日本投降之前所有的海军舰艇制定级别前的战舰战列舰:扶桑号(Fuso)镇远号(Shin-Yen)富士级:富士(Fuji),八岛(Yashima)敷岛级:敷岛(Shikishima),初濑(Hatsuse)朝日级:朝日(Asahi)三笠级:三笠(Mikasa)壹岐级:壹岐(Iki)丹后级:丹后(Tango)相模级:相模(Sagami),周防(Suou)肥前级:肥前(Hizen)石见级:石见(Iwami)香取级:香取(Katori),鹿岛(Kashima)萨摩级:萨摩(Satsuma),安艺(Aki)河内级:河内(Kawachi),摄津(Settsu)金刚级:金刚(Kongo),比睿(Hiei),榛名(Haruna),雾岛(Kirishima) 扶桑级:扶桑(Fuso),山城(Yamashiro)伊势级:伊势(Ise)、日向(Hyuga)长门级:长门(Nagato),陆奥(Mutsu)大和级:大和(Yamato),武藏(Musashi)航空母舰凤翔级:凤翔(Hosho)赤城级:赤城(Akagi)加贺级:加贺(Kaga)龙骧级:龙骧(Ryujo)苍龙级:苍龙(Soryu),飞龙(Hiryu)翔鹤级:翔鹤(Shokaku),瑞鹤(Zuikaku)瑞凤级:瑞凤(Zuiho),祥凤(Shoho)飞鹰级:飞鹰(Junyo),隼鹰(Hiyo)龙凤级:龙凤(Ryujo)千岁级:千岁(Citose),千代田(Ciyoda)大鹰级:大鹰(Taiyo),冲鹰(Chuyo),云鹰(Unyo)神鹰级:神鹰(Shinyo)海鹰级:海鹰(Kaiyo)大凤级:大凤(Taiho)信浓级:信浓(Shinano)云龙级:云龙(Unryu),天城(Amagi),葛城(Katsuragi)一等巡洋舰浅间级:浅间(Asama),常磐(Tokiwa)八云级:八云(Yakumo)吾妻级:吾妻(Azuma)出云级:出云(Izumo),磐手(Iwate)春日级:春日(Kasuga),日进(Nissin)阿苏级:阿苏(Aso)筑波级:筑波(Tsukuba)和生驹(Ikoma)鞍马级:鞍马(Kurama)和伊吹(Ibuki),古鹰级:古鹰(Furutaka)、加古(Kako)青叶级:青叶(Aoba),衣笠(Kinugasa)妙高级:妙高(Myoko),那智(Nachi),羽黑(Haguro),足柄(Ashigara)高雄级:高雄(Takao),爱宕(Atago),摩耶(Maya),鸟海(Choukai)最上级:最上(Mogami),三隈(Mikuma),鈴谷(Suzuya),熊野(Kumano)利根级:利根(Tone),筑摩(Chikuma)二等巡洋舰浪速级:浪速(Naniwa),高千穗(Takachiho)松岛级:松岛(Matsushima),严岛(Itsukushima),桥立(Hashidate)秋津洲级:秋津洲(Akitsushima)吉野级:吉野(Yoshino)须磨级:须磨(Suma),明石(Akashi)。
183 90182 青芥辣 pc PC 074880020021
184 90185 HOUSE CURRY-HOT 250G PACK 4902402376874
185 90186 HOUSE CURRY-MEDIUM 250G PACK 4902402376744
217 90218 KIRIN TROPICANA APPLE JUICE 280G TIN 4909411021863
218 90219 KIRIN TROPICANA GRAPE JUICE 280G TIN 4909411021887
223 90224 京都味 70g BAG 6930570702698
1 `8 l* w0 C& E- W 溜肚块 :Quick-Fried Pork Tripe Slices# u u- P' h: d
213 90214 萬字酱油 BOTTLE 4901515112713
214 90215 白波 BOTTLE 4973766002150
215 90216 好思北海道即食奶油汤 210G BOTTLE 4902402462836
216 90217 KIRIN TROPICANA ORANGE JUICE 280G TIN 4909411021849
194 90195 龟田沙律味饼干 BAG 4901313148419
195 90196 丸友木鱼花 34G BAG 4902833212123
Nissin 日清 Di866闪光灯 Nikon 说明书
安装电池 可以使用以下类型电池—碱性电池,锂电池,镍氢电池。
按下 键选择所需的闪光补偿值,然后按 确定。 需保存此补偿值,请按一下电源开关按钮锁定(解除锁定请再按一次 开关按钮)。 这时便可以进行闪光摄影了。请注意观察主体上闪光的效果,视实际 需要进行曝光补偿的修正设置以便达到最佳的效果。 在有些相机上可直接进行TTL闪光曝光补偿设置。 当闪光灯设置了闪光曝光补偿值之后,在相机上进行的闪光曝光补偿值仍然有效。
子闪灯输出强度 全功率
子闪灯只有在进行反射式闪光 摄影时才能使用。因此,将主 灯灯头倾斜到反射位置时, SUB符号会在闪灯液晶屏上出 现。而主灯头回到正常闪光照 明位置时,此符号会消失。
设置好相机的拍摄模式,选择闪光曝光补偿值即可进行闪光摄影了。 闪光灯会根据您所设置的闪光补偿值持续增加或减弱闪光。 几乎所有的控制都由相机完成,因此您只需要从相机上进行操作即可。
高级自定义设置 自定义设置使您能够享受更多创意摄影的乐趣。
某些化学品或特殊物质以及某些仪器设备在特定情况下可能对闪光灯发出的瞬间强光敏感,有 可能导致火灾或电磁干扰。在这些场合下请注意有关警告标识。 请不要将本产品放置在汽车内会被阳光直射的地方,这些地方的温度会超过40摄氏度,有可 能会对元器件造成损坏。 本产品不能防水,在雨中及空气湿度高的场合下请小心使用。 在有可燃性气体的地方请勿使用闪光灯,否则有可能导致燃气爆炸。
从经营铜制乐器的商号开始,元禄4年 (1691年) 到取得别子铜山的经营权,之后283年铜的生产得以持续,住友也因此不断成长。
住友财团 - 财团历史19世纪中叶,日本市场逐步对西方开放,住友商社也更为广泛地在冶钢及炼钢等领域发展起来。
一些品牌和食品的日文读法アシックス (Asics) 爱世克私アディダス (Adidas) 阿迪达斯ケネックス (Kennex) 垦尼士シマノ (Shimano) 喜玛诺ダンロップ (Dunlop) 禄普ナイキ (Nike) 耐克バーバリー (Burberry) 倍福来ミズノ (Mizno) 美津浓ヨネックス (Yonex) 龙尼克斯リーボック (Reebok) 锐歩マクドナルドのメニュー(麦当劳的菜单)ハンバーガー(Hamburger)汉堡包チーズバーガー(Cheeseburger)吉士汉堡包ダブル・バーガー(Double Hamburger)双层汉堡包ダブル・チーズバーガー(Double Cheeseburger)双层吉士汉堡包ビッグマック(Big Mac)巨无覇フィレオフィッシュ(Filet-O-Fish)麦香鱼チキンバーガー(MacChicken)麦香鶏チキン・マクナゲット(Chicken McNuggets)麦楽鶏アップル・パイ(Apple Pie)苹果派パイナップル・パイ(Pineapple Pie)菠罗派チョコレート・サンデー(Chocolate Sundae)朱古力新地パイナップル・サンデー(Pineapple Sundae)菠罗新地バニラ・シェーク(VanillaShake)云拿昔チョコレート・シェーク(Chocolate Shake)朱古力昔ストロベリー・シェーク(Strawberry Shake)草苺昔ファンタ(Fanta)芬达コカコーラ(Coca-Cola)可口可楽スプライト(Sprite)雪碧オレンジジュース(OrangeJuice)橙汁コーヒー(Coffee)珈琲红茶(Hot Tea)红茶ホットチョコレート(HotChocolate)热朱古力ポテト(L)(Large Fries)大薯条ポテト(M)(Medium Fries)中薯条ポテト(S)(Small Fries)小薯条アサヒビール(Asahi Beer) 朝日酒(アサヒ)スーパードライ(Superdry) (朝日)舒波楽酒味の素(Ajinomoto) 味之素ヴォルヴィック(Volvic) 富维克AGF(Ajinomoto GeneralFoods) 味之素通用食品エバラ(Ebara Foods) 爱百楽エビアン(Evian) 依云カゴメ(Kagome) 可果美カルピス(Calpis) 可尓必思キッコーマン(Kikkoman) 亀甲万キリンビール(Kirin Brewery)麒麟酒キリンビバレッジ(KirinBeverage) 麒麟饮料クラフト(Kraft Foods) 夫通グリコ(Glico) 格力高ケロッグ(Kellogg's)家楽氏ケンタッキー・フライドチキン(Kentucky Fried Chicken)肯徳基・家郷鶏コーヒーメイト(Coffee Mait)伴侣コカコーラ(Coca Cola) 可口可楽午後の红茶(Afternoon Tea) 午后红茶サッポロ(Sapporo Breweries)三宝楽サンキスト(Sunkist Growers)新奇士サントリー(Suntory) 三得利サンミゲル(San Miguel) 生力シーバスリーガル(ChivasRegal) 芝华士スターバックス・コーヒー(Starbucks Coffee) 星巴克スプライト(Sprite) 雪碧セブンアップ(Seven Up) 七喜ダノン(Danone) 达能ダンキン・ドーナツ(Dunkin' Donuts) 当肯甜甜圏ドール(Dole) 都楽ドミノ・ピザ(Domino's Pizza)达美楽・比萨ナビスコ(Nabisco) 纳贝斯克日清食品(Nissin FoodProducts) 日清食品ネスカフェ(Nescafe) 雀巣ネッスル(Nestle) 雀巣ハーゲンダッツ(Haagen-Dazs)哈根达斯ハイネケン(Heineken) 喜力ハインツ(Heinz) 亨氏食品バドワイザー(Budweiser) 百威ピザハット(Pizza Hut) 必胜客ファンタ(Fanta) 芬达プリッツ(Pretz) 百力滋ヘネシー(Hennessy) 轩尼诗ペプシコーラ(Pepsi Cola) 百事可楽ポカリスェット(Pocari Sweat) 宝矿力ポッキー(Pocky) 百奇*ポッキーやプリッツの类は総称して“休闲棒”ともいう。
M/C离子注入机§1. 概述在半导体行业中,离子注入的机台主要分为高能量(H/E),大束流(H/C),中束流(M/C)三种。
中束流机台(Medium Current)一般是单个晶片进行注入,注入的剂量一般在1E11到1E14之间,而能量则在5kev到200kev 之间。
我们经常用到的4种离子为:1.B 12Kev 1.6E12 30μA2.B 185Kev 2.254E13 156μA3.P 20Kev 6E13 850μA4.As 200Kev 2.7E12 50μA§2. M/C机台介绍2.1型号我们常见的M/C型机台是Nissin公司生产的Exceed2000AH型,另外还有Axcelis公司生产的NV-8250型和Varian 公司的EHPi 500型。
下面给出的是Nissin 的Exceed2000AH的外观图机台的基本情况为: 3200W * 6385L * 2600H重量为17,500Kg, 地板承受的压力为1000Kg/m2其中,控制面板如图所示。
下面就是整个机台的俯视图,主要分为End Station, Beam Line, Ion Source三个大的部分。
2.3主要部件2.3.1 离子源(Ion Source)。
离子源包括Arc chamber 和Extraction electrode 系统。
1.Arc chamber.Arc chamber 是利用灯丝加热,放出电子,然后电子撞击通入的气体分子,得到离子。
国内外氯醋树脂牌号及指标一. 韩国韩华:1. 二元氯醋树脂技术指标2. 应用CP-427:用于涂料、油墨、粘合剂。
CP-430:粘接剂,打印用油墨,工业涂料,Over Lacquers漆。
)3.韩国韩华三元氯醋树脂TP-400M三元氯醋树脂TP-400M性质参考产品技术规格:型号 TP-400mK值 49.5聚合度 400粘数ml/g 53-57醋酸乙烯含量% 14左右马来酸含量% 约1%氯含量 50±1挥发物(含水份)% <1.0颗粒尺寸mm <0.5堆积密度g/ml >0.6玻璃化温度Tg (℃) 76产品性能:TP-400m 三元氯醋树脂是含有羧基的热塑性树脂,故对金属特别对金属铝有优越的粘着性,对PVC制品、纸、纤维、玻璃、砖瓦水泥、木材等也有优良的粘着性。
2:尼康18-105 VR镜头(1600元)搭配尼康(Nikon) AF 50mm f/1.8D [参考价格] 690元(行货)1、尼康 AF-S DX 18-105mm F3.5-5.6G ED VR ¥19802、尼康 AF 50mm f/1.8D 690元(尼康 AF-S DX 35mm F1.8G ¥1400)3、日清 NISSIN Di466 闪光灯(尼康口) ¥12804、金钟三脚架恋山族 800R ¥ 550尼康AF-S DX 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED VR ¥1500尼康AF-S DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR ¥600相对佳能而言,尼康镜头的型号的识别和解析稍微要复杂一些。
AF Nikkor 85mm F1.4D (IF)AF代表这是一支自动对焦镜头,如果没有AF,那么则是一支手动镜头。
2024届广东省高州市高考适应性考试(三模)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The first hip-hop tag came in the late 1960s, either in Philadelphia or New York City—there is some argument over this milestone-but New York is inarguably where the new art form would take flight in the 1970s, eventually getting many of its young, upstart artists into the exciting world of high art. Most people today know the name Jean-Michel Basquiat, but his neighbours and contemporaries. including the luminaries(权威) below, did just as much to establish the bright, vivid energy that continues to distinguish hip-hop graffiti today.Shamsia HassaniKnown as Afghanistan’s first female graffiti artist, Hassani, born in 1988, often makes her art on abandoned buildings. As a talented artist, equally comfortable with a can or a brush, she teaches at Kabul University and in 2013 founded the Kabul Graffiti Festival. She has exhibited in the United States and India, as well as widely throughout Europe.Chris “Daze” EllisEllis began tagging New York City subway cars in 1976 while still in high school and was one of the first. artists. to jump from street art to high art: By 1981, he was exhibiting at the Mudd Club with such rising luminaries as Keith Haring and Basquiat. Before long, his reputation went global. Ellis has held his own exhibitions in Austria, France, Italy, Singapore and beyond.The NYC Rap TourThe first overseas hip-hop tour, which visited England and France in 1982, brought music and visual art together: DJ Afrika Bambaataa, the Rock Steady Crew and other musicians performed while artists such as Fab 5 Freddy, Futura 2000 and Dondi painted onstage. The Fantastic Four, winners of a jump rope world championship, and a dance crew completed the unusual event. Hip-hop was now a global force.1.Where did the new art form develop rapidly in the 1970s?A.India. B.France. C.Philadelphia. D.New York. 2.What do Hassani and Ellis have in common?A.They ended teaching at university. B.They had their own exhibitions.C.They started creation on deserted buildings. D.They shifted their art focus.3.What is special about the NYC Rap Tour?A.It offered a visit to Italy. B.It invited Keith Haring as a guest.C.It combined music and visual art. D.It won jump rope championship.Living for 97 years is an impressive achievement in and of itself. Most people hitting this milestone are probably thankful for what health they have and the memories they’ve made. In the case of TV host and conservationist Sir David Attenborough, he can reflect on a life of activism in service for our planet. The British icon turned an impressive 97 on May 8, 2023. Born in 1926, Attenborough has spent most of his life on camera for the BBC covering animals and natural history. Today, despite his age, he is still an active campaigner for our planet.Attenborough, who received a degree in natural sciences from Cambridge University, joined the BBC full-time in 195. He travelled around the world with his Zoo Quest programme, highlighting different creatures. Afterwards, he created his iconic series Lifeon Earth in 1979. Since then, he has created and starred in countless programmes which have brought nature closer to viewers around the world.His recent documentary with World Wildlife Fund, David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet, often returns to a theme which has predominated in Attenborough’s later work. He reflects on just how much the environment has changed in his-decades of observation and how swiftly time is running out before·further serious damage can be prevented. This programme was widely streamed and considered a “wake up call” for the world. While Attenborough is far from the first or only voice to raise this call, his reach as a respected and powerful figure within the BBC provides a useful platform.Although he has received countless awards, Attenborough has used recent accolades (荣誉) as a chance to focus once more on the planet. Shortly after winning the Champions of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022, he sent an urgent message about the state of the planet to all viewers. in Frozen Planet Ⅱ.Even after his 97th birthday, he continues to write and speak on preserving the UK and the world for future generations.4.What is Sir David Attenborough known for?A.The possession of treasures. B.The memories about activities.C.The rewards as a British icon. D.The contribution to earth protection. 5.How did Attenborough try to get nature and his audience closer?A.By majoring in natural science in university.B.By travelling throughout the world while in BBC.C.By sitting closer to viewers when hosting programmes.D.By starting and starring in many relevant programmes.6.What can we know about A Life On Our Planet?A.It features environment shifts and conservation.B.It is about how swiftly one’s life run out.C.It is received by few viewers and thought little of.D.It provides a powerful and useful platform for BBC.7.Which words can best describe Sir David Attenborough?A.Dependent and curious. B.Devoted and responsible.C.Humorous and passionate. D.Ambitious and reserved.Weighing a dinosaur is no easy task. These extinct creatures were massive, and for the most part, all that remains are their bones, as their organs and skin have long since disappeared. However, new research has found more than one way to measure the mass of these creatures.In a paper published recently in Biological Reviews, scientists evaluated the two existing ways that calculate how much a Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙) might have weighed. Led by Nicolas Campione from the University of New England, they examined an extensive database of dinosaur body mass estimates from as far back as 1905, with weight estimates for an individual ranging from 3 tons to 18 tons.In an essay published by The Conversation, Campione explains that for years, scientists followed two rival (对立的) approaches for calculating a dinosaur’s weight. These methods were long thought to be at odds with each other, but Campione’s team found that both techniques are actually quite accurate.Using limb circumference (肢体周长) to work out an animal’s mass is already widely used across a variety of modern land animals. The same method can be applied to dinosaurs: Researchers essentially measure the bones in living animals, such as the femur (股骨) in an elephant’s leg, and compare that figure to a dinosaur’s femur.The second method involves calculating the volume of 3D reconstructions of dinosaurs,which serve as approximations (近似值) of what the creature would have looked like when it was still alive. Occasionally, these methods have come to very different conclusions.David Evans, a researcher at the Royal Ontario Museum, in Toronto, says it’s important to use both methods because dinosaurs, like humans, did not come in one neat package. “There will always be uncertainty around our understanding of long-extinct animals, and their weight is always going to be a source of it,” he says in a statement. “Our new study suggests we are getting better at weighing dinosaurs, and it’s paving the way for more realistic dinosaur body-mass estimati on in the future.”8.Why is it difficult to weigh dinosaurs?A.Their organs were massive. B.They have long disappeared.C.There is no way to find their bones. D.Their skin is hard to measure.9.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A.Measuring a living animal is not challenging.B.Either existing technique is quite precise to weigh a dinosaur.C.Scientists have found a new way to calculate a dinosaur’s weight.D.There is a heated debate about the two different approaches.10.How can one accurately measure the dinosaurs according to David Evans?A.By measuring limb circumference.B.By combining different methods, together.C.By working our-3D reconstructions of dinosaurs.D.By comparing the figure of a living animal to a dinosaur femur.11.What can be the best title for the text?A.How to Weigh a Dinosaur Properly B.Ways to Distinguish the DinosaursC.Equipment Used in Estimating a Dinosaur D.How to Get Data About DinosaursWhat do a student in China, an office worker in the UK and an astronaut in space all have in common? They all eat instant noodles. And they’re not alone—over 100 billion servings of instant noodles are consumed globally each year, making them one of the world’s most successful industrial foods. But how did this happen?Put simply, they’re che ap to produce and cheap to buy, which was exactly what their creatorintended to achieve. Momofuku Ando, an entrepreneur, spent a year perfecting the recipe just after the Second World War. He wanted to make something similar to traditional noodles. His creation was instantly popular, playing a part in the post-war economic rise. Even in the year 2000—according to a poll by the Fuji Research Institute—instant noodles were voted the most successful invention, ahead of high-speed trains, laptops and karaoke.According to the World’s Instant Noodles Association, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and India—in that order—all consumed more instant noodles than before in 2021. Instant noodles’ popularity abroad is in part due to how easy they are to adapt to local tastes. In Thailand, for example, you can get green curry flavour, while in Mexico the noodles are garnished (加饰菜) with lime and salsa. And it seems that consumers have grown to expect innovation. Nissin, the food company founded by Ando, launches over 300 products yearly, according to employee Kasura Suzuki.Instant noodles have their critics, too. Their rise in popularity has come at an environmental cost—they’re made with palm oil, contributing to deforestation, and their packaging is plastic. And while they are a hot, tasty and filling meal, instant noodles don’t have much nutritional value, and include high levels of salt and fat. Nevertheless, instant noodles are undoubtedly lifesavers in emergency or extreme situations.More than 60 years after their invention, instant noodles have become the default food for anyone short on money, time, or even a kitchen.12.How does the author bring in the topic in Paragraph 1?A.By giving examples. B.By making assumptions.C.By raising questions. D.By analyzing reasons.13.What was the original intention of creating instant noodles?A.To promote the tradition. B.To innovate the recipe.C.To boost the economy. D.To cut the cost and price.14.What can we learn from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4?A.All roads lead to Rome. B.Not all gold shines.C.Every sword has two edges. D.Every little helps.15.What does the underlined word “default” in last paragraph mean?A.Preferred. B.Delicious. C.Cheap. D.Nutritious.Many people want to grow their own food in their own backyard, but they don’t know how to start. This article will teach you how to start!Find out what plants to get. Get plants that can grow in your area, and make sure you plant them at the right time of the year. 16 Usually you should start your garden after the last frost date in the spring t While they’re technically fruits, a good starter plant to grow is tomatoes. You can plant these in a pot or in your garden.17 Make sure there is enough space to grow your plants. Use a tiller (犁) and till the whole space you will be gardening. Then pull out any weeds and move any large rocks. Find out how big your plants get and space them accordingly. If your plant needs slightly acidic (酸性的) soil, get an acid metre and make sure the soil has enough acidity. 18 To grow them well, you can buy fertilizer that can add acidity to the soil.Buy your plants and fertilizers. You can either get seeds or get plant seedlings. Go to your local nursery and see what they have. Get fertilizer as well. 19 This will make your plants grow, better and faster!Plant your plants in the garden. Use a hand shovel and dig a small hole big enough to put your plant in. Water your plant before you put it in so you can wet the root ball. Sprinkle(撒)in a little bit of fertilizer and put your plant in. 20For seeds, stick your finger into the dirt where you want to plant the seed until the dirt reaches the second joint on your finger.A.Learn how to start a garden.B.Plan out your garden wisely.C.Make sure to get the right fertilizer for your plants.D.Some plants that need acidity are tomatoes and blueberries.E.You should grow and water them in spring if you want to have a good start.F.Then surround the plant with dirt and make a small circle around it for water.G.If you plant them too early or too late, they could freeze and die before you can harvest vegetables.二、完形填空In the small town of Hinsdale, Geoffery Holt lived a quiet life working contentedly as the groundskeeper of a mobile home park.Relying on either a bicycle or a lawnmower as his 21 of transport, his friends remembered him as a thrifty (节俭的) and warm-hearted fellow who loves kids very much, but with no 22 of his own.The surprise that 4,200 residents of Hinsdale 23 along with the news of his death —is that he 24 a $4.2 million fortune through investing in various funds. According to his will, he left it all to kids’ education of the town.The story, revealed first by the Associated Press, records the 25 of several residents of the town at the news of his death who would often see him 26 his sit-down lawnmower to the convenience store, or sitting on it in the park reading a newspaper in old-fashioned or even 27 clothes or watching the cars go by.The money was 28 to the to wn’s Charitable Foundation, which believes it could greatly 29 the town’s education, but the town administrator stressed on the other hand that the money would be used just as Mr. Holt used it—30 and wisely.Kristen Oliveri, a spokesperson o f the Foundation, said, “Holt’s 31 is rare and respectable.”“The Charitable Foundations is 32 to help put such generosity into action, and we look forward-to helping distribute these funds wisely in the years to come,” she said.An online obituary(讣告) page is attracting heartfelt well wishes from those who’ve heard of the story, with a woman from the Midwest named Dee saying “show 33 to him, and hope to invest funds as well as Mr. Holt did!”“Thank Geoffrey for making us feel 34 about society in the future and giving us a reason to smile,”35 another.21.A.means C.symbol D.shift B.kid D.bicycle 23.A.rejected B.reported C.received D.released 24.A.owned B.stole C.owed D.lost25.A.anger B.excitement C.relief D.shock 26.A.selling B.riding C.delivering D.pulling B.ready-made C.light-coloured D.worn-out 28.A.donated B.posted C.attached 29.A.monitor B.lengthen C.transform D.address 30.A.occasionally B.economically C.automatically D.individually 31.A.honesty B.talent C.contribution D.chance 32.A.honoured B.astonished C.reluctant D.ordered 33.A.sincerity B.respect C.kindness D.courage 34.A.curious B.crazy C.optimistic D.eager 35.A.whispered B.called C.recited D.read三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
一些品牌和食品的日文读法アシックス(Asics) 爱世克私アディダス(Adidas) 阿迪达斯ケネックス(Kennex) 垦尼士シマノ(Shimano) 喜玛诺ダンロップ(Dunlop) 禄普ナイキ(Nike) 耐克バーバリー(Burberry) 倍福来ミズノ(Mizno) 美津浓ヨネックス(Yonex) 龙尼克斯リーボック(Reebok) 锐歩マクドナルドのメニュー(麦当劳的菜单)ハンバーガー(Hamburger)汉堡包チーズバーガー(Cheeseburger)吉士汉堡包ダブル・バーガー(Double Hamburger)双层汉堡包ダブル・チーズバーガー(Double Cheeseburger)双层吉士汉堡包ビッグマック(Big Mac)巨无覇フィレオフィッシュ(Filet-O-Fish)麦香鱼チキンバーガー(MacChicken)麦香鶏チキン・マクナゲット(Chicken McNuggets)麦楽鶏アップル・パイ(Apple Pie)苹果派パイナップル・パイ(Pineapple Pie)菠罗派チョコレート・サンデー(Chocolate Sundae)朱古力新地パイナップル・サンデー(Pineapple Sundae)菠罗新地バニラ・シェーク(Vanilla Shake)云拿昔チョコレート・シェーク(Chocolate Shake)朱古力昔ストロベリー・シェーク(Strawberry Shake)草苺昔ファンタ(Fanta)芬达コカコーラ(Coca-Cola)可口可楽スプライト(Sprite)雪碧オレンジジュース(Orange Juice)橙汁コーヒー(Coffee)珈琲红茶(Hot Tea)红茶ホットチョコレート(Hot Chocolate)热朱古力ポテト(L)(Large Fries)大薯条ポテト(M)(Medium Fries)中薯条ポテト(S)(Small Fries)小薯条アサヒビール(Asahi Beer) 朝日酒(アサヒ)スーパードライ(Superdry) (朝日)舒波楽酒味の素(Ajinomoto) 味之素ヴォルヴィック(Volvic) 富维克AGF(Ajinomoto General Foods) 味之素通用食品エバラ(Ebara Foods) 爱百楽エビアン(Evian) 依云カゴメ(Kagome) 可果美カルピス(Calpis) 可尓必思キッコーマン(Kikkoman) 亀甲万キリンビール(Kirin Brewery) 麒麟酒キリンビバレッジ(Kirin Beverage) 麒麟饮料クラフト(Kraft Foods) 夫通グリコ(Glico) 格力高ケロッグ(Kellogg's)家楽氏ケンタッキー・フライドチキン(Kentucky Fried Chicken) 肯徳基・家郷鶏コーヒーメイト(Coffee Mait) 伴侣コカコーラ(Coca Cola) 可口可楽午後の红茶(Afternoon Tea) 午后红茶サッポロ(Sapporo Breweries) 三宝楽サンキスト(Sunkist Growers) 新奇士サントリー(Suntory) 三得利サンミゲル(San Miguel) 生力シーバスリーガル(Chivas Regal) 芝华士スターバックス・コーヒー(Starbucks Coffee) 星巴克スプライト(Sprite) 雪碧セブンアップ(Seven Up) 七喜ダノン(Danone) 达能ダンキン・ドーナツ(Dunkin' Donuts) 当肯甜甜圏ドール(Dole) 都楽ドミノ・ピザ(Domino's Pizza) 达美楽・比萨ナビスコ(Nabisco) 纳贝斯克日清食品(Nissin Food Products) 日清食品ネスカフェ(Nescafe) 雀巣ネッスル(Nestle) 雀巣ハーゲンダッツ(Haagen-Dazs)哈根达斯ハイネケン(Heineken) 喜力ハインツ(Heinz) 亨氏食品バドワイザー(Budweiser) 百威ピザハット(Pizza Hut) 必胜客ファンタ(Fanta) 芬达プリッツ(Pretz) 百力滋ヘネシー(Hennessy) 轩尼诗ペプシコーラ(Pepsi Cola) 百事可楽ポカリスェット(Pocari Sweat) 宝矿力ポッキー(Pocky) 百奇*ポッキーやプリッツの类は総称して“休闲棒”ともいう。
1925年- 设立有限责任北海道制酪贩卖组合,开始生产奶油制品。
1926年- 改组为北海道制酪贩卖组合连合会(酪连)。
1928年- 开始生产贩售冰淇淋制品。
1933年- 开始生产贩售起士制品。
1939年- 开始生产贩售玛琪琳制品。
1941年- 随着企业统合,和其他同业结合。
1947年- 改组为北海道酪农协同株式会社。
1950年- 由于抵触过度经济力集中排除法,分割出北海道バター(后来的クローバー乳业)。
1958年- 合并クローバー乳业。
380g/ 13.4oz (without batteries)
(*1) Not compatible with Nissin Battery Magazine BM-01 (*2) Not correspond to the wireless optical TTL master. Can be set as A/B/C group (*3) SD: Pre-flash, SF:Flash
Four size-AA batteries
Quick loading – Battery Magazine (BM-02) (*1)
0.1 - 4 sec 200 - 1500 flashes 1/800 - 1/30,000 Sec
E-TTL II / E-TTL (Canon), i-TTL (Nikon) and ADI/P-TTL (Sony)
1) Product Name: Nissin Di700A kit set (1 unit of Di700A + 1 unit of Air 1) (Limited pre-order kit set)
SRP: USD$258 Release Date: Canon & Nikon in March, Sony in summer 2015
0.7 ~ 5m LED color panel and select dial 1/8,000 sec 65(L) x 60 (W) x 55 (H)mm/ 2.6(L) x 2.4(W) x 2.2 (H)inch 55g / 1.9oz ( batteries)
Nissin Air 10s 无线闪光灯控制器说明书
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Thank you for purchasing a Nissin productBefore using this commander unit, please read this instruction manual and refer to the manual of camera owner carefully to get a better understanding of the proper operation to enjoy flash photography.The commander Nissin Air 10s (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) is an advanced commander for wireless flash shooting.It controls up to 8 groups of NAS (Nissin Air System) flash (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) that have a wireless multiple flash shooting function using NAS (radio transmission). Please note that Nissin Air 10s (Canon/ Nikon/ Sony) are not usable with other branded cameras for TTL operation.Please refer to Nissin’s compatibility chart shown here:/download.htmlNissin Air System (NAS) is a Nissin wirelessly remote control flash light system, designed by Nissin. It consists of a Nissin radio commander (NAS commander) and the Nissin wireless flash (NAS flash) and Nissin radio receiver (NAS receiver) as remote slave units.Insert Air 10s on the camera hot shoe as a NAS commander.The signal of Air 10s is transmitted by using 2.4 GHz transmission.Transmission distance is approx. 100m (330 ft.)(Metal/ Wire/ Wall/ another 2.4 GHz radio frequency may cause areduction in the NAS transmission distance)These safety instructions refer to important information on how to use this product safely and properly. Please read the following instructions before using the product.This sign refers to conditions which may cause damage or defect.Do not touch the inside parts from the opening when the unit was dropped or broken.Place the batteries correctly in position. Placing the batteries in wrong polarity maycause leakage, exothermic heat or explosion.Do not leave or store the commander unit in the temperature over 40ºC/ 104ºF, such as in the automobile.The commander unit is not water resistance. Keep the unit away from rain, snow and humidity.Do not use benzene, thinner or other alcoholic agents to clean the unit.Do not use this commander unit with cameras which are not recommended in thecompatibility list at official website, otherwise it may damage the camera’s circuitry(*).Remove the batteries when not in use for a longer period of time.Do not use the Nissin Air 10s to pick up whole camera system when it installed on your camera. To pick up the whole camera system, you should hold the handle of camera body or the lens..* Please refer Nissin’s compatibility chart shown here:/download.htmlGroup selection buttonGroup on/off buttonModeling light button(Basic/Advanced Groups button)Shutter cable socket (2.5mm)M/TTL Mode Button123456LCD panelSelect dial with buttonsChannel buttonHSS buttonBuzzer buttonM.Zoom buttonPanel Lock/Unlock button (hold 1sec.)789101112131415(1) The AF-assist lamp supports digital system cameras measuring autofocus in the center of the image field only. It does not support other camera brands, other types of Canon, Nikon and Sony cameras or camera models without our compatibility test.Pilot button (Test flash button)Power On/Off button Unlock button Micro SD card slot(for firmware update)Strap hole (2) (strap is not included)Battery compartment door AF-assist light (1)Hotshoe contactsInserting batteries1. Open the battery compartment door andinsert 2 x size AAA batteries as shown in the picture.2. Make sure the + and - battery contacts arecorrectly inserted in the battery compartment.3. Close the battery compartment door andslide it back in place.It is recommended to use 2 batteries of the same brand and type, and replace them all at the same time.Wrong insertion of each battery would not make electric contact.(*) Air 10s has an energy saving power off functionTo save battery energy, the screen of Air 10s display dims in about 30 seconds and turns off in about 2 minutes automatically after the setting job is terminated. While Air 10s is in the stand-by mode, a blinking signal will be shown on the Pilot Button. To turn on Air 10s again, press any button on the Commander. In case of not in use for over 60 minutes, Air 10s will be turned off completely. To turn on Air 10s again, press Power button on the Commander.Press power on to activate Nissin Air 10s,hold the Pilot button for 5 seconds to reset to factory default setting Default setting:1. TTL mode: +/- 0EV2. M Manual mode: 1/2563. Zoom setting: Manual, 24mm4. Channel Setting: no. 25. HSS mode: off6. Buzzer: off7. Group Mode: Basic Groups8. Group status: all onDo not use the Air 10s as a holder to pick up the whole camera system.Mounting Air 10s on the cameraRemoving Air 10s from the cameraTurn off Air 10s.Turn off Air 10s.Insert the mounting foot of Air 10s into thehotshoe of the camera.1.2.Make sure that the mounting foot will lock(with a “click”) when it has been insertedcompletely.3.Hold the unlock button andslide the mounting foot of Air 10s off the hotshoe of camera.1.2.Pairing SettingStep 1: Swith all flash and Commander offTo perform wireless shooting, set the Nissin Air 10s commander andNAS slave unit with the following procedure. After pairing is completed, both of them will memorize the data and there will be no need to pair again after the units are switched on and off.1. Hold the "Set" and Power “ON/OFF” buttons for 3 seconds at the same time.3. Nissin Di700A will automatically be changed to wireless slave modeafter Pairing completed.Nissin flash Di700AFor Sony Camera2. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.1. Switch on your Nissin i60A, hold the "Channel" button for 2 seconds to check and make sure the channel setting in the display is in the "A" Auto channel mode.2. Turn off the Nissin i60A.4. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.Nissin flash i60A3. Hold the Panel Lock key and the “On & Off” button of Nissin i60Aat the same time for 3 seconds..1. Rotate the "Ch" channel dial to "Auto" auto channel mode.3. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.Nissin flash MG102. Hold the "Open" button and the power button for 3 seconds.Before usiung Commander Air 10s, please install Air 10s oncamera and change the Flash mode to “WL” in camera menu.Nissin Air R Receiver1. Rotate the "Ch" channel dial to "Auto" auto channel mode.2. Hold the power button for 3 seconds3. “Beep” sound persists until the Pairing signal from commander is received. When the "beep" sound stops, the pairing is complete.Step 2: Pairing on Nissin Air 10s commander1. Start the Pairing mode of all slave units and the "beep" sound are constantly heard.2. Turn off Nissin Air 10s then hold the Panel Lock key andthe power “On/Off” button for 3 seconds at the same time.The Pilot LED will blink about ten seconds (the display will not light up while pairing). When Nissin Air 10s Pairing mode has stopped, slave units around the commander will also complete the pairing process one by one, and stop the "beep" sound.3. To check the pairing between Nissin Air 10s and slave units,press the “Pilot LED” button on Nissin Air 10s for test and let NAS flash andthe flash on NAS receiver emit a weak output test flash.(*) Nissin Di700A, i60A ash and Nissin Air R receiver do not support the Channel 1 in Nissin Air 10s. Please use Channel 2 to 8 to pair with those 3 NAS slave unit models.The default channel setting is no. 2.If you want to change this setting then press the channel button for 2 second.Press channel button 2 second to exit setting.CAUTIONSIf strobes still have "beep" sound constantly after finishing the pairing process, this means the pairing process is not complete. Please move your Air 10s towards the Beeping strobes, then turn off the Air 10s and re-do the pairing process by holding Panel Lock key and the “On/Off” button again for 3 seconds.The NAS system is using an independent identity (ID) function to access strobes, the NAS strobes will not be affected by other commanders when-ever they are using the same channel in the same location. A slave unit of Nissin flash or Nissin receiver can only be controlled by one and only one NAS commander with pairing in default setting.Air 10s offers “Open Mode” ,a new function (only works with MG10), on the pairing setting. Open Mode can let two or more camera using same set MG10 in one place.1. Hold the button of Nissin Air 10s for 1 seconds,lights up on lower left corner means Open Mode is on.Now hold the for 1 seconds again to turn off.There are basic groups and advance groups for controlling the Nissin Air10s. They allow the user to pair an unlimited amount of slave units. They mainly divided into two kinds of groups:Basic groups and advance groups can beuse at the same time for different strobes.Example:Use the i60A in basic group A on manual,use two MG10 in advance group A & D inTTL and manual mode.M modeM/TTL modeTTL mode1. Power on Nissin Di700A and switch to wireless slave mode, press “Set ” several times until the (Group mode in the display),Air 10s, provides individual control of 4 groups (strobes), you can set these 4 groups in different settings. Before shooting, you have to set each strobes to be one of these 4 groups.A B C //A B C //1. Use Mode Dial to chang group . 1. Use Mode Dial to chang group .A B C //1. Use Mode Dial to chang group .In testing or changing the flash effect of different slave units group,you can turn on or turn off any group.will be appeared on the right side of the group. When the group is switched off, only "---" is shown.2. Press the “Group Selection” button when finish setting.For exampleA & C: on,B & D: off A & C: off, B & D: onWhen the NAS flash is set to the wireless mode, all exposure settingfunctions will be controlled by the NAS commander.In Basic groups mode: Press the button.In Advanced groups mode:To set different exposure in each group:1. Press the Group Selection button. When the letter “A” blinks,press M / TTL mode button to change the exposure(the same procedure works with groups B, C, and D).2. After completing the exposure setting,press the Group Selection button again to stop the blinking.1. Press the Group Selection button, the group letters blink.2. Rotate the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the TTL flash exposure compensation.The settings of TTL auto exposure compensation on Nissin Air 10s startsfrom -2EV to + 2EV and controlled by 1 / 3EV step interval.3. When the exposure compensation setting is completed,press the group selection button again.Switching Air 10s from TTL mode to M mode, the last flash power settingwill be saved in TTL control. Flash power value will also remain unchanged in M mode.If you do not press any group selection button which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotate the Operation Dial to increase/ decrease the power of all groups. For example, A: 0EV, B: + 0.6EV, C: + 1EV, D: -1EV, do not select anygroup then turn the Operation Dial clockwise in 2 click intervals, will cause to A:+ 0.6EV, B: + 1.3EV, C: 1.6EV, D: -0.3EV.1. Press the Group Selection button, the group letter blinks.2. Rotate the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the flash power of the group selected.The setting of M mode on Air 10s starts from 1/256 (minimum) to 1/1 (Full), andcontrolled by 1/3 step intervals. The value digi displayed next to the grouponly shows the integer step value (*).If you do not press any group selection button which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotate the Operation Dial to increase/ decrease the power of all groups. For example, A: 1/256, B: 1/8 + 0.6EV, C: 1/4, D: 1/2, do not select anygroup then rotate the Operation Dial clockwise with 2 intervals, it becomesA: 1/256 + 0.6EV , B: 1/4 + 0.3EV, C: 1/4 + 0.6EV, D: 1/2 + 0.6EV.Nissin Air 10s offers "A" auto zoom mode and manual zoom mode.1. Hold the for 2 seconds.2. Press the group selection button until the the desired letter(s) blink.Rotate the Operation Dial to change the Zoom head position setting.The focal length is representing the flash angle. Rotate the Operation Dialin anti-clockwise direction to decrease the value of the focal length of zoom head.Keep rotating anti-clockwise to change the "A" automatic zoom mode at the end.Rotate the Operation Dial in a clockwise direction to leave.The “A” auto zoom mode will increase the value of the focal length value of zoom head. Coverage range supports 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, 85mm,105mm, 135mm and 200mm focal length lenses.3. Press the group selection button again after completion of the zoom setting.Hold for 2 seconds again when all groups zoom settings are completed.If you do not press any group selection button, which means all group letters in the display do not blink, rotating the Operation Dial to increase or decrease the flashzoom head focal length will affect all groups; A, B, C and D.Normal flashguns have a very short flash duration. In order to estimate and control the flash more efficiently, the modeling light on slave unit can be used. It is a constant light for the user to estimate and preview the lightbefore shooting(flash emitting).(*) Modeling light is a new feature of the NAS system.Nissin Di700A, i60A, i40 flash and other discontinuedmodels do not support this feature.1. Press the Group Selection button(s), the group letter(s) blink.2. Press to switch the group’s modeling on/off.3. Press the Group Selection button again when setup completed.1. Press on Air 10s for 1 second to switch to theadvanced groups.2. Press to change to M mode.2. Press to turn on modeling light.If you do not press any group selection button, which means all group letter in the display do not blink, pressing the modeling light button will invert the modeling on/off setting of all groups. For example, A & C: On and B & D: off, press the modelinglight button without selecting any group, will cause to A & C: Off, and B & D: On.Flashgun supports shutter speed limitation on X-Sync (maximum speed synchronizeto flash) on SLR / DSLR /Mirrorless Cameras in general. If it does not supportHSS function of the camera, faster shutter speed settings than the maximum synchronize speed will block the flash gun. With faster shutter speeds than the maximum sync speed some part(s) of the image area would be shaded by the moving shutter leaves withinthe flash duration. As a result the image is only partially exposed by the flash light.”. HSS allows flashgun works under high speed shutter (max 1/8000s).Method A (for Canon & Sony)Hold button for 2 seconds to turn on or off.Method B1. Insert Air 10s to Canon camera shoe.2. Switch on both Air 10s and Camera,For Canon: Menu setting External Flash setting HSS mode in the sync settingFor Nikon: Custom setting menu Flash Flash sync speed Auto FPThe flash emitting operation in HSS mode is different from the normal flash mode.With the HSS function, users can get a faster shutter speed which will result ina lower guide number. This is equivalent to a lower flash output. The flash of HSScannot be measured by an external light meter. When HSS is on,the exposure compensation setting of TTL mode offers the same -2EV to +2EV ofbasic mode. Using the power control of "M" Manual mode under HSS,the Air 10s offers 1/32 to 1/1 power range only. If power is set from 1/256 to 1/64+0.3EV, “M” manual power setting will automatically change to 1/32 in HSS mode.All settings of strobes are controlled by the commander wirelessly after the pairing is completed. If the strobes buzzer is on, a “Beep” sound will be heard when the Strobe is charging and not ready to flash. The “Beep” sound will be heard everytime when there is any change made through the commander.Hold button to switch the buzzer (on strobes) on or off.When “no buzzer” logo is displayed in LCD, it means that the beep sound is off.When the “no buzzer” logo disappears, then the buzzer function is turned on.To start the firmware update procedure, you need to have:The computer (Windows or Mac) connected to the InternetA Micro SD/SDHC card (recommend 4GB-32GB) and Micro SD card reader.Air 10s with 2pcs of full re-charged AAA batteries.1. Download the Firmware file(s). Click here to download firmware files:http: ///firmware.html2. Insert Micro SD/SDHC card to the card reader and connect to the computer.3. Format Micro SD/SDHC card under FAT32 format (Please backup before format).4. Copy all Firmware file(s) to Micro SD/SDHC card.5. Eject the Micro SD/SDHC and remove from the card reader.6. Insert AAA batteries into Air10s and switch on it.7. Then switch off the Air 10s.8. Remove the Micro SD/SDHC cover of Air 10s, insert the Micro SD/SDHC whichcontains the latest firmware update files into the Air 10s.9. Switch on the Air 10s. A LED light inside the Micro SD card slot of Air 10s will blink, it will blink and the light will change orange to red and stop blinking oncethe update is finished.10. The green light will emit when the firmware update procedure is completed.Remove the batteries and remove the Micro SD/SDHC.11. Insert the batteries again and switch on the Air 10s.for 5 seconds. LCD display will show 2 differentfirmware versions. Release the Power button about 2seconds, firmware version page will disappear andreturns to the front operation page.(1) This is a testing result record, it may be affected by equipment and environmental factors.(2) This is a new feature which supports a coming new NAS flash.TypeWireless systemRadio specificationsChannelFlash GroupsTransmission distanceRemote flash control systemWireless flash exposure mode Supporting TTL Exposure control Flash sync mode Zoom mode (Flash coverage area)Special features AF-assist beam effective range Display Firmware update Power supply Continuous flash speed Battery Life Hot shoe Size Weight Accessories includedCanon / Nikon / Sony NAS 2.4GHz ISM band (to obtain technical standards certification)8 channels (channel setting in Air 10s)8 groups (2) : A , B , C , D & Ȧ ,Ḃ , Ċ ,Ḋ100 meters (1)TTL automatic flash exposure mode with +/-2EV compensation and in 1 / 3EV step intervals;M manual flash output mode, offers 1/256 to 1/1control with 1/3 step intervals[TTL] i-TTL ( Nikon) / E-TTL II / E-TTL (Canon)[manual]/ ADI/ PTTL (Sony)1st curtain & 2nd curtain sync., red-eye reductionHSS (up to 1 / 8000s ), slow shutter sync.Auto Zoom, 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm,70mm, 85mm, 105mm, 135mm and 200mmModelling light on remote flash (2) , Advancedgroups (2) , TTL memory0.7 to 5 meters (1)LCD color displayMicro SD / SDHC (up to 32GB) (Not included)2 x AAA (not included)Up to 10 shots per secondApprox. 3,000 shots (using alkaline batteries)(1)Metal shoe (3) with quick release lockApprox. 65(W) x 60(H) x 60(D) mm73g / 2.6 oz (without battery)Protection case, 2 shutter release cablesWarrantyIn case of the following reason of the defect, it may void the warranty.1. The product is not used in accordance with the instruction of the owner’s manual.2. The product is repaired or modified by the one who is not an authorized repair service.3. When the product is used with the cameras not applicable, lens, adaptors or such accessories produced by the third party.4. Fault or defect caused by fire, earthquake, flood, public pollution and such natural accident.5. In case that the product is stored in dust, moisture, extremely high temperature or such poor condition.6. Scratch, blemish, crush or worn out by a violent use or treatment.7. Guarantee card without name of place purchased or date of purchase stamped, or no guarantee card.Please refer the respective warranty condition for details which depends on the country of purchase and contact our official distributors who distributed this product for the warranty arrangement details.Nissin Japan Ltd., Tokyo Nissin Marketing Ltd., Hong Kong 。
M/C离子注入机§1. 概述在半导体行业中,离子注入的机台主要分为高能量(H/E),大束流(H/C),中束流(M/C)三种。
中束流机台(Medium Current)一般是单个晶片进行注入,注入的剂量一般在1E11到1E14之间,而能量则在5kev到200kev 之间。
我们经常用到的4种离子为:1.B 12Kev 1。
6E12 30μA2.B 185Kev 2.254E13 156μA3.P 20Kev 6E13 850μA4.As 200Kev 2.7E12 50μA§2。
1型号我们常见的M/C型机台是Nissin公司生产的Exceed2000AH型,另外还有Axcelis公司生产的NV—8250型和Varian 公司的EHPi 500型。
下面给出的是Nissin的Exceed2000AH的外观图机台的基本情况为: 3200W * 6385L * 2600H重量为17,500Kg, 地板承受的压力为1000Kg/m2其中,控制面板如图所示。
下面就是整个机台的俯视图,主要分为End Station,Beam Line, Ion Source 三个大的部分。
2.3主要部件2.3.1 离子源(Ion Source)。
离子源包括Arc chamber 和Extraction electrode 系统.1.Arc chamber.Arc chamber 是利用灯丝加热,放出电子,然后电子撞击通入的气体分子,得到离子。
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日清食品(日清食品株式会社、Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.)
两者都是日本日清公司的产品,英文都是“cup noodles”,中文翻译不同。
在日本国内使用“CUP NOODLE”为名称,而日本国外则使用“CUP NOODLES”,而大中华地区称为“合味道”,在中国大陆部分地区则称为“开杯乐”。
当初在美国开始发售时是使用“CUP O'NOODLES”为名称(CUP OF NOODLES之意)