时,应当保守有关当事人的商业秘密。
; ;第二章备案第八条知识产权权利人申请知识产权海关保护备案的,应当向海关总署提交书面申请。
; ;申请书应当包括下列内容:(一)知识产权权利人的名称或者姓名、注册地或者国籍、住所、法定代表人、主要营业场所等;(二)注册商标的注册号码、内容及有效期限,专利授权的号码、内容及有效期限,或者有关著作权的内容;(三)与知识产权有关的货物的名称及其产地;(四)被授权或者许可使用知识产权的人;(五)与知识产权有关的货物的主要进出境海关、进出口商、主要特征、正常价格等有关情况;(六)已知的侵权货物的制造商、进出口商、主要进出境海关、主要特征、价格等情况;(七)海关总署认为应当说明的其他情况。





第二章定义和范围1. 知识产权(Intellectual Property Rights,简称IPR):指法律法规保护的各种知识产权,包括但不限于专利权、商标权、著作权、数据库权、域名权等。
2. 侵权行为:指未经合法持有人授权擅自使用、复制、传播或以其他方式侵害知识产权的行为。
第三章知识产权保护1. 双方保证在合作过程中遵守各自所属国家和国际法律法规,尊重对方的知识产权,并不以任何方式侵犯对方的知识产权。
2. 甲方作为知识产权的提供方,应确保其所提供的知识产权享有充分合法的权益,并无任何无效或争议。
3. 乙方作为知识产权的使用方,应按照甲方的授权合法使用知识产权,并不得擅自转让或以其他方式侵权。
4. 双方在合作过程中产生的任何新的知识产权,均归属于双方共同所有。
第四章知识产权权益的保护和争端解决1. 如发生知识产权权益受损的情况,双方应立即协商解决。
2. 任何一方发现对方存在实际或威胁性的侵权行为,都有权向所在地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼,要求停止侵权行为和赔偿损失。
第五章保密条款1. 双方承诺在合作过程中,不得将对方的商业秘密、技术秘密等保密信息泄露给任何第三方,除非获得对方书面同意或根据法律法规的规定。
2. 保密期限为本协议存续期和终止后的五年。
第六章违约责任1. 如任何一方违反本协议任何条款,给对方造成损失的,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方的损失。
2. 除非经双方书面协商一致,任何一方不得擅自解除本协议。

中国知识产权法英语北大法宝China Intellectual Property Law - Peking University Law TreasureIntroduction:China has made significant progress in the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) over the years. The legal framework governing intellectual property in China is primarily based on the China Intellectual Property Law. This article will provide an overview of the key aspects of the China Intellectual Property Law, as found in the Peking University Law Treasure.1. Historical Background:China's intellectual property system has evolved significantly over time. The country has taken various steps to strengthen its intellectual property protection and enforcement regime. The China Intellectual Property Law, enacted in 1984, serves as the cornerstone of China's IPR legal framework.2. Scope of Protection:The China Intellectual Property Law covers various aspects of intellectual property, including copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. It aims to protect the rights and interests of intellectual property owners and encourage innovation and creativity.3. Copyright Protection:The China Intellectual Property Law provides comprehensive protection for copyright holders. It covers literary, artistic, and scientific works, including computer software, films, and music. Copyright protection extends to both Chinese and foreign works, subject to the principles of reciprocity and national treatment.4. Patent Protection:China has made significant progress in patent protection. The China Intellectual Property Law provides a robust framework for the protection of inventions, utility models,and designs. It outlines the requirements for patentability, the rights of patent holders, and the procedures for patent application and examination.5. Trademark Protection:The China Intellectual Property Law establishes a comprehensive system for the registration and protection of trademarks. It aims to prevent trademark infringement, counterfeiting, and unfair competition. The law outlines the requirements for trademark registration, the rights and obligations of trademark owners, and the procedures for resolving trademark disputes.6. Trade Secret Protection:The China Intellectual Property Law recognizes the importance of trade secrets and provides legal protection for them. It defines trade secrets, outlines the obligations of confidentiality, and establishes remedies for trade secret misappropriation. The law also provides for civil and criminal penalties for trade secret infringement.7. Enforcement and Remedies:The China Intellectual Property Law provides for various enforcement mechanisms and remedies for intellectual property infringement. It establishes administrative, civil, and criminal procedures for the enforcement of intellectual property rights. Remedies include injunctions, damages, and the destruction of infringing goods.8. International Cooperation:China actively participates in international intellectual property cooperation and has established partnerships with various countries and organizations. It has also ratified several international intellectual property treaties, including the Berne Convention, the Paris Convention, and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).9. Challenges and Future Developments:While China has made significant progress in intellectual property protection, challenges remain. Enforcement of intellectual property rights, particularly in online and digital environments, continues to be a concern. China is taking steps to address these challenges and strengthen its intellectual property regime further.Conclusion:The China Intellectual Property Law, as found in the Peking University Law Treasure, provides a solid legal framework for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in China. It covers various aspects of intellectual property, including copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. China continues to make efforts to enhance its intellectual property regime and strengthen international cooperation in the field of intellectual property.。


英语合同知识产权条款英文回答:Intellectual Property Rights.All Intellectual Property Rights ("IPR") in and to the Software, including but not limited to all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and other proprietary rights, shall be and remain the exclusive property of the Provider. The Customer shall not acquire any IPR in or to the Software. The Customer shall not copy, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, in whole or in part, without the Provider's prior written consent.The Customer shall not use the Provider's trademarks, trade names, or service marks without the Provider's prior written consent. The Customer shall not use the Provider's IPR in any manner that may cause confusion or dilution of the Provider's IPR.The Customer shall not disclose the Provider's IPR to any third party without the Provider's prior written consent. The Customer shall take all reasonable steps to protect the Provider's IPR from unauthorized use or disclosure.中文回答:知识产权。

中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例(2010年修订) 文章属性•【制定机关】国务院•【公布日期】2010.03.24•【文号】国务院令第572号•【施行日期】2010.04.01•【效力等级】行政法规•【时效性】已被修改•【主题分类】知识产权正文中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例(2003年12月2日中华人民共和国国务院令第395号公布根据2010年3月24日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例〉的决定》修订)第一章总则第一条为了实施知识产权海关保护,促进对外经济贸易和科技文化交往,维护公共利益,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》,制定本条例。

中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例(2010年修订) 文章属性•【制定机关】国务院•【公布日期】2010.03.24•【文号】国务院令第572号•【施行日期】2010.04.01•【效力等级】行政法规•【时效性】已被修改•【主题分类】知识产权正文中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例(2003年12月2日中华人民共和国国务院令第395号公布根据2010年3月24日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例〉的决定》修订)第一章总则第一条为了实施知识产权海关保护,促进对外经济贸易和科技文化交往,维护公共利益,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》,制定本条例。



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Regulation of the P. R. China on the customs protection of IP rightsPART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the PRC, Customs Law in order to implement customs protection of intellectual property rights, promote foreign economic trade and technological and cultural exchange, and safeguard social interests.Article 2 For the purposes of these Regulations, “customs protection of intellectual property rights” refers to the implementation of protection by customs of the exclusive rights to use a trademark, copyrights and the rights related thereto, and patent rights that are related to import and export goods and that are protected by PRC laws and administrative regulations (Intellectual Property Rights).Article 3 The State prohibits the import and export of goods that infringe upon Intellectual Property Rights.Customs shall implement protection of Intellectual Property Rights and exercise the relevant powers stipulated in the PRC, Customs Law in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and these Regulations.Article 4 Owners of Intellectual Property Rights that request customs to implement protection of Intellectual Property Rights shall submit an application to customs for adoption of protective measures.Article 5 Consignees of import goods or their agents, and consignors of export goods or their agents shall truthfully declare to customs the details of Intellectual Property Rights related to the import or export goods, and shall submit the relevant supporting documents.Article 6 When implementing protection of Intellectual Property Rights, customs shall maintain the confidentiality of the trade secrets of the related parties.PART TWO RECORD FILING OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSArticle 7 An owner of Intellectual Property Rights may apply to the General Administration of Customs for record filing of his Intellectual Property Rights according to the provisions hereof. To apply for record filing, an application form shall be submitted. An application form shall include the following particulars:1. the name or personal name, place of registration or nationality, etc. of the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights;2. the name, details and the relevant information of the Intellectual Property Rights;3. the details of the exercise of the Intellectual Property Rights license;4. the name, place of origin, customs at the point of entry/exit, importers and exporters, major characteristics, and prices, etc. of the goods of which the Intellectual Property Rights are lawfully exercised by the owner of Intellectual Property Rights; and5. the manufacturers, importers and exporters, customs at the point of entry/exit, major characteristics, and prices, etc. of goods that are known to have infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights.Where there are supporting documents for the contents of the application form specified in the preceding paragraph, the owner of Intellectual Property Rights shall attach the supporting documents.Article 8 The General Administration of Customs shall, within 30 working days of the date of receipt of all application documents, render a decision on whether to grant approval for record filing, and shall notify the applicant in writing. Where approval for record filing is not granted, the reasons therefore shall be stated.The General Administration of Customs shall not grant approval for record filing in any of the following circumstances:1. the application documents are incomplete or invalid;2. the applicant is not the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights; or3. the Intellectual Property Rights are no longer protected by laws or administrative regulations.Article 9 If customs discovers that an owner of Intellectual Property Rights that applies for record filing of Intellectual Property Rights has not provided the relevant details or documents truthfully, the General Administration of Customs may revoke its filed record.Article 10 A filed record for customs protection of Intellectual Property Rights shall be effective as of the date on which the General Administration of Customs grants approval for record filing, and shall be valid for 10 years.Where the Intellectual Property Rights are valid, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights may, within six months prior to the expiration of the term of validity of the filed record for customs protection of Intellectual Property Rights, apply to the General Administration of Customs for an extension of the filed record. The term of validity of each extension of a filed record shall be 10 years.Where no application for extension has been made upon the expiration of the term of validity of a filed record for customs protection of Intellectual Property Rights, or the Intellectual Property Rights are no longer protected by laws or administrative regulations, the filed record for customs protection of Intellectual Property Rights shall immediately become void.Article 11 Where there is a change in the details of a filed record of Intellectual Property Rights, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights shall, within 30 working days of the date on which the change occurs, carry out the amendment or cancellation procedures with the General Administration of Customs.Where the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights does not apply to the amendment or cancellation procedures in accordance with the preceding paragraph so as to seriously affect other’s lawful import or export and the Customs supervision according to law, the General Administration of Customs can remove the record upon the application of the stakeholders or take the initiative to do so.PART THREE APPLICATION FOR IMPOUNDMENT OF GOODS SUSPECTED OF INFRINGING UPON RIGHTS, AND THE HANDLING THEREOFArticle 12 Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights discovers that goods suspected of infringing upon rights are about to be imported or exported, he may submit an application for impoundment of goods suspected of infringing upon rights to the customs of the place where the goods are to enter into, or exit from, China.Article 13 Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights requests customs to impound goods suspected of infringing upon rights, he shall submit an application form and the relevant supporting documents, and shall provide evidence that is sufficient to prove that the infringement clearly exists.An application form shall include the following main particulars:1. the name or personal name, place of registration or nationality, etc. of the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights;2. the name, details and the relevant information of the Intellectual Property Rights;3. the names of the consignees and consignors of the goods suspected of infringing upon rights;4. the name and specifications, etc. of the goods suspected of infringing upon rights; and5. the port by which, the time at which and the means of transportation by which, the goods suspected of infringing upon rights may enter into, or exit from, China.Where the goods suspected of infringing upon rights are suspected of infringing upon Intellectual Property Rights that are filed for record, the application form shall also include the customs record number.Article 14 Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights requests customs to impound goods suspected of infringing upon rights, he shall provide to customsa guarantee equal to the value of the goods for compensation of any loss that may be incurred by the consignee or the consignor due to improper application, and for payment of fees for the storage, custody and disposal, etc. of the goods after they are impounded by customs. Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights pays the fees for storage and custody directly to the storage provider, such fees shall be deducted from the guarantee. The specific procedures shall be formulated by the General Administration of Customs.Article 15 Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights that applies for impoundment of goods suspected of infringing upon rights satisfies the provisions of Article 13 hereof and provides a guarantee in accordance with Article 14 hereof, customs shall impound the goods suspected of infringing upon rights, notify the owner of Intellectual Property Rights in writing, and deliver a certificate of impoundment by customs to the consignee or consignor.Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights that applies for impoundment of goods suspected of infringing upon rights does not satisfy the provisions of Article 13 hereof or has not provided a guarantee in accordance with Article 14 hereof, customs shall reject the application and notify the owner of Intellectual Property Rights in writing.Article 16 Where customs discovers import or export goods that are suspected of infringing upon Intellectual Property Rights that are filed for record, it shall notify the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights immediately in writing. Where, within three working days of the date of delivery of the notification, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights submits an application according to Article 13 hereof and provides a guarantee according to Article 14 hereof, customs shall impound the goods suspected of infringing upon rights, notify the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in writing, and deliver a certificate of impoundment by customs to the consignee or consignor. Where the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights fails to submit an application or provide a guarantee within the time limit, customs may not impound the goods.Article 17 An owner of Intellectual Property Rights and the consignee or consignor may inspect the relevant goods upon the approval of customs.Article 18 Where the consignee or consignor considers that his goods have not infringed upon the Intellectual Property Rights of the owner of Intellectual Property Rights, he shall submit a written explanation to customs and attach the relevant evidence.Article 19 Where a consignee or consignor of goods suspected of infringing upon patent rights considers that his import or export goods have not infringed upon patent rights, he may, after providing a guarantee equal to the value of the goods, request customs to release his goods. If the owner of Intellectual Property Rights fails to institute an action at a people’s court within a reasonable time period, customs shall return the guarantee.Article 20 If, after customs has discovered import or export goods suspected of infringing upon Intellectual Property Rights that are filed for record and has notified the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights requests customs to impound the goods suspected of infringing upon rights, customs shall, within 30 working days of the date of impoundment, investigate and confirm whether the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights have infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights. If it cannot confirm an infringement, it shall notify the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights immediately in writing.Article 21 Where customs conducts an investigation into the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights and requests the assistance of the department in charge of Intellectual Property Rights, the relevant department in charge of Intellectual Property Rights shall provide assistance.Where the department in charge of Intellectual Property Rights requests customs to provide assistance in the handling of rights infringement cases involving import and export goods, customs shall provide assistance.Article 22 Where customs conducts an investigation into the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights and the relevant details, the owner of Intellectual Property Rights and the consignee or consignor shall coordinate with the investigation.Article 23 An owner of Intellectual Property Rights may, after applying to customs for adoption of protective measures, apply to the people’s court for an order of cessation of the infringing act or preservation of property for the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights prior to the institution of action in accordance with the provisions of the PRC, Trademark Law, the PRC, Copyright Law or the PRC, Patent Law.Customs that receives the notice to assist in execution of an order of cessation of an infringing act or preservation of property from the p eople’s court shall provide assistance.Article 24 Customs shall release the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights in any of the following circumstances:1. customs impounds goods suspected of infringing upon rights according to Article 15 hereof, and has not received the notice to assist in execution from the people’s court within 20 working days from the date of impoundment;2. customs impounds goods suspected of infringing upon rights according to Article 16 hereof, and has not received the notice to assist in execution from the people’s court within 50 working days from the date of impoundment, and cannot confirm that the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights has infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights after investigation;3. the consignee or consignor of the goods suspected of infringing upon patent rights requests customs to release his goods after providing a guarantee equal to the value of the goods; or4. customs considers that the consignee or consignor has sufficient evidence to prove that his goods have not infringed upon the Intellectual Property Rights of the owner of Intellectual Property rights.Article 25 Where customs impounds goods suspected of infringing upon rights according to the provisions hereof, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights shall pay the relevant fees for storage, custody and disposal, etc. Where the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights has not paid the relevant fees,customs may deduct such fees from the guarantee he provides to customs, or request the guarantor to perform the relevant guarantee liability.Where goods suspected of infringing upon rights are confirmed as having infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights may include the relevant fees for storage, custody and disposal, etc. he has paid in the reasonable expenditure paid for cessation of the infringing acts.Article 26 Where customs discovers a case suspected of a criminal offence during implementation of protection of Intellectual Property Rights, it shall hand over the case to the public security authority according to law for handling.PART FOUR LEGAL LIABILITYArticle 27 Where impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights are confirmed as having infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights after investigation by customs, customs shall confiscate the goods.After customs has confiscated the goods that have infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights, it shall notify the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in writing of the relevant details of such goods.Where confiscated goods that have infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights can be used for public welfare, customs shall transfer the goods to the relevant public welfare organizations to be used for public welfare. Where the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights wishes to acquire the goods, customs may transfer the goods to the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights for compensation. Where confiscated goods that has infringed upon Intellectual Property Rights cannot be used for public welfare and the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights does not wish to acquire the goods, customs may auction off the goods according to law after removing the infringing characteristics. Where the infringing characteristics cannot be removed, customs shall destroy the goods.Article 28 Where articles carried or sent by mail by individuals into or out of China exceed the amount for personal use or the reasonable amount and infringeupon the Intellectual Property Rights stipulated in Article 2 hereof, customs shall confiscate such articles.Article 29 Where, after customs has accepted an application for record filing of protection of Intellectual Property Rights and for adoption of protective measures for Intellectual Property Rights, an owner of Intellectual Property Rights cannot provide precise details and as a result, the goods infringing upon rights are not discovered, or the protective measures are not adopted in a timely manner or effectively, the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights shall bear the liability himself.Where, after an owner of Intellectual Property Rights has requested customs to impound goods suspected of infringing upon rights, customs cannot confirm whether the impounded goods suspected of infringing upon rights has infringed upon the Intellectual Property Rights of the owner of Intellectual Property Rights, or the people’s court rules that the goods have not infringed upon the Intellectual Property Rights of the owner of Intellectual Property Rights, the owner of Intellectual Property Rights shall be liable for compensation according to law.Article 30 Where the import or export of goods that infringe upon Intellectual Property Rights constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued according to law.Article 31 Where the personnel of customs are derelict in their duties, abuse their authority or practice graft in their implementation of protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and a criminal offence is constituted, their criminal liability shall be pursued according to law. Where the same is insufficient to constitute a criminal offence, they shall be subjected to administrative penalty according to law.PART FIVE SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONSArticle 32 Where an owner of Intellectual Property Rights handles record filing of his Intellectual Property Rights with the General Administration of Customs, he shall pay the fee for record filing in accordance with the relevant State provisions.Article 33 These Regulations shall be implemented as of 1 March 2004. The PRC, Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Regulations promulgated by the State Council on 5 July 1995 shall be simultaneously repealed.。